irenic-raccoon · 10 months
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Small doodle based on the pic on the right (I forgot who made it lmk so I can credit them)
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wat-the-cur · 2 years
i believe in vim/den supremacy and also punkpye supremacy because i cant imagine rivyan or vim/colin at all in the slightest honestly. i also think that vim and den are t4t because i am also t4t
I honestly never considered Vim/Den! I really like the idea of them being t4t, though, I’d be super interested in any works surrounding that. Nought wrong with a bit of projection, I do it all the time. I would really, really love to get behind PunkPye, if only for that sweet, sweet ”opposites attract”, but Vyv is so mean to Neil, I’m struggling.
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I noticed the ship variety in the fandom is getting more diverse so I made some more of these awful things. Here's the big six! 😂
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irenic-raccoon · 10 months
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British Yaoi 👍
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irenic-raccoon · 10 months
My first proper attempt at writing a genuine fanfic instead of the joke fics I've written in the past. Idk what the title is and I'm definitely not that great of a writer so there might be typos or grammar mistakes so ermmmmm go easy on me.
It's Vyvyan x Neil. There's only one fic of these two and I gotta stick up for the less popular ships bc that's just how I am.
Yelling, violence, and filth. An average day in the life of The Young Ones. Mike sat at the kitchen table, casually reading the daily newspaper. Vyvyan and Rick bickered about some bullocks next to the telly. And then there was poor ol' Neil. Neil, Neil, orange peel, standing there sulking and making the tea, since he practically did everything around here. All of the cleaning and all of the cooking. He was practically a 1950s house wife!
Vyvyan and Rick's banter turned violent, per usual, as the spikey haired ginger began throwing punches. He then grabbed the nearest object to whack the spotty bastard with. His weapon of choice just so happened to be Neil's rustic acoustic guitar. Before Neil was threatened to make the god-awful lentil tea they consumed every day, he was sat by the couch, playing a crappy tune. The sound of Vyvyan bashing Rick's head in with the already busted up guitar filled the room. Damn thing can barely play a note as it was poorly put back together with cheap ducktape, done by Neil himself in a futile effort to repair it. The guitar practically crumpled in his arms everytime he played a note. It's not like he'd be able to get new one anyways. None of them could even afford to use clean water. Hope you're happy, Thatcher!
The gloomy hippie turned his head at the sight, wearing his trademark frown. "Awh man, that's really heavy, Vyv. I've been, like, making a concept album for about two months now, and I was finally coming around to one of the songs. Not like any of you care, since you all hate me so much-" He was cut off with a shared "SHUT UP, NEIL!" From both the punk and the poet. Mike just nodded, agreeing with the statement as he continued to read his paper, wearing his sunglasses indoors. Neil sighed heavily as he began pouring the lentil nightmare that they considered "tea". He'd have to tape up his guitar some more, if there's even any tape left, that is.
Neil served them the lentil slop before getting assaulted with whatever item Vyvyan chose to use, then he sulked up the stairs to his bedroom, dragging the broken guitar behind him. As Vyvyan saw him do so, a peculiar thought came to to his mind, "I could fix that easily." It's true, he could, but he didn't want to be nice, especially to Neil of all people! On the other hand, Vyvyan was extremely bored. Even the violence was getting somewhat tedious. Not like he'd stop anytime soon, but Vyvyan hasn't partook in any of his actual hobbies in a long while. Like combining random chemicals to make some sort of "medical breakthrough", only for it to end up being explosive. Or tinkering his beloved car. Hell, Vyvyan even played guitar as well, he just wasn't able to play since he broke his beyond repair. In comparison, Neil's guitar would be a breeze.
Vyvyan decided that he was going to snag that guitar from Neil real quick and get working at it in the toolshed... Not like that, you pervy! He was definitely not doing it to be nice to Neil. Of course not! It's not like he held some sort of miniscule soft spot for him. He also didn't deep-down admire how much Neil did for them all, even if he moped about it constantly. Vyvyan ESPECIALLY did not like how Neil looked in that dress that apparently belonged to Rick. Nope, that image definitely didn't come to mind every once in a while when he's having a good wa- *BANG!*
Loud construction noises came from the dinghy tool shed Vyvyan put up months ago. Okay, he wasn't the best handy man. Bugger off, he's doing his best!
"Vyayan." Rick called out, standing outside said tool shed, hands on his hips, ready to yell at him for whatever he did this time. Vyvyan ignored him.
"Vyvyan!" He called out louder. Vyvyan ignored him again.
