#Victoria Platt
roseillith · 11 days
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pedroam-bang · 2 months
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Casanova (2005)
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dwsavideos · 1 year
what are your tony predictions??
Love this question! I’m not gonna give ALL my predictions just because there are so many categories, but here are some of my 2023 Tony Awards predictions/who I personally want to win:
Best Musical:
Who I want: Kimberly Akimbo
My prediction: Kimberly Akimbo
It’s amazing and tbh I feel like just about everyone who’s seen it absolutely loves it. Talented cast, funny and touching story, catchy songs. That show has it all.
Best Play:
Who I want: Leopoldstadt
My prediction: Ain’t No Mo’
Both plays are super important and super dark. But Ain’t No Mo’ also has the comedic element that’s more pleasing to audiences at the end of the day.
Best Musical Revival:
Who I want: Parade
My prediction: Into The Woods
I love both of these musicals so much. I’m a huge Sondheim fan too. As fantastic as Parade is, I just can’t see Into The Woods losing after all the hype.
Leading Actress in a Musical:
Who I want: Victoria Clark (Kimberly Akimbo) or Lorna Courtney (&Juliet)
My prediction: Victoria Clark (Kimberly Akimbo) or Micaela Diamond (Parade)
This category is stacked. I honestly don’t care who wins. They all deserve it.
Leading Actor in a Musical:
Who I want: Colton Ryan (New York, New York)
My prediction: Ben Platt (Parade)
Ben Platt will definitely win. I’m 98% sure.
Featured Actor in a Musical:
Who I want: Justin Cooley (Kimberly Akimbo)
My prediction: Kevin Cahoon (Shucked)
Justin is only like 19 or 20 years old so I think him winning a Tony would be awesome.
Featured Actress in a Musical:
Who I want: Bonnie Milligan (Kimberly Akimbo) or NaTasha Yvette Williams (Some Like It Hot)
My prediction: Julia Lester (Into The Woods)
I love Bonnie, and NaTasha is a legend. I just feel like Julia’s gonna get it.
Here are my other predictions without my opinion:
Best Revival of a Play: A Doll’s House Best Direction (Play): Jaime Lloyd (A Doll’s House) Best Direction (Musical): Michael Arden (Parade) Best Choreography: Susan Stroman (New York, New York) Best Book: Kimberly Akimbo Best Score: Kimberly Akimbo or Shucked
Honorable mentions: I will forever be rooting for Michael Arden to win Best Direction. He was robbed in 2016. I hope Natasha Katz (Some Like It Hot, Sweeney Todd) wins best Lighting Design because she did the Lighting Design for Sing Street and it was outstanding!!
Overall I don’t really think Kimberly Akimbo will sweep (as much as I love that musical lol) I don’t think any show will sweep this year. I have a feeling it’s gonna be evenly dispersed. Thanks for the ask!
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hayleylovesjessica · 1 year
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Ben Platt, Victoria Clark, Jessica Chastain, Josh Groban, Corey Hawkins, and Sara Bareilles for The Hollywood Reporter
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cullen-cannons · 1 year
Currently obssesed with Law & Order! Who wants to see a Law & Order Twilight AU?
I don’t know enough about the law to write a full story (also super busy with other writings and things) but I would probably make some headcannons if anyone likes this idea.
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theersatzcowboy · 8 months
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Alma's Rainbow (1994)
Ayoka Chenzira’s chic coming-of-age chef-d'œuvre, set in a beautiful townhouse in 90s Brooklyn, interrogates inter-generational relationships and black femininity; a total undersung masterpiece!
Director: Ayoka Chenzira
Cinematographer: Ronald K. Gray
Costume Designer: Sidney Kai Innis
Starring: Kim Weston-Moran, Victoria Gabrielle Platt, and Mizan Kirby.
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Jump then fall prt.2
Strong- One Direction
Fearless- Taylor Swift
If I Could Tell Her- Ben Platt, Laura Dreyfuss
Disclaimer: Victoria here with some more content for the handsome Bracken because Elizabeth loves him and there aren't enough oneshots.
Description: Aeron resolves to woo his lady with a newfound confidence, but his plans are thrown into disarray by an unwanted betrothal.
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Warnings: female reader. Insecurities over stereotypical gender norms. Mention of events that happen in Fire and Blood (writing in italics is a direct passage and belongs to George R.R. Martin). Misguided Rhaenyra slander. I don't think there's anything else.
Several weeks had passed since Aeron and Y/N had rekindled their friendship, resuming the old pastimes of their childhood. A chill in the air, gently rusting the golden leaves of the Brackentree,  signalled the end of the summer months and the oncoming of Autumn. The days grew shorter, but as the sun began to wane into the soft glow of a sunset a young knight and lady could still be found enclosed within the roots of the tree, the lady leaning over the shoulder of the young knight to get a closer look at the tome he was reading from.
'The accomplishments of king Jahaerys I Targaryen are almost too many to enumerate. Chief among them, in the view of most students of history, are the long period of peace and prosperity that marked his time upon the Iron Throne.'
'It is a poor king who wages battle against his own Lords and leaves his own kingdom burned, bloody, and strewn with corpses.'
'Why did you stop reading?
Aeron had tried to persevere through the passage on the reign of King Jahaerys and Queen Alysanne, aware that it was a favourite of Y/N's as a young girl. He knew that she loved the romance of their union, of their undying devotion to one another, to choosing one another as partner and consort despite the opposition from their parents and advisors. But theirs was also a reign of unprecedented peace and prosperity, one which set an example to future rulers that had never been more pertinent than now as fractious tensions had turned to full out warfare between The Black's and The Greens. News of the young Prince Jacaerys's murder had spread like wildfire throughout the Riverlands, serving to ignite the long held tensions between the Blackwoods and Brackens as sides were chosen and battle lines were drawn.
