#WAIT siren has like three siblings and a weird mom
bmpmp3 · 4 months
i need more variety of relationships in my ocs, most of them are either besties, worsties, or like. coworkers. i barely even have any ocs with siblings
#bibi has an older brother who hates his ass. i havent finished designing him yet#and theres my harpy girl and her son#WAIT siren has like three siblings and a weird mom#but yeah my ocs are usually either like best friends forever (kind of romantically)#weird rival type characters with eachother#or. coworkers. a lot of them are coworkers. what does this mean. why am i like this#im not even an only child or anything why do i keep forgetting that siblings are real. my older brother is literally like 20 feet away rn#i NEED more familial relationships among my ocs this is dire. they cant all be coworkers.#i dunno i was thinking about how much i love like those romance fantasy manhwa but specifically i ADORE the ones with kids#ONE because i love a mom main character BUT ALSO because im realizing thats a really great way to see different kinds of characters#in a romance story. like a main character with her kid or neice or nephew or young cousin or like some random kid they found outside#different ages of characters and such. i also love when theres older characters. he doesnt look like it but i did love the ancient guy who#wanted raelina as his granddaughter so so badly. i do like the overly doting grandparent character type in these stories theyre funny#i gotta design more characters to be all kinds of ages and relationships between eachother. and also i neeeeeed to make more antagonists#i neeeeeeeeeeeeeeed to make bad guys to beat up my main ocs. i need to put them in SITUATIONS
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in-tua-deep · 5 years
Inktober day two: Guns
Prompt list by @totallyevan​, here ;3c
me, realizing I have consistently forgotten to put my work on tumblr and that a bunch of drabbles have been rotting in my google docs (though admittedly only up to 4th bc my weekend was hectic af - I’ll try play catch up with the others but HERE WE GO)
His hands are sticky. Sticky and wet and slippery. He wants desperately to wipe his hands on his shirt, on a towel, on anything - but then he’d have to put down the gun that is pointed shakily at the man who has his arm wrapped around Klaus’s neck.
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. It was just supposed to be a dumb outing with his idiot brother so that he would shut up about waffles while he was trying to work. He’d gotten Klaus to promise to not bother him in his room for an entire week if he just went with him to the hole in the wall diner that Klaus insisted was the best in the world.
Who the fuck robbed a shitty diner?
It had been three guys, and Five had noticed them from the moment they entered, seeing the glint of sunlight on gunmetal. His first immediate thought was that it was the Commission, because who else would show up in this random place at a time that just happens to be when Five is present? And he assumes that the Commission doesn’t want too much collateral damage - they waited for the tow truck driver to leave and Agnes to be in the back room before confronting him. 
It’s only three guys, not the massive hit squad that invaded the concert hall. There was to be some measure of subtlety if they don’t want to draw too much attention to themselves.
But he assumes wrong. 
The lead guy swing his gun up and shoots at the ceiling, making everyone panic. Five reacts automatically, grabbing Klaus and bodily shoving him down under the table. Klaus gives a cry of surprise, and pain where he smacks forehead and elbows against the table and seat, but Five doesn’t care about that right now.  He just reacts.
He jumps to the lead goon, and grabs the gun to wrench up and away. The butt of the gun slams into the guy’s face, bone crunching and blood flying. Five broke his nose. The guy stumbles away. Five doesn’t have time to address that before the second guy is on him.
The rifle Five has in his hands is big and dramatic, but not exactly handy for close quarter combat. To be fair, no guns are handy for close quarter combat, which was exactly why Five generally preferred to fight that way. But it’s at least handy as a weird shaped baton which Five slams into the stomach of the second guys and makes him double over.
The first guy recovered and Five bring up the rifle again to slam it into the guy’s face for a second time, making him stumble backwards with both hands over his face with a shout. With the extra room it’s easier to bring up the gun and shoot the second guy in the leg.
The first guy gets his hands on the gun and pulls, and Five doesn’t bother to try and overpower him. The dude is big and muscular, and Five is a scrawny teen. He’s well aware of his strengths and weaknesses. He fights smarter, not harder.
The guy stumbles back, not expecting the lack of resistance. Five takes this wonderful opportunity to grab one of the little diner forks that fell to the floor in the initial panic of the men entering. In Five’s opinion it’s a handier weapon that the gun - more versatile. 
