#Vanessa reid
newestcool · 2 months
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Bella Hadid for Pop Magazine f/w 2019 ''Bad Girl'' Photographer Hugo Comte Fashion Editor/Stylist Vanessa Reid Makeup Artist Nami Yoshida Hair Stylist Chi Wong Newest Cool
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strathshepard · 9 months
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aura10000 · 8 months
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Arca for (Pop Magazine)
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kiiiiick · 8 months
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Arca for Pop Magazine. Photographed by John Yuri and dressed by Vanessa Reid in Prada.
Issue 49
Original caption below cut
Arca, electro warrier.
The Bride stripped down in Dub by her Biatches,
Photographed by John Yuyi, styled by Vanessa Reid
Arca wears Prada
Arca's residency at the Park Avenue Armory,
'Mutant;Destrudo', runs October 11th - 15th
#Arca #POPGirl #POP49 #ArcaPrada
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pro-royalty · 9 months
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Dua Lipa x Vogue France
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glamh0r · 4 months
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lemondedelamode · 2 years
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Maya Stepper by Quentin de Briey for Rag & Bone Icons 2022
styled by Vanessa Reid
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dyingenigma · 2 years
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self portrait series styled by vanessa reid in collaboration with beautypapersmag
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masterofbiography · 10 months
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Vanessa était en dernière année d'étude pour devenir assistante sociale. Elle était bien trop impliquée dans ses études pour avoir une réelle vie sociale. Par conséquent, elle n'avait nullement eu la chance de connaître le moindre homme. Ses parents habitent en Californie alors que Vanessa est partie vivre dans l'état de Géorgie pour ses études. C'était un moyen pour elle de s'éloigner d'eux. Non pas qu'elle ne les aimaient pas au contraire. Mais elle se sentait trop envahie par eux. Malgré cette distance, elle garde souvent contact avec eux et reste la fierté ses parents en obtenant d'excellents résultats scolaires ce qui la rend l'une des meilleures de sa classe et de sa promo. Mais tout ça semble déjà loin. L'apocalypse comme alors que la blonde est en cours. Son université est prise d'assaut par une horde de monstres avide de chair fraîche. Elle réussit à se sauver et à regagner sa voiture garée sur le parking. Elle roulera jusqu'en Californie pour rejoindre ses parents tout en croisant, militaires, survivants, morts vivants. Une fois sur place, ses parents ne sont plus chez eux et elle n'a jamais réussi à les retrouver. Elle ne sait même pas s'ils sont encore en vie. À partir de ce moment-là, Vanessa devient une survivante dans un monde apocalyptique envahi par des rôdeurs. Elle réussit à tenir des mois, des années sans quitter sa voiture. Elle ne sort que pour les provisions et mettre de l'essence. En réalité, la blonde aurait dû mourir, il y a bien longtemps. Elle met longtemps à découvrir comment tuer un zombie, et même si maintenant, il n'y a plus aucun doute sur la façon de s'y prendre. Elle évite cependant de rentrer en contact avec eux par peur de ne pas être à la hauteur. Elle ne croise plus aucun survivant. Reste seule, plongée dans la solitude. Elle est effrayée et n'arrive pas à s'en sortir ou très peu. Pour elle, les humains n'existent probablement plus. Du moins, jusqu'à ce qu'elle rencontre quelqu'un qui l'aidera. Alors, allez-vous être capable de vous traîner un poids mort qui fait tout pour survivre ? Apprenez-lui à être plus forte encore pour éviter qu'elle ne se fasse marcher dessus par le monde. Vanessa est assez naïve sur l'humanité qui reste. Elle ne connaît pas les horreurs qu'ils peuvent produire. Elle reste persuadée qu'il reste du bon en chacun et qu'il est important de tous s'entraider face à l'horreur de l'apocalypse. Vanessa s'endurcit avec le temps et met tout en œuvre pour garder sa part d'humanité. Elle refuse de tuer les humains, les êtres innocents, car elle refuse de voir que certains d'entre eux sont pires que les rôdeurs. Cependant, pour sauver ses proches, Vanessa est prête à faire taire cette petite lueur qui lui reste et qui ne fait pas d'elle un monstre. Adaptable à toutes les saisons de la série. En ce qui concerne Fear The Walking Dead, je la joue au moment du début de l'épidémie lorsque son université est prit d'assaut par la horde de zombies et traitera la mise en place de la panique et la tentative d'échapper aux rôdeurs. Dans ces conditions, merci de prévenir à l'avance lorsqu'il s'agit de mettre en place la situation de départ. Elle s'adapte aussi aux autres séries Walking Dead.
