uyumadan · 8 months
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burbuur · 1 year
I have seen some posts going around that in this poster Aziraphale and Crowley are looking at Alpha Centauri which to my amateur astronomer eye seemed completely WRONG for reasons listed below but I have noticed SOMETHING EVEN BETTER!
I put down some markers that helped me locate the exact patch of sky compared to an actual star chart. So, they are actually looking at the brightest star in the sky SIRIUS and a very well know constellation ORION (and some other cool objects in this area, as well a part of the Milky Way).
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If they are indeed in London, this only further confirms it because these stars are visible from this latitude! Problem with Alpha Centauri is that it is way too deep in the Southern Hemisphere and therefore impossible to see from their latitude.
WHEN to see it? It's visible in the evenings and nights in winter, and in the summer it can only be seen in the pre-dawn hours.
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It's a binary star consisting of Sirius A and B, meaning that those two stars orbit each other every 50 years (while Alpha Centauri is a triple star system). Also, Sirius is one of the closest stars to the earth too! Historically, it was very important for navigation and has a big significance in various cultures, commonly refered to as the Dog Star.
I also just want to show the ORION NEBULA because it is one of the most beautiful nebulas, can even be seen by the naked eye (not like in the pictures though hahah)
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Also, FUN FACT the ecliptic is also visible (the yellow line, which shows the apparent path of the sun, moon and other planets), meaning that there might be planets present as the Pollux location seems a bit off. It could actuallly be Mars, Jupyter or Saturn at the location where I marked the "?" in pink. Or I mean the star charts caaan be skewed for sure, as it could be the case here, but still interesting! Anyways, the Orion itself is very culturally significant, I can't wait if anyone notices anything that could be related to Good Omens !!
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tinyshe · 10 months
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polloscope · 2 months
Polloscope, Chapter 178: Castor and Aquarius water Argo’s garden. Read it FREE from the source!
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caged-nights · 5 months
🥀The Shadow in the Mirror🗡️- ONE SHOT [Pre-Stellarium]
⚠️CONTENT WARNING⚠️: Hallucinations, Delusions, and Graphic Depictions of SH
A rewritten piece of one I did back in 2022. This was originally supposed to be a quick piece to showcase Venueri's destructive tendencies that turned into 5 pages of nonsense very quickly.
As the TW above says, please keep in mind that there will be heavy SH in the story.
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:**:・゚✧*:・゚✧
✧ Sitting at the vanity in her expansive yet so empty bedroom, Venueri stared at her reflection with slight contempt. 
VENUERI: [“Look at yourself…”]
✧ Brushing the parted bangs more to the side, her eyes locked onto the marking that decorated her forehead. 
✧ Her brows furrowed,
VENUERI: [“...why did I inherit this?”] 
✧ With her pupils akin to slits and her vision going out of focus, she could hear the voice of someone play in her head.
MALUM: [“I love your markings, Venueri! There’s no need to feel shame over them.”]
✧ Such simple words, words that would once bring her comfort, now made her nauseous. 
✧  She gripped the edge of the vanity with such strength that her claw-like nails made new grooves in the wood. 
VENUERI: “Calm down… Calm down…” 
✧ An useless effort, she knew that, she has done this before. 
✧ Feeling something move behind her, she manages to shoot her eyes back up to the mirror before her. 
VENUERI: “!!!!” 
✧ She froze in place.
MALUM: “...Venueri.”
✧ She couldn't make a sound as her winged ears lowered in panic and fear. 
✧ She felt like she was going to vomit.
MALUM: “Why did you do it, Venueri?”
✧ Those were words that have haunted her for years and years. 
✧  The shadowy figure stared her down from over her shoulder as she tried to mutter out an answer. 
VENUERI: “I…I…I didn’t—” 
✧ The shadow shook his head.
MALUM: “I trusted you, Venueri.”
✧ Her hands trembled as he spoke.
MALUM: “You betrayed me.” 
✧ The shadow moved closer, making her want to curl up and hide. 
MALUM: “You could have saved me. Us.”
VENUERI: “What could I have done…?” 
✧ The part of her mind begging her to think spoke out before an onslaught of laughter came from behind her. 