"VYVYA-" Rick screamed before the door cracked open, only for Vyvyan to hit him over the head with a hammer. That'll shut him up for a bit. He needed to concentrate, for once. He actually wanted to make sure he did a good job on fixing Neil's guitar.
When any of the housemates came along to ask what he was doing in there, he'd respond with something outlandish like "A time machine to prevent Rick from being born". Mike only asked once before going about his own business. Rick tried to be nosy, but it'd only come back to hit him over the head. Literally. It didn't take long for Rick to get a headache and a shiner from it all. Neil didn't bother to ask, likely based off the results from Rick. Instead, he only came by the tool shed to ask for the watering can, in which Vyvyan tossed at him from inside the shed. It nearly hit him but instead it hit the ground next to him. He thought it was strange, but Neil didn't feel like getting a shovel to the groin like Rick, so he just went about his gardening, even if his plants are past their death. They were so shriveled up and dark you couldn't make out what he even planted in the first place.
Vyvyan would take breaks throughout the day, causing the usual chaos around the house, but he made sure to return to the toolshed to finish up that guitar. He did this for the past two days until he was finished. He honestly felt proud with his handy work here, even if it didn't look the best. A few dents and scratches were permanent on its body, but it was a major improvement overall. Vyvyan decided to test it out, tuning the strings by ear and playing an a simple A chord. Bloody brilliant! He was lucky that his uncle Eddie taught him a thing or two about tools, even if he was a total tool himself. He was pretty sure him and Rick's uncle were going out. He cringed at that thought. Rick's uncle was as much of a pratt as Rick himself was. Must be genetic, similar to how alcoholism runs in Vyv's family tree.
It was dark out and Neil was still awake in his room, insomia keeping him up as he painted out his astrological chart. Some of that hippie bullocks he likes. He heard foot steps outside the door, but paid no attention to it, that's until he heard the door crack open. As soon the tall brunette turned his attention to the door, it was shut immediately, leaving only his guitar leaning against the wall. Neil's eyebrows raised, perplexed. It was like his guitar came back from the dead. Was he being haunted by the ghost of his guitar? He didn't even think that they had souls. He slowly made his way to the door, looking to see if anyone was out there. No one was in the hallway, but in the corner of his eye he saw Vyvyan peeking his head out his door like a meerkat, before quickly closing the door behind him. Suddenly, Neil felt like his stomach was full of butterflies... That might just be the lentils acting up again. Time to continue that song on the toilet, hopefully without being hassled this time.
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Heyooooo Sorry for the anon but I really love your blog and I've been following for a while now Rik is ♥ I was wondering tho of like which your favorite ships are in TYO?? ( ◜‿◝ )♡ It's something I've always wanted to ask you hehe but was always suuuuper nervous~~ ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Hi, anon!
Aw thank you! Rik is indeed ❤️. My favourite TYO ships? Well, probably unsurprisingly, Rivyan is my favourite.
I'll put a read more thing here because I took this an opportunity to go on about ships and waffled. 😂 To summarise: I'm perfectly happy and actually encourage scumbags to ship whoever they want in TYO. I've never been involved in a shipping war and I think they're dumb and that we should just let people ship in peace. These are the basics of my personal preferences, regarding the main six, but I will consume pretty much all TYO content irregardless:
Rivyan - Main Main
CoolPye - Main
PoetPye - Secondary
PunkPye - Secondary
Mivyan - Not for me but yes to BrOTP
CoolPoet - Not for me
I think Rick and Vyv have the best chemistry out of the characters and actually I've been planning to write a post about why I think this is, so look out for that if you're interested in my rambles. Their relationship would fit perfectly into the disgusting, grotty, angry world that is TYO. They're also my favourite two young ones so that's definitely a big factor for me as well. There's a lot more I could (and will soon in another post) say about Rivyan. I have thoughts™.
I also ship CoolPye - I think it's the most chill of the six main ships (probably because it's the only one without Rick or Vyvyan 😂) and me and others have found, in fics, a bit of background CoolPye provides a nice contrast to the more emotionally charged and chaotic Rivyan. It feels oddly... Domestic? I mean, there was the whole thing where the house was compared to a family unit and Mike and Neil were the parents so they're already the traditional "couple" in that respect. Though, that’s just a rough metaphor because neither of them are suitable caregivers for or even need to be caregivers for Rick and Vyvyan. 😂
The other ships are a little newer and aren't my usual forte. I've seen posts from the bastard squad (they were basically the predecessors of the scumbags and appear to have shipped Rivyan and CoolPye, coining at least the latter's name) where they discussed the possibility of Mivyan, based on Mike and Vyv's more friendly relationship. In the backlog of ao3 or FF.net, I believe I also once read a TYO book of one shots including some PoetPye. However, both of these examples go against the general bastard squad trend. Mivyan, PoetPye, PunkPye and CoolPoet are largely scumbag era developments (fandom talk is actually very serious, you know 😂). The names of the last three are scumbag creations anyway.
