karniz · 1 year
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2021 Commission; A Cast of Characters from Final Fantasy XIV.
Dubbed affectionally as the Shasiverse. Characters from left to right; Reno, Messalina, Vita'ya, Sokhatai, Y'shtola, Syn'thiel, Dzhambul, Shpoki, Holuikhan [Au Ra], Stenya [Hrothgar], Karniz, X'shasi, Thancred, V'jaela, Mani [on phone], Lensha, X'raleth.
Nothing rendered in 3D, no tracing. Yes, I do like to suffer. Hehe~
This was a very extensive project that took about six months from planning to finish. I don't normally offer full blown background art in any commission, but I have exceptions for an exceptional person.
♥ you star, you are truly a patron of the arts. [and soon to be Blender masstterrrr!]
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oluruvar · 9 months
Virginia Woolf'un üvey abileri tarafından defalarca tacize uğradığını bilmiyordum. Genç yaşta ona tecavüz edildiğini bilmiyordum. Babasının o dönemlerde kız çocuklarına kitap okutulmamasına rağmen evdeki kütüphaneden istediği kitabı okuyabilme fırsatı verdiğini bilmiyordum. Annesi öldüğünde ilk krizini geçirdiğini (hayatı boyunca üç kriz geçirmiş) ve babası öldüğünde iyice depresyona girdiğini bilmiyordum. 29 yaşında hem deli ve evde kalmış bir kadın olarak görülmek istemediğini (ki delirmek büyük korkularından biriymiş) hem de bir adamla cinsel ilişkiye girmek istemediğini, bu nedenle entelektüel, bilgili, gay bir adamla evlendiğini ve bu adamla (Leonard Woolf) cinsellik olmaksızın birbirlerini çok sevdiklerini, birbirlerine çok saygı duyduklarını bilmiyordum. Lezbiyen olduğunu, şair ve yazar olan Vita Sackville'e aşık olduğunu ve tutkulu bir aşk yaşadıklarını, Orlando adlı kitabındaki muazzam kadın/erkek karakteri Vita'ya atfettiğini ve ona olan aşkı yüzünden karakteri 400 küsür yıl yaşattığını da bilmiyordum. Aşk yaşadıkları dönemler ikisinin de en üretken zamanlarıymış, şaşırtıcı değil tabii. Yavaş yavaş "olgunlaşan bir meyvenin dalından düşmesi gibi" olağan şekilde aşklarının bittiğini ve savaş patlak verip de onlara yaklaşınca korkuyla tekrar daha sık görüşmeye başladıklarını da bilmiyordum. Virginia Woolf ceplerine taşlar doldurup kendisini evinin yakınındaki Ouse Nehri'ne bırakarak intihar ettikten sonra Vita'nın depresyona girip alkolik olduğunu da bilmiyordum. Hepsini bugün öğrendim. Daha pek çok şey öğrendim ama bunlar beni en çok etkileyenlerden oldu. Virginia Woolf'un sadece kendine ait bir oda kitabını okuduğum için baya bi eksik hissettim ve Orlando'yu okumak için çok heveslendim. Virginia Woolf'un varlığı, hayatı, evi ve yazıları bana öyle ilham veriyor ki... İyi ki geçmiş dünyadan böyle bir kadın <3
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castellankurze · 4 years
E C H O for vita'ya
E   :   EMBRACE.   does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like?
Vita’ya likes hugs, and as a monk is very good at hugging.  He doesn’t initiate though, and may freeze for a moment if hugged unexpectedly.  Being roughed up a lot as a kid will do that to ya.
C   :   CHOCOLATE.   does your muse like chocolate? which one is their favourite?
HONF.   Loves it.  Second religious experience after discovering Rhalgr.  Doesn’t really know about ‘kinds’ yet.  Tries not to eat it too often because he doesn’t want to get addicted and/or lose out on how good it tastes.
H   :   HEART.   is your muse quick or slow to give their heart away?
Vita’ya’s a dumbass, shocker.  Lyse asked him if he wanted to spar and the dude was a goner.  Jaela…exists.  He’s carried torches for Shasi and to a lesser extent Thancred for awhile probably as well.
