#Vic is a himbo
musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 year
The self indulgent blurb
“Hey, hey! Aizawa!” Shouta paused to turn towards the voice calling. Walking down the hall was the form of Nezu’s secretary, Mathews Vic. A plus size, short person, they had randomly appeared one day blinking behind their glasses in Nezu’s office. Shouta never found out to much about them, given Nezu hoarded their information like a dragon but they'd settled in well as a secretary. “Shit yeah good to catch you!” Mathews beamed. They flicked their braid behind their head, the random pieces of bone in it clinking.
Shouta was ninety percent sure the whole ‘bone in hair’ thing was to mess with people. “Mathews,” Shouta said to them with a nod. They were at work and not in private. Hell, he was outside his classroom on the third day. Probably Mathews's own design on that. They once told Shouts that ‘eavesdropping is essential for a hero student and if they over hear shut they shouldn't it's on them to keep their mouths shut’. Though they did keep the really confidential stuff hidden.
“Glad I caught you! Wanted to talk about two of your students. Midoriya and Bakugou,” Mathews said. Shouta sighed. Of course, those two. Shouta’s first impression had been of a slacker and a kid who'd been told for years that he would end up a villain thanks to his Quirk. It hadn't changed just yet, but something was bugging him about them.
“Whats on your mind?” Shouta asked.
“Well for starters I met Bakugou before. It was a year back and I caught the kid threatening some other kids about ‘not applying to UA cause I'll kill you’. He actually had his Quirk popping in his hands. I stepped in, told him off and moved on. But that kinda thing sticks in your mind you know?” Mathews said. “So when I saw him I was like. Ah! Must look into! And I have for the last bit other than when the Rat God, May he have mercy on our souls, asks me to do other things.”
The cackle coming in from their earpieces, showing Nezu was listening, made Shouta shake his head. The joke kept on going, it was funny enough but Mathews took forever to get to their point like the rat did.
“Anyways so I did further research and looked into teacher comments on Bakugou. Did you?”
“No, I never look at them. Half the time they're garbage with either inflated praise or sabatoge. I look at other things like grades and skill scores.” Shouta said honestly. He'd like to talk to the person who started the rumour he didn't read the files. He wasn't stupid, he just skipped things that often ended up being faked.
“Smart smart, cause Midoriya has the worst load of horseshit I've ever seen. This kid is apparently the most disruptive and unintelligent child, meanwhile he's nearly broke a record on our entrance exam. 90%! Can you believe it?!” Mathews spread their arms out with a grin. Shouta had known that, but figured Mathews and Nezu were just absurdly pleased by a smart kid.
Shuffling came from the classroom they were in front of. Both ignored it as Mathews rambled on. “Bakugou though… that kid has nothing but praise and being called a delight in his files. I was instantly suspicious.”
Shouta was now to. That didn't make sense with his attitude so far. It should have been more like Midoriya’s records then not. Or it would be if he faced Quirk Discrimination like Shouta assumed.
“So I went digging. I know you thought he was a victim of discrimination cause his attitude matched yours as a kid, angry, bitter, willing to scream at people-” Mathews rambled as a loud bang echoed from the classroom before quieting.
We need to work on stealth, Shouta thought to himself.
“So I went back further and dug up some of the social media of their classmates and holy SHIT. Aizawa? That explosive kid is a narcissistic sociopath waiting to happen!” Mathews said in disbelief. “And no this isn't ‘oh Explosive Quirk? You're a villain in the making!’” the high pitched sing-song voice made Shouta shake his head at them. “This is me ACTUALLY wondering cause that kid had used his Quirk on Midoriya multiple times for stupid reasons. Including muttering. I saw DOZENS of videos Shouta, all untagged so we missed them!”
The fact Mathews used his name showed how serious this was. “Vic-” Shouts began but they waved him off.
“Not now. I'm angry. You know the whole ‘hey so this school gets all grades audited’ thing we discovered. It's not because of Bakugou like you thought. It's cause of Midoriya! Cause until the entrance exam he was Quirkless! And they treated him like SHIT FOR IT!” Mathews exploded. “I can't tell you how much shit I went through Shouta, how much BULLSHIT I saw spew from the mouths of students and teachers. And Bakugou was a driving force!” Mathews shook their head, turning away from Shouta to stare at the wall.
He looked at his classroom, wondering why it was so quiet. It felt like a tomb, staring at it.
It was better than thinking on Mathews's words. He didn't WANT to believe it. He didn't want to think that they'd let an bigoted bully into UA. But Mathews rarely lied.
“Fuck, we fucked up.”
“We caught it early,” Mathews said to him, turning away from the wall. “I poked at Midoriya’s file to and he was Quirkless. It changed a week after the exam.”
