#Vanya: yeah never mind I'll just leave now
whiteviolintm · 4 years
@ouijatap​ ♥’d for a starter
Vanya wasn’t even sure how she was supposed to proceed. Everything was so messed up. Being thrown back into 2019 but having it be a different 2019 was mind boggling in and of itself. But a few days ago, as she was scrolling the internet to find out what happened in this version of reality, an ad came up in the video she watching. Vanya was looking at Klaus...but not? After some initial digging, the woman learned bits and pieces of Other Klaus. And this one had done well for himself, using his powers to earn money. A small part of her was disappointed she didn’t have a power to profit from, but also a little relieved. She couldn’t control it as is, how could she control it for money?  She didn’t tell anyone. Didn’t dare say a word to any of her siblings. There was no telling how anyone would take it and didn’t want to open the can of worms of everyone looking for themselves here. Vanya did one search for herself and, when it came up empty, left it at that. Ignorance, she figured, was bliss. But this Séance person was an enigma. In the end, she figured what was the harm? Obtaining his contact information via his website, Vanya took a deep breath and dialed the number. A voice answered on the other end and she released her pent up air. “Yeah, um, hi. My name is Vanya and I was hoping to speak to Klaus H-uh...sorry, speak to The Séance. I was curious about ghosts but like from alternate realities?” I should have thought through what I was going to say first before calling him. “And if, like, he could...if he could channel their spirits? And no,” she rushed to say. “This isn’t a prank.” 
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lavendersugarplum · 4 years
☂︎ZEROᵗʰᵉ ʳᵉᵈ ᵘᵐᵇʳᵉˡˡᵃ
(Umbrella Academy x Sibling!Adolescent!Reader)
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☂︎ᴢᴇʀᴏ: ᴛʜᴇ sᴛʀᴀɴɢᴇ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ɢɪʀʟ
ZERO GRACE HARGREEVES fixes her gaze out the window of Umbrella Academy staring out looking at the dried-out leaves moving across the ground and the grass swaying with the wind. You see, Zero had never been out of the house before. Reginald always told her it was bad for her to go outside. That it was a horrendous place. Even though the Elder man has passed, the rule just seemed to stick with her.
She found herself always confined in her room, Reginald had told her not to come out of. Though Sir Reginald was deceased, she still stayed in her room for most of her time, just without locked doors.
ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE, AND SIX were heading out for another mission. Zero watched as they left, unconsciously starting to follow after them, wondering where they're going. Zero inched closer and closer to the door, as her ruby red flats went across the cardboard floor. As soon as she felt the coolness of the outside, a force pushed her back. She came to see the hostile eyes of her father.
Zero pointed outside the door where her siblings left, curious eyes facing her father. Reginald just shook his head in disappointment and kneeled to her height grabbing both of her shoulders; eye contact stern.
"Listen to me Number Zero. You must never go outside. The outside is a bad place not meant for you. Do you understand?"
Zero nodded in comprehension, but she was puzzled. Why couldn't she go with the others? Seconds later, Grace came over reaching for Zero's hands. Zero got scared and quickly snatched her hands away. Though resented, Grace kept her usual smile on her face.
"Come now, I'll make supper for you and Number Seven. Okay, dear?" Zero took one last look at Sir Reginald who still had his eyes still fixated on her with a severe gaze before walking away.
HOURS HAD PAST. By this time all eight of the children were asleep. Reginald was occupied in his office fixing his monocle, before checking his watch. "Pogo! Grace! Come here at once."
Pogo, an advanced chimpanzee and Sir Reginald Hargreeves' assistant and friend at The Umbrella Academy, and Grace, the primary caregiver and adoptive mother of the eight children, materialized into his office . "Yes, Master Hargreeves?" Pogo said bowing. Reginald turned to the two of them as soon as they appeared.
"When I have no time left, I want you to watch over Number Zero. Make sure she stays quarantined in this house. You two will be her two companions. Make her feel as though you two are the only ones she can depend on. Now, do I make myself clear?" Reginald narrowed his eyes at the two.
