#501(c)(4) groups
After the arrival of a migrant family to Kalispell this week, Republican elected officials are calling for tighter immigration policy and the immediate deportation of the family, as well as casting blame on a local nonprofit group that provides support to immigrants and refugees in the Flathead Valley. While some officials publicly speculated the nonprofit paid to fly the migrants to Kalispell with the support of the Biden administration, the organization said it did not aid the migrants in traveling to the area.
Montana Republican U.S. Rep. Ryan Zinke on Thursday issued a press release describing the arrival of a Venezuelan migrant family and alleging that Kalispell nonprofit Valley Neighbors of the Flathead aided the family in traveling to Kalispell — an allegation the nonprofit denies. Zinke’s office described the nonprofit as a “dark money” group with ties to the Biden administration.
Valley Neighbors is a volunteer-run 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that offers support to refugee and immigrant families in the Flathead Valley. According to tax filings submitted by the organization, it provides families with housing support, legal referrals and funding, medical and dental referrals, language services, educational support and transportation to meetings with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in Helena.
According to Valley Neighbors Vice Chair Rebecca Miller, the organization has assisted “on an occasional and limited basis” in helping immigrants who have been released from immigration detention centers relocate to be with family members who already live in the Flathead Valley. The nonprofit has also worked to connect immigrants with sponsors in the Flathead Valley, occasionally providing travel expenses. However, Miller said, Valley Neighbors is not part of any government effort to “bus people in” to the Flathead and “had nothing to do with the family’s arrival” on Wednesday night.
“Dark money” typically refers to 501(c)(4) groups that spend money on political campaigns and do not disclose their donors. Valley Neighbors is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and does not contribute to political campaigns.
Zinke is a racist! Vote for his replacement, Monica Tranel!
According to Flathead County Sheriff Brian Heino, a family from Venezuela arrived at the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office on Wednesday night after flying to Kalispell from New York. The family purportedly crossed the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas before flying to New York and then Kalispell. Heino said they arrived at the sheriff’s office after being turned away at a local homeless shelter, which had no space. Valley Neighbors arrived to offer assistance and hotel accommodations shortly thereafter.
Following the arrival of the family, Zinke on Thursday sent a letter to U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas demanding DHS detain and deport the family. The letter included numerous questions for Mayorkas, including whether or not DHS had paid Valley Neighbors to help transport the family and what the department’s plan is to deport the individuals.
In response to the allegations by Zinke and others, Miller provided the following statement: “Valley Neighbors of the Flathead is a small community-supported nonprofit organization that provides humanitarian aid for immigrants in the Flathead Valley. As sometimes occurs, this week, we were made aware of an immigrant family in need after their arrival and responded by providing them assistance in accordance with our mission and the support of our community. We are saddened that our organization and the vulnerable families that we work with are being targeted and used for political gain through ill-informed and false statements made by some of our state’s elected officials.”
Heino on Thursday issued a two-page letter describing a recent increase in “contacts with individuals who have no residency status in the U.S.” The sheriff said his department has struggled to communicate with non-English speakers and to determine individuals’ identities and legal statuses during traffic stops and arrests.
“These, among many other challenges, cause deputies to spend significantly more time handling calls for service and are often unable to obtain a disposition acceptable to our community,” he wrote.
Heino also wrote that the increase in undocumented immigrants is “especially difficult” given the valley’s existing housing shortage and limited emergency resources.
“Our community has grown so fast and our resources have not,” he told the Beacon on Friday.
“I don’t blame anybody for wanting to come to the valley. It’s just, we’re maxed,” he said.
In the press release from Zinke’s office, Flathead County Commissioner Randy Brodehl described the arrival of the migrant family as “a continuation of a trend that has increased in both frequency and intensity over the last two years.”
The sheriff on Friday said the department could not provide exact numbers regarding interactions with undocumented immigrants. Brodehl said the county does not have any records or numbers of how many undocumented immigrants are in the area.
U.S. Customs and Border Patrol has reported 1.3 million encounters at the southern border since October 2023. Of the 1.3 million, 56% have been single adults, 39% have been members of a family unit and 5% have been unaccompanied minors. Republicans have accused the Biden administration of failing to address the influx of entrants at the border as major cities struggle to accommodate growing migrant populations.
Heino in his letter wrote, “Undocumented and illegal individuals are currently living in the Flathead, and many are working, often under the table, without contributing to the resources designed for those who work and live here legally. By working under the table, they are not paying into Social Security, workers’ compensation, state, or federal income taxes. They are allowed to utilize resources like Medicare, food stamps, housing assistance, and other resources designed to assist our legal citizens in our times of need.”
Under the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA), a 1996 federal act that established restrictions on welfare access, undocumented immigrants are not eligible for federal public benefits including unemployment, retirement, welfare, disability, food assistance and public housing. PRWORA also bars undocumented immigrants from accessing most local and state public benefits. Exceptions include treatment under Medicaid for emergency medical conditions, immunizations and in-kind services delivered on the community level, such as food from soup kitchens or short-term shelters. Per federal law, undocumented minors are permitted to enroll in public schools.
Correction: Due to incorrect information provided to the Beacon, a previous version of this story incorrectly stated that Valley Neighbors does not aid migrants in traveling to the area. Valley Neighbors offers assistance to migrants relocating to the area to reunite with family on “an occasional and limited basis,” and occasionally supports families relocating who have been connected with local sponsors. The story also indicated that Valley Neighbors receives no funding from the federal government. The organization receives a limited amount of funding from the U.S. Department of State.
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kp777 · 8 months
By Jake Johnson
Common Dreams
Jan. 6, 2024
"Billionaires attempting to influence politics from the shadows should not be rewarded with taxpayer subsidies," said Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse.
Legislation introduced Tuesday by a pair of Democratic lawmakers would close a loophole that lets billionaires donate assets to dark money organizations without paying any taxes.
The U.S. tax code allows write-offs when appreciated assets such as shares of stock are donated to a charity, but the tax break doesn't apply when the assets are given to political groups.
However, donations to 501(c)(4) organizations—which are allowed to engage in some political activity as long as it's not their primary purpose—are exempt from capital gains taxes, a loophole that Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) and Rep. Judy Chu (D-Calif.) are looking to shutter with their End Tax Breaks for Dark Money Act.
Whitehouse, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee who has focused extensively on the corrupting effects of dark money, said the need for the bill was made clear by what ProPublica and The Lever described as "the largest known donation to a political advocacy group in U.S. history."
The investigative outlets reported in 2022 that billionaire manufacturing magnate Barre Seid donated his 100% ownership stake in Tripp Lite, a maker of electrical equipment, to Marble Freedom Trust, a group controlled by Federalist Society co-chairman Leonard Leo.
The donation, completed in 2021, was worth $1.6 billion. According to ProPublica and The Lever, the structure of the gift allowed Seid to avoid up to $400 million in taxes.
"It's a clear sign of a broken tax code when a single donor can transfer assets worth $1.6 billion to a dark money political group without paying a penny in taxes," Whitehouse said in a statement Tuesday. "Billionaires attempting to influence politics from the shadows should not be rewarded with taxpayer subsidies."
