kokokumaduy · 2 years
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Pretty good for a 24 March event at the Luxuo Asia Awards 2022 held at the @maihousesaigon with @luxuo @luxuovietnam @rosettemedia #rosettemedia in attendance and meeting loads of new pals including Maria, Thy, Kim Anh, Khiem along with event regulars Arnold, Emily and Cuong #fantastic #VNEvent . . . . #love #instagood #fashion #beautiful #happy #art #photography #style #travel #life #cute #hiso #luxury #lifestyle #VNLifestyle #like4like #photooftheday #picoftheday #instamood (at Mai House Saigon Hotel) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbhhLO_PcHA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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vieuxnoyesrp · 6 years
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With every season’s turn the cycles of life give and take away from the citizens of New Orleans. But with all of grief and pain, now and then we must find time to celebrate life! 
                  It is in this spirit, that we wish the greatest of                                       congratulations to the Class of 2018!
In order to honour the younger members of our cast and the milestones most teenagers experience in America, we will be hosting a high school and college graduation event. All characters are welcome to attend, as both events are public knowledge.
Participation in this event is optional, but highly encouraged for those who are graduating and/or the friends and family of these characters. Starters and threads set at St. Aloysius and/or Tulane related to either graduation are also encouraged. There is no time-limit on the initiation or completion of these threads, and we leave it up to the freedom of individual players to decide whether or not to get involved and in what capacity. Please tag any graduation-specific starters and threads with ‘VNGraduation’ to distinguish them on the dash. We will be upwards-aging all the high-school and college-aged kids to reflect the fact that it’s been a little over two years since their introduction to this roleplay. We will also be updating their bios to reflect where they are now with respect to pursuing their education (if that is a choice your character has made). We ask that members please contact us with the relevant information regarding their school or work choices post-graduation, so that we can update the bios accordingly. 
Congratulations to our teens! We hope everyone can make use of and enjoy this writing opportunity!
~ The Admins @ VN
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the-noble-mikaelson · 6 years
The Monster You Made || VNFallen
The darkness was immediate and all-enveloping. Elijah Mikaelson’s last moment among the living was startlingly unclear—one second he stood with his family, with Davina Claire in Lafayette Cemetery and then he was ripped from them, lost. Gone were the mouldering tombstones, the faltering wrought iron lights, the lustrous paragon diamond. His unrivalled senses were muted. He could no longer see, hear or feel anything. 
Faintly, the whisper of a question flittered through his mind. Was this paralysing anaesthesia a side affect of true death? No, he remembered, he was an Original. He could not be slain. Confusion and fear stained this assertion with uncertainty. In over a thousand years, he’d never experienced such desolate solitude. Slowly, then all at once, time withered. There was no unit with which to measure its passing. It could have been seconds, hours or weeks before a distant voice pierced his oblivion…
Lo, there do I see my father. Lo, there do I see my mother, Your sister and your brother.
Elijah yearned to reach into the unknown, to locate its source as the words danced circles in his skull. Father, mother, sister, brother. Father, mother, sister, brother. Again and again until the verse continued.
Lo, they do call to me, They bid me to take my place among them. Where the brave shall live forever.
With each passing syllable louder than the next, his heart beat faster until the sound of blood rushing through his ancient veins became devastating. It couldn’t be…
Where thine enemies have been vanquished. We shall not mourn, but rejoice -
Elijah gasped violently as the darkness unfurled its claws. Splintering floorboards scraped against his cheek as he forced the end of the prayer that woke him past gritted teeth, “For those who have died the glorious death.” As his eyes struggled to open and his limbs, leaden from sleep, pushed upward, memories of the Norse scripture flooded back. Composed by Mikael after his first born was taken by disease, the passages were later appropriated by his wife to honour both her lost children. The vampire hadn’t heard it uttered in a millennia. 
“Mother?” He rasped, while his vision rapidly adjusted to their dilapidated surroundings. They were in an apocalyptic version of his drawing room at the Compound… another false reality.
“Don’t look so startled Elijah, it doesn’t become you.” The formidable matriarch waved dismissively, “Besides, we don’t have time for trivialities. You must listen.” 
