#bio terrorist program
lasseling · 5 months
He STATES CLEARLY that his ‘Vaccines’ have Nanotechnology.
DOES ANYONE honestly believe this is to make people healthier?
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funishment-time · 6 months
I'm gonna be real I haven't even seen the original question list, BUT you did say to keep asking for 17, and I DO like hearing headcanons. So. What about 17?
YES!! thank you thank you
17. List five headcanons for your favorite characters!
Sayaka's things she isn't proud of? dangerous sabotaging of rival groups: messing with their food etcetera to make them extremely sick but not kill them, Things like that. she got the idea from the bio-terrorism part of the documentary Wild Wild Country, which she once overheard her dad watching. and, anyway, it's easy enough to "accidentally" find ways on Tiktok to just slightly poison people, all billed as pranks, so no one's the wiser. she is, believe it or not, a relatively calm person, but extremely paranoid about her career, and sort-of blacks out into a Different Person of Bad Decisions when she feels backed into a corner
in a non-despair AU that includes all the franchise's characters, one of the reasons Junko gives up on the idea of a Killing Game is that she can't convince the more powerful members of Class 79 to her side. after getting turned down by Angie and Kirumi, she figures fucking with people like everyone's annoying little sister is probably an Easier way to get her kicks
everyone makes fun of Byakuya for the time Hina punched him for like, the rest of their lives. it's pretty Dope
we're told that the reason that the NWP had so many Safeguards on it was not In Case Of Enoshima but actually in case of Usami and Chiaki going rogue. what we're not told is that AI Chiaki has tons of restrictions on her programming to stop her from turning the NWP into a despair-filled gamer version of the music video to "Unholy." she, in herself, was a Gamble. she's essentially a robot that woke up the avenging angel of a girl that was tortured to death, a robot tasked with healing a load of terrorists who, quite frankly, may not deserve it. she was hugely dangerous, and Usami really means it when she says Chiaki breaking her own limitations to act for the greater good was a miracle
Komaru dates both Syo and Toko. Syo is the "fun" one, and Toko is the "domestic" one. if Komaru tries to talk to Syo about bills she nopes out to the back of the headspace and makes Toko discuss that Boring shit
BONUS: The Despair Twins are autistic. Mukuro's hyperfixation is weaponry, and her empathy is in another room. anhedonic Junko is so good at analyzing and masking it's a SHSL talent for her. she Enjoys it, really
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gusty-wind · 4 months
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Count Gian Luca Passi de Preposulo with his Hollywood wife Jessica Chastain. They are financiers of child trafficking networks and they are murderous blood drinking cannibals. Count Gian Luca is a part owner of the Venetian Mafia and a top authority in Hollywood and Scientology. The Venetian Mafia have a major operation in Los Angeles and Hollywood. Count Gian and Chastain are close friends with Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith and they are high level Scientologists and insane electronic terrorists. DARPA and Silicon Valley have weaponized modern electronics and Scientologists use neuro-bio hacking software programs like NEURON and GENESIS which secretly function through electronic signals and wireless frequencies.
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uran0824 · 14 days
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In the previous article, I started analyzing why the silver medalist of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games became world-famous.
Why did Turkish athlete Yusuf Dikeç wake up world-famous the day after his performance?
Why did no one remember his teammate?
Why did memes appear rapidly on social media that celebrate the confident shooter with a weapon in hand?
How does this affect our lives?
How will this precedent with the Turkish shooter affect our children?
Let's try to figure it out.
Let's start with the fact that global anti-cultists actively use the method of puzzle coding to create terrorist attacks that lead the world to a civilizational war.
So, the PUZZLE CODING METHOD occurs in several stages. 
“In the first stage, anti-cult representatives select a region where, according to their goals and objectives, it would be advantageous to create a school shooting incident. The conditioning or coding of a teenager to commit a crime happens remotely through the subliminal implantation of information via mass media and the internet.
In the second stage, waves of informational coding are launched. There are several waves, each containing specific implants that are assembled like puzzle pieces in the depths of the potential shooter’s subconscious. Only when all the pieces are connected does the program for committing a mass murder become activated.
In the third stage, a person with the activated murder program turns into a bio-robot, driven to execute a criminal scheme pre-planned by someone else.”
The puzzle coding method includes several waves of coding: initially, anti-cultists launch preparatory waves of information coding, followed by directing waves and, finally, activating waves.
IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE and IMPORTANT TO KNOW that the first preparatory wave, which forms the basis for subsequent waves and assembles the puzzle into a single picture, is the CELEBRATION OF THE IMAGE OF THE KILLER-SHOOTER. In other words, the HEROIZATION OF THE MURDERER.
It can be said that global anti-cultists are emphasizing the strong desire for fame that exists in every person.
Pay attention to just a few headlines and quotes from well-known media about Yusuf Dikeç's performance:
“The photo of the stoic phlegmatic with a pistol exploded on social networks and became the subject of numerous memes," while the shooter himself was in the spotlight of the world press.” 
Caption for the photo:
“The glory of Dikec and the power of social media are so great that his pose on Tuesday - after winning with a world record - was imitated by the phenomenal pole vaulter Armand Duplantis, who, it would seem, should have enough of his own fame.”
“Turkey sent a gunfighter (one who has been in many shootouts) to the Olympics?” and joked: “Meet the Turkish senior warrant officer - Yusuf Dikec Varol Komutanım.”
"At that moment, everyone says I seemed very calm, but actually, storms were raging inside me.
"I think my shooting pose represented the Olympic spirit very well: the fair play, simplicity, clarity and naturalness. That's why it got so much attention."
The scheme of heroizing the shooter lies in the fact that it doesn't matter what kind of information about the shooters is spread: good or bad, the very fact that a person instantly became famous matters, as well as what manipulative program is embedded in this image.
That is, with one shot, he draws the attention of millions...
Also, along with glorifying the shooter, anti-cultists fuel interest in weapons.
Understanding this, the answer to the question in our minds becomes obvious:
Why did Turkish shooter Yusuf Dikeç wake up world-famous the day after his performance?
Why did the memes made in the image of the Turkish shooter's stance become so popular on the internet?
You can find more answers to these and other questions related to the puzzle piece coding method in the documentary film «The IMPACT» | Groundbreaking Documentary - EXPOSING ANTI-CULT TERRORISM" (actfiles.org).
Now let's analyze together the chronology of events related to the Turkish shooter's performance at the 2024 Paris Olympics.
On July 29, 2024, in the UK, a teenager with a knife killed three children and injured 10 more. This tragedy sparked serious riots and anti-Muslim sentiment.
On August 1, 2024, Dikeç won the silver medal in the mixed team event.  It is important to note that the image of the male hero-shooter was embodied by a Muslim athlete from Turkey.
Now pay attention to how in Turkey, after the shooting tournament, there was a surge in crimes involving firearms and cold weapons… (you can easily find this information yourself on the vastness of the internet).
And if you follow what happened around the world in this short period of time, you will understand how destructive images embedded in people's minds through puzzle piece coding can actually turn anyone into a killing bio-robot.
