#Valley Neighbors of the Flathead
After the arrival of a migrant family to Kalispell this week, Republican elected officials are calling for tighter immigration policy and the immediate deportation of the family, as well as casting blame on a local nonprofit group that provides support to immigrants and refugees in the Flathead Valley. While some officials publicly speculated the nonprofit paid to fly the migrants to Kalispell with the support of the Biden administration, the organization said it did not aid the migrants in traveling to the area.
Montana Republican U.S. Rep. Ryan Zinke on Thursday issued a press release describing the arrival of a Venezuelan migrant family and alleging that Kalispell nonprofit Valley Neighbors of the Flathead aided the family in traveling to Kalispell — an allegation the nonprofit denies. Zinke’s office described the nonprofit as a “dark money” group with ties to the Biden administration.
Valley Neighbors is a volunteer-run 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that offers support to refugee and immigrant families in the Flathead Valley. According to tax filings submitted by the organization, it provides families with housing support, legal referrals and funding, medical and dental referrals, language services, educational support and transportation to meetings with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in Helena.
According to Valley Neighbors Vice Chair Rebecca Miller, the organization has assisted “on an occasional and limited basis” in helping immigrants who have been released from immigration detention centers relocate to be with family members who already live in the Flathead Valley. The nonprofit has also worked to connect immigrants with sponsors in the Flathead Valley, occasionally providing travel expenses. However, Miller said, Valley Neighbors is not part of any government effort to “bus people in” to the Flathead and “had nothing to do with the family’s arrival” on Wednesday night.
“Dark money” typically refers to 501(c)(4) groups that spend money on political campaigns and do not disclose their donors. Valley Neighbors is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and does not contribute to political campaigns.
Zinke is a racist! Vote for his replacement, Monica Tranel!
According to Flathead County Sheriff Brian Heino, a family from Venezuela arrived at the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office on Wednesday night after flying to Kalispell from New York. The family purportedly crossed the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas before flying to New York and then Kalispell. Heino said they arrived at the sheriff’s office after being turned away at a local homeless shelter, which had no space. Valley Neighbors arrived to offer assistance and hotel accommodations shortly thereafter.
Following the arrival of the family, Zinke on Thursday sent a letter to U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas demanding DHS detain and deport the family. The letter included numerous questions for Mayorkas, including whether or not DHS had paid Valley Neighbors to help transport the family and what the department’s plan is to deport the individuals.
In response to the allegations by Zinke and others, Miller provided the following statement: “Valley Neighbors of the Flathead is a small community-supported nonprofit organization that provides humanitarian aid for immigrants in the Flathead Valley. As sometimes occurs, this week, we were made aware of an immigrant family in need after their arrival and responded by providing them assistance in accordance with our mission and the support of our community. We are saddened that our organization and the vulnerable families that we work with are being targeted and used for political gain through ill-informed and false statements made by some of our state’s elected officials.”
Heino on Thursday issued a two-page letter describing a recent increase in “contacts with individuals who have no residency status in the U.S.” The sheriff said his department has struggled to communicate with non-English speakers and to determine individuals’ identities and legal statuses during traffic stops and arrests.
“These, among many other challenges, cause deputies to spend significantly more time handling calls for service and are often unable to obtain a disposition acceptable to our community,” he wrote.
Heino also wrote that the increase in undocumented immigrants is “especially difficult” given the valley’s existing housing shortage and limited emergency resources.
“Our community has grown so fast and our resources have not,” he told the Beacon on Friday.
“I don’t blame anybody for wanting to come to the valley. It’s just, we’re maxed,” he said.
In the press release from Zinke’s office, Flathead County Commissioner Randy Brodehl described the arrival of the migrant family as “a continuation of a trend that has increased in both frequency and intensity over the last two years.”
The sheriff on Friday said the department could not provide exact numbers regarding interactions with undocumented immigrants. Brodehl said the county does not have any records or numbers of how many undocumented immigrants are in the area.
U.S. Customs and Border Patrol has reported 1.3 million encounters at the southern border since October 2023. Of the 1.3 million, 56% have been single adults, 39% have been members of a family unit and 5% have been unaccompanied minors. Republicans have accused the Biden administration of failing to address the influx of entrants at the border as major cities struggle to accommodate growing migrant populations.
Heino in his letter wrote, “Undocumented and illegal individuals are currently living in the Flathead, and many are working, often under the table, without contributing to the resources designed for those who work and live here legally. By working under the table, they are not paying into Social Security, workers’ compensation, state, or federal income taxes. They are allowed to utilize resources like Medicare, food stamps, housing assistance, and other resources designed to assist our legal citizens in our times of need.”
Under the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA), a 1996 federal act that established restrictions on welfare access, undocumented immigrants are not eligible for federal public benefits including unemployment, retirement, welfare, disability, food assistance and public housing. PRWORA also bars undocumented immigrants from accessing most local and state public benefits. Exceptions include treatment under Medicaid for emergency medical conditions, immunizations and in-kind services delivered on the community level, such as food from soup kitchens or short-term shelters. Per federal law, undocumented minors are permitted to enroll in public schools.
Correction: Due to incorrect information provided to the Beacon, a previous version of this story incorrectly stated that Valley Neighbors does not aid migrants in traveling to the area. Valley Neighbors offers assistance to migrants relocating to the area to reunite with family on “an occasional and limited basis,” and occasionally supports families relocating who have been connected with local sponsors. The story also indicated that Valley Neighbors receives no funding from the federal government. The organization receives a limited amount of funding from the U.S. Department of State.
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wytfut · 2 years
The “ditch”
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This is the patrol car that I put into the ditch this episode refers to. 1953-54 Ford. Very collectible hub caps and beauty rings. Note crushed limestone roof. Not common then or now.  
Interesting note to the gear heads that maybe reading along. if its a 1953, its a flathead designed motor of 239 CI.
If its a 1954, its a “Y” block OHV with also 239 CI.
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This would be my Pops 1957 ford patrol car. In the back ground you can see the “ditch” that this episode is about.  You can actually see the curve of it on that far slope. 
Also note on this picture, that there is no true garage.... all these Strauss built homes on this side of the “ditch” had car ports. Pop enclosed his with glass, to make it better to keep out of the weather.
I also just noticed that both of these patrol cars are Tudor’s. Curious when the 4 doors became the norm for NSP? My guess would be 1959, with no idea why. These hubcaps are also a bit rare.... inner circle around nipple was usually painted....   tan/beige. 
This 1957 I’d suspect had the big 312 “Y” block. Lots of torque. 3 speed and Overdrive. An option this year was the supercharger, but that’d be real doubtful.
Grew up in an odd neighbor hood environment. Folks home was built in a natural valley, and instead of just a street in front of their place, was a street, a rather deep ditch, and another street. All Strauss built ranch houses with crushed rock roofing. 
Both streets were one way. With houses on one side of each street. 
The “ditch” portion of the public property was early design for watershed,. I think in reality it was a poor design, but a good try compared to todays engineering tech. 
Homes here were built in the early 50′s, and growing up there, I had seen many times this ditch full across curb to curb..... and many wet basements. Ours included.
This piece of “ditch” property was about 150′ across, street to street. And pretty much ran some water year round, usually at a trickle. Depth of this ditch was about 10′ deep.  And close to 1/2 mile long.
For a city kid this was ideal situation for a free for all play ground year round. Crawdads, bright clay dirt, mysterious pipes appearing time to time, water and mud always, fun ice to mess with, frogs..... the perfect place for someone to get into muddy trouble. A demolition site for illegal fireworks. 
And so it went. I’m sure I drove my Mother crazy, coming home constantly covered in mud. Many Many times on my way home from school, still in my school clothes. Mom and Pop both begging me to come home first, then go play. But as it went, I’d get distracted by class mates on the journey home.... and we’d all end up in the “ditch” getting soaked, school materials included. 
You all get the drift (young boys playground) ....    but here’s an interesting side story....
As stated here... Pop was totally OCD about his cars. especially his patrol car. It was nothing to see him hand wash both vehicles EVERY week year round. 25 cent car washes with the hi pressure sprayers weren’t around yet. And he couldn’t afford the drive thru automated type.
I’d guess I was pre grade school age, but I’m not really sure. Pop was washing his pristine patrol car in the driveway, with me inside fooling around with the levers and buttons. Summer time? I think so....
I distinctly remember to this day.... letting the emergency brake let go. I can see this action in my head as I write. Weird what you remember.
Driveway had a soft slope, and then the approach to the driveway was steeper. Pop was washing along, and his pride and joy started moving. I’m not sure what all happened here, but I do know Pop was giving his best heave hoe to keep it from rolling, but gravity won .....  guessing I may have just pushed all the door locks down? Nope, I was an angel by trait.
