#Allison Hargreeves x reader
gravity-barbie · 1 month
The Hargreeves' reactions to you getting catcalled
A/N: Sorry, I think I accidentally deleted the original request for this, because I could not find it anywhere
Luther Hargreeves
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-Luther is shocked and outraged, getting up in the perpetrator’s face immediately, and probably scaring the crap out of them with that stature of his
-As much as he thinks the person deserves a good beating, they’re already pretty much at his mercy so instead he just demands an apology for you
-He’s so soft and considerate to you afterwards, triple checking that you’re okay and questioning if there’s anything else he can do, literally anything
-The incident makes him more protective, he’s always volunteering to accompany you when you go out, and pretty much insists if he thinks the area you’re headed seems shady
Diego Hargreeves
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-Diego already hates catcalling but the fact that it’s directed at you just makes him extra pissed, slightly unhinged even, he advances on them while yelling insults, fully ready to get violent
-Even if you want and are able to drag him away, he’s probably already hatching a plan to come back for some vigilante justice later
-He’s pretty heated, but he does recognise that you must feel way worse than him and that he should prioritise your feelings, checking if you’re alright, and even if you brush it off he’s perceptive enough to get a read on how you really feel
-If you’re very upset, despite his anger he gets a hold of himself and turns into the sweetest marshmallow while trying to comfort you
Allison Hargreeves
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-Allison tenses up, checking your reaction first and foremost, if you want to ignore it and get out of there she’ll just put a protective hand on you and usher you forward
-But if not, or if the catcaller is being persistent, she is more than willing to confront them and make them regret ever opening their disgusting mouth
-Depending on her relationship with her power at the time she’d be quick to rumour them, probably not physically hurt them (depending on how graphic they were being) but at the very least put the fear of god in them
-She’s had a lot of experience with things like this, so she comforts you with a lot of understanding and empathy, pretty accurately predicting your feelings and needs
Klaus Hargreeves
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-Klaus’ policy has always been to brush off stuff like this with a sassy remark and move on, he wishes he was the type of person that could easily defend you but he just isn’t
-He does have the urge to talk shit back to them, even to his own detriment, and if he was alone he might, but you’re here and he’s not going to risk any further trouble for you by causing a scene
-He asks if you’re okay but otherwise tries to change the topic and lighten the atmosphere pretty quickly, he does care of course, he just thinks the best thing he can do is cheer you up
-Maybe later when you’re less shaken he’ll bring it up again, just to see if you’re really okay, let you vent if you need to or see if there’s anything he can do
Five Hargreeves
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-Five is caught somewhere between wanting to ignore it and wanting to pull out those assassin skills of his
-It depends on how you react, if you just huff and keep walking he’ll ask if you’re alright but drop it when you do, if you seem shaken up though, there’s no way he’s letting it go
-Internally he’s livid, but he acts more cocky than anything else as he gives them both a physical and verbal beating, finishing it off with a warning that they better not harass anyone again
-He isn’t good at comfort, he’ll never bring this up again if you don’t, but if you do want to talk he’s there for you, trying his best to offer the kindness you need
Viktor Hargreeves
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-On pure instinct Viktor confronts them, not before manoeuvring you protectively behind him though
-His exterior is icy, and way more dangerous than this person realises, if they don’t back down he won’t hesitate to pull his powers out to back up his warning, after all he’s had a bad experience with this kind of thing before
-Though if you try to pull him away, for your sake he’ll go, since your comfort and sense of safety is more important than his righteous anger, the fear alone will teach them a lesson anyway
-He’s very sweet and attentive afterwards, and whether you need silence, to vent or to be distracted he's got you covered
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tothosewholisten · 4 months
Forever Healed | TUA insert
available across wattpad, tumblr, quotev and ao3.
"He was never a father really, more like a mean old state-national basketball coach."
- Y/n Hargeeves, Number 00, The Gifted
Being the adopted super powered kid of Sir Reginald Hargeeves was never a simple task. You always could've been better for him. But happens when he dies and the world ends in a few days?
You are Number Zero, here's your story..
Pintrest board
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nickeverdeen · 9 months
hello! I really enjoy reading ur work, so I’m wondering if I could request a TUA (the umbrella academy) preference where the reader confesses their feelings during an argument (they aren’t dating yet) no pressure ofc <3 thank u sm for being a good writer!!
Thanks for requesting!!! And thanks for those words, I might be slower at writing considering I have school tests everyday, well I mean I’m in law school so what was I expecting-
Anyway, thanks a lot for everything 🫶
Confessing your feelings to Umbrella Academy members during an argument
TW: Cussing, mention of injury, drugs, sometimes cliché
You = white text
Luther = blue text
Diego = red text
Allison = pink text
Klaus = orange text
Five = green text
Ben = also green text, but cursive (‘cause I’m running out of colors)
Viktor = purple text
Luther Hargreeves
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This takes place in season 1
The argument was pretty simple
You just wanted him to shut up for like 5 seconds about the moon and stop defending Reginald and digging into his death
You two were currently standing in the “meeting room” in the Umbrella Academy along with others discussing how Reginald died. Sure you weren’t part of this family, but you were invited anyway. Why you had no idea, maybe ‘cause you were a family friend?
“Jesus Christ Luther, stop digging into it so much. It was a heartattack, calm down” you rolled your eyes sighing as you agreed along with others that Reginald died of a heart attack.
“Oh so you’re on their side now? Even my best friend, great” he chuckled at the irony rolling his eyes. “Well I wonder why” Diego sneered. Soon the whole room started arguing about it, you’ve had enough of this. They were adults so they should act like it
Standing up from your seat you shook your head whistling which only caught Viktor’s and Allison’s attention… not what you wanted.
“Shut the fuck up!” You finally yelled and they all grew silent except for Diego who insulted his brother and you before storming off. “We’re all adults yet you all act like kids. Get your shit together” you sighed frustrated.
With that Luther got up and took few steps towards you “You don’t have a say in this. Dad was murdured, and last time I checked I was on the Moon to-“ Luther started but got cut off by you
“Luther, for the love of god, as much as I love you, shut up about the Moon and stop defending him” You rolled your eyes making Viktor raise his eyebrows suprised
Luther stood there kidna offended at first before realizing what you said “Wait what?” You just cussed under your breath. This is gonna be a long day.
At first Allison was kidna jealous for sure, but slowly joined Klaus with sometimes teasing you. You had a lot of explaining to do.
Diego Hargreeves
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This takes place in season 2
Along woth others you had enough of Diego thinking about J. F. Keneddy 24/7
It was another night at Elliot’s and here you were, sitting in a corner across the room from Diego with Five between the two of you. You all were watching a tape Hazel gave Five before dying, a man on a grassfield was standing there when the president is getting shot.
To be honest you rightfully along with Lila who was sitting near you had no idea who this is unlike the two boys who seemed shocked at it
“Uh guys? Wanna also tell us who that is?” You asked awkwardly with Lila nodding slightly only to hear a whisper “dad” escape their mouths at the same time.
“Do you see this? That’s dad and he is the one who killed the president” Diego turned to you with a serious expression “Oh here we go” You rolled your eyes crossing your arms. “How can you know for sure that it was him? It doesn’t look like he’s holding a gun” you just shrugged leaving Diego frowning
“Do you even listen to me? That’s a proof that he is the killer!” Diego stood up pacing around the room
“And you know that how? He-“ you get cut off as he looks at you sharply, if you didn’t know him you’d think he’s crazy
“Take it easy, Diego” Five said calmly trying to ease the situation, but of course it didn’t help. “He is the killer! Don’t you hear me?! The evidence is right here!” Diego yells at you pointing at the tape
“Oh for fuck’s sake, you don’t wanna tell me that I fell for a madman” You scoffed crossing your arms taking a step towards him and he took a small step back as he processed what you said
“Well that’s an awkward silence” Lila said chuckling slightly, but none of you spoke until Five told you both that there’s no time for these things right now and you both followed him out to wherever you guys are going
“We’re not done with this conversation” Diego said, but not so agressively, more calmly yet of course not softly as it ain’t in his nature.
Allison Hargreeves
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This takes place in season 3
You were starting to get really annoyed with her, but when you caught her trying to rumor herself in the mirror to be happy you couldn’t be angry or upset with her at that moment
You and other Hargreeves siblings were just miding your own businesses, but you did notice that Allison was missing. At first you didn’t make a big deal out of it, she was being really annoying, but still that didn’t mean that you didn’t care about her. You were on this crazy Hargreeves rollecoster since the very beggining and they were all very dear to you.
So here you were looking through the whole hotel for her, you were starting to give up before you heard a glass break in the bathroom.
Slowly you stepped in and that’s when you witnessed it. “I heard a rumor that you were happy” Allison said trying to rumor herself through the mirror you weren’t sure if it’d work, but you sure as hell were concerned by now, you were aware that she had a hard time, but this was really bad.
“Allison?” You stepped in properly after seeing that it doesn’t work
Allison slightly jumped at the sudden voice, she didn’t need to turn around to know that it’s you “What do you want?”
Her words were sharp, but you tried to ignore the feeling and took few steps closer, your eyes inspecting her bloody hand from the distance. “Are you okay…?” You asked slowly unsure if she wants to open up
She just scoffed rolling her eyes as she faced you “Since when do you care?” You didn’t like this defensive side of her, but you knew that loving her means loving her even at her worst
“I always cared, Al-“ getting cut off Allison stood up properly frowning “No you didn’t. You don’t care that Claire’s dead, you don’t care that both my husbands are dead! You don’t care at all!”
She shouted obviously getting irritated by your words even though they were honest. “Allison that’s not true!” You tried to argue back “I care about you and mainly your wellbeing! You need help-“ “I don’t need help! Now get out!” She cut you off once again taking few steps towards you, but you didn’t really take any steps back and stood your ground
“Yes you do! You’re even rumoring yourself to be happy! You’re not alright at all!” You took a deep breath taking few steps towards her as well “Just let me help you!” You looked up at her, but she wasn’t calming down any time soon and you knew that. “And why would you want that?! To impress others with your comforting skills?! Make me feel even worse?!”