"Is this really necessary? After all, she's just a chi—" Grace protested, but was silenced.
"Do I make myself clear?" Reginald repositioned, but in a more cold, hostile tone. Pogo looked up to Grace with a knowing look, as she held a hesitant expression.
"Yes, sir." The two said at the same time.
ZERO SAUNTERS DOWN THE HALLWAY of the living room looking at the portraits. Paintings would fill every inch of the academy. All kinds of portraits would be sprawled out across the walls. The girl ceased at a portrait where it shows her brother Five Hargreeves, recalling the very moment of him going missing.
She remembered when she would always looked out her window on the porch, seeing if he would come back, but he never did.
IN THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY RESIDENCE, the morning started just like any other with the Hargreeves'.  The sound of a ring of a bell echoed through the Academy as the uniformed  Hargreeves' children walked in a single file to the breakfast table. Once they got there, they waited patiently for their father to arrive, standing behind their chairs, quietly doing so.
After a few minutes Reginald came in alongside Zero who had her hands tucked tightly behind her back. Once they destinated to the table, the two departed wit Zero taking her seat beside Number Six, and Reginald positioning himself behind his own chair.
At the sound of the command, the children quickly reacted by pulling up their chairs and taking their seats. The children individually proceed to do their own things, with Herr Carlson playing in background. With Number Two scratching his knife into the arm rest of the chair, trying not to be caught by his strict father or snitch brother Number One who was eye flirting and exchanging smiles with Number Three, reciprocating. Number Four fiddled with some paper under the table, alongside Number Six who leaned over showing Zero a page in a book he liked by Anton Chekov, knowing Zero liked to read as well. Number Seven was at the right end of the table, quietly eating her meal.
But there was one certain Hargreeves that had trouble sealing his anger and irritation; And that Hargreeves was the prideful and mastermind Number Five. You see, Five had a burning desire to be able to test his ability to time travel and it ate him up inside that his father wouldn't allow him with a loathing passion. Instead of eating he stared down his father from the opposite end of the table, in vaxation; anger and frustration building up inside him. When his anger finally boiled over he grabbed his knife and jabbed it into the table. The loud sound caused everyone to turn his attention to him, with Zero’s frightened shoulders hoping.
"Number Five?" Reginald questions.
"I have a question."
"Knowledge is an admirable goal, but you know the rules. No talking during meal times. You are interrupting Herr Carlson." Reginald replies.
Unsatisfied with his father's educated response Five forcefully pushes his plate forward and stands up.
"I want to time travel." Five said.
"But I'm ready. I've been practicing my spatial jumps, just like you said." Five got up from his seat and demonstrated him doing a spatial jump, appearing next to Reginald. Five's power was Spatial Jumping, which gives him the ability to teleport both short and long distances.
"A spatial jump is trivial when compared with the unknowns of time travel. One is like sliding along the ice, the other is akin to descending blindly into the depths of the freezing water and reappearing as an acorn."
Five's hands balled up in his pockets.
"I don't get it."
"Hence the reason you're not ready."
Zero peers around the table at everyone's gaping facial expressions. But her eyes specifically trained on Number Seven, who gave a shake of the head no to Five, trying to get him to sit back down and stop pushing the issue.
"I'm not afraid."
"Fear isn't the issue. The effects it might have on your body, even on your mind, are far too unpredictable. Now, I forbid you to talk about this anymore." Reginald demanded, but Five still set up above everyone challenged at his father's utterance. The last thing Zero remembered was him running off outside, never to be seen again.
"Number Five. You haven't been excused! Come back here!"
Zero knew what he was going to do as she got up from her seat.
"Number Zero. Sit. Back. Down."
Zero didn't listen as she kept looking towards the door. Number Six tugged on her uniform sleeve a little, trying to get her attention. Number Six, observed her expression. It looked like she was trying to focus on something.
"Number Zero. Sit down. NOW!" Reginald yelled, making Zero snap out of her trance. She sat back down, hoping Five didn't do anything rash.
Number Six put his hand on Zero's shoulder, trying to make her feel better.
