#Valentin Stefan
jurnaldeoltenia · 10 months
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jailexiss · 7 months
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life with devi + stefan happy valentine day ❤️🌹💋
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kasagia · 2 years
♡Be my Valentine♡
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x reader
Summary: The day of lovers came like a bolt from the blue. You were planning to stay in your house, make yourself a huge pizza, and celebrate another year of being a single, self-sufficient woman. But you forgot that having the original hybrid as a lover-enemy (more like a puppy/wolf madly in love with you) comes with all sorts of surprises.
Word count: 4,4k+
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My bloodthirsty alarm clock has been bothering me for 15 minutes. I promised myself that this time I would give up throwing a metal object and save myself the few dollars I used to spend on a new alarm clock every month. I groaned, rolling out of bed and getting up to turn off the death machine. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and threw myself back on the bed to check my messages.
Queen of school: Don't forget about the Valentine's Ball! I want to see you there with some sexy guy, so this freak-ancient hybrid will finally give you peace. P.S. Don't even think about missing it. I'll make Stefan or Damon come for your lazy ass.
Love you too, Gilbert. :-P
I groaned as I put a pillow over my face. It completely slipped my mind that today is this bloody holiday. Caroline will kill me if I try to avoid this annual nightmare again. I had to find a way to get out of this. Last year I had an unannounced visit from my mother, and two years ago I went skiing with Elena (who had broken up with Matt and was as reluctant to participate in this stupid holiday as I was). Maybe this time Bonnie could help me extricate myself from this?
Hello, my best friend ever! Could you help me hide in the darkest hole in this town so I didn't have to go out today and risk my mental health being completely damaged after seeing all these copules who will be sucking each other's faces and pelting each other with chocolates, flowers, and God knows what else?
Bon_Bon sweetheart: Are Caroline or Elena making you go to the party again?
Yes. On pain of death.
Bon_Bon sweetheart: You three are such drama queens. Give me five minutes. I'll come to you and help you with your excuse.
Thank you! You've always been my favorite.
Bon_Bon sweetheart: Don't let Caroline hear that!
I sighed in relief as I put my phone down. Immediately after, it buzzed, signaling an incoming call. Rebekah.
"What's up?" I asked after answering it.
Rebekah and I formed a sort of friendship after she joined our school. Of course, the girls were furious, but with time, they grew accustomed to my strange, warm-hearted relationship with Mikaelson. Actually, not only one of them. Kol was surprisingly nice after our many fights over every food I had, he liked to mess with me, especially after he saw I didn't shy away from teasing him just because he was an evil, crazy original vampire. Elijah and I somehow ended up together in the public library, discussing a book we were both reading. Since then, I've had three "friends" of the originals.
There was only one problem in this strange, twisted life of an ordinary man among the vampires, witches, and werewolves that I managed to lead. And there weren't fights between my two groups of friends. The problem was called Klaus Mikaelson. A man who turned our relatively quiet life in Mystic Falls upside down. A vampire who wanted to use Elena's blood to make hybrids similar to him (which she refused to do, as if taking her magical blood every month and giving it to Klaus wouldn't bury the hatchet between bloodthirsty vampires and bring us peace again).
"Can you tell me why all of the people are acting crazy? I mean, they aren't usually normal, but today they are unreasonable! Every wall is plastered with strange hearts, angels with arcs, and other red and pink damn things. We're celebrating a day of ripping people's hearts out, or what's the point?" she asked, both annoyed and confused by the whole situation. Just let it wait until Valentine's Day mail. Then a real nightmare happens.
"Almost. Have you ever heard of Valentine's Day, or has your ancient ass been kept in that musty coffin too long for you to know such a thing?"
"In short. There was this one guy who decided that he had to set aside one special day in the year when people would declare their sincere, undying love for each other. And attention. Today is that day. So if you have a boy you're crazy about, you might as well go out with him tonight. If you don't have such plans, you can join me. We'll watch a movie, eat junk food, and complain about all men on this earth." I suggested as I walked into the kitchen and made sure I had everything I needed to survive this day.