“The saddest part is that the image of the Turkish shooter continues to be exploited further, now to draw attention to the war in the Gaza Strip.”
“Puzzle Piece Coding and the Paris Olympics”
 In conclusion, the image of a young man with a weapon, a “successful shooter-killer,” that went viral after Dikeç's performance at the Paris Olympics, creates the impression that violence is attractive, accessible, and leads to instant worldwide fame. 
Where will this all lead?
Will you be able to calmly let your child go to school when the surge of mass shootings in schools is growing every day?
And are you sure that you or your child will not become a criminal and murderer tomorrow?
“It creates the impression that violence is attractive, accessible, and leads to success. In turn, this can normalize violence and increase the risk of school violence.
But what is even more frightening are the invisible manipulations conducted by anti-cultists through the media, which until recently were unknown. A person might not even notice or understand, while reading the latest article about a shooter, that a harmful puzzle-piece implant is being embedded into their subconscious, which will later create a desire to commit a horrific crime. 
That is why it is crucial to learn how to analyze this information and to teach children to do the same.
The information presented in “The IMPACT” documentary is all the more valuable. Thanks to the detailed analysis of the puzzle piece coding method, we have the opportunity to protect ourselves and our children from negative influences on our consciousness and subconsciousness.
 Equally important for ensuring our collective safety is how quickly specialists directly responsible for the safety and education of children—such as teachers, coaches, psychotherapists, psychologists, and law enforcement—become familiar with the puzzle piece coding method.
Egon Cholakian, a national security expert and U.S. intelligence officer, highlighted this in his video address, “THE CROSSROADS”:
“A potential shooter may halt their course of action by learning the truth about real causes of their destructive intentions. Knowing the signs of the influence of the puzzle piece coding method, a person, upon recognizing bipolar disorder and other symptoms within themselves, can critically reassess their mental framework and motivations.
 This can lead to restoring critical perception of their thoughts and actions.  
In such cases, there is a high likelihood that a future shooter, having watched “The IMPACT” documentary and learnt the truth about the origins of their destructive thoughts, will actually abandon their criminal intentions.
 Thus the threat of mass shootings worldwide could actually be minimized by 80% provided that the information about the puzzle piece coding method gains widespread dissemination.”
If you understand the importance of this information, please spread it as much as possible.
Also, support this article with a like, a repost, a comment, and thunderous applause.
#GlobalAntiCultism #SchoolShootings #Olympics2024 #Media #Truth #Protection #Awareness #actfiles
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lasseling · 4 months
Vaxxed Deaths Recorded as Unvaxxed to Make Covid Shots Appear ‘Safe,’ Official Data Shows
A disturbing new study has uncovered evidence from official government data showing that deaths among people vaccinated for Covid have been recorded as being unvaccinated.
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huseyintr24 · 2 months
Global Anti-Cult: How Thomas Matthew Crooks Was Programmed to Assassinate Trump. CULT
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The attack carried out by 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, shocked the entire country. Crooks, described as a quiet, unassuming young man who worked at a rehabilitation center, seemed an unlikely candidate to commit such a brutal act. He was known for his interest in history and government, even receiving good grades and praise for his knowledge.
But while the world was reeling from the shock of the assassination attempt, a groundbreaking documentary film, *The IMPACT | Groundbreaking Documentary - EXPOSING ANTI-CULT TERRORISM* actfiles.org (which aired just 5 hours before the attempt on Trump's life), revealed a crucial piece of the puzzle. The documentary exposes the horrifying methods used by global anti-cultists to manipulate individuals for terrorist attacks.
The evidence presented in the film paints a terrifying picture: Crooks was not simply a lone wolf, but a pawn in a carefully orchestrated scheme. Global Anti-cultists, employing the method of puzzle piece coding, strategically embed program fragments into the subconscious minds of unsuspecting individuals. These fragments, like pieces of a puzzle, remain dormant until activated by carefully crafted triggers.
Read more about what lies behind the assassination attempt on Trump in my previous articles:
The IMPACT documentary reveals how Crooks was manipulated and subtly persuaded through a series of carefully constructed triggers to carry out an attack on Trump. His interest in history and government, his fascination with weapons, his seemingly contradictory donation to a liberal propaganda group, and even his preference for the YouTube channel (Demolition Ranch, known for its explosive content) - all of this likely played a role in the subconscious programming that ultimately led to the assassination attempt.
The IMPACT film reveals how global anti-cultists use this insidious method to influence individuals, subtly shaping their minds and planting the seeds of future violence. This is a sophisticated form of manipulation, often invisible and unconscious, which can turn ordinary people into zombies, bio-robots capable of executing any command from outside.
We must recognize the full gravity of this threat. The method of puzzle piece coding is not limited to political assassinations. 
It can be used to influence and control people in all aspects of life, potentially leading to various devastating consequences.
Now is not the time for complacency. We must be vigilant, expose these dangerous methods, and protect ourselves and our communities from this silent threat.
The documentary "The IMPACT | Groundbreaking Documentary - EXPOSING ANTI-CULT TERRORISM" is the first crucial step in understanding this growing threat and raising awareness about the dangers of global anti-cultism.
Our struggle is to ensure that the actions anti-cultists have taken in the shadows become visible to all of society. In the open, in the light, this hydra will no longer be able to control us.
Please support this article with likes, shares, comments, and thunderous applause. 
In doing so, YOU contribute to the world learning the truth and being able to live in a truly democratic world!
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vixel-horror-show · 3 months
Harbor the Parasite setting
The setting for Harbor the Parasite(or just HtP for short) takes place in the future, long after several catastrophic events had led to the downfall of the modern day into a long dark age. Currently, it's in a "neo-middle age" period where people are banding together to make communities among the badlands which are the wild frontier. But they have to fend off raiders, marauders, warbands, fascists, and other terrors, along with the dangerous climate as well as radiation and toxic air zones.
Long ago and before the final fall, countries contended against each other for total global power in economics and influence, but thining relationships led to a great war. America, already a war-loving prideful country, was more than willing for this impending conflict and its leader's hubris thought that this would be an easy victory to become the dominating force on the planet. But deep down, the ruling elite knew they needed this war, for America had been bleeding out. For the last several decades leading up to the final World War, America has been in a disastrous culture war that has several battles within its borders and its GDP declining due to economic stresses due to the civil war.
Before getting fully prepared for the storm, America had to unite. This led to a "culture campaign" in which both political parties finally set aside their differences if only to trick their population to finally stop in-fighting and then fight their upcoming war. But the big trick of the campaign, was to fake a terrorist attack, one that would cause massive devastation and show the American people that their "true" enemies are the other countries. That then would not only have a surge of newfound patriotism, but a whole new pool of workers and soldiers to fight. The false flag incident led to pointing fingers, it led to a new World War... The final World War, one that the world will not be the same after.
