#Viserys ii
bumblesimagines · 3 months
Obsessions and Cruelty
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Request: Yes or No
Summary: Despite the love Princess Alyssa and Prince Baelon had for their twins, Prince (Y/N) and Prince Aegon, Daemon never truly forgave (Y/N) for causing the death of their mother; but he'll never genuinely hate him either.
Pronouns: He/Him/His, M!Reader
CW/TW: Typical HOTD warnings, Targcest/Incest (Brother-Brother), mention of childbirth caused death, mentioned death of a sibling (Lil Aegon), toxic behavior?, Daemon stop insulting women challenge (impossible)
Princess Alyssa and Prince Baelon had been overjoyed when (after a long and excruciatingly painful childbirth) the Mother bestowed them with the gift of twin boys whom they happily named Prince Aegon and Prince (Y/N). Their two older brothers, Viserys and Daemon, welcomed them into the family with ease, making plans of all the things they'd teach the boys.
All had been well, until six months later when Alyssa passed after being unable to fully recover from having the twins, her body too weakened from the hours of pain and blood loss. Tragedy struck again with the weaker of the twins, Prince Aegon, passed just shy of his first nameday, leaving the family in distress and an ocean of grief.
Prince (Y/N) had been born sickly as well, and the boy had hardly cried or fussed when he'd been born; so much so that the midwife and maester present feared he'd been stillborn until Baelon took his boy into his arms and the little one finally kicked off with some wails. His health fluctuated throughout his first few years of life, having its highs when he raced down the hall with his little legs and a flurry of maids following as well as its lows when he could hardly get out of bed. 
While his father deeply grieved the loss of his beloved sister-wife and child, he refused to allow it to push him away from his youngest boy. He ensured to assign (Y/N) a personal maester, one who'd only tend to the boy when asked and would give him all the attention he needed.
Others assumed (Y/N) would pass before becoming man-grown, but the prince proved them all wrong, much to the relief and glee of his father and eldest brother, Viserys. His second eldest brother, Daemon, stewed in his grief and growing resentment. 
Daemon had loved their mother wholeheartedly. Alyssa had been a fierce, determined, daring princess who taught Daemon much of what he knew. He loved her, from her blonde hair to her mismatched eyes to the fact she rode the beautiful Red Queen, Meleys, because she'd been denied of riding Balerion. Alyssa's wild spirit had passed down to her son but she'd been stolen from him before she'd ever get to see him in action.
He despised it, despised how much they coddled him, how much they fretted over a weak little thing. Daemon spent much of his time avoiding the boy, for the sight of him alone reminded him of the night he learned of his mother's passing. Perhaps it was guilt too, that made him ignore his brother, for he also reminded him of the thought that he screamed in his mind during the funeral.
I wish they'd died instead.
Daemon hadn't looked anyone in the eye when little Aegon had been pronounced dead from a harsh fever; an inevitable death, the maester had claimed, for the boy had been weak for months. But Daemon believed the Gods had done it to remind him they were always listening. 
(Y/N) had been around four when Daemon's resentment first spilled over into actions. The younger prince had been left without a playmate after their brother left for training lessons, and (Y/N) had refused to play with the willing maids in favor of stumbling out of his room in his stubby toddler legs to search for his other brother.
When he approached the seven-year-old in his bedchambers, Daemon snatched the wooden toy wolf and snapped its head clean off with the threat of doing the same to the rest of his toys if he ever approached him again. (Y/N), of course, bursted into tears and Daemon awkwardly watched until their father arrived to scoop the little one into his arms and give Daemon a scolding. 
Baelon attempted to get the two to reconcile a few days later with a hug. When Daemon extended his arms out toward (Y/N), the little boy made a face and ran right back to their older brother who immediately gathered him up into his arms. It'd been then that Daemon felt a twinge of bitterness, not at (Y/N) for having Visery's attention but at Viserys for being chosen over him. He forced it away and told himself it was what he wanted. He hated him after all. Or so, it was what he told himself in the years that followed. 
Without fail, the weeks leading up to each of (Y/N)'s namedays seemed to set something off in Daemon and he'd make it his life's mission to bother the boy into tears. The first few years resulted in many wails and scoldings from their father, brother, and eventually even their new sister, Lady Aemma. His life had resulted in the death of the woman Daemon loved most, and he'd never forget it. But, Daemon soon learned everyone, even sickly weaklings, had their limits. 