"You seriously don't have anyone you would like to spend this day with? Did you see yourself in the mirror?! You're beautiful and…"
"Thank you. But I don't want to go out, find some guy, and have fun with him just because this holiday expects it of me. I'm not looking for one-night stands or something like that. Plus, I could use a day off from the drama of Mystic Falls."
"As you wish. I guess I'll try my luck and try to find someone. Hang on there!"
"Good luck! Have fun, honey!"
As soon as I hung up, I heard a knock on the door. I changed quickly, tying my hair as I went, and opened the door. Bonnie wrinkled her nose at my messy state.
"Hi girl. You really don't want to go, do you?" she asked, entering the apartment and looking around. It's a good thing I cleaned up last night.
"After planning a whole beautiful day of doing nothing? No thanks. I just hope Caroline will forgive me." I replied, leaning against the door and staring at the witch.
She has changed since she found out who she really is. She became bolder, more persistent, and fiercer. Like all of us, I guess. Sometimes I miss those quiet days when vampires and werewolves were just fantastic inventions. Everything was simpler then.
"She might be a little pissed off, but she'll understand. Caroline just wants you to be well. She thinks you haven't gotten over your breakup with Luck yet and wants to help you." she tried to defend her friend's behavior.
However, we both knew that Caroline's dominant side wasn't just the result of her caring. She liked to stick her nose in other matters; the fact that she was trying to save the whole world at the same time was the only reason why we turned a blind eye to the blonde's behavior.
"As if being single was a punishment, not a choice. Just because I didn't jump into the arms of some other hot, dark-haired guy doesn't mean I'm still grieving the breakup with that asshole." I grunted, annoyed. I was able to fully take care of myself. I didn't need a man to lean on, especially not after what happened with my ex. Life alone was easier.
"I know. That's why I bring you this." she took a small glass bottle from her leather bag and handed it to me.
"What is it?" I asked, taking the vial from her and turning it over in my hand.
"Potion. A couple of sips, and you'll have a terrible cold. Take it when one of the guys comes to check on you. As soon as he's gone, eat a black peppercorn, and you'll be back to normal."
"Wow. How do you know that? You're becoming a more advanced witch, Miss Bennet. 5 points for Hufflepuff." I said with admiration. I have always loved witches and hags depicted in literature, so having a real one as a friend was a real blessing for me. That doesn't mean I'd give up joking about Bonnie's extraordinary abilities.
"Really funny. Now excuse me. Unlike you, I'm going to school, and I still have to pick out a dress, and unfortunately, I don't have a rich hybrid at my beck and call. Why don't you go out with him if you don't have anyone else? This will keep Caroline from letting you go. Also, he seems to be more peaceful for us after he spends a day with you." she tapped me on the arm with a mischievous smirk.
"Yeah. And right after the perfect date, I will confess my great love to him by getting down on one knee and proposing to him."
"If that's what you want. Happy Valentine's Day, grouch!" she screamed with a huge smile, closing the door behind her. A strange feeling of hope ran through my body.
After all, maybe it's going to be a good day.
*A few hours later*
"It's a pity you got sick today." Stefan said after he took my temperature.
The vampire was delegated by Caroline to get me out of the house at all costs. Luckily, Bonnie's potion worked perfectly, and that's how I ended up wrapped in the warmest blanket on the couch with my few-hundred-year-old friend.
"I know. I really wanted to go to the ball and see how you and Caroline won the prize for being the best couple." I said, blowing my nose into one of the handkerchiefs.
"Do you believe in us so much?"
"Well, after Tayler swore to make Klaus' life miserable, he didn't work well as her boyfriend. They were cute at first, but it all went to hell. So take your chance before some other handsome guy hangs around her. Like Kol or Elijah." my taunt was met with a small snort from the man.
