#Volturi fanfiction
wendigo-volturi · 2 months
Marcus: *cleaning Y/Ns wounds after she got into a fight*
Y/N: *Sitting with her head down*
Caius: So....did you win?
Marcus: CAIUS!
Caius: what? I need to ask
Y/N: *looks at caius* of course I won
Caius: that's my girl
Marcus: don't encourage her
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volturiprincess · 7 months
Alec Volturi x vampire mate reader
Summary: Alec has been distant from y/n, will his mate forgive him Warnings: Slight curse words, angst to fluff A/N: You know the satisfaction of finishing a one-shot is beautiful. Im also glad Alec is my second one, love this man of a vampire. Also whenever I write for the twins, they are aged up. Enjoy :)
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(This scene is perfect, that eye movement was everything, I could watch this GIF for hours if I could. But like sir who let you look that good?)
I was sitting in the library with Felix and Demetri just talking about our latest mission that the three of us had recently.
“You know the satisfaction I had when I sunk my teeth into that human, she was such a pain in the ass, and it made it better that her vampire mate was watching, but….. I got to say Felix the amount of times I have seen you rip heads off, it's always more satisfying than the last one”
Felix smirks “Thanks y/n, you know it never gets old either and you are right that human girl was annoying, glad she got what she deserve”
Demetri spoke up “I never understood how a human and a vampire can be mates, it's just how can that be you know, like I feel if they ever had intimacy or something that poor human would be dead in a minute”.
We burst out laughing at his comment, “Dem you never fail to make me laugh” 
He shrug his shoulders “What can I say it's a talent”
I roll my eyes at his comment and Felix says “Where’s your mate and Jane, I thought you were going to spend the day with him anyway or something”
I said casually with a hint of sadness“I was suppose to be with him today, but he canceled last minute, he said he had to do something important”
Both guys looked at me and Demetri was the first to talk
“More important than you? y/n that's been like the 10th time he has canceled on you this past month, how in the world are you not pissed at him, when was the last time you two spent quality time together?”
I thought about it for a minute trying to remember but then I realized it's been a very long time, maybe a half a decade already. We haven't even had sex in that time either. I looked at the boys
“Um…maybe a couple of years?”
Their eyes widened at that “A couple of years?” they responded in unison.
I nod hesitantly “I didn't even realize it's been that long, son of a bitch, has he been avoiding me or something?”
Felix shook his head in disapproval “You know that's not fair for you y/n, have you even brought that up to him”
I shook my head “I mean I just….You know your right Felix, this cant be going on like this, maybe I should I give him a piece of my own medicine”
Demetri eyes widen like a child who was given a treat“Oooo I like the sound of that”
I smile slightly but then I sense Alec entering the library which causes me to internally panic. I ignored him sitting next to me and instead I went to the bookshelves and looked for a book to read. In the corner of my eye I see that Alec looks at me with a bit of a confused look but then an idea pops up. My power is being able to move things with my mind but I could also telepathically talk to others. I use my power and send a message to Felix to improvise with the upcoming plan I'm about to do.
“Felix? Can you help me get that book that's up there?”
I look at the mountain of a vampire who is instantly by my side. “Of course cara, which one do you want?” 
I could see that Alec’s eyes have narrowed at the sudden interaction “That one called Philosophy of Athens”
Felix nods and reaches over me to grab the book and I just look up into his face when he is reaching up, he looks down to me with a devilish smirk and I just wink in return. I knew Alec will be fuming with anger but he deserves payback. Felix hands me the book and he slightly brushes his lips on my jawline which catches me off guard for a minute but I fake an innocent look at him while he just winks and walks back to his previous spot. I stand there for a minute and I see that Alec has disappeared. I look around the library and Demetri speaks up
“He left after Felix gave you the kiss, you should of seen his face, if looks could kill, Felix would of been six feet under”
I roll my eyes and ask “Should I go after him or…?”
Demetri shakes his head “Y/n you got a reaction out of him, you need to keep going so he is the one that comes up to you, he is the one that has been pushing you aside, now it's your turn”
I nod “Your right Dem, this is the start of a new era”. They both smiled mischievously.
1 week later..
It's been a week since the library incident and Alec still has not come up to me, I know the game I am playing is dangerous. I mean come on he's one of the infamous twins who are the most intimidating and ruthless and yet here I am ignoring and pushing him away. It has been so hard to be this way with him, I love him so much that just being like this is torture, I think I would rather have Jane use her power on me then have to be like this with Alec and that is saying something.
On Alec’s part he still is acting the same, he has not even dared to look me in the eye or even been in the same room as me for long. I also noticed that recently I have been aching for Alec more than usual, I literally want him to be with me again, at this point I would take anything from him even if he just looks at me. 
I miss his piercing burgundy eyes that always leave me in a trance or how his jawline tightens when I would brush against him slightly. Even to how he stands so elegantly when we are at our guard meetings with the Kings. Or how his smirk can literally make me feel weak in the knees but I would never give him the satisfaction in telling him the effect his smirk gives me because I know he would tease me for years to come. I miss how we cuddle either in our shared chamber or under the willow tree I am currently laying down, it was our spot that we would spend hours at.
I was so lost in thought I didn't even notice someone was calling my name until someone slightly kicked my foot and I finally sat up and snapped my gaze to the person. It was Jane and she had that emotionless look as usual, she was the one to speak first 
“Why are you here alone, I thought you were going to train the newborns with Felix and Demetri?”
I was going to do that today but the guys knew I was not feeling it and noticed I am not in a right mindset so they gave me the day off
“They gave me the day off”
She nods slightly “Still does not answer my question”
I look down defeated “He doesn't want me anymore, he won't even look at me anymore or even leave those little love notes in my favorite books”
There was a silence and I thought she left but she talked again “You think my brother does not want you anymore?”
I nodded and if I could cry I would at that moment “He doesn't even come into our private chambers as often”
There was that tense silence again “Have you spoken to him about this?”
I shook my head “How can I when I don't even know where he is half of the time and he wont even come to me anymore, he keeps canceling our date nights also”
At that point I wanted to shake Jane to get her to tell me anything about Alec, I was that desperate but I used my telekinesis to hold me down so I didn't actually jump her.
She spoke up again “I don't know what is up with my brother, he won't say but I can tell there is something wrong, I would assume you would have an idea because when we part ways i thought he would always go to you”
When she said that my gaze snapped up to her again in shock “So not even you know what is up with him then?”
She shook her head and I said “Jane, if I asked you to do something for me would you do it?”
“Of course, you are my sister-in-law after all, your the second person I genuinely like, first being my brother”
I nod “Can you use your power on me?”
I saw her eyes widen at that and she instantly shook her head “No I will never do that to you, why would you ask such a request from me?”
I let an unnecessary sigh out “I don't feel anything Jane, Alec has been distant for a couple of years already, I can feel that sudden small rip in our bond, it hurts Jane, it really does, and at this point I don't think I can even go on in life without him, even when I spend time with Felix and Demetri, I just fake it so they don't question me to much”
She got down on her knees and what she did next would shock others but not to me, she hugged me tightly. I just let her hug me while I just sat there dully, she soon pulled away and said “Y/n I can't bare to see you like this, I haven't even realized that you and Alec have been like this for so long, I don't want to see the two most important people in my life like this anymore”
I don't respond but nod along mindlessly
“Wait here, I will be back”
She left before I can look at her, I decided to lay down again and closed my eyes as I felt my eyes burn with venom, the thing that sucked of being a vampire is not being able to let real tears out, I just feel this burning sensation in my eyes but I haven't felt like this in centuries already. Alec has always made me feel loved and happy, the way that man with only just a touch has me melting for him or when he did those rare smiles I love so much. If I had a heart it would be beating out of my chest every time we are together.
When me and Alec were told we were mates by Marcus, we absolutely loathe each other, we could barely be in the same room without one of us getting annoyed by the other. It took us a good year until we started to tolerate each other. Soon after that year I started to feel the bond with him, I couldn't stand to be away from him for long and I knew he felt the same way because the minute we were apart he or I would go search for the other.
One day he decided to take me on a walk in the gardens, and as cliche as this might sound he kissed me under the moonlight. The moonlight was literally on us when we were kissing, at that moment me and him accepted each other completely as mates. We were inseparable, we started to share a room together and the Kings were more accepting of me and Alec going on missions together without the fear we might rip each other's throats out. 
It felt like we were in wonderland or in cloud 9, when he moved I moved, or when I moved he followed along. We also had a very long honeymoon phase where we couldn't keep our hands to ourselves, every time when we were hanging with the other guards, me and Alec would sneak away and have our intimacy or when we were in the hallways he would give me kisses out of nowhere against the wall, we been caught various times but that didn't stop us from doing it again.
We have been mated for centuries, and not a day goes by that I don't fall in love with him all over again or feel tired of him. He really is my other half but with the lack of Alec in my life it has taken a toll on me, it almost feels like HE is sick and tired of me.
Just that thought could break my non-existent heart, I would end up like Marcus in a way. If Alec were to leave me it's way worse than him being dead. I would still have to see him and be in his presence but not be able to actually be with him.
My mind must have wondered again because I didn't realize a certain someone was sitting next to me. I opened my eyes when I realized it was Alec from the pull of the bond. From that I sat up and he looked right at me, watching me carefully and intensely. He still has that stone face that makes him look so gorgeous, he really is the reincarnation of some Greek god. We stayed quiet watching each other for a while when he finally spoke, hearing his voice again would have made me shiver if I could.
“So you and Felix, huh?”
Even though it feels amazing to hear him talking to me, that question threw me off and made me change moods in an instant.
“Seriously? After months and months of not having full conversations or paying attention to me, you have the audacity of asking a question like that?”
He stayed quiet and I could tell his mind was blank because I couldn't hear his thoughts.
“Why would I ever get with Felix when I have a mate that I love deeply? words cannot describe the love I have for you”
That for sure caught him off guard because he blinked a bit from shock and he spoke up
“Just wanted to hear you say that and get a reaction out of you” and then he winks.
That bastard winked and it was so smooth that I didn't even give what he said a second thought, he left me flabbergasted.
“You really are bipolar, you never fail to surprise me after centuries of being together”
He smiles slightly at my comment 
“And you don’t fail to amuse me with your words”
“Don't think with your wink and smile will make me forgive you that easily”
“Forgive me? For what?”
The way he genuinely looked surprises at my accusation really did set my mood off
“Are you really asking me that? Have you not heard what I said earlier or noticed the lack of us?”
I saw his facial expression shift to tense “So I was ignoring you then?”
 “Obviously, do you remember the last time we went on a date?”
He stayed silent and I knew he was trying to remember and at that moment I can also tell everything that what has been happening these past few years was hitting him.
“Too long ago…”
I nodded “And even then when we made plans you would cancel or say you forgot or are to busy”
He looked down in what I could assume was shame.