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Straightening his suit lapel, Elijah stalked forward until he was mere inches from her. “Release me.” Both carefully articulated words threatened retribution should she deny him. Whatever magic it was that had rendered him unconscious, his siblings were in danger if they too were apart from their bodies. 
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“For centuries, I’ve been forced to watch you.” Esther rebutted, matching his ire as she stepped forward. “Felt the pain of every victim, suffered while you shed blood. Even you, Elijah, with your claim to nobility, you’re no better. There is a storm coming, dear son. An unrest to rival all others.” Sighing, she continued, “I wholeheartedly believe that one day, you will recompense for your sins, but tonight you must end one more life to save your own.”
When her words sunk in, the room began to shudder. Priceless vases rattled and smashed to the wood below, books snapped their spines as they tumbled, a gilded mirror shattered, fracturing its scene to a million pieces. “Davina Claire WILL be sacrificed!” The witch yelled, grasping her son’s forearms. “The power she stole is too great. No longer will it exist in harmony with our family’s. Heed my warning, or you will all perish.”
Please Elijah!
Before he could refute, the walls gave one last heaving sigh. Glass exploded as the magical plane they inhabited began to disintegrate. In slow motion, tiny slivers shredded his flesh. Blood bubbled to the air like water droplets in deep space. Father, mother, sister, brother. Father, mother…
Coughing, the Original's hands clawed into the clay earth of the Claire crypt. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, he was still. A candle’s flame reflected sickly off the sweat beading on his skin. He truly wished not to, but he believed the woman in his vision. If this experiment didn’t work, if the diamond proved to be nothing but a souvenir, Davina Claire would have to die at the hands of the French Quarter Coven. Always and forever depended on it.
Relevant to: @littlestxwitch @niklaus-no-mans-son @bexmikaclson @marcelxthexking @bigmikaelsonsister
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How Blood and Water Mix ||  VN Fallen
@bexmikaclson @the-noble-mikaelson @littlestxwitch @marcelxthexking
Will I grow weary of the sun, remembering what I have done with old mythologies?
How was it that he had been relegated to the role of voice of reason? In his thousand years, he couldn’t remember ever being looked to as the paragon of restraint or levelheadness. Honestly, not a once. And yet here he was. 
“Bekah, love, you’ve had scores of truly dreadful ideas over the years, but honestly you’ve outdone yourself this time. Really. I’m actually impressed.” The words were whispered because they stood just outside the gate to Lafayette Cemetery, and while witches didn’t have the same talent for eavesdropping as wolves or vampires, he had no intentions of announcing their presence. Perhaps this Paragon Diamond would work, perhaps his blood would be a powerful enough channel to carry this through, but what he didn’t understand was why it all had to happen in the same bloody place it had started. It was just poetic enough be exactly what a witch had planned. 
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“The minute we pass that gate we are on their territory. We are supposed to be p r o t e c t i n g her. Not delivering her on a silver platter.” The ‘her’ in question was in a bad way, and Klaus felt the weight of his promise suffocate him with every passing minute. The truth was, he didn’t know what would save Davina. He didn’t know if this would work, and if it did, would it work in time?
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animacruciari · 6 years
Dead Like Me
It didn’t take Derek long to find her after the howl sounded through the wind. Stiles’ text providing the location confirmed his direction, that he was following the right path. Hayley never left his side, tracking his sister with him as if she were part of her own pack. When they arrived at the mansion he shuddered, the sight of its exterior enough to make his skin crawl. “You go in, I’ll case the outside...” Hayley’s words were low, audible only to his ears. He gave a single nod in response, glancing at her one last time before heading inside...
Walking through the rooms, his desperation growing by the minute. She was close, he could sense her...if only he could find her. The further he went, the more empty rooms he found until finally, he caught a different scent. One all too familiar to him. Rounding a corner he saw her, a brunette of a different kind. “Jennifer? What are you doing here?” Confusion furrowed his brow as he approached, had she lost someone too? “Have you seen Cora?”
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littlestxwitch-blog · 6 years
。・゚゚* i can see the glowing lights❞
Something wasn’t right – she wasn’t doing this. The young witch had hardly gotten through reminding herself of what the chant for the archaic spell was.