"Speaking of the Mikaelsons. How's your fledgling relationship with Klaus? I'm surprised he didn't call in the entire medical team from the hospital to check on you." he replied amused when he noticed how my smile fades along with the memory of the original.
"You think you're funny, Salvatore? Aside from your feeble attempt at joking, I must also point out your poor choice of words. Me and Klaus have no relationship."
"Of course. The guy just sends you fancy, expensive dresses every time there's a party in Mystic Falls, sends you love notes with your portraits on them, is there for you almost 24/7, and scares away any potential guy who wants to date you." he teased, counting on his fingers all the deeds of the original.
"He did what?! Who the hell he scared?" I sprang off the couch, dropping a box of tissues as I went.
"I witnessed him almost stabbing Kol for saying you looked scathing in one of those dresses he sent you. Poor Elijah had to look for you all over the school so you could distract your hybrid." he laughed a little at the indignation on my face.
"He isn't mine." I growled, returning to my comfortable spot on the couch.
"Tell him, not me. So, you don't happen to have a date with that wolf in love?" he asked, suddenly curious, leaning in my direction with searching eyes and a mysterious smirk on his lips.
"Pigs will fly before I date that damn imbecile." I snorted, pushing him away from me to reach for another tissue. Bonnie seems to have overdone the potency of this wonderful potion.
"Well, think it over. If Damon sees flying pork in Mystic Falls tomorrow, he'll probably go abstinent. You could inherit his share of our old wine collection from him."
"Did Caroline send you to act as my and Klaus' matchmaker for her?"I asked, leaning over to the vampire to eye him suspiciously.
"Not that blonde. But it was Caroline who finally convinced me. You don't even know how a common goal can unite even the worst enemies. Have a good time!" he shouted, pushing me onto the couch and grabbing his phone off the coffee table.
"Stefan! Wait!" I tried to stop him, but thanks to his super speed, he escaped from my apartment.
I snorted, muttering curses at the vampire under my breath as I stood up to close the door behind him.
It was usually Caroline, Bonnie, and Rebekah who teased me about Klaus' supposed feelings for me. The girls would make suggestive, eloquent comments whenever me and Klaus did something together or paired us up for a particular task against the newest threats in Mystic Falls. They often used me as a "distraction" and "bait" for the original hybrid. Not to mention their whistling every time we somehow danced together.
Worst of all, though, was Rebekah's teasing after I stayed overnight at the Mikaelsons' and Klaus and I accidentally ended up in his bed. I will never forget her malicious tone of voice and the wave of shame and embarrassment that engulfed me after she said to Klaus: "You must not have tried hard enough, brother, since neither of us heard you had a visitor in your sheets."
Adding Stefan to their little "group of bullies" will only make their taunts worse.
My God, keep Kol away from their stupid plans.
I went to the kitchen to take "an antidote" for my illness. I made myself some popcorn and decided to watch "Pride and Prejudice" as my first movie tonight. Halfway through the movie, I heard a knock on the door. It could only be one person.
"If you don't have food with you, I'm not going to let you in, Bekah." I said as I opened the door. I froze in place when I finally saw who was on the other side of them. Klaus.
"Not this Mikaelson, love. I've heard you are sick, so I brought you this." he picked up the bundle in his hands, which smelled dangerously similar to my favorite food.
"How the hell did you get here? I thought you and Elijah were going on a reconnaissance mission or something like that, and you'd be gone for a week." I said, honestly surprised to see him.
"It's nice to know that you do care about me, love, and are taking the trouble to assimilate such information. Satisfying your curiosity, we came back early. Can I come in now?"
"It depends." I replied, crossing my arms over my chest.
"On what?" he asked with a charming smirk, leaning his head against the door frame.
"What is this?" I asked, pointing to the packaging.
"That disgusting, fiendishly spicy spaghetti that you've somehow taken a liking to lately."
"And what do you have in the other hand?" I asked as I saw him trying hard to hide something behind him.
"It's a surprise. I can't jump out with all my gifts right now, can I?"
