caged-nights · 3 months
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Pitiful, truly.
A sketch I forgot to post, this was a digital redraw of a doodle I did well over a year ago at this point that is heavily based off of this post by Opal-Owl-Flight! Erebus got a little too confident in Venueri's (teeth-clenched) pacificism up until this point, and that came to bite him in the ass.
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SCHULTHEISS MAGDEBURG >>> In medieval Germany, the Schultheiß was the head of a municipality (akin to today's office of mayor), a Vogt or an executive official of the ruler. As official (villicus) it was his duty to order his assigned village or county (villicatio) to pay the taxes and perform the services due to the ruler. 
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anon-e-miss · 4 years
Jazz+Prowl tank AU: what effect does having been captured have on Jazz’s reputation? How does he try to reverse some of the damage?
As a villicus, getting caught and caged is not a good look. As the heir to the warchiefs, it’s not a good look. His suggestions regarding defence would be weighed against the fact he was caught. Is he really so smart?
Jazz isn’t doing anything to reverse the damage. He’s focused on Prowl. If someone really got in his face about what he went through, he would most likely lay them flat and reestablish the fact that he kicks aft.
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thefugitivesaint · 7 years
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"De Ortv Et Origine Monachorvm" (On the Source and Origin of Monks), 1545, from the workshop of Lucas Cranach.  Anti-clerical flyer made during the Protestant Reformation.  What you're looking at is the Devil or an arch-Demon shitting out monks, supposedly depicting the "origins" of the Catholic church and the satanic nature of the Vatican. And who ever said that contemporary public discourse has degenerated into mere partisan politics? Source
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subrosabrand · 7 years
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Today's #shoutoutmysubrosa goes out to @tintinla89 and this beautiful Subrosa Villicus Prime II build! 🖤🖤🖤 looks so good! Thanks for sharing and thank you for the support! Keep shredding homie! ............................ ⬇️⬇️⬇️ We love to shout out our fans and supporters! If you are currently rocking a Subrosa frame or complete, post it up in your Instagram feed, and hit us with a #shoutoutmysubrosa, you'll have a chance to get reposted by us! #bmx #subrosa #subrosabrand #bike #bicicleta #subrosasaves
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dist-the-rose · 4 years
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Genesis of the Capitalist Farmer Now that we have considered the forcible creation of a class of outlawed proletarians, the bloody discipline that turned them into wage labourers, the disgraceful action of the State which employed the police to accelerate the accumulation of capital by increasing the degree of exploitation of labour, the question remains: whence came the capitalists originally? For the expropriation of the agricultural population creates, directly, none but the greatest landed proprietors. As far, however, as concerns the genesis of the farmer, we can, so to say, put our hand on it, because it is a slow process evolving through many centuries. The serfs, as well as the free small proprietors, held land under very different tenures, and were therefore emancipated under very different economic conditions. In England the first form of the farmer is the bailiff, himself a serf. His position is similar to that of the old Roman villicus, only in a more limited sphere of action. During the second half of the 14th century he is replaced by a farmer, whom the landlord provided with seed, cattle and implements. His condition is not very different from that of the peasant. Only he exploits more wage labour. Soon he becomes a metayer, a half-farmer. He advances one part of the agricultural stock, the landlord the other. The two divide the total product in proportions determined by contract. This form quickly disappears in England, to give the place to the farmer proper, who makes his own capital breed by employing wage labourers, and pays a part of the surplus-product, in money or in kind, to the landlord as rent. So long, during the 15th century, as the independent peasant and the farm-labourer working for himself as well as for wages, enriched themselves by their own labour, the circumstances of the farmer, and his field of production, were equally mediocre. The agricultural revolution which commenced in the last third of the 15th century, and continued during almost the whole of the 16th (excepting, however, its last decade), enriched him just as speedily as it impoverished the mass of the agricultural people.1 The usurpation of the common lands allowed him to augment greatly his stock of cattle, almost without cost, whilst they yielded him a richer supply of manure for the tillage of the soil. To this was added in the 16th century a very important element. At that time the contracts for farms ran for a long time, often for 99 years. The progressive fall in the value of the precious metals, and therefore of money, brought the farmers golden fruit. Apart from all the other circumstances discussed above, it lowered wages. A portion of the latter was now added to the profits of the farm. The continuous rise in the price of corn, wool, meat, in a word of all agricultural produce, swelled the money capital of the farm without any action on his part, whilst the rent he paid (being calculated on the old value of money) diminished in reality. 2 Thus they grew rich at the expense both of their labourers and their landlords. No wonder, therefore, that England, at the end of the 16th century, had a class of capitalist farmers, rich, considering the circumstances of the time.
