laura-mistress · 5 days
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Zum Vatertag, dürfen alle Männer mir gerne etwas spendieren…. https://throne.com/mistresslaura
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Batman: Die Festung ist ein Sammelband mit der abgeschlossenen Mini-Comicserie Batman: Fortress von Garry Whitta, mit den Zeichnungen von Darick Robertson. Die beiden Comickünstler erzählen eine witzige Geschichte über ein schräges Team-up und den Einbruch in den wohl sichersten Ort der ganzen Welt. Dabei handelt es sich weder um Fort Knox noch den Kremel, sondern Supermans Festung der Einsamkeit.
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hanneskreuziger · 2 months
Einfach Danke
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Zum Frauentag: Wenn Tochter und Mutter sich versöhnen
Dieses Lied schrieb ich auf Bitten einer Frau, die ihrer Mutter damit mehr als eine Freude machen wollte: Es sollte ein Zeichen der Annäherung und Versöhnung sein. Als die Mutter das Lied das erstmal hörte, war die Reaktion entsprechend emotional … Ich kann aus meiner Perspektive als Mann, Sohn und Vater diese Gefühle ebenso nachvollziehen und habe sie mühelos vertont. Ich hoffe, dass das Lied seinen Weg in eure Herzen findet. Der Song heißt EINFACH DANKE und ist Nummer 4 auf dem neuen Album „WILLKOMMEN IN DER STILLE“. JETZT HINHÖREN Videoaufnahmen: Samia Beer, Kampus Production, Ben Mack, Greg Grzegorz Sobieraj, Nino Souza Read the full article
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betamax65 · 10 months
Mein #Elternhaus wurde Ende der 70er Jahre errichtet. Mein #Vater hat damals, obwohl deutlich teurer, auf #Poroton als #Baumaterial gesetzt. Auch der inzwischen erfolgte Ausbau zum #Zweifamilienhaus nutze diese #Technologie. Das war scheinbar keine schlechte Wahl gewesen. In der #Siedlung haben alle anderen #Kalksandstein genutzt mit dem Erfolg das höhere #Heizkosten vorhanden sind. Nebenbei ist das Haus im #Sommer deutlich kühler.
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somekindxfdisaster · 11 months
über väter
dein vater ist ein guter mann. sonst hätte deine mutter ihn ja nicht geheiratet, oder? sonst wärst du ja nicht jahre deines lebens mit ihm ausgekommen, oder?  er ist ein lauter guter mann. er hat viele meinungen und er informiert sich gern und er teilt sich gerne mit. ist das denn so verwerflich? kannst du nicht einfach mal aufhören, alle anderen zu kritisieren? meine güte, musst du spaßig auf partys sein.  er ist ein lustiger guter mann. er bringt gern andere zum lachen und er hat falten im gesicht, die das beweisen. er macht witze, die nicht gut sind und redet über sachen, die nicht witzig sind, als wären sies, aber komm schon, er wird so langsam alt. reg dich nicht so auf, mäuschen. 
mäuschen.  da ist er.  der laute gute mann, der markus lanz ausgiebig kennt und sich gern über politische korrektheit streitet. der lustige gute mann, der am telefon mit seinem chef mit einem grinsen in der stimme darüber redet, dass er der herr im haus ist und alles auf ihn hört. da ist er, der gute mann, der nicht mag was du anhast und nicht mag was du isst und nicht mag wer du bist und überhaupt nicht viel an dir mögen würde, würde er dich wirklich kennen. aber das wird er nicht, er hört ja nicht zu, denn wenn du anfängst zu sagen was du denkst, dann kommen sie hervor. die mäuschens. die schätzchens. die meine liebe kleine tochters. und er sagt sie mit einem lächeln und er macht dich klein, klein, klein, weil er braucht nämlich mehr raum, weil er ist groß und stark, weil er ist übrigens der mann im haus.  alles hört auf sein kommando. 
und ihr geht getrennte wege, und er ist ein guter mann - nur vielleicht kein guter vater. 
(und sie würde mit ihm auskommen, die andere tochter, die mit dem etwas dickeren fell. die tochter, die nicht so ein sensibelchen ist. er wär ihr ein guter vater, das spürst du in deinem herzen und in deinem kopf und metallisch auf der zunge, und du willst dich entschuldigen, dass du nicht sie geworden bist, aber das wirst du nicht, denn er würde es nicht verstehen.
er würde nicht genau genug hinhören.)