She shouted, she knew damn well that she doesn’t mean it and knew that she’s being a bitch right now, but she couldn’t stop. She was hiding her pain and anger deep down inside of her for too long and even though she didn’t want to, she just had to let it out on you. Not ‘cause she wanted to, but ‘cause you were closest and she knew you’d forgive her overtime, plus you understood her and she just had to let everything out despite knowing it’s not heathly for neither of you.
“No! Of course not! Allison I love you and don’t want you to suffer! Please…”
You were more calm at the end, but got confused when she shut up and just stared at you in shock before it hit you that you just confessed
“What?” She asked blinking in confusion, but also a neutral voice “Allison… I love you” you repeated making sure she knows you don’t mean just as friends
“Please don’t… I’ll just lose you too. Stop” she mumbled shaking her head, she couldn’t take another loss
“You won’t lose me” you stood up on your tip-toes and kissed her just shortly and slightly of course, you didn’t wanna scare her. “Now let me help you with your hand” you took her bloody hand and started tending it knowing that Allison isn’t ready for a relationship just yet so you didn’t expect her to say it back right now, but you knew that she did love you.
Klaus Hargreeves
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This takes place in season 1
You catch Klaus stealing in the Academy from his father on the funeral day
“Klaus? Wha- what are you doing?” You laughed seeing him under his father’s table where Reginald kept all his work
“Oh Y/N! How nice it is to see youuuuu” He sounded high and he probably was, but then again he had every reason to get high, but that doesn’t mean you approved of it
Klaus quickly reached for a hug which you with a sigh accepted “Klaus you’re high again” you crossed your arms rolling your eyes. “We talked about this”
“But those bitches are everywhere and it’s just so much better” he smiled amd you had to chuckle at his silliness “Give me the drugs” you held out your hand raising eyebrows “Oh you want it too????”
He asked and gave it to you and you just threw it out of the window “What’re you doing?!” He exclaimed with wide eyes “Helping you. Now go wash your face.”
You said clearly pissed off by his behaivor “Y/n! I need those!!!” He whined making you roll your eyes “No, you don’t. You need therapy, along with this whole family of yours” you stated clearly
“Y/N, Y/N, Y/N…” He whined “You don’t understand what I’m going through when I’m clean!” He suddenly yelled at you making you raise your eyebrows
“No Klaus, you don’t understand what I’m going through when I see the man I love somewhere begging for drugs instead of trying to get a real help!”
You argued back, but he stopped “What?”
Five Hargreeves
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This takes place in season 3
You both didn’t pick the same side when Reginald asked you all who’s for saving the world and who’s against it - you voted for saving the world while he didn’t
“Are you serious?” You looked at Five frowning confused as he stood on the other side. “Five, after all this time of trying to save the world you’re just gonna give up on the only chance we have ‘cause your older you told you so?”
You scoffed shaking your head and he frowned stepping closer to you “Y/N I am doing the right thing. Right, we’ve been trying to save the world this whole time and did we manage to change something? Nein! It’s over and over the same” Five frowned stepping closer to you
Unaware of the small distance between you two you stepped closer too and looked down at him “I’m not just gonna sit here and wait for the world to end with a boy I fell for and see him die. Five just come on and try this! One more time”
You sighed and tried to plea him, but to no vail as he didn’t budge “”Boy I love”? Please don’t bring that cocky shit-” “Maybe we should all calm down, alright?” Viktor tried to diescelate the situation, but failed as you and Five ignored him and kept arguing.
“You think you’re always right, hm? You are a child, you-” However you cut him off with a sneer “A child? That’s rich coming from you” Five took a deep breath and looked up at you his height making it impossible for him to look you straight in the eyes without looking up. “Y/N I love you, but you’re starting to seriously piss me off-“ He shut up as you all realized that another wave of Kugablitz is coming and had to run. Sure you two were gonna have to sort things out
Ben Hargreeves
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This takes place in season 2
He got angry ‘cause you keep diapproving of him possesing Klaus’ body
(Btw Y/N can see Ben here)
“Am I talking to Ben or Klaus?” You asked annoyed not seeing Ben anywhere so you just assumed that he posessed Klaus’ body which was sitting on the floor
“Hey Y/N! It’s Ben! God I’m so glad you came I couldn’t find you at the courtyard” he got up and hugged you tightly, but you could still feel that it’s Klaus’ body which wasn’t ideal at all. You didn’t like it and you were over this conversation many times
“Ben… you do realize that I can see you just like Klaus can, right?” You sighed shaking your head in disapproval “But it’s not the same! In a body-“ he starts but you just cut him off
“In any body I can’t see you, but the person whose body it is, Ben” you sighed shaking your head “But Y/N, you don’t understand… being ghost.. it’s as if I’m nothing” He took few steps closer to you, but you just backed up
“Y/N, please just listen… you don’t know what it’s like!” Suddenly he snaps. That’s very out of character of him. “God, Ben. You don’t get it do you?! I don’t love the body you are in, I love you when you’re yourself, Ben!”
You shook your head frowning and andead silence falls in the room and you soon hear him parting from Klaus’ body
“Aw man, I feel like I’ll throw up” Klaus moans and backs up. You ignore him whimpering and just focus on Ben who’s too stunned to speak.
It’s gonna be a long day…
Viktor Hargreeves
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This takes place in season 2
Y/N is helping Five look for others so they’d get them all to the suitcase in time, but Viktor insists to go back for Sissy and Harlan
You kept driving around couple of blocks looking for your best friend - Viktor - literally everywhere
Driving on a road leading away from Sissy’s farm you were slowly losing all hope, but for Viktor’s sake and your mental stability’s sake you kept going, you had to find him.
Driving away you saw another car passing by you and Viktor in it. Immediately you stopped in a way that your car - well a stolen car that you claim to be yours - died. Viktor on the other hand stopped slowly
“Viktor? Thank God, where were you?!” You were quick to hug him before he even had a chance to get out of the car properly
“Jesus! Y/N what are you doing here?” Obviously strandled a bit Viktor pulled away and rubbed your shoulder a bit “What’s going on?”
“Five found a way to get back home! No apocalypse or anything like that, we can go back!” You quickly explained and started walking towards your car, but stopped when you realized he wasn’t following “Viktor?” He shifted in his place thinking “I hate to tell you this, but we only have fifteen minutes-“ you started, but he cut you off
“I’m taking Sissy and Harlan” Viktor practically stated “What? Viktor you can’t do that, their disappearance could have major concequences” you shook your head looking back at your watch. 13 minutes.
“What consequences would it create if we’d just take a farm boy and woman with us?” Viktor obviously had enough and he headed back to his car “We don’t have time for that Viktor!” You pulled him by his arm back and he only snatched it away “Viktor don’t” you warned him shaking your head, true you don’t have powers, but he doesn’t have to know that
“What’s so wrong about this? I love Sissy and am not leaving her!” You knew he did. He loves Sissy, but you kidna were in denial. “What?” He looked at you still angry, but more confused now that you’re silent. 2 minutes.
“Sissy isn’t the only one who loves you, you idiot” you said and got into your car, but Viktor stopped you by your hand
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s0ulsniper · 7 months
your girlfriend who loves to spoil you every time she is with you, though it's not always in gifts. you wake up to breakfast in bed, your favorite chocolates, that one item from the commercial you swear you only mentioned once, the midnight cuddles after a long day, cooking a warm meal for you when you feel under the weather.
All of this because she simply adores you and there's nothing, nothing she wouldn't do to see your smile.
[ natasha romanoff, kate bishop, allison hargreeves, Wanda maximoff, Emily prentiss, Mal Bertha + ur fave ]
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lowkeyrobin · 19 days
TUA ; drugs in the car
summary ; a little crackfic, there's drugs in your car, you're driving five, a cia agent, around
warnings ; language, out of order to s4 plot
track ; i drive the speed limit cause there's drugs in the car, shockwire
word count ; 406
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"Can you speed up? We're wasting precious time trying to find Viktor and Dad" Diego complains from behind you.
You groan. "There's drugs in this car, I'm not speeding up, Diego!"
Five, in the front passenger seat, slowly turns to look at you. "You're driving a CIA agent around with drugs in your car?"
"Well, I wasn't expecting the world to want to end and for Ben to forcefully give us our powers back!" You shout.
Diego, Lila, and Allison quickly share worried looks. Luther in the trunk makes a revelation.
"Are these moving totes filled with drugs?"
You look at him through the rear view mirror. "Yeah. Mostly fentanyl"
"Oh my God"
"Okay, can I get out?"
"Luther's staying back there, he's got the best immune system"
"Not for drugs!"
"Shut up!" You exclaim.
"Go faster!" Diego complains again, kicking your seat like a little kid.
"Rule one of doing illegal shit, don't do one illegal thing, and rat yourself out on the illegal thing you were doing before!" You loudly speak, "I am driving the speed limit because I'm carrying tens of pounds of possibly deadly substances. I don't think any of us want to kill or try to outrun a cop today"
Five nods. "They're right. I need to save ammo"
"Ammo is your main concern?" Allison asks unbelievably.
"Yeah, other than the whole marigold-durango thing and that Viktor is missing, so is Klaus, somehow. And Ben is gonna cause the next apocolypse..." He shrugs. "Yeah, after those, I'm still concerned about saving ammo because it could help end doomsday"
"I feel like you should be more concerned with losing your job"
"About that..." Diego mumbles. "They're Keepers"
"Mhm" Five hums.
The car is silent for a moment.
"Wait, are you a drug dealer?" Lila asks. "I thought you worked at some TV production company"
You bite the inside of your cheek for a moment, leaning forward. "Uh... that was a disguise. And I'm not a dealer, I'm a supplier"
"I feel like that's just as bad," Allison replies.
"It's not, I'm not the one giving it to vulnerable people. I'm just travelling around to deliver it" You argue.
"Traveling to deliver it to people who will give it to vulnerable people. You're still an accomplice!"
"Enough! Focus on driving before I teleport into your seat and drive for you." Five interrupts.
You roll your eyes, silencing yourself.
