#Villa Plot Green Woods
dsmaxskyshubham · 7 months
Snycon Green Woods
Eco-friendly Snycon Green Woods
Welcome to Snycon Green Woods, the epitome of eco-friendly living! In this blog post, we will dive deep into the benefits and sustainable aspects of Snycon Green Woods. This residential community is dedicated to providing a green and sustainable living environment for its residents.
Snycon Green Woods Benefits
Living in Snycon Green Woods offers numerous benefits that go beyond the typical residential community. Let’s explore some of the key advantages of choosing this eco-friendly haven:
1. Sustainable Infrastructure
Snycon Green Woods boasts sustainable infrastructure that is designed to minimize its environmental footprint. From solar panels to rainwater harvesting systems, every aspect of the community is built with sustainability in mind. Not only does this reduce the dependence on non-renewable energy sources, but it also helps to combat climate change.
2. Lush Green Spaces
One of the most enticing features of Snycon Green Woods is its abundant green spaces. The community is adorned with gardens, parks, and walking trails, creating a serene and beautiful environment. These green spaces not only enhance the aesthetics but also contribute to improved air quality and mental well-being.
3. Energy Efficiency
Snycon Green Woods prioritizes energy efficiency in all its aspects. The buildings are constructed with materials and techniques that promote energy conservation. Moreover, the community encourages the use of energy-saving appliances and LED lighting to minimize electricity consumption.
4. Water Conservation
The community also takes water conservation seriously. Residents are educated about the importance of water and provided with water-saving fixtures. Additionally, rainwater harvesting systems are implemented, ensuring that every drop of rain is put to good use.
5. Healthy Living
Snycon Green Woods promotes a healthy lifestyle by prioritizing the well-being of its residents. The community offers various amenities such as fitness centers, yoga studios, and sports facilities. These amenities encourage residents to stay active, leading to a healthier and happier life.
6. Community Engagement
An inclusive and vibrant community is at the heart of Snycon Green Woods. The community organizes regular events and activities to foster connections among residents. This sense of belonging enhances social well-being and creates a strong support network.
Sustainable Snycon Green Woods
Snycon Green Woods goes a step further in its commitment to sustainability. Here are some of the sustainable practices implemented within the community:
1. Waste Management
The community adopts effective waste management practices, including recycling and composting. Residents are educated on segregating waste and encouraged to reduce, reuse, and recycle. These practices help minimize the environmental impact and promote a circular economy.
2. Green Transportation
Snycon Green Woods encourages the use of green transportation options such as electric vehicles and bicycles. The community provides dedicated charging stations and safe bicycle parking areas, making it convenient for residents to embrace sustainable modes of transport.
3. Organic Farming
The community incorporates organic farming practices within its premises. Residents have the opportunity to grow their own organic produce in community gardens. This promotes a connection with nature and encourages sustainable food production.
4. Biodiversity Conservation
Snycon Green Woods values the importance of biodiversity and works towards its conservation. The community preserves existing natural habitats and plants native species to attract and support local wildlife. This creates a harmonious balance between human habitation and the environment.
5. Environmental Education
An informed community is key to sustainable living. Snycon Green Woods conducts regular workshops and educational programs on topics such as sustainability, climate change, and conservation. By raising awareness and empowering residents, the community strives for lasting environmental change.
As you can see, Snycon Green Woods is more than just a residential community. It is a sustainable haven that offers a myriad of benefits for both residents and the environment. If you are passionate about eco-friendly living and want to make a positive impact, Snycon Green Woods is the perfect choice for you! Embrace green living and join us in creating a sustainable future.
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cophene · 8 months
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001 | black bone dice.
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pairing : jojolion x gn reader summary : the heir to an limitless fortune goes on a vacation to morioh to find their true love. seems easy enough; only, if that they're unable to find their love, they'll lose not just their fortune, but their life. notes : multi-chapter fic, sfw, doesn’t follow canon plot word count : 2.9k+
content warning : descrptions of blood and violence
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★ . . . THE PAIR OF BLACK BONE dice in your hand always stayed cold no matter how long you held them. The bone was glossed to a high shine and the small pips were a dull gold, glimmering whenever they caught the light. The clinking of the dice as you dropped them from one palm to the other was comforting. It got on people's nerves, you knew, but that was what your charming smile was for.
Left hand. Right hand. Left. As your hands moved, the brand on your hand blurred. It was barely there unless you were looking for it. It faintly resembled an unfurling flower spreading across the back of your hand.
Your family's private jet had not disappointed. The flight to Morioh was as pleasant as all the other flights you'd taken—to the Caribbean, Venice, Cairo. Cream and wood panelling, seats you could melt into, muted lighting and pretty flight attendants. As Karera had snored behind beside you, you'd looked out of the plane window, watching Morioh come together in neatly separated lots and streets and strips of green. It seemed very ... pedestrian. Apparently, the vacation villas here were of high regard, which was why your mother had bought one on her birthday. You'd gone with her to Morioh a few times as a child, but those trips had stopped once you got older and preferred more exciting destinations. Now you and Karera were here, not quite out of your own free will, but for a vacation nonetheless.
You slumped down further in the uncomfortable metal seat. A few thousand yen had let you through customs like a breeze, but then Karera had to go and catch some officer's attention. She hadn't even brought a backpack with her, so what they were questioning her about was anyone's guess. Boredom settled on you like a weighted blanket. If only there was someone who would play a game with you. There were plenty of people bustling about the airport terminal, but they were all too preoccupied to pay you any mind. Your mouth felt like sawdust. Lazily, you eyed the vending machines a few feet away.
Clink. Clink. Clink.
A guy approached you then, doing so with a deliberateness that suggested he'd been looking for you. You tilted your head as he stopped in front of you. His upper lip curled when you made eye contact.
"Thought you'd be a lot hotter."
Not even a hello. Your lips curled but you didn't smile. "You're one to talk."
The guy was probably around your age, just on the edge of his twenties. His scalp hadn't decided whether it wanted hair or to go bald, and so flat black hair fell over the front and back of his head but nowhere else. His entire face seemed made for sneering, a curled lip, slanted, narrowed eyes and furrowed brow. The longer you stared at his face, the more unpleasant it seemed.
"Ever tried to smile?" you asked mildly.
He only scowled harder.
"You're L/N Y/N, right? The rich brat I'm supposed to pick up from the airport?"
You shrugged. "And who are you?"
"Don't act like you don't know. I know your dumbass has been waiting for the past two hours. I'd say sorry but now I regret going out of my way to dress up for you. Shoulda known you'd be ugly as shit."
You eyed his outfit. If the slashed pants, green shirt with arrows pointing to his abysmal hair, and clown-looking bowtie was this guy "dressing up", you shuddered to think what he looked like normally.
"Who are you?" you asked again. Your mother would throw a fit that you didn't remember the names of your host family, but you honestly couldn't be bothered. Was this one Jobin? Or maybe it was the other one. Jo—
"Joshu," the guy gritted out. "Higashikata."
Your dice clinked together again. "Oh. Nice to meet you." You didn't feel like pulling on the heart-stopping grin just now.
Joshu looked like he was growing an ulcer when you didn't immediately stand up. "Well, what are you waiting for? Do you wanna go or not?
"I'm waiting for my friend," you said. "She got caught up at customs."
Joshu dropped down heavily in the chair opposite you, although you didn't remember inviting him to sit. "She better hurry up or we're leaving without her."
What a guy. If the rest of the Higashikatas were like this, it was going to be one shitty vacation.
You scanned the passing blurs of people for a head of bouncy curls. A few minutes passed and there was still no sign of Karera.
"What's that on your hand?"
You were surprised he had noticed. "Burned myself," you said lightly.
"You sure? Doesn't look like a burn."
You smiled. "I think I would know if I burned myself."
Joshu rolled his eyes, taking out his phone.
Ten more minutes went by. You cleared your throat, remembering how dry it was. Glancing at Joshu sidelong, you asked, "Do you want to play a game?"
Joshu didn't even look up from his phone. "No."
"Just a little one. While we wait for my friend Karera."
You felt Joshu's groan in your bones. He flung his phone down and fixed you with such a soulless expression, he must have come out of the womb wearing it.
"Fine. What do you want to play?"
You rattled your dice. Joshu squinted at them in your hand. "If you roll a seven or up, I'll get you a drink from that vending machine over there. But if you roll anything below that, you owe me a drink."
"Just get it yourself. Or don't you have enough pocket change for a goddamn drink?"
"I'm trying to be nice."
Joshu sneered. "Bullshit. I'm not buying a drink for some lazy prick."
You blinked, a little put-out that Joshu had turned you down so quickly. Joshu scoffed, going back to his phone.
"Fine, then. We'll do something else."
"How is rolling dice a game, dumbass?"
Whatever Karera was doing, she had better finish quickly. Prolonged amounts of time spent with this guy could not be good for anyone. "It's a game of chance," you said, bristling. You tightened your hold on the bone dice, feeling their coolness seep into your skin. "Different rules then. If you roll under seven, you owe me a drink. Over, though, and I'll do whatever you want."
Joshu paused. "What do you mean by that?"
"Just that. I'll do whatever you want."
Joshu didn't leap at the chance like you'd expected. He peered closely at you, eyes going from your face to the bone dice. Normally, you wouldn't have been so eager to make such a deal, but if the past twenty minutes with Joshu was any indication, you were pretty confident in your odds.
You smiled tightly at him, raising the dice like an offering. "Anything you want, Joshu."
He grabbed the dice from your hand. "These aren't weighted or anything, right?"
You had been asked that before. You smiled thinly. "If they were, why would I have bet on you rolling the lower numbers?"
Joshu grunted at that. You let him rattle around the bone dice, shaking them from side to side before shaking them behind his head too, for good measure. You extracted a small jade plate from your pocket for Joshu to deposit the dice once he was done. The sound of the bone dice clinking around the plate was music to your ears. You and Joshu both leaned over the plate.
Three pips on one die and two on the other. Five. Even more cause to dislike Joshu.
"Rigged," Joshu said immediately.
"Go ahead and try again," you said. You leaned back in your seat, no longer concerned with the dice. Which drink did you want from the vending machine? The iced coffee looked good...
The dice rattled around in the plate again. Peeking at it, you weren't surprised to see two and three pips. Five yet again.
"What the hell?" Joshu snarled. He threw down the dice and again rolled a five.
"I'd like the iced coffee," you said, pointing. "The sweet one, not black."
"Screw you," Joshu said, whipping out his phone. "I'm not getting you shit."
You slipped the jade plate back in your pocket. The bone dice clinked as you passed them from palm to palm.