"Make me regret this, and I'll ask Bonnie to cancel all my invitations again, even if it means I'll spend another half day letting my friends in, because amazingly, 90 percent of them are vampires."
"I won't make that mistake again, love. If you could…" he pointed at the door and the invisible barrier blocking him from entering.
"Come in, the bane of my existence." I sighed, turning my back on him to go back to my cocoon of blankets on the couch.
"You must admit, I'm the most handsome bane you could ever dream of."
"I don't know… you could be at least younger." I replied thoughtfully, smiling as his confident smirk faded.
"Ouch." he put his hand on his chest, close to his heart, pretending to be hurt. He carefully placed the packaging on the coffee table and handed me the gardenia bouquet, which he had been hiding behind his back all this time.
"And for what occasion?" I asked, taking the flowers from the softly smiling hybrid and looking at them for a moment. Despite my reluctance, I had to admit that they were beautiful and smelled amazing.
He nodded at the bouquet. I looked it over carefully, noticing a small piece of paper between the flowers. I opened the note, checking its contents.
Unpack your lunch.
There was no mistaking Klaus' perfect handwriting for anyone else's.
I frowned, glancing at the hybrid sitting carelessly beside me. The bastard pretended not to see my questioning look and watched the scene of Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy in the rain with fascination, like nothing happened.
I snorted as I opened the box and started eating my spaghetti while continuing to watch my movie. At one point, I felt Klaus's arm slide precariously onto the back of the couch behind me, and the hybrid itself moved slightly closer to me.
He watched me for a moment, gauging my reaction. I decided to tease the vampire a bit and, sighing deeply, leaned back completely against him, resting my head on his shoulder.
He tensed up, gently wrapping his arm around me that he had placed on the back of the couch earlier.
When I had finished eating, I saw that there was a note on the bottom of the clear plastic box on the other side. I turned the box over, reading another note, much to the interest and excitement of the man sitting next to me.
Check your jacket pockets.
I turned my gaze to Klaus. I looked into his eyes, trying to see the shadow of any plan he was hiding.
"Any problem, love?" he asked, pretending to be a fool.
"I don't know yet." I mumbled, licking my mouth. His gaze flicked from my eyes to my lips. He leaned toward me, getting dangerously close. His attention returned to my eyes, trying to anticipate my next move. With a small, mischievous smirk, I shoved the empty box into his hands and pushed him away from me, getting up from the couch to walk over to the coat rack.
I slipped my hand into the pocket of my leather jacket, immediately sensing the tiny square note.
Go down.
I turned to the hybrid standing behind me. I held the paper up to his eye level, raising an eyebrow questioningly.
"What's this?"
"Come and find out for yourself, love. I dare you."
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I crossed my arms over my chest, giving him a defiant look.
"You know, I have a rather tempting counterproposal to stay in a warm and cozy home. I'm hardly drawn to the unknown with my friends' nemesis."
"It would be such a shame if Caroline somehow got to know that you're quite healthy and ready to go to her party. You had to leave your cozy couch."
"You wouldn't…" I walked over to him, giving him a menacing look.
"Oh, wouldn't I?" he accepted the challenge by taking a step closer so our chests were touching.
"Well played. Expect retaliation, love." I replied, trying to imitate his tone of voice when he gave people that nickname. The hybrid only laughed. He helped me put on my jacket, and placing his hand on my back, he led me out of the building.
We stopped in front of his car, on the hood of which was another card.
Let the handsome and hot chauffeur drive you to your destination.
"Handsome and hot? Someone's got a good imagination." I laughed, turning the note over in my hands. The man gave me a hurt look as he opened the passenger door for me. "Someone is also mysterious today." I teased further, walking over to Klaus to face him. "Really? Won't you tell me anything?"
"Careful, love. Curiosity killed the cat."
"And the satisfaction brought him back."
"If you want, I can work on your satisfaction later when we get back."
I rolled my eyes, ignoring his smug smirk as I got into his car without a word.