"Okay, grandpa"
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hargreeves-duncan · 1 month
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✩ = multiple requests
Allison Hargreeves -
Ben Hargreeves -
Diego Hargreeves -
- Diego Hargreeves x fem!reader - Smut 17+
- Diego Hargreeves x fem!reader - Smut 17+
- Diego Hargreeves x fem!Klaus'sbestfriend!reader - Fluff
Five Hargreeves -
- cheating!Five Hargreeves x impliedfem!reader - Angst
- cheating!Five Hargreeves x fem!reader pt.2
- Five Hargreeves x fem!casinowaitress!reader - Fluff
- Five Hargreeves x fem!reader - He Thinks You're Delores
- Five Hargreeves x fem!reader - Spa Day, Fluff/Comfort
- lovesick!Five Hargreeves x fem!reader - Fluff
- Five Hargreeves x gn!reader - Doomed Love, Hurt/Comfort
- Five Hargreeves x gn!reader - Max's Diner, Fluff - ✩
Klaus Hargreeves -
- Klaus Hargreeves x gn!reader - Comfort/Fluff
- Klaus Hargreeves x gn!reader - Smut
Lila Pitts -
Luther Hargreeves -
Viktor Hargreeves -
- Viktor Hargreeves x fem!reader - Period Comfort
- Viktor Hargreeves x fem!Lila'sbestfriend!reader - Fluff
- Viktor Hargreeves x fem!reader - Fluff
- Viktor Hargreeves x gn!reader - Fluff - ✩
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darkened-writer · 1 month
Taking Umbrella Academy requests except for Five!
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book-place · 1 year
Warnings: tua season 1 spoilers, mentions of killing and death, cursing, mentions of drugs, mentions of heart attacks, drinking, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Hargreeves siblings x sister reader
*not my gif*
Summary: When you left, all of your siblings hated you, and now you were facing them once more
A/N: Welcome to book place’s one year event!!
Inspired by: Anti-Hero by Taylor Swift
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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I have this thing where I get older but just never wiser
You let loose a long breath and glanced hesitantly up to the tall, menacing building before you. The building of your childhood, if you could even call it that.
To be completely honest, you didn’t even know why you had come back. You hated your father and your siblings hated you, so why would you show up to the man’s funeral, when they would all be there?
As much as you wanted to turn back around and hail another cab to get you as far away from this place as possible, you put on a brave face and pushed the door open, stepping into the vast entryway.
Barely three small steps had been taken inside by you when you froze at the sound of your name being called.
“Y/n,” Allison had her lips parted slightly in shock from where she and Vanya stood at the end of the hall.
You swallowed thickly, “Hey, guys,” You greeted in a voice that was barely even audible to yourself. You toyed with the ends of your gloves nervously.
“Oh, um,” Allison cleared her throat and strode across the room to see you, stopping a healthy three feet away, “It’s so good to see you, Y/n.”
The words were forced, and you knew it, but you gave her a tight lipped smile and a nod anyway.
“Yeah, same here, Y/n!” Vanya called, and you knew in that moment that after everything, she must have been almost as uncomfortable with being here as you were.
If your original gut instinct wasn’t any indication before, then this interaction told you everything about how this visit would go.
The sight of Diego crossing to the staircase caught all of your attention and he snapped something about Vanya not being welcome back before his eyes snapped over to you.
“Y/n,” He spoke in an awkward greeting before skirting past the three of you and clambering up the stairs.
Not only did your siblings hate you, but you just got confirmation that they were also still scared of you. After all these years, when they had grown up beside you and learned how to deal with your ‘gift’, and yet, they were still wary of what you could and possibly would do.
Midnights become my afternoons
You sat on the windowsill in the attic, legs dangling out the window as you looked up at the moon and stars.
“I figured that I would find you up here, Miss. Y/n.” You heard a voice sound behind you.
Unconsciously, you smiled and turned around, “Pogo,” You greeted kindly.
His smile was something that hadn’t changed a bit over the years, “It is so good to see you.” He said genuinely, walking over until he could grasp your gloved hand and squeeze it gently.
He had always been the only one who wasn’t afraid of you. Of what touching you could do to them. Of how painful their deaths would be if they laid a single finger on your bare skin. How without meaning to, you would slowly and excruciatingly kill them.
That’s why you wore gloves and long sleeves at all times, so that no one would unintentionally be hurt by you.
“It’s late,” You hummed when you pulled away, “What are you doing up?”
“Why, I came up here to ask you the same question.” He mused.
You shrugged nonchalantly, leaning your back against the wall, “I don’t usually go to sleep until really early in the morning.” You informed him.
“Well, that can’t be healthy.”
You laughed loudly, the first time you’d done so in what felt like many months, “It’s probably not.” You agreed once you sobered up.
Too busy looking back out the window, you failed to notice Pogo glance behind him and give a hidden figure a single nod of reassurance.
The only thing that brought your attention back to him was once he gave you a slight pat on your clothed knee, “I am always available if you wish to speak about anything.”
You smiled genuinely, “Thank you, Pogo.”
“Hey, n/n.”
Your head snapped up at the sound of a new voice that spoke as soon as Pogo had left.
“Diego,” You breathed out.
“Listen,” He cleared his throat awkwardly as he shuffled into view, coming to a stop right in front of you- less than a healthy distance away, “I’m sorry about earlier. I just didn’t think you were actually gonna show.”
You smiled tightly, pulling your knees up to your chest, “Yeah, that makes two of us.”
He sighed, dropping down into a crouch before you and looking up into your eyes, “I know none of us left off on a good foot- especially with you- but I want you to know that I’m sorry. For everything.”
Your chest tightened at his words. After all these years of thinking every last one of your siblings despised you for who you were- what you could do- you never thought one of your brothers would be telling you that he didn’t actually hate you at all.
“T-thank you, Diego.” You choked out, eyes filling with tears, “That means a lot.”
When my depression works the graveyard shift
Your eyebrows furrowed as you took tentative steps towards your fathers old office, the one that was supposed to be vacant now that he was dead.
The clattering of objects only got louder the closer you got, and it was making you nervous. Perhaps someone had broken in when they heard that the billionaire was dead? The last thing you wanted was to have to resort to using your powers, because you doubted any of your other siblings would come to your aid. Expect of course, maybe Diego.
“Hello?” You called out slowly when you stepped into the room. At the sound of your voice, a head popped up from behind your fathers old desk with a wide grin, and you couldn’t help but relax slightly, “Klaus.” You breathed out.
“N/n!” Your brother squealed, jumping up the rest of the way and scrambling over to you with outstretched arms.
Alarmed, you took a sudden step back, and he stopped short when he noticed.
“Oh!” He giggled, placing a hand near his mouth, “I forgot about the whole no touchie thing!”
“What are you doing in here?” Your eyes shone in curiosity, pushing down the thoughts that threatened to swarm your mind about Klaus’s first instinct being to hug you.
“You know,” He waved a dismissive hand, “Just getting ahead on my inheritance.”
Despite yourself, your lips twitched upward slightly at the words, “Really?” You asked in slight amusement.
The man’s jaw dropped open and he stared at you with wide eyes, “Was-was that a smile I just saw? Gosh, my memories from when we were kids consisted of you being completely stone-face.” He let out a shrill giggle again, “Though, I suppose I’m now the one that’s stoned!”
Whatever form of a smile had adorned your face immediately fell and you crossed your arms tightly over your stomach.
All of the people I've ghosted stand there in the room
This was terrible.
The silence was painful to sit through. You must have looked like you had an itch with the way you were shifting back and forth on the couch you stiffly sat on beside Vanya.
Nobody was making eye contact with one another, it was just all of you- once siblings, now complete strangers- sitting in a tense circle in your childhood living room.
Finally, Luther cleared his throat and pushed himself off of the couch that was directly across from you, “So, I guess we should get started.” Everyone’s eyes snapped over to the man that had grown more than a little bit over time, “So, I figured we could have a sort of memorial service in the courtyard at sundown. Say a few words, just at Dad's favorite spot.” He spoke awkwardly.
“Dad had a favorite spot?” Allison’s eyebrows had shot up alongside yours in surprise.
Luther’s own eyebrows furrowed, “You know, under the oak tree. We used to sit out there all the time.” He looked around for anyone to agree with him, only to be met with bewildered looks, “None of you ever did that?”
You shook your head softly, looking down at your hands that fiddled with one another from where they rested in your lap.
Klaus strolled over and began talking loudly, and you sat back and watched silently as everyone went back and forth a little bit.
“Listen up,” Luther tried to reign the family in once more when they got off track, “Still some important things that we need to discuss, all right?”
“Like what?” Diego asked with a roll of his eyes from where he was leaning against a pillar near the fireplace.
“Like the way he died.”
Your eyes widened and your mouth dropped open a little as you looked at him, everyone else adorning similar looks.
“I don't understand. I thought they said it was a heart attack.” Vanya piped up in confusion.
“Yeah, according to the coroner.”
“Well, wouldn't they know?”
“Theoretically.” It was clear that Luther was beginning to realize that he had made a mistake by bringing this all up.
“Theoretically?” It was the first time you had spoken up, and you felt a couple of the others glance at you as you did so.
Yet again, your siblings began to bicker back and forth, and you sank lower into the couch cushions, not at all liking the way their voices raised more and more by the minute.
“Oh, isn't it obvious, Klaus? He thinks one of us killed Dad.” Diego’s voice snapped you harshly back to the present and a dangerous silence overcame the entire room again.
You looked up at Luther in disturbance, only to find him already staring down at you. And all at once, you felt your mouth go dry and your throat begin to close up slightly, “You don’t actually think-“
All around you, your siblings caught onto what Luther was really indicating and they adopted looks of shock. Diego let out a low whistle, “That’s messed up, man.”
“Look,” Number one stressed, “I’m just saying, according to the corner, there was nothing wrong with him. With your powers- you could painfully kill a person without showing a mark.”
You hadn’t even realized when you had stood up, but flinched back violently, as if struck, “You think I would kill him?” You whispered with tears forming in your eyes against your will.
Allison pursed her lips and averted her gaze when you desperately looked around for help, making you realize that she was uncertain as well.
“Wow,” You breathed out tearfully, shaking your head back and forth softly before shuffling out of the room.
“Y/n, wait-“
“Good job, Luther.” Diego scoffed and hit his shoulder against his brothers as he trailed after you, “Way to lead.”
I should not be left to my own devices
Somehow, not too long after leaving the living room, you ended up in the courtyard surrounded by your sibling, gazing up with wide eyes at something floating in the sky.
“What is it?”
