#Vim Fuego
neil-neil-orange-peel · 4 months
Okay this is absolutely @a-a-a-anon's fault, but Vim and Sally have been on my mind the last few days:
We know Vim hates being called Alan. HATES IT. Calling him Alan may very well inspire violence. That said... what if Sally becomes the one person he'll tolerate it from? Maybe one day she calls him Alan accidentally, apologises dead casually and immediately moves on with the conversation or whatever, as you would. Meanwhile, Vim's brain has stopped working because he's in shock... that he... he actually likes it... a lot...
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xgardensinspace · 3 months
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Hello hello! Happy TYO Easter c: Lookie here, I made a post xD
This piece is for the @rikandadefest 2024 :) @neil-neil-orange-peel 's prompt of "Vim Fuego playing Mary Hopkin numbers in a wine bar, unsatisfied with life but still stubbornly (and, some could say, in delusional fashion) convinced he's going to make it big in the music world." was just too good to pass up.
I still want someone to create a fic for this prompt though, because it is hilariously immaculate.
Anyways, I hope you guys like this little drawing of Vim :) Of course I was going to make him sing Mary Hopkins' number one hit xD It's too good! And the idea of Vim singing it (probably more upbeat and screaming into the mic) is CHEF'S KISS!
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yourfavealbumisgender · 11 months
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Bad News by Bad News is Bisexual!
requested by anon
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terroryaoi · 11 months
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vim fuego my lesbian boyfriend 💋
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a-a-a-anon · 6 months
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recently watched both bad news docs and had to do a (messy) drawing of my fav painter/decorator heavy metal vocalist/guitarist
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freakyfrook · 1 month
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Bit of a messy Vim drawing
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kulturegroupie · 2 years
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Backstage at the Hammersmith Odeon, November 9, 1986.
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foxy--stoat · 1 year
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Ever though of what would happen when Bad News met The Young Ones for one almighty gig? I think it'd go a little something like this! Vim and Vyvyan would be shredding the guitar together at volume 11, Den would be heavily distracted by Neil's incense, Spider would be living up to his name now he's got the addition of Mike on the drums and Colin and Rick would be in a scrap (yes that's Colin's wig flying off)!
This piece will be the cover of Issue #25 of @scumbag-monthly! Proud!
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mercuriicultores · 1 year
Hermes Trismegistus (?) – Tabula Smaragdina
I. Verum sine mendacio, certum et verissimum:
II. Quod est inferius, est sicut quod est superius, et quod est superius, est sicut quod est inferius, ad perpetranda miracula rei Unius.
III. Et sicut omnes res fuerunt ab Uno, mediatione Unius, sic omnes res natae fuerunt ab hac Una re, adaptatione.
IV. Pater eius est Sol, mater eius Luna.
V. Portavit illud Ventus in ventre suo.
VI. Nutrix eius Terra est, Pater omnis telesmi totius mundi est hic.
VII. Vis eius integra est, si versa fuerit in Terram.
VIII. Separabis Terram ab Igne, subtile a spisso, suaviter, cum magno ingenio.
IX. Ascendit a Terra in Caelum, iterumque descendit in Terram et recipit vim superiorum et inferiorum.
X. Sic habebis gloriam totius mundi.
XI. Ideo fugiet a te omnis obscuritas.
XII. Haec est totius fortitudinis Fortitudo fortis; quia vincet omnem rem subtilem, omnemque solidam penetrabit.
XIII. Sic mundus creatus est.
XIV. Hinc erunt adaptationes mirabiles, quarum modus est hic, itaque vocatus sum Hermes Trismegistus, habens tres partes philosophiae totius mundi.
XV. Completum est quod dixi de operatione Solis.
I. <Lo que digo es> verdad sin error, digna de crédito y la más cierta. II. Lo que está abajo es como lo que está arriba, y lo que está arriba es como lo que está abajo. para perpretrar los prodigios del Uno. III. Y, como todas las cosas fueron creadas por lo Uno, por mediación de lo Uno, así todas las cosas fueron creadas a imagen de lo Uno. IV. Su padre es el Sol, su madre la Luna. V. El Viento lo portó en su vientre. VI. Su nutridora es la Tierra, su padre es la Perfección del mundo entero. VII. Su poder es pleno, si se transformara en Tierra. VIII. Separarás la Tierra del Fuego, lo sutil de lo burdo, pero sé cuidadoso e inteligente cuando lo hagas. IX. Asciende de la Tierra al Cielo y, de nuevo, desciende a la Tierra y toma los poderes de los que está arriba y de lo que está abajo. X. Así tendrás la gloria del mundo entero. XI. De manera que toda oscuridad saldrá de ti. XII. Ésto es más fuerte que la Fortaleza misma, porque vencerá todas las cosas sutiles y penetrará en todas las cosas sólidas. XIII. Así fue creado el mundo. XIV. De aquí vendrán las transformaciones prodigiosas, mediante las cuales el mundo existe. Esto es por lo que soy llamado Hermes Trismegisto, poseedor de las tres partes de la filosofía cósmica. XV. Lo que tuve que decir sobre el funcionamiento del Sol ha concluido.
