cocodorillaverdequesi · 8 months
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ヴァルザーから多大な影響を受けたカフカやゼーバルトにしても (私にとってはむしろ)、彼等は夢のヴィジオネール (住人) であって、画家とは言い難い。
ヴァルザーに一番近い作家は誰だろう? 思い浮かぶ中で一番近いのは (詩人ではあるが)、たぶんウイリアム・ブレイクなのであろうが、ブレイクもまた、自身の主要な職業であるイラストレーターを抜きにしても、画家というよりはむしろ (“夢の住人”であるかは兎も角として)、幻視者 (ヴィジオネール) なのである。ヴァルザーを読むと、必ずしもヴァルザーが意図したのではない、様々な画家たちの構造が浮かび上がってくる。そしてそれらはその都度、幸福な微笑みを湛えている。ヴァルザーが意図したものでは勿論ない。
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ayanos-pl · 4 years
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本が届いた。今日はいい日だ。 W・G・ゼーバルト、鈴木仁子訳『土星の環 イギリス行脚(新装版)』(白水社)
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voidplus-jp · 4 years
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Unknown Image Series no.8 #2 鈴木のぞみ「Light of Other Daysー土星の環」 Nozomi Suzuki "Light of Other Days - The Rings of Saturn"
void+では、Unknown Series no.8 #2 鈴木のぞみ個展「Light of Other Days-­土星の環」を7月31日より開催いたします。本シリーズ2回目となる鈴木は、何気ない日常の事物に潜む潜像のような記憶の可視化を、写真の原理を通して試みています。その作品は静かで控えめでありながら、写真の本質をとらえた独自の構造と豊かさ、広がりがあり、見る人の想像力に働きかけます。
■タイトル:Unknown Image Series no.8  #2 鈴木のぞみ「Light of Other Days-­土星の環」 ■会期:2020 年7月31日(金)— 8月21日(金)14:00-18:00 ■メールインタビュー:鈴木のぞみ+ 梅津元(埼玉県立近代美術館学芸主幹/芸術学) ■会場:void+ 東京都港区南青山3-16-14, 1F ■定休日:日、月、祝日 ■お問合せ:[email protected]  
[主催]void+/Unknown実行委員会 [企画]カトウチカ                                                                                         [協力]rin art association/Pola Art Foundation
Light of Other Days -土星の環 について  
展覧会タイトルの《Light of Other Days》は、ベルファスト出身のSF作家であるボブ・ショウによって1966年に書かれた短篇から引用している。物語の中に登場する、過去の光を遅れて届ける魔法のガラスである〈スローガラス〉という発明品は、それ自身が写真そのもののようである。
《土星の環》は、晩年を東イングランドで過ごしたドイツの作家 W・G・ゼーバルトによって1995年に書かれた書物のタイトルから引用した。脱線と連想を繰り返しながら、ヨーロッパ帝国主義の史実と文学への思索による断片が、イギリスの地を巡礼するゼーバルトの足どりとともに散りばめられ、記憶を想起するような書物だ。
(2020年6月 鈴木のぞみ)
カトウチカ(Unknown Series キュレーター)
鈴木のぞみ SUZUKI Nozomi
1983年 埼玉県生まれ。東京藝術大学大学院 美術研究科 博士後期課程在学中。何気ない日常の事物に潜む潜像のような記憶の可視化を、写真の原理を通して試みている。現前しているが不在であるという性質を持つ写真を事物に直接定着することで、写真に触覚��な身体のようなものが付与され、過ぎ去りゆく時をいまここに宙づりにする。近年の主な展示に「あした と きのう の まんなかで」(はじまりの美術館、2019)、「MOTサテライト2018 秋 うごきだす物語」(清澄白河、2018)、「無垢と経験の写真 日本の新進作家vol.14」(東京都写真美術館、2017)、「NEW VISION SAITAMA 5 迫り出す身体」(埼玉県立近代美術館、2016)など。受賞歴多数。平成30年度ポーラ美術振興財団在外研修員としてイギリスにて研修。
梅津元 UMEZU Gen
埼玉県立近代美術館学芸主幹。専門は芸術学。同館での主な企画(共同企画を含む)に「DECODE/出来事と記録ーポスト工業化社会の美術」(2019)、「版画の景色 現代版画センターの軌跡」(2018)、「生誕100年記念 瑛九展」(2011)、「アーティスト・プロジェクト:関根伸夫《位相ー大地》が生まれるまで」(2005)、「ドナルド・ジャッド 1960-1991」(1999)、「<うつすこと>と<見ること>ー意識拡大装置」(1994)など。ギャラリーαMでの企画に「トランス/リアルー非実体的美術の可能性」(2016-17)がある。美術手帖や展覧会カタログなどに寄稿多数。
<Unknown Image Series no.8 展覧会>
この世界においては、日々膨大なイメージが生まれては消えていくが、ときに稀有なイメージが出現する。今回の参加アーティストは、三田村光土里、横山奈美、鈴木のぞみ、山元彩香、庄司朝美の5名。連続する個展の形式をとる。各回のトークイベントとテキストのゲストには、光田由里、梅津元、飯田志保子、中村史子、中尾拓哉らを招く。 シリーズの終了後にはバイリンガルの記録集を制作し、本というメディアにおいても新たな表現の展開をはかっていく。
Unknown Imageのシリーズは、イメージをテーマに、今、注目すべきアーティスト一人一人の作品とその世界を深く掘り下げ、その可能性をさらに見出していく場でもある。今回は、はからずも全員が女性アーティストとなった。
<Unknown Image Series no.8 今後のスケジュール>
#3|庄司朝美  [会場/会期]未定
ゲスト:光田由里(DIC川村記念美術館学芸員) *開催を予定していたHIGURE 17-15 casですが、新型コロナウイルス感染症を考慮した上、当面の間休廊することとなりました。新しい会場と会期が決まり次第、発表いたします。
#4|横山奈美 [会場]void+ 2021年5月(予定) ゲスト:飯田志保子(キュレーター)
#5|三田村光土里 [会場]HIGURE 17-15 cas   2021年(予定) ゲスト:中尾拓哉(美術評論家)
Unknown Image Series no. 8 #2 “Light of Other Days – The Rings of Saturn,” an exhibition of work by Suzuki Nozomi, will open at void+ on July 31. In this second exhibition in the series, Suzuki endeavors to render visible by means of photographic principles the memories, akin to latent images, that dwell in mundane, everyday objects. These works may be calm and understated, but their unique structure, richness, and expansiveness, which together capture the essence of photography, mean they are sure to fire the viewer’s imagination.
