#Vin the Ascendent Warrior
brothermouse-skeleton · 4 months
Scadrial Challenge!:
stop worshipping serial killers and genocidal maniacs.
Skill level: Impossible, apparently
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nerdylizard5 · 2 months
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This Mistborn tryptich set is one of my favorite things I’ve done art-wise recently! (Also selling as bookmarks and prints!)
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liteboxhero · 1 month
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lucydoodlessometimes · 11 months
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Sailor Ascendant Warrior pt 2! These are all transformation sequence moments, because I can't be left to my own devices and expected NOT to go there
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Mistborn Characters by Santi Bosch
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fantasmaglory · 3 months
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Looking at this art by Dan Watson of Marasi and realizing something curious about that lamppost...
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The Ascendant Warrior and The Last Emperor who?????? It's literally Vin and Elend holding hands. Kill me now.
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zondawave · 6 months
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Elend & Vin
The Last Emperor & The Ascendant Warrior
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cosmerelists · 21 days
Cosmere Characters' Presidential Slogans
Hello is anyone else REALLY stressed about the US Presidential election? Personally, I'm coping by imagining what campaign slogan various Cosmere characters would use if they were running for president. I'm sure this is healthy and fine.
1. Shallan
"Three Heads Are Better Than One! Vote Shallan for President!"
2. Lopen
"The Lopen: A Bridge 4 The Future"
3. Vin
"I'm The Ascendant Warrior"
4. Odium
"Physically Incapable of Breaking Campaign Promises"
5. Kelsier
"Let's All Survive"
6. Telsin
"Vote Telsin or I Will Blow Up This Planet"
7. Pattern
"One Vote For Me Is One Vote For Me: That's Math Baby!"
8. Syl
"Vote for a Piece of God"
9. Vasher
"You Idiots: Don't Vote For Me"
10. Renarin
"A Countdown to Victory"
11. Rlain
"Bringing People Together"
12. Hoid
"There Will Be Sunshine Again"
13. Jasnah
"Question. Be Informed. Act."
14. Steris
"The Woman With The Plan"
15. Dalinar
"Take The Next Step With Dalinar"
16. Kaladin
"The Future Is Fucked...But I'll See What I Can Do"
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puddlejumper38 · 2 years
They didn't get Vin's statue right first go and Marsh intervened. God this is brilliant. How did that go down?
Imagine. You are the Elendel Council, you are congratulating yourselves on your new Ascendant Warrior statue. And then. Ironeyes, Death himself, bursts into the room and demands you do it again. Properly this time.
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thestormlightnetwork · 9 months
I LOVE MISTBORN. I love how the hero of ages is hidden underneath our nose just until their reveal. I love how Wax would absolutely be on the lord ruler's side if he was alive 300 years before. I love how Sazed fought so hard to liberate the Skaa then went on to do the exact same thing as the lord ruler did, only with more illusion of choice. I love Vin's arc with womanhood throughout the original trilogy. I love seeing how time twisted her narrative to the point that when Marasi looks at her statues an era later, she doubts that the Ascendant Warrior ever experienced fear and self-doubt. I love Steris's journey in embracing her highly functional mind. I love how Wayne and Melaan were doomed from the start, knowing he is a mortal and she is a Kandra, yet they chose to love each other for a brief period anyway. I love how Sazed's arc in hero of ages paralelled Wax's arc in bands of mourning, both a biblical reference to the book of Job. I love how kelsier is an immoral and hypocritic man yet he still puts the safety of Scadrial on the top of his list.
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vinylfoxtalks · 2 months
Currently reading the Wax & Wayne series (sequel series to my beloved Mistborn trilogy), I'm on the second book currently and I have some thoughts (positive ones).
Spoiler Warning!
1. I love the way that BS evolved thw world. Thw use of the guns mixes with allomancy is sick, but it's so weird that everyone wears metal now. Like it was such a huge thing that no one wore metal in the original trilogy but now very few people care about that.
2. I love the way that the original crew is honoured throughout the book. The statues of Vin and Elend actually made me tear up. The Mare flower, Elendel, Demoux Promenade, etc. It's just so weird the way that people talk about the crew. Like I know that Vin would hate being called the 'Ascendent Warrior'
3. I fucking love Wayne. He's perfect in every way and he totally talks about his accents they way Sazed talked about his feruchemy.
4. WAX AND MILES' I TERACTIONS WERE A STUNNING PARALLEL BETWEEN VIN AND ZANE'S (idk why this parallel is my favourite thing in existence, but it is)
5. Love Bloody Tan. No reason why other than his fucked up exhibit in the Prologue of Alloy of Law.
6. I think it's so interesting that Marasi is all modest and flustered by dirty jokes and stuff when Vin was confused as to why guys got so flustered by her wearing pants and a shirt.
7. The scream I scrumpt upon Marsh showing up. I knew one of the characters made it into this series because my mom told me that, but she didn't tell me who. In retrospect, it should've been obvious but BS is so good at keeping things in the shadows that it doesn't dawn on you until it's thrown in your face (like Vin's earring being a heraldry spike, didn't see that coming until I read it directly).
In conclusion, I fucking love BS and his writing. I was hesitant to read the Wax & Wayne series because I'm not really into the old western style but it's turning out to be really good (not better than the original trilogy but good). Then again, I'm also not into political fiction like I feel BS leans into more but I'm obsessed with his books and his mind. I could go on and on about his magic systems and Hoid, it's almost unhealthy.
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brothermouse-skeleton · 5 months
Scadrian Youth Pastor voice: Yes! Slay queen! *Sits on a chair in the hip way (backwards)* but let me tell you about a Queen who literally slayed: Vin, the Ascendent Warrior...
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slayerofsnails · 2 years
Do you think house tekiel ever tried to talk with vin to try to get political advantages once she killed the lord ruler? “Oh hey bastard niece who we would have killed a month ago, how’s it going. Think you could talk to your trophy husband and get him to lower taxes for us this month?”
And like in era 2 do you think they are the kind of assholes who would refer to any mention of her as “vin Tekiel Venture” or try to add a ‘holy’ aspect to whatever they sell? Like “buy our potato chips made by the bloodline of the ascendant warrior, buy three and we will throw in a Vin plush doll trademark pending.”
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prewpictures · 1 year
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Vin 2.0, the (soon to be) Ascendant Warrior. From Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson.
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lucydoodlessometimes · 11 months
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I was gonna give tuxedo elend the beard but he looked like Abraham Lincoln :(
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Vin by Emily Schobel
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