Clink! Clink! Clin—
Joshu's scream wrenched the air. "What the hell?!" He fell heavily to the floor, clutching his hand. "What the fuck is wrong is my hand?!"
Where was Karera? Shouldn't she be here by now? "The sweet iced coffee, please."
Joshu continued screaming. People craned their necks to see what the commotion was about, concern painting their faces.
"Don't mind him," you said dismissively. "He gets like this sometimes."
"You asshole!" Joshu grabbed at your leg. "What did you do to me? What's wrong with my hand?"
A tiny part of you, though you tried to push it down, was enjoying this. You leaned closer to him, feigning worry. "Huh? What happened?"
The pinky finger of Joshu's right hand was twisting in on itself. Blood slid down his hand as the bone twisted completely, tearing skin and ligament and tendon. A howl escaped Joshu as the finger popped clean out, leaving a wet, oozing gap in his hand.
"You'd better get that iced coffee," was all you said.
"It was your fucking dice!" Joshu hissed. "Your dice is fucking with me, is that it? Call it off before I beat your head in."
There was a wet squelch and two sickening cracks. Before Joshu could react, his ring and middle finger had joined his pinky on the ground.
"CALL IT OFF!" Joshu howled.
"We made a deal," you snapped. "You rolled under seven, and so you owe me a drink. I don't know what you're saying about calling it off when you haven't delivered your end of the deal!"
Joshu reared back. You thought he might punch you when his hand made a loud splintering noise. When Joshu saw his wrist bone poking through his skin, he started bawling.
"The iced coffee," you said coldly. "If you please."
Joshu staggered to his feet. If anyone noticed his bloody, mangled hand, they gave no sign. In fact, everyone gave him a wide berth, affording Joshu a straight path to the vending machines.
You huffed. For someone who talked so much shit, he had nothing to back it up. No wonder he had rolled such a low number. And to think he was the one your host family had sent to pick you up from the airport.
Joshu stumbled toward the vending machine. Even from a distance, you could see his body trembling from the pain in his arm. As he raised his other arm to punch the buttons, there was a moment when he paused to watch his entire right forearm drop to the ground. A thick stream of crimson followed suit.
"WHAT THE FUCK!!" Joshu whirled to face you. His red face contorted in anger was the stuff of nightmares. "I'm getting your damn drink! Or do you wanna kill me first?!"
You rose to your feet and started towards him. The air around you tightened, and you knew without looking that your Stand had appeared over your shoulder. You were only slightly surprised when Joshu's face slackened. So he could see it too?
"Higashikata Joshu," you said, enunciating every syllable. "You and I made a deal. You rolled under seven with my bone dice, and so are responsible for delivering a drink to my hand. The rules are simple. I fail to see what is so difficult for you to understand."
"You said it was a game," Joshu gasped. "Not that my fucking arm would fall off!" Another meaty crack. Joshu's left hand thumped to the floor.
That was a lot of blood. You wondered how Joshu was still standing.
"Anyone who rolls below a seven with my bone dice is subject to one task of my choosing. If my Stand deems you trustworthy, you will never roll below seven. If not, no matter how many times you roll, you will always lose." You clinked the dice together. "Such is the nature of my Stand, Dancing's Done. The more you oppose my task and defy it, the faster and more severe your injuries. Either you get me my damn iced coffee, Higashikata Joshu, or you die a dismembered death."
Joshu trembled like a leaf. His eyes darted every which way, sweat rolling down his face. If he was hoping for help from any of the people in the airport, he would be sorely disappointed.
"Seeking help counts as defiance, Joshu."
Joshu screwed his eyes shut. You knew you were being cruel and unjustly so, but you were thirsty and irritable and bored. The L/N family was many things, but compassionate was not one of them.
His Stand appeared then, a humanoid with screws embedded in its head and a collar of nuts and bolts around its neck. It raised its spindly arms, and you watched with interest as it took Joshu's hand from the ground and inserted a few screws into the skin. Then, it stuck the hand back onto Joshu's wrist, tightening the screws as though Joshu was a cobbled-up doll.
Makeshift joints, you realized. Interesting. Joshu would have had to buy a drink with his feet if not for his Stand.
With a grimace, Joshu quickly punched the number on the vending machine for the sweet iced tea, and pushed a few yen into the money slot. He snatched it up quickly and proffered it to you, his knuckles white.
You waited a beat before taking the drink. It opened with a satisfying pop! and you were convinced you had never tasted anything so refreshing.
"Much obliged."
All at once, you and Joshu were back on the uncomfortable metal seats. You continued sipping from the can as Joshu looked frantically over his arms. His jaw went slack as he flexed the fingers on one arm and then the other.
"My arms. They're back to normal."
"All I wanted was a drink. Didn't I say that?"
Joshu turned his palms over a few times, then quickly sat on his hands as though he were afraid fingers would start falling off again. When he looked at you, you were grimly pleased to find a dim kernel of respect there. He wouldn't be calling you a lazy prick or ugly again.
Not to your face, at least.
"So that was your Stand?"
"Comes in handy every once in a while." You smiled at him. Unless Joshu willingly rolled your dice a second time, there would be no more tasks from him. Everything from here on out would be voluntary, regrettably.
"What did you mean? That I could never roll higher than seven?"
You eyed him. "If my Stand finds you a threat, you'll roll a lower number so you'll be forced to do something for me. The higher the number, the more likely that I can trust you. The lower, however, the more deadly you are." All things considered, a five wasn't all that low. It was about the average when it came to strangers. Joshu's injuries had been more severe because he'd been so against the task. If he had just gone to buy the drink, likely nothing would have happened but a dull ache in his hand as he hesitated.
"You're cracked in the head," he muttered. "If you wanted a drink, you could've just asked."
"If you raised that much of a stink with Dancing's Done, no amount of asking would've gotten me a drink."
Joshu didn't argue. You felt a twinge of guilt in your chest for treating Joshu so cruelly when you had just met. But it had been obvious the moment you'd met he had no respect for you, and you hadn't come here to mess around. You needed respect and trust. If you couldn't get it, that was where your Stand came in. And anyway, it was worth it for Joshu acting like less of a prick.
"What's your Stand's name?" you asked, because you were curious despite yourself. You didn't know many other Stand users besides you and Karera.
"... Nut King Call."
You hummed. "Interesting."
"So where's your friend or whatever?" Joshu asked, this time with significantly less snark. "Should we go to check on her?"
"No need." You heard her sandals before you saw the rest of her. Karera swaggered towards you, looking, as usual, like she was about to fall over. She was munching on chips from a plastic bag you were sure she hadn't been holding when you'd left her. Beside you, Joshu ogled her short shorts, bralette and the sandals strapped up nearly to her knee. Karera scratched her hair under her bandanna as she looked around for you. You waved your arm to catch her attention.
"That's your friend?" Joshu muttered.
"Is there a problem?" You didn't like the look on Joshu's face one bit.
"God, that took forever," Karera groaned when she reached you. "I don't know why they held me up. It's pretty obvious I'm not hiding anything under this getup." She crunched another chip, squinting at Joshu. "This our ride?"
Karera didn't bother introducing herself, rolling her eyes at the way Joshu was still staring. "Take a picture, buddy, it'll last longer." She hitched herself to your arm and began leading you out of the airport. You had to double back to grab your things.
"Where'd you get the chips?"
Karera grinned. "Guess what I snagged from the security guard." She fished around in her back pocket, removing a stack of Japanese banknotes. Your eyes widened.
"Karera, what the hell? You can't just—"
"Shush!" Karera stuffed a chip into your mouth. "It's the least the guard could do after making me wait for so long. Haul ass before they catch us!" She grabbed the iced coffee from your hand and finished it off before tossing it over her shoulder. There was a clank! as it perfectly hit Joshu in the face.
"Ow! The fuck was that for?"
"I can feel you staring at my ass, perv! At least pay me first!"
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bjohn28b · 24 days
2024's Must-Know Top 10 Real Estate Companies in Jaipur for Smart Investments
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Jaipur, often referred to as the Pink City, has emerged as a prime real estate destination over the last few years. Its position as a cultural and economic hub has made it a magnet for both investors and homebuyers. The city's rich history, coupled with its expanding infrastructure and population, has fueled the demand for real estate. This blog will introduce you to 2024's must-know top 10 real estate companies in Jaipur that have significantly contributed to the city's development. These companies offer a wide array of projects, from budget-friendly housing to luxury apartments, commercial spaces, and townships, catering to diverse needs.
Propacity, a growing PropTech company with headquarters in Pune and Delhi, has quickly established itself as one of the top 10 real estate companies in Jaipur. Launched in January 2020 by Rahul Bansal, Uday Vansh Malik, and Imran Shaikh, Propacity is transforming the Indian real estate landscape by simplifying the home-buying process. The company has expanded rapidly, becoming one of the fastest-growing PropTech firms in the country. It collaborates with over 200 realtors and developers across more than 20 cities, supported by a team of 100+ professionals. Propacity is dedicated to challenging industry norms and redefining real estate standards.
Vatika Group
Vatika Group, a leading real estate developer in India since its inception in 1986, specializes in developing residential, commercial, township, hotel, education, business center, and facilities management projects. The company has successfully completed over 60 projects, covering 35 million square feet of residential and 6.6 million square feet of commercial and retail spaces. They have also developed more than 1,200 acres of townships in Jaipur, Gurgaon, and Ambala. Notable projects in Jaipur include Urban Woods, Ivy Homes, City Front Enclave, and Vatika Infotech.
Manglam Group
Founded in 1995, Manglam Group has earned its place among the top 10 real estate companies in Jaipur. The company offers a diverse portfolio, including residential apartments, commercial spaces, farmhouses, and villas across Rajasthan. With a proven track record of delivering over 87 successful projects, Manglam Group is poised to launch more than 20 new projects in the near future.
Some of their key projects in Jaipur include Rambagh Jagatpura, Manglam Aadhar, Manglam Industrial Park, and Manglam World City.
Emaar India
Emaar India Ltd, a subsidiary of Dubai-based Emaar Properties PJSC, is a prominent real estate developer in India. The company is involved in creating residential and commercial properties, shopping malls, hotels, and other developments. Emaar India began its operations in 2005 and holds a land bank of approximately 6,000 acres for future projects. Emaar India's developments span across India, including Delhi/NCR, Mohali, Chennai, Hyderabad, Lucknow, Jaipur, and Indore.
Their key projects in Jaipur include Jaipur Greens Savana, The Views, Mohali Hills-Plot, and Marbella Villas.
