barxlupin · 2 years
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@noirbled asked:
“ here. hold my hand. you get scared again, squeeze tight, and i’ll help you. got it? “ / from sherlock.
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"I'm not s-scared..."
Contrary to her half-hearted protest, Enola grips Sherlock's offered hand with both of her own, already clammy with perspiration.
She'd walked ankle-deep in blood and guts and knee-deep in sewage water without flinching. It won't be something as stupid as an insect to get the best of her...
A cockroach almost twice the size of the one who had first startled her skitters out of the rotting floorboards, dangerously close to her foot, and Enola screeches, her grip on Sherlock's hand turning vice-like as she scrambles to hide behind his back.
Nope. No no no no. She can handle all sort of animal that would make proper ladies wrinkle their nose in disgust, from snakes to lizards to snails, even bloody rats, but bugs? Absolutely not.
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internetskiff · 10 months
I so normal I love a pony island 2
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Okay so from the details we know so far about Pony Island 2 it's compared more to "the Hex" than "Inscryption" BUT "there's a card game in there somewhere". What interests me a lot is the Earth Prison. My assumption is it's either an entirely seperate underworld OR it's the underworld under new management after the Crusader unknowingly broke the Devil out of the original Pony Island Arcade Cabinet.
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I believe this is the guy in charge now? I'm not well versed in Chinese mythology, but a quick search DOES reveal he's a real deity, a god of death.
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What interests me is the "Ten Kings of Hell" thing. Is it possible we're gonna meet those aswell? Could they be the new Daemons, or something similar?
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Core Files definitely continue to be a goal of ours, and HOLY SHIT, either we're gonna be seeing the original Daemons return, or perhaps this time the Ten Kings will act as the new protection system for the core files. I don't really expect any other DMG characters like P03 S-do or Rebecha to return since this is set in the underworld and they're, well, living world videogame characters. BUT there's a definite possibility we could see the Daemons make a return. Maybe some Gamefuna shenanigans could be afoot, though! I'm wondering where in the timeline this will all fit. Both Pony Island games seem a bit anachronistic - the first game had you play as a Crusader, and this one has you play as a Nomad, but in both cases the underworld is shown to be advanced enough to have it's own software and technology. Logically speaking, both games would probably be on the farthest end of the Mullinsverse timeline? I assume? So logically it'd be like Pony Island 1 -> Pony Island 2 -> Inscryption in development, Kaycee's burning -> The Hex -> Main Events of Inscryption. I'm so fucking hyped maaaaan I didn't even think Panda Circus would ever happen. I assumed if a Pony Island 2 were to actually be announced it'd be something else. It's really awesome to see how far the game's come since it's original reveal way back in Pony Island 1. Can't wait to see what Daniel Mullins has in store for this one
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omniishambles · 2 years
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MEDIA: The Hunger Games Trilogy (movies and novels), heavily headcanon based. FACECLAIM: Lynn Cohen. AGE: 80. GENDER: Female. OCCUPATION: District 4 Victor, mentor. SPECIES: Human. SEXUALITY: Straight. NATIONALITY: American. EYES: Hazel. HAIR: Long and grey, sometimes tied back in a loose braid. HEIGHT: 5”5. SCARS: Multiple (to be added). LANGUAGES: English. ZODIAC: (to be added).
Ambrose Latimeria, husband (deceased). 
Finnick Odair, fellow mentor and adopted son.
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Magdalena ‘Mags’ Flanagan was born in District 4. Mags spent most of her time on the water or collecting shells along the shoreline. She was reaped for the 11th Hunger Games at 16. This was an important year for the games, as changes were afoot in the Capitol. Under the suggestion of Coriolanus Snow, a promise of riches and luxury was offered to the districts in return for winning the games.
To the victor, a new home, and subsequent victors were promised the same prize. Construction began in each district following the announcement, an attempt to create some buzz and excitement, to get citizens of the Capitol more invested in watching. And watch they did, interested to see who would fight for this new reward.
