#VIVA Cruises
kreuzfahrttester · 3 months
VIVA Cruises sponsert erstmals Wimbledon-Spieler
VIVA Cruises, Spezialist für Flusskreuzfahrten in Europa, geht in diesem Jahr eine exklusive Partnerschaft mit Tennisspielern ein, die bei den berühmten Spielen in Wimbledon antreten. Für den Zeitraum des Prestige-Turniers vom 1. bis zum 14. Juli tragen ausgewählte Spieler das VIVA Cruises-Logo auf ihren Polo-Shirts. Die Sponsoring-Vereinbarung zielt darauf ab, Tennisfans für die einzigartigen…
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tourstreak · 2 years
VIVA Cruises announces christening of new ship VIVA TWO and inaugural sailing scheduled for April 2023
VIVA Cruises announces christening of new ship VIVA TWO and inaugural sailing scheduled for April 2023
The time-honored cruise brand is a favorite across Europe, backed by its cruise-pioneering parent Scylla that shares its tradition of excellence in river and expedition cruising since 1973.
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quigonswife8 · 2 years
Thinking of the future: Namor x fem! reader
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Namor sees you reading to a group of Talokonil children and can't help but imagine starting a little family with you one day.
@kpopgirlbtssvt Thank you for the request. I adore it so much!! Let me know if I did your request justice :)
Before you had gotten married to Namor and chosen to live with him permanently, you were a teacher. A first grade teacher, to be exact. Being a teacher had always been your dream and when you had gotten the job at this nice school about ten minutes from your home, it was a dream come true.
You had become one of the best teachers at the school. The kids had loved you, and the teachers had grown to appreciate you, and you had become pretty close with a lot of them.
"How do you do it?" Sandra, the fourth grade teacher, questions, while you stroll down hte hall together.
"Do what?"
She chuckles: "How do you get those kids to love you so much? My kids don’t love me half as much as yours love you. So, how do you do it?"
You glance at her with a smile.
"I'm not sure how I do it. I guess i'm a natural?" which, in turn, earns a chuckle from her.
"Very true."
For the years that you were a first grade teacher, you had become like a mother to a few of them. They would go to you about anything even though they were first graders. You had felt like you had become like a mother to them, that you had some sort of responsibility for them.
Then came the day when everything changed.
You press your hands to the railing of the ship peering out at the water. It's day two of your cruise and so far it has been pretty amazing: you have been wanting to go on this cruise for a while now and finally with the given vacation time, you had gladly taken it.
The ship jerks backwards suddenly, pushing you backwards, your back hitting the nearby wall. "What the hell?-" without any time to react it jerks forward and you're sent off the side of the ship and into the freezing cold water.
The waves toss the ship around create chaos inside. You are pulled away from the ship and as you struggle against the waves, the current grows stronger. These waves had come out nowhere because one minute ago everything had been fine, but now it clearly isn't.
You consider yourself a strong swimmer but right now that doesn’t help. The waves are stronger than before, they pull you underneath, choking you, leaving you weak.
The possibility of death slips into your mind: there's no one to help you. No one even knows that you had fallen in the water because you don't know anyone there, and you were alone when you fell in.
The ship is rocked harder, and the screams, while distant, still send chills up your spine. You're pulled back into your current situation when you're pulled back under the water, and as it weighs heavy on your chest, it becomes clear that there's no way of getting out of this. You're going to die, unless someone helps, and that's highly unlikely.
So as you wait for the inevitable, your vision starts to blur, and you begin to slip away.
"Ba'ax yaan viva (is she alive?)."
"Táan kíimil (is she dead?)
"Máax leti'e'(who is she?)"
You slowly open your eyes to a bunch of children huddled around you talking. However these children are different, they definitely don't look like normal children. They also speak in a different language, and while you can't fully understand them, you are able to pick up certain words.
"Ba'ax ku yúuchul wa teen- (what if I)."
"Paalalo'ob (children)." A soft voice grabbing your attention, which belongs to someone you also aren't familiar with. He crosses his arms, raising an eyebrow.
"P'at in le dama tu Jets' óolal (leave the lady alone)."
