#hi im a giant weeb
vani-candy · 10 months
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hi i've had this Utena parody-esque doodle idea living rent free in my head ever since i designed Mitty's work outfit, and seeing the NPC outfit DLCs utterly amped it like wild; combine that with how everyone jokes about Fang being a princess and you have me finally cracking and drawing it!!!!
(yes im working on new Swan's Treasure chapters! it may be a bit cause i want to get some drafted out in advance, to get sort of a "buffer" going so i dont fully lose my marbles as well as to satiate some of my ravenous brainrot a tad. thank you for your patience!!!)
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aromanticannibal · 5 months
i want to eat japanese food so fucking badly
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madeofvoid · 5 months
I've come to make an announcement:
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yuri-cocaine · 3 months
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more msq progress and more thoughts
-the shiny alpaca.........................
-i know gulool ja ja's hope is for wuk lamat to learn more about her people and connect with them better, but imo thats not what she needs to grow into the ruler role!!! when wuk lamat had that heart to heart with us and thanked us for helping her change, im like???? huh???? how did you change. she started as a peppy extrovert who is amazing at getting to know people, and she still is! learning about turali cultures is a breeze for her. she's having a ton of fun!! i feel like im chaperoning someone at a summer camp! what she actually needs to work on is the strengths her brothers have. she doesnt seem to have any plan beyond "keep the peace and vibe forever" but she needs the future planning koana is cooking up. and altho she can tank, wuk lamat isn't amazingly strong. she got jumped by rando bandits and broke her axe trying, and failing, to land a blow on bakool ja ja. i guess it's fine if she isn't as strong as her dad since there's lots of leaders who aren't fighters (like minfilia and nanamo), but she should at least implement koana's infrastructure plans if she becomes hokage.
-the maps are beautiful and im having a ton of fun exploring, but holy shit these feats are so boring and repetitive. there has GOT to be a better way to do them than watch a cutscene with machinations playing in the bg and then talking to three people for info. the worst one is the moblin one. there's an entire group of disgruntled artisans that were abused by the moblins, and we don't interact with them at all. instead we just bring some elezen over, and this guy was already looking for a job anyways. wuk lamat could've really flexed her people skills convincing the artisans at cracked cistern to come back to the moblins, and also convince the moblins to treat them better. but no. we listen to machinations play, we talk to three people, bakool ja ja acts like a dick.
-the valigarmanda fight was fun but...that's about it. valigarmanda was a bit of a disappointment. promo materials really hyped it up and we don't see it do anything other than burn a few giants and fly away. i know it's been weakened by being trapped in ice, but if it wrought just a bit more destruction it would've had a bigger impact. actually i thought valigarmanda wasn't just a tural vidraal bc the tail feathers reminded me of jotchua ffxvi, so there was some kind of twist that its actually an eikon or someone transformed or something. but in the end, it was just a giant bird.
-zoraal ja makes no sense to me rn. im predicting that bakool ja ja gets humbled in a major way and drops out of the contest completely, possibly growing out of his assholery in the process, but i do not know what zoraal ja's endgame here is. he wants to be dawnservant and unify the world, but also teach everyone that war sucks. and then when everyone is exhausted, they'll...follow his rule???? maybe im missing something here but how does this even make sense.
-koana's my personal pick for dawnservant. he's the only one with a plan for the future. yes hes a nerd and a weeb for sharlayan and even says "by the twelve" even tho tural clearly doesnt worship them, but he isnt a sociopath or pete from kingdom hearts. he's not as peppy as wuk lamat, but he's open minded enough to understand that there are traditions and cultural values ppl hold onto even if he personally dislikes them. with wuk lamat as cultural ambassador or diplomat or whatever, koana can become a really good ruler and put a high speed rail in tural asap. again, he doesnt need to be ridiculously strong like gulool ja ja to be dawnservant. it would certainly help to be strong, but ultimately unnecessary bc the point is to improve on what tural already has.
-i like that ketenramm has been rebranded to be part of gulool ja ja's party instead of a crazy lominsan explorer who was like a dumb christopher columbus. the eorzea encyclopedia said that he tried to name tural "ketenland" and nobody caught on, and his stories about a "bleedin' city of gold" was dismissed as nonsense. i think it's best to just not have a columbus trope at all, even if the story tries to subvert it by making the columbus character clownish. ketenramm is from limsa but there's no "i discovered this and will name it after me!" thing anymore. or maybe there is and gulool ja ja beat him up for it. i haven't finish yak tel.
-there's an npc in a flashback in the melee role quests who looks like yuma but she's dead so yuma still reigns supreme
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-poor erenville can't fight, so he had to sit there and listen to sareel ja say slurs at him for a whole hour
-erenville's pointer finger thing is rly cute!!! him always having his backpack on is also a charm point. im wondering if the whole party just loaded all their luggage onto him.
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koszmarnybudyn · 2 years
Okay so this au is just a rough idea i had where the teens personalities would switch (normal havings scary personality, she having links etc.). The story beats would be similar, althought slightly changed, their families would stay the same and their backstories would differ slithly. Here are some headcanons (Are they headcanons if im the one making the au? Oh well that's what im gonna call the right now) and some schetches i have of their au designs:
Scary is her nick name actually, she got it in soccer because she is kibda scary when playing because she is so good, dislikes that she feels like she has to use it to distinguish herself from Terry Jr tho.
Still dislikes her step-dad, but more because she feels like her and her mom were fine without him and he just ruined their relashonship.