Like the rest of its global rivals, America dumped all of its resources into its military-industrial complex. Technology has advanced at an unprecedented pace, but only for militaristic means as the standards of living diminished as it wasn't a concern for the coming conflicts. Corporations climbed over each other for contracts on who can make the best weapons, be it destructive weapon systems to lay waste, genetic and cybernetics enhancements to make common infantry more lethal, remorseless AIs that are programmed to end as many human lives possible, super soldier projects and bio-engineered beasts to make apex predators on the battlefields, and other horrors. nowhere was safe as any place became a battlefield that was rendered into utter ruins, massive armies engaging brutal hateful combat while despoiling the very earth to prevent anyone from recovering.
While the economy has gone to levels never before seen with growth, the only people benefiting from it were the already wealthy elite ruling class from the blood sweat, and tears of their citizens. With both the grinding work expectations for the demands of the war effort and as well as the ruin the great war has wracked upon the planet. People have gotten wise that this war was not going to end well, and they were being taken advantage of as pawns in their political masters' game. It was time for change, to stop the nightmare once and for all. The working class planned a strike against the capital when nuclear absolution threatened to wipe out the world, not only did this become a plan to overthrow the careless government but also possibly to save the world. They laid a siege against the undefended capital, and with almost all military forces fighting on foreign lands. Citizens from all walks of life, former political rivals who would have been happy to kill each other before now marched to their leaders' thrones. The battle was quick, as the people fought with ruthless fevor and rage against their politicians for putting them through this mess. After the bloody uprising, The U.S.A. was no more and so was the world as they knew it.
Without the government to run America and the other countries wasted in ruins, the war had stopped but with no victory for any of the participants. While the threats of the final World War were no more, a new nightmare emerged. The new dark age when order and infrastructure have fallen. Infighting for what little resources there were and squabbling for power reduced the population, both in numbers and progress. Most devolved into primitive tribes while others became savage militaristic warbands that engaged with each other in what seemed to be endless battles. Along with the environmental damage, the air became toxic, wildlife and even unlucky humans mutated into monsters, and several locations that once were thriving populaces were reduced to smoldering radiation zones. It was an age of mindless bloodshed, madness, depravity, and savagery.
But the dark ages wouldn't last forever, as centuries later the dust has settled and the earth began to heal from the damage that the previous world had done to it in its pursuit of power. People decided to put aside their differences and work together to forge new communities, rebuild the infrastructure, and understand the technology that the world before had left. Thus now in the "neo-middle ages," the ruins of America have become the new wild frontier of bad lands with communities and guilds setting up to help each other. Settlements ranging from small towns to even independent city-states, and guilds that act as old-world corporations but lack the greed for profits and access to most of their old assets to help out the communities with products and services. It seems that maybe mankind has learned from its mistakes and can now progress with the corruption that it had from its previous generations.
But the old habits of humanity haven't died yet, and there are still plenty of dangers out there. Not everyone is trying to set up new peaceful communities, plenty of people delve into lives as raiders gangs, and warrior tribes that kill to either stay alive or sate their murder lust. Ruthless PMC warbands have risen with stockpiles of old military stockpiles, seeking to carve out their bloody empires. Isolated savage Tribes that reject the new ways hunt down the civilized, viewing them as intruders to their territories and weaklings for their reliance on technology. And old-world horrors that were best left forgotten either roam freely in the badlands or wait for any foolish adventurers to awaken them. And even with most sources of pollution long gone, the scars of the war have still damaged the Earth with extreme climates, toxic air, and radiation zones. But that's not the biggest threat the denizens of America have to worry about.
The F.E, or the Federal Empire, is a fascist regime that is the leftovers of the old government, hellbent on restoring order. Representing the worst aspects of the dead country, their leaders want to reclaim the "fallen land" and have an iron rule over everyone. Most of the people in charge are descendants of political leaders and elites, they have access to old military assets and develop new dangerous technology to help them in their campaign of conquer. They offer protection, structure, and peace, but their citizens have either two choices. Either work as slave labor to feed their war machine or become a soldier to fight, kill, and dominate. Armed with high-end tech and a well-drilled army to back them up, they oppress anyone who gets in their way.
And that is where the world currently is in the setting of HtP. Ruined by a great war from selfish generations centuries ago, the bad lands filled with madmen and mutant monstrosities, and a fascist regime wanting to conquer and repeat the mistakes of the past. But there's still good in humanity, plenty of mercs and hired guns take arms to defend the average denizen against the horrors or messing up the plans of the feds. There is plenty of adventure to be found in the badlands.
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journeyjottings · 6 months
You’re not a US citizen, you’ll have to jump through a few hoops before you can vacation in the USA.
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And by hoops, we mean filling out forms, answering a lot of questions, and possibly attending a visa application interview. But don’t let your concerns about the visa process keep you away.
With some advance planning, you can be standing atop the Empire State Building or hiking into the Grand Canyon in no time.
Start prepping for your trip with our step-by-step guide to navigating visa requirements for US travel. And remember, regulations often change, so always check the latest updates on the US State Department and US Customs and Border Patrol websites.
Who can travel to the USA visa-free?
If you are a citizen of one of the 40 countries covered by the USA’s Visa Waiver Program (VWP), you do not need a visa to travel for business or pleasure and plan to stay 90 days or less. Countries covered by the Visa Waiver Program include the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and most countries in the European Union.
Even if your visa is waived, you will need a passport as well as authorization pursuant to the Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA), which is required whether you are arriving by land, sea or air. If you are traveling to the US by plane or boat, authorization must be secured prior to boarding.
If you’re visiting under the Visa Waiver Program, your passport must be valid for at least six months longer than your intended stay, unless exempt due to a country-specific agreement. It must also be an e-passport, which has an e-chip providing enhanced security and a machine-readable zone on your bio page.
After you are admitted to the US, you can make short side trips into Mexico and Canada and be readmitted, but these visits count against your 90-day stay.
If you are a Canadian with a Canadian passport, you do not need a visa or ESTA authorization to enter the US for stays of less than 90 days. Mexican citizens traveling to the US must have a visa or Border Crossing Card.
Be aware that if you have traveled to or been present in certain listed countries – including Cuba, Iran, Iraq Somalia and others – during the time periods set forth in the Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act of 2015, you may not be eligible to travel without a visa.
To obtain ESTA authorization, you must register online with the Department of Homeland Security at least 72 hours before your arrival. Once your ESTA application is approved, it’s typically valid for two years and multiple visits.
The application fee is $21 and is payable online. To apply, you need a valid email address, home address and phone number plus the details of an emergency point of contact.
Once you have applied, you’ll receive one of three responses: Authorization Approved (this usually comes within minutes), Authorization Pending (you’ll need to check the status within the next 72 hours), or Travel Not Authorized. If travel is not authorized, you’ll need to apply for a visa.
If you’re from a country not covered by the Visa Waiver Program, you must apply for a tourist visa before visiting the US.
For additional information about ESTA, visit the US Customs and Border Protection’s ESTA Frequently Asked Questions page.
The US has more than 100 official border crossings with Canada in the north and almost 50 with Mexico to the south. It’s relatively easy crossing from the USA into either country. But crossing into the US can pose problems if you haven’t got all your documents with you. Some borders are open 24 hours, but most are not.