“Even if we didn't go on dates, you have been avoiding me like the plague, you don't even look at me as much or even hug me, you can't even bare to be in the same room as me for long, it's as if we are back to when we hated each other before accepting each other as mates all over again but worse”
His mind was still blank 
“I have been miserable without you, I even asked Jane earlier to use her power on me because I don't even feel anything anymore”
He looked at me with shock “You really asked her to do that? But…”
“I did, but she refused of course”
He nodded “Cara mia, I been so stupid, I never meant to hurt you in anyway”
I looked at him “If you really never meant to hurt me what made you act like this toward me for so long?”
He took an unnecessary breath “I don't know, I felt like these past years I was feeling…..off, I felt like being away from everyone but I didn't even realize its been going on for a while until Jane came up to me and smack me and ordered me to come to you”
 “You could of just came up to me and talked or let me into your mind if you can't form words, I have always been there for you Alec”
He looked at me with remorse and in a soft voice he confessed
“I didn't want to be a burden to you or bring you down with me”
I reached reach for his hand
"Alec you will never be a burden to me, we go together in our darkest or lightest days as we always did in the past, there's no I in us”
He squeezed my hand “I never wanted to make you feel unwanted, I just wanted to figure this out alone but I realize I can't without you”
I nodded, “How could you let so much time go by like that without trying to get help from me or saying anything?”
He shrug his shoulders “We been immortals for so long that time kind of blurs for us in a way but that still does not make up for what I done to you, you are my whole reason for being here, my center and life, mi amore ti amo, I will never to this to you again, and if I do then I give you permission to slap me or something because then I would of broken my promise to you”
“Oh Alec come here” I reached for him and he instantly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his laps to deepen the hug.
Just being in his arms again was the best feeling. I fell in love with him all over again at that moment, he is my reason for being and I would not want it any other way. 
A/N: This one was longer than the Felix one (it does not mean I love Felix less 😬) but Its cute. Anyways, Im debating to either do Jasper or Caius next. I have a Jasper one in the drafts but its not that good, I will see who's next.
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babies 𝜗𝜚 ׅ ۫ demetri volturi x reader
warnings: none!
taglist: @your-next-daydream @agirllovespancakes
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The only reason the most recent receptionist had lasted so long was because she had came out with the news that she was pregnant, thus the leaders thought it be best to allow her to continue her job as a permanent receptionist rather than a… transactional receptionist .
You exchanged conversation for a moment before both your attention turned back to the sleeping infant.
“She’s been sleeping for about thirty minutes, so she should be asleep for a little longer… do you want to hold her?”
You looked up at her with a smile and a nod. “Of course.”
She moved her daughter into your arms and you were overwhelmed with cuteness, a soft pout forming on your face.
“Stop it, stop it right now please she is so adorable…” You admired her face as she lay in your arms.
“I want one!” You turned to look at Demetri with a pleading pout on your face. He looked at you, raising an eyebrow before shaking his head, making you sigh. He stroked your lower back in apology.
“Definitely not, amore”
“Well at least I tried” You smile.
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kimi240302 · 8 months
Come back to me Part 1
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A/N: Before you read this, I want you to know that my native language is different. So I am very sorry for any mistake. Nevertheless, I hope you will like my story and enjoy it.
Summary: The love story between Alec Volturi and Y/N Swan, was an unexpected one. Both didn't know what to make of each other when they found out they were soul mates. But they worked on it and created a beautiful strong love that not even Bella's hatred for the Volturi could destroy. But as in any good love story, tragedy was impossible to avoid in theirs. It came as unexpectedly as their love itself, and made the Cullens and Bella seem to win, while Alec and the Volturi were losing their light in the darkness.
Alec Volturi x Swan!Female!reader
Main Post / Twilight Masterlist/ Come back to me Masterlist
"I had all and then most of you Some and now none of you Take me back to the night me met I dont know what I´m supposed to do Haunted by the ghost of you"- Lord Huron/ The Night We Met
Helplessness or powerlessness
Alec didn't know exactly which feeling had been eating away at his insides every day for the past two months, or was it perhaps both? Ever since he'd gotten the call from the Cullen Doctor that the woman he loved more than anything in the world was on the verge of death, Alec had felt like he was in a freefall into darkness. He was not present and yet not absent enough to be able to shut off his emotions from the pain he felt all the time.
Lost in thought, he looked down at his mate and ran soothing motions over her hand that lay in his. Y/N was still lying in the hospital bed in the hospital room in the city that Alec Volturi had learned to hate even more in the last two months than he had hated it before, Forks.
He had not been told exactly what had happened to her, because no one knew for sure how Y/N had left the road with her car and ended up in the lake. There was no storm that evening, no wet or slippery roads or anything else that could have caused the accident. The rest of the facts were also just speculation. Y/N had managed to get out of her car, but the temperature of the water was too cold for her to have the strength to swim to the surface afterwards. She had lost consciousness and only survived by pure luck. This lucky charm was called Jacob Black. He and the other wolves had heard the crash and had run as fast as they could to the lake.
"I always thought that our twentieth birthday would be the only bad memory that would burn itself into my brain and never want to leave." Alec looked away from his sister and ran both hands over his face. He felt something he hadn't felt in several centuries, tiredness. The vampire would love nothing more than to lie down next to his mate, close his eyes and simply sleep away Y/N's absence. But he had long since lost this ability, something he had never regretted until this moment.
Jane, who was standing at the window, looked at her brother in shock. It was the first time she had heard him speak since Y/N's accident, she had come back to check on him every now and then and had never been able to get more than single words out of him. The second thing that shocked her was that she and her brother had never spoken about what had happened, not since they had both turned. Jane sat down in the chair next to Alec and looked at him searchingly. "I'll be honest with you, brother, I've forgotten exactly what happened. Either it was too long ago or my memories are trying to protect me." Alec turned to his sister in surprise. "Really? My memories want to torture me, in this case, I guess. I remember every little detail."
He fell silent for a few moments, turned his gaze away from Jane and looked through the window at the cloudy sky. He had to grin slightly. He hated this town and yet its weather seemed to know exactly how the vampire felt at that moment.
Alec noticed how his sister's gaze seemed to bore deeper into his side profile with every passing second of his silence. His gaze lingered stubbornly outward as he continued. "I remember how you, me and mother were eating dinner when the villagers kicked down our door. I remember them chasing us through the forest with flaming torches and insults. I remember how we were captured and dragged to the dock on the shore. How we were tied to a stake on a pyre and insulted further. I remember mom trying to get to us and fighting against the people holding her. I remember how she broke free. How they grabbed her just before the stake and pushed her to the ground. I remember how she was kicked by the people she had known since childhood. I remember her choking on her own blood." Alec turned his head back to Jane. "But you know what the worst memory from that day is?" The blond vampire shook his head. "The flames. I remember the pain and the smell of our skin burning off piece by piece."
There was an intense silence between the two siblings for a few moments.
"Since when do you remember every detail?" Jane's voice had changed to a soft tone that she only used with her brother and Y/N. Alec's eyes drifted to his mate, reflecting the pain of the last few weeks. "Since the day I saw her lying here like that. Since then, I can't get it out of my head that fate always manages to sweeten my life, only to ruin it afterwards." The black-haired vampire jumped up and walked over to the window. "Alec, Y/N is alive. Carlisle…" "The Cullen doctor, doesn't know if she's waking up. He doesn't even know if she'll ever be able to breathe on her own again without that machine." Alec ran his fingers through his hair again.
His gaze wandered to the machine that displayed Y/N's vital signs and beeped along with her heartbeat. He looked at the machine, from which a tube led into his mate's throat. Alec knew that if it wasn't for that tube, his lover wouldn't even be breathing. The vampire took a closer look at Y/N. Alec swallowed, because there was hardly anything left of the girl from two months ago. Her skin was white and stretched against her body so tightly that you could see every single bone. Her cheeks were sunken and black spots had formed under her eyes. Her hair looked dull as it had lost its shine.
"I should have kept her in Volterra and bitten her the first time we met. Then she wouldn't have had the idea to come back here." Jane stood up instantly and stood in front of her brother, drawing his gaze from his mate. She put her hands to her brother's cheek and looked deep into his eyes.
"Alec, if you had kept her in Volterra the day she was dragged into our world without any preparation and turned her against her wishes, do you really think Y/N would have fallen in love with you? Do you think she wouldn't have listened to the Cullens and seen you for the monster you are to that clan? She would have hated you for the rest of your immortal lives. You would never have been able to reach her." Sadly, Jane turned her gaze to Y/N and back to her brother. "If she doesn't survive this, which I hope she doesn't, at least you had a time together with her that you would want to remember. Y/N loved you and always will. Hold on to that Alec, I beg you not to lose hope now."
Alec let his head grow heavier in his sister's hands. "What if I bite her now…. Maybe I can end this nightmare." Alec lifted his head stepped away from his sister and began his pacing. "I should never have let her go to Forks. The Cullens and her sister don't care about her safety like me, you, or the rest of the Volturi!" His eyes wandered helplessly back and forth between his sister's face and the lifeless-looking body of his mate. The feeling of powerlessness spread through him again, drilling into his bones like a disease.
Jane shook her head. "Carlisle said that our poison might just kill her faster and you couldn't stop her from coming to Forks. After all, she wanted to say goodbye to her father. You know she wouldn't have been able to see her father after her transformation." "Then I should have gone with her…" "Alec, you can't undo what happened. So stop blaming yourself." "I can't lose her Jane, I can lose anyone but her." Jane nodded knowingly. "I know Alec." She whispered. Alec stopped and accepted his twin's embrace. He tightened his hands in her top and lowered his head into the crook of her neck.
They were both there when their master Marcus lost his mate and how he was broken by it. They also saw how he suffered every day. Jane didn't want her brother to suffer the same fate. That's why she had taken the message that Y/N wanted to be turned very well. That way, the young girl would be out of the danger of being human. But ever since the call had arrived in Volterra saying that Y/N was on the brink of death, the thought that Alec could end up like Marcus was a shadow of every action the siblings had taken. Jane couldn't lose her brother and even if the blonde vampire didn't want to admit it, the same was true for Y/N. For the young girl had burned herself into her cold, non-beating heart. Jane also knew that it wasn't just her, but every single vampire who lived in Volterra.
Y/N had earned the nickname "The Sunshine of the Volturi". Because no matter how many prejudices the Cullens and her sister had tried to put into Y/N to turn her against the Volturi. The young woman had created her own images of each individual vampire, which placed her in a special role for each one. For the three kings and their wives, she became a daughter, someone they all wanted to take under their wing and show everything the world had to offer. To Felix, Demetri, Santiago, Afton, Chelsea and Jane, she became a sister. For the rest of the Volturi guard, she became a friend. For Alec, she became his companion, the love of his life and his best friend. What united the Volturi was one thought when it came to Y/N; they all wanted to protect her, whatever the cost.
Alec detached himself from his sister completely, walked around her and sat back down by his mate's bed.