Actually good at soccer (also in a kinda wierdo way like link)
Will call you out on your bullshit
Will also threaten you and mean it
Is one to question authority
A pretty good leader actually (but can be a bit of a perfectionist and take things too seriously)
Still has a notlikeothergirls vibe but more in imoneoftheboys way
Kinda dislikes everyone else on the team at first
Dislikes the wellwellwell soccer kids, she just thinks they are fake and annoying
Doesn't really have friends, so she is pretty lonely
A bit of a soccer nerd
Does write poetry in her spare time, but only shows her mom
Is much more openly loving towards her mom
Is really honest, because of that she comes across as mean
The san dimas demon
Thinks or at least pretends to think everyone loves him
Friends with nearly all the soccer kids (Scary finds him annoying but he is working on changing her opinion)
Kinda inseccure actually
Enjoys the attention of being the mascot
Was really into gymnastics as a kid
Tries to make his own cheers and dances, is not really great at them
Has mobility issues that kinda fuck with him being able to perform which like really sucks
Liked cosplay before (still does) so being the mascot and making the suit felt natural
Actually takes off the costume (uNliKe SoMe PeoPlE!)
Does wear a lot of school merch when not in costume tho
His mom is the best, and he is still very spoiled, he does wonder where his dad is tho...
His mom told him a lot about him, so he just imagines this really cool dude, that had to go away because of something really cool (is slightly dissapointed with the reality of him divorcing his mom, deleting her and his memories and runing away from the fbi, he does find him kinda cool tho, although also scary)
Dresses like an offbrand Supernatural charakter most of the time
Learnt survival because of Grant (it has become a special intrest so he knows a lot)
Knows sign language and morse code
Still kinda sheltered (but he was allowed to do actual camping, he tried to be scout for a while but he disliked it)
As a little kid he went on hikes with his grandpa all the time (and grandaunt Kasey)
Wears a giant backpack with like everything inside (think milo from milo murphys law) with a lot of self defense weapons
Grant taught him a special code to use if he is in danger but cant let others around him know, they also have a text messege version
New to school (i think the li-wilsons just recently moved back in this au) so this is his first time in public school
A weapons nerd (definitly went to a shooting range a lot)
More of a games nerd than a weeb (unlike Taylor), he got it from his dads
Thinks its cool how his name is like Links from zelda games
Likes sports anime and shounen (watched all of my hero academia, he thinks it didn't age that well,but he watched it anyway to bond with his dads)
Still a total daddy's boy
Honestly happy to get to do some normal teen stuff
Has a lot of online friends, but he still feels kinda lonely
Before they moved he played with norm and taylor as a kid
Thinks pokemon are cool as hell
Goes by Wierd/wierdly
Realized his dad isn't proud of him earlier and feels really resentful about it
Lisens to mcr and tfb(he feels like it is vintage and cool, he does miss listening to band covers tho)
Used to draw a lot, he wanted to make cartoons and comics when he was younger
Tried to go into soccer but was not good at it
Used to have this self incert oc "Teenie" that he was really proud of and drew a lot, he wanted to make a whole comic with himbut after he found out his dad isn't proud of him he started to hate it, he thought of it as really childish so he destroyed every drawing he could find (his mom saved a couple somewhere)
Uses a lot of self depricating humor, and just dark humor in general
Tries to seem annoyed at the other teens but genuenly likes them
Realized people thought he was cringy much earlier, it did still hurt a lot
Tries to control his emotions but then just ends up crying due to them being bottled up and he hates it
Goth clothes kinda fuck with his texture issues but he still wears them
Never designed teenie for the school mascot competition so the san dimas demon won
Gets along better with hero than in canon
Wear earphones to school (both to listen to edgy music and for noice canceletion)
Honestly mask more than in canon (the autism is strong)
Idk when im gonna have time to actually make something for this au but i really wanted to throw my ideas out there because if i don't then they are probablly never gonna see the light of day.
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Sorry for my scribbly handwriting, it is all basicly the words above tho, you can still read i guess.
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evilmagician430 · 5 months
Hii im just starting to get into vt because of a friend and he said u know abt spencer. can u tell me abt him??
oh boy where do i even start. this is like a dream come true for me honestly. i'm going to try to stick to whats actually canon as much as possible, so i wont be getting into my own headcanons here.
i know for a fact im gonna end up typing some parapgraphs so here, i made a table of contents.
paragraph 1: age
paragraph 2: personality
paragraph 3: hobbies and interests
paragraph 4: location
paragraph 5: his backstory
paragraph 6: miscellaneous
spencer is one of the youngest venturiantale characters. the wiki states that he is 17, but when he is first introduced he says that he is 12 years old, so i'm not really sure where the fandom wiki got 17 from. he IS characterized as a young teenaged boy so really his age can be anywhere inbetween those 2 in the present day of canon (which is like... vaguely 2010s.) obviously if you're doing like timeskip aus or whatever he can be an adult.
he is very easily annoyed especially when it comes to stupid people, of which there are an abundance in the gmod roleplay cast. whenever someone ticks him off he tends to call them an "absolute nerd!!!" something which i struggle to incorporate into my own depictions because i can never seem to get it to sound natural. i mean, he himself is portrayed to be this geeky insufferable know-it-all, so it's strange that he would call other people "nerd"s, especially when theyre being dumb. but i digress. short paragraph compared to the other ones but as he's presented in canon, he really does have a simple composition. he's a nerdy kid who hates people and loves to be alone and gets angry easily.