“Don’t get too close!” Allison called, moving to place her arm in front of you and Vanya, who had your mouths dropped open and took unconscious steps forward.
“Yeah, no shit!” Diego yelled back over the wind, eyes glared against the harsh wind whipping straight at all of you.
Per usual, everyone kept shouting back and forth at one another about what to do, and in doing so, Allison dropped her arm and you were able to slowly creep forward.
Just then, someone fell out of the thing in the sky, landing in a heap right in front of your feet, but everyone was too busy glaring at each other to notice.
“Guys…” You called back cautiously, “Does anyone else see little Number Five, or is that just me?”
They come with prices and vices
You sat on the stairs with your head in your hands, still trying to wrap your mind around everything.
At the beginning of the day, you had come back home expecting to say your goodbyes and possibly even make peace with your father. But now, your long lost brother is back, and not only that, but he claims to have been way older than any of you, whilst being stuck in the body of his thirteen year old self.
“Hey, n/n,” Said brother greeted, strolling over to where you sat with one hand in his pocket and the other holding a sandwich.
You linked your fingers behind your head and tried to smile at him, but you had no doubt that it came out as a grimace, “Five.” You greeted.
Before his disappearance, Five had been the only one who truly was never afraid of you. Even if Diego claimed not to be now, you knew he was still slightly wary, and with good reason too.
“I take it things didn’t go well after I left?” He asked, plopping down onto the stairs beside you.
A small chuckle left your lips at his bluntness. Same old Five.
“No,” You agreed, “They never stopped being scared of me. And I never stopped being scared of myself.” You admitted.
He had always been the only one you could tell everything to about yourself without the fear of judgment.
The two of you fell into a silence that consisted of him munching on his sandwich thoughtfully, “You know,” Five spoke up once he had polished it off, “I think the others have always been more intimidated by you than anything.”
Your eyebrows went up, “How so?” You never really saw yourself as an intimidating individual.
“Because you’re so much more powerful than we all are… and the old man knew that.” He stood up and gave you a tight lipped smile, patting you once on your clothed shoulder and disappearing up the stairs, leaving you to dwell in your thoughts.
I end up in crisis (tale as old as time)
Allison placed a finger over her mouth to signal for you and Vanya to stay silent from where your backs were pressed up against a wall opposite of her.
A large figure in a mask came creeping through the door that you stood on either side of with a large gun resting in his grip, making your heart tighten.
Right on cue, your sister lunged out, kneeing him in the stomach and punching him in the face the second he doubled over in pain.
Quickly, you ushered Vanya out of the room and made sure she was a safe distance away before spinning on your heel to face Allison and the man, the two now throwing punches at one another with the gun discarded to the side.
Without hesitation, you dove at the man and jumped onto his back, throwing him off balance and sending him to the ground.
When he fell, Allison reeled her foot back and sent it straight into his head, effectively knocking him out cold.
For a moment, the two of you just stood there, panting and trying to catch your breaths.
“You know, Y/n,” She spoke up, surprising you, “I don’t actually think you killed dad. I would never think that of you. I was just in shock that Luther would say such a thing that I didn’t know how to react. A-and I’m sorry for not saying anything when he accused you and I know I should have-“
“Allison.” You cut her off gently, “It’s okay.”
She visibly relaxed as if a weight had been taken off of her shoulders, “And listen, I know you think we all hate you,” She took a step forward and slowly placed a hand on your shoulder, eyes searching yours for any sign that you were uncomfortable with the close proximity. “But we don’t, I promise you we don’t. You were just always isolated from us by dad- and I’m not saying it isn’t partially our fault- because it is, but we’re not kids anymore so there’s no excuse for how we acted. I’m sorry.”
First Diego with the apologies, Klaus acting like everything was normal, and then Allison. You couldn’t believe that your siblings were actually trying to make up with you.
Similarly to how when your brother first talked to you like this, tears began to form in your eyes and you smiled up at her, “T-thank you, Allison. That- that means a lot.”
She shook her head gently, “I’m just sorry that it took so long for me to be able to say it.”
I wake up screaming from dreaming
You gasped, shooting upright with heavy pants as you tried to regain your breathing and keep it under control.
You have been through this routine enough times to know what to do so well that it’s almost like second nature to you at this point.
Your head snapped up at the sound of Vanya's voice. She stood in the slightly opened doorway of your childhood room, where you had just been sleeping.
“Vanya,” You breathed out, leaning your back against your headboard, “What’s up?” You swallowed thickly and tried to seem as normal as possible.
The woman hesitated, “I… I left something here so I came back for it but I heard a scream…”
You let a breath loose and allowed your head to fall back, “Sorry,” You apologized in a whisper.
She shook her head back and forth vigorously, “No, no, it’s not your fault. I get it… I get nightmares too…”
You lulled your head to the side and looked at her, “Yeah?”
She nodded, hesitantly shuffling into the room before slowly sitting down on the end of your bed when you moved your feet for her.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” She asked gently.
It was then your turn to shake your head, “No, no, it’s nothing I can’t handle- nothing I’m not used to.” You reassured.
“Well… I’m here if you ever need anything.”
You smiled softly, “Thank you, Vanya.”
One day I'll watch as you're leaving
“Five?” You looked up from your plate filled to the brim with breakfast foods your mother had cooked for you as you watched your brother swiftly walk by, “What’s going on?”
“I need to run an errand.” He answered curtly, “I’ll be back soon.”
Anxiety began to set in the pit of your stomach, “O-oh, do you want me to come with you?”
He quickly shook his head back and forth, “There’s no need, it could be dangerous.”
That made the fear double inside of you, “Are you sure you have to go?” You saw him freeze in his steps when he heard the worry seeping through your tone.
He sighed softly and turned around to face you, “It’ll be fine, I’ll be back soon. I promise.”
You gnawed on your bottom lip, “It’s just… you didn’t come back once. What’s to say it won’t happen again?”
“Me.” He reassured you, “I say that it won’t happen again. I won’t let it. I promise.”
With that, he gave you one last of his rare smiles and continued out of the kitchen.
'Cause you got tired of my scheming (For the last time)
“Oh, sorry,” You mumbled, eyes immediately turning downwards the second you entered the living room, “I didn’t realize anyone was in here-“
“Y/n.” Luther immediately shot up from where he had been sitting on the couch, “No, I’m glad you’re here.” Your quick steps to exit the room paused, “We should talk.” He cleared his throat.
You eyed him hesitantly, “About what?”
“I’m sorry for saying that you killed dad!” He blurted out, cheeks turning red as he spoke, “It’s- it’s just that I was so upset and I didn’t know what really happened so I was creating scenarios that I didn’t even want to come true and-“ He stopped himself and took a deep breath to calm down, “And I know that it’s not an excuse, but I’m still very sorry for saying that you would ever be capable of something like that.”
You stayed silent for a moment before slowly nodding your head, “It’s okay,” You said softly, “I forgive you.”
“Really?” He sighed in relief, “Good, because I was scared for a moment there because I was acting like such an ass and-“
“Luther.” You tried to push away the small smile that threatened to grace your face, “I already said it’s fine, just leave it.”
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me
“We’re like outcast buddies!”
You looked over at Klaus with a raised eyebrow at his words.
The two of you sat on the stools near the bar in your living room, sipping on some concoction of alcohol that was no doubt older than both of you combined and would have given your father a heart attack at seeing if he was still alive.
“I’m pretty sure all of our siblings are outcasts.” You reminded him.
He sat there, pondering your words for a moment before signing and swirling his straw in his drink, “No, no, I suppose you’re right.” He frowned a little bit and slumped his shoulders slightly.
“Do you… want to be outcast buddies?” You asked hesitantly, eyeing your brother.
Immediately, he perked up with a large grin, “Yes! Yes! Yes!” He shrieked, “We can start a club! We can print t-shirts! We can invite new members-“
You chuckled, sitting back and watching in amusement as your brother got excited over seemingly nothing.
At tea time, everybody agrees
“Thanks for the food, mom, it looks delicious.” You said sincerely.
The woman smiled softly and reached over to cup your cheek, and you immediately leaned further into the touch. Because she wasn’t actually human, she could touch you without consequence. And though you knew it wasn’t the same as if another person touched you, you still took what you could get because it was all that you would get, even if it wasn’t real.
“Of course, sweetie.” She answered with that wide, kind smile of hers gently removing her hand after a moment and leaning down to place a ghost kiss on your forehead, making your eyelids flutter shut.
I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror
“It’s really weird to look at, isn’t it?” Five asked, walking up and standing beside you, gazing up at the wall.
It was a portrait of you and all your siblings, before Fives disappearance and Ben’s death, hanging in some random of the many hallways of the home.
“It is.” You agreed with a sigh, eyes taking it all in.
The way Five was the only one standing even remotely close to you in the painting didn’t escape your attention. Nor did the way everyone but him seemed to have their bodies angled away from you just slightly.
You forced yourself to tear your eyes away and you cleared your throat, “Do you ever wonder what it would be like if we never had these powers?” You asked suddenly.
It had been a thought that had been eating away at you since you were at least seven, never having been voiced out loud by you.
“I try not to dwell on it,” Your brother admitted, “‘Cause there’s nothing we can do to change it.”
Despite his words, you allowed yourself, just for a moment, to picture what it would be like. To be able to hug people and shake hands without them having to worry for their life. To not be the scariest, most deadly person in any room you stood in.
It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero
All around you, walls were crumbling down and falling every which way. Each small piece of flying debris threatening to hit you.
Not so gracefully, you stumbled through the shaking building, blindly grasping onto the walls for support as you watched in horror as the house came apart all around you for reasons unknown to you.
“Y/n!” You whipped around at the sound of Luther, Allison, and Diego each calling your name and you began sprinting in their direction at the opposite end of the hall.
They each took a large step back when you neared though, causing you to pause, despite the fact that you needed to push on so that you didn’t get hit.
“What is it? What’s happening to-“ You began asking anxiously
“What did you do?” Luther’s words and tone of horror made the rest of your sentence die in your throat.
“How could you do something like this?” Allison whispered, and despite all the chaos, you somehow were still able to hear her. Her eyes shone with betrayal.
“What?” Your eyebrows furrowed, “What are you talking about?”