Five surges forward and lashes out, burying the fork into the leader’s shoulder. It has the added bonus of the guy dropping the gun with a howl, hand going to the fork and wrenching it out. Weaponized, the guy lurches towards Five.
And Five? He jumps. He snags another fork off a nearby table and pops up behind the guy and buries a second fork in the guy’s junction between shoulder and neck and twists before stooping and scooping up the gun again.
He points it at the two and they raise their hands in surrender, but then he hears a cough behind him and remembers that there were three guys.
Five turns, and the third guy has his arm wrapped around Klaus’s neck, a handgun pointed at Five’s brother’s temple with a hand that shakes.
“D-drop the gun!” The new guy shouts, voice cracking in his nervousness, “Or I shoot this guy!”
Five’s hands are covered in blood. It would be so easy to let the rifle slip from his fingers. The leader is crouched down with his two stab wounds and blood streaming down his face from a twice broken nose, the second guy is on the floor in a puddle of blood pressing his hands against the hole that Five put in his thigh.
The third guy’s hands shake, and Five watches the pointed finger twitch against the trigger with more attention than he’s given anything else today. 
They’re amateurs. They’re three goons who are complete idiots for trying to rob a tiny diner in broad daylight. They don’t know what they’re doing.
Five would have preferred professionals. He knows how the Commission operates. He knows how professionals work, what they know their best options to be, what they’re likely to do next. These guys, Five can’t predict. 
Five’s fingers tighten around the gun, and he doesn’t drop it. 
“What?” Five calls back, arching an eyebrow. The tried and true method of being a brat. “Why would I drop my weapon? Why don’t you?”
“I- I’ll shoot this guy! You were sitting with him!” The guy sputters, looking very uncertain. Mercifully, Klaus stays silent. Whether that’s thanks to genuine intelligence or because the guy’s arm around Klaus’s neck is making it difficult to breathe is up for debate. 
“You have one hostage.” Five says, nodding to Klaus, “I have two.” He gestures with the rifle towards the two goons who flinch away. “And both of these idiots are in need of medical attention, but if you drop the gun and don’t fuck with anyone else, then I don’t care what happens to you guys and I’ll stop attacking.”
“I have more that one hostage! I have the rest of the diner! I can just start shooting!” The idiot argues, taking the gun from Klaus’s temple to wave in the air to punctuate his point. It makes Five relax at least a tiny bit.
“A hostage is a person I care about saving.” Five tells the man bluntly, “There’s only one of those in here.”
Silence follows that statement. Some civilians are looking at him in shock, but honestly Five doesn’t care about them. He can’t care about them. If he looks too closely at people, he starts remembering bodies and trying to match faces to corpses. If he looks too closely, he starts thinking about the innocents he killed and the families and the bystanders and everything else he keeps locked inside of a little box in his heart.
He cares about seven whole people in the universe, and those people are his siblings and his mother. 
It’s quick after that. The guy reads Five’s sincerity in his eyes, his lack of regard for the lives of the men behind him. Five only refrained from killing them because he was pretty sure they weren’t Commission agents and he didn’t want to have to deal with another one of Luther’s ‘murder is bad’ lectures. He surrenders, dropping the gun to the floor with a clatter and running over to his fellow robbers, pressing his hands against the wounds to keep pressure on. 
Five doesn’t have time to wait for the sirens he can hear approaching. He hands his gun to the nearest civilian and jumps next to his brother.
“Come on Klaus,” He says urgently, tugging his brother’s elbow to steer them towards the back door. After seeing Five fight two adult men and stab one with forks, no one stops them. 
Klaus follows easily. Way too easily. They make it all the way out the door before Klaus seems to reboot and bursts out with a loud, “You care about me!”
A quick glance reveals that Klaus is making the sappiest face Five has ever seen. He has to nip this in the bud. “No. I just don’t want to have to explain to Diego about how your idiocy finally got you murdered.”
“You said you care about me!” Klaus crows loudly, making Five hiss because quite frankly he’s still covered in blood and the only reason he isn’t just chain jumping home is because that would mean abandoning Klaus. “You said I was the only person you cared about in the diner!”
“I care about Mom’s disappointed face.” Five shoots back, dragging Klaus down another alley. “Though I’m caring less and less the more you open your mouth.”
