spaciebabie · 1 year
please dont use tumblr the way you would use twitter god im begging
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sylvenfield · 5 years
Periel - Journal Entries #1-2
1. Horizons
The hustle and bustle of the Broken Tusk tavern was something I could never explain - the experience was truly something else. I knew it’d be better down in the cleft to get any real jobs, but with mid-summer fire festival going on, even the shadows could come out and play for the week. Patrons drink themselves half to death, some quickly making their exits as they laughed to hardily and decided to make fine art of the small stoop while others sulk in the corners. Like me - casually observing the chaos that’s drowning out the flutist that the bar had hired for entertainment. I watch the Tauren sway side to side, holding the flute awkwardly between her hooves and couldn’t really keep a proper tune. I felt bad for her. The few sober patrons tossed a few copper and silver in her tip jar. 
I wasn’t here to listen to this poor rendition of ‘Spirit Stone’, I came here because the last gig gave up the ghost, and solo gigs just weren’t cutting it anymore. If I wanted to retire away from all this fucking war, I needed to find something fruitful and find it fast. Jin hopped up on the table and curled himself around my forearm, as I still held the half empty glass of gin I had been sipping on for the evening. He chirped and then walked up my arm to go to his nest within the hood of my cloak. His head popped out near my opposite shoulder, with a folded note between his teeth, I grabbed it and looked over my shoulder, scanning the room for who could have wanted to message me, and use my own pet? A restless and annoyed, ‘Hmmm...’ erupted from the edge of my throat, as I carefully unfolded the note. The handwriting was familiar, the cursive script all high-and-mighty - pretentious piece of shit.
You are beginning to test my patience. If I have to wait any longer for this gold to arrive at my office with the recovered documents, then we will have no choice but to put you on our list. You know what happens when we put people on our list. 
We are waiting. We are watching.
‘Stupid fuc--’ I gripped the glass, knocking the half down, wincing at the cheap booze setting fire to the back of my throat and stomach, as I breathed out a shudder of anxiety. I should have never come to this continent - ‘Oh, the money’s good in Ol’ Orgrimmar!’ - well they lied. Not unless you join a company... ‘Light be damned, I’m really going to have to do this?’ I could feel my eyes rolling into the back of my head. It had been forty years, of ‘my way or the crossroads’ - to have to forgo my freedoms... fuck me sideways. It’s the only way. I’ve already dried up most of my connections back east and south. This was it. End of the road. Onto other horizons.
2. Steelrune
As I exited the tavern I dodged a goblin’s masterpiece on the third step and stretched, the city was far from dull this afternoon. Everything was decorated in vibrant red and yellow banners and braziers still smoldering with hot coals lining every corner of the crowded streets. Tourists fled from every corner so that they could witness the opening ceremonies of the mid-summer fire festival and then flock to the airships to Uldum where vendors, raffles and shows would line the ancient streets. I told myself that I would not be attending. But I knew that I’d be able to find things from this uneasy truce for festivities. War was still in full swing, and yet neutral parties on both sides still could come together with two capitol cities either on fire or decimated in blight. The war did not interest me; that’s why when I filtered through the crowd over to the bounty board to see if any companies were hiring that weren’t directly tied to zealots or ‘honor’.
Pondering the weather worn board as I got side-glanced by a brutish orc, adorned with steel plate and a two handed ax on his back, I threw him a polite smile, not sincere in the slightest before finding a fresh piece of parchment.
Trackers, Archivists, Runic Students, Mercenaries
‘The fighter relies on strength. The scholar relies on knowledge. The wise do not choose.’ 
Steelrune Company
Meet in the hut south-west of Ratchet
My eyes lingered on the word ‘Trackers’ - I felt my insides groan slightly. Fate was a fickle thing - and as fate would have it, my reputation as a tracker was spread wide throughout the Eastern Kingdoms, to those that could find me, that is. If this was my key, then so be it. Jin popped out of my hood looking towards the orc and he grunted towards the sunfur panda looking curiously in the orc’s direction. I nodded politely pursing my lips as I committed the notice to memory making my leave outside the city walls.