Omaxe Limited
Omaxe Limited, founded by Mr. Rohtas Goel in 1987, has swiftly grown into one of the top 10 real estate companies in Jaipur. The company got listed on the NSE and BSE in 2007, expanding its presence to 29 cities across India. Omaxe Ltd is involved in developing various real estate properties, including residential houses, commercial buildings, townships, and retail spaces. The company received the Best Township Award at the Dainik Bhasker Eminence Awards 2021 for its Omaxe Indore Township. Mr. Mohit Goel currently serves as the Managing Director.
Some of their key projects include Omaxe Shubhangan Street Market, Omaxe City- the Prime, and Omaxe Chowk.
Anukampa Group
Anukampa Group, founded in 1978, is one of Rajasthan’s largest real estate firms, with over four decades of experience. The company has made a substantial impact on the real estate sector in Jaipur, developing a wide range of residential and commercial properties.
Their notable projects in Jaipur include Shyam Anukampa, Anukampa Tower, Anukampa Apartments, and Prestige Apartments.
Unique Dream Builders (UDB)
Unique Dream Builders is a trusted name in the Jaipur real estate market, earning a spot among the top 10 real estate companies in the city. With more than 30 years of experience, the company has helped countless individuals find their ideal homes in Jaipur. UDB operates in both the residential and commercial sectors, focusing on delivering high-quality real estate projects that enhance the lifestyle of their residents.
Their key projects in Jaipur include UDB Corporate Tower, UDB Royal Habitat, and Unique Harmony Apartments.
Ashiana Housing
Ashiana Housing was founded in 1979 by the Late Mr. Om Prakash Gupta, who had a vision of providing affordable housing options and transforming houses into homes. The company aims to offer cost-effective housing solutions with top-notch amenities. In addition to residential and commercial properties, Ashiana Housing has recently ventured into developing homes specifically designed for seniors and children. The company was honored with “India’s No. 1 Senior Living” by Track Realty for the 8th time in 2024.
In Jaipur, their prominent projects include Ashiana Ekansh, Ashiana Nitara, and Ashiana Umang.
Panchsheel Buildtech Pvt Ltd
Panchsheel Buildtech Pvt Ltd is one of India’s leading real estate builders and developers. Headquartered in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, the company boasts over 30 years of experience in the real estate industry, with a presence in Jaipur and Delhi NCR. Panchsheel Buildtech blends traditional values with modern architecture in all of its projects, currently managing 14 under-construction projects.
Their developments include Panchsheel Park, Panchsheel Greens II, Panchsheel Hynish, and Panchsheel Square.
Parsvnath Developers
Established in 1990, Parsvnath Developers Ltd is one of the top 10 real estate companies in Jaipur. The company has been a significant player in the industry and was the first real estate firm to integrate ISO 9001, 14001, and OHSAS 18001. With a strong focus on quality and innovation, Parsvnath has delivered numerous successful projects nationwide and maintains a pan-India presence across 37 cities in 13 states. Mr. Sanjeev Jain is the current CEO.
Their most prominent project in Jaipur is Parsvnath Narayan City, a sprawling township.
Jaipur’s real estate market is flourishing, providing a diverse range of options. The top 10 real estate companies in Jaipur featured in this blog offer an array of projects, from affordable housing to luxury residences and commercial spaces. As the city continues to develop, its real estate market is expected to grow further, presenting exciting opportunities for both investors and homebuyers.
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dialurbanuttarakhand · 2 months
The Ultimate Guide to Finding Your Dream Property in Uttarakhand with Dialurban
Are you in the market for a new property in the serene and picturesque state of Uttarakhand ? Look no further than Dialurban, your one-stop destination for all things real estate in this beautiful region. Whether you're searching for a plot of land to build your dream home, a cozy house in the hills, or a modern flat in a bustling city, Dialurban has got you covered.
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Why Uttarakhand ?
Uttarakhand, also known as the "Land of the Gods", is a state in northern India renowned for its stunning natural beauty, spiritual significance, and peaceful way of life. From the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas to the lush green valleys and glistening rivers, Uttarakhand offers a truly magical setting for anyone looking to escape the hustle and bustle of city life.
Properties for Sale At Dialurban, we understand that finding the perfect property can be a daunting task. That's why we have curated a wide range of options to suit every budget and preference. Whether you're looking for a sprawling estate with panoramic views or a quaint cottage tucked away in the woods, our listings have something for everyone.
1. Plots for sale in Uttarakhand: If you have a vision of building your own custom home in Uttarakhand, we have a variety of plots available for sale. From riverside locations to hillside retreats, the possibilities are endless.
2. House for sale in Uttarakhand: For those looking for a ready-to-move-in option, our selection of houses includes traditional mountain dwellings, modern villas, and everything in between. Experience the charm of Uttarakhand living in your own home.
3. Flat for sale in Uttarakhand: If city living is more your style, we also offer a range of flats and apartments in urban centers like Dehradun and Haridwar. Enjoy the convenience of modern amenities while still being surrounded by nature.
At Dialurban, we understand that buying a property is a significant investment, and we are here to guide you every step of the way. Our team of experienced real estate professionals will provide you with expert advice, market insights, and support to help you make an informed decision. Buying a property can be a complex process, but with Dialurban,
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cybervehiclebuilding · 10 months
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Do you think that the most important features for your ideal home should be safety and luxury? You are not alone, though. There has been a noticeable change in the home-buying habits of Indians since the pandemic, particularly in Bangalore. Bangalore has seen an increase in demand for villas over the last two years.
The closure of India’s IT capital due to compliance with COVID-19 regulations was a wake-up call for those who had given up on their ideal house. Couples who work from home are in greater demand for large, private residences. The icing on the cake were the lower mortgage rates and the decreased cost of the villas cake. The difficult period was advantageous for the real estate sector. Bangalore real estate firms such as Pride Group provide a variety of homes, such as apartments, villa plots, and villas.
For what reason Villas?
There are a lot of good reasons to choose Bangalore villas for sale. Continue reading to confirm your opinions about villas.
Enroll to receive greater returns.
The value of villas in Bangalore South and other parts of the city has increased. The opulent villas consistently have positive resale values. They can also be a great source of investment if you are not planning to resell the villa, and they can guarantee a respectable rental income if you find tenants who fit the bill.
Did you purchase your villa with the intention of investing in it rather than relocating? After that, you can rent it out for a respectable monthly rental income, which will be additional revenue. You may make more money than you invested, depending on the area and the property’s market value.
Savor uninterrupted phone conversations at work.
The shift in work culture is one of the primary causes of the increased demand for villas in Electronic City and other areas of Bangalore. Many families with coworkers found that they needed a private workspace as more and more large corporations approved of remote work.
Enjoy a private workspace where your online meetings won’t be when working from home in a villa.
shattered by the rowdy neighbor who shares walls with you, and your coworkers won’t be able to hear your toddler’s meltdown.
Take a deep breath and embrace nature.
There are lots of green areas surrounding the majority of the villas in Bommasandra and other parts of Bangalore. Living in a villa like this allows you to take advantage of the tranquil surroundings and spend time in nature alone. Villas offer a lifestyle where you can watch your children grow up in harmony with the environment as they spend time in the sumptuous greenery. Having a verdant garden of your own aids in mental renewal. Imagine enjoying the fresh air and living near to nature. It not only makes your life happier but also improves your physical and emotional well-being.
Reside in a friendly neighborhood
Choosing a high-end villa from a reputable builder, such as Pride Group, can guarantee a life in a wonderful community. The elite group will allow you to interact with people who share your interests. It is therefore simpler for people to interact and get along with one another. You will gain from having a cordial relationship with your neighbor during difficult times.
It can be difficult to find the perfect living space until you know what you need. The current state of affairs has led to an increase in demand for villas in Electronic City and other areas of the city since certain needs — like privacy, security, space, comfort, etc. — are prioritized. Locate a house that fulfills your dreams and improves your quality of life.
Buildiko Spring Woods is an upcoming luxury 4BHK & 5BHK villa project on Sarjapur Main Road, Bangalore. The project has a total of 103 luxury villas across 6.75 acres of land with a sustainable setup and an adequate amount of open area, hangout spaces, functional amenities and recreational areas.
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anaheetahomes · 1 year
The Epitome of Luxury: 3 BHK Builder Floors in Greenwood City
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Greenwood City is a posh residential township of around 130 acres located in Sectors 45 & 46 of Gurgaon. Properties In Unitech Greenwood City consists of our landmark luxury villas project – Vista Villas. Residency Greens -independent floors & plotted developments are also part of the township. 3 BHK Luxury Builder Floor In Greenwood City Gurgaon - View Price, Photos, Floor Plans, Brochure, Amenities and Reviews
Excellent schools like Amity International School, Shikshantar & Pathways, the HUDA city metro station, hotels like Taj Vivanta & Ramada Hotel, retail markets like Green Woods Plaza & Huda Market, commercial destinations like Unitech Cyber Park and world class hospitals like Paras Hospital & Artemis Health Institute are all within easy reach. It is also an easy ride away from both MG Road & Sohna Road – the 2 most developed locations in Gurgaon.
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3 BHK Luxury Builder Floor In Greenwood City Amenities:
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3 BHK Luxury Builder Floor In Greenwood City Features:
4 Bedroom
4 Bathroom
Regular water supply
100% power backup
High quality construction
Consisting Italian marble and Wooden flooring
3 BHK Luxury Builder Floor In Greenwood City Location Advantage:
3 Mins from Unitech cyber city
5-7 mins from HUDA metro station
10 mins from Galleria market
15-20 mins from Cyber hub
Top Property Management Company in Gurgaon - Anaheeta Homes:
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Welcome to Anaheeta Homes, India’s Leading Property Management Company. With more than Two Decades of experience in Real Estate sector and a strong commitment to excellence, we specialize in providing expert consultancy that cater to the diverse needs and aspirations of our valued customers. Top Real Estate Consultant In Gurgaon- Call @ +91-7272959516, +91-98101 49865 to Speak Best Real Estate Consultant in Gurgaon.
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embassyprojectsblog · 2 years
Why Should you Embassy Boulevard project be in Bangalore? Embassy Boulevard prices | Embassy Boulevard floor plan |
Embassy Boulevard 4&5 BHK Villa
Embassy Boulevard is the ultra-luxury gated Neighbourhood of Embassy Boulevard which is located off of NH7, 12 km from the Kempegowda International Airport and 13 km from the Hebbal flyover. Embassy Boulevard, created by the renowned Singapore-based firm Andy Fisher workshop is a symbol of exclusivity, refinement, and ethical luxury. 
