thedragonagelesbian · 2 years
also maya agrupnin needs a comic series about exploring patia’s orb and trying to archive, document, and save the information therein
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blankdblank · 5 years
Anaticula Pt 52
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“Close your eyes.” A chuckling order from your father came with Harry following it. Around the table in this stunning capture of a memory on film was Harry’s being presented a new Firebolt from your father for his birthday a few years ago. While Neville beamed at the full collection of rare specimens Regulus had gathered on his latest trip alongside the new set of tools to replace his worn ones he wouldn’t dare mention.
You could remember the day clearly and you held onto it forcing the creeping memory of Fenrir stroking your hair had crept up as the ac kicked on in the muggle dining car you were waiting in for your next stop to meet Harry. 
With your need to travel north anyways to meet with Bernadette you were tasked with the meeting of a muggle born family along the way. A young girl, who very much like Hermione was scared and forced into hiding her natural gifts. Like the others that had been invited to attend Hogwarts since you met the Grangers the same ‘introduction package’ of books and information had been passed onto the families of muggleborns. To ease their way into the Wizarding world, along with the assigning of sixth and seventh year Prefects to meet them upon a decided date to show them just where to shop and provide a more in depth feel of the school they were sending their children off to.
The past two years it was easy for you, sharing all you knew as a student, however now it was hard not to pause in introducing yourself as a Professor, of potions no less, sure to gain a giggle or roll of the eyes from the still cautious muggles. You however had been fortunate to be given the name of a child of Squibs, with a fair base knowledge on the school name at least since their cousins had attended there. And your name and face especially lit theirs up in awe as you saw in their living room they had been sent clippings of the Prophet and other magazines convincing them more than ever to agree to sending their Gemma to Hogwarts to learn from you.
Seven, you had promised to meet Harry and Dumbledore at the station at seven and with a few technical delays you hoped the Professor might be a bit late himself so you wouldn’t have to try and explain what the big deal a flashing light in the conductors panel could do to delay dozens of passengers half an hour. 
Still you tried to calm and relax after writing a note to Harry that you were on your way that he pocketed and returned to pretending not to be staring at the girl behind the counter clearly flirting with him from afar. He loved Ginny and never would make the mistake of losing her, but he did have to admit he enjoyed being found attractive, even with Romilda at school he took her flirtations and blushes and finger waves from afar as a light in his days, especially when it came after his classes he did poorly in.
“‘Harry Potter.’ Who's Harry Potter?” The girl asked.
Harry shook his head, “Oh, no one. Bit of a tosser, really.”
“Funny, that paper of yours. Couple nights ago, I could've sworn I saw a picture move.”
“Really?” He asked sarcastically.
“Thought I was going around the twist.”
“Hey, I was wondering...” She cut him off as he was going to ask her how much the solar powered dancing flower was on the counter he thought Ginny might like.
“Eleven. That's when I get off. You can tell me all about that tosser Harry Potter.”
In the doorway you stood easing your enchanted pouch back into your pocket then brushed your grey sweater lower over your thighs. The black vest over it snugly kept the low dip in the top to yourself and matched your tight black jeans tucked into your heeled booties in a velour marigold. A few steps later your flicked your ponytail over your back in Harry’s stroll out the doorway after his paying his bill. “She’s cute.”
The words made him flinch and sigh in rolling his eyes to answer, “Just talking. Tried to ask how much that flower was for Ginny.”
Walking with him you strolled around the platforms to the other side where you spotted Dumbledore waiting for you both. “Doesn’t make her any less cute.” Making you giggle in his weak chuckle.
Dumbledore, “You've been reckless this summer, Harry.”
“I like riding around on trains. Takes my mind off things.”
Lowering your gaze you noticed the blotchy scaly skin with clear scabbed gashes on his hand protruding from under, “What happened to your hand?”
Dumbledore raised his hand, “Rather unpleasant to behold, isn't it? The tale is thrilling, if I say so myself. But now is not the time to tell it. Take my arm.” He caught Harry’s glance at you then stated, “Do as I say.”
