#WFM verse
adachiame · 2 years
It started like a usual day at the academy until tragedy struck, two people running full speed into each other.
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“Owwww...“  The young man rasped quietly out, clutching his front, he had an impact of something shorter but only caught the glimpse of red.  Right in the diaphragm, he was still looking at the floor.  He had been running late so he thought to try and take a shortcut around a corner.
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Ooc: Watched the newest Gundam: Witch from Mercury episode and internally screaming and thinking more about WfM verses for some characters. Mainly Iyumi and Xia.
Iyumi in Witch Mercury would definitely be a Spacian belonging to a high ranking company. Maybe her dad is the CEO or just someone higher up and she thinks that basically makes her a princess like how people treat Miomio. Lol
She would be a snob who owns some expensive mech with a bunch of weapons cause in battle, she turns majorly aggressive if it's someone that has irritated her.
But if she falls for someone, she'll want to duel them so they'll be hers. And likely chase them down if they turn her down. XD
With Xia I feel like her duels would primarily be to have a bunch of other students be her servants/be part of a harem all for her if she wins. 😂 would likely really want Shaddiq but keeps losing against him.
She would be rather aggressive in a duel like Iyumi if someone makes her mad. Or just to mess with her opponent. But she wouldn't be psychotically aggressive, more strategic and teasing.
I should seriously develop them more and see who I can find to interact with. >>
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lifeattomsdiner · 2 years
I jest, but the existence of The Witch from Mercury’s prologue in relation (and juxtaposition) to episode 1 is actually really interesting, thinking of it?
Like, imagine if there were no prologue and episode 1 were our first impression of the series.  Off the cuff, it seems a lot more lighthearted compared to where other Gundam series start--sure, there’s hints of darkness creeping in around the edges (the attempted assassination of Delling, the point that Miorine’s ‘escape attempt’ can easily be read as a suicide attempt), but on the whole, a school setting where students resolve disputes via mobile suit duels just comes off as a step down in intensity from other series that make it clear from minute one that we are at war.
Except the prologue does exist, and it offers a vision of the WfM-verse that easily compares to the horrors found in other Gundam series.  And with that context, I think episode 1 comes off more like... I mean, this is a school.  These are all young people--teenagers--and not just any young people, but the children of the affluent and influential, existing in an environment that has been specifically constructed for them.  It’s like a siloed-off bubble of innocence where the corruption and violence of the outside universe is, if not kept out entirely (we’ve already clearly seen that the kids are jockeying for power and influence on behalf of their parents), then at least kept quiet enough to be plausibly deniable.
And I have little doubt that as the series goes on, we will watch that bubble disintegrate.
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Gundam Witch From Mercury Season 2 Episode 7 Review
- I’d like to get off of Prospera Mercury’s wild ride
- Miorine is finally going to Earth, not to escape her life rife with politics, but instead to try and bolster her image. Meanwhile Guel seems pensive to go back. His small time on Earth changed him into a new man, one that doesn’t have a home in either space or on earth. Meanwhile Kenanji, a professional, has no outwardly displayed anxieties and instead just cracks a joke. He’s been immersed in the dark underbelly of Spacian and Earthian conflict so he’s used to the large pressure everyone’s under
- Martin became Secelia’s water boy and I love it. Okouchi got Quentin Tarantino and Dan Schneider in the writing room for that scene. But for as abrasive as she is, Secelia gives some good advice. Martin can’t spend forever wallowing I’m his guilt. He needs to be upfront with his feelings and accept that sometimes, you just gotta do something, even if it hurts
- Guel recognizing Sedo and chasing after him, leaving Miorine to fend for herself was a dumb move, but a realistic one. He wants to reconnect with a proper relationship this time. Plus, it seems like Guel just has a soft spot for kids in general. However, him chasing after Sedo gave him an important piece of information. That Shaddiq was the one ordered the terrorist attacks that got his dad killed, and boy is Guel pissed. I want to see him 5 v 1 Shaddiq’s squad (Renee and Felsi can fight it out alone) and gain his position as the best pilot in the WFM verse
- Speaking of Shaddiq, this man is the biggest fucking “nice guy” I’ve ever seen. He doesn’t even see Miorine as a human, just a perfect porcelain doll that needs saving. Nothing can be her fault, it must be everyone else’s. Which is even bigger cap because he was the one who let Guel abuse Miorine for two school years and didn’t do anything about it. Asshole. He hates Guel for “dirtying” his precious waifu, even though she’s told him to get bent already. He didn’t care about her dying during the Plant Quetta accident because she would have died with his image of her intact, but now he’s left coping and seething.