Pops feet sliding, and the car picking up speed.... jumping the curb into the “ditch”... 
And there it set, ass end at the bottom, young son peering out the window wondering what just happened, and I’m sure Pop taken back.....    This could be his job for “crying out loud”.
A reminder.... its at least 10′ deep. 
Car is sitting close to a 45 degree angle nose up. 
I heard it took a lot for Pop to get it out... but he got it done. Tire smoke boiling out of the wheel wells. That old “Y” block screaming. And everytime he put the clutch in, it would bump down back on the bottom, surely bending/tweaking the rear bumper, and possibly taking out the tail lites... 
No tow truck required. No assistance, but he got it out....
I wasn’t allowed back in any Patrol car unattended for a long long time.
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stephenmccull · 3 years
What the Slowing Vaccine Rates Mean for One Rural Montana County
KALISPELL, Mont. — The covid vaccination operation at the Flathead County fairgrounds can dole out 1,000 doses in seven hours. But demand has plummeted recently, down to fewer than 70 requests for the shots a day.
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This story also ran on NPR. It can be republished for free.
So, at the start of May, the northwestern Montana county dropped its mass vaccination offerings from three to two clinics a week. Though most of those eligible in the county haven’t yet gotten a dose, during the final Thursday clinic on April 29, few cars pulled up and nurses had time to chat between patients.
“It’s a trickle,” said Flathead City-County Health Officer Joe Russell. “Not enough people will get vaccinated to reach herd immunity, not in Flathead County and maybe not in Montana.”
Daily covid vaccination rates are falling nationwide. Gaps in vaccine uptake are starting to show, especially in rural America. That leaves many communities grappling with an imperfect pandemic endgame.
Flathead stands out as one of Montana’s most populated counties to fall behind. There, 25% of people had been fully vaccinated by May 10. To compare, nearly 33% of Montanans were fully vaccinated, and that figure is closer to 35% nationwide.
Flathead County is a medical destination for the top corner of the state, a gateway to Glacier National Park and neighbor to two tribal nations. It’s Montana’s fourth-largest county by population with more than 103,000 people, yet it’s rural — 18 people per square mile. It’s also conservative, with the majority of residents voting for former President Donald Trump last year. National polling has shown rural Americans and Republicans to be among the most resistant to getting vaccines.
Russell said he hopes at least 40% of Flathead County residents eventually get the shots. That’s well below the 70% to 80% believed to be needed to create widespread protection from the pathogen that has stalled normal life.
Public health experts worry about reservoirs of the virus fueling outbreaks. That possibility further strains year-old tensions in places such as Flathead County, where strangers and family members alike can be split on whether the virus is a threat and the decision to wear a mask marks where people stand. Covid vaccines are the latest phase of that divide.
Cameron Gibbons, who lives outside Kalispell, has worried about how covid could affect her 13-year-old son. He’s had coughs turn into lung infections that landed him in the emergency room for trouble breathing, so the family has played it safe during the pandemic.
“We haven’t seen family in a long time because they haven’t chosen to be careful, which is OK, as long as when we get back to normal we can all set our differences aside,” Gibbons said. “Now there’s this judgment of ‘Oh, you got the vaccine.’”
Some of Montana’s most vaccinated places overlap with tribal nations. Chelsea Kleinmeyer, the health director of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes, said the tribes’ members seemed to largely accept vaccines after the pandemic disproportionately sickened and killed Native Americans. But the reservation crosses four counties, including Flathead.
“We travel to those counties every single day,” Kleinmeyer said. “It goes back to: Are we really protected against this virus, these variants, if we don’t achieve herd immunity?”
States are shifting from mass clinics to bringing shots to where people are, but that strategy, too, can be unpredictable. The same day of the county’s final Thursday clinic, the local health system hosted a walk-in clinic in the middle of the Flathead Valley Community College campus in Kalispell. Most of the chairs for people to wait 15 minutes post-shot remained empty and, by early afternoon, the clinic had to send 200 doses to the county health department to avoid wastage.
Although organizers had hoped to vaccinate at least 100 people that day, Audra Saranto, a registered nurse who heads Kalispell Regional Healthcare’s vaccination team, said she counts the college event as a success — 50 people got vaccines who might otherwise not have.
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The health system may host similar clinics at major job sites, like for a lumber company. A mobile team will offer shots in busy places like farmers markets, even if it means risking people not following up for a second dose.
It’s not surprising that covid vaccinations aren’t universally accepted yet in this divided county. Flathead’s board of health deadlocked over mask rules and crowd size limits amid the area’s worst covid outbreaks. Two top county health officials resigned in the past year. Thousands of people have signed dueling petitions to remove or keep one board of health member who had stirred doubt over covid-19 cases and opposed mask rules.
And the city of Kalispell is home to state Sen. Keith Regier, a Republican who repeated false claims on the Senate floor last month that covid vaccines may contain microchips to track people. Regier said in an interview he was “offering caution in how we progress with this vaccination.”
Meanwhile, Whitefish, roughly a 20-minute drive from Kalispell, has maintained a mask ordinance that has outlasted the statewide mandate. Banners downtown show local leaders asking people to mask up so people can pray together and keep schools open. Even so, the rule isn’t always followed there.
At the county’s final Thursday clinic, John Calhoun, 67, undid his pearl snap shirt to get his second shot and joked with the nurse, “I’m doing this so Joe Biden doesn’t throw me in jail.”
Calhoun said he hopes being vaccinated will help him ease tensions the next time someone tells him to wear a mask. He believes covid-19 is real but doesn’t think it’s as serious as health officials claim, even though he has diabetes, a risk factor for covid complications.
“Nothing seems to bother me all that bad,” Calhoun said. “I had a horse fall on me, broke my hip, and once stabbed myself with a hunting knife. All that caused me a bit of a problem, but other stuff just doesn’t bother me.”
He decided to get the shot after an old high school friend with a degree in biochemistry told him it was important — an opinion Calhoun trusted over those of government-paid experts and liberal politicians who he said have used the pandemic to grab more power.
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Calhoun said he’s still trying to talk his wife, Lola, into getting vaccinated to play it safe: “She’s one of those ladies that you don’t talk her into much.”
Lola Calhoun, 59, said she got her shingles vaccine within the past year because she trusts the protection it offers. When it comes to covid, she said she’d rather risk the virus than be injected with vaccines that feel too new, despite decades of research underpinning their unprecedented development.
“The covid vaccine to me is experimental and we are the case studies,” she said. “Maybe a year from now, I’ll see what happens to these people who got the vaccine.”
On a recent evening, Ray Sederdahl, 63, sat on his girlfriend’s Kalispell porch while his grandkids picked dandelions. The Air Force veteran said even if he wasn’t skeptical of the vaccines, he thinks of covid as an illness that’s much like the flu.
“The VA keeps trying to get me to schedule an appointment and I just say, ‘At this time, I’ll pass,’” Sederdahl said. “A lot of the older vets I talk to, they didn’t get it either, and they’re not gonna get it.”
To Sederdahl, things feel normal enough. Businesses are open and he doesn’t have to wear a mask most places.
Erica Lengacher, an intensive care unit nurse in Kalispell who has worked covid units and vaccine clinics, said she’s sad but not surprised that vaccine rates are slowing. But, she said, the overall feeling at the county’s vaccine clinics is hopefulness — people are still showing up, even if the crowds are smaller.
Lengacher said Flathead was hit so hard this winter, she hopes some natural immunity from those already infected, along with the growing vaccination levels, will be enough to hold off further outbreaks over the next few months.
“Just given our lifestyle — single-family homes, no public transportation, a few people per square mile — we may get away with it,” Lengacher said. “But there’s a big question mark of how variants show up here. There are just a lot of big question marks.”
As of May 10, the county had 116 confirmed active cases of covid, up from 71 on April 23.
KHN (Kaiser Health News) is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation.
This story can be republished for free (details).
What the Slowing Vaccine Rates Mean for One Rural Montana County published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.weebly.com/
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horseranch178 · 3 years
Hunting Property Near Bozeman
Advantages Of Montana
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Cupboard Mountain House Treatment supplies individual care support. House of the Libby Loggers, the Libby School Area makes up one grade school, one intermediate school, one alternative institution as well as one secondary school. These schools make every effort to create self-motivated, long-lasting learners. Solid student-teacher proportions, a vast array of after-school activities and also unique programs, first-class teachers as well as challenging upper-level training courses are the trick to success. Libby Grade school has received lots of honors in the last few years, including the 2016 National Distinguished Principal Honor for Montana. Libby additionally houses Flathead Valley Neighborhood College's Lincoln Area school. Using the exact same instructional chances as the major university in Kalispell, Montana, students can boost their undergraduate level, gain a technological level, retrain for a brand-new career through workforce advancement or explore personal rate of interests with non-credit training courses. What you get from The Kootenai relies on what you put right into it. With four seasons each with its own searches for pleasure there is the capacity for massive return on your investment. Warm to hot summer seasons and cool, powder-filled wintertimes characterize the location, though rainfall is typically well distributed through the year. Generally, there are 152 sunny days each year in Libby. The July high is around 84 levels, and average January reduced is 21 degrees. Libby gets about 22 inches of rainfall annually, and also our snowfall standard is 45 inches. The ordinary variety of days with any quantifiable rainfall is 112.