✧ Their whispers like the cicadas in the summer buzzed in her ears before a hand gripped her shoulder
MALUM: “Ven… I’m right here.”
✧ She looked into the blurry face of the man behind her, his smile managing to feel the same as it used to.
✧ With her shoulder tense and her breathing becoming short, she waited for him to speak. 
MALUM: “You’re… a protector, right?” 
✧ His smile was charming, 
MALUM: “Why didn’t you help us?”
✧ The water began to well in her eyes, 
MALUM: “Surely we were worth protecting.”
✧ Every word was another bullet wound to the chest. 
VENUERI: “I couldn’t save you… Mother would have—”
✧ She could barely get that out before the Malum that stood by her now began speaking again. 
MALUM: “Why did you allow her to do such things?”
✧ She knew the answer to that. 
VENUERI: “Nothing could have been done; Mother’s words are absolute!”
✧ She glanced back at her own reflection for a split-second. 
✧ She looked horrified.
✧ Malum shook his head in seeming disapproval. 
MALUM: “Absolute? Simply because she labeled herself as a God?”
✧ Tears made themselves known as they dripped down her cheeks. 
VENUERI: “She punishes us if we don’t!”
✧ Images of her sister’s arm being ripped clean off her body in a ruthless display by their Mother flashed for a moment as if to remind her of her place. 
✧ Somewhere deep down, however… 
MALUM: “You deserve such punishment.” 
✧ She somehow agreed. 
✧ As if commanded, her eyes take their focus off the mirror and to a knife that laid only somewhat hidden under a cloth. 
✧ It’s the least she deserves. 
✧ The voices of others chattered endlessly as the shadowy figure of Malum gestured to the clean knife.
MALUM: “You know you do.”
✧ Like she was possessed, her hands reach for the knife while the chorus of voices grew. 
✧ “You deserve this.”
✧ “It’s only fair!”
✧ “You should have saved them.”
✧ “You’re too weak to do anything.”
✧ “You’ll never be able to protect anything you love.”
✧ Her fingers wrapped around the handle of the knife a little too tightly as she brought it closer to her person. 
✧ While her grip was choking, her hands still shook.
✧ She hesitated for a moment, 
MALUM: “You know, it really makes me happy when you bleed.”
✧ Any other state of mind and Venueri would have known those words did not belong to her dear friend.
✧ But, here– now…
✧ The tip of the knife met with the pale, porcelain skin of her arm.
VENUERI: “I deserve this…It’s the least I can do…” 
✧ The blade slices open in a clean line. 
✧ The jeering and mocking voices become softer as her world seems to spin. 
✧ Another cut is made hastily. 
VENUERI: “I’m sorry.” 
✧ And another. 
VENUERI: “It should have been me.” 
✧ Soon, the warm red of stardust and nebula blood is dribbling down to the hardwood floors and onto her nightgown; her whole arm is covered in large gashes. 
✧ The sight and scent of her own blood made her feel dizzy.
VENUERI: “I’m a monster; a demon– a devil.”
✧ The knife in her hand moved from her arm to the marks on her hands. 
✧ The knife made quick work in mauling up her hand as she sucked air in through her gritted, sharp teeth.
MALUM: [“I love your markings, Ven—”]
✧ Markings…
✧ Those words from the past made her look up into the mirror once again. 
✧ Markings….
✧ Her eyes lock onto the mark on her forehead.
MALUM: [“The Goddess is your Mother?”]
✧ Words like knives come flooding to her head. 
✧ Snarling and throwing the knife down, she opts for her sharp nails. 
✧ She no longer bothered to hide her sobbing as her nails like claws scratch and claw at her forehead. 
✧ The stardust and nebula red drip down her face while she wails, 
VENUERI: “Why?! Why?!”
✧ What she was exactly asking and to whom was beyond even her.
✧ Her tears and blood mix together, the stinging of her wounds making her even more delirious. 
VENUERI: “Why did it have to be him? Why did it have to be them?!”
MALUM: “Venueri, I—”
✧ She swore she could hear Malum saying something, the outside world felt so far away even though he was right there. 
✧ The voices of the others whispered mockingly, of how she was repenting, of how her blood and suffering was so small compared to those she had failed. 