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schorschidk · 1 year
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Verkauf: Weinkrug in Kobaltblau mit Aufschrift. TRINKT WIE EURE VÄTER AUS STEIN DEN WEIN. Gebraucht aber dennoch gut erhalten. Höhe je 12 cm. Auf den Bildern sind mehrere Krüge abgebildet. Zum Verkauf steht immer ein Krug je Position. Den Link zu meinen Verkaufsangeboten findet Ihr im Profil. #wein #krug #weinkrug #trinken #väter #stein #ebay #schorschidk #zuverkaufen #sofortkauf #Deko #gedecktertisch #trinkgut (hier: Silke's Fundgrube) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZfnhRhop2j/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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editionriedenburg · 2 years
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#Pubertät bei der #Tochter? #Geschenktipp für #väter: Vom #Mädchen zur #Frau. Liebevoll inszeniert und märchenhaft getextet. Von #bestseller #autorin Nicole Schäufler. https://www.editionriedenburg.at/buecher/themen-fuer-kinder-und-jugendliche/kinderbuecher/vom-maedchen-zur-frau-ein-maerchenhaftes-bilderbuch-fuer-alle-maedchen-die-ihren-koerper-neu-entdecken/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CgKJG1vDYv9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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imsiwann · 9 months
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Wilhelm Winter in Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter: Ein anderer Krieg
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pigeonlogan · 15 days
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WW2 miniseries be like:
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daughterofhecata · 2 months
Begging the ddf authors to finally canonize first names for Mrs Andrews and Mrs Shaw
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jaucher · 8 months
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starkiller-009 · 2 months
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haven;t been drawing properly since .. ages. Friedhelm from Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter. gonna stay with these tv series for a while (and for fucks sake dont compare it to band of brothers. we dont respect war romantisation here. you should not too)
cant figure out how to draw him yet but we'll come to this
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elisacifuentes · 7 months
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“Ich hab mich bei ihm immer sicher gefühlt. Und geliebt.”
Was wir fürchten: Narren (Folge 3)
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Friedhelm 💚
Aaand feel free to send BoB/Gen war/The Pacific/Top Gun drawing requests 😚❤
Let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist 🥰
Taglist: @wecomrades @tvserie-s-world @mariner-2 @mads-weasley @wexhappyxfew @eau-rougee @admiral-alby @lightsabove @shiningautumn-oceancrashing @ask-you-what-sir @sergeant-spoons @i-dont-like-bullies @just-beyond-ecoust @labarboteuse @mavysnavy @this-dog-just-aint-gonna-hunt @acdassenza @eugene-emt-roe @msmercury84 @dustyjumpwjngs @fayestardust
Sending love ❤
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madnessofmen · 8 months
I watched (half of) Unsere Mütter Unsere Väter instead of sleeping last night, and now I'm extremely sleep deprived (2 hours of sleep) at work and feeling sooooo insane about Friedhelm Winter's arc and the parallels to other WWII media
Paddy Mayne "how grand a life it would be to be a coward, to love life that much" having already experienced spiritual death, chasing death's elusive embrace vs Albrecht Stein's suicide as an act of courage to preserve his spirit vs Friedhelm Winter "a soldier is mostly a coward and only sometimes brave" so afraid of physical death that he chooses spiritual death instead
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diespulcher · 26 days
A Glimmer of Hope
Friedhelm Winter x reader
p in v sex, unprotected sex (Wrap it before you tap it, dummies!)
English is not my first language
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The café was moderately busy. A few schoolboys and older ladies sat on the red plush armchairs, but Friedhelm paid them no attention. Anger, sadness, remorse and fear clouded his senses. Why had he survived? Why not Wilhelm? His mother's crying when he had left echoed in his ears. And he couldn't get rid of his father's disappointed look either. The images of the last few weeks kept replaying in his mind's eye - the telegraph station, Wilhelm, who had lost hope... When two schoolboys stood next to him and asked him about his badges. Friedhelm felt rudely torn from his memories and could hardly follow what the boys were saying. But he didn't want to listen to them or even answer them. It was only when the waiter came and pulled the boys away from him that he understood what one of them was saying to him: "And that's the kind of thing that fights for Germany. That's a disgrace!" He sat there for a long time, petrified. Where should he go now? What should he do now? He couldn't and didn't want to go back to his parents. Straight back to the front? Also unthinkable. To Greta? She was probably travelling the world to become famous. Listlessly, he decided to sit down in a pub a few streets away and drink until he no longer knew who or where he was.