“Dad always said that you only reached the tip of the iceberg with your powers.” Diego was glaring at you coldly in a way that made even your heart freeze, “But I never thought you could be capable of something like this.”
“Your powers are to destroy.” Luther hissed venomously, “You can kill everything around you, so why can’t you demolish everything in your path as well with just the touch of your bare fingers?”
Your lungs felt like they were collapsing in on themselves, much like the walls around you, “I would never- I can’t even-“
“I can't believe we trusted you.” Allison shook her head and slowly began backing away once more, “We’ll never make that mistake again.”
The other two trailed after her once they threw more harsh glares your way, not even caring as you sank down to your knees in shock, oblivious to the house that was still caving in on itself all around you.
You had nothing to do with this, you had no idea what was happening. How could they think that you did? After everything, all the progress you all made?
Your suspicions that you had first stepped into this house what felt like years ago- when it had only, in reality, been days- were true.
Your siblings truly did hate you.
The Hargreeves 🦹- @lovanitu @your-local-questioning-agender @jvdethirlwall @ineedmorefanfics2 @sambucky8 @spidyyparker @mukbee @i-writes-things @kiyomi-uchiha777
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agaypanic · 1 month
i wanna watch the umbrella academy again (i only watch S1 when it came out) bc i like the cast, but ive heard about the show’s ending and what happens between five and lila and i do NOT wanna watch that💀
plus i wanna write fics for the characters (five’s look in the new season is so hot, the middle part was the move fr) so id obviously have to watch the show for character accuracy. but idk if i can live through the luther x allison stuff again and after everything ive seen/heard, i refuse to watch the last season. i am NOT built to handle angst and awkward/uncomfortable situations like that
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 ____'𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞...
(A/N: Does not include Five)
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𝑵𝒐. 1 , 𝑳𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 , 𝑺𝒑𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒃𝒐𝒚
girl next door trope
knew you ever since childhood
loves you to death
so soft with you
he's such a gentlemen
pulls out chairs for you and holds doors for you
butttttt you have to deal with his daddy issues
he always comes to you crying whenever something happens
a sweetheart with you though
he's very awkward at comforting you
he likes to cook for you
he's such a good chef ngl
he loves cuddling
he literally is always cuddling you
likes to be big spoon, don't get me wrong he needs comfort
the idea of being able to protect you by being big spoon is so validating to him
he's too big to be little spoon anyway
that is literally his one purpose
if he found you during the 60s or something and he had to leave you he'd never stop talking about you
"I miss (Y/N)..."
"(Y/N) would've liked this.."
"Luther, they're gone."
fml sobbing why did I write that
anyway his one purpose is to love and protect you
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𝑵𝒐. 2 , 𝑫𝒊𝒆𝒈𝒐 , 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑲𝒓𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒏
very jealous
if he sees you with some guy who is flirting with you he will literally glare daggers into him
he will then proceed to walk over to you, sling an arm around your waist and pull you in for a kiss
he doesn't give a shit if anyone's watching
he talks shit about him siblings to you
"Luther thinks he's so much better than all of us-"
"Diego chill out."
oh my god when Viktor wrote that book
(no hate to viktor , viktor is baby)
the shit talk increased so much
he would not shut up about it
help diego would be such a simp for you
like I'm not joking
pure simp
in his eyes you are sweet innocent summer child who can do absolutely no wrong
stabbed someone?
pfft it was probably just an accident
he brings you to visit grace
omg it would be so cute
grace absolutely adores you
she always makes sly comments about how you and diego should get married
he goes redder than the colour red
he wouldn't tell anyone but he secretly loves the idea
he loves kissing your forehead
it's literally his favourite place
you and klaus are besties
he has to deal with you when klaus gets you drunk
"oh. my. god. im upside down."
"(Y/N), you're standing upright. we need to go home.
"... no"
he never gets drunk
fun squasher
he says his body's a temple
youre his nurse
he always comes home injured and gets you to patch him up
he finds it hot
yes, he's bleeding out. yes, he finds you playing nurse to him hot.
priorities ig
he's so soft with you
would kill for you
he probably has
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𝑵𝒐. 3 , 𝑨𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏 , 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑹𝒖𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒓
(refuse to make her evil so s3 allison will not be mentioned)
definitely gets you an acting job in one of her films
she buys you the fanciest stuff
literally you two have the best closet
and you have your own personal stylist
bc why not
you do interviews with her all the time
fans absolutely adore you
there's so many paparazzi pictures of you two together and they eat it up
especially if they include you being doting to claire even though she's not biologically your kid
omg her fans would absolutely love that
so would allison though
if she saw you reading claire a story or smth
her heart would just melt
she might cry ngl
her two favourite ppl in the world just being adorable
you're the cool parent to claire
both of you go to fancy parties and are the hottest couple
"Allison! (Y/N)! How does it feel knowing you're America's favourite couple!"
you're so flattered
allisons just like: yeah ik lmao
she kisses you a lot in public
she knows damn well people are gonna get pictures of it but she loves it
you watch her films with her a lot
if its a particularly old one, you make fun of it with her
"oh my god allison. why do you look like that."
she then proceeds to also make fun of it
you, her and claire go on lots of fancy days out
you may as well considering you're RICH
luther gets a bit jealous sometimes
you help her with her therapy
you comforted her when she custody of claire
you also fought alongside her to get her back
as soon as you do you're happier than ever
you are literally just the cutest family ahdhahfhaj
but then she loses you again when she goes to the 60's
she made it her life's purpose to get back to 2019 with the love of her life and claire
as soon as she accepts that it could take years upon years to reunite with you and claire she finds ray
she knew you'd be happy
but she also knew
she'd never truly move on
omg help I'm gonna start sobbing why do I do this to myself
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𝑵𝒐. 4 , 𝑲𝒍𝒂𝒖𝒔 , 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒆́𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆
you help get him off of drugs
ben adores you
he likes that you're there to help klaus
and that you don't ever drop to his level and just do drugs with him
he also likes how you never shit talk him when klaus starts ranting about how annoying he is
klaus is a huge fan of PDA
he is obsessed with the idea of holding your hands
he is constantly touching you in one way or the other
whether it be holding your hand
or simply having a hand on your leg
it matters to him
and that's why you love it
sweet baby boi has so much love to give
he likes being little spoon
he just loves being in your arms
it helps with his nightmares
diego also approves of you
you've saved him from having to go out and look for klaus in the middle of the night in fear he's high or smth
klaus rants to you every so often
quite often you have to help him through panic attacks
he loves you sm
like he is so lovesick
if anyone were to ever ask about you
oh boy
he gets this lovesick look in his eyes
and then starts rambling about how enamored he is with you and how great you are
it's adorable
he's very clingy but in the best way possible
he matches outfits with you
never a dull moment with you two
often it's you trying to solve whatever problem klaus has somehow managed to conjure up
and klaus just being a devious little shit
but it doesn't matter cause you love him
sometimes he questions why you love him
it makes you cry whenever he asks
you hum in response
"why do you love me...?"
sobbing and you start listing all the reasons
and then he's sobbing
and then you're both sobbing
but anyway
he loves dancing with you
he doesn't care what song
it could be some crappy pop song that's somehow in the top hits
or some classical music that's centuries old
he really doesn't care
he likes spinning you around
he loves seeing how happy it makes you
klaus asks you the most random stuff at 3am
"... (Y/N"
"lawyers hope you get sued, doctors hope you get sick, cops hope you're criminal, mechanics hope you have car trouble, but only a thief wishes prosperity for you."
"... go to bed"
you poor thing
you never get any sleep because of how chatty he is at night
he hates being away from you
if he isn't near you he will start whining to ben
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𝑵𝒐. 6 , 𝑩𝒆𝒏 , 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒓
omg it took him ages to admit his crush on you
he's been crushing on you since you were like 12
when did he admit it?
when he was 18.
he likes reading to you
he loves seeing you get all relaxed at the sound of his voice
it makes him fall even more in love with you
he likes PDA but not that much
just a simple touch is enough for him
this boy blushes so easily
you'll brush his hand and he'll turn so pink
sometimes you'll just be sitting there doing nothing of note
and he'll be staring at you in adoration
he's in absolute awe of you
thinks you're the most adorable thing ever
much like diego
thinks you can do no wrong
you're his sweet, precious girl
he knows everything about you off by heart
from your favourite colour
to your mums favourite song
you thinks it's endearing
he loves holding your hand
playing with your hair is one of his favourite things to do
don't get me wrong he likes when you do it to him
but he much prefers when he does it to you
he finds it really relaxing
he's usually pretty closed off about his childhood but he trusts you
sometimes when something that triggers a bad memory happens he goes to you to rant
he doesn't know what he'd do without you
you're literally his life
when you kiss his nose
he just melts
it's the most adorable thing
he's so good at cheering you up
no matter if its something minor or major
he's always amazing at getting you back to your usual self
he loves taking you on cute little dates
he reads you poetry he wrote
omg he deffo writes a piece of poetry about how much he loves you
omg help this is so cute
overall he's a simp
and it suits him
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𝑵𝒐. 7 , 𝑽𝒊𝒌𝒕𝒐𝒓 , 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑾𝒉𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝑽𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒊𝒏
viktors a sweetheart
he gives you private violin shows
he also rehearses in front of you to see what you think
he tries to get you to critique him
if you don't play violin, you probably just say its all perfect
if you do, you probably give him little tips on areas to work on
you go on little dates to watch the sunset
he has to be little spoon
he just needs some comfort
just needs to be wrapped in your arms and feel safe
poor guy has been through so much
sometimes he gets mad memories of the incident with allison and you have to calm him down
he wouldn't get jealous
he'd just get rlly insecure :(
if he saw someone flirting with you he'd just get a bit sad
he would think the worst and think that you would want to leave him for them :(((
poor bby
opens up to you about how bad his childhood was
sometimes he regrets writing the book
you have to reassure him that it's okay and they don't hate him for it
sure, they did, but not anymore
klaus thinks you two are adorable together
you've got quite a few polaroids of the two of you together
he has them on those little string lights above your bed
he keeps at least one in his pocket at all times
he does that thing where you check if you still have something valuable and it's so cute for some reason
and when he checks and its still there it puts this small little smile on his face
omg it's just shfjsjfjsjf
you take care of him when he's sick
he hates it bc he feels bad that you have to take care of him
but deep down he loves it and will treasure those memories forever
but he'd do the exact same thing if you were sick
whenever you buy him something he always feels bad if he didn't get you something
"Vik it's okay! you didn't have to get me anything,"
it's absolutely adorable
Taglist: @book-place
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girlkisser13 · 1 month
the umbrella academy masterlist
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allison hargreeves
ben hargreeves
diego hargreeves
five hargreeves
klaus hargreeves
luther hargreeves
viktor hargreeves
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gravity-barbie · 1 month
There's only one bed HCs
Featuring: Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, Viktor, Lila, Sparrow!Ben & Sloane
A/N: This isn’t a request, I just had to post the fluffiest prompt I could after s4. Also, the umbrella’s characterisation in this is very s1 inspired.
