absurdlyalive · 9 months
I really appreciate the ingenious way that shingles happens, as in, the process of it. The VZ virus just lies dormant in your neurons until you're immunocompromised and stressed enough, then it reactivates and causes these symptoms, starts multiplying again and spreads. That is kind of cool.
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phonemantra-blog · 11 months
Herpes Virus: A Comprehensive Guide Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the herpes virus. In this article, we will delve into the various aspects of the herpes virus, its types, symptoms, transmission, and available treatments. Our aim is to provide you with detailed and accurate information to help you understand this common viral infection. Understanding the Herpes Virus The herpes virus is a highly contagious virus that infects humans. There are two main types of the herpes virus: herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2). HSV-1 is primarily associated with oral herpes, while HSV-2 is commonly linked to genital herpes. Both types can cause infections in either location. Symptoms of Herpes Virus Infection Herpes virus infections can vary in severity and presentation. Some individuals may experience mild symptoms or even be asymptomatic, while others may have more pronounced symptoms. Common symptoms of herpes virus infection include: Painful blisters or sores in the affected area Itching or tingling sensation prior to the outbreak Flu-like symptoms, such as fever and body aches Swollen lymph nodes Transmission of the Herpes Virus The herpes virus is primarily transmitted through direct contact with an infected individual. This can occur through various means, including: Oral-to-oral contact, such as kissing or sharing utensils Genital-to-genital contact during sexual activities Vertical transmission from mother to newborn during childbirth Indirect transmission through contaminated objects, such as towels or razors Treatment Options for Herpes Virus While there is no cure for herpes virus infections, there are treatment options available to manage the symptoms and reduce the frequency of outbreaks. These include: Antiviral medications: Prescription antiviral drugs can help shorten the duration of outbreaks and reduce the severity of symptoms. Topical creams: Over-the-counter creams can provide relief from pain and itching associated with herpes sores. Lifestyle modifications: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, managing stress levels, and avoiding triggers can help minimize the frequency of outbreaks. Prevention and Risk Reduction Preventing the transmission of the herpes virus is essential. Here are some measures you can take to reduce the risk: Practice safe sex: Using condoms or dental dams during sexual activities can reduce the risk of genital herpes transmission. Avoid contact during outbreaks: Refraining from any form of contact with the affected area during outbreaks can help prevent transmission. Good hygiene practices: Regularly washing hands and avoiding sharing personal items can minimize the risk of indirect transmission. [caption id="attachment_71451" align="aligncenter" width="1248"] herpes virus[/caption] In conclusion, the herpes virus is a common viral infection that can cause discomfort and distress. By understanding the different aspects of the herpes virus, its symptoms, transmission, and available treatments, you can take appropriate measures to manage the condition effectively. Remember, seeking medical advice from a healthcare professional is crucial for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plan. Stay informed, take necessary precautions, and prioritize your overall well-being. Frequently Asked Questions - Herpes Virus 1. What is the herpes virus? The herpes virus is a common viral infection that causes sores or blisters on the skin or mucous membranes. 2. How is the herpes virus transmitted? The herpes virus can be transmitted through direct contact with an infected person, such as kissing, sexual contact, or touching the sores. 3. What are the symptoms of a herpes virus infection? Symptoms may include painful sores, itching, tingling, or flu-like symptoms. However, some people may not experience any symptoms at all. 4. Is the herpes virus curable? There is no cure for the herpes virus, but antiviral medications can help manage and reduce the frequency and severity of outbreaks. 5. Can you get the herpes virus from sharing utensils or towels? It is possible to transmit the herpes virus through sharing utensils or towels, although the risk is relatively low compared to direct skin-to-skin contact. 6. Can you get the herpes virus from a toilet seat? No, the herpes virus cannot be transmitted through toilet seats or other inanimate objects. 7. Can you have a herpes virus infection without symptoms? Yes, many people with the herpes virus may be asymptomatic and not experience any visible symptoms. However, they can still transmit the virus to others. 8. Can the herpes virus be passed from a mother to her baby during childbirth? Yes, it is possible for a mother with an active herpes infection to pass the virus to her baby during vaginal delivery. This is called neonatal herpes. 9. How can I reduce the risk of contracting the herpes virus? Practicing safe sex, using condoms, and avoiding direct contact with active sores or blisters can help reduce the risk of contracting the herpes virus. 10. Can stress trigger herpes virus outbreaks? Yes, stress, along with other factors like a weakened immune system, can trigger herpes virus outbreaks in some individuals.