Joue avec : Daryl Dixon ; Adam Grant ; Zelda Bordeciel
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newestcool · 6 months
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Acne Studios f/w 2019 rtw Creative Director Johnny Johansson Fashion Editor/Stylist Vanessa Reid Newest Cool
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strathshepard · 9 months
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pensat-i-fet · 2 years
Rianne 🥰
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Vogue Netherlands September 2022
Ph: Viviane Sassen
Sty: Vanessa Reid
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 5 months
My Top 10 Fics Of 2023
So, because it is the 'wrapped' time of year where everyone looks back on their year through playlists and other types of stats - I thought that I would look back on my year through something completely nonobjective and based on exactly 0 data - my favourite fics I have written this year that are based completely on my personal enjoyment of them.
Last year, I did something similar to this where I counted down the top ten fics based completely on data - how many notes each fic had gotten on tumblr. But most of the posts were shorter fics that I hadn't spent a lot of time working on that I wasn't very proud of. (Like the fact that my current most popular fanfic on my sideblog for fanfiction is the shortest in word count.) So I have decided to go over the fics that are the most popular in my heart - countdown style.
This year I have written 39 different fics and I have written over 395,000 words, and these are my favourite fics that I have written.
Honorable Mentions:
Black Suit - Emily Prentiss x Fem!Reader (2,900 words). One of the most well-rounded fics I have written in such a short word count. And just - look at her.
My Bleeding Heart - Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader (3,400 words). I have never used Death Eaters as the basis for angst in a fic and I had so much fun with it. Plus the kidfic fluff at the end was really fun too.
IFHY (I Fucking Hate You) - Abby Anderson x Fem!Reader (8,100 words). So @holy-minseok made a post about how there isn't enough fics with reader characters that aren't nice and sweet and I haven't stopped thinking about it since. Because I have so many fics with rude, toxic readers and this is absolutely one of them. This reader is a Grade A Bitch and that's a huge reason why I had so much fun writing it.
Better Than Sleeping - Jason Todd x Fem!Reader (5,300 words). This is some of the best quality smut I have written this year, hands down.
The Patron Saint of Liars and Fakes - Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader (8,200 words). I love writing fics based on specific episodes of a show, and this definitely helped to fulfil my whump quota for the year.
Sweet Revenge - Ellie Williams x Fem!Reader (16,200 words). This is a fic that definitely converted me from a hardcore Abby girl into an Ellie girl. I am very proud of it. (And eventually I became an EllAbs girl, as god intended.)
Free Use Day - Poly!OG!Titans x Fem!Reader (14,300 words). This is probably my most epic and honorable of the honorable mentions. This is the first time in years that I have written such a long pwp, and it's written about some of my ult favs. So I fucking love it. (It came so, so close to making the top ten.)
(Now, onto the top ten.)
The Top Ten:
10. Dreaming Of You - Gar Logan x Fem!Mute!Reader (31,300 words)
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You and Gar have been best friends for a long time. Nothing could disrupt the harmony of such a perfect friendship. Nothing except maybe… your usually predictable powers going haywire and somehow showing you all of his heated daydreams about you. But he couldn’t possibly have romantic feelings for you. He couldn’t possibly want anything more than your close platonic friendship and the occasional steamy fantasy. Right? Gar Logan x Fem!Mute!Powered!Reader. Best Friends to Lovers. Smut and (Slight) Angst. Set during Season 2.
At first I wasn't even sure if I should put this one on the list, because it's technically a re-post, but I was like fuck it, I make the rules here. And the reason it's at 10 is because technically I wrote most of this in 2021 originally (though it feels like longer ago than that omg), but this year I heavily updated the fic, including writing some new scenes for it that flesh it out very nicely. To me, this is everything a good re-post should be. It cleans up what was already there and amazing about the fic and it enhances it so much.
I loved the concept of this fic from its core, and now I get to be so, so proud of the way I have enhanced it years later. To me, this will always be my core Gar fic (as much as I will always write more for him) - and it is something I am truly, genuinely proud of. If you love Gar and you love smutty fantasies involving him, I highly recommend checking this fic out.
