#Vladimír Javorský
pepikhipik · 1 year
Rozhlasová četba: Století ryb
Vladimír Javorský v hlavní roli rozhlasové adaptace Století ryb Ödöna von Horvátha. Na pozadí kriminální zápletky sledujeme boj středoškolského profesora s fašizující se společností, ale především se sebou samým: 
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czech-pop-culture · 2 years
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Vladimír Javorský in
Krajina s nábytkem (Landscape with Furniture)
1987, dir. Karel Smyczek IMDB
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hurl-a-can · 5 years
OC voice claims (and accents)
OK, so almost none of the voice claims matches the accent I’ve given whatever OC they’re a voice claim for. Some of them are not even native English speakers. *shrugs* ---
Takeshi Kaneshiro for Das Davarris.
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Just imagine THAT voice - and thick Scouse. (I realize how that might be difficult.) (Yep, Denerim elves talk like Scousers in my world state. Deal with it. :-)) Das speaks fast (and a LOT) and he is expressive: his tone, pitch, volume and tempo of speech shift often. But he rarely gets overbearingly, unpleasantly loud. (Battles, other high-adrenaline situations - or taunt exchanges - are a different story, though.) He has a rich vocabulary and he uses it as he sees fit. His language is playful, metaphor-heavy and quirky - because that’s just how he is. There are some echoes of Denerim alienage slang in many of his curses and odd word choices, though.
Vladimír Javorský for Lennan Tabris.
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Lennan’s accent is barely there most of the time. But he will often slip right back into it when talking with Arana or other Denerim elves. While travelling, he and Ara have heard the question ‘What language is that?’ more than once - and they’ve heard it from others in their party as well.
Lenn is always calm and soft-spoken, but he’s got a way of making his voice heard. Something about his tone and delivery makes people shut up and listen.  But if need be, his voice can carry extremely well and surprisingly far, with just the smallest adjustment to his pitch and volume. ‘Smallest’ is the key word here - he’s found out early enough that ‘calm and quiet’ works best with most people, whether he aims to persuade--or intimidate.
Dylan Moran for Keenan Hawke.
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Well, one 100% match at least, voice and accent and manner of speech.
And the general attitude as well. He never sounds completely sober and he never sounds terribly drunk, he *always* sounds half-drunk or kinda drunk, whether he’s been sober for days or whether he’s so arseholed he’s rendered himself virtually blind and legless. And, sadly, a lot of the time he actually IS kinda drunk... (But you can usually tell how drunk he really is. His delivery doesn’t change much, but the more he drinks, the less coherent he gets. With enough booze in his system, he ceases to make any fucking sense whatsoever. That - and he can’t stand up.)
Paul McGann for Sheva Isanan.
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Isanans are a wild mix of influences, but as far as accents go, I imagine them with Arabic ones. (Ironically, McGann is the first actual Scouser on this voice claim list. Ah well.) Sevarras is young and a bit of a snobbish twat - and it shows in his speech. His volume is always controlled and his tone is always subtle. And though he does have a bit of an accent, his grammar is flawless and his vocabulary is broad, rich and on par with most Circle scholars. He knows all the big, intimidating words and he WILL flaunt them at you. He does like to show off he’s well-read and well-educated.
Chris Walken for Ranna Lavellan.
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Young Walken is Ranna’s face claim, sort of, so it would be a shame not to have Ranna sound like that as well. Ranna Lavellan does not have an American accent, obviously. Lavellans sound mostly Scottish. Because I have a thing for those kinds of British accents. Ranna's accent is probably a tad lighter and more mixed, partly because he travels a lot. (If you’re now stuck with Walken’s voice speaking in a vaguely Scottish accent in your head, you’re welcome.) When Ranna speaks, he sounds confident, easy-going and warm - never intimidating. There’s always a hint of a smile and just the tiniest bit of cockiness in his tone. Like most of my characters, he is well-read, but, much like Lenn, he prefers to make himself easily understood. 
Alexander Veljanov for Fennas Lavellan.
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Speaking and singing voice both. (Fennas is one of the best singers in the clan.) Regarding the accent, listen to Kevin McKidd to get the idea. Fennas is a man of few words. He doesn’t raise his voice unless he really needs it to carry far. He’s a big guy with a scary glare. He doesn’t even need to speak, let alone shout, to get people’s attention or scare the living daylights out of them. He is generally straightforward, honest - and brief.
Rosario Dawson for Yevren.
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Just...with a generic southern English accent.
