#Nezu is mean
musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 year
The self indulgent blurb
“Hey, hey! Aizawa!” Shouta paused to turn towards the voice calling. Walking down the hall was the form of Nezu’s secretary, Mathews Vic. A plus size, short person, they had randomly appeared one day blinking behind their glasses in Nezu’s office. Shouta never found out to much about them, given Nezu hoarded their information like a dragon but they'd settled in well as a secretary. “Shit yeah good to catch you!” Mathews beamed. They flicked their braid behind their head, the random pieces of bone in it clinking.
Shouta was ninety percent sure the whole ‘bone in hair’ thing was to mess with people. “Mathews,” Shouta said to them with a nod. They were at work and not in private. Hell, he was outside his classroom on the third day. Probably Mathews's own design on that. They once told Shouts that ‘eavesdropping is essential for a hero student and if they over hear shut they shouldn't it's on them to keep their mouths shut’. Though they did keep the really confidential stuff hidden.
“Glad I caught you! Wanted to talk about two of your students. Midoriya and Bakugou,” Mathews said. Shouta sighed. Of course, those two. Shouta’s first impression had been of a slacker and a kid who'd been told for years that he would end up a villain thanks to his Quirk. It hadn't changed just yet, but something was bugging him about them.
“Whats on your mind?” Shouta asked.
“Well for starters I met Bakugou before. It was a year back and I caught the kid threatening some other kids about ‘not applying to UA cause I'll kill you’. He actually had his Quirk popping in his hands. I stepped in, told him off and moved on. But that kinda thing sticks in your mind you know?” Mathews said. “So when I saw him I was like. Ah! Must look into! And I have for the last bit other than when the Rat God, May he have mercy on our souls, asks me to do other things.”
The cackle coming in from their earpieces, showing Nezu was listening, made Shouta shake his head. The joke kept on going, it was funny enough but Mathews took forever to get to their point like the rat did.
“Anyways so I did further research and looked into teacher comments on Bakugou. Did you?”
“No, I never look at them. Half the time they're garbage with either inflated praise or sabatoge. I look at other things like grades and skill scores.” Shouta said honestly. He'd like to talk to the person who started the rumour he didn't read the files. He wasn't stupid, he just skipped things that often ended up being faked.
“Smart smart, cause Midoriya has the worst load of horseshit I've ever seen. This kid is apparently the most disruptive and unintelligent child, meanwhile he's nearly broke a record on our entrance exam. 90%! Can you believe it?!” Mathews spread their arms out with a grin. Shouta had known that, but figured Mathews and Nezu were just absurdly pleased by a smart kid.
Shuffling came from the classroom they were in front of. Both ignored it as Mathews rambled on. “Bakugou though… that kid has nothing but praise and being called a delight in his files. I was instantly suspicious.”
Shouta was now to. That didn't make sense with his attitude so far. It should have been more like Midoriya’s records then not. Or it would be if he faced Quirk Discrimination like Shouta assumed.
“So I went digging. I know you thought he was a victim of discrimination cause his attitude matched yours as a kid, angry, bitter, willing to scream at people-” Mathews rambled as a loud bang echoed from the classroom before quieting.
We need to work on stealth, Shouta thought to himself.
“So I went back further and dug up some of the social media of their classmates and holy SHIT. Aizawa? That explosive kid is a narcissistic sociopath waiting to happen!” Mathews said in disbelief. “And no this isn't ‘oh Explosive Quirk? You're a villain in the making!’” the high pitched sing-song voice made Shouta shake his head at them. “This is me ACTUALLY wondering cause that kid had used his Quirk on Midoriya multiple times for stupid reasons. Including muttering. I saw DOZENS of videos Shouta, all untagged so we missed them!”
The fact Mathews used his name showed how serious this was. “Vic-” Shouts began but they waved him off.
“Not now. I'm angry. You know the whole ‘hey so this school gets all grades audited’ thing we discovered. It's not because of Bakugou like you thought. It's cause of Midoriya! Cause until the entrance exam he was Quirkless! And they treated him like SHIT FOR IT!” Mathews exploded. “I can't tell you how much shit I went through Shouta, how much BULLSHIT I saw spew from the mouths of students and teachers. And Bakugou was a driving force!” Mathews shook their head, turning away from Shouta to stare at the wall.
He looked at his classroom, wondering why it was so quiet. It felt like a tomb, staring at it.
It was better than thinking on Mathews's words. He didn't WANT to believe it. He didn't want to think that they'd let an bigoted bully into UA. But Mathews rarely lied.
“Fuck, we fucked up.”
“We caught it early,” Mathews said to him, turning away from the wall. “I poked at Midoriya’s file to and he was Quirkless. It changed a week after the exam.”
“False negative? With specific activation?” Shouta asked.
“One option. Some of the videos had the kid freaking scrawny. Makes sense he needed to put on muscle for that Quirk. But like… there's also three other options.” Mathews said. “One, he met someone who can give people Quirks-”
“Like the boogeyman?” Shouta rolled his eyes.
“I met the fuck six years back, he wanted my Quirk,” Mathews said dryly. “I set off a glitter bomb in answer. But you do know there are other people with similar Quirks right? Nothing is unique and I want to point while laughing at any idiot claiming otherwise. Hell there's one with the exact same Quirk in Taiwan. Nice lady, works for the government.” Mathews shrugged at Shouta’s look. “No Quirk is villainous. It's idiots who say so.”
“I know that. I just wonder how you keep meeting these people.” Shouta told them.
“Sheer dumb luck. And also me being nosy as fuck. But anyway, so that's an option except my friend charges big bucks for a Quirk unless you go through the government so she's out and I can't think of anyone else in Japan since Boogeyman either died or went underground… wonder if the glitter… no right back on track. Our second option if a force manifested Quirk.” Mathews looked very uncomfortable saying that. Shouta understood why.
Force manifested Quirks, or FMQ only came about in serious circumstances. The idea Midoriya had one was haunting.
But it explained so much. The darkness in his eyes, the lowered face, the quiet looks he gave. It explained so much.
“Entrance exam?” Shouta asked. Mathews fidgeted. “... Vic?”
“I umm… sent you some videos of the worst bullying and a signed statement from a kid who told me a lot of stuff about Bakugou. Apparently they were friends of a sort? And the kid had a wake up call? It’s not… pretty.” Mathews winced. “But it’s possible Midoriya… tried to take his own life before UA. I don’t know if he did but it’s not good.”
“Fuck,” Shouta covered his face. His classroom was still so silent. Why?
“Which uhh leads me to the last option! A transferable Quirk!” Mathews said.
“...That’s a thing?” Shouta asked.
“Oh yeah I know like three heroes with one, and two non-heroes.” Mathews chriped as they motioned with their hands, trying to avoid the unpleasant conversation they just had. “It’s rareish, but it happens.”
“I see…” Shouta sighed. “Well, thanks for this. I now have to talk to my class who heard everything probably.”
“...Wait, wait… what… oh fuck,” Mathews paled dramatically. “I thought it was after school.”
“... did you forget AGAIN what times people leave school here?”
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chaoticmarko · 2 months
"Would you like some tea?"
I drew a lil somethin in mspaint :P
Does this count as pixelart?
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plusultraetc · 2 months
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I can't believe I finished this before the deadline
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nezukoo-channn · 2 months
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asktheprincipalofua · 2 years
Do you feel bad when you suspend or expel a student?
File: NewsInterview_1300YT.vid-trscpt
Nedzu: I do. Suspension is one thing as it is often can help the student realize that their actions are placing them at risk, but to expel a student outright? It is a failure that we are unable to help guide them regardless of what type of poor behavior they have committed.
Nedzu: In many instances all the student needs is to be placed in a different homeroom or course track. The new environment and direct exposure to an unfamiliar set of social dynamics, although it is a less drastic shift than it would be otherwise, is typically enough to help break them out of whatever pattern they had long enough for them to begin to change and improve.
Nedzu: However in the cases where a student must be expelled from UA, it is necessary for the safety and well-being of other students and due to the student in question's staunch refusal to change. Even so we still try to provide the student the tools they will need to better themselves and hope they gain the help they need.
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arle-cchino · 2 years
My spare wallet where I keep my change is lost wtf, there's like month worth of change for me to ride home and get snacks
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Principal Nezu:
You’re asking me to send my concerns to the commission that your personal information might have been leaked as the ambush in your room last night.
Indeed, Mis’er Principal.
Principal Nezu:
The villains encountered Soul-san and Midoriya-san.
They didn’t get hurt in fa process as they handled da attack quite well.
Principal Nezu:
Have the private information in your room been stolen?
Eclipse: 🔵
Piccolo-san is dead.
Principal Nezu:
I’ll take it as a no and should i call Power Loader to fix Piccolo’s figure for you?
Eclipse: 🔵
Yes, pwease.
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enbypool · 2 years
my magical girls are wonderful bc of the contrast between yori and nezumi. yori encounters some big bad and immediately goes for brutal murder but nezumi is a normal magical girl and wants to redeem them with the power of love
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explosionkatsu · 7 months
Love letter in winter
Bakugou x Reader
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Winter is about to end in Japan and classes are still ongoing. Everyone is talking about their plans for Valentine's. Some are going out with friends, whilst others are preparing a date for their partners. It's the month of love like what they say, and students are wondering if will they ever receive chocolate from their schoolmates, particularly the male population.
Everyone is excited, planning to make homemade chocolate to give to their crushes and friends as a sign of their friendship.
Everyone is excited except for him.
While lunch break, everyone was conversing with their friends and Y/n couldn't help but look at the blondie sitting quietly looking at the floor as if thinking while Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero are conversing enthusiastically.
She didn't know if Bakugo ever accepted chocolates before. But Y/n was aware that the person they like isn't fond of sweets making it harder for her to think of something to give him.
Sensing someone is staring at him, Bakugou lifts his gaze from the floor and looks to his surroundings catching Y/n staring at him. He held his gaze for a moment noticing that Y/n doesn't even know he was staring back at them. He analyses them for a moment before seeing Y/n snap out of their thought watching her with an amused face seeing Y/n all flustered and turning her back at him.
Kirishima who is not listening to Kaminari ramble anymore sees Bakugo and turns to look at where he is looking. He saw Y/n turning red and looking away from them then he went back on watching Bakugou seeing him smirk at Y/n’s reaction.