Therefore Number Five was never seen again, leaving his father, Grace, and his siblings behind, not aware of the consequences he would have to face.
ZERO LOOKED AT the portrait a little longer, before turning away. She then trailed to the various family portraits that were displayed. Well, Zero wouldn't exactly call it a family portrait. Not everyone was entirely included. She and Vanya were not allowed to be in family portraits.
To Zero, these portraits weren't just any kind of portraits with her family just posing. To her it captured the emotions of her siblings trying to hold it together year after year as they evolved.
Zero would always look to the side at Vanya, seeing her with a downcast look on her face whenever she was not included. She remembered that she would always look away to the side, whenever she felt like she disappointed Reginald. Zero would just have a blank facial expression, being the most disciplined, that she became like a mindless zombie, always obeying when she was told to do something. She would only simply nod when spoken to. That's what caused her to get more mute over the years. So you can't expect a whole conversation with her, just a few conversations, never really speaking to anyone besides, her dear brother.
Number Six
EVERYONE EXCEPT ZERO was gathered in Luther's room.
"S-she's kinda weird, right? I mean think about it." Number Two said.
"I don't think she's weird." Number Seven said quietly that no one heard.
"Yeah and she's always going off with Dad somewhere. It's like she's getting more and more mindless every day." Number Four said.
"You don't understand." Five suddenly said. This made everyone look to Five.
"You can't call her weird because you don't understand her. We don't know what she's going through. Don't judge something you don't understand." When Five finished everyone got quiet, taking into consideration what Five just said.
Number Three looked around to see Number Six gone.
"Hey, where's Six?"
NUMBER SIX WENT OUT OF LUTHER'S ROOM to see Zero’s door wide open. He walked quietly to the door with a book in hand. Six peeped around the corner of the door to see Zero reading a book. He was kinda overjoyed to see that Zero had the same interest as him.
Six slowly started to walk in. When he took another step, the floor creaked, making Zero go stiff and turn around slowly. She looked to see Six, standing just outside her door. Zero was slightly surprised to see one of her siblings at her door. Usually, everyone would just ignore her as if she wasn't there. As if she was nothing. As if she mattered 0%. At least that's what Reginald told them to do.
"U-uh hi."
Zero just stared at him in surprise.
"Um, I got this book for you. I've noticed how much you like to read, s-so I thought it would be nice. It's really good. I promise." He handed the book over to her. Zero hesitantly looked at him and then the book She hesitantly took it and looked at the cover. Zero always liked hardcover books.
"Well enjoy the book, okay? Bye." Six started to exit the room, but before he could the unbelievable happened.
"T-t-thanks." Zero managed utter out quietly enough for Six to hear.
Number Six's eyes widened, then his expression slowly turned into a smile before walking away.
Zero looked to see if he was gone before opening the book.
ZERO GAVE A SMALL SMILE at the memory, but not before remembering that he doesn't exist now. He passed years after Five’s disappearance. She didn't even get to attend the funeral. She could only watch from her secured shut window. The two were best friends ever since that day. Zero always thought Six was a little weird at first, but she started warming up to him day by day. He was truly a real brother to her.
EVERYONE WAS IN the dining room eating dinner except Zero who just staring down at her plate. Everyone kept giving occasional glances at her, with concerned glances. Zero glanced at the empty seat next to her. The seat that would never be filled again.
"Number Zero, stop staring at your food and eat, this instant.
All of a sudden the building started to shaking uncontrollably. Causing everyone to be frightened.
"Number Zero, control yourself!" Reginald demands. But Zero just keeps staring at her plate.
"Number Zero."
"Number Zero!"
Suddenly the shaking came to a stop. Everyone was staring at Zero wide-eyed. None of them knew what her powers were. It has always been a mystery. Not even Reginald Hargreeves himself knew, which is why he had to keep her contained.
" .......I'm....sorry..."
"Perhaps it's best if you go back to your room, where you belong." Reginald said with disappointment written on his face.
Zero simply nodded and headed back to her room that felt like a prison she could never escape.
Seven and Four watched sympathetically as Zero walked to her room.