On (Y/N)'s tenth nameday, Baelon had settled (Y/N) on his knee after the celebration and began recalling stories of Alyssa, starting with the fact she'd always followed him around in their youth like a shadow. (Y/N) had been enthralled, eyes big and wide and head eagerly nodding for more tales of the woman he'd never get to meet. Grief made Daemon's chest constrict, and without thinking, he'd blurted out: "There'd be more stories if you and Aegon hadn't killed her." 
The room had fallen deathly silent afterward, only family members lingering around who all turned to stare at the boy wide-eyed. His grandparents and father seemed on the verge of lecturing him when (Y/N) slipped off Baelon's knees, walked right up to the spot on the floor Daemon was sitting on, and landed one good punch to his nose that left a heavy flow of blood. Some in the room laughed, others shook their heads but Viserys had ensured to swoop in and separate the two until the maesters arrived. 
And while Daemon had a maester tend to his bleeding nose (luckily dismissing the possibility of it being broken), (Y/N) sent him a triumphant grin from across the room that made Daemon seethe. Still, he couldn't deny the hint of pride that swelled in him, as well as a new bubbling feeling. 
From then on, fighting and bickering were the only thing the boys seemed to do together, mostly because picking on (Y/N) was the only way to get him to pay Daemon any sort of attention. His accusation had been enough to permanently cement him as the enemy, even with all the coaxings and reminders of blood being thicker than water. He leaned into it, even if it meant having to sit back and grumpily watch (Y/N) happily cozy up to Viserys and sometimes even Lady Aemma. 
The Gods had cursed him for wishing the Stranger on (Y/N), he was certain of it. Why else would he care so much?
By the time the two were in their teens, Queen Alysanne had wed Daemon to Lady Rhea Royce of Runestone. He'd been sent off to live with her in the Vale, perhaps the most boring place in Westeros and annoyingly far from home. When he'd returned home for a visit, he'd learned from Viserys that the soon-to-be seventeen-year-old (Y/N) had many marriage prospects. Daemon had hoped to find himself thrilled at the idea of (Y/N) moving far away to become the new lord of some noble house but it only soured his mood whenever someone brought it up.
"I hear Lady Lusia is quite beautiful." Lady Aemma told (Y/N) one afternoon, a cup of sweetened milk in hand and a gentle smile on her face. Daemon scoffed quietly at her words, a bitter taste forming in his mouth that made him angrily swallow the piece of apple he'd been chewing. Lady Aemma seemingly ignored him. "I hear she has a fascination for dragons. I'm certain she'll love Sōna." 
"Or Sōna will eat her in a single bite the moment she lays eyes on her." Daemon piped in, pushing himself up from the couch he'd sprawled himself across and smirking at the eye-roll (Y/N) sent his way. Truthfully, Sōna was exactly like her rider in more ways than one: spoilt, easily annoyed, and downright bratty at times. The pretty beast had certain food preferences, for Gods' sake. Lady Aemma merely shook her head and sipped on her drink whilst Viserys finally tore his attention away from the book in hand. 
"Perhaps you have someone in mind then, Brother. You seemed against Lady Katherine and Lady Breyna as well." Viserys's finger dragged along the edge of the book, an amused twinkle in his eyes as he regarded his brother in a way that seemed to say I know. Daemon scowled at him, unable to resist the heat creeping up along his neck. 
"I'm saving those ladies from a lifetime of misery, more like. (Y/N) would probably drop dead if he saw a woman naked." 
At that, (Y/N) whirled around to look at him with a sneer. "It wouldn't be my first time!" He snapped at him, and irritation rolled over Daemon like a crashing wave. He'd been gone from court for a little less than a year and had already missed so much. His new wife's family had insisted he stay in Runestone with her despite her indifference, but he hardly cared for her or the Vale of Arryn. She was plain-faced, boring, and never bothered to converse with him. He much preferred the bustle and hustle of the Red Keep.
But nobody mentioning his little brother had bedded someone while he was away? It shouldn't have annoyed him as much as it did but the thought of some lousy little lady - or anyone, truly - laying hands on his brother in a less-than-friendly way made his blood boil. Had she even done it right? Had she even kissed him with passion or just with the desire to boast about lying with a Targaryen prince? 