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drpedi07 · 1 year
Varicella-zoster virus is a member of the herpesviral family. The virus has icosahedral symmetry containing centrally located double-stranded DNA with a surrounding envelope.
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homeostasister · 1 year
When the author of the Necronomicon wrote “that is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange eons even death may die” he was actually talking about shingles.
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k-star-holic · 2 years
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Kim Young-chul My knees and back hurt VZV immune globulin, I have to be careful every year.
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astralarya · 9 months
If you are HSV positive (including having only "cold sores"), I highly recommend taking a daily antiviral. There is increasing evidence that HSV increases the risk of dementia or cognitive decline. However, antivirals seem to be protective against this outcome.
As an added bonus, you shed fewer viral particles and thus greatly lower the chance of infecting others—which can occur via casual contact like sharing food. Even when you are asymptomatic!
I've often found it surprising how few people are on an antiviral regimen given how common it is to be HSV positive (approximately 1 in 6 people age 14 to 49 in the US).
This 2021 review covers the evidence surrounding HSV's association with increased risk of dementia as well as "the apparent protective effects of treatment of HSV1 infection or of VZV infection with antivirals prior to the onset of dementia".
More recent study (2022) in the Korean population that shows increased incidence of dementia in individuals with HSV1.
Notable Nature paper (2021) which failed to find association with dementia. However, the authors still found an increase of "cognitive decline".
When the 2021 review says "overwhelming evidence", they mean it. There are many studies which have shown this association which I will not repost so check out their references if you are interested.
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saboblame · 1 year
@khannvaa o qədər ekonom qızdı ki wp dan belə mənə ancaq vzv atır😂
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fitflame · 1 year
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dallasgrant · 9 months
Empire Cast - Bad Girl (feat. Serayah McNeil and V. Bozeman) [Audio] January 20, 2015 at 02:00AM via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZV-mol6G1w
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kon-igi · 2 years
doc, in tre anni ho beccato l'herpes zostex e la cheratite, sarà il caso di vaccinarsi? (M/48 anni, no patologie) Però il vaccino per lo zostex non vale pure per gli herpes normali... o sì?
Il vaccino è una buona idea ma solo se sei un soggetto con riacutizzazione ricorrenti del VZV (Varicella-Zoster Virus) latente sui tuoi plessi nervosi da quando hai avuto la varicella infantile.
Purtroppo questo virus è di una famiglia differente dal HSV (Herpes Simplex Virus) di tipo 1 (labiale) e di tipo 2 (genitale) e quindi il vaccino è assolutamente inefficace.
Senti il tuo medico se ti reputa un soggetto a rischio di nevralgie post-herpetiche.
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writer59january13 · 14 days
I feel in führer rated and envious...
entrapped within webbed wide world
weft as a rump pulled stilts skein
at warp speed exhibiting my heroic trumpian wiles
cuz he (johnny come lately) a then exemplary hedonist, narcissist, and polygamist dons
comical, farcical, illogical, lunatical...
offal dolled up endearing guise,
when inconvenient truth broached
particularly determining paternity, no matter countless progeny sport windblown
swiftly tailored mimicked matted coiffure of mine
resembling hirsute trademark
of appalling though revered forty fifth president,
nevertheless harried hair styles in tandem with fabrications riles the madding crowd - myself included
into frenzied orgasmic state, no matter yours truly upholds voluntary penitential platonic marital modus operandi suddenly as one celibate sexagenarian absent physical intercourse intolerable as hemorrhoids or piles analogous to flat footed yardbird schlepping miles
joining the long line of exiles.