“Hold up hold up!” Klaus cries, digging in his heels and bringing them both to a stop. He gives Five a critical once over, pursing his lips at the state of his brother. He looks like, well, like he’s been in a fight to the death with two armed robbers. “We need to do something about this if we don’t want to be stopped on the way home.”
Five scowls darkly. He really should just ditch Klaus and jump home, it’s the simplest and easiest solution. But for some reason, he can’t quite bring himself to let go of Klaus’s elbow that he’d been using to drag his taller sibling around by. 
He startles badly when something brushes against his face, before realizing it’s Klaus scrubbing one of the sleeves on his black jacket over the blood splatter on Five’s cheek. Klaus hushes him, scrubbing harder.
It makes Five pull away, baring his teeth as he jumps and reappears a few feet away. He gets a certain amount of satisfaction watching Klaus almost overbalance - that’s what he gets for treating Five like a child. 
Klaus huffs like Five is the one being unreasonable here. 
Five is really giving some serious consideration to just jumping home by himself when Klaus starts stripping in the middle of the alley. Five gives his brother a face that clearly indicates his question of what the fuck. 
This face becomes even more pronounced when Klaus thrusts his jacket out in Five’s direction. 
After a solid minute of Five and Klaus staring at each other, Klaus sighs deeply. “Wear the jacket. It’s big enough to cover your shirt and hands which, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but your entire torso kind of looks like you just auditioned for a shitty slasher film.”
Five can’t… exactly argue with that reasoning. He scowls, and snatches the jacket away and shrugging it on. It fits okay around the shoulders - Klaus is a skinny bastard - but it’s way too long and the sleeves go well past his hands. This is what they need, yes, but it makes Five feel like a little kid playing dress up which he’s not exactly appreciative of. He can’t even hike the sleeves up because, as Klaus so gracefully pointed out, his hands are covered in blood. 
He deals with this by shoving his hands in the pockets, extra sleeve length and all, and vividly picturing stabbing Klaus in the face when he coos over his smaller brother. 
“I hate you so much.” Five informs his brother, “Let’s just go.”
“Aw,” Klaus clasps his hands together and presses them to his cheek, gazing at Five like he just proclaimed his love for puppies. “I love you, too.”
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batfamily-trash · 5 years
Apologies, Disney Movies, and Fake Mustaches
Part Two of ‘Brother?!?!’
Warning: Language
Part 2 of 2
“Are you sure you want to do this? Bruce is going to be pissed,” Jason said as he stopped in front of the apartment building your mom was living in.
“I’m sure, and who cares if dad gets pissed. He’s pissed almost all the time,” you said getting of Jay’s motorcycle. You heard him sigh as he made your way to the door. “Jay don’t worry it’ll be for a while.”
“Ha! A while? How much do you want to bet that Bruce will come and get you himself?”
“Five dollars. And besides, I have a feeling he’ll be busy with Damon.”
“Damon? His name is Damian.”
“Jason, let me fuck up his name for once. And don’t you have somewhere to be? Someone to shoot?”
Jason sighed and got back on his bike and turned the ignition on. “Be careful shorty. I’ll call you later.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah bye!” You shouted as he zoomed away. You sighed and walked into the building. You thought about what Jason said. Your dad was going to be extremely mad and there was a 50/50 chance that he was going to show up. Once you were safely in your mom’s apartment you searched for your mom. You found her in her room talking to Pamela and Harley about something involving the Gotham Sirens. Before you could enter the room Harley pulled you in for a hug.
“Hiya sweet cheeks!” Harley said as she messed up your hair. You rolled your eyes and hugged her back.
“Hey Aunt Harley, Aunt Pam. Sup mom.”
“y/n? What are you doing here?” Selina asked you.
“Got in a fight with the newest bat brat.”
“The new Robin?” Pamela asked you.
“The one and only annoying bastard.”
“Language y/n,” Your mom said giving you a hug. You rolled your eyes in annoyance and walked towards your room. “Oh, if dad comes, tell him to fuck off.”
You heard Harley and Pamela giggle a bit before shutting up. Once you were in your room you tossed your bag onto the floor and threw yourself onto your bed. Your mom knew that when you were pissed or annoyed you needed space and time to calm down. So that’s what she gave you. Minutes passed, then they turned to hours. Three hours passed before it was midnight. And the only reason you knew this was because Jason called.