it's hard to discern what spencer likes, but it's easy to tell what he dislikes because he'll make it known. pokemon, power rangers, barbies, really anything pink and girly (with some glaring exceptions such as being a brony and having no issue with sailor moon) and more probably. he's always looking for faults in anything people like. with pokemon, it was that it's a ripoff of digimon; with power rangers, it was that it's just a localization of super sentai, and for this reason he actually likes sailor moon because it isnt derivative. not sure what his feelings are on g4 mlp being a reboot. maybe he prefers the older gens? g3 mlp is really girly and pink though even more than g4 is so maybe he would just be a gen 1 fan and also watch mlpfim. (speculation) the wiki lists his occupation(s) as "brony, hacker, weeb" which is a really good list of things to be into and none of them are jobs. and he HAS had a job at least once is the funny part. he worked at the front desk of a random hotel. anyways from this we can conclude that he probably likes certain anime, likely the more obscure and plot-heavy ones. and he also is really apeshit bananas at computers. he knows ALL THE CODES. all of them. he spends most of his time on the computer or in bed watching anime. the shelves inbetween? i like to imagine he keeps his figures and toys there. i think he's a dc comics fan, but i can't remember if its canon or not.
he's a troglodyte dwelling almost exclusively in the basement of the acachalla house, or sometimes even in lower, secret basements. one time the acachallas moved and they left him there, and when they came back to get some stuff he rose out of the front lawn like a zombie and was like nuh uh uh this is my house now. at least once he was eaten by giant dirt worms under the house. in canon it is stated that he is not allowed to leave the basement, which seems abusive to me. i like to headcanon that spencer only THINKS he's not allowed to leave the basement because that's how it used to be in his original family that he ran away from. but thats not canon; the canon is that he's basically a captive of the acachalla household. he digs tunnels and becomes allied with the mole people but overall it doesnt seem like he minds living underground. anyways.
content warning: cult. also child death and suicide? i guess. before being adopted by the acachallas, spencer was the leader of a cult worshipping an entity known as the spence. the spence was an extremely powerful god who died or something and the mission of the cult was to resurrect him. little spencer, only 12 years old at most, killed himself in an act of ritual sacrifice. he became the mighty spence incarnate, and after gaining new life, he immediately started killing the members of his cult (because they couldnt correctly answer his trivia questions or something), and ordering them to kill one another. then he flew away on the back of a giant seagull all the way across dimensions to little butts north carolina. and then presumably his debut video happened (he goes to gamestop where gertrude is working and annoys her so much with his questions that she beats him to death with a crowbar).
O.K. now some random things. starting with the one i never shut up about: he's definitely bisexual and/or nonbinary BASED ON the situation that occurs in the killer teletubby video when he meets mabeline, a girl cosplaying as johnny ghost. he expresses interest or perhaps attraction to her (??) based on her appearing almost exactly like johnny ghost but having a girl's voice. he says, and i quote, "am i seeing... someone as hot as johnny ghost, but yet also with a feminine voice? that's like the best of both worlds, i dont know where i sign up" like there is no cishet way to interpret that i fear. anyways he also canonically has ocd and at one point, a fear of grass. a lot of this information you can just get from reading the fandom wiki but im so so so glad you asked me instead. he has a level 67 warlock in world of warcraft. he is literally the joker. his braces are so rusty they can be used as magical bullets. he's such an enigma i cant help but be obsessed with him. anyways thats the official spencer guide by me the spence enthusiast. also i have a little doll of him hes awesome
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legally-immortal · 3 years
White people who randomly use Japanese terms got a different kind of vibe about them and it aint good
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prinxietys · 5 years
I uh, I love my boyfriend
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
Oooh, what are your favorite animes then??
*puts on my annoying weeb hat and cape on*
well since you asked..
i have watched many anime in my life because i didn't have any friends growing up and was on the internet for a long while b4 was normal so my list is a very very random fucking assortment of an me. my top ten is a mess but these r reccs where im like. if u think anime is lame.. Watch These
also this list won't include anime like hq, bnha, kny, aot, jjk, any of the big three or rlly anything that came out more recently i dont think since you probably already have seen those animes b4
ALSOO i didn't think it fit here but another anime i love is silver spoon - its a farming anime with a rag-tag group of characters and it's near and dear to me. my favorite slice of life ever.
tldr ;; if you don't wanna go through the list, number 3, 8, 9, and 10 are the must watches imo.
PLEASE PROCEED W CAUTION AND LOOK UP WARNINGS - a lot of these are super dark!!
1. baccano - a fast-paced non-linear mafia anime that follows the storylines of several interesting and charismatic characters in the prohibition era in the states. has elements of surrealism and gets pretty violent albeit it's a little slapstick. i think this anime is fucking fantastic. think the story-telling is brilliant and interesting.
2. zankyou no terror - a psychological anime about two japanese teenagers responsible for a giant terror attack using a robot named sphinx. despite the title and the intial episodes - zankyou no terror is not an anime about terrorism but about politics and reflections. its really great but i can't tell you much about it without spoiling it.
3. inuyashiki - this anime is a fucking mess and it is incredibly dark. the same death note air but with a lot more sarcasm and black humor slash comedy. the gist is that two men encounter robotic powers. while the older of the two mcs finds that being responsible and heroic is important despite his pathetic life - the younger more apathetic one immediately starts fucking killing people. 😭. home to the iconic "do you watch one piece scene."