Vice president of United states gifted with maiden name Harris, whose surname same as mine
one I feel like a proud boy to profess,
cuz ma late polymath papa jack of all trades
self taught handyman skills as an A1 roofer who repaired and raised the entire roof from stem to stern
never contracted shingles, nor did his prodigal son - yours truly - me experience the bane of painful rash that can appear as a stripe of blisters that wraps around the side of the torso and caused by varicella-zoster virus (VZV), the same virus that causes chickenpox, hence Preparation H best over the counter ideal balm to ameliorate painful rectal itch
and thwart bummed out uneasiness,
enjoying consummated adultery
avoiding using uncomfortable prophylactics (prickly prohibited topic dejure) though riding bareback
doth severely aggravate, complicate, impregnate, and vitiate
surrogate domestic policy
putting a modern spin on Anna and the King of Siam
with intent to create aery vision of utopia,
where videre licet barenaked ladies essentially gamely frolic in the autumn mist fomenting one after another
to tease out rock ribbed ready erection
with premature ejaculation for excitation
Harum-scarum fidelity be damned
bordello supplants "city on a hill"
buzzfeeding playboy bunnies
with fourteen carrots to squire then politely escort each to their respective boudoir in a blatant, explicit effort to foster and grow caliphate at the expense of electorate qualm impossible mission to keep brood of squired earthlings in the balance portends especial ominous nightmare if Project 2025 implemented
also known as the 2025 Presidential Transition Project, constitutes a political initiative published by the Heritage Foundation that aims to promote conservative and right-wing policies to reshape the United States federal government and consolidate executive power if the Republican candidate garners majority of votes
making first day on the Somme feel like kindergarten tussle as anarchy rears up across United States of America pitting (olive him nonetheless) despicable unnamed despot wannabe
analogous courtesy unsettled Leviathan surfacing from the deep cyber sea
against cherished inalienable constitutional rights buoying
the land of the free and home of the brave renting the country asunder, with incendiary vitriolic rhetoric, which similar fate befell Vietnam thanks be partially to hydrogenated, and promulgated American foreign policy. as highlighted below to recaptcha wretched colonialism. The (shameful – my input) about United States' foreign policy in Vietnam was shaped by several factors, including the Domino Theory, the Vietnam War, and the legacy of the war: The Domino Theory The U.S. foreign policy after World War II was based on the idea that if one country fell to Communism, the surrounding countries would follow, like dominoes. The Vietnam War The U.S. supported South Vietnam against North Vietnam, and fought in the war directly. The U.S. trained and assisted South Vietnamese forces, and conducted ground operations, river and canal patrols, and more. The war was costly and divisive, with estimates of over 3 million Vietnamese deaths and around 58,318 American deaths. The legacy of the war After the war, the U.S. imposed a trade embargo on Vietnam and severed ties with the country. The U.S. believed that Vietnam had violated the Paris Peace Accords and had not accounted for American prisoners of war. The embargo lasted until 1994. Normalizing relations In the 1990s, President Bill Clinton began normalizing diplomatic relations with Vietnam. Today, the U.S. and Vietnam have a relationship that includes maritime security assistance, and partnerships between Vietnamese universities and U.S. higher education institutions.  The United States' foreign policy in Vietnam was shaped by several factors, including the Domino Theory, the Vietnam War, and the legacy of the war: The Domino Theory The U.S. foreign policy after World War II was based on the idea that if one country fell to Communism, the surrounding countries would follow, like dominoes. The Vietnam War The U.S. supported South Vietnam against North Vietnam, and fought in the war directly. The U.S. trained and assisted South Vietnamese forces, and conducted ground operations, river and canal patrols, and more. The war was costly and divisive, with estimates of over 3 million Vietnamese deaths and around 58,318 American deaths. The legacy of the war After the war, the U.S. imposed a trade embargo on Vietnam and severed ties with the country. The U.S. believed that Vietnam had violated the Paris Peace Accords and had not accounted for American prisoners of war. The embargo lasted until 1994. Normalizing relations In the 1990s, President Bill Clinton began normalizing diplomatic relations with Vietnam. Today, the U.S. and Vietnam have a relationship that includes maritime security assistance, and partnerships between Vietnamese universities and U.S. higher education institutions. Before concluding this poem, I wanna hammer home, and nail laughable personal misperception of suspecting that roofers specifically plagued with shingles constituted from the following materials. Asphalt: A traditional choice for homeowners, asphalt shingles made from a fiberglass or paper mat covered in tar and granules. Composite: These synthetic shingles made from a combination of materials, including recycled materials, slate, laminate, and wood. Wood: Wood shingles and shakes made from logs of trees like Western Red Cedar, Cypress, pine, or Redwood. Some pieces are treated with preservatives or fire retardants.
