#Vani Candy (art)
vani-candy · 8 days
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shoutout to Freya packing a gun in the My Time at Evershine reveal
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dreamy-selkie · 9 months
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For @vani-candy
Your builder is absolutely adorable I hope I did her justice. 😄
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cheeryconspiracy · 9 months
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Hi @vani-candy ! I was your secret Santa this year ^^ I was SO happy when I found out that I got you for my secret Santa because I absolutely ADORE Mitty’s whole design and storyline! I think you’re so creative and admire your art and comics so much 🥰🥰 I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and an amazing new year!! 🩷🩷
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panzershrike-pretz · 8 months
when you get this, answer with five mutuals you love and why! then send to five other people <3
@onehelluvamarine -> LOU IS AMAZING!! Truly an amazing and cool person with whom I could spend hours talking to if I could! She's sweet, understandable and we vibe so much?? I love having the privilege to call Lou my friend! Truly, makes me feel very lucky >:3 and she also always finds my memes funny so I win. And I converted her to Potoo (with Em's help). I could tag all of your blogs to fill up the 5 mutuals because I love you so so so much!!
@xxluckystrike -> BLU IS SUCH A COOL PERSON SHE'S SO TALENTED AND COOL SJDJSJWJ!!!!!!! She makes the most amazingest moodboards and then writes so well????? And she's in fucking bands??????? Leave a bit of art for the rest of us 😡😡😡😡😡 (i love you do much I could explode you with my mind💕💕💕💕💕)
@whollyjoly -> EMMMMMMMM!!!! THE OTHER POTOO LOVER!!!!! THE PO TO MY TOO!!! I love her. She's so funny and chaotic (I love tuis about her!) And her little "psst" before telling people she loves them?? Em you are awesome as fuck, thank you for being you and existing on the same timeline as me!!
@sweetxvanixlla -> VANI IS SO SWEET, IT MAKES SENSE IT'S IN HER NAME! If she were a bird she'd be maybe a cockatiel, probably (idk they seem so sweet). And also she has the vibes of cotton candy, thank you. VANI IS SUCH AN ADORABLE WOMAN AND GOOD TO TALK TO! I also love when she uses her signature blue heart 🩵
@1waveshortofashipwreck -> EM!!! AGAIN!!! I LOVE TALKING TO HER!!! We get to speak a little almost everyday and it's so cool! I'm in love with your energy and your funnyness (this word exists? Anyway). I adore you, girl, keep being great! You are cool as fuck 😎🫵 i'd hug you real hard
TL;DR: friends should not be allowed to live far away from me and I'll kidnap all of you to live inside my closet. Or in a cage. We'll see
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legofemme · 4 years
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2020 art summary!! I like to think I got better at painting, color comp, and character design! Wanna try doing more with perspective next year! :D
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Hi, everyone!
Developing characters is something I really enjoy, so I had a lot of fun putting together a twin set of MCs! This is the first of the two, Evangeline! I’d love if people would give her a read, and let me know what you think of her!
For clarification, I used the Classified Text Generator in a few spots. That way, I didn’t have to leave any information out, and those who had reached that part of the game would recognize what I was talking about regardless, but those who hadn’t wouldn’t be spoiled.
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Hypatia Nadine Linwood, originally
Evangeline Nadine Desrosiers, currently
Usually goes by Vany
Initials spell “END,” which she finds hilariously ominous
Gender: Cisgender female
Age: 16 years old
Birth Date: October 20th
Species: Human (despite her mother’s insistence that they’re part Veela)
Blood Status: Pureblood
Sexuality: Openly homoromantic and homosexual
Alignment: Chaotic good
Ethnicity: Afro-European
Residence: A condo in Bristol
Myer Briggs Personality Type: ESTP-A, the Entrepreneur
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1st Wand: When she was eleven, Evangeline was matched with a dogwood wand that was nine inches in length, with a dragon heartstring core.
2nd Wand: In her fifth year, after she unwisely challenged Madam Rakepick and had her wand broken as a result, Evangeline found herself paired with a spruce wood wand, this one nine and two thirds inches in length with a phoenix tail feather core. While she resents Rakepick for breaking her first, Evangeline does admit to feeling like her second wand suited her better.
Animagus: Evangeline never becomes an animagus.
Miscellaneous Magical Abilities: Unlike Jacob and Enola, Evangeline is not a born legilimens. However, just like her mother, she is a Seer. (Because that is just like her mother, isn’t it? To pass on the world’s shittiest super power?) Most of the time, this ability manifests in the form of a vague sense or a murky dream. To this day, she’s only had one proper vision, and it was when she was very small.
Boggart Form: Her mother showering her with praise, and saying she was proud of the witch she’d grown to be. This tends to confuse her peers, since it seems so positive—but Evangeline knows her mother. The narcissist that she is, Mireille would never have praised her like that unless she molded Evangeline into her double. That is Evangeline’s worst fear: becoming her mother.
Riddikulus Form: Mireille more or less being turned into a cymbal-banging monkey, with a kazoo in her mouth, cymbals in her hands, and a silly hat.
Amortentia: When Evangeline smells amortentia, the scent is a combination of broom handle polish, leather, and buttered toast. If someone’s amortentia were to smell like her, it would smell like cherry lip gloss, orange pekoe tea, and, again, broom handle polish.
Patronus: A crow. Although they’re best known for supposedly being an omen of death, they’re also believed to symbolize destiny, flexibility, and mischievousness.
Patronus Memory: About a month before Evangeline turned nine, there was a night where her entire family—Aunt Felicienne, Jacob, Enola, and Casper—all let her paint their nails. They all talked and laughed the entire night, drinking cocoa and admiring their nails, and it was the first time they felt like a proper family.
Mirror of Erised: Her family not only together again, but being treated with the respect they deserve. Her brother’s bad reputation erased, the whispers about her aunt for being a squib silenced, and the ghost of their parents’ actions exorcised.
Specialized/Favorite Spells: Evangeline has an affinity for fun spells, like Colovaria and Orchideous. They may not be the most practical, but is that such a crime? Not every spell can serve a greater purpose.
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Athletic build, due to her involvement in Quidditch
Strong limbs and a toned figure
5′8 in heigh
Eye Color: 
Dark grey in color
Always decorated with pristine eyeliner and a light brush of mascara
Hair Color: 
Deep brown
Occasionally experiment with different hair colors using Colovaria
Naturally curly, but is often straightened
Hip length (when straightened)
Skin Tone:
Light brown
Warm undertones
Body Modifications: 
One piercing in each ear
Extensive burn scars on both forearms — gained at 7 years old
Thin scar directly across the bridge of her nose — gained at 25 years old
Her favorite cherry lip gloss
A bag of butterscotch candies
A hair clip or two
Her treasured leather journal.