You and Jason spent an hour talking and just as you were hanging up you heard a crash coming from the living room. Talk about timing. You tiptoed to the living room holding a baseball bat ready to swing. A string of curses could be heard from where you were, you listened closely and figured out it was your mom. But to be sure you jumped out of hiding and held the bat in front of you. “Who goes there?!?!”
Your mom jumped into the air and yelped before turning to face you and glare at you. “Dammit y/n,” your mom said in between breaths. “What are you doing up?”
You swung the bat around before answering. “I was talking to Jaybird. So, anything on the bat radar?”
“Actually, yes, your father is coming in a couple minutes with Robin,” She said brushing some dirt off of her suit. You groaned in annoyance and dropped the bat. Once you were in your room you looked for a fake mustache Harley gave you for no reason. You didn’t question it since she said you might need it one day. Well, she wasn’t wrong. You did need it. When you found it you put it on and changed your clothes to something more boyish. After you finished, you checked yourself out and skipped to the living room where your mother, father, and annoying new brother were waiting at.
When your dad saw you he let out a disappointed sigh. That almost brought happy tears to your eyes. “y/n what are you wearing?” your father asked you.
You looked around the room an said with a very posh accent, “My dear sir, you must be confused, there’s no y/n here only Ezra.”
“Tt, Ezra? You couldn’t come up with a better name?” Damian asked you. You glared at the boy and randomly pulled out a 100 baby names book out of nowhere. You flipped through the book until you found the page you were looking for. “The name Ezra means ‘help’ in Hebrew you uncultured slime.”
Damian looked like he was going to stab you. If we are being honest here you wouldn’t mind. Before he could say anything, your mom butted in. “Sweety, why the mustache?”
“No one should ever have to justify a fake mustache.”
“I’m not letting Harley anywhere near you anymore.” your mom whispered. You chuckled a bit before turning back to your dad and dare you say, brother.
“Can I help you?” you asked them. Your dad turned towards your brother and whispered something before leaving. Your mom followed him. Hmmm, what could that be about?
Damian hesitantly looked at you while you glared at him. “y/n, I would apologize for my behavior but I don’t see the reason as I meant it. And you look ridiculous in that costume.”
“Wait, you came here to say you’re sorry but you’re not going to?” you said looked at him confused, “You know what apology accepted gremlin.”
You walked past him towards the window and slammed it shut. You had a feeling your parents would be… busy.
“Damian, my dear brother,” you said walking towards him and pushing him towards the couch.
“Tt, don’t call me brother.”
“Brother, we shall watch the classic movies before Richard forces you to watch them.”
“This is unnecessary.”
“Unless you want to watch them with a singing twenty-year-old I recommend you sit your ass down and watch the damn movies.”
He sat down as you put in your favorite Disney movie and got some snacks. Surprisingly he did watch every movie even though he complained a lot.
The next day your mother and father found you two sleeping peacefully on the small couch. He was on top of you and you were falling off. You also for some weird reason had a bowl of popcorn on your head. When you fell, Damian fell with you and the both of you woke up fighting. Ahhhh, normal sibling love.
After cleaning up the living room your dad dragged you back to the Manor. You and Damian avoided each other after waking up. And the both of you didn’t mind at all.
Back at the Manor, your other brothers were already awake and ready to get on with the day. The minute you stepped foot in the building, Jason was already waiting for you.
“Good morning shorty,” he said.
“Morning Jayjay. What’s up?”
“Oh, you know just waiting for you to pay me.”
“Pay you for what Jaybird?”
“Oh you know, that bet we made yesterday.”
You took off running but Jason caught you and began to tickle you. The sound of your undying laughter caught the rest of your brother’s attention. They found you trying to escape Jason’s grasp. “Help me!” you said in between laughs.
“OHHHHH I WANT TO HELP!” Dick exclaimed, jumping in to help Jason. You stopped breathing because of all the laughter. Your face was extremely red and after they stopped you were left gasping for air. After catching your breath you attacked your dear brothers.
You, Dick, and Jason fought each other for a good twenty minutes before, Tim, Bruce, and Steph split you up.
“Why are you guys fighting?!?!” Steph asked.
“THEY STARTED IT!” The three of you shouted.
“I DON’T CARE WHO STARTED IT, I WANT TO KNOW WHY!” your father shouted back.
“DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR!” You shouted as you relaunched yourself towards Jason. Your dad caught you before you could and a hit on Jason, sadly…
“So y/n started it?” Tim said.