“False negative? With specific activation?” Shouta asked.
“One option. Some of the videos had the kid freaking scrawny. Makes sense he needed to put on muscle for that Quirk. But like… there's also three other options.” Mathews said. “One, he met someone who can give people Quirks-”
“Like the boogeyman?” Shouta rolled his eyes.
“I met the fuck six years back, he wanted my Quirk,” Mathews said dryly. “I set off a glitter bomb in answer. But you do know there are other people with similar Quirks right? Nothing is unique and I want to point while laughing at any idiot claiming otherwise. Hell there's one with the exact same Quirk in Taiwan. Nice lady, works for the government.” Mathews shrugged at Shouta’s look. “No Quirk is villainous. It's idiots who say so.”
“I know that. I just wonder how you keep meeting these people.” Shouta told them.
“Sheer dumb luck. And also me being nosy as fuck. But anyway, so that's an option except my friend charges big bucks for a Quirk unless you go through the government so she's out and I can't think of anyone else in Japan since Boogeyman either died or went underground… wonder if the glitter… no right back on track. Our second option if a force manifested Quirk.” Mathews looked very uncomfortable saying that. Shouta understood why.
Force manifested Quirks, or FMQ only came about in serious circumstances. The idea Midoriya had one was haunting.
But it explained so much. The darkness in his eyes, the lowered face, the quiet looks he gave. It explained so much.
“Entrance exam?” Shouta asked. Mathews fidgeted. “... Vic?”
“I umm… sent you some videos of the worst bullying and a signed statement from a kid who told me a lot of stuff about Bakugou. Apparently they were friends of a sort? And the kid had a wake up call? It’s not… pretty.” Mathews winced. “But it’s possible Midoriya… tried to take his own life before UA. I don’t know if he did but it’s not good.”
“Fuck,” Shouta covered his face. His classroom was still so silent. Why?
“Which uhh leads me to the last option! A transferable Quirk!” Mathews said.
“...That’s a thing?” Shouta asked.
“Oh yeah I know like three heroes with one, and two non-heroes.” Mathews chriped as they motioned with their hands, trying to avoid the unpleasant conversation they just had. “It’s rareish, but it happens.”
“I see…” Shouta sighed. “Well, thanks for this. I now have to talk to my class who heard everything probably.”
“...Wait, wait… what… oh fuck,” Mathews paled dramatically. “I thought it was after school.”
“... did you forget AGAIN what times people leave school here?”
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hyacinth--girl · 4 months
The funniest thing about Zac only getting one point is that if any of us had to guess the 7 cast members that would be in the season finale every single one of us would get more than ONE. Like be for real there aren’t that many to begin with and just based on big names and vibes alone you could get like any three of them without even trying
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rye-bread08 · 1 month
Craig x Shen moment
I’ve not drawn as much stuff as I expected despite the amount of free time I had (I played too much Minecraft and Stardew Valley)
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 1 year
Yandere! Jock x Honor student! gn! reader
As my first request... I'm going to put voice claims as like a celebration!
Yan! Jock (Damon): Marshall Lee from Adventure Time (Donald Glover)
Yan! Sugar daddy (Rowan Silas): Howl from Howl's Moving Castle (Christian Bale)
Yan! Butler (Zero): Baizhu from Genshin Impact in JP (Yusa Koji)
Yan! Theater actor (Ignatius): Tamaki from Ouran Highschool Host Club (Vic Mignogna)
Yan! Dragon (Vincent): Lilac Cookie from Cookie Run Kingdom (Behzad Dabu)
Yan! Artist (Arlen): Sal Fischer from Sally Face
((Just the voice claims, the charas involved are not really related to the Yans. BUT FOR THE LIFE OF ME I CAN'T FIND A PERFECT FIT FOR ROWAN GRRRRRRRR also Zero being in Japanese... Well, I actually did a Beware the Villainess voice headcannons before, and I used Baizhu JP as Nine's voice. Since Zero's inspired by him, then... Yeah.))
TW: Blood, gore, violence against a dead body.
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He's a bit... Dumb.
That's what his friends would say when you ask about Damon.
He's dumb, yet sweet, kind, and insanely athletic.
People call him your typical himbo.
Rumors had it that he's completely a mama's boy, someone who doesn't know the difference between their, they're, and there, a man who has just one braincell that ticks around his head like the dvd logo bouncing around the screen and only get used on sports.
Ah yes, sports. The only thing he's extremely smart at.
Other than being street smart, he's body smart also. That's why he's being passed around by sports team in his University and also being gatekept by the clubs.
The baseball club needs a batter? On it. The basketball club had their ace sick? Don't worry, the mvp is here. The badminton team needs a pair for the doubles? Sure, just make sure to let him bring his own racket. Fencing club lacks one person for a complete sparring session? Uh, he hasn't tried fencing yet, but he will still master it immediately.