O   :   ODE.   does your muse have a way with words? 
He tries.  Bless him.
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starcunning · 5 years
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#30ShadowScreenshots 19. Your favorite jumping puzzle
I know, I know, the Hostelry jumping puzzle is more popular, but the reward for getting up here was more compelling for me. Featuring @castellankurze‘s Vita’ya, who had probably never even seen an onsen before.
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nyctophilia-35 · 3 years
virginia'dan vita'ya mektuplar: "beni her düşündüğünde aklına gelen ilk kelime sevgilim oluyorsa, ikinci kelimeni duymak istemiyorum. ya da başka herhangi bir kelime."
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olan-olub · 3 years
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Nə vaxt ki kefim olmur açıb Vitayla Virginia'ın məktublarını oxuyuram. (kefim daha da pozulur) Hər dəfə də Vita'ya daha çox əsəbləşirəm. Əclaf.
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yedi24haber · 6 years
Uncharted Karakteri Nathan Drake, Defalarca Kurşunlanmasına Rağmen Neden Ölmüyor?
Uncharted Karakteri Nathan Drake, Defalarca Kurşunlanmasına Rağmen Neden Ölmüyor?
Fizik motoru ve muhteşem hikayesiyle akılda kalan serilerden olan Uncharted’da Nathan Drake’in neden ölmediğini hiç merak ettiniz mi?
Sony'nin PS3 ile birlikte hayatımıza giren muhteşem serisi Uncharted, Vita'ya da gelen ara oyunu sonrasında Playstation'un en bomba serilerinden biri oldu. Bunca senelik süksenin ardından, oyunun yapımcıları bizlere Nathan'ın onca yediği kurşuna rağmen neden…
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castellankurze · 4 years
“War’s End” kiss, Vita'ya and Lyse
She was taller than him, her body deceptively lean with muscle beneath her ostentatious red dress, and so it was a simple matter for Lyse Hext to pull the miqo’te into her arms as he approached, pivoting on one foot to sweep him from his feet and whirling him about, leaving him clinging to her shoulders.
She bent and brought her lips to his, and he transferred a hand to her cheek as she held him captive in her arms.  He felt himself go warm all over, his ears pressing back against his skull as he wrapped his arms around her to pull himself close.
He was deaf to the reaction of the crowd, whistles and applause surrounding the pair, their kiss only breaking when they finally had to part for air.  Her cheeks were pink as she smiled down at him, and her lips brushed his own as she murmured “I’m glad you’re back.”What else was he to say, his mind and body overheated in the moment, apart from, “it is good to be back.”  As he clung to her and stroked a thumb over her long golden hair, it seemed like the most important thing he’d ever said.
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castellankurze · 5 years
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“It’s a hundred and six malms to Ul’dah, we’ve got a full tank of ceruleum, half a pack of cigarettes, it’s dark, and we’re wearing sunglasses.”
“Hit it.”
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castellankurze · 5 years
hug 2 for shasitaya
a relieved hug
Her eyes go wide and stare past his shoulder as she stands rigidly, almost uncomprehending as the seconds pass.  His arms are tight around her for a long moment, and he hitches as he sniffs.  Then he steps back, his silvery eyes wet with emotion.  “I tried to siphon some of the light from you, to ease your burden,” he says, looking briefly down at his feet.  “Y’shtola warned me it was too dangerous.”  He lifts a hand, scratching at the corners of his eyes with a thumb and looking back up at her as he smiles weakly.  “It is good to have you back.”
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castellankurze · 5 years
Alice in Wonderlad for Vita'ya
What does your muse often dream of? Do they have strange dreams? Pleasant ones? Nightmares?