Aeron had been appalled at the infanticide, and could not understand how anyone could side with a queen so depraved that she would resort to such an act of violence against an innocent, against her own blood. The act had stirred in him a fury he had never before felt and he was gladdened to hear of his Lord uncle's decision to swear fealty to the true king Aegon Targaryen. And yet he feared the consequences of this declaration, felt the palpable repercussions of the violence that would surely follow, not just in the Riverlands but with a reach that would surely see the whole realm thrown into a war between competing factions and dragons as the House of The Dragon determined to tear itself apart.
Despite all of these thoughts swirling in his mind as he read from the Maestors' histories, it was the gentle graze of Y/Ns hair tickling his face and neck as she leant over his shoulder, a hand lightly placed atop his back to steady herself, that had caused him to stop abruptly with a sharp intake of breath. For Y/N it appeared to have been easy to fall back into their old past times and resume their friendship, for him it had not been so simple, not when he desired not just her friendship but her love. Y/N seemed to have no problem at all with their close proximity, but it set Aeron's skin on fire.
"The sky grows dark. We have tarried too long and the night shall soon be upon us. I would not have you so close to the border with those Blackwood broads about when darkness falls. Let us set aside Jahaerys and Alysanne for today" he reasoned, though did at once realise the truth of his observation, as the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a shadow over the page he had been reading.
With a small huff, which Aeron found adorable, Y/N removed herself from Aeron's shoulder and rose from the root on which she perched, fixing her skirts as she did so before offering her hand to Aeron to help him up. Not entirely trusting her balance to support his weight, he nevertheless accepted her proferred hand as he pushed himself up. Content at the way in which her smaller hand seemed to fit perfectly in his, he held her gaze and hand longer than was strictly necessary, though Y/N either did not seem to notice or mind.
"May I walk you home?"
"My father should still be with Lord Bracken, they have had much to discuss of late with war looming." Y/N's brows furrowed into an uncharacteristic frown that Aeron immediately wanted to smooth.
"Then we should return to Bracken Hall together" Aeron replied, offering his arm out to her. No sooner had Y/N entwined her arm with his than they both felt heavy rain drops splatter atop their heads through the gaps in the branches of the Brackentree.
"We must make haste" Y/N shouted to Aeron over the cacophony of the now pouring rain, dropping his arm to grab his hand and forcibly drag him away from the tree and towards his ancestral seat. They both broke into a run as the rain grew heavier and the wind rose up in gales, Y/N breaking into laughter and playfully grinning at Aeron. Bracken Hall was half a mile's journey and by the time they burst through the front doors they were both soaked to the bone. Aeron found that he hardly cared, blessed with the sound of Y/N's laughter and the comforting weight of her hand still in his as they both tried to catch their breath.
"You cannot face your Lord Uncle in such a manner good knight, you shall be Lord Bracken one day too" Y/N joked, reaching up on tiptoe to brush locks of Aeron's hair that had stuck to his face in the downpour out of his eyes, tenderly tucking a rueful piece behind his ear. Aeron's heart seemed to stop for a moment before continuing to beat with resounding thuds he feared she could hear beating out of his chest due to her closeness, feeling her breath fan across his face. Aeron's mother had loved to brush his long hair in his childhood, always stroking his head tenderly before bed and calling him her sweet boy, a moment of affection he sorely missed after her untimely death, followed shortly by that of his father's when he was but 10 years of age. He had kept it long ever since, knowing it had been her preference and Y/N had similarly expressed her love of his hair even as a girl, always threatening to thrash him if he should ever cut it and begging him to let her braid it. He sometimes even acquiesced to her request. He gazed down at her in awe, unknowingly lowering his head slightly for her to reach as she continued to brush it into place.
A cough echoed throughout the entrance hall as a Bracken bannerman called to them "Ser Aeron, Lord Bracken requests your presence immediately in the great Hall." Y/N quickly dropped her hands, stepping away from him then as if embarassed. Aeron bemoaned the loss of contact but shifted to address the knight "Thank you, I will be there forthwith." Turning back towards Y/N to give her a small bow, he took her hand to bestow a gentle kiss atop before meeting her eyes. Noticing a light dusting of pink upon her cheeks, the corner of Aeron's mouth tipped up in a smile of renewed confidence. "I must attend to my duties tomorrow and expect to spend the day in the training yard. May I request your presence? I am certain your support would bring me good luck."
Smiling up at him through her lashes she upturned his hand, dropping a thin strip of lavender ribbon embellished with lace and closing his palm over their entwined hands. "I will gladly come to cheer you on my good knight and will also offer you my favour in anticipation of your victories." Y/N's eyes shone with mirth but Aeron could not but feel his heart soar at her actions. He had never had to prove himself to her, in her eyes he had always been her good knight. "I shall wear it with pride then" he replied,  briefly squeezing both of her hands and pocketing her favour before striding down, wont to keep his uncle waiting for long.
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Aeron hacked at a training dummy, a sheen of sweat glistening on his forehead, strands of hair falling into his eyes from where he had tied it earlier that morning. With every blow he imagined the face of his uncle, fully aware of how petulant his thoughts would seem to others but entirely unable to suppress his anger. He should have sensed something was amiss when he was summoned immediately upon his return to Bracken Hall, should have guessed at it when, upon entering the Great Hall where his uncle took council meetings, all heads turned sharply in his direction, his uncle fixing him with a stare so resolute and focused it alarmed him. Aside from appointing Aeron a knight, his uncle had always seemed to look straight through him.