- Lauda is similarly coping and seething by thinking that Miorine is ruining his older brother. He just hasn’t realized that Guel has grown independent, and Lauda needs to as well.
- The meeting between Miorine and the Earthian representatives was very interesting. Miorine brought up job prospects, but the Earthians don’t care about that. They want people to stop assaulting, murdering, and taking advantage of them! It’s only until Miorine brings them something that can truly help, medical equipment, that they listen to her. But they still aren’t ready to support her because she has no real power. Sadly the small amount of trust they built up was destroyed due to Prospera’s machinations.
- Suletta truly embodying the tanuki she is by digging through the trash, but luckily, Chuchu comes to help her once again and bring her to her friends. Earth House loves her, and they’ll support her through thick and thin. And through this support, she realizes that Eri loves her too. She wants to protect her from the war and violence that she and Prospera will be inflicting. And now, Suletta is motivated to move forward properly and gain a life of her own.
- I’ve been fawning over Till since the fourth episode cause I think quiet boys are cute, but he fucking stabbed me with that hair down look. He’s such a good person, stating that Nika should be the one to tell them, and supporting Martin but not babying him. He supports Miorine on her business ventures, helped Suletta talk to Miorine, and is just an overall calming presence. Top 3 best boy, next to Guel and El5n
- And speaking of El5n, that scene in the prison room was engineered to make me go crazy. Norea is going crazy locked up in that room, only being able to think about Sophie’s death, her loneliness, and her mortality. The drawings that once comforted her are just black scribbles, showing her mental state. When El5n picks up the discarded book for fun, he passes by the dark pictures and lays his eyes on a beautiful lakefront. A life El5n never had, and a life that was cruelly taken away from Norea. They’re both just children, but they’ve been forced to bear the dark and ugly sides of the world instead of the beautiful ones. And in that moment, El5n fully understands and falls for her. He focused so much on his own life, but now he has someone else to protect. A hurt girl with no future, much like El4n, who he couldn’t save.
- As Norea screams at Nika and El5n to die, for everyone to die, she breaks down, realizing she really doesn’t want any death. She didn’t want Sophie, her almost-sister to die in such a horrible way. She doesn’t want to die for some cause that’s way grander than her. She wants a happy life indulging in the simple beauties of Earth. And El5n, someone who understands longing for a happy life despite fate’s cruel jokes, holds her hand and comforts her. The two loneliest people have found each other, and as El5n recognizes her pain, he may bow to stay with her. For someone who said he’ll live no matter what, how tragic yet poignant would it be if he sacrificed his life for Norea? I would cry my ass off. I just want them to live in a lake house, Norea making art while El5n reads books from his predecessor’s library.
- RIP Feng. She worked hard to find a way without fighting and gave Miorine a helping hand. She sniffed out the corruption in the Space League but it came too late. As she struggles from the pain the gunshot gave her, she pushes Belmeria to act. To stop looking away from the pain she’s caused and to truly make a difference for the better.
- Prospera herself doesn’t support the new Ochs Earth, using the distraction she started to destroy the Gundam facility. Prospera acts in her and Eri’s own interest. She doesn’t care about the hundreds of lives she just ruined with her plan. Those lives don’t matter to her as much as her daughter.
- But Miorine cares. As much as she tries to act distanced, she cares. It’s why she gave Suletta a tomato and searched for a way to save lives with GUND-Arm. Miorine cares for others and now in her eyes, she’s caused immense suffering. She went to build up herself, but in that moment, she realized that she should have cared more for the struggling people. With Guel going off on his own revenge play, Miorine is now alone. But Suletta will support her. Just like how Earth House believes in Nika, Suletta will believe in her.
I’m not ready for next episode. Guel and Grassley are going to conflict, Norea will go even more off the deep end, and Miorine will be on her own once again, before she met Suletta.