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vide0nasty · 2 years
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Hey Hey Bad News!
(If I ever open a shop,this would be definitely one of the prints :)) )
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crucifiix · 3 years
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*wig snatched*
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wat-the-cur · 2 years
i believe in vim/den supremacy and also punkpye supremacy because i cant imagine rivyan or vim/colin at all in the slightest honestly. i also think that vim and den are t4t because i am also t4t
I honestly never considered Vim/Den! I really like the idea of them being t4t, though, I’d be super interested in any works surrounding that. Nought wrong with a bit of projection, I do it all the time. I would really, really love to get behind PunkPye, if only for that sweet, sweet ”opposites attract”, but Vyv is so mean to Neil, I’m struggling.
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terroryaoi · 11 months
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colin and vim are making the band uncomfortable because of their sexual tension please someone stop them 🛑
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a-a-a-anon · 4 months
the chemistry between sally and vim in bad news - so black cat (sally) and golden retriever (vim) coded btw - is so strong that it has me creating headcanons between two characters who's interaction runtime is probably like 15 minutes or less
vim is preoccupied with fame/heavy metal and is a genuine fan of the music scene in bad news tour so i think he was already familiar with sally/her work before they met, like read her interviews or something
so there's that cut in bad news tour where den starts saying "i was sitting over there..." in the last shot so they all have to rearrange. vim had moved seats to sit next to sally and was inwardly pissed that den made him move back
vim's type is definitely someone who's smarter than him even if he doesn't understand what theyre saying, he definitely wasn't into the enthusiastic-without-substance wannabe groupie type. and sally is EXACTLY his type like she always asked questions he didnt even understand and he was into it. she's also the only one who'll listen to him go off about nothing ("we're more than heavy metal" and she was nodding her head while everyone was disagreeing but inside even she was going this man doesnt actually know what he's talking about /affectionate)
vim got into the spiritual/supernatural weird talking to dead people stuff in more bad news because sally kind of had a gothy aesthetic in bad news tour. that's why he was so excited to tell her. he also thought that having connections to famous muscians (in the afterlife) would impress her, bc she met way more famous musicians than him as an interviewer
in my head sally is genuinely successful as a heavy metal journalist so why agree to go back to interview and spend days with an absolutely trash band no one really cares about in more bad news? subconsciously it was partly to see vim again
during the word association game in more bad news the only band member she uses as a word is vim… she's Thinking of him
i think after she and vim reunited in more bad news they started being friends with benefits while the documentary was filming lmao (i think he still had some maturing to do before they got together for real, but we know they do end up married ofc)
so to me colin's parents (or connections from his parents) must've bailed colin (and den and spider) out in more bad news when they're arrested but colin was probably so pissed at vim he was calling his mummy to tell her to sue vim's ass not bail him out. two possibilities i'm entertaining: either sally bailed vim out (again, she's a successful journalist so she has some funds) or she talked to colin/colin's mummy/the police or something to help get vim out (she's obviously a good speaker and could convince them to ease up)
sally is an intelligent feminist and a good journalist which is why she grilled vim on warriors of genghis khan but she was also slightly... i don't wanna exactly say jealous, maybe like disappointed... that there was some random hot blonde to stand over vim in the music video/for the guys including vim to ogle at, which also motivated her to humble him in that moment
not really a hc but he's trying so hard to impress her with imogen/his "studio" in more bad news its adorable he's so dumb
vim definitely thought his record collection (despite being thrown around haphazardly) was gonna impress her when she came over in more bad news
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colourshot-draws · 4 years
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Bit of pretty bloody brilliant luck that I got to do March issue cover for @scumbag-monthly , ey? (Included some closeups cause why not) Can you believe I got trusted with the one year anniversary cover? To quote my favourite hippie: “Wow! That was amazing!”    
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