noahselack · 1 year
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thinkin about video games
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kayzig · 2 years
My reaction to everything so far in Fallout New Vegas is to either go "well that's cool" or "wow you're kind of a dick, time to die" and I feel like there might have been something more to NOT killing wolfhead Legion guy the moment he turned around on me but it was worth being nearly slaughtered and instantly addicting myself to some drugs to do so.
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lh-lynxpaws · 1 year
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finally beat my first elden ring playthrough after 4 months, 320 hours and arguably the only acceptable ending ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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caribouv · 2 years
spamming harry potter spoilers to these idiots. ya ya ya it funds a transphobic and the code has been crunched showing the devs are transphobic too. i get all that
but it’s about ethics in game design. and the game is just fucking trash.
it’s a fucking magic/wizard game with only 20 spells. literally what in the actual fuck? even skyrim, routinely criticized for having a shallow magic system especially given morrowwind’s custom spellcrafting system, had like 41 fucking spells. literally more than double.
the sticky auto aim is as clunky and janky as you can expect. the lack of optimization is probably worse for your computer than rubbing feces into your graphics card. the fucking thing is funding bullshit denuvo DRM which is just going to get cracked in three days now by empress.
i still can’t get past how it’s a fucking “story” game with “decisions” and yet, no matter what you do, the ending is ALWAYS the same in that your teacher Professor Fig dies no matter what and Rockwood is the one who cursed Anne.
the game design is so bad that i’m at the point where i don’t care about the transphobia or the reactionary politics or any of that, it’s all and only about ethics in game design. the fact that this garbage has made that much money and will be the second best selling game of 2023 is a very, very, very bad omen for future games.
::insert stop having fun meme but unironically::
it’s like the marvel movies. they realized if they made shit movies for 12 year olds, they can just do the same thing over and over again. make flashy trailer, make flashy lights, cash in. sure the generation will wise up and realize your movies are shit, but at that point there’s an entire new generation of 12 year olds to sell the bullshit to.
it’s like that.
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apothecaryassistant · 2 years
Heading out
I’mma be gone for the rest of the year travelling again so here’s some stuff to watch while I’m gone.
Just a bit of beautiful dread.
Nice beats.
Something chill for the second monitor while you’re not paying attention.
Yes, there will be a test when I return.
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noctiilio · 7 days
You know. I don't really talk about how much I love Yumeko as a character. um.
consider this UNHINGED clip of me recruiting her after hitting all the requirements for her in Mystia's Izakaya a solid proof that she and the Makai Found Family theory (which THIS GAME ALSO BUYS INTO) live rent free in my head.
i have not set foot in Makai yet. but when I do there WILL be a sequel
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lunarreverb · 11 months
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Silly headcanon that tiefling Tav tries to be cool and be coy, but her tail keeps giving away her game
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chompe-diem · 9 months
the fact that murph let caldwell play a bullywug in their campaign is proof that true love exists btw. i hope that all of my besties and i can have that relationship of 'i know u are a silly guy who likes playing weird little freaks so yes you can play a frog. character'
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saikkunen · 3 months
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luckyraeve · 1 year
Headcannon time, but maybe a real thing???
Leon has an animation in RE4R where he massages his right shoulder for a moment, and it happens often enough that it caught my attention. So, could this be chronic pain due to an injury from the Raccoon City incident?
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At first I thought it might be from when Annette Birkin shot him, but that's his left shoulder, not his right.
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I also thought it could be soreness radiating down to his shoulder from being injected in the neck early on in RE4R, but i rewatched Chapter 1 of a playthru and the first time he rubs his shoulder happens before the injection cutscene.
So then... is Leon's aching right shoulder possibly from holding on to Ada before she fell to her "death" in RE2R???
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Because if yes, then that is a cool continuity detail to include in RE4R.
Leon's aching right shoulder foreshadowing the return of Ada Wong.
Ada Wong being a literal permanent sore spot in Leon's life.
(it could also be something as completely mundane as Leon is right handed so he holds tension in that shoulder from firing guns, and stabbing everything all the time, but shhhhhhh! let's pretend it's not that)
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Misc things I'm running into, playing my OG stardew valley completionist save (lategame spoilers!):
Almost the entirety of my Ginger Island farm is growing Sweet Gem berries (the ones that take an entire season to grow, and can only rarely have seeds bought 1 - 4 at a time from the traveling merchant and have to be seed generated otherwise)
I have multiple 999 stacks of so many things (Did I really think I was going to need 6 thousand dark essences???)
Someone much smarter than me clearly set up the organization / transportation systems on this farm
50,000,000g just chilling there
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riisume · 2 days
Big considering making Maeve and Zander into their own ocs...
I'd keep their ears and maybe give Zander a tail and give Maeve more modern clothes... And change Zander's clothes a teeny bit, mainly his pants and shoes...
I've gotten entirely too attached to them, so I wanna make them their own thing and not fan ocs. ;///;
They'd still have a rivalry and Maeve would still travel for tournaments BUT... Instead of actual fighting tournaments, they'd be fighting game tournaments!
Her and Zander would play FGCs competitively... And Zander would constantly lose to Maeve cuz she's REALLY good and he gets frustrated about it.
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kayzig · 2 years
I wonder how hard it would be to try and kill everyone at the Legion camp that Caesar has asked me to be shipped up-river to....
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very-grownup · 3 months
The year is 1997. What is the worst videogame for a 1,000 year old go playing ghost to learn about?
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caribouv · 15 days
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you can tell this angel island launch isn't serious because i didn't stock up on salmon lunchables
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apothecaryassistant · 2 years
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I am constantly disappointed in Fallout 4, because there was a lot of potential that wasn’t quite hit.
Weapon crafting is great, but most of it is simply linear - there’s no decisions to be made, as there are no downsides to increasing damage output.
Base building is fun for a few seconds, but the janky snap building often gets in the way.
Armor pieces are nice to have, but the system is limited by clipping and not all clothes are viable.
Boston itsself promises great verticality, but very little time is spent on the rooftops.
The gameplay loop of going out exploring and returning to base with useful scrap is seriously hampered by the fact that your first bases are far off in the corner of the map.
Honestly, I could go on for quite awhile on how the game could have been so much more, but I haven’t the time.
Maybe I’ll do a more comprehensive breakdown someday in the future.  Probably won’t, because :effort:
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