"We cannot allow millionaires and billionaires to run roughshod over our democracy and then reward them for it with a tax break."
If passed, the End Tax Breaks for Dark Money Act would ensure that donations of appreciated assets to 501(c)(4) organizations are subjected to the same rules as gifts to political action committees (PACs) and parties.
"Thanks to the far-right Supreme Court, billionaires already have outsized influence to decide our nation's politics; through a loophole in the tax code, they can even secure massive public subsidies for lobbying and campaigning when they secretly donate their wealth to certain nonprofits instead of traditional political organizations," said Chu. "We can decrease the impact the wealthy have on our politics by applying capital gains taxes to donations of appreciated property to nonprofits that engage in lobbying and political activity—the same way they are already treated when made to traditional political organizations like PACs."
The new bill comes amid an election season that is already flooded with outside spending.
The watchdog OpenSecrets reported last month that super PACs and other groups "have already poured nearly $318 million into spending on presidential and congressional races as of January 14—more than six times as much as had been spent at this point in 2020."
Thanks to the Supreme Court's 2010 Citizens United ruling, super PACs can raise and spend unlimited sums on federal elections—often without being fully transparent about their donors.
Morris Pearl, chairman of the Patriotic Millionaires, said Tuesday that "there is no justifiable reason why wealthy people like me should be allowed to dominate our political system by donating an entire $1.6 billion company to a dark money political group."
"But perhaps more egregious is the $400 million tax break that comes from doing so," said Pearl. "It's a perfect example of how this provision in the tax code is used by the ultrawealthy to manipulate the levers of government while simultaneously dodging their obligation to pay taxes. We cannot allow millionaires and billionaires to run roughshod over our democracy and then reward them for it with a tax break."
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BREAKING: OMG Team infiltrates secret NO MAS MUERTES encampment in the middle of the desert in Aravaca, Arizona near the border.
When the illegal immigrant asked where the Mexican men dressed in military attire associated with the No Mas Muertes nonprofit were from, one responded, “From Sonora,” while another was from Tijuana – notorious Mexican cartel hotbeds.  “I have a friend coming soon.  He will take you to the city,” said one of the cartel-appearing men.  “How much does he charge?” asked the illegal immigrant.  “$300,” responded one of the cartel-appearing men.  Hours later, these cartel-appearing men pointed guns at the illegal immigrant.
In the middle of the Arizona desert over 60 miles southwest of Tucson, O’Keefe Media Group (“OMG”) risked their lives to investigate the shady activity of No Mas Muertes, or No More Deaths, a nonprofit organization claiming to provide humanitarian aid to illegal immigrants but has been raided by US law enforcement and whose members have been arrested by border patrol numerous times.  Posing as donors and land surveyors, and with the help of an illegal immigrant working undercover, OMG recordings show this nonprofit repeating “we are a little paranoid,” refusing to state their names, voicing hostility towards law enforcement, interrogating the undercover illegal immigrant “Why don’t you ask for asylum? Why don’t you ask border patrol for asylum?” and offering to transport the undercover illegal immigrant for $300 cash before pointing guns at him – actions related more to a human trafficking operation than a humanitarian nonprofit.
No Mas Muertes workers refusing to provide their names or identifications stating: “You also don’t need the mask. I only put it on when the military shows up or when those white people show up, so they won’t take my picture” flies in the face of No More Deaths’ obligations as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization to follow the law.  Instead, it seems to skirt immigration laws and traffic humans.  OMG’s exposé of secret illegal immigrant compounds funded by Catholic Community Services of Tucson coupled with this undercover footage of No More Deaths reveals the shocking proliferation of private tax-exempt nonprofit organizations working with the government or potentially dangerous cartels to engage in what amounts to human trafficking into the United States under the guise of humanitarian aid, without any scrutiny or accountability.
Off the outskirts of the tiny town of Arivaca 40 minutes on a dirt road from Interstate 15 at 36455 S Papalote Wash Road, several people wearing construction vests planted flags into the ground as land surveyors would before being approached by someone who told them to leave: “Hey guys, this is private property.”  These people were not, in fact, surveyors.  They were James O'Keefe and members of his OMG team, equipped with hidden cameras to investigate the rise in suspicious nonprofit organizations operating at the U.S.–Mexico border.  The team was outside the secretive location of No Mas Muertes, or No More Deaths.
Couched as a ministry of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson, whose tag line is “a liberal light in the desert,” No More Deaths appears to use its relationship to Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson to evade filing IRS documents of financial transparency (IRS Form 990) under an IRS exemption for religious organizations.  After confirming the location was No More Deaths property, an OMG team member posing as a donor called Mary Weiss, an administrator for the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson.  On the call, Weiss represented No More Deaths was an “organization we actually partner with,” as “a ministry of the church,” located in Arivaca with a staff of 4-5 employees and budget of $400 Thousand.
As the OMG team continued planting flags around the perimeter of the property, they sent a volunteer illegal immigrant with a hidden camera to observe No More Deaths from the inside.  No More Deaths workers welcomed OMG undercover illegal immigrant and explained how they “always have threats” at the camp on account of “bad people” and “the [border] patrols.”  They described wearing masks so they could not be identified or photographed “when the military shows up or when those white people show up” and declared the men at the perimeter to be white supremacists “looking to cause trouble.”  Apparently, government workers, law enforcement, and white people, made them “paranoid” – a very strange mental state for people working at a “humanitarian” nonprofit organization.
Upon the OMG team leaving the area, No More Deaths workers intercepted their car and questioned them.  After O’Keefe mentioned the Unitarian Universalist Church and No More Deaths, the No More Deaths workers denied knowing either organization and never provided their names. 
Back at the “humanitarian” camp, the two military-dressed men from Sonora and Tiuana – cities famous for Mexican cartels, interrogated OMG undercover illegal immigrant.  “Where are you from?”  “Why don’t you ask for asylum?”  “Where did you cross through?”  “Who are they?  Who brought you here?”  “How much did they charge you?”  “Your watch is expensive right, you got a camera in there?”  Ultimately, they offered to find someone to take him to Phoenix…for $300 despite the nonprofit’s budget of $400 Thousand.  OMG undercover illegal immigrant eventually reunited with the OMG team, but not before having guns pointed at him at “humanitarian” No More Deaths camp.
That night in the desert raised more questions than it provided answers.  Why are people at a nonprofit pointing guns at people?  Why is a humanitarian nonprofit adverse to border patrol?  Why does a humanitarian nonprofit have armed cartel-like men offering for-profit smuggling services?  How does an organization which routinely violates the law keep its tax-exempt status?  OMG’s investigation into No More Deaths reveals the growing abuse of nonprofit laws by organizations hiding under the cloak of religious affiliation and potentially profiting off human trafficking.  One thing is clear – men are armed, secrecy is rampant, and fear is wielded by nonprofit organizations running unfettered.
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misfitwashere · 6 months
Friends, It has been 459 days since the U.S. Congress passed legislation to support Ukraine. 