Embassy Boulevard is a 51-acre complex with 28 parks totaling 5 acres of green space. Each villa has a private pool and an outdoor grill area that is surrounded by rows of flowering trees. 
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Embassy Boulevard figure  
Project location 
Hosahalli Main Road 
Ready to move-in 
Villa Types
4 & 5 BHK villas 
Land Area 
51 acres 
No. of Villas  
No. of Floors
G + 2 Floors 
Built-Up Area 
4000 to 7400 sq ft 
Price Range 
INR 8 Cr Onwards 
Moreover, there are 5 different types of villas available on Embassy Boulevard: Pine, Willow, Cedar, Silver Oak, and Cypress. The prices for villas on Embassy Boulevard begin at INR 8 Cr onwards. With world-class amenities, you will find private swimming in every villa. 
Villa Type Sizes & Floor Plans 
Villa Type 
Built-Up Area in Sq. ft. 
Plot Area 
4,105 sq ft (381.4 sqm) 
3,900 - 6,229 sq ft (362.3 - 579.0 sqm) 
3,935 sq ft (365.3 sqm) 
3,900 - 6,229 sq ft (362.3 - 579.0 sqm)
5,885 sq ft (548.1 sqm) 
5,810 - 10,026 sqft (539.7 - 931.4 sqm) 
Silver Oak 
7,310 sq ft (679.2 sqm) 
8,600 - 16,974 sq ft (799.0 - 1576.9 sqm) 
7,390 sq ft (686.7 sqm) 
8,657 - 14,488 sq ft (804.3 - 1346.0 sqm) 
Embassy Boulevard Highlights
Designed by the award-winning Singapore-based Andy-fisher workshop 
170 generous villas Spanning 51 Acres 
4 and 5-bedroom villas between 4000 and 7400 Square fee 
24/7 Concierge service worldwide 
Club with a square footage of one million 
Each villa has a private heated pool and an automatic private elevator
28 parks, 3 villas per acre, and 5 acres of breathing room 
Vaastu-compliant architecture  
Embassy Location A
5 minutes driving from NH 44
2.5 miles from BH-7 
22 km from the CBD
Hebbal Flyover is 13 miles away 
20 minutes by car will take you to Kempegowda International Airport.
Drive time to Columbia Asia Hospital is 15 minutes.
Drive time to Vidya Vikas International School is around five minutes.
It takes only five minutes to drive to Vidyaniketan Public School.
Drive time to Stonehill International School is only 15 minutes.
Drive time to Arra Grande Suites is only five minutes.
It takes 5 minutes to drive to the Academy of Aviation and Engineering.
NCC Training Academy is around 7 minutes away by car.
Drive time to D Cube Sports Club is only 10 minutes.
It takes 10 minutes to drive to Bengaluru Lake.
A 10-minute drive will take you to REVA University.
The 15-minute trip to Kattigenahalli Lak
Within 15 minutes by car is the Sri Chamundeshwari Temple
Embassy Amenities 
Modern conveniences that make life easier are a must-have in every luxury home. Thanks to its high-end amenities for both indoor and outdoor games, a kids’ play area with complete security, lovely manicured gardens, and parks, a swimming pool, a meditation center, and plenty of parking space. Also, the 10,000-square-foot clubhouse is the ideal place for individuals to chill out after
Jogging & Strolling track 
Cafeteria/Food Court 
Swimming Pool 
Reserved Parking 
Power backup 
Among all Boulevard ongoing projects by Embassy Group, this location is well-connected by rails and roadways which give easy access to all important places in the city such as hospitals, educational institutions such as Stonehill International and Embassy International School, well-known shopping centers, restaurants, bars, and many more. 
Embassy Boulevard 4 & 5 BHK Villa Project Specifications
Each villa has an automatic lift 
Each villa has a pool 
All bedrooms have engineering wooden flooring
Composite wood swimming pool deck 
Featuring laminated tinted glass, a car porch canopy
 A ceiling with two heights
Sun-shading aluminum overhang louvres
All bathrooms have to add up to the false ceiling and marble flooring.
Kitchen and utility rooms with vitrified tiles
Ceramic tile flooring in staff housing
Superior-quality shower area fittings, bathtubs, CP fittings, and sanitary accessories
Featuring laminated tinted glass, a car porch canopy
Embassy Boulevard Services 
100% power backup is provided by 12 KVA for pine and willows, 15 KVA for Cedar, and 18 KVA for Silver Oak and Cypress. The power supply is never interrupted, complete backup for all services. 
All rooms have CAT 6 cable and conducting to support Tele/internet service.
Also including gas leak detectors, video door phones, motion detectors, intrusion alarms, lighting controls, lighting sensors, and automated curtain operations in the provision of smart home technologies. Also, 24/7 security with video surveillance.
Urban Design Projects with Nature-Based  
Embassy Boulevard’s design philosophy was inspired by a strong concern for the environment. A distinctive urban habitat that is opulent and environmentally conscious is created via sustainable green building design that takes into account regional differences and climate constraints. However, the fusion of environmentally friendly elements and cutting-edge design advances Embassy Boulevard’s journey towards sophisticated elegance and a pre-certified LEED rating. Check out its green features:
Solar Heating 
Rainwater Harvesting 
Zero Discharge
Low VOC Paint 
Avoidance of Incandescent lamps  
Winding-up main Words 
Nowadays, it is very difficult for people to find acceptable homes at reasonable costs that have all the current facilities. Embassy Boulevard is one of the finest residential developments in the city, which offers luxurious residential villas in Yelahanka  Bangalore. You will receive good returns on your investments in addition to an improvement in your quality of life. 
For more information, connect with us at +91 99308 82000.
And visit our website embassy project.
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lskinterior · 2 years
7 Tips for Building a Luxurious Villa
Building a luxurious villa is riveting, boosts your energy levels to the sky but it can be scary too.
When you are spending a lot of your time, efforts, and hard-earned money on building your luxurious villa you want everything to be picture perfect. The surest way to achieve your goals is to pre plan every last detail and get quality materials for your villa.               
The process of building a villa has a lot more than what meets the eyes. There are lots of boxes to be ticked and decisions to be made. Hasty decisions shall only create problems in the building process.
How do you know if you are on the right track? In this post we have compiled best tips to streamline the process and build your luxurious villa with ease of mind and peace.
7 Tips for Building a luxurious Villa
●  The first and the most important step when it comes to building your dream home is hiring an architect. Do your research through projects of various architects. Look for construction savvy, ascetic and functional projects.
An architect can help you with a clear vision and judgement between your dreams and functional reality. Once you have finalized the designs then you can move ahead and finalize a contractor.
You need one with unrivalled craftsmanship, high quality work and years of experience. From an open plot to a beautiful villa takes months of dedication and planning.
The right contractor can nail the task in a shorter frame of time.
● Sticking to a budget when it comes to making a luxurious villa is an enormous task. Thinking through each aspect of your villa is advisable.  Prioritize your wish list and act accordingly. Narrow down every option to avoid confusion and wastage of capital.  There are various home loan options available in the market. Choose the one that suits you best.
● A luxurious home can more than often feel unwelcoming if not designed well. Make the most of each space and keep functionality in mind while deciding on features and decor.
● Choose amenities that add value to your life. Depending on your vision build your home centered lifestyle that keeps your mind at ease. Invest in a security system to keep yourself and your loved ones safe. The modern technology offers various high security options
●Vertical is far better than covering small grounds. Modern architecture is all about adding surface rather than plot. Neutral palettes work great as they make the space look wider and go well with minimum aesthetics. Optionally you can color a particular segment of a room with a darker color like royal blue, purple, lime green or wine red to add a sense of warmth to the place.
●Clever lighting can change the mood and appeal of your space in seconds. Opt for layered lighting with dimmers and add spotlights to art pieces or decor you wish to emphasize. Add greenery to both the interiors and exteriors of your place. It’s the most inexpensive way of adding elegance to your design.
● When it comes to furniture, go for sophisticated and luxurious larger than life pieces that offer quality and comfort. Emphasize your windows with floor to roof glass and walls with elegant fabrics of darker base mixed with a hint of lighter hues.
● Art pieces have the potential of adding a luxurious vibe to the place. Choose the ones that reflect your personality and complement the decor. Add accents of gold or shiny metal to the place along with wood to add a touch of elegance. However, do not clutter the space with too much of them. Thoughtful design is the key when it comes to home decor.
When it comes to luxurious homes or villas it's always better to build one rather than buying a villa.
Building a villa allows you complete control over construction and every minute detail of the property. You can choose every facility and functionality you wish to add in your place.
While customizing an existing home can be a tedious task and more than often, we must compromise our needs.
There is so much more to luxury than what meets the eyes.
It’s about creating amenities and features with a vision for the future in mind.
Only an experienced interior designer in Dubai can help achieve such sophistication and improve your everyday living with excellent designs.
Find the one that matches all your needs and you are set to go. Article Source: https://www.lskinteriorprojects.com/post/7-tips-for-building-a-luxurious-villa
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dsmaxskyshubham · 7 months
Snycon Green Woods
Eco-friendly Snycon Green Woods
Welcome to Snycon Green Woods, the epitome of eco-friendly living! In this blog post, we will dive deep into the benefits and sustainable aspects of Snycon Green Woods. This residential community is dedicated to providing a green and sustainable living environment for its residents.
Snycon Green Woods Benefits
Living in Snycon Green Woods offers numerous benefits that go beyond the typical residential community. Let’s explore some of the key advantages of choosing this eco-friendly haven:
1. Sustainable Infrastructure
Snycon Green Woods boasts sustainable infrastructure that is designed to minimize its environmental footprint. From solar panels to rainwater harvesting systems, every aspect of the community is built with sustainability in mind. Not only does this reduce the dependence on non-renewable energy sources, but it also helps to combat climate change.
2. Lush Green Spaces
One of the most enticing features of Snycon Green Woods is its abundant green spaces. The community is adorned with gardens, parks, and walking trails, creating a serene and beautiful environment. These green spaces not only enhance the aesthetics but also contribute to improved air quality and mental well-being.
3. Energy Efficiency
Snycon Green Woods prioritizes energy efficiency in all its aspects. The buildings are constructed with materials and techniques that promote energy conservation. Moreover, the community encourages the use of energy-saving appliances and LED lighting to minimize electricity consumption.
4. Water Conservation
The community also takes water conservation seriously. Residents are educated about the importance of water and provided with water-saving fixtures. Additionally, rainwater harvesting systems are implemented, ensuring that every drop of rain is put to good use.