February 14
The day of Valentine’s day. Principal Nezu decided to join the month of love celebration and give students time to celebrate the holiday. Besides, the month of love isn't only about our lovers, right? It is also about the love we give to our family and friends.
Several students in Class 1A are out, going on who knows what their plans were while some are left behind.
Y/n is one of the students left inside the dorm. After rejecting the invitation of their classmates, they decided to stay behind to think of what to give everyone, especially Bakugo.
"The hell are you doing here?” Bakugo said walking down the stairs. He was surprised to see her alone in the common area.
Apparently, he also decided not to join them.
“E-eh? Why are you here?” Y/n asked him back.
“I asked first, stupid. Now answer me.” He demanded, finally getting down and head to the kitchen.
“I don’t know,” Y/n mumbled looking away from him.
“What do you mean you don't know? The hell is wrong with you.” Bakugo shook his head while opening the fridge to look for something to eat.
“I just didn't feel like joining them.” Y/n sighed resting back on the sofa.
Silence engulfs them since Bakugo didn't answer them.
Y/n didn't even dare to ask why he was still here since he knew he was not interested in this kind of holiday.
Suddenly, a letter dropped on her lap caught her by surprise. Y/n sat up and looked who gave it only to see Bakugo walking back upstairs.
Y/n, with a racing heart and shaking hands, decided to open the letter. The content made her heart race even more. Putting it back inside the envelope, she stood up and ran towards Bakugo’s room.
She didn't know he felt the same way as she did so this might be her chance to confess as well.
Once she reached his room, Y/n knocked while trying to catch her breath and calm her racing heart. She was nervous. How could she face him like this? What will he say?
Thoughts are running in her head, but it was cut off when Bakugo finally opened his door.
“What is it?” He asked hiding his face.
“I-i..” Y/n was nervous.
Bakugo’s eyes were on her. He was watching her fidgeting as well as her reaction.
“I l-like you too..” Y/n said, face reddening.
Y/n was suddenly pulled by her arm into the dark room. The door behind her was shut closed. She couldn't see anything in the room.
Y/n felt arms wrapped around her waist, hugging her from behind. The scent is sweet and alluring.
“B-bakugo..” Y/n stuttered feeling his warm breath on her neck.
“Took you long enough..” Bakugo whispered huskily, breathing in her scent. “I’ve been fucking waiting for this.”
Y/n was speechless. How can she show him that she loves him? She was glad that the room was dark, it concealed her reddening face.
Y/n decided to follow her intrusive thoughts. Slowly, she turns her body, finally facing him. The intimacy between them helped her to make out his face. He was looking at her. Gradually, she brings her lips against his, moving them slowly and passionately.
Bakugo though instantly responded to her kiss by kissing her back, but with more passion. He’s been waiting for this. He even couldn't believe this was happening.
The kiss started to turn into a yearning sensation.
Bakugo navigated Y/n to his bed without breaking the kiss. His arms were still around her caressing and exploring her clothed body.
Y/n felt the mattress underneath her as they continued. She felt him push her down gently causing her to break the kiss and fall on the bed.
They were panting from the lack of oxygen but they didn't care.
Bakugo stood in front of her while eyeing her. He let his eyes roam her body sensually. ‘God she’s beautiful.’ He then went on top of her, his arm supporting his weight.
He’ll treasure this moment. He’ll keep every detail of hers in his mind.
Once again, Bakugo kisses her. He felt her lips slightly shaking and kissing him back.
Y/n was nervous but loved every moment. She wanted this to happen.
Feeling tough, she put her hands under his loose tank top, feeling all the muscles and biceps he has from all the training they did.
Bakugo shivered as he felt her warm hands touching his body. This caused him to halt the kiss and look at her.
“Are you teasing me, hah.” Bakugo smirked while still breathless. His velvet eyes staring at her.
“N-no..” Y/n mumbled looking back at him.
“Wrong answer.” Bakugo positioned his face at the crook of her neck, biting the flesh. When he bites a certain spot, a moan escapes from Y/n’s lips. This made him grin. He found her sensitive spot. Without any further, he once again bit the same spot, kissing it, sucking it.
“B-bakugo..” Y/n moaned breathlessly.
“Katsuki,” Bakugo said, continuing his motions.
“K-katsuki..” Y/n moaned.
Hearing her moan his name, Bakugo loses it. He went back for a kiss and took his chances by putting a hand under her shirt toward her breast. He unhurriedly massaged and fondled her breath causing her to moan in the kiss.
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serxinns · 4 months
The Aftermath....
Part 2 of class 1a imagine if you wanna see part 1 go here
DISCLAIMER: this concept and idea are NOT MINE this belongs to @lets-get-kraken-boys if you wanna see the original go here
this is the alternate aftermath of what my imagined fic and what happened after that please enjoy
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Mirio, Neijire, and Tamaki all surrounded you comforting you and trying to calm you down Tamaki handed you a flower-themed handkerchief you slowly grabbed it and cleaned your face after minutes of rubbing your back, silence and more of your empty sobs Mirio broke the silence "now sunshine are you ready to talk ?" You looked up and quietly nodded
you explained how your classmates have been tormenting how Todoroki always dragging you into your dorm and cuddling you and u swore you felt him smelling your hair how Mina and Hakagure would lock you in their rooms and play and touch you everywhere even if you told them to stop and started crying once
How izuku would follow you around like some lost puppy and make you eat lunch with him even tho you would rather eat alone.
How kiri sero and denki would rip up your poor clothed to the point where you have to smack their hands and tells them to stop
iida and momo trying to break in your room whenever you didn't wanna eat dinner with your classmates or didn't want to do a study date
how Bakugo would relentlessly verbally assault you calling you all sorts of names shaming your fashion and clothing and how he would degrade you for basically everything you do! How you eat how you study how your grades are for just no reason!
The three of them were livid Mirio and Tamaki now loosing trust for Midoriya and Kirishima tamaki felt more betrayed since he actually liked Kirishima so did Mirio but now that's out of the drain and that bakugo kid just telling all these horrible lies to you you were the most talented, nicest, and greatest person of all how could egoistic lowlife just hurt their darlings feelings..
And Neijire was more jealous about how her girls were playing with her but that'll be for another time but those perverted male classmates of yours ripping your delicate clothes and putting their filthy hands on your soft clean hair and that stupid white and hair kid dragging you off and locking you away to do who knows what! She was gonna make sure those pests were gonna feel her wrath
The 3 of them realized you were still there and slowly calmed themselves down "And may I ask why are your clothes covered in..blood sorry if that was too personal" Neijire hesitated worried that it'd make you cry again you sniffled "You won't get mad at me when I tell would you?" Mirio gently grabbed both of your shoulders and looked at you with a gentle smile "Of course not! We would never get mad at you sunshine!"
You hesitated for a moment you took a deep breath and told them everything about how he kept harassing you and wanted your arm hard and started to degrade you for every single thing, and how you beat Katsuki until unconsciousness, the more you told them the more you cried "i-i didn't mean to I just wanted to go to my room and be left alone! But he yanked my arm back and kept shaming me for being a "crybaby" and the more insults he spew the angrier I got and then I snapped! I swear I didn't mean to dont hate me..!"
The more you talked about it the worse your crying got to the point you started babbling out "I didn't mean to" or "Please don't hate me" The 3 of them hugged you tightly you were going through so much! It pains them to see you like this the 3 of them looked at each other and nodded they were gonna make your classmates pay a punishment they'll never forget!, after you were done crying you heard the announcement and it was principal nezu
"Y/n l/n wherever you are please come to my office immediately y/n l/n please come directly to my office"
"They must've found out.." you slowly chuckled "I'm probably gonna get house arrest for a few days.." not like you were scared or gonna hate it heck you'll finally have some alone time without your classmates always invading you stood up thanking the big 3 while they stared at you sympathetically and also thinking of a plan
You went to the office and just as you predicted you got house arrest for 3-5 days but Katsuki a week detention and cleaning dorms duty due to the evidence of him harassing you and some of your classmates managed to confess what happened and the security cameras the two of you were both told to keep Far away from each other which you didn't mind actually but katsuki sneered and looked down grumbling to himself which patches and ice bags while your classmates were bummed out the they couldn't see you for a while
For the next 2 days Most of your classmates were trying to get in your room and hang out with you or tried to comfort you which ofc you didn't and locked the door Mina and Hakagure wanted to come in a play a little "game" but you ignored them turn up some music on your headphones untill they thought you were sleeping,
momo and Iida wanted to do study lessons with you or tried to convince you to come out your room to eat dinner but you lied saying you need to stay in and was worried you wouod get in trouble and get more days after them pestering you alot they finally left you alone
Kirishima, Sero, and Denki kept pressuring you to try and play a game with them or convince you to open the door to play one of your favorite games on a console but you refused to say you like playing on your device more and you didn't play that game anymore (that was a lie) but they kept pestering you even gaslight you saying how your room is all crampy and boring to be in and how fun it would be if they joined you in the room but you declined you didn't want those weridos anywhere around you so defeated they went off
But on the 3rd day, everything was quiet there was no knocking no classmates trying to barge in, nothing just complete silence which you were glad and brushed it off prob thought Aizawa caught them telling them not to bother you but you were so wrong
It was the day after your house arrest it was fun while it lasted you hoped that Bakugo didn't get pissed about the incident nor want to hunt you down knowing him and you dread your classmates are gonna be more clingy and obsessive than ever your mentality prepared yourself took a deep breath strangely nobody was knocking on your door to offer to walk with them
To your surprise, everyone was a bit quiet heck more silent than ever most still said hi or waved but the classmates who kept harassing you kept their heads down like Izuku and Shoto glaring down their desks in shame and envy muttering something bandages on their bodies
Kirishima, Sero, and Denki stood in utter silent looking exhausted and tried you noticed there were bandages on their hands and feet even in clean clothing you could tell they been through hell and back and were those nail marks on their wrist?