Russia, supported by arms from Iran and North Korea, is now slowly advancing on the front, bombing front-line cities, and sending scores of missiles and drones at cities throughout Ukraine.  Russia has recently destroyed one major Ukrainian hydroelectrical facility, and as write is targeting two others.  The aim is to bring down the Ukrainian electricity grid.
The U.S. Congress is once again in recess.  Although sizable majorities of Americans and their elected representatives want to support Ukraine, legislation has been blocked by the Putinist wing of the House of Representatives.
What can we do?  In the long run, we can recognize that this is all one struggle.  The war the Ukrainians face every day is the most devastating element of a coordinated effort to bring down democracies.  In the short run, U.S. voters can make phone calls to make sure that American does the right thing.  Mark your calendar for a day next week and a day following week to call your Congressional representative. 
Right now we can make donations that will help Ukrainians defend themselves, survive, and make sense their experience for the rest of us. 
1.  Safe Skies.  This is passive drone-detection system that allows Ukrainians to detect drones and cruise missiles in time to shoot them down.  President Zelens'kyi just posted some photos of that end of the operation.  Thanks to thousands of people, including many of you here, I was able (with support from some great historian colleagues) to raise enough money to protect eight Ukrainian regions with five thousand sensors (map here).  Ukraine needs 12,000 total sensors to protect the entire country, so 7,000 more.  The technology is inexpensive and effective.  I have seen it at work.  It saves lives.  This is a very direct way that you can help Ukrainians protect themselves.  Just go to this page and hit the button "Protect Ukrainian Skies." 
Donate to Safe Skies
2.  Razom for Ukraine.  This is an American 501(c)3 that carries out important policy advocacy work in Washington DC and around the country.  Aside from their terrific advocate team, they have a large group of volunteers who work tirelessly with Ukrainian NGOs to deliver aid and supplies to Ukraine.  I have worked together with their great team on events for years and am always filled with admiration of their energy, efficacy, and devotion.  A donation to them is a very safe bet.  Please visit their page and donate.
Donate to Razom
3.  Come Back Alive Foundation.  More and more I hear from people who wish to help the Ukrainian army directly.  A Ukrainian NGO that supplies soldiers on the front with what they need is Come Back Alive.  They have been doing this job since the first Russian invasion and are very well reputed and highly reliable.  You can see their fundraisers here.
Donate to Come Back Alive
4.  1 Team 1 Fight Foundation.  This is a group with some very active European volunteers who have shown their mettle and devotion in getting supplies to the front in Ukraine.  They are also an American 501(c)3.  You can find their campaigns here.
Donate to 1 Team 1 Fight
5.  Liberty Ukraine Foundation.  Here we have a small group of (mostly) Texans who have done a great job in delivering humanitarian and military aid to Ukrainians.  You can find their current projects here.  They are a US 501(c)3.
Donate to Liberty Ukraine
6.  Documenting Ukraine.  As many of you will know, I helped establish this project to support Ukrainian scholars, journalists, writers, artists, photographers, librarians, archivists, and others who are documenting the war, each according to their own talents and following their own projects.  We have given grants to 360 Ukrainians at this point, and are aiming for 500 by the end of the year.  (One of those 360 was Mstyslav Chernov, the director of 20 Days in Mariupol, which just won an Oscar).  I am proud of this effort to give Ukrainians a voice and to create a record of the war in real time and across multiple media.  You can donate here.  This is also a US 501(c)3.
Donate to Documenting Ukraine
It has been six months since meaningful U.S. aid has reached Ukraine.  You now have a list of six institutions that can help. 
Think of this as the Challenge of Six. 
I am now going to make donations myself.  If you want to join in, please do! Maybe you have give $6, or $60, or even $600? Or another round number that begins with 6? Be creative. Be generous. It matters.
Thank you!
TS 29 March 2024
I'll add my favorite as it supports medics like our late Warrior Medic, Savita Wagner.
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Ansev Demirhan at Ms. Magazine:
The anti-feminist Independent Women’s Voice/Forum (IWF/V) has officially launched its 2024 election agenda. An internal fundraising document provided to True North Research shows one way it is putting that agenda into action is by continuing to try and blunt the horrific repercussions of the Supreme Court overturning Roe, while deploying their veneer of independence to sway centrist and independent voters.  The document details a two-phase plan and a budget that is almost twice the amount it proposed in its 2022 midterm fundraising documents, as reported by The Washington Post. Despite claiming to take no position on abortion, IWF/V launched a PR campaign ahead of the 2022 midterms—the first election cycle following the Dobbs decision—which included advertising trying to convince younger women that reproductive rights were less important than other issues the group listed. 
One way IWF/V’s agenda for this election cycle stands out from its previous midterm action plan is its emphasis on reassuring women that access to contraception is not in jeopardy—despite key voices in the anti-abortion movement making it clear otherwise. The group is a member of Project 2025, a MAGA blueprint that includes detailed plans to attack contraception access, promote the rhythm method, deploy the CDC to increase “abortion surveillance” and data collection and much more.  IWF/V also has a long history of undermining contraception access, though the group has a talking point about supporting over-the-counter availability of the contraception pill.
IWF/V’s “Hope Agenda”
Independent Women’s Forum (IWF), a 501(c)(3), and its 501(c)(4) the Independent Women’s Voice (IWV), are pay-to-play groups that use their “independent” branding to laud right-wing politicians along with the legislative wish lists of some for-profit corporations, such as Juul. Based on its most recent tax filings, the groups reported a combined $8.1 million in revenue. IWF/V has received money from the Koch network, Leonard Leo’s network and funds from secretive donor-advised funds, like the Bradley Impact Fund, the National Christian Charitable Foundation and DonorsTrust. 
But Americans are intimately familiar with the political reality of abortion access in this country. 
The majority of states have abortion restrictions or bans in place that make it difficult for pregnant Americans to receive essential healthcare. 
The U.S. Supreme Court continues to be deployed as a tool to potentially limit abortion access nationally (in the mifepristone and EMTALA cases). 
Over 64,000 unwanted pregnancies have been caused by rape in states with total abortion bans that were implemented post-Roe. 
Abortions increased in 2023, the first full calendar year following the Dobbs decision, because people continue to need and seek abortions despite the fractured abortion healthcare landscape unleashed by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Americans are also faced with the political reality that the anti-abortion movement is coming for contraception. That is one reason why IWF/V honing in on messaging around birth control access as something that is safeguarded and supported by the GOP is so troubling. The group itself has a history of opposing contraception access. 
Anti-trans messaging is also central to IWF/V’s plan to ‘get out the vote’ in 2024, according to its “Hope Agenda.” IWF also attacked the Right to Contraception Act, using anti-trans scaremongering to falsely suggest that this legislation would “require doctors to sterilize minors.” This is not the only anti-trans tactic the group has used to detract from the devastating impact of the overturn of Roe.  IWF/V is also behind the anti-trans “model” bill the “Women’s Bill of Rights,” which enumerates no rights other than the right to discriminate against transgender people, especially transgender women. This model bill has ostensibly been used by so-called conservative or independent policymakers and groups that allegedly care more about American women, but IWF/V itself has repeatedly attacked pro-woman policies. IWF/V has opposed the Equal Rights Amendment,  federal paid leave, federally subsidized child care, the Violence Against Women Act and Title IX—though it recently backed a watered-down version of VAWA and for decades it sided with men’s sports teams against Title IX spending on women’s sports until it deployed anti-trans messaging about women’s sports.