Aeron did not stay long, storming out of the room shortly afterwards, but what his uncle had said rang in his mind even now, that he was to marry one of Lord Tully's daughters, sleep having granted him no relief from his inner turmoil. He could understand the political soundness of the match. Both House Blackwood and House Bracken wore sworn vassals to Lord Tully but their Lord paid no heed to their constant skirmishes, lending support to neither side in their frequent land disputes. With war looming across the realm as the Blacks and Greens summoned their bannermen to arms, it was critical now more than ever that their liege Lord Tully grant the Brackens his support. A marriage pact would ensure this, binding their houses together in blood.
This did not mean that Aeron accepted the match. At one time he would have been pleased to do his duty and, gods willing, wipe the perpetually smug smirk off Benjicot Blackwood's face, loyal as he was to his house. But he was also sure that he could not marry the Tully girl when his heart belonged to another. It was not a fate either of them deserved. He immediately resolved to perform his duty another way, pleading with his uncle to reconsider. He would gladly fight for his house and swear his sword to Aegon's cause, but he would not pledge his heart to any other but Y/N, the lady he loved.
"What did that dummy ever do to you?"
Aeron was jolted out of his thoughts and incessant attacks on the now unrecognisable straw dummy in front of him by the voice of his friend Samwell. Bristling at Aeron's lack of response, Samwell scoffed "I'm surprised you can even get that thing up."
Aeron grinned "Well enough for killing Blackwoods."
"Good, then turn your focus to a more worthy opponent" Samwell shot back, sword quickly withdrawn as the two knights began to circle one another. As the two crossed blades Aeron spotted the unmistakable figure of Y/N entering the training yard, watching her progress as she pushed herself up to perch on a fence overlooking the yard. Dazed by her sweetness in keeping her promise to come and support him, Samwell took advantage of his moment of distraction. He levelled a blow to Aeron's abdomen that had him doubling over and gasping for breath. Embarassed that Y/N had most assuredly borne witness to his fumble, Aeron swung his sword with renewed vigour, choosing to stay on the offensive rather than defensive this time.
Pushing Samwell further back with each parry of his sword until he was stumbling over his own feet in his haste to block his blows, Aeron brought his sword in a downwards motion over his opponent's before swiftly bringing it back up in a circular motion to wrench it from Samwell's grip. With a harsh clang as his sword hit the ground, Samwell was disarmed to the cheers of their fellow knights who had gathered to watch the two spar. Aeron quickly sheathed his sword, stalking over to Y/N whilst ignoring his friends' teasing jeers at his lovesick proclivities and hoping beyond all hope that Y/N would ignore the fiends too.
Stopping directly in front of Y/N's perch, her knees almost brushing his tunic as he looked up at her, Aeron attempted to fix her with a charming grin.
"What did you think?"
Y/N smiled down at him and Aeron felt sure she must hang the stars in the sky each night.
"You don't have to prove yourself to me Aeron, you never have. But for what it's worth, I think you every bit the knight I know you aspire to be. Your skills with the sword are admirable indeed."
Aeron did not say anything immediately but stared at Y/N in wonder, rejoicing to hear that she thought him a worthy knight when he himself had often doubted it. Y/N broke the silence first, clearing her throat and pointing at the lilac ribbon tied to his sword belt...her lilac ribbon.
"Although, perhaps it is my favour which granted you victory today and I am owed some credit."
Aeron laughed heartily at her teasing, though she could not guess at the veracity of her claim. He had no doubt that it was the image and thought of her, the strength of his desire to impress her, that had spurred him forward to best Samwell.
"I am sure your favour was instrumental to my success on the field my lady. I needn't confess to you that the sword has never been my strong suit and my aversion to the life of a warrior has long vexed my uncle. The Riverlands are no place for the soft of heart he has always assured me."
Aeron could not help the tinge of insecurity that laced his voice as Y/N's eyebrows furrowed.
"Reluctance to spill blood is not a fault" she protested.
"That may be so, but alas it is yet perceived as a sign of great cowardice among my order.'
Y/N's expression turned suddenly very serious, her hair falling gracefully around her shoulders to form a curtain around the both of them as she bent her face closer to his and he tilted his upwards to meet hers, their noses close to touching.
"You cannot be brave if you have not first felt fear. What is courage but the willingness to tackle your fears face on? You have double the bravery of any knight driven by unadulterated bloodlust with no regard for human life. I do not wish you to think of yourself so harshly." Y/N lightly swatted Aeron's shoulder as if scolding him for daring to think less of himself than she did, but her tone was earnest. Catching her hand in his before she could retract it entirely, Aeron placed a chaste kiss upon it, devotedly grazing his lips over her knuckles.
"Thank you Y/N." He spoke softly, gazing into her eyes, trying to express with his eyes what he had always found difficult with words, to show her how much her words had meant to him.
Y/N briefly brushed her fingers over his cheekbone in an affectionate gesture that pierced his soul before shifting to lower herself from her perch. Aeron quickly wrapped his hands around her waist and lowered her to the ground, maintaining a light hold on her to request that they meet again on the morrow.
As he came to meet her at their habitual spot the next day, he was momentarily dumbstruck as he spotted Y/N, bedecked in an ochre gown the shade of his house colours. Mind racing, it was with concerted effort that he managed to stay rooted to the ground rather than rush to offer himself to her in marriage. How could he tell her that he loved her now? When he was still tied to the Tully girl. No, he resolved to wait until he had resolved the matter of his betrothal for he was determined, now more than ever, that he would win Y/N's love and that she should become his lady wife to bear the sigil of his house along with his house colours as Lady Bracken.