"Who?" Daemon demanded, springing up to his feet and chucking the apple aside so hard it slammed into the wall and broke apart. Lady Aemma flinched at the noise and gave her husband a bewildered look that was met with a quiet sigh. Daemon's long silver hair spilled over his shoulders as he grasped the back of (Y/N)'s chair and leaned down to glower at him. "What dumb bitch decided you were worth laying with?" 
(Y/N) bristled like an enraged stray cat and shot up from his seat, planting his hands on Daemon's chest and shoving him back. Daemon stumbled backward, nearly tripping over his boots, and scowling immediately but before he could cut the distance, Viserys planted himself firmly between the two. At twenty-four, Viserys had no business being forced to stop fights between the two, but he believed it to be his job as eldest much to their annoyance. Daemon opened his mouth to spout some more things but he bit his tongue when he noticed the way (Y/N)'s eyes glistened. 
"Nyke vēdros ao." (Y/N) spat venomously, and Daemon's shoulders sagged, his body reeling back as if he'd been struck. (Y/N) stormed past the two of them, the doors shaking violently when he slammed them close behind him. Lady Aemma frowned at him, shaking her head with a soft sigh of disappointment. 
I hate you. 
He'd meant it, Daemon was sure of it. He'd been a bother since (Y/N) had been born, just a baby prone to illness who had no memories of their beautiful mother. The birth had impacted Alyssa severely, sure, but the twins had never asked to be born. Daemon had realized that early in his teenhood, but most of the damage had been done and he'd never been one to apologize or admit wrongdoing, to begin with. But as he stood there, staring into nothingness while the words replayed over and over in his head, he swore he felt his heart cracking. 
"Go apologize," Viserys told him softly, placing a hand on his shoulder and giving it an encouraging squeeze. "Make things right before it's too late. Father intends on having him wed before the winter."
Silently, Daemon turned on his heel and left the couple alone in their room to make his way down the hall. He'd upset (Y/N) enough to make him cry, something he hadn't done in years, so he felt certain the teen had rushed off to his bedroom before he could be seen. The servants and guards he encountered along the way were quick to step out of his way, and the ones stationed at (Y/N)'s bedchambers opened the doors for him without having to be asked. 
(Y/N) sat at the edge of his bed, legs crossed and lips pouting like a child but Daemon could only wince at the tear stains on his cheeks. His hands messed with his boots, undoing the laces of one and throwing it onto the floor. When he spotted Daemon lingering by the doors, he threw the other one at him, nearly hitting him in the thigh. "Go away," He demanded. 
"Your aim's better." Daemon simply told him, slipping off the holster holding Dark Sister to his waist, and leaning the sword against the wall. (Y/N) reached down for the boot he'd tossed on the floor, scooping it back into his hand and throwing it at Daemon. His brother caught it with ease before it could slam into his chest, causing (Y/N)'s cheeks to puff out in annoyance and Daemon to smirk.
"Come to laugh at me some more?" (Y/N) asked bitterly, his eyes following Daemon as he made his way further into the room. With nothing else within grabbing distance to throw, he remained seated on the bed with a glare and curled hands ready to hit him. Daemon eyed his tense form and took a seat beside him, scoffing when (Y/N) scooted away.
"You act like a child." Daemon sighed, snatching (Y/N)'s wrist into his hand and squeezing the skin exposed when his sleeve rode up. (Y/N) struggled at first, angered muttering falling from his lips, but he slowly relented and gave in with a heavy sigh. Daemon gave him a hard tug that forced (Y/N) to fall onto his side, a grin gracing his lips at (Y/N)'s narrowed eyes. 
"And you act like an arse." He replied, shifting around to sit up straight again. 
"I didn't..." Daemon pursed his lips. Viserys knew how to apologise, knew all the right things to say to make things better. Daemon only knew how to hurt and break things. "I didn't mean to-... to make you cry." 
"Liar." (Y/N) huffed and Daemon's jaw clenched, his temper flaring up with ease. "You like seeing me cry. You probably get off on it." 