A few glances exchanged and some words to the mysterious man and then they quickly scramble out of the room. Why though? Who is this person? Where are you?
"I am the one who saved you from drowning."
He isn't familiar, at all. It's a bit confusing because you hadn't seen him on the ship and you hadn't seen anyone swimming towards you before you supposedly died. Supposedly because now you aren't dead because of him.
The man chuckles, and as he leans against something, he replies.
"I saw you drowning while I was swimming. I...could not let that happen."
He may hate the surface and those who reside on it, but he isn't as heartless to just let someone drown. He shall deal with everything else later but for now he will let you rest: besides you don't seem to be a threat, or even scared of him. In shock? Yes. but scared? no.
"Thank you..."
While you don't know who he is, you're grateful he had saved you. He could have just let you drown but he didn't, and that means a lot. The man nods, "you are welcome." and as he looks away from you, he tells you his name.
"My people call me K'uk'ulkan, but my enemies call me Namor. You may choose what you would like to call me.", and, then, he walks off.
K'uk'ulkan? why does that name sound...familiar? Nevermind that right now. You rather decide to just rest and you'll put your mind at work later on. Laying back down on the very comfortable bed, that you hadn't noticed until that moment, you close your eyes.
As you rest up, and during your stay there, you find yourself learn about Namor. About his home, and about how he is how he is. How he has pointed ears and ankles on his wings. How he is able to live as long as he can, and about his culture. You find out about his hate for 'surface dweller's', and he explains what his name means, too.
When you're finally rested up enough to leave, he takes you up to the surface. You thank him again, for everything, and you think that will be the last time you meet. Though you find yourself unable to get your mind off of him, finding that he's left such an effect on you that you find yourself even dreaming about him.
Namor also feels the same way. So much so that his duties as king are disrupted by the thoughts of you. He hates that he's feeling this way for a surface dweller because he has lived to hate surface dwellers. You are...different, though. He has never met a surface dweller like you, or anyone like you.
Eventually you meet again. The beginning of your friendship, and the future together you will eventually have.
"Ts'o'ok a li'iskaba? (are you ready)?"
You look up at Attuma, who looks down at you with a soft smile. He's walking you down the aisle, you had asked him a week ago to. He was the only person who came to mind that you had wanted to walk you down the aisle, and you couldn't stop smiling when he said yes. Now, as you stand there holding onto his arm, everything is perfect.
Blinking back the tears, you nod.
"I'm ready."
When you enter the room, everyone falls silent. Your goregous crimson dress trails behind you as you walk slowly towards your soon-to-be-husband, who now looks at you, and his mouth falls open in awe.
This is the first time you have seen eachother since yesterday as it's tradition to not see one-another until the wedding day, and you are so happy you waited. Unable to hide the smile on your lips, you look up at Attuma, and then back to K'uk'ulkan who's trying to hide the tears.
You come to a halt in front of him, and Attuma lets you go to join his king's side. Namor moves closer to you and you can see the amount of love he has in his eyes, and how he's not sure what to say as he's still in awe. K'uk'u'lkan, the man who always knows what to say to make you speechless, is speechless instead. i
"A wilik (you look).." he takes your hands in his, "...perfecto."
"Thank you my love. You look perfect, too."
You press your head to his for a moment, parting so the ceremony could continue and you could get married.
On the surface you would usually have a priest read out the next words but since you're underwater and this is a different type of ceremony, you instead will be taking a herb. The same herb his mother had take.
Someone comes over, herb in hand, so Namor takes the herb. You look at it, and then into his eyes again: when you take it you'll no longer be able to live on water, but you don't care. Wherever he is, you'll be. Plus with the added effect of living for as long as he does, that's even more perfect.
"Let us say our vows before you do this, in yakunaj (my love).”
A lot of tears are shed during the vows and once you are officially married, which feels surreal, you take the herb.
It feels like it's only you and Namor in the room. You don't take your eyes off him, and you don't want to. All you want to do is look at him.
"Are you ready?”
A soft sigh falls from your lips, but you smile.
"I'm ready..."