He was in the driver's seat next to me in less than a second and had already started the engine. He pulled out of the parking lot and headed for the main road out of Mystic Falls.
"Where are we going?" my question was met only by his silence. "Come on. I'm not jumping out of the car when you're going that fast anyway."
"Who knew you were so impatient, love? We'll be there shortly." he replied, glancing briefly at me. He smiled, obviously amused by my grumpy attitude.
"Who would have thought you could hold your tongue for more than five minutes?"
"Insults will get you nowhere, love." he smiled teasingly, looking at me for a moment.
"Please, Klaus. Tell me where you're taking me so I can tell you what a wonderful, loving, and caring guy you are that instead of handing me over to the bloodthirsty Caroline, you decided to take me on the adventure of a lifetime."
"That's better." I huffed angrily, moving as far away from him as possible. In the reflection of the window, I saw him roll his eyes. "If you must know, I'm taking you to the only place worth seeing in this awful neighborhood. Content?"
"Sufficiently." I turned to him with a mischievous smirk on my lips.
A few minutes later, we stopped in some forest. Klaus got out first, waiting for me to follow him. Hesitantly, I opened the door and walked over to him, immediately grabbing his hand. It was far too dark for hiking. At least if I wanted to get home in one piece without any tripping. The hybrid smiled softly, rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb. He moved confidently through the forest, guiding me along the forest path until we came to a cliff.
Still holding his hand, I walked to the edge, staring at the landscape before us. Not far away we could see a tiny waterfall, from which a river flowed further, stretching through the hills, valleys, and other elevations of the forest. But the most charming of all was the starlight reflecting in the fast current of the river and the sound of fir trees accompanied by the falling water.
I turned to look at the hybrid standing next to me.
Did I mention he laid a blanket, strewn rose petals, and lit several candles? No? So he did. How could I get back to my playful, mischievous mood after something like that?
"So… do you like it?" he asked uncertainly as I stared at him silently for a long time. Did I like it? I loved it.
"Yes. I like it." I replied instead, smiling shyly at him.
He led me to a blanket and took a rectangular box from his pocket, which he handed over to me after a moment's hesitation. I felt his expectant gaze on me as I unwound the bow. Before opening the box, I cast a fleeting glance at my companion. I've never seen him both so excited and… full of fear at the same time.
I sighed as I saw a beautiful silver bracelet with a pendant of a wolf howling at a silver moon, circled by a small bat, and a lapis lazuli-studded crown.
After my first fascination with the starlight reflecting object wore off, I noticed the smallest of all notes attached to the top of the box.
Will you be my valentine (and my queen)?
"Oh Klaus, I... it's..." The worry line on Klaus' forehead began to deepen as he began to assume I wanted to reject his cute confession.
"It's okay, love. I should have known it was too much. You don't have to say yes or anything. We'd best forget all about it. I will drive you back home if that's what you…" I shut him up by taking his face and putting his lips on mine.
I started to passionately kiss the paralyzed and shocked vampire. It took him a few minutes to realize what I was doing. He kissed me back and pulled me to him, so I was sitting on his lap. I smiled at the hybrid's grip, running my hand through his curly, velvety hair. We broke apart when I was completely out of breath. Breathing heavily, I smiled at the equally disheveled man.
"Well… I guess the answer is yes, then."
"Yes. I'll be your stupid valentine. But it'll take you a few more dates before you can call me your queen." I replied with a smile, tangling my hands in his hair.
"I can work with that." he whispered, never taking his eyes off mine. I cleared my throat awkwardly, unaccustomed to so much affection being shown toward me. I shifted my flustered gaze and started playing with his hair.
"Good. Now, tell me about the constellations."
"Isn't that too tacky by your standards?" he inquired, cupping my chin with one hand to refocus my attention on him. 
"Yes, but I already do things I usually don't. We might as well continue to fulfill all the points of these romantic comedies."
"And what changed your mind?"
"I just have good company." he smiled and kissed my forehead, stroking my hair.