Daemon bit his tongue, this time literally, so he could fight the wicked smirk from spreading on his face. "Yes," Daemon exhaled, the breathy, amused tone making (Y/N) grow still with suspicion. "I get off on the thought of you crying from how much you desire me." He said lowly, moving an inch closer so their noses would bump together. He relished the quiet hitch of (Y/N)'s breath.
"I- I- You- I would never- What-" (Y/N) sputtered, tongue twisting so violently he almost choked on his words. Daemon's free hand rose to grab his jaws, fingers digging into the heated skin of his cheeks. He delighted in the heat, for he believed it meant there was a chance of his feelings being mutual. 
"Who did you lay with?" Daemon questioned, his fingertips digging into the skin of (Y/N)'s cheeks and pulling his face ever so closer. He dragged his lips over his cheekbones, trailing them over his little brother's nose and brows and any part of his face he could reach. (Y/N) squirmed in his grip, his closed hand pressing against Daemon's chest in a half-hearted attempt at pushing him back. "Tell me."
"No." (Y/N) grumbled, ever the disobedient one. 
"Was she worth it?" Daemon prodded, pushing his brother back onto the bed until his back was flat against the covers. He swung one leg over (Y/N)'s hips to straddle him, laying his weight down on the prince's thighs to prevent him from getting up. (Y/N) glared up at him, lips forming a deeper, more pronounced pout. He pinned the wrist in his hand beside his head, ensuring to keep a steady grip on him. 
"Better than you'll ever be!" (Y/N) spat, the challenging tone in his voice only making Daemon's desire flourish, the overwhelming feeling pumping through his veins. He swooped down and slammed their lips together, swallowing the squeak that escaped (Y/N) and shoveling his tongue into his mouth when (Y/N)'s lips parted. He suckled his bottom lip into his mouth, biting down on it until he tasted a hint of metallic. 
"You should've come to me, sweet brother." Daemon sighed, tongue lapping up the small trickle of blood that stained both their lips red. (Y/N)'s fingers curled around the collar of Daemon's tunic, battling between pushing him back and drawing him closer. "You need not for anyone else. I will take care of you, regardless of what anyone else dares to say." He cooed, pressing a sloppy, bloody kiss to his cheek. 
"You hate me." (Y/N) murmured, his nose crinkling at the taste of blood dancing on his taste buds. Daemon frowned at him, hands harshly squeezing (Y/N)'s jaw and wrist for his words. When (Y/N) grimaced, he released his jaw and instead tenderly stroked his knuckles over his cheek. 
"I do not." He assured, nuzzling their nose together and kissing him again, savoring the shudder that went through (Y/N) when he pressed down on the small cut. "I care for you. More than you'll ever know, little brother."
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ladydreamfyyreee · 29 days
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𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐈𝐈𝐈 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧 & 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐉𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐫𝐚 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧 & 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐉𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐬 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧 & 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐬 𝐈𝐈 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧
𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐨 : ( 𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐲𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐨𝐧 𝐗 )
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daemyra-fire · 1 month
Their little baby’s.
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It's amazing how similar children are to them
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lady-corrine · 6 days
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thatscruelsummer · 3 months
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queen daenaera
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rinalunaapiril · 25 days
bruh why didn’t Viserys and the small council name Rhaenyra as regent when Viserys became too sick to rule
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prest0-art · 7 months
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Rhaenyra and her heirs
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greywoe · 10 months
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aegon "that sullen boy" targaryen and his two (2) friends
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malewifedaemon · 2 years
Daemon in ep 2: I don't need kids
Daemon in ep 8: I am the proudest dad in the universe! My kids are going to marry each other!
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3K notes · View notes
ophelieverse · 2 years
can you just write something fluff with Daemon and pregnant reader?She is Viserys and Aemma youngest daughter and their are naming their first son after her father/Daemon brother(damn Targaryens)
۵A name fit for a king.
Daemon Targaryen x fem!reader.
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I loved this request,especially after the last episode.There’s gonna be some spoilers (but nothing very important)also incest,so if this makes you uncomfortable don’t read and reader gonna have targaryen features.
Thank you for the request,hope you like it and let me know what you think!💕💕
The earth awakes slowly,everything around is quiet,the melodious chirping of the birds out of the window glass and the sweet crashing of the waves on the shore were the most beautiful lullaby.