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caged-nights · 1 month
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Heroes in shining armor are supposed to get kisses on the cheek from the princess, right?
A Sketch of Venueri and Ambros ( @chaosxabove ) I did last night before I crashed!
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rantbmx · 7 years
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Check out @rangerjames_ Rant Rider with his new set up Subrosa Villicus Infinity Frame 🔥🐐👽all Them Rant Goodies.
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anon-e-miss · 3 years
Not an ask. I just wanted to say that I think it’s really cool that Jazz has pet/partner kraken in the mermay fic. Lol it reminds of all the mermech posts where Prowl was trying/managed to escape from the archipelago, and somehow I don’t think that’s going to be possible when Jazz has two zappy krakens patrolling the sea.
More than two Kraken XD. Jazz has two but every villicus has at least one.
I'm not planning on Prowl becoming a divinity in this fic but certainly some changes will be happening.
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rottumeroog · 7 years
Het Prinsenhof
Het Prinsenhof of Stadhoudershof staat aan het Martinikerkhof nr 23 te Groningen.
Van ongeveer 1040 - 1215 stond hier de woning van de vertegenwoordiger van de landsheer, de bisschop van Utrecht, de villicus genaamd.
Het huidige gebouw is in de eerste helft van de 15e eeuw (1436) gebouwd als klooster van de Broeders des Gemenen Levens. In 1569 werd het de residentie van de eerste bisschop van Groningen en Drenthe Johannes Knijff. Onder zijn leiding werd het verder uitgebreid.
In 1576 werd het de residentie van stadhouder Rennenberg. Na de Reductie in 1594 werd het hof de verblijfplaats van de stadhouders, de prinsen van Oranje Nassau van de provincie Groningen. De bleef het tot het einde van de 18e eeuw.
Na verregaande ontmanteling in 1795 werd het, het Nationaal hof en in 1808 militair hospitaal. Vanaf 1898 marechausseekazerne ,  In de dertiger jaren van de 20e eeuw werd het geleidelijk gerestaureerd. Van 1945 tot 2005 was de regionale omroep RONO (later RTV Noord) hier gevestigd. Nadat het pand bijna zeven jaar leeg had gestaan opende in augustus 2012 op deze locatie Grand Café - Alacarte - Hotel Prinsenhof Groningen.
De poort van de Prinsenhof dateert uit van 1642 en achter het paleis ligt de bijzonder fraaie Prinsentuin met een bijzondere zonnewijzer boven de poort.
Naast het Prinsenhof, staat de Gardepoort. De poort stamt uit 1639 en verbindt de Turfstraat met het Martinikerkhof. Door het reeds bestaande pand is de poort gemaakt op verzoek van stadhouder Hendrik Casimir I, die destijds zetelde in het Prinsenhof. Het gebouw was het onderkomen van de ruiterwacht van de stadhouders.
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subrosabrand · 7 years
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Today's #shoutoutmysubrosa goes out to @_lorenz207_ and his super rad @hoang69 Subrosa Villicus Infinity. Awesome colorway on this one and loving the touch of brown. Thanks for sharing man, and thank for the support! ............................ ⬇️⬇️⬇️ We love to shout out our fans and supporters! If you are currently rocking a Subrosa frame or complete, post it up in your Instagram feed, and hit us with a #shoutoutmysubrosa, you'll have a chance to get reposted by us! #bmx #subrosa #subrosabrand #bike #bicicleta #subrosasaves
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caged-nights · 5 months
🥀The Shadow in the Mirror🗡️- ONE SHOT [Pre-Stellarium]
⚠️CONTENT WARNING⚠️: Hallucinations, Delusions, and Graphic Depictions of SH
A rewritten piece of one I did back in 2022. This was originally supposed to be a quick piece to showcase Venueri's destructive tendencies that turned into 5 pages of nonsense very quickly.
As the TW above says, please keep in mind that there will be heavy SH in the story.
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:**:・゚✧*:・゚✧
✧ Sitting at the vanity in her expansive yet so empty bedroom, Venueri stared at her reflection with slight contempt. 
VENUERI: [“Look at yourself…”]
✧ Brushing the parted bangs more to the side, her eyes locked onto the marking that decorated her forehead. 
✧ Her brows furrowed,
VENUERI: [“...why did I inherit this?”] 
✧ With her pupils akin to slits and her vision going out of focus, she could hear the voice of someone play in her head.
MALUM: [“I love your markings, Venueri! There’s no need to feel shame over them.”]
✧ Such simple words, words that would once bring her comfort, now made her nauseous. 
✧  She gripped the edge of the vanity with such strength that her claw-like nails made new grooves in the wood. 
VENUERI: “Calm down… Calm down…” 
✧ An useless effort, she knew that, she has done this before. 