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@lady-callisto @twistytimesandthoughts @abookloverlawyerfan-blog @mymoonempress @lovebabe18 @poppyflower-22 @ithilwen-blackwood @spinachtz
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barbossas-wench · 5 months
List of bway celebs you should not support bc they're Zionist or "neutral" on genocide
Kristin Chenoweth
Idina Menzel
Jeremy Jordan
Jonathan Groff
Andrew Rannells
Ariana Debose
Josh Gad
Annaleigh Ashford
Julie Benko
Sierra Boggess
Carolee Carmello
Victoria Clark
Micaela Diamond
Tovah Feldshuh
Wilson Jermaine Heredia
Derek Klena
Linda Lavin
Raymond J. Lee
Caissie Levy
Jose Llana
Terrence Mann
Debra Messing
Jessie Mueller
Alex Newell
Kelli O’Hara
Benjamin Pajak
Billy Porter
Seth Rudetsky
James Wesley
Ben Platt
Mike Faist
Noah Galvin
Lea Michelle
Andrew Scott
Olga Merediz,
Betty Buckley
Alexandra Billings
Talia Suskauer
Ali Ewoldt
Wilson Cruz
Dylan Mulvaney
Josh Groban
Seth Rudesky
If I missed anyone on that list, let me know so I'll add them on the list
Patti LePone
Christy Altomare
Anyways, theater kids for Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
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storiesfabled · 2 months
updated muse list
under the cut you will find the most up-to-date muse list.
evan buckley
maddie buckley
charlotte buckley-diaz // rowan blanchard // buck & eddie daughter
eddie diaz
athena grant
may grant
howard han
tommy kinard
bobby nash
harper nash // er registrar // ashley benson // bobby & marcy daughter
jonah nash // firefighter // tyler blackburn // ray & margaret son
raymund nash // principal // d.w. moffett // bobby’s brother
russell nash // lawyer // jack coleman // bobby’s brother
matthew ransone // police officer // casey deidrick // lou’s son
josh russo
ashlynn wilson // college student // victoria justice // henrietta & karen daughter
henrietta wilson
karen wilson
911: lone star
nancy gillian
trevor parks
arianna reyes // maiara walsh // tk & carlos daughter
carlos reyes
gabriel reyes
gabriella ryder // troian bellisario // judd & grace daughter
grace ryder
jackson ryder // football coach & pe teacher // eric stonestreet // judd’s brother
judd ryder
weston ryder // oil tycoon // jeffrey dean morgan // judd’s brother
aubrey strand // madison davenport // owen & npc daughter
owen strand
tk strand
victoria strand // liana liberato // owen & npc daughter
paul strickland
billy tyson
billy tyson jr. // firefighter // steven r. mcqueen // billy & npc son
destinie tyson // nursing student // phoebe tonkin // billy & npc daughter
chicago fire
tricia boden // aisha dee // wallace & donna daughter
wallace boden
sylvie brett
matt casey
gabriella dawson
christopher hermann
stella kidd
patrick mcholland // hunter parrish // mouch & trudy son
rachel mcholland // anna kendrick // mouch & trudy daughter
randall ‘mouch’ mcholland
peter mills
kelly severide
leslie shay
allison shay-severide // zoe levin // kelly & leslie daughter
brian ‘otis’ zvonecek
chicago med
anna charles
daniel charles
will halstead
maggie lockwood
connor rhodes
chicago pd
kevin atwater
antonio dawson
eva dawson
hannah halstead // willa holland // jay & erin daughter
jay halstead
erin lindsay
trudy platt
adam ruzek
savannah ruzek // dianna agron // adam & kim daughter
emmaline voight // shay mitchell // adopted by hank
Hank voight
Madeline voight // police officer // charisma carpenter // hank & trudy daughter
Criminal minds
Penelope garcia
Aaron hotchner
Alexandra hotchner // ssa bau // alona tal // aaron & haley daughter
Jennifer jareau
Emily prentiss
Derek morgan
Brynnlee reid-morgan // aisha dee // derek & spencer daughter
David rossi
Rylee rossi // hayden panettiere // david & erin daughter
Ann ewing
Bobby ewing
Christopher ewing
John ross ewing
Olivia ewing // britt robertson // bobby & ann daughter
Bryan jones // history professor // colin donnell
fire country
Bode Donovan
Sharon Leone
Vince Leone
Gabriella Perez
Manny Perez
Grey’s anatomy
Teddy altman
Jackson avery
Miranda bailey
Tuck bailey-jones
Stephanie edwards
Lexie grey
Meredith grey
Zola grey-shepherd
Alex karev
Chloe montgomery-shepherd // er nurse // madelaine petsch
Arizona robbins
Mark sloan
Sofia sloan-torres
Callie torres
Robert chase
Lisa cuddy
Gregory house
Veronica house // hailee steinfeld // greg & lisa daughter
Anthony dinozzo jr.
Tobias fornell
Hannah gibbs // haley ramm // jethro & jenny daughter
Leroy jethro gibbs
Timothy mcgee
Jenny shepard
Private practice
Cooper freedman
Addison montgomery
Jasmine montgomery-reilly // dove cameron // addison & jake daughter 
Jake reilly
Station 19
Travis montgomery
Theo ruiz
Ben warren
Zoey warren // college student // amber riley // ben & miranda daughter
Annabelle buckley-moore // hunter // josephine langsford // evan buckley & jess daughter
Bobby singer
Rufus turner
Dean winchester
Johanna winchester // danielle campbell // dean & castiel daughter
John winchester
Sam winchester
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godsdefied-archive · 5 months
muse list under cut. canon doesn't exist.