"I'm so sick of this hospital room." He murmured. Carefully, Alec reached for Y/N's hand and clasped it with both of his. Slowly, he brought it to his mouth so he could leave a kiss on her fingers. Alec cursed his vampire existence at that moment, more than on other days. Because she had taken away his ability to cry. All he could utter was a silent whimper. Alec carefully placed Y/N's hand back on the mattress. He leaned towards the bed so that he could place one of his hands on her cheek while the other stroked tenderly through her hair. His eyes clouded over with pain.
"Did you know that you are so important to the Volturi that even the kings themselves were here to see you? Although Master Aro could see you through Demetris or through someone else, all three wanted to see it with their own eyes." He paused for a few seconds. "I think by now every Volturi has been here once. Your sister and the Cullens throw a fit every time they see another one of us." Jane quietly sat back down in her old seat and watched her brother closely. He removed his hand from her cheek and placed it on Y/N's hand.
"What I want to say to you, my Love, everyone misses you and everyone prays, I don't know to what or to whom, that you will open your eyes and brighten our lives with your light again. Volterra is so cold and dark without you. I miss you, so terribly that I can't even describe it anymore." Alec bit his lips and squinted his eyes. Jane placed her hand over Alec's and Y/N's. "Y/N I beg you come back to me, don't leave me behind in this world."
Jane opened her mouth to say something reassuring, but she was startled and looked down at the hand she had placed on her brother's and Y/N. Alec's eyes snapped open too, his movements in Y/N's hair stopped.
"Tell me you felt that too! Tell me I'm not going crazy Jane!" Jane just looked stunned at their joined hands and then at Y/N's face. "Alec…" Alec took his eyes off the hands and looked at his sister. She pointed at Y/N with her free hand, "Look!"
Y/N's eyelids twitched slightly and all hell broke loose.
@rosedpetal @bofadeezs
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klarolineashur1919 · 9 months
La Tua Cantante Series
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Airpods Save Lives
Demetri Pov
"The meat smells divine today" Felix practically hums out. Whenever the tours came it gave us some kind of excitement. Not that any of us would admit it, we were all so bored. I in a way admired Felix's ability to make excitement from anything even though it could be immature at times. Alec and Jane kept themselves preoccupied in ways that I could tolerate but took years to stomach. I on the otherhand kept myself satisfied with the best thing the world has to offer..women. But even that lately has not had the same effect it usually has for me.
"Hmm" I merely acknowledged until I stopped in my tracks when I smelled the group that was coming. It did smell divine but not how the tours usually smell.
This was different.
It was also extremely overpowering. I wanted to search for and ravish whoever the smell belonged to. Fresh oranges, sweet wine, lavender and ink.
"You can tell someone from this group is rather tasty can't you" Could Felix smell it? Did he feel as I did at this moment? The craving of something unknown. But we were about to find out as the group entered the hall. Me and Felix moved to the side by the assistants desk. The group strolled in with Heidi at the front as usual.
"Demetri" She said sultry trying to get my attention as I didn't even spare her glance worth while. I scanned the group it felt like it went on forever of unwanted faces until my eyes found her.
It was her scent. She wore a orange scented perfume, she just had a glass of wine for lunch, her floral flowy dress was lavender scented from cleaning and she had small smudges of ink on her almost spotless delicate hands.
It all made her so intoxicating.
She was stunning. With her long, slightly wavy blonde hair, blue eyes, and a curvy hourglass figure that was complemented by her slender frame.
"Now she's a tasty little thing" Felix said a little too loud that she had to have heard it but her expression did not change from the somewhat bored one she had. I realized she wasn't in awe nor had the enthusiastic interest that everyone else in the tour group had by Heidi's power of persuasion. Then I watched as her eyes darted to something in the side hallway making her leave the group.
"Well thats rare" Felix somewhat interested in the human making a move in her direction before my arm shot up.
"I got it, I'll meet you in the throne room" Without looking at him I make my way towards her.
I watch her as she is analyzing or I should say scrutinizing the Portrait of a Young Man painting. It wasn't my favorite painting of Raphael's but I didn't think it deserved the amount of scrutiny she was giving it. Her nose scrunched, the lines on her forehead and her eyes almost closed by how hard she was trying to see the even smallest details of the painting.
"Give peace a chance..Let the fear you have fall away" I jumped slightly at the sudden angelic melodic voice that came from her as she stepped back trying to look at it from a different angle. Her hands rested at her bag that laid on her hip preparing to open it. I faked a cough to make my presence known but she did not turn to me as she took her phone out from her purse. I moved towards her quickly taking her phone from her before she was able to take a picture.
"Umm excuse me" She said in a sweet surprised voice as she turned to me. If I had a breath it would have stopped as I looked into her eyes.
They were so blue they reminded me of the Aegean Sea.
They reminded me of a home I once knew and I thought long forgotten.
"What's wrong with your eyes?" She said gently grabbing her phone from my hand. My eyes looked like hers once I think. Now they're not as pretty.
"It's a medical condition...you shouldn't have left the group" She placed her hair behind her ear showing a white plug in it. She took it out.
"Is this real?" She pointed to the painting. She hasn't broken eye contact from me nor my eyes from her. This was quite an anomaly for me.
"Yes what makes you question the authenticity?"I say amused by this creature. I usually take human girls in the privacy of dark corners and be done with it. But her...I wanted to make this last.
"Well for one it's been lost for almost a hundred years, this is a Raphael painting correct?" She says trying to be polite but about to burst from this discovery she found.
"Correct, artist are you?" I said conversational but she precedes to put the plug back in her ear. She turns from me much to my displeasure as I watched her hips start to sway away from me.
"Architect major with an art history minor" She said walking in the opposite direction of where she should be going but stopping in her tracks almost immediately at the next painting. She does the same act as the last much to my amusement. She starts huffing in and out analyzing every detail of the Nativity with St. Francis and St. Lawrence. I make my way over to her. My shoulder an inch from hers as I stood facing the painting as she did. She gives me a side eye understanding I wasn't going to leave her. She goes to her ear pressing on the plugs.
"Is this a replica?" She says now finally suspicious of her surroundings if she wasnt before.
"They're all real...love" I stare down at her as she comes closer to me. Every fiber of my being was restraining myself from ending this. I wanted to relish this, savoring it like one does a fine wine.
"Are you in the mafia?" She whispers and I laugh heartily at the question.
"Now what would give you that idea?" I say coyly as I lean closer to her, my eyes landing on her slender neck. Her pretty little neck.
"Because this painting was supposedly stolen by the mafia" She said matter a factly moving from me realizing how close I was to her. I clenched my jaw at the distance between us. I wanted us closer. I had the feeling even if I skin to skin with her wouldn't be close enough for me. But she seemed absolutely uninterested in me, enamored with what was around her.
"Violet, blue, green, red to keep me at arm's length don't work..You try to push me out..But I just find my way back in...Violet, blue, green, red to keep me out...I win" She gives a mumbled hum of the words not fully singing them out knowing that I'm there close behind. She accepts that fact along with that all the paintings she sees are real. She doesn't analyze them viciously like she did before. Now just taking them in like they should be. But I am analyzing every detail of her. The flutter of her eyelashes, the curve of her hip and the way her hair bounces as she walks. She turns her head to me behind her, giving me an excellence view of her perfectly structured jawline.
"Are you art thieves?" She says innocently genuinely curious. I chuckle at her guess. I look at her ear looking at the plug realizing sound was coming from them.
"What are those things?" She looked at me confused. I lift my hand slowly towards her tapping the back of my finger lightly against one of the plugs.
"Oh..they're airpods" She looked at me like it was the most obvious thing in the world and I had absolutely no idea "they're like earplugs or headphones." I mouthed a little "oh" as she let out a little giggle at my ignorance.
"I'll have to warn Heidi about those" I say more to myself as me and her walked side by side down the hall, further and further away from the throne room. We're getting close to a intersection, one hall leads to a cellar and the other leads to an exit. Decisions...Decisions.
"Was Heidi the lady in charge of the tour?" I simply nod while I think of the fact this girls life is in my hands. Do I truly want to snuff out the sun? I'm quite thoughtful about the decision as I firmly placed my hands behind my back.
"She's kinda an airhead isn't she?" I whip my head towards her uncontrollably crackling at her statement.
"Heidi?" I say absolutely bewildered by the statement. I don't think Heidi has ever been described as an airhead?
"Well I know that is kinda mean. I really am not into girl shaming but..she has all this to show"She twirled around then kept walking "and she said a lot of words with really nothing of substance behind them. I did listen a little to her in and out...I don't know I preferred music over her" My hands tighten behind my back as I stare at her. Her hair when she spun I got a delightful whiff of her shampoo.Citrus. Fresh oranges. Her blood would taste so sweet.
"Like this castle has to be from the 12th century-" She looked at me curiously as I stared at her clavicle. That would be a wonderful place to take a first bite.
"11th" I muttered out. We made it to the intersection, cellar for a drink or exit for her life.
"Oh" She tilted her head up to the ceiling an spun slowly on her heel around "I can picture that..there is some roman designs" She smiled to herself. Her eyes sparkled. It's funny I lived in this castle going on a thousand years and always found it a dull place mostly except when we used to have parties. But in one day she saw the beauty in it.
"Are you a lover of Artemisia Gentileschi?" I asked as she was about to turn down the hallway to the cellar, stopped to look at me.
"Yes...why?" She smirked cutely. I smile at her for giving me that answer. I take her hand in mine and lead her through the hallway with the exit.
"Hey how do I know you're not taking me in some dark room to have your way with me" She said half jokingly. I just smirk to myself. She would be so delicious but for some reason it seems like it would be a waste. It wouldn't even be a minute before her life would be gone and she would be gone. Her beauty, her smile, her voice..everything about her I could just take in an instant if I chose to.
"Your hand is so cold" She did a little tug on it. I turn to her and say nothing. I stare in her eyes for a moment and she looks at me amused.
"So if I'm ever found alive and they ask me the name of the assailant, what should I tell them?" I winced as she dropped her hand from mine before the question. I wanted her to touch me.
"Demetri"I slowly drawl out "And when I see your face on the news what name will I see?"
"Nina" It almost came out as a whisper but I heard it. As I also could hear the screams start but she didn't seem to hear them.
"Here we are" I stop in front of our designated painting and she started to laugh at it. The Madonna and the child was one of our many Artemisia Gentileschi paintings but Jane had all of her famous ones on the other side of the castle that was where I didnt want her to be.
"Really out of her paintings this is the one you have?" She giggles as I just look down at my shoes like a boy. She does stop giggling to appreciate the painting eventually.
"She looks so tired" She says more to herself than to me. Then I really look at the painting myself to see what she means. I see it too in the mother's eyes. I never noticed that before probably never cared. I watch her as she looks over the painting really taking in ever detail of it.
"You should paint me it would last longer" I look down again with a smirk.
"Can I?" I say more flirting than serious. She turns to me blushing and my smirk deepens.
"What am I going to be your Rose to you Jack?" She leans closer to me making start to tense even though I was taken back by the reference. I need to brush up on current entertainment.
"Ahh-" I freeze as I can sense someone coming.