The sun was rising above the horizon,shining with his golden rays all over Dragon Stone who was still enjoying its peaceful slumber.It would be a beautiful day,no clouds in sight,sky bluer as ever and a comforting warmth touching every living creature on the small island.
A beautiful start for an awaited long summer,the one Y/n wished for.After several months of winter it was time for the cold and dark weather to retire and giving its place to the season of eternal sunshine and development.
Delicate golden light glowed on her skin,immaculate and soft,where he was tracing lines with his fingers,almost to pure to be corrupted.Y/n was still asleep,her cheek pressed on the white pillow and a peaceful expression on her beautiful face.
Her husband laid besides her like every morning,the gods have mercy on whoever will try to have his place and stealing away from the thing he begged on his knees for.Daemon remembered the day,when he and Y/n came back together,hand in hand,after winning the war in the Stepstones,and how after,the same night,he went to his brother chambers.
«You said i could have anything i wanted when i gave you my crown.»he told to the King«I want Y/n,wed her to me.»then his knees touched the cold stone floor,a pure gaze of love and devotion in his eyes was powerful enough to have his wish come true.
Purple orbs scrutinized her angelic face,memorizing and mapping every inch of her skin just like they always did.From the way her soft rosy lips were slightly parted,her silky silver hair,strands of moonlight spread on her pillow,and her closed eyelids the closed the world outside.
Such a beautiful and mesmerizing sight should be forbidden for a man like him,but here she was,laying on her side trying to gather some energy back.She need that,more than anyone at the moment.Daemon hands traveled down her arm,savoring the soft texture of her skin,and landing on the growing belly hidden under her nightgown.
Fortunately this pregnancy had been much easier than the last one,the one that gave them two beautiful daughters,twins, Aemma,named after Y/n mother,and Alyssa,named after Daemon’s one.This time Y/n had enough strength to still be able to ride her dragon and to not spend all of her time laying in bed.
Softly Daemon face disappeared in his wife warm neck,lips ghostly kissing the tender skin in attempt to wake her up.A quiet whine,similar to a light breath,left the back of her throat,a little smile was now present on her face as she titled her head to give him more access to continue.
«Good morning,my little storm.»he greeted her,lips still hovering the sensitive flesh on her neck,his arms wrapped around her waist bringing her closer to him as his hands made their way to her stomach again.
«Morning my love.»Y/n voice was still sleepy,her eyes were adjusting to the light in the room,trying to take in as much as she could of her husband handsome features.
Daemon pale blonde hair tickled her cheek and his warm breath on her skin gave her goosebumps all over.The nickname, “Little storm”,the way he used to call when she was little due to her impetuous behavior,made her giggle while she started to play with his hair.
When Daemon palm met the swollen belly a smile stretched on his lips«How did you two slept?»he asked,callous finger brushing and caressing where his child was growing.
«He didn’t move at all,he must have been very tired.»she informed him,humming sweetly and placing a hand over his.
Daemon chest warmed at her words«He’s already listening to his father.»he chuckled a bit.
Both of them wished and hoped for a boy,it was no secret for anyone at this point.Y/n wanted nothing more than a little boy,a little version of his father with beautiful lavander eyes,to love and protect for the rest of her life.
A few seconds later,just like a magical effect,a little kick was felt against Daemon palm melting his heart«That’s my boy.»he whispered with a stupid grin on his face.
Carefully Y/n brought herself closer to her husband,nuzzling the tip of her nose in his hair,airways filled in his sweet scents«I want our son to be born at the Red Keep.»she stated.
Daemon hand faltered,tiling his head up,concerning eyes meeting his wife hopefully ones«You are to give birth at any moment,it would be too dangerous.»he explained to her.
Y/n smiled a little,a sad and distressing expression as she almost choked on her next words«And my father would most likely to be dead by the time i will be able to travel again.»
A sour taste on her tongue and tears forming in the corner of her eyes,the ache in her heart beating furiously in her chest heavy like a stone as she thought of it.Her father had always been nothing but doting and sweet to her,as his second daughter of his beloved first wife,he didn’t care about anything else but to make sure that she was happy and well satisfied with her life.
With the hours spent working on their little Valyria model together,laughing while he narrated to her the tales of their ancestors.All the times she stood right next to him in the small council or in the throne room,because one day she would have been the hand of the Queen and needed to learn about political issues and how to help her sister ruling the realm.