Personally? I like PoetPye; I've written an awful fic for it. I've mentioned before that I think a lot of Rick's hatred for Neil stems from Neil standing for a few similar things to him - vegetarianism, peace, equality, love, all that - with the difference being that his beliefs appear more genuine than Rick's and this threatens Rick. There's also the factor of Neil and Rick seemingly coming from the better off backgrounds out of the four (better off than Vyvyan, at least, presumably also than Mike, based on his little speech in Summer Holiday) and I'm sure this also annoys Rick because he wants to fit in with the working class (even though he definitely doesn't) and Neil isn't working class so therefore, in his mind, deserves his vitriol. I mean, Neil's also a stupid bloody hippie while Rick is an anarchist so there's that division too. 😂
Neil is the one Rick hates the most... Yet, this means Rick is the one who generally pays Neil the most attention. I think a PoetPye relationship that evolved out of Rick dealing with his own insecurities and prejudices and becoming not only more secure in himself and his left-wing beliefs but perhaps a little calmer and less performative would be rewarding to read/write in a fic. Likewise, Neil might become happier and less focused his own misfortunes. Just happier vibes, y'know? But it would take character growth for it to become possible - more character growth, in my opinion, than it would take for Rivyan to occur. Although, to be fair, this is fanon so we needn't worry about whichever ship is more "realistic"... None of them are canon anyway. 😂
PunkPye also feels sweet to me. Vyvyan exploring his softer side with Neil and defending him against Rick could be cute. PunkPye feels like a more private ship to me - both of them not completely sure what's developing between them but just going with it, not seeing it as anyone else's business. Plus, punk and hippie subcultures in many respects are opposites in the "alternative" spectrum so I like the idea of them being together despite that rift too.
Then we have CoolPoet and Mivyan. CoolPoet is pretty much the least popular ship here; I don't think I've met anyone yet who ships it? I think this is largely because Rick and Mike don't interact much (possibly the least of them all) and so there's not much to build on. I also think it has the potential to be unhealthy since Rick is such a suck up to Mike (more so than Vyvyan and Neil, as at least Vyvyan gets on with him and Neil is more interested in any of them just paying him attention than Mike in particular). I could see CoolPoet being quite one-sided, with Rick losing himself a little in trying to impress Mike and not getting much back in return. To be fair, a dark fic about this would be interesting and it could be a learning curve for them both and end positively (maybe with other ships). I just don't think it would work well as a light and happy ship.
If CoolPoet is your cup of tea though, awesome! If you have headcanons and art/fic, I'll probably reblog it because I love TYO content. I'm not anti-CoolPoet. In fact, the idea of that dark fic is becoming more and more intriguing to me by the minute...
Then we have Mivyan. Whilst I get why people like it and I acknowledge that Vyvyan and Mike do have the most positive relationship out of a house of bastards who are horrible to each other... I've come to realise that, for me, I prefer Mivyan as a BrOTP. I think there's a power imbalance between Mike and Vyv that is hard to balance out properly in a romantic context. It works for their friendship: Vyvyan respects and looks up to Mike and equally Mike seems to view Vyvyan as a bit of a protégé. They'd probably work well as bothers.
Yet, with the context of Mike being the only person Vyvyan is ever subordinate to, I think there is a risk of their power imbalance becoming unhealthy should they enter a romantic relationship. Partners are supposed to be equal, right? For me, the ship feels a little weird because I think it might kinda stray into parent/child vibe territory, with Vyvyan becoming too emotionally dependent on Mike or becoming a bit of a guard dog and Mike - and this is partly due to him being the least developed of the four characters - appearing to be an unbreakable rock of stability who still has the same authority over Vyvyan as he does the other two. Of course, there are relationships like this in real life that fiction is free to reflect and far be it from me to police in anyway what people choose to create in fandom... It's simply that I don't think I could fix this power imbalance problem I see in Mivyan without straying too far from who the characters are if I tried to make a go of a healthy Mivyan.