I look behind me seeing the reason why we're here..the exit.
I take her hand and hurry her to the door. We go down stairs and stairs. I have to be mindful of my speed seeing I had to keep a human one. Something came over me that I had to get her out that was my only thought at this moment.
"Where are we going?" But her question is answered when I open a door to the outside practically throwing her out. Then the sun light making me step back into the darkness.
"Wait" She places her hand on the door before I close it and I didn't want to hurt her.
"Will I see you again?" She almost whines out.
"Yes but don't come back here..meet me at the front of the clock tower at night fall...goodbye" I said it quickly as I slowly closing the door.
"Goodbye" I heard quietly right before the door closed. I regretted how it ended but there was reasoning behind the abrupt departing.
"Well this is quite unusual behavior...for you" Felix leaned against the wall at the top of the stairs.
"The girl didn't hear or see anything, no laws were broken" I say stiffly making my way past him.
"That may be but the why is what I'm curious about" he hanged his head over my shoulder mischievously. He wasn't going to let this go.
"It just felt like a waste" I shrug looking almost dazed not wanting to think what I had just done and the why.
"A waste...yes a waste of food. Bloody Demetri if you didn't want her you could've given her to me. But Im surprised why didnt you want her?"He was going to nag and nag until he got an answer to his liking.
"I wanted her...but it just felt as it would have been to quick" This was making me nervous. I haven't felt nervous since the incident with the Cullens. But this was a different kind of nervous, I was worried for her.
"Fine then I'll meet her later at the clock tower-" If on instinct I slammed Felix against the wall my hand around his throat.
"She's mine...I'll take care of it" I shove him back stalking away.
She was mine.
I hated to admit it but I knew it to be true.
She is my cantante.
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mx-pastelwriting · 5 months
𝙑𝙤𝙡𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙞 𝙆𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 (𝙏𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙎𝙖𝙜𝙖) 𝙂𝙞𝙛 𝙋𝙖𝙘𝙠
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The Volturi Kings in Twilight Saga (2008-2012) Actors Michael Sheen, Christopher Heyerdahl, Jamie Campbell Bower
♥ mx-pastelwriting does consent to their gifs being used. Do not claim as the maker of these gifs. ALL FREE TO USE (DO NOT CLAIM) REMEMBER TO CREDIT.
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archoniluthradanar · 1 year
It's all in the Costume
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It's all in the Costume : a poly!Volturi kings one-shot
Response to a request from @iloveslasher
Warning for four-way smut, 18 yo+ please.
You are the mate of a trio of very powerful vampire kings who co-rule the vampire world with an iron fist. To them though, you are their beloved human mate, the one who joined with them a year ago, willing and unafraid. Why would you fear them, when you love all three with all your heart.
They allowed you to remain human, but will soon discuss the need for you to accept the change. They love and care about you, and know your vulnerability as a mortal. They never wish to see you harmed in any way.
One day, you were in your room trying on your costume for an upcoming science fiction convention being held in Rome. You'd specially ordered the entire costume, your mates never denying you anything where money was concerned. You tried on the red satin dress with a full skirt that ended just below your butt. There was an overlay of black velvet that gave you small flairs hanging behind you, sure to draw attention to your backside when you walked. The finishing touch was a "Dracula" collar that wasn't attached to the dress, leaving your shoulders bare.
You pulled on a pair of black silk stockings that reached mid-thigh and tied to a garter belt with thin, nearly invisible garters. The length of the skirt and the height of the stockings left a few inches of bare skin showing. Lastly, you slipped into a pair of stiletto black heels. Your costume was complete. Only your hair and make up would need to be done on the day of the convention.
You twirled in front of the mirror, feeling very much like a gothic vampire. You needed to get into character though and had no one to play off. Maybe Felix would allow you to practice with him.
You were deep in thought while looking in your full length mirror, when you noticed the reflections of your mates standing behind you.
You turn to face them, then go to each to give them a welcoming kiss. "Good morning. Why are you here, Aro?"
"Do we need a reason to come visit our mate? We thought to see how you are, and find you dressed in..." He waves his hand up and down in front of you. "...this."
"I'm going to attend a science fiction convention in Rome Saturday with Felix as my guard." You smile at all three of your mates. "I'm a Gothic vampire," you explain cheerily.
"Who said you could attend this...convention, and in Rome?" Caius demanded. "We should be accompanying you."
You walk over to the blonde vampire and play with his shirt collar., kissing his cheek "Love, you would not enjoy yourself. In fact, I'm sure you would all hate it. Please, my darlings, Felix will be going with me, and he will protect me. He won't even need a costume. Anyone looking at him will think he's something...alien. He won't even have to wear contacts."
Noticing the sudden silence, you see all three of your mates looking over your costume, with the satin and lace dress barely holding in your breasts, and with the very, very short skirt and the thigh-high stockings that leave a few inches of bare thigh showing.
Aro tsks as he examines your outfit. "This is unsuitable clothing for the mate of the Volturi masters." His words don't match his reactions. You see him clenching and unclenching one hand. His eyes are dark crimson, telling you he does not disapprove of your appearance at all.
Marcus moves around you as if inspecting a prize horse. You follow him, turning with him until he stops in front of you, his eyes looking at you appreciatively. "It is a charming costume, my dear, " he says, his eyes darkening. Marcus is feeling sexually needy, but he is less inclined to show his need as overtly than either Aro or Caius.
You notice Caius staring at you, unblinking, his eyes having darkened to a deeper red.
"Is something wrong, my love?" you ask him.
His eyes rake up and down your body. He's made no secret of his desire lately to bed with you, but Aro has kept you busy with administrative tasks he allows you to work on around the castle to keep you from getting bored. Caius reaches down while you're trying to sway him, his hand caressing the skin bared by the short dress.
"The dress suits you, amore mio." Caius' actual goal is to remove it from you, and take you with all the pent-up passion built up over the past week.
Their passionate need for you is not hidden. Aro comes over to slip his arm around your waist. He gives you an all too innocent kiss on your cheek. Caius, on the other hand, stands on your other side and places his hand on the back of your neck, pulling you closer to kiss you with a desire that imparts his message. He wants you beneath him, his hard cock buried inside you while he teases your neck with his sharp teeth.
You look at all three of your mates. They have never taken you to bed as a group. Always, you spent time with each alone. The very idea of a foursome is already making you wet.
You need no words to tell your mates what you want.
You walk over to Aro and nuzzle his neck, the cold of his skin pleasant against your flushed skin. While you kiss him, your hands begin to unbutton his shirt, fingertips running down his chest, before you pull it off him and let it fall to the floor. When you pull back, you see his irises are black as night.
While Aro kicks off his shoes and socks, you move to Marcus, who has not budged at all. You offer him your lips which he takes with his in a passionate kiss. Your hands immediately divest him of his shirt as well. You feel his cool hands slide up and down your back. Turning away from him, you teasingly bend over to pick up both shirts and lay them on a chair. His eyes are now as black as Aro's.
Facing Caius, who has surprisingly proven to be more patient than usual, he pulls you to him with both arms, trapping you within his embrace. His mouth captures yours, sucking your breath inside his mouth. The soft noises you make spur him on, until he hears a protesting Aro.
"You may not keep our mate to yourself, brother, if she is willing to have us all." He holds out his hand to you and leads you to the massive bed the masters ordered for you on your arrival here a year ago. Up to now, you only ever shared it with one of your mates. Now it was going to be used for what it was built. You smile to think that it could be true.
"Caius, you prevented me from removing your shirt." You proceed to unbutton it, kissing his chest after each button is opened. "Kneel in front of me." Your eyes tell him its not a request. A smile slowly forms on his face as he complies with your command. Without warning, you place a shoe on his right shoulder and push backwards. He was unprepared for this and falls on his butt. He can see up the length of your legs and beneath the skirt, noticing the dampness on your red satin panties. The scent of your arousal wafts to him, causing his eyes to narrow in desire.
"Take them off," you tell him. You extend a leg whereupon Caius removes your heel and tosses it across the room. You repeat with your other leg, his hands removing that shoe and tossing it aside. This time he kisses the top of your foot before releasing it.
You turn to Aro, holding out your hands to him, your eyes demanding he come to you. When he does, you tell him to kneel and remove your left stocking. While he undoes the garter clip, you see Marcus standing to the side, jealousy written on his usually passive face. You wait until Aro has rolled your stocking down and off your leg.
Without a word, you step over to Marcus who knows what to do. He releases the garter clip and rolls the other stocking down while placing a kiss or two on your now bare leg, inhaling your sweet arousal. He takes the stocking and throws it over his shoulder. Placing his hands on your waist, he kisses your neck, grazing your skin with his teeth. You proceed to unbutton his shirt, and once it's open, you lick and suck on his nipples. Marcus throws his head back and groans, then tears his shirt off himself.
All your mates are nearly naked except for their black dress slacks. You have only the collar and short dress on. You reach up and remove the pointed collar. While all three men stare at you, you untie the bodice of the dress and let it all slide down your body to the floor. You're now clad only in your red satin panties with the garter belt.
Walking back to the bed, you crawl across the mattress, giving all your mates a tempting view of your rear. You lie back on a couple of stacked pillows to allow yourself to see everything. Caius is the first to approach the bed, with Aro and Marcus close behind. The three vampires join you, their hands caressing your bare legs, arms and torso.
Marcus lies on your left while Aro lies on your right. Caius is at your feet, his lips moving up your legs, kissing your warm flesh. When he reaches the center of your body, he takes off the garter belt and slips his fingers into your panties, pulling them off. You help by raising your hips off the bed briefly. You are fully exposed to your mate, who moves closer to your mound, inhaling deeply.
All you see now are three horny vampires with eyes black with desire and all hungry for you. When you feel a cold tongue slide between your lower lips, you arch your back and gasp. Aro leans over you and kisses you, his tongue between your lips since it is too dangerous for you to use your tongue in this manner. Marcus leans over your body, one hand caressing your far breast while his mouth carefully laps and suckles at the breast nearest him.
You twist your body in need, your senses beginning to become overwhelmed by what your mates are doing to you.
Caius has you so close to an orgasm, all you can do is breathe hard and whimper. "God, Caius, don't stop. I'm...so close." While he laps at both sides of your inner lips and sucks the hard bud of your clit, you feel him slide two fingers into your wet core, thrusting them in and out while his tongue continues its torture.
Finally, you cry out his name, your hips unable to stop moving while your inner muscles clamp on his invading fingers. You collapse back on the bed, your heart pounding in your chest. You reach up your hands to entangle themselves in Aro's and Marcus's hair.
Caius is about move to your side when you say, "Pants off!" Marcus moves the fastest and you grab his arm. In a low whisper, you order him to take you. "Fuck me, Marcus. Caius has prepared me for you. Now!" He needs no prodding, and positions himself over your body, then plunges into you, taking your breath away. He usually likes to get you used to his size, but not this time. He fills you completely, thrusting deeply.
You wrap your legs around his hips, pulling him down whenever he starts to rise off you. Aro kisses you, knowing he will be next. You feel Caius' cold hands kneading your breasts and arch your back into them.