5. Healthy Living
Snycon Green Woods promotes a healthy lifestyle by prioritizing the well-being of its residents. The community offers various amenities such as fitness centers, yoga studios, and sports facilities. These amenities encourage residents to stay active, leading to a healthier and happier life.
6. Community Engagement
An inclusive and vibrant community is at the heart of Snycon Green Woods. The community organizes regular events and activities to foster connections among residents. This sense of belonging enhances social well-being and creates a strong support network.
Sustainable Snycon Green Woods
Snycon Green Woods goes a step further in its commitment to sustainability. Here are some of the sustainable practices implemented within the community:
1. Waste Management
The community adopts effective waste management practices, including recycling and composting. Residents are educated on segregating waste and encouraged to reduce, reuse, and recycle. These practices help minimize the environmental impact and promote a circular economy.
2. Green Transportation
Snycon Green Woods encourages the use of green transportation options such as electric vehicles and bicycles. The community provides dedicated charging stations and safe bicycle parking areas, making it convenient for residents to embrace sustainable modes of transport.
3. Organic Farming
The community incorporates organic farming practices within its premises. Residents have the opportunity to grow their own organic produce in community gardens. This promotes a connection with nature and encourages sustainable food production.
4. Biodiversity Conservation
Snycon Green Woods values the importance of biodiversity and works towards its conservation. The community preserves existing natural habitats and plants native species to attract and support local wildlife. This creates a harmonious balance between human habitation and the environment.
5. Environmental Education
An informed community is key to sustainable living. Snycon Green Woods conducts regular workshops and educational programs on topics such as sustainability, climate change, and conservation. By raising awareness and empowering residents, the community strives for lasting environmental change.
As you can see, Snycon Green Woods is more than just a residential community. It is a sustainable haven that offers a myriad of benefits for both residents and the environment. If you are passionate about eco-friendly living and want to make a positive impact, Snycon Green Woods is the perfect choice for you! Embrace green living and join us in creating a sustainable future.
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architectnews · 3 years
London Houses: New Property Designs
London Houses, Property Images, New Homes, Buildings, Architects, Residential Architecture
London Houses: Properties
Contemporary Residential Buildings in South East England – Contemporary British Homes in the UK Capital
post updated 13 May 2021
London House – Latest Designs
London Residential Architecture News, chronological:
4 May 2021 Highgate House Restoration, Highgate Conservation Area, North London Design: Cairn photograph : Peter Landers Highgate House Restoration This Edwardian property restoration project brought a dilapidated home back to life, re-organising the arrangement to suit the lives of a young family and converting the roof space. A huge amount of work was required to restore the home and modernise the layout and environmental performance.
27 Apr 2021 Sponge Urban Living
21 Apr 2021 House for a Gardener, Haringey, North East London Design: Amos Goldreich Architecture photograph : Ollie Hammick House for a Gardener, Haringey A much-loved garden was central to our design of this side and rear extension for a Victorian mid-terrace house in the Stroud Green Conservation Area of Haringey. The project arranges a sequence of living spaces around the garden and an internal courtyard that gives constant connection to greenery.
21 Apr 2021 Vault House
Mountain View House
Chiswick House Extension
Bladerunner House
Cascade House, Hampstead Village
1 Mar 2021 Cloistered House, Chelsea, south west London Design: Turner Architects photograph © Adam Scott Images Chelsea Georgian terraced house The restoration and extension of a Cubitt-built Georgian terraced house in a conservation area. The Cloistered House was carefully given life having been left to ruin for many years.
20 Feb 2021 Library House
16 Feb 2021 Eclectic House, Camden
14 Feb 2021 Melbury Studio
14 Feb 2021 Harcombe House
14 Feb 2021 St Georges House
14 Feb 2021 Boscombe House
29 Jan 2021 The Rower’s House, Chiswick, south west London Architects: Loader Monteith photography : Emanuelis Stasaitis The Rower’s House in Chiswick The clients wanted a home with four bedrooms, space to entertain, and an accessible garden – with plenty of space to live and work, as well as a divisible section for a relative to use autonomously. Despite a questionable original design, the couple found the perfect potential property in a quiet corner of London.
1 Feb 2021 Art House, Paddington
10 Dec 2020 Kensington Townhouse Design: KNOF design photography: David Cleveland Kensington Townhouse, Hyde Park KNOF Design, an international design practice founded by Susan Knof, has just completed a major London commission – the unification of two separate townhouses near Hyde Park to create a single 7,500sf family home.
4 Dec 2020 Pitched Black House
26 Nov 2020 Sugar House
17 Nov 2020 17 Portland Place Renovations
16 Nov 2020 Regency Villa, Kensington
16 Nov 2020 EC1 Penthouse, Clerkenwell
15 Nov 2020 Chiswick House Extension, West London Architects and Interior Designers: Found Associates photograph : Nick Hufton, Al Crow Chiswick House Extension A double-fronted Edwardian house has been updated and extended in dramatic fashion for a television and radio presenter and his family. This four storey villa sits on a corner site with unusually large gardens to the rear. The renovation and reinvention of the villa reinforces the sense of connection between house and garden.
7 Nov 2020 Winter House Renovations
24 Apr 2020 Two and a Half Storey House, Central London Architects: Bradley Van Der Straeten photograph © French + Tye Two and a Half Storey House The Two and a Half Storey House project that circumnavigates a local planning restriction by building a half-height roof extension! The clients owned the existing two-storey, two-bedroom property, located on a central London Housing Estate.
1 Apr 2020 Hampstead Penthouse Property, North London Design: Ungar Architects photograph : Peter Cook Hampstead Penthouse Property A breathtaking new penthouse in Hampstead, with panoramic views across the UK capital city.
1 Apr 2020 Contemporary London Penthouse Properties Penthouse Properties London
5 Mar 2020 An Eclectic Victorian Home Extension North London
3 Mar 2020 Slim Studio’s Flat Interior
26 Feb 2020 Collector’s Flat, Central London Design: MATA Architects photograph © Peter Landers Collector’s Flat Interior in Central London Extensive refurbishment and interiors fit out of an apartment in a mansion block constructed at the turn of the 19th century. The works included substantial structural modifications altering the flat’s layout and introducing new services.
30 Oct 2019 Brexit Bunker Design: RISE Design Studio photograph : Edmund Sumner Brexit Bunker This sunken garden room was envisioned as a way of adding a new studio and extending the program of the house, without having to intervene in the existing portion of the building.
15 Oct 2019 Fleet House in Hampstead
20 Sep 2019 Dukes House, Alexandra Palace, Muswell Hill Structural Engineer: TZG Partnership photograph : Will Pryce Muswell Hill House This North London property is an ornate Edwardian Terrace, in the shadows of Alexandra Palace. The home has been given a complete make over.
20 Sep 2019 Aperture House in Islington
More contemporary London houses designs online soon on e-architect
London Houses Designs in 2018
23 Oct 2018 Duke’s Avenue House, Chiswick Architects: IBLA photograph : Brotherton Lock Contemporary House in London The clients, a pair of doctors, wanted to significantly increase the amount of floor-space in their West London home, whilst maintaining the existing character and external massing of the original house, and keeping their garden intact.
2 Oct 2018 Volcano House, Shoreditch, East London Architects: Urban Mesh design ltd photograph © Charles Hosea New House in Shoreditch The interiors of the home were playfully designed to suit the desires and personalities of the Client and his family.
20 Aug 2018 Benbow Yard Home, Southwark, South London Design: FORMstudio Architects photograph © Bruce Hemming Contemporary Home in Southwark This new property is a response to the Mayor of London’s Policy to optimise the re-use of small sites across the UK capital city.
19 Jun 2018 Victorian Townhouse, Highgate, North London Design: LLI Design photograph © Victorian Townhouse in Highgate Conversion of a Victorian property in reasonable condition to form a warm, comfortable home with contemporary style touches.
30 Apr 2018 Step House, North London Architects: Bureau de Change photo © Ben Blossom North London Property Extension Using bricks reclaimed from the fabric of the house, the architects exploited the rights of light diagram to create a staggered, extruded form that appears to melt away from the existing structure. This rhythmic stepping generated by the brick is echoed throughout the interior, and is integrated in both the plan and section of the extension.
27 Apr 2018 Roof Conversion, Crouch End, North London Design: JaK Studio, Architects photo : Francesco Russo Crouch End Flat Extension JaK Studio create unique loft conversion in large Victorian property by adding a new dormer extension to form a dramatic two-storey cathedral-esque space.
29 Jan 2018 The Etch House, Honor Oak, Lewisham, South London Design: Fraher Architects photo : Adam Scott Honor Oak Home Extension Joint Third Prize in ‘Don’t Move, Improve!’ 2018: this 1460 sqft property re-examines the layout of the traditional Victorian terrace house. A modern floor plan sits within the old house walls, hidden behind the retained street elevation.
26 Jan 2018 Sun Rain Rooms, Islington, North London Design: Tonkin Liu Architects photo : Edmund Sumner Sun Rain Rooms Home Extension ‘Sun Rain Rooms’ has been crowned London’s best and most innovative home extension as overall winner of New London Architecture’s (NLA) annual ‘Don’t Move, Improve!’ competition.
London Houses Design News for 2017
8 Dec 2017 Highgate Hill Townhouse, North London Design: LLI Design photo from LLI Design Highgate Hill Townhouse Winner in the Interior Design, London category – UK Property Awards 2017-18. LLI Design recently completed a total redesign and refurbishment of a 7 storey townhouse in Highgate, a leafy and desirable part of London.
15 Aug 2017 Hilltop House, Kingston-upon-Thames, South West London Architects: Coupdeville photograph : Simon Kennedy New Teddington House Commissioned in 2012, the architecture studio were asked to design a five bedroom house on a large 0.26 acre single plot, while retaining the existing building.
11 Aug 2017 Fairfax House, Teddington, South West London Architects: Coupdeville photograph : Simon Kennedy New Teddington House The proposal is for a contemporary dwelling that is based on a series of banded layers, that allow for a light filled interior and a dynamic and interesting external appearance.
24 Mar 2017 Oak Hill House, Hampstead, North London Design: Claridge Architects photograph : Simon Kennedy New Hampstead House Shou Sugi Ban, a UK based manufacturer of charred timber products, has selected Kebony, to create a distinctive modified timber cladding using the ancient Japanese techniques of burning, brushing or pre-weathering timber to provide a long-lasting and beautiful wood.
London Property Design News for 2016
27 Nov 2016 Increasing Value of Residential in the British Capital City Flipping Property Prices in London
1 Sep 2016 House of Trace Design: Tsuruta Architects photo : Tim Croker House of Trace A beautiful and unconventional extension to a London terraced house designed by Tsuruta Architects has been awarded the 2016 Stephen Lawrence Prize.
