#Vendra Prog
assassyart · 11 months
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You're not afraid of little old me, are you?
Sketched a little Vendra Prog from memory for the spooky season~ 👻
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prismaticdragee · 1 year
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P(r)og ✨
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nether-twins · 4 months
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((Pansexual Vendra Prog for pride month!))
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miharuthefox · 7 months
The Ratchet & Clank series has introduced us to a diverse lineup of female characters over the years, each with their own impact on the narrative and unique relationships with Ratchet. But who is best-suited for him as a love interest?
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nevermindtheweights · 6 months
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I actually do have a gothic villianess.
Vendra Prog
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redemptioninchaos · 1 year
you are not a complete idiot. ((For Sergio with Neftin nether-twins))
Sergio went on a date an outing with Vendra one day to get his mind off of working some time after the Hagglesetz incident. Things were relatively peaceful that time around, but a brand new batch of thugs accosted them, mostly targeting Vendra. With all the stress built up from the past few weeks, Sergio couldn't blame her for having gone a little too far in defending herself and him.
However, Sergio wasn't passive that time around, taking his Omniblaster out and firing the thugs while Vendra repelled them with her magic. There was one who'd gotten the drop on Sergio and had a clear shot at him. Vendra noticed that before Sergio did and stepped in front of him to block the bullet. Somehow, the bullet surpassed Vendra's magical defenses and hit her square in the stomach.
The wound had sapped Vendra of her energy, nearly collapsing before Sergio caught her. The wound wasn't too deep, but it knocked her out cold.
Knowing that the Progs had a spare supply of Nanotech at home, Sergio sped towards their home and rushed her inside, applying first aid. He'd done the same thing for himself plenty of times, but it felt different applying it to someone else, someone he wasn't just trying to keep alive for a paycheck.
The nanotech worked its magic, but Vendra was still out cold. That she was injured was both Neftin and Sergio's nightmare, and when Neftin asked him what happened, he figured it was best not to give the whole truth. But knowing how much the Progs have both done for him, the truth was the least Neftin deserved.
So, Sergio explained what happened, not missing a single detail. When he spoke about Vendra taking a blast for him, his entire body shuddered. Vendra could have died protecting Sergio; if that happened, he would have accepted whatever fate Neftin saw fit to exact on him.
Sergio called himself a complete idiot for not checking his six. He'd been trained for situations like that, but that one mistake could have been even more critical. To that day, he still didn't know what the Progs did to draw so much ire from the townsfolk, but he figured he was in good company as he explained what he did to the thug who shot Vendra. One blast to the cranium made sure the thug wouldn't see the light of day again, unlike his cronies.
Once he was finished talking, Sergio tried and failed to blink back the tears welling up in his eyes. He didn't beg Neftin to show mercy; all he asked was that he finish his story uninterrupted. He didn't cry about what may have happened after he finished his story, but rather about what could have happened if things went any more wrong...
His ears twitched when Neftin spoke in a surprisingly understanding way. He looked up to the titan, tears streaking his face fur.
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mrdrhenwardhykle · 2 months
I know this was a UBER long time ago but I honestly wanna hear your ideas for a Playstation all stars sequal ideas. People don't give the game enough credit...
tbh I really do think that it gets a little overwhelming sometimes with people's fan rosters, either it's way too many freaking characters compared to the more composed and manageable cast of the original, or it takes out too many of the original characters and just leaves most of the roster to modern Playstation.
The psasbr in my head would be more story driven, likely showing team interactions between characters, multiple cutscenes predating the aftermath of said chosen character getting the power and meeting their rival, and cutscenes and missions that resolve the conflict.
Maybe the use of Nanotech in battles (which is constantly seen and used in the original to power up the levels) is explained via usual infomercial Ratchet and Clank style, explaining that there might be aftereffects to various different species including violent outbursts and anger issues.
Every cutscene follows a different POV of the same story. Eventually two or more characters meet up, and gain a buddy system. Maybe multiplayer would be highly encouraged. With the main cast from the original, I think they would stick with eachother, as they might have already resolved issues amongst themselves.
Maybe difficulty is amped up and encourages merged level ups.
There would be npc bosses in story mode, alongside other enemy characters, and rivals.
idk much about rivals, I had a few in my head but they're a bit silly
Anyways, as for new characters here's the necessities: Jammer Lammy, Vib Ribbon, Abe from Oddworld, Cryptosporidium, Crash Bandicoot, Oddsock, Toggle, Swoop, Rivet and Kit (if not Ratchet and Clank skins), Razputin Aquato, and Spyro
Honorable mentions: Newton Pud, Nefarious, Jebediah the Preacher, Vendra Prog, Sophie Kane, Charlie Kane, Mr.Grimm (Maybe actual skeleton Grimm idk), John Doe, Neo Cortex, Captain Quark, Shadow the Hedgehog but mostly based from that fake leak, Earthworm Jim, Ray man, Clank just by his lonesome, Jersey Devil, any indie based character that got transferred over to Playstation like Wilson Higgensberry, Six, Cuphead, whatever- but any of these can be supports or background characters
Also I really think Dirk the Daring would be good in a crossover game, but my main reason for him being in it is that DL has PS versions and him and Sir Daniel would have a really good rivalry and dynamic that you probably wouldn't get with other characters paired with Dan
Also also with that Space Ace, and we can get some Quark/Earthworm Jim/Ace fights/rivals/teams
Also when characters get Ko'd by other characters, you can hear specific taunts/mocking
That's all I can think of rn, but yeah :3
Thanks for the ask!