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Busy entry points with Canada include those between Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario; Buffalo, New York and Niagara Falls, Ontario; and Blaine, Washington and Douglas, British Columbia.
The main US-Mexico border crossings are between San Diego, California and Tijuana; Nogales, Arizona and Nogales, Sonora; El Paso, Texas and Ciudad Juárez; and Brownsville, Texas and Matamoros.
US Customs and Border Protection provides current wait times for entry at border checkpoints and airports on its website. As always, have your papers in order, be polite and don't make jokes or casual conversation with US border officials.
What You Need to Know about Obtaining a Visa?
There are two types of visas for foreign nationals traveling to the USA: nonimmigrant visas for short stays and immigrant visas for permanent residence. Nonimmigrant visas include visas for business (B-1), tourism (B-2) or a combination of the two (B-1/B-2).
With the exception of Canadian citizens and those entering under the Visa Waiver Program, all foreign visitors need to obtain a tourist visa from a US consulate or embassy abroad. Most applicants will need to schedule a personal interview and bring all their relevant documentation with them.
Wait times for interviews vary and can take months. If your application is approved, visa issuance takes anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. You can check wait times for scheduling interviews at individual embassies and consulates.
You must complete a DS-160 nonimmigrant visa application form and bring its confirmation page to the interview. You'll also need a recent photo and you must pay a nonrefundable $185 processing fee. Bring your payment receipt to the interview. In some cases, you may need to pay an additional visa-issuance reciprocity fee.
Your passport must be valid for at least six months after your scheduled departure from the USA, although exemptions are sometimes allowed by a country-specific agreement with your country of citizenship. Visa applicants are required to show documents of financial stability (or evidence that a US resident will provide financial support), a round-trip or onward ticket, and "binding obligations" that will ensure their return home, such as family ties, a home, and/or a job.
Because of these requirements, those planning to travel through other countries before arriving in the USA are generally better off applying for a US tourist visa while they're still in their home country, rather than while on the road.
The popular B-2 nonimmigrant visitor's visa, for tourism or visiting friends and relatives, is good for multiple entries. The validity period depends on what country you are from and your application. The actual length of time you'll be allowed to stay in the USA is determined by US immigration at the port of entry when you receive an admission stamp or Form I-94, which sets forth your arrival and departure dates.
If you're coming to the USA to work or study, you will need a different type of visa, and the company or institution to which you are going should make the arrangements.
To extend your stay, you must request permission on Form I-539 before the end of your visit. Do not stay longer than authorized without permission. You may be deported and/or barred from returning in the future. It is recommended that you make the request at least 45 days before your departure date.
Immigration Officers Have the Final Say
No matter what your visa or ESTA authorization says, US immigration officers have absolute authority to refuse admission to the country, or to impose conditions on admission.
They may ask about your plans and whether you have sufficient funds; it's a good idea to list an itinerary, produce an onward or round-trip ticket, and have at least one major credit card.
Source: https://www.lonelyplanet.com/articles/visa-requirements-for-usa
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veworgirl · 2 years
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gorogues · 3 years
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Spoilers for comics in August!
These are part of the official solicitations for that month, which you can see in full at CBR.  It’s a month heavy on Suicide Squad reprints and variant covers, as the movie is out in early August.  But the Mick story continues in the Flash book.
THE FLASH #773 story by JEREMY ADAMS art by WILL CONRAD cover by BRANDON PETERSON ON SALE 8/17/21 $3.99 US | 32 PAGES | FC | DC card stock variant by JORGE CORONA US $4.99 Suicide Squad Movie card stock variant by ALAN QUAH US $4.99 On the loose and bent on destruction, Heatwave's return couldn't come at a worse time for Wally West. Now that the onetime Kid Flash has retaken the mantle of the Fastest Man Alive, he's also taken a new job at Mr. Terrific's Holt Industries. But all of that gets put on the back burner, when the Flash must outrace the flames of one of his greatest foes and figure out why the once-reformed rogue has gone bad again.
Please write ‘Heat Wave’ correctly, DC.  Anyway, it seems that Mick really has gone bad for some reason; I was hoping last month that the covers/solicits were misleading.
I’m not sure who the fiery guy is on the Swamp Thing cover, but he certainly bears a resemblance to Mick (and if it’s him, implies that Mick joins Suicide Squad).  So I’ll post it here just in case.
THE SWAMP THING #6 story by RAM V art by MIKE PERKINS cover by MIKE PERKINS ON SALE 8/3/21 $3.99 US | 32 PAGES | FC | DC 6 of 10 card stock variant by FRANCESCO MATTINA $4.99 US With Prescot’s bio-agent set off in the Kaziranga wetlands, the Green summons Levi back to the land of his making. With Levi unable to access his powers as Swamp Thing, he finds himself trapped in the dense forest and stalked by a group tasked with retrieving his alter ego at all costs. Will he recover his powers before he is hunted down by the Suicide Squad?
Putting the Suicide Squad stuff behind a cut because it gets pretty long -- and not all of it’s included here.  I don’t know if Digger will appear in Suicide Squad: Get Joker!, but included it just in case.  Most of it is TPBs and collected editions, though the Get Joker! series is a new story.
SUICIDE SQUAD: GET JOKER! #2 story by BRIAN AZZARELLO art by ALEX MALEEV & MATT HOLLINGSWORTH cover by ALEX MALEEV ON SALE 9/7/21 $6.99 US | 48 PAGES | FC | DC card stock variant cover by JORGE FORNES Black Label | Prestige Plus | 8 1/2" x 10 7/8" 17+ After turning the tables on the Suicide Squad, The Joker gained control of the device that could detonate the bomb implanted in each of the team members’ heads. Now forced to do The Joker’s bidding, Red Hood, Harley, and the rest of Task Force X find themselves hunted by a newly formed Squad with a single mission: kill the previous Squad and take over hunting The Joker.
SUICIDE SQUAD CASE FILES 1 written by GERRY CONWAY art by JOHN BYRNE On sale 7/20/21 $19.99 US | 216 pages | 6 5/8" x 10 3/16"| Softcover ISBN: 978-1-77951-075-4 Discover the legacy of the film's eclectic villains in this collection of key stories from DC history! James Gunn's The Suicide Squad film gathers the weirdest and wildest cast of characters in superhero movie history—from Squad veterans like Harley Quinn and Captain Boomerang to the downright bizarre King Shark and Polka-Dot Man. But every character starts somewhere! Find out exactly where in The Suicide Squad Case Files 1, a new collection featuring debut and key appearances of Bloodsport, Mongal, Polka-Dot Man, King Shark, Weasel, the Thinker, and Amanda Waller herself, the government agent behind Task Force X.