Recent years have seen Suzuki present work in major museums and other venues around Japan, including the Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, Museum of Modern Art, Saitama, and MOT Satellite, and last year she also spent time in London and Belfast on a POLA Art Foundation overseas study grant. This exhibition inspired by the antique spectacles, portholes and similar objects Suzuki encountered during her stay in the UK, plus books by Belfast sci-fi writer Bob Shaw, and the German author W.G. Sebald, who traveled around Britain, will be her first solo show since returning to Japan.
In a first for the Unknown series, there will also be an email interview* with the artist, courtesy of Umezu Gen, curator at the Museum of Modern Art, Saitama. A transcript of the interview will be posted at a later date on the void+ website, as an informative accompaniment to the exhibition.
*We regret the scheduled talk event has been cancelled as a measure against COVID-19 transmission.
■Title: Unknown Image Series no.8  #2 SUZUKI Nozomi “Light of Other Days-­The Rings of Saturn” ■Exhibition Period: 2020.7.31(fri) — 8.21(fri) 14:00-18:00 ■Email Interview: SUZUKI Nozomi + UMEZU Gen(Curator, The Museum of Modern Art, Saitama / Art Studies) ■Venue: void+  3-16-14, 1F, Minamiaoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo ■Closed: Sundays, Mondays and holidays  ■Inquires: [email protected]  
Organized by void+/ Unknown executive committee Curated by KATO Chika                                                                                     In cooperation with rin art association / Pola Art Foundation
About “Light of Other Days – The Rings of Saturn”
During my time in the UK, I mused on the idea of revealing latent images of objects that have served to expand the human gaze, in the context of the vernacular culture of Britain since the Victorian era, a period in which the nation’s development coincided with the dawn of photography.
The title of the exhibition, “Light of Other Days,” is taken from a short story written by Belfast sci-fi author Bob Shaw in 1966. The magical “slow glass” of the story, an invention that delivers delayed light from the past, could for all the world be photography itself.
“The Rings of Saturn,” meanwhile, is borrowed from the title of a 1995 work by German author W. G. Sebald, who spent his later years in the east of England. Sebald’s English pilgrimage is accompanied by scattered snippets of thought; meditations on the true history of European imperialism, and on literature, laced with digressions and connections, as if recalling memories.
Using these works for reference, I attempted to trace the history of objects from the marks left on them. Turning my thoughts to the endeavors of past people, my aim is to use photography to render visible the memory-like gaze that dwells in objects, in the hope that through “slow glass” the little narratives filling each of these objects will intersect with our gaze, and create settings for the spinning of new stories.
(SUZUKI Nozomi, June 2020)
A blankness of gaze
Circular gazes—windows, eyeglasses, magnifiers, camera obscura, telescopes, and pairs of human eyes—float in the gallery space.
What have they seen? The very space spun by Suzuki also harbors the structure of a camera, images, shapes and narratives of things related to time and light, floating and forming links therein.
Things originally devoid of both life and thought are given photosensitivity, and acquire body and gaze. What should be objects, become subjects, all clear gazes. The people who used these collected items are no longer of this world. Yet, accumulating a different time from humans, they remain, describing pieces of the landscapes and narratives once there, and stirring complex emotions in those who see them. Fragments portraying the light and shadow, the words, of the past, invite people on an endless journey through time. Stories are shared among those who visit the space, each changing within each visitor. The blank gaze of these small items is suffused with unseen images and narratives.