She'd been watching him for a while, the hopeless soldier, leaning against the bar and downing beer after beer like there was no tomorrow. Normally she stayed away from these men, but this one reminded her of someone, but she didn't know who - a past lover perhaps. Suddenly she felt pity, what this boy, who was barely older than her, must have seen, that he drank like this, must be unimaginable.
Friedhelm was startled out of his gloomy thoughts when he noticed movement next to him. A woman. Brown eyes, beautiful lips painted red. "Do you have a light?" the young woman asked with a smile. Friedhelm stared at her for a moment, unsure and confused, before he came to his senses and realised how attractive this woman was. After a few minutes of talking to the young woman, Friedhelm's melancholy seemed to be blown away. She had him completely wrapped around her red-lacquered little finger. He watched her smile, the bobbing of her hair and her fingers coming closer and closer to his. He felt a tingle run down his spine as the girl gently slid her fingers over his uninjured hand. He was grateful to her for not asking about his injury. Friedhelm didn't want to think about the war, wanted to forget and if he couldn't lose himself in alcohol, then in this girl, in her eyes, her fragrant hair, her soft skin and her graceful figure. By now her hand had reached his shoulder and was drawing small circles there. Friedhelm leant forward to kiss her, but just before their lips touched, she turned her head and his kiss landed on her cheek. "Not here, let's pay," she whispered. They barely made it into a dark side street before their lips met. She held his face tightly in both hands and kissed him passionately, as if his kisses were the air she needed to breathe. And Friedhelm also held her tightly against him with his uninjured arm. Just feeling, not thinking.
As they staggered into her flat, she suddenly felt ashamed of how small and dark the room was that she called her own, but Friedhelm didn't seem to notice his surroundings at all - he only had eyes for her and his lips were already on hers again. He kissed her full of desire, not aggressively, but insistently. Her hands travelled to the buttons of his uniform, but the sling with his arm was in the way. She released her kiss to see what her hands were doing and to avoid hurting him. They both had to laugh as the buttons kept slipping out of her fingers, but eventually the field blouse was undone and they kissed again. This time more urgently and harder. She felt the young man pushing her towards the table and willingly allowed herself to be pushed in that direction. Without releasing her kiss, the girl heaved herself onto the table and immediately felt Friedhelm's hand slide up her thigh under her skirt and her whole abdomen began to fill with a warm tingling sensation and she realised she was getting wet. "Friedhelm, please, I need you now!" she whispered close to his lips and his hands came closer and closer to the place where she needed them most, finally caressing her over the fabric of her panties. Friedhelm seemed to know what he was doing and soon she was moaning as his fingers stole under the fabric. His demanding kisses travelled down her neck towards her cleavage, while his fingers found her clitoris and began to massage it. "Can you open your dress?" he asked with a sly smile, "I'm afraid my hands are busy at the moment." Her laughter immediately turned into a moan as she complied with his request and reached round to unzip her dress. As soon as she had shaken her dress off her shoulders and her breasts were bare, the girl felt Friedhelm's lips on them. His skilful fingers on her intact hand and the kisses and licks and nibbles on her breasts bring her closer and closer to her orgasm. "Friedhelm, it's almost time..." she moans and the young man doesn't let up as the waves of her orgasm roll over her. It becomes quiet for a moment. Friedhelm can only hear both of their breathing and looks curiously at the girl sitting on the table in front of him, smiling contentedly. "So, now it's your turn," she says and reaches for his belt. Her fingers are warm as they worm their way into his pants and wrap around his penis. Friedhelm helps her to push his trousers and pants down to the back of his knees. Her skilful fingers quickly ensure that Friedhelm's fully erect penis stretches out towards the girl. Shortly afterwards, she slides to the edge of the table and spreads her legs. She and Friedhelm moan in unison as he carefully penetrates her. But just a few moments later, lust takes over again and Friedhelm thrusts harder and faster. He watches her breasts with fascination as his penis slides in and out of her again and again. When the girl pulls him towards her again to kiss him, Friedhelm can no longer hold on and lets go, losing himself in her body and their joint movements and cumming with a loud moan. This time it is he who pulls her face towards him to kiss her as he slides out of her for the last time.
Now he is lying here with this girl in her bed. She is snuggled up in his arms, snoring softly and her hair is spread across his chest. And although Friedhelm knows that war is raging all around them in the world, for the first time in years he feels something like a glimmer of hope as he watches through the small skylight as a new morning dawns.
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