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jtavington · 1 year
Imagining marriages in the WFM verse. A significant margin of those in the upper class are probably “both partners submit DNA but lead separate lives without even bothering to consummate it. Breach of promise lawsuits happen regularly. Prenups are among the most complicated contracts and can easily bankrupt the less powerful party, which also means DV frequently goes unpunished if the abused spouse had weak company backing.
Guel and Miorine decide almost instantly that they are never having sex ever. Unspoken but understood is that they’d both be thinking of Suletta. Guel inserts a penalty clause stipulating Miorine owes him a small fortune if the marriage doesn’t happen or doesn’t last a certain period of time. Miorine insists she will marry him. Guel won’t budge. Jeturk needs the money...and part of him hopes he’ll wake one morning to find Miorine has eloped with the woman they both love.
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traceforce · 4 months
How to Implement Effective Workforce tracking Solutions for Business Growth
In today’s competitive business landscape, effective workforce tracking (WFM) is crucial for fostering growth and maintaining a competitive edge. An efficient WFM strategy not only optimizes productivity but also enhances employee satisfaction and reduces operational costs. Here’s a comprehensive guide to implementing effective workforce tracking solutions for business growth.
1. Understand Workforce Tracking
Workforce tracking encompasses a range of activities aimed at optimizing employee productivity. This includes scheduling, forecasting labor needs, time and attendance tracking, and performance tracking. Effective WFM ensures that the right number of employees with the right skills are in the right place at the right time.
2. Identify Your Business Needs
Before implementing WFM solutions, it’s essential to identify your specific business needs and objectives. Consider the following questions:
What are your primary goals? (e.g., improving efficiency, reducing labor costs, enhancing customer service)
What are the current challenges you face with your workforce?
What metrics are you looking to improve? (e.g., employee turnover, overtime hours, customer satisfaction)
3. Choose the Right Technology
Selecting the right WFM software is critical. Look for a solution that:
Integrates with your existing systems (HR, payroll, etc.)
Offers robust scheduling and forecasting tools
Provides real-time analytics and reporting
Includes mobile capabilities for on-the-go access
Ensures compliance with labor laws and regulations
4. Implement Comprehensive Training
Even the most advanced WFM solution will fail without proper training. Ensure that your managers and employees are well-versed in using the new system. Provide comprehensive training sessions and create user manuals or guides for reference. Continuous training and support can help address any issues that arise and ensure smooth operation.
5. Focus on Accurate Data Collection
Accurate data is the backbone of effective WFM. Implement systems for precise time and attendance tracking, and ensure that data is collected consistently across all departments. Utilize biometric systems, mobile time tracking apps, or web-based solutions to eliminate manual errors and improve accuracy.
6. Foster Employee Engagement
An engaged workforce is more productive and loyal. Involve employees in the scheduling process by providing them with some degree of control over their shifts. Use WFM tools that allow employees to swap shifts, request time off, and view their schedules in advance. Regular feedback and communication can also enhance engagement and job satisfaction.
7. Leverage Data Analytics
Utilize the analytics capabilities of your WFM solution to gain insights into workforce trends and performance. Analyze data on absenteeism, overtime, productivity, and employee turnover to identify patterns and areas for improvement. Data-driven decision-making can help optimize staffing levels, forecast labor needs, and enhance overall efficiency.
8. Ensure Compliance
Compliance with labor laws and regulations is a critical aspect of WFM. Your chosen solution should help you stay compliant with minimum wage laws, overtime regulations, and other legal requirements. Regularly review and update your policies to reflect any changes in legislation.
9. Monitor and Adjust
WFM is not a one-time implementation but an ongoing process. Continuously monitor the effectiveness of your WFM strategy and make adjustments as needed. Gather feedback from managers and employees to identify any pain points or areas for improvement. Regularly reviewing your processes ensures that your WFM strategy remains aligned with your business goals.
10. Measure Success
Finally, measure the success of your WFM implementation by tracking key performance indicators (KPIs). Common KPIs include employee productivity, labor cost as a percentage of revenue, employee turnover rate, and customer satisfaction scores. Regularly review these metrics to assess the impact of your WFM solution on business growth.
Effective workforce management is essential for business growth and operational efficiency. By understanding your business needs, choosing the right technology, and focusing on accurate data collection and employee engagement, you can create a robust WFM strategy. Continuous monitoring, compliance, and data-driven adjustments will help you optimize your workforce and achieve your business objectives. Implementing these solutions thoughtfully will not only enhance productivity but also foster a positive work environment conducive to growth and success.
