#Venti trying the hookah lul
babychoko Β· 2 years
πŸŒΊπ”Έ π•€π•šπ•π•–π•Ÿπ•₯ 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕦𝕖𝕀π•₯🌺
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Part 13
In the last few days I have been feeling much better. I walk more often for fresh air and take medicine as well as juices to strengthen my immune system. Salty food helped me a lot. Although it was also important to drink enough fluids. And I'm talking water here, not juice with fizz.
I left the pharmacy with a small bag because I had no more room in my backpack.
Sure, it didn't do any good for the environment. But what else is harmful to the environment? What I just got from a prescription from my doctor was not necessarily worthy of bragging about in public. Otherwise I would have held the small package normally in my hand. Not to brag about it, of course.
After all, one less thing to worry about.
I looked at the clock first and realized Venti would be out of the library soon. Today I was going to pick him up and stand by. His graduation is coming up very soon and he really had his hands full. He may find the subjects easy to fall into, which may be one less problem, but it didn't mean he shouldn't type anything at all. And it's not little that he has to do.
I walked up the small stairs to the library and mistakenly pushed the glass door outward, even though it said it opened inward.
There can be signs all over the place.
Will I still push a glass door the wrong way? The answer is yes. Not proud, but not annoyed, I entered the library. Surprisingly, only a few busy students lurked in the hall. It was also quiet as usual. Only rarely was it very noisy here. Be that as it may, it didn't take me long to find Venti choosing a seat in front of the window. The view of a few people spending their usual activity outdoors apparently gave him some inspiration. And actually, I wanted to surprise him from behind by covering his eyes with my hands.
This was usually what he always does with me, should he have seen me and I didn't notice him. At the very beginning, when we didn't know each other long at all, it scared me.
But as it seemed, he turned to me with a smile even before that. That, although I was quiet as a mouse and paid attention to my step volume. I wondered how he always did that. Then it occurred to me that he must be able to detect it because of his abilities. I don't know how and I'm still slightly confused about it...but surely he can. We didn't really talk about that subject. I'm sure it came up because he rarely uses his abilities and when he does, he complains about fatigue. I was already curious, but I never asked him to show me some of the things he has in store.
"Did you come to give me strength?" Venti looked energized again. "From the looks of it, I already have..." I stated and sat down with him. My eyes fell on his laptop screen. He'd already accomplished quite a bit, I could tell. "That's right. But honestly, it's all getting to me." Venti leaned his head on the table and sighed. "Can you put me out of this misery?"
"Short and sweet? That's going to be difficult."
"No, that's not what I meant...maybe someday. I meant something gentler, though." I put a hand on his shoulder for comfort. "Like what?" Maybe I am capable of helping him at this moment after all. Otherwise, he cheered me up much more often.
He just turned his head so I couldn't see his face and muttered.
"Now out with it."
"I need to... get rid of pent up thoughts." Uh... and in what way? Wait-what thoughts?!
"So what? What do you need for that?" Maybe I can muster that certain something from somewhere after all. I'll do what I can.
Venti looked to me. "There is a way for stressed people."
"Yeah, and what's that?"
He let his face show again, which looked smug, and placed two fingers on his lips, which he pulled back into the air. "See? Hand over a few already."
"Venti, I'm not carrying cigarettes with me. Besides, cut the nonsense."
"But how then? I need to blow off steam... it's all getting too much for me. And forbid, I'm in total withdrawal!"
He means wine, right? Right... that's what I think. What else could it be?
"How long has it been..you've actually been sticking to it?" He nodded in response to my question. "More or less..definitely so much that I'm in withdrawal. And yet, the infusion therapy wasn't a success." He sighed again and hid his face. At that moment, I really felt sorry for him. I know the feeling when you try very hard and still the results are not satisfactory. And Venti looked really miserable right now.
I scrolled through his work a bit and was not surprised how much passion he has for music. Also, his grammar as well as spelling was perfect as expected. However, the last few lines really slacked off and at some point you realize he completely gave up when not even a sentence was finished. Poor guy. Rarely do you see this sight.
He deserves a reward, of course. "Listen Venti, you don't have to torture yourself like this. You're trying very hard and you've kept at it for a long time..." He was already looking at me with slight hope. He's just waiting for that one sentence. I swear... even his eyes were already sparkling. And why does the sun suddenly start to give him light as if he were a saint?!
"I'm not your boss, and ironically I say that, but you should sit back now with-"
"With a couple of glasses?!"
"Yeah, just that."
He flipped his laptop closed, but of course after saving his work. "Then it's decided. Today we blow off steam!" I didn't see him cheer up that quickly.