Kneeling down the brunette tapped his shoulder once, twice, before she froze. Despite knowing better, and ignoring the gut feeling that wouldn’t just go away, Davina had started to hope that maybe there was another way. But that had been naïve, maybe just as naïve as she had been the night when she had expected the Elders to slice her friends’ hands and put them to sleep.
Her lips pulled into an unamused smile as her arms wrapped tightly around her body. 
Time was up.
Staring at the scene that laid in front of her, the pain that lingered in every muscle, every joint was harder to ignore as she fought to keep the magic inside of her from tearing the city apart. Sucking in a shaky breath the witch stood, leaving the unconscious Original to find the others and see what had happened to them.
Maybe the Ancestors were interfering. Lafayette Cemetery was their strongest source of power here, and as she found the other siblings similarly affected, it was the only thing that made sense. Even with the power she currently had, Davina wasn’t sure if she would have been able to take on all three at once.
Did it even matter?
It was only when her eyes found him that she remembered he was there. Of course, he was there.  And as her vision temporarily blurred she quickly made her way next to him, her arms wrapping around the vampire as tightly as she could manage.
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Pulling away after a few moments, Davina looked up at him and a blew out a breath. “Marcel, it’s okay.”
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felledpsychic-blog · 6 years
Sting at Lalaurie Mansion | A x J
He knew it was the right decision, Cami leaving. She needed to get the hell out of dodge, especially given how deep her tail spin had become of late…he just didn’t expect to feel like this about it. Alaric had been fingering a torn shirt from Jennifer’s, left behind the other night, thinking about seeing her again to bury the pain he felt deep inside when it hit him. A vision unlike any he’d felt before, darker and more powerful that most. 
The vision was set in Lalaurie Mansion, and the power emanating from there was tied to the Virgin Sacrifices, something about that place was important. On a hunch, he headed over...Several minutes later, his car pulled up just as a group of teenagers left the building. The detective grabbed his handgun from the glove box and on a whim, the cuffs he’d nicked from Cami, too. He spotted Stiles and Lydia amongst the group as he exited the vehicle… “Get them the hell out of here.” He called out to Stiles, knowing the kid would look after them as he darted inside…
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Text: Cora ✉ Derek
Cora: Have a nice night.
---A couple of minutes later--
Cora: What the hell possessed you to go Derek?
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haylefire · 7 years
tough girl - i’m in pain ( self para)
WHO: Hayley Marshall & Stefan Salvatore ( @savior-salvatore ) WHAT/WHEN: Aftermath of the earthquake WHERE: The Bayou
There’s this saying that every one hears at some point in their life that bends their mind to philosophy over physicality in regards to the knowledge of reality - 
“If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”
To Hayley, she could attest, that without a doubt, a falling tree made a crackling sound as it splintered down to its roots. That a quake like the one wreaking havoc on the city’s epicenter could radiate out into the Bayou, and could shake the tallest spruce, the meatiest base, and send it tumbling haphazardly cutting through the air like a saw blade.
She heard the branch before it fell, a small click of a break, before it hit her skull on impact. Splitting a wound on her head between her brow and her hair line, Hayley felt the warmth as blood trickled down her face.
Perfect, she thought. Coming to the Bayou, with a newly acquired vampire friend, to help her pack and getting injured in the process was simply the icing on the cake of a shit day. “Just another day in paradise,” she muttered sardonically with a glimpse over her shoulder Stefan’s way.
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As the blood continued to spill, harnessing the power of her sense of smell to the forefront, it nearly eclipsed her sense of sound as the final synapse of the trees’ roots snapped far below the Earth’s surface. The tree barreling down in an instant, with a surefire shot right into its intended target - HER. She couldn’t pull her eyes away, her sour mood now turning to purely ignited fear and reaction. She couldn’t flash forward in wolf form fast enough to escape.
There was no out for her, but there was for Stefan.
For in an instant her hand, with all her supernatural force of strength, had pushed him out of the way - his body barreling across the Bayou, to what she hoped was safer air space than her current line of site. 