SUICIDE SQUAD CASE FILES 2 written by JOHN OSTRANDER art by LUKE MCDONNELL On sale 7/27/21 $19.99 US | 224 pages | 6 5/8" x 10 3/16"| Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77951-156-0 More legacy and origins of the Suicide Squad's eclectic characters in this collection of key stories in anticipation of James Gunn's film, The Suicide Squad! The Suicide Squad Case Files 2 collection includes debut and key appearances of Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, Rick Flag, the Ratcatcher, Savant, the Javelin, Blackguard, and more.
HARLEY QUINN'S GREATEST HITS written by VARIOUS art by VARIOUS Available now! $9.99 US | 168 pages | 6 5/8" x 10 3/16"| Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-4012-7008-7 Get ready for this summer's most anticipated movie, The Suicide Squad, with the comics that feature fan-favorite character Harley Quinn! Harley Quinn's Greatest Hits collects eight of her best stories from writers and artists including Paul Dini, Bruce Timm, Jim Lee, Jeph Loeb, Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti, Scott Snyder, and more.
SUICIDE SQUAD: TRIAL BY FIRE written by JOHN OSTRANDER art by LUKE MCDONNELL AND OTHERS On sale 7/27/2021 $19.99 US | 232 pages| FC|DC ISBN: 978-1-77951-444-8 The classic story that inspired the feature film! Offered again with a new cover! Faced with a rising tide of meta-human crime and terror, Amanda Waller, the hard-headed director of a secret government program designed to neutralize super-powered threats called Task Force X sold the President on her vision: a covert action team composed of incarcerated super-villains who earned time off their sentences for every mission they completed. Deniable, disposable, and deployable to any spot on Earth, this Suicide Squad would be the perfect weapon of last resort—as long as they could be kept under control. Crafted by acclaimed creators John Ostrander and Luke McDonnell, this volume collects the first eight issues of the team's legendary 1980s title as well as their updated history from Secret Origins #14.
SUICIDE SQUAD: THEIR GREATEST SHOTS written by VARIOUS art by VARIOUS On sale 7/13/21 $12.99 US | 200 pages | 6 5/8" x 10 3/16"| Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-77951-073-0 The ultimate graphic novel companion to the high-octane, highly anticipated Suicide Squad movie coming in 2021! Featuring everyone's favorite DC antiheroes—from Harley Quinn to Captain Boomerang—this collection is sure to thrill any fan seeking more high-stakes black ops missions where no one is safe! Ranging from classic adventures by John Ostrander to contemporary takes with art by Jim Lee, all the comics heavy hitters who've shaped the Squad are featured in this collection!
SUICIDE SQUAD VOL. 1: THE BLACK VAULT written by ROB WILLIAMS art by JIM LEE AND PHILIP TAN Available now! $16.99 US | 160 pages | 6 5/8" x 10 3/16"| Softcover | ISBN: 978-1-4012-6981-4 The acclaimed story that helped launch DC Universe Rebirth! Harley Quinn. Deadshot. Killer Croc. Enchantress. Captain Boomerang. Katana. They're dangerous. They're deadly. They're deeply unstable. Their latest mission should be easy enough: recover a powerful cosmic weapon called the Black Vault from enemy hands. The Suicide Squad always gets the job done (mostly). But this time, when the weapon's dark influence spreads and the team is driven to madness and mayhem (more than usual), there's only one person sane enough to save the Squad from destruction…the Clown Princess of Crime herself, Harley Quinn! 
SUICIDE SQUAD: BAD BLOOD written by TOM TAYLOR art by BRUNO REDONDO Available now! $29.99 US | 288 pages | 6 5/8" x 10 3/16"| Hardcover | ISBN: 978-1-77950-395-4 Acclaimed writer Tom Taylor reunites with celebrated Injustice collaborators Bruno Redondo and Daniel Sampere on this GLAAD Media Award–nominated collection When the Suicide Squad is assigned to neutralize a group of international super-terrorists known as the Revolutionaries, the last thing they expect is for the survivors to join the team! Who can Squad veterans Harley Quinn and Deadshot trust when their new teammates are the very people they were sent to kill? This crew could survive the mission, but they might not survive each other—so don't get attached.
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lasseling · 3 months
Australian Senate Launches Major Inquiry into Soaring Deaths Among Vaxxed
The Australian Senate has just launched a major inquiry into the nation’s soaring numbers of excess deaths among the widely vaccinated population.
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irondadfics · 3 years
Hi! So I’ve been thinking about this one for a while and I can’t find it anywhere. It’s a bio kid fic where peter is young. I can’t remember if Tony knew about his existence before Mary and Richard died but peter is 4 years old and has just been sent to live with him.
Tony is neglectful at first and kind of leaves him to be looked after by a nanny or a teacher of some kind. The most specific thing I remember is that after Afghanistan, he starts spending more time with peter and then he stops. But then later in the fic he starts spending time with him again, and after like 2-3 days Peter loses it because he’s afraid that Tony is gonna start ignoring him again. I believe this interaction happened while they were eating pancakes or smth.
Thanks for your help!!
Thank you to those who contributed to our Follower Outreach Program for helping to locate this story!
love dares you to change by marveal
It isn’t that Tony Stark doesn’t like kids; he simply doesn’t understand them. He certainly never wanted any of his own. Not after his own childhood, witnessing first hand what a Stark father can do to their child. Which is why, when a kid is thrusted into his life unexpectedly, he has no idea how to take care of it- him. So naturally, he hires a village of caretakers and lets the professionals do the job.
However, when he is kidnapped and tortured by a group of terrorists, it takes an old doctor to show him what he truly is missing; love.
Or: my take on the biological father!Tony where he struggles to connect with his child due to his past.
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mindfeelscom · 3 years
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ricardo-irving · 3 years
The Intern
Russell Jones was a fresh-faced intern in his senior year at college. He was the top of his class in biology and had been scouted by the Nautilus Pharmaceuticals Corporation for his senior project. Every biology major at the local university were well-acquainted with the corporation and how they manufactured vaccines for third world countries and were often sending medicinal supplies to other countries that were victims to bio-terrorist attacks. The company was very open about its philanthropic endeavors, so Russell was happy to have this padding his resume. If luck was in his favor, this could even result in a career as Nautilus was known to pay its scientists and researchers handsomely.
Each week Russell shadowed a different scientist, learning what went into the vaccines and how to help with the various aspects of the company. However, one of the scientists took him aside his first day with quite the peculiar warning. “If anyone by the name of ‘Ricardo’ talks to you, asks for your help or assistance, for the love of God ignore him.” 
“How will I know who he is?” Russell had asked only for the employee to respond, “Oh, you’ll know.”
That had been a few weeks ago and up until now, Russell hadn’t seen anyone that stood out in a sea of lab coats. It had to be someone that enjoyed playing pranks on interns. Some of his classmates who had interned at other companies mentioned a prank of where an eyeball got dropped into their drink, so this “prank” was tame by comparison. It just kept him on his toes. 
“You’re the new kid, aren’t cha? The Holy Mothah University?” came a voice from behind him as he was taking his lunch break. The man sat down in front of him, dressed in a grey suit and green button-up shirt. He didn’t fit in with the other scientists, but there were no alarms going off in Russell’s head.