(    * azula.    )    animated, multiship (bi).
(    * katara.    )    animated, multiship (bi).
(    * ty lee.    )    animated, multiship (bi).
(    * yue.    )    animated, multiship (bi).
(    * zuko.    )    animated, multiship (bi).
BALDUR’S GATE 3. most muses also have a bg3 verse, just ask!
(    * arabella.    )    tba/animated, multiship (pan) —  original, irredeemable durge, drow/druid.
(    * asteria.    )    animated, multiship (pan) —  original, tav, githyanki/wizard.
(    * astarion ancunin.    )    adam brody/animated, multiship (pan).
(    * balduran / “the emperor”.    )    animated, multiship (pan).
(    * enver gortash.    )    animated, multiship (pan).
(    * gale dekarios.    )    michael huisman/animated, multiship (pan).
(    * halsin.    )    henry cavill/animated, multiship (pan).
(    * mystra.    )    multiple, primarily anne hathaway/animated, multiship (pan).
(    * orin the red.    )    animated, multiship (pan).
(    * raphael.    )    animated, multiship (pan).
(    * rosalie hale.    )    dianna agron, multiship (bi).
(    * annalise hughes.    )    fandomless. zendaya, multiship (bi) —  original.
(    * cathy hiatt.    )    the last five years. anna kendrick, multiship (bi).
(    * connor murphy.    )    dear evan hansen. mike faist, multiship (bi).
(    * evan hansen.    )    dear evan hansen. ben platt, multiship (bi).
(    * mimi marquez.    )    rent. victoria justice, multiship (bi).
(    * zoe murphy.    )    dear evan hansen. laura dreyfuss, multiship (bi).
DC. typically written as being in the same universe as marvel.
(    * alexis kaye / “punchline”.    )    bae suzy, multiship (bi).
(    * arthur fleck / “the joker”.    )    multiple, primarily joaquin phoenix, multiship (straight).
(    * harleen quinzel / “harley quinn”.    )    margot robbie / lady gaga, multiship (bi).
(    * pamela isley / “poison ivy”.    )    debby ryan, multiship (bi).
(    * rose wilson / “ravager”.    )    tba, multiship (bi).
(    * tara markov / “terra”.    )    tba, multiship (bi).
(    * alastor / “radio demon”.    )    animated, ?.
(    * anthony / “angel dust”.    )    animated, multiship (gay).
(    * charlie morningstar.    )    animated, multiship (bi).
(    * lucifer morningstar.    )    animated, multiship (straight).
(    * vaggie.    )    animated, multiship (lesbian).
LEAGUE OF LEGENDS / ARCANE. can & will be adapted to both marvel & bg3 if needed!
(    * jinx.    )    margot robbie/animated, multiship (bi).
(    * neeko.    )    gemma chan / animated, multiship (lesbian).
(    * seraphine.    )    jessica henwick / animated, multiship (bi).
(    * xayah.    )    emma stone / animated, multiship (bi).
(    * ava starr / “ghost”.    )    hannah john-kamen, multiship (bi).
(    * bruce banner / “the incredible hulk”.    )    mark ruffalo, multiship (bi).
(    * bucky barnes / “the winter soldier”.    )    ➝ located at wintersghst.
(    * christine palmer.    )    rachel mcadams, multiship (bi).
(    * clint barton / “hawkeye”.    )    justin hartley, multiship (bi).
(    * estelle fulbright.    )    niki koss, multiship (bi) —  original.
(    * eugene roe.    )    shane taylor, multiship (straight).
(    * felicia hardy / “black cat”.    )    liv morgan, multiship (bi).
(    * garou / “hero hunter”.    )    kento yamazaki, multiship (bi).
(    * gwen stacy / “ghost-spider”.    )    multiple, primarily emma mackey, multiship (bi).
(    * juliette ferrars.    )    multiple, primarily anjelica bette fellini, multiship (bi).
(    * levi tate / “cloak of levitation”.    )    yvonne strahovski, multiship (bi) —  original.
(    * liz allan.    )    paulina singer, multiship (bi).
(    * natalia romanova / “natasha romanoff” / “black widow”.    )    multiple, primarily lauren german, multiship (bi).
(    * olivia stark / “captain america’s shield”.    )    rashida jones, multiship (bi) —  original.
(    * peter parker / “spider-man”.    )    andrew garfield, multiship (bi).
(    * ronald spiers.    )    matthew settle, multiship (bi).
(    * roxanne lewis.    )    katelyn nacon, multiship (bi).
(    * stephen strange / “doctor strange”.    )    dev patel, multiship (bi).
(    * steve rogers / “captain america”.    )    chris evans, multiship (bi) but primarily in a relationship with holly.
(    * t’challa udaku / “black panther”.    )    multiple, including chadwick boseman, multiship (bi).
(    * tony stark / “iron-man”.    )    robert downey jr, singleship (strnza).
(    * tori beaugrand.    )    multiple, primarily emilia clarke, multiship (bi).
(    * wanda maximoff / “scarlet witch”.    )    franciska farkas, multiship (bi).
(    * angel reyes.    )    clayton cardenas, multiship (bi) but primarily married to eliza.
(    * antonia pena.    )    alexandra barreto, multiship  (bi).
(    * bishop losa.    )    michael irby, multiship (bi).
(    * coco cruz.    )    richard cabral, multiship (bi) but primarily dating hope or in a struggleship with ravenna.
(    * creeper vargas.    )    joseph raymond lucero, multiship (straight).
(    * eliza kardel.    )    inbar lavi, multiship (bi) —  original, taking her off sophie’s hands.
(    * ez reyes.    )    jd pardo, multiship (straight) but primarily dating gaby or sofia.