Urano, my wolf companion, looked like she needed to run out into the plains, she wasn’t used to being trapped in the stables for days on end, no matter how well they treat her. I took the striped leather reins and flipped a silver piece to the attendant, riding out into the setting sun.
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I arrived shortly before dusk, as I hung the reins to Urano onto a nearby tree to the hut in question. As I made my approach up the tiny hill, I could hear the banging of metal and that familiar smell of a forge. I knocked twice casually on the open door frame, as little light illuminated the space, but what I did see was an orc, but not the green kind. This one was not tainted of the same Fel energies his forefathers drank in. He looked up to the door frame with a pointed look, “What do you want?” He spoke gruffly, like I was nuisance ready to be squashed.
In the best presentable voice I could muster - which came out more condescending than I would have hoped, “I heard of a company based out of Ratchet - Steelrune, if I have the name right? You wouldn’t happen ta’ know of ‘em?”
The Orc looked down, banging out the steel plate he was working on, still red hot, I could feel the heat permeating towards the entrance as the spark began to lay at his feet. Once he felt it was ready, he quenched it in the oil, flames licking the sides of the tongs he held onto before looking back up to me, “What is your interest in us, Elf?” His eyes were smoldering as much as the forge at this point, and my poker face was melting from the heat, but I carried on casually, “So, I did find the right place, said on the bounty board you’d be lookin’ for a tracker. Well, I managed ta’ track ya’ down.”
The Orc didn’t seem all that amused by the joke, “Yes. It seems you have. What is your interest in join the company?” I had to think for a moment, I wasn’t sure if lying was going to get me where I needed to be, not like it had in the past. I decided on the truth, without giving too much away. “Mercenary work seems to be only good when you’ve got people by your side, and because.. Well, I normally fly solo you see - I decided, why not? Money’s tight as it is, and the only ways of surviving financially is ta’ join the war, or ta’ be rich already. And I ain’t rich already.”  He scoffed at my jest, still not amused. “We have rules.” He said this as if it were a deterrent, hopefully to get me to leave. I blinked, furrowing my brow, “And I realize that I had ta’ make some compromises going into this, but the pros certainly outweigh the cons.”
He looked at me for a moment, appraising me, Jin popped out of my hood and gave the Orc a quizzical look, “Whose the the rat?” he posed, I gave Jin a chin scratch, “This here, is Jin, he is a panda, not a rat - got em’ damn near close to death in the Dread Wastes, he was most likely the runt of the litter left behind by his family.” I was being sincere with my words, Jin had sought me out, injured and alone with no home. The Orc smiled at the last line, “I have a feeling we will get along just fine.” He set the tongs down by the crucible before approaching me, looking me square in the eyes, “A tracker, you say?” He nodded his head slightly. “I suppose your in. Long as Kelarion approves.” 
I could feel my ears twitch from behind as a Sin’dorei apparated out of thin air, a portal to what looked like a Silvermoon magister’s office was barely visible - I shuddered at the thought, as the long robed, older blood elf waltzed up the hill. His shoulders were made of ethereal scrolls floating in the air, and his eyes still shined in arcane energies. His essence was warm, and his smile was polite as he looked me over, the Orc gestured towards Kelarion, and Kelarion tilted his head in a short bow then turning to face the Orc, “Korrgosh, I hope you are not scaring off any potential recruits.” Korrgosh scoffed again, “This one is the tracker you’ve been looking for. Hopefully he won’t screw up, we’ll need him for the Ashenvale mission.” 
Kelarion looked to me with a stoic look about him, “A tracker by the name of...?” I quickly stopped petting Jin, “Oh, oh right, Periel Sylvenfield. At your service.” I extended my hand and he gingerly took it, “Well I am your Runekeeper, Kelarion Bloodveil, and who you have had the pleasure of meeting is Korrgosh, your Steelmaster. Welcome to the Steelrune Company.”
