#Caged Dream
the-final-sif · 2 years
Funniest Dream SMP characters in an objective and absolutely factual order, with reasoning provided: 1. c!Dream (figured out how to revive the dead and then decided to gatekeep it, skeppy cage, fridged boomerville, has a god complex while god has a him complex). 2. c!Sam (absolutely everything surrounding his inability to acknowledge his own faults or conceptualize that events will not play out the way he planned them.)
3. c!Tubbo (avid and unrepentant war criminal, totally gets away with it, utterly feral)
4. c!Niki (Went from running a bakery to being on a villian team named team rocket to joining a crime bookclub, which is the ideal career progression)
5. c!Techno (Manages to be incredibly capable of death and destruction, but is largely incapable of being mean. 90% of the server is unaware of the second part.)
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captainsplat · 3 years
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taiga-saejima · 3 years
I rarely post on here anymore but-
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rutadales · 3 years
listen, listen. you guys sound ridiculous when you bring up the skeppy cage as a reason why c!dream is horrible and evil. there are better reasons why c!dream is horrible and evil and the skeppy cage is not one of them. it's quite literally the funniest shit sorry
/dsmp /rp
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beamattack · 2 years
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a BIG sketchdump for my LoZ idea this time, haha. Notes about all sorts of things, like items, enemies, old statues… also you can BET I'm bringing back the Vapora from Zelda's Adventure, have you guys seen those things? Terrifying. I love it.
(loz idea masterpost)
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luthienne · 2 years
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Gregory Orr, The Caged Owl; “Investigation”
(transcription below cut)
This much is known: the thread you never let go of guided you back.
And when you emerged, years later, light hurt your eyes. Blood on your rusted blade was dry.
But what happened in the labyrinth? In deepest dark you grappled, felt its breath on your face, stabbed and fled.
A monster? Wouldn’t anything cry like that, pierced to the heart?
Excerpt From: Orr, Gregory;. “Caged Owl.” Apple Books.
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enderspawn · 3 years
"the skeppy cage is a very funny concept" and "the skeppy cage is a horrifying concept that shows the depths of c!dream's corruption and disregard of c!skeppy's humanity and should be treated as such" are concepts that can and should coexist
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kinokoapologist · 2 years
I know it was a slip-up but I’m going to be thinking about Eret calling her castle her prison for the rest of my life
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the-final-sif · 2 years
Wait I'm actually not over it still. The Skeppy cage is so fucking funny. c!Dream had a prision built. A literal prision. With lots of extra cells, security, and a warden. But Skeppy specifically gets to go in an easily escapable cage for no particular reason??? Like, the finale was all staged, so it wasn't ever meant to be used but just that idea getting taken seriously is so funny. I mean.
c!Punz: Okay so the fake lair is finished, but tbh it's not really screaming Evil to me yet.
c!Dream: Yeah, we need more specific things to piss people off, like uhhhh a cage? Maybe?
c!Punz: I mean, we've already got the pen for animals?
c!Dream: No, no, like, a cage for, um-uh- Skeppy? Because Bad likes him?
c!Punz: ... Don't you have a prision?
c!Dream: Yeah?
c!Punz: so why would you need a cage? And why would it be just for Skeppy?
c!Dream: Do you have a better idea?
c!Punz, resigned: No, let's do the Skeppy cage I guess.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 3 years
My high school was doing a play of Shrek: the Musical and the person given the role of Shrek was a shirtless Nicolas Cage covered in low quality green body paint. My drama teacher casually said he was an old friend of hers.
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the-innefable-idiot · 2 years
Pete: hey y'all Vegas and I are engaged! 🥰
Porsche: but I don't see a ring on your finger
Porsche: *voice cracking* Pete, where is your engagement ring?
Pete: 🙂
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demonboyhalo · 3 years
i think Techno has such Old Soul Energy that Philza absolutely could have mistaken him for a traumatized twenty-something when he was actually like...16. Techno wears a glasses chain and calls his glasses "bifocals" unironically. he has monster scars that look years old bc of a slight healing factor. Techno's speech patterns and thought process are so Wise Old Man that he constantly sparks accidental existential crisis. Techno casually quotes philosophers, has a battle tactic for every situation, and knows far too much about deities to be a mere mortal. it's to the point that Philza is not the first to think Techno has traveled the world twice over to study the art of war.
puberty hit Techno at 15, so by 16, it has enough gravel from disuse that Techno sounds like a chain smoker. he reaches 6'1 naturally, with 3 inches from his heeled boots, and another one from his crown. inevitably, Techno TOWERS over Philza whenever they cross paths. the half piglin is fucking intimidating from stature and demeanor alone, and adding the fact that Techno's insatiable blood lust has the pure practiced skill to back it up...if he was all bark the immortal facade would mean nothing, and Techno would have been taught a lesson years ago. but the fact that Techno's arrogant act is unchallenged bc of his sheer combat ability? the cloak of crimson and gold accessories become much less gaudy and much more impressive when you are aware of how many warriors Technoblade has slaughtered in such a decorated outfit.
(there's also the fact that all Techno wants to do is retire and live a peaceful life of farming potatoes. is that not something you only hear from long lived warriors that have seen as much of the world as they could bear, and now only long for quiet after their adventurous youth?)
so Philza strikes up the Antarctic Empire with a weary but competent fighter who doubles as an incredible strategist, and they succeed terrifically in their conquest. they manipulate political affairs, crack down on hybrid experimentation, and slaughter battalions of enemies who'd oppose their reign. eventually though, the duo has had their fun, and they know their glory days are through. Techno and Phil might have separate paths ahead, but they never could forget the friendship they've made. Phil says his sentimental parting words, he tears up a little even, and then Techno hits Phil with "it'd be nice to share my first drink with you, i'll see you in a few years for my 21st birthday"
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linktoo-doodles · 3 years
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wanted to redraw quackity with the technoblade mr beast video
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plaggrestes · 3 years
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i think this photo accurately describes adrien throughout the entirety of season four so far
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thatsallotadamage · 2 years
Skeppy cage fic idea
Before I can go on I will say these 2 ideas are coexisting, if you can't can't handle leave: Skeppy cage is fucking hilarious and the Skeppy cage is really disturbing.
Before the grand finally, Skeppy was the first thing Dream took. Everyone things Skeppy is just missing or went to another server for something. Bad is DISTRAUGHT.
Dream feels a little bad so he gives Skeppy nice things while he's in the 1 block cage. Skeppy cannot get out if this thing and is very upset. He voices his frustration every single time Dream comes in the room.
Skeppy relentlessly bullies Dream into giving him whatever he wants. "Wouldn't your family be ashamed of you?" "Without the mask you're fucking ugly" "This is why Bad never let you kids play in our house when you played with Sapnap" "You were always the weird kid"
Really petty things that chip away at Dream over time.
Dream gives jim whatever he wants because he feels pretty guilty. Kidnapping your friends step-dad does that to ya.
When the finally comes and everyone's in the basement Skeppy calmly looks up from playing animal crossing crossing his and says "Bitch boy I want a Capri sun when you're done with your little emo poem"
Dream bursts into tears, at first people think he's cackling but he falls down on teh ground like a small child in Target and says "I'm not a bitch boy!" Still crying.
He is calmly arrested and Skeppy is let out of his cage.
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cyberhomeboy · 3 years
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Now I see why some fans spell his name as D*vid C*ge... Disgusting. Not surprised though. I expected this from him. Still, I hope it’s not true that he actually said it.
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