Mina and Hakagure looked as if they were about to snap at anyone whispering stuff saying "How dare they" or "We didn't do anything wrong" under their breath, Hakagure was looking at you in shame and guilt and gave you a small note saying sorry then quickly going back to their desk
Bakugo was the worst of all he looked like he had gone through hell and back of course the bandages on his face were you doing but he was clutching his stomach a bit he avoided contact with you even when training he prob said like something under his breath or something that you can barely hear but when you turned back he quickly walks away
Momo and Iida looked pissed as well momo biting her nails In anger and frustration when you asked what was going on with her she looked at you with a warm but unusual smile saying it was nothing, Iida on the other hand looked uptight busy distracting himself by reading a whole study book on his own his aura was tense and he looked like it was very annoyed with something
Lastly, it was Tokoyami the poor dark shadow was fearing for his life shivering and whimpering a bit while Tokoyami was busy comforting him saying "It's ok it's it's over now" When Tokoyami saw me he weakly waved with a small worried smile dark shadow looked at you mouthing an "I'm sorry" which you awkwardly smiled and puts thumbs up saying it's all good
One day at lunch you'd decided to sit by your best friends Jirou and Tsuyu they were both chatting with Shoji and Koda you slowly walked up to them at their table they all looked at you in shock "Oh hey y/n you out of house arrest *kero*" she said bluntly but you knew she was worried "Yea..finally took it off of me but guys I really wanna say I'm sorry-"
"no need.." shoji interrupted you "It wasn't your fault he had it coming for a while now and it seems like you were in a bad mood" Shoji reassured you "yea plus he and the others got what they deserved as well good" Jiro said in a silly venomous tone "got what they deserved? What do you mean? Were they doing normal training?" They all looked at each other worriedly and then looked at you back "You didn't know? *kero*" You nodded your head "I couldn't after class I had to go straight into my room
Tsuyu and the others looked around to see if everyone wasn't listening when the coast seemed to be Cleary she leaned closely to you "ok I'm gonna whisper it you what happened and you can't tell anyone this ok" you nodded Eagar to find out what happened and this is what she told you
Apparently, on your 3rd day of house arrest, the big 3 came into the classroom for an "educational visit" Everyone was confused at 1st about why but that's when it got serious Mirio explained how Mina, hakagure, bakugo, momo, Iida, izuku, shoto, bakugo, and tokoyami were gonna have "special training" but mirio said it with an angry and serious tone, chill went up to there spine, that's when everyone else knew that it was gonna be serious and the students who were called looked nervous and surprised and some even cautious but this was just the beginning.
While everyone else was training the boys were getting harsh lectures from Mirio, especially at Izuku, Shoto, and Bakugo about Boundaries and other stuff, and were getting harsh training by having to fight Mirio without their quirks they were repeatedly getting punched in the stomach over and over again until one of them threw up
Kirishima Sero and Denki were lifting heavy objects until their bodies couldn't take them and if they fell neijire would grab their clothes harshly on purpose and snatch them up until their clothes were turning into ripped clothing
Mina and Hakagure were also getting the same punishment by Mirio but Neijire told Him to go easy a bit but was still upset how they didn't let her join playing with cute little you so payback I guess, also Tamaki ripped them a new one about keeping their hands to themselves while using a glare they never see him do before
You were shocked by all this progressing all half of you were saying this was karma this was deserved but the other hand told you they took it a bit too far but what comes around goes around I guess you were gonna have to talk to them about what the hell happened "serves them right in my opinion" Jiro shrugged carelessly while the other agreed "they should've went a bit easier on the, but what goes around comes around I guess *kero*" everyone else nodded while eating their food while you were wondering what the fuck just happened
"Y/n! You're here!" Your thoughts were interrupted by a familiar A familiar bubbly voice called you in it was Neijire alongside Mirio and Tamaki "Ah Senpais!!" Everyone at your table was shocked and bowed a bit while you waved happily at them "I see you're out of that house arrest good you back we've been worried about you sunshine!" Mirio said with his usual smile while Tamaki shyly waved back to you "we hope your doing ok.." Tamaki quietly said and you smiled "thanks guys! I'm doing so much better honestly that house arrest was surely a need! Probably shouleve begged for more" you jokingly said
"now now let's not get into more trouble! You don't wanna get detention or worse!" Neijire said with a laugh while you playfully rolled their eyes "anyways sunshine we were just wondering you wanted to join us for a sleepover this weekend!" Neijire said 3 eagerly wanting to know the answer "Actually y/n is bus this wee-" "I mean yea i guess i own yall one"
You interrupted them while the others at your table and the rest of your classmates glared jealously and deadly at them, bakugo was about to walk over there a cuss them out but Mirio looked his way and gave a warning glare which stopped him in his tracks and went back as he growled to himself talking among the other bakusqud "alright see ya! We're gonna have so much fun!" They walked back to their table while you notice how everyone in your class was glaring at them
"Those 3rd years think they could steal our darling just because they came to them.." the others agreed trying to plot some plan "I gonna blast them off to HELL when I get my hands on them!" Bakugo sneered while still glaring at them "cmon Bakubro you know what will happen if you do" Kirishima said trying to calm down his friend "Kiris right we can't take action just yet, especially this state"
Midoriya looked down he felt guilty about how he treated you but he wasn't gonna stand there and let them steal them away from you! "It was your guy's fault anyway for going too far just remember that," said Jirou as the others glared at her "This wouldn't have happened if all would just not taken it too far"
The class may not have a plan now but when they do they're gonna make sure those 3 know who theyre messing with and Mirio tamaki and neijire will be ready for when's that's to come
You on the other hand were thankful for the 3 but are gonna talk about how far their punishment was tho but one thing it did made you a bit confident and brave and not letting the others push you around you around anymore not again
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mytheoristavenue · 3 months
MHA Eijiro Kirishima - I Could Kiss You
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Summary: When you finally get offered a new work study under your first pick, Fat Gum, you know exactly who is responsible.
Warnings: Pure fluff, mentions of a toxic work relationship, mentions of misogyny, short/rushed, possibly OOC Shishido
You sighed, gripping the letter tightly in between your fingers. A part of you was relieved to read the words 'Employment Contract Termination Notice' at the head of the page, but something about the implications brewed something awful in your gut. The few months you'd spent under Shishido had been hellish and were were happy it was over but this also meant that, not only were you out of a job, you were out of a way to earn the work study credits you needed to pass the semester.
"Ah, nice," A familiar, chipper voice called from behind you. "About time!" Kirishima cheered, a hand on your shoulder as he read the letter over your shoulder.
"I guess so," you shugged his hand away dismissively.
"What do you mean?" He asked, growing more concerned at your lack of joy. "That guy's an ass, aren't you happy Nezu was able to terminate your contract?"
"I am, really," you answered with a sigh, plopping down on the common room couch. "Maybe it wasn't that bad..."
"Not that bad?" He snorted, sitting down with you, knees far apart as he leaned forward. "He treated you like a secretary. He took Ojiro and Sato out on patrols and made you stay at the office, that's not fair at all."
Kirishima wasn't wrong. It was an open secret at Shishido Agency that you were a diversity hire. The hero tended to avoid hiring interns who didn't fit a specific archetype, and he rarely ever hired women. But his contract with the school came under scrutiny when it was realized that he hadn't hired a single female student since the year after his agency opened. You were the only one who had applied to work for him, thus your employment began.
Your days after school were spent checking his emails, getting him coffee, answering his fanmail, and the like. Your classmates who worked under him would always flash you apologetic smiles as they headed out for patrol with him. "I'm sure you'll go with us next time, (Y/N)..." Ojiro would offer sheepishly on his way out the door. "Yeah, plus you're lucky, now you can get paid to just chill!" Sato would add, much to your chagrin.
"Well, in any case," Kirishima grinned, hoping to lift your spirits a bit. "Now you can start looking for a new hero to intern under!"
"Shishido was the only one who accepted me," you groaned, throwing your head back against the backboard of the couch. "I applied to like everyone I could think of."
"And nobody sent you any offers?" He asked, grimacing at your plite.
"Nope," you answered, exhausted. "Some of them never even replied." You admitted, repositioning on the couch, throwing your legs over his as you settled in. "God, 'Shima, your so lucky to get to work with Fat Gum. He was my first choice." You casually mention, cracking open a textbook to start on some homework.
"Oh yeah?" He askes with a smirk, interest piqued.
"Yeah," you smile softly. "He's always been my favorite pro, ever since I was a kid."
"Did you apply to him?" He suddenly asked, resting his hands on your shins.
"Obviously," you answered snarkily. "He was the first one I applied to."
"And?" He leaned in curiously, as if the answer wasn't glaringly obvious.
"He didn't ever respond." you sighed, turning the page of your book, a sadness gleaming in your eyes.
"Maybe you should reapply." He suggested, oddly excited as the conversation continued. "You never know! Maybe he'd take you this time around!"
"I doubt it," you rolled your eyes as you peered up at him. "I'll have to reapply to everyone though, so I might as well."
"Listen, I gotta go get ready for work." He suddenly jumped up, throwing your legs off him, earning a glare from you. "S-Sorry'bout that, but hey, I'll see you later, okay?"
Once again, you stood there, tightly gripping a letter, the paper crinkling under your trembling fingers. In disbelief, you held it tightly to your chest, repeating it's contents over and over in your head. Finally gathering your bearings, you darted for the door, drifting into the hallway towards the common space.
"Kirishima!" You squealed, prompting the redhead to poke his head out of the kitchen in a panic, puffed cheeks full of half-chewed banana.
"(Y/N)! What's up?" he worried, setting the rest of his snack on the counter, looking you over for possible injury. "You good? You're shaking."
"I got in!" you shrieked, joyous tears pricking your eyes.
His face scrunched in confusion as he tilted his head before suddenly realizing. "Oh my God!" He hollered, sweeping you up into a laugher-filled hug, spinning you as your feet left the ground. "Fat Gum offered you a position?! I told you he would, hell yeah!"
You snickered as he raved with you, setting you back down on the floor, arms still wrapped securely around you. "Oh stop, I know you talked to him."
"W-What?" He paled, pulling away slightly. "N-No, of course not!" He laughed nervously. "I-I mean, you applied to Fat Gum? I didn't even know! I-"
"Eijrio," you stopped him dead in his tracks with a soft smile and the uttering of his given name. "You're a terrible liar..."
"I-I know..." he finally relented with a sheepish smile. "Are you mad at me?"
You couldn't stifle your laugh. "Mad at you? 'Shima, I'm overjoyed." You reassured beaming. "I'm literally so happy I could kiss you!"