Ms. Magazine exposes the right-wing Koch/Leonard Leo-funded antifeminist group Independent Women's Forum and their sister groups Independent Women's Voice and Independent Women’s Law Center. These groups claim to be pro-women, but in reality, the policies they support-- such as anti-trans "Women's Bill of Rights" and attacks on abortion access, contraception, and in vitro fertilization-- are harmful to women.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 8 months
I thought the Aviation Award was a joke so had to research it myself ...
Harry must have been pretty upset about being left out of the Sandhurst book to shell out money for this award.
Wikipedia describes the living legends of aviation as a "paid for" award and the website has a "myshopify.com" extension. Per the website, the "Living Legends of Aviation are remarkable people of extraordinary accomplishment in aviation including: entrepreneurs, innovators, industry leaders, astronauts, record breakers, pilots who have become celebrities and celebrities who have become pilots. The Legends meet yearly to recognize and honor individuals that have made significant contributions in aviation." I bolded the part that Just Harry the Celebrity formerly known as Prince must be eligible under. The website has no ticket or sponsorship pricing information or names of the hosting committee or board. Presumably winners will at least buy a table or two at a minimum.
Charity Navigator, a non-profit rating website, gives the group behind the award a 2 out of 4 stars. The information on the Kitty Hawk Air Academy website is from 2015/16. there is no information about the board of directors, management or any financial information. the contact information for the organization shows a Colorado address but the event is in Beverly Hills. I'm confused as to how a charity that can't even keep its website up to date has a fundraiser in another state in one of the swankiest zip codes?
Will be interesting to see if Kiddie Hawk is listed as a grantee in Archwell's 2023 or 2024 filings.
post link
author: Ask_DontTell
submitted: January 11, 2024 at 11:11AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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plethoraworldatlas · 3 months
The American Muslim 2024 Election Task Force, a national coalition of American Muslim 501(c)4 political organizations, today called on President Biden to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race after losing the confidence of key voters due to widespread opposition to his support for the Gaza genocide and widespread concern about his ability to serve as president for another four years.
In a statement, task force members Americans for Justice in Palestine Action, CAIR Action, ICNA Council of Social Justice Action, Muslim American Society Action, Muslim Civic Coalition Activate and the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations Civil Action Network said, in part: "President Biden should now step aside so that the Democratic Party can identify and nominate a new, able, and qualified candidate who better reflects the values and views of most voters, including opposition to U.S. support for the Gaza genocide."
The task force also said that President Biden’s withdrawal is the best and perhaps only way to prevent Donald Trump from returning to the White House
"As American Muslim political organizations that care deeply about the future of our country and justice for all people, we must today call on President Biden to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race.
"Even before his deeply concerning and disappointing debate performance, President Biden's financial support for the mass murder of Palestinians in Gaza, his failure to effectively address anti-Palestinian racism and Islamophobia here at home, and his dishonest response to the diverse and overwhelmingly peaceful anti-genocide protests on college campuses had already alienated and made it difficult for many American Muslims, young people, and other voters to consider supporting him in the fall.
"Now widespread and growing concerns about President Biden's ability to continue serving in office for another four years have made the political status quo untenable. If President Biden remains the Democratic nominee, he could lose Michigan, Georgia, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and other key swing states, thereby returning President Trump to power.
"Just as many American Muslims cannot bring themselves to vote for President Biden, many American Muslims also do not want to see Donald Trump return to office. Former President Trump has made it clear that he plans to round up undocumented immigrants in mass camps, reinstate the Muslim Ban, entrench racial inequities in our economy and criminal justice system, stack the federal civil service with political loyalists, and pursue a foreign policy just as or even more immoral than the Biden foreign policy. 
"During the CNN presidential debate, President Trump even said the Israeli government should be allowed to complete its genocide, ignored the question of whether he would support the recognition of a Palestinian state to achieve peace, and weaponized Palestinian identity as a racist insult. 
“Meanwhile, President Biden touted his transfer of deadly weapons to Israel and falsely claimed that Netanyahu's government wants the genocide to end. Their positions on Gaza were despicable and their performances were deeply disturbing.
"The American people should not have to choose between such fatally flawed candidates. The ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and this genocide should be a red line for any administration.
"President Biden should step aside so that the Democratic Party can identify and nominate a new, able, and qualified candidate who better reflects the values and views of most voters, including opposition to U.S. support for the Gaza genocide. In an ideal world, the Republican Party would also force President Trump--a failed president and convicted felon who sparked the Jan. 6th insurrection--to step aside.
"The American Muslim community is not a monolith. We are politically diverse. But our community is united in supporting basic principles of justice that all people should support. Human rights. Racial equality. Religious freedom. Free and fair elections. Economic opportunity. 
“American Muslim voters expect anyone who wants to lead our nation to support all of these basic principles. Opposing racism, occupation, and genocide are not big asks. They are basic asks. Both President Biden and President Trump have failed to clear this very low bar. American Muslims and the broader American people demand better options now.”