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wowzabubwrites · 5 years
Lovely - Jack Gallagher
Back at it again, but this time bringing a little love to the 205 Live guys. One at a time.
Pairing: Jack x reader. Previous Pete Dunn x reader (mentioned)
Word Count: 1,937
Summary: Friendship leads to something more aka smut with plot
My phone goes off again and I sigh before clearing yet another text from Pete. I push my hand through my hair and pick up my bag before heading towards the exit.
“(Y/N)!” My name is called and I turn around to see Jack Gallagher strolling towards me. I force a smile onto my face at the sight of my friend. We had quickly bonded when he arrived in WWE for 205 Live. I had developed a bit of a crush on the Gentleman but he was too oblivious to the flirting that I had attempted in the past.  He stops in front of me and his eyes scan down my tense figure before he tilts his head to the side. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, Firebrand,” I shrug.
“I know you, luv. I can tell when something is wrong,” He chuckles and I sigh before unlocking my phone and handing it to him.
“Pete’s been trying to get back with me. I just can’t see him after how he treated me,” I groan and try not to recall the night I had caught Pete in bed with another woman.
“Do you want me to talk to him?” The words slip from Jack’s mouth as I shake my head.
“No, it’s fine. I promise. It’s not like I’m going to see him around here,”
It turns out that I was horribly wrong. Pete Dunn was having a match on Raw after 205 Live. I had spent all night ducking in and out of sight in the makeup area to avoid being seen my him as he prowled around. I was finishing Alexa’s makeup when I heard him say my name. Alexa looks over my shoulder before glaring.
“Go away, she’s busy,” She sasses and I mouth thank you to her before backing away and inspecting my work.
“I wasn’t talking ta ya,” He retorts and I sigh as he reaches forward and touches my shoulder.
“Watch your tone, or I’ll go to Steph and tell her to change your match with Elias to a match with Braun,” She slides from her seat and glares up at Pete.
“Alexa,” I speak softly drawing her attention. “It’s fine, I’ll see you later, okay?” She nods reluctantly before glides away.
“Luv, it’s been a while,” Pete grins when I turn around to face.
“There’s a reason for that, Pete,” I cross my arms and his eyes dart the the cleavage being displayed from my v-neck.
“Did you change ya number or somefing?” He raises his eyebrow at me.
“No, it’s the same number. I just don’t want to talk to you,” I shake my head and his smile drops.
“Why not?” He steps closer and I step back keeping the distance between us. I open my mouth to respond when an arm wraps itself around my waist. Looking over, I see Jack smiling down at me before it turns to a glare as he turns his attention to Pete.
“Alexa said that some dumbass was botherin’ ya, luv’,” Jack says and brings me closer to his side. My eyebrows furrow at his words and I quickly understand what Alexa told him to do.
“It’s nothing, babe. Pete was just leaving,” I respond making Pete scoff.
“You’re with him?” He growls and Jack frowns.
“Did you just growl at a lady?” He mocks and I giggle slightly.
“I am,” I shrug and Pete frowns before chuckling.
“You always were a sucker for an accent,” He turns to Jack after giving my a smirk and I tense up. “Have you ever made her cum by just whispering in her ear? It’s the best damn thing.”
Jack looks appalled by Pete’s words.
“You shouldn’t talk like that in front of a lady,” He frowns and gently starts to push me behind him.
“Lady? Clearly, you’re not with the same girl I was,” A predatory grin slides across Pete’s face and I grip Jack’s arm as he slips it from my waist.
“Leave. Pete, it’s time for you to go,” My voice is low and dangerous and Pete chuckles.
“Oh, I will. Right afta you prove you’re together,” Pete states and I freeze in place.
I’m spun to face Jack as he leans down and presses his lips against mine. My body reacts immediately and I throw my arms over his shoulders before pulling him closer. There’s a snarl and I vaguely recognized it as Pete leaving. I nip at Jack’s lip to deepen the kiss and slip my tongue into his mouth at his gasp. His hands find my hips and pull us even closer together. One of my hands slides from Jack’s shoulder to his hair as I gently tug it.