Before you could say anything Damian walked by saying “Ladies don’t start fights but they can finish them.”
That stopped everything. “WHO WATCHED MOVIES WITHOUT ME!?!?”
Damian stopped walking and turned to face the group. “y/n.”
You silently cursed as Dick slowly turned towards you. “y/n is that true?” he asked you.
“Uh GOTTA BLAST!” you took off running as fast as your legs would let you. Let’s just say Dick was pretty upset and Damian was confused. As confused as the rest of the family when they noticed you had a mustache.
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justonelie · 6 years
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Serendipity 1
Hades kissed Persephone’s cheek before walking out of the great hall leaving her with her lover. Hades knew, he knew everything that happened in his domain; however he knew Adrian couldn’t sire kids so he saw no harm in their affair.
Zeus had decided to hold a banquet in order to discuss “something of great importance” just the thought of it had Hades rolling his eyes. “Sebastian wait for Sephonie here.”
Hades waited for the older man to nod before he pictured himself in Olympus. He never went far without Cerebus so when he appeared with the three headed beast no one flinched.
“Abeoji.” Hades’ son, Taehyung, greeted from where he stood with the other half of the rebel twins. Persephone’s son, Jimin, waved from his seat. There was no hatred for him so Hades nodded back.
Taehyung was wearing a black blazer with sequins on the lapel. He had a black silk Gucci shirt on with red dots on it. The shirt was unbuttoned to just under his chest and a shirt matching tie that was pulled down to there. His blonde hair was styled in a part and his eyes were blue today.
“Brother. Where is your wife?” Athena asked with her hand on her son, Namjoon’s shoulder. Athena was wearing a red silk pantsuit with red silk heels that had a weird jewel arangement on it. Her shield was placed in its proper place in the back of her throne and her son was sat in front of her. Her platinum blonde hair was in a bun and she had her jewel comb in it.
“She’ll be along.” Hades said and nodded towards Cerebus who quickly ran out. Hades picked up a drink making sure to reveal his diamond encrusted, red face Rolex. He had an all black suit on, but instead of a blazer he was wearing a leather jacket. Upon his feet was black leather biker boots with spikes on them. His black hair fell around his cheek bones which he knew would make Zeus mad.
“Go get your sister Namjoon.” Athena said as the boy with the artificial dirty blonde hair nodded. He stood and rebuttoned his black blazer over his dark blue button up shirt that was unbuttoned to his stomach. He quickly walked off choosing to stay silent.
Hades turned as Demeter walked in wearing a tan gown that had black lace on it. Her black hair was cut into a bob and her jewelry was a simple teardrop onyx pendant and matching earrings. On her feet were nude platform heels with jewels on them.
“Hades.” she said with a tightness to her voice that a sister shouldn’t have for her brother.
“Demeter.” he said and picked up another glass as the door opened. He turned with a smirk as every goddess gasped softly.
Persephone walked in with her arm linked through Adrian’s. She was wearing an off the shoulder black mermaid gown with small rubies sewn into the bodice and skirt. Upon her right wrist was a pure silver wrap bangle in the shape of a snake; which of course was aimed at Athena. Adrian was wearing a black T-shirt and dark blue jeans with boots and his yellow curls fell to his shoulders.
She walked over to Hades before looking at her son, Jimin. She tapped her cheek which caused him to practically bounce over and give her a kiss on her cheek.
“Hello Eomma. How are you?” he asked smiling at her. The thing about Jimin is he is absolutely pure. He loves the happy things in life; just like his mom had. Jimin had a black v neck T-shirt on that revealed his chest under a royal blue velvet blazer. His hair was silver and his smile bright. He even had a subtle pink smokey eye on. He topped the outfit off with a red and black silk choker.
“I’m doing great.” she said resting her hand on his shoulder. Upon her neck was a silver chain that held a black onyx spider that seemed to glow.
The look on Athena’s face was priceless. Persephone had managed to remind Athena that she was friends with the, once, humans that Athena punished and Seph managed to do it in a classy way. Persephone took the drink and her throne crossing her legs to reveal he knee high platform heeled boots. The heels were like spikes and it even had spikes on it. Adrian smirked from the corner of the throne room and Hades took a seat.
“There’s my beautiful daughter!” Athena exclaimed as her daughter Rebecca walked out with Namjoon.