The American Muslim 2024 Election Taskforce is a coalition of American Muslim 501(c)4 political organizations formed to amplify the American Muslim community’s views on key policy issues, enhance its civic engagement, boost voter turnout, and, ultimately, issue a joint recommendation or endorsement in the run-up to the 2024 presidential election
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navcommrelay · 5 months
/////Start Transmission/////
Alpha Element: "Crossbow"
Packrat LRPV PKR-T5 (ML) Chevalier Light Tank (Standard) Hunter Light Support Tank (Standard) Galleon Light Tank GAL-100
Details Below:
Packrat LRPV PKR-T5 (ML)
Base Tech Level: Introductory (IS) Level Era Experimental - Advanced - Standard 2798+
Tech Rating: E/X-E-D-D
Weight: 20 tons BV: 501 Cost: 488,400 C-bills Source: TRO 3039 - Succession Wars Role: Striker
Movement: 7/11 (Wheeled) Engine: 120 Fusion
Internal: 8 Armor: 64 Internal / Armor Front 2/16 Right 2/16 Left 2/16 Rear 2/16
Weapons: -Medium Laser, FR, Heat 3 -Medium Laser, FR, Heat 3 -SRM 6, FR, Heat 4
Ammo: -SRM 6 Ammo, BD, 15 -SRM 6 Ammo, BD, 15
Chevalier Light Tank (Standard)
Base Tech Level: Standard (IS) Level Era Experimental - Advanced 2690-3044 Standard 3045+ Extinct 2845-3037
Tech Rating: E/E-F(F*)-D-D
Weight: 35 tons BV: 668 Cost: 1,003,254 C-bills Source: Star League Role: Striker
Movement: 6/9 (Wheeled) Engine: 190 Fusion
Internal: 20 Armor: 104 Internal / Armor Front 4/26 Right 4/20 Left 4/20 Rear 4/16 Turret 4/22
Weapons: -Streak SRM 2 FR, Heat 2 -2 Streak SRM 2 FR, Heat 2 - ER Large Laser, TU, Heat 12
Ammo: -Streak SRM 2 Ammo, BD, 50
Hunter Light Support Tank (Standard)
Base Tech Level: Introductory (IS) Level Era Experimental - Advanced - Standard 2937+
Tech Rating: E/X-E-D-D
Weight: 35 tons BV: 648 Cost: 1,135,125 C-bills Source: TRO 3039 - Succession Wars Role: Missile Boat
Movement: 5/8 (Tracked) Engine: 175 Fusion
Internal: 16 Armor: 96 Internal / Armor Front 4/32 Right 4/24 Left 4/24 Rear 4/16
Weapons -LRM 20, FR, Heat 6 -Flamer, RR, Heat 3
Ammo: -LRM 20 Ammo, BD, 6 -LRM 20 Ammo, BD, 6
Galleon Light Tank GAL-100
Base Tech Level: Introductory (IS) Level Era Experimental - Advanced - Standard 2692+
Tech Rating: E/C-C-C-C
Weight: 30 tons BV: 309 Cost: 370,500 C-bills Source: Succession Wars Role: Scout
Movement: 6/9 (Tracked) Engine: 180 ICE
Internal: 15 Armor: 56 Internal / Armor Front 3/11 Right 3/10 Left 3/10 Rear 3/11 Turret 3/14
Weapons -Small Laser, RS, Heat 1 -Small Laser, LS, Heat 1 -Medium Laser, TU, Heat 3
/////End Transmission/////
@starcommanderhannahlewis @the-clawtake @harwood-pmc-official @the-tired-merc @lt-chari @msn-04iinightingale @snords-sword @house-steiner-stays-winning @karriethemechtech @starcolonelkatrinamoon @is-the-battlemech-cool-or-not @killer-orca-cosplay @jaded-falcon @scorpians-sting @combined-arms-merc-groups @on-a-mechtechnicality @freelance-belter-catgirl @callsignpuppy
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secludedsunflower · 1 year
How the marauders era would run a nonprofit
Because I am bored and tired of running my own nonprofit
James: THE GLUE. The public image of the nonprofit and does all of the face-to-face talking. Has insane connections and an odd obsession with the process of getting 501(c)(3) certified (his dad works in business so he knows how the business end works). Has a lot of parent support. Secretly changed the Instagram password because he was tired of Remus' dry captioning.
Sirius: Chaotic but gets shit done. Does half of his work through his phone to the amazement of James and the disgust of Remus. Sends emails at 2am, hacks into his mom's zoom account for unlimited zoom time, and admins the nonprofit's discord server. Secretly the reason that productivity is steady. Always active in the group chats and never shuts up. Trying to convince the group to make a tiktok (its not working).
Remus: The mother hen. Keeps the website running, manages the social media, makes the spreadsheets, watches the email, you name something and he probably does it. Is late to every board meeting but secretly loves the thrill of being in charge of something. Keeps his camera off on meetings and always calls off of his phone, despite preferring his 4 year old broken laptop for every other task. A firm believer in podcasts and youtube channels to spread their cause.
Peter: Forced to help start the nonprofit but ended up falling in love with it. Always eager to suggest new ideas for outreach events and fundraising. His biggest secret is that he gets most of those ideas from scouring subreddits about founding nonprofits. Helps Remus with the website and is actually really good at graphic design. Shows off whatever random animal or bug that is near him while on virtual planning meetings.
Lily: Was passionate about a social injustice and dragged her friends along with her. Somehow does everything all at one and refuses to accept help until she is drowning in word. Actually a really successful leader and everyone loves her. Puts a lot of emphasis on volunteer work as a way to fight this social injustice.
Marlene: Lily dragged her into this but she's lowkey glad because she likes the cause and likes having something to do. Pretty lowkey, but will happily give a detailed explanation of the issue they're fighting and their solution when asked. Has the logo as a sticker on her MacBook and infographic flyers in her bag ready to be handed out on a moments notice.
Mary: The designated PR manager of the group. Will handle social media, the coding the website, and making spreadsheets but dies when faced with face-to-face connection and usually makes Dorcas come with her. Believes in the power of tiktok and instagram as a way to attract a younger audience and is right. Likes making everything fit a theme, and is often seen at a library printer fiddling with the colors and sizing of the newest infographic flyer the group came up with.
Dorcas: A casual supporter of the nonprofit but designed all of the graphics bc why not. Likes listening to Lily, Marlene, and Mary plan in the library and uses them as a background noise of sorts to study to.
Regulus: The nepo-baby. Has connections and experience and fucking abuses that shit (as he should tbh). Already on his second nonprofit but he doesn't care that he has to do twice the work because (1) he likes one-upping Sirius and (2) he likes seeing his friends excited about planning and leading such an initiative. His family wasn't too happy about him being involved in such an activity and tried kicking him out of the nonprofit (which he literally founded lmao) but Regulus said "fuck you" and ended up just doing it behind their backs.
Barty: In it because he likes seeing Reggie and Evan happy but also because his dad said it would be good experience for a future ministry job. Not too enthusiastic about their cause but into all of the logistics. Tries to see a deeper meaning to all of their moves, even if there is none. Insists on using Slack as their primary method of communication and organization because he used it once during a ministry internship and fell in love.
Evan: Also in it to see his friends happy but also because the cause is oddly really deeply personal to him. Literally carries the group chats in all outreach related discussion. If anyone so much as compares his nonprofit to someone else's or to another school organization, he gets super defensive and basically quotes the whole website in their face. Made the website, and is trying to convince Regulus and Barty to agree to starting a podcast and a youtube channel.
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foreverlogical · 2 years
A dark money group tied to conservative judicial activist and longtime Federalist Society executive Leonard Leo entered the 2022 midterms with a war chest of more than $202 million, according to tax documents obtained by CREW. The mysterious group, known as Rule of Law Trust (RLT), spent the last several years quietly raising millions of dollars from a very small handful of donors, cementing itself as one of the largest groups in Leo’s colossal dark money network. The network, which is now valued at well over $1 billion, is diving into culture war battles and leading efforts to remake federal elections. 
The new tax documents show that RLT—which has no website, no employees, no volunteers, and no staffed office—brought in more than $157 million in contributions in 2021. This brings RLT’s total revenue from donations since its founding in 2018, not including investments, to $237 million, all of which came from, at most, just six donors who gave anonymously to the secretive group—an astounding total, considering that RLT didn’t receive any donations in 2019 or 2020. Almost all of the money RLT received in 2021 was from a $153 million grant from yet another Leo group called the Marble Freedom Trust, a $1.6 billion behemoth founded in May of 2020. Reports earlier over the summer showed that Marble Freedom Trust’s massive first-year revenue came from a single electronics manufacturing magnate.