She heard the sound of her door locking, signaling that she couldn't go back out.
ZERO WAS IN HER ROOM looking in the mirror at her 13-year-old body. Why is she still young? Zero ages very slowly. Reginald gave his blood to slow down Zero's aging process. Even though she is technically 29, because of her slow age process she's still just a kid. Zero rubbed the eye bags under her eyes on her pale (s/c) skin from lack of sunlight. As she did this, she thought about how her life is now.
One had to leave for his mission on the moon. And Zero knew it wasn't for any important reason.
She doesn't know what the rest of her siblings, besides Seven are doing. Which is kind of sad if you think about it. Zero was so trapped in her own house all her life that she didn't realize how isolated she is from everything.
From everyone, shielded from the world.
Seven became a writer and a violinist. Zero would always read her book about what it was like for her in Umbrella Academy. She couldn't grasp why Vanya was right such a thing like this in the first place. Giving up the family secrets just like that. She still remembered when she was getting ready to leave.
Zero looked to see her sister heading out the door.
"You have to go?" Zero said making Seven turn around.
"Yes, I have to go. I have no place here anymore. I'll try to come to visit okay." Seven said going over to hug her, but Zero quickly backed away shaking her head. Seven looked at her sympathetically. She knew Zero wasn't used to touch.
"You'll be okay, right?"
There was a long pause before Zero nodded.
Seven smiled and headed to the door. The truth was that she didn't want to leave Zero at that hellish place, but Zero was still in Reginald's custody.
"Bye, Zero," Seven said before she left, leaving Zero alone, waving goodbye at nothing. Her hand slowly came down as Reginald lead her back to her room.
ZERO BRUSHED HER HAIR, fixing her tied up, red headband, getting ready for the funeral. What she didn't know was that her family was coming.
And that this day was going to change her life.
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Tingling | Diego hargreeves x reader
Requested by @infinitelyforgotten who asked for: fluffy Diego where the reader dropped into 1963 with him. When he gets admitted to the psych-hospital the reader visits him everyday and promises to get him out (but even with her powers she can’t think of a way to spring him out-until Five shows up). Diego is so glad to be out to stop JFK’s assassination, but mostly so he can hug & kiss the reader again. Maybe when they (Five, Reader, Diego, and Lila) head to find Reginald, Diego dances with the reader and they get caught up in each other for a while before remembering their task.
Word count: 1369
Warnings: none!
A/N: I am so sorry this took so long!
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"Here to see Diego Hargreeves?"
You shot to your feet. "Here."
The orderly raised an eyebrow at you and said, "You're in here everyday, doll. Must be one hell of a guy."
You smiled, "He is."
He opened the door to reveal Diego sitting at a table, hair unruly and hanging over his eyes, wearing a white uniform.
"Y/n," he looked up and grinned at you. You sat down across from him.
"How are you?"
He shrugged. "No different from yesterday." He leaned in, "You got any new ideas for an escape plan?"
You shook your head sadly. "No. Unfortunately, air manipulation is kinda obvious. If they caught us, you'd be locked up even tighter, and they'd probably ship me off to some government facility for experiments." You shuddered.
Diego reached across the table and held your hand. "Hey, I won't let that happen."
You glanced up and stared into his eyes, deep brown pools conveying as much comfort as they could.
"No touching the patients!" The orderly by the door snapped.
Diego retracted his hand slowly, not wanting to stop the only physical contact you'd had in weeks.
You felt a tingle, like electricity, where he touched you.
"Any news on the others?" He asked.
"No, but I'll keep looking. They must be somewhere, right? They can't have just disappeared."
"Unless they're dead."
You gasped, "Diego!"
"What? Y/n, you have to consider all the possibilities."
You thought about crazy, flamboyant Klaus, sweet Vanya, kind Allison, wicked smart Five, Luther's leadership, even of Ben and his crazy book obsession. To imagine them gone seemed unthinkable.
"No. They're not gone, Diego."
"Y/n," he spoke softly. "I'm just trying to protect you. I want you to be prepared for the worst."
You shook your head and frowned. "If they were gone, I'd feel it."