Rebecca was wearing a short black skirt with a purple bra on. Her brown hair was piled into a bun and she had amethyst earring in her ears. Upon her neck was an owl necklace and her eyes held dark glasses. Rebecca was stunning and she had a confidence that made her brother and cousins proud. She set in the seat in front of Athena’s and to the right of Namjoon
“So where are the rest of our siblings Demeter?” Hades asked interuppting her conversation with his wife.
“Getting ready I assume.” She said turning back to her daughter.
The sound of waves interrupted Hades train of thought and the doors flew open. Poseidon walked in with his trident in his left hand and his wife, Amphitrite, on his right.
His brown curly hair was at his shoulders now and he was wearing a black blazer, white button down shirt with the top three buttons undone, blue jeans and black boots. He smelled of Sauvage and the scar on his face was prominent.
Amphitrite’s brown hair looked wavy and she was wearing a royal blue gown that had a cape attached to the shoulders of the gown. She had a dark blue sapphire dolphin ring on her right hand and her feet held midnight blue velvet heels. Upon her neck rested a beautiful black necklaces with an ocean stone and a matching wedding band. They immediately took their thrones, all business as usual. Poseidon to the right of Hera and Amphitrite to his right.
Right behind him was Aphrodite and her son Seokjin. Aphrodite was wearing a cream satin dress with cream heels. Her honey blonde hair was put up into a bun with curls hanging off of it.
Seokjin was wearing a black blazer and tie with a white polkadotted shirt. He walked to where Jimin, Taehyung, and Namjoon was and sat down starting to talk to them as he raked a hand through his pink hair.
When the door opened again the last three children walked in along with Yoongi’s “bodyguard”.
Yoongi was Morpheus’ son there for he needed a bodyguard for when he was asleep. Which he was before coming here. He was wearing a gray sequined jacket with a white button down shirt. His black hair was missarranged but as he ran a hand through his hair it straightened up.
The second child was Hoseok, or JHope. He was Apollo’s son and was like the sun himself. he was wearing a black vneck like Jimin, a dotted white jacket and a matching black and white silk choker. His hair was a vivid orange and he had his hand in the third kid’s shoulder.
The third was Jungkook he had a black striped mesh blazer with a red Satin shirt on and the first 3 buttons undone. He was Hercules’ son and often got into trouble. His brown hair was parted and he seemed to have a permanent glare on his face.
Ares shrugged past them and sat his double battle ax in the grove his marble throne held for it. He was wearing a full gray suit with a blood red tie. His Rolex had a purple face and diamonds inlayed. He sat down to Athena’s right and the rest sat as they waited for Hera and Zeus.
Zeus walked out in a light gray suit and his brown hair in a quiff. He had a sterling silver rolex on and, of course his lightening bolt in his hand.
Hera had her chocolate brown hair piled into a bun with a diamond hair comb in. She had a pleated silver dress on and diamond heels.
“Why’d you call us here Zeus?” Hades asked holding Cerebus’ chain in his hand.
“A powerful siren has shown up. Hes looking for the human.” Zeus said without needing to elaborate.
“We have to find her first.” Poseidon said and looked at the other Olympians.
“You stick out. There’s statues of you. Everyone knows what you look like.” Jungkook said earning an elbow from Namjoon.
“Do you have a better plan Jungkook?” Hera said in a cold voice.
“Let us do it. No one knows about us; so if the siren gets close they won’t know.” the caramel brunette said with a nonchalant shrug.
The Olympians had to discuss it for a while, but it was decided that the children would be the ones to find the human.
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dontshootmespence · 7 years
Something is Wrong
A/N: This is a mix of an anon request and a request from @milkandcookies528 for one where Luke and his pregnant wife both work for the BAU. An unsub kidnaps her (for reasons specified my milkandcookies528) and she ends up going into labor (courtesy of anon). I left this REALLY open ended...sorry. @coveofmemories @sexualemobitch @jamiemelyn
As Luke looked over, he could see the strain on your face. Not that every case didn’t get to you in some way or another, but considering your victims were all pregnant, the case was hitting close to home. “Why pregnant women though?” Luke asked. “What does them being pregnant have to do with anything?
“It could be as oedipal as something traumatic happening to his own mother when he was in utero, to a woman who looks about the same emasculating him so now he’s doing the same,” JJ said, seemingly at a loss for what the connection actually was. 