“Oh! My bad, I was just seeing if Pete was gone,” Alexa’s voice rings out and Jack quickly scoots away from me. “I’ll just go. I’ll call you later.” I nod at her before turning my head to Jack. His hand is gently touching his lips as his wide eyes stare at me.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have kissed you without your permission. He’s gone now though,” Jack turns on his heel to scurry off but I grab his head.
“Firebrand, it’s fine. I didn’t kiss you back simply because he was standing there. I kissed you back because I’ve liked you since we met,” The words tumble from my mouth as we look at each other and his eyes widen.
“You, what?” He sounds breathless and confused making me roll my eyes.
“Jack, I’m saying that I really enjoyed that kiss. And that I wouldn’t mind another one, if that’s what you want? Or we could go for dinner after the show?” I pause and watch his reaction.
“Things are all out of order!” He exclaims and I frown in confusion. “I was supposed to court you! We weren’t supposed to kiss first.”
“Jack, that’s fine. We can pretend that we didn’t kiss if that makes it easier,” I offer and he calms down a little.
“You’re not upset? That we kissed before we went on dates?” His words are soft and I give him a smile.
“Of course not, Firebrand. Now, how about that date?” I raise my eyebrow and he wraps me in a hug.
Jack and I have been dating for three months at this point and we are official now. We’re walking hand in hand into our hotel room for the night. Jack sets his stuff down by the bed before settling into the couch and making grabby hands at me until I snuggle into his side. His hand finds my hip as he scrolls through channels for something to watch. He settles on some comedy rerun and I find myself staring at his lips rather than watching tv with him.
“Luv, you’re missing all the good parts,” He jokes and I smirk.
“You’re right,” I murmur as I press my lips to his cheek before silently asking permission and pressing my lips to his. A surprised noise comes from the back of his throat as I tangle my hands in his hair. I sling my leg over his lap to straddle him as I deepen the kiss. Jack places his hands on my hips as I grind down before gently pushing me away.
“Luv, this isn’t how this is supposed to happen. You need a proper setting. You’re a lady. My lady,” His accent is thick as he swallows and brushes a strand of hair from my face.
“There’s a bed right over there. And, I may be your lady but I’m far from being proper,” I joke as I place my hands on his shoulders and grind down again. I can feel him getting harder but I’ll respect his decision if he wants to stop. Jack leans up and captures my lips before pulling me down further into his lap.
“Bed,” The word is simple and breathless in between kisses and I bolt over to the bed before kneeling and watching him stroll over to me. I reach up and pull him down to me as I reconnect our lips in a feverish kiss.
Jack slides his hands under my shirt to cup my breast and I moan into his mouth before he pulls away to take my shirt off. He gestures for me to lay back and I do before he begins to trail kisses from my neck down to my pants line. His hands unbutton my jeans before sliding them down my legs and continuing his kisses. I feel his fingers hook in the waistband of my panties before he pulls them down too.
“For me?” Jack’s voice is low as he takes in my soaked pussy. I whimper and grip the back of his head as he lowers his face to my heat. His mustache tickles my inner thighs as he slips two fingers into me. A moan slips from my mouth as he slowly thrusts them in and out. His fingers brush past my g-spot and he flicks his tongue across my clit as he curls his fingers against it. I yelp and he laughs against me making the noise turn into a drawn-out whimper. I feel myself clench around his fingers and he grins. “Are you gonna cum for me?” I nod and spasm around his fingers as his accent graces my ears.
He withdraws from me and I pout as I look up at him. Jack’s fingers undo his button up before pushing it off his shoulders and unbuttoning his slacks. I tilt my head to the side and bite my lip at the sight of the black underwear against his pale skin. He pushes his pants down and I feel my eyes widen at the sight of his cock. I had felt it through his pants plenty of times but it was still bigger than I was expecting. Jack grins before leaning down and settling in between my legs.