You regretted the words as soon as they left your lips, frozen in his grasp, watching rouge crawl up his throat and across his cheeks. His dumbstruck expression made your heart sink and you could feel the heat radiating off your face.
"Y-You mean that?" He finally asked, face never changing. You nodded hesitantly before shaking it furiously.
"I-It's just an expression, I-I didn't-" You were silenced by his calloused hand reaching up to cup your cheek and the pad of his thumb brushing across your lip.
"If you're too nervous to do it, I can kiss you..." he suggested lowly, already leaning in, crimson eyes half-lidded and flickering from yours to your pouty lips. You nodded wordlessly, also closing the distance.
"Y-You can kiss me, if you want." you whispered against his lips, simply earning a nod from him as your lips met at last, briefly and sweetly.
After a moment, Kirishima pulled away, forehead pressed to yours and he murmured to you softly, still cradling your face. "If this is my reward, just tell me what else I can do to make you happy..." he said with a toothy grin.
"It's not a reward," you confessed with an equally saccharine tone. "I would have taken any excuse to kiss you..."
"Is that right?" he laughed, pulling you flush against him, head dipping down to catch your lips again, this time for much longer. "Guess I'll have to keep giving you excuses then, huh?" he teased in between kisses.
Suddenly, a grumpy voice boomed from behind the pair of you, causing you to both jump, holding each other tightly, as if caught with your hands in the cookie jar. "Can you two take this shit elsewhere? You're literally right in front of the fucking fridge."
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joedirtymadre · 5 days
(AIZAWA X READER) (FLUFF!) (Please send requests!!)
You walked through the halls of UA. “Wow, there are so many new facilities, way more upgrades compared to when I was attending,” you smiled as you followed Principal Nezu. “That’s correct, we’ve always tried to provide the best education and training to our students. I’m sure you remember,” he smiled as he continued to lead you to his office. “Yep, I really missed this place. America was nice, but I really missed Japan,” you smiled. “I see, well if you’re free I’d love to discuss your time in America over a cup of tea,” he said as he opened his office door. “That’s fine,” you nodded.
That was the idea, but… it quickly turned into one of Principal Nezu’s famous lectures. ‘Why am I receiving a lecture on my first day back?’ you asked yourself. The lecture was cut off by a knock on the door. “Yes?” Nezu asked. The door slowly opened, your eyes slightly widened. Across from you was Aizawa, “Oh hello Eraserhead, are those the files I asked you to prepare? Thank you for your hard work, you can place them on my desk,” Nezu said as he placed his cup of tea down. “Understood,” he nodded. 
“I’m sorry for interrupting your meeting,” he bowed slightly before placing the files on the desk. “Oh it’s no trouble, it is getting quite late isn’t it?” He asked you, and you nodded enthusiastically. Anything to get out of his lecture… “Oh, may I ask for another favor, Eraser?” Nezu asked. “Yes sir?” Aizawa replied. “Would you mind giving our new instructor a quick tour of the school?” He asked. “... Yes sir,” he hesitated. “Fantastic! Well I will send your new schedule before I leave the office today, thank you for your help,” Nezu shook your hand. 
You nodded and followed Aizawa out into the hallway. “What a bother…” you heard him mumble. “Jeez, is that any way to greet an old classmate?” you smiled softly. “Mmm… well follow me,” he said grumpily and began guiding you through the new facilities. 
“Wow there’s so many new training grounds! How exciting!” you grinned. You glanced over to Aizawa who seemed bothered to still be guiding you. “Eraser, how about we end this tour early today?” you asked. “Huh?” he asked. “Well, not to be mean, but that scowl hasn’t left your face this entire tour. And it’s sort of leaving a sour taste in my mouth,” you joked. “Hmm… well if you really want to then so be it, but before you go let’s go to one last spot,” he said softly as he guided you towards the rooftop. 
You ran out onto the roof, “I knew you were bringing me here! It’s been so long!” You smiled as you ran towards the railings. “Be careful,” he yawned. “I know, I know! Remember how many times we would sneak up here?” You laughed. “Yeah, I also remember the amount of times we had to throw Mic under the bus because he was always the reason we were caught,” he replied. “Oh wow I totally forgot! Is he here? I’d love to see him!” you smiled excitedly. “You’ll be able to see him on Monday,” he responded. “Really? How nice,” you smiled.
The three of you were pretty close throughout highschool, but… things ended awkwardly… “But… why did you bring me here? Don’t you remember what happened up here? Doesn’t being up here give you uncomfortable memories?” You asked. Thinking back to that one day.
“Hey Aizawa! Aizawa!” you knocked on his desk, trying to wake him up. “I’m up…” he yawned as he slowly picked his head up. “Well it doesn’t seem like it, come on, you’re supposed to help clean…” you groaned as you continued placing chairs on the desks. “I’m helping,” he stifled a yawn before standing up and placing his seat onto his desk. It was a comfortable silence in the classroom before you decided to break it. “Hey, before we head home… would you mind accompanying me onto the roof?” you asked nervously. “Yeah sure,” he replied. “Really? Ok!” you said excitedly. 
After cleaning you both snuck up to the roof. You ran towards the railing. “Be careful,” he yawned. “I know, I know! Look, isn’t it so pretty today? Look at that sunset!” You grinned as you pointed towards the light orange sky. “It’s just a regular sunset,” he shrugged. “And you’re just a piece of sandpaper,” you rolled your eyes. “Whatever,” he replied. “Is that the only reason why you wanted to come up here? To see the sunset?” He asked. “W-Well… you know how we’re graduating in 2 months?” You asked. “Yeah, and?” He asked. “Well… I don’t want to leave this place regretting anything. I- There’s something I wanted to tell you before we both leave and pursue our dreams,” you said determinedly. “You mean before you head to America for that job offer?” he asked. “I still haven’t accepted that, I’m still thinking about it… but forget about that! Just… just let me worry about right now,” you said nervously as you turned to face him. 
“Ok?” He asked, confused. “Aizawa… I’ve recently- no I’ve known for a while that… well… I- I…” you stammered over your words. “What are you trying to say?” Aizawa asked. “I… Aizawa I’ve developed feelings for you, a-and I would like us t-to get to know each other more c-closely,” you said as you stared at the ground, afraid of his reaction towards your confession. “H-Huh?” He asked. “Please don’t make me repeat myself…” you felt your ears burn. I-I see… well… I’m sorry…” he trailed off. You clutched onto the hem of your blazer. “It’s f-fine! I get it!” You blurted out. “It’s just that…” he trailed off. “I said it’s fine! Don’t worry about me! Oh would you look at the time, I gotta go before I miss the last train!” you said as you grabbed your bag and raced towards the door. “(Y/N)! Wait!” You heard, but continued racing towards the stairs. 
After that day it became difficult and awkward to be around him. So you slowly separate yourself from your 2 friends. As well as accepting your offer in America.
End of Flashback
You waited for Aizawa’s reply, but he only stared back. “Well, I don’t know why you brought me here, but I’m glad you did. I always saw the best sunsets up here…” you smiled as you glanced towards the sky. “But I’ve never found a more beautiful sunset compared to that one day,” you laughed as you turned towards Aizawa. Noticing he stepped closer towards you.
“Not planning to push me off the roof are you?” You laughed. “What?” He let out a surprised chuckle. “Well you’re not saying anything, is this you getting revenge for making things awkward?” You joked. “No,” he shook his head. “Just thought it was a pretty sunset today,” He said softly. “It is,” you smiled. “And don’t worry Aiza- I mean Eraserhead, I’ll make sure to always keep things professional between us. Don’t worry about the past,” you said. “Well… there’s something I have to tell you,” he replied. “Don’t tell me you already reported me to HR,” you laughed. “Jeez… you’re still the same old jokester aren’t you?” He asked as he scratched the back of his head. “Guilty,” you smiled as you leaned against the railing. 
“Anyways… there was something important that I wanted to tell you,” he said softly. “Yes?” You asked. “Well…” He mumbled off as he slightly stiffened. “What was that? You mumbled off,” you replied as you cupped your ear. You noticed he took a few steps closer, you felt your smile tighten. A bit nervous from the close distance between you two. “Well, let me phrase this in a way you’ll understand me instantly,” he let out a deep breath. “I’ve developed feelings for you (Y/N), and I would like us to get to know each other more closely,” he said as he stared into your eyes. You immediately felt your ears burn, “W-What?” You asked as you tried to take a step back, but was met with the railing. 
“...Please don’t make me repeat myself,” he said awkwardly. “That’s not funny, making fun of a young girl’s words,” you narrowed your eyes as you clutched onto the railing. “(Y/N), I’m serious,” he said as he took another step closer. “A-Aza- I mean Easer, stop messing with me…” you blushed as you leaned farther back onto the railing. “(Y/N),” he said softly. “I s-should go-” your eyes widened as you noticed yourself falling over the rails. “Crap!” you heard him shout. You were about to catch yourself, but was met with a scarf wrapping around you. Pulling you back onto the roof, you were then met with a sturdy chest. You stared at Aizawa as he slowly caught his breath from the sudden action. 
“I thought I told you to be careful,” he said. “I-I know… I just…” you moved your eyes towards the ground. “(Y/N),” he called out as you felt a hand on your chin, causing you to face him. “I like you, I’ve always liked you…” he said. “B-But you…” you trailed off. “I did that, so you wouldn’t miss out on going to America. I’d kick myself if I were so selfish to make you stay here just because of me…” he explained. “You… rejected me so I wouldn’t refuse the offer?” You widen your eyes. “You always talked about traveling, and wanting to go meet more heroes outside of Japan. What were you going to do if I accepted your confession back then?” He asked. “I-I was planning to… to stay. I wanted to be with you…” you blushed. “You see, I didn’t want to be the reason why you didn’t complete one of your dreams,” he said softly. 
“I-I’m sorry Aizawa, I just assumed…” you trailed off. “It’s fine, but what I said was true. Do you accept my confession?” He smiled softly. “Of course I do!” you grinned as you pounced on him. “You’re way too excited,” he chuckled softly. “Aren’t you?” You asked. “Yeah… I am,” he said as he stared back into your eyes. You bit your lip nervously, before closing the distance between you. 
Thank goodness you accepted the offer from UA.