Everyone sat back in their chairs and went over the first three victims’ files. They were all pregnant, but in varying degrees. The first was 3 months pregnant, the second was 5 months along, and the last was 6 and a half months. They looked similar and were in their 20s. Both women had been starved to death and beaten. All of the pieces were there but you couldn’t figure it out. 
At nearly 8 and a half months pregnant, you were exhausted. You were yawning every five seconds. You couldn’t have coffee, because pregnant. Your brain just wasn’t working anymore. Again, you yawned and pushed back in your chair, playfully smacking your face to try and wake yourself up. “Y/N,” Emily said softly, “You should go home. You need sleep.”
“I’m totally here,” you said, gathering the files up to your eyes and trying (and failing) to make some kind of a connection that would get you closer to the unsub. “I’m good. My brain still works. I swear.”
Luke came up behind you and bent down, giving you a kiss on the top of the head as he massaged your shoulders. “Let me take you home,” he said. “Emily’s right. You need sleep.”
When you yawned for what felt like the 30th time in as many minutes, you relented, looking up sleepily at your husband and shrugging. “Yea, I’m no good at this anymore. I can’t brain good.”
Emily chuckled under her breath. “Once you sleep, you’ll be fine. We’ll keep working here and we’ll keep you updated. I know you’ll be losing it without knowing what’s going on.” Getting up with Luke’s help, you gave everyone a small hug, what your pregnant belly would allow, and nearly fell asleep on JJ’s shoulder.
“How do you mom with two kids and a job?” you asked. 
JJ was like fucking Wonder Woman. “Believe me, when I was this pregnant, I was doing nothing but eating peanut butter and apples, sleeping and peeing every five seconds.”
“Okay good.” At least you had a little reassurance that not all pregnant women were Wonder Woman. After a short drive home, Luke lifted you bridal style and placed you on the couch. He had to go back and you knew it. Your victims had been taken and killed within a day and it had only been three days since the first victim was taken. Basically, this case was time critical and even though Emily knew you needed sleep, they needed all hands on deck, so Luke pressed the numbers on the keypad that locked up the house and headed out the door.
Maybe, since you were so overwhelmingly tired, you’d just fall asleep and wake up refreshed. Then you could go back to work and help the team. After all these years, not helping on a case felt weird and wrong. 
Luke couldn’t help but smile as he left the house, his wife nearly falling asleep the instant she was set down on the couch. It just a couple of weeks, the three of them would be a family. He was looking forward to being a dad more than he thought was possible. “How’s she doing?” Emily asked upon his return.
“Sleeping like a baby,” he laughed. “She was asleep in the car, woke up for about two minutes when I carried her inside, and the second she was lying down again, I’m pretty sure she was out. Have we found anything out?”
Unfortunately, everyone shook their heads. “The only thing we can figure out is that they were more and more pregnant each time.”
“So either the person that hurt him was very pregnant at the time, or...” Luke hesitated, “Maybe the baby is what he’s after and the mother is collateral damage.”
With renewed vigor, Luke, Emily, JJ, Spencer, Stephen, Rossi and Tara sat back down and tried to make some kind of connection. It was nearly four hours later when they finally came across something that connected the three victims. 
“What about this?” Garcia asked, teetering into the room on her mile-high heels. Pulling out three victims, she handed them to Emily. Each victim had a tattoo on her inner wrist - a simple heart. “Could this have anything to do with anything?”
“What if our unsub was starved and beaten by a pregnant woman?” Spencer asked suddenly. “It could’ve been his mother. Maybe she had too many children to feed, so the older ones didn’t eat because the mother needed to for the baby. Garcia, can you apply what we already have on the profile to our suspect list? Look for someone with a mother than has this tattoo on her inner wrist.”
Quickly, Garcia ran back to her lair to input the new information they had. She’d had a suspect list, but it was extensive, and the profile they had was basic, but this was so specific, they might actually have something now. While Garcia ran her search, the pictures were passed around the room. Once they got to Luke, his breath caught in his throat. Without a word to anyone, he called Y/N. “She’s not answering,” he said. His lungs felt like they were about to burst. 
“She’s probably still sleeping,” Stephen said calmly. But Luke was in a panic.