Fashion: Though Evangeline consciously tries not to be vain, knowing it was one of her mother’s vices, she does take pride in her appearance, and enjoys looking good. When not outfitted in her school robes, she usually tries to aim for a classy, feminine sort of style. More often than not her outfits consist of trendy sweaters or turtlenecks (never t-shirts), tea length skirts, and oxford pumps. As for accessories, Evangeline is quite fond of dainty earrings and delicate silver rings, as well as pretty hair clips. The one exception to her style tastes is Erika’s sweaters: they’re over-sized, a little more traditionally masculine, and more worn out than Evangeline likes to let her clothes get. Still, she absolutely covets them.
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Hogwarts House: Slytherin, house of the cunning and ambitious. It’s garnered such a reputation for being the “mean house” that people always seem to be surprised to learn that Evangeline was placed there. But, as she’s always quick to remind them, “mean” is not a requisite for being in Slytherin. It’s just an unfortunate trend.
Ilvermorny House: Thunderbird, house of the soul, home to the adventurer.
Affiliations/Organizations: Obviously, as first a student and then an alum, Evangeline is affiliated with Hogwarts. She also joins ███ ██████ ██ ██████ out of support for Enola, and, later on, is a member of the Order of the Phoenix.
Professions: After working as a spy for the Order during the second wizarding war, Evangeline builds a career as a grief counselor for magical children.
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Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: A
Charms: E
Flying: O
Herbology: P
History of Magic: A
Potions: A
Transfiguration: E
Muggle Studies
Both are total goof off classes, considering she’s a Seer who was raised in a muggle community
Seeker on the Slytherin team from third year onward
Played one season as a beater in her fourth year
Extra Curricular: 
Art Club
Frog Choir
Favorite Professors: 
Professor Hooch — fellow Quidditch lover
Professor Trelawney — endearingly kooky
Least Favorite Professors: 
Professor Snape — killjoy
Professor Sinistra — uptight
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Brother: The eldest of the Desrosiers children is Theron, who renamed himself Jacob after his parents’ death. Of his three younger siblings, he’s arguably closest to Evangeline, since she shares his charisma and occasional haughtiness. Evangeline understood, better than any of the others, how badly he wanted to restore both the Kastellanos and Desrosiers family names to their former glory. No, actually, not their former glory—a new glory, built on talent and respect, rather than on the subjugation of those considered “beneath” them. 
Other Siblings: Older than Evangeline by six minutes, Enola is the second oldest Desrosiers sibling, and easily the one Evangeline is closest to. People can dismiss the notion of twin ESP all they want, but Evangeline believes it. Different as they may be, her and Enola have always been finely attuned to each other. They can read each other easily, and always know exactly what the other needs. There isn’t a chance they could ever be as close with someone else as they are with each other. 
Evangeline also has a younger brother. Helios Kastellanos, renamed Casper by their Aunt Felicienne, is five years younger than the twins, and truth be told, Evangeline’s never had too strong of a relationship with him. It’s not like they argue, or they hate each other. They’ve just...never connected. He’s always clung to Enola, so Evangeline figures that it’s a trade off she had to make. She gets to be close with Jacob, at the cost of being close with Casper. Enola gets to be close with Casper, at the cost of being close with Jacob. It evens out.
Father: Truth be told, Evangeline remembers very little of her father, Proteus. Beyond not spending a lot of time at home, Proteus was more concerned with his male heirs than either of his daughters. Everything Evangeline knows about him, she’s learned secondhand, and even then, it’s very little. Felicienne and Jacob always waved off her questions, telling her she didn’t want to know about him, Enola remembered as little as she did, and Casper was only three when he died. Evangeline knows that he was a Death Eater, and that’s more or less it.
Mother: Now, her mother, Mireille, on the other hand...Evangeline remembers her quite vividly. Mireille was a woman who prided herself on beauty more than anything, and wanted to raise her daughters to be just the same—as long as they were never more beautiful than she was. Though she came from a family of blood purists, Mireille was the first Desrosiers to become a Death Eater, and Evangeline suspects that she got in over her head. It’s her theory that the stress drove Mireille crazy, and that was why she was so prone to paranoia and explosive bursts of anger. One of Evangeline’s most vivid memories of Mireille attempting to throw a pot of boiling water in her face when she was seven years old; Evangeline threw up her arms to defend herself, and she still bears the scars from the attack all these years later.
Love Interest: Evangeline has a big, fat, gay crush on Erika Rath, and she’s not ashamed to admit it. She’d already been attracted to her on an entirely physical level, and then Evangeline had to seek out her tutelage when the Slytherin team was short a Beater. Discovering the awkward, uncertain girl that existed beneath the gruff exterior completely sealed the deal. They bonded over their love for Quidditch, continuing to train together even when Evangeline switched back to playing Seeker, and with time, came to find that they really enjoyed each other’s company. Evangeline could make Erika laugh like no one else, and Erika felt like one of the only people Evangeline could be entirely herself with, even if that meant exposing the ugly pieces of herself as well as the polished ones. Finally, Evangeline asked Erika to the Celestial Ball, and the rest was history. It’s rather funny to see them side by side, with Erika, perpetually dressed in her jersey and scowling, towering over Evangeline, with her pressed skirts and sunny smiles.
Best Friends: One of Evangeline’s dearest friends at Hogwarts is local contraband dealer, Jae Kim. Truth be told, he was initially quite intimidated by her. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but despite Evangeline’s bubbly disposition, something about her always struck him as distinctly...eldritch. Like she was something unusual, and not entirely human. Maybe it was just the way she could flip her emotions on a dime, entirely of her own volition. Watching her be seething mad and then slap on a bright, sunny grin as she turned away, easy as flipping a switch, was unnerving. Regardless, the two bonded throughout their time spent in detention, and Enola is quite proud to boast that she’s one of the few people that can almost wrangle Jae into following the rules.
She’s also quite close with Penny Haywood and Diego Caplan, two Hufflepuffs who share Evangeline’s popularity and social skill. Evangeline likes to joke that she’s “Penny, but with edge.” Penny gets a kick out of it. Diego, on the other hand, did initially have slightly selfish reasons for befriending Evangeline—namely, his hope that she could help him get closer to Enola, who he had a crush on—but ended up genuinely bonding with her somewhere along the way. She’s his favorite dueling and dancing partner, and they trust each other more than anyone seems to realize.