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hey-hamlet · 8 months
BNHA AU Idea - Let's Kill Sensei!
I just got reminded assassination classroom is a show that existed so im shamelessly cribbing the premise.
Midoriya Izuku didn't make it into the hero course. Without a quirk and only 10 rescue points - it just wasn't enough. Still, his score in the written exam saw him placed in gen ed - class 1C - with all of the other failed hero students. The classroom has an uncomfortable vibe - the recent and abrupt retirement of All Might after a villain attack on his home left him badly injured, coupled with their own failures, leave them all on edge.
To say they were expecting the man who walked into their classroom would be a mistake, but the gut wrenching fear that followed was almost expected.
All for One, the man they'd all seen nearly murder All Might 3 months ago, grinned - red eyes squinted in real mirth. "Hello, students. What on earth shall I teach you today?"
1C has 1 year to kill their homeroom teacher, or he takes over Japan. 1 year to kill a 200 year old villain with more quirks than UA has students. The student who kills AfO will be given 1 billion yen and moved to the course of their choosing.
What AfO hasn't told anyone is that he has a special gift for the student who manages to off him - if any of them do.
this is a deal with UA and the HPSC - UA wanted him with 3rd year heroics students while the HPSC insisted on gen ed - UA thinks the students have a chance, while the HPSC wants cannon fodder they can throw at AFO so they have extra time to plan.
the only person aware of this deal on UA staff other than Nezu is Present Mic - the man who was supposed to be gen ed's homeroom teacher. Nezu wanted to tell Eraserhead as well, but AfO argued that that was an unfair advantage to UA
gen!ed uraraka - without her rescue of Izuku, she didn't get enough points for the hero course
Dad for One - but Izuku doesn't recognize him (its been like 10 years, plus 'Hisashi Midoriya' had black hair). It's pretty clear Izuku is AfO's favourite student. but given that just means hes even tougher and like. Also a murderer. No one is particularly jealous.
Izuku, Shinso and Uraraka friendship - none of them really have anything to lose - either they are the ones to kill AfO or their lives are over.
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nezukoo-channn · 2 months
Me: I'm reading a lot of pages! What chapter am I?
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë: chapter 12.
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novashimo · 1 month
Izuku never got Katsuki’s autograph even after all these years after graduating.
Logically it makes sense for Izuku, Pro Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight literal hero partner and Childhood friend to have Bakugou Katsuki’s autograph.
But he doesn’t, and GOD does that make Izuku upset.
It’s not because Izuku never asked, or that Katsuki is being petty and refusing to sign anything for Izuku. It’s a literal mystery on how Izuku doesn’t have an autograph for Katsuki.
The first time Izuku got Dynamight’s autograph was in their second year when the younger broke his arm and was put into a cast. Katsuki did his normal yelling and teasing but towards the end Izuku made a joke about he could atleast give him a signature on the cast as return if he was gunna be yelled at. But oh wait Katsuki’s arm was still fucked up and Izuku guess they can both have fucked up arms until they heal.
Katsuki being the little shit he was took at as a challenge and spent the next 30 minutes trying to sign Izuku’s cast with his left hand.
It was messy, after all Katsuki only been writing with his left hand for a few months at this point but it was legible.
The problem was that although Izuku had the signature, he wasn’t able to actually keep it, the cast eventually got sawed off and off that means the little sawblade went right through the scribble of a signature that Katsuki left.
Izuku obviously realized this and pouted and Katsuki looked him dead in the eyes before sending a small explosion into the others face.
“It’s just a shitty signature, wait until I catch up with my shitty handwriting and its fucking over for you”
Ofc that means it wouldn’t be until months later when it’s was Izuku’s birthday during their third year where Katsuki was fluent in writing with his left hand.
But this time, it literally went missing out of nowhere. Izuku carefully placed the autograph with a really well taken action photo of Katsuki and sent the largest hug the blonds way. Everyone took photos of Katsuki’s face that night. The Photograph stayed carefully out of reach from any cups that could spill until Izuku could take it up to his dorm room after they finished the party.
The problem is that after they ate cake and went to go clean everything up it literally just disappeared.
The whole class searched the room up and down and it literally just disappeared.
(No body realized that Koda’s bunny had reached up and snatched it off the table and was currently chewing the Picture to bits in the little kennel they had in the dorm floor)
And the cycle just continued from there
Izuku had a day off work after a long first year as the news Modern Hero Art History teacher, (because Nezu found it most interesting to have the first quirkless graduate of UA become a teacher and they never found a fitting person to take over Midnights old position) and went to a hero convention, and Katsuki’s PR team forced him to be a surprise guest.
Izuku waited in that line for HOURS and turns out he was the last person in line next to a little kid, after Izuku went into the corner and got nagged at by Katsuki for “wasting his money on a person he literally had dinner plans with later this week” Izuku got a signature.
When Izuku walked out and he saw the little kid he was in line with crying, he immediately realized that the guards must have cut the line off after him due to time and security reasons.
So Izuku did the next logical thing and gave his autograph of Dynamight to the kid.
(Katsuki rolled his eyes and smiled when Izuku told him, fond of the person he was slowly falling in love with)
The longest Izuku had Katsuki’s signature was a week before someone literally broke into the UA teacher dorms and stole it.
The fastest the autograph was gone was in less then under a minute, Izuku was on a date with Katsuki and the restaurant was suddenly being robbed, the duo off jumped into action and at the end when Izuku was giving compliments to the older, Katsuki just made a joke and signed a napkin saying ‘To my Izuku, my number one fan’. Not even 3 seconds into the napkin being placed in Izuku’s had the villian from earlier spat in their direction and landed on the napkin which suddenly burst to flames.
Acidic Spit
Katsuki burst into laughter because fate or whoever was above *really* didn’t want Izuku to have his signature.
After 8 long years of saving up, Katsuki carefully placed his autograph in the fold of the mecha suit for Izuku before going out and handing it to Toshinori.
Weeks after Toshinori gave it to Izuku, the blond asked if Izuku received his surprise, and Izuku replied happily on how he loved the suit, but doesn’t mention the autograph.
After some careful probing Katsuki realizes that the nerd never got the autograph.
Turns out that Toshinori accidentally let the photo slip out and it landed in the halls of UA somewhere, and now some snot nosed brat has a special signature From Dynamight and GOD that’s embarrassing because Katsuki wrote some really sweet lovey dovey shit on the back.
When they get married, Izuku makes a joke that the marriage certificate is the only signature that He’ll ever get, and less then 12 hours after leaving the courthouse they get a call to come back because the Documents got caught on fire.
Eventually they just kinda accept it’s never going to happen and Pro Hero GEMGD is an autograph he might not ever get.
Atleast no until their wedding night a couple months later when Kota, one of Izuku’s current 2nd year students walk up to him extremely embarrassed and hands over his wedding gift. Which turns out to be the extremely sweet message that Katsuki tried to give to Izuku a year prior with his hero suit.
Izuku definitely cried twice that night and now a specific autograph is framed and hanged in Izuku’s home office.
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justsomerandomfanfic · 6 months
Oh, The Power Of An Undercover Mission - Shōta Aizawa X GN Reader
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Title: Oh, The Power Of An Undercover Mission
Shōta Aizawa X GN Reader
Additional Characters: Nezu, Toshinori Yagi (Mentioned), Hizashi Yamada (Mentioned), Oboro (Mentioned), and the LOV (Mentioned)
Requested by: Anon!
WC: 7,370
Warnings: Enemies to lovers, cursing, yelling, Reader has an unspecified quirk, banter, teasing, bickering, undercover newlyweds mission, Aizawa being himself, alcohol, nicknames, small bit of jealousy, confession, angst, and fluffy ending
"Mind my language, but what the hell, Nez!?" You exclaimed, eyes widening at your long-time friend's words, "You can not be serious! I- I can't work with him, and you know that." You insisted, "There’s a reason why you have my class in a whole separate section of the building."
Principle Nezu just gave you a grin, sipping his tea, "I understand completely that you believe that he is unfit to be your partner in this mission." He spoke, setting down his white teacup. You inwardly sighed. It wasn’t that you thought he was unfit to be your partner, you just didn’t want to work with him. "But you and Aizawa's quirks are so well matched that I think it would be beneficial for you two to work together. Though I doubt you’d need to use them." Nezu finished simply.
"I know that, but I can not work with him," You insisted, waving your arms about wildly as you felt a wave of panic and anxiety rush through you, "He's- He's stoic and apathetic-"
Nezu raised a finger to silence you, "Please, Y/N." He pleaded, "I have known you for long enough. I have watched you grow into an incredible person as a student and now teacher both intellectually, but also emotionally. I believe that you are absolutely capable of being within his presence for less than twenty-four hours. It is just one mission. You’ll be going your separate ways before you know it." Leaning back in his chair, he grinned, "I know that things will be tough for the both of you, but I know that you'll come back from the mission with the important information that we need."
You let out a sigh through your nose, running your hands through your hair before nodding hesitantly; reluctantly. "I understand, but Nez, please answer me this... How come it has to be Aizawa - aside from how well our quirks complement each other... Could there have been anyone else? I mean, there has to be somebody..."
"Why yes, there was one other option, someone whose quirk would’ve perfectly complimented your own." Nezu answered, "But, unfortunately, we lost them a long time ago..." Principle Nezu's voice then lowered, "You may know of whom I speak of."
Shutting your eyes, you nod once, dropping your head; your hands landing on your hips, "Yes, I do." You muttered before clearing your throat, "Have you told Aizawa about this arrangement yet?"
Nezu’s almost haunted expression turned into a bright smile at your question, "Nope! I thought you would like to tell him! I have papers to look at now. You leave tonight!" He spoke eccentrically, slipping off of his chair with a folder in hand. Handing you the said folder, he began to push you out of his office before giving you one last smile and shutting the door.
Letting out a deep huff, you looked down at the folder in front of you, "Let's get this over with."
Gaining the courage, you began walking down the school's halls, heading towards Aizawa’s class; reading as much as you could as you walked. He was sure to be in a class at the moment, but you wanted to get this over with as soon as humanly possible. Stopping just near the door of his classroom, you brushed your hair back, trying to look presentable and not like you had just had a small panic attack in the principal's office.