“I’m on birth control,” I tap my arm at his worried look at the lack of protection. Gripping his face, I kiss him again this time slowly. He gently thrusts into me and I falter in my movements as he sets an achingly slow pace. Jack pushes up on his arms to get a better angle and moans into the kiss as I arch against him. I move my hand from his face to his back as I slip legs around his waist. His cock slowly slides in and out of me as he buries his face into my neck and peppers kisses there. Jack shifts his weight and moves one of his hands down to my clit and begins to rub in fast figure eights, a drastic contrast to his slow and steady pace. I feel myself begin to unravel. I buck my hips against him and I whimper into his ear as I come undone. He rides me through my high and his rhythm stutters as he cums.
Jack collapses against me and making me giggle as his breath tickles my neck. I reach down and pinch his butt making him gasp as he sits up and pulls out of me before walking into the bathroom. He returns with a wet towel and cleans me up before doing the same to himself. Jack throws the towel into the bin before climbing into bed with me. I snuggle into his open arms and he presses a kiss to my forehead.
“I can’t believe I’m in love with such a lovely being,” He sounds dazed and I glance up at him before pecking his lips.
“I love you too,”
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lovemesomesurveys · 8 years
[Pause: Currently]
What style is your hair in? It’s up in a bun.
What’re you wearing? A turquoise sweater and jeans.
What’s the weather like outside? Coldddd.
What time is it? 7:13PM.
What day of the week is it? It’s Saturday.
What’re you sitting on? My bed.
Who, if anyone, is in the room with you? No one.
What’s on your mind? Everything that is always on my mind. It’s always racing and thinking about everything all at once all the time.
What make-up, if any, are you wearing? I actually wore makeup today, which I haven’t done in weeks. When I do wear it I just throw on some eyeliner and mascara, but today I went for the eye shadow as well. 
What month is it? January.
[Fast Forward: Future]
What career do you want? Good question. Too bad I don’t have an answer.
What age do you think you’ll get married by? I don’t know if I want to get married, or if the opportunity will ever come along anyway. I can’t even picture it.
What about having kids? I don’t know if I want kids, either. Both of these things are something I just can’t imagine happening for me. It’s also not something I’m thinking about or focusing on right now. They’re not something that I’ve often thought about and want to happen like a lot of people do, especially at my age.
What age do you plan on moving out? I don’t have a certain age. For now, living at home with my family is what works for me. I couldn’t live alone, and my family helps me with a lot of things. Particularly my mom, who is also my caregiver.
Can you see yourself moving away from here and if so, to where? Yes. We plan to someday, when we’re able to. I wish it were sooner rather later, but it’s just not something we can do right now. We’re just completely over the city we live in.
Do you think you’ll marry your current significant other? I’m single, probably always will be.
Do you know what the weather is supposed to be like for the rest of the week? Cold with a side of rain.
What tattoos and/or piercings do you want in the future? I’ve been wanting to get ‘free bird’ tattooed somewhere for years, but I’m too scared to get it done.
Do you want any cosmetic surgery sometime down the line, if you had money for it? No.
In ten years, how old will you be and where do you see yourself? I’ll be thirty-seven. It’s scary to think about where I might be by then because with how things are going right now, I don’t see anything happening for me. In ten years I’ll be almost forty doing nothing with my life from how it looks where I’m standing. I’m also afraid of what my health will be like by then. 
[Rewind: Past]
When’s the last time you took a shower? Last night.
What was the last text message you sent? I don’t feel like checking.
What did you do yesterday? Rested all day, Tumblr-ed, watched a few episodes of this show on Netflix with my brother, ate, slept.
How old were you when you first started dating? I had my first boyfriend when I was sixteen.
When was the last time you saw your best friend? I just answered this in another survey. I haven’t seen either one of them since last September.
What was your first word? I have no idea.
What’s your earliest memory? I have some splotchy memories of preschool.
Do you remember what you were doing twelve hours ago? I was getting ready to go have breakfast with my mom and dad.
Three years ago, did you dress the same way you do now? Yeah, I think so. My style has been pretty consistent now for years. I went through my phases in high school.