“Yea, I am,” Russell said slowly, watching as the other man took a fry off his plate. Curiosity got the better of the college student as he asked, “You wouldn’t happen to be Ricardo, would you?”
“Kralin Osborne,” said the man promptly, a broad grin on his homely face. “I woik on the business side of things so it makes sense that you wouldn’t see me down in the labs much. You look like a smaht kid, like you’ll go fah in life, maybe even here at Nautilus if you play your cards right.”
Russell couldn’t help but smile at that, as in his hopeful mind it sounded like this could potentially be talks to get hired on fulltime after graduation. “You really mean that, Mr. Osborne?”
Kralin’s grin didn’t falter at the young man’s eagerness. “Sure! We hiyah from that University moah than any othah in this state. The thing is, we’ve had students from all the Ivy Leagues, and while they do well, Holy Mothah University made their science programs especially ta make onboardin’ ta Nautilis easiah for students. I should know, I woik with the university ta get students jobs.”
In Russell’s eagerness, he failed to notice how Kralin’s grin didn’t match up to his eyes and how those very eyes had an almost predatory gleam to them. His appetite for lunch was gone in the excitement that this most likely meant he was going to get hired on. “W-well, I..I’m due to graduate at the end of May.”
“Poifect! All the bettah,” exclaimed Kralin, matching the young man’s excitement. “Typically, before we go about even considerin’ hirin’ a student, we like ta see the woik they’ve done durin’ their time at Nautilus. I’d like if you could take me down ta the labs so that I can see your notes an’ what you’ve done so fah.”
Russell stood up, forgetting his lunch in favor of showing this man all of his projects. “Of course, Mr. Osborne! It’s just...I need a scientist with a badge to escort me down there first. The woman I’m shadowing today went out for lunch an-”
Kralin held a hand up, silencing the young man. “Don’t cha worry about it. I’ve got clearance. We’ll just go down there togethah an’ see if you’re Nautilus material.” The man stood up, taking one last fry from Russell’s plate before gesturing for him to follow. 
Russell didn’t notice how mindful Kralin was to not show his keyboard as he swiped it on the scanner, nor did he seem to pay much mind that they were going past the floors he was typically one until he heard it ding for the fourth time in the sub-basement. 
“Mr. Osborne,” said Russell at last as the pair stepped out of the elevator. “I’ve never worked on this floor before. I don’t have clearance for...” he trailed off as he saw the stark whiteness of the walls and the rows upon rows of vials, beakers, and cages that he’d never seen before. He didn’t make a sound as he slowed his pace, getting the red flags suddenly going off in his head. “I don’t think I’m supposed to be down here.”
Kralin Osborne continued behind him, his smile broadening as he showed his pearly white teeth. “If ya wanna woik for Nautilus, ya gotta know your stuff, kid. What they have ya woiking with upstairs with the vaccines, the medicine, all that shit isn’t even a drop in the bucket for this company. Ya think we continue ta thrive as a pharmaceutical company givin’ away vaccines for free?” Kralin burst out laughing and it send a shiver down the college senior’s spine. 
“No, here at Nautilus, ya gotta play both sides,” he continued, stopping at one of the counters and pulling out an empty syringe. “It makes us both the hero an’ the bad guy, ya see. Problem is, there are some things down here that don’t always see the light of day an’ there’s been one thing I have been very curious about.”
Russell was very quickly realizing the horrendous mistake he made as he started backing up, back towards the elevator. “I-I-I can’t help you. I-I-I don’t think I-”
“You’re not getting through that elevator without a pass and unfortunately for you, I’m the only one with a pass down here,” said Kralin calmly, reaching into his pocket to grab a little orange vial that he loaded into the syringe. “Ya wanna woik for Nautilus--moah specifically me--I’m givin’ you two options here.”
The man held the syringe out to Russell with his left hand as he leveled his sea blue eyes on him. “Option A--take this syringe an’ use it. I know what’s in it and it ain’t gonna kill ya. Option B, howevah--” He reached into his jacket with his right hand and pulled out his Beretta as he pointed it at the now panicking college student. “Will.”
“Oh god!” screamed the young man, only to be shushed by Kralin, which only made him panic more. Russell was so close to graduating, getting a good job, and actually making something of himself! He was young, he had his whole life ahead of him and had his worldview shattered by learning that Nautilus wasn’t the great, selfless company that his university had been pushing. “What-what-what’s in the syringe?!”
Kralin grinned and kept it outstretched in his hand. “Somethin’ I have woiked extensively with. You ain’t gonna die an’ I need some questions answered with it. I’ve been the only one for years now, an’ I just need ta conduct an experiment that I didn’t get to then.”
Russell stared at the syringe, frozen in place. He didn’t trust a word coming out of this man’s mouth. It was take the syringe now and die later or refuse it and die immediately. He looked from the syringe to the Beretta and at last to the man holding both. It was like making a deal with the devil. He took in a deep breath and licked his dry lips as he reached out to the syringe and took it in his own hand.
Kralin’s grin was immediately wiped off his face as Russell threw it to the ground, shattering the contents inside. The college student didn’t even have the chance to run before two well-placed bullets had Russell lifeless before he hit the ground. “I gave you the choice I nevah had!” he snapped at the body as if it was still alive, “Now look what happened to ya. You’re dead an’ I’m out a plaga sample.”
He holstered the gun, pulled out his badge as he stared at it briefly. The ID had a goofily grinning man and his name right next to it: Ricardo Irving. He made his way to the elevator, scanned it, and left. The hazmat crew could take care of the rest.
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Bio for Hero Verse:
Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark was born on May 29, 1975, in Manhattan, New York to Howard Stark, a famous genius inventor and businessman, and Maria Stark, a New York socialite and philanthropist. Growing up under the eye of family butler Edwin Jarvis, his life was characterized by a cold and affectionless relationship with his father. Seeing that his son could achieve great things, Howard tried to inspire him with constant talks about his own role in the creation of Captain America. 
This instead embittered Stark, who felt that his father was taking more pride in his creations than in his family. A brilliant and unique child prodigy, Stark attended MIT for two years starting at age 14, graduating at the age of 16.On December 16, 1995, when Stark was 20, his parents went away to the Bahamas, but planned to stop at the Pentagon to deliver Super Soldier Serum he had redeveloped. 
On their way there, both were killed in a car accident—later revealed to be an assassination carried out by the Winter Soldier who was mind controlled by Hydra to steal the serum. As a result, Stark inherited his father's company, becoming CEO of Stark Industries. Over the years, he became well known as a weapons designer and inventor.
In 2010, Stark travels to war-torn Afghanistan with his friend and military liaison Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes to demonstrate Stark's new "Jericho" missile. After the demonstration, the convoy is ambushed and Stark is critically wounded and imprisoned by a terrorist group, the Ten Rings. Fellow captive Ho Yinsen, a doctor, implants an electromagnet into Stark's chest to keep shrapnel shards from reaching his heart and killing him.