4. psycho pass - one of the first animes i ever watched and im genuinely really elated that ppl are watching it. about a society where everyone's thoughts and feelings are carefully monitored and how that reflects onto their careers and lives in general. very dark and has a lot of content warnings, but it's great.
5. durarara - this is a very biased opinion but i think this is one of the best animes ive ever watched. i couldn't pin why. i think the cast of characters is absolutely stunning but i also enjoyed it a lot conceptually. it's a gang anime with supernatural elements but it's honestly hard to explain other than that. still so fucking good though.
6. say 'i love you' - this is a random one i know. but it's a romance anime between a subdued highschool girl and a popular highschool guy. seems very generic but the characters and world-building are real and raw and every single person has a story. from a writers perspective it's brilliant and yamato was a childhood crush for me. there's a lot of discussion with one character about eating disorders as an fyi but god. god. we deserved another season but the manga is good too.
6a. honorable mention on great romance anime is maid-sama. don't let the cover fool you - our main lead is a badass but she works at a maid-cafe. one of her classmates happens to catch her. very sincere romance that i highly reccomnd.
7. cowboy bebop - this anime is literally a classic, so i don't feel like i have to tell you to watch it. probably one of the greatest animes that will ever exist. space cowboys kickin' ass and a goddamn fucking banger if i've ever seen it. of everything here - a must watch.
7a. honorable mention - gintama. one of the funniest animes ive ever seen but it's hella long. hijikata is goddamn funny though.
8. samurai champloo - this is . ONE if not THEE best fucking animes you'll ever fucking watch. this anime is witty, charming, historical - with an iconic cast of characters and some of the most funny and wholesome interactions you'll ever witness. mugen is cynical and badass and his dialogue and swords skill will keep you engaged no matter what. essentially two samurai and a waitress end up being fugitives in edo-period japan and it's just so fucking fantastic. please watch it.
8a. honorable mention - afro samurai. similar samurai concept with the coolest mc you've ever met. more shounen-y if that's your thing.
9. mushi-shi - this anime changed my life. no joke. this anime is probably my number one influence on me as a person and as a writer. it is slow-paced and episodic and it follows the story of a man named ginko. mushi are the main element in the world, they are small creatures that can't be seen to everyone. this is one of the best animes ever imo. it's not for everyone but if you like something a little more subdued and sentimental - please check it out.
10. steins gate - this anime is probably one of the only animes that people universally agree on being a must watch. follows the story of a mad scientist and talks about subjects of time travel and a secret society. the execution of the tropes in the show are done flawlessly. objectively one of the best on the list. very.. melancholy? psychological? but so fucking good. a good watch if you liked death note or psycho pass.
THIS WAS SOOO hard to write. im sure no one cares but this list is very near and dear to my heart with anime i think is fucking incredible. if you give even one of these a watch - please talk to me about it!!! i have so many more even w/o the honorable mentions but yes... Yes.
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baka-monarch · 3 years
George find his borrower form asleep, and just panics and puts himself in a drawer or something to hide.
He goes about his day, and all is going well, when suddenly, he feels the sensation of a hand wrapping around him.
Someone's opened the drawer.
But yes- again my original plan for this au was for George to catch one of the borrowers he was living with and think it's an actual dream but we are running with this because of the asks-
George had planned to put his borrower body there in that drawer to keep them safe and to take them out when he went to bed later then act like nothing happened because this is crazy and makes no fucking sense-
Unfortunately he didn't know that one of his roommates (Sapnap) had decided to put his laundry away for him, and is now stuck feeling giant ghost fingers holding and touching him with curiosity- it is very disturbing and he's quick to rush to his room and stop Sapnap because he has no idea what's going on or if this is even real and he doesn't want to risk dying if something does happen to his tiny other body
Mcyt g/t list:
@trashpumped @lorie-the-little-ghost @encaos @i-am-a-weeb @wyforyu-gaming @cosmicphrogh @colorfulsiren @moonmwah @iwasgoingtohellanyways @echoslime @wilbur-simp @trouble-off-grid @lilsyxx @smogs-0 @hello-world-im-snow @ptodt
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beansprean · 2 years
Lookin through ur old art to cheer up & bro Please tell me about ur old atla oc's im So Curious.
YOOOOOO lmao u went FAR back huh lil bro I appreciate u ❤️ They are less OCs and more terrible nostalgia that i desperately wanted to redesign.
Ok SO way back in like 2008 my main social media was something called GaiaOnline…it was like club penguin but for weebs. And on the forums a lot of people would host big formal roleplays with like, rules and applications etc. I was one of these people and I ran quite a few but the biggest was an ATLA rp that was basically like…the same story as the show lol except instead of the fire nation being the bad guys it was the “dark nation” and the avatar was a protokatara water tribe girl I played named Sying. Plus her angsty scarred nonbender cousin Zhu who was basically my Zuko stand-in. Except later I think I revealed he actually WAS a bender but repressed it due to the death of his mom and brother in the same accident where he got his scars? Anyway. We all used google searched anime photos for our characters and had very shallow character traits and kept trying to one up each other in battles with little regard for how bending works because we were all like 13-17.