The same could be said for a tarnished body lying broken and bloody in the brush, lost in a world of unconscious disbelief and utter unknowing pain. The sounds of bones cracking were much like the splintering of a tree - roots ripped from the Earth, sinew cut from bone.
Crushed under the weight of said fallen tree, would anyone hear the girls’ screams in a Bayou that tended to echo the sound?
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bennettwicca-blog · 7 years
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   -- BONNIE FELT there were way too many eyes on her as she stepped into Rousseau’s. She had barely fit through the door, her holdalls and the large backpack strapped to her frame making her seem far more wider than usual, but not any taller. Even so the witch kept her head high and sat down unceremoniously down at one empty table. Ordering a drink instantly, she set all her belongings down behind her and rubbed tiredly at her eyes with the palms of her hands. She didn’t think anyone would actually approach her, until she heard the seat across from her being dragged out and sat down on. 
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vieuxnoyesrp · 6 years
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Magic hums throughout the city with all the incandescent beauty of a winter's snow and all the devastating potential of a nuclear bomb. The dead have come to claim what's theirs. New Orleans is a city on the brink, and when daylight comes, you may be surprised to see how few are left standing. 
                                        ⚜  ~ T H E   F A L L E N ~ ⚜
Beneath the cut, you’ll find an extensive summary of the character-specific plot drops that will occur during our event.
Please note that while we have laid out this guide, we are open to making changes and taking suggestions if anything doesn’t sit well with a player. It is up to the individual roleplayers to decide when and how to start these threads. In order to do so effectively, please makes sure to read or at least skim each other’s threads on the dash, so as to make sure your character jumps in at the right time (in the case of a three-way para, for example) and doesn’t interrupt the flow/chronological order that is roughly set out in the summary below. Also, please read ALL of the developments under the cut; not just the section that pertains to your character. This is especially important for this event.
This is the last stage of this event. Open/casual starters are permitted aside from the plot-threads listed below, though please manage your time accordingly so that the plot-threads are completed by the end of the event. Note that not every character got a role in this event. We tried to fit in at least one of each roleplayers’ characters, but it wasn’t possible to fit everyone (for those roleplayers with multiple roles). If you see an opening for an additional character, you are welcome to propose it to us so they can be included, but remember, activity is doubly important in a coordinated event, and no one will be penalized for prioritizing event-related characters.
Please tag your starters with VNFallen and VNStarter! If you have any questions, ideas, or concerns, please do not hesitate to message the Main! We know there is a lot going on and a lot left vague, but we are here to help!
Most of all, remember to be inclusive to as many people as possible (without biting off more than you can chew), get creative, and enjoy!
~ The Admin Team @ VN
Jennifer Blake's powers seem to have gone to her head, literally, and she has wasted precious time gloating when she should have been finishing the ritual she had come for. Allison Argent, Cora Hale, and Lydia Martin are a bit worse for wear, but still alive, and luckily for them, their team of rescuers is hot on their trail. Derek Hale arrives first, and throws everything he has at the witch who would put his family in chains once more. It's a battle for the ages, and as he distracts Jennifer, the girls frantically try to escape their bindings. Lydia Martin has a vision the moment he enters the room, and begins to thrash, though she cannot speak with the duct tape over her mouth. Malia Tate and Tyler Lockwood find them shortly after and help the girls to freedom, but not before Jennifer exacts lethal revenge for the interruption. Derek is killed in the battle, and it is enough of a sacrifice to count for Jennifer's plans. Martyr, traitor, one is as good as the next. But the power she absorbs is too much for even her to handle, and the personalities inside her begin to dramatically destabilize. 
Unable to console Cora, or get her to leave her brother's body, Tyler calls Hayley Marshall, who was already on her way to the scene, having felt something ripple inside her the moment Derek was killed. It's only with support from Malia and Tyler that the two women eventually find the strength to leave.
Allison has helped Lydia to get upright, and down to the street, where Stiles Stilinski finds them. Lydia has another vision before losing consciousness, and she and Allison are both rushed to the hospital. 