✧ Feeling something move behind her, she manages to shoot her eyes back up to the mirror before her. 
VENUERI: “!!!!” 
✧ She froze in place.
MALUM: “...Venueri.”
✧ She couldn't make a sound as her winged ears lowered in panic and fear. 
✧ She felt like she was going to vomit.
MALUM: “Why did you do it, Venueri?”
✧ Those were words that have haunted her for years and years. 
✧  The shadowy figure stared her down from over her shoulder as she tried to mutter out an answer. 
VENUERI: “I…I…I didn’t—” 
✧ The shadow shook his head.
MALUM: “I trusted you, Venueri.”
✧ Her hands trembled as he spoke.
MALUM: “You betrayed me.” 
✧ The shadow moved closer, making her want to curl up and hide. 
MALUM: “You could have saved me. Us.”
VENUERI: “What could I have done…?” 
✧ The part of her mind begging her to think spoke out before an onslaught of laughter came from behind her. 
✧ Their whispers like the cicadas in the summer buzzed in her ears before a hand gripped her shoulder
MALUM: “Ven… I’m right here.”
✧ She looked into the blurry face of the man behind her, his smile managing to feel the same as it used to.
✧ With her shoulder tense and her breathing becoming short, she waited for him to speak. 
MALUM: “You’re… a protector, right?” 
✧ His smile was charming, 
MALUM: “Why didn’t you help us?”
✧ The water began to well in her eyes, 
MALUM: “Surely we were worth protecting.”
✧ Every word was another bullet wound to the chest. 
VENUERI: “I couldn’t save you… Mother would have—”
✧ She could barely get that out before the Malum that stood by her now began speaking again. 
MALUM: “Why did you allow her to do such things?”
✧ She knew the answer to that. 
VENUERI: “Nothing could have been done; Mother’s words are absolute!”
✧ She glanced back at her own reflection for a split-second. 
✧ She looked horrified.
✧ Malum shook his head in seeming disapproval. 
MALUM: “Absolute? Simply because she labeled herself as a God?”
✧ Tears made themselves known as they dripped down her cheeks. 
VENUERI: “She punishes us if we don’t!”
✧ Images of her sister’s arm being ripped clean off her body in a ruthless display by their Mother flashed for a moment as if to remind her of her place. 
✧ Somewhere deep down, however… 
MALUM: “You deserve such punishment.” 
✧ She somehow agreed. 
✧ As if commanded, her eyes take their focus off the mirror and to a knife that laid only somewhat hidden under a cloth. 
✧ It’s the least she deserves. 
✧ The voices of others chattered endlessly as the shadowy figure of Malum gestured to the clean knife.
MALUM: “You know you do.”
✧ Like she was possessed, her hands reach for the knife while the chorus of voices grew. 
✧ “You deserve this.”
✧ “It’s only fair!”
✧ “You should have saved them.”
✧ “You’re too weak to do anything.”
✧ “You’ll never be able to protect anything you love.”
✧ Her fingers wrapped around the handle of the knife a little too tightly as she brought it closer to her person. 
✧ While her grip was choking, her hands still shook.
✧ She hesitated for a moment, 
MALUM: “You know, it really makes me happy when you bleed.”
✧ Any other state of mind and Venueri would have known those words did not belong to her dear friend.
✧ But, here– now…
✧ The tip of the knife met with the pale, porcelain skin of her arm.
VENUERI: “I deserve this…It’s the least I can do…” 
✧ The blade slices open in a clean line. 
✧ The jeering and mocking voices become softer as her world seems to spin. 
✧ Another cut is made hastily. 
VENUERI: “I’m sorry.” 
✧ And another. 
VENUERI: “It should have been me.” 
✧ Soon, the warm red of stardust and nebula blood is dribbling down to the hardwood floors and onto her nightgown; her whole arm is covered in large gashes. 
✧ The sight and scent of her own blood made her feel dizzy.
VENUERI: “I’m a monster; a demon– a devil.”
✧ The knife in her hand moved from her arm to the marks on her hands. 
✧ The knife made quick work in mauling up her hand as she sucked air in through her gritted, sharp teeth.
MALUM: [“I love your markings, Ven—”]
✧ Markings…
✧ Those words from the past made her look up into the mirror once again. 
✧ Markings….
✧ Her eyes lock onto the mark on her forehead.
MALUM: [“The Goddess is your Mother?”]
✧ Words like knives come flooding to her head. 
✧ Snarling and throwing the knife down, she opts for her sharp nails. 
✧ She no longer bothered to hide her sobbing as her nails like claws scratch and claw at her forehead. 