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I don’t remember all the other characters (people came in and dropped all the time) but there was the “dark lord” (lmaoo) and his trio of terrible children who all betrayed him (plus a twist that one of them was Sying’s secret twin and it was a whole thing and apparently none of us realized at the time this made Sying and her love interest Raiden (someone else’s zuko stand in) half siblings? But the mistress mom like died in childbirth and the avatar spirit chose one kid and they got separated so no one ever knew. Also the same person played Raiden and his older brother and was weirdly intent on injecting homoeroticism into their relationship so maybe incest was just a theme for that family). Plus another water tribe girl (I don’t remember her name sorry dawnwolfee) from a diff tribe who was just tagging along? She wasn’t a bending teacher she was just cute I guess? No complaints here. And her and Zhu had a cute romance that everyone enjoyed and me and that player ended up playing love interests for each other in like 5 other rps lmao. Weird how I always played the guy wink wink.
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And it ended by a volcano blowing up and drowning the bad guy while Sying used the combined forces of her powers to escape the island and everyone else fought down below. OH I just remembered I also played a bad guy with a giant halberd who was like all my teen lesbian fantasies rolled into a redheaded tough girl. Also a jokester guy who was a cousin of the dark lord siblings? Even tho the dark lord didn’t have any siblings? And Sying’s twin was in love with him? Why so much incest… It was very strange. I also tended to randomly post flashback posts with the dark lord and his old mistress who was the mother of the twins when I got bored and no one was posting. Anyway all the good guys escaped on a boat and I told everybody the roleplay was over and to post epilogues for their character. And I remember Sying and Raiden had like 3 kids but also I had to kill Sying off immediately after bc the girl who played the dark lords current mistress wanted her baby (with the dark lord) to be the next avatar. So somehow Sying had 3 babies in the 9 months it took that baby to cook. We did not overthink this, clearly.
TL;DR bean was once 14 and cringe.
Lil bro if u wanted info on the other drawings on that post there is none lol I just wanted to draw more atla clothing lol ❤️
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nishisun · 4 years
09. why is tsukishima kinda nice in person
summary: you’re in need of a new dorm buddy because your current roommate sucks and tsukishima might just be the perfect candidate.
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You put your phone back in your purse as you heard footsteps approaching the front door. You ended up not going with your plan to “seduce tsukishima” and just wore some jeans and a cami top instead.
Opening the door was a man, who most definitely wasn’t tsukishima. He had Black hair, and although he was pretty tall himself you don’t recall tsukishima having black hair.
“Well hello to you,” the man said in a flirtatious manner, leaning close to you but not too close. “You must be y/n.” he brought his hand towards you for you to shake, but you hesitated because you thought you had been catfished.
“a-are you tsukishima?” you stuttered, sounding frightened and looking rather disgusted, but not at the fact that the man in front of you wasn’t attractive, no. But maybe at the fact that you were being catfished?
“Kuroo, God, don’t scare her away with your perviness.”
or maybe not.
To say you were satisfied with the way tsukishima looked was an understatement. He was huge and he was dressed causal, wearing grey sweatpants and a plain white tee. He was wearing wasn’t wearing his glasses, and his hair seemed wet? Maybe he had jsut taken a shower you thought.
“Huhh?” Kuroo said, “What are you talking about? I was just trying to introduce myself before you rudely interrupted me.”
You stared at the two who were still bickering back and forth and admired the way they casually had their hands in their pockets. You could smell both of their cologne, not too strong.
“I apologize for his behavior,” tsukishima said as he turned his attention to you. He had to bend his head down a bit to look at you, then he invited you inside the dorm and started to show you around the place.
You were too busy paying attention to the tall man in front of you to realize that Kuroo had gone somewhere else.
“Do you want something to drink?” the way tsukishima turned around suddenly and asked you that question caught you off guard because:
1. He was literally huge and was basically towering over your small frame.
2. He seemed nicer in person?
“uh s-sure” you said.
curse your stuttering. truly it wasn’t your fault, you were just a bit nervous.
“Huh,” he chuckled, “You’re so shy in person. You were being so bold over text. You sure this is y/n?”
“s-shut up,” you said, playfully hitting his chest, “you’re like a giant towering me, you’re so intimidating without even trying.” he laughs out a little and leads you to the kitchen. “Plus, you’re way nicer in person, it’s seriously weirding me out.”
“Well excuse me for wanting to make a good first impression.” tsukishima says, playfully acting offended and placing a hand near his chest. “It’s okay if you’re shy, it’s kinda cute.” he says casually.
what the hell is wrong with him, he knows if he says stuff like that you’ll take it as flirting. You just roll your eyes and let out a small laugh to not seem so awkward.
“Hey! Hey! Hey y/n!” you hear a familiar voice call out.
“Bokuto, can you please stop being so loud?” tsukishima scoffs.
“Bo? Akaashi? Hey! What are you guys doing here?” you go to the two who were waving and went to go greet the two with a hug, delighted to see them here.
“We came to make sure you wouldn’t harass tsukishima.” Akaashi says as he breaks the hug.
“Shut up, you know that was a joke.” The three of you laugh as you turn to go properly greet the rest.
“Kuroo was it? Sorry for the way i was acting earlier, I thought that I was being catfished and a weird hot guy was tryna kidnap me.” You laugh as you offer your hand for him to shake.
“Oh, you think i’m hot-“ Kuroo said, but shook his head to focus on the person in front of him, you. “it’s fine, I get it. Sorry for scaring you.” He laughs, shaking your hand and holding it for what seemed a bit too long for your own liking.
“Oh, for God’s sake Kuroo, let go of the poor girl’s hand,” You hear another voice say. “Sorry about him, he’s so weird,” the man says, scratching his head and laughing, “I’m Yamaguchi, but you can call me Tadashi and you must be y/n was it? I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“Oh, really?” You smirk, turning around to face tsukishima, who seemed rather annoyed.