2 Jan 2016 Madeira Residence, Bromley, South east London Design: Rado Iliev Architect photograph : Assen Emilov New Residence in Bromley
5 Nov 2015 Newington Green Road Property, North east London Architects: NK Architects image : Robin Hayes Newington Green Road House
16 Sep 2013 Mayfair House Design: Squire and Partners, Architects photo : Gareth Gardner Mayfair House The contemporary interpretation of leaves are crafted as a metallic shingle, which cover a three storey elevation and rooftop pavilion. The PPC coated folded aluminium leaves – 4,080 in total – subtly vary in tones of bronze to mimic organic growth patterns. The concept was designed over a three year period of research and development working closely with Swiss manufacturer Tuchschmid.
London Homes – archive page up to and including 2013 photo : Alan Williams Photography
Location: London, England, UK
London Architecture
London Architecture Design – chronological list
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London Architecture
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Islington houses
New Properties / photos for the London Houses page welcome
Website: London
The post London Houses: New Property Designs appeared first on e-architect.
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s1cparvism4gna · 4 years
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WARNINGS: cursing
Pairings: Rafe Adler x OC
Tags: @desertvvitch, @courtenbae, @tiecladartist
Chapter 7
Rafe’s POV
“No.” I said firmly.
“And why not?” I was on a call with Nadine Ross. Since Samuel evidently had decided to take matters into his own hands and steal from me, I had to do a bit of damage control. I enlisted the help of Shoreline, a group of mercenaries for hire. Nadine was the leader and was currently fighting me to bring her men to the auction. But to me, that was unnecessary. I didn’t need a bunch of goons walking around a high class area flashing their guns at every suspicious person. The whole room was going to be full of suspicious people.
“Because I’m the one writing your checks. What I say goes. It’s either just you or nobody at all.” I was trying my best not to yell. When I looked up from my maps and books, I noticed Lyric passed out on the couch across from me, her hair hanging in her face and snoring a little. I smiled to myself and stood to grab my jacket.
“Rafe, what if—”
“‘What if’ nothing. I have it under control. Security will be tight enough and if anything goes wrong, they’ll handle it.” I said to her as I placed my jacket over Lyric’s thin frame, gently moving her hair from her face. Her thick lashes fluttered on her cheekbones as she groaned and turned in her sleep.
“Fuck…” she said rather clearly, scratching her head and pulling my jacket closer to her face. I smirked as I went back to my seat, wondering what she could possibly be dreaming about. I could hear Nadine arguing about whatever in my ear as I leaned back into my seat, just watching her sleep. She looked so peaceful. Like she needed the rest. Like she needed this trip. I hated to admit it but I needed it too. Things at work had been so stressful. Two or three days in Italy with someone who didn’t entirely piss me off seemed like a good way to wind down.
“No muscle at the auction, Ms. Ross, and that’s final. I’ll hear no more about it.” I eventually said, tired of the nagging in my ear. “I will see you at the auction.”
“Alright…” she answered defeatedly. And with that, she’d hung up.
I pulled the ear piece out and tossed it into my briefcase. I’d been working since we finished dinner and it was time I took a break. I organized my desk, putting my files and maps into a neat pile and sipped on my wine that I happened to forget about. The glass was no longer chilled but I didn’t care. It was a little something to relax. After a few sips, I reclined the seat, crossing my fingers and resting them in my lap as I threw my head back. I closed my eyes hoping that maybe I’d fall asleep. I was on the brink of drifting away when I heard a sigh. I opened my eyes just enough to see through my eyelashes. Lyric was moaning and whining in her sleep. Not the disturbed kind of noise though. More like arousal. For about ten minutes she went on like this, just shifting in her seat. I bit my lip as I listened to her sweet voice crying out softly in need. Now I definitely wanted to know what she was dreaming about. A high pitched soft moan and sharp gasp passed from her lips, causing my heart to skip and a twitch in my pants. It was absolutely inappropriate to think about but as my eyes wandered over her face, they landed on her lips. I wanted to kiss them. They looked so soft and warm and smooth. I could feel my face frowning, upset that I wasn’t the one making her sound this way. After a while, she quieted down but my thoughts did not. I wanted to dig my fingers into her wild blonde tresses, have her long long legs wrapped around my waist. I wanted her. The real her. Not the one she shows me at work. Even though I realized at that point that I barely knew who she was to begin with. I could only hope that would change throughout the weekend.
Eventually I found myself falling asleep. Not for long though. The stewardess ended up coming to wake me 15 minutes before we landed. When I opened my eyes, she gave me a kind smile. I looked out of the window next to me, blinking myself awake rather slowly as I admired the sunrise and the aerial view of Rome. In my opinion, it wasn’t such a bad thing to wake up to. I yawned and sat up in my seat, stretching my back, cracking my neck. She patted my shoulder in a motherly fashion and disappeared into the back of the plane again. I stood up, brushing the random strands of hair off of my face and sat on the couch next to my sleeping assistant. I yawned again, running my hand down her shoulder, shaking her awake gently as I whispered her name. Her eyes fluttered open and immediately her face turned a bright red. She jumped a little, startled by seeing me and I held my hands up in defense.
“It’s just me!” I said softly with a smile. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” She blinked at me a couple times as she sat up, my jacket falling off of her as she did. “We’re about to land and I, uh…. figured you might wanna see the sky view.” I told her, raising the blind that covered the small window near her head, pointing at the view. She turned around and the look on her face was priceless. She brought her fingers to her lips, concealing the wide grin that spread across her lips and gasped in wonder. The sunlight seemed to make her eyes shine a bit brighter than normal and I tore my gaze away to enjoy the view with her. It was a fantastic sight.
“This is amazing…” she said in awe.
“Wait til we actually get into the city.” I said, standing as I began to gather up my things to put them into my briefcase. She scooted to the edge of her seat and threw her arms in the air, stretching out her long limbs and I tried my damnedest not to look. She picked up her heels and put them back on her feet before leaning into the couch. I could feel her eyes on me as I got my things together. I looked up with a chuckle as her eyes narrowed.
“Did you finish what you needed to do?” She asked me.
“Uh… yeah.” I lied all too easily, sitting back in my recliner. The way she twirled a lock of hair around her finger told me that she didn’t believe a word.
“And did you get any sleep?” She asked. I forced a puff of air and ran my hand down my face tiredly.
“Actually, yes. More sleep than I would at home if you can believe it.”
“I don’t but okay.” She smirked. That time I was actually telling the truth. Normally I’d get maybe 2 or 3 hours in before I had to go to work. This time I got maybe 5. I could really feel the difference. If it were up to me though, I wouldn’t have gotten up at all. “You’re taking another nap before we go anywhere.” She told me boldly. I laughed. At least she cared enough.
“I think you missed the part where I’m your boss and I tell you what to do.” I said. But like a nagging wife, she was right. I could’ve used an hour or two more. “I’ll tell you what. We’ll both take some time to wind down before lunch.”
“What are we having?!” She damn near jumped out of her seat.
“I’m feeling like pasta.” I hummed. “With an excessive amount of Parmesan.”
When we landed at the hangar, we were greeted by a shiny black car, ready to take us to where we’d be staying. I booked a villa for us instead of a hotel. I figured it’d be quieter and not to mention there was a killer view from every balcony and patio. It was a nice 75 degrees out that morning. The wind pushed against us as we descended the stairs. The driver greeted us with a smile and opened the door for us before retrieving our bags. Lyric slid into the car and rubbed her eyes before groaning loudly.
“What is it?” I asked.
“I forgot I had makeup on… I probably look a mess now.” She grumbled.
“I don’t think so. You look good.” I told her truthfully. She stared at me as a blush tinted her cheeks.
“Thank you?” She wasn’t sure what to make of that. The fault being my own, I didn’t compliment her much. That was something that could change. The car began to drive us through the city and into the country just on the outskirts. A massive change from the big city buildings turning into rolling hills of green, some plots of land with small houses nearby. Everything looked so fresh and alive. A stark comparison to the area of New York we’d just come from. The skies were now blue and the clouds were perfectly fluffy.
It wasn’t long before we pulled into a long winding driveway, each side lined with well kept bushes of flowers. We pulled up to a two story beautifully stone built house, parts of it tastefully covered with vines and tall trees stood at its corners. There was a lovely little patio outside from what I could see. I could hear Lyric gasping as the car came to a stop. “No way we’re staying here….”
“Well I don’t feel like staying at a hotel so yes. We are.” I told her as the driver got out and opened my door. I then rounded the car and opened the door for her. Her eyes widened as she stepped out and looked around. The first thing she did was take her shoes off to walk in the soft plush grass out front. The grin on her face was something magical. I stood there a while and watched her wiggle her toes in the earth and my chest began to swell with adoration. She giggled and covered up her smile with her hands before looking at me.
“So… I can go inside there?” She asked rather childishly. I forced a laugh and nodded, shoving my hands in my pocket. She practically bolted into the house, throwing the doors open.
“And she’s off...” I chuckled as the driver began to grab our bags. I could hear her squealing from the upstairs.
“Holy shit!” I heard her swear and I burst into laughter. The house was pretty nice. Clean above all things, which I loved. The living space was open and looked cozy. The flooring was a pale hardwood and the walls, a detailed off white. Bricks molded the rounded archways and there was a fireplace as well. That bit I got excited about. I walked around, letting my fingertips grace the backs of the white couches and chairs, over the sea foam green colored pillows. That’s when my eyes landed on a massive, dark wood baby grand piano. Tucked in a corner was a beautiful Spanish guitar. ‘She’ll get a kick out of that…’ I thought as I pressed a few keys on the piano with a smirk. The driver placed our bags by the door and I paid him a generous tip, thanking him as he left us. I closed the double doors and sighed. It was going to be a long weekend.
Suddenly, Lyric appeared at the top of the stairs. “Did you see the piano?!” She exclaimed excitedly. I nodded.
“Yeah I did.” My heart was pounding from the beauty of her broad grin. “Did you see the guitar?” I asked.
“I MISSED A GUITAR?!” She began flying down the stairs to the corner I pointed at. She picked it up and her eyes seemed to light up.
“Do you play?” I asked feigning ignorance. Of course she played. You can’t be the lead singer of a band and not play.
“I play a little.” She answered coyly. I smirked.
“You’ll have to play for me some time.” I said, resting my jacket on the back of the couch and taking off my neck tie.