He leans forward and presses a soft kiss to your lips, while his other hand slips into your right one. When he parts he kisses you again, this time on your temple, and once he parts again, he nods. "Okay."
You bring the herb to your lips, pausing, then you take it.
You don't really remember what happens after that, all you can remember is Namor wrapping his arms around you and laying you down on the ground. How he cradles your head in his hands and mutters words. He doesn't leave you, not once, he just stays by your side through it all.
From then on you live with him, permanently, and as time goes on it's like you had always lived there.
"Uláak, Uláak (Another one, another one)."
One of the children shakes you, excited, while the other children seem to agree with their friend.
"Béet! (Please)." you put a hand on his shoulder, chuckling.
Pulling your hand away you move back, bringing your hands together
"U tojol, u tojol, in wa'alik ti' teech láak' (Okay okay. I'll tell you another story.") so the children get more settled, and you clear your throat. Looking around at each of them, you begin.
"Erar u juntéene', ti' jump'éel lu'um náach, yaan juntúul x-"(Once upon a time, in a far away land, there was a girl)
Namor is out doing king duties, so you had decided to occupy your time. When you had come across one of the children, upset, you had decided to tell them a story to hopefully help. It did, and before long other children around had decided to join and listen.
The story was about a princess, who were tasked with retrieving three items that would help restore the kingdom to it's rightful state. They had faced a lot of challenges and obstacles but in the end had found the items and returned just in time to save the kingdom.
When you were a first grade teacher the children loved this story and would ask you to tell you it even though you had a million times. So to see the same excitement and love for this story, like your first graders, warms your heart.
Now, as you tell another story, you can tell that they love it too.
"...Ba'ax ku yúuchul ts'o'okole' (what happens next?)"
One of the children, eager, is practically jumping up and down.
"Yaan u descubrir bix k'áatal le ja'o'... (She has to figure out how to get across the water)." eager eyes and eager ears follow the story.
"... Bey u Il ti' u paach, ka ju'une (so she looks around, and suddenly)" raising a finger, you look around at each of them. "Leti' ts'o'ok u yilik máak yéetel le alguien jach... nojoch máaktal Jones (she has spotted someone, and that someone is...old man Jones!)"
They all gasp in surprise, "Ba'ax nojoch máaktal Jones?! (old man jones?!)
"...Je'el (yes!)!" you continue. "...ts'o'ok suut tumen venganzahe (he has come back for revenge)."
So focused on telling the story, you don't even hear when your husband enters. He doesn't say anything, rather interested in the conversation going on between you and the children.
"Ma'! (No!)." one of talokan's youngest jump, eyes wide.
"...ka bey u yojel yaan u resolver jump'éel ba'aland (and so she knows she has to figure something out)."
Clapping your hands together, "...ka séeb (and soon)."
Namor knows you used to be a teacher. You had told him stories about your time as a first grade teacher, and about how the children loved you. He has seen you with the children countless times and how they have acted like you were their mother, and it has warmed his heart.
He watches on with a smile, unable to push away the feeling of wanting his own kid, or kids. He has thought about this for a while now, but right now? Right now that want grows strong and all he can imagine is you reading to your own kid/s
"Leti' (she)- K'uk'u'lkan?"
Holding up your hand, you wave to him, and that smile he loves so much is present on your lips. The children look over at him, copying your actions, which he finds precious.
"Ba'ax ku yúuchul waye' (what's happening here?)"
"Le Reina k táan u xookik (The queen is reading to us)."
"Je'el! (Yeah!)." one of the other children agree. "...Uts tin t'aan le k'ajláayo' (I love the story)."
"Kux tuun teech? (do you?)."
Almost in sync they all go 'yeah', earning a chuckle from both of you.
"Ch'e'eno'... (well)" he nods, "Leti' je'el táanil, chéen taan waye' (she can continue, I will just be over here)." then, to only you, he mouths, "I love you." and you mouth 'I love you too' back with a smile.
Namor has thought about wanting kid/s for a while now, but it wasn't really a big deal. Right now, though? Looking at you being like a mother to these children makes him imagine about starting your own little family one day. Makes him imagine about you reading to your kid/s one day, and how you would just both be amazing parents.