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fitnesswives · 30 days
Herpes Zoster Infection: Insights into Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options
Shingles, also known as Herpes Zoster, is a viral infection that can cause significant discomfort and complications. This condition arises when the varicella-zoster virus, the same virus responsible for chickenpox, reactivates later in life. While many are familiar with chickenpox, fewer people realize that the virus can remain dormant and potentially cause shingles, resulting in painful rashes and other severe symptoms.
The varicella-zoster virus reactivates to cause shingles, a condition marked by irritation, blisters filled with fluid, and red, irritated skin. The pain associated with shingles can be intense, especially for adults and the elderly. The infection can appear anywhere on the body, including the chest, abdomen, lower back, shoulders, and even the area around the head. In addition to muscle pain, shingles can also cause severe headaches and fever. The symptoms of shingles typically last for up to two weeks before the blisters begin to heal.
This article delves into the details of Herpes Zoster infection, exploring its causes, symptoms, treatment options, and preventive measures.
What Is Herpes Zoster Infection?
Herpes Zoster is a viral disease caused by the reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus, which remains dormant in the body after a previous chickenpox infection. This virus stays hidden in the dorsal root ganglia or the sensory ganglia of cranial nerves. While chickenpox primarily affects children, Herpes Zoster tends to occur in adults or the elderly.
Commonly known as shingles, Herpes Zoster is characterized by painful skin blisters or a rash, usually appearing as a band of blisters on one side of the body. The condition arises when the immune system fails to keep the dormant virus in check, allowing it to replicate and cause an infection. The occurrence of shingles is closely linked to the state of an individual's innate and adaptive immunity. Those with strong immunity are less likely to develop shingles. Even after the rash clears, some patients may continue to experience moderate to severe pain, a condition known as postherpetic neuralgia.
What Causes Herpes Zoster?
Herpes Zoster, or shingles, is triggered by the reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus (VZV). After a person recovers from chickenpox, the VZV remains latent in the sensory ganglia, often for decades, without causing symptoms. However, if the body's immune system weakens, the dormant virus can reactivate, multiply, and spread along the nerve pathways of the sensory ganglion. This leads to nerve inflammation, pain, and the development of a red rash on the skin.
The rash is typically followed by the appearance of clear, fluid-filled blisters arranged in a band-like pattern along the affected sensory nerves. This condition can cause itching, burning pain, sharp neuropathic pain, and headaches, often accompanied by fever. Anyone who has had chickenpox is at risk of developing Herpes Zoster later in life.
Herpes Simplex Virus on Lips
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) causes herpes, an infection that can affect the mouth, genitals, and skin. Although not generally considered a severe disease, herpes can be a painful and chronic condition. One of the challenges with HSV is that it can spread slowly in the body once it appears.
HSV typically manifests in two forms:
1. Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1)
 This type is most commonly associated with oral infections, affecting areas such as the mouth, eyes, face, and lips.
2. Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 (HSV-2)
 This type is more commonly associated with genital infections but can also infect the mouth.