Buuut, as with CoolPoet, you like Mivyan? You create Mivyan content? Brilliant! I will likely consume and praise at some point, I’m sure. After all, before I'd properly developed my opinion on it I did write a Mivyan prompt and I don't have any negative feelings towards my doing that. To be honest, if someone in the future sent me a Mivyan prompt for whatever reason, I'd likely still write it because I think it's fun every now and then to break away from my Rivyan/CoolPye default and explore. You're just not going to see me gushing about Mivyan, coming up with headcanons for it or writing fic for it off my own volition. It's just not my jam.
Thank you if you've bothered to read all of this nonsense. 😂 To the anon, thanks for the ask and please feel free to DM me anytime if wanna talk TYO. I promise I don't bite!
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Opinion on NeilxVyvyan?
Hi there!
I think it has the potential to be cute. Rick definitely wouldn't be able to bully Neil anymore. 😂 I like the mix between pacifism and violence; it sounds so unlikely that it just might work. The hippie and the punk.
A while ago, there was a scumbag who liked NeilXVyv (or PunkPye, as it's since been dubbed) and I wrote them a prompt. It's not super shippy, I will admit, but it was the first TYO ship themed prompt I received.
Honestly, I've said it before and I'll say it again: Vyvyan is the most shippable young one. I mean, a lot of us ship Rivyan or Mivyan, right? Plus, as @frankenbolt once pointed out, Helen the Murderess and Vyv could spawn a whole army of blonde murder babies. Him and Sue could work too just Ade and Jen right, shipping their characters will always work.
So, yeah. PunkPye. Why not? If anyone wants to give it a crack, I say go for it!
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Thanks for the ask!
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i think punkpye is shipped by people with huge and massive giant brains
You heard it here first, scumbags.
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"That sigh was a lot louder than I intended it to be."  Neil (ofc). Perhaps (please) paired with one of the guys? *cough*Vyvyan*cough* 😇
"Bored!" Vyvyan yelled in his usual ear-shattering tones, "Bored! Bored! Bored! Bored! BORED!!!"
He was currently barging around the house, hitting the walls and anything that looked like it belonged to Rick with a wooden bat. The spotty nuisance was out at the moment at one of his Anarchists Society meetings and Vyvyan had half a mind to gatecrash it to show him what anarchy actually looked like! Mike, too, was out doing 'business'... although, when Vyvyan had asked him what this 'business' entailed and whether he could come along the cool person had gotten all shifty and exited rather quickly.
Even SPG seemed to be in hiding, the ungrateful git, which just left the hippie.
"Neil, I'm hungry! Where's my tea?" the punk demanded as he crashed his way into what Rick referred to as the 'drawing room'. Neil was stood by the windows at the back of the kitchen, watching something. He didn't respond. Vyvyan stomped towards him and smashed his bat against the table a couple of times, "Oi, hippie! Are you deaf? I asked where's my tea!" It was during experiences such as these that the punk felt most proud of his vocal strength.
At last, Neil turned to face Vyvyan, his face showing no sign that he had listened to a word he'd said. He furrowed his brow.
"What?" Neil asked.
Vyvyan rolled his eyes. God! Was it really so much to ask to be fed around here?
"The tea, Neil, where is it?" he repeated just as loudly. The hippie groaned and began to slouch over to the cupboards.
"Oh, that," he muttered, "I wrongly assumed that, like, since the others were out tonight and all, I might get a bit of peace for once but I should have realised that you hate me so of course I'd still have to slave away in here." His tone was reaching the level of unfriendliness usually only reserved for Rick. Vyvyan scrunched up his face and put the bat down.
"Hate's a strong word, I was only asking for my tea," he backtracked indignantly.
"Sure, Vyv, sure," Neil replied sarcastically, not even looking at him and simply continuing to scour the cupboards - probably for stray lentils. He let out a long sigh before slamming the crooked door of the obviously empty cupboard shut with a BANG!
No one spoke.
"That sigh was a lot louder than I intended it to be. We've got literally nothing in," the hippie explained, despite the sound of the door far overpowering the sound of his sigh; perhaps he was trying to clear the air? Vyvyan raised an eyebrow.
"Neil, is something the matter with you?" he asked, perturbed and unsettled by his housemate's behaviour. True, Neil wasn't the happiest guy ever but he also wasn't this passive aggressive without more provocation most of the time. The punk stomped his foot in frustration, "And stop ignoring me, you whining girl!"
This got him more of a reaction. Neil spun around, frowning.
"That's right, Vyvyan, bring me down even more! That's, like, just what I need: loads and loads of heavy vibes from you when I'm already not feeling great!" he complained, crossing his arms. The punk couldn't believe this! Arguments between him and Neil never usually got this nasty so fast!