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betterskatethannever · 9 months
2023 best of
best parts
Cyrus Bennett - HUF FOREVER / Johnny's Vid / 7 Ball
Patrick Praman - Three Seasons / REAL pro
Miles Silvas - City to City
Donovan Piscopo - Pawnshop x Nike 'Old Soul'
Bobby de Keyzer - 2411-Q02 HD24 (HARD DREAM)
Mason Coletti - Viva Mexico / Back to My World
Nick Matthews - HUF FOREVER / AM Scramble 2022
Rowan Davis - Lad is Pro as
Leo Romero - SKATER
Alan Bell - ab
Evan Wasser - Sk8 Prodigy
Eddie Cernicky - Inferno
Oscar Candon - Giddy #13: Abseiling Down
Mason Silva - HUF FOREVER / Take a Lap
Joey O'Brien - Alien Workshop / Thunder
John Shanahan - DOUBLE UP / Double Down
Jahmir Brown - BETA BLOCKERS
Ryuhei Kitazume - Meet You There / LENZ III / Nike x Tightbooth
Akwasi - Sci-Fi Fantasy / TOTAL ACTUAL COMFORT
Hermann Stene - Lille Rotta
Conor Charleson - Slight Inclination
Antonio Durao - Johnny's Vid
Max Palmer - Johnny's Vid / "Spiked Off" / LIMO / Atlantic Drift
Ville Wester - What Now? / 7 Ball / BETA BLOCKERS
Jordan Trahan - Hurricane Party / STATIC VI
best full-lengths
Foundation - Whippersnappers
Nike - 7 Ball
Tightbooth - LENZ III
Static VI
Lakai - Bubble
Magenta - Just Cruise II
best breakout parts
Felipe Munhoz - Devaneios
Tobias Christoffersen - Bissemayn Canape
Ben St. Aubin - rendered
Johnny Cumaoglu - DON’T ASK ME WHEN
Jason Nam - Carousel / SIMULATION
Johnny Purcell - Nova Scotia
Justin Grzechowiak - STRIKING DISTANCE 2
Rio Morishige - LENZ III
Jedd Mckenzie - Indy Raw AMs
Morgan DT - Empire MISMATCH
best womxn+ parts
Leo Baker - Nike signature
Sam Narvaez - HUF FOREVER
Nicole Hause x Chloe Covell x Hayley Wilson - Gassed Up
Cata Diaz - Cachai
Keet Oldenbeuving - Don't Walk
Fabiana Delfino - Santa Cruz / Swamp Week / FAST AF
Vitoria Mendonca - Element pro
Arin Lester - Sci-Fi Fantasy
Jenn Soto - Thunder
best independents
SHOPAHOLICS: Abandoned Mall
Circle by Chase Walker
Brett Nichols - Pathways 2 / Broadway
Steve Mastorelli - DON’T ASK ME WHEN
Fritte Soderstrom - Jante 5:36
best promo
GX1000 - Viva Mexico
adidas - Abnormal Communication ep. 5 Paris
Pawnshop x Nike - Old Soul
This is Not the New Sour Video
Bronze TV ep. 2 (8/17/23)
Samurai Safari II
AM Scramble 2022
Quentin Guthrie - Assets
youtube playlists: best of 2023 (100) great vids 2023 (485)
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7grandmel · 6 months
Todays rip: 23/03/2024
Balcony Cruise
Season 4 Episode 2 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume D
Ripped by Helpful Salad
Requested by an anonymous reader! (Request Form)
Hey, remember yesterday's post on Viva La LOWAS: the rip of a track quite prominently paying tribute to Cave Story? Well, the Cave Story love isn't ending quite yet, and if ripper Helpful Salad has anything to say about it, the game is going to continue showing up on the channel no matter what. Though today the focus is indeed specifically on Balcony Cruise, the guy's made a bevvy of Cave Story rips just as good as this one - 39 out of his 63 contributions, to be precise! - that I think are all well worth checking out.