(    * felipe reyes.    )    edward james olmos, selectively multiship (straight).
(    * inez navarro.    )    melissa barrera, multiship (bi) —  original.
(    * johanna juhlin.    )    erika linder, singleship (thehollyverse) —  original.
(    * katie “kody” mcneill.    )    stella maeve, multiship (bi).
(    * kevin jimenez.    )    maurice compte, multiship (straight).
(    * leticia cruz.    )    emily tosta, multiship (bi).
(    * marisol reyes.    )    jamie lynn sigler / gloria estefan, selectively multiship (straight).
(    * manny.    )    manny montana, multiship (straight).
(    * mayra reyes.    )    samantha boscarino, multiship (bi) —  original.
(    * miguel galindo.    )    danny pino, multiship (bi).
(    * nestor oceteva.    )    gino vento, multiship (bi).
(    * sofia.    )    andrea cortes, multiship (bi).
(    * taza romero.    )    raoul max trujillo, multiship (bi).
(    * tessa alvarez.    )    daniella pineda, multiship (bi) —  original.
(    * xiomara ramos.    )    sofia carson, singleship (thehollyverse) —  original.
(    * zoe davis.    )    lauren cohan, singleship (untilthcyrot) —  original.
(    * ally maine.    )    a star is born. lady gaga, multiship (bi).
(    * ban.    )    seven deadly sins. animated, multiship (bi).
(    * dante myers.    )    fandomless. jeremy allen white, multiship (bi) —  original.
(    * daphne blake.    )    scooby doo. abigail cowan, multiship (bi).
(    * hawk.    )    seven deadly sins. animated, no shipping.
(    * john wick.    )    john wick. keanu reeves, multiship (straight).
(    * liliana bennett.    )    fandomless. elise eberle, multiship (bi) —  original.
( * miley stewart / "hannah montana". ) hannah montana. miley cyrus, multiship (bi).
(    * rhaenyra targaryen.    )    house of the dragon. emma d’arcy, multiship (straight).
(    * robb stark.    )    game of thrones. richard madden, multiship (straight).
(    * velma dinkley.    )    scooby doo. sarah hyland, multiship (lesbian).
(    * akimichi choji.    )    animated, multiship (bi).
(    * deidara.    )    animated, multiship (bi).
(    * fuu.    )    animated, multiship (bi).
(    * gaara.    )    animated, multiship (bi).
(    * hidan.    )    animated, multiship (bi).
(    * hoshigaki kisame.    )    animated, multiship (bi).
(    * hyuga hinata.    )    animated, multiship (bi).
(    * inuzuka kiba.    )    animated, multiship (bi).
(    * kaguya kimimaro.    )    animated, multiship (bi).
(    * kankuro.    )    animated, multiship (bi).
(    * konan.    )    animated, multiship (bi).
(    * nara shikamaru.    )    animated, multiship (bi).
(    * nohara rin.    )    animated, multiship (bi).
(    * orochimaru.    )    animated, multiship (bi).
(    * sakon & ukon.    )    animated, multiship (bi).
(    * sasori.    )    animated, multiship (bi).
(    * tayuya.    )    animated, multiship (bi).
(    * uchiha itachi.    )    animated, multiship (bi).
(    * yamanaka ino.    )    animated, multiship (bi).
(    * yuki haku.    )    animated, multiship (bi).
(    * bobby munson.    )    mark boone jr, multiship (straight).
(    * candy eglee.    )    blake lively, multiship (bi).
(    * chibs telford.    )    tommy flanagan, multiship (bi).
(    * clay morrow.    )    ron perlman, singleship (murkyhazed).
(    * galen o’shay.    )    timothy v murphy, multiship (straight).
(    * happy lowman.    )    david labrava, multiship (bi) but primarily married to juniper.
(    * herman kozik.    )    kenny johnson, multiship (bi).
(    * jax teller.    )    charlie hunnam, multiship (straight).
(    * jimmy o’phelan.    )    titus welliver, multiship (straight).
(    * juice ortiz.    )    theo rossi, singleship (winterslght).
(    * kendra kozik.    )    ➝ located at hopeincarnaet.
(    * lowell harland jr.    )    cody christian, multiship (straight).
(    * lyla winston.    )    winter ave zoli, multiship (bi).
(    * marcus alvarez.    )    emilio rivera, multiship (straight).
(    * nero padilla.    )    jimmy smits, multiship (straight).
(    * samara wellerstein.    )    halston sage, singleship (thehollyverse) —  original.
(    * tig trager.    )    kim coates, multiship (pan).
(    * wendy case.    )    drea de matteo, multiship (bi).
(    * alara kitan.    )    halston sage, multiship (bi).
(    * bb-8.    )    animated, no shipping.
(    * ben solo / “kylo ren”.    )    adam driver, multiship (bi).
(    * jyn erso.    )    felicity jones, multiship (bi).
(    * qi’ra.    )    emilia clarke, multiship (bi).
(    * amy harrison.    )    multiple, primarily isabel may, multiship (straight).
(    * beth greene.    )    emily kinney, multiship (straight).
(    * brian blake / “philip” / “the governor”.    )    david morrissey, multiship (straight)
(    * hana jeong.    )    pom klementieff, multiship (lesbian) —  original.
(    * lizzie samuels.    )    brighton sharbino, no shipping.
(    * negan.    )    jeffrey dean morgan, multiship (straight).
(    * shane walsh.    )    jon bernthal, multiship (straight).
(    * siddiq.    )    avi nash, multiship (straight).
(    * sophia peletier.    )    multiple, primarily madison lintz, no shipping.