✧ Hands laid gently on her shoulders, urging her to look up. 
MALUM: “Venueri.”  
✧ He opened his mouth, but she didn’t hear anything. 
✧ Just the crackling static and nonsense filled her ears.
VENUERI: “I’m hopeless;” 
✧ She spoke to the reflection in a daze. 
MALUM: “Venueri.”
✧ He speaks her name again. 
VENUERI: “Worthless.”
✧ She looks at Malum’s reflection as it twists and contorts. 
✧ The smile he wore filled with blood, dripping down his face. 
✧ The bloody holes she had left him with start taking up his body.
✧ So… many… holes…
MALUM: “V e n u e r i…”
✧ She could see that he was wrapping his arms around her, but she couldn’t feel him. 
✧ She was numb. 
✧ The Malum that stood before her met her eyes, somehow, in the mirror. 
✧ The words he would say synchronizing with those of the past long gone. 
MALUM: “I love you—” 
✧ And within a flash—
✧ All of them vanished. It all went utterly silent.
VENUERI: “What?” 
✧ Bewildered, Venueri goes to stand from the chair. 
✧ Her eyes, now dull and lifeless, glance around the room.
✧ Where did they…?
✧ The weight of a thousand suns seemed to suddenly fall upon her, getting heavier with every step she took around the room. 
✧ When she finally made it to the large bed, all her strength was spent, and she fell over onto the covers. 
✧ Her eyes drooping, she somehow still finds the energy to mutter to herself. 
✧ Her questions to her Mother and her pleas would fade as she slowly allowed the urge to rest finally overtake her. 
✧ Closing her eyes, her consciousness would fade, allowing her a small moment of peace. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:**:・゚✧*:・゚✧
*:・゚END゚: *
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Listen/purchase: Pillars of Light by Stellarium
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trevlad-sounds · 10 months
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Sunday 26 November Mixtape 399 “Deep Emission” Ambient Drone Electronic Experimental Space Wednesdays & Sundays. Support the artists and labels. Don't forget to subscribe or tip so future shows can bloom.
Trevlad Sounds-Welcome in you wonderful listener 00:00
Stellarium-Beam of Emission 00:31
Panama Fleets-Upon Whitecaps of Consciousness 09:39
SWLLWS-There Are Words 10:49
Disasterpeace-Already Home 14:22
Will Gardner-Blossom - Field Lines Cartographer Remix 15:59
Günter Schlienz-Gilded Eternity A 21:24
Oceanographer-Sightings 44:35
The Lifted Index-Your Brother is the Blue of the Sea 50:11
X.Y.R-deep kisses 54:57
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braa2-hamish · 2 years
أذان الفجر: 5:15
. . . الصورةُ مع تقليلِ التلوث الضوئي أقل درجة + إزالة الضباب +إزالة الفجر الكاذب:
قبل أذان الفجر بساعة: (4:18) ظلام دامس صورة (1)ـ:
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انظر إلى الإعدادات يمين الصفحة تجدني ألغيت الفجر الكاذب.
. . . . والآن الصورة لنفس التوقيت السابق (4:18) مع تفعيلِ ضوء الفجر الكاذب: نجد بعض الإنارة: صورة (2)ـ:
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. .
والآنَ الصورة بعد الأذان بدقائق قليلة (5:18) ومع إزالة الفجر الكاذب: صورة (3)ـ:
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نجدُ أنّ صورة (3) لم تختلف شيئًا عن صورة رقم (1) يعني لم يختلف الظلام الدامس سواء بعد الأذان بقليل.. أو حتى قبل الأذان بساعة. نفس الوضع! فلمَاذَا يؤذّن؟ أينَ الفجرُ؟
(البرهان رقم 1)
. . . الآن الصورة مع ضوء الفجر الكاذب: لنفس التوقيت السابق الذي بعد الأذان بقليل (5:18)ـ. صورة (4):
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نجدُ أن الصورةَ (4) لمْ تختلِف مع الصورة (2)ـ. وهذا (البرهان رقم (2)) على أنّ الأذان قبل الفجر الصادق.
. . . .