In a place where dead and living, objects, space, time, light, all manner of gazes and memories intersect, we constitute just another tiny piece, and also, the whole.
KATO Chika (Unknown Series curator)
Born 1983 in Saitama, Japan. Currently in the doctorate course of Intermedia Art at Tokyo University of the Arts. Suzuki Nozomi attempts to visualize, through the principles of photography, the memories resembling latent images submerged in innocuous everyday objects. Fixing photographs, which have the characteristic of being present yet absent, directly to objects, she assigns photographs something like a tactile body, suspending passing time in the now.   Recent group exhibitions include “In the middle of tomorrow and yesterday” (Hajimari Art Center, 2019), “MOT Satellite 2018 Fall: To Become a Narrative” (Kiyosumi-Shirakawa, 2018), “Photographs of Innocence and of Experience: Contemporary Japanese Photography vol.14” (Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, 2017), and “New Vision Saitama 5: The Emerging Body” (The Museum of Modern Art, Saitama, 2016). Among a number of other awards, she was recipient of the POLA Art Foundation Grant for Overseas Research in 2018, under which she studied in the UK.
Curator, The Museum of Modern Art, Saitama, specializing in art studies. Exhibitions he has organized/co-organized at MOMAS include ”DECODE / Events & Materials: The Work of Art in the Age of Post-Industrial Society” (2019), “A View of Prints: Trajectory of the Gendai Hanga Center” (2018), “100th Birth Anniversary, Q Ei” (2011), “Artist Project: Toward the Emergence of Sekine Nobuo’s Phase – Mother Earth” (2005), “Donald Judd 1960–1991” (1999), and “Visualization in the End of the 20th Century” (1994). He also organized as guest curator the Gallery αM series “Trans / Real: The Potential of Intangible Art” (2016-17). He has contributed a great number of essays to the art magazine Bijutsu Techo, as well as to art catalogues and books.  
<Unknown Image Series no.8 exhibitions>
Creating unknown images
Exploring the power and essence possessed by images, to create unknown images.
A vast number of images are generated every day in this world, only to vanish, but just occasionally, some extraordinary images do emerge. The artists in this eighth Unknown exhibition are Mitamura Midori, Yokoyama Nami, Suzuki Nozomi, Yamamoto Ayaka, and Shoji Asami, who will stage consecutive solo shows. Those serving as guests for the talk events for each of these shows, and providing the texts, will include Mitsuda Yuri, Umezu Gen, Iida Shihoko, Nakamura Fumiko, and Nakao Takuya. After the series is finished a bilingual document will be produced, thus extending the exhibition into another form of expression:  that of the book.
Images made by women
The Unknown Image series is also an opportunity to delve deeply into the individual work of some of today’s most noteworthy artists and their worlds, identifying further possibilities for each. This time, albeit not by design, all the artists are female.
Yamamoto Ayaka, featured in the first of the exhibitions, travels to countries where she does not speak the language, and takes portrait photographs suffused with a beauty and violence verging on the mystical. What is it that remains even when everything is stripped from her subjects, down to their names and consciousness, in an attempt to turn them into empty vessels? Suzuki Nozomi is a quiet explorer of the principles of photography and time. Endowing non-living things with a “gaze” and “memory” she gives her photos something like a physical body. Yokoyama Nami blends the vast history of painting and small personal histories to depict the beauty of everyday, insignificant things and what lies behind the bright and shiny. Shoji Asami’s lines create a narrative quality that draws the viewer in like a stage, and a corporeal painterly space suffused with the energy of life and death. Mitamura Midori is the artist in this series with the longest career. Her many very personal images and words are presented in photographs, videos, objects, drawings and installations, that go beyond individual stories or the confines of art, taking on a universal quality that irrevocably captures the heart of the viewer. The guests, meanwhile, are a varied lineup in terms of age and gender, but all individuals on the frontlines of art creation, of superb critical talent.
Once a marginal presence in art history, female artists are now at its cutting edge. What kind of images do these artists make? Why have they felt the need to produce them? The artists participating in these exhibitions have different origins and career trajectories, different ways of engaging with their themes, with history and current circumstances, and different aims. Yet their presence, and the images they create, are without exception strong and vibrant. Their unknown images will quietly shake the viewer to the core, and likely serve as a force for many types of change in the world.
KATO Chika
<Unknown Image Series no.8 exhibitions schedule>
SHOJI Asami   Venue and period: TBD Guest: MITSUDA Yuri (Curator, Kawamura Memorial DIC Museum of Art) *HIGURE 17-15 cas, where the exhibition was to be held, is closed for the time being in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The new dates and venue for the show will be announced as soon as they are determined.
YOKOYAMA Nami @ void+ May 2021 (TBD) Guest: IIDA Shihoko (Curator)
MITAMURA Midori @ HIGURE 17-15 cas   2021 (TBD) Guest: NAKAO Takuya (Art critic)
写真:森政俊 2枚目の舷窓の写真:鈴木のぞみ
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ayanos-pl · 4 years
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W・G・ゼーバルト、鈴木仁子訳『移民たち 四つの長い物語』(白水社)
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