“Yamaguchi shut up, don’t make things sound weird like that.” Tsukishima crosses his arms but everyone just laughs at the comment.
You, kuroo, yamaguchi and tsukishima sit down in the living room and catch up with eachother, just getting to know more about them while bokuto and akaashi seemed to be having their own conversation in the kitchen still.
You leave the living room to go ask bokuto and akaashi if they knew where the bathroom was and one of them pointed to it’s direction.
OKAY IM STOPPING IT HERE JUST BECAUSE 😏 but i really hope you all are loving this series just as much as i am 💕
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olderthannetfic · 3 years
hi hi history-non again, sorry I know it's a very
ahem wide and girthy ahem
ask, and i'm sorry for not narrowing it down farther my brain is smooth as butter and the dart board, so to speak, is. big. i feel like im throwing my dart in the ocean of 'what i don't know' and trying to spear a fish who might speak to me like the queer elder i never ha d ;lkasjd;flkas damn you small conservative town ANYWAYS
i guess okay maybe do you have any favourite figureheads? whats your fave pieces of lgbtqa+ media (like books or shows?)
thanks again and sorry for.
Lolololol. Yes.... it’s so... big...
In the 90s, the writers of nonfiction who I found really inspirational were Susie Bright and Kate Bornstein. My Gender Workbook was a classic. I gather there’s a new edition.
I was a massive, massive nerd, so my actual favorite queer book as a 14-year-old is one that will be a bit... uh... much if you’re not feeling very intellectual. It’s Third Sex, Third Gender: Beyond Sexual Dimorphism in Culture and History. This thing is a massive doorstop of a book that collects academic journal articles on third gender roles from various cultures. I was obsessed with this thing. Again, it’s academic journal articles, not popular nonfiction, so expect that level of impenetrable prose.
I was also a giant weeb, so I read a bunch of books on the history of gay sex in Japan. It’s pretty interesting how much people assume the “m/m sex = sin” shit was worldwide and how much it just was not.
In terms of fiction, I’ve always struggled to find f/f media I relate to. I really like the tv adaptations of Fingersmith and Tipping the Velvet. Lots of fucked up problematicness and gorgeous visuals. Gotta love the lady with the strap-on and the gold body paint!
For other queer media, I was a big fan of Velvet Goldmine and of Pedro Almodóvar’s older films, which are full of every problematic kink you can think of. They also have a lot of het I like, like the lady being coerced into sex (that she enjoys) by the drag queen who impersonates her famous mother she has a lot of mommy issues about... except said drag queen is really an undercover police officer. Just... whut. (All the “straight” stuff in Almodóvar’s films is also bugfuck nuts and often kind of queer.)
I really, really, really loved Crash. Not the shitty one that won an oscar: the car crash perverts one full of weird UST. There’s a ton of straight sex in this too, along with every gender combo and a laundry list of upsetting kinks. It’s just every kind of weird perv thing. (”Weird art film full of sex and problematicness” is pretty much the defining feature of movies I liked as a teen. I loved Kissed, that het necrophilia movie too.)
Stage Beauty is probably my favorite film for bi vibes. It’s this meditation on identity as the English stage was changing over from having men play women to having actual actresses. It ends in f/m, but it’s definitely a very queer film.
If you want slice of life stuff, I guess you could try Dykes to Watch Out For (the comic that’s the source of the bechdel test) or the Tales of the City novel series. These will both give you a sense of what was going on in certain queer communities in the late 20thC. If you want something relatively fluffy, Maurice is a historical costume drama with a happy ending. I found it awfully slow as a college student, but it does have naked Rupert Graves (Lestrade from Sherlock), so...
See, this is hard to answer because I came of age and did all of my reading of that kind a long time ago. I pretty quickly moved on to fangirl media, which I have always liked a lot better than other arguably queer stuff. Back in the 90s, that meant Japanese stuff and fic. Later, I had access to more flavors of by-fujoshi-for-fujoshi media.
So my actual favorite m/m books are a bunch of “m/m romance” (i.e. American BL being sold as ebooks on amazon). If you want live action TV and fandomy vibes, you’re better off with Trapped (hot cop/mobster action!) or one of those Thai series about schoolboys or something than stuff made by cis gay men in the US.
I also came of age in an era when “queer” media was very Cis Gay Men And Sometimes Cis Lesbians with an occasional nod to bi people existing... maybe. Kate Bornstein and a few others were raising the profile of MtF transsexuals (the term in use at the time) who wanted surgery or even, gasp, maybe didn’t want bottom surgery in some cases. Anything about FtMs or nb/agender/etc. identities was practically invisible. I saw the term ‘genderqueer’ around a bit, but it was mostly in contexts that were very tryhard and unappealing to me.
(You haven’t given any details, but I’m going to go out on a limb and guess you’re like much of tumblr and the flavors of queerness you relate to aren’t so much the Cis Gay Men Only culture that makes up quite a bit of queer history and older queer media.)
I can tell you what I liked as a teen, but not everybody is into fucked up art films that may not have happy endings. I can try to rec things about queer culture in the 90s, but I probably don’t have great recs for way earlier or later than that... unless it’s so much earlier that I’ve researched it while writing fic of some historical canon or other. A lot of how I learned about queer culture myself was from magazines or from reading soc.bi on usenet or just from living through the 90s--not typically from books that are easy to unearth and just hand to someone now.