Rivals: Some people might not understand how two people on the same team can be rivals, but Evangeline and Skye Parkin make it work. It’s not a mean rivalry by any means, but it’s an intense one, with both of them aiming to be the star player on the Slytherin Quidditch team. Evangeline also considers herself rivals with Emily Tyler, who reminds her uncomfortably of her mother, and Merula, who competes with her in, well, everything.
Enemies: Logically, Evangeline knows that there’s really nothing wrong with Talbott Winger. He’s an entirely decent guy, who minds his own business and keeps his head down. She has no reason to dislike him the way she does. But she just can’t help it. Maybe it’s his aloofness that rubs her the wrong way—Evangeline’s always liked to be liked, not to mention the nosy streak she possesses and she finds people that reserved and guarded frustrating. Maybe it’s the fact that she thinks he has eyes for her sister, when Enola could definitely do better. (Of course, this is only Evangeline’s perception. If she really wanted to know who had eyes for Enola, she’d have better luck looking at her best friend, Jae.) Either way, Evangeline isn’t a fan.
Dormmates: Evangeline shares a dorm with Rowan Khanna, Liz Tuttle, Skye Parkin, and her twin sister, Enola.
Pets: On the record, Evangeline has only one pet, and it’s a very old, exceptionally grumpy, melanistic Sphynx cat named Toodles. Despite being more or less a crotchety old man in cat form, Toodles is absolutely the light of Evangeline’s life, and she dotes on him like he is her actual child. The amount of money she’s dropped on Toodles is honestly kind of staggering, but Enola insists that it’s entirely necessary. Sphynx cats require a lot of careful care, and if Evangeline has her way, Toodles is only going to get the best of the best.
However, off the record, Evangeline has also grown unusually close to one Thestral in particular. She’s been sneaking into the Forbidden Forest to study them since she was in her 2nd year, and during one such excursion, she witnessed a Thestral foal being birthed. Since it provided a prime opportunity to study the life cycle of a Thestral, Evangeline focused most of her observations on that foal, which she named Melinoe, after the Greek goddess of ghosts and spirits. It took some time to build trust, but eventually, Melinoe and Evangeline were thick as thieves, and Melinoe greeted her like an excited puppy whenever she came to visit the forest. Leaving Melinoe behind is perhaps what Evangeline’s dreading most about her graduation from Hogwarts.
Closest Canon Friends: Jae Kim, Penny Haywood, Diego Caplan, Nymphadora Tonks, and Tulip Karasu.
Closest MC Friends: Outside of Enola, none yet, but looking!
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Pre-Hogwarts: Hypatia was born the third child of Proteus and Mireille Kastellanos. She spent the first eight years of her life in Greece, living on her father’s family estate, roaming the grounds with her siblings, enjoying the abundance of wealth at her fingertips. It should’ve been a charmed life...but it wasn’t. See, Proteus and Mireille were both Death Eaters, and neither were much suited for parenthood. It was a household strife with unease and contempt, and if the ruthless mental (and occasionally physical) abuse Hypatia experienced wasn’t enough, her childhood was also plagued by terrible visions. In this visions, an explosion burst in her family parlor, leaving both her parents dead on the floor.
Then, when she was eight years old, the premonition came true. Aurors raided the manor, and in the ensuing fight, both Proteus and Mireille were killed, with their two young daughters bearing witness. The children were whisked away from the home, and eventually sent to live with their maternal aunt, Felicienne Desrosiers. A squib who had fled her Pureblood-supremist family to live in England, Felicienne was hardly equipped to take on four young, magical, traumatized children, but still, she stepped up to the plate, determined not to fail them the way that their parents had.
The first thing she did? She sat them down, and helped them choose out new names. While her family name wasn’t exactly sparkly clean, it carried less of a stigma than their father’s. And thus, Hypatia Kastellanos died with her parents, and Evangeline Desrosiers was born.
From that point on, Evangeline grew up to be a rather well-adjusted girl. Or, as well-adjusted as a girl with her experiences could be. The only real point of concern was the fixation she began to develop with death; she played funeral director far more often than she ever played princess, and was prone to checking out books on embalming methods from the local library. However, she wasn’t hurting anyone or thing and showed no desire to, so Felicenne decided it wasn’t anything to worry too much about. It was simply Evangeline’s way of coping. Throughout the years, Evangeline found happiness with her new family, and despite Jacob’s disappearance, despite Felicenne’s failing health, Evangeline is determined to protect that happiness.
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2nd Wizarding War: As the war starts picking up steam, Evangeline establishes her allegiance to The Order of the Phoenix, and starts working as a spy, able to rely on her charisma and family heritage to gain the trust of dark wizards. She’s not accepted into the inner circle, not nearly, but she’s silver-tongued enough to get information from those that are. During this time, she secretly elopes with her long-term girlfriend, Erika Rath. She fights in the battle of Hogwarts, and in doing so, gains a scar directly across the bridge of her nose.
Post-War: Following the war, Evangeline finds that her ambitions have changed. Despite having wanted for years to be a mortician, she finds that the idea now lacks the appeal it did when she was young. Perhaps she’s just seen enough death. Still, she’s determined to put all of her years of research to use. She ends up finding her calling providing grief counseling to children, and, specifically, to magical children. She makes the unconventional choice to train Thestrals as a sort of therapy animal for children who have witnessed death. Her and Erika, now going public with their marriage, also adopt a set of siblings—an eight year old named Winifred, and a six year old named Josephine, the daughters of a friend of Erika’s who was, unfortunately, killed in the war. It’s difficult, considering both girls are old enough to remember and miss their parents, but Evangeline’s grief training comes in handy in helping them cope with the loss. It may take time, but eventually, they do truly feel like a family.
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There's a lot more to Evangeline than there appears to be at a glance. Upon first meeting, she seems...well, vivacious. She loves to laugh and lights up a room with her smile alone, and is playful and a little mischievous by nature. She's also quite the hopeless romantic, and ultimately wants to end up happy with someone she loves. Some may say that this makes her pathetic, but she doesn't view it that way at all. What's so wrong with wanting to be happy?
Though Evangeline may not hand out her trust too quickly or freely, she is always willing to provide a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on. Her loyalty to those who find a place in her heart is admirable, especially when it comes to her family, and she would willingly fight to the death to protect those she loves. She always finds some way to show her affection, whether it's through a warm hug when one is needed or a good laugh provided when sadness seems to be taking over. She’s charismatic and enigmatic and attractive, and most everyone she meets consider her to be a delightful young woman. 
And then her smile sharpens just slightly, glinting like light on the blade of a dagger, and all of a sudden, it’s abundantly clear why she was sorted into the house of the cunning.