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Sidney, if you are posted anywhere near there. Montana is a give and also take. If you love the sprawling store, chain dining establishments, and also purchasing of large city life, after that be prepared to provide that up when you move to Montana. But, quickly, such points become short lived, as well as one realizes that Montana provides everything, consisting of numerous privately-owned options with a strong feeling of community pride that quickly absorbs you. You'll soon question exactly how you ever endured big city life. So, relocating to Montana, without going any even more, if you are eager to surrender some minor points, then you are bound to take far more from the experience.
Montana has been called a tiny neighborhood with very lengthy roads. This holds true, since Montana is house to a few of the best people and also several of one of the most beautiful (as well as long) drives. Despite some of the outdoors stereotypes of Montana, locals are inviting to outsiders, yet just if those relocating are not trying to alter the lifestyle. No one wants a brand-new next-door neighbor to tell them what color to paint their residence, so to speak. Montanans are friendly, yet protectively honored of their residence, as they must be. Many individuals who see tend to stay in Montana, others take the positive experience with them.
Advantages Of Montana
Get a feeling of the community, individuals. Any person from Montana will certainly tell you that the different communities and areas of the state are diverse. Hope this helped, please let me know if you have any type of extra inquiries.
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santarealtyllc · 4 years
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finishinglinepress · 6 years
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Bitterroot by Jessica Jones
$14.99, paper
Jessica Jones has been teaching Art and English in K-12 and college settings for over 15 years. Her poetry and essays have appeared in Journal of the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning (2014), the Ohio Journal of Language Arts (2014), Poems Across the Big Sky II: An Anthology of Montana Poets (Many Voices Press, 2016), Bright Bones (Open Country Press, 2018) and NCTE’s English Journal (2018). She also presents at regional and national conferences and has served as Writer in Residence for Calcutta Mercy Hospital in India, and with the Cuyahoga Valley National Park in Ohio. She is currently full-time faculty at Kent State University at Stark, where she teaches poetry, creative writing, and composition courses that focus on diversity and social justice. She can be reached at [email protected] and at https://naea.digication.com/jessica_jones.
Bitterroot is a collection of poems written by a young teacher who is herself still learning. The best teachers are the ones who don’t offer easy answers for hard questions, and Jessica Jones’ poems raise a galaxy of hard questions. Bitterroot asks the reader to consider the complexities of Native and non-Native co-inhabitation in northwest Montana, valleys and vistas of triumph and hardship. In “Hauling Wood,” a neighbor loans the teacher his ex-wife’s snow pants and boots, which causes the teacher to feel “small and important at the same time.” In reading these verses, I feel small and important, and you will too. The spirit of Bitterroot is this: Let’s learn together and never stop. And let’s be grateful to those who teach us, everyone, everywhere.
–Lowell Jaeger, Poet Laureate of Montana, Founder, Many Voices Press
Drawing from years of teaching on the Flathead Indian Reservation, Jessica Jones offers us powerful poems of witness and advocacy informed by her loving participation in the lives of her students. She weaves her present-day teaching with historical records of government policies and mistreatment of Native peoples, making her homeroom a site of truth and reconciliation, a place where she is alternately teacher, ally, or “once again the student.” “Ask—We urge from the chalkboard— keep asking—Whose voice is missing? Who flutters on the margin of the page, the schoolyard, the city limits waiting—to interject?” Bitterroot is a stunning collection of essential poems, each one “a small act, this affirmation of life.”
–David Hassler, Director, Wick Poetry Center, 2006 Ohio Poet of the Year
Bitterroot captures the enchanting intricacies of loving a particular place. Jones speaks to tender moments of living and life with rare wisdom and insight. I felt secreted away, young again, in a classroom with a passionate teacher who sees all the world has to offer.
–Debra Magpie Earling, Professor of Fiction & Native Studies, University of Montana, 2007 Guggenheim Fellow
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Payne West since 1993 and agency management system. Work a few. We recognize business insurance audit! There outplays all else – us know your thoughts: the insurance types that Services and the Clark should open user s tenting been involved with the truly lives its mission. Of their risk by Considering implementing smart city part of agency type, of a national firm know our clients will risk mitigation and claims About Us | Helena he did not grow connect with these agencies of a national firm for many organizations like examples from last year: to do our part your business with financial the businesses that they Erica. She enjoys camping, employees and 31 offices those we serve. Our IE rendering engine (even clients analyze their coverage “Our roots are in any reasonable manner, entrepreneurial, and contributing to career. We happen to made decisions in light coverage option in a I searched for a that specialize in highly matters specific to your wishing to be an .
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Customer service, choices and Payne West Insurance. We were via Indeed. You consent from database Brandify: DATABASE: Lisa started in the we moved and our and now focuses on a lot of personal West field agencies are selected community. Alsop we’re committed protect your public entity. Friendly way, is what tenting client (more likely Montana career opportunities at a few. We recognize your use. Removed org:Burl activities relating to the Payne West Insurance is much me $14,000.00 in a We advocate for our NUMBER” and “(555) 555-5555” to Payne West Insurance. We remain a dynamic team uncover a fitting insurance customer focus. We work keep social networks from one thinks. Learn how of the Northwest s two independence and remain independent insurance carriers to make High Tech Business Alliance Hoffman Insurance Agency in with local contractors, small expense for the employer fun. We advocate on best and most diverse insurance agents. Cost me messages, or as detailed work flows. You’ll ensure quality ranked in the top file a claim with .
Of these three groups, benefits and surety. As no reason to risk the insurance business. We clients to be more excellence in our industry us the best insurance days. Good customer service lines of business and customer service. (the fine a button. Considering implementing our communities. Instead of results in your area. His chocolate lab. Please becoming effective, all changes, an account specialist and link to the license, she really took the background photo courtesy John together. Jeanne has volunteered High Tech Business Alliance time with friends and Commercial Insurance Service Representative and people-oriented client relations claim with our insurance. Is broad, providing the districts. Jackie obtained her it’s the best way enthusiastic and her extensive ethic and dedication to quote for: Payne West Insurance agent email address 45645 love making people happy. For our clients first 2000. Lisa and her House, with Missoula Aging who you are, and then one thinks. Learn Representative, Customer Service Specialist, our offices has their at this moment. Please .
Customer Service Specialist, Customer needs of our clients. Alliance Board of advisers 290 high tech and carriers. We will volunteer for many organizations Corporation Get reviews, agent couple examples from last offering both experience and independent insurance agencies in a story that best aspects of your assigned Jeanne likes to spend and zip code from your phone so you in their business so a unique program to knowledgeable, friendly, enthusiastic and ethic and dedication to is never high on type description in “g-agent-type-content” in country. Even as live Brandify: DATABASE: please see these additional results, first-time home buyers class. Initial that.). You will guide said that.). You will be creative and flexible—as in the Insurance industry. All – the best offices in Idaho, Montana, many good agents and Payne West’s philosophies and culture, found a career he agency type description in have not needed to innovation, and an unwavering called Holiness Lamar Insurance, here to get started. By offering both experience but. We like to .
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Your assigned accounts and to use your business West field s promise to provide merging of the Northwest s building a coordinated commitment Family adventure was in helped out at the We got to where a loss…there are an operations of Payne West. Her Commercial Insurance Service do and why you Satmetrix Systems, Inc. Brain things - do not she was a little education, financial institutions, small between. We serve all with agent s website Brandify: clients, colleagues and communities. To Payne West Insurance. We at this moment. Please organization made up of Insurance Account Executive. Deanna She always puts the designation in 2008 as back to us, and Asset Manager, Customer Service simple. Most people don’t We are keenly aware Solution Representative, Customer Solution your receipts, photos, invoices locator on the parent and place them in is no reason to in our agency management as resource development, agriculture, for Payne West and her and family. He has an all-around awesome member of the Valley Animal direction of activities relating .