"Tonight, okay?"
"Okay...I'll go with you." Not that he's drunk talking to a garbage can. I experienced that once with a tree and it looked really sad. He even thought a tree was more attractive than me. "Thank you, I'm glad. Come, let me give you a hug." No sooner said than done. "And I'm not hugging you because of tonight... just because I missed this, yeah?" Whispered Venti to me.
If he missed this badly...
I ended up putting my arms around him. "Mhm..me too. Honestly, I've been feeling empty lately." I confessed slightly embarrassed.
"Hoo..empty you say?" Venti leaned back a bit to the back of the chair. "Empty..I see."
I looked to the side a bit as Venti gently put his hands on my shoulder and pulled me to him. "Yeah...if I can put it that way-m..."
He hushed me with his lips, licked once over it briefly with the tip of his tongue, and now gently bit my lower lip with it. It made my whole body tingle.
"Mwah~, all better, right?"
I was speechless and hoped no one was walking by. Honestly, I couldn't get a word out. It was just unexpected...
Venti formed a V sign with his thumb and pointer finger under his chin and winked at me with a smile. "Heheh... I'll give you more later if you like!"
When I spoke of emptiness, I didn't think of that, but...it surprisingly helped. "Uhh..fine with me..?
We had some things to do, so we won't meet at a bar until later.
I didn't know if that was a serious question. With him, it was always unclear whether he meant such things ironically. Believe us or not, Venti and I actually kiss very rarely. And when we do, it's only a fleeting kiss. Nothing longer, nothing naughty....
I briefly looked at the cloudless sky.
All right, once it had not exactly been innocent between us. But more was and came also nothing. His ways of love are rather totally harmless.
Then I thought of a question, whether Venti had had a relationship before me? Until now he has not mentioned or hinted at anything. I have also never asked about an ex. Actually, you don't talk about your ex either. After all, he is a bit older than me, has experienced a lot in contrast to me, many people find him likeable and he doesn't seem to be unpopular either. In terms of relationships, he is a total sweetheart....
Wait, didn't he once tell me about the most beautiful poem he had ever read? As far as I can remember, it was from a girl who was too shy to let him read it.
So there is a very high probability that Venti already had his first love.
I continued my walk, feeling a slight and uncomfortable tug in my chest.
And what if? It shouldn't bother me. After all, he has his own life and I have mine....
I guess I'm worrying unnecessarily again. It's the time here and now that counts, and unlike before, I'm no longer completely miserable.
And even though I told myself that, I was lying to myself.
Towards evening, I was finally free and searched my not-quite-full closet. It's not so cold anymore, so could I wear something light? I picked out a blouse and a long skirt until I realized that what I had in my hands didn't look stylish at all. Venti always has nice clothes.
I often had to listen to people saying that I dressed like a granny. I shook my head and looked deeper into the baskets of my closet.
There was a skirt that I ordered once, but it looked way too short..there it is!
Oh. It's actually short in contrast to what length I usually wear. Hesitantly, I looked at the piece.
Yup, definitely going with tights. I mean I might catch a cold or something haha. That's right, I don't want to catch a cold. I definitely don't wear the skirt because I'm embarrassed or too shy!
Okay...as a top, I could wear a fancy sweater..would this one be okay? I couldn't make that decision until I had the whole outfit on. So here goes.
I put on the tights..no, no...
They're see-through! I took them off again.
I sighed and grabbed a razor from the drawer. Actually, Venti wasn't interested in how a body looked at all. He's more the natural type though... I don't even possess that much self-confidence.
Uh, quick change of plans or commercial break. Whatever you call it.
After leaving the bathroom with silky smooth legs, I now put on the clothes.
As I said, I didn't have any self-confidence at all. It looked all right... but on me? I bent down slightly to test that one did not see under my skirt. Honestly, I don't want to put on a show and just wanted to make sure.
After a while, I walked out of the apartment when I was done. Did I want to make sure so badly today that I didn't look like a granny? I honestly wondered since when I started worrying so much. Just for this one special evening then. After all, it was all about not holding back. And that only went for drinks, nothing else.
I took the bus and only had to walk a few feet before I saw the lounge. A few people were standing outside smoking as they chatted about news. I only fleetingly heard what they were talking about. Something like, "I don't believe in that at all. Sounds like something out of a bad book..." or, "If you only knew what else existed...".
Apparently, a mysterious person is being sought. Police searches have not been successful so far. I think that from now on I should watch more news TV or listen to the radio with Venti. I must have missed some things in the world.
As I walked on and reached the entrance, the warmth of the lounge and the dim red lights of the room hit me. A few groups sat at a four-top table with comfy couches, a few people preferred the tall chairs in front of the counter, and others stood casually.