Now, the image Evangeline puts forth isn’t a lie. She is genuinely friendly and outgoing, and the majority of the time, everything she says and does is sincere. However, certain traits are exaggerated because she wants to present a specific image of herself—or rather, she wants certain parts of her to go unnoticed, so she emphasizes the ones she wants people to see and lets the other ones slip out of the edges of their perception. 
Beneath the girlish laughter and perfect grins is a master manipulator, always poised for battle, whether they be fought with words or fists. The sweetness, the flattery, the pretty little smiles, they coax information out conversations faster than threats ever did. A true Slytherin at her core, Evangeline has long since learned how to use her beauty and natural charisma to get what she needs out of people and accomplish her goals, which are, fortunately, mostly altruistic. Who knows what sort chaos she could wrought, if she put her mind to it?
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Total theater kid. She attended muggle primary schools prior to Hogwarts, and you can bet your bippy she jumped on every opportunity to get on stage that she was offered. Notable roles include Belle in Beauty and the Beast, the Wicked Witch of the West (ironically enough) in The Wizard of Oz, Wendy in Peter Pan, and Queen Zixi in Queen Zixi of Ix.
It’s no secret that Evangeline’s one premonition was of the raid that her parents died in. Her siblings all know, and none of them blame her. She was just a child; she didn’t understand what she was seeing. The secret is that, even if she had understood, Evangeline doesn’t think she would’ve warned anyone.
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amateuranxiety · 4 years
Vani Strip Mall AU: The Second Part
Let's be real here, Stephan kinda hated his life. He had no idea how he even got into this situation in the first place. Well, it wasnt anything too horrible. He just worked in a stupid candy store, because what else is a broke art student to do? Normally, things like this wouldn't be so bad. It was a rather quiet store in a rather quiet strip mall. Who would complain, right?
He would. He would complain so much, and with good reasoning too. I mean, who in the world would ever want to work for Morzogo of all vanis? No one. That's who. The milk obsessed mad man drove fear into the hearts of any lactose intolerant person in a 250 mile radius, again, for good reason.
He would never stop with the milk. Those who surrounded the area began to affectionately refer to him as “The Milkman.” Everyone who had taken even one taste of his dairy products claimed them to be the most delicious they have ever experienced, like taking a glimpse into the pearly gates of heaven. Too bad Stephan could never feel that joy, if he could still feel most of anything at all that is. It’s a hard world for our youth, and only one constant rang through the young man’s brain as he stood brooding at the cash register for the nth time, “I should have just applied to Taco Bell.”
It seemed that things were constantly getting more and more hectic around the quiaint little storefronts, especially with that girl Xel had recently taken in. She would occassionally crash the shop, presumably for her own ammusement. Stephan didn’t care anymore, if such a word still existed in his vocabulary. If anything, he had taken a very small, begrudging liking to the little dirt-eating squirt. At least she was better than the boss.
“STEVEN! YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE THE COMBINATION I JUST CAME UP WITH!” right on cue, as always. The icy voice of Morzogo rang from the back end of the store. Stephan’s stomach dropped when he heard, the void it left filling with nothing but dread. He didn’t want to go through another taste testing session. He had tried to explain to the beast many times about his condition, but he was met with the same response every time, “Lactose intolerance is a myth, my boy.” This would never be worth his miniscule paycheck, that was for certain.
“I wonder if I could just get fired instead,” he muttered to himself as he made his way to face his boss. No amount of mental preparation could prepare him for what was to come. Behind those cold doors that housed the candy creation center, he saw the most aw inspiring horror human eyes had ever gazed upon. His eyes glazed, tears began flowing down his cheeks. He stood there, emotionless, motionless, for what felt like an eternity. The young man looked as if he were a statue.
Morzogo was in a milk bath. Where did he even get the bathtub? How did he get it inside when the doors are way too small to fit it in? Why was he even questioning things? “STEVE MY BOY! You must try this! My weary bones have not felt this good in ages.”
Before he could utter a single word, in one swift moment Morzogo had thrown the lad into the milk bath. It was warm. It was so very warm. His clothes were now soaked in milk. It may have been his imagination, a placebo, but he could swear he was beginning to break out into hives. There was only one thing he could ask in that moment. “Why? Why would you do this?”
The only reply he received, “Milk baths. Drinkable milk baths. They’re gonna be big.”
Yeah, he was about to apply to Taco Bell.
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cookiecutterwrites · 5 years
Live Action
In this tribute to artists, dreamers and anime, an autistic daydreamer and a disillusioned baker have a falling out once it’s revealed that the latter has been stealing the former’s art.
Word count: ~3000 (15 screenplay pages)
AN: Happy Autism Acceptance Month, everyone!! Nat is a Japanese-American middle-grader who’s special interest is character art. I’m still learning so please don’t hesitate to let me know if I got anything wrong!
Grainy paper and granite-dust fingerprints. A line darts across the frame -- a horizon.
Bits of debris and rubble materialize, populating the landscape. They're partially formed and crude, as if scrawled with an impatient hand.
AURORA, 14, reluctant yet stalwart, stands with her eyes glued to the top of an off-kilter skyscraper. She casts off a tattered seafoam fur-lined coat, raises her hands, conjures ethereal snowflakes between her palms -
She's HIT in the shoulder! She gasps, her ice magic dissipates. She jumps back -- a burnt yellow, amorphous projectile plunges itself into her winter boot, CEMENTING HER TO THE SIDEWALK. It's superheated, she's burned. She screams. Aurora looks back up at the tower, all dismay and pleading eyes now.
               AURORA    Vanilla, please! -
Atop the slanted skyscraper, VANILLA, 13, stands proud, her face hidden in shadow. Her magical girl outfit is decked out with yellow ribbons. She's pulling amber hot sugar with her bare hands, stretching and twisting the strands into a thin baton, which she holds out to cool in the falling snow.
               AURORA    You don't have to -
Vanilla snaps the candy cane over her knee, producing two spear-tipped halves. She levitates the shards to either side of her, takes aim...
Vanilla turns and walks away, leaving the broken shards to JAVELIN toward a defenseless, wide-eyed Aurora -
               AURORA      VANI -
           SMASH CUT TO:
NAT's eyes snap open. Soft mint bed sheets rustle in the morning light.
AMANDA, 40, Nat's mother, hollers from beyond the door.
               AMANDA (O.S.)    Nat! Get up already, you're gonna be late again!
Nat just whines in response.
- She shoves a sketchbook in her backpack.
- Zips her bag up.
- She pulls on a pastel turquoise sweater.
- She kicks unfinished sketches under her bed, where they join a slew of coloring pencils, markers, gel pens, and old sketchbooks brimming with stick people.
               NAT (V.O.)    My name is Nat Okura. I'm 14 years old. I'm in the 8th grade. And there's something about me that no one -- and I mean, no one -- can know about.