An orgasm slams through you just as Marcus fills you with his cold seed. He is careful not to let his full weight on you, then rolls off you, his hand on your stomach while he lies next to you.
With other ideas, Aro lies on your other side, and pulls you on top of him. He brings your legs on either side of his hips, poking at your core with his hard and eager cock.
"Brother!" Caius protests angrily at being usurped. You reach out to touch his thigh, then wrap your hand around his cock, and begin to stroke it with a steady rhythm, tightening your grasp. He thrusts his hips forward into your hand and hisses with every other stroke.
You rise and fall over Aro, taking him into you as deeply as possible. When you start to circle your hips around, Aro's hands grip them, guiding them, rolling them while he thrusts upward, closing his eyes.
Feeling left out, Marcus moves behind you and slipping his fingers into your wet cunt, uses it as lubricant to push a long slender finger into your back hole while Aro fucks your cunt. You gasp and move your hips forward, until Marcus' finger slips out of you. Feeling empty, you push back against him and let him excite you as he wishes.
You pant loudly when Aro's cock causes you to climax hard, his thrusts only stopping when he cums inside you. "Miei dei, amore!" he cries out, before smiling up at you, opening his eyes to enjoy your pleasure expression, as he calls it.
He has barely moved from under you when Caius takes his place, pulling you back atop him. He thrusts in hard, his hands caressing your breasts.
Marcus slides up the bed to your left while you ride Caius, rubbing your back until he can tell you're about to climax again. Your hands press on Caius' chest, your nails unable to dig into his hard marble-like flesh. You cry out once before collapsing on your blonde mate, feeling him cum, his cold emission filling you.
The four of you finally rest, although your mates are fine. They know they can tire you out when you enjoy sex with them. This was more intense for you, and they assume you need rest, then perhaps a hot shower later to relax you.
You ask each of your mates to kiss you, telling them how much you love them. Each in turn whispers in your ear that they will love and adore you forever. Caius dresses and runs to the kitchen to get you a pot of hot tea. Aro cleans you up with a wet towel, while Marcus collects your scattered clothing, knowing you will still want to go to Rome Saturday.
Saturday arrives, and you're dressed in your sexy Gothic Vampire costume, surrounded by three handsome vampires attired in their battle dress. No one at the convention knows these are real vampires, but they make such a fascinating foursome, many con goers ask to have their pictures taken with the Volturi masters and their human mate.
You laugh happily when Aro agrees to the first request, enjoying the sudden fame. Caius scowls until a pair of pretty young girls stands on either side of him, asking for a picture to be taken by a friend. He smirks and agrees, his arms draping around their shoulders, ignoring the smell of their rich blood.
Even Marcus is finding he has his fair share of admirers. This is very unlike anything he has ever experienced, but when he looks to you and sees you smile and wink at him, he acquiesces and allows costumed fans to have pictures taken with him.
You turn to Aro at some point and warn him, "Do not tell Felix we had fun, or he will hate me forever." Then you grin at him, flashing your fangs, causing Aro to roll his eyes. "Really, my dear?"
The End
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thedeathlysallows · 10 months
Last Christmas
Pairing: Felix x Female!Reader
Summary: This year, to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special
Warnings: smut. p in v, Dom!Felix, spanking, blood play, oral (f! receiving), unprotected sex
With Thanksgiving over and my birthday on the horizon, the Christmas season has started for me (though tbh I am in fact one of those people who loves Christmas year round). So enjoy this celebratory story!
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"This is a disaster," you complain to no one in particular. "I can't believe I got roped into this."
When Gianna approached you about attending her work's Christmas party you had initially declined. You've seen her paychecks, her apartment, her wardrobe. It's a whole fucking lot. There's absolutely no way you could confidently rub elbows with the people she works with.
But then she gave you the puppy dog eyes.
And then she gave you an "old dress" of hers that just so happened to be your exact size.
On top of all that, she also gave you a matching pair of heels and a new purse.
You couldn't say that after being so spoiled by your best friend.
"Oh, hush," Gianna tells you. "This isn't so bad."
"We're in masks!"
She shrugs. "It's a masquerade. You should be a bit more grateful, ya know. If you weren't here with me you would be at your own work function with-"
You raise a hand, effectively cutting her off. "Don't. I don't want to think about him."
Gianna lifts a brow, her eyes silently teasing you as she hides her smile behind her wine glass. "Then don't."
"I need a drink." You heave a dramatic sigh as you slip off your barstool and slink through the crowd to find the bar.
The large ballroom is packed to the brim with people, most of them chatting with one another in small groups while a few others dance wherever they can find the space. It's strange that, despite the larger number of people in the room, you aren't feeling the least bit warm. In fact, it's kind of cold. Oh well. You'd rather feel the slight chill than want to burst out of your own skin from overheating, you think as you finally get to the bar.
"What can I get you?" The bartender asks.
You give him your order and sweep your eyes over the room one more time as you wait. Everyone is laughing and generally enjoying their time together. Had this been your work party you would be slinking around in the shadows, begging whatever god would listen that you wouldn't run into your ex.
The one who dumped you last year.
On Christmas.
And then hooked up with your step sister.
Also on Christmas.
"I'd hate to be whoever you're thinking about right now," a low masculine voice says just over your left shoulder.
You jump, slightly embarrassed to be caught. "Oh, uh, yeah..."
You trail off, not sure of what to say when you get a good look at him. He easily towers over you and seems to be as wide as two of you put together. His muscles are visible even through the exceptionally well tailored midnight blue suit he wears. Each one of his movements, despite being graceful, threatens the integrity of said suit. If he flexes even slightly you're sure it'll rip at the seams. His mask is the same color as his suit with silver filigree around the edges. It reminds you of a prettier Phantom of the Opera mask. Behind the mask his eyes are dark. Almost pitch black.
He tilts his head as he looks down at you. "I haven't seen you before."
You shove a thumb over your shoulder, pointing to where you left your friend. "G-Gianna, she- I'm her friend."
Leave it to you to become an absolute mess in front of the first handsome man you see.
"Friend or friend," he teases with a wolfish grin.
"Just friends. I'm not her type."
"But you're someone's type."
You scoff. "Not in about a year."
He hums thoughtfully. "A touchy subject, I see."
"I got dumped on Christmas."
You aren't sure exactly why you're spilling your guts to this guy. Maybe it's the masks. The anonymity of it all is probably giving you a sense of misplaced courage.
Your handsome stranger picks up your hand and runs his lips across your knuckles. "Then he's a fool. Someone as sweet as you should be cherished always."
Heat floods through your body and prickles at your skin. "I don't know about that."
"I do. What's your name? Or shall I just call you darling?"
You give him your name and he repeats it reverently. "Do I get your name?"
"Felix," he says as he bends down so his lips are next to your ear. "It's best to remember as you'll be screaming it later."
You laugh. "Sure, big guy."
The bartender hands you the drink you ordered and you cheers Felix on your way back to your table. You can feel his eyes on your back as you walk away.
Gianna looks panicked as you take your seat, her doe eyes large and afraid. "What took you so long? Did you talk to anyone?"
"Just-" you look back to the bar and find Felix in the same spot you left him. "-him."
All the color drains from her face. She gathers her purse and coat quickly, saying, "we're leaving. Now. Get your things."
She spares one more look at Felix who simply inclines his head before disappearing into the crowd. If it's at all possible, Gianna looks even more physically disturbed.
"Make sure to lock your door tonight. Don't let anyone in for any reason," she lectures while rushing you out of the building and down the street. "Do you understand?"
You struggle to keep up with her hurried steps. "I know I've made questionable choices in the past, but I don't tend to let strangers in my apartment."
Gianna looks at you, her face dead serious. "If anyone comes, scream. Scream as loud as you can."
Her warning echoes around in your head for the rest of the night as you get ready for bed. You aren't used to seeing Gianna afraid. Out of the two of you, she's the one with the unshakable courage. You're just... you. And that's always been fine. Usually. Mostly. It's just unsettling, is your point. It's unsettling that Gianna is scared.
Your doorbell rings suddenly, and you're about to answer it, your hand inches away from the bronze doorknob, when Gianna's words pass through your mind one more time.
Don't let anyone in.
So you don't.
Not even when the doorbell rings two more times.
You ignore it three whole times... but the fourth time is what gets you. It's just that it's annoying, you reassure yourself. You'll tell whoever it is to go away and that'll be that.
"Felix?" You stare in bewilderment when you open the door. "How do you know where I live?"
He's even more handsome without the mask. His face is chiseled and angular like some sort of statue of a Greek god. The smile he gives you is positively radiant. Charming even. He holds up your coat.
"I texted Gianna when I saw you left your coat. She gave it to me."
"She did?"
Felix nods.
"Oh... well..." You open your front door wider. "Do you want to come in?"
"I would love to." He steps over the threshold and looks around your tiny apartment. His eyes linger on the Christmas tree in the corner of your living room. "I see your breakup hasn't dampened your holiday spirit."
"Nope. Can't let the fucker ruin all of my Christmases."
"Eloquently put."
Heat pools in your cheeks, a sense of inferiority creeping in. "Do you want anything to drink? I've got tea, coffee, water..."
Felix shakes his head. "I'm alright, thank you."
"Look, I-"
Whatever you were about to say dies on your lips because Felix is suddenly there, mouth on yours. His lips are cold and demanding as he guides you through the kiss. He tastes sweet like candy.
"What were you about to say?" Felix grips your hips, pressing you closer to him. You feel his erection press into your stomach and all thoughts leave your mind, replaced with the aching need between your thighs.
The part of your brain that's still semi-operational tells you this is a bad idea, but the louder, hornier part quickly overrides it.
Felix is hot.
It's Christmas.
Why shouldn't you do this?
You tilt your head up, angling for another kiss. "Nothing. I wasn't going to say anything."
Felix smiles and you swear you see the flash of extra sharp canine teeth, but it must've just been a shadow. It's gone in the next second.
His mouth meets yours again, his tongue tracing across your lower lip. You moan into the kiss and feel your body melt completely against his. He lifts you easily, like you weigh nothing, never breaking the kiss. Reflexively, your legs wrap around his waist.
"Good girl," Felix praises you. "Which way to your bedroom."
You gesture wildly, hoping he'll get the idea. The only thing you can focus on is the feel of his hard cock pressed against your core. Even through the layers of clothes you can tell he's huge. You feel almost feverish with how badly you want him.
Felix, sensing your neediness, all but runs to your room. He places you on your bed and demands you turn on your stomach, his hands making quick work of your pajamas. He strips out of his own clothes and leaves them in a pile on the floor.
You arch your back and wiggle your ass, your hand falling between your legs to toy with your clit. Felix groans as he watches you play with yourself. He knew he chose well tonight, but he never imagined you'd be this willing. This pliant.
"Fuck, you're so wet for me, darling." Felix grips your hip with one hand and uses his other to teases your entrance, sliding the tip in and out of your slick hole.