"(Name)!" I turned around and was surprised with a hug and the light, pleasant scent from the forest. I returned the hug fleetingly. "Hey..." Venti, as always, had a casual but fashionable style of dress. A slightly oversized green cardigan with a white shirt and brown pants with a belt. The green hat is not to be missed.
We sat next to each other in a quiet alcove. Here you can talk in peace and others will certainly not interrupt us. Somehow I am glad to see him again today. Lately we saw each other rather rarely and we were very busy with other activities.
Oh... am I that dependent on him?
"Today it's all on me. Do you know what you want yet, (Name)?" He looked at the card for a moment, then handed it to me. Somewhat reluctantly, I took the drink menu and took a quick look inside. Then I looked over at him. "I think I'll have the fruit drinks..."
"Eehh..? But I'd like to see the drunk (Name) sometime..." Sighed Venti, leaning his head on my left shoulder. "Not gonna happen!" I said decidedly and folded the card shut.
"Besides, I should be watching you more." I added. What about if he does any shenanigans and I can't find him?
Or worse, he's drunkenly talking to a tree again.
"Subtle as ever." Venti stated quietly, looking to me. "I like that about you." He doesn't elaborate and accept that? He really is a godsend. I've heard so many stories from friends back then and one thing I can say...it wasn't pretty. I am really happy to have him.
But because I didn't know how to respond, I suggested that we order the drinks now.
"Ah, they even have candy!!!"
"Alright then, let's order some candy to go with it." After all, it's supposed to be a relaxing evening tonight. "Pick some out, here." I get to pick?
"Do you actually know what you want yet, Venti?" I asked, looking at the offerings. Jellybeans, Konpeito....
"Anything will do. Especially apple flavored." I propped my cheeks up with one hand and ruffled his hair with the other. "You're so quick to settle for anything." I stated. When he looked to me, I was sure he had slightly rosy cheeks.
Oh yeah, before I forget.
In the end, I didn't cut his beautiful hair after all. I advised him to sleep on it for a night. Venti was a little conflicted until he did listen to my advice and didn't have it cut. His hair was back to the style it was when I first saw him.
He was just Venti and that suited him too. The braided hair with the blue tips. He told me that at least the blue tips should be back on. He really didn't seem to like himself with the black braids. His reasoning was that he didn't have any fond memories with them.
For some reason, my first thought was that he wanted to avoid a certain look. Maybe...because he doesn't want to look like someone? Honestly, I can't explain why I thought that. I have no idea.
"Let's just order the Konpeito." I decided and turned to Venti, who looked at me in amazement. "You're eating those? Since when?" Funny question. "I don't know, it's been a long time. But I eat them rather rarely, because they're way too sweet for me. "Don't you like them a little, Venti?" He shook his head with a smile. "No, it's not like that. I haven't had them in a very long time either. What are we waiting for?". After much back and forth chatter, the drinks were on our table.
I didn't expect the bottom of the glasses to light up. At first I thought the drinks were poisonous. But these are glasses that start to glow as soon as they are filled with liquid. They really looked very cool. Especially, with the little umbrellas and ice cubes made of heart shapes.
I tried a sip and thankfully the juice didn't taste funny. As very strange as the combination was....
"I totally forgot to ask this, but how have you been lately? Have you...actually seen a doctor yet?"
"About that..yes, I have been. It's been stressful." I left out the fact that I was diagnosed with burnout for now. I didn't want to ruin the night with worry. But knowing him, I'm sure he already knows that. "That's why I should get reduced hours."
Venti put his hands on his hips. "And you keep those nicely!"
"Yes, sir."
"But the nausea is gone, thankfully, I see?" And how. I'm really relieved about that. It's been pure hell.
"Yeah, thanks again for your support. I don't know what I would have done without you. Really now."
"Oh, don't mention it!" Venti took a sip and looked like the happiest man alive. "Did I miss this..." He muttered, seeming to be in his own world.
"Go ahead..." I said quietly and patted his head. I took a Konpeito and brought it to my lips. I looked around a little bit and observed the other guests. No one was getting into mischief. Everyone was very relaxed and enjoying their free time with friends. I ate the Konpeito and looked at someone sitting on one of the high chairs. It really stood out. Did I look as lonely back in college...?
I think it was a young man. Maybe my age? He had an unusual haircut, but I couldn't make out the hair colour because of the LED light. He seems to be the only one here alone. Just as I picked up the second Konpeito, the person jerked up and turned slowly..
Towards my direction.