Herpes sores usually last for about a week to 10 days. They often appear as fluid-filled blisters on the lips, tongue, roof of the mouth, or gums, which burst after one or two days. The fluid containing the virus oozes from these ulcers, eventually forming crusts or scabs. HSV is highly contagious and spreads through direct skin-to-skin contact with an infected person, such as kissing or sharing contaminated objects like lip balm or razors.
Once a person contracts HSV, the virus remains in the body for life. It can remain inactive in a cluster of nerve cells, with some people experiencing periodic outbreaks and others showing no symptoms. Recurring outbreaks are more common during the first year after the initial infection, but the frequency and severity usually decrease over time as the body develops antibodies against the virus.
How to Prevent Herpes Zoster
Preventing Herpes Zoster involves several strategies:
1. Get Vaccinated
 The Herpes Zoster vaccine is recommended for individuals aged 50 and older, those with weakened immune systems, and anyone at high risk of developing shingles. Vaccination can significantly reduce the risk of infection.
2. Avoid Direct Contact with High-Risk Individuals
 People with active shingles should avoid contact with those who are at high risk, including the elderly, individuals who have never had chickenpox, people with compromised immune systems, children, and pregnant women. It is also advisable to keep personal items such as bedding and clothing separate to prevent spreading the virus.
3. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle 
Strengthening the immune system is key to preventing Herpes Zoster. This can be achieved by following a balanced diet that includes all five food groups, exercising regularly, managing stress, and ensuring adequate rest.
Expert Advice
Vaccination, maintaining a strong immune system through a healthy lifestyle, and early intervention are crucial in preventing Herpes Zoster. Individuals over 50, those with weakened immune systems, and others at high risk should consider getting the shingles vaccine. Early vaccination can help prevent the onset of shingles and its complications, promoting long-term health.
The Final Word
Herpes Zoster can affect people of any age, but it is more common in older adults and those with weakened immune systems. As people age, the risk of shingles-related complications and the need for hospitalization increase. The rash caused by Herpes Zoster is not only painful but also highly contagious, with potential for severe complications.
The best way to reduce the risk of developing shingles is through vaccination, which is both effective and safe. Antiviral treatment within 72 hours of the rash's appearance can help reduce the severity of shingles and its aftereffects. Taking these preventive measures can help manage the risks associated with Herpes Zoster and ensure better health outcomes.
About ToneOp
ToneOp is a platform dedicated to improving and maintaining good health through a comprehensive range of goal-oriented health plans with up to 3 Coach support. With a range of Weight Management, Medical Condition, Detox Plans, and Face Yoga Plans, the app also provides premium health trackers, recipes and health content. Get customised diet, fitness, naturopathy & yoga plans and transform yourself with ToneOp.
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bshoatuanngoc · 2 months
Zona thần kinh có tái phát không? Điều trị và phòng ngừa như thế nào?
Zona thần kinh là một bệnh lý truyền nhiễm do virus Varicella Zoster (VZV), cùng loại với virus gây thủy đậu. Sau khi mắc thủy đậu, VZV không bị loại bỏ hoàn toàn mà tồn tại tiềm tàng trong các hạch thần kinh. Khi hệ miễn dịch suy giảm, virus có thể tái hoạt động và gây ra zona thần kinh.
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Xem thêm: https://vnvc.vn/zona-than-kinh-co-tai-phat-khong/
Có thể tái phát không? Có, zona thần kinh hoàn toàn có thể tái phát. Các yếu tố như hệ miễn dịch suy yếu, căng thẳng, bệnh lý nền, tuổi tác và sự suy giảm sức đề kháng làm tăng nguy cơ tái phát. Tỷ lệ tái phát từ 3,9% đến 12 trên 1.000 người/năm tùy theo nghiên cứu và khu vực.
Nguyên nhân và đối tượng dễ tái phát:
Nguyên nhân: Virus VZV không bị loại bỏ hoàn toàn và có thể tái kích hoạt khi hệ miễn dịch suy yếu.