The only reward that Mags fought for, however, was staying alive. The tributes that year were far luckier than the ones before- or so the Capitol thought. No longer confined to a cage and put on display, they were instead restricted to the old giraffe house. Still at the zoo, but no longer available for citizens to gawk at. They’d get that chance during the tribute interviews instead.
The arena wasn’t much changed. There was little for the tributes to do but bludgeon eachother to death in the small space, hoping for gifts from the watching audience. It took three weeks for the games to end. By the time it was over, Mags was traumatised. It took quite some time for her to recover from her time in the arena, spending a year alone in her new ‘prize’ home.
In her mid 20′s she married Ambrose Latimeria, another victor who became her first neighbor in the victors village. Though she swore off ever having children of her own, not wishing to subject them to the horrors she’d witnessed in the arena, they lived a happy life together for twenty years until he drowned on a night fishing shift.
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(Ambrose, passed away at sea).
Despite everything, Mags is a kind and motherly individual, making sure to take care of the other mentors each year as well as her own tributes.
She suffered a stroke in her mid 50′s, and though she recovered well mentally, there was damage to her vocal chords that left her unable to speak.
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Tribute Covering the time span before Mags going into the arena up to her winning.
Victor Any threads set after her victory, during her recovery, and her beginning as a mentor.
For threads set in her older (main) verse, she is an established Mentor for District 4.
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Emily Fanfic Masterlist
This is a list of fanfiction I've written in which Emily is a main/major character.
Camping 101- You know that infamous 2017 camping trip that August insisted required double-checking all the supplies on the list for because they left the tent at home that year? Yeah. This is that.
Don't Cry- AU where, instead of dying, Emily ran away with Geri
Family Matters- AU in which Emily left her family behind shortly after August was born and showed up 15 years later.
Don't Get (A)Head of Yourself- Cordell and Emily are taking a couples camping trip. Things don't go exactly to plan.
Just Like That, Everything Changes- On April 18th, Cordell Walker’s life is turned upside down when he learns his beloved wife is the serial killer he’s been investigating. Everything is changing and he feels powerless to stop it. He just wants to feel normal again and keep his kids safe. Is that too much to ask?
Missing You- A short little exploration of a wortld in which Cordell died instead of Emily
Wildest Dreams- (tw for rape/non-con) This wasn’t normal. Cordell wasn’t like this. Cordell was always soft and gentle with her, even during the times she gave him permission to get a little rough. It was like he was a different person. “Cordi- Cordi, stop. That’s enough. I-I’m not-” Part 5 of Henry Winchester 'Verse
Foundlings- The driver of the car was long gone as far as he could see, but that wasn’t the most concerning part. Nor was the thick envelope that felt stuffed with paper. No, the most concerning part was the two children left sleeping in the backseat.
Things Don't Have To Be Good To Be Good- Ruby escaped the Winchesters just before they could kill her. Many years later, she's a loving mother and wife known as Emily Walker. No one knows her secret, not even her husband. Until now…..
An Unhappy Reunion- Takes place during 2x01 "In My Time of Dying". Sam calls Cordell and asks him to come to the hospital. Emily insists on tagging along to keep the peace. When she finds out how far John is willing to go to save Dean, she tries to find a better way. Things don't go according to plan. Part 3 of Henry Winchester 'Verse
Play Dangerous Games, Win Dangerous "Prizes"- One morning, Cordell Walker is found dead in a ditch as a result of what it believed to be a drunk driving accident. No one who knows Cordell believes this and when Emily gets an email from her deceased husband, it only confirms her suspicions.
Something strange is afoot in Austin and our band of merry heroes are determined to uncover it. Will their efforts be worthwhile? Or are they destined to meet a terrible fate?
Sometimes All You Need is a Miracle- Emily finds a lost dog while wandering the ranch. When returning him to his owner, she finds a new glimmer of hope in her dark world
Of Love And Honor- Cordell is the knight assigned to Princess Emily's personal protection. They were never meant to fall in love, but they do.
At The Fair- Cordell, Emily, Geri, and Hoyt usually had to keep things under wraps. But they could have plenty of fun out and about at the local fair.
In Another World- What would've happened if Cordell and Geri had been the ones to die? Would Hoyt and Emily have found their way to each other? What would that have looked like?