Vita’ya’s dreams are like an unending nightmare roll of claustrophobia, oppression, and death.  This is a dude who-
grew up in a mining town and worked in said mines which are not exactly OSHA (GOSHA?) compliant
the bottom of which might have cracked into an otherworldly pit of nightmares, unofficially
under a fascist imperial regime
was dirt-poor
had become a killer before he hit his teenage years
whose dad was a serial killer posing as a freedom fighter
whose mom is currently held captive somewhere by said imperial regime
and who has a version of the Echo that only seems to show him the worst moments from people’s lives at random
So yeah Vita’ya has Seen Some Shit™ and is it really any wonder that he and the WoL ended up tanking an entire vodka bottle plus chasers between the two of them.  It’s kind of a miracle he turned out as okay as he is.  Rare indeed is the non-horror-show dream in Vita’ya’s life.  He just rolls with it - ask him if he had any dreams and you’ll probably get a nonchalant ‘I dreamed I ate a piece of mythril but it turned out to be alive and dissolved me from the inside out to make material for another layer for itself’ while he’s making eggs.
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castellankurze · 5 years
☾ Vita’ya + X’shasi
The sky was clear, and it seemed fully a million stars were out, while the moon cut a curving sliver through the glittering carpet.  The wind through the peaks was cold after sunset, and the smoke that rose from the embers of the dying campfire fluttered in the breeze.  The breath of air stirred Vita’ya’s hair, and he blinked his silver eyes to clear them.  Despite the distant groan of his muscles, he’d stayed awake long after X’shasi had drifted off, staring up at the unblemished night sky.  It had been a too-rare sight in his life - hidden behind the fog that rolled from the mountains that towered above Salamund, or the smoke emitted from the machinery at the mines.
The Warrior of Light lay but a few feet from him, their heads a few feet apart as they’d laid their bedrolls by the campfire, and the sky lay open above them, and the mountains of Gyr Abania stretched on in every direction.  If it weren’t for the cold on his face and arms, he would have credited it a dream.  Eventually, though, the fatigue of the day’s exertions climbing said peaks rose up to claim him, and he slowly shut his eyes.
Smoke blotted out the sky.  Fires crackled and roared in every direction.  Explosions shook the ground as the fortress slowly collapsed.
Amidst the carnage, a clutch of armed adventures did battle with a single figure, clad in black.  He was younger, more pale, his white hair shorter than Vita’ya had seen him wear it, but even behind the glowing crimson sigil he recognized the face of Thancred Waters.  The clawed gloves he wore flashed in the firelight as pools of dark magic opened beneath his foes, threatening to mire them and pull them under to their doom.
And there she was, X’shasi Kilntreader, leaping through the air and striking furiously with her foil, forcing the ascian back, barking cries accompanying every thrust and swipe as emotion alike poured from her in a near-tangible wave.  The ascian let out a yelp of his own as her sword caught his arm, and he stumbled, growling through clenched teeth.  Yet even as he seethed the corners of his mouth turned upwards, and he laughed.  “You are strong, Warrior of Light,” he said, tilting his head as if in compliment.  “Yet know that if I should perish, so too will the mortal within whose flesh I reside.”  
He saw her take a half-step back in shock, liquid glistening in her eyes, an expression of outraged grief slowly giving way to raw fury as she grit her teeth.  Thancred - no, Lahabrea, Vita’ya finally remembered the name - straightened and cupped a hand around a churning ball of dark aether.  “Now make your choice, and live with it!” he crowed, and Vita’ya heard Shasi’s cry as she leapt once more to the attack, his cackling ringing in her ears.
Vita’ya’s eyes shot open as he gasped in a sharp breath, sitting bolt upright so that the cold night air washed over his shoulders and chest as the bedroll fell away.  Despite the chill, he was sweating with the memory of the heat from the Praetorium.  He gulped and put his hands to his face, trying to quell the trembling of his fingers as he pushed his matted hair back out of his eyes once more.
A soft moan drew his attention, and he twisted to see X’shasi turning her head back and forth, her eyes still closed as she tried to mouth something.  Vita’ya felt his stomach tighten as she realized she, too, was having a vision…and if he’d just seen that moment in her life…what manner of terror was his version of the echo subjecting her to?