Yevren speaks quietly and fast - and she doesn’t always bother with articulating clearly. If she got a copper for every time people asked her to ‘repeat that, please’, she could buy the entire Grand Cathedral with the Divine still in it. She is a nerd who spends most of her time either in books or with other like-minded nerds - and she always speaks like a scholar would speak to another fellow academic - no matter whom she’s talking to. If you want her to speak the layman’s Common, you have to explicitly ask her to. (And it may turn out to be a bit of a struggle for her at times.)
Emma Thompson for Salshira Lavellan.
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I imagine a somewhat deeper, but even more importantly, mature voice for Sal. She sounds a couple of decades older than she looks. Emma Thompson’s voice is pretty much how I’d want her to sound if I had MY way...:-) I even found a clip of her doing a bit of Scottish accent so she sounds like a proper Lavellan. :-)  Salshira looks like a sweet bean and yeah, she is a huge geek (more gifted and way geekier than Ranna) - but she’s a very observant, sarcastic, no-nonsense kind of girl. And you can hear that undercurrent in her voice and tone. She’s very eloquent but pretty direct in her choice of words. If she slips into metaphors and euphemisms, it is usually for irony’s sake. :-) I used to h/c her very differently when I made her, but she has changed a LOT since then. And I like her much better now.
Consider yourself tagged if you haven’t done this yet but wanna.
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kritikycz · 7 years
Ladislav Fuks: Spalovač mrtvol
Zpět do Fotogalerie z inscenace   Radúz Mácha, Pavla Beretová, Martin Pechlát, Lucie Polišenská  Martin Pechlát, Pavla Beretová, Lucie Polišenská   Radúz Mácha  Martin Pechlát, Vladimír Javorský  Martin Pechlát, Vladimír Javorský   ... - celý článek: Kritiky.cz http://ift.tt/2mchE4T
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cervenykoberec · 7 years
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Důmyslný rytíř bojující s větrnými mlýny se dočkal zpracování po letech plánování.       Terry Gilliam po několika neúspěších konečně dokončil příběhy podle Cervantesova románu. Film Milada zveřejnil první upoutávku, životopisné drama přijde do kin na podzim. Steven Spielberg pracuje rovnou na třech ambiciózních projektech. Hra o trůny bude mít některé epizody delší.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1473586807828{margin-top: 25px !important;}”][vc_column][vc_column_text]
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator color=”chino” style=”dashed” el_width=”80″][vc_column_text]Na zlínském filmovém festivalu pro děti a mládež zabodoval francouzský film Na stejné notě v režii Michela Boujenaha. Ten získal diváckou cenu za nejlepší hraný film, ocenila ho i dětská porota. Snímek líčí příběh dvanáctileté violoncellistky, která skrývá své onemocnění očí, po jejím boku stojí spolužák, který se potýká se školními neúspěchy. Více cen si odváží i německý snímek Goodbye Berlin, nejlepším hraným filmem pro děti se stal film Amélie a horský zázrak. V kategorii pro děti a mládež to pak byl britský film Jsem Charlie o dospívajícím fotbalistovi, který se potýká s coming outem v čistě mužském prostředí. 87. ročník festivalu nabídl 326 filmů z 62 zemí světa, navštívilo jej 125 tisíc lidí.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”chino” style=”dashed” el_width=”80″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator color=”chino” style=”dashed” el_width=”80″][vc_column_text]I Feel Pretty. Tak se bude jmenovat komedie o sebevědomé hrdince, která spadne na hlavu a propadne dojmu, že je neuvěřitelně nadpozemsky krásná. Zahraje si ji americká komička Amy Schumer, která se objevila ve filmech Vykolejená a Dámská jízda. Režii obstará dvojice Abby Kohn a Marc Silverstein, která se scenáristicky podílela na Nepolíbené a Jak přežít single. Jako šéfová sebevědomé krásky se představí Michelle Williams, která se naposledy objevila v Místě u moře.[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”chino” style=”dashed” el_width=”80″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Oliver Stone, režisér životopisného filmu Snowden, zpovídal v rozhovoru ruského prezidenta Vladimíra Putina. Proč? Právě Rusko nabídlo azyl americkému zaměstnanci tajných služeb Edwardu Snowdenovi, který vynesl tajné informace ven a stíhají ho Spojené státy. Dokumentární rozhovor o Snowdenovi a tajných službách USA a Ruska odvysílá kanál Showtime 12. června.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Další osobnost českých dějin se dostává na filmová plátna. Miladu Horákovou, která byla popravena poté, co byla odsouzená v politických procesech v padesátých letech minulého století, ztvární v celovečerním filmu americko-izraelská herečka slovenského původu Ayelet Zurer. Měsíc po dokončení se divákům představuje film Milada Davida Mrnky v teaseru, stručně představujícím, o co jde, se záběry postavy Horákové píšící dopis. Ve filmu hrají Aňa Geislerová, Ivana Chýlková, Vica Kerekes, Vladimír Javorský, Alena Mihulová, Hana Vagnerová a další. Do kin dorazí 2. listopadu.