infosectrain03 · 15 days
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rtc-tek · 15 days
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Wondering how to detect and neutralize advanced threats? At #RoundTheClockTechnologies, we deliver advanced threat detection services that leverage AI-driven tools.
Our real-time alerts inform organizations of suspicious activity, allowing for swift action. By adopting a proactive defense approach, we anticipate potential threats and neutralize them before they cause harm.
Our commitment to using the latest technology ensures that the organization remains protected against even the most sophisticated cyber threats.
With our #SecurityTestingServices, organizations can rest assured that their digital assets are in safe hands.
Learn more about our Security testing services at https://rtctek.com/security-testing-services
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rnoni · 2 months
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amyrasheldon · 6 months
Protect your digital fortress with our comprehensive Vulnerability Assessment Solutions. Shield your assets from cyber threats effectively. Stay secure, stay vigilant.
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ikfbacklinks · 8 months
Secure Your Systems with Advanced VAPT Testing in India
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The Art of Ethical Hacking
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osintelligence · 10 months
https://bit.ly/3R3iwat - 🔍 Threat hunting is essential in cybersecurity, focusing on searching for the unknown. Experts from Cisco Talos Intelligence Group emphasize its importance in identifying novel threats and actor behaviors that might bypass traditional detection. #ThreatHunting #Cybersecurity 💡 Effective threat hunting requires a deep understanding of the network. Security professionals must master the fundamentals of their network to identify and counteract threats effectively. This knowledge is key in preventing attackers from exploiting vulnerabilities. #NetworkSecurity #CyberDefense 🛠️ Threat hunters look for underresourced areas and workarounds in the system. These are potential weak spots where attackers might gain access. The focus is on areas moving too fast or being ignored, leading to vulnerabilities. #VulnerabilityAssessment #CyberRisk 📊 The main principles of threat hunting involve identifying gaps in visibility and learning from incidents. Hunts can reveal areas needing improved monitoring or logging, ultimately enhancing an organization's security posture. #ThreatIntelligence #SecurityPosture 🔄 Learning from failures is a crucial part of threat hunting. Failure is a common outcome, providing valuable lessons for future hunts. This iterative process involves adapting and refining techniques to better detect and prevent cyber threats.
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otaviogilbert · 1 year
Tips for Secure Code Review | CybersecurityTv
Learn essential tips for conducting a secure code review in this insightful episode of CybersecurityTv. Discover how to identify vulnerabilities, enhance code quality, and protect your software from potential threats.
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omgmaxsmith-blog · 1 year
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Maximizing VAPT Testing Effectiveness: Advanced Strategies for Comprehensive Vulnerability Identification and Exploitation.
In the digital landscape, where data breaches and cyber threats are on the rise, businesses must prioritize robust security measures to safeguard their assets. Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) play a pivotal role in identifying weaknesses and fortifying defenses. However, to ensure maximum effectiveness, decision-makers in businesses need to implement advanced strategies that go beyond basic testing methodologies. In this article, we will explore key tactics and industry-proven techniques to maximize VAPT testing effectiveness, leading to comprehensive vulnerability identification and exploitation.
1. Evolving Threat Landscape: The first step in enhancing VAPT effectiveness is recognizing the ever-evolving threat landscape. Cybercriminals continuously develop sophisticated attack vectors, making it crucial for decision-makers to stay updated on emerging threats and trends. By understanding the latest attack methods and vulnerabilities, businesses can align their VAPT testing to address the most relevant risks. According to a study by IBM, the average cost of a data breach in 2020 was $3.86 million, emphasizing the importance of robust cybersecurity measures.
2. Comprehensive Coverage: To achieve comprehensive vulnerability identification, businesses must adopt a holistic approach to VAPT testing. This entails evaluating various dimensions of security, including network infrastructure, web applications, mobile apps, databases, and cloud systems. By conducting assessments across the entire technology stack, decision-makers can uncover vulnerabilities that may otherwise remain undetected, minimizing potential entry points for attackers.
3. Automated Testing Tools: While manual testing remains invaluable, the scale and complexity of modern IT environments necessitate the use of automated testing tools. These tools enable decision-makers to perform efficient and consistent scans, allowing for rapid identification of vulnerabilities. Advanced vulnerability scanning tools leverage machine learning algorithms and threat intelligence, providing accurate and actionable results to prioritize remediation efforts effectively.