He crawled over to her, hesitant, and then swallowed and reached out to touch her face.  “It’s okay,” he tried to whisper to her, his voice cracking.  “It’s okay, it-”
Her hand shot up and her fingers fisted in his hair as her eyes flew open.  He froze, unsure of what to say.  She stared as if unseeing for a long moment, only to release her grip as she, too, scrambled to a sitting position, likewise short of breath and damp with sweat.  “It’s okay,” he finally managed.  “I’m w-”
She spoke at almost the same time he did, her voice likewise cracked.  “I’m with you in the dark.”
“Don’t forget,” whispered the voice of his father.
He stared, his hands trembling, and after a few moments she leaned forward to take him in her arms, and both of them squeezed one another breathless as if without that fastness, the mountains might plummet away beneath them and leave the pair stranded in the night sky.
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castellankurze · 5 years
The Lion King - Is your muse prepared for the responsibilities laid out for them in life? -- for Vita'ya, and has that answer changed in 5.0?
Vita’ya is not, and has never been ready for a single shitting thing in his entire life.  When Sammy Hagar sang “you gotta roll-oll-oll with the punches to get to what’s real” he was singing to this dumb-ass catboy.  Vita’ya by the time 5.0 swings around is just kinda standing here like ‘iunno new planet guess this is life now’ and just runs after Shasi til he figures out who to punch and do his best not to get punched too hard in return.
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castellankurze · 5 years
hug 7 for vita'ya and lyse
a hug where one muse picks the other up
(taking place a bit before 4.5 probably)
The pair of them stand upon a platform that surmounts the walls of Ala Mhigo - not the safest place to spar, but neither of them have built an overcautious reputation in their sparring.
She’s taller than he is, so even though his strength is hardly in doubt the logistics are the real question.  Still, he manages to get low enough that his arms squeeze her waist just above her hips, and when he arches back he easily lifts the highlander from her feet, bracing his own on the stones beneath.  Her laughter fills the air, as clear and bright as the blue sky over the lochs, and her long red dress rustles in the air as she kicks her feet.  Her hands plant themselves atop his shoulders and she arches back in counterpoint to his own stance, looking down at his grinning face and kicking forward to wrap her legs round his waist so that she’s a bit more secure.
“Don’t lose your breath, now,” she warns.
“Me?  I could stand here all day,” he replies.
“All day, hmm,” she says, smirking and lifting her hands to scratch behind his ears, setting them to flicking.  “I’ll just bet.  Quite a vantage of the Peaks from where you’re standing, isn’t it?”
He opens his mouth to reply, and gets about a syllable into whatever fool thing he’s going to say when she folds her arms around his shoulders and muffles him.
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castellankurze · 5 years
Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, The Emperor's New Groove for Celsus & Vita'ya!
Aladdin - If your muse had 3 wishes, what would they wish for?
Vita’ya: the Garlean Empire dissolves, the ascians all die (or are rendered powerless), and his mom is safe
Celsus: the name of the person who betrayed him to Frumentarium, the ability to manipulate aether with a master’s experience, and immortality without physical degradation (he doesn’t ask for better ability with the blade because he’s already in the top 1% of swordsmen on the planet and that’s his to own)
Beauty and the Beast - How has your muse changed as a person over their life? Have they changed for the better or for worse?
Apart from ‘widened the scope of their ambitions’ neither of them has changed significantly during their lives.  Vita’ya used to try and keep his head down and survive another day, but over time he slowly became more and more dedicated to bringing down the Empire, while Celsus always had his eye on a high military position and laurels as a great swordsman.
The Emperor’s New Groove - What animal would you associate your muse with? Why?
Vita’ya - (leopard) panther.  He could kill you in a second, but he’s also a member of an endangered species.  Also he’d love to do nothing more than lay out in the sun and nap after a meal.Celsus - the gray wolf.  Apart from wolves being an apex predator, he’s comfortable in winter and working in a pack (despite his own protestations to the contrary) and of course the Roman symbolism.
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castellankurze · 5 years
ASW 19, Vita'ya Sophronia
When I look at you all I can see are the mistakes we’re going to make. (The future’s so bright.)