Stark and Yinsen secretly build a small, powerful electric generator called an arc reactor to power Stark's electromagnet and a suit of powered armor. When the Ten Rings attack the workshop, Yinsen sacrifices himself to divert them while the suit is completed. The armored Stark battles his way out of the cave to find the dying Yinsen, then burns the Ten Rings' weapons in anger and flies away, crashing in the desert. Rescued by Rhodes, Stark returns home to announce that his company will no longer manufacture weapons. In his home workshop, Stark builds a sleeker, more powerful version of his improvised armor suit as well as a more powerful arc reactor.
Stark learns that Obadiah Stane has been arms trafficking to criminals worldwide, and is staging a coup to replace him as Stark Industries' CEO. Stark, in his new armor, flies to Afghanistan and saves the villagers. Stane ambushes Stark at his home and takes the arc reactor from his chest, revealing that Stane was responsible for Stark's captivity. Stark manages to get to his original reactor to replace it and defeats Stane. The next day, at a press conference, Stark publicly admits to being "Iron Man."
Six months later in 2011, Stark has become a superstar and uses his Iron Man suit for peaceful means, resisting government pressure to sell his designs. He reinstitutes the Stark Expo to continue his father's legacy, but discovers that the palladium core in the arc reactor that keeps Stark alive and powers the armor is slowly poisoning him. 
Stark competes in the Monaco Historic Grand Prix and is attacked mid-race by Ivan Vanko, who wields electrified whips powered by a miniature arc reactor. Stark dons his Mark V armor and defeats Vanko, but the suit is severely damaged. At his birthday party, Stark gets drunk while wearing the Mark IV suit. Rhodes dons Stark's Mark II prototype armor and tries to restrain him. The fight ends in a stalemate, so Rhodes confiscates the Mark II for the U.S. Air Force.
Stark discovers a hidden message from his father, a diagram of the structure of a new element, which Stark synthesizes. At the Expo, Stark's rival Justin Hammer unveils Vanko's armored drones he had him make, led by Rhodes in a heavily weaponized version of the Mark II armor. Stark arrives in the Mark VI armor to warn Rhodes, but Vanko remotely takes control of both the drones and Rhodes' armor and attacks Iron Man. Stark and Rhodes together defeat Vanko and his drones. 
In 2012, when the Asgardian Loki arrives and begins menacing Earth, seizing the Tesseract from a S.H.I.E.L.D. facility, Fury activates the Avengers Initiative and S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Phil Coulson visits Stark to have him review the research of Erik Selvig on the Tesseract. In Stuttgart, Steve Rogers and Loki fight briefly until Tony Stark appears in his Iron Man armor, resulting in Loki's surrender. While Loki is being escorted to S.H.I.E.L.D., Thor arrives and frees him, hoping to convince him to abandon his plan and return to Asgard. After a confrontation with Stark and Rogers, Thor agrees to take Loki to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s flying aircraft carrier, the Helicarrier.
The Avengers become divided, both over how to approach Loki and the revelation that S.H.I.E.L.D. plans to harness the Tesseract to develop weapons. Agents possessed by Loki attack the Helicarrier, disabling one of its engines in flight, which Stark and Rogers must work to restart. Loki escapes, and Stark and Rogers realize that for Loki, simply defeating them will not be enough; he needs to overpower them publicly to validate himself as ruler of Earth. Loki uses the Tesseract to open a wormhole in New York City above the Avengers Tower to allow the Chitauri fleet in space to invade. 
Fury's superiors from the World Security Council attempt to end the invasion by launching a nuclear missile at Midtown Manhattan. Stark intercepts the missile, and in an apparent sacrifice of his own life, takes it through the wormhole toward the Chitauri fleet. The missile detonates, destroying the Chitauri mothership and disabling their forces on Earth. Stark's suit runs out of power, and he falls back through the wormhole but the Hulk saves him from crashing into the ground.
Several years later, Stark and the Avengers raid a Hydra facility commanded by Baron Wolfgang von Strucker, who has been experimenting on siblings Pietro and Wanda Maximoff using the scepter previously wielded by Loki. While the team fights outside, Stark enters the lab and finds the scepter, along with Chitauri ships from the Battle of New York and androids under construction. Wanda sneaks up behind him and uses her mind manipulation powers to give him a haunting vision: the death of all the Avengers except him. Stark awakens from the vision and grabs Loki's scepter.
Several years later, Stark and the Avengers raid a Hydra facility commanded by Baron Wolfgang von Strucker, who has been experimenting on siblings Pietro and Wanda Maximoff using the scepter previously wielded by Loki. While the team fights outside, Stark enters the lab and finds the scepter, along with Chitauri ships from the Battle of New York and androids under construction. Wanda sneaks up behind him and uses her mind manipulation powers to give him a haunting vision: the death of all the Avengers except him. Stark awakens from the vision and grabs Loki's scepter.
Returning to Stark Tower, Stark and Bruce Banner discover an artificial intelligence within the scepter's gem, and secretly decide to use it to complete Stark's "Ultron" global defense program. The unexpectedly sentient Ultron eliminates Stark's A.I. J.A.R.V.I.S. and attacks the Avengers at Stark Tower. Escaping with the scepter, Ultron builds an army of robot drones, kills Strucker and recruits the Maximoffs, who hold Stark responsible for their parents' deaths by his company's weapons. The Avengers find and attack Ultron, but Wanda subdues most of the team with personalized, disturbing visions, causing Banner to transform into the Hulk and rampage until Stark stops him with his anti-Hulk armor.
After hiding at Clint Barton's house, Nick Fury arrives and encourages Stark and the others to form a plan to stop Ultron, who is discovered to have forced the team's friend Dr. Helen Cho to perfect a new body for him. Rogers, Romanoff, and Barton find Ultron and retrieve the synthetic body, but Ultron captures Romanoff. Returning to their headquarters in New York, the Avengers fight amongst themselves when Stark and Banner secretly upload J.A.R.V.I.S.—who is still operational after hiding from Ultron inside the Internet—into the synthetic body. Thor returns to help activate the body, explaining that the gem on its brow was part of his vision. 
This "Vision" and the Maximoffs, now on their side, accompany Stark and the Avengers to Sokovia, where Ultron has used the remaining vibranium to build a machine to lift part of the capital city skyward, intending to crash it into the ground to cause global extinction. One of Ultron's drones is able to activate the machine. The city plummets, but Stark and Thor overload the machine and shatter the landmass. The Avengers establish a new base, and Stark leaves the team in the hands of Rogers and Romanoff.
Besides his age this is Where Canon Starts to Diverge:
In 2016, U.S. Secretary of State Thaddeus Ross informs the Avengers that the United Nations (UN) is preparing to pass the Sokovia Accords, which will establish UN oversight of the team. The Avengers are divided: Stark supports oversight because of his role in Ultron's creation and Sokovia's devastation, while Rogers has more faith in his own judgment than that of a government. Circumstances lead to Rogers and fellow super-soldier Bucky Barnes—framed for a terrorist attack—going rogue, along with Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton, and Scott Lang. Stark assembles a team composed of Romanoff, T'Challa, Rhodes, Vision, and Peter Parker to capture the renegades at Leipzig/Halle Airport.