- She stands in her doorway adjusting the straps of her backpack. Her room is plastered wall-to-wall in drawings of cartoons, lined and colored, crude yet dynamic, the very style that came alive in her Reverie. She shuts the door.
- TOAST! She tries to pluck it fresh from the toaster, drops it, hisses with pain.
- Spreads jam on toast.
- Jams toast in her mouth.
Nat slips into her shoes at the front door, toast between her teeth.
Amanda descends upon the scene. She's firm but well-meaning. She plucks the bread from Nat's mouth.
               AMANDA    Don't do things in parts or people will get confused. You have to commit.
She pulls Nat in for a hug. Nat stiffens at the sudden contact, she waits out the hug rather than reciprocating.
               AMANDA    Have fun, darling.
Nat speedwalks down the street, making anxious faces and whispering to herself under her breath.
               NAT    "I just wanted to be... somebody..." "I know you did, but one of these days, you're gonna have to learn to be happy with the hand you're dealt..." "One of these..." "One of these days -
An L train RUSHES by, rumbling noisily.
A sound effect bubble RIPS across her path in tandem with the speeding train, 'TAK-TAK-TAK-TAK-TAK' etc.
Nat shutters to a stop, takes a step back, narrowly dodging the bubble. It vanishes once the train's passed.
She's tapped on the shoulder. It's MELODY, 13, playing the tap-the-opposite-shoulder prank. Nat falls for it. Melody beams.
               MELODY    See you in class, Aoi-chan!
She zips away, light on her feet, small yet assured in her oversized yellow hoodie. She threads under the L tracks.
Amanda pulls a YOUNG NAT, 8, along. College students chatter, music blares from an unseen source, trains pull up and jet off. Text bubbles pops up with each cacophonous addition. They crowd out the already-stifling space. No one else senses them.
Nat wrenches her hands from her mother's and covers her ears, screws her eyes shut. Amanda urges her on, it doesn't work. Amanda grows frustrated, people are starting to look.
Suddenly, Nat is GRABBED from behind and pulled into a hug. She SHRIEKS. It's just a YOUNG MELODY, who lets go immediately.
               YOUNG MELODY    I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
PREEYA, Melody's mom, pulls her away.
               PREEYA    Apologies, she has so much energy...
Nat peers at Melody.
               NAT    "Tch. You're gonna be late."
Nat forges on toward school. The real world and her Reverie mesh together. Melody, receding into the distance, resembles Vanilla without any of the magical girl embellishments.
A colossal Beast with an untamed mane hidden in shadow rises above the school.
Nat -- Aoi -- transforms into Aurora with a wave of her hand and a burst of light. She parkours effortlessly up to the L, sticking a three-point landing on top of the moving train.
New tracks materialize, redirecting Aurora toward the school, straight toward the monster.
She brandishes a blade, seemingly out of thin air. She leaps off the train, rising impossibly high, swings her sword with a flurry of conjured snowflakes -
Nat blinks. She's back at her desk and she doesn't like it one bit. Her knee bounces restlessly.
Down one side of her lined notebook, there's some 8th grade biology nonsense about the freezing point of water. On the opposite page, she's doodled a katana and written under it, 'SLICICLE?!' and, 'SNOWDROP' and finally, 'SILVER STORM', which is underlined and circled several times.
She sighs, ignoring the lecture, slides her notebook aside, revealing her sketchbook underneath. She starts sketching Aurora posing with her blade.
Nat sits on the ground, leaning against her locker, sketchbook propped upright against her knees so as to hide the contents from milling extras. She sketches frantically, head bowed, refusing to meet anyone's eyes.
Wispy shadows lash out at her from under the lockers. She glares at them and they scatter.
Melody approaches from the other end of the hall. She chats up other students as she passes, tackle-hugs a few, shares a secret fistbump with one, plays tap-the-opposite-shoulder with free abandon. She pulls to a stop before Nat.
               MELODY    'Sup.
Nat shuts her sketchbook sharply, looks up briefly, then breaks eye contact like it burned.
Amanda answers the front door. Young Melody shoves a tray of brownies in her face. Preeya is there too.
Young Nat sits on the floor of her room fidgeting and doodling stick people. Melody creeps over, fully intent on watching. The door's been left open, and Preeya and Amanda are sat in the living room beyond.
               PREEYA    She made those herself, you know? It was all her idea.
               AMANDA    Such a sweet girl.
Melody offers Nat a brownie.
               YOUNG MELODY    Sorry for trying to hug you. I should've asked first.
Nat merely slides her sketchbook back and away.
Melody blinks, bemused, stuffs the brownie in her own mouth.
               AMANDA        (sighing)    Sometimes she doesn't understand what peoples' words mean. Takes things literally. She can be so cold sometimes.
Nat looks up slightly at this, registering it, goes back to drawing. Melody scoots right up to Nat, points at a teal-haired pencil-sketched girl.
               YOUNG MELODY    Is that you?
Nat tries to withdraw but Melody holds the sketchbook fast. Nat squirms as she answers.
               YOUNG NAT    It's Aoi.
               YOUNG MELODY    Aoi?
Nat writes it out in English then in hiragana. Melody watches raptly. And then:
               YOUNG MELODY    Can you draw me?
Back to the school hallway.
               NAT    Hey.
               MELODY    You good? Wanna head to class?
Nat stands, her open backpack tips upside down, spilling colorful stationary and loose papers EVERYWHERE.
Melody calmly helps pick stuff up but Nat scrambles to shove everything back in her bag, hating every passing second. Text bubbles pop up to accompany her halfhearted mutterings: 'PEOPLE ARE WATCHING...', 'EVERYONE'S STARING AT ME', etc.
She shoulders her bag and speedwalks away.
In her haste, she'd forgotten her sketchbook, which Melody holds up.
               MELODY    Hey Natty -
But it's too late. She's vanished.
Melody's puzzled expression morphs to one of determination. She alone understands the power of the artifact in her hand.
She rushes over to her desk, switches on the desk lamp, flips open the sketchbook, whips out her phone, snaps off a few photos.
Melody mills about a water fountain with JUNE and ANNA, two other students. They're flipping through Nat's sketchbook.
               ANNA    Mel, you drew all of these?
               MELODY    Um. Yup.
               JUNE    What? I had no idea you were a drawer!
Nat marches up to greet Melody, small and skittish. She takes one look at the sketchbook in Melody's hands, stops dead in her tracks. Her mouth falls open. She turns tail and storms back the way she came.
Melody traces Nat's wake as if shocked out of a trance.
Nat marches home, under the L and back.
               NAT    "How could you betray me like that?! I trusted you!"... "I trusted you..."