The Flames had been the only choice, really.  Vita’ya had almost no knowledge of the various city-states of Eorzea and their politics.  He had no understanding of their character, their temperament.  All he knew was two things: a lot of refugees from Gyr Abania had formed the Ala Mhigan Brigade in the Immortal Flames because of how many had settled in Ul’dah, and X’shasi herself was a member of their ranks.
So Vita’ya Sophronia took the oath, and the coin.  It later turned out, to happy coincidence, that Ul’dah was home to the Pugilists’ Guild and their hand-to-hand fighters, many of whom went on to careers in the Colosseum.  A bare-handed fighter himself, Vita’ya was in good company, and made for himself a fair reputation.
He’d never get used to the Thanalan heat, though.  The sun beat down from on high, unrelenting, its warmth reflected from the sand and stone until the brow and the body were damp with sweat.  Both as both Ul’dah and Ala Mhigo ruled chiefly desert kingdoms, Vita’ya was determined to tough it out.  He could get used to the mines.  He could get used to anything.
So he found himself in Broken Water, a canyon to the east of Ul’dah, a scrabble of loose stone beneath his feet inhabited by little more than venomous cobras, on another day without a single cloud in the sky, when he laid eyes on her.
In the truest sense he’d seen her before, in the Far East, in X’shasi’s company.  But the Far East had been such a frenetic blitz of new sights, new people, new worlds that his brain had rebelled at some point and it had all turned into a slurry of half-remembered foods and fights.  As a result he had to mentally slap himself a few times, as if to imagine whacking one side of his brain until her name popped out the other - Jaela.  V’Jaela, the Firebird.
She wore the symbols of the grand company - the Gem and the Flame Balanced - stitched into a shawl that covered her shoulders and breasts, leaving her stomach bare.  He hadn’t known, when he’d first encountered her, what the markings had meant.  He watched, enraptured, as she practically danced across the sands, pelting Flame soldiers with spells of fire and stone and whapping the stragglers with the flat of her blade whenever one managed to struggle close enough.  And grinning, her full lips ever upturned in a game smile, mismatched eyes glittering with good humor as she cried encouragement.  It always worked, and no matter how many of them she sent tumbling, more came rushing up to challenge her.  A small wonder, Vita’ya thought, scratching at his cheek as a heat not at all caused by the sun warmed his face.  A chance to get close to someone like that, even if she sent you stumbling from the ring like a yearling.
The latest challenger, one of the Sergeants, finally cried enough and waved off, stepping heavily from the open area.  Jaela, on the other hand, was practically bouncing on her sandaled feet, her deeply tanned skin glistening in the sun so that her musculature was highlighted.  She tossed her head, red hair whipping with the motion, and flipped her rapier end-for-end in a snappy pirouette, catching it neatly by the handle.  “Anyone else?” she prompted.
Vita’ya didn’t give anyone else the chance.  He practically sprang into the arena, flexing his arms and likewise hopping from foot to foot to limber up.  He saw her raise a crimson brow at the sudden entrance and she grinned, and he felt his temperature rise another notch even as she waggled her blade in his direction.  “I’m not gonna take it easy on you!” she warned.
He couldn’t help but return her grin as he undid the fastenings on his coat, and shucked it and the shirt beneath so that he was left with naught above the waist but his favorite bracelets, his own ebon skin flashing in the sunlight from the sweat of the day’s exercises.  “Maybe I’m okay with that,” he said with a fanged smile, wiggling his fingers before making a pair of fists and spreading out his stance as catcalls followed the smarmy reply.
She smirked and snapped into a spellcast, white magic plucking one of the nearby rocks from the ground and hurling it at him, but with his nerves on fire and his heart racing Vita’ya responded with whipcrack-fast speed, flexing one arm and punching hard enough to make the aether-infused stone explode in a puff of dust as his fist plowed through it.
The Flames erupted in sudden howls as Vita’ya charged through the cloud, and he was rewarded with the sight of a set of mismatched eyes briefly wide with shock before the Firebird rallied and, grinning, set her rapier to meet his charge.
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