He shoved the pictures in Stephen’s direction. “Y/N has a tattoo like this on the same wrist these women do. And she’s 8.5 months pregnant. I need to know she’s okay.” Over and over again, he called, but he repeatedly got no answer. She was a light sleeper - numerous phone calls should’ve woken her. As it dawned on the rest of the team that Y/N had possibly been taken, Luke continued to call. But nothing. ‘We have to go check on her. I could be overreacting, but I need to see her and know she’s okay before we go on.”
The members of the team abused their power and put the sirens on, ensuring that everyone got out of the way as they made their way back to Luke and Y/N’s home. “Please, let me be overreacting,” he said to himself as he punched the code into his alarm. But when he opened the door, she wasn’t where he’d left her. “Y/N!” he called.
Everyone walked around the house and did the same, calling her name with no response. “My fearless leader!” Garcia said as Emily answered the phone. “I have a name for you. Margaret King, age 55, had 10 kids in the course of 30 years. By the time the sixth one came along, they had no money, her husband, Brian had walked out on them, and they barely had enough to eat, so Mark, the oldest of the ten, along with his two younger sisters, ended up malnourished. They claimed they had to forgo eating so that their mother could carry their siblings to term. Mark and his sisters were the first ones taken away by social services, but eventually all of Margaret’s kids were taken away amongst allegations of starvation and beatings.” 
After so long with the Bureau, Garcia had become a bit of a profiler herself. “Mark’s home address is an apartment and I would assume he needs more space to do whatever icky things he’s doing, but his former workplace is being torn down in a matter of days. How’s Y/N?”
“She’s not here,” Luke called out in a panic. “Did you send us the address? He has her, oh my god.” Luke paced around the living room of their house waiting for the address to come through. 
“The address is there!” She said. “Go bring her back safe, Luke.”
As they headed out the door, Luke couldn’t help but notice that Garcia had called him Luke instead of newbie. That’s how he knew something was wrong. 
Over the past few hours, you’d been smacked across the face, had water thrown at you, and had been generally threatened, but you knew Luke would be calling soon and if the team didn’t know you were missing yet, they would soon. You just had to hope that they’d get to you in time. At 8.5 months pregnant, panicking was not an option. You could go into labor at any moment. Try as you might however, the second the cool metal of a knife touched your skin, you begged. “Please...don’t hurt my baby.”
“Admit it,” the cool voice said. “You don’t care what happens to that baby. None of you ever actually care.” The knife pressed harder near your stomach and you stepped back as much as your binds would allow.
“I love my baby,” you said insistently. “This is my first baby and want them more than anything else in this world, please don’t hurt the baby.”
You breath hitched in your throat as the silence filled your ears. “I don’t want to hurt the baby. The baby deserves a good life. One I’ll give to them once you’re dead.”
As they approached the address, Luke had a bad feeling. Everything was too quiet, too still. There were no screams - nothing. Entering the building brought a faint hint of copper to his nostrils and he panicked. 
Thankfully, the building was linear. They all snaked their ways down the hallway and finally came to the room containing the smell of blood. As he opened the door, the worst possible sight caught etched itself into his mind. Y/N was on the floor, naked from the waist down and bleeding profusely. In the unsub’s arms was his baby. “Get her,” Emily said. “Do not make any sudden movements. We’ll get the baby.”
“Please,” he begged softly, dropping to his wife’s side. “Baby, I’m here. The medics are on their way.”
“Where is he?”
“The unsub is in the corner of room,” he said.
Her head shook violently. It was the most animated she’d seemed since he walked in the room. “No, where’s our son?”
They had a boy. The unsub was holding his baby boy. “Emily’s getting him. The unsub has...”
She popped up and nearly collapsed into Luke’s arms, screaming bloody murder. “Give me my baby! Oh my god, Luke, he has our baby!” All of a sudden shots rang out and JJ ducked into the room, a bundle in her arms.
“He’s okay,” she said, watching as the unsub was shot down. “He put the baby on the floor to charge at us, but he’s okay.” Coming closer, she placed your son in your arms. He was pink and crying and still covered in blood and amniotic fluids, but he seemed to be okay. 
You started to sway, the blood loss too much to overcome. As the lights from the ambulance flooded your vision, you closed your eyes, feeling your son get lifted from you by your husband. Hoping beyond all hope, you started to fall the side in exhaustion. You couldn’t open your eyes. Was it too late?
At least your son was okay.  At least your son was safe with his father.
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