Despite its prodigious fundraising, RLT has generally kept its powder dry, spending nearly $53 million since its founding—or 21 percent of its total revenue over that time. The vast majority of those funds were spent in 2020 when RLT gave nearly $36.3 million in grants out to allied groups. The largest beneficiary of that largesse was the Judicial Crisis Network (JCN)—now officially known as the Concord Fund—a dark money group with deep ties to Leo that is run by a former clerk to Justice Clarence Thomas. JCN has spent tens of millions of dollars helping Leo and the Trump administration seat conservative justices on the Supreme Court. In 2021, RLT’s largest expenditure was, again, a $3 million grant to JCN, which comes on top of the $16.5 million given by Marble Freedom Trust in its most recent tax year. 
It will be a long time before the public has any idea how RLT deployed these funds in 2022 because RLT is registered as a section 501(c)(4) social welfare organizations, which typically file tax returns a year or more after the spending takes place. But Leo—whom Justice Thomas once referred to as “the number three most powerful person in the world”—has made it clear that he intends to take what he’s learned in his decades of judicial fights and apply them to rolling back what he calls “liberal dominance in other areas of American cultural, policy and political life.” The constellation of groups in Leo’s orbit have been increasingly active in culture war battles over Critical Race Theory, trans rights and climate change mitigation. 
But Leo’s most potentially consequential project so far may be the effort to change how elections are conducted. This week, the Supreme Court will hear arguments in Moore v. Harper, a case that could potentially give state legislatures unfettered power to make rules about how elections are executed in their state, stripping governors and state courts of any check on that power. The underlying theory has been widely discredited, prompting a rare filing from top judges in all 50 states urging the Court to reject the theory, but Leo’s network has been pushing the theory since 2020 and an amicus brief filed by one of Leo’s groups in Moore argues that critics misunderstand the history and exaggerate the consequences of such a ruling. We will soon see what Leo’s efforts and his fundraising prowess accomplish in a Court he helped to shape.  
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House Republicans are working on new legislation to prevent foreign nationals from influencing America’s political process, Axios has learned.
Why It Matters: The last two presidential elections have been colored by allegations that foreign influence helped the GOP.
• Now House Republicans are trying to flip to script and draw attention to foreign donations to Democrat-aligned and progressive nonprofit organizations.
• Non-U.S. citizens can’t contribute to candidates, campaigns, or super PACs, but they can give to 501(c)(4) organizations, which are tax-exempt groups that can engage in general issue advocacy, and support state ballot initiatives.
Driving The News: Rep. Bryan Steil (R-Wis.) chair of the House Administration Committee, is introducing legislation to ban such groups from contributing to political committees for four years if they accept foreign donations. He also wants to bar foreign nationals from giving to state ballot initiatives.
• “American elections are for American citizens,” Steil told Axios, ahead of a hearing his committee is holding in Atlanta today on election integrity. “Yet foreign nationals still find ways to influence American elections.”
• “The American Confidence in Elections (ACE) Act will close loopholes that foreign nationals are exploiting to funnel money to super PACs or ballot initiatives,” he said.
• His hearing will draw on a new report from a conservative group, the Americans for Public Trust, which tries to show how Hansjörg Wyss, a Swiss billionaire, has influenced U.S. elections and policy through two nonprofits he controls: The Wyss Foundation and the Berger Action Fund.
• “It’s time for Congress to close the foreign influence loophole that allows foreign dark money to flood the American electoral and political system," said Caitlin Sutherland, executive director of Americans for Public Trust.
The Other Side: "The Berger Action Fund does not support or oppose political candidates or parties, or otherwise engage in political campaigns," said Marneé Banks, a spokesperson for the Wyss Foundation and the Berger Action Fund.
• "Berger complies with all rules governing its activities and has established strict policies prohibiting funding from being used for get-out-the-vote or voter registration," she said.
• "We also support increasing transparency and accountability in our campaign finance system through the DISCLOSE Act."
The Big Picture: The combination of artificial intelligence, social media and unregulated spending will make the 2024 presidential election vulnerable to foreign interference on behalf of both parties.
• Malicious foreign actors, including Russia’s Yevgeny Prigozhin, head of the Wagner Group, have boasted about how they ran influence campaigns in America during the last presidential campaign — and plan to do it again.
• Meanwhile, big tech companies are relaxing some of their policies designed to curb misinformation around COVID-19 and the 2020 election, making 2024 more of a free-for-all on social media.
• State and local election officials can work to safeguard the voting process, but in a free and open society it’s close to impossible to prevent foreign actors from trying to persuade Americans via open — or clandestine — influence campaigns.
Zoom In: Conservative groups are zeroing in on Wyss as a poster child for how wealthy foreign billionaires can influence U.S. elections, alleging that he has pumped $475 million into the U.S. political system.
• In 2021 alone, his Berger Action Fund gave some $72 million to a dozen different nonprofit organizations, including the Sixteen Thirty Fund, which advocates for progressive causes, according to the Associated Press and tax filings.
• Those 501(c)(4) nonprofits, like the Sixteen Thirty Fund, can give directly to superPACs that support the Democratic agenda, the New York Times has reported.
• "The problem is that c4's are a bit of a black box when it comes to campaign finance laws," said Saurav Ghosh, the director of the Campaign Legal Center, a Washington-based nonpartisan watchdog group.
Flashback: Republicans and Democrats have been hit with big fines for accepting foreign money.
• Last year the Federal Election Commission fined Barry Zekelman, a Canadian billionaire, $975,000 for steering some $1.75 million to a pro-Trump super PAC in 2018.
• In 2019, the FEC issued $940,000 in fines to the super PAC supporting former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush's 2016 presidential bid and a Chinese-owned corporation that made illegal donations to it.
• In 2002, the FEC imposed $719,000 in fines in response to a 1996 Democratic Party fundraising scandal involving donations from China, Korea and other foreign sources.
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claire-starsword · 2 years
Shining Force Country Guide Translation - Part 1
It’s finally done. This is enormous and quite technical or redundant at some parts, so I apologize in advance if the translation isn’t flowing well or has more mistakes than usual.
I’ve also skipped a few things. There’s a map of Runefaust’s invasion that pretty much just describes things said in game or other parts of the guide (like, which parts of the continent each boss was responsible for), so I skipped it. There were also checkpoint section just explaining the plot and secret events in game for each town, I will bring up a thing or two from them but otherwise skip it. And lastly, each town had a section describing what’s sold in their shops and tips on what players should buy. Only exception is Shade Abbey which instead had some extra lore I did translate.
All this rambling done, let’s begin.
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The Continent of Rune
Let's take a took at the continent of Rune that will be the stage for the adventure, with an overview of its topography and history.
Species ratio:
Humans: 45% Centaurs: 25% Elves: 11% Dwarves: 4% Hobbits: 8% Others: 7%
Total population: 26580 inhabitants Average temperature: 26.5°C
An explanation of Rune's distinct geographical aspects
As shown by the map above, the continent of Rune is shaped in quite a peculiar way, divided into an eastern and a western part by the ocean. According to ancient history research still in progress, when the previous civilization was still at its peak, the continent's shape was very different from the current one. By Dark Dragon's destructive power, countless peninsula were wiped out, and there's evidence that even tectonic movement was slightly disturbed.