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cheolliewrites · 3 years
Waiting for Midnight - 09
idol Hoshi x Guardian Angel reader social media au series 2nd lead Wonwoo
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Wonwoo pulls down his mask, making y/n take a step back in surprise. Her shaky hand points a finger at him, “You’re that guy from the funeral.��
Wonwoo’s eyes widens and he quickly looks behind him to see if the others were around. When he was sure that no one was around, he pulled up the sleeves of his sweater to cover his mark. Y/n is still staring at him as if he was a crossword puzzle to be solved. But as quick as a second, it clicked in her mind. “You’re from Seventeen,” she whispers.
“Yeah, I am.” He says quietly in a low voice, starting to fidget around as he doesn’t understand how y/n could see his black mark. Y/n notices this, and she quickly puts her hand up and pulls down on her sleeve to show her glowing mark on her wrist.
“I have it too!” She whispers almost too excitedly, “But mine glows... why is yours black?”
Wonwoo looks around, starting to get cautious as the inventory room was small and the door that separates them from the kitchen was an old wooden door that most likely could not filter sounds very well. “I’ll explain later. Is it okay if I’ll get your number from Soonyoung?” He says in a rush, making y/n nod as if she had no choice, “We have to go they might wonder why we’re taking too long.”
Wonwoo quickly stores away the other ingredients while y/n remains in trance, still staring at Wonwoo while he moves around the small space. “Does the Guardian know you’re here?”
He looks at her weirdly, “Probably? I meant he sent me down here, didn’t he?”
Now y/n looks at him weirdly, “No, I meant—“ She sighs, not knowing how to explain herself, “I mean does the guy acting as my dad outside know that you’re here?”
Wonwoo’s jaw drops upon his sudden realization. The jar of sugar that he was holding slips out of his hands and shatters on the floor. “No way,” he whispers, “What happened to his one meter long silver hair?”
“Could you guys stop breaking more of Anne’s stuff?!” Michael yells from the kitchen, “Make sure to clean that up!”
“Go,” Wonwoo pushes y/n to the door, “Go get a broom and we’ll talk more later through text.”
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Waiting for Midnight - 09
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contains: 💬🤍🌪☁️💿🪐 pairing: idol!Hoshi x Guardian Angel reader spotify playlist: Waiting for Midnight
At risk of losing your guardianship, you are forced to take form of a baker who works across Pledis Entertainment to find your new human, Kwon Hoshi, a bubbly idol who often visits at midnight with heavy thoughts clouding his mind.
This is just a continuation from the chapter but we’re finally progressing! Sorry for another delay, it was either that my tumblr app wasn’t working last night or that it was because of our internet connection again :(( ANYWAAYY WFM will be updated frequently now since I’m kinda free :3
@juju-cheolliewrites @simplewonderland @lightsaber1397​ @samemagicpoint @noniesgirl @dy-mglzz @allthtyazz @minghaoist @minghaofilm @nicoletacos09 @swimmingismywholelife @skylions-den @beomiebear5 @monstathedisco @worshiphoseok @mingyuahjumma @unmanageable-day @seungsanhun @baby-sungshine @haikyuu-carat @soonwoolover @wispcoup @cnvs-defs @kwonscafe @anjcia @multistanfics @rosiexq @fluffyhyeju @fluffysoonyoungs​ @ryuyalana​ @leechanbestboy​ @peekabooseoksoon​ @minkwans​ @un2-verse​ @minluvly​ @multinines--xx​
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anais-mitchell · 5 years
thoughts on hadestown broadway lyrics as opposed to the earlier versions?
Ooh I definitely think there are some strong positives and some strong negatives. The songs/lyrics I really miss are London Any Way the Wind Blows/Come Home With Me, “let the world we dream about be the one we live in now”, “everybody dresses in clothes so fine etc.”, London Chant II but Persephone’s verse from NYTW or Broadway previews, NYTW/London Epic III, and “now it thickens on my tongue etc.” I understand that stuff had to be cut but I definitely think some stronger lyrics got lost along the way. (I was watching the London boot the other day and CRIED remembering how good Epic III was oh my god) And I know I’m in the minority of this but goddd I still find “oh it’s about me” so cringey.