After an alarming vision that he simply can't believe, Alaric Saltzman makes his way to the Lalaurie Mansion as well, stumbling in as it spits out all its victims. He finds Jennifer inside, raving mad, and losing control of her magic. Luckily for him, he came prepared. While helping Camille O’Connell pack for her departure from the city that brought her so much pain, he came across a box marked as belonging to her late twin brother. The instant he touched it, he knew the box carried more than nostalgic mementos. Unable to help himself, Alaric took the pair of powerful shackles he found nestled among dusty sweaters and knick-knacks. He knew exactly what they were. Back in the present, they’ve come in handy much too soon, as he confronts the witch responsible for the murders, the same one who spent the last few months warming his bed. He manages to apprehend Jennifer, voiding her magic with the shackles and ultimately ushering her towards the Mansion’s exit. He looks away for barely a second to get his car open for one psychotic witch, when suddenly she’s gone, leaving only the shackles in her wake. Unbeknownst to Alaric, it’s her most-hated sister, Mary Sibley, that she has to thank for the timely delivery - and Jennifer hates it.
Jennifer isn’t the only wayward sister Mary has had the onerous chore of dealing with tonight. She’s also managed to successfully co-opt Freya Mikaelson's attempt to contact her missing brothers. The spell has found Elijah, Rebekah, and Klaus Mikaelson instead, knocking them unconscious into their individual dreamscapes. Each sibling stands at a separate metaphorical proximity to the spell: On one end, the spell caster - the forgotten sister, Freya. At the other, the two brothers the spell couldn’t quite reach. As a result, each sibling finds themselves with a different conversational partner. Elijah comes face-to-face with a woman he hasn't seen in a millennium: his mother, Esther, the one closest to Finn. She warns him of what will happen if Davina is not sacrificed, and how it will spell the end of the Mikaelson family forever. Klaus finds himself caught between both ends, back at the beginning of it all; in the woods with his little brother, Henrik. The young boy speaks about the dangers of making promises to children who trust him to keep his word, but soon learn better. Rebekah, however, stands at the opposite side of the spectrum, perhaps from a thousand years of loneliness. She meets someone she's never met before; Freya has succeeded in contacting one sibling directly, but it's not any of her brothers. 
As the Mikaelsons lay unconscious in the cemetery, Davina Claire approaches Marcel Gerard with the truth she's been hiding all this time: she knows she won’t survive this, and he needs to let her go. Marcel refuses to believe that's true and tries to convince her otherwise, but he is running out of time. Sophie Deveraux finds them then, followed by Frederick Egrid and Isaac Lahey, as well as Damon Salvatore, carrying an unconscious Mercy Lewis. Sophie is not taking any chances this time. Isaac's throat is slit first, as it should've been so many months ago, followed by Mercy and last of all, Davina. But for all her conviction, Sophie is once again left as the one who’s gambled and lost the most by the time the ritual is complete, because it results in... Nothing. Rather than strengthen New Orleans’ connection to the ancestors and revive all six of the Harvest Children - including her niece, Monique - the last of the city’s magic flickers out like a candle in the night. 
Damon doesn’t give a damn, however. What he cares about is finding Stefan. But when he does, gagged and bound with vervain chains in a mausoleum, he finds his brother weakened and raving about a vision from The Beyond. Stefan Salvatore has had a bone-chilling encounter with his deceased best friend, Lexi Branson, who has taxed him with one very simple mission — purge the Crescent City of its Salem influence, and she will be able to return. Damon is as suspicious as Stefan is determined; after-all, what does a dead vampire care about a foreign witch coven impinging on New Orleans?... Unless it isn’t Lexi, unless it isn’t Lexi at all.
Quentin Herrera arrives too late to save Isaac, but just in time to catch Egrid as he leaves the cemetery in defeat, unfortunately for the ambitious witch. A few meters below the streets of New Orleans, Christopher Argent has managed to free his sister, Kate Argent, but they’ve yet to escape Marcel’s garden. What should’ve been an quick in-and-out rescue mission becomes something else entirely. One Argent will make it to the surface, but which one will it be? The fate of New Orleans may hang in the answer. 
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Your Mouth Is Poison || VNFallen
A thematic continuation of this thread.
‘I’ll make it as easy on you as possible.’