So because everything in his peanut brain gets squeezed onto sports, his academics isn't really the best...
Yet, his athlete scholarship made him stay afloat in the University. Plus he's the adorable kind of dumb, so everyone loved him.
If you try to tell him that he's a himbo, he would take it as an offense and would yell at you with the biggest pout and puppy dog eyes that he's not a himbo!
Oh, sweet summer child he is.
Everyone liked to watch this big, buff puppy play around with a smile on his face.
But not the Dean of his college. I mean, he's an athlete scholar, that's for sure, but he's still in Education! He needs to do better in his studies if he wants to be a teacher in the future!
And no! Damon cannot just cluelessly tilt his head to the side!
While Damon pouted, the dean called for you.
You're the candidate magna cum laude in your batch. Smart as you are, you buried your nose in books and notes as you studied to become a teacher, but lacked the confidence and charisma to be an effective one.
So the Dean thought this would be the perfect synergy. Damon's personality would rub on you, while your braincells will rub on his.
It was perfect.
And while you stood there with your eyes downcast, Damon's eyes widened as he stared at you.
It was love at first sight.
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"Damon for the last time, it's School Based Management! Not Shoe Base Management! How did you even twist it to that?"
"Hehe, sorry y/n..."
*You sighed and crossed out the number.*
"5/50. How did your score got lower than the last time?! And it's a repeat test too!"
Rowan pouted and fiddled with his fingers. His eyes downcast as he appeared vulnerable.
"I'm sorry y/n.... I will do my best next time..."
*You sighed once more, knowing you can't deny this man.*
"Alright alright. Let's just study again."
You and Damon are in the library now, studying for the upcoming retake that Damon needs to take. But despite being here in the library for two hours, he still hasn't improved at all!
You stood up and glanced around, trying to see more books to use for studying. One preferably understandable for ding dongs like him.
Maybe a children's picture book of CPE 102 was needed for this guy.
You were harsh yet also patient with Damon, something he really likes. If he had a tail right now, it would wag rapidly to the point he'll break a bone in it.
All his thoughts is filled with you and you. The back of his notebook is scribbled with your name and his encased in a heart, crude drawings of you and him holding hands, or a silly children's game where he does a compatibility test using both of your names.
Neverminded that the test always ends up at "enemies" or "strangers", no no no... He won't accept it.
So these tests had large scribble marks all over him as words filled with rage about how the tests are lies are inked there.
And while Damon swung his feet while scribbling your and his future children's (yes, plural) names, he suddenly wondered where you are.
He got off his seat and walked around until he found you.
He stopped dead in his tracks.
He felt shivers run down his spine.
There you where, smiling and bantering with an another man. Amicably talking to each other like you were the best of pals.
Damon recognized him from your class records (don't question why he knew your class records, he swears he's just doing research). Jupiter was his name, oddly enough. He's also a candidate magna cum laude and your study buddy. He's naturally gifted in academics and so does in his looks.
So when Damon saw how your eyes sparkled while talking to that guy...
He felt his façade crack.
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Jupiter ran quickly across the lit yet empty rugby field in his University. Everyone was out for the school day since it was already 10pm.
How did Jupiter end up running away frantically with his clothes sticking on his body due to sweat?
It would be because of a masked man chasing him, power walking towards him with a metal baseball bat in hand. Jupiter can't see his face, but knew he's absolutely huge.
Jupiter ran as quickly as he can, but his body can't keep up. His legs weakened and his knee started to hurt as he heaved quickly. His vision swimming as he tried to run across and away from the man.
He's academic for god's sake! Physical activities are his mortal enemy!
As he cursed his hatred away, Jupiter tripped on a rock and rolled forward. His knee also finally gave up and is now hurting a lot.
Jupiter tried to scream for help, but all he could do is bite his lip as he held his poor knee.
Not until the man got close and clubbed him on that knee, making Jupiter scream in agony.
That night, Jupiter's scream echoed throughout the empty rugby field and the sound of a hard object hitting a body. Then,
Then silence.
The masked man looked at the bloodied mess and chuckled. His small giggle turning into a full blown laughter as he tried to suppress it.
Damon grabbed a sharpie from his back pocket and scribbled on Jupiter's mangled body. His back, which is still somehow smooth, now contained your nickname and Damon's.
He's doing the compatibility test again.
"Soulmates! Oh my god!" Damon screamed in happiness. "Finally! Oh this is great! I shouldn't have doubted the test!"
Damon danced around Jupiter's body like he's not dead. Then, he kicked Jupiter's body. And kicked it. And kicked it. And kicked it more.
"Tch. You think you can smile at my soulmate like that? Think again buckaroo." Damon whispered, dropping his himbo jock persona.
