killuaisaprincess · 11 months
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systemendeavors · 6 years
Miraculous Ladybug Fun Fan Comic: “[Enter Title Here]” ROUGH DRAFT
Hey-o! So I’m working on a big personal project that might take a bit to get together due to my unruly work schedule, but I had a friend encourage me to post at least part of the script I’m working on to see if it had some interest. It is a “reveal” comic that I plan on drawing out, but I’m trying as hard as I can to keep it as close to a real episode as possible. I’ve only thought so far and the draft is subject to change, but here’s a peek of what I’ve got: ----------------- Scene:  [Calm Paris scene, birds chirping and flower box on an open balcony prominent. A distant screaming can be heard, growing closer, before a blurred figure crashes into the lone tree in the clearing, startling birds.]
Chat Noir: WAHHHHHHH-!
[Chat Noir leans up, coming into view, looking winded but relived, with various twigs and leafs sticking to his hair. ]
Chat Noir: Guess I should’ve worn a seat belt.
[Rustling his hair, Chat looks determined once more.]
CN: I better not keep M’lady waiting~
[Sitting up, he notices the previously mentioned flowers. Staring one moment, then smiling thoughtfully the next.]
[Meanwhile, in a busier part of town with crossroads and heavy traffic. Ladybug twirling her yoyo, looking defensive.]
[Off panel] RR: Give up now Ladybug! Your Miraculous are as good as mine, for no one can stand against the power of-
[Reveal panel of Akuma villain, skintight suit ( ??? design TBD), with a freaky vehicle revving up. RR points dramatically.]
[Car zooms by LB, who deftly dodges it with a spin. She reposes herself, with Chat Noir vaulting down via staff to join her side.]
CN: Miss me Bugaboo?
LB: Chat Noir! You okay?
CN: Of course! Didn’t you know? Cats /always/ land on their feet.
[Car zooms through them, RR laughing manically. Chat Noir bolts away with a twist, LB jumping to the side once more. Mid-air LB sees a pedestrian directly in the vehicle’s path, looking shocked and surprised.]
CN: On it!
[Chat lands and wields his staff like a bat. Arms held back, LB lands on the end, and with a swing, Chat sends LB flying towards the civilian. With a streamline form, LB flys into the civilian, shoving the both of them out of the way before the Vehicle crashes abruptly, looking very totaled.]
LB: That was close… [To civilian] Are you okay?
[Civilan stands up, face beaming with excitement. She holds a scrapbook in front of her chest and sports a cute paper flower in her hair.]
Kiyoko: [speaking broken french/english] Ahh! Ladybug and Chat Noir! No way NO WAY! So cool!
[Ki opens and holds out scrapbook towards LB and Chat. It’s turned to a themed page featuring pictures of the two heroes, with obvious empty spaces.]
Ki: Can you sign this for me?! It’ll make my whole trip!
[RR climbs out of the car, Chat alerted to him]
CN: Ladybug!
LB: [!!!] Just… Get to somewhere safe! It’s dangerous here.
Ki: Ah! B-but-
LB: [Runs off] Leave this to us!
[Ki looks confused and disappointed, staring down at her scrapbook; before looking back up with determination.]
[LB and Chat run towards RR with their weapons drawn.]
LB: Now! Before he-!
[They both lunge forward, LB throwing her yoyo, but RR already reaches another car, slamming his steering wheel on top of the one already there. It glows, transforming into another funky car similar to the previous one. Slamming his foot on the gas, he rushes forward, laughing. LB’s yoyo bounces off the car, and both twist to dodge again, barely making it. They recover, LB looking forward with Chat watching as well.]
LB:  I think the akuma must be in his steering wheel. [zoom in on object] That would explain how he’s able to switch vehicles.
CN: I’d say you’re /spot/ on there, LB.
[LB shoots a glare at Chat, while he shamelessly smirks.]
LB: You’re intolerable.  [She returns to being serious.]
LB: We need to get Road Rage off the street, away from all these cars and anyone else who can get hurt with his reckless driving…
Chat: We can use that to our advantage.
[LB raises an eyebrow]
LB: You have a plan Kitty?
Chat:  Just follow my lead [winks]
[RR Swerves his car, monologue going strong]
RR: You may dodge now, but soon all the world’s streets will belong to ROAD RAGE! No longer will there be hours of waiting in bumper to bumper traffic, hours of delays or inconsiderate cutoffs! Imagine! Roads with no speed limits, fines or even lines! THESE ARE THE ROADS THAT WILL BE WORTHY OF ROAD RAGE!
CN: Hate to /spoil/ the fun, but as long as we’re here, all your plans are just gonna run on empty
[LB and Chat hold confident battle poses, taunting RR. RR growls, shifting gears and stepping on the gas; heading straight towards them.]
RR: Not if you’re roadkill! HAHAHAHA!!!
[The car draws closer, but LB and Chat share a smile before dodging once more; this time revealing a makeshift ramp leading straight into the front of a building. The sign on the door says ‘closed’. RR yells, the car flying up the ramp and slamming into two pillars boarding the entrance. Upon impact, RR flies out of his seat, crashing straight through the door causing it to collapse as he disappears inside. Dust fills the air in the aftermath, and vague outlines of LB and Chat can be seen approaching.]