9. No Brainer - Derek Cho x Fem!Reader x Melanie Cross (Mayhem (2017)) (7,100 words)
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When the ID-7 Virus, aka the Red Eye Virus hits Towers and Smythe Consulting, it throws the entire office building into chaos. With a mandatory quarantine from the CDC in action, that chaos builds in on itself, and somehow, you, Derek, and Melanie get everything that you want. aka You have something Derek and Melanie need. Derek and Melanie have something you want. You all agree to make an exchange, and everyone ends up more than happy. Derek Cho (Steven Yeun) x Fem!Reader x Melanie Cross (Samara Weaving). Co-Works to Lovers. Smut. Based on the film Mayhem from 2017.
This is one of my personal favourite fics of mine that I believe very few people following me have ever read. I absolutely love writing fics based on random one-off horror movies - I have way more in my drafts, and one of my goals for 2024 is to complete and post more of them. But one night I was laying in bed and I randomly watched this film because I knew Steven Yeun was in it. I had seen a lot of clips of him covered in blood and yelling, and I found him really hot in those clips, so I knew that I would enjoy the film. And I absolutely fucking did. Not just based on his hotness, but just - the entire film was so, so enjoyable.
Also, the ID-7 Virus, a fictional sickness that lowers your inhibitions (something that is shown in the film to work like sex pollen) is the perfect basis for a fic. So I literally started writing this on my phone before I had even finished watching the film. And I posted it a few days later. I think it's just pure fun. One of my favourite things to write about is a healthy combination of horror and sex, and this is definitely toeing the line perfectly in my opinion. If you haven't seen the film, I highly recommend it - watch it, and then come back and read this fic.
8. My Heart Is The Worst Kind Of Weapon - Ellie Williams x Fem!Reader (9,600 words)
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Ellie confronts your abuser, and after years of torment, you finally feel free. Ellie Williams x Fem!Reader. Strangers to Lovers. Hurt and Comfort.
This is a fic that is very close to my heart. Not only is named after a tragically underrated Fall Out Boy B-Side, one of my favourite songs ever, but it is a fic about conquering the abuse of a family member - and when I wrote this, it was coming from a place of the utmost sincerity.
I am someone who has experienced abuse from a family member, and it felt so entirely empowering to write this - to write about someone coming to your rescue so honestly. Someone rescuing you out of pure want, not because it's an obligation or a burden. But because they are compelled by their own morals and they feel that your abuse is a cruel injustice against the world. This and the companion fic I wrote for Abby with a similar storyline are two of the most important fics that I have written this year.
7. Ghosting - Mike Schmidt x Fem!Reader (3,700 words)
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Mike has been in love with you for as long as he can remember. For about as long as the two of you have been best friends. He always thought he would have more time to work up to confessing those big, dangerous feelings for you - until something more dangerous swooped in and stole any time he had left with you. Mike Schmidt x Fem!Reader. Star-Crossed Lovers. Pure Angst. Set during the events of the movie (and features spoilers for the plot).
I feel like this list would be incomplete if I didn't pick at least one of the FNAF fics that I wrote (and two of them ended up on here). With how much it was delayed, it was actually wild to see the FNAF Movie actually come to life before our very eyes, and it was amazing to actually write some fics about it. This is the first time (in a very long time) that I have written pure angst with no sense of fluff at the ending, and it was actually so much fun - it's fun to give into the darker side of a fic, and to write about the most torturous human emotions with absolutely no relief.
Also, I think dying in someone's arms (especially holding your lover or your would-be lover) is such a compelling trope and I loved writing about it. This was so much fun for me to write, and it was something so interesting to explore aside from the usual smut that I write.
6. From Your Lips - Jennifer Jareau x GN!Reader (3,000 words)
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After JJ is attacked by dogs on the Hankle farm, everyone is busy worrying about Reid’s missing status, but you take the time to check on JJ and try your best to calm her flustered mind. Jennifer Jareau x Gender Neutral Reader. Friends with Benefits. Smut and Angst. Set during Season 2, Episode 15.
This year, I had another large foray into the Criminal Minds fandom, and I wrote a JJ fic for the first time. And just in general, I am so proud of this fic. I think even for a short fic, it has such a great essence - again, I love setting fics during specific episodes, and I found it so fun to play around with the religious imagery and the religious themes already in this episode, as well as the imagery of rabid dogs.