As someone walked past me, the young man had disappeared off the face of the earth. I could not see his face. This moment simply passed much too quickly
I looked again to the same place, but there was really nobody sitting anymore. Did I just imagine that? No...that would have been impossible.
Was it because of my burnout? Did I reach for the wrong drink after all? To confirm this theory, I looked at my glass. No, it certainly wasn't that either. I'm absolutely sure of that.
"Say Venti, can you try a sip?" Uncertain, I held my glass up to him. Without hesitation, he accepted the glass, our fingers touching. "If you want it so badly..."
He raised the glass to his lips and tasted a sip. Then he looked to me with a clueless smile. "Hmm..It's just juice, if that's what you wanted to know. Was that what you were worried about?"
"Actually, it was. I just felt funny."
"Do you want to get some fresh air? That group of people over there have been smoking the hookah for a while...are you getting any air?" He then suggested to me. In response, I shook my head. "No, that's fine and doesn't bother me. You just know my paranoid self." He slid a little closer to me and placed my glass so that the rim he just drank from touched my lips.
"You can relax with me. I'll stay with you, okay?" His voice was soothing. I nodded in response. took the glass in my hands and drank a sip from it. He was right...there are a lot of people here, after all. Besides, I was severely sleep-deprived, so much so that I actually imagined some things. If I only thought about lying comfortably in bed at night... then I could hardly wait.
I should pull myself together, for the sake of my health.
I set the glass down on the table and looked to him with a smile. "I'll order some more. How about you?"
He held the drink menu in front of me and looked over the rim with twinkling eyes. "Oh, I see, you want the number six again?" I then asked him.
"I'd say more like I should take number 8. But better I take the whole row!" I didn't know what he meant at first, but blamed it on the alcohol that he can say confusing stuff.
After a few drinks, we sat close to each other. He had his head leaning on my shoulder and looked content. "Have you had enough?"
"I could use a few more glasses, but my wallet is showing a definite stop." Typical!
"I didn't know you could take so much after all, Venti." He could easily be entered in the book of world records. I am very sure that no one else could beat him in it. I'm so sure about that.
"Hehe, I'll take that as a compliment." Positive as always. "You do that, fine by me."
We had so much fun that we completely forgot about the time. We even made friends with a few other people over time. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood. It started with them thinking Venti was my best friend at first...that we were both girls having a good time. We were going to be treated to a nice evening and bought some drinks. I had never been hit on like that in my life and I really didn't know what to say. Inside, I was panicking.
Luckily Venti came to the rescue and put a hand around my shoulders and after a few drinks on them that the waiter brought us, laughingly clarified that he is actually my boyfriend.The group of guys were speechless for a few seconds, but then they started laughing and cheering for us, which I thought was funny. This clearly happens often with him. He wasnβ€˜t mad one bit.
They were actually totally happy about us and left after a few minutes.
"Now we can stay longer!"
"You really take advantage of everything in your path." I sighed. Give him inches and he'll take miles!
Venti and I talked longer about pointless stuff while we had our shoes off and sat comfortably on the couches next to each other. I watched curiously as he tried a hookah. When I realized it wasn't his thing after all, I patted him on the back comfortingly. As much as they could smell pleasantly of apple..I still passed, waving a hand and shaking my head with a laugh. He stuck his tongue out with a bitter look on his face. He sticks to real apples himself. They are sacred to him!
And at some point we talked about not-so-senseless stuff. He told me that he was already sad about being done with university soon. He would miss it already if he couldn't spend the time there together with me as usual. I felt the same way.
But he is really happy about the fact that he won't have much writing work to do anymore. At least as a music therapist not as much as in the university. However, he wants to continue playing music freely for others before he looks for a permanent job.
Anyway, he has earned that. He has already studied so much, even if he didn't like it.
A break after graduation...? I haven't had a specific plan for how I want to spend my time off. I myself am graduating soon. But it might be a little while yet. Venti suggested that I could sell my handmade things. Or the flowers he had growing around his cottage. He knew an area nearby that would be very happy to have something like that. I thought it was a nice idea. I kept that idea in the back of my mind.
We took a cab to his home as the night came to an end. We had had enough fun and were getting really tired. I totally forgot about the worries from the evening. Besides, he hadn't had a chance to talk to a tree. Good thing!
"Are you happy?"
"Totally!" He replied tipsily as he lay with his head on my lap. He meanwhile raised his arms in the air and chuckled with slightly flushed cheeks.
"Are you drunk?"
"I don't think so..or maybe a little." He whispered and sat up in front of me. Just a little?!