This man had a sharp, intelligent look in his eyes. One that does not hold innocent curiosity, only a morbid bloodthirst.
This was the real Damon.
"Fuck. This dumb himbo persona is fucking me up. All I could do is put all my frustrations on sports." Damon spat out and kicked Jupiter's body towards his expensive truck. "I'm sick and tired of being labeled like that."
Then, he remembered your face. How he caught you staring at him with fondness as he acted dumb and cute.
He shivered.
"Maybe I'll continue to do this persona. Fuck. If only my parents would leave me be after that incident, then I won't have to do this."
Once Damon placed Jupiter's body on his truck, he started to clean the field with ease.
This wasn't his first kill after all.
He's always been twisted since he's a kid. But was forced to hide it due to his parents finding out he killed his cat with his own two hands with a smile on his face.
A trip to rehab, and he adopted this persona.
He slammed his truck close and drove away, humming and thanking that the University security cameras are broken.
He would kill more if necessary.
He's not afraid to dirty his hands. If ever, he loved it.
He looked at a picture of you and him in his dashboard. The picture was you smiling widely to the camera with a blushing Damon on the side, a test paper raised. It had full marks.
He kissed his finger and placed that finger on your lips.
"My soulmate~"
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soda-gremlin · 22 days
What are the boys like when drunk?
Shen: Doesn't get drunk often, usually the one calling ubers for the drunk Geckos. But if he does get drunk...
-His drink of choice is honey whiskey
-Either being very clingy with Vic and Craig, or he's ready to fight god and die trying
-Won't start a bar fight, but by golly, if he's drunk enough, he'll finish one
-Acts like a small child when its time to leave
Craig: Gets drunk the most out of the three, due to the amount of frat parties he goes to with the Geckos
-Drink of choice is definitely beer
-This is when he fully transforms into a himbo, he's very giggly and very very dumb
-Has flirted with Shen while drunk before, and when he saw a picture on his own phone of Shen and him and Vic, he cried because "he's not single"
-His motor skills...leave a lot to be desired...
-He's a crier. Doesn't matter if its cute, or just a little bit sad, he's sobbing
Vic: Not a fan of getting drunk, but sometimes when he's in good company, he feels comfortable drinking
-Drink of choice is wine. He's bougie, I don't know what you expect.
-Very...feisty, to say the least
-Insists he's not drunk (even when its obvious he is)
-Very horny honest
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youstupidplonk · 3 months
Ok so I just rewatched always ready and I have two things to say
1. TRAVIC 🥺 the fact that it’s Travis who walks her to Ripley’s room. Who takes her hand because he KNOWS how it feels to be in Vic’s situation. The fact that he also goes immediately into defending her when people start gossiping. I just love them both so much.
2. I didn’t notice this on my first watch but when they’re all sat in the waiting room you can see Jack in the background holding Ripley’s sister’s hand. He’s such a golden retriever himbo I love him
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izmagicallulu · 2 years
Swtor Hunger Games!
Alright, the vic-I mean tributes have been chosen! Let the game begin!
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@thaniraslegacyswtor @davidoodles @fenrisprime2003 @shynmighty @grandninjamasterren @space-unicorn-dot @frauleiiin @oolathurman @kemendin @abbee-normal @pentacass @cryo-lily @sealeneee @walk-ng-d-saster @queen-scribbles @domnorian @zabrakghoul @fire-boogie @nekorinnie @vexa-legacy @caelys @sullustangin @atlanta--airport @eorzeashan Let’s see how this goes!
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5 Cannon shots can be heard in the distance!
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3 Cannon shots can be heard in the distance!
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3 Cannon shots can be heard in the distance!
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2 Cannon shots can be heard in the distance!
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3 Cannon shots can be heard in the distance!
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6 Cannon shots can be heard in the distance!
The Winner
Congratulations Eight!
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aegor-bamfsteel · 2 years
Victarion killed his wife in some fucked up honour killing tradition. He is disgusting. All this time I was thinking that he was a himbo thanks to stumpy propaganda.
Yes, Victarion killed his sobbing third wife (who we still don’t know the name of), by beating her to death while she was pregnant because Euron either seduced or raped (probably, considering her circumstances) her, then left her body to the crabs. Despite crying over what happened and not touching a woman since, once Euron reveals his plan about wedding Dænerys, Victarion never so much thinks of her in ADWD and starts making plans to make Däny his rock wife. It feels like a parody of the Woman in Refrigerators trope (killing/abusing female characters to motivate a main male character) that GRRM has used several times, considering again, we know nothing about her and she’s out of Victarion’s mind once he decides to steal Dány and keep the tongueless woman as a concubine; which I guess makes sense, since GRRM didn’t intend for Vic to be a serious character.