But!! There have been a lot of super strong changes. Using “la la la” as a more concrete symbol, the endings of WFM/WFMII, “the gods have forgotten the song of their love”, the new intro to How Long, the additions to Doubt Comes In, the story coming full circle, “it’s time for spring”, Orpheus in All I’ve Ever Known, the more overt parallels between the two couples, “if you ride that train”/“she’s gonna ride that train”, and a lot more that I’m forgetting. As a whole, Broadway is probably my favorite version of the show but I do miss some little things here and there. (God bless bootlegs is all I can say)
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discoverthebook · 5 years
SATAN: Ultimate Terrorist vs. JESUS: ONLY SAVIOR. We see so many roadblocks and police and army searches in various troubled countries where we serve. There is such a fear of ISIS and other terrorist elements. But that's not the worst enemy. Our real enemy this morning is not the latest terrorists who fill our newspapers, television, and radio, no the real enemy is old-Devil bin-Lucifer. He was the 1st terrorist when long ago in Heaven he threatened to hijack God’s place. Old Devil Bin-Lucifer proceeded to hijack planet Earth and slipping into the cockpit controls he is proceeding to slam the planet into a downward crash spiral.But before the Earth crashes and burns the Builder and Designer of this hijacked planet Jesus Christ has Himself gotten onboard, overpowered and defeated the hijacker (Old-Devil Bin-Lucifer) and all his cohorts (the demon fallen angels) and now stands at a special escape doorway. Calling out to everyone onboard Jesus Christ offers endless safety, complete freedom, and total deliverance to any who will come through His door.Jesus Christ: The Only WAYAnd that is where we turn this morning in John 14, as we come to perhaps the most crucial of all Christ's declarations. Jesus is absolutely affirming the exclusiveness of salvation. Jesus says He ALONE is the Way, the Truth, and the LIFE! When Jesus said I AM THE WAY, TRUTH & LIFE (14:6) - Jesus told us He is all I need to ENTER god’s way OF SALVATION but apart from Him is only endless lost ness.  Jesus said I am the way, I have settled the issue of your eternal home.  I am making it, your very own room, and the minute that it is ready I am coming to get you!  Believers are TRUSTING THE WAY OF JESUS, BELIEVING THE TRUTH OF JESUS, AND LIVING THE LIFE OF JESUS. This is the sixth "I AM" statement of Jesus in John (see 6:35; 8:12; 10:7, 9; 10:11, 14; 11:25). In response to Thomas’ query (v. 4), Jesus declared that He is the way to God because He is the truth of God (1:14) and the life of God (1:4; 3:15; 11:25). In this verse, the exclusiveness of Jesus as the only approach to the Father is emphatic. Only one way, not many ways, exist to God, i.e., Jesus Christ (10:7–9; cf. Matt. 7:13, 14; Luke 13:24; Acts 4:12). To do that, John said to test for two things: confession of the divine Lord (1 John 4:2–3) and commitment to the divine Word (vv. 4–6). If you study the cults, you’ll detect a pattern. Christian Science, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormonism, and the like attack the person of Christ and then postulate a substitute or addition to the Bible, such as Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, The Book of Mormon, or The Pearl of Great Price. True believers won’t believe such lies. They have a resident truth teacher in the person of the Holy Spirit (1 John 2:27). From WFM-13 (011007AM)E-Books: https://tinyurl.com/y3wbhlxy Traditional Books: https://tinyurl.com/y4xgz9rb Audio CDs: https://tinyurl.com/y5nnj3euFor more of Dr. John Barnett's  Bible teaching messages go to DiscoverTheBook.org
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T-Work Staffing Inc.
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We are a multicultural and multilingual company - well versed in a variety of languages and cultures. We are highly dedicated to building and maintaining dependable, reliable, and strong relationships between our clientele and our associates. Team TempWork is leading the way for temp agencies when it comes to diversity. TempWork Staffing Solution Inc. is a minority-owned business established on 2011 in Queens, New York. Today we have offices located in Queens New York, Suffolk County Long Island and Bergen County, New Jersey. Our management team has over 25 plus years of experience specializing in Human Resources Employment Laws and Regulations, Workforce Management (WFM) and Workplace Safety Awareness programs. TempWork applies this wealth of experience throughout a wide range of industries. We are accredited by the Better Business Bureau and we are fortunate to be awarded by Forbes magazine as America’s Best Temporary Staffing Firms for the past 4 consecutive years. We are ready to earn your business!