“You’ll have to get me really drunk. I get shy at small audiences.” She mumbled, running her thumb down the untuned strings of the instrument. The words just fell from my lips without thinking.
“You never have to be shy with me.” I said. She looked up and bit her lip nervously before setting the guitar back down. I tore my gaze from her to look down the hall. I could see the corner of a refrigerator. “Have you checked out the kitchen yet?” I asked. She shook her head no. “After you…” I gestured down the hall, stepping away to make room for her. She sauntered by and shuffled into the kitchen, me strolling behind her.
As we stopped at the bricked threshold of the kitchen, Lyric gasped. Turning around, she had the goofiest expression and let out a silent, whispery scream. I was impressed. The cabinets were all white and the countertops were a sandy granite. There was an island with a few stools and a massive refrigerator, complete with a wine cooler, stocked with the finest Italian wine. She gave an exaggerated gasp as she opened up the wine cooler and pulled a bottle of red. She looked at me with wide eyes.
“This kitchen…. I have to cook in this kitchen!” She exclaimed with an excited laugh. “Oh my god and look!” She said pointing to a massive rounded archway with double doors that led to the back. There were pillars wrapped in the greenest vines and on the bricked patio, a couple of dark arm chairs with white cushions, a coffee table was set in the middle of them decorated with a few candles and an ashtray. Along the outside wall were a few torches that could be lit on fire. Behind it was a set of bricked stairs, lined with small candles, that led into a grassy area. There was a small, rounded table near the edge where there was a magnificent view of the Italian countryside. I followed Lyric down the steps and we both stood by the edge of the grassy platform to stare at the sun still rising in the sky over the rolling hills. Further around the corner, was a decently sized pool and a hot tub. In an instant I began to think of all the things we could do. This was an unintentionally romantic place to be. If I had to be there with anyone though, I was glad it was her.
“Mr. Adler…. Thank you for taking me….” She sighed in awe, hugging the red wine bottle against her chest.
“Don’t thank me. Your research brought us here. You should enjoy it.” I said, leaning into the archway.
“No, Mr. Adler you don’t get it…. This is so much space… I…”
“If it’s what you wanna hear: you’re welcome.” I smiled. With that, I clapped my hands together and smiled. “Now. Since you’ve seen the upstairs before me, have you picked a room?” She turned to look at me with a puzzled expression.
“I was just gonna take the one you didn’t want… I mean I’m not picky.”
“Oh, please. Don’t women need their space to do…. woman things?”
“Yeah but you’re also my boss.” She told me. I stared at her a moment. Even away from the office, she tried her best to be a good employee.
“Such manners.” I mumbled. “Alright. I’ll go take a look and I’ll holler when I make a decision.”
It didn’t take long for me to choose. Both rooms were big and clean with their own bathrooms, both had nice TVs, both came with a massive window for a fantastic view of the countryside, both had decent closet and drawer space. The only difference was one had a vanity complete with a mirror and the other did not. I sighed, imagining Lyric sitting there, putting on her makeup or doing whatever it was she did to make her skin glow the way it did. I walked back down the stairs to grab my bag and took them to my room. Then I grabbed hers and laid them on the loveseat in front of her bed. Decisions made. “Lyric, I put your stuff in your room for you!” I hollered down the steps. I could hear the small pitter patter of her bare feet on the hardwood as she approached. Not wanting to swoon more than I already had, I grunted from behind my bedroom door.
“Are you sure that’s the one you want?” She asked me. I just nodded.
“I’m sure. Listen, you were right. I’m still a little tired so I’m gonna shower and take a few more hours.” I told her.
“Okay! Well… I’ll work on getting us a car and maybe do some grocery shopping.” She smiled.
“Alright. Be careful walking around by yourself. If you need me, you have my number.”
“Of course, sir—”
“You can drop the formalities, Lyric. We’re not at the office.” I assured her. I wanted her to be comfortable. Here and around me. I could tell it baffled her a bit by the way her mouth hung open. I smiled at her a moment and took off my neck tie. “Go do what you need to do.” I told her before closing my door. I pressed my back against the door and groaned. Behaving around her was certainly going to be difficult. Especially with her just being so cute. And then there was hearing her on the plane. Those moans weren’t something I could easily forget. Shaking off the nerves, I began to unpack and ready myself for a nice long shower.
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svbdevelopers · 3 months
Exploring Real Estate in Bangalore: The Silicon Valley of India
Bangalore, often referred to as the Silicon Valley of India, is a city that blends a rich cultural heritage with modern innovation. As the capital of Karnataka, it has emerged as a prime destination for real estate investment, offering a vibrant market characterized by diversity, growth, and opportunity. Let's delve into what makes Bangalore's real estate market so dynamic and highlight one of the key players, SVB Developers.
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"The Boom of Real Estate in Bangalore"
1. A Hub for IT and Startups
Bangalore is renowned for its booming IT industry and thriving startup ecosystem. The presence of major tech parks and multinational companies attracts a skilled workforce, driving demand for both residential and commercial properties. Areas like Whitefield, Electronic City, and Outer Ring Road are particularly popular among tech professionals seeking proximity to their workplaces.
2. Cultural and Educational Epicenter
The city's rich cultural tapestry, coupled with top-notch educational institutions, makes it a preferred destination for families. Renowned schools, colleges, and research institutions are scattered throughout the city, enhancing the appeal of residential neighborhoods like Indiranagar, Jayanagar, and Koramangala.
3. Infrastructure Development
Bangalore's infrastructure has seen significant upgrades, with improved road networks, metro connectivity, and planned future developments. These advancements ease commutes and enhance the quality of life, contributing to the steady appreciation of property values.
4. Diverse Housing Options
From luxurious villas and high-rise apartments to affordable housing projects, Bangalore offers a diverse range of housing options. This variety caters to different budgets and preferences, making it an attractive market for a wide demographic.
Introducing SVB Developers..!!
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Amidst the bustling real estate landscape of Bangalore, SVB Developers stands out as a beacon of quality and innovation. Known for their meticulous attention to detail and commitment to excellence, SVB Developers specialize in creating luxurious, sustainable living spaces.
SVB Maple Woods
One of their flagship projects, SVB Maple Woods, offers premium villa plots nestled in serene, green surroundings. This development embodies the perfect blend of modern luxury and natural beauty, providing residents with an idyllic setting to build their dream homes. With a focus on sustainability and eco-friendly practices, SVB Maple Woods is designed to offer a tranquil, harmonious living experience.
Bangalore's real estate market is a dynamic and exciting arena, offering something for everyone—from tech professionals and families to investors and entrepreneurs. With its robust infrastructure, diverse housing options, and innovative developments, the city continues to attract people from all walks of life. Companies like SVB Developers are at the forefront, driving the market forward with their commitment to quality, sustainability, and customer satisfaction.
Whether you're looking to invest, buy your first home, or simply explore what the city has to offer, Bangalore's real estate market promises endless opportunities and a vibrant future.
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Development Size: 7 Acres 24.5 Guntas
No. of Plots : 85 Nos
Plot Size(Sqft) : 30*40 , 30*50 & 30*60
Development Type : Premium Residential Plots
Address : Sy No 7/1, 7/2, 8, 9/2 & 64, Chikkanayakanahalli Village , Off Sarjapur Main Road, Bangalore 560035.
In vibe with the call of the limitless nature, The Woods of East – Phase 1 presents abundance of land that suits all your requirements and more. Premium residential plots in Bangalore to uplift your lifestyle and align your body and soul with the spirit of lush green surroundings. With over 7 acres of expertly designed residential plotted spaces, The Woods of East – Phase 1 spans magnificently across the wilderness off Sarjapur Main Road. We offer you more than an exclusive location in Bangalore, we give an address that promises prosperity and security for you and your family
Call +91 9902090909
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twistednuns · 4 years
October 2020
To buttress - increase the strength of or justification for; reinforce / to mollycoddle - to give someone too much care or protection. 
A letter from Nina. One of those weird internet connections. Not my first one, certainly not my last one.
Frank’s DnD backstory reads quite insightful/poetic to me as he has taken so much from his life. He might have done it without intent but it’s quite obvious to me. I’ve agreed to make a character sketch for him. I’m looking forward to the challenge but I’m also afraid of starting the project because obviously I want it to be perfect. Anyway so the other night I sat at his kitchen table and started drawing a facial composite for his goliath. Lots of sketches actually with him giving me some prompts and ideas. I think he loved watching me do my magic. What a peaceful moment.
Applause from some students. Simply for entering the room. They must really hate their English teacher, eh?
I’ve started forming the habit of drawing tarot cards on a full moon and new moon night. It helps me set an intention for the following two weeks. So on the first of October I drew the Queen of Wands to represent me and I’m loving it. It’s the perfect choice.
The fabric dyeing process for the Plot exhibition at Haus der Kunst
Inviting warmth into my life. Wearing appropriately warm clothing. Even hats. Drinking tea all the time. Turning the heating on even though it’s only September. Warm breakfast. Ayurveda inspiration. Hot baths. Thinking about buying an electric heating blanket for my bed.So far I’ve been taking a hot water bottle to bed with me pretty much every night.
Finding one of those Barts woolly animal hats online. This one came with tigers. And the seller sent me a cherry marzipan teabag. I enjoyed it on a cold and rainy Saturday morning.
FAQ: The Status of the Shits Women Have Left to Give
Reading the final scenes of Leigh Bardugo’s Shadow and Bone trilogy. I actually took the wrong bus one evening and ended up in front of one of the Pinakotheken instead of Villa Stuck. I must have been quite immersed. I’m very happy with the ending. I mean, the main character is walking around the house barefoot with the smell of fresh paint following her, her hair loose. What a wonderful image.
The wind blowing through the maple trees outside my living room window. I’m just going to quote a Wikipedia article to explain what happened next: The distinctive fruits are called samaras, “maple keys”, “helicopters”, “whirlybirds” or “polynoses”. These seeds occur in distinctive pairs each containing one seed enclosed in a “nutlet” attached to a flattened wing of fibrous, papery tissue. They are shaped to spin as they fall and to carry the seeds a considerable distance on the wind. People often call them “helicopters” due to the way that they spin as they fall. During World War II, the US Army developed a special airdrop supply carrier that could carry up to 65 pounds (29 kg) of supplies and was based on the maple seed.
Monsieur Wiener - I’ve paid him a visit when I had problems with my analogue Pentax camera!
I don’t know why but one dark Friday evening I slipped into the empty church at Odeonsplatz. I loved the peaceful atmosphere, the specific smell and the red church candles flickering.