In istumpysk’s defense, the recaps of Victarion’s chapters don’t shy away from Vic’s actions (the incest, wife murder, hypocritical slaving, racism, brutality, etc), they just sarcastically point them out in a positive light. It’s meant to be a satire on how some other ASOIAF fans laud their problematic faves (Dâny, the Lannisters, Sándor, Thèon, Stànnis, etc) while minimizing or reframing their blatantly terrible acts.
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crypt1dcorv1dae · 2 years
ok but what aboyt if we start giving raven and dick some of the stupid lines and memes too. theyre dumbasses too!!!! why is it always gar, kory, vic (especially vic, dudes literally a genius, why is he labeled as a himbo 🤨)... like please let others be stupid. raven doesnt understand how a TV works.
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goodlucksnez · 2 years
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I posted 237 times in 2022
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38 posts reblogged (16%)
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I tagged 74 of my posts in 2022
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#i love you hime so much and i swear to god i will scream it to the world have the best birthday <; 3
My Top Posts in 2022:
Warning: nose blowing, coughing, HARSH SNEEZING
I woke up with the a completely congested nose, I tried a steam shower, blowing and nothing worked, it was driving my mad, so I brought out the big guns.....The devil product Vicks.....and.....OH MY GOD!!! I legit could not talk i was sneezing too much.
Okay I do not sneeze like this ever, This was the most intense sneezing fit I have every had, they hurt my throat and chest like crazy, I actually lost my voice for like 10 mins after this, I did cut off the second part of this wav because it was really gross
66 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
I cleaned out a closet and wow the dust
I tried to holdback but I literally could not and made a mess on my shirt
Dust is such a bad allergy of mine
68 notes - Posted June 20, 2022
CW: Loud Sneezing (duh),some coughing, special effects/sounds, hitching/whimpering,nose blowing
summery: At a conference for the local heroes Gro//und Z//ero seems to disagree to a strong scent, in an attempt to be quiet a unexpected thing happens, and someone records it and it is gaining views by the second! how will he react?
The end fit was all recorded in 1 attempt honestly it hurt my throat for like a whole day, I do not know how I induced differently to cause such a response but wow the results.
everyone asking for kitten ba//ku// can stop now lol
All characters are depicted as 21+!  
70 notes - Posted July 16, 2022
B/NHA: College-era Eraser//mic (18+ don’t worry), studying for teacher’s exam they BOTH have the college flu and try to hide it from the other because nothing is going to spoil their well-deserved date, dammit. cue both Eraser and Mic trying to act like everything is fine and enjoy their coffee date!
tw:has coughing,snez (obviously) nose blowing, cute fluffy husband himbos
Happy birthday Poni @onetrickponi, I love everything you have created as well as your constant encouragement, you are a complete angel I love you. I hope you have a fantastic birthday and may the rest of the year be as wonderful as you!
73 notes - Posted January 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
TW: MESS, nose blowing, sneezing (duh), coughing
Don’t know if anyone wants this but I did some spring cleaning yes I know it’s technically summer and had a bad reaction (dust allergy)
so I know some people like talking so I made a wav- I’m also really bad at talking through hitching so I wanted to practice and this was a good opportunity so I took it I hope you like it
100 notes - Posted June 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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tiniedemon · 1 year
i would buy some nfts if it meant vic chaos would breathe the same air as me 🥹
pls someone find me a blonde himbo with a handsome face a cute mustache and a way with words 😭😩
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ask-thsc-blog · 1 year
And Jay, being your typical, kinda himbo guy, did the saw this as the last time
Jay: . . .would you like to come to my place and eat? I just finished a really nice stake-
Vic, not thing anything at all: yes
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wqbytop100 · 1 year
Top 100 for the week ending April 16, 2023
Pearls----Jessie Ware -7
Sparks----MEDUZA, DEL-30, Mali-Koa -1
Reborn----SIDEPIECE, *KYLE WALKER remix -2
Borderline----Tove Lo -5
Powdr Blu-----kx5 f/ Brother -6
Something's Coming-----Cheat Codes, Lady A -17
Submarine----Seeb, BANNERS, SUPER-Hi -12
If We Ever Broke Up---Mae Stephens -13
Where You Are----John Summit, Hayla -9