Klaus pulled me closer so I could lean against his chest. Out of nowhere, he pulled out a basket full of cookies, chocolates, and other sweets, along with a bottle of red wine. I turned slightly to look at his face as he held me tight in his arms and raised a questioning eyebrow.
"Well. Let's just say I wanted to keep it as a consolation if you don't take my confession well and run away screaming from me."
"Selfish man." I snorted, reaching for the candy bar. It took all my strength to keep from laughing at the hybrid. The vampire, however, was too attentive and noticed my amused smirk.
"Try telling that to my siblings, and I'll lock you in my room and never let you out."
"You should know better than to threaten me with a good time." I gave him a quick kiss on the lips and went back to eating the sweets.
He sighed in shock at my seductive suggestion. After a moment, he rested his chin on my shoulder and pulled me closer to him.
"So? Was it worth leaving home?" he whispered in my ear, planting a few kisses. My cheeks warmed slightly. Even without seeing his face, I could tell he was smiling goofily now, very pleased with my reaction. I turned to him, meeting his loving gaze.
"Possible. But you'll have to convince me a little more to be completely sure." he smiled teasingly. I could see the mischief in his eyes before he started tickling my stomach.
I screamed as I tried to get out of his strong grip. During my (unsuccessful) struggle, I knocked us to the ground, landing on my back with Klaus on top of me. With his new position, his teasing movements intensified, making me gasp with laughter.
"Okay, you won! You won!" I screamed between fits of laughter. "It was worth it."
"You sure?"
"Yes. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else." I said, pulling him into (one of many) kisses tonight.
If it involves being his queen, I think it only takes him an hour to convince me… maybe even less.
After all, it was a very good day.
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flying-rusalka · 1 month
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arcxnumvitae · 3 months
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Lady Hélène, the Stalwart.
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Sir Stefan, the Verdant.
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Lady Annali, the Luminescent.
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Sir Theo, the Indomitable.
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Lady Alma, the Devoted.
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Sir Jan, the Unrelenting.
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Lady Embla, the Enduring.
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placebofever · 7 months
forgot yesterday was valentines day, anyways here's some Placebo valentines cards
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cadrenebula · 11 months
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Happy All Saints Wake (part 1 of 3)
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oyonok · 2 years
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For OC kiss week but also what the plot has deprived me of this Valentines Day v-v
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etapereine · 6 months
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📸 by_melissassilva_
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papcrrings-arch · 8 months
Closed Starter : Stefan & Enzo ( @wvsteria )
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Stefan grimaced when he nearly ran into the vampire. He'd been trying to stay out of his hair, not wanting to cause the other man any unnecessary hastle and himself any further guilt - though he believed he deserved that. He sighed, "Sorry, I'm not trying to cause any trouble."
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jurnaldeoltenia · 2 years
Compania Națională Poșta Română și-a reînnoit flota auto
Compania Națională Poșta Română a achiziționat 200 de autoutilitare cu care reînnoiește parcul auto, ca parte din procesul de modernizare a Companiei. Mașinile vor ajunge la angajați poștali din întreaga țară. Noile autoutilitare ale Poștei Române au fost prezentate publicului astăzi, în parcarea Pieței Constituției din București. Achiziția numără 30 de mașini Renault Master și 170 Renault…
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queenofstelena · 2 years
Stefan and Elena Valentines dates 💕
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bklynmusicnerd · 11 months
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flying-rusalka · 1 month
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Happy Valentine's Day 💖
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wvsteria · 2 years
@ofxscavengcrs ;; stefan salvatore & enzo st. john
mini event
on any normal day, enzo would have no trouble seeing stefan. they’d had their gripes before stefan had killed him but enzo had long since forgiven him. he too had done horrible things with his humanity on, and when it was off he nearly lost the woman he loved. but today was different. he was angry above anything else he felt. and running into stefan didn’t help that anger at all. “salvatore.” he sneered as he saw the other. “you ready for round two?” he preferred to direct his anger at him than the urge he felt to harm his girlfriend. 
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