Luther Hargreeves
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-Luther is immediately very flustered, you’d think he just stumbled out of the middle ages with how concerned about propriety he is in this situation, and he can barely form a coherent sentence
-He offers to take the floor, but if you do the same and/or insist on sharing he’ll quickly compromise on the latter if for no other reason than not wanting to disagree with you, but that decision has his heart racing a mile a minute
-He feels very self-conscious about taking up most of the bed, so any reassurance from you that you’re comfortable, or better yet, like his closeness absolutely melts him
-He stays half awake all night, too afraid of doing something embarrassing in his sleep to get any proper rest, but his contentment to just enjoy your nearness still makes it one of the best nights of his life
-Since he was already awake (and he’s a total sweetheart) he gets up early to scavenge you two up a breakfast in the morning, enjoying this slice of domesticity with you a little longer
Diego Hargreeves
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-Diego says he’ll take the floor, but if you even slightly question that choice he gets embarrassed and defensive, suggesting you two share the bed just to prove that he ‘doesn’t care’
-Obviously he does care, outwardly he keeps his cool, but on the inside he’s swarming with butterflies like he’s a teenager
-As much as he tries to appear aloof, he’s actually being so considerate, checking if you’re comfortable more than once and making sure he isn’t touching you at all
-He’s not the easiest sleeper, tense and alert, and at first lying next to his crush doesn’t exactly help, but as the two of you talk and banter a little, the tension starts to defuse and he actually finds your presence very soothing
-He’s the type to get cuddly in his sleep, much to his shame and annoyance in the morning, he doesn’t let himself enjoy the amazing feeling of holding you in his arms for even a full minute before he’s scrambling back to his side of the bed and pretending to be asleep
Allison Hargreeves
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-Allison can be a grown up about this, there’s only one bed, why wouldn’t you share it? She’s not indifferent but she doesn’t overanalyse the situation either
-She gladly embraces the domesticity of the scenario though, drawing out her nightly routine, and getting chattier than usual, trying to savor this experience that she’s wanted for so long
-She’s also trying to make sure you feel at ease too, figuring if you do feel awkward, that’ll fade as the two of you talk and unwind
-She is prone to nightmares, so don’t be surprised if you’re startled awake in the middle of the night and put in the unenviable position of trying to ease her, but she for one is very glad that it’s you she wakes up to
-Speaking of waking up, sunrise is the peak of this experience for her, feeling yours and her tangled limbs, seeing how peaceful you look while you sleep, it's the kind of moment she understands the importance of cherishing
Klaus Hargreeves
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-Klaus suggests sharing, he’s slept under way more awkward circumstances next to people he’s felt way more uncomfortable around, it’s really no big deal
-He has to remind himself to keep his thoughts PG a couple of times and can’t get through the night without making at least one innuendo but overall he is respectful and won't likely make you uncomfortable
-Though he can keep his thoughts clean it's harder to keep them platonic, the longing he feels being so close to you is nearly overwhelming and he wishes so badly that the context was different
-With you by his side he sleeps more peacefully than he has in… ever, it actually kind of amazes him
-He's in no rush to leave your side in the morning, the sleep clouding his brain making him all too willing to forget his reservations and cuddle up to you for as long as you'll have him
Viktor Hargreeves
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-Ever the gentleman, Viktor immediately offers to take the floor, but he feels quite heart-warmed by you insisting on sharing
-Even platonically the intimacy of sharing a bed means so much to someone as affectionate starved as him, but with the added context of you being his crush this experience feels like a mini miracle
-He's pretty nervous though, triple checking that you're okay with this and minimizing his own space as much as possible when he gets into bed
-He relaxes with some reassurance and the two of you quickly get comfortable, starting up a random conversation that's meant to segway into sleep but could keep you talking all night if you're not careful
-As opposed to the anxious start to the night, waking up next to each other feels like the most natural thing in the world
Lila Pitts
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-Lila's thrilled, she doesn’t immediately suggest sharing but she makes it clear she’s not sleeping on the floor and is all too happy to accommodate you if you won't either
-If you do try to give her the bed and take the floor though she stops playing coy and basically tells you to grow up and share with her, insisting it’s no big deal
-But to her it is a big deal, honestly she can't believe she didn't plan this herself it's that perfect, she can barely fight back an unending smile
-Though keeping things sfw she does lay the flirting on thicker than usual and pays close attention to how you react to that and the situation you're in throughout the night
-As bold as she is she isn't actually used to this kind of closeness and the intimacy of sleeping next to her crush does start making her slightly nervous, but luckily your presence has a way of making her feel better
Ben Hargreeves
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-Ben’s not exactly a go with the flow type, if you’re put in a position where there’s meant to be two beds and there’s only one, he’s gonna try to get his other bed
-Ands it’s only after all his demands fall on deaf ears that he even registers the implications of sharing the one, nervousness quickly sets in but he tries not to show it, avoiding looking at you and giving his usual sass
-He does offer you the bed, sounding more begrudging than he actually is, it’s actually his preferred solution, cause as spoiled as he acts he could never sleep comfortably at your expense
-But of course you insist on sharing and as soon as he’s laying next to you, he confirms what a bad idea this was, he’s just as flustered as he feared he would be, maybe more so
-He pretends to fall asleep as soon as possible so you won’t catch on to how he’s feeling, but actually he’s awake and on edge for hours
Sloane Hargreeves
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-Sloane has encountered this scenario in more than one romance novel before, so her brain just goes wild with the possibilities
-You’re the one to suggest sharing the bed, and it absolutely melts her heart, it's sweet and it's a relief to know you're comfortable being this close to her
-She always has a hard time hiding her crush on you, but she’s never been so flustered before, the butterflies in her stomach verge on painful
-But she's also giddy and her contagious enthusiasm guarantees the two of you will have a good night, your energy is half 'slumber party' and half 'married couple's nightly routine'
-The experience is wonderful for not just Sloane but you as well, because even if you didn't have a crush on her before, spending a night with her surely makes you realize you want to spend many more with her
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tothosewholisten · 1 month
Ik people hated the umbrella academy ending, but if you had a choice how would u make it go? Plsss write in the comments I'm curious how I end my story without it being shit
And add anything from the whole season u would change
Here's my story if u wanna read it so far!
Forever Healed | TUA insert
I'd start by saying like, Viktor can clearly take out marigold, if he had taken Ben's out wouldn't Jennifer have nothing to cling on to? Idek
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nickeverdeen · 15 days
Dating yandere TUA characters
Luther Hargreeves
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Luther insists on training you to be strong and capable, just like him
He believes that the only way you can be safe is if you can defend yourself
He constantly pushes you beyond your limits, often to the point of exhaustion, but he sees it as necessary to protect you
Luther frequently brings up shared memories, emphasizing how much you mean to him and how special your bond is
He uses these memories to create a sense of dependency, making it seem like no one else understands or cares for you as deeply as he does
As the de facto leader of the Hargreeves siblings, Luther naturally takes charge
He extends this authority into your relationship, making decisions on your behalf and expecting you to comply without question
He believes he knows what’s best for you and often dismisses your opinions
Luther talks about your future together as if it’s already decided, with plans for marriage, children, and a shared life
He doesn’t seek your input on these plans, instead presenting them as inevitable and perfect, making it hard for you to voice any doubts or objections
Luther loves taking you on spontaneous trips to remote and isolated places where you can be alone together
These adventures are meant to be romantic, but they also serve to keep you away from others and make you more reliant on him
He collects and cherishes items that remind him of you, like a lock of your hair, a piece of your clothing, or a note you wrote
He keeps these mementos in a secret box, often looking at them to feel closer to you
Luther overanalyzes your interactions with others, always on the lookout for potential threats
He questions you about your relationships and can become paranoid, interpreting innocent actions as signs of betrayal or disinterest
Luther needs constant reassurance of your love and commitment
He frequently asks if you love him and requires you to demonstrate your affection through words and actions, making it difficult for you to express any dissatisfaction or desire for space
Luther often physically places himself between you and perceived dangers, whether it’s a person or a situation
His protective nature can be comforting, but it also isolates you and limits your freedom
Luther exaggerates situations to make himself your hero
He might create problems just so he can solve them and reinforce the idea that you need him to protect and save you
Luther intervenes in your life decisions, believing he knows what’s best for you
This includes your career, friends, and hobbies
He frames his control as care and concern, making it hard for you to see his actions as manipulative
Luther buys you clothes and insists you wear them, often choosing items that reflect his taste and preferences
He wants to shape your appearance to fit his ideal image of you
Luther keeps a secret box filled with mementos from your relationship, like movie tickets, dried flowers, and photos
He looks at these items to feel closer to you and to remind himself of your bond
Without your knowledge, Luther sets up cameras in your home to monitor you and “ensure your safety”
He justifies this invasion of privacy as a necessary precaution to protect you
Luther establishes strict traditions in your relationship, like weekly date nights or annual trips, which you must follow
These traditions create a sense of routine and stability but also limit your autonomy
Luther pushes you to integrate deeply with his family, encouraging you to spend more time with his siblings and less with your own family and friends
This isolates you from your support network and makes you more dependent on him
Luther is obsessed with monitoring your health, from your diet to your exercise routine
He insists on accompanying you to doctor’s appointments and making decisions about your healthcare
When you’re apart, Luther floods you with messages and calls, demanding constant updates on your whereabouts and activities
This makes it difficult for you to have any personal space or privacy
Luther uses his own emotions to guilt you into compliance
If you try to assert your independence or express dissatisfaction, he reacts with hurt and disappointment, making you feel responsible for his feelings
Luther demands your loyalty and commitment without providing the same in return
He expects you to prioritize him above all else, even if it means sacrificing your own needs and desires
Luther manages your social media presence, deciding what you can and cannot post
He wants to control how you present yourself to the world and ensure that your online interactions align with his expectations
Diego Hargreeves
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Diego is always armed and ready to ‘protect’ you from any slight inconvenience or perceived threat
He believes that being physically prepared is the best way to keep you safe, and his protective instincts can be overwhelming
He regularly tests your self-defense skills under the guise of safety