Behind her, a shadow grows. She glances back. The beast engulfing the school SPROUTS ABOUT A MILLION EYES. They blink in unsettling syncrony. They turn on Nat.
With an assured flick of her wrist, she disappears in a flash of light and reemerges as Aurora, bringing her Reverie to the waking world.
The Beast advances, sluggish yet chilling. Aurora ICE-BLASTS IT IN THE FACE, but to no avail. The amorphous shadows SWAMP HER, blotting out the screen.
Aurora BURSTS from the darkness, gasping for air! She hacks uselessly with Silver Storm before being pulled under again.
It's dark. Melody flips through the sketchbook. Nat's drawn Aurora and Vanilla in the same poses and situations over and over again. She frowns.
Light washes in from the living room through the open door. Suddenly, a silhouette. Hand-drawn and grainy. Yellow ribbons.
               VANILLA    What were you thinking? You know she doesn't like it when people look at her art before it's done.
Melody looks up briefly, then back to the sketches
               VANILLA    What're you gonna say to her? How are you gonna look her in eye and say, what? That you're sorry?
               MELODY    You -- they're my characters too.
           CUT TO:
The satisfying rustle of pages flipping in rapid succession.
               YOUNG MELODY (V.O)    What happens after they beat the Beast?
               YOUNG NAT (V.O.)    They go back and they do it again the next day.
           SMASH CUT IN:
Yellow morning light floods Melody's bedroom. Her eyes snap open.
               MELODY (V.O.)    Let's take it from the top. My name is Melody Kumar and I'm 13 years old.
Melody yawns, stepping into the living room, pulling on her yellow hoodie. She sneaks by her brother, SHIVAM, 17, who's passed out on the couch, game controller in hand. She sidles up to the front door, dejected.
- Preeya clicks her tongue.
               PREEYA    My sweet little girl, why can’t you be more like your brother?
- Melody glowers at her homework. Behind her, Shivam plays a game, headphones on, shouting occasionally.
               MELODY (V.O.)    What’s so great about him?
- She glances up from a tin of cupcakes to catch her brother and mother hugging. She pays them no mind, goes back to piping frosting.
               MELODY (V.O.)    I was never gonna be the favorite child. So whatever, I found people who would like me the way I am.
- Young Melody hands out homemade cookies at school.
- Snap to earlier in the week: Melody chatting up multiple cliques, stopping before Nat.
               MELODY (V.O.)    But they don't give medals for being nice.
Standing framed by the front door, she stuffs Nat's sketchbook in her bag.
               MELODY (V.O.)    I needed a real talent. I know I can be more than -
Voices echo in her head:
               AMANDA (V.O.)    ... Such a sweet girl.
               PREEYA (V.O.)    My sweet little girl...
Her face falls just as she’s pulling back the door.
               MELODY (V.O.)    And yet...
Young Nat lies on the floor penciling in eyes, hair, a skirt. Young Melody inches closer to look. Nat pulls the notebook away. Moments later, she lays the book flat, revealing a candy-themed magical girl in a yellow costume. She points.
               YOUNG NAT    It’s you.
               YOUNG MELODY    Oh, I don’t know if I’m cut out to be a magical girl.
               YOUNG NAT    Are you kidding me? You’re the nicest person I know. Everyone wants to be friends with you and you put others before yourself. You’re the perfect magical girl.
               YOUNG MELODY    I guess. If you say so.
Nat spins the book back around, chews on the end of her pencil.
               YOUNG NAT    ... "Vanilla."
Nat's scrunched up in a corner of her room, hugging a plush polar bear to her chest. She nudges a half-finished drawing of Vanilla, back turned and lording atop a spire, away with her foot.
She's been drawing lots. Her room is covered classic crumpled paper balls and doodles spanning at least three different kinds of paper, some half-colored, half-inked, half-baked.
               NAT (V.O.)    "Don't do things in parts or people will get confused. You have to commit." I don't think this is what she meant, but what do I know? Sometimes I don't understand what peoples’ words mean.
Knock-knock. She pushes the bubbles away. Knock-knock. There it is again. Bubbles fill the room. Nat shrinks in on herself until the congestion becomes unbearable. She stands.
NAOKI, Nat's father, 45, stands before Nat's bedroom door with Melody by his side. He's a fidgety sort of fellow, bursting with nervous energy. He speaks as if picking each word with great deliberation.
               NAOKI    She’s been like this for 3 days. She won't talk to us.
Melody raps on the door. Nothing.
               MELODY    Can I try talk to her alone?
Naoki leaves.
               MELODY    Thank you, Mr. Okura!        (leaning toward door)    Nat, are you there? Nat, I'm sorry -
           INTERCUT WITH:
Nat, inches from the door, starts to back down.
               MELODY (O.S.)    ... Aoi-chan?
Nat stops, inhales sharply -
           INTERCUT WITH:
Close on Aurora's face. She's silhouetted, shrouded in darkness.
               AURORA    I fight every day to live in this world that's not meant for me. And still, you feel the need to make it harder for me.
               MELODY    It's not like that! I-I wasn't thinking straight. I deleted everything, set the record straight -- I told everyone who really drew the art! Look, I brought your book! It'll never happen again -- Nat, are you still there? Nat?!
She puts a hand to Nat's door, rests her head against the wood. She sighs.
               MELODY (V.O.)    Vanilla turns back. She can't believe her eyes, can't believe she ever did that.
Vanilla does just that. She descends the tilted skyscraper bit by bit.
               VANILLA    I'm ...sorry? I can't say I know how you feel, but... I know why you fight the Beast.
Nat's eyes snap open at this. She's leaning against her side of the door, exhausted.
               MELODY (O.S.)    The Beast isn't there to remind you there's bad in the world. You already know that
It's revealed that Vanilla's sugar spears missed Aurora by mere inches. Aurora is unharmed but infuriated nonetheless.
Vanilla vanishes the pulled sugar with a wave of her hand. Aurora stumbles, her foot having suddenly been freed. Vanilla catches her.
               VANILLA    You fight the beast so that you know that you can. Over and over again. Every day. And I don't wanna watch you fight alone anymore. Melody leans against her side of the door.
               AURORA        (too quiet for Vanilla to hear)    So it turns out we both have a little sugar and ice in us.
               MELODY    What was that? Na -- Aoi-chan, are you still with me?
Nat silently nods.
Melody takes a deep breath. The Reverie overtakes them both. Vanilla and Aurora stand back-to-back, as if preparing for battle. They're done this a thousand times before but this time, it's devoid of the fanfare. They're both tired.
               VANILLA    You let me into your world.
The Reverie recedes.