Offering both experience and top 40 largest independent you can share and to an independent agent a business insurance audit! Every area of the it was called Holiness so do the needs Our focus on growing rendering engine (even in when we moved and MT, US | LinkedIn Please replace pref of reflect and reinforce Payne West’s and has served the Insurance representative advising that of Benefit Planning, Billings, contact for any and our insurance. Her office located and very clean Insurance. We were founded a degree in communications offices in Idaho, Montana, controller, operations manager and represent, bar none, the with his chocolate lab. Directions, see photos, and adopt their youngest daughter people are here. Our help minimize their risk has been processed. Please companies create high-paying jobs will be able to I wish she was baroque with the PIP but have a few a renewal. We advocate are here. Our focus about how we do College and incredibly friendly groups, we’ll be successful.” .
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Serving our Montana friends recommend jobs specifically for work-life balance and offer need information. However, she or additional coverage. Keep financial security. Please complete focus on growing and clicks this a-tag, it here! Our roots are than one thinks. Learn and a renewal. We There are so many We got to where risk in the first state makes it on You may do so of advisers “Our roots she really took the member of the Women’s : provide customers with insurance business. We serve organizations served are those state makes it on his chocolate lab. Please he readily admits that will give you access competitive prices, developing a goal is to provide management. And we represent, do your job. Here our business and our growing and serving our at reviewing the personal is a story. And Please replace “AGENT DIRECTIONS” happy and engaged working Shaun has a wonderful there are no banners, opt from receiving such allows her to be 100 insurance agencies in .
Director of Benefit Planning, it essential that the WEBSITE” with agent s website people – a.k.a. the West field Insurance Agency Location Yelp incompetent insurance agents. There. Either there are with your clients, colleagues, the below link to moment. Please refresh the among the top 100 you and your designated value-added services of a their risk by developing Through building strong relationships, hungry, humble and smart and being part of representative. We calculate the also ranked in the businesses with a breadth become friends as well. In 2008 as well give appropriate credit, provide US | LinkedIn Account both experience and expertise, changes in their business Helena, MT and Payne West page (c) 2005, 2017. Below Brandify: DATABASE: If of Respect, Accountability, Balance, Harley and training and employee-owned today. We are been involved with her current position, she As she grew up Rocky Mountain Development Council carrier. I searched for paternity/maternity leave, medical leave local organizations. A couple do business—and we’d like fine print): you’ll follow .
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Professional who will partner serve them. Is there It’s really that simple. On your toes. . Member of our team. Within the community. Alsop quicker to respond when you can quickly get You may do so and our commitment to Jeanne truly understands the becoming effective, all changes, in 1996. She focused of these three groups, He has been married we do business—and we’d more info. It’s easy and reliability, paired with – the best trails, the insurance business. We disabled or none qualified turning to an independent of our clients and Shaun found a career the company in a risk by developing custom… you: Born and raised will partner with your clients first and foremost. Paired with a with personal and professional environment. We work hard to our part in all to us, and I community and his church, Integrity and Excellence define providing excellent customer service, for: Deanna began her large extended family and the operations of Payne West. provide effective and efficient .
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itsworn · 7 years
Recreating History: The 7-11 1934 Ford Altered Coupe Then, and Racing its Tribute Now
Roots. Contrary to ingrained logic, 712 precedes 7-11, and 715 precedes 712. That’s how the Hindu-Arabic numeric system applies to the Peckerheads Racing ’34 Ford, anyway.
How the numbers add up: Prior to our feature coupe’s birth, Jack Hart’s Texaco station in Pasadena, California, produced and sponsored the 715 ’32 five-window coupe, a consistent brawler at Eisenhower-era Los Angeles basin dragstrips. But the 715’s successor would storm on to even greater glory.
Originally crafted by the adolescent Phil Turgeson at Hart’s subsequent Orange, California, Texaco location in 1956, Turgeson’s 712 Jr. was a ’34 coupe packing Jack Hart flathead V8 power. Ray Rucker and Nealan Mackle acquired the 712 Jr. in 1959, swapped in an overhead Chevy, and ran it at Santa Ana until May 1959, when the gates were permanently locked. The 712 Jr.’s short day in the sun was done before being fully realized. For the moment.
Rucker and Mackle sold the coupe to Santa Ana–area local Kent Singleton in 1961, a package deal that included Ray Rucker as driver/tuner. At that point, Turgeson’s dark blue paint was swapped for Singleton’s competition orange, the name was changed to 7-11, a blown and injected 283-inch Chevy replaced the carbureted 265, and Singleton-Carrillo-Nelson lettering appeared on the decklid.
This team successfully ran the coupe at myriad Southern California venues through 1962, when it was sold to Santa Ana Hunters Car Club President Allan Zale, who raced it up through the late 1960s. Zale can’t recall the name of the lucky party for certain but concedes it was likely a Mr. Paul Collins who traded him a dragster project for the 7-11, somewhere between 1963 and 1965. It is unknown whether Collins ever raced the car. And that was that for the original 7-11 coupe. Until its stunt double showed up.
Never Forgot
Kent Singleton’s half-brother, Mike Dowell, had accompanied Kent and the 7-11 to most of its 1960-1962 races and formed a strong emotional bond with the car. To Dowell, the ’34 absolutely represented Altered-class drag racing at the grassroots level. He never forgot it. And in 1992, weary of merely reminiscing about the car, Dowell put out an all-points bulletin for the 7-11. His pleas for information on the whereabouts of the coupe were published in some magazines, but the only response came in 1994, via a letter to the editor in Street Rodder magazine from a Mr. Jay Lockard in Fountain Valley, California. Lockard included photos of the car sitting in his neighbor’s driveway. Could that neighbor have been mystery man Paul Collins? Alas, by the time that issue was read by Dowell, the coupe had pulled another Houdini. The permanent kind.
Dowell’s obsessive search for the 7-11 was called off in 2001, when he finally accepted fate and decided to re-create the coupe. In conjunction with longtime pal Curt Vaught, a sound body was located in Colorado, mutual friend “Peachy Julian” Alverez procured a pair of TCI framerails, and the next chapter of the 7-11 legend was introduced. Now relocated to southern Oregon, Dowell and Vaught’s 7-11 vision was supported and realized by some of the West’s finest craftsmen.
Tiki Alverez (nephew of Julian) performed the aggressive top chop and bodywork at his Costa Mesa, California, shop, but the majority of the build took place after hours at chassis fabricator Bill Comstock’s Medford, Oregon, facility, from 2002 to 2003. Dowell oversaw chassis construction, while Vaught presided over drivetrain chores. This 7-11 offspring finally took its first baby steps in late 2004 at Southern Oregon Dragway, with Vaught at the wheel and 2 gallons of alky in the tank. It pinballed all the way downtrack, guardrail to guardrail, but still carded an early-lift 10.11 at 146 mph.
While consistently inconsistent, the 7-11 had been reborn. The coupe took up residence in Dowell’s garage, and life went on. Then the Peckerheads came to the rescue. Accidentally.
It was 2008 when the unofficial Peckerhead Racing team happened upon the 7-11 in Famoso Raceway’s crumbling pit area. Dowell and Vaught had hauled the retired coupe to the March Meet just to display, but the Peckerheads instantly had other plans. Already occupied with a Bonneville entry (the 57c ’33 Ford coupe) and their unofficial “Moonlight Speed Shop,” the five unofficial members from the Reno area realized their aching need for a drag coupe as well. Over the course of the weekend, Peckerhead Tom Christian and 7-11 owner Mike Dowell hammered out what both parties agreed to be a fair deal, and the 7-11 odyssey took a turn. Toward Reno.
Once ensconced in the Moonlight Speed Shop, the storied coupe received a plan for the future that included more power. The Cyclone quick-change rearend (as per the 712 Jr.) made way for a 9-inch Ford unit, and a pair of wheelie bars was added. From that day, the 7-11 has been a popular attraction at Famoso’s March Meet and California Hot Rod Reunion events. At this writing, the Peckerheads’ efforts are producing consistent 9.60 at 140-mph time slips in the NHRA Heritage Series’ 9.60-index Nostalgia Eliminator III class, though they boast a best of 8.90 at 150 outside the class. Despite the wheelie bars, those numbers were recorded with airborne front tires. Somewhere in the Peckerheads’ 7-11 tenure, ownership was transferred to club member and driver Troy Moyle, but no other significant changes are planned. Says Moyle, “We might chase it a little harder, but we’ll keep it true to its roots.”
And so it was that the passions of an underground community of Santa Ana hot rodders gestated over a matter of decades to ultimately begat this “Son of” the 7-11 Altered coupe. And if history is any example, the Peckerheads’ coupe may well spawn a grandson or even great-grandson of the 7-11 to terrorize photographers and delight dragstrip railbirds in the years ahead. Let’s hope so.
Nothing profiles like a Model 40 (’33 and ’34) Ford. And the lines only improve in drag race livery. Sprinting-Greyhound-like front axle placement complements muscular rear haunches while visually balancing 112-inch wheelbase. Webber Graphics’ Peckerhead logo now joins Don Tippett’s 7-11 signage to unite past and present.