To me, this is what truly makes fanfiction great - taking details of the canon, chewing them up like bubblegum and then adding something else in to make them your own. I had so much fun writing this fic, 10/10.
5. Love From The Other Side (aka The Golf Club Fic) - Abby Anderson x Fem!Reader (5,600 words)
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Abby kills the man that has been haunting your nightmares for years. You find it only fitting to give her a proper reward. Abby Anderson x Fem!Reader. Established Relationship. Smut. Set during The Last of Us Part II. (aka - the fic where Abby fucks the reader's pussy with the golf club that she used to kill Joel.)
So, as you will notice with this fic and the next one, 2023 was the year I truly said fuck it. There used to be a time when I was afraid to admit my weirder kinks and fantasies (like, I used to be afraid to even say that I read A/B/O), but then I realized that this is the freak-nasty website. And way too many people are shy. So I must be the one to provide the freak-nasty fics.
This is a fic I had in mind since the very first time I watched TLOU2 gameplay. And originally, it was going to be a simple, purely pornopraphic fic about Abby fucking the reader with the golf club - but as I was writing it, it turned into something that I find oddly beautiful. And (again, just like with the next fic) I find that writing about kinks in long-term relationships, especially the kind of relationships that have come to be co-dependent - it's like writing this toxic, cathartic poetry.
It's writing about two people who need each other but can be so horrible for each other - and it is one of my favourite things to write about because it's so damn interesting. This was a slay, and generally awesome because it was getting out an idea that's been in my head for years.
4. Damn The Man, Save The Empire - Vanessa Shelly x GN!Reader (6,100 words)
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Vanessa has always taken care of you. Since the two of you were kids, she has put her neck on the line for you, and you rarely knew how to return that epic kindness. One night, while both of you are raw and on-edge, the dark cloud of your strange past looming over both of you nearly swallows both of you whole - and once again, Vanessa is right there, taking care of you. (Dark)Dom!Vanessa Shelly x Sub!Gender Neutral Reader. Toxic Co-Dependent Relationship. Smut and Angst. Takes place before the main timeline of the film (features spoilers for the movie).
Again, like I said with the previous fic - this was one of my favourite fics to write because it is so delightfully unhinged. I really enjoy exploring toxic relationships through fiction because - for one, writing healthy, functioning relationships is not always interesting. And there is something so beautifully dark and poetic about writing two people who have grown into each other like twisted tree branches and need each other, but are so bad for each other.
And this year I have been exploring gender neutral smut a lot more. I used to always write fem reader smut as my default, but I have been having a lot of fun with the creativity of writing smut without describing the reader's body in detail. I love coming up with metaphors and describing around the body parts. I find it to be a fun creative challenge. Anyway - this was a lot of fun to write, and I highly recommend it if you enjoy reading darker fics.
3. Lessons For A Genius (Lesson One) - Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader (17,200 words)
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What could a certified genius possibly have to learn from someone like you? Turns out - a hell of a lot.  And the real ‘teaching’ started when your graphic explanations of slang toward Spencer for the sheer shock value of it turned into something a lot more… hands on.  Sub!Spencer Reid x (BAU)Dom!Fem!Reader. Co-Workers to Friends with Benefits. Smut. Set during early Season 2.
I feel like it would be a miss to make this list without mentioning a fic that I obsessed over for two weeks straight - a fic that drove me insane in the best way. Of course, there is also the sequel, but I personally prefer the first lesson. This fic has been brewing in my mind for a very long time, because it is painfully obvious to me that Spencer (in the early seasons) is an awkward virgin, and I have always wanted to ruin him.
This fic is a lot of my fantasies brought to life, and I feel like it's a really masterful painting of those fantasies - for once, without overly focusing on the murder mystery aspect of Criminal Minds fanfiction (which I have a tendency to get distracted by). I am really, really proud of this fic, and I know you guys enjoyed it. It is definitely a highlight of my writing this year.
2. Emergency Contact - Jason Todd x GN!Reader (10,500 words)
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After Jason miraculously comes home from his brush with Deathstroke, you’re both feeling it in very different ways. You have an unexpected physical wound from the battle, and he has many (very expected) emotional wounds. You help each other heal. Even if it’s very stubborn on both your parts. Jason Todd x GN!Powered!Reader. Enemies/FWB to Lovers. Angst and Hurt/Comfort. (Slight Smut). Set during Season 2, Episode 5.