4. Penetration Testing Expertise: Beyond vulnerability identification, exploitation is crucial to gauge the real-world impact of vulnerabilities. Employing skilled penetration testers who possess in-depth knowledge of the latest attack techniques is imperative. These experts simulate real-world attack scenarios, attempting to exploit vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access. Their findings enable decision-makers to assess potential business risks and prioritize remediation efforts accordingly. A study by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) found that for every dollar spent on vulnerability management, businesses can potentially save $30 in potential losses. This demonstrates the significant return on investment that effective VAPT testing can offer.
5. Contextual Analysis: To maximize the effectiveness of VAPT testing, decision-makers must conduct contextual analysis of vulnerabilities. This involves evaluating the impact of identified vulnerabilities in the context of business operations and critical assets. By considering factors such as business logic, data sensitivity, and potential consequences, decision-makers can prioritize remediation efforts based on the actual risk to the organization.
6. Continuous Testing: VAPT testing should be an ongoing process rather than a one-time event. As technology landscapes evolve rapidly, new vulnerabilities can emerge even after initial assessments. Decision-makers should implement regular and continuous testing cycles to ensure ongoing protection against emerging threats. This proactive approach reduces the likelihood of exploitation and helps maintain a robust security posture.
7. Collaboration with Security Experts: Partnering with external security experts and consultants can greatly enhance VAPT testing effectiveness. These professionals bring a fresh perspective, in-depth expertise, and access to advanced tools and techniques. Their unbiased assessment and recommendations can help decision-makers identify blind spots, address vulnerabilities, and strengthen overall security posture. A case study by a financial institution showed that after implementing VAPT testing, they were able to identify and fix critical vulnerabilities, resulting in a 67% reduction in security incidents and a 50% decrease in associated costs.
In an era marked by relentless cyber threats, businesses must adopt advanced strategies to maximize the effectiveness of VAPT testing. By embracing evolving threat landscapes, leveraging automated testing tools, prioritizing penetration testing expertise, conducting contextual analysis, implementing continuous testing, and collaborating with security experts, businesses can achieve comprehensive vulnerability identification and exploitation. Investing in robust VAPT practices not only protects sensitive data and critical assets but also enhances customer trust and preserves brand reputation in the digital ecosystem.
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infosectrain03 · 19 days
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rtc-tek · 2 months
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Ever wondered how to stay ahead of cyber threats? At #RoundTheClockTechnologies, we've got organizations covered with our exceptional security testing services.
We start with a comprehensive vulnerability assessment to identify and address potential security gaps. Then, we conduct meticulous penetration testing, simulating real-world attacks to ensure that the defenses are strong. Compliance assurance is also part of our process, ensuring the organization meets industry standards and regulations.
With our advanced security testing methodologies, we provide actionable insights and recommendations to fortify the security posture.
Trust us to safeguard digital assets and maintain the integrity of business operations.
Learn more about our security testing services at https://rtctek.com/security-testing-services
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hacktechmedia · 1 year
"Unveiling Vulnerabilities, Strengthening Defences: Ethical Reconnaissance and Footprinting for Enhanced Cybersecurity"
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Reconnaissance and footprinting are critical phases in the ethical hacking process. These initial steps involve gathering information about a target system or network to gain a comprehensive understanding of its vulnerabilities and potential attack vectors. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of reconnaissance and footprinting, providing you with essential techniques and tools to conduct this phase effectively and ethically.
Step 1: Define Your Objectives
Before diving into reconnaissance and footprinting, clearly define your objectives. Identify the scope of your assessment, including the target system or network, the goals of your engagement, and the legal and ethical boundaries within which you must operate.
Step 2: Passive Information Gathering
Begin the reconnaissance phase by conducting passive information gathering. Utilize publicly available sources, such as search engines, social media platforms, company websites, and online databases, to collect information about the target. Look for details like organizational structure, employee information, contact details, and publicly disclosed vulnerabilities.
Step 3: Active Information Gathering
Transition to active information gathering, which involves more direct interaction with the target. Utilize tools like WHOIS lookups, DNS enumeration, and network scanning to identify IP addresses, domain names, and open ports associated with the target. This step helps in understanding the target's infrastructure and potential entry points.
Step 4: Network Mapping and Discovery
Perform network mapping and discovery to gain a comprehensive view of the target's network topology. Use tools like Nmap to scan for live hosts, identify open ports, and detect network services. Mapping the network architecture helps identify potential vulnerabilities and paths for further exploration.
Step 5: Website Analysis
Focus on analyzing the target's website for potential vulnerabilities. Utilize tools like Burp Suite or OWASP ZAP to perform web application scanning, looking for common security flaws such as XSS (Cross-Site Scripting), SQL injection, and insecure configurations. Examine the website's source code and review the functionality to identify any potential weaknesses.