Funny enough, there's unintentionally been a sort of running theme with the posts as of late starting with Poké Village. That theme being that, these are all rips I love despite them paying tribute to sources that I'm far too unfamiliar with, be that Monster Hunter, Homestuck, or in this case - FTL: Faster Than Light. And I'm able to love these rips because, as I've said many a time before, SiIvaGunner is as much about appreciating the things you already love as it is about being introduced to media that someone else loves far more. I know myself already that Cave Story's music is incredible, yet despite my endless playthroughs of the game I'm never going to grow tired of hearing all the many ways SiIvaGunner's rippers share their own affection for the soundtrack, not just in the Balcony Fusion Collab, but in the continued amount of rips the game receives to this day. There's emotion packed into efforts like Balcony Cruise, emotion that shows how Helpful Salad truly understands the Cave Story sound, that makes me thoroughly enjoy his rips with or without the needed context for whatever joke he's attaching to it.
And well, after hearing Balcony Cruise, I did feel the need to go listen to FTL's music as well - and indeed, it's just as incredible as I'd suspected! The solemn yet beautiful atmosphere of Balcony can be felt in much of FTL's whole soundtrack, befitting a game about surviving a cruise through space, and so Balcony Cruise being a melodyswap to the game's main theme feels like a natural fit. Yet...I can't shake the feeling that there's also more theming relevant to the rip beyond the shared atmosphere of the two games. Though FTL isn't exactly an "old" indie game in the same vein that Cave Story is, 2012 was still only two years removed from the release of Super Meat Boy, it was still quite early on in the indie game resurgence of Xbox Live. Cave Story is a landmark game for the indie world as a fully self-made release all the way back in 2004, made by one Daisuke Amaya in his free time out of a desire to express his love for games like Metroid and Castlevania into something playable. Eight years later, the spirit of indie gaming in the Independent Games Festival, the legacy shaped in large part by Amaya, was what directly inspired Matthew Davis and Justin Ma to pursue independent development full-on to create FTL.
What I'm saying is - mixing the two games together as Balcony Cruise does, two games that are on the surface completely disconnected, yet feel ever so connected at the same time...feels all too right. And if we REALLY want to go the extra mile: a rip as solemn and atmospheric as this, feels truly befitting of Quote's journey in the King for Another Day tournament from the year prior. Losing before truly getting to do anything, outdone by the big dogs, yet providing an unforgettable experience and giving us incredible arrangements like Lifelike Waterway. Months after the tournament finally ended, after so many SiIvaGunner viewers had grown yet more attached to Quote, and many were reminded of just how impactful Cave Story in general was...Balcony Cruise feels like the perfect tribute to the game. And more Cave Story is never something I'm going to turn down.
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wheelscomedyandmore · 5 months
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Happy Birthday to Ann-Margret who turns 83 today!
83-Year-Old Ann-Margret Refuses To Give Up Her Harley.
Ann-Margret has a long list of prestigious accolades, but she's just a biker at heart.
Photo: Ann-Margret cruising on a chopper in 1971
Ann-Margret Olsson (born April 28, 1941), credited as Ann-Margret, is a Swedish-American actress and singer. She has won five Golden Globe Awards and been nominated for two Academy Awards, two Grammy Awards, a Screen Actors Guild Award, and six Emmy Awards, winning in 2010 for a guest role in Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.
She is known for her roles in Pocketful of Miracles (1961), State Fair (1962), Bye Bye Birdie (1963), Viva Las Vegas (1964), The Cincinnati Kid (1965), Carnal Knowledge (1971), The Train Robbers (1973), Tommy (1975), Magic (1978), The Villain (1979), The Return of the Soldier (1982), Who Will Love My Children? (1983), 52 Pick-Up (1986), Newsies (1992), Grumpy Old Men (1993), Grumpier Old Men (1995), Any Given Sunday (1999), Taxi (2004), The Break-Up (2006) and Going in Style (2017).
Her singing and acting careers span seven decades, starting in 1961. Initially, she was billed as a female version of Elvis Presley. She has a sultry, vibrant contralto voice. She had a Top 20 hit song in 1961 and a charting album in 1964, and she scored a disco hit in 1979. She recorded a critically acclaimed gospel album in 2001 and an album of Christmas songs in 2004. In April 2023, she released her first rock album, Born to be Wild.