You can't find words so you moan instead, pressing back against him so he'll go deeper inside you.
"Mmm," he moans. "Tell me what you want."
"I..." you struggle answer, desperation rushing through you at an alarming rate. "I want you..."
"Try again, darling. Tell me what you want."
"You... I want... you..."
Smack! Felix's hand lands on your ass, the sound loud in the small room.
"I said," he says as he lands another slap on your ass, "tell me what you want."
Each word is punctuated by another spank. He growls at how red your ass is, bending down to lick where little droplets of blood bubble up on your skin. His tongue trails further down and he circles your entrance, savoring this taste of your blood mixing with your juices. Felix can hear your holding in your sobs and it hardens his cock even further.
"Felix," you manage to say between breaths. "Please, fuck me, please!"
Felix hums, pleased with your begging. "That's what I thought. You want my cock inside you, darling? You want to bounce that pretty little ass on it while you come?"
You nod. "Yes! Please!"
"Take it," he tells you as he slips inside you.
You cry out at the sudden intrusion. He's far bigger than you assumed earlier, stretching you around him as he pounds into you mercilessly. It hurts in the best possible way.
"Oh, fuck!" You throw your head back and it lands against his shoulder. "Oh, Felix, oh my god!"
Felix growls in response, the sound reverberating through your whole body. His mouth falls to your neck and his teeth sink in the delicate skin as he pumps in and out of you. He drinks deeply, swallowing mouthful after mouthful while you moan and let him fuck you.
"Come for me, darling," he whispers in your ear when he feels your slick cunt pulse around him.
You feel lightheaded but you do as he says, moaning when you feel him finish inside you as well.
Felix sighs as he pulls out of you, licking his mouth clean of the last few drops of your blood. Your wound should heal in a few days and you'll be left with a pleasant fog of memories.
"Thank you," he tells you as he pulls his clothes back on. "You don't know how badly I needed that."
You hum something that sounds like an affirmative, nuzzling into your bedsheets. Tomorrow you'll be sore with no recollection of why.
But at least this Christmas was better than the last.
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bad-fucking-omens · 10 months
The Witch Twin (Alec V. x OC) - Epilogue & Postface
Summary: When I thought about my future, I was sure that I had the rest of my life vaguely planned out.
Then, my older sister moved up from Arizona to stay with us — and turned my entire life upside down.
I had no idea just how bad it had gotten until I was standing in a castle in Italy, convinced that I was about to die.
Length: 1.2K words (Complete fic 71.8K words)
Fic warnings: Graphic depictions of violence, death, explicit smut (M/F), referenced/implied past child abuse, emotional manipulation by sibling
Chapter warnings: None
Note: This is the final part of 'The Witch Twin'. Thank you for reading <3
Read on AO3 or read below
“You look so beautiful,” Jane said. “Alec will be speechless.
I laughed softly at her kind words, meeting her eyes in the mirror. Heidi was putting the finishing touches on my hair. She carefully threaded the sprigs of baby’s breath flowers through the two braids that were pulled back behind my head, almost like a crown. The rest of my hair fell down my back in gentle waves.
“You really are gorgeous,” Heidi agreed as she brushed a loose curl away from my cheek.
“Do you think I’m ready, then?” I asked.
They both nodded and I stood, smoothing my hands over the skirt of my dress anxiously.
I was wearing a cream-white satin dress with a cowl neckline. Thin straps went over my shoulders and crossed along my back. The dress was long enough that the bottom hem just barely brushed along the ground when I was standing in my cream-colored heels, and it had a thigh-high slit on the right side. The way the dress perfectly hugged my curves made me feel incredibly attractive and I knew that Alec was going to absolutely love it.
“Do you think you’re ready?” Jane asked. I turned towards her and nodded. We shared a smile and she handed me a bouquet of white calla lilies, asphodel, and orange blossoms.
“Well then, let’s not keep that mate of yours waiting,” Heidi teased.
She slipped out of the room ahead of us to ensure that everything else was ready. Alec and I had chosen to have our wedding ceremony in the courtyard of the castle. The entire guard, the kings, and their wives would be in attendance. Neither Alec or I had wanted a big wedding, but everyone in the castle was family, and that was more than enough for us. As soon as we told Heidi that we wanted to get married, she instantly jumped into planning the ceremony with her mate, Corin. Alec and I were happy to leave all of the planning to the two women, since all we really cared about was actually getting married.
Jane slipped her arm through mine and we walked through the halls of the castle.
“I am very happy that you and Alec found each other,” Jane said quietly. “You have brought out the very best in each other, and I’ve never seen my brother as happy as he has been with you. . . . You were truly made for each other.”
“Thank you,” I murmured. “And I hope you don’t mind that I’ve begun to think of you as a sister.”
Jane smiled at me. She teased, “You are literally going to become my sister in a few minutes.”
We laughed together as we finally reached the doors to the courtyard. Jane leaned close to kiss my cheek before she slipped out of the doors. I took a deep breath and waited for a moment before I entered the courtyard.
Everyone was standing, watching with warm smiles as I walked down the aisle, but my eyes were only focused on Alec.
My soulmate was wearing a perfectly tailored, light grey suit with a white dress shirt beneath. He didn’t wear any kind of tie at my request, since I thought he looked more attractive without one.
When my eyes finally flickered up to his face, I saw that he was staring at me with a soft smile on his face, his gaze exuding pure love and admiration. The way he looked at me — as if I was the only person to have ever existed — filled my chest with warmth.
I glided down the aisle in time with the quiet violin music. Alec held his hand out to me when I was close enough and I eagerly took it. Heidi quickly snatched my bouquet from my hands just before I took the final step to the altar. She returned to her seat, holding the flowers delicately in her lap. Alec took my free hand so that he was now holding both of my hands.
‘You are so beautiful,’ Alec murmured in my mind. ‘My gorgeous, sweet girl. . . . I love you so much.’
‘I love you, too, Alec. My wonderful mate.’
We grinned at each other, then glanced at Aro as he began to speak.
“My dearest ones, we have gathered today to witness our beloved Alec and wonderful Eve unify their lives for the rest of their existence. They have chose to join together in marriage, to have a celebration of their love and loyalty and commitment to each other. They have endured through the challenges and obstacles that were placed before them, but we all know that true love always wins in the end.”
Aro looked at my mate. “Alec, do you come here today to marry Eve, and to join your path in life with hers?”
“I do,” he answered, looking into my eyes. He squeezed my hands gently.
“Eve, do you come here today to marry Alec, and to join your path in life with his?”
“I do,” I said. Alec’s lips twitched up into a soft smile and I breathed out a quiet laugh.”
“Alec and Eve have chose to tie their lives together in a hand-fasting ceremony,” Aro announced. “If you would please raise your hands up, my dears.”
We turned so that we were standing beside each other. We raised our clasped hands up between us, extending them towards Aro. He produced a long, red silk ribbon from his suit pocket.
“Alec, Eve, will you be each other’s faithful partner for eternity and be each other’s constant friend and one true love?”
“We will,” we said together.
Aro wrapped the ribbon around our hands once. “And so the first binding is made. Do you promise to love each other without reservation, to always stand united against any challenges you may face?”
“We do.”
“And so the second binding is made. Will you stand together in time of joy and of sorrow, and share the burdens of each other?”
“We will.”
“And so the third binding is made. Will you honor each other, and seek to cherish and strengthen that honor?”
“We will.”
Aro wrapped the ribbon around our hands one last time and tied it in an elegant knot.
“And so the final binding is made. The knots of this binding are not formed by this ribbon, but instead by your vows. . . . Alec, Eve, I am pleased to announce that you are now husband and wife. One flesh, one heart, one soul. Now, and forevermore.”
Alec pulled me close, his free hand on my waist, and kissed me fiercely while everyone cheered and clapped for us. I laughed against his mouth and reached up with my free hand to caress his cheek. We pulled apart a few moments later to face our guests. We walked back down the aisle together, our hands still tied.
We slipped out of the courtyard to wait patiently as Heidi ordered a few other guards around, transforming the courtyard from a wedding ceremony into a reception venue.
Alec pressed me against the stone wall, his lips claiming mine passionately. I giggled, but I still wrapped my free arm around his neck and pulled him closer. His arm slipped around my waist to gently tug me against his body.
“My beautiful wife,” Alec whispered against my lips.
I giggled and replied, “My handsome husband.”
I asked Persephone,
“How could you grow to love him?
He took you from flowers to a kingdom
where not a single living thing can grow.”
Persephone smiled,
“My darling, every flower on your earth withers.
What Hades gave me was a crown
made for the immortal flowers in my bones.”
-  Nikita Gill
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wendigo-volturi · 2 months
Caius: Why are you yelling at me?
Caius: I've never been more in love
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volturiprincess · 7 months
The Talk
Felix x Vampire reader
Summary: After centuries of being together, y/n and Felix want to take the next step Warnings: there is some slight mention of smut, but overall fluff  A/N: This is my first one-shot/imagine. I will try to start posting more often but I am currently in uni and my school work always comes first. I will take requests and I will do a whole  post of what I can do or I am willing to do in the future.( There will be a second A/N at the end of this.)
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(Ok but like why is he like this, I am obsessed with this man, its not even funny anymore)
There I was standing in between Demetri and Felix along with the twins in front of the kings, apparently there's a last minute mission and almost all of the elite guards are going, except me. I tried not to show my anger but it seems Marcus noticed and he spoke up
“My dear, what anger’s you?”
I felt Felix grab my hand for comfort and I said
“Why can't I go with them on the mission, master?”.
Before Marcus could respond Caius took over
“You equal our four guards present, we do not need as much force for this mission, if the mission does take a turn then we will send you but as of now you are needed here”
I nodded and squeezed Felix hand in reassurance that I am okay.
The thing with me is I am a collector (as Aro has called it), with a touch I can have the gift of the vampire I touch without fully taking away the other vampire's power. Which is what makes me so powerful and what makes me a valuable member of the Volturi elite guard, I have so many gifts from the many vampires I have encountered in the past centuries.
Another thing to my peculiarity is my mate is Felix, the executioner and the prize fighter of the Volturi. We met many centuries ago when the Volturi was forming and he was the new member and just like any mate story when I saw him I knew we were meant to be. He is my other half and my reason for being.
Soon after the instructions of the mission were explained to the guards, they were preparing to go, I was sitting on mine and Felix’s bed watching him pack. This was something I have not grown used to even after the countless missions we would have to go separately, I hated being separated from him but duty calls.
Eventually he's in front of me on his knees since he is so tall and I'm really short, looking into my eyes. I rest my hands on his broad shoulders and said
“Even after centuries of countless missions, this is the one part I hate about them the most, being separated from you”
He gave me a small smile and grabbed my hand and gave it a gentle kiss with saying
“I know cara mia, it is never easy but I have no choice, but you know i'll be back before you know it” 
I nod and pulled the same hand that is holding mine and gave it a small kiss, I gave him a smirk and said
“And when you come back we can have our fair share of fun”
I winked and he smirked in return
“Exactly mia amore”
I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him onto a hug. He wrapped his large arms around me in return and I smiled. We soon pulled away and he stood up, bringing me up with him and kissed me and then left for the mission.