"I haven't given you any vibes!" he protested, pretty sure that he was correct, "I just wanted food! Anyway, I've changed my mind now if you're going to moan so much." He hadn't, really, Vyvyan was most definitely still hungry. He knocked over one of the chairs as if this proved his point before striding towards the telly.
This was all wrong. Yes, he'd been mind-numbingly bored but he hadn't wanted to fix it by rowing with Neil. He switched the telly on and sprawled across the couch.
"Are you coming? Bastard Squad should be on soon," the punk yelled back at the hippie in the kitchen. This was his peace offering, he was saving his real anger for another. In fact, Vyvyan wouldn't act like he knew what was up with Neil, although he wasn't blind to the reality that the hippie appeared to struggle a lot - he was a medical student after all. He was hoping his housemate would respond when he heard the sound of feet dragging across the floor. Looking up, he grinned and budged aside to let him sit down, "Brilliant!"
Bastard Squad did start not long after that and the two didn't speak much while it was on. Vyvyan noticed Neil's mood growing a touch lighter as he got more into the programme and for this he was glad. About half way through, on compulsion, he reached over and wrapped an arm around Neil's shoulders, a gesture of... well, Vyvyan wasn't quite sure, actually. Still, he felt confident enough to do it. Neil looked over at him, surprised.
"What are you doing, Vyv?" he questioned, not sounding nearly as cross as he had earlier. Vyvyan shrugged.
"I don't know. Just trying to be nice, I suppose. I mean, it's only us," he pointed out, trying to sound nonchalant about it and ignore the way his heart rate was beginning to pick up. The hippie seemed to consider this and nodded.
"Well, thanks then," he replied eventually - or what simply felt as long for the punk, "That's cool."
They continued watching the telly until the dot came on the screen and even then it was only the return of Rick and Mike that separated them. Something had shifted, Vyvyan mused later as he bashed the people's poet's head against a doorframe, something he was alright with.
Thanks for the ask! Hope it's okay that it's basically from Vyvyan's point of view. I've never actually written anything for these two as a pairing before so that was a new experience. Fun! Hopefully I wrote them together well enough. 😅
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wat-the-cur · 2 years
I think Vyv and Neil had quite a few shippy moments, Vyv sure did like the look of him in the dress and there's a live performance where Vyv says he's shagging Kate Bush offstage and Mike says "that's Neil in a dress and you know it." 😂 And the Young Ones facebook page just posted a pic of the Lost Boys poster with the Young Ones photoshopped in, Vyv as David and Neil as Star leaning on his shoulder
Aye, two fandoms of mine combined! No, PunkPye do have their moments as you say. I believe in that live performance, Vyvyan claimed to be using Neil as a contraceptive, while he was having sex with Kate Bush. Besides the fact that Vyvyan clearly has a crush on Kate Bush, which is very cute, there’s only one thing that could realistically have been going on there. I don’t know, I think I’d like PunkPye more, if things were a bit more equal. In the case of Rivyan, the vitriol is in equal measure, and while Vyvyan is clearly stronger than Rick, Rick can still give as good as he gets on many occasions. Poor Neil is just a perpetual victim to everyone else in the house, while he himself doesn’t raise his hand to anyone. This is why I can’t really get behind PoetPye, either, just because of the one-sidedness of it.
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The Young Ones Writing Prompts Masterlist 💣
I've done a few of these now and thought I'd make a masterlist so they're easier to find. I'll update it when new stuff appears.
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General (no ship)
I'm a romantic, I know ALL the pick-up-lines. Every single one.
Well this is a predicament.
Highschool AU
Quarantine AU
Do you even care anymore?
Rivyan (Rick X Vyvyan)
You have... personalised pajamas... made especially for you?
Flea markets don't carry fleas, you know?
Hey, hey, calm down. They can't hurt you anymore.
Just smile, I really need to see you smile right now.
I don’t want you to be alone right now.
You’re not a monster.
You deserve love.
I’m here for you.
I miss you.
I forgive you.
Look at me.
CoolPye (Mike X Neil)
I'm here for you.
Mivyan (Mike X Vyvyan)
Show me what's behind your back. / If you can't sleep... we could have sex?
PunkPye (Vyvyan X Neil)
That sigh was a lot louder than I intended it to be.
CoolPunkPye (Mike X Vyvyan X Neil)
We don’t want you to be alone right now.
These have also all been posted on ao3.
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