"I'd know, Diego."
He didn't look convinced, but let it go.
"So, made any friends yet?" You teased.
He narrowed his eyes at you. "More than you."
You feigned an insulted expression, "How dare you! I am a delight."
He smirked, "Oh, I know you are."
Leaning forwards, you said, "Once you get out, I'm gonna show you just how much of a delight I can be."
His eyes lit up. "Is that a fact?"
"When have I ever lied to you?"
He tilted his head, "Well.."
"Time's up."
The man by the door's harsh voice put an abrupt end to your teasing. This was the worst part, leaving. You stood up solemnly and said, "I'll be back tomorrow, I promise."
Diego gave you a small nod. "Good."
You gave him one last tight smile before turning and leaving.
Diego's head was spinning. Five would be back. He would get out. Save the president. Be with y/n, really with her, not just sitting a couple feet apart.
Everything would be fine. It had to be.
The sound of gunshots brought him back to reality: being chased by three maniacs with Lila.
Once they finally made it outside, he collided with something- or rather, someone.
"Ow!" You cried.
Warm hands gripped your upper arms, "Y/n?"
You stared up at him, eyes shining brightly. "Fancy meeting you here."
Diego shook his head with exasperation and surprised you by grabbing your waist and crashing his lips onto yours. You shut your eyes and placed your hands on his chest, melting into the kiss.
"While this is lovely," An accented woman's voice interrupted your kiss, "We are currently being chased by some very scary men with very scary guns, so if we could maybe pick this up later.."
Diego shot her a glare, "Shut up, Lila."
She shrugged.
The doors burst open revealing three white-haired men who did in fact have very scary guns.
"Go," you said, turning to face them. "I go this"
"Y/n-" Diego started, but Lila yanked his arm saying, "Don't be an idiot. If she says she's got this then she's got this."
As they ran, he glanced back to see you raise your arms, causing a gust of wind to divert the bullets' path into a nearby car. He loved watching you use your powers, you were so graceful and your movements so fluid.
You threw the gunmen back, knocking the weapons from their hands and raced over to Diego and Lila, who was trying to jump start a car.
"That was cool," she commented, still focused on the wires in her hands.
"Thanks," you replied, breathing a little heavier than usual.
Diego kissed you. "What would I do without you?"
You pecked his nose, making him blush, "Probably die."
"Got it!" Lila cried as the car roared to life.
"I've never been to the Mexican consulate," you said, walking beside Diego, Five, and Lila into the stone building.
Diego raised his eyebrows, "Really? Why not?"
You bumped your shoulder into his. "Shut up."
Soft trumpet music was playing in the back round, and looking around the room, couldn't help but feel under-dressed in your simple purple dress.
As if sensing your discomfort, Diego leaned in and said, "Don't worry, you look beautiful." To Five, he said, "I don't see dad anywhere."
"Just keep an eye out for the Majestic Twelve."
You snorted, which earned a sharp look from Five. "Sorry, but it's a ridiculous title."
"That may be," Five said, "But trust me, nothing about them is ridiculous."
"So, what's the plan?" Diego asked, eyes still scanning the room.
"You and y/n stay down here. Lila and I will take the upstairs."
You heard him hiss quietly to Lila, "I want to keep an eye on you."
You frowned. What did that mean?
Diego distracted you by pulling you into the next room. "They're playing our song."
He pulled you close, wrapping one arm tightly around your waist and taking your hand gently in his. You placed your other palm on the back of his neck and felt the tingling again travel through your fingertips. He spun you, getting lost in the music, and ran his hands down your sides sending a shiver up your spine. You whirled around to face him again.
"Someone's got moves."
"One ever knows when dance will mean the difference between life and death,” he did a terrible impression of Reginald making you laugh brightly.
"You're an idiot."
He moved closer, so you were swaying more than dancing, and pressed your foreheads together.
"I love you."
You rubbed your nose gently against his, "I love you, too."
He suddenly dipped you, making you jump. You smirked and took a step back.
"Switch," you deadpanned.
You grabbed his waist and pulled him to you. "Just follow my lead."