Daemon closed his eyes for a moment,just yesterday he received a crow from the Queen who informed him about his brother worrying declining health.He understood her,Y/n wanted nothing more for her father to witness the birth of his grandson,and how desperately she wished for her child to be a boy to see the gleaming smile that her father had when he met Rhaenyra children.
She wanted to make him proud,his sweet little daughter,one last time with the desire that her father wished to make come true with her mother.
«To King’s Landing then.»they stood there,fingers intertwined over her belly,enjoying each other presence silently celebrating the future birth of they third child.Their first boy.
The travel to King’s Landing happened the next day,Y/n stood on the boat,her eyes up in the clear warm sky as she watched her two daughters flying above her head on their dragons,a hand caressing her big stomach as her husband brushed the hair off her face.
Daemon insisted to be on her side,with Caraxes and Blackfyre,Y/n dragon,flying along side Aemma and Alyssa.From the horizon,the immense sight of the Red Keep started to make its view as the Targaryen boat plowed the calm sea.
Her father was in his chambers,laying in his bed,as Y/n made her way to visit him as soon as she entered the castle.The room was silent,warm and the smell of milk of the poppy lingered all over the place.
She stepped quietly,her long maroon dress brushing against the cold floor,her hands trembling as she pulled away the white tent of her father bed.The king was there,a pale and ill face,a bald head with just some tufts of hair falling on his shoulders,black teeth and ad a white cloth covering the right side of his old and deterioreted face.
«Aemma?»her father voice came out with a choked breath as he opened his eye and looked at blurred figure.
Y/n heart ached in her chest,the memory of her late mother,the whole she had left behind,was still present after all this years«Father»she addressed him with a sweet voice«It’s me,Y/n.»her warm and young hands took his cold and shivering ones,caressing the skin with her thumbs.
«Oh,my Y/n.»her father eyes watered just like hers,his voice broken with emotions«My beautiful daughter.»he called her close to place a wet kiss on her forehead.
«Where are your girls?»he asked then trying to look around the room in search for his granddaughters.
Y/n wiped the tears in her eyes,smiling«They are with me and they will come to visit you soon with someone new.»she told him.
With her father confused expression,of someone who forgot,Y/n brought his hands to her stomach«Your grandson.»
«A boy?»her father cried out.
She nodded«It will be this time,i promise you.»
Her father let go of her hand,shaking his head with a painful whine coming from his lips«Do not make my same mistakes.All of my life i chased a foul dream when everything that i needed was right there before my eyes.»he told her.
Y/n never realized how persistent had become her wish for a son,her wish to give his father what he didn’t have for years,a boy he would have cared about and loved just like he was his.It felt like she owned him a son,being born with a dead twin brother,Y/n,a daughter,came to the world instead of the heir her father longed for.And right now it felt like it was her duty to give tho world a beautiful Targaryen boy for the one that she stole.
«This boy will not be a mistake,father.He will be our blessing.»
The water in the bathtub was warm,almost boiling,but that was the temperature that a dragon needed.
Y/n was sitting there,her back pressed against her husband naked chest,while his hands were caressing her belly with a wet cloth.Hours after she had visited her father,Daemon ha spoke to the Grand Maester asking him of a way to ease Y/n before her time came.A warm bath seemed like the best option,so the rough prince didn’t waste anytime to prepare one.
She hummed quietly,closing her eyes and tasting the relived sensation«Thank you for letting me having time alone with him.»she whispered.
Daemon kissed the back of her head,where her hair were tied up,the smell of roses and cinnamon and the little babbles tickled his skin«How was he?»he asked with a calm voice.
Different,she wanted to answer him.An empty shell of a man was what there was left behind of her father and it pained her.
«He was happy to see me.»she said,the lump in her throat felt thick as she nuzzled her head in her husband neck to seek comfort.
Daemon forced a smile on his lips,planting them on Y/n warms one«He will be happy to meet his grandson too.»he murmured against them.
Y/n didn’t said anything,at this point she didn’t knew anymore.From the moment she was pregnant again in her bones and in her heart she was sure it was gonna to be a boy,but right now,maybe,it was just her blind desire to speak to her just like it did to her father.