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disturbnot · 11 months
is it a coincidence that your ash was created on halloween? :0
yes, TOTAL coincidence! i was 17 and could have been out goofing around with friends, but for some reason i stayed home and just dicked around on gaiaonline, cruising through barton town for a new rp group to dabble in. there was this one multi-fandom group i wanted to join, and though i had written canons from other franchises, for some reason i wanted to pick up ash as a new muse and give him a spin that day. and then he just ... never left! a curious notion about what it would really be like for ash to grow up alongside me spiralled and spiralled and spiralled, and now we're here, neck deep in his completely fabricated extended universe, just as neck deep in love for all of the blessings and all the wonderful friends he has brought me. i was never much of a halloween girlie anyway. viva le ketchum.
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This day in history
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The Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers’ Workshop summer fundraiser is almost over! I am an alum, instructor and volunteer board member for this nonprofit workshop whose alums include Octavia Butler, Kim Stanley Robinson, Bruce Sterling, Nalo Hopkinson, Kameron Hurley, Nnedi Okorafor, Lucius Shepard, and Ted Chiang! Your donations will help us subsidize tuition for students, making Clarion — and sf/f — more accessible for all kinds of writers.
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Libro.fm is the indie-bookstore-friendly, DRM-free audiobook alternative to Audible, the Amazon-owned monopolist that locks every book you buy to Amazon forever. When you buy a book on Libro, they share some of the purchase price with a local indie bookstore of your choosing (Libro is the best partner I have in selling my own DRM-free audiobooks!). As of today, Libro is even better, because it’s available in five new territories and currencies: Canada, the UK, the EU, Australia and New Zealand!
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alderaanplacesss · 2 years
On one hand, I am so excited this show is so immensely expanding. Like, holy shit.
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poshfind · 3 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vera Bradley Quick Draw Bucket Bag in Retired Pink Multi Viva la Vera Print.
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kreuzfahrttester · 2 years
VIVA Cruises tauft Neubau VIVA TWO am 23. März 2023 in Düsseldorf
VIVA Cruises tauft Neubau VIVA TWO am 23. März 2023 in Düsseldorf
VIVA Cruises expandiert in 2023: Seit Frühling 2022 ist bereits der erste Neubau VIVA ONE des Flussreiseveranstalters unterwegs – nun steht für das Unternehmen aus Düsseldorf ein weiterer bedeutender Meilenstein bevor. Am 23. März 2023 wird das zweite exklusiv für VIVA Cruises gebaute Schiff, die VIVA TWO, im Heimathafen Düsseldorf getauft und startet am 1. April zur Jungfernfahrt von Frankfurt…
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Showcasing Innovation: Discover Hycross Toyota Showroom in Bangalore - Viva Toyota
Introduction to Viva Toyota Showroom
In the bustling city of Bangalore, Viva Toyota stands as a beacon of automotive excellence and customer satisfaction. As the premier Toyota showroom in Bangalore, Viva Toyota offers an unmatched experience for those seeking the reliability, innovation, and luxury that Toyota is renowned for. This article explores the exceptional offerings and services at Viva Toyota, highlighting why it is the foremost destination for Toyota enthusiasts in Bangalore.
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Expert Consultation and Personalized Assistance
At Viva Toyota, customer satisfaction is paramount. Our team of experienced consultants provides personalized assistance, helping you navigate through the extensive range of Toyota models to find the perfect match for your needs. Whether you are exploring the innovative Innova Hycross or the rugged Fortuner, our experts are here to provide detailed insights and recommendations.
Comprehensive After-Sales Support
Owning a Toyota is a rewarding experience, and Viva Toyota ensures that this experience remains exceptional throughout the vehicle’s life. Our state-of-the-art service center, staffed by certified technicians, is equipped with the latest diagnostic tools and technology. We offer regular maintenance, genuine Toyota parts, and a commitment to keeping your vehicle in top condition.