High Heels - Party Down Under----Flo Rida, Walker Hayes, *SAM FELDT remix -8
Just The Kinda Feeling----Yotto, Lost Boy -4
Unholy---Sam Smith, Kim Petras, *DISCLOSURE remix -32
You Know What I Need----PNAU, Troye Sivan -29
Heaven----Niall Horan -11
Here We Go Again-----Oliver Tree, David Guetta -18
Gone (Da da Da)----Imanbek, Jay Sean -40
Dancing's Done----Ava Max -41
Sweet Goodbye----Robin Schulz, *SVIDDEN remix -63
Left & Right----Ownboss, FAST BOY -16
Good Time----The Dare -30
Out Of My Mind----Little Image -27
Part Of Me---Cian Ducrot -88
Sing Your Lullaby----R3HAB, Mike Williams -57
Lennon----ESSEL -14
***Misbehave----Ship Wrek, Disco Lines -(new entry)
***Church Outfit----Poppy -(new entry)
Take Me Home----VAVO, Clara Mae -23
The Way----Manchester Orchestra -61
10:35------Tiesto, Tate McRae -24
Crying On The Dancefloor-----Sam Feldt, Jonas Blue, Endless Summer, Violet Days -28
Back To You-----Lost Frequencies, Elley Duhe, X Ambassadors -3
Lay Low----Tiesto -20
Money On The Dash-----Elley Duhe, Whethan -19
Lovesick-----Alan Walker, Sophie Simmons -10
Red Lights-----Lane 8, Emmit Fenn, *EMBRZ remix -15
Whistle-----Jax Jones, Calum Scott -21
I Can't Wait----Tiesto, Solardo, Poppy Baskcomb -33
Stay Above----Lukas Graham -36
Gimme That Bounce----Mau P -39
Never Not Gonna Dance Again-----Pink, *SAM FELDT remix -31
Chasing Shadows-----Alex Warren -37
Making Time----Sultan + Shepard, Julia Church -38
Flowers------Mylie Cyrus -34
All Falls Down-----Alonestar, Jethro Sheeran, Ed Sheeran *JETHRO SHEERAN remix (Cubism Dance Mix) -43
When I Talk-----Kx5 f/ Elderbrook -25
Different Kind Of Lonely----Camp Kubrick, Don Diablo -35
What's It Gonna Take----Cheat Codes, Michael Tenpenny -42
Anyway-----Cash Cash w/ Ruthanne -26
The One----INJI -44
Heart Wants What It Wants-----Bebe Rexha -56
I'll Be Around----Elderbrook, Amtrac -47
Tornado----Hi Lo (Oliver Heldens) -49
Nervous System-----JOSEPH -50
Can't Tame Her-----Zara Larson -51
Need Me Right-----Anabel Englund -52
<>Do You Really?------Lyn Lapid, Ruth B -(re-entry)
A Milli------Lil Wayne, *SIDEPIECE remix -54
Don't Make Me Have To Come Down There ----Dolly Parton -55
Ghost Again-----Depeche Mode -60
So Many Ways To Get Downtown----Proxima Parada -62
House All The Time----Biscits -65
Run A Red Light-----Everything But The Girl -64
Trustfall----Pink -66
Everything You Have Done----Genesi, *MEDUZA remix -67
Waterfall----Michael Schulte, R3HAB -68
On & On-----Armin Van Buuren, Punctual, Alika -78
No One Dies From Love-----Tove Lo -69
Tina-----Vintage Culture, Bhaskar, Meca, The Vic -72
Stereo----SUM SUN, Sly Chance -73
Bright Lights----Kx5 f/ AR/CO -70
Dancing All Alone----Morgan Page, TELYKAST -76
***Hanging On----Bob Moses, *CRi remix -(new entry)
<>Sleepwalking-----Matt Sassari, Goodboys -(re-entry)
Explore Your Future----Anyma -80
It's Euphoric-----Georgia -92
***Psychos------Jenny Lewis -(new entry)
***Point Of No Return----Adam Port, Monolink -(new entry)
Ride It----Armin Van Heldens, Roc'Well, Coco, Slayrizz -83
Fantasy (Tricky Disco)-----W&W, Harris & Ford, TRIIIPL3 INC. -79
***Sober-----Ship Wrek -(new entry)
***Say Say Say------Kygo, f/ Michael Jackson, Paul McCartney -(new entry)
I Wrote A Song----Mae Muller -71
Growing Pains-----Jastin Martin -85
Welcome To Dinna----Francis Mercier, Black Uhuru -86
Himbo---Curtis Waters -87
***Back To You----Bob Moses, Amtrac -(new entry)
<>My City's On Fire----Jimi Jules, *ANYMA, CASSIAN remix -(re-entry)
No Sleep----Regard, Ella Henderson -89
Choose You----Elmiene -74
<>One Night In Heaven----M People -(re-entry)
Headstrong Gunner-----Aldn -75
***Baby Again...----Fred Again..., Skrillex, FOUR TET -(new entry)
Rely On Me-----Sigala, Gabry Pointe, Alex Gaudino -45
Bel Mercy----Jengi -46
Shut Up----Alex Walker, UPSAHL -48
How Many Tears----Kygo, Sam Feldt, Emily Warren -53
Show Me----John Summit, Hannah Boleyn -58
Make Me Feel----The Chainsmokers, Cheyenne Giles -59
Deciever VIP-----Chris Lake, Green Velvet -77
Everybody Hates Me----Gayle -81
Gone off of this weeks chart are ; *** 6new <>3re-entry Hungry Heart-----Steve Aoki, Galantis f/ Hayley Kiyoko Find Your People----Drew Holcomb & the Neighbors River----Mylie Cyrus Rewind-----Whipped Cream Jaded-----Mylie Cyrus Good Life-----Hayden James, Emie All Or Nothing----Topic, HRVY Afterparty-----Loud Luxury, Hook N Sling Tra Tra-----HUGEL, BLOND:ISH, Nfasis Pouring Rain----Guz, Camden Cox Lipstick-----BLR, Robbie Rise
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soda-gremlin · 2 months
The Newer Thea Sisters Books Aren’t as Good as the Older Ones, and Here’s Why
Yes yes, I know I am beating a dead horse here, but I have noticed quite a few patterns when it comes to the newer books, specifically why I don’t like them. So here is my comprehensive list of traits that make the newer books so lackluster.