I tend to just not like anything in the contemporary romance or slice of life genres, regardless of gender and orientation, so while I’ve watched/read a bit more queer stuff like this, especially in the past when I had less access to queer media, it’s not a space I’m great at reccing in. And that’s unfortunate because a lot of that type of art gives you a better sense of what other queer people were like in other eras and/or it’s a safer rec than some bananas crazy BDSM film.
I was, and am, very kinky (though pretty lazy in terms of actual practice), so a lot of my reading and media interest was bound up in that also. Obviously, I was quite interested in the drawings of Tom of Finland or the photography of Robert Mapplethorpe, but are you going to be into photos of some guy shoving a whip handle in his ass? I love the movie Cruising... it’s about serial killers and leather and homophobia and is every bit as potentially traumatizing as that sounds.
I feel you on the problem of finding queer elders. There isn’t really an obvious way to go about this.
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abattoirscamisole · 2 years
DAVE LALONDE (ROXY WAY) @tacetlyguttered
DIRK LALONDE (ROSE WAY) @dirkklalonde
ROXY STRIDER (DAVE WAY) @turntechgnostalgic69
TEREZI LEIJON @grittycalligraphy
Had the Pisci sign
Thief of Life
<3 w/ Aradia and <3< w/ Eridan
A little unhinged and aggressive but that didn't mean she didn't care for any of us.
1. Possibly spoke bad troll russian
2. True Aries
3. Mage of Time
4. Kind of a misogynistic weeb.
1. Married to Dave Lalonde on Earth C, had kids together (karkat please come home dave is slowly losing his mind I think /lh)
2. Sagittanius
3. Knight of Void
4. Glass blower and all around handyman, had burn scars on his hands from incidents with the glass.
1. True Scorpio
2. Fashionista but with more of an edge to her
3. Got married to Rose on Earth C
1. Everyone else remembered fuck all about him but I unlocked the Equius secrets
2. Prosthetic leg
3. <> w/ me m(-w-m)~ and still strong enough to lift my lanky ass
4. Studded jacket, dyed bronze ends, slightly ripped turtleneck, ear piercings
5. Taurun
6. Heir of Breath
1. Cancen
2. Prince of Blood
3. Self proclaimed leader of us trolls, rough and abrasive but practically had a heart of gold
4. <> w/ Aradia and <3< w/ Vriska
1. Skater girlll, very bright and cheery, always wearing knee/elbow braces and had cute pigtails
2. <> w/ Gamzee, with extra bandaids always on hand for when he got scraped up when he tried skateboarding again
Maid of Space
Bec was a rabbit that was also absolutely giant. Good for her.
Cottagecore/grandma vibes manifested as a person
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koszmarnybudyn · 2 years
Okay so this au is just a rough idea i had where the teens personalities would switch (normal havings scary personality, she having links etc.). The story beats would be similar, althought slightly changed, their families would stay the same and their backstories would differ slithly. Here are some headcanons (Are they headcanons if im the one making the au? Oh well that's what im gonna call the right now) and some schetches i have of their au designs:
Scary is her nick name actually, she got it in soccer because she is kibda scary when playing because she is so good, dislikes that she feels like she has to use it to distinguish herself from Terry Jr tho.
Still dislikes her step-dad, but more because she feels like her and her mom were fine without him and he just ruined their relashonship.
Actually good at soccer (also in a kinda wierdo way like link)
Will call you out on your bullshit
Will also threaten you and mean it
Is one to question authority
A pretty good leader actually (but can be a bit of a perfectionist and take things too seriously)
Still has a notlikeothergirls vibe but more in imoneoftheboys way
Kinda dislikes everyone else on the team at first
Dislikes the wellwellwell soccer kids, she just thinks they are fake and annoying
Doesn't really have friends, so she is pretty lonely
A bit of a soccer nerd
Does write poetry in her spare time, but only shows her mom
Is much more openly loving towards her mom
Is really honest, because of that she comes across as mean
The san dimas demon
Thinks or at least pretends to think everyone loves him
Friends with nearly all the soccer kids (Scary finds him annoying but he is working on changing her opinion)
Kinda inseccure actually
Enjoys the attention of being the mascot
Was really into gymnastics as a kid
Tries to make his own cheers and dances, is not really great at them
Has mobility issues that kinda fuck with him being able to perform which like really sucks
Liked cosplay before (still does) so being the mascot and making the suit felt natural
Actually takes off the costume (uNliKe SoMe PeoPlE!)
Does wear a lot of school merch when not in costume tho
His mom is the best, and he is still very spoiled, he does wonder where his dad is tho...