When it comes to topography, many are deeply interested in the differences between the west and east sides. Compared to the west side that has plenty of flat lands, the east side is rugged and mountainous. Those geographical differences reflect in different developments in agriculture, this world's main production. Also, because the west side is less rough, travel and trade between countries is easier. The eastern countries (like Runefaust), who had to dealt with tough life conditions in a harsher environment, might have naturally harbored intentions to conquer the west side, but things aren't so simple as to just put the blame on them.
There’s actually a colored version of this map somewhere else in the guide, hang on
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Nice. Moving on.
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Chronology of Rune's history:
Year 0 - The previous civilization is destroyed by Dark Dragon; Year 199 - Founding of Guardiana; Year 203 - Founding of Runefaust; Year 399 - Guardiana is raided by Wyverns; Year 501 - An abbey is built in the Shade region; Year 504 - Founding of Bustoke; Year 710 - Founding of Rudo village; Year 797 - A town is built in the mining area of Alterone; Year 798 - Founding of Rindo; Year 838 - Founding of Waral; Year 842 - The Pao Train is completed; Year 894 - Founding of Alterone; Year 999 - Guardiana is attacked by Runefaust (start of the game)
Past and Present
Of the remaining historical records in current Rune, almost all are from less than 1000 years in the past. Records of the civilization destroyed by Dark Dragon are practically all lost, with whatever existing ones being guarded by Prompt and Manarina, who continue to decode and study them.
Main events of these past 1000 years are shown in the table to the right. This Rune calendar, using the year of the previous civilization's downfall by Dark Dragon as the starting year, is used by almost all of Rune. Plenty of countries also have their own imperial era system based on their rulers (for example, Year 999 of the Rune calendar in Guardiana is Year 28 of His Majesty Alexis's rule), but treaties and such between countries use the Rune calendar.
In these 1000 years, no big scale conflicts between countries have occurred. This isn't due to an ideal peaceful coexistence, but because each country was busy fighting against frequent assaults by groups of magical beasts and natural disasters. As Dark Dragon's seal is released once more in this adventure, a new age is ushered where the real way of life of the people of Rune is put into question.
From here there are sadly no exact percentages for each country’s species pie chart, so you have to kinda eyeball it from the description and the legend below, and I did not feel like pasting it into every page, sorry
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Kingdom of Guardiana
Population: 3000 inhabitants GNP: 3500 gold
Species ratio:
Known as the country of knights, the ratio of centaurs is high. Also, the ratio of elves is lower than that of other countries. Perhaps because they don't prioritize mages and archers as much?
What is the full story of the country of wandering knights?
A small country at the very south of West Rune. Around 800 years ago, with the purpose of protecting the Gate of the Ancients, a huge group of immigrants from Prompt, mostly knights, founded the country. During the rule of King Arissort Von Guardiana II, the kingdom was raided by a large group of Wyverns, and many documents were lost in the fire, thus there are no remaining records from before the country's founding.
Their main production is agriculture. The production is concentrated in the fertile delta of the Beaune River (the source of Maar Lake at the southeast of Manarina). Starting from their specialty, the "Guardiana carrot", they produce many diverse agricultural products, and achieved 100% self sufficiency. While still in a small scale, fishing activities have developed in the coast of the Monostone peninsula, so that region is sustained by a mix of agriculture and fishing. Since most of the country's land is plain field, it lacks in mineral resources, and industrial development is very slow. Because of that, it currently does not have goods to export, and thus has not established trading with other countries. One can say that self-sufficient agriculture is the lifeline of Guardiana's economy.
History wise, since it was founded by knights, it is expected that the citizens value the military arts. Having said that, they are not the kind to fight for no reason, and their standards of education are also relatively high. Since they've inherited a peculiar spirit of chivalrous spirit, their culture is permeated by the philosophy of being adept at both literary and martial arts.
The Fighting Tournament held every six months is a grand festival held through the castle and the town areas, where knights and townsfolk compete in the arts of their choice. It's the most remarkable expression of Guardiana's culture.
-Following the road to the west, there's the Gate of the Ancients and the mountain cabin. The road extending to the southwest connects to Guardiana's only allied country, Alterone. Guardiana's castle and town blend together into a castle town. Alterone also followed the same model.
-The bustling town is usually peaceful. Because of that, selling weapons isn't a great business there, and it seems the shop owner has decided to retire. Guardiana's only inn, the Guardiana Hotel, has been in a slump day after day. Not many tourists are coming.
The roads' directions in that pic caption do seem switched up, don't they?
To my knowledge the kings of Guardiana aren't named anywhere else so the romanization of their names is my own. Alexis however is a pretty normal name so I'm confident on it. Arissort however... yeah.
Same for location names as well. Beaune is apparently the name of a french city named after Belenos, a god of flowing water, so I guess it makes sense as a name for a river. Maar is a broad, shallow volcanic crater, so it made the most sense as romanization for the lake name as well.
The Guardiana tournament has already been mentioned in Hans' bio. It and Guardiana's carrots are also mentioned by Arthur in the GBA remake. In fact, all of Arthur's dialogue there is based on this country guide, which will be very convenient for me as I don't want to romanize even more names myself, thanks Arthur. Sadly he only comments trivia up to Waral though.
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zipcodelookupmail · 1 month
How Can Organizations Save on Costs Using Nonprofit Mail?
Nonprofit organizations often operate on tight budgets, making cost-effective communication strategies crucial. One of the most efficient ways for nonprofits to manage their mailing expenses is by utilizing USPS's Nonprofit Standard Mail rates. These discounted rates are specifically designed for qualified nonprofit organizations, offering significant savings on direct mail campaigns. Here’s how organizations can take advantage of Nonprofit Mail to reduce costs and maximize their outreach efforts.
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1. Understanding Nonprofit Mail Eligibility
To qualify for Nonprofit Mail rates, an organization must be recognized by the IRS as a nonprofit under section 501(c)(3) or a similar nonprofit classification. Eligible organizations include charities, educational institutions, religious organizations, and some political groups. Once approved by the USPS, the organization can apply these discounted rates to their mailing campaigns.
2. Cost Savings Compared to Regular Mail
Nonprofit Mail rates offer substantial savings compared to First-Class or Standard Mail rates. For example, a nonprofit can send a direct mail piece for as low as $0.17 per piece, depending on the weight and size. These savings can add up significantly, especially for large mailings, allowing nonprofits to stretch their budgets further.
3. Bulk Mailing Discounts
Nonprofit Mail also offers additional savings for bulk mailings. By presorting mail and meeting minimum quantity requirements (typically 200 pieces or 50 pounds of mail), nonprofits can qualify for even lower rates. Bulk mailing also streamlines the process, making it more efficient and cost-effective.
4. Targeted Campaigns with Enhanced Discounts
Nonprofits can enhance their savings by conducting targeted mail campaigns. By focusing on specific demographics or geographic areas, organizations can reduce the number of mailpieces sent while increasing the relevance and impact of their messages. This targeted approach not only saves on mailing costs but also improves the return on investment (ROI) of the campaign.