1. No Continuity
And no, I am not simply referring to small details, like the name of a celebrity that has already been established. What I am referring to, is both the lack of reference to previous books even when relevant, and the complete absence of background knowledge. Let me explain.
So, y’all have read Mystery on the Orient Express, right? If you haven’t, major spoilers ahead. The villains turn out to be a set of identical twins, Dimitri and Leon. But first, before discovering that fact, the Thea Sisters had to tangle with the conundrum of Dimitri’s hand, and why the burn kept disappearing and reappearing. It took them quite a bit of time to work that out because, well, they’d never seen that before. And they’re still new to mystery-solving.
However, in a later book, (spoilers for Phantom of the Orchestra) they are confused by a character named John’s seemingly contradictory behavior, like greeting them like old friends one minute, and acting like they never met the next minute. But here’s the thing. They’ve seen this before, in Mystery of the Orient Express. That shouldn’t have been a huge twist. They shouldn’t have taken that long to figure that out, because they’ve seen it before.
Need another example? So, a common trope in the newer books is that one of the side characters aiding them mysteriously goes missing. Then it turns out, they were kidnapped/led away. It happens almost every single time. Riddle of the Ruins, Niagara Splash, you get the idea. But every single time, the girls dick around like, “Oh no, I wonder where John Doe could have POSSIBLY went” GIRLIEPOPS. THIS AINT YOUR FIRST RODEO. YOU SHOULD KNOW THIS.
I get it, they want the series to be episodic and all that, but when it’s actively hurting the story’s writing, and when quite a few readers have read previous books, it ends up detrimental instead of convenient.
2. The Forgettable Side Characters
Have any of you read the Mouseford series, or the graphic novels? If you have, you’re probably familiar with Vanilla (Ruby), Vic (Ryder), Shen, Craig, Tanya (Tanja), and Dina (Elly). All pretty well-established side characters, some even making an appearance in the beginning of the original series’ books.
Clearly, they have a very diverse cast of side characters in their roster. Shen being a sweet, bookish nerd, Craig being a himbo jock, Vic being a chaotic neutral rich boy, Vanilla being your average spoiled rich girl, you get the idea.
So I bet they bring one along on the girls’ adventures to spice up the story, right? Bringing in a fresh new perspective on the story’s events and a refreshing deviation in recurring character dynamics, while also expanding on the side characters themselves. Right?
Instead, they make up a character to use as a plot device. I hesitate to even call them characters, because they have no personality. They’re all the same cookie cutter cardboard cutouts again and again. Especially the new male characters.
Can you tell me a SINGLE unique trait about Didier, Ioannis, Mateo, or Akhun?
Can you even tell me which books they’re from?
Of course you can’t! You probably don’t even remember they existed! (Unless they’re your blorbo, in that case, you have my sympathies…)
So instead of using the more interesting and established side characters from Mouseford, they just stick in a plot device of a character and call it a day.
In the older books, the new characters were memorable. Take Ashvin for example, aka, the only character’s name in this category I didn’t have to look up. He had an actual character. He was impulsive, reckless, but had a strong moral code. Contrast that to the new books’ Forgettable Twink #12.
3. Less Emphasis on Culture
This section will be shorter, due to me not really being any of these cultures, and being American, but I still think it’s worth covering.
The idea of the Thea Sisters exploring new countries and cultures is not new. I’d wager that’s the very purpose of the books, to expand the worldviews of impressionable children.