It was the last thing he heard before the white noise of crackling took over. His breath caught, the crackling, inside—
It was as though someone had commandeered his veins, turned them into pressurized valves, steam shooting through him, electricity, everything
        c r a c k l i n g,      he was fracturing, each vein ripping down the middle, he was nothing but steam, nothing but air. 
He could hear Davina, her words, just don’t let go, and gripped the diamond until he thought it would shatter, just like him. It was working, it had to be working, and then—
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He was beginning to hate this damn glade. 
He groaned, and rolled onto his stomach. There was no lasting damage, at least not to his subconscious, though perhaps he wasn’t in a position to judge, seeing as he was lounging in the results of the combined efforts of his own personal trauma and the well-meant but imminently ill-fated designs of Davina Claire. Ah, well. Best to just wait it out. 
With no way of knowing how long he would be consigned to this purgatory, he lay down and stared up at the clouds. Magic didn’t obey the laws of time, it would seem. It should’ve been night. 
“You were never here at night.”
Even with the nightmare of a few months ago, his youngest brother’s voice was still enough to tighten his throat. 
And there he sat, just across the clearing, leaning against the tree. His appearance was even more gut wrenching, blood still flowing down his chest from the wound in his jugular, where a wolf tore through his neck, slashed claws across his chest. Klaus had done that, had caused all this. “Henrik—” He began as he pushed into a seated position, the sound just a scrape at the back of his throat. But any words that he might have uttered were silenced by the way Henrik looked at him. Patient, and wise, older than he ever got the chance to be. And so, so disappointed. 
“It has to be daytime, because you never saw it during the night. We weren’t allowed out at night. Too dangerous, you’ll remember,” he added, with a small, wry grin, and a gesture to his neck. A wave of revulsion, self-disgust, rolled through him. 
“I’m sorry, Henrik—”
“It doesn’t matter,” he answered with a shrug. The boy seemed to catch the pain he was broadcasting on his face. “I don’t say it to be cruel. It just... It doesn’t matter anymore. It’s not like you can change it right?” 
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Because out of everything they had managed to do, the horrors they wrought, the hexes and curses they hurled without discrimination, of course witches wouldn’t try to turn back time. Not even if it meant erasing someone like him from existence. Because if he could just go back. Do it all again. Henrik would’ve lived, he would’ve grown. His mother, his father, they never would’ve done the things they’d done, there would be no Original family. They would’ve died, like they were meant to have. Perhaps Niklaus would’ve been buried next to his brother, beneath the white oak tree he had come to despise. 
“Your choices have consequences, Niklaus. Your own past should’ve taught you that by now, surely. And yet—” He paused, shaking his head, that same wry grin on his lips. Niklaus wasn’t fooled into thinking his youngest brother was at all amused. “You still make these promises, Nik. You see a child and think you can just promise them the world, but you can’t. The most you have to give a child is the gift of leaving us alone.”
Niklaus sat, stricken. He couldn’t even begin to think how to respond. Of all the things Henrik had to hold against him... he would never have thought—
His chest hurt, as though his emotions had infiltrated his lungs, or perhaps really did reside in his heart. It certainly wasn’t working at the moment. “Henrik, please—”
“No. Just, for once,  l i s t e n. You promised me, you’d keep me safe. You promised I had nothing to fear. You   l i e d.  You lied to her, too, didn’t you? The witch girl. Davina. You promised you’d keep her safe, you’d fix her. Why? Why do you keep lying, Nik?” The worst was, Henrik wasn’t even angry. He just looked tired, like he knew he was going to be disappointed, and still hoped anyway. A new, even more horrifying thought occurred to him: what if his youngest brother, just a child, had been watching all these years? Had seen all the terrible things he had done?
“Of course I have. Just because you all left me, doesn’t mean I left you. Always and forever, right brother?” 
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“You can’t save Davina, Nik,” Henrik said after minutes of agonized silence had passed. Henrik had once looked at him with stars in his eyes, like Niklaus was the hero he want to grow up to be. There were no stars, now. “You can’t save her, and I think the worst part is, you knew it all along. You know what you’ve got to do now.” It was true, he did. He had trouble swallowing it, though, it and the role he had played in it. 