Diego insists on teaching you how to fight and defend yourself, often putting you through rigorous and sometimes dangerous training sessions
Diego secretly patrols around your neighborhood at night, watching over your home to ensure you’re safe
He often goes to great lengths to remain unseen, creating a sense of security but also a feeling of being constantly watched
Diego follows you silently to ensure your safety
He believes that by shadowing you, he can prevent any potential harm
This behavior can be unsettling, making you feel like you can never truly be alone
He conducts surprise safety drills to prepare you for ‘emergencies’
Diego might suddenly stage a mock attack or evacuation, expecting you to react quickly and correctly
Diego turns dates into elaborate missions, incorporating elements of danger and excitement
While he sees this as a way to bond, it often puts you in stressful and uncomfortable situations
He insists on checking the perimeter of any place you go together, whether it’s a restaurant, park, or even your own home
Diego’s need to secure every environment can be exhausting and intrusive
Diego challenges those who he thinks are getting too close to you
He becomes aggressive and confrontational, often picking fights with anyone he perceives as a threat to your relationship
Diego attempts to control the paths you take in life, from your career choices to your social interactions
He believes that he knows what’s best for you and tries to steer you accordingly
He gifts you weapons disguised as thoughtful presents, like a stylish knife or a discreet taser
Diego sees these gifts as practical and necessary, though they might make you uncomfortable
Diego enlists friends to watch over you without your knowledge
He creates a network of people who report back to him about your activities and interactions, making it hard for you to have any privacy
Diego obsessively checks the safety of your environment, from inspecting your home for vulnerabilities to researching crime rates in areas you visit
His constant vigilance can make you feel suffocated
He keeps a detailed journal of your daily activities, noting where you go and who you meet
Diego’s meticulous tracking is framed as a way to ensure your safety, but it feels more like surveillance
Diego enforces strict boundaries on who can interact with you, often forbidding you from seeing certain friends or family members
He believes that by controlling your social circle, he can better protect you
Diego gets you a dog to ‘protect’ you, training it to be fiercely loyal and vigilant
While the dog provides companionship, it also serves as another means of control and surveillance
He sabotages your tech so you can only rely on him
Diego might interfere with your phone, computer, or internet connection, making it difficult for you to communicate or seek help
Diego insists on accompanying you everywhere as a bodyguard, even to mundane places like the grocery store
His constant presence is meant to ensure your safety but also limits your freedom
He follows you in disguise to avoid detection
Diego goes to great lengths to remain hidden while keeping an eye on you, often lurking in the background of your daily life
Diego dictates where and when you can go out, planning all your outings to fit his schedule and ensure your safety
This limits your spontaneity and ability to make independent decisions
He forms alliances with those he deems safe for you, encouraging you to spend time with them while isolating you from others
Diego’s strategic friendships are meant to create a controlled social environment
Diego lies to protect you from ‘dangerous’ truths, often hiding information or manipulating facts
He believes that by controlling what you know, he can keep you safe and reliant on him
Allison Hargreeves
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Allison uses her power to ‘rumor’ you into believing you’re deeply in love with her and need her constant presence
She manipulates your thoughts and feelings to ensure you stay loyal and dependent on her
She meticulously curates your public image, deciding what you wear, how you present yourself, and even what you say
Allison wants to create a perfect picture of your relationship for others to admire
Allison manipulates your social interactions, ensuring you’re surrounded only by people she approves of
She subtly influences your friendships and relationships to maintain control over your social life
She uses her connections and influence to shape your career path
Allison might secure opportunities for you or sabotage potential threats, making you feel indebted to her for your success
Allison often brings up emotional moments from your past to keep you anchored to her
She reminds you of how she supported you through tough times, making it hard for you to imagine life without her
She involves you in her personal projects and passions, making sure your lives are deeply intertwined
Allison wants to ensure you spend most of your time and energy on things that matter to her
She subtly rumors you into developing interests and hobbies that align with hers
Allison shapes your preferences and desires to ensure you’re always on the same page
She uses her power to create misunderstandings and conflicts between you and others, isolating you from potential threats
Allison believes that by keeping you isolated, she can ensure your loyalty
Allison frequently engages in public displays of affection and declarations of love
She wants everyone to see how perfect your relationship is, creating pressure for you to maintain that image
She uses her powers to manipulate your emotions during arguments, ensuring you always come back to her
Allison can make you feel guilty, sad, or euphoric with just a few words
Allison insists on constant communication, flooding you with texts and calls throughout the day
She wants to know every detail of your life and ensure you’re always thinking about her
She shares personal secrets and expects you to do the same, creating a sense of intimacy and trust
Allison uses these secrets to bond you closer to her and to manipulate your emotions
She establishes strict routines and rituals in your relationship, from daily phone calls to weekly date nights
Allison believes that by creating a predictable pattern, she can maintain control
She offers support in ways that subtly sabotage your independence
Allison might take care of things for you, making you reliant on her help and diminishing your ability to function without her
She rumors you to have dreams and aspirations that align with hers
Allison shapes your goals and ambitions, ensuring you’re always working towards a future that includes her
Allison invests heavily in your emotional well-being, offering constant support and encouragement
She makes herself indispensable, so you feel you can’t succeed without her
She creates and reinforces positive memories of your relationship, often planning elaborate events and surprises
Allison wants you to look back on your time together with fondness and gratitude
She rumors others to be jealous of your relationship, making you feel special and valued
Allison uses this tactic to create a sense of exclusivity and pride in your bond
She tells protective lies to keep you from potential harm or distress
Allison believes that by controlling what you know, she can shield you from anything that might threaten your happiness or their relationship
She frames her controlling behavior as compassion and care
Allison insists she’s doing everything for your benefit, making it hard for you to see her actions as manipulative
She pressures you to be perfect in every aspect of your life, reflecting her own need for control and image maintenance
Allison’s high expectations make it difficult for you to relax or be yourself
Klaus Hargreeves
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Klaus creates a sense of emotional dependency by being your primary source of comfort and joy
He makes you feel that only he can understand and alleviate your emotional pain
Klaus’s behavior is erratic and unpredictable, making you constantly guess what will make him happy
This keeps you on edge and focused on pleasing him
He introduces you to his vices, such as drinking or partying, creating a bond over shared indulgences
Klaus uses these activities to keep you close and reliant on him for fun and excitement
Klaus emphasizes a deep, spiritual connection between you, claiming that your souls are meant to be together
He often talks about past lives and fate to reinforce this idea
He uses his own emotional ups and downs to manipulate your feelings
Klaus’s mood swings keep you constantly attentive and eager to make him happy
Klaus isolates you from others by monopolizing your time and attention
He makes you feel guilty for spending time with anyone else, insisting that you only need him
Klaus creates art, music, or poetry for you, making you feel special and unique
He uses these creative expressions to keep you emotionally invested in the relationship
He insists on being with you constantly, whether in person or through frequent texts and calls
Klaus makes it difficult for you to have any personal space or time alone
He gives you eccentric and meaningful gifts that only he could think of, reinforcing the idea that your relationship is unique and special
Klaus convinces you that your love is different from everyone else’s, using this belief to justify his unconventional and often controlling behavior
He creates or exaggerates emotional crises to keep you focused on him
Klaus frequently needs your support and reassurance, making you feel indispensable
Klaus makes you feel spiritually dependent on him, claiming that he can connect with the afterlife and provide insights that no one else can
He insists on late-night conversations that leave you emotionally drained but deeply connected
Klaus uses these talks to explore your deepest fears and desires
Klaus creates a chaotic environment that keeps you off balance and reliant on him for stability
He thrives in disorder and ensures you’re always part of it
He deflects blame for his erratic behavior onto external forces or other people, making you feel protective and understanding towards him
Klaus involves you in spiritual rituals or ceremonies, creating a sense of shared purpose and exclusivity
These rituals reinforce your bond and dependence on him
He needs constant reassurance of your love and loyalty, making you feel responsible for his emotional well-being
Klaus engages in dramatic displays of affection and devotion, making you feel like the center of his universe
He becomes your secret keeper, encouraging you to share your innermost thoughts and fears with him
Klaus uses this information to deepen your emotional bond
He takes you on spontaneous and eccentric adventures, making your life feel exciting but also unpredictable and dependent on his whims
Five Hargreeves
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Five views you as his timeless possession, someone who belongs to him across all timelines
He often speaks about your destiny together and how he’s seen every possible future where you end up together
He strategically isolates you from others, using his intelligence to create situations where you’re dependent on him
Five ensures that you rely on him for problem-solving and guidance
Five dominates conversations with his intelligence, making you feel inferior and dependent on his knowledge and decisions
He manipulates time to keep you close, altering events to ensure you always end up together
Five uses his powers to control your environment and interactions
Five constantly talks about the future he envisions for you both, making plans that leave no room for your own desires or independence
He calculates every possible threat to your safety and takes preemptive actions, often without your knowledge
Five’s protective nature borders on paranoia
Five uses his time travel abilities to observe you without being seen, ensuring you’re safe and loyal
His unseen presence makes you feel watched even when you’re alone
He strategically creates jealousy by mentioning other versions of you he’s encountered in different timelines, making you feel special but also insecure
Five engages you in intellectual games and puzzles, reinforcing your dependency on his intelligence and making you feel bonded through shared activities
He gives you gifts from different timelines, unique items that make you feel cherished but also remind you of his power and control
Five involves you in calculated risks and adventures, making you feel alive and dependent on his skills for survival
He plays mind games to keep you emotionally and mentally engaged, ensuring you’re always thinking about him and your relationship
Five keeps secrets under the guise of protecting you, creating a sense of mystery and dependency on his knowledge
He tells stories of alternate timelines where things went wrong, using these narratives to justify his controlling behavior
Five influences your decisions and actions without you realizing it, subtly steering your life in the direction he wants
He uses his abilities to constantly surveil you, ensuring you’re always safe but also under his control
