psiirockin · 1 month
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🌈— day 1: freedom
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@vanweek2024 day 6 - spare
vanny goes bowling !
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dykevanny · 1 month
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Gregory, your permission slip!! You’re already late for school!! Run boy!! i like to think this family is a bit of a hot mess<3 it’s ok guys, ness and freddy are great single fathers!!
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reluctanttrabbit · 2 months
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[VANWEEK DAY 1: freedom, free space]
teeheeeeheheee new watermark,,,, we're getting fancy with it
i chose the prompt freedom!! this is right after the 3 star ending and after ness was finally freed from william/glitchtrap/mimic/im squidward you're squidward idfk at this point
also ofc this is focusing on my own au, which is why greg said 'the past 5 days' (they really spent five nights at freddys) and the 3 star ending would actually be the canon ending in my rewrite. but im still working it out idk idk
cant wait to see everyones submissions!!!
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viarayy01-blog · 1 month
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i’m kinda late rn but here’s my contribution to vanweek 2024!
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cardhamine · 2 months
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Happy VanWeek!!! It's also the end of Lesbian Visibility Week, so here's the most visible lesbian in the tri-state area and her son. (And her dumb girlfriend under the readmore.) They deserve to have fun now that they're free. @vanweek2024
I may color these later... We shall see.
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vanweek2024 · 3 months
Announcing VanWeek2024!
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EDIT 4: I will be accepting late submissions
EDIT 1: You CAN make something in advance and then release it on the proper day. In fact, I encourage this so that you don't feel pressured to try and make something on the day it should be submitted!
Edit 2: Movie Vanessa can also be used. Also, times are in EST, but late submissions are allowed.
Edit 3: The difference between the prompts on days 6 and 7 is this-
Day 6 is "the bad thing (getting possessed) still happened but there's a happy ending"
Day 7 is "the 'getting possessed' part never happened at all and life continued as normal for Vanessa"
I, @halogenrobotics, was inspired by the recent ggyweek created by @puhpandas and with their permission have decided to make my own character week for Vanessa/Vanny!
It is going to run from April 28th to May 5th!
The rules for this week are practically identical to ggyweek for the most part. There are 2 different prompts everyday, but you DO NOT have to do them both.
In fact, you DO NOT have to try and do a prompt everyday if you do not want to. If you want to make something for just 1 day, that is perfectly fine. Feel free to do whatever you would like with the prompts. The only thing each story needs to have is Vanessa/Vanny!
This week is meant to be a fun experience for all involved, which means that works should try not to include anything considered taboo. If your work includes any phobias or extreme gore, PLEASE be sure to tag appropriately.
You are also not restricted to doing just art or writing, other mediums are allowed.
When you do make something, be sure to include the day it is for as well as whether it's for the WORD or THEME in the tags or description. This will make archival and future viewing of these works easier.
Be sure to tag your work (if possible) with "VanWeek2024" and tag this account @vanweek2024
Also try not to release whatever you've made until the respective "day" (ie release a story made for day 4 on day 4, no later, no earlier)
Any work released on AO3 will be archived on this collection as well .
However, the most important thing of all is to...
HAVE FUN!!! This whole event, like GGYWEEK, is meant to be a relaxed and enjoyable experience for everyone!
Edit 3: Credit to @theinsanefoxwriter for making the new profile image!
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terrietont · 2 months
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Day 1: Freedom- Symbolic Semi-Canon @vanweek2024
The princess is pulled from the reaches of insanity by an unlikely hero.
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"Freedom" for @vanweek2024
Using my bunny movie Vanessa design :3
Edit I forgot to include my banner
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camzverse · 2 months
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no more masks, no more costumes
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s1llydr3amscape · 2 months
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Day 1 : Free Space @vanweek2024
Woohoo VanWeek!!! VANNY I LOVE YOU!!!! I didn't manage to fully commit to doing all the days due to it falling so close to the days my finals start (I gotta lock in!!) So these are all scheduled while i'm doing that rn but yeah live love laugh Vanny here <33333
I was too ambitious with some of these but they all ended up having to be crunched because my phone kept kicking me outta the app if I tried making the canvas bigger than 1500 :'[ coloring each stray pixel sure is fun!!! Like and subscribe for more vanny and vannyness
Extras under the cut below!!
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why do I write notes like this dawg
Its worse in my bigger books cuz the whole pages are actually filled (small books are mid for mofos like me with big ass handwriting 😔)
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waffleslashermaster · 1 month
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Never heard of Vanweek, but I keep seeing it around and I’ll take any excuse to doodle this deranged hare
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@vanweek2024 day 7 - sunrise
tomorrow is another day
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dykevanny · 1 month
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Burntrap ending, huh… whatever happens to her after all that? Wouldn’t he want to drag his favorite puppet down with him? But, she doesn’t seem to like that idea very much…
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reluctanttrabbit · 1 month
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[VANWEEK DAY 2: knife, bad ending au]
guys its ok gregory is fine!!!! him and vanny are playing together!!! it really was just a glitch!!!
in my au, the princess quest + fire ending are kind of combined so before this scene gregory set the pizzaplex on fire and tried to play the last princess quest . but he was a bit too slow and.... vanny got to him.
vanessa is not free, and had no idea what happened but only got back in control once the building was finally burnt down. now shes sorting through the rubble searching for gregory and wow! there he is! kinda!
ness im sorry for putting u through torture 😓😓😓 you're gonna get a fun prompt soon i promise
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cry-imbunnye · 30 days
Maybe in another universe she's just a regular security guard.
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Day 7 of @vanweek2024 that I didn't finished yesterday, but here it is, been a great time drawing vanny so often.
And the other variants down here:
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