critter-wizard · 2 years
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my goal in this campaign was to make a sopping wet beast of a man, like crying sobbing on the ground everyday absolute normal guy, normalist of guy guys. he's SOOOO very divorced, he forgot that he smuggled drugs, he made carts for a living, he has a daughter named Suberu, he blew up his wife's house on accident, he was arrested for blowing up said house on accident, he's 46 years old and always sweating ... he's even bisexual.
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cassanderx · 10 months
@valamirx Location: All Fours on the floor but not in the sexy way
"Get up, old man," Cassander sighed once more as he found Valamir, the other at the bottom of a bottle faster than his lycanthropy could apparently keep up. It was a sore sight from where Cassander had enjoyed his time at the gym; it was much easier to get by there as opposed to the bar that every lycan liked to cram in to. For now, the massive muscle of drunk man was difficult to sit up straight on the bar stool, but it wasn't an unusual sight, either. "Hey," he snapped his fingers in the others face to try and get his attention, "Come on. It's time to go home."
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ericxaquino · 1 year
a gift for @valamirx, location: somewhere likely outside the lupo grounds all things considered notes: son, help me
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Eric was no fool but they could often attempt to clumsily attain willful ignorance, grasping in the dark no matter what unholy creatures were unearthed in lieu of their heedless nature. The Exile clung to delusion, the idea that the Pythia was merciful and abject in their decision to allow him to slink away from the ranks of the Asphodel unharmed. They'd not felt different nor unchanged leading up to their last chat with the greater demon turned Sovereign but all changed rapidly the moment they sunk down upon the grit and sinew of a lycan heart. Teeth sank into the chambers of the organ, crushing it beneath their maw before it was near instantly turning in their stomach, the residual blood and muscle spat out as strained tears welled within their eyes. What the fuck? Eric doubled over, coughing as their lanky frame was basically possessed with pain, falling over the body of the young lycan who's life was severed the moment they'd found themselves within Rome. It was a shame their death was now a useless feat all things considered as Eric tossed the organ in tandem with the pain which seized them. They heard rustling within the bushes and though the scent was familiar a pained growl was emitted from their throat in warning.
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softicyhuman · 10 months
Szeretem azt érezni, hogy még kellek valamire. Legyen az cipőbefűzés vagy csak egy plusz ember, aki elkísér, hogy ne legyél egyedül. Szeretek valakinek a hasznára válni.
Ilyenkor érzem azt, hogy ha szánalmas is, de valamire jó vagyok az életben.
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valamirx · 10 months
@ericxaquino location: Lupercal, the STREETS notes: big dick business
Pissing on the side of the Waffle House, Valamir let out a sigh as his head rolled back. Half cut in the middle of the day, he'd needed to take a leak before he went in to raid the waffle stacks. It was only three in the afternoon but this is about the time when the brawls started. He shook a few times then zipped himself away before he caught sight of Eric at the end of the alley. This person again, always slinking about, fucking loner; not that Valamir really had any friends himself. "How's the heartless life been?" The lycan asked, he'd have clapped the other on the shoulder but his dick had just been in his hand and he didn't want to make this weird.
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xxerxesx · 11 months
who?: @valamirx where?: somewhere around the pyramid amidst the chaos
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Things seemed dire sure, but Xerxes was feeling pretty good about himself. Not only did his unit apprehend the zombie faster than the others according to reports, but his talk of humans making better meals than anything proved right. If he, studly Gio, and ridable Cedric could've just eaten Wade there wouldn't be a problem, but he could accept this outcome too. Now as he cleared the outside of the Pyramid he held his head high, confident that Pluto and Romulus would be proud of all that he'd done to defend Rome. However, Xerxes felt his stomach drop when he realized that the sound of feral growling was too close. Lycan howling filled the air but the majority still sounded far enough from the Pyramid. Xerxes didn't think one would break away from the pack, but he was quick to place some distance between him and the beast, letting his fangs flash their own warning. Given the sheer size of the creature, Xerxes wondered if he'd actually have to unclench and remove the tattered cloth from his ass in order to fight with full mobility. "You better not make me go all out, mutt. But I will if I gotta. I won't let you in, you hear me?!"