✧ The stardust and nebula red drip down her face while she wails, 
VENUERI: “Why?! Why?!”
✧ What she was exactly asking and to whom was beyond even her.
✧ Her tears and blood mix together, the stinging of her wounds making her even more delirious. 
VENUERI: “Why did it have to be him? Why did it have to be them?!”
MALUM: “Venueri, I—”
✧ She swore she could hear Malum saying something, the outside world felt so far away even though he was right there. 
✧ The voices of the others whispered mockingly, of how she was repenting, of how her blood and suffering was so small compared to those she had failed. 
✧ Hands laid gently on her shoulders, urging her to look up. 
MALUM: “Venueri.”  
✧ He opened his mouth, but she didn’t hear anything. 
✧ Just the crackling static and nonsense filled her ears.
VENUERI: “I’m hopeless;” 
✧ She spoke to the reflection in a daze. 
MALUM: “Venueri.”
✧ He speaks her name again. 
VENUERI: “Worthless.”
✧ She looks at Malum’s reflection as it twists and contorts. 
✧ The smile he wore filled with blood, dripping down his face. 
✧ The bloody holes she had left him with start taking up his body.
✧ So… many… holes…
MALUM: “V e n u e r i…”
✧ She could see that he was wrapping his arms around her, but she couldn’t feel him. 
✧ She was numb. 
✧ The Malum that stood before her met her eyes, somehow, in the mirror. 
✧ The words he would say synchronizing with those of the past long gone. 
MALUM: “I love you—” 
✧ And within a flash—
✧ All of them vanished. It all went utterly silent.
VENUERI: “What?” 
✧ Bewildered, Venueri goes to stand from the chair. 
✧ Her eyes, now dull and lifeless, glance around the room.
✧ Where did they…?
✧ The weight of a thousand suns seemed to suddenly fall upon her, getting heavier with every step she took around the room. 
✧ When she finally made it to the large bed, all her strength was spent, and she fell over onto the covers. 
✧ Her eyes drooping, she somehow still finds the energy to mutter to herself. 
✧ Her questions to her Mother and her pleas would fade as she slowly allowed the urge to rest finally overtake her. 
✧ Closing her eyes, her consciousness would fade, allowing her a small moment of peace. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:**:・゚✧*:・゚✧
*:・゚END゚: *
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awkwardasian623 · 11 years
Subrosa- Hoang Tran Villicus Edit
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anon-e-miss · 4 years
Oh wow Jazz must be really suspicious if he’s following Prowl to his apartment. Prowl immediately shooting him won’t help either. If anything Jazz is probably going to try to find excuses to spend more time around Prowl (since he seems so suspicious) I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s already thinking of ways to convince Prime to try to ‘convince’ Prowl to officially spend time with Jazz for ‘diplomatic reasons’.
Maybe Prowls apartment could contain all his notes and research on the Pearl and ideas on how he could potentially remove it from his body (maybe he’s planning on then arranging for the Pearl to go back to the archipelago so that they can find it over there and finally start the treaty talks). So when Prowl sees Jazz and almost shoots him, it’s in part to prevent Jazz from finding his notes.
I’m definitely curious about how Jazz will react when he finds out Prowl has bonded to the pearl. Jazz: so you Praxans did take the pearl. Prowl: no I did not take the pearl it attacked me. Then probably proceeds to show Jazz his many many notes on how to potentially remove it. Jazz: that’s not how it works. Prowl: I am lord of law, the pearl has to be removed. Forget Praxus and Polyhex they’re the ones at an impasse!
Ctd previous answered ask with ambushed prowl: I'm sure Prowl is very unimpressed by Jazz breaking and entering. Has prowl always had a green thumb or is this a side-effect if something else... Jazz is following the right scent but hiw does he end up proving prowl has the pearl
I’m combining the above for practicality purposes.
When Prowl pulls the trigger, Jazz deftly dodges. The shot, an acid pellet goes into Prowl’s couch. Prowl doesn’t put the gun down.There’s an intruder in his habsuite, one he feels is dangerous. He opens him comm to call the enforcers and it’s inexplicably jammed... Inexplicably... Yeah.
Before Prowl can react, Jazz charges, taking advantage of his distraction to disarm him and pin him to the ground. Prowl fights because he’s a trained combatant but Jazz is a villicus and he is considerably more skilled. Prowl is thoroughly pinned. All of a sudden, the vines tangle up around them. Prowl is startled. Jazz is startled.
Jazz gets over it a lot faster. He knows damn well what this means.
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saccme · 11 years
One month ago, the Chamber Music Ensemble performed Balthasar Villicus' Concerto in G Major for Shakespeare Day. Hear an excerpt of us from 2:45 to the end!
-23 April 2013
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