«Viserys.»she has said then all of the sudden,in her mind the vivid imagine of her father.
She felt Daemon confused expression behind her as he was holding her close to him«I want our son to be named Viserys.»
It happened during the first light in the morning,the sun was rising behind the hills of King’s Landing when the Red Keep was awakened by the cries of a new life coming to this earth.
The first day of summer,when the air smelled like sea salt,the weather was warm and the city started to live again,little prince Viserys Targaryen was placed in his mother loving embrace.
Daemon was sitting behind Y/n,holding her back up during the entire labor and caressing her sweaty skin whispering in her ears comforting words«It’s him,it’s our Viserys.»he said,his eyes were sparkling with hot tears.
Y/n heart was hammering into her chest,her vision blurred with tears as she looked down at the small bud in her arms.He was absolutely perfect,from his little nose,white tufts of hair on his head and innocent lilac eyes,her son was everything she dreamed for.But then,just like a horrible memory,she remembered the only time she had the chance to hold her younger brother,Baelon,before his soul would have left this life the next day.
«Is he healthy?»Y/n asked holding her son closer to her.
The midwife nodded«The healthiest boy i’ve ever seen,princess.»she reassured her.
«I’m so proud of you.»her husband whispered to her,kissing the side of her face.
She smiled,handing her son to the midwife that confused took him in her arms.The baby started to cry again,pitching screams filled the room,missing his mother soft touch.
«What are you doing?»Daemon asked,concerns all over his face.
«Help me to get up.»Y/n urged him searching hurriedly for his hands.
Her legs felt like they were about to melt under her,the pain between her legs and her desire to just close her eyes and sleep for the entire day to gain back some strength disappeared completely.Tossed side to her aim,letting her father meet his grandson.
Daemon was on his feet immediately,helping Y/n on hers,holding her tired and trembling form to prevent her to hurt herself«You need to rest.»he told her.
«I have all my life for that.»she said with a strained and hoarse voice«My father doesn’t and i promised him that he would had met his grandson.»two servants girl were called in,one of them drying Y/n sweaty face and the other helping her to dress.
Her husband sighed with sad eyes as he walked slowly besides her,step by step till the King room.
«Y/n?»Alicent surprised voice was the first thing they heard once they entered the room«What are you doing here?You should be resting.»she sounded worried as he hurried in her way,holding her other arm for support.
«That’s what i told her.»Daemon muttered under his breath.
The princess shook her head,holding her son up to her chest as her step mother and husband accompanied her to where her father was.
The King was still laying in his bed,his eyes half closed«Y/n?»he asked confused when he saw his daughter coming closer.
She hissed in pain«Father»she called him«There is someone we wish to introduce to you.»her sweet voice sounded full of happiness.
Her father eyes darted to his daughter husband for a second,relived to see him for the last time«Daemon.»he greeted him.
He did the same,hiding his pained expression to see his brother in that state«Brother,this is your grandson,Viserys.»he announced.
And for him there was nothing more beautiful that the result of an undying love,nothing more perfect that his grandson little face as he looked up at him,nothing warmed his heart more than being able to witness what his daughter promised to him.
«Viserys»he tasted the name on his tongue«a name fit for a king.»
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ibuprofenjuliet · 4 months
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“If you wish me to bear it, then defend me, and my children.”
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emptyportrait · 4 months
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𝐑𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐧𝐲𝐫𝐚 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬, 𝐚𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐬 𝐢𝐢.
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targsource · 6 months
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by riotarttherite on twitter
featuring: King Viserys II (1), Lady Larra Rogare (2), Prince Aemon (3), Queen Naerys (4), King Daeron II (5), Queen Myriah Martell (6), Princess Daenerys (7), Prince Maron Martell (8), King Aerys I (9), Queen Aelinor Penrose (10)
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nicetoseesofttotouch · 6 months
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He's still mad af Rhaenyra refused to flee with him to sell fruit
His death will be beyond satisfying
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lady-corrine · 2 months
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Oh 🥺🥹... Rhaenyra with all her children and their dragons, inspired by Madonna of the Magnificat. Art by caravaggio88761.
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florzzzs2 · 6 months
Jaehaera Targaryen🪻
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my headcanon is that she liked stars⭐
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