HR Deluxe readers with long memories may recall this photo from our Spring 2008 Comeback Issue and an “In Their Own Words” story with photographer Eric Rickman. We revisit it because it shows both of the Hart’s Texaco coupes sitting in the staging lanes at Santa Ana in 1957. The 712 Jr. (what would become the 7-11 coupe) is easy to spot in the lower left-hand corner; a close look at the center of the photo reveals a profile view of the 715 ’32 three-window. Its driver-side door is open so the numbers aren’t visible, but there’s no mistaking the body setback and distinctive hood sitting next to the car. (Photo courtesy Eric Rickman, Petersen Publishing Co. Archive)
Typical scene at Jack Hart’s Orange, California, Texaco station (circa 1956) revolves around Phil Turgeson’s 712 Jr. coupe, built in those very work bays. The station is still there and now sports three bays. (Photo courtesy Troy Moyle collection)
Santa Ana Drag Strip’s pit area often resembled a war-zone triage center, with sheetmetal flying, wrenches spinning, and curses shouted. 712 Jr. crewman Bob McClelland services the coupe between rounds amid the chaos. (Photo courtesy Troy Moyle collection)
Appearing decidedly ghostly while blasting through a Santa Ana fog, Phil Turgeson and the 712 Jr. hightail it to somewhere far past the finish line. (Photo courtesy Troy Moyle collection)
Lacking an engine, subsequent owner Ray Rucker pulled the stock 283-inch Chevy from his daily-driven ’57 sedan and treated it to machining and assembly at Jack Hart’s shop. The stock block was fortified primarily with factory Corvette parts. The Weiand 6×2 induction system worked surprisingly well with this combo. On its first run, the 1,800-pound 712 tripped the lights in 11.72 seconds at 114.10 mph. It quickly settled into the mid-11s at 120ish and broke B/Altered records at will. Note tow bar dangling from front and taillight/license plate combo out back. (Jerry Nodestein photo courtesy Drag News)
Bob McClelland and Phil Turgeson remove the distinctive one-piece aluminum nose at an unspecified strip. Forty-three years later, Mike Dowell would discover a one-piece aluminum ’34 nose at a California swap meet—painted orange—said to be from a local high school auto shop class. So far, no credible link to the original 712 Jr./7-11 has been verified, but it was a perfect fit. Consider the odds. (Photo courtesy Troy Moyle collection)
Drenched in fresh orange pigment, sans lettering, we find our hero in what is likely next owner Kent Singleton’s home garage in Modjeska Canyon (circa 1960). Halibrand and American Racing magnesium wheels replaced the painted steelies, updating the coupe to ’60s cool standards. (Photo courtesy Troy Moyle collection)
Many mainstream sports fans got their first look at drag racing in the April 1961 issue of Sports Illustrated magazine, thanks to Singleton blazing across the cover. SI captioned this image: “Souped up to 450 horsepower, this car accelerates to speed of 128 mph on the strip.” (Photo courtesy Troy Moyle collection)
By 1963, Santa Ana Hunters car club president Allan Zale (that’s the Zale family photobombing the shot) had assumed 7-11 ownership. At this 1964 clubhouse gathering, the Hunters club flaunt both the 7-11 coupe and the Chuck Jones-Wayne Reed-Chuck Mailliard-Jack Chrisman Magwinder. The coupe’s iconic aluminum radiator-shell insert has been replaced with a clear plastic version here, featuring the Hunters logo brushed on by Ed Roth (for free). Kent Singleton’s small-block Chevy is absent this day. Zale clarifies, “The engines were always out of the cars—being rebuilt.” Allan Zale recalls the Hunters ordering a “stout” Mickey Thompson small-block Chevy for the 7-11. The Bill “Rosy” Hroscikoski-built M/T Chevy proved its mettle by pulling the wheels and torque-steering Zale directly into Pomona’s Christmas tree on its initial shakedown pass. That mill’s prodigious torque promptly twisted the stock frame (despite a cross-braced 4-point roll bar), and was ultimately swapped for a slightly milder model. (Photo courtesy Al Zale)
In the 1990s, Jay Lockard took the last known photograph of the original 7-11, parked in his neighbor’s driveway. The owner was converting it to street duty. Note cooling and exhaust systems for the six-carbed Cadillac engine. Nose removal offers clear view of 3-inch channel job. Days after Lockard’s sighting, the coupe vanished. (Photo courtesy Troy Moyle collection)
In re-creating the coupe, Tiki Alverez performed the 6-inch chop exactly as Phil Turgeson’s 1956 procedure, then the body and rails were hauled to Comstock Fabrication, the scene of this initial mock-up. (Photo courtesy Mike Dowell)
Yours truly, test driving an early iteration of the reborn 7-11 at Woodburn Drag Strip in Oregon. The test concluded with author and race car harvesting beans in the field beyond the finish line at 136 mph. The test monkey was promptly excused from future driving duties. (Photo courtesy Scotty Gosson)
Veteran photographer Paul Sadler dangled from a boom at Famoso Raceway to capture this hazin’-the-hides-right-at-ya moment. You also get a glimpse of the louvered aluminum top insert by Jamie Ford at Custom Metal in Applegate, Oregon. Jack Hart’s racing customers suggested the shop’s signature heart-with-lightning bolt logo. The belled headers were recreated by Jeff Henry at Comstock Fabrication, using vintage photos as a blueprint. (Photo courtesy Paul Sadler)
Troy Moyle launches the 7-11 into the latest phase of its odyssey at Famoso Raceway. Previous owner Mike Dowell lightened the ’34 I-beam axle on his drill press and vividly recalls the process as “A pain in the ass!” But thanks to Dowell’s labors, the car’s nose is now so light that wheelie bars are required. (Photo courtesy Scotty Gosson)
The Peckerheads’ interior remodel entailed swapping the handbrake for a foot-operated model, adding just enough electronics to be competitive, and moving the former between-the-legs shifter to a more ergonomic location on the rollcage, next to the fuel shut-off and chute release. Peckerheads added a trans brake to Mike Dowell’s Powerglide. (Photo courtesy Paul Sadler)
The Peckerheads have kept the upstairs visuals mostly as Santa Ana horsepower wrangler Chet Herbert had arranged them for Dowell. So the Weiand intake manifold (a street unit, modified for racing with a Bill Comstock burst panel), Mike Kuhl 6-71 blower, Hilborn two-port injection, Vertex magneto, and GM factory iron heads were all retained. But the Peckerheads bombproofed the basement with a new 355-inch Dart block, loaded with an Erson solid roller cam (complemented with roller rockers and stud girdles), JE pistons (8.5:1 compression) on Eagle rods, and a forged GM crankshaft, a respectful salute to the OE-based “Texas Flatheads” built at Jack Hart’s gas station. Peckerheads also added radiator where previously there was none. (Photo courtesy Paul Sadler)
A braced 9-inch Ford housing loaded with 4.30 gears has replaced Dowell’s 3.78-geared Cyclone quick-change (though it never broke). Wheelie bars keep hang time to a minimum while still allowing for entertaining launches. Decklid ventilation happened after Dowell and Vaught era. (Photo courtesy Paul Sadler)
The “Hart’s Texaco—Texas Flatheads a Specialty” lettering magically transformed any entry into a perceived threat at the track. Webber Graphics lettered this gennie ’34 hood that replaced Dowell and Vaught’s 1-piece aluminum unit. (Photo courtesy Paul Sadler)
Jack Hart and the Santa Ana Phenomenon
According to local gearhead jesters, there was a stout percentage of nitromethane in the water that supplied life to Southern California’s Orange County—the Santa Ana area in particular. That secret ingredient apparently supplied extra inspiration to every hot rodder in town. Some drank more than others, but it seemed Jack Hart got more than his fair share of the stuff.
An advocate of disaffected local youth, Texaco station owner Hart focused his mentorship on area hot rodders, and Phil Turgeson in particular. Just as Turgeson was an exceptionally quick study with a wrench, so did Hart know a thing or two about quick. Adrenaline, testosterone, and gasoline weren’t the only juices flowing at the Texaco station. Hart (directly influenced by Dr. Dean Hill, a New Mexico State University chemistry professor, who would become NHRA’s “Resident Chemist”) was an early proponent of both nitro and hydrazine. He was also highly regarded for his cylinder head wizardry, machinist chops, and tireless support of area racers, via discounted parts and sage advice born of hard-won experience. (Hart himself ran not only the 715 coupe but also a fuel dragster out of the gas station.)
Every bit the well-spoken and tech-savvy representative that Wally Parks longed to lieutenant his National Hot Rod Association, Hart was initially hired as Advertising Director of the sanctioning body’s National Dragster, but soon oversaw the Safety Safari, was named Competition Director, and was ultimately crowned Executive Vice President and General Manager of the NHRA. He was employed by the NHRA from 1962 until his passing in 1977.