Flexible Financing and Insurance Solutions
Understanding the financial aspects of purchasing a car can be complex. At Viva Toyota, we offer tailored financing solutions to suit your budget and preferences. Our partnerships with leading financial institutions ensure competitive rates and flexible repayment options. Additionally, we provide comprehensive insurance packages that offer peace of mind and protection for your investment.
Why Choose Viva Toyota in Bangalore?
Prime Location and Luxurious Facilities
Conveniently located in Bangalore, Viva Toyota offers a luxurious and welcoming environment where you can explore our range of Toyota vehicles at your leisure. Our showroom is designed to provide a premium experience, with comfortable lounges, interactive displays, and a dedicated area for test drives.
Commitment to Sustainability
Viva Toyota is dedicated to promoting sustainability and reducing environmental impact. Our showroom incorporates eco-friendly practices and features energy-efficient technologies. Toyota’s lineup of hybrid and low-emission vehicles, available at Viva Toyota, reflects our commitment to a greener future.
Community Engagement and Corporate Responsibility
We believe in giving back to the community. Viva Toyota actively participates in various social initiatives and programs aimed at improving the quality of life in Bangalore. Our corporate responsibility efforts focus on education, healthcare, and environmental conservation, aligning with our values of excellence and integrity.
Viva Toyota is more than just a showroom; it is a destination where automotive excellence, luxury, and customer-centric service converge. Whether you are drawn to the innovative Innova Hycross, the luxurious Camry, or the adventurous Fortuner, Viva Toyota offers a vehicle for every discerning customer. Our commitment to quality, sustainability, and customer satisfaction makes us the premier choice for Toyota enthusiasts in Bangalore.
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angelandgypsy · 25 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: CHANEL RARE Limited Edition 17C Viva Coco Cuba CC Cruise T-Shirt Size Medium.
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influencermagazineuk · 3 months
Coldplay Shines at Glastonbury with Unforgettable Fifth Headline Set
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Coldplay made history at Glastonbury Festival by becoming the first band to headline the event five times. Their performance, featuring hits like "Higher Power," "Clocks," "Viva La Vida," "The Scientist," and "My Universe," was a memorable experience for the vast, enthusiastic audience. Chris Martin and his bandmates delivered a spectacular show that felt like a homecoming for many in the crowd, some of whom had seen them perform at Glastonbury before. Despite having their critics, Coldplay proved once again why they are a perfect fit for the festival's main stage. Arnie Papp, CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons Among the notable attendees was Glastonbury founder Michael Eavis, who watched from the side of the stage. Coldplay's set included a special appearance by rapper Little Simz, adding to the night’s excitement. The highlight of the evening was the unexpected appearance of Hollywood icon Michael J. Fox, who joined the band on guitar for an emotional rendition of "Fix You." The performance left even the toughest audience members moved. Backstage, Tom Cruise was spotted enjoying the show as fireworks illuminated the sky. As is tradition, Coldplay distributed their signature LED wristbands to the audience, creating a stunning light display that accompanied the band's journey through their extensive catalogue, starting with "Yellow." Earlier in the day, Kasabian delivered a surprise set that drew a massive crowd, while The Streets' Mike Skinner entertained fans with a lively performance. Friday night headliner Dua Lipa was also seen enjoying the festival. Saturday night, however, belonged to Coldplay. This marked their first Pyramid Stage headline appearance since 2016, cementing their place in Glastonbury history as they surpassed The Cure’s record of four headline performances. Despite facing ongoing criticism about their music and headliner status, Coldplay’s answer to their detractors was clear: those who don’t enjoy their music are free to choose other acts. For the thousands who gathered at Worthy Farm, however, Coldplay's performance was nothing short of magical. Read the full article
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der-kreuzfahrttester · 3 months
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chasenews · 4 months
VIVA Cruises Will Offer Some 'Winter Magic' on the Seine on VIVA GLORIA This Winter
European river cruise specialist, VIVA Cruises, is launching new cruises along the Seine in November and December 2024, with excursions to the famous Palace of Versailles and opulent Château de Chantilly. With seven cruises in total, VIVA Cruises will be offering the most exciting itineraries on the Seine throughout the festive period. The new Seine cruises will include six-day Advent cruises, a…
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