Contact Us:
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joblistan · 3 years
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Public Private Partnership Cell Planning & Development Board, Government of the Punjab, Invite
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Relevant Experience and
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Administration qualification relevant werble
Construction experience
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MSC Cul Engineering from execution and management of
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pertise with concepts of
Foreign degree holders will be Private Partnership
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Communication in English
- Must be a team member
Age: 45 years am)
2. Environment
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Environmental Engineering from
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solve problems
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Aleast 4 years of
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Work from HEC recognized relevant de
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Should be we to any and
solve problem
• Should be able to work
independently as well as part of
. Cellent and
Age: 35 years (Maximum)
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Buss Administration wacation relevane variable
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recognized national
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. Expertise with concepts of Pub
Private Partnerships
. Should be able to work
Independently was part of
• Excellent and communication
Age 35 years Maximum)
6. Internal Auditor Master's degree Accounting At least 4 years of relevant
Finance Chartered Accountant verifiable portation
No. of Positions (01) from HEC Pational or experience in public and donor
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Private Partnerships
• Well versed with a proces
procedures &
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experience in more and
Civil Engineering from a reputed evaluation of
No. of Positions 01) HEC recognized national or pertise with concepts of Public
international university
Private Partners
In case of engineering degree. Should be able to work
PEC retration is mandatory independently as well as part of a
- Foreign degree holders will be
even preference:
PMP certification shall be an Monitoring & Evaluation of large
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infrastructure and social sector
development projects
Excellent IT and communication
Age 35 years Maximum)
Assistant Chiet Master's degree in Business • At least 04 years relevant
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Director (Admin) HEC recognised national or
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management administration
No. of Positions 101)
human resource mana
public procurement
Well Converant with
Procurement Rules Contract
Appointment on and other
relevant sro
• Familiarity with concepts of Public
Private Partners
• Should be to analyse and
solve problems
Should be able to work
independently as well as part of a
. Excelent and communication
Age: 3 years (Maximum)
9 Legal Expert
Degree in Law from reputed At least 4 years relevant
HEC recognised national or verifiable poucation
No. of Positions: (01) international university
experience in the corporate
Hands on Inowledge and Expertise idrating and
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company ws/Act of
• Excellent IT and communication
Age: 3 years (Maximum
10. Planning Officer / Master's Bachelor's ons • At least 03 years at
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Mathematica Modeling
Economics, Project Management Expertise with concepts of Public
Ne of Positions: 1021 from a reputed. HEC recognized Private Partnership
international Should be we to work
independently as well as part of
Fwcellent and communication
Ager 3 years Maximum)
11. Graphic Designer Master's Degree 1. At least 2 years relevant
Bachelor's Degree in
No. of Position 101 Graphic Design Fine Arts from a experience in the designing
reputed HEC reconued national Hands on experience of working
or international university on test
in-depth knowledge
experience of graphic designing
techniques and technologies
• Should be wowo
independently as well as part of
Age: 30 years Maximum
Bachelor's degree/artons). At least 2 years relevant
from HEC red national or
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experience preferably
reports and recretanal work
• Proceny with a computer
- MS Office, Email
Age 30 years Maximum)
1. Office Secretary Bachelor's degrees ons. A feast 2 years relevant
from HEC recognized national or
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• Proficiency in computer
• Expertisering etters,
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Encent communication
Age: 10 years Maximum
14. Recep
intermediate recognised. At least 2 years
2 years relevant
veva station
experience in reputable
No. of Positions (01)
• Proficiency in using cometer
• Well versed with the functions of
• Ellent communications
Acer 26 years IM
15. Driver
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OS very valid and verifiable
Valid and wearable TV dring experience of Transport
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Age: 40 years Mamm)
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adachiame · 2 years
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Slowly working on a WFM verse OC with Haise Sasaki as the FC for him.  It’s sort of like I have the concept all on the muse table scattered around like bunch of random lego pieces that I need to build with.  So Adachi from House Sahaku(the oc name and oc house name) is in a very Rough draft in progress.
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