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dreamsofalifeold · 1 year
❛  my name's Vendra Prog, although most people call me vampire these days.  ❜ ((From vamp Vendra @nether-twins))
"I...can I still call you Vendra? I feel like that would be like giving myself the nickname human."
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tacko3d · 2 years
I've managed to stay unspoiled for how long has it been out? 2 years? On Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart
but the whole 2 Dr.Nefarious's (Nefarie? IDK) its because of the great Clock Right? A hiccup in the space time continuum.
Theres evidence in multiple games that the great calamity or whatever it was called was the root of many things being out of place.
The Cragmites driving the Lombaxes out of the Universe.
The Nether Twins, Vendra and Neftin Prog being stuck in the main universe.
So I'm assuming a Dimension that mirrors the main timeline is like a symptom of that.
Anyways, I don't have a PS5 so I'm not gonna figure it out anytime soon.
That it just always goes back to that Hidden Planet Puzzle Room in Crack in Time that shows that there was something cosmically wrong on the Lombax Homeworld, Fastoon.
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astral-multiverse · 2 years
💬  for  an  angsty  starter . {{ Ratchet /w Vendra secondary-story-characters }}
"Vendra?! What are you doing here, you and your brother should be back in captivity!" Ratchet asked when he saw the familiar face of Vendra Prog
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assassyart · 2 years
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My piece for the Ratchet & Clank 20th anniversary zine! I wanted to incorporate all my favorite villains and also kind of a redraw of a drawing I did for the 15th anniversary, which you can find under the cut!
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prismaticdragee · 1 year
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Cute Space Witch 💜
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nether-twins · 4 months
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((It's still a wip but I'm pretty happy with what I've done so far with this. Although I was thinking of drawing Neftin first, I decided it would be better to start with Vendra instead since she is the easiest to draw between the twins (and for obvious reasons). As for the thing in the background? Wellll, let's just say I got inspo for that from something I saw somewhere in Into the Nexus.))
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99katarina99 · 8 months
It has everything, but it's too short.
I just finished watching a full playthrough of Ratchet and Clank Into the Nexus by Full Playthroughs. I had also played that game back in 2013, just when it came out. I was very happy to be able to play another Ratchet and Clank game, and I really enjoyed playing Into the Nexus. This game has everything, but unfortunately, it's too short. I finished it in 1 day. I feel like the developers didn't try enough to release the new Ratchet & Clank in the same fashion as the previous games, not to mention that this game was released just a month before PlayStation 4 came out.
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Let me tell you briefly about the plot with my own words: The game starts on a spaceship freighter that serves as a prison where Ratchet and Clank, along with their robot friends Cronk and Zephyr, need to escort Vendra Prog, the dangerous and cold criminal, to the prison, but they get attacked by Neftin Prog, Vendra's brother, who hired Thugs 4 Less, the guns-for-hire, to get Vendra out. The freighter explodes, killing Cronk and Zephyr along with it, and Ratchet and Clank are the only survivors. They manage to slip into one of Thugs 4 Less' ships that takes them all the way to Zarkov Sector, the sector that was declared abandoned and haunted. They land on one of the planets out there, Yarik or whatever it's called, and they find out that Vendra and Neftin contacted a monster being, called Mr. Eye, who they want to bring into their world, using a low-budget Dimensinator, the device that opens portals to other worlds. Ratchet and Clank manage to escape, and they need stop Vendra and Neftin from bringing Mr. Eye to their world. They track Vendra and Neftin on Silox (if I remember the name correctly), the abandoned urban planet. But they're late. Vendra manages to summon and bring Mr. Eye into their world. Instead of working with Vendra, Mr. Eye's minions capture and take Vendra into the Nether, their world. Ratchet and Clank team up with Neftin to get the real dimensinator, located in a museum on planet Igliak, so they can banish Mr. Eye and his minions from their world, and free Vendra.
After watching and coming back to this game, I had the idea: I could write a fan fiction of this game. I wouldn't change anything in the original, but rather expand the storyline. Like, how were Vendra and Neftin able to make their own dimensinator? How did Vendra get caught in the first place? How did she get into contact with Mr. Eye? (Well, that part is somehow explained by the number of dictaphones we find in the game). Ratchet & Clank is an adventure game, and adventure games have to be lengthy (10 hours or so). There's got to be more to this story than me, and other gamers like me, didn't get to see. I really want that to happen.
One more thing: at the end of the game, after Ratchet and Clank had a small talk in front of Cronk and Zephyr's statues in the museum, Ratchet leaves alone, and Clank picks up the real (and now broken) dimensinator, and takes it with him. Then the scene ends, and the credits start rolling. That actually makes perfect sense, given that in Rift Apart, Clank builds back the dimensinator by himself as a gift to Ratchet so he can find Lombaxes, his species. If anything, Insominac Games actually continued from Into the Nexus instead of the remake (and the movie).
If Insominac ever plans on remaking this game (it's only available on PS3), I'll send them the script of mine. If anything, I can at least show my writing skills.
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nevermindtheweights · 5 months
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i do have this alien villian.
Vendra Prog.
Shortstack telekinetic genius.
With. little to no morals.
and who eats a lot of cake and meat these days
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redemptioninchaos · 10 months
30. “Ah, there you go. Safe and sound, hm?” ((for Sergio with Vendra @nether-twins))
Sergio had fallen asleep housesitting for the Progs when they had to go to a parole meeting with Jim. Ever grateful for the kindness they showed him, Sergio had cleaned the apartment up a bit, turned on some Lance and Janice, plopped down on the couch, and dozed off. He woke up to the sound of Vendra's voice, then scrambled to turn off the holovision.
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