Letting out a small breath, you raised your hand and knocked on the door, the sound reverberating off the empty hall walls. You waited for a moment - the murmuring of his students inside the classroom silencing - looking down at the ground at your shoes, the door opened with a small creek. Looking up, you cleared your throat, handing him the folder.
“Aizawa,” You greeted lightly as Aizawa stared at you with his tired, crimson eyes, raising an eyebrow before taking the folder from your hand. 
“L/N…” He quietly flipped the folder open as you stuffed your hands in your pants pockets, looking anywhere but at him; finding the odd, discolored spot on the wall opposite of you very interesting. This was already awkward enough.
"A mission?" He asked simply, his deep voice startling you slightly as you spun your head around to nod.
"Uh, yeah. Nezu said that it was important. It’s for tonight... It's going to be a gathering... Ah, uh, a party, with some of the smaller villains." You answered, "He said it'd take less than twenty-four hours to find out what the League is going to be targeting next."
Aizawa hummed, staring down at the folder's information. "I can do this alone."
Dropping your jaw, you stared up at him in shock, "No way! You'll stick out like a sore thumb! We have to go together."
"I can get it done alone." He insisted, glancing up at you and giving you a hard stare, "I don't need your help."
"Whether you like it or not, I have to go. I don't want this any more than you do." You stated plainly, crossing your arms against your chest. Aizawa continued to glare at you, clenching one of his fists tightly for a second before letting out an irritated sigh.
"Try not to mess this up." He replied gruffly, closing his folder once more.
Narrowing your eyes, you scoffed softly, "Like I could mess anything up." You said, grabbing the folder from him, "Meet me in my office once you're done with class, please."
Without waiting for a response, you turned and stalked away, feeling a small bit of relief once you were out of sight of him. Turning the corner, and down another hall, you enter your office. Sighing, you leaned against the wall, sliding down until you were sitting on the ground, legs coming up to your chest. Shutting your eyes, you softly leaned your head back against your door. 
How were you going to survive this?
Ever since you were both in UA as students, you and Aizawa have always been at each other's throats. Well... That all wasn't all true. In fact, you really liked him. Even if he was a little cold and emotionless most of the time; possibly a bit socially awkward. You knew that there was something deeper beneath his facade, though. Your gut instinct was telling you that you needed to get closer to him. But after three years of trying to befriend him, he still didn't trust you. He didn’t really speak to you, or much of anything else... And you certainly weren't going to force him to be friends with you if he didn’t want to be. So you stopped trying.
It wasn't until you had risen above his grades in your last year at UA that the real war began. Finally, after years, you accidently got a reaction out of him. For that last year, Aizawa was insistent on getting better marks than you, beating you at all the training, sparring, and making you lose sleep and energy constantly with worry and stress, which resulted in him finally winning in the end.
So, that initial interest and curiosity that you had towards him, turned into pure irritation. The feeling was mutual. He seemed to have hated you for beating him so easily, and on some many different occasions. But, years later, you were both adults. You were a Pro Hero, and a damn good one. And so was he. But it was very hard to just let bygones be bygones. Especially when interacting with each other, it felt like you were both back to being students in UA; determined and stubborn. 
It wasn't long until you heard a knock on your office door, making you look up from the papers that you were grading. "Enter." You called out, watching as Aizawa opened the door and entered the room, folder in hand. "What's your plan, then?" You asked, pushing the rest of the papers to the side. You knew better than to think that he’d allow you to take charge of the mission. No matter how much you wanted to take that leadership role, you didn’t want a fight to break out. The faster you and he worked this out, the faster the mission will be.
"It starts at five," He began, placing the folder on your desk as he surveyed your office, "We will have to take your car... It's about a thirty-minute drive from here."
"Well, that's not a problem for me." You replied, standing up from your chair, and walking around the desk, "What's our alibi?"
"Did you even read the paperwork?" He then asked, sounding a bit annoyed as he turned around, leaning against your desk.
You sputtered slightly, whipping your head around to stare at him beside you, "Of course, I did!" You lied, "I just didn't know the plan, codenames, etcetera..." You trailed off, scratching the back of your head awkwardly. “Honestly, I don’t even think we’ll need codenames or anything. We’re basically just listening in on people’s conversations.”
Aizawa sighed, ignoring your last comments, "We're newlyweds. And this is our first-anniversary celebration."
You nearly choked on your spit, "I'm sorry- We're what?!" You asked incredulously, looking at him, your eyes were wide as he kept his usual bored - annoyed - expression.
"You heard me." He spoke, turning and opening the folder, pointing at a section of a page, "The only way we'd get into the event is being a couple or else-"
"Or else we'd look suspicious... I get it." You grumbled, leaning against your desk beside him, crossing your arms as you looked over his shoulder to get a better look at the papers. Being so close to him, you could smell hints of vanilla wafting from him. You never expected him to smell like vanilla… ‘I like vanilla. And was that sandalwood?’ You suddenly felt slightly frustrated with yourself, brushing those thoughts away; unblurring your eyes as you rapidly blinked them. ‘Get your head in the game, Y/N.’ "Where is this taking place again?"
"At the Natsukashii Plaza Hotel."
"Ah, fancy..." You mumbled, reading the names of some of the people that would be there. You recognized a few lesser-known villains and other criminals. There would be a lot of powerful people in one room... It was a slightly risky mission, and the only way for this to work would be for you to keep calm and collected. Which was usually easy for you to do, but you were a bit worried since this was a large environment, and you’d have to work closely with someone that hated you. Narrowing your eyes on a page, you scoffed, "Those are our codenames?"
"I wasn't the one who came up with them." Aizawa stated, not even glancing up at you, "It is not my fault you don't like the name."
You gave him a look, “I’m not saying it is,” He didn't reply, closing the folder and setting it back onto your desk.
"I'll pick you up at four-thirty."
You blinked. "What?" You turned to look over at him as he pushed himself off of leaning on your desk beside you.
"I said-" His hardened glare narrowed down at you.
"No, I know what you said." You cut him off, uncrossing your arms as you waved a dismissive hand in the air, "Just- What? Am I supposed to dress in something nice, then?"
Turning to make his way to your office door, he answered, "You do know what a formal event is, correct?"
"Yes, of course, I do." You spat back, narrowing your eyes as you stared at the back of his head, "I just have a few more questions."
"Which are..?" He asked, turning to face you fully, the same expression on his face. 
Oh, how you wished you could just do the mission on your own, but Nezu said it was an important mission, and you understood that Aizawa’s quirk matched well with yours. You understood that, and knew that, all throughout your own schooling at UA. But he frustrated you beyond belief. Why couldn't he just be nice to you?
Eyes flickering across the floor, you raised a hand, running it through your hair once more; tugging slightly at the roots, "Do we have an exit strategy? Who do we try to speak to, to get the information that we need? Or do we just try to overhear conversations?"
"We can figure that out on the way." He answered plainly, making you huff.
"What if there's an emergency, then?" You tried to ask, only for him to turn away from you once again, his hand grabbing your office door knob.
"You've been on missions before, L/N, this one is no different." He stated before leaving without another word.
You huffed again, rolling your eyes before pushing yourself off of the desk and walking around it. Sitting down, you stared at the yellow folder on your desk, closed and waiting for you to reopen it. Resting your elbows on your desk, you rubbed your tired eyelids with the palms of your hands. breathing out a deep sigh, you dropped your hands and looked to your left side, glancing at the clock. 
After work would be a good time to find something suitable to wear for this mission, you decided. You tried to push the thoughts of Aizawa out of your head, but it was difficult. Every single time you thought of the man you got this weird fluttering sensation in your stomach that almost made you want to throw up. He frustrated you to no end. And somehow, someway, you felt drawn to him still. Even after all these years of wanting and needing to hate him, you still found yourself- No, no... You shook your head. You do hate him. He was rude to you, no matter how many times you tried to play nice and be kind to him, he was still rude to you. He didn't deserve to spend so much time in your head and heart.
But he did.
You needed to get back to work, you had things to do, and you only had a couple more hours left in the school day before you had to get ready for this mission. So, you really needed to get your students' papers graded.
The tick-tocking of the clock on your living room wall was beginning to irritate you. It was coming up to four-fifteen, and you were beyond anxious. You sat on your couch, your leg bouncing like crazy, dressed pretty nice enough for a party of this stature. Aside from your attire, you had done everything else you needed to do to get ready; hair and so on. You looked amazing and you knew that. But every second spent sitting and waiting for him was torture. You didn’t know why you both had to use your car, or why Aizawa couldn’t have just picked you up in his car.
You knew that this whole 'pretending to be newlyweds' thing was going to be difficult - your mental health was already shot to hell; there was too much on your plate as it is. How could you possibly pretend to be happy and all lovey-dovey with him when your real-life relationship with him was anything but? You have done many missions before - more than you could count, but none of them had you pretending to be a couple with anyone. And with Aizawa of all people... 
Your mind began to wander... You'd have to hold hands, link arms... What if you had to kiss? You didn't possibly think that that would have to happen, but it made your skin buzz and your heart race at just the thought. The thought of Aizawa actually liking you, the thought of him actually caring about you... Well, it scared you, and saddened you. You had tried so hard to push down any feelings you had for him down into the depths of your very soul, that you were worried that any sort of fake affection Aizawa gives you, or any sort of physical contact, would bring back those feelings, and break you entirely.
You shook your head, trying to stop yourself from having such thoughts, your heart still racing, and your hands beginning to feel slightly clammy, you clenched your fists; feeling your quirk rushing through you as you tried to calm yourself down, only for you to hear a knock at your door. You snapped your eyes from your clenched hands to the door, and you reluctantly stood.
Your steps felt heavy as you walked over to your front door, taking a short peek through the peephole. There he stood, his form distorted from the peephole lens. You let out a deep sigh, shutting your eyes and taking in a deep breath before gaining the courage and opening the door. 
Aizawa stuffed his hands into the pockets of his all-black suit, his eyes staring tiredly at the potted windowsill planter filled with different types of flowers - of yellow and red hues. His shoulders were slouched, ever-so-slightly, his body feeling as tired as his eyes did. He tried to take a small nap - during class - and before walking over to pick you up, but his mind was so busy that it was difficult to even get a couple of minutes of sleep. 