LB: Looks like you should’ve been wearing a seat belt Road Rage!
CN: I made that joke already.
LB: What? When?
CN: Earlier.
LB: [grumble] Whatever… [Serious] Regardless, now we’ve got Road Rage off the street!
CN: -and away from any other vehicles he could take over. You’re welcome M’lady~
[Dust settles, revealing our heros. As they take a look at the scene, LB’s expression changes to surprise, while Chat’s changes to shock. The building is revealed to house various display vehicles, a large banner proclaiming that it hosting an automobile expo. Ladybug regards Chat sarcastically.]
LB: Just your luck. /Thanks/ Chat.
[Laughing is heard off panel with a rumble from an engine. Revving around a corner, the bulkiest akumatized vehicle yet rounds a corner, before screeching to a halt before the two heros. Almost smugly, RR reaches over his shoulder, and pulls his seat belt down into place with a pointed ‘click’.]
CN: I think it might be that time…
[LB frowns, throwing her yoyo into the air]
[A bright flash hides the yo yo, before revealing…]
~~~To be continued...!~~~
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killuaisaprincess · 7 months
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killuaisaprincess · 6 months
Fall Into Your Arms
Killua lifts his head slowly, mumbling something about,
“T-That stupid jerk…”
And pouting.
It’s just about the cutest thing he’s ever seen.
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killuaisaprincess · 8 months
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killuaisaprincess · 6 months
cheese bun
“U-Um… I just…”
Killua gets teary-eyed, and Gon stands up in alarm, scooping Killua out of the chair.
He holds Killua close to his chest, and Killua wraps his arms around Gon’s neck, shyly grabbing the rough tufts of Gon’s hair.
“G-Gon… you big dodo head… I’m fine…”
But it makes Killua happy and smile.
“I just… I really want unicorn mac-and-cheese…”
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killuaisaprincess · 3 months
“Hehe… you should never wear a shirt, stupid Gon…”
Gon smiles softly, humming when Killua presses against his bare chest.
Killua very much acts drunk when he’s a mixture of tired and sick, but it’s okay because it’s adorable.
“I know, princess, but don’t you want my six-pack all to yourself…?”
Killua freezes, like he’s had a sudden realization, and looks up at Gon, pouting.
“Y-You’re right! And you’re never right!”
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killuaisaprincess · 1 year
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killuaisaprincess · 11 months
“You sure like that bear, don’t you, princess?”
“No! I mean! I-I do… but…”
He tangles his fingers in one of Gon’s t-shirts that he is wearing like a nightgown.
Killua puffs out his cheeks and holds out his arms for Gon to scoop him up.
“I-I want my real bear…”
It’s so cute.
Killua’s so precious.
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killuaisaprincess · 11 months
“F-Fine, jerk! I don’t care about your stupid friends or y-you!”
Gon doubles over in pain, cursing to himself, watching as Killua stomps towards the door, glancing back with tears in his eyes.
Aghhh! This is too much for his dumb brain to process! But he didn’t like seeing Killua sad.
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killuaisaprincess · 1 year
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killuaisaprincess · 7 months
going to...?
Gon thinks he’s cute, and he’s on Gon’s bed…
Does that mean…
T-They’re gonna…
T-They’re gonna…
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killuaisaprincess · 1 year
Ah… Gon swears this has happened before… again… and again…
But he really can’t resist Killua’s cute face!
“I don’t wanna… do it for me! You’ve got big dumb strong arms!”
After Killua says that, his face falls, and then he squeaks.
Gon smirks.
“I do?”
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killuaisaprincess · 10 months
Fluff and Puff
“D-Do you think it’s cute?”
Killua fluffs out the edges of his plaid pink skirt, and Gon stares, maybe a little longer than he should.
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killuaisaprincess · 1 year
Sometimes he forgets Gon is some popular jock…
G-Gon’s allowed to have other friends… Gon’s allowed to have a girlfriend… he’s just Gon’s friend…
He’s just…
He repeats it mentally as he walks over, gripping his skirt and muttering the words under his breath.
He reaches out timidly, grabbing Gon’s bicep and staring at the girl on Gon’s other arm.
Gon looks down, and Killua avoids his gaze, puffing out his cheeks and glaring at the girl.
“Killua? Do you feel okay?”
G-Gon’s worried about him…?
He shakes his head, and he can feel Gon’s hand go to his waist protectively, and he has to bite back a happy smile.
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killuaisaprincess · 8 months
He stands up slowly, adjusting the edge of his green skirt, and smiles.
He pulls the book close to his chest, and Gon blinks slowly.
Killua’s so pretty, his smile, the cute little flush to his cheeks, the way his small fingers grasp the book close…
“You’re wearing that green dress again. It looks nice.”
Killua’s lips part just slightly, and he sways back and forth in place, moving the book to one crook of his arm and tucking some strands of hair behind his ear.
“Y-You do like it, right?”
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