Step 6: Social Engineering Analysis
Incorporate social engineering analysis into your reconnaissance process. This involves assessing the target's susceptibility to social engineering attacks, such as phishing, pretexting, or physical infiltration. Look for information that could aid in the manipulation of individuals within the target organization to gain unauthorized access.
Step 7: Document and Organize Findings
Document and organize all the information gathered during the reconnaissance phase. Create detailed reports, including the discovered network topology, potential vulnerabilities, website analysis results, and any relevant findings from social engineering assessments. Proper documentation ensures a structured approach and aids in subsequent phases of the ethical hacking process.
Step 8: Analyze and Prioritize Vulnerabilities
Analyze the gathered information and prioritize vulnerabilities based on their severity and potential impact. Focus on vulnerabilities that pose the greatest risk to the target's security and prioritize them for further exploitation or remediation.
Step 9: Ethics and Compliance
Throughout the entire reconnaissance and footprinting process, adhere to ethical guidelines and legal requirements. Obtain proper authorization to conduct the assessment and ensure that you are operating within the boundaries defined by applicable laws and regulations.
Step 10: Continuous Monitoring and Updates
Reconnaissance and footprinting are not one-time activities. Continuously monitor and update the gathered information as the target's systems and network infrastructure evolve over time. Stay informed about new vulnerabilities, emerging attack vectors, and changes within the target organization to maintain an accurate understanding of the potential risks.
Step 11: Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)
Integrate open source intelligence (OSINT) techniques into your reconnaissance and footprinting process. OSINT involves gathering information from publicly available sources, such as social media platforms, online forums, news articles, and government databases. Use OSINT tools and techniques to uncover additional details about the target, including employee information, system configurations, software versions, and potential vulnerabilities. Properly analyze and verify the collected data to ensure its accuracy and relevance to your assessment.
Step 12: Passive Network Monitoring
Consider implementing passive network monitoring during the reconnaissance phase. This involves capturing and analyzing network traffic to gather valuable insights about the target's systems, protocols, and communication patterns. Tools like Wireshark can help you monitor network traffic and identify potential security weaknesses, such as unencrypted data transmission or suspicious network activities. Passive network monitoring can provide valuable information for further analysis and vulnerability assessment.
Step 13: External Vulnerability Scanning
Perform external vulnerability scanning to identify potential vulnerabilities from an outside perspective. Use specialized scanning tools like Nessus or OpenVAS to scan the target's external-facing systems, such as web servers, DNS servers, or email servers. These tools help identify common security weaknesses, misconfigurations, outdated software versions, or known vulnerabilities that attackers could exploit. Analyze the scan results to prioritize and address the identified vulnerabilities effectively.
Step 14: Collaborate and Share Knowledge
Engage in the ethical hacking community by collaborating and sharing knowledge with other professionals. Participate in forums, attend conferences, and join relevant communities where you can learn from experts and exchange insights and experiences. Collaboration and knowledge sharing not only enhance your skills but also contribute to the collective effort of improving cybersecurity practices globally.
Step 15: Continuous Learning and Improvement
Ethical hacking is a constantly evolving field, with new techniques, tools, and vulnerabilities emerging regularly. Commit to continuous learning and improvement by staying updated with the latest security trends, attending training programs, and obtaining relevant certifications. Stay informed about the latest vulnerabilities and security news through reputable sources and maintain an active interest in cybersecurity research and advancements.
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Reconnaissance and footprinting serve as crucial initial steps in the ethical hacking process.  Remember to prioritize legal and ethical considerations, document your findings, stay informed about emerging threats, and foster a mindset of continuous learning and improvement. Ethical hacking is a responsible and valuable practice that plays a vital role in strengthening cybersecurity defences and protecting organizations from malicious attacks.
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jjbizconsult · 1 year
Maximizing Security in Ecommerce Transactions
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tacsec · 1 year
Russian Hackers Exploit Stealthy Outlook Vulnerability, Microsoft Warns
Microsoft recently issued guidance to assist customers in identifying indicators of compromise (IoCs) associated with a recently resolved Outlook vulnerability. The vulnerability, known as CVE-2023-23397 and scored a 9.8 on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS), involves a critical flaw related to privilege escalation.  