والآن الصورة بعد أكثر من عشر دقائق من أذان الفجر: (5:28): مع إزالة ضوء الفجر الكاذب: صورة رقم (5):
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نجدُ فعليًّا أنّ هُناك ضوءًا أبيضَ بدأ يبزُغ.. (قارن بين الصورة رقم (5) والصورة رقم (3) ستلاحظ الضوء الخفيف) (وإن يَكاد لا تلاحظه أصلًا فلكيًّا فكيف ستلاحظُه واقعيًّا؟ وكيف سيتبين أو تتيقن منه أصلا؟.. هذا ليس تبينًا) . ولكِن أين الفجرُ؟ أين الأحمرُ المعترِض في الأفق؟ قالَ النبيُّ -صلى الله عليه وسلم-:
كُلوا واشرَبوا ، ولا يَهيدنَّكمُ السَّاطعُ المُصعِدُ ، فَكُلوا واشرَبوا حتَّى يعترضَ لَكُمُ الأحمرُ
. أين الأحمرُ أنا لا أراهُ؟
في شرحِ الحديثِ:
أي: لا يُزْعِجنَّكم ويَمْنَعْكم من السَّحورِ أنْ تَرَوُا "السَّاطِعَ المُصْعِدَ"، هو أوَّلُ ما يَظْهَرُ في الأُفُقِ مِن البياضِ؛ فإنَّهُ الفَجْرُ الكاذبُ, "فكُلوا واشْرَبوا, حتَّى يَعْترِضَ لكم الأحمرُ"...وقيل: حتَّى يَظْهَرَ لكم في أوائلِ البَياضِ حُمْرةٌ، فهذا هو الصَّادِقُ.
فأينَ الحُمرةُ في البياضِ؟
وفي الحديث الآخر:
لا يمنعنَّكم مِن سحورِكُم أذانُ بلالٍ ، ولا الفجرُ المستَطيلُ ، ولَكِنِ الفجرُ المستطيرُ في الأُفقِ
أينَ المستطيرُ في الأفق؟ هل هذَا الضوء في الصورة رقم (5) الخافت مستطير؟
في شرحِ الحديث:
«لا يَغُرَّنَّكُم مِن سَحُورِكُم أَذانُ بِلَالٍ، ولا بَياضُ الأُفُقِ المُستَطيلُ هكذا»، فهو إرْشادٌ للمُسلِمينَ إلى أنْ يَأكُلوا ويَشْرَبوا إذا سَمِعوا أَذانَ بِلَالٍ؛ لأنَّه كان تَنبيهًا على اقتِرابِ دُخولِ وقتِ الفَجرِ فقطْ، وكان أَذانُ بِلَالٍ في وقتِ استِطالةِ بَياضِ الأُفُقِ في السَّماءِ، وكان لِيَستَيقِظَ النَّائمُ، ويَنتَبِهَ القائِمُ الَّذي يُصلِّي، ثُمَّ يكونُ بعدَه الأذانُ الثَّاني الَّذي يَرْفَعُه ابنُ أُمِّ مَكتُومٍ، وبِسَماعِه يُمسِكُ النَّاسُ عنِ الطَّعامِ والشَّرابِ، ويَبْدأُ الصِّيامُ.
ـ(فهذَا برهانٌ رقم 3) على أنّ الأذان في مصر قبل موعِد الفجرِ الحقيقيّ.
. . . . والآن الصورة رقم (6)ـ بعد عشرين دقيقة من الأذان (5:38)ـ:
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ما زال الفجرُ لم يطلُع.. فلم تظهر الحُمرة وإن زاد البياض قليلًا.. ومستبعدٌ أصلا أن تميزَه بعينك المجردة مع التلوث الضوئيّ في المُدن. . . .
والآن بعد نصف ساعة.. (5:48) بداية الحُمرة وإن لم تكن حُمرةً: صورة رقم (7)ـ:
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وتلك ربّمَا نسميها -تجاوُزًا- "حُمرةً" وإن كان من الواضح أنها ليست كذلِك. . . . .
والآن الصورة بعدَ أربعين دقيقةً (5:58) تظهرُ الحُمرةَ وإن لم تكُن مستعرِضة في الأُفق: صورة رقم (8):
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ولكِن نقدرُ أن نقولَ هذَا هو الفجرُ. في الصورة رقم (8).