Its been a month without Felix and its pure torture without him, there have been a number of trials I have been in and they all end up with me killing them in a second. Currently I'm in the library with Caius (he surprisingly took a somewhat liking to me), he is giving me ‘lectures’ about modern art and real art. I always listen and take notes while he talks because sometimes he does ask me questions on what he has said so far. I interrupted his lecture
"Caius, why do you think humans love modern day art so much?”
He stayed quiet for a minute and said
“I believe it's because it is closer to their timeline and the humans can make broader and deeper meanings when something is simple versus ancient art has a more easier meaning but has a more complicated but beautiful outcome”.
I nodded and agreed.
“I always thought ancient art is more exquisite and fascinating then modern art”
He looked at me with an intrigued look
“Why do you say that?”
“As interesting modern day art is, now a days you can splatter any color on a white canvas and it's called a masterpiece, when ancient art would take months or even years to complete but it is worth the result”
He nodded
“Yes, I agree with you, it is entirely mental to think such things are true with modern art”
I nodded, Caius, the most ruthless king of the three agreed with me, it's not a surprise or shock since it does happen quite often and we think alike sometimes. I think that might be why he tolerates me more than the other guards and his brothers. We continued with our talk until a lower guard came and said that the others had returned from their mission.
Once he said the "others" I ran toward the throne room and saw Felix standing in front of the kings with the other guards. He turned his attention to me and I had to fight the urge to jump in his arms at that moment for the reason we are in front of the masters. I instead stood next to Caius' throne which he sat in after I arrived. I gave Felix a wink and he had to fight an urge to smile in return.
Soon after the report was over and the guards along with myself were dismissed, and once we were in the hallway I jumped into Felix’s arms that were already opened for me. I hugged him tightly and I kissed him without a second thought, we must of kissed for a while because we heard Demetri teasing us
“Get a room you two” We pulled away from the kiss and I said to Felix “He does have point” 
Felix chuckled but nodded, he set me down and we both raced into our shared room. Once we were inside I said
“Fe you have no idea how much I missed you” 
“I missed you too cara mia, I almost lost my mind in the mission but Demetri knocked some sense into me and I remembered that you promised once I came back we would have our fair share of fun”
I laughed while he smirked
“Of course you would remember that Fe, I bet you just couldn't get it out of your mind but it motivated you to get the mission finished as soon as possible, no?”
He nodded “Of course, anything to be able to see you in all of your glory”
I wrapped my arms around him and looked up to him
“I also couldn't get the thought of what you could do to me when you come back from the mission”
He pushed me against the wall and he leaned against the wall with his arm and looked down on me with a smirk
"Oh yea? How about we make those thoughts realistic?” I nodded without hesitation.
In an instant we were both in bed naked and making those thoughts realistic, we did it for 5 days straight until we stopped and were cuddling with me resting my head on his chest with an arm draped over his stomach and he had his arms around me.
“5 days Fe, I mean i'm not surprised remember when we first became mates and we did it for 2 months straight”
“How could I forget cara mia, best experience ever but every time we make love its always the best and it feels like it's the first time”
“It does feel like it, I can never get enough of you mi amor”
We stayed in a comfortable silence until we heard a knock and a voice say
“Are you two done yet? The twins are no fun and I missed you two already”
Me and Felix chuckled at Demetri's whining and I said
“Yes we will meet you in the lounge in 5 minutes”
We heard a cheer and then retreating footsteps.
We got dressed quickly and ran to the lounge room where Demetri was at waiting for us like a child, he saw us and said
“Finally, I was starting to think you forgotten of me”
“How could I ever forget you Dem, your my best friend”
He smiled and Felix went to sit on the couch with Demitri while I sat on the coffee table facing both vampires. We just talked for hours until the twins joined us. Demetri kept the conversation going
“Can you believe that human that the Cullens have, she had the audacity to speak to us like she had some power over us”
I raised an eyebrow when he said that
“Bella? The human swears just because she's with the Cullens she can't be killed, one day she might just get killed and I might as well be the one” 
Both guys smirked and Felix spoke up
“Of course you will be the one cara mia, after all the crap she's put you through and given you attitude, when we first meet her and she addressed you in such a way I would of killed her on the spot if it weren't for the masters” 
I nodded “She does have some gut, I'll give her that but that will get her killed easily” 
Jane piped up “Yes I agree, it makes me mad I can’t use my gift on her” 
I smiled “I know Jane, but someday she will get a nice karma”
They all nodded and Alec spoke up “You know I never got the chance to use my gift on her, you think it would have worked?
“I'm not sure, maybe”
Me and Felix are once again relaxing in our private chambers cuddling. I love to cuddle with him, with our height differences I always feel so protective and safe in his arms, I love to lay my head on his broad chest with an arm draped over his stomach with my leg over his waist.
Sometimes when Felix has a tough day with training newborns he likes to lay on my stomach or chest and he wraps his muscular arms around my waist, in his words 'You're so comfy mia amore and I feel at peace and closer to you like this”. When he said these exact words to me many centuries ago I literally melted, if I had an actual beating heart it would've skipped a beat. Sometimes he doesn't even have to tell me he wants to cuddle or I to him, we just know or I read his actual thoughts.
In a soft voice I said “Fe, can I ask you something?”
“Of course mia amore, what's in your mind?”
"Have you ever thought about wanting a kid, a baby maybe?”
There was a thick silence but I heard his thoughts “More than anything, i wish I could have a biological child with her, give her something she has always wanted” at hearing his thought I smiled sadly but he soon spoke up
“I have thought about it mia amore, I would love to have a kid with you only…”
“You wish we could have a biological kid together”
He stayed quiet for a minute “Yes but I would not mind adopting a child with you, it would mean we would raise a child together as our own”
“You think the masters would let us adopt a kid? you know how master Aro is when it comes to things like this”
“That's why we talk with the masters together”
I sat up looking down on him with a smile, “You really want to do this my love?”
He reached a hand out to my cheek caressing it “Of course tesoro, I always want to give you everything you ask of me, and I want this also”
I leaned into this touch “Ok then, let’s talk with the masters then my love”
I smiled at him and I felt like my eyes twinkled. He smiled in return and pulled me into a deep passionate kiss which I returned, he pulled me  on top of him and rested his hands on my waist while my hands ran into his hair. We pulled away and I said looking deeply into his bright red eyes
“I love you Felix, so much”
“I love you cara mia, forever and always”
As said before later in the day me and Felix went to talk with the Masters about wanting to adopt a child. I'm a bit nervous but I think they might say yes, me and Felix are the ones who do all of the heavy work around here.
We arrive at the masters library and we walk in holding hands. I saw that Aro looked up from a book and he gave us that creepy smile 
“Ah dear y/n and Felix, what brings you two here?”
I felt Felix squeeze my hand and he spoke up “Me and y/n have a request, well more like a wish masters If I may say” 
I saw that Caius looked up with a sudden interest in the conversation “Well go on, what is it that you wish for”
I spoke up with a small smile “Me and Felix have been talking about adopting a child”
There was that tense silence and I looked at all three masters waiting for them to say something, I even saw Marcus' eyes sparkle with interest. 
Aro spoke up “A child you say? Why the sudden interest or why the request?
“Me and Felix have always wanted a child but with the status of being vampires we just lost hope on it a long time ago but with recent events we thought about adopting one (I saw that Aro was about to interrupt but I gave him a quick look) and before you say anything about our duties me and Felix will keep up with our duties and stay here still, we would raise the child here and with time when the child is of age we will turn them”
I saw Caius had an impressed look
“It seems someone came with a valid and persuasive speech, I taught you well y/n” I saw he had a very small smile.
I nodded “I learned from the best after all (smiling at him), so then what's the final answer then”
I squeezed Felix’s hand which he returned and then Aro spoke up
“I grant you permission to adopt a child, if you stay on top of your missions and duties as guards”
My eyes widen slightly and I looked at Felix who was already looking at me with a smile
“We both promise on your request masters”
All three of them nodded and then we ran out laughing happily, Felix even lifted me and spinned me around and he yelled
“We are going to be parents cara mia”
A/N: Should I make a part 2? I simp over Felix big time, he is the BFHG (Big Friendly Handsome Giant :). Anyways let me know if you want a second part. But the next one is going to be Alec (I also simp over this vampire).
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elevator antics 𝜗𝜚 ׅ ۫ demetri volturi x reader
warnings: a lil bit steamy ;)
tag list: @your-next-daydream @agirllovespancakes @icefrozendeadlyqueen @iloveslasher @julesofvolterra @volturi-stuff
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It was not uncommon you were tasked with delivering some important papers to the masters (you were almost certain it was because the newest secretary was rather fearful of her life, though you’d like to think it was because you were useful). This time you were not alone.
Your mate trailed closely behind you, hand on your lower back as he guided you toward the elevator. You skipped beside him happily, chatting his ear off as you so often did. He would never tire hearing your sweet voice, he would always remind you of that. Reaching over, Demetri pressed the call button, moving back to wrap an arm around your waist.
“Darling, have I mentioned you look exquisite today?”
“Only about a hundred times” You giggled, smiling up at him. The doors of the elevator opened and he prompted you in first. You moved into the enclosed space, turning to face the doors only to be met with Demetri’s arms pushing you back against the wall, pinning you against it as the doors closed behind him.
He huffed as he pressed a soft kiss to your lips.
“Then I must tell you another two hundred times. You look absolutely ravishing in this dress, sweetheart.” He groaned as he took you in, leaning down and pressing a much deeper kiss to your lips. You moaned into his mouth, dropping the now forgotten papers onto the ground next to you in favour of wrapping your arms around the vampires neck, pulling him closer.
Barely hearing the tiny whimper that left his lips, he hoisted one leg to wrap around his hip, using it as leverage to grind against you.
“Dem-“ You groaned “We can’t”
“Why not?” He huffed in despair, desperation in both his voice as well as the way he pressed feverish kisses wherever he could get to.
“The doors will open any moment… and I really need to drop these off.”
“Baby, please. I need you.” His whine had you mentally cursing. It wasn’t often he begged so easily.
“Ten minutes,” You promised “Give me ten minutes to get this done and I’m yours.”
The suave vampire whined again and made his way back up your jaw pressing one last kiss to your lips, dropping your leg and picking the papers you dropped up off the floor for you. You hissed as he pressed a seductive kiss to your bare thigh on the way up. He knew how to rile you up so easily.
“Ten minutes, but we have to be quick. I have duty in thirty.”
You scoffed, “as if we will need that much time.”
He laughed as the doors opened, moving in the direction of your shared chambers.
“I’ll be waiting, principessa.”
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gulnarsultan · 2 years
Hello I love your work and I was wondering if you would wright something for the volturi kings?
Where the reader make animations I’m wondering how they react?
If it’s to much or not enough plot, please feel free not to use this!