How old were you when your first younger sibling was born, assuming you’re not the youngest or an only child? I was nine.
[Eject: Stuff You Wish Didn’t Happen]
How did your first serious breakup go? Guess it wasn’t really a breakup since we were never actually together, but it sure did feel like one. The heartbreak was real. We had whatever it was we had for three years, and it felt like the closest thing to a relationship that I had. Pretty sad looking back, but it was all I had. We had ups and downs throughout. He played me and he used me. Things would good then they weren’t and then they were, etc. Like it would be months in between the ups and downs, and I put up with it. He decided he was done with me one day, and that was the end of it. I never got any explanation whatsoever. I’d often bring up the topic of us and my feelings for him, but he never wanted to talk about any of that. He’d dodge questions, make jokes, and change the subject completely. I’d want to know why we couldn’t be in a relationship and make it official, and he could never answer that. Why I put up with it for so long I’ll never know. I was stupid and blind because he was giving me the attention I wanted and made me feel liked and special when things were good. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I really fell for him, though, and that’s why it hurt so bad. To feel so disposable after all that time... :/ I kept thinking overtime he would feel the same and realize we should be together, but that time never came. I shouldn’t have waited so long for something I knew deep down was never going to come.
Have you ever had an eating disorder? No.
Have you ever cut yourself? Yes.
Have you ever thought about or attempted suicide? I’ve thought about it, but never attempted it.
What was the last thing you cried about? Lifeeeee.
What’s one thing that’s stressing you out like crazy right now? My life and my health and the fact I’m wasting away doing absolutely nothing, which in turn makes me feel like a complete failure to myself and everyone else.
Have you ever had a horrible teacher and/or boss? I had two pretty shitty professors in college.
The first time you dumped someone, was it hard? I broke things off with my only actual boyfriend, and yes it was hard. I felt horrible about it, but it was something I had to do. It wouldn’t be fair to him nor myself if I kept things going when my heart wasn’t in it. I wasn’t ready. At least I didn’t continue to lead him on and keep him around because it was convenient for me, and never offer him any explanation at all like the person I previously described.
Do you regret who you lost your virginity to? I haven’t lost my virginity.
[Record: Awesomeness That Deserves to be Recorded on Video Forever]
When was the last time you laughed really hard and what was it about? Hmm. I don’t remember.
What was the last funny movie you saw? I don’t remember at the moment.
What’s one of you and your best friend’s weirdest but funniest inside jokes? We don’t have any.
The last time you ate something really delicious, what was it? This morning my parents and I went out for breakfast and omg this place makes fresh muffins that were amazing. I got a blueberry one, and it was big and warm and fresh and delightful. I put some butter on the inside and ate it with my coffee. It was a great combo.
The last time you got your paycheck, how much was it and were you satisfied with it? I don’t have a job.
How exactly did you and your best friend meet? I went to elementary school with one, and the other I had a class with at community college. We both attended the study sessions as well with the TA for the class, so we just got to know each other and became friends.
What was the last compliment you received? It was about my hair.
What’s one thing you wish you could relive just for one day? Hmm. I don’t know.
[Play: From This Moment On]
Now that you’re done, what will you do? Scroll through Tumblr, maybe find another survey.
What’s on your agenda for today? It’s going to be 9pm, so not a whole lot. I plan on having my nighttime, after dinner cup of coffee with a donut, continue watching the movie I’m watching, scroll through Tumblr, and rest.
What’s your next meal going to be? That cup of coffee and donut I mentioned.
Will you change your clothes later in the day? I’ll be changing into my pjs.
Who do you plan on seeing today? I see my parents, my brother, and my uncle just stopped by a bit ago.
Are you going to take another survey afterwards? Possibly.
Is the weather supposed to stay this way all day or will it change? It’ll get colder during the night.
Do you have any chores you need to do? Yeah, but I won’t be doing anything tonight.
Do you have work later in the day? I don’t have a job as I’ve mentioned.
What about any homework to do? Nope, I am finished with school.
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