. . . .
والآن بعد خمسين دقيقةً من الأذان: الساعة (6:06) تعترضُ الحُمرةُ الأُفقَ:
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. . . فاعتقادِي الشخصيّ أنّ الفجرَ في مِصر بعد الأذان بأربعين دقيقةً. . . والحمدُ للهِ أنا منذُ زمانٍ وأنا لا أصلي الفجر جماعة إلا في مسجد يؤخرُه بعد أربعين أو خمسين دقيقة من الأذانِ. والحاصلُ أنّه لا شك في بُطلانِ صلاة من يصلي بعد أذان الفجرِ بأقل من نصفِ ساعة. أما من صلّاه بعد الأذان بثلاثين إلى أربعين دقيقةً فهُناك شكٌّ كبيرٌ وجيهٌ في صِحَّةِ صلاتِه.
. . . إضافةٌ1: ملحوظة هامة: أنا صحيحٌ أني استخدمتُ برنامجًا للرصْدِ ولم أذهَب للطبيعةِ للرصدِ.. ولكِن على أساسِ يعني أنّ في مصر -حسب دار الإفتاء- يُحدّّدَ الأذَان حسب الرصدِ بالعينِ المجرّدة؟ دار الإفتاء والتقاويم تعتمدُ على حسابِ الفلكيّ أيضًا.. وحسابُهم الفلكيٌّ هوَ "خُنفشارِي" . وقد بحثتُ من قبلُ في طُرق الحسابِ وجدتُّ أنّه فعليًّا مِصر أكثرُ دولةٍ تبكّر الأذانَ. . . وقد استخدمتُ برنامجَ "ستيلاريوم" وهوَ من أحسن البرامِج للمحاكاة الواقعيّة. وهوَ قد يكون الأحسنَ وليس من الأحسنِ! Stellarium وهو مجانيّ للحاسوبِ.
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MorphOS port of Stellarium 0.82
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ww1flyingace · 2 years
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#星空 #すばる #昴 #イマソラ by #fz200 at #tokyo 今夜の #彗星 はアルデバランの左側・・・だけど、雲がすばるまでかかってる(下写真の左) #stellarium
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covenoftheopenmind · 2 years
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FINALLY!! Saturn is about to leave Capricorn for the first time since 2020. NOW 2020 is officially over 🤣🤣🤣
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uamariner · 2 years
Find North and South with the stars (Northern and Southern Hemisphere) ...
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maizixie · 1 month
what the fuck is going on with stellarium
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it's like this only with this specific form of the horizon, the others work fine
I restarted my phone, uninstalled and installed the app and it's still like this
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hoshitomo · 2 years
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My first attempt to image the great Orion nebula M42 and the De Marain nebula M43.
Scope: Celestron Nexstar 6SE + DIY Wedge
Camera: Canon EOS Kiss X3
Aperture: 150 mm, focal length: 1500 mm, f10
909 frames @ 20s, 3200 ISO (5 hours, 3 minutes integration time)
Software: Stellarium, Kstars, Deep Sky Stacker, Gimp
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polloscope · 2 months
Polloscope, Chapter 177: Andromeda and Terra walk with Queen Cassiopeia, pondering the loss of Draco’s wings. Read it FREE from the source!
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caged-nights · 5 months
💐Tea and Comfort🌿- Stellarium ONE SHOT
⚠️Content Warning⚠️: Slight warning for intrusive thoughts and hearing voices
A little thing I cobbled together because I wanted Meliora and Venueri to have dessert together and instead of doodling it, I wrote this! A little messy, but it was fun to do something sweet with them.
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:**:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Ღ Venueri was used to being alone, ever since she was young. 
Ღ She would have never guessed it in a million years that the stars would bless her with the company of another after all this time. 
Ღ  She truly didn’t deserve it.
Ღ But here she was, waiting at the small, ornate outdoor table for the first Villicus she has seen in a long time to come back with her “surprise”. 
VENUERI: (“I don’t know why she bothers…”)
Ღ  Well, with her. Venueri didn’t see why her new roommate seemed to enjoy her presence. 