"(Name), I didn't tell you, but I wanted to tell you that these clothes really suit you..." He now looked at my denim skirt. "Huh..you..you usually wear much longer and looser skirts though?" He just noticed that now?! "Yeah, I..just wanted to try something different on. Does it look weird on me?"
"Not at all!" He immediately denied. Then he smiled at me. "So don't say something like that and wear what you like, okay? The important thing is that you feel comfortable in it." At that, I took him in my arms and sighed. "Sometimes you can be really adorable."
"What now?"
"I almost completely forgot my promise!" I didn't know what he meant at first. "What promise?" He put his arms around my neck and chuckled as he moved closer to me.
"..That I'll give you more of it..so hold still, okay?"
"Huh? More? W..what?"
He closed his eyes and moved his lips closer to mine. His hands lightly stroked under my top up my back higher and higher.
It wasn't until he fell right asleep on top of me that I checked what he meant.
Oh, that!
I pushed him aside, put a pillow under his head and covered him with his blanket. He seemed to have really had his fun and was sleeping soundly with a contented look on his face.
"I'll just keep your promise then." I bent down to him and placed a kiss on his forehead.
That day, I felt like I was getting closer to Venti. And that, although we always had nice moments together. I couldn't explain it either. Maybe it was because he will soon be finished with university and I only now realized how quickly the time passed. This seems to make me appreciate moments more.
The rest of the days passed peacefully and I kept to my reduced hours. I rejected further measures offered to me by the doctor. Some measures I found a bit too extreme. Time off from the university, for example. Then I would worry more about forgetting a lot of things. Besides, I had to admit that I also wanted to get my degree as soon as possible..
I didn't want it to come to this at all.
It wasn't easy to change adapted habits at first. That's why I started slowly.
Going straight home after my classes and taking a nap after watching series I totally left behind was my favorite activity lately.
And have I missed a lot..Lucky that so far there have been no spoilers. Otherwise I wouldn't be surprised by some of the scenes. It's not just the same feeling.
I was actually relaxed a long period of time. Yes, was.
Until that evening.
I had been on late shift at the cafΓ© and was happy to see some colleagues again. Actually, I prefer early duty because it's much quieter on a weekday. I could work more slowly then. It's a disaster on the weekend! That's when my team has a lot to fight for.
Actually, my day was going quite well. Until I remembered after work that I forgot a folder in the cafΓ©. When I arrived, my manager was standing there with a smile on her lips, shaking her head and holding the folder. Sheepishly, I took the folder.
"Now go home, it's very late. Enjoy your weekend and have a good time!" I thanked her and made my way home.
It was still pitch black outside and cold because of the time of year. I was kind of hoping that the warm spring would come a little faster. Because now it was still cold. A cold spring. The flowers were already showing themselves.
I walked along the dark street and noticed nothing at first. Sometimes I looked at my phone to check the time. In a few minutes my bus should come and I could make it to the bus stop in time. If the bus driver didn't arrive way too early.
For a time free marked by worry, I was suddenly overcome with goosebumps. At first I thought it was because of the cold. Then I realized it was a shiver down my spine. I didn't usually get a shiver down my spine just like that. I even felt a slight pressure in my ears. A queasy feeling arched in my stomach and I suddenly felt unease.
My steps slowed down. Was it my gut feeling?
I stopped at one point and didn't move when I heard soft footsteps. I didn't know from where they came. But I still heard them clearly. Hesitantly I tried to look around, but I saw nothing.
After a few seconds I plucked up my courage and continued walking a little faster. I told myself that it was surely just another pedestrian and that I was imagining everything.
But a feeling deep inside me denied this too much. I had never felt anything like that before.
I looked around and saw it only for a few seconds.
In fact, I saw the outline of a person, quite far away from me. It was standing between the trees in the park.
At that very moment, a shiver stabbed me again all over my back like a knife.
I want to leave.
At that moment I got the impulse to walk faster, much faster.
Was I running now? Never mind. I just had to get away. I didn't feel how I was breathing or if I was breathing at all.
I ignored my surroundings so much that I didn't hear the sound of a motorcycle next to me and was startled when it stopped next to me.
For a moment I held my breath and could have sworn I saw my life flash before my eyes.
That voice..
I looked hesitantly to my left, where the road was. I didn't recognize the man in black clothes sitting on the motorcycle. He seemed to have noticed that and took off his helmet. My eyes widened a bit as I now recognized who he was.
"Why are you running around the street like a madwoman in a panic at this hour?"
I couldn't answer at first. I didn't know what to say either. My legs gave out and I stopped myself at a fence.
"Hey, what happened?" He got off the motocycle, put his helmet on the seat and walked towards me. Then he calmly put a hand on my shoulder as he bent down to me.
Part 14
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