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dunnitmoved · 4 years
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❛   where's my pavlova?   ❜   he calls out, voice travelling through the halls of the east wing of the manor. as promised, he'd made his way back as soon as he possibly could  ––  all too glad to have left his latest case far behind in germany.   ❛   i'm hoooome.  ❜  
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dtectivechu · 4 years
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⊰ °🗲 . 。* TAG DUMP !! ( 1 / ?? )
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(Tag Dump - Random)
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“On the Internet, There’s a Sucker Born Every Millisecond” (Essay by Reverend Joel Ethan)
Most people today know this—the feeling evoked when watching someone make a fool out of themselves while just sitting back to watch the whole thing play out as it’s so amusing. We the audience know there's a trap, but the fall guy walks right into it. That’s why shows like Candid Camera were so popular in their day, and why clips from similar Japanese prank shows rack up hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube. It’s harmless fun and everyone laughs at the end about how silly the whole thing was—and are thankful the joke wasn’t on them.
Recently we were contacted by a local publication in Boulder, CO called The Rooster and asked for our perspective on a few issues. We responded, as we always do, pointing them to our website where we’ve taken the time and effort to detail our positions and answer many frequently asked questions. They assured us (twice, in fact) that they’d read the articles to which we’d supplied links and asked to speak with someone to get a few specific quotes which we happily coordinated. In our conversations, they told us they’d already been in contact with The Satanic Temple, so we knew the game was afoot! And in the tradition of those unlucky folks on Candid Camera, walking right into a trap for everyone else’s amusement, The Rooster did not disappoint. You too can join in the fun by reading their piece Membership in satanic churches soars in Trump's America. Unfortunately for our red feathered friends, we’re not sure they’ve been let in on the joke yet. Hopefully this isn’t too embarrassing.
And as with most pranks, the more people in on the punchline the better. That, and we thought it would be even funnier next time this happens if we’ve already let you all in on the fun. Of course this is all easily googlable but we’ll save you the trouble. For those that don’t already know The Satanic Temple is a practical joke being played on the media à la The Yes Men. One need look no further than this 2014 Village Voice piece [1] for this to become obvious, and early collaborator Shane Bugbee (who’d already publicly left the organization)[2] has been kind enough to post the full transcripts from his interview [3] which make it all the more clear. In 2013 Vice Magazine published this puff piece [4] which, given the hindsight provided by the later pieces, makes the relationship and set up obvious. In fact earlier that same year Tin Foil Hat Time had already put the pieces together [5] - highlighting the hired actors and models pretending to be "true believers." And we’d be remiss if we didn’t mention their recent publicity work [6] promoting hollywood films [7] or this resignation video from their first High Priest Brian Werner [8] noting that people within the organization brag about never having read any of the existing literature on Satanism.
For history buffs, it’s especially fun to look at the official Satanic Temple website through the lens of the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine. Launched in the beginning of 2013, it’s delightful to watch them claim to believe in God and Satan and then a few months later try to distance themselves from that. To see them claim to have been founded in 2006 by someone named Neil Bricke then a few days later change that to 2012 and then eventually scrap that whole origin story all together. (Neil Bricke is actually the founder of SMART, addressed in detail here. [9]) In a good prank usually this formative spitballing is hidden from the public, but thanks to everything on the internet lasting forever, there you have it. And when you look at how many goofball products they were selling on day one the later revelations that the whole thing started as marketing ploy begins to make perfect sense, and their actions since then become the obvious publicity stunts that they are. It’s so obviously a spoof that it’s almost amazing anyone believes it’s real at this point. But again, anyone interested in the facts would have to spend 5 or 10 minutes searching the web to find these, which, much to our amusement, many people don’t.
