#WEF Terrorist Organisation
lasseling · 5 months
He STATES CLEARLY that his ‘Vaccines’ have Nanotechnology.
DOES ANYONE honestly believe this is to make people healthier?
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stupittmoran · 1 year
"It would be healthier and safer for humanity to sign an agreement with the Colombian drug cartel [than to sign an agreement with the World Health Organisation]."
"[The WHO] should be declared a terrorist organisation… [It] is more dangerous for humanity than the WEF."
--Croatian MEP, Mislav Kolakušić, doesn't mince his words to the EU Parliament
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aurevoirmonty · 1 year
Covid, Ukraine : «les médias doivent être déclarés organisations terroristes» - Mislav Kolakusic
«Ils ont diffusé la haine entre les gens, entre les nations, faisant des millions de victimes dans le monde», a souligné l'eurodéputé croate.
«Leurs fausses informations ont mené le monde dans l'ère sombre des systèmes totalitaires», a insisté Mislav Kolakusic, qui sait viser juste et cible (https://t.me/kompromatmedia/3374) également le WEF et l'OMS.
«La CIA est le principal bailleur de fonds du journalisme dans le monde», rappelait (https://t.me/kompromatmedia/3917) récemment le candidat à la présidentielle américaine Robert Kennedy.
Et a menti (https://t.me/kompromatmedia/4032) sur l'origine du Covid pour masquer la main de l'Empire dans cette crise biologique artificielle, dont le but est simple selon Moscou (https://t.me/kompromatmedia/3892): «dominer le monde».
▶ «Achetés par l’empire américain, les journalistes européens sont payés pour ne pas dire la vérité»
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reelnewz4u · 1 year
Croatian MEP, Mislav Kolakušić, doesn't mince his words to the EU Parliament:
"It would be healthier and safer for humanity to sign an agreement with the Colombian drug cartel [than to sign an agreement with the World Health Organisation]."
"[The WHO] should be declared a terrorist organisation... [It] is more dangerous for humanity than the WEF."
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jenforyeshua · 1 year
🇭🇷 L'eurodéputé croate Mislav Kolakušić ne mâche pas ses mots devant le Parlement européen :
"Il serait plus sain et plus sûr pour l'humanité de signer un accord avec le cartel de la drogue colombien [que de signer un accord avec l'Organisation mondiale de la santé]".
"[L'OMS] devrait être déclarée organisation terroriste... [Elle] est plus dangereuse pour l'humanité que le WEF."
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lasseling · 2 months
Building Used by Trump Shooter Owned by BlackRock, Managed by Ex-Pfizer Executives
In a disturbing new twist regarding the attempted assassination of President Donald Trump, a bombshell report has revealed that the building used by the shooter is owned by World Economic Forum (WEF) board member Larry Fink’s investment company BlackRock.
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lasseling · 5 months
Pfizer Concealed Cancer Links to Covid Vaccines from Health Agencies
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lasseling · 5 months
Population Collapse: US Birth Rate Plunges To All-Time Low As Unexpected Deaths Accelerate
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lasseling · 5 months
Covid Jabs Caused Patients To ‘Die So Horrifically, So Quickly’ Says Hospital Whistleblower
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lasseling · 5 months
George Soros Pours $60 MILLION Into Democrats’ War Chest
Billionaire globalist George Soros has donated $60 million to Democracy PAC, a super political action committee he uses to support Democrats.
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lasseling · 3 months
13 Nations Sign Agreement to Engineer Global Famine by Destroying Food Supply
The United States has joined 12 other nations in signing a WEF agreement that seeks to engineer global famine by destroying the agriculture industry.
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lasseling · 2 months
Biden Admin Demands $78 Trillion to Fund ‘Net Zero’
Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration is demanding a staggering $78 trillion to allegedly fight “climate change” by funding the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) “Net Zero” agenda.
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lasseling · 21 days
Survey Reveals Increasing Distrust of COVID Vaccine Among Americans: Controversial Perspectives on Personal Choice
According to a recent national health survey by the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania, a growing number of Americans are skeptical of vaccines for COVID and other infectious diseases.
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lasseling · 4 months
WEF Took $100 Billion in Profits from ‘Carbon Taxes’ Last Year
The WEF is gloating that the unelected globalist organization raked in a whopping $100 billion in profits from “carbon taxes” last year alone
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lasseling · 4 months
UN Troops To Be Deployed Across U.S. As Pentagon Prepares for ‘Civil Unrest’
The Biden regime has agreed to allow thousands of UN troops to be deployed across the U.S. in anticipation of mass civil unrest in America.
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lasseling · 3 months
The Great Reset Has BACKFIRED
The Powers That Be wanted to enslave humanity. Instead, they caused a Great Awakening. It seems that they “fumbled the ball” when they pushed too hard and gave the people NOTHING in return.
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