Đối tượng dễ tái phát: Người cao tuổi, phụ nữ, người có hệ miễn dịch suy yếu, người mắc bệnh tự miễn hoặc khối u ác tính, và người có các rối loạn sức khỏe tim mạch.
Dấu hiệu nhận biết: Zona tái phát có triệu chứng tương tự lần đầu tiên, bao gồm các nốt mụn nước đỏ, sưng, ngứa, và có thể kèm theo sốt nhẹ. Các triệu chứng có thể xuất hiện ở vị trí khác so với lần đầu và thường nhẹ hơn.
Điều trị:
Thuốc kháng virus: Valacyclovir, Famciclovir, và Aciclovir giúp giảm triệu chứng và thời gian mắc bệnh.
Kháng sinh: Dùng khi có dấu hiệu nhiễm trùng phụ.
Thuốc giảm đau và kháng histamin: Giúp giảm đau và ngứa.
Phòng ngừa tái phát:
Tiêm phòng: Tiêm vắc xin để tăng cường miễn dịch và giảm nguy cơ mắc bệnh.
Chăm sóc sức khỏe: Duy trì lối sống lành mạnh, chế độ dinh dưỡng và vận động hợp lý.
Loại bỏ thói quen xấu: Tránh các chất kích thích và thực phẩm không lành mạnh.
Thăm khám sức khỏe định kỳ: Phát hiện sớm và điều trị kịp thời để ngăn ngừa biến chứng.
Zona thần kinh có thể tái phát nếu hệ miễn dịch suy yếu, nên việc duy trì sức khỏe và tăng cường miễn dịch là rất quan trọng để ngăn chặn bệnh.
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shop4china · 2 months
مضخة مياه المحرك ، أجزاء مكونات السيارات ، مناسبة لكزس ، تويوتا ، 3.0L ، 3.3L ، هجينة ، EV ، غاز ، FHEV ، DOHC ، ُم ، 1MZFE ، 3MZFE ، من من من من
اشتر من الصين مع توصيل مجاني مضخة مياه المحرك ، أجزاء مكونات السيارات ، مناسبة لكزس ، تويوتا ، 3.0L ، 3.3L ، هجينة ، EV ، غاز ، FHEV ، DOHC ، ُم ، 1MZFE ، 3MZFE ، من من من من
مضخة مياه المحرك ، أجزاء مكونات السيارات ، مناسبة لكزس ، تويوتا ، 3.0L ، 3.3L ، هجينة ، EV ، غاز ، FHEV ، DOHC ، ُم ، 1MZFE ، 3MZFE ، من من من من
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أجزاء مكونات محرك السيارة مضخة مياه مناسبة لكزس يوتا 3.0L 3.3L هجين من الغاز الكهروجيني FHEV DOHC من من 1MZFE 3
مصنوعة من مكونات عالية الجودة ، وهذا هو أفضل خيار لديك واستبدال رخيص لاحتياجات إعادة البناء والإصلاح والصيانة الخاصة بك-منتج بديل لصبار الهواء لجزء المصنع التالف أو المسن.