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Don Quijote znovu ve filmu. Po ruské adaptaci z padesátých let a novém zpracování Petera Yatese z roku 2000 se známý román Miguela de Cervantese dočká ztvárnění od Terryho Gilliama. Autor Monty Pythonů, Imaginária Dr. Parnasse a 12 opic už s rytířem bojujícím s větrnými mlýny sám zápolí přes sedm let. Kdysi začal natáčet s Johnnym Deppem a Jeanem Rochefortem, projekt ale ztroskotal na produkci. Teď už ale film dokončil. Hrají Adam Driver (Star Wars: Síla se probouzí), Jonathan Pryce (Piráti z Karibiku), Olga Kurylenko (Quantom of Solace) a Stellan Skargård (Avengers). Premiéra filmu se zatím nepřeloženým názvem The Man Who Killed Don Quixote je plánovaná na příští rok.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Blížící se sedmá série Hry o trůny, posunutá netradičně z jara na léto, bude mít jen sedm epizod. To už se ví delší dobu. HBO teď zveřejnila stopáž jednotlivých epizod, z nichž tři budou mít více než klasickou necelou hodinu. Poslední dva díly pak budou mít 71 a 81 minut, takže diváci se dočkají sice méně dílů, zato intenzivnější nálože.
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Steven Spielberg právě pracuje na filmové adaptaci sci-fi Ready Player One a pětce Indiany Jonese. Kromě toho finišuje s dramatem The Papers, které do kin ze Spielbergových rozjetých projektů dorazí nejdřív, a to v na přelomu ledna a února 2018. O filmu se dříve mluvilo pod neoficiálním názvem The Post s nejasným datem natáčení. Novinářské drama si ale teď odbylo první natáčecí klapku. Film, ve kterém budou mimo jiné hrát Tom Hanks a Meryl Streep, vypráví skutečný příběh žurnalistů amerického deníku The Washington Post, inspirovaný událostmi 70. let, které odhalily pozadí války ve Vietnamu.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
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Filmové události #23/17: Životopis Milady Horákové je hotový, Terry Gilliam dotočil Dona Quijota Důmyslný rytíř bojující s větrnými mlýny se dočkal zpracování po letech plánování. Terry Gilliam po několika neúspěších konečně dokončil příběhy podle Cervantesova románu.
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yusufcandurmus · 9 years
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Most is the story of a single father who takes his eight year-old son to work with him at the railroad drawbridge where he is the bridge tender. A day before, the boy meets a woman boarding a train, a drug abuser. At the bridge, the father goes into the engine room, and tells his son to stay at the edge of the nearby lake. A ship comes, and the bridge is lifted. Though it is supposed to arrive an hour later, the train happens to arrive. The son sees this, and tries to warn his father, who is not able to see this. Just as the oncoming train approaches, his son falls into the drawbridge gear works while attempting to lower the bridge, leaving the father with a horrific choice. The father then lowers the bridge, the gears crushing the boy. The people in the train are completely oblivious to the fact a boy died trying to save them, other than the drug addict woman, who happened to look out her train window. The movie ends, with the man wandering a new city, and meets the woman, no longer …
19 March 2016 Zeytinburnu 02:00
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hurl-a-can · 5 years
not from the US Asks, 7, 8, 20, 27? I know nothing abut the Czech Republic but I would like to
7. three words from your native language that you like the most? How am I supposed to pick only 3? :-)OK, here’s what comes to mind right now:havran (rook - the black bird, not the chess piece)listopad (literally ‘leaf fall’; Czech for November)borůvka (blueberry)
BTW, fun fact: Czech for ‘crow’ is ‘vrána’. The genitive pl. is ‘vran’. Czech for “from the crows” or “of the crows” is “ze vran”. No kidding.
8. do you get confused with other nationalities? if so, which ones and by whom? Well, people in the US and Western Europe keep labelling me as Eastern European. And as much as I like Eastern European cultures, we do not count among them.Here in China people mostly assume I’m American or Russian. Some people think I’m German. Several students thought I was English.The most WTF assumption so far (and I heard it more than once) was ‘Are you an Uyghur?/Are you from Xinjiang?’I guess it’s because there are so few foreigners in this city and people get confused when they see one, but still…Uyghur?(No, I don’t look Central Asian.)
20. which sport is The Sport in your country? Football and ice hockey are the most popular.
27. favourite national celebrity? As in…current one?That’s hard… Guess I’m gonna go with this one:
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Vladimír Javorský.Great actor, great mime - and also an interesting musician.(Also Lenn’s voice claim.)
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