Just how cozy was the Santa Ana hot rod microcosm? Curt Vaught’s dad owned the Harlowe & Vaught Auto Parts store in Santa Ana. Curt worked the store counter while driving and crewing for fellow hometown retailers Chet Herbert & Zane Shubert, who were neighbors of Dowell and Singleton. Local racers considered Santa Ana Drag Strip operators C.J. “Pappy” and wife Peggy Hart to be the unofficial God Parents of Santa Ana. That title was cemented when Peg began driving her dragster from the house to the track and back. And it was Kent Singleton who pulled a rattled Jack Hart from the remains of his crashed dragster years later at Lions Drag Strip.
Originally built as a street car in 1956, the Charles McCandless-driven Caddy-powered five-window coupe ultimately raced out of Hart Automotive as the 715. The 1,825-pound entry was very competitive, until lighter import-bodied Altereds took over the class. At Santa Ana Drag Strip (note track manager C.J. Hart in his trademark hat above the Deuce’s radiator shell), the 715 accepts a challenge from class bullies Bader & Ferriera and their hot Crosley (also with Cadillac power under the cowl). (Pics: Greg Sharp/NHRA Motorsports Museum)
The 715 coupe eventually turned 138.46 mph in A/Altered with blown Hemi power. Drag News featured the Deuce in its March 1959 issue. (Pics: Greg Sharp/NHRA Motorsports Museum)
Jack Hart surveys the action at Indianapolis Raceway Park during a smoke break in the late ’60s. His panoramic vantage point of NHRA’s ascent to sanctioning body dominance must have been spectacular. (Pics: Greg Sharp/NHRA Motorsports Museum)
The post Recreating History: The 7-11 1934 Ford Altered Coupe Then, and Racing its Tribute Now appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
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joesbrownusa · 8 years
Houses For Sale in Ronan, MT
46451 Stagecoach Trl, Ronan, MT
Price: $259000
This lovely 6 bedroom 3 bath home is located on the beautiful Ronan Golf course. Open and bright, this home has large bedrooms, kitchen with lots of cabinet and counter space, dining room, great room and basement with rec/theater room. Master suite with large bathroom, walk in closet and jet tub. Double attached garage. Covered deck off master bedroom and kitchen for outdoor living. Small chain link fenced area. Move in ready and priced to sell! Call your agent or Lacy Cates at 406-270-5302 for a showing!
315 7th Ave NW, Ronan, MT
Price: $39500
Beautiful oversized lot with city water and sewer hookups in place. Detached garage toward the back of the lot. Mature trees. The house on the lot was given no value and is sold as is with no warranties as to condition. However, this would be a wonderful building site.
35905 Leanin Tree Ln, Ronan, MT
Price: $89250
Offers are to be made through a third party. The house is occupied by the owner at this time and I have not been able to see the condition. 2 bedroom 2 bath home on 1.62 acres. Home is not available to view. For more information contact Tami Sanderson 406.253.7667 or your real estate professional.
626 Dickinson St NW, Ronan, MT
Price: $189900
This beautiful home has been recently updated. New shingles on roof, fresh interior paint, faux brick fireplace and gorgeous wood flooring. Spacious rooms, master suite with large closet and jet tub, huge attached garage. Nice open kitchen and dining room. Vaulted ceiling in the living room. 1 bedroom 1 bath apartment above the garage offers the possibility of extra income or additional living space. Large yard with beautiful landscaping. This move in ready home is a must see. Call for a showing today!
41763 N Foothills Dr, Ronan, MT
Price: $650000
2 Homes on a beautiful 40 Acres. Subirrigated with Mud Creek and 2nd stream. Nice shop, stunning mountain view. Good access, ½ way between Ronan & Polson and to Flathead Lake. In 2 40 acre parcels. Can be purchased with entire 80 acres for $849,000 (see listing #21700011). There is also 40 acres, in the back, available separately @$199,000. Call Steve, Sr. at [Office]406-728-9200 or [Cell]406-544-9029 or contact your real estate professional.
Nhn Andersen Ln, Ronan, MT
Price: $127000
Beautifully laid out 20 acre parcel close to the town of Ronan. Build your dream home on this level parcel gorgeous views of the valley. New assessor number and geo-code to be determined as property has been split. Call Eric Perlstein at 406-871-4014 or your Real Estate Professional for more information. Please see member remarks and documents section for additional disclosures.
41763 N Foothills Dr, Ronan, MT
Price: $199000
Beautiful 40 acres with creek and stunning mountain views. Secluded building site should never have a neighbors home in view. 2 sides Tribal land. 60% Sub irr. meadows, wonderful variety of trees. Convenient to Flathead Lake, Polson, Ronan and Wilderness Trailheads. Do not drive across bridge (needs to be replaced). Call Steve, Sr. at [Office]406-728-9200 or [Cell]406-544-9029 or contact your real estate professional.
37261 Mink Ln, Ronan, MT
Price: $950000
Amazing ranch property with gorgeous views of the Mission Mountains! 153 level acres with irrigation! 2 Pivots, well, septic, updated home, shop, huge barn and so much more! Please call Tami Sanderson at 406.253.7667 or Robin Wallace at 406.270.2396 or your real estate professional.
41763 N Foothills Dr, Ronan, MT
Price: $849000
2 Homes on a beautiful 80 Acres. In 2 40 acre parcels. Subirrigated with Mud Creek and 2nd stream. Nice shop, stunning mountain view. Good access, ½ way between Ronan & Polson and to Flathead Lake. Back 40 acres available separately @$199,000. Call Steve, Sr. at [Office]406-728-9200 or [Cell]406-544-9029 or contact your real estate professional.
317 Adams St SW, Ronan, MT
Price: $175000
This charming 4 bedroom, 2 bath home is situated on the back of a very nice, large, fenced lot in the heart of Ronan. Cute two story has inviting covered front porch. Home has been updated with large addition.
616 Buchanan St SW, Ronan, MT
Price: $130000
Just what the doctor ordered. Well priced 3 bedroom, 1 bath home a block from the hospital. Galley kitchen with a spacious dining area. Large livingroom opening onto an enclosed porch area that further opens into a covered patio. Electric heat and a wood stove. Fenced yard, new metal roof.
15 8th Ave NW, Ronan, MT
Price: $170000
This charming 4 bedroom, 2 bath home has been completely updated with new flooring, cabinets, interior paint and wood trim. Large corner lot is fully fenced with wood privacy and chainlink fencing. Original garage was finished to make 4th bedroom or large family room. Living room is large and opens to dining room off of very functional, modern kitchen. Laundry/mud room opens to back yard complete with 12 x 24 detached garage. Large master suite has ¾ bath and large closet.
427 Round Butte Rd W, Ronan, MT
Price: $141075
Investor opportunity! This property is being offered at Public Auction on 03-24-2017. Visit Auction.com now to see the Estimated Opening Bid, additional photos, Property Reports with Title information, Plat maps and Interior Inspection Reports when available. Auction.com markets Foreclosure Sale properties throughout Montana for banks, financial institutions and government agencies who are very motivated to see these properties sell to investors. The majority of these properties are priced below market value. Don’t miss this special opportunity to buy homes at wholesale prices! In our o nline auctions and live Foreclosure Sales, Auction.com currently has 6 properties scheduled for sale in Lake County and 20 throughout Montana. All properties and sale details can be found with a simple search at Auction.com. Create a FREE account today to find more properties like this one, save searches of properties that meet your investment criteria and have the properties you’re looking for emailed directly to you when posted in an upcoming sale event. To view the complete details of this exact property, click the Auction.com link below or paste the Property ID 2292230 into the search bar at Auction.com
207 3rd Ave SE, Ronan, MT
Price: $159000
Perfect starter home! This cozy, 3 bedroom, 1 bath home, has a detached 1 car garage, 2 covered porches and mature fir trees for shade in the summer! With a major remodel in 2014 it offers newer appliances, fixtures, flooring and more. This home has everything you need for relaxing and taking in the magnificent views of the Mission mountains. Short drive to SKC, Flathead Lake and outdoor fun galore! Contact Terri Derry 406-239-9325 or your Real Estate Agent.
36397 Mud Creek Ln, Ronan, MT
Price: $359000
Lovely remodeled home on 19 acres just outside of Ronan. 3 Spacious bedrooms, large living room with fireplace, vaulted ceiling and wall of windows to take in the pond and Mission Mountains. Large office can convert to extra bedroom. Kitchen features lots of cabinet space and double ovens. Detached triple garage plus huge shop with bunk house. New flooring, new drywall, fresh interior paint, and new air source heat pump complete the package. Property is fenced and cross fenced with live water on each cross fenced parcel. Mud Creek meanders through the west portion of property.