WWE.  kayfabe only!
(    * aj lee.    )    aj lee, multiship (bi).
(    * blair davenport.    )    blair davenport, multiship (bi).
(    * brie bella.    )    brie bella, multiship (bi).
(    * cm punk.    )    cm punk, singleship (ruinreigns).
(    * damian priest.    )    damian priest, multiship (bi).
(    * ilja dragunov.    )    ilja dragunov, multiship (bi).
(    * liv morgan.    )    ➝ located at 0blivion.
(    * jimmy uso.    )    jimmy uso, singleship (thr0whands).
(    * roman reigns.    )    roman reigns, multiship (bi).
(    * seth rollins.    )    seth rollins, multiship (bi).
(    * tama tonga.    )    tama tonga, multiship (bi).
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oldbaton · 1 year
Hi Max!
Would love to hear your thoughts on the Tony noms if you feel like sharing :)
Ok sorry to you and the others who asked I wanted to digest them.
Sharron D. Clarke's snub is unforgivable at the level of Gideon Glick's snub for Significant Other. Just like Gideon she should WIN. Like yes Linda shouldn't be in featured, but its what happened and she should have a Tony for that performance. And after last year's loss too.
Actor in a play is likely Sean Hayes... but it is a dynamic category and there is room for an upset by Wendell or Stephen.
Jefferson's snub was also horrendous. My fav performance of the year. I never thought he would win because it is a holiday show. But what I was not expecting was a nomination snub. And they didn't forget about the show because it got some technical nominations. One of the most cherished experiences I have had in the theatre. Favorite show of the year.
I always though Some Like it Hot would get the most noms even though I haven't seen it. I know enough to know that it has a lot of actors for noms, and it is one of the stronger ones so it was a lock for a lot of categories it was a lock for. Shocked about Borle getting in based off of those performances on TV. I was hoping for Burnap for that spot specifically. But I'm being a fanboy, I'll get back to this when I see Camelot on Sunday. Everyone is going for Platt or Groban... but it's totally gonna be J Harrison Ghee. They have the narrative. Platt a Groban will split the vote. I have doubts SLIH will take musical but they'll want to give it something. I bet it will win actor and maybe choreo
I actually thought Camelot wouldn't get a revival nom. So shocked that it did. Donica's nom was expected. (Early this season I thought he would get an easy win but Shucked coming out of nowhere and Alex getting put in actor instead of actress threw a wrench in that). The lack of a Soo nom is really a snub (especially with her pulling double duty this season), I was so impressed by her charisma in the Today performance. Again, Andrew Burnap is one of my favorite male actors in the GAME so I was rooting for him big time. So weird to see it get a revival nom but not a nom for the book or direction? Feels contradictory.
Jessica Hecht out of nowhere nomination. There's always one though.
Jodie Comer is probably the easiest lock out of all acting awards. I also think Uranowitz is a lock. That said, I wonder if how hyped Prima Facie is could backfire and they could go for Chastain who is magnificent and worthy of the award. I'm not seeing it until the end of June though... talk then.
Leopoldstadt will sweep and it will be done. Life of Pi may have a chance of sneaking in for direction? Maybe.
I don't know how I feel about score, but KA should get musical, book, actress, featured actress. The score isn't great though. There are a couple good ones... but if it wins it will win from a KA sweep in the writing categories and best musical. I know best actress in a musical is competitve... but Victoria is giving a masterclass. Annaleigh, while fantastic, doesn't reach the depths that Victoria does. And Victoria has lost her previous three noms, which I feel increases her chances. Micaela is really amazing from what I've seen but I think this is gonna be a platform for her to move on to other meaty roles.
I need to see Parade.... but like I don't understand why these very nice concerts are being lauded as great revivals. I adored Into the Woods! It is a very nice concert though. And that's not being dismissive, I know that these can be impactful. The revival of Chicago is a concert that was expanded into a slightly fuller staging and it is MASTERFUL. So concerts CAN be great revivals.... but I just don't see it like everyone else does. But I am a little at a loss at the fact that either Parade or Woods will win revival. (I'll be so pissy if Sweeney wins).
I loved Shucked. It's dumb and unsubstantial but a blast. Glad ti got love. It should win direction, set, and featured actor. And it has a good shot at set and after seeing Alex Newell... there's no WAY they won't win. It's a textbook featured performance win. Taking one song and shaking the house DOWN with it. And they found some great dramatic beats in a duet in the second act. And it's such a thin show that it made it more impressive.
SO happy that Ruthie Ann Miles got in.
Prima Facie not being nominated for Best Play after WINNING the Olivier is gaggy
THREE new pulitzer prize winners for drama in best play. Gag.
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roseillith · 13 days
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pedroam-bang · 2 years
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Casanova (2005)
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machinegunkellymexico · 8 months
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▫️ Machine Gun Kelly & Victoria Monét.
➖ Pre-GRAMMY Gala & GRAMMY Salute to Industry Icons Honoring Jon Platt. | Gala previa a los GRAMMY y homenaje de los GRAMMY a los iconos de la industria en honor a Jon Platt.
📍The Beverly Hilton, Los Angeles, California.🇺🇸
📅 02/03/24
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danielfeketewrites · 11 months
WHAT IF: 60th Anniversary Collection of novel reprints
I love collecting Doctor Who books. I have slightly over 40 of them now, including novelisations, anthologies, script books, and stuff about the making of the TV show. But majority of my collection consists of original novels.
The 50th Anniversary Collection! Back in 2013, BBC Books released a collection of 11 reprints for the 50th anniversary, one book for each Doctor at the time. What a great idea! And they had cool matching covers!