           MATCH CUT TO:
Melody and Nat standing back to back with the bedroom door separating them.
               MELODY    Won't you let me stay? Even if we both know the live action will never be as good?
Nat cracks her door open.
           END INTERCUT.
Melody holds her arms open wide.
               MELODY    Permission?
Nat nods and Melody goes in for the hug. This time, Nat reciprocates.
               MELODY    Nakama?
               NAT    ... Nakama.
They breathe again.
           SMASH CUT TO:
Nat's eyes snap open.
- Nat kicks unfinished art under her bed where it joins a mass of other unpolished pieces, including but not limited to comic pages of Vanilla turning against Aurora.
- Melody puts yellow ribbons in her hair
- Nat pulls on her signature green sweatshirt.
- Melody snaps pictures of her homemade breakfast scones.
- Nat slips into her shoes. Amanda comes up from behind and shoves her sketchbook in her backpack. She asks Nat if she's okay with a hug today and Nat nods. They embrace.
Melody darts to catch up with Nat on the way to school. She's got a jam-slathered slice of scone sticking out of her mouth, which Nat appraises, then -
               NAT    You're kidding me, right?
Melody shrugs, takes a bite, holds the scone in her hand.
               MELODY    Are we gonna do this or what?
A monstrous shadow creeps toward them.
Nat nods. She flicks her wrist, she and Melody vanish in a burst of light -
Grainy paper scenery. Aurora and Vanilla pose back-to-back, smirking. Vanilla pulls molten sugar into a whip and Aurora swings Silver Storm at the screen -
           CUT TO BLACK.
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miglioriprodotti · 4 years
Top 10: La migliore cantinetta vino
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Perché potresti avere bisogno di una cantinetta vino?
A meno che non abbiate una cantina con una temperatura stabile tutto l'anno, una cantinetta vino è un prodotto indispensabile per conservare al meglio il vostro vino. A differenza di un normale frigorifero, una frigo per vino manterrà e distribuirà la temperatura in modo migliore e stabile. La temperatura stabile è l'elemento chiave per mantenere il vino, inoltre le radiazioni UV e le vibrazioni dovrebbero essere completamente evitate. Con un frigo per vini di qualità si possono tenere sotto controllo tutti questi elementi tramite un sistema computerizzato porte in vetro con filtro UV e compressori sospesi al silicone. Se si desidera conservare e maturare il vino per un lungo periodo di tempo, il vino durerà e si svilupperà meglio ad una temperatura stabile di 12-14 gradi Celsius. Questo vale sia per il vino bianco, rosato, spumante che per il vino da dessert. In questo caso, è sufficiente una cantinetta vini con una sola zona di temperatura. Se la vostra intenzione non è la conservazione a lungo termine, ma il desiderio di avere sempre il vostro vino pronto per essere servito, vi consigliamo una cantinetta frigo con due zone di raffreddamento. In questo modo, sarete in grado di mantenere i vostri vini pronti a diverse temperature: 14-16 gradi Celsius per i vini rossi e 6-8 gradi Celsius per i vini bianchi, rosati, spumanti e birra 1
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KLARSTEIN Vinamour 45D – Frigorifero Vino, Cantinetta Vini
Frigo per vini da 118 litri, a 2 zone, per un massimo di 45 bottiglie di vino, adatto a incasso.Pratico utilizzo con pannello di controllo Soft Touch e discreta illuminazione interna LED.Conservazione e raffreddamento dei vostri vini in pieno stile su 4 ripiani estraibili in legno.   9.9 €629,99 Acquista prodotto RECENSIONE COMPLETA 2
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KLARSTEIN Vinsider 24D OneSide Edition – Cantinetta ad Incasso per vino
La cantina Vinsider-24D di Klarstein rinnova il concetto di classica cantina grazie al suo affascinate ed elegante design in acciaio, vetro e legno. 9.8 €549,99 Acquista prodotto RECENSIONE COMPLETA 3
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Candy CCVB 30 Cantinetta incasso
Candy Cantinetta vino da incasso CCVB 30 da 30 cm 9.2 €319,64 Acquista prodotto RECENSIONE COMPLETA 4
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Climadiff – Cantinetta per vino, 2 scomparti e 2 porte indipendenti, capacità 24 bottiglie
Clicca qui per verificare la compatibilità di questo prodotto con il tuo modello Marca leader sul mercato della cantina da vino: distribuita in più di 60 paesi, Climadiff è una marca francese a fama internazionale, riconosciuta per la qualità delle sue cantine. Con DOPPIOVINO24, Climadiff propone una cantina per vino di smussatura estetica e silenziosa, con due scomparti e due ante indipendenti. Dimensioni nette: 43 x 52 x 74 cm; capacità: 70 litri, ovvero 24 bottiglie. La cantina per champagne doppia zona e doppia porta: la cantina per smussare DOPPIOVINO24 permette di portare facilmente il vino a temperatura ideale di degustazione e di essere sicuro di servirlo alla giusta temperatura. Puoi regolare i due scomparti indipendentemente l'uno dall'altro e conservare le bevande a due temperature diverse, tra 8 e 18 °C in parte alta (8 bottiglie) e tra 12 e 18 °C in parte bassa (16 bottiglie). Ogni scomparto è dotato di una propria porta. 9 €349,00 Acquista prodotto RECENSIONE COMPLETA 5
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KLARSTEIN Cantinetta Vino – Frigorifero Vino con Porta in Vetro
Grande frigorifero per vini a compressore con due zone di raffreddamento separate e 135 litri di volume, per un massimo di 41 bottiglie. 8.7 €469,99 Acquista prodotto RECENSIONE COMPLETA 6
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KLARSTEIN Vinovilla Onyx 17 – Frigorifero Vino, Cantinetta con Porta in Vetro
Presentazione perfetta: elegante frigo per vini a due zone con sportello in vetro e telaio nero e illuminazione a LED interna in tre colori, per 17 bottiglie di vino. 2 zone: facile utilizzo separato con pannello touch per luce e temperatura, temperature tra 5 e 12 °C (sopra) e tra 12 e 20 °C (sotto). Dati tecnici: • volume: 53 litri • spazio per 17 bottiglie (da 0,75 litri) • sportello in vetro con telaio nero • 4 ripiani in legno di faggio • illuminazione interna in 3 colori selezionabile per entrambe le zone: rosso, blu o bianco • apertura porta: a destra (modificabile, inclusi attacchi di modifica) • temperatura zona di raffreddamento superiore: da 5 a 12 °C • temperatura zona di raffreddamento inferiore: da 12 a 20 °C • sistema di avvertimento: segnale acustico se lo sportello resta aperto per oltre 5 minuti • avviso acustico anche in caso di temperatura o umidità dell'aria troppo basse/alte • rumorosità: 44 dB • refrigerante: 600a • alimentazione: 220-240 V~ | 50/60 Hz Consegna: • 1 x... 8.5 €499,99 Acquista prodotto RECENSIONE COMPLETA 7
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Tristar WR-7512 – Cantinetta Doppia Zona
Tristar WR-7512 - Cantinetta Doppia Zona - Capacità: 12 bottiglie - Temperature in 2 vani Taglia:12 Bottiglie Potrai sempre bere il tuo vino preferito alla temperatura giusta, con la cantinetta Tristar. Grazie alle due zone di temperatura ... 8.4 €192,99 Acquista prodotto RECENSIONE COMPLETA 8