Ღ Not that she didn’t enjoy her company, it was more so…
Ღ She felt that she was a lost cause.
???: “No one should ever get close to you.”
Ღ A voice sneered at her, one she had grown accustomed to. 
Ღ Before she could dive deeper into that rabbit hole, the sound of her gilded heels came clicking on the white stone leading to the gazebo.
MELIORA: “Venueri! Sorry for the wait, had trouble figuring out the stove!” 
Ღ Her vibrant violet eyes that contained a sky similar to Venueri’s seemed to sparkle with excitement. 
VENUERI: “O-Oh, it’s not an issue! Please, come have a seat.”
Ღ Setting down the trays with grace, Meliora sat down on the chair across from Venueri. 
Ღ Venueri looked up from her lap finally and to the trays she brought. 
VENUERI: “You made tarts?” 
Ღ Quite surprising.
MELIORA: “Yup, you said in the past that you had trouble tasting certain flavors. So, I made something sour!”
Ღ She remembered that?
VENUERI: “Oh, you didn’t have to!” 
Ღ She was slightly embarrassed by feeling… seen, almost. 
Ღ But Meliora grinned and waved her hand, 
MELIORA: “I wanted to, besides, you need something indulgent for once. What did you have last night before we went to bed? …Bread?”
Ღ So she saw her do that. 
Ღ Venueri felt herself turn pink at those words, trying not make eye contact with the other. 
VENUERI: “I promise I do try to cook real food sometimes…” 
MELIORA: “...You do remember the last dish you made, right?” 
Ღ Oh, yeah, that.
VENUERI: “Please don’t mention it.”
Ღ Venueri sulked openly, the embarrassment still fresh on her mind. 
Ღ Meliora chuckled at her pouting before grabbing the teapot she had prepared for the two of them.
MELIORA: “I didn’t know what kind of blend you like, so I hope the one I chose is ok.” 
Ღ She plopped in two sugar cubes into her teacup, the scent of the tea rose into the air. 
Ღ It was really nice, actually. 
VENUERI: “It smells wonderful! Which one is it?” 
Ღ Meliora smirked in a victorious fashion, as if she was betting with herself on this. 
MELIORA: “It’s called Hot Apple Spice, you seemed to be really into the Autumn season when we went out last time, so I grabbed a bag!”
Ღ She could smell the apple and cinnamon, there was also the slight scent of orange and cloves in the mix. 
Ღ Meliora grabbed Venueri’s teacup and a small plate. 
MELIORA: “How many cubes?” 
Ღ She clicked the little sugar cube tongs as she asked.
VENUERI: “I, um, the same amount as you?” 
Ღ Meliora wasn’t pleased by that answer, 
MELIORA: “Do you like it more bitter or sweet?” 
Ღ Venueri sat straight up, as if she were being interrogated.
Ღ She put more thought into this answer this time. 
VENUERI: “I suppose sweet to pair with the sour of the tarts…”
Ღ Meliora nodded her head, grabbing a few sugar cubes and stirring her tea with the small, detailed spoon. 
MELIORA: “You do seem like more of sweets girl!”
Ღ She grins happily as she carefully handled one of the baked tarts she made. 
Ღ The scent of rhubarb and strawberries filled her nose, and the plate and teacup were gently set in front of her. 
Ღ Venueri stared at the tart like it had eyes, but she picked up the teacup and let the aroma fill her senses.
Ღ She had to wonder…
Ღ Why would Meliora bother with her?
???: “She’s just wasting her time on you.”
Ღ A voice mocked her from somewhere. 
???: “She would be better off kicking dirt.”
Ღ The shaking of her own hands became apparent to even herself as they continued to shout and insult her. 
MELIORA: “Venueri?”
Ღ Of course she would notice, she wasn’t doing a great job at hiding her panic right now. 
Ღ Venueri tried to calm down, to level her breathing, but even as her vision blurred– she couldn’t get her mind to cease the voices. 
VENUERI: “I…It’s ok, I’m just a little on edge…” 
Ღ Meliora wasn’t stupid, she knew that, but it was the best lie she had. 
Ღ But she approached Venueri regardless, her hand urging Venueri to put down the teacup and lay her hands down.