Hearing the door open, Aizawa pulled his red eyes from your flowers, letting them fall on you. He took in your attire, presentable enough for a party such as the one that you were - sort of forced - to attend.
Aizawa's chest tightened slightly as he cleared his throat. "Are you ready?" He spoke up, irritation laced his words and you nodded. 
"Of course," You muttered, a small frown on your face, "Are you driving or am I?" You asked as you shut the door behind you, dangling the keys from your fingers, and making Aizawa huff out a sigh. You took in his own attire as you waited for him to answer, taking note of his all-black suit, and even the way he pulled his hair up in a small ponytail; you took the chance to finally see his face that was usually mostly covered by the black mop he called his hair. Overall, the outfit looked perfect for the night. You bit your lip. "You look..." You started, stopping yourself from saying handsome. You swallowed your pride and continued, "You look nice." Nope, still awkward.
Aizawa stared at you, and for a brief moment, you thought you saw a wave of surprise filter through his eyes; his eyes widening slightly, but enough for you to notice. "You can drive. I'm tired." He then said, completely ignoring your compliment, and you pursed your lips.
Nodding your head and moving around him, you stepped down the small set of stairs down to the sidewalk. "As you always are," You muttered, not that it was his fault that he was tired all the time, you knew that it was a major drawback from his quirk. Unlocking your car with a small click of your keys, you continued, "I hope you can get some sleep before we get there." You slid into the driver's seat, Aizawa following and slipping into the passenger seat. "I don't want you falling asleep on the job." You finished, sounding slightly concerned as you started your car's engine. 
"We're here," You spoke as you pulled up to an empty parking spot at the hotel. Shutting off the engine, you turned to look over at Aizawa, seeing him asleep. Your shoulders drooped as you watched Aizawa's chest rise and fall slowly, his mouth slightly open, the bags under his eyes seemed darker than usual, and his hair that wasn't tied; hung loosely against his forehead as the side of his head pressed against the chilled window. He seemed so at peace, and you almost felt terrible waking him, but you both had a job to do. Raising your hand, you hesitated slightly before gently nudging his shoulder, and from just your slight touch, he jolted awake. You pulled your hand back in surprise, watching as Aizawa blinked his still-tired eyes, looking out the front windshield. "We're here," You repeated, in a slightly softer tone.
Aizawa said nothing, nodding, unbuckling himself. Opening his suit jacket, he reached into his breast pocket, pulling out a silver band. A ring. You blinked, eyes widening as Aizawa silently handed the ring to you before he pulled out a similar one and slid it on his own ring finger. You dropped your gaze to the ring lying on the palm of your hand. Clearing your throat, you got over the initial shock and slid the ring on your finger. Staring at your hand, with the ring, you felt something inside your chest begin to tighten.
Opening your car door, you climbed out, closing the door and locking it before turning to see Aizawa standing in front of your car. You didn't even notice him get out of your car. You met his eyes, which held a mixture of confusion and annoyance, and you raised an eyebrow at him.
"We don’t have all night." He finally spoke up, before offering his arm out to you.
You rolled your eyes slightly, looping your arm around his, and placing your other hand on your hand; locking yourself onto his arm and allowing him to lead you to the hotel entrance where the party would be held.
Immediately as you stepped into the large room, you entered the lion's den. You quickly scanned your surroundings and you were surprised that you actually recognized some of the lesser-known villains who were all chatting; sipping champagne, and seemingly having a grand ol' time.
It surprised you even more that how easy it was for you and Aizawa to even enter the main part of the hotel plaza where the event was taking place. It irked you how sure these villains were that no heroes would try to enter. There weren't even any guards... You had to hold back a smirk and scoff; these villains must have been very confident. But then again, most of their power came from their quirks, and they could easily use their quirks to overpower you. But you highly doubted that they could. 
As Nezu had said, and what you have always known, you and Aizawa were a very powerful duo. The combination of both of your quirks was simply too powerful to go against. Maybe not as powerful as Toshinori, but still. If the two of you worked together, the odds were stacked in your favor. Plus, you were smart enough to know that there were three separate entrances to the venue. So just in case anything were to happen - which you hoped wouldn't - you and Aizawa could easily escape if need be. 
You looked over at Aizawa, who watched the large room carefully with his own eyes. His whole body seemed tense as he surveyed, and took in every detail. You dropped your gaze, your ears taking in the music playing; hearing it echoing beautifully throughout the room. Your eyes lifted from the marble floor to the dancing villains. They were dancing wildly, twirling and spinning, moving faster and faster until they became blurs to you; matching the upbeat orchestra perfectly. You couldn't help but smile slightly at the sight.
With a short tug, you looked up at Aizawa, who looked down at you with an eyebrow raised. He gestured to the dancefloor with his eyes, his frown deepened. "No.” He simply said.
“We should.” You stated, raising your own eyebrow.
"We are not dancing." He stated firmly.
"I think we are," You insisted stubbornly, "It would help us, wouldn't it? Blend in? We’re sitting ducks."
Aizawa stared at you, narrowing his eyes slightly before nodding. Without another word, he began to lead you to the dance floor. You could feel the butterflies in your stomach swarming, and the feeling only intensified as Aizawa wrapped his arm around your waist. You watched with bated breath as he took your hand, your free hand automatically coming up to rest on his shoulder. Quickly, you became very impressed - and shocked - as Aizawa began to lead you into a waltz. His usual tense posture settled, his eyes never leaving yours.
His movements were as smooth as ever; the sound of your shoes on the cold, hard floor, and the beat of the music resonating within the room echoed around you. The music, while slow-paced, carried a sense of energy, yet at the same time, it was leisurely and soothing. You almost found this scenario romantic. You couldn't find words, your eyes just staring up into his scarlet eyes.. And you couldn't look away. 
And for a moment, in the slightest of moments, you forgot all about the people milling around you and the noise. You forgot about the mission, and the years of bickering back and forth. You forgot about everything, and all you could focus on was the warmth of his skin on yours and the way his eyes seemed to stare right into your soul. Your mind became clouded with thoughts; thinking about when you first met, remembering him all those years ago, and about your feelings. So quiet, so handsome, so intelligent he was, and more so to this day. His hair still looked so soft, even back then, it had been shorter too; you remembered. Your eyes found themselves admiring the dark locks of his hair. Your hand on his shoulder twitched at the thought of running your fingers through it. Your heart pounded against your ribcage; your breath hitched. Those feelings, though hidden for years, were resurfacing; and resurfacing fast.
Before you knew it, you were quickly snapped out of your head, your ears picking up on a conversation. You strained your ears, turning your head just slightly to catch a glimpse of the couple that were dancing only a couple of feet from you. You did not know them, the man and woman, but they were talking about the League Of Villains. 
"-they're going to attack some hospital." You heard from the man, glancing up at Aizawa to see if he was hearing the same thing as you, and with the slight change in his eyes, you knew he was.
"To get All-Might to show, I am sure." The woman chuckled wickedly, making you inwardly sigh. 
Raising an eyebrow towards Aizawa, he only silently huffed in response before the man spoke up again, "Wasn't your mother recently discharged from that hospital?"
"Oh, yes," The woman nodded as she spoke, "I'm glad she won't be there Thursday when they come."
As the song came to an end, Aizawa was more than happy to lead you out and away from the dancefloor, finding a spot near the bar. Leaning against the back of the bar, you turned slightly to wave down the bartender.
"You're drinking?" Aizawa asked, and you nodded, as the bartender walked over; allowing you to order your drink.
"I trust you with driving me home," You spoke simply, as the bartender went to make your drink. "So," You began, looking up at him, arms crossed, "What do you think, husband?" The word felt foreign on your tongue, but almost felt too easy to say out loud.
"You know what I think," Aizawa muttered, eyeing the bartender as he made your drink, narrowing his eyes at the glass of liquor as he slid it to you. It wasn't poisoned, thankfully... Hopefully. 
You took the drink in your hand, swirling the liquid around in the glass, you pursed your lips, "I do," In the silence, you felt the back of your neck itch as a tense, uncomfortable atmosphere filled the air between you and Aizawa. You didn't know why - well, you did - but you found yourself staring at him. You cleared your throat quietly, looking back down at your drink, your mouth opening but Aizawa quickly spoke up.
"You look nice..." He commented bluntly, repeating your words from when he came to pick you up, quickly catching you by surprise. You blinked owlishly, unsure how to respond to his sudden compliment, and you couldn't help but let out a small laugh. Feeling your face flush, you shook your head slightly, biting your lip.
"And you look exhausted," You laughed out, looking back up at him with a smile.
"Why, thank you-" He cut himself off before rolling his eyes. Although his tone sounded sarcastic, the faint smile that stretched across his lips gave away the fact that he was amused by your remark - at least somewhat. "I'm fine, though," He added after a moment of awkward silence passed between you. And at that small glimpse of his smile, you felt that fluttering feeling in your chest once again. God, why did it have to be like this?
"I'm going to mingle, see if I can find anything else out," You spoke up in a soft mutter only he could hear after taking one sip from your drink, and setting it down on the bartop, "You'll be alright without me, right, dearest?" You asked, shifting your weight slightly as you tilted your head.
He crossed his arms, narrowing his eyes slightly before nodding. "Of course, love," He responded, and that made you pause. Looking up at him, you blinked before you got yourself together and gave him a small - almost shy and nervous - smile, walking into the crowd.
Aizawa watched you go, eyeing all the villains as you passed them. Dropping his gaze from you, he eyed your drink. You had hardly taken even a sip, the soft pink colored drink just sitting there out in the open. Aizawa moved his hand against the bartop, pausing just at your drink before he slid the drink further from his and yours spot. The bartender then took the drink away, giving Aizawa a nod before he began to help the others at the bar. Eyeing some of the people that also stood at the bar, Aizawa tried to listen in on anything, but with no such luck. No one else had been talking about the League’s evil plans. 
He sighed, becoming bored, his eyes finally moving to find you, spotting you conversing with someone. That someone, Aizawa knew - who was obviously some sort of villain - was making you laugh. Whatever he said made your smile widen and that melodic laughter filled the room; sending chills down Aizawa's spine. Even through the music playing he could recognize and hear your voice clearly. 