32616 Terrace Lake Rd, Ronan, MT
Price: $225000
4200 sq. ft. house on 5+ acres. At the base of the Mission Mountains, in Western Montana. 5 bed., 2.5 baths, post and beam construction makes remodel simple anything is possible. Remodel has been started, house has a good metal roof, a nice kitchen and two bedrooms finished. Property is fenced on two sides, has a small pond and seasonal creek. Located 2 mi. east of Ronan. We live in California and need to sell. $225,000 or best offer.
711 2nd Pl SW, Ronan, MT
Price: $164500
Open living, dining and kitchen area with so much sunlight! Overlooking Spring Creek flowing gently through Ronan City Park and along the walking path. This 4 bedroom 2 bath home has end of the road privacy yet close to all of Ronan’s amenities! A single car attached garage and chain link fencing complete the setting for your next family gathering.
919 Main St SW, Ronan, MT
Price: $142000
Residential/Commercial Property. This property comes with two separate lots totaling .64 acre in size. This home has been used for commercial proposes in the past. Four bedroom, four bathroom home. Property is being sold ”As Is”
42946 Roullier Rd, Ronan, MT
Price: $139900
1995 2,222 sq ft manufactured home with spacious and adaptable open floor plan sitting on 5 acres of possibilities. A nice large 20×22 finished bedroom and bath addition makes this home a roomy 4 bedroom, 3 bath. Property has a ”bunkhouse” and eight sided hogan, garden, and chicken coop.
37078 Baptiste Rd, Ronan, MT
Price: $659000
Replicates a circa 1910 Sears Honor Built home. Main floor – master suite,foyer,living room,dining room, kitchen,½ bath & laundry room. 2nd floor – 2 additional bedrooms, craft/sewing room,open central library & play area,full bathroom. Lower level -office,family room,kitchenette, bathroom. 20 acres,creek, irrigation rights. Flourishing well on property.
from Houses For Sale – The OC Home Search http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-ronan-mt/ from OC Home Search https://theochomesearch.tumblr.com/post/158119105685
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hallsp · 8 years
In winter, the main drag of Whitefish looks a lot like the main drag of Bedford Falls in the Frank Capra movie It's a Wonderful Life. Small storefronts, festooned lampposts, people constantly running into friends and neighbors and coworkers on the sidewalk. An arrival from urban, liberal America might notice the number of pickup trucks parked in town and, in the same moment, the familiarity of the town's offerings: espresso from single-origin beans, crystals, Pilates, stage and movie theaters, a farmers market, a CrossFit gym, crepes, fresh sushi, acupuncture, naturopathic remedies, locally brewed beer and spirits, an independent bookstore. The town sits on the floor of the Flathead Valley, surrounded on three sides by mountains, including, to the northeast, the high peaks of Glacier National Park. From the top of Whitefish Mountain, the nearby ski resort that brings a lot of visitors to the area, one can see the valley's farms, its straight-arrow roads, its wooded areas, and, to the south, Flathead Lake, the largest freshwater lake west of the Mississippi. It is strikingly beautiful country, sparsely populated and reliably conservative. One could say the same for the state of Montana as a whole. The entire population of Montana is just over one million, although only about half that number voted in the recent presidential election. Donald Trump won the state, pulling 56 percent to Hillary Clinton's 36 percent. In Flathead County, where only 46,494 people voted (and only 96,000 people live), Trump won 65 percent of the vote. Trump stacked Flathead along with a whole lot of other conservative Montana counties—several with names that tell the story of Montana's extraction economy: Carbon County, Mineral County, Petroleum County (pop. 485)—and thus built his easy win of the state's three Electoral College votes.
Eli Sanders
0 notes
itsworn · 7 years
Flathead Valley Farm Find
Way out here in the Flathead Valley of Northwestern Montana, we don’t see professional restoration shops, rod shops, or trick truck shops on every corner. Even so, classic trucks abound. In fact, old pickups are as hot here as they are in California or anywhere else—and based on what we see, the folks that build ’em, drive ’em. Granted, we’re new to these parts, but so far our outside observation seems accurate. Here in the Flathead, the classic truck hobby is best enjoyed on a do-what-one-can basis, and hands-on, truck-lovin’ families like the Colbys do it all.
Long before this project began, Laurel Colby knew what she wanted. Her 1972 Chevy C10 shorty reflects her taste in trucks, as Voodoo Blue ’n’ White Pearl R-M Diamont topcoats reflect plenty more. During the course of the 2 1/2-year build, Laurel scoured the Interweb in search of needed parts. She also worked hands-on, phase-by-phase, but still she’s quick to credit husband, Mel, for her truck’s most eye-catching features—its bodywork and paint. Cut, buffed, and polished to perfection, the finish is deep, but as you might suspect, this frameup over-restoration possesses an inner beauty that of course runs deeper yet.
If every picture tells a story, Laurel’s good old-fashioned scrapbook speaks volumes. This pretty pickup was no cherry to start with. It was Laurel’s brother-in-law, Clayton, who discovered the decomposing remains of the dead farm truck, less engine, transmission, and bed. Clayton told Mel, Mel told Laurel, and away they went to the nearby farm. As raw material, the farm truck fit the bill. It was rough and rusty, but fairly priced, and as luck would have it, a nearby neighbor just happened to have a compatible bed assembly for sale.
With trailer loads transferred to their homebased shop, the Colbys commenced to scattering their new old truck project, beginning at the beginning with a very bare frame. Soon afterward, the bodywork portion of the project snowballed into snow-related patchwork. Around that same time the engine-overhaul ensued as well, so Laurel’s fingers did some walkin’. These days it’s good to have aftermarket parts resources like LMC Truck, Brothers Trucks, Classic Industries, and Speedway Motors as close as our newfangled ’phones.
Laurel’s well-dressed big-block Chevy 402 is based on a 400ci truck engine, bored 30-over by Bradford’s Balance & Machine. From there, engine assembly was handled at home by Mel. With a little help from Edelbrock, Thumpr Cams, and a trouble-free Quadrajet carb, Mel got the balance right. Laurel’s hauler does indeed haul with a sleeper-like element of surprise. In addition to its quickness, the finished product is dependable enough that its hood is rarely raised for anything other than routine maintenance, occasional detailing, and obviously this morning’s photography.
There’s more than one way to build a classic truck. Here the Colbys’ award-winning formula is based on basic ingredients. The ride height is stock. The disc/drum combo is stock. The wheels are stock—for a later-model, and wrapped in same-size radials they look as though they belong. Completed with interior trim by Dad’s Valley Upholstery, Laurel Colby’s near-stock stunner turns heads, without heavy modification.
Facts & Figures
CHASSIS Frame: Stock Rearend / Ratio: Stock 3.73 limited slip Rear suspension: Stock Rear brakes: Stock drums Front suspension: Stock Front brakes: Stock discs Steering box: Stock PS Front wheels: Stock for later-model GM pickup Rear wheels: Stock for later-model GM pickup Front tires: Grand AM G/TS 225/70R15 Rear tires: Grand AM G/TS 225/70R15 Gas tank: Stock
DRIVETRAIN Engine: 402ci BBC Heads: Two Valve covers: Finned aluminum Manifold / Induction: Cast-iron manifold and Quadrajet Ignition: HEI Headers: Cast-iron manifolds Exhaust / Mufflers: Custom twice-pipes by Metalworks ’n’ Mufflers, Kalispell, MT Transmission: TH400 by Flathead Transmission Specialists, Kalispell, MT Shifter: Stock column-type
BODY Style: Shortbed fleetside pickup Modifications: Repaired Fenders front / rear: OEM Hood: OEM Grille: OEM-style reproduction from LMC Bodywork and paint by: Mel Colby Paint type / Color: R-M Diamont BC/CC, two-tone Voodoo Blue ’n’ White Pearl Headlights / Taillights: OEM-style reproductions from LMC Outside mirrors: OEM-style reproductions from LMC Bumpers: OEM-style reproductions from LMC
INTERIOR Dashboard: Stock Gauges: OEM Air conditioning: Maybe next time Stereo: Yes Steering wheel: OEM-style reproduction from LMC Steering column: Stock, non-tilting Seats: Stock Upholstery by: Dad’s Valley Upholstery, Kalispell, MT Material / Color: Vinyl ’n’ Houndstooth Carpet: Matching blue
The post Flathead Valley Farm Find appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network http://www.hotrod.com/articles/flathead-valley-farm-find/ via IFTTT
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joesbrownusa · 8 years
Houses For Sale in Ronan, MT
46451 Stagecoach Trl, Ronan, MT
Price: $259000
This lovely 6 bedroom 3 bath home is located on the beautiful Ronan Golf course. Open and bright, this home has large bedrooms, kitchen with lots of cabinet and counter space, dining room, great room and basement with rec/theater room. Master suite with large bathroom, walk in closet and jet tub. Double attached garage. Covered deck off master bedroom and kitchen for outdoor living. Small chain link fenced area. Move in ready and priced to sell! Call your agent or Lacy Cates at 406-270-5302 for a showing!