“I’m sorry, too, you know,” his little brother said eventually. “But... my sorry doesn’t matter either. I can’t change anything, not anymore. You can’t change this either. Goodbye, big brother.”
He blinked, and the glade was gone, as was his brother, gone from Niklaus before he even had a chance to say goodbye, just as before. It seemed Henrik would always be taken from him before he was ready. Perhaps that was the problem, Klaus would never be ready for that. 
The dusty mausoleum rose up around him, the candles guttered, Davina gone. The diamond he was supposed to hang onto lay on the ground, as though it had fell out of his hand and rolled a few inches away. Even in that one small thing, he had failed. 
Something had gone terribly wrong. 
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animacruciari · 6 years
I’ve got a bad feeling about this.
Something wasn’t right. He knew it from the minute he awoke that morning. Glancing over at Hayley, he expected to see her still sleeping, lost in the world of dreams. She wasn’t. Eyes wide open, biting her lower lip the way she always had when she was nervous or worried. His hand reached his chest, rubbing circles as if the action could remove that sinking sensation. Something wasn’t right. Kicking the covers off, he was dressed and ready in minutes. Hayley wasn’t far behind him, tugging on a shirt and zipping her jeans. “I’ve got to-” she cut him off with a kiss, the grim look he was sporting mirrored on her face. “I know, I do too. Go.” She replied gently...
He went searching through the loft as Hayley slipped out, presumably to find her pack. He hoped to find Cora in her bed but the covers were a mess and she was nowhere to be found. Abandoning his internal search, he headed out the door, towards the Bayou...hoping against hope he’d run into someone, anyone, who had come across her that morning. Maybe stiles knew where she was, yeah, he’d try there first...Something wasn’t right.
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mcrtinlydia-blog · 6 years
Lit Fires Under Our Feet | VNFallen
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Flashes burst through her mind like fireworks, and disappear just as quickly, leaving behind smokey imprints on the midnight black of her eyelids. Each image another possibility for how Derek, this man who she’s never even seen before, but knows so much about, how he will die. As the seconds tick by, the images seem to loop, coming back to one image, solidifying as it approached, she realizes. There’s nothing she can do, she can’t—
As if fixating on the concept, the flashes begin to show in the background how she and Allison can get out. Each is different, but in every scenario, possible, and she realizes that Derek’s is the only death she can see. No one else is going to die here, and the relief that washes over her can’t even be drowned by guilt. Cora’s brother is going to die, she should feel more about that, but she can’t. Because they’re going to 
She begins to struggle, bending her knees toward her chest, even as the stab wound still bleeds sluggishly. She whimpers, but the sound is lost amidst Derek’s growling—werewolf, she realizes, like his sister— and tries to find the seam of the duct tape around her ankles. She quickly gives up and brings her wrists to her teeth, managing a small tear, at least. Thinking of Allison, she makes eye contact, hoping she has some Katniss Everdeen plan up her sleeve. This is their chance, they have to get out.
@silverargentvalkyrie @maliasinstnct @ty-lockwood
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felledpsychic-blog · 7 years
The Inferno | Open
A panicked Ric raced towards the venue of the Jazz Concert. It wasn’t far from the bar, so he left the car and beat feet, instead. Something was going down, he had no idea what but it had to be there and it had to be tonight. but what if it hadn’t happened yet?...how was he going to explain it? “Sorry man, you’ve gotta let me in without an invite because I’ve got a bad feeling about this” Fucking great. It didn’t matter, though, he’d figure it out. All he knew was he had to get there. 
Thank God for his regular training, because he made short work of what would otherwise be a mediocre run and when he burst through the front doors, he knew something wasn’t right. The air around the building was buzzing with so much psychic energy, it felt electric on his skin. Finding the door was short work, and he took towards it with a running start...only to be thrown backwards by an invisible barrier. “What the-” His gaze cast frantically around, looking for anyone he knew. Maybe Chris or John, was he here? Was Evelyn? Oh God, the baby...His eyes kept darting until he turned and bumped straight into someone...
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Cora:Derek Get out of there NOW!
Cora: There's mountain ash on the exits, you have to try and find a way out!
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