This is a fic I have talked about a lot recently, because I have been working on the sequel. (I was hoping to get the sequel finished and posted before the end of December, but it's gonna be a longer fic, so it's looking like it's gonna be one of the first fics of January instead.) Anyway - to me, this is by far one of my best fics and one of my most important fics of 2023. This was battling for the top spot.
But even if it's second place, I am so incredibly proud of this fic. I think it's beautifully written, I am incredibly proud of the literary references I worked in with The Great Gatsby - especially because I feel like Jason would be the type to read Gatsby and compare himself to someone tragic and doomed like Gatsby (he would soo compare himself to Gatsby, especially because he was also a poor kid who was randomly sponsored by a rich man who saw potential in him). Overall, I just had a very distinct vision when writing the fic, and that vision came to life. And I really, really hope that my vision comes to life in the sequel too.
1. King For A Day - Poly!Golden Trio x Fem!Reader (22,400 words) 
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You have always had a special relationship with Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, and the one and only Harry Potter. When you set out to help them find and destroy Lord Voldemort’s Horcruxes, it seems that your intimate knowledge of them is the one thing keeping them together - until the unique dynamic shifts, thanks to one of those pesky pieces of dark magic. Angry voices carry, and it turns out - moans of pleasure do too. Poly!Golden Trio x Fem!Reader (Fem!Reader x Harry Potter x Ron Weasley x Hermione Granger). FWB to Poly Lovers. Smut (with a slight bit of Angst). Set during Deathly Hallows.
And finally, we get to my favourite fic of the year!!
So, I'm gonna be honest, a huge reason that this fic gets the top slot is because of my nostalgia for Harry Potter. This year was the first time in a long time that I have written Harry Potter fanfiction, and it felt like a reawakening of my soul. I was genuinely happy, and I was spending time enjoying concepts and characters that I have not thought about for a long time.
This fic in particular, I feel like I have been working on it for years in my mind. This fic is a culmination of all my thoughts about these characters, all my time in the Harry Potter fandom, and generally, I am so, so proud of it. I am proud that my love for Harry Potter has come to fruition in this form - a poly smut fic, something that is just so me.
Overall - I had such a great year chasing fic ideas that make me happy, despite the popularity of the characters or the fandoms, and I encourage you guys to spend 2024 doing the same. Cheers!
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pro-royalty · 1 year
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Jisoo Kim x Vogue France
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ssavanessa22 · 1 year
something about spencer and reader kissing each other while “fighting” about something
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A/N: I love when moments of anger become moments of passion so this was really fun to write!
Spencer Reid x fem! reader
Kiss and Make up
Spencer and Y/N, were having a heated argument in the hallways of the BAU. They were both passionate, dedicated agents, and they often found themselves at odds over the best way to approach a case.
This time, it was about a suspect's motive for a series of murders. Spencer thought the motive was rooted in the suspect's past trauma, while Y/N believed it was more about power and control.
"you're not seeing the whole picture," Spencer said, frustration evident in his voice. "This person's past is key to understanding their actions."
"No, Spencer," Y/N countered. "You're not considering the evidence. The power dynamics in their relationships is what's driving them."
They stood face to face, each one unwilling to give in. Suddenly, without either of them noticing, they leaned in closer until their faces were only inches apart. They both stopped talking, their eyes locked on each other.
Then, before either of them could react, they were kissing each other passionately, their argument forgotten in the heat of the moment. They wrapped their arms around each other, holding each other tight, their bodies moulded together in a perfect fit.
When they finally pulled away, they were both breathing hard, their faces warm with passion. They looked into each other's eyes, smiling sheepishly.
"I guess we found a way to resolve our differences," Y/N said, grinning.
Spencer laughed, feeling a warm happiness spread through him. "I guess we did," he said.
They walked back to their desks, their argument forgotten, and got back to work. But every once in a while, their eyes would meet and they would smile, remembering the heat of their kiss and the passion that drove them both.
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lemondedelamode · 2 years
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Rianne van Rompaey for Vogue Netherlands September 2022
styled by Vanessa Reid & shot by Viviane Sassen
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