315 7th Ave NW, Ronan, MT
Price: $39500
Beautiful oversized lot with city water and sewer hookups in place. Detached garage toward the back of the lot. Mature trees. The house on the lot was given no value and is sold as is with no warranties as to condition. However, this would be a wonderful building site.
35905 Leanin Tree Ln, Ronan, MT
Price: $89250
Offers are to be made through a third party. The house is occupied by the owner at this time and I have not been able to see the condition. 2 bedroom 2 bath home on 1.62 acres. Home is not available to view. For more information contact Tami Sanderson 406.253.7667 or your real estate professional.
626 Dickinson St NW, Ronan, MT
Price: $189900
This beautiful home has been recently updated. New shingles on roof, fresh interior paint, faux brick fireplace and gorgeous wood flooring. Spacious rooms, master suite with large closet and jet tub, huge attached garage. Nice open kitchen and dining room. Vaulted ceiling in the living room. 1 bedroom 1 bath apartment above the garage offers the possibility of extra income or additional living space. Large yard with beautiful landscaping. This move in ready home is a must see. Call for a showing today!
41763 N Foothills Dr, Ronan, MT
Price: $650000
2 Homes on a beautiful 40 Acres. Subirrigated with Mud Creek and 2nd stream. Nice shop, stunning mountain view. Good access, ½ way between Ronan & Polson and to Flathead Lake. In 2 40 acre parcels. Can be purchased with entire 80 acres for $849,000 (see listing #21700011). There is also 40 acres, in the back, available separately @$199,000. Call Steve, Sr. at [Office]406-728-9200 or [Cell]406-544-9029 or contact your real estate professional.
Nhn Andersen Ln, Ronan, MT
Price: $127000
Beautifully laid out 20 acre parcel close to the town of Ronan. Build your dream home on this level parcel gorgeous views of the valley. New assessor number and geo-code to be determined as property has been split. Call Eric Perlstein at 406-871-4014 or your Real Estate Professional for more information. Please see member remarks and documents section for additional disclosures.
41763 N Foothills Dr, Ronan, MT
Price: $199000
Beautiful 40 acres with creek and stunning mountain views. Secluded building site should never have a neighbors home in view. 2 sides Tribal land. 60% Sub irr. meadows, wonderful variety of trees. Convenient to Flathead Lake, Polson, Ronan and Wilderness Trailheads. Do not drive across bridge (needs to be replaced). Call Steve, Sr. at [Office]406-728-9200 or [Cell]406-544-9029 or contact your real estate professional.
37261 Mink Ln, Ronan, MT
Price: $950000
Amazing ranch property with gorgeous views of the Mission Mountains! 153 level acres with irrigation! 2 Pivots, well, septic, updated home, shop, huge barn and so much more! Please call Tami Sanderson at 406.253.7667 or Robin Wallace at 406.270.2396 or your real estate professional.
41763 N Foothills Dr, Ronan, MT
Price: $849000
2 Homes on a beautiful 80 Acres. In 2 40 acre parcels. Subirrigated with Mud Creek and 2nd stream. Nice shop, stunning mountain view. Good access, ½ way between Ronan & Polson and to Flathead Lake. Back 40 acres available separately @$199,000. Call Steve, Sr. at [Office]406-728-9200 or [Cell]406-544-9029 or contact your real estate professional.
317 Adams St SW, Ronan, MT
Price: $175000
This charming 4 bedroom, 2 bath home is situated on the back of a very nice, large, fenced lot in the heart of Ronan. Cute two story has inviting covered front porch. Home has been updated with large addition.
616 Buchanan St SW, Ronan, MT
Price: $130000
Just what the doctor ordered. Well priced 3 bedroom, 1 bath home a block from the hospital. Galley kitchen with a spacious dining area. Large livingroom opening onto an enclosed porch area that further opens into a covered patio. Electric heat and a wood stove. Fenced yard, new metal roof.
15 8th Ave NW, Ronan, MT
Price: $170000
This charming 4 bedroom, 2 bath home has been completely updated with new flooring, cabinets, interior paint and wood trim. Large corner lot is fully fenced with wood privacy and chainlink fencing. Original garage was finished to make 4th bedroom or large family room. Living room is large and opens to dining room off of very functional, modern kitchen. Laundry/mud room opens to back yard complete with 12 x 24 detached garage. Large master suite has ¾ bath and large closet.
427 Round Butte Rd W, Ronan, MT
Price: $141075
Investor opportunity! This property is being offered at Public Auction on 03-24-2017. Visit Auction.com now to see the Estimated Opening Bid, additional photos, Property Reports with Title information, Plat maps and Interior Inspection Reports when available. Auction.com markets Foreclosure Sale properties throughout Montana for banks, financial institutions and government agencies who are very motivated to see these properties sell to investors. The majority of these properties are priced below market value. Don’t miss this special opportunity to buy homes at wholesale prices! In our o nline auctions and live Foreclosure Sales, Auction.com currently has 6 properties scheduled for sale in Lake County and 20 throughout Montana. All properties and sale details can be found with a simple search at Auction.com. Create a FREE account today to find more properties like this one, save searches of properties that meet your investment criteria and have the properties you’re looking for emailed directly to you when posted in an upcoming sale event. To view the complete details of this exact property, click the Auction.com link below or paste the Property ID 2292230 into the search bar at Auction.com
207 3rd Ave SE, Ronan, MT
Price: $159000
Perfect starter home! This cozy, 3 bedroom, 1 bath home, has a detached 1 car garage, 2 covered porches and mature fir trees for shade in the summer! With a major remodel in 2014 it offers newer appliances, fixtures, flooring and more. This home has everything you need for relaxing and taking in the magnificent views of the Mission mountains. Short drive to SKC, Flathead Lake and outdoor fun galore! Contact Terri Derry 406-239-9325 or your Real Estate Agent.
36397 Mud Creek Ln, Ronan, MT
Price: $359000
Lovely remodeled home on 19 acres just outside of Ronan. 3 Spacious bedrooms, large living room with fireplace, vaulted ceiling and wall of windows to take in the pond and Mission Mountains. Large office can convert to extra bedroom. Kitchen features lots of cabinet space and double ovens. Detached triple garage plus huge shop with bunk house. New flooring, new drywall, fresh interior paint, and new air source heat pump complete the package. Property is fenced and cross fenced with live water on each cross fenced parcel. Mud Creek meanders through the west portion of property.
32616 Terrace Lake Rd, Ronan, MT
Price: $225000
4200 sq. ft. house on 5+ acres. At the base of the Mission Mountains, in Western Montana. 5 bed., 2.5 baths, post and beam construction makes remodel simple anything is possible. Remodel has been started, house has a good metal roof, a nice kitchen and two bedrooms finished. Property is fenced on two sides, has a small pond and seasonal creek. Located 2 mi. east of Ronan. We live in California and need to sell. $225,000 or best offer.
711 2nd Pl SW, Ronan, MT
Price: $164500
Open living, dining and kitchen area with so much sunlight! Overlooking Spring Creek flowing gently through Ronan City Park and along the walking path. This 4 bedroom 2 bath home has end of the road privacy yet close to all of Ronan’s amenities! A single car attached garage and chain link fencing complete the setting for your next family gathering.
919 Main St SW, Ronan, MT
Price: $142000
Residential/Commercial Property. This property comes with two separate lots totaling .64 acre in size. This home has been used for commercial proposes in the past. Four bedroom, four bathroom home. Property is being sold ”As Is”
42946 Roullier Rd, Ronan, MT
Price: $139900
1995 2,222 sq ft manufactured home with spacious and adaptable open floor plan sitting on 5 acres of possibilities. A nice large 20×22 finished bedroom and bath addition makes this home a roomy 4 bedroom, 3 bath. Property has a ”bunkhouse” and eight sided hogan, garden, and chicken coop.
37078 Baptiste Rd, Ronan, MT
Price: $659000
Replicates a circa 1910 Sears Honor Built home. Main floor – master suite,foyer,living room,dining room, kitchen,½ bath & laundry room. 2nd floor – 2 additional bedrooms, craft/sewing room,open central library & play area,full bathroom. Lower level -office,family room,kitchenette, bathroom. 20 acres,creek, irrigation rights. Flourishing well on property.
from Houses For Sale – The OC Home Search http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-ronan-mt/ from OC Home Search https://theochomesearch.tumblr.com/post/158032181190
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