Five creates an intellectual bond by sharing his knowledge and experiences, making you feel connected on a deeper level
He manipulates time to create perfect moments and memories, making it hard for you to imagine life without him
Five’s protection is calculated and strategic, ensuring you’re always in situations where you need him
He controls your emotions by altering events and interactions, ensuring you always feel dependent on his presence and support
Five’s commitment is timeless, making you feel like your relationship transcends all boundaries and time itself
Ben Hargreeves
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Ben uses his sensitivity to create a deep emotional bond, making you feel like he’s the only one who truly understands you
Even in death, Ben’s presence is felt, making you feel watched and protected
He often communicates through signs and messages, ensuring you never forget him
Ben shares his grief and struggles with you, creating a bond over mutual pain and understanding
He emphasizes a spiritual connection, claiming that your souls are linked and that you’re meant to be together even beyond death
Ben uses his emotions to manipulate yours, making you feel guilty or responsible for his happiness
He’s always there to comfort you, creating a dependency on his presence and support
He uses emotional anchors, such as shared memories or significant events, to keep you connected to him
Ben’s protective nature is overwhelming, ensuring you’re always safe but also limiting your freedom
Even when not physically present, Ben’s influence is felt, making you feel like he’s always watching over you
He emphasizes shared goals and dreams, making you feel like your futures are intertwined
Ben offers spiritual guidance, making you feel like you need his wisdom and insight to navigate life
He creates a sense of emotional dependency, making you feel like you can’t be happy or complete without him
Ben needs constant reassurance of your love and loyalty, making you feel responsible for his emotional well-being
He keeps and cherishes shared memories, often bringing them up to reinforce your bond
Ben is always there to provide emotional support, making you reliant on his presence and guidance
He creates an invisible bond, ensuring you always feel connected to him even when apart
Ben shares his pain and struggles, creating a sense of mutual understanding and dependency
He tells protective lies to keep you safe, making you feel like he’s always looking out for you
Ben often sacrifices his own happiness for yours, making you feel indebted and responsible for his well-being
He makes you feel spiritually dependent on him, creating a sense of belonging and purpose in your relationship
Viktor Hargreeves
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Viktor creates an emotional symbiosis, making you feel like your happiness and well-being are intertwined
He constantly seeks reassurance and validation from you, making you feel responsible for his emotional state
Viktor is fiercely protective, often to the point of overbearing
He insists on knowing your whereabouts and who you’re with at all times, justifying his behavior as concern for your safety
He shares his deepest fears and insecurities with you, creating a bond over mutual vulnerability
Viktor uses this emotional intimacy to keep you close and dependent on his presence
Viktor becomes your main source of support, both emotionally and practically
He’s always there to help you with your problems, making you feel like you can’t manage without him
He often revisits significant memories from your relationship, emphasizing how much you mean to him
Viktor uses these memories to remind you of your bond and to guilt you into staying with him
Viktor encourages you to share in his musical talents, making you feel special and unique
He uses this shared activity to create a deeper connection and to keep you engaged in his world
He becomes your emotional anchor, the person you turn to in times of distress
Viktor’s constant presence and support make you feel like you can’t face challenges without him
Viktor subtly isolates you from others, encouraging you to spend more time with him and less with friends and family
He creates a world where it feels like it’s just the two of you against everyone else
He needs constant reassurance of your love and commitment, often questioning your loyalty
Viktor’s insecurity makes you feel like you must constantly prove your affection
Viktor sacrifices his own needs and desires for yours, making you feel indebted to him
His selflessness creates a sense of obligation and loyalty on your part
He shares his past traumas and expects you to do the same, creating a bond over shared pain and healing
Viktor’s openness makes you feel like you’re the only one who truly understands him
Viktor tells small lies to protect you from harsh truths, believing it’s for your own good
His protective nature can feel suffocating as he tries to shield you from anything that might cause you distress
He manipulates your emotions to keep you close, using guilt, fear, and love to control your actions
Viktor’s emotional intelligence allows him to subtly influence your feelings and decisions
Viktor provides stability in your life, making you feel like you can’t function without his presence
His calming influence becomes a crutch that you rely on heavily
He establishes routines and traditions that you both follow, creating a sense of normalcy and predictability
Viktor’s routines make it difficult for you to imagine life without him
Viktor insists on constant tracking where you are and contact, whether through texts, calls, or in person
He makes you feel like you need to be in touch with him at all times to maintain the relationship
He bonds with you over deep, emotional conversations, making you feel like he’s the only one who truly understands you
Viktor’s empathy and understanding create a strong emotional connection
Viktor takes protective measures to ensure your safety, such as checking in on you frequently and advising you on who to trust
His protective behavior can make you feel like you’re always under his watchful eye
He creates a sense of emotional dependency, making you feel like you can’t be happy without him
Viktor’s constant presence and support make it difficult for you to imagine life on your own
Viktor shares intimate secrets and expects you to do the same, creating a bond of trust and vulnerability
His openness makes you feel like you’re the only one who truly knows him
He uses emotional blackmail to keep you close, threatening to harm or kill himself or leave if you try to distance yourself
Viktor’s manipulation creates a sense of fear and obligation, making it hard for you to break free
Lila Pitts
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Lila creates an emotional whirlwind around you, making every day unpredictable
Her volatile emotions keep you constantly engaged and focused on her
Lila’s behavior is highly unpredictable, keeping you on edge and dependent on her for stability
She swings between affection and anger, making you feel like you need to constantly please her
She uses affection as a tool to manipulate you, showering you with love when you comply with her wishes and withdrawing it when you don’t
Lila takes you on emotional highs and lows, creating a sense of dependency on her for your emotional well-being
She involves you in her adventures and schemes, making you feel like an essential part of her world
Lila’s thrill-seeking behavior keeps you constantly engaged
Lila creates constant drama in your relationship, making you feel like you need to be there to support and calm her
She demands unwavering loyalty from you, often testing your commitment through manipulative means
Lila plays emotional games to keep you on your toes, using jealousy, guilt, and affection to control your behavior
She isolates you from others by creating conflicts with your friends and family, ensuring you rely solely on her
Lila creates intense bonding experiences, making you feel like you share a unique and unbreakable connection
She makes you emotionally dependent on her, ensuring you can’t imagine life without her presence and support
Lila shares and demands intimate secrets, creating a bond of trust and manipulation
She manipulates your emotions to keep you close, using affection, guilt, and fear to control your actions
Lila insists on constant contact, ensuring you’re always thinking about her and your relationship
She controls your emotions by creating situations that elicit specific reactions, making you feel like she’s the only one who truly understands you
Lila’s love is unpredictable, swinging between intense affection and cold detachment, making you constantly strive for her approval
She shares intimate secrets and expects you to do the same, creating a bond of trust and dependency
She tells protective lies to keep you safe, making you feel like she’s always looking out for you
Lila emphasizes shared goals and dreams, making you feel like your futures are intertwined
She provides emotional support, making you feel like you can’t face challenges without her presence and guidance
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helaintoloki · 1 month
wait okay but an allison x fem reader taking place pres4 where reader is claire’s babysitter and allison is like so into reader because she’s so good with Claire
maybe allison is always trying to flirt with reader and she just thinks allison is trying to be nice idk im just so incredibly down bad for allison this season she looked sooo good
a/n: i don’t usually write for allison so this was a bit challenging but still fun !
summary: allison has a crush on claire’s nanny
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You’re curled up on the couch engrossed in your favorite book when Allison finally comes home from work. You don’t hear her at first which allows her a moment to simply stop and admire the woman she’s developed feelings for over the course of the past few months.
You’ve been a big help in raising Claire and helping her stay sane after becoming estranged from her siblings and dealing with the aftermath of Ray’s departure. Though you’re meant to be a nanny for her daughter, it often seems like you’re helping Allison out more than anything. However, you don’t mind it in the slightest, and there isn’t anything you wouldn’t do for her.
“Hey,” she calls quietly so as to not startle you, her heart skipping a beat when you turn to her with a soft smile. “Is Claire in bed?”
“I tucked her in an hour ago,” you confirm with a small nod. “How’d the commercial shoot go?”
“As good as you’d expect for a laundry detergent gig,” Allison admits with an annoyed sigh before seating herself beside you on the couch. “How did tonight go?”
“We did some finger painting, made dinner, watched a movie, and she didn’t give me any trouble when it was time for bed,” you note with a pleased smile. “There’s leftovers in the kitchen if you want me to heat them up for you before I go.”
“That would be perfect,” the woman utters gratefully. Before you can rise from the couch, she gently takes your hand in her own and gives it a tight squeeze. “Thank you for… well, everything. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Allison hopes you’ll notice the lovesick look in her eyes and the gentle nature in which she grasps your hand, she hopes you’ll pick up on the signals she’s been giving you for weeks and finally make a move on her, but all she is gifted with is a careful squeeze of her hand in return.
“You don’t have to thank me,” you assure her with a playful grin, “it’s what you pay me for.”
You don’t notice the way she deflates at your words, sinking lower into the couch as she mouths the word ‘idiot’ to herself once you’ve turned your back and disappeared into the kitchen. Another pathetic attempt at getting you to notice how much she likes you has failed yet again, and she is left to sit in the silence of her defeat.
Maybe one of these days you’ll finally realize that her words are more than just playful banter or polite conversation.
Maybe one day you’ll realize that Allison really loves you, and she hopes that maybe one day you’ll love her too.
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swanimagines · 11 months
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Luther Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Allison Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Five Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Viktor Hargreeves
(Any of the other characters don't have any requests written nor pending as for now, so I'm unable to have serieses for them as AO3 requires you to have at least one oneshot written to be able to add it to a series, and I can't promise serieses for characters who don't have requests pending/I have no ideas of my own for them)
For anyone who's concerned, THESE ARE NOT ONESHOT COLLECTIONS, they are made using AO3's "series" feature.
If you want to be informed about new fics for TUA or its individual characters, create an AO3 account and subscribe or bookmark any of those serieses listed above. There are buttons at the top right corner for those, or on top on mobile. I do not do Tumblr taglists anymore.
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