His mom told him a lot about him, so he just imagines this really cool dude, that had to go away because of something really cool (is slightly dissapointed with the reality of him divorcing his mom, deleting her and his memories and runing away from the fbi, he does find him kinda cool tho, although also scary)
Dresses like an offbrand Supernatural charakter most of the time
Learnt survival because of Grant (it has become a special intrest so he knows a lot)
Knows sign language and morse code
Still kinda sheltered (but he was allowed to do actual camping, he tried to be scout for a while but he disliked it)
As a little kid he went on hikes with his grandpa all the time (and grandaunt Kasey)
Wears a giant backpack with like everything inside (think milo from milo murphys law) with a lot of self defense weapons
Grant taught him a special code to use if he is in danger but cant let others around him know, they also have a text messege version
New to school (i think the li-wilsons just recently moved back in this au) so this is his first time in public school
A weapons nerd (definitly went to a shooting range a lot)
More of a games nerd than a weeb (unlike Taylor), he got it from his dads
Thinks its cool how his name is like Links from zelda games
Likes sports anime and shounen (watched all of my hero academia, he thinks it didn't age that well,but he watched it anyway to bond with his dads)
Still a total daddy's boy
Honestly happy to get to do some normal teen stuff
Has a lot of online friends, but he still feels kinda lonely
Before they moved he played with norm and taylor as a kid
Thinks pokemon are cool as hell
Goes by Wierd/wierdly
Realized his dad isn't proud of him earlier and feels really resentful about it
Lisens to mcr and tfb(he feels like it is vintage and cool, he does miss listening to band covers tho)
Used to draw a lot, he wanted to make cartoons and comics when he was younger
Tried to go into soccer but was not good at it
Used to have this self incert oc "Teenie" that he was really proud of and drew a lot, he wanted to make a whole comic with himbut after he found out his dad isn't proud of him he started to hate it, he thought of it as really childish so he destroyed every drawing he could find (his mom saved a couple somewhere)
Uses a lot of self depricating humor, and just dark humor in general
Tries to seem annoyed at the other teens but genuenly likes them
Realized people thought he was cringy much earlier, it did still hurt a lot
Tries to control his emotions but then just ends up crying due to them being bottled up and he hates it
Goth clothes kinda fuck with his texture issues but he still wears them
Never designed teenie for the school mascot competition so the san dimas demon won
Gets along better with hero than in canon
Wear earphones to school (both to listen to edgy music and for noice canceletion)
Honestly mask more than in canon (the autism is strong)
Idk when im gonna have time to actually make something for this au but i really wanted to throw my ideas out there because if i don't then they are probablly never gonna see the light of day.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Sorry for my scribbly handwriting, it is all basicly the words above tho, you can still read i guess.
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could i please request headcanons of what dating bokuto is like ? (sorry if i phrased this wrong my main language is spanish)
JEHEHDJSH @weeb-mp4 knows why I’m so excited for this 👀
Thank you @canis-saturn for requesting ❤️
Dating Bokuto Headcanons
(These are all over the place but idc 😛)
Ok so contrary to popular belief
Bokuto is not as dumb as hes made out to be
I mean academically sure he's not the smartest
But when it comes to others emotions
He can read you pretty well
He’s very in tuned to these kinds of things
And he knows how to handle them
Which is great if your dating him
Because he can tell when your sad
Pretty much everything
And since he's so caring hell always help in those situations
If someone said something that upsetted you bokuto notices and pulls the person who said it aside and tell them not to say stuff like that because it bothers you
And he's so nice about it too
Omg this boy loves giving gifts
I swear you'll get a new gift everyday
Sometimes they're big
Sometimes they're small
But you will be getting a gift every day
Also he carries around a pack of sticky notes
And every time he sees you in the halls
He writes something sweet on one and sticks it to you
Sometimes it's embarrassing cause you wont notice it till someone points it out
He really likes hugs
Like he has an obsession with them
He could go 5 minutes without seeing you
And when he does see you he gives you a GIANT hug and tells you he missed you
However if you don't like being touched (like me)
Your compromise is “hand hugs”
Handhugs is basically a high five but you wrap your thumb around the others hand
Ahhhh this boy loves it when you watch him play
He always tries his best for you
And he actually plays a lot better with you around
He doesn't allow himself to go into demo mode when your watching
Because he needs to push through and win for you!
Omg if your dating this man
Expect to be woken up at 2 am with memes saying how much he loves you
Some of the memes he sends are
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
But then he feels bad and starts sending im sorry memes and goodnight memes
He also likes to text you in class
But not to conversate
He sends you these long ass paragraphs about why he loves you and that he's grateful for you
One time your teacher heard your phone ding
So they took it and started reading bokuto's text to the class
You are super embarrassed
But everyone else thought it was cute
Arguments between you two are very rare
But when they do happen
Its for a good reason
You two usually just separate for a bit
Then come back together to talk it out
So fights usually get resolved within the day
Alright enough with the sweet stuff
Time for some crack
This man loves taking you on “surprise dates”
He basically just drags you out to random locations to do random things
One time he took you to the store to grab all kinds of food
Just to take you to the local playground to eat it
Sounds semi normal right?
Well it would be if it all didn't happen at 4 am
This man get SO happy when you cook/bake him anything
I swear you could bring him a cookie you made
And he would start crying
One time when you saw he was overworking himself you made him a bento box for lunch and for a after practice snack
You snuck it in his bag along with a note when he wasn't looking
Little did you know that bokuto had forgotten his lunch today
So when he opened his bag and saw food and your note
Mans LITERALLY cried
And then texted you saying he didn't deserve you and you were the best s/o ever
Then he cried even more when he saw you made him one for after practice too
Oof this guy loves to have movie dates
They basically consist of you both going to the nearest store and buying a bunch of snacks
But there's a twist to these little dates
When you guys are at the store you go to that basket with all the movies on sale and pick two random movies out of it
And those are the movies you guys watch back at home
Ahhh he loves rainy days
More specifically he loves rainy days with you
You both either stay in the house and cuddle all day
He drags you outside to dance in the rain
The amount of times you've gotten sick doing this is crazy
Very similar things happen with snow days as well
Except when you stay in you make hot cocoa and bake cookies
And when you go out you make igloos and have snowball fights
Overall this boy is a caring and fun boyfriend to have
We stan boyfie bokuto
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