This flaw could allow for the theft of NT Lan Manager (NTLM) hashes and a relay attack to be staged without user interaction. This attack could allow an attacker to access sensitive data and systems and potentially compromise an organization’s network. Users and organizations need to apply the security updates and patches provided by Microsoft to mitigate the risk of exploitation by malicious actors.  
The warning from the company highlights a significant security threat posed by external attackers. They can exploit a vulnerability in the system by sending specially crafted emails that create a connection between the victim’s device and an untrusted location controlled by the attackers.  
As a result, the attackers gain access to the Net-NTLMv2 hash of the victim, which is then leaked to their network. This hash contains sensitive authentication information that can be transferred to other services to authenticate as the victim. The consequences of such an attack can be dire, ranging from identity theft to sensitive data. Ensuring that all software and applications are up to date with the latest security patches and educating employees on safe browsing and email practices are crucial to prevent this vulnerability.  
Additionally, ESOF VMDR implements multi-factor authentication to reduce the chances of an attacker gaining unauthorized access to sensitive information. By taking these measures, businesses can protect themselves against external attackers and ensure their valuable data remains secure.  
In March 2023, Microsoft addressed the vulnerability as a component of its Patch Tuesday updates. However, before its resolution, malicious actors from Russia had exploited the flaw to launch attacks on Europe’s government, transportation, energy, and military sectors.  
Microsoft’s incident response team detected indications of potential vulnerability exploitation as early as April 2022. The tech giant explained that a Net-NTLMv2 Relay attack was executed successfully in a particular attack sequence, allowing the threat actor to gain unauthorized entry to an Exchange Server and alter mailbox folder permissions for sustained access.  
After the compromised email account, it was utilized to expand the attacker’s reach within the affected system by sending further malicious messages to other organization members. Microsoft noted that while using NTLMv2 hashes to gain unauthorized access to resources is not new, the exploitation of CVE-2023-23397 is innovative and inconspicuous.  
To detect any possible exploitation via CVE-2023-23397, organizations are advised to examine SMB Client event logging, Process Creation events, and other network telemetry data that is accessible. The disclosure coincides with releasing a new open-source incident response tool by the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), which assists in identifying indications of evil activity in Microsoft cloud environments.  
The agency stated that a Python-powered “Untitled Goose Tool” tool provides innovative authentication and data-gathering techniques for analyzing Microsoft Azure, Azure Active Directory, and Microsoft 365 environments.  
Microsoft advised customers to maintain up to date on-premises Exchange servers earlier this year and implement network enhancements to minimize potential risks.  
Get ESOF to safeguard your system against malicious attacks  
The ESOF Vulnerability Management platform is a next-generation tool that utilizes ESOF VMDR to safeguard against malicious cyberattacks. Using an automatic approach, it prioritizes and continuously monitors all vulnerabilities right after the user installs them on their system.  
Protecting systems from potential data breaches is critical, especially considering recent incidents such as the one that affected the U.S. Marshals Service. It is believed that the attackers may have exploited weaknesses in their IT stack, highlighting the importance of utilizing tools like ESOF VMDR.  
ESOF VMDR protects your system in the following ways:  
By leveraging its threat intelligence capability, it can pinpoint the assets that have vulnerabilities.  
Using a cyber risk score enhances communication within the organization, reducing cyber risk and providing business owners with an understanding of their company’s security posture.  
Take swift action on critical vulnerabilities through automated prioritization and remediation.  
Ensure comprehensive protection of your company’s IT infrastructure, including all real-time files.  
With scheduled scanning, you can identify zero-day vulnerabilities across multiple platforms, such as web, mobile, SCR, and infrastructure.  
ESOF VMDR aids in discovering hidden vulnerabilities within the system and segregating them based on their high-risk status. 
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victormirandamx · 2 years
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Llego mi nuevo bebé… mi Alfa AWUS036AC… en mi revisión ya murieron dos de mis tarjetas con las que inicie el análisis de redes WiFi… ahora a probar qué tal trabaja este juguetito… 😷 🦠 👨🏻‍💻🏠👩🏻‍💻🦠 😷 _/﹋\_ (҂`_´) -''Let's Hacking'' <,︻╦╤─ ҉ - - - - _/\_ . . . #pentester #vulnerabilityassessment #HackingTools #Pentest #Pentesting #VulnerabilityAssessment #EthicalHacking #InfoSec #CyberSecurity #EthicalHacker #ceh #diabetichacker #darkdevil #hacker #hacking #whitehat #greyhat #blackhat #owasp #osstmm #issaf #ptes https://www.instagram.com/p/CoJQtgYjIU_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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The Art of Ethical Hacking
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