So up until the battle, Tony thinks that the Accords are a good idea except that he doesn’t treat Wanda as bad as she’s treated in the movies.  She will be in Avengers compound but she’s kept there to train and he will try to find someone to help her learn to control her powers. 
When they go to Germany, Tony actually listens to Steve but there is still a fight that ensues.  When Rhodey falls from the sky and is injured, Tony calls the entire thing off.  He goes with Steve and Bucky to the compound with the other Super soldiers but when he finds out about what happened, he’s very angry but doesn’t attack Bucky and Steve.  This takes away the rift that is there between the three men.  Tony does help Clint and Sam and although they must stay on the run, Tony supplies them resources and doesn’t let Ross know where they are.
In 2018, Stark and Potts are in a New York City park changes that are going to be made to move the business in another direction when Banner, who had disappeared after the Battle of Sokovia, crash-lands at the Sanctum Sanctorum. Banner relays a warning to Stephen Strange, Wong, and Stark that the mad Titan Thanos plans to use the Infinity Stones to kill half of all life in the universe. Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian arrive to retrieve the Time Stone, prompting Strange, Stark, Wong, and Parker to confront them. Although Cull Obsidian is incapacitated and thrown into Antarctica, Strange is captured by Maw. Stark and Parker sneak aboard Maw's spaceship to rescue him.
After successfully freeing Strange and killing Maw, the trio proceed to Thanos’ home planet Titan, where they meet members of the Guardians of the Galaxy. They form a plan to confront Thanos and remove the Infinity Gauntlet, but Thanos overpowers the group and stabs Stark. Strange surrenders the Time Stone in exchange for Thanos sparing Stark. Thanos takes the stone and departs Titan for Earth, retrieves the final stone, and activates the Infinity Gauntlet. Stark and Nebula, stranded on Titan, watch as Parker and others are turned to dust.
For the end battle, Tony will take the gauntet but instead of him dying, his right arm is destroyed and he will use the same nanotech that is hooked to his chest to create an arm for him to use.  Also at the end of the battle, Tony 45 years old will remain as Ironman until he can train someone as his replacement.  Also in the five years of the Blip, Pepper and Tony have a one night stand and she gets pregnant with Morgan. @mhstark3000 .  With this, they are not married and aren’t even dating.  He will be in Morgan’s life though and Pepper and Tony do an amazing job co-parenting, especially once her retires from being Ironman.
During the time of Wanda Vison and TFATWS, he is retired from being an Avenger but will pick it up if he’s needed.  Also he’s been working inventions and his own thing.
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ohighwind · 3 years
Name: Cid Highwind 
Tumblr media
Age: 35 
Sex: Male
Class: Dragoon/Lancer 
Occupation: Pilot for the WRO
Body Type: Bulky 
Height: 5’10 
Weight: 200 lbs 
Hair: Blonde 
Eyes: Deep Blue 
Interests & Hobbies
Cid has various interests which mostly involve engineering and airships. He is quite smart when it comes to flying. Among his other interests are his fighting style and pole arms. At a young age; one could make a good living as a hunter and thus learned how to hunt to help fund his love for science and his dream to fly. He is adept at fighting monsters. Cid also has a hobby of drinking and gathering information through various pubs. 
The pilot grew up in a small village with poor conditions. This shaped him to adapt and survive. The village specialized in hunting where hunters would hunt the strongest beasts for a profit. The rough childhood of being a hunt fed into Cid being blunt and uncouth. Pretty words are a waste of time and to Cid normally means there is an ulterior motive. Despite how rough and gruff Cid speaks; deep down he is a good person who has a heart of gold. 
Abilities & Weapons
Cid is a spear-wielder who has the ability to make his own lances. This was a skill he obtained from his father who was the blacksmith for the local hunters. With this skill he made various weapons. Learning to wield a spear made him able to jump far higher than normal humans. This is a hunting skill obtained through various hunts. The skill JUMP and HIGH JUMP does devastating damage to those who are in its range. 
Venus Gospel is Cid’s ultimate weapon. It once belonged to the leader of the hunting village and it was Cid’s father’s greatest creation. The elder male that watches over the rocket was indeed the former leader of the hunting village wanting to see Cid accomplish his dream. It’s a large spear that does more damage the higher Cid’s MP is. Cid has skills similar to  the Dragoon class in various Final Fantasy games. 
Cid is from a small  village just northwest  of Rocket Town (before it became that) on a small island. It was a rather poor town but had one thing sustaining it; hunting. Capable hunters ventured out into the wilderness to hunt beasts to sell their pelts and meats to traveling merchants and other businesses in other well known towns and cities. The village also became rather efficient in having livestock. 
Cid’s father; a blacksmith, was quite a capable hunter and taught his son many skills. These skills included making weapons; hunting techniques which included the ability to JUMP and HIGH JUMP. Learning how to make weapons fueled his interest in making things and that in turn; fueled his desire to learn science and engineering.  
The village lacks the more modern technology to make their lives easier but that didn’t stop Cid from dreaming about them. The child was always under the vast blue sky and wished to fly in it like how birds could. Through hunting and working with merchants; Cid was able to obtain books and other materials to learn. At the age of eighteen; Cid chose to leave the village to further his education. As he continued to learn his dream changed from flying to space travel. 
At the age of twenty-six; Cid is offered a place in Shinra’s Space Program where he almost accomplishes his dream to travel to space. It took quite a convincing of Rufus to continue the program but things started to run smoothly. Cid was about to accomplish his dream or die trying. It was then he was kidnapped by the terrorist group AVALANCHE but was promptly rescued by the TURKS.  The launch of the rocket continued until it’s discovered that Shera; Cid’s assistant, was adding the last touches. Not wanting to kill Shera; Cid stops the launch. Soon after the space program was shut down and the rocket became a tourist attraction. A village began to form around the massive rocket. 
Cid starts to become more hot-tempered and bitter as the years pass by. At first Cid blamed Shera for destroying his dreams and treated her rather poorly due to this. His dreams were dead and he didn’t want Shera to stay around and do nothing with her talents and thus tried to scare her off but yet she stayed to repent for costing the pilot his dream. This annoyed Cid but let her do what she wanted. Even then; he was harsh with her as he is reminded constantly of his failures. 
At the age of thirty-two; Cid meets with a group of people wishing to find Sephiroth and needs his plane; Tiny Bronco. Cloud Strife and his friends seemed like interesting people but at first Cid wouldn’t let them take it. There was a chance for the space program to be reinstated by Shinra. This was a lie as Rufus just wanted the plane to chase Sephiroth. As Shinra attempts to steal the plane; Cid jumps on with Cloud and his group and flies away. With his dreams now crushed a second time; he decides to join Cloud and his friends. 
A few years later; Cid becomes the leader of the airship division in the WRO to help restore the planet. He is head pilot and often helps Vincent with dealing with Deepground. After the incidents; he continues to work for the WRO stopping any sort of threat that may harm the planet.
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