He scoffed, but let you lead him.
Eventually, you reverted back to your initial roles and rested your head against his chest, tucked under his chin.
His fingers brushed a few loose strands of hair off your cheek, leaving a trail of electricity in their wake.
Suddenly, you felt a cold, heavy weight against your back.
"Mind if I cut in?" An unfamiliar voice shattered your peace. It belonged to a tanned, blond man who clearly spent way too much time on his hair.
Diego's gaze hardened and you felt his arm tighten around you, shifting you so the other man's hand dropped back down to his side.
"Yeah, I do. So back off."
The other man gave you a sneer and said, "Now, see, I wasn't really askin'."
When he took a step closer, Diego whipped out a knife faster than you'd ever seen him do before and held it to his throat.
"I said, back off."
The creep's eyes widened and he quickly fled.
Diego watched him go with dark eyes.
"Hey," you whispered, cupping his cheek. "You okay?"
He looked back at you and softened.
Wordlessly, Diego put his knife back in his belt and hugged you tightly.
"No one will every take me away from you, Diego." You reassured him quietly.
"Good." He murmured, his breath dancing lightly across your face.
And even as he rushed off in search of mom, that tingling feeling never left.
A/n: Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think and feel free to send me a request! :)
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lequartzrose · 4 years
Dear my love or whatever nickname I'll create for you in my mind,
Heyy! I don't know where are you right now or if you exist in my life or maybe you're leaving on Pluto or maybe on the moon like Luther but it doesn't matter, I wish that you're doing well and happy with your life. But let's both be honest and agree I'll add more sparkles and rainbows.
I'm having a tiny body just like Hayley Williams. I love wearing basic outfits and sometimes you'll find me wearing like a skateboard girls, I never ride a skateboard but I wish to ride it one day. In another words, my friends say I'm an old English lady recreated in a modern day tumblrish girl.
I love natural beauty and that's why I never changed my hair colour but if I did, I would love to make it pink or blue.
I always have weird imaginary thoughts. You'll hear me talking and asking questions about things out of nowhere. We'll talk and argue about every single thing around us but I'll always listen to every single thought you have in your mind, even how weird it is I'll always listen to you.
I love art and I love to draw. I paint a lot and I'll show you all my paintings, even the once I'm too scared to show it to people and we'll go together to all art galleries.
I love to explore the world and try new things, I even made a Tinder account and it was actually fun. I learned a lot from this experience.
I'm an introvert person and you'll realize I'll take you to many quite and chill places but that doesn't mean we won't go to parties together.
I'm easy going and friendly so don't worry I'll get along with your friends but I'll get anxious at first and you'll feel my whole body shaking while I talk to them.
We'll create our own playlist of our favourite songs but I'll talk a lot about My Chemical Romance. It's my favourite band but every new song I'll love I'll send it to you even how stupid it is.
I love to read about Psychology and that's why I enjoy watching documentaries of serial-killers. I believe there are many aspects in their lives made them this way.
I love people with all my heart and it's one of the reasons why I never had a boyfriend. I'm too scared to go through break-ups.
I'm too organized or we can say that I'm an Amy and I love everything to be clean like Monica. If your car is a mess you'll find me cleaning it.
I'm too soft and sensitive, sometimes you'll find me crying while we watch movies or sad because I saw someone crying.
I get so competitive when it comes to Play Station. I would restart a game if I see myself losing but I screw up in Trivia and Quizup or maybe I'm the worst at these kind of games. I hate it when people test my knowledge in these kind of ways, it'll be easy for you to win me.
I'm an active energetic person. I love to walk and I used to play sports when I was younger but I'm thinking of getting back again.
Yeah, I'm strong. I wish you were there with me right now to know the progress that I'm going through with my mental illnesses and to be honest it'll never go away. It's hard to grew up being bullied and mentally abused (Ohh, I forgot to tell you I'm a Vanya too). It's hard to deal with it but I wish you don't give up on me as I won't give up on you.
You'll be the Chandler to my Monica and the Jack to my Amy and I will love you always and forever. ❤️
Your love,
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