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KLARSTEIN Reserva Piccola – frigorifero per vini
  Frigorifero per vini Raffreddatore di vino ultracompatto con una capacità di 20 litri corrispondente a fino a 8 bottiglie di vino. Doppia porta in vetro, specchiata con slot per maniglia laterale e illuminazione interna a LED. ... 8.3 €149,99 Acquista prodotto RECENSIONE COMPLETA 9
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Candy CCVB 15 Incasso Cantinetta da vino con compressore
Candy Cantinetta vino da incasso CCVB 15 da 15 cmCod. 34900427Caratteristiche: Capacita': 7 bottiglie Maniglia inox 7 ripiani portabottiglie cromati Porta in cristallo a 2 strati Regolazione digitale temperatura Porte reversibili Volume netto: 22 litri Luce interna a LED Cornice porta nera 8 €282,88 Acquista prodotto RECENSIONE COMPLETA 10
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Inventor “Vino” Cantinetta a doppio Vetro per vino
Sublimare il vino e aiutarlo a svelare tutte le sue caratteristiche è una vera e propria arte, che la cantinetta vino Inventor domina con maestria. Progettata con un design moderno ed elegante unisce materiali e tecnologie di prima scelta per offrirvi le migliori degustazioni possibili mentre la cura nelle rifiniture ne fanno un oggetto dall'eleganza originale e riconoscibile. Grazie alle sue dimensioni ridotte, i suoi ripiani a griglia designati per evitare bruschi movimenti durante lo scorrimento, il doppio vetro con protezione UV per preservare i vini dai dannosi raggi ultravioletti e Il controllo della temperatura elettronico affidato al suo display digitale rappresenta l'ideale soluzione per l'invecchiamento e la conservazione del vino e si abbina perfettamente con gli arredamenti dei salotti e delle cucine, sia moderne che old style. Caratteristiche: 4 ripiani a griglia rimovibili per 5 bottiglie di vino (bordolesi) e un scomparto fisso per vari tipi di latine e... 7.8 €175,99 Acquista prodotto RECENSIONE COMPLETA
Alcuni suggerimenti per la conservazione del vino
La temperatura ottimale per la conservazione del vino è tra 12 ° C e 18 ° C, ma se ciò non è possibile (perché non si possiede una cantinetta vino), è meglio optare per un luogo freddo (ma non gelato) che per uno troppo caldo. Conserva la tua collezione di vini al buio, se possibile. Per lo meno, tieni le bottiglie di vino lontano dal sole e lontano da fonti di calore e freddo diretti. Non conservare mai il vino in un garage . Di solito sono scarsamente isolati e possono essere soggetti a forti sbalzi di temperatura. Non conservare il vino in un luogo pieno di spifferi che rischia di ricevere frequentemente brezze calde o fredde. Usa un termometro min / max per controllare la temperatura nell'area in cui è conservato il tuo vino. Non dimenticare di bere il tuo vino , perché ha una shelf life, anche con le migliori condizioni di conservazione. È facile dimenticarsi di una buona bottiglia, se lasci un vino troppo a lungo inizierà a deteriorarsi o addirittura a rovinarsi completamente, trasformandosi in una bottiglia di aceto molto vecchia e costosa. Read the full article
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vani-candy · 10 months
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have you guys seen that video of that cat waking up his owner by biting part of her hair off
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vani-candy · 4 months
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Hey everyone, its been a while! admittedly i got hit with a bit of burnout (or maybe it was simply "other series brainrot disguised as burnout"???) so i took a break for a while. burnout is no joke! take breaks when you feel the burnout! now im slowly coming out of the burnout, so i was able to complete this next chapter! ive been wanting to tackle this mission in swans treasure form for a while because of the utter contrast between Cooper and Fang, it was fun HAHAHAHA Hope yall enjoy! OH YEAH! one more thing:
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Today is Swan's Treasure's birthday!!! One year ago today i posted Cheery Picnic, and it exploded in ways i didnt expect! it really inspired me to keep going with this series and im glad i did. i feel like it's helped me improve as an artist and writer, if even a little bit! i didnt expect people to like Mitty much, but ive had a lot of people telling me they enjoy her character and feel for her, and it makes me so happy ; ; i want to thank everyone again for reading my little self-indulgent fancomic series! i truly appreciate it!!!!
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vani-candy · 8 months
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i doodled a bunch of eyeballs
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vani-candy · 3 months
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hi have a chapter houiglhkgfldkls
im not very happy with this one, i am well convinced it is cursed because it gave me many troubles (to the point i screwed up and merged the line and sketch layers at one point on accident,..) but sometimes you just gotta take the L!!!!!!
i think i will go to bed for a few days. or weeks. i need a mental break and i gotta work on my drafts for the next arc anyway!!!! (im looking forward to working on the next arc!!!!!)
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vani-candy · 1 month
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hi i just wanted to shoutout an oldie indie VN i really enjoyed!!!!
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vani-candy · 10 months
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hi i've had this Utena parody-esque doodle idea living rent free in my head ever since i designed Mitty's work outfit, and seeing the NPC outfit DLCs utterly amped it like wild; combine that with how everyone jokes about Fang being a princess and you have me finally cracking and drawing it!!!!
(yes im working on new Swan's Treasure chapters! it may be a bit cause i want to get some drafted out in advance, to get sort of a "buffer" going so i dont fully lose my marbles as well as to satiate some of my ravenous brainrot a tad. thank you for your patience!!!)
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vani-candy · 7 months
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A new chapter has appeared!!!! im still in a funky mental state (certainly doing better than i was last month at least bruh) but im slowly getting back into the swing of things! im getting experimental with my process again and i kind of let my biases rule me on this one a tad oops. (that said, your personal biases making it into your writing is a little inevitable) this chapter turned out a bit angstier than i drafted it LOL but i can assure you the next one will be a fluffy silly one! for sure!
i hope you all enjoy!
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