Aizawa hadn't even realized that he was staring. His dark red eyes glaring holes into the side of the villain's head. He didn't know who the lesser-known villain was, and he didn't care to find out. All Aizawa knew was that he didn't like how close he was to you. Forcing himself to look away, he allowed himself to look anywhere else but at you. 
Aizawa had known you for years, having gone to UA with you. He remembered you to be friendly - kind to everyone - and very skilled at fighting and mastering your quite powerful quirk. In the very beginning, Aizawa found you slightly annoying, always bright and sunny. And for some odd reason, you really wanted to be friends with him. But, that annoyance slowly became something different. Something he hadn't noticed. Something he didn't want to notice. Something he wanted to fight tooth and nail to prevent, even if he knew it wasn't possible. He knew he shouldn't be feeling these things; these emotions. Feelings were dangerous. They caused trouble. They led to bad decisions. They led to regret. And all Aizawa wanted to do was study hard, work hard, and get on with life. So, like most emotions - that wasn't annoyance, boredom, and exhaustion - he tucked them away.
Then came the last year of UA, you had stopped trying to befriend him. Seeing that you were getting nowhere with him, and he did have to admit that he wasn’t the… Nicest when speaking to you. But suddenly you were getting better grades than him. This incident - playfully called 'the war' by Hizashi - began. You had gotten better marks than Aizawa, and he quickly became insistent on beating you. He knew he shouldn't care, and that in the end, it didn't at all matter who was on top, but he couldn't help it. He tried to push you down, studying harder each night. Training with Toshinori and Hizashi whenever he could. But you were stronger than you showed to everyone else, stronger than you showed even to yourself. 
At some point in the last year, your teachers stopped pairing the two of you against each other for training. Aizawa and your quirks, when used together, created an almost deadly combination - both powerful and destructive. Training usually ended up with the both of you in the medical wing after a draw. 
"Hey, are you ready to go? I couldn’t find anything.” You muttered that last part. 
Aizawa turned his head from staring blankly at a wall, his tired eyes meeting yours. "Hmm?" He hummed, making your small smile drop, and your eyebrows to furrow.
"Are you alright?" You asked, only for Aizawa to nod stiffly, his hand quickly taking yours before leading you out of the hotel.
You followed, almost tripping at times with how quickly he was moving, and - somehow - not bringing any attention to the both of you. These smaller villains really were dimwitted. You looked up at Aizawa, watching the side of his face. His lips were turned into a deep frown, his eyes half-lidded, tired, and seemingly irritated as usual. You huffed, narrowing your eyes at him before turning to watch in front of you. Aizawa was back to his usual, cold self; you were sure.
Stopping at your car, Aizawa dropped your hand as quickly as he grabbed it, and funnily enough, you missed his warmth. Without even looking at you, he held out his hand, palm up, and with a scoff, you dropped your keys into his awaiting hand. You silently slipped into the passenger seat of your car, buckling and crossing your arms. The drive home was tense, and it felt hard to swallow. You didn't dare to look at him while the both of you sat next to each other in complete silence.
You finally glanced over at him when you reached your home and he parked the car. His hands held onto the steering wheel tightly, his knuckles white. His eyes stared ahead, the same cold expression on his face. You were confused, and a bit frustrated. You had thought that maybe he was beginning to like you when you were at that party. He joked with you, he even smiled at you, but as quickly as you thought that you made some sort of progress in getting to know him - even just slightly - he was right back to his old self. He was just like before, cold and distant - and you wanted answers.
"Why do you hate me?" You suddenly asked, and Aizawa turned his head to meet your gaze. There was no response. Instead, he merely continued to stare right at you with those red eyes. How his cold, unfeeling expression never changed. The look in those eyes was unnerving. It unsettled you; it made you feel weak - for the first time in forever - like you were nothing to the Underground Hero. 
He looked away from you, and you could basically see the gears turning in his head before he spoke, "I don't hate you."
You sighed deeply, rubbing your temples before pinching the bridge of your nose. "You have a funny way of showing it." You shot back.
"I don't hate you," He repeated, his tone firmer now. You rolled your eyes and shook your head, leaning back against your car's leather seat and closing your eyes, letting out a quiet sigh. You opened your eyes again when you heard him shift uncomfortably in his chair. "I don't hate you at all."
"Then why do you act all..." You trailed off, waving your hand in the air slightly as you tried to find the right words to say, "Act all rude and grumpy to me?" You finished your sentence softly, "I mean, I thought that we were doing okay. You weren’t acting all grumpy when we were at the party. You even smiled. And then you just switch on me. And you’re back to your stoic attitude. I don't think I did anything to you to deserve that. Did I do something wrong? Have I done anything to offend you?"
"No," He muttered quietly, glancing over at you before returning his eyes to the road, dropping his hands from the wheel. "No, you didn't," He agreed. 
"Well then, what is it?" You demanded, your voice still soft, but still holding hints of frustration. You weren't about to let this opportunity slip through your fingers. Not again. 
Aizawa pursed his lips, taking in a deep breath before looking at you. And he surprised you with the expression on his face. Soft... Not cold, nor angry, but warm... Almost tender. You bit down on your bottom lip, forcing yourself not to look away, and you were more than sure that your eyes were beginning to trick you. Because you were sure that you saw his eyes flicker from yours to your lips and back. No, you thought. It's just your mind playing tricks on you. Nothing more.
"It's just..." He started, pausing as he pulled his hair out from the ponytail, and running a hand through his hair; sighing heavily. "Why are you so desperate to get to know me?"
"What?" Was all that left your mouth. That was not what you were expecting him to say at all. 
Aizawa began to internally panic, shaking his head as he went to grab the car's door handle, "Nevermind. I'll see you at UA."
Eyes widening, you shook your own head, "Wait, Shōta" You reached out for him, your hand coming to rest on his arm. "Please, can we just talk? And please, don’t shut me out."
At the sound of his name coming from your lips, Aizawa froze. Slowly lowering his hand, he took a deep breath before glancing towards you. He could feel his heart begin to race and his cheeks heat up, and he hated it. This feeling was something that he was not used to and one that he tried to avoid. But as you stared at him, your eyes wide with worry, a small frown on your lips, Aizawa felt himself grow nervous. Shutting his eyes, he felt a buzzing sensation rush over him, making his skin itch. He held back a yawn, his eyes feeling so incredibly tired, and as he opened them again, he knew there was no way out of this.
"I never could hate you, Y/N." He began as he moved his gaze back to you; his gaze determined, "Even when we were students, I began to… Admire you." His mouth suddenly felt incredibly dry, and he cleared his throat. "I always admired your courage, your determination, and your will to win. I always respected your intelligence and your kindness - not to mention you're a great teacher." He paused again. Your hand slid from his arm, and Aizawa wished - prayed - that the world would just swallow him up. He was not good at feelings, or expressing them, especially to someone like you. You, the one that tried so hard to befriend him all those years ago, yet he pushed away. You, the one that always managed to pull him right back. You were like an ocean wave, crashing against the sandy shore, pulling him back into your deep blue sea. 
He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard your laugh. His face began to burn as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and slight hurt; were you laughing at him, or was he thinking too much? He couldn't tell. But, as you laughed, your hand covering your mouth, he couldn't help but stare as the lights from the street lamps danced across your beautiful face, illuminating every feature. Your eyes crinkled as your cheeks dimpled, your hair falling forward and hiding your face from view. You were stunning, as always.
Your soft laughter subsided, and you brushed your hair out of your face, looking up at Aizawa with a look that he wished he could capture and keep forever. Maybe, just maybe, you weren't going to reject him after all. Maybe you weren’t laughing at him. He felt his heart beating quicker and faster, and as he swallowed heavily, anticipation simmered deep within him. Then... You spoke. 
"I think that was the most you've ever said to me," You stated, almost teasingly, your smile growing wider with each word.
Aizawa blinked at you, his eyebrows furrowing further together, "Perhaps..." He trailed off, and it wasn't long until you spoke again.
"If I am picking up what you're putting down, I think you're saying that you like me." You stated, raising an eyebrow as your smile slowly spread into a smirk. "Am I assuming correctly..?" You asked, your voice trailing off and amusement lacing your voice. Aizawa simply kept his gaze locked on you, his body tense and stiff in his seat. As your words processed in his brain, Aizawa felt his stomach twist painfully at the realization. He nodded, and you mimicked him with a small hum. "Good, 'cause I've liked you ever since we were students." You confessed, chuckling lightly as you gazed into his dull crimson eyes.
"Ever since UA?" Aizawa asked and you nodded, resting your elbow on the middle console, your palm cupping your cheek, holding your head up. 
"Yeah," You said, "Wasn't it obvious? I mean, the first two years I will admit that I was pretty determined to get to know you." You then let out a small laugh, rolling your eyes fondly, "My friends said I was like some love-sick puppy."
"Hizashi liked to tease me about it, actually." Aizawa muttered, but you heard him, your smile widening. 
Glancing at the car's clock, you sighed, before glancing back over at him, "Do you want to walk me to my door?" With his nod, it wasn’t long until you were walking up the steps; letting out a sigh as you reached the front door. Keys in hand, you turned to Aizawa with a grin. "Well, I’ll text Nezu the information we got tonight, but, I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" 
Aizawa looked at you, and it was difficult to ignore how close you were. He noticed how your lips parted slightly, how your eyes sparkled in the light of the street lamps as you focused on him. He was so affected by your presence. 
His body seemed to react to you without him realizing it. His hand reached up, brushing a few stray strands of hair away from your face, his thumb grazing over your jawline softly. He watched the way your eyes widened slightly at his touch. Your breath hitched in your throat, and his thumb lingered over your jawline for just a moment longer.
Slowly drawing his hand away, falling to his side, Aizawa nodded. "Yeah," He mumbled in reply. "I'll see you tomorrow." He smiled, the smallest of smiles, but one of the most genuine ones that you had ever seen. 
"Okay," You breathed out your reply with a slight nod of your head, turning back around, opening the door with one final glance towards him, "Goodnight, Shōta." With those words, you slipped inside, closing the front door behind you with a soft click. Pressing your back against the door, you were unable to stop the smitten smile that spread across your features, your hands cupping your mouth, and your legs coming up to your chest; your entire body felt like it was on fire. 
Shōta Aizawa glanced at your front door once more before beginning his walk down the sidewalk. He couldn't believe it, but he still found himself smiling to himself as he walked home.
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