And, just like in the comics, Batman needs his Joker and Superman needs his Lex Luthor, The Satanic Temple has tried since the beginning to paint us as their adversary—a passive and lazy right wing to their activist left wing. This claim is readily gobbled-up by gullible and lazy writers and just as easily debunked by spending a few minutes on our website. We’re always happy to play the role of adversary, we are the Church of Satan after all, but we usually prefer more worthy opponents. So we put the writer in touch with one of our Reverends well versed in pushing buttons. The important concept is, as an individualist religion, what we’re opposing depends entirely on your perspective. It’s a sign of intentional coattail riding that, rather than create distinctive terminology and iconography, these pranksters decided to crib ours, and this creates a giant hole in their joke for anyone looking. Though these days they deny that it’s a joke (as any good jokester should) - but still, if they are trying to put their activism first they could be much more effective if they weren’t spending so much time aping and then trying to differentiate themselves from us. We know Satan is a powerful and potent symbol that attracts the curious, which is why our founder Anton LaVey created and defined the philosophy of Satanism over 50 years ago—the first time in history that Satanism was used as a positive term for a life enhancing philosophy. That legacy, along with our ongoing efforts, is why we’re stronger today than we’ve ever been. People who explore our literature find Satan to be an inspirational metaphor for their commitment to our individualist, atheist perspective.
Circling back to the piece in question, it’s one giant factual error after another stuffed in-between out-of-context quotes desperately trying to sculpt a fictional narrative. Of course, like the audience on Candid Camera, we expected nothing less and have this lovely mental image of the author sitting down on a chair with an inflated whoopee cushion in place. It’s especially rich seeing them sing the tune of the reported Satanic Temple membership growth because this means not only did they not look at our website, not search Google, but didn’t even look at their site to see that "membership" in The Satanic Temple is simply "click here to join our mailing list," hardly a sincere commitment to a philosophy. We take pride in being a little more discerning about who we let associate with us. While it would take more time than we care to spend pointing out each and every error in his piece, the suggestion that the Church of Satan is somehow aligned with Trump is especially laughable especially considering our Policy On Politics is linked directly in the main navigation on our site, and we have recently covered Presidential endorsements and our philosophy on our Twitter account. What the Rooster chose to leave out of Reverend Antony's comment was that since we support pluralism within our ranks and simple math of our sheer numbers means there's probably a lot of Trump voters within the Church of Satan, but also lots of members who voted for all of the other candidates, and some who might not have voted at all. We hope by this point The Rooster might be clued-in enough to be laughing along with us about the trap they walked right into. If not, we’re happy to keep laughing at their expense, just the same. Schadenfreude is a fine garnish for such "journalistic" pratfalls.
They used to teach fact checking to aspiring journalists as the starting point for any article. Expediency seems to reign and facts become scarce when pre-conceived click-bait rather than accurate reportage is the final goal. To future potential marks out there, we offer this: a little bit of homework goes a very long way.
Update: In an interview published on Nov 22, 2016, the Satanic Temple representatives said, when asked about their membership that “Anybody can go to the national site with a simple email address you can sign up for the newsletter and become a member… You don’t even have to be a Satanist, you can just be a strong ally who believes in the political and secular actions without being super stoked about all the aesthetic aspects” which makes it evidently clear that The Satanic Temple admits it’s members aren’t even Satanists, and should put to bed indefinitely the notion that they speak for or represent Satanism in anyway. It’s more obvious than ever that they are only using the symbology and terminology to get press attention.
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barxlupin · 2 years
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@aevisong asked:
Experience One Of My Muse's Memories
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"You know, I came here fully prepared to scold you about the importance of taking responsability for your actions and not getting back on your promises, but I can tell you didn't come here willingly. That, and you're clearly not in any fit state of mind to understand any of my words."
Indeed, the young man she'd been tasked to find looked... lost in his own little world, to say the least, his eyes open but glassy and unseeing, clearly due to the opium and who knows what other drug was being sold in that establishment. She wrinkled her nose and pursed her lips, all too familiar with the smell of drugs and their affect on a person's mind. She was so giving the police an anonymous tip about this place, once she'd gotten Lucien out.
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"Come on, let's get you out of here..." slipping under one of the young man's arms and clutching his waist, Enola managed to heave him back on his feet, but when she turned to lead him outside she found herself face-to-face with a boy, dark eyes sharp and alert, a gleaming knife in his hand.
Darn it...
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