However, in the newer books, it feels a lot more shallow. As in, “a leaflet you got at an airport” shallow. They just barely scrape the surface, and call it a day. Only covering well known foods and internationally known traditions/practices. It’s like if Cherry Blossom Adventure only had the Thea Sisters eating sushi and learning about ninjas or origami. It does that country a massive disservice, especially if you’re native, or even if you’ve just lived there.
This is due to the newer books having the girls see the country through the eyes of a tourist rather than getting immersed in the life of a local.
Take Mountain of Fire for example, they are thrust headfirst into Nicky’s home country. They’re not put up in a hotel in the touristy part of the country, they’re in Nicky’s ranch, experiencing the wildlife, as well as what it’s like to live so far from the city. They see the natural wonders of Australia, as well as learning from the Aboriginal peoples living around the area, including Nicky’s family.
4. Boring Conflict
This one is pretty straightforward. The conflicts in the newer books feel so boring, almost sanitized in a way. There are no real stakes. In the older books, there were many consequences laid out if the villain succeeded. An important link to a dying art would have been lost, the livelihood of Pam’s family business would have been compromised, and not to mention, PEOPLE COULD HAVE DIED.
But now it’s like, “Oh nooo, a single piece from a model is missing, and it’s gonna lose the contest, whatever shall we do 🥺🥺 It’s not like we can recreate it or anything”
There is nothing compelling about the conflicts or its villains. We have no reason to be at the edge of our seats like with Mystery of the Orient Express, where Pam and Nicky LITERALLY CLIMB ON TOP OF A TRAIN TO CATCH THE THIEF BEFORE HE CAN GET AWAY
But now it just feels like a fetch quest of clues, and a wild goose chase for good measure. And just lot of fapping about in general.
I also have to bring up villains. They’re having the same issue as the side characters. They’re all the same greedy, shifty characters that are so obviously up to something.
Final Thoughts
I think all of these flaws can basically boil down to the fact that every book feels like the same story, over and over again, just with different names. (There are some exceptions, but my point still stands)
And just one more note I have is that, I wish the Thea Sisters got more personality to them. Like, I wish they acted like an actual friend group, not like how kids shows love portraying friend groups. Which is a group of girls all nice to each other all the damn time. There’s no depth, there’s no added dynamics that make the friend group feel real. The dialogue is all so flat. I need banter, I need inside jokes, I need playful jabs at one another, I need each sister having a different relationship with one another. We don’t want perfect, we want interesting. (But this isn’t exclusively a newer book issue, so I didn’t put it in the main list)
Aaaannndddd that’s about all I’ve got for you today! Hope you enjoyed this little rant/analysis!!
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mmandibles · 2 years
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Panel redraw for the bff!
122 notes - Posted January 13, 2022
Help me get outta Texas and not die from sepsis!
Look, it rhymes! Anyway…
Yo! It’s Vic again—your local Black nonbinary barista—and I’ve started a GFM!
Long story short:
I have some serious dental work/surgery to get done that I’ve put off because of the cost. The infection has reached the point of affecting my overall health and potentially becoming lethal.
But also, my partner and I are moving cross-country from Texas back to Pennsylvania so we can be closer to her mom and family. Her mom’s health has been seriously declining recently, and we don’t want to risk being so far away for another year.
Even with working full-time, having dental insurance, and taking a loan outta my 401k, there’s no way I can afford this without some assistance. I’m trying to reach out to all avenues I can including posting my:
VM: @Victoria-Barton-2
CA: $mandibles
Any help at all is so appreciated. Thank you! 🙏🏾
136 notes - Posted June 20, 2022
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based on this
155 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
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Behold my gender: chaotic himbo fanboys
263 notes - Posted June 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Something I started a million years ago…
586 notes - Posted August 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ophelianated · 2 years
So, Dazai canonically likes to follow Arthur around for...whatever reason (probably for his depression vibes tbh). He also has a strong dislike for dogs, to put it mildly (irl Dazai did anyway, so I'm gonna say he does too).
Ever since Arthur figured this out (because of course he did), whenever he is on the last of his nerves when it comes to dealing with Dazai, he will take Vic out for a walk because that way Dazai stops following him, if only for the time being.
For a while he thinks he has galaxy brained it at last and a good part of his clown problems are solved. Except after a time Vic starts to associate Dazai with walks, and because walks = good, he becomes super hyper and excited whenever he catches sight of Dazai and launches 7 pounds of puppy love at him at the speed of light, much to the chagrin of both writers.
Vic 110% chases Dazai around the mansion, and the only reason Arthur is able to suppress his jealousy ("why would you choose that slippery twat over me? a queen really ought to have better taste than that") and not intervene is that watching Dazai finally let his mask slip while he runs for his life is too good an opportunity to examine what's underneath to just pass up over something as petty as jealousy.
(he will absolutely hold extra long cuddle marathons after Vic has tired himself out though)
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