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Now, for the record, I have to admit - I only have one of these reprints: Festival of Death by Jonathan Morris. I would buy more of them, but I'm not interested in every single book in the collection. And I already own the previous printings of Dreams of Empire and The Silent Stars Go By, so there's that.
But these reprints seemed like a wonderful idea, so BBC Books did it again. In 2014, they released The Monster Collection - 8 books featuring 8 iconic monsters. In 2015, they published The History Collection - 8 books, all set in various periods in the past.
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And in 2016... they just stopped. Because of course they did.
With the upcoming anniversary, I've been hoping for a revival of this inniciative. But as far as I know, no new reprint collection is coming... So listen up, BBC Books! Here's a list of DW novels you should reprint!
Okay, since this is my version of the list, I've only included stuff that I don't already own. There might be more suitable candidates, but I already own The Stealers of Dreams, The Tomb of Valdemar, The Good Doctor, and Alien Bodies. So, you know.
Rule no. 2: No reprints from the previous three collections.
And also - this list includes some novels originally published by Virgin. Now, this probably shouldn't be a problem? While no VNAs or VMAs were included for the 50th collection, they did reprint some for the subsequent two collections. Big Finish have also managed to get the rights to adapt them. Therefore I think this probably wouldn't be a huge problem for BBC Books. Still, I decided to include an alternative for every Virgin novel on the list.
So, here it is!
First Doctor: The Time Travellers by Simon Guerrier
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Susan, Ian, Barbara
After reading "Journey Out of Terror" in The Target Storybook, I desperately want more of Simon Guerrier writing for the 1st Doctor, Ian, and Barbara. He just gets their voices so well!
Second Doctor: The Dark Path by David A. McIntee
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Jamie, Victoria
The Master has probably almost as many origin stories as the Doctor. This is one of them. As a consequence of that, this book is quite expensive on ebay.
The second Doctor vs Delgado's Master. My fan brain just can't resist this one.
(Alternatively: The Indestructible Man - Simon Messingham)
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I love Messingham's Tomb of Valdemar, so I'd like to read more DW stuff written by him.
Third Doctor: Verdigris by Paul Magrs
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Jo, Brigadier, Yates, Benton
Featuring Iris Wildthyme. Yeah. Reprint this one.
Fourth Doctor: Scratchman by Tom Baker and James Goss
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Sarah Jane, Harry
A new-ish book for the fourth Doctor, largely here because it's such a legendary bit of trivia - Tom Baker and Ian Marter plotted an Doctor Who movie together in the 1970s. This is the novelisation of that movie that never was.
Fifth Doctor: Goth Opera by Paul Cornell
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Nyssa, Tegan
Paul Cornell writing for the fifth Doctor? Vampires? I want to read this.
(Alternatively: Divided Loyalties - Garry Russell)
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While not known for being particularly good, it features the Toymaker. And somehow had a huge influence on this website. It deserves a reprint.
Sixth Doctor: Millennial Rites by Craig Hinton
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This just seems like the most interesting thing that anyone has ever done with Valeyard, as well as having a really fun premise. Again, I really want to read this.
(Alternatively: Mission: Impractical - David A. McIntee)
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Frobisher's in it.
Seventh Doctor: Lungbarrow by Marc Platt
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Chris Cwej
They can't keep getting away with not reprinting Lungbarrow. It's the big one. Also, it's one of the most expensive DW books on ebay, so there's that.
Unfortunately, the Doctor Who office seemingly perceives it as a "can of worms", so I'm not holding my breath. Still, they really should reprint it. I feel like it's a key text in the history of Doctor Who and I want to get my hands on it.
(Alternatively: Atom Bomb Blues - Andrew Cartmel)
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It's Andrew Cartmel, seemingly getting heavy and political.
Eighth Doctor: Vampire Science by Kate Orman, Jonathan Blum
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There are so many worthy candidates for reprints from EDAs, but I've decide to go back to the beginning... Not the very beginning. I've read The Eight Doctors it's not worth it. But from what I've heard, Vampire Science definitely is.
Ninth Doctor: The Deviant Strain by Justin Richards
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Rose, Jack
Gotta admit, this one was something of a random pick? The ninth Doctor doesn't have a lot of books, so might as well go for this one.
Tenth Doctor: The Story of Martha - Dan Abnett
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Martha (obviously)
Not only is this a story centered on the best companion of the RTD era, but it also features short stories that Martha tells people? Including one written by ROB SHEARMAN??? This is an auto-include for the tenth Doctor book.
Eleventh Doctor: The Coming of the Terraphiles - Michael Moorcock
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Around the time when DW books weren't really an important part of the series, something wild happened - a hugely important and influential fantasy and sci-fi author wrote a book featuring the eleventh Doctor. No idea why. I'd love to read it, tho.
Twelfth Doctor: Blood Cell - James Goss
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It's the only book from the first batch of 12th Doctor books I don't have. From what I've heard, it's also the best one. I love some of James Goss' other work, so I'm inclined to believe that.
Thirteenth Doctor: At Childhood's End - Sophie Aldred
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Ace, Graham, Yaz, Ryan
I love Ace. A friend of mine once told me that this book is amazing, so I'm gonna believe him. It's going on the list.
And there you have it! A list of Doctor Who novels I'd reprint for the 60th Anniversary, if I could. Give them beautiful new covers (matching, obviously) and it's the 60th Anniversary Collection.
On the upside, BBC Books gave us a sextet of new books for the anniversary, which is really cool. And one of them is an epic poem! And one of them is written by Dave Rudden! So there are Doctor Who books to buy this year.
But I really hope they are gonna start doing some reprints again. I think these books deserve it.
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Victoria Platt
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