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hearthstonc · 11 months
who? @valamirx where? ruins of rome when? day 9, post drow control
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"Why are you looking at me like that?" The question comes out gruff as muffled by the chunk of fey meet she still has gripped on her teeth. Spitting the gore to the ground, Regina doesn't bother to wipe her face as she glances up— and up again — to meet Valamir's eyes with a raised brow of disinterest. Even with this drow-induced madness, even as anger and darkness fester inside of her as she changes her mark from drow opponents to fey ones, she can still vaguely recognize her pack. "Yeah, I have shit on my face, but at this point that isn't weird."
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floratitus · 1 year
who: @valamirx where: masquerade
She had not left the forest for many moons, who needed to venture out when they had the waffle house? Animosity was growing between Rome and New Rome, Flora had always wanted peace for their kind but their enemies grew in number and the Eye grew with more powerful technology and warcraft, it seemed further and further away from a possibility. Normally being such a masked ball would cause reason for concern and panic but all of that just washed off her like water on a ducks back and she approached her pack member with a full pint. "Beer? Let's party."
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false-cowboy · 23 days
I always thought Valamir Glaton was one of my favorite characters of the Guys Series'™ because of his silly ass homoerotic relationship with Clide. but like, no, he just rocks. His personality is a very fun little blend of serious and 'totally fucking with you', he just goes along with jokes and even elevates them often. His special interest is history and I thought that was just to humanize him in a one off conversation but no. his ass is always talking in some way about history, under the disguise of politics. Oh you want to know about if this girl would be a good candidate for emperor? here's a two page exposition info dump about our past emperors. nobody does it like him. he's a notorious evil prince. hes supposedly trying to kill his brother over a girl despite being clearly gay. he's the nicest middle aged train wreck you've ever met. he accidentally killed your dad. he's your psudo-girlfriend's uncle. he calls you a gay little nickname in a way that's not not flirting. he's an estranged weird uncle everyone thinks is insane. he has spies in your home. he doesn't know who you are but is still very in love with you. love this fucking guy
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mindenhangulathoz13 · 5 months
Nehéz várni valamire amiről tudod, hogy lehet sosem fog bekövetkezni, de még nehezebb feladni amikor tudod, hogy az minden amit akarsz.
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gondolataimitt · 1 year
Az élet mindig megtanít valamire, de amíg éppen benne vagyok egy ilyen „tanításban“ addig kurva nehéz. Ugyhogy elég lenne már, köszönöm szépen.
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tundersarkany · 4 months
Nem mindig könnyű, de minden nehézség tanít valamire, és minden öröm emlékeztet arra, milyen csodálatos is létezni.
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szivtelenkisgeci02 · 5 months
Vágyom valamire, ami enyhítheti a belülről szétmaró fájdalmam...
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donb · 2 months
Kedves doktor úr! Már fogalmam sincs, mi volt a panaszom annak idején, amikor az időpontot kértem. Kérem, adjon valamit valamire!
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csakszavak · 22 days
vágyni valamire ami soha nem lehet a tiéd
olyan mint a pokol
megbecsülni valamit ami már a tiéd
olyan mint a menny
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egy-lany-blogja · 4 months
Mindannyian vágyunk valamire, vagy valakire. Erről szól az élet, a vágyról. Van, aki otthonról álmodik, ami az övé, és nem veszi el senki. Van, aki társra vágyik, aki majd a sírig elkíséri.
Lesz, aki gyermeket akar, minden áron, bármi áron, akit óvhat egy, és ezer életen át. Sokan vannak, akik munkára vágynak, ahol önmaguk lehetnek. Van, aki mindent odaadna, szépséget, pénzt és karriert, mert egészségről álmodik. És lesz olyan, számtalan, aki ma is kenyérbe csomagolt szeretetért koldul majd az utcán.
Vágyunk, mert vagyunk. Ezer féle álommal, de a lényeg mégis ugyanaz. Reggel felébredni, és érezni, értelme van az ébredésnek. Legyen borús vagy napfényes a reggel, mind ugyanazt akarjuk. Érezni, hogy dolgunk van benne, hogy a sors ránk is vár, hogy van még út, egyetlen apró remény, arra, hogy megélhetjük, átéljük a csodát. A csodát, amit úgy hívunk, boldogság. (Todorovits Rea) #TheAcsakazértis
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