MELIORA: “Venueri, it’s alright, focus on me.” 
Ღ Venueri didn’t want to, but her voice was so warm, so compelling, that she looked up at Meliora’s face. 
Ღ Meliora’s hand gently squeezed her own, her violet eyes filled with indigo clouds and a warm yellow moon stared back into her own sky filled eyes. 
Ღ Venueri keep finding the one question bubble its way back up the surface of her mind as Meliora ran her thumb across her knuckles.
Ღ Why does she bother?
Ღ What did she have to gain from this?
Ღ Venueri was so confused, by this warmth and concern. 
Ღ It felt like an axe embedded in her chest. 
MELIORA: “Here, the tea isn’t caffeinated, the warmth might help ease your head.” 
Ღ She slowly let go of her hand and pushed the tea towards her, 
VENUERI: “...”
Ღ She was silent for a moment before she took a small sip of the tea. 
Ღ The warmth did feel nice. 
Ღ Meliora was quiet, but she didn’t leave her side. 
Ღ As the panic of her head slowly leveled, Venueri felt a bitter feeling come up in her heart. 
Ღ She finally decided to ask.
VENUERI: “Meliora?” 
Ღ Her eyes widened at Venueri. 
MELIORA: “What is it?” 
Ღ She looks at her fellow Villicus, 
Ღ She starts, almost stopping and burying her emotions deeper. 
VENUERI: “Why did you do all this?” 
MELIORA: “...Huh?”
Ღ She clearly didn’t get it.
VENUERI: “The tarts, the tea, the concern…” 
Ღ She listed a few of the most recent examples. 
VENUERI: “There has to be a reason you’re doing all this.” 
Ღ Meliora smiles though, she smiles with a sadness. 
MELIORA: “It’s simple, really.”
Ღ She looks down at Venueri, who looks up at her.
MELIORA: “I like you!”
Ღ She scratches her cheek in embarrassment, leaving Venueri flabbergasted. 
VENUERI: “L-Like?!” 
Ღ She could have dropped her teacup right there. 
Ღ Her eyes wide with confusion, while Meliora chuckled at her unusual expression. 
VENUERI: “You don’t know me though.” 
Ღ She knew if Meliora knew her… then…
Ღ Meliora didn’t let her finish that thought. 
MELIORA: “Even if I don’t know everything, I want to know more.” 
Ღ She smirks; honestly… 
VENUERI: “Do you not think that I’m… a disaster?”
Ღ A lost cause. 
Ღ A broken tool.
Ღ Meliora shrugged it off. 
MELIORA: “Even if you were, who am I to say that’s a bad thing?” 
Ღ Venueri blinked at that statement.
MELIORA: “If you’re a disaster, then I’m a hurricane!” 
Ღ She seemed… proud of that. 
Ღ Venueri finally let a smile slip through, even if it was small. 
VENUERI: “Meliora?”
Ღ Meliora tilts her head,
MELIORA: “What’s up?” 
VENUERI: “...Thank you.”
Ღ She snickers, a sound Venueri welcomed. 
MELIORA: “I barely even did anything, but you are welcome.” 
Ღ Venueri and Meliora look to the tea and treats on the table,
VENUERI: “Ah… my little meltdown took over our teatime. The tea most be cold–”
MELIORA: “Worry not, we have fire magic for a reason.” 
VENUERI: “We are not using that in the gazebo.”
Ღ That made Meliora laugh out loud.
MELIORA: “Then we better eat up!” 
Ღ She grabs a fork and cuts a piece of the tart. 
MELIORA: “Here, open wide!” 
Ღ Venueri felt her embarrassment peak as the fork was placed at her lips.
VENUERI: “Meliora! Are you serious?!”
MELIORA: “What? I want you to try it!”
Ღ She was playing dumb.
Ღ The sounds of the two bickering and chatting filled the expansive garden. 
Ღ Even with the clean white walls, the white marble, and pristine stone that made the world of Venueri’s Somnious feel so holy yet unwelcoming…
Ღ The warmth the two began to share filled the Monastery with a light that it had never seen before.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:**:・゚✧*:・゚✧
₊˚ପ⊹ - END
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