I loved meeting Flo. We had such a great time, constantly joking, talking about this and that. Sailor Mercury, Hades, our family. His wink. He said that I had been exactly right but in the end apparently I wasn’t. It stung because he had been one of the rare guys in the last months (years, actually) I actually liked. Oh well. I guess it wasn’t meant to be after all. This is what the Universe had to say about it the other day: There are no accidents. If it’s appeared on your life’s radar, this is why: to teach you that dreams come true; to reveal that you have the power to fix what’s broken and heal what hurts; to catapult you beyond seeing with just your physical senses; and to lift the veils that have kept you from seeing that you’re already the person you dreamed you’d become.
Videos of Marno and Erin together. Also: she is so freakin’ beautiful as a marauder.
A surprise call from Ann-Katrin.
Sweet chai tea with milk.
The bright moonlight making the neighbours’ roof look like fish scales.
Forensic linguistics. I listened to a podcast episode about the Unabomber who was only discovered after his brother had noticed some stylistic irregularities in his manifesto. You can’t eat your cake and have it too.
Autumn leaves. Especially when it’s just the outer leaves turning red or yellow while the rest of the foliage is still green.
Sitting next to my ten-year-old student Ella on the bus on our way home on a Friday afternoon. She’s a very chatty Gemini and even though her self-importance and constant talking can be quite annoying I’ve kinda taken a liking to her.
A bunch of Alstroemeria in my dark green glass vase on the desk. A pretty image.
I still appreciate how beautiful my LuLuLemon thermos bottle is after all this time.
I should probably mention my new hair (extensions). Well, it looks absolutely gorgeous from the front. But I already know that I won’t get them again because you can see the glue in a few places, it’s quite hard, often painful and feels unnatural. And of course it’s much too expensive.
Baby carrots with King hummus.
My lunch dates with Becky.
Making my favourite sour thai curry. With rice noodles. And peanuts and cilantro. Yum.
Starting to work on a big soapstone sculpture. It’s going to be a hand! I love it when I have a group of calm students. It allows me to work on a project with them.
Making delicious pumpkin lasagna.
Visiting Manu’s mum. Making plum dumplings together. A fun afternoon in their kitchen.
A very cosy Sunday. Waking up at 5:30am. Watching Practical Magic in bed. Having a slice of pumpkin lasagna for breakfast. A sudden urge to get out, dressing up to keep out the cold, going out, early, streetlights still on. A walk through the woods. I loved how calm everything was. Being out before all the others had a chance to disturb the stillness with their kids and dogs and bicycles. Making lebkuchen. Lots of pecans. Having a nap. Writing a letter. Drawing weird mushrooms and bugs.
Autumnal smells. The moist smell of the forest ground, mushrooms, the smell of chimneys on a cold Sunday morning. Incense, gingerbread spices. Facial oil with lavender and iris. Roasted pecans.
A crafty day. I made a haunted house, some ghosts, spiders, bats, skulls and pumpkins out of paper.
Meeting Frank in front of Residenztheater. The whole square was empty, he was the only person there. Waiting for me. Looking up to the opera roof. What an impressive building.
Talking about living life in story mode and action mode. I feel so stuck in action mode at the moment and desperately want to switch to story mode. Fantasy, magic, coincidences and meaning.
Spicy pumpkin recipes in the current issue of Schrot und Korn.
Rice and hazelnut milk as a bedtime treat.
Collecting autumn leaves. Chestnuts, acorns, feathers, beechnuts. Making a little autumnal alter with some crystals.
Thursday mornings. So much time for myself. Lots of tea, warm breakfast.
Treating myself to massages and nice facial creams and serums. Ya Yah is such a gifted person. I love her massages the most. The other day I also got a facial for the first time in many many years. It was nice to be wrapped in an extremely fluffy blanket. When the bright lights were on I could see different colours after closing my eyes and imagined being at a tropical beach. Unintentional ASMR sounds from the rubber gloves. Cosy.
Spicy winter tea in my new thermos bottle. The steam swirling up from my favourite mug (the moon phase mug I bough in Canada).
Buying cheap sparkly stickers, washi tape and stamps. Just because.
Pecan nuts are the BEST. Crazy delicious.
Porridge with coconut milk and mango for breakfast. Persimmons. Candles in the morning.
Gloomy twilight. The dark hour right before sunset/sunrise. Spooky black silhouettes against the ink blue or greyish white sky. Fairy lights. Memories of spending Halloween at Greyfriar’s Kirkyard in Edinburgh.
Finding yet another woolly hat for my collection. This time with pheasants.
Deltavenus’ Instagram feed.
Cutting open a fresh lime.
Happily singing along to my two favourite mantras (Jai Mata Kali / Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha) while making apple galette. Trying to harmonise in different ways.
A very surprising call from Claudia. She ended up in my kitchen, drinking half a bottle of wine.
A lovely Sunday with Sash. A walk through the English garden.   Watching the waterfall, falling leaves, backlit by the afternoon sunlight. Haus der Kunst. Getting in for free (art teacher bonus). I really liked the Michael Armitage exhibition and the enormous dyed curtains in the hall. Franz Erhard Walther’s Dust of Stars autobiography was impressive as well. I just ordered the book online; I’m looking forward to reading it. We also had a drink at Goldene Bar and enjoyed a late lunch at Baoz Bar.
Becky leaving me a lovely note and an English magazine on my desk.
Fink’s Knödelstube with Lena and Sash. We had 13 different kinds of dumplings. Heavenly delicious.
I came to realise that mornings are my favourite time of the day. I love gloomy, dark sunrises and my usual productivity highs.
Writing limericks with the kids.
Getting lost in the woods after dark which might not look like a good think at first glance but I uncovered a little secret - some bee hives I had never seen before!
A mild obsession with The Corrs’ song Old Town. I didn’t even know where it came from. It’s not a song I’ve ever actively listened to.
Learning about sesame plants. Another one of those plants I expected to look completely different.
I can smell mushrooms. On Saturday morning I went to the forest again early in the morning and whenever I would get a whiff of mushrooms and look down there they were.
Dog owners wishing me a good morning on my walk. Interestingly only men, the women tend to ignore me.
Wicked! - Modern Art’s Interest in the Occult. Learning about Leonora Carrington.
James’ chameleons in art class. He drew one representing each of his family members. He was the one licking a bat. Bold.
Buying far too many books. But I found out that Naomi Novik just published a new novel about a school of magic. And within two days I came across the writer Ursula K. Le Guin three times so I took it as a sign and got one of her books as well.
Prepare for the Roaring Twenties - The human desire to socialize will survive the pandemic.
A deep talk session with Jonathan about getting old, having children, self-worth, dating, obeying rules.
Finding my favourite pair of jeans on Kleiderkreisel for a fraction of the original price. And a baseball jacket with a Strange Ladies Society print on the back.
A walk in the forest before work. Something I’ve never done before I think. So good for my nerves, really.
The art of decision-making.
Joy praising me for my authoritative voice (effectively making the fifth-graders do what I want).
Decorating the classroom with the fifth-graders. I love my haunted house on the window pane, their lovely spiders, ghosts and bats. I should probably mention that our class mascot is a cute spider named Crawley so we’re all quite into spooky stuff. On the last day before the holidays we all showed up in costumes, played a Halloween quiz, listened to creepy music and I brought some candy, too. Fun!
Meeting the gang on Halloween. Japanese-inspired dinner and a board game.
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anaheetahomes · 1 year
Top 5 Luxury Residential Projects in Gurgaon
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4BHK Luxury Apartment In Greenwood City
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Luxury Builder Floor Greenwood City is a posh residential township of around 130 acres located in Sectors 45 & 46 of Gurgaon. It consists of our landmark luxury villas project — Vista Villas. Residency Greens -independent floors & plotted developments are also part of the township.
Excellent schools like Amity International School, Shikshantar & Pathways, the HUDA city metro station, hotels like Taj Vivanta & Ramada Hotel, retail markets like Green Woods Plaza & Huda Market, commercial destinations like Unitech Cyber Park and world class hospitals like Paras Hospital & Artemis Health Institute are all within easy reach. It is also an easy ride away from both MG Road & Sohna Road — the 2 most developed locations in Gurgaon.
2. 4 BHK  in Greenwood City Gurgaon for Sale
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4 BHK Independent Floor for sale in Greenwood city Gurgaon with modern-day amenities. This might be your chance to make this 4 BHK property your dream house. The property is available from 1st floor to 3rd Floor . This 4 BHK Independent Floor is available at a negotiable price of Rs 5 Cr. It is a very spacious property, spread over 502 Square yards. This property has provision for 4 bathroom, Lift, Regular water supply and 100% power backup. The property is made with high quality construction, consisting Italian marble and Wooden flooring in most of the rooms. It enjoys a strategic location with many reputed malls and multispeciality hospitals around the area.
3. The Rooms By Central Park In Gurgaon
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Get Details About The Rooms By Central Park in Gurgaon. Check Price List, Floor Plans, Download Brochure, Amenities, Location, Reviews.
1,2 BHK Fully Furnished Serviced Suites.
Exclusive Club for the Residents.
Very efficient Layouts.
Choice of 1 & 2 BHK Serviced Suites.
35 minutes from IGI Airport
10 minutes from Golf Course Extension Road
Located in foothills of Aravalli
Easy connectivity through upcoming 22.5 km ELEVATED CORRIDOR from Rajiv Chowk.
Leading Retail, Educational, healthcare & Hotels in vicinity
Shuttle service, 24X7 Security, 24-hour power & water backup
4. 4 BHK Independent Floor in Greenwood city Gurgaon
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4 BHK Independent Floor for sale in Greenwood city Gurgaon with modern-day amenities. This might be your chance to make this 4 BHK property your dream house. The property is available from 1st floor to 3rd Floor . This 4 BHK Independent Floor is available at a negotiable price of Rs 5 Cr. It is a very spacious property, spread over 502 Square yards. This property has provision for 4 bathroom, Lift, Regular water supply and 100% power backup. The property is made with high quality construction, consisting Italian marble and Wooden flooring in most of the rooms. It enjoys a strategic location with many reputed malls and multispeciality hospitals around the area.
5. 4 BHK The Orchard Luxury Builder Floor In Gurgaon
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The Orchard Luxury Builder Floor in Gurgaon. The Orchard, a residential project which is nestled within vast green stretches. Part of the leading global township — Central Park Flower Valley, here you will experience fine living in a clean, dust-free ecosystem. Come, put on your straw hat and reap the rewards of life. Low-rise luxury floors plush with unique and attractive specifications Simplex, Duplex & 3BR with terrace pool Basement with office spaces, servant rooms and parking spaces A rooftop that offers party spaces.
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