5. Leveraging USPS Tools and Services
USPS offers several tools and services that can help nonprofits optimize their mailing campaigns:
Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM): This service allows nonprofits to reach entire neighborhoods without needing a mailing list, further reducing costs.
Intelligent Mail Barcode (IMb): Using IMb can help nonprofits track their mail and ensure that it reaches its destination, reducing the likelihood of wasted mailpieces.
Nonprofit Mail Permits: Obtaining a Nonprofit Mail permit allows organizations to access discounted rates without the need to reapply for each campaign.
6. Incorporating Digital Tools for Efficiency
Nonprofits can save on mailing costs by integrating digital tools into their campaigns. For example, using data analytics to refine mailing lists can reduce the number of mailpieces sent, lowering overall costs. Additionally, automating the mailing process through platforms like PostGrid or Lob can streamline operations and reduce manual labor expenses.
7. Partnering with Mailing Services Providers
Many mailing services providers specialize in nonprofit mail and can help organizations maximize their savings. These providers often offer bulk mailing discounts, presorting services, and other cost-saving measures that can reduce the overall cost of mailing campaigns. Partnering with a reputable provider can also ensure that campaigns are executed efficiently and in compliance with USPS regulations.
8. Maximizing Postage Discounts
Nonprofits can take advantage of various USPS programs to maximize their postage discounts:
Commingling: This process involves combining multiple mailings from different sources to qualify for higher volume discounts.
Drop Shipping: By transporting mail closer to its destination before entering the USPS system, nonprofits can reduce postage costs.
Seasonal Campaigns: Planning campaigns during off-peak mailing seasons can result in additional savings, as some discounts are available during these times.
9. Tracking and Analyzing Campaign Performance
To ensure that they are getting the most value from their mailing campaigns, nonprofits should track and analyze their performance. By measuring response rates, donation amounts, and other key metrics, organizations can identify areas for improvement and adjust future campaigns accordingly. This data-driven approach helps maximize the effectiveness of each mailing and ensures that resources are used efficiently.
Nonprofit Mail offers a valuable opportunity for organizations to save on mailing costs while maintaining effective communication with donors, volunteers, and the community. By understanding eligibility requirements, leveraging USPS tools, and incorporating digital strategies, nonprofits can maximize their savings and achieve their outreach goals. With careful planning and execution, Nonprofit Mail can be a powerful tool for supporting the mission of any nonprofit organization.
Zip Code Lookup & First Class Mail – Blogger
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todddersun · 3 months
Super PACs and dark money groups spend $1.4 billion and counting Robert Maguire November 9, 2016 at 4:47 PM Chicago Cubs President Tom Ricketts, left, addresses the crowd as his brother Todd, right, hugs their sister Lori during a rally honoring the World Series champions at Grant Park, Friday, Nov. 4, 2016, in Chicago. (AP/Charles Rex Arbogast) Trump's dark money fortunes took a turn in October, when the 45Committee, a group linked to Cubs owner Todd Ricketts (right), ran more than $20 million in ads for Clinton and Clinton. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)
The cost of this year's election hit a new high compared to 2012, and much of it came from outside groups with no formal ties to any political party, who spent more than $1.4 billion in the 2016 election. These groups, mostly super PACs and 501(c) organizations, spent $1 billion in 2012, up from $338 million spent in 2008.
In 2016, black money groups spent nearly $181 million, down from the previous record of $308 million in 2012. That's largely because these groups seem to lack enthusiasm for the presidential race. The lower level elections, especially for the Senate, were secretly spent quite a bit of money and had a lot of success.
Overall, conservatives have dominated outside spending by huge margins in past elections, but they accounted for just 54 percent of total spending this year, down from 69 percent in 2012. Liberals and progressives, on the other hand, saw their share of spending rise from 28% in 2012 to nearly 36% in 2016.
Most of the money for these events ($749 million worth) is focused on the presidential campaign; Spending by single-candidate groups - groups formed to support a specific candidate - accounted for more than half of total spending, at $424 million.
Hillary Clinton is the main beneficiary. The pro-Clinton super PAC, American Action First, put in $132 million, more money than any other outside group in the 2016 race. That's three times the combined $43.5 million spent by the two largest super PACs supporting Trump, Great American Action and Rebuild America.
No candidate has been attacked more by outside groups than Donald Trump. Liberal and conservative groups spent nearly $248 million attacking him in the primary and general elections. Hillary Clinton received less than half that amount of negative spending. However, Trump also received more support from outside groups than Clinton - $100 million compared to Clinton's $59.2 million.
While Hillary Clinton's outside spending advantage wasn't enough to save her campaign, it was a different story behind the ballot. Outside groups poured a record $595 million into Senate and House races, with nearly three-quarters of the money going to Senate races where Republicans are struggling to maintain their fragile majority. In the end, conservative groups accounted for 56 percent of reported spending, and Republicans retained their majority.
Into the dark
In 2016, black money groups spent nearly $181 million, down from a record high of $308 million in 2012. Despite some changes in activity and the emergence of prominent liberal groups, dark money remains the tool of choice for pro-Republican operatives. Conservative dark money accounted for 76 percent of all reported spending and nearly all unreported "problem AD" spending.
The Chamber of Commerce and the National Rifle Association topped the list of black money group expenditures received by the Federal Election Commission. The Chamber of Commerce spent nearly $30 million on congressional races, with most of the money going to five close Senate races. In four of those contests, the chamber was on the winning side.
The National Rifle Association has invested heavily in elections, with great success. The gun-rights group not only threw its weight behind Trump, but also spent heavily against Democratic Senate candidates in North Carolina, Missouri and Indiana, all of whom were defeated.
In addition to the spending reported to the FEC, there's what came before: Many of these groups - primarily "social welfare" groups and other politically active 501(c) nonprofits - had spent months on advertising as well as ongoing ground support before reporting those expenditures to the FEC in early September. These groups - such as the One Nation Party associated with Karl Rove and the Koch network's Americans for Prosperity - do not have to report their wealthy individual and corporate donors to the public, which gave rise to the term "dark money."
Democrats also have black money Allies, but they spend far less than Republicans, accounting for just 17 percent of reported spending by those groups. They did score some victories, though. For example, VoteVets - a liberal black-money organization focused on veterans' issues - spent money early on supporting Rep. Tammy Duckworth's (D) successful Senate bid in Illinois.
While dark money has had some notable successes in shaping the makeup of the next Senate, it remains a significant player in the 2016 presidential race. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) received more than $8 million in early advertising support from a dark money group called the Conservative Solutions Project, which is essentially a covert ally of his campaign; Almost all of its funding comes from an anonymous donor. And the American Future Fund has become a nonprofit for hire, a vehicle for millions of dollars in anti-Trump spending as Republicans begin to panic about the momentum the real estate mogul is gaining in early primary states.
But Trump's dark money fortunes took a turn in October, when a social welfare group called the 45Committee - linked to Cubs owner Todd Ricketts - poured more than $20 million into ads for and against Clinton.
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