نموذج السنة محرك سي سي كيلو وات النوع لكزس ES (MCV ، VZV _ ـ) (MCV20 _ ، MCV30 _ ، MCV30R) 2001-2008 1MZ-FE 2995 158 صالون لكزس ES (MCV ، VZV _ ـ) (MCV30 _ ، MCV20 _ ، MCV20R) 1996-2001 1MZ-FE 2995 140 صالون لكزس ES (MCV ، VZV _ ـ) (MCV30 _ ، MCV30R) 2001-2006 1MZ-FE 2995 157 صالون لكزس ES (MCV ، VZV _) قيق _ (MCV31 _) 2003-2006 3MZ-FE 3311 168 صالون لكزس RX (_ U3 _) (MCU35 _ ، MCU35R) 2003-2008 1MZ-FE 2995 150 سيارات الدفع الرباعي لكزس RX (_ U3 _) (MCU38 _) 2003-2006 3MZ-FE 3311 171 سيارات الدفع الرباعي لكزس RX (_ U3 _) من من من من من نوع wd 2003-2008 3MZ-FE 3311 171 سيارات الدفع الرباعي لكزس RX (_ U3 _) وشي (MHU38 _ ، MHU38R) 2005-2008 3MZ-FE 3311 200 سيارات الدفع الرباعي لكزس RX (_ U3 _) وشي (MHU38 _ ، MHU38R) 2005-2008 3MZ-FE 3311 200 سيارات الدفع الرباعي لكزس RX (MCU15) (MCU10 _ ، MCU10R) 1998-2003 1MZ-FE 2995 148 سيارات الدفع الرباعي لكزس RX (MCU15) (MCU10 _) 1999-2003 1MZ-FE 2995 164 سيارات الدفع الرباعي لكزس RX (MCU15) ، AWD (MCU15 _) 1998-2003 1MZ-FE 2995 164 سيارات الدفع الرباعي لكزس RX (MCU15) ، AWD (MCU15) 2000-2003 1MZ-FE 2995 148 سيارات الدفع الرباعي تويوتا صالون أفالون (_ X1 _ 109) (MCX10 _) 1996-1999 1MZ-FE 2995 150 صالون تويوتا صالون أفالون (_ X1 _ 109) (MCX10 _) 1995-2005 1MZ-FE 2995 140 صالون تويوتا صالون أفالون (_ X1 _ 109) (MCX10R) 2000-2005 1MZ-FE 2995 145 صالون تويوتا صالون أفالون (_ X2 _ 59) (MCX10R) 2000-2005 1MZ-FE 2995 145 صالون تويوتا صالون أفالون (_ X2 _ 59) (MCX10R) 2001-2005 1MZ-FE 2995 137 صالون تويوتا صالون أفالون (_ X2 _ 59) (MCX20) 1999-2004 1MZ-FE 2995 157 صالون تويوتا كامري (_ V1 _) (MCV10 _ ، MCV10R) 1993-1996 1MZ-FE 2995 135 صالون تويوتا كامري (_ V2 _) 1996-2001 1MZ-FE 2995 142 صالون تويوتا كامري (_ V2 _) ، 24V (MCV20 _) 1996-2001 1MZ-FE 2995 140 صالون تويوتا كامري (_ V2 _) ، V6 (MCV20 _ ، MCV20R) 1996-2001 1MZ-FE 2995 135 صالون تويوتا CAMRY (_ V2 _) Vienta (VDV10) 1996-2001 3VZ-FE 2959 140 صالون تويوتا كامري كوبيه (_ V1 _) (MCV10 _) 1991-1996 1MZ-FE 2995 140 كوبيه تويوتا كامري العقارية (_ V2 _) من فينتا (MCV20) 1996-2001 1MZ-FE 2995 140 العقارات تويوتا كامري (_ V3 _ salo) (MCV30 _) 2002-2006 1MZ-FE 2995 141 صالون تويوتا كامري (_ V3 _) صالون V6 (MCV30 _ ، MCV30R) 2001-2006 1MZ-FE 2995 137 صالون تويوتا كامري (_ V3 _) صالون V6 (MCV31 _ MCV31) 2003-2006 3MZ-FE 3311 165 صالون تويوتا هارير (_ U1 _) (MCU10) 1998-2003 1MZ-FE 2995 164 سيارات الدفع الرباعي تويوتا هارير (_ U1 _) ، 4WD (MCU15) 1998-2003 1MZ-FE 2995 164 سيارات الدفع الرباعي تويوتا هارير (_ U3 _) (MCU30) 2003-2006 1MZ-FE 2995 164 سيارات الدفع الرباعي تويوتا هارير (_ U3 _) ، 4WD (MCU36W ، MCU35) 2003-2006 1MZ-FE 2995 164 سيارات الدفع الرباعي تويوتا هارير (_ U3 _) هجين 4WD (MHU38 _ ، MHU38W) 2005-2013 3MZ-FE 3311 200 سيارات الدفع الرباعي تويوتا هايلاندر/كلوجر (_ U2 _) 4WD (MCU25 _, MCU25R) 2003-2007 1MZ-FE 2995 150 سيارات الدفع الرباعي تويوتا هايلاندر/كلوجر (_ U2 _) ، V6 (MCU20 _) 2000-2007 1MZ-FE 2995 164 سيارات الدفع الرباعي تويوتا هايلاندر/كلوجر (_ U2 _) V6 4WD (MCU25 _ ، MCU25R) 2000-2003 1MZ-FE 2995 164 سيارات الدفع الرباعي تويوتا هايلاندر/كلوجر (_ U2 _) (MCU23 _, MCU23R) 2003-2007 3MZ-FE 3311 171 سيارات الدفع الرباعي تويوتا هايلاندر/كلوجر (_ U2 _) هجين (MHU23 _ ، MHU23R) 2005-2007 3MZ-FE 3311 200 سيارات الدفع الرباعي تويوتا هايلاندر/كلوجر (_ U2 _) هجين 4WD (MHU28 _ ، MHU28R) 2005-2010 3MZ-FE 3311 200 سيارات الدفع الرباعي تويوتا هايلاندر/كلوجر (_ U2 _) ، V6 4WD (MCU28 _ ، MCU28R) 2003-2007 3MZ-FE 3311 171 سيارات الدفع الرباعي تويوتا PREVIA II (_ R3 _) (MCR30W) 2000-2005 1MZ-FE 2995 162 MPV تويوتا PREVIA II (_ R3 _) ، 4WD (MCR40W) 2000-2005 1MZ-FE 2995 162 MPV تويوتا سيينا (_ L1 _) (MCL10 _) 1997-2002 1MZ-FE 2995 143 MPV تويوتا سيينا (_ L1 _) (MCL10 _) 1997-2002 1MZ-FE 2995 154 MPV تويوتا سيينا (_ L2 _) (MCL20 _ ، MCL23 _ ، MCL20L ، MCL23L) 2003-2006 3MZ-FE 3311 169 MPV تويوتا سيينا (_ L2 _) ، 4WD (MCL25 _) 2003-2009 3MZ-FE 3311 169 MPV تويوتا سولارا قابلة للتحويل (_ V2 _) (MCV20 _ ، MCV20R) 2000-2002 1MZ-FE 2995 140 قابلة للتحويل تويوتا سولارا قابلة للتحويل (_ V3 _) (MCV31 _ ، MCV31) 2004-2008 3MZ-FE 3311 165 قابلة للتحويل تويوتا سولارا قابلة للتحويل (_ V3 _) (MCV31 _) 2004-2008 3MZ-FE 3311 157 قابلة للتحويل تويوتا سولارا كوبيه (_ V2 _) (MCV20) 1998-2001 1MZ-FE 2995 140 كوبيه تويوتا سولارا كوبيه (_ V3 _) (MCV31 _) 2003-2008 3MZ-FE 3311 165 كوبيه تويوتا ريح (_ V3 _) ، VVTi G (MCV30) 2001-2004 1MZ-FE 2995 158 صالون
1 مضخة مياه ث/طوقا
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bdpst24 · 3 months
Megvan a VZV Fesztivál legizgalmasabb outfitje!
Megvan a VZV Fesztivál legizgalmasabb outfitje!
Kamerák sokasága pásztázta a fellépő sztárok műsorát és a közönség sorait három napon át Tatán, a Víz Zene Virág Fesztiválon. Vasárnap este akadt meg a szemünk a NOX színpadi varázslatán. Péter Szabó Szilvi ruhakölteményére szegeződött a fókusz. Melyik híres tervező álmodhatta meg az outfitjét? Több ezer rajongó előtt lépett fel a NOX a Víz Zene Virág Fesztiválon a tatai Öreg-tó partján. Turnéjuk…
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webdraw · 3 months
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