Hello. I'm taking requests for Volturi. I love to write for them. Moreover, I want you to know that you can write your wishes without hesitation.
Kings have lived for centuries. They know how volatile and different the human world is. In fact, they will love your hobby because they are engaged in art. In drawing, Caius will connect you more closely with your hobby. Kings support and encourage your hobby. They will buy all the necessary materials for you. (The most expensive and high quality ones.) I think that there may be competitive races with Caius in drawing. Senior guards admire your art. They will even ask you to draw them. They will preserve all your drawings. They will rub you about your talent.
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klarolineashur1919 · 5 months
La Tua Cantante Series
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Pathetic Little Thing
Part 1: Alec
"Is this the start of your rebellious teen phase?" Alec trailed along Jane in this little park they came upon.
"As long as we clean up after ourselves the masters won't care too much" She says nonchalantly her eyes landing on a couple in the distance.
"What about no feeding on the locals?" Alec piped up one of the Volturi's rules for living in the town.
"Occasionally the locals end up on the tours, as long as we don't make this little outing a habit it should be fine" Alec and Jane stared at the little teenage couple who probably snuck out of their parents house to meet here. It was very late at night hardly anyone was out.
"Do you want to join me?" Jane asked still staring at them with a look that if Alec didn't know his sister he would have thought was jealousy.
"No actually, maybe Ill stumble upon my own act of rebellion" Alec lightly chuckled and Jane preceded to hers. Alec wandered off in the opposite direction of Jane's fun. It was a few minutes passing of wandering and Alec thought maybe he wouldn't find a midnight snack.
Alec started to feel something as he walked as if something was pulling him in a certain direction. He then eventually smelled what he was craving. Blood.
Suddenly he heard a girl's voice screaming that perked up his ears.
As he focused on the girls screams that sounded like it was towards a group of italian boys. They were laughing and speaking in things in italian that dulled Alec but also made him wrinkle his nose in disgust. He also heard dogs barking and growling as he approached the scene.
He saw as a group of italian boys probably around twenty in numbers were surrounding a girl. Some of them were surrounding two German Shephards holding them by their leashes antagonizing them.
Alec moved towards the group unnoticed when he stepped on something. Realizing they had the contents on the girls purse all over the area around them as he picked up her passport.
Aisling Barton. 14 years old. American from New York.
"Tourist" he ringed smirking as he threw the ID over his shoulder.
The boys were playing with Aisling, they pulled at her hair, ripped at her clothes, hit her in different places, threw things at her while she frustratingly was trying to communicate with them. She kept making erratic movements with her hands. It then hit Alec that she was deaf. But then he saw her dark brown almost black eyes and how they weren't focused on anything. She was blind as well as deaf. What a pathetic little thing Alec thought as he watched the scene before him. He leaned against a tree as if he watching a show.
But the more Alec just stood by and watched it happened. Something snapped inside him that he thought was gone long ago.
Her screaming was replaced with his.
Once he was just poor boy who everybody but his family hated. They saw him as an easy target, an easy person to blame for all their troubles. Him and his sister were beaten, tormented and bullied daily just because they were different. The villagers children would always attack them in groups. The group of boys started to get even closer to her.
Surrounding them as they beat them nearly to death. They were stomping on her to the point Alec heard bones crunching. They put them under their heels and spit at them from above. One of the boy pressed his heel into her temple then Alec noticed something.
The girl had stopped long ago with her sobs. She stayed silent as they started to pull up her legs. Jane stayed silence too.
"This is boring" Alec said loud enough for one of the boys to turn. Before the boy could say a word Alec's mist had reached him, it had reached all of them.
Part 2: Aisling
Aisling felt alone in her hotel. Girls that were in the studying abroad program left hours ago. But she did have Aries and Athena laying on each side of her. She couldn't sleep in this new place. She didn't want to be here but her parents shipped her off to wherever they could.
She was a hindrance to them.
Even though she was a very independent girl.
Too independent as she decided to take a night walk. She was completely reliant on Aries and Athena at night when it came to her sight. But she enjoyed night walks. The stillness and freshness in the air. At night the busyness of everything was completely at peace. It seemed even more so in this town. But then she felt something start to happen. Several feet on the ground. Then before she knew it she was knocked to the ground. She could feel Aries and Athena going crazy and then they were pulled from her. She tried to not let go of the leashes but they stomped on her hands. She cried out clutching her hands to her chest. She was surrounded and she knew it. She tried to sign to them but they just pulled her in different directions clutching at her clothes. She kept trying to communicate with them hoping they would understand but screamed out in fear and frustration when her purse was finally taken from her. She kept trying to sign but their hands on her, the rocks and foul-smelling cans that met their mark, her clothes barely holding together, she accepted her fate. They started to kick and stomp on her making Aisling barely conscious.
She thought she was going to die as a man's heel pressed against her temple but ended up just kicking her head. They started to pull her body to the ground but something happened. All the bodies froze and then something miraculous happened. She felt a sort of mist come upon her and her senses changed. Her vision became it's usual grayish blur that it was during the day but never at night. Her hearing was better than her usual. She could usual only hear very loud bass music but right now she could hear boys screaming. She felt Aries and Athena come back to her side. Athena going behind her barking but she seemed frightened.
Aries stood in front of Aisling barking wildly as if he was afraid too but he would die to protect her. Aisling tried to make sense of her new found senses. She could see movement and the bodies still before they fell. She was actually shocked she never had been able to see the shapes of things before. But now she saw the bodies standing still or kneeling down while a force moved one by one to them. Some dropping to the ground while others they're bodies became halves of themselves flying in the air. Aisling didn't understand.
The screams were the worst part. It was the first human sound Aisling ever heard and it terrified her. But all of a sudden it stopped.
Part 3: Aisling & Alec
Alec came closer to being in front of Aisling.
She wondered what he was an animal...an archangel...a monster.
"Strange" Alec almost purred as he sucked the blood off his fingers staring closely at the girl before him.
Aisling ears perked up as she still felt the mist around her and realized it was the reason she could hear. But she didn't hear what the voice said only knew a voice came from whatever was in front of her. Even as she imagined or she actually could hear her babies still barking.
"You know you're the bravest dog I've ever met" Alec kneeled before Aries as the dog was the only thing standing between him and Aisling.
Athena had started to back away making Aisling confused. She never felt her dogs this scared before. What was in front of her?
Then she felt the mist start to leave and her vision went black. Little bit of sound she heard for the first time was gone.
"What to do with you?" Alec hummed melodic type of way as he surveyed the girl as she laid on the ground twisted up in different ways.
She gently started to pull the German Shephard to the side of her making a space between Alec and her. Alec sat there wondering what he wanted to do.
He could tell she was trying to use the dog to get up but she was weak. But her hand started to crawl up the ground towards him and he moved away. He knew she could tell because her hand stopped. Alec looked around perplexed as to why he was even thinking about this. But for some reason he just couldn't go for the kill. She's such a pathetic little thing there was no fun in it. Then something caught his eye. A phone on the ground by her purse. He slowly walked and kneeled down to it picking it up. He stood up playfully tossing it up and down in his hand catching it as he stared down at the pathetic little thing.
"Decisions....Decisions" He looked around at the mess he made realizing it was quite a mess.
Then truly looked at the braille phone and realized his first call to make.
"Felix come to the exact location I text you and come with haste" He ended the call and texted the description of the spot. He didn't want to clean this up. Call it laziness if you want. His eyes never left the girl as he wondered if he should leave her for Felix. He turned around ready to leave thinking he was going mad for even making it a decision but he didn't know what it was that made him go no further. A cosmic pull..an instinct whatever it was something snapped in Alec that he could not leave this girl to die. He rushed over to the girl lifting her up like she was made of glass. Something in him tensed all over that her animals faded into the background.
Everything around him became different as he held her to him. It was her...her smell..her blood..
He needed to hurry for whatever he was going to do. He rushed to the nearest public place at this time of night. Called the phone again. 112 he dialed for an ambulance. Saying the address and condition of the girl before hanging up. He with uncharacteristic gentleness laid her against a wall. He stared at her for a time and she raised her head to him. Did she know he was there? He didn't know never took the time understand her kind he thought as if she was another species from mortal. He was leaving her when she reached up toward him but he left to quickly. He waited on a rooftop nearby for them to come. Eventually someone joined him.
"You owe me" A growl came from his side.
"Is it taken care of?" Alec didn't take his eyes off the girl.
"I surveyed the mess you made and called Santiago. He'll clean it up" Felix said in a prideful manner that Alec thought he had no business in having.
"That's not what I asked" Alec calmly straightened his cuffs as the ambulance came.
"I am not your errand boy" Felix sneered as Alec smirked. He still didn't bother looking at him even as mist started to leave his hands making Felix step back.
"I won't tell if that's what you want" He said through gritted teeth still slowly stepping back but the mist kept coming.
"I'll make Santiago keep quiet as well plea-" Felix actually tripped over his own feet making Alec giggle and turn around while the ambulance was leaving. Alec strolled over to Felix ending up kneeling next to him.
"Next time do as you were told like a good boy" Alec roughly patted his cheek making Felix grimace. Alec causally got up making his way back to the park.
"Incompetence" Alec gave a disappointed shrug at the scene before. Blood specks still littered the ground. He still smelled death in the air not that he minded the smell. He even thought he saw an ear on the ground or a bit of throat. Beer bottles and cans covered in blood.
That didn't annoy him though.
It was the contents of Aisling Barton's purse that littered the ground still. He kneeled down annoyed snatching up the purse itself. There he saw a card to the Hotel San Lino. Alec bit his lip and stared at it.
He made a decision that night. Something that not Jane or Aro helped him make and one neither of them would approve of.
He debated over it but he made it all the same.
That he was going to see her again.
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mx-pastelwriting · 2 years
Volturi Kings Headcanon Poll
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- Since I'm coming up on 1k followers cause you guys are amazing, I want to do a Volturi Kings headcanon as the Volturi sleep headcanon was my first post to be really loved so its up to you to chose for my 1k post.
- This will be gender neutral headcanon.
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archoniluthradanar · 2 months
Games the Volturi might play with their human mate on a random Friday evening
ARO : Aro will play Monopoly with you, because he loves to control everything. He will buy every property first, then go after the utilities and the railroads lastly. He will cheat and distract you, or wheel and deal until you acquiesce to him. But since he loves you, he promises to make it up to you later by buying you real property, like a hotel or resort.
CAIUS : Caius will enjoy playing Risk with you or better yet, against you, because...well, it is world conquest. He will work hard to defeat your armies, then to bring peace to the world, will make you his queen with the gift of a single red rose and a ring set with the most perfect ruby you have ever seen.
MARCUS : The kindest of your mates will play Mystery Date with you. He enjoys seeing you choose your gown and date details before watching you open the door when it's time. He will have slipped in all photos of himself, taken by Felix using an instant camera the guard found in town. Then he will promise to take you on a real date later in the week to anywhere you choose.
I have the games but not the players.
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