You both obeyed touching his raised arms and he aparated you both off to a quaint little moonlit town in the country. “I just Apparated, didn't I?”
Dumbledore, “Indeed. Quite successfully too, I might add. Most people vomit the first time.”
Harry smirked looking to you in your hand smoothing circles across his back in passing him a chocolate from your pocket, “I can't imagine why.” Quietly he unwrapped it and eased it between his lips, feeling his stomach calm almost instantly.
Dumbledore, “Welcome to the charming village of Budleigh  Babberton. Harry, I assume, right about now, you must be wondering why I brought you here. Am I right?”
Harry, “Actually, sir, after all these years, I just sort of go with it.”
“These truly are troubling times, and in this we will need as many allies as possible. That is why I have asked you both here to assist me in this.”
Harry, “With what?”
Dumbledore, “We are in need of a Newts level Potions Professor.”
Harry looked up at him, “Potions? What happened to Snape?”
Dumbledore, “Hmm? Oh, nothing.”
Harry’s eyes narrowed and he stepped back to let Dumbledore approach the gate first and you leaned in to whisper, “I’ll tell you later.”
He nodded and Dumbledore said in inspecting the house clearly having been ransacked by the looks of it, “Wands out.”
You both drew your wands and followed after him with his lit wand, yet inside the house seemed familiarly staged, “I’ve seen this before.” Wetting your lips you called out, “Professor Slughorn?”
Into the sitting room you wandered as Harry said, “I doubt if anyone was here, they’d have left by now. Look at the place.” His eyes flinched up at the droplet from the hole in the floor above him falling on his face Dumbledore sampled from his finger.
Dumbledore, “No, we are not alone here.”
Curiously he followed your voice as you said, “There you are,” standing in front of a pink striped chair fully making Harry think you’d lost it, “You finally got rid of the Q on the brand on your foot. That’s good. You don’t have to be afraid, we’ve met once, bout, wow, seven years exactly. I was with my uncle Regulus Black, and Fred and George Weasley, the twins, red hair. You remember?”
Dumbledore spoke behind you, “She is speaking the truth Horace. We are not here to harm you. Even brought along someone we wished you to meet. Though, I must say, you do make a very convincing armchair.”
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Wiggling slightly the chair began to shift and Horace began to appear in front of you all looking you three over in Harry’s awed chuckle. “Well it’s all in the upholstery. I do come by the stuffing naturally. What gave me away?”
Dumbledore, “Dragons blood. Oh, yes, introductions. Harry, I'd like you to meet an old friend and colleague of mine...Horace Slughorn. Horace...well, you know who this is. Harry Potter. What's with all the theatrics, Horace? You weren't, by any chance, waiting for someone else, were you?”
Slughorn, “I'm sure I don't know what you mean. Can’t be too careful these days Dumbledore. Never stay the same place twice and never more than a week. The Death Eaters have been trying to recruit me for over a year, do you know what that’s like?” You nodded and he glanced at you partly in shock yet continued on, “and you can’t just keep telling them no without paying for it you know. Muggles owning this place are out in the Canary Islands.”
Dumbledore nodded and stated, “Then perhaps it best we right it for them. Don’t you think?”
Horace nodded and Dumbledore waved his wand making the house repair itself around you while Horace looked at Harry in his asking, “You were approached by Death Eaters?”
Horace nodded, “Yes, my boy,” his eyes wandering over Harry’s with a twinge of regret in them. He looked to you asking, “My dear, pardon my insult, I’d never forget you, however-,”
You shook your head in a giggle saying, “Chuck Lupin.” And his lips parted, “I needed a face to hide behind.” You said morphing to that disguise again freeing a weak chuckle from him as you shifted back again, “But I always guessed you had caught on.”
He shook his head, “That was so long ago, too hard to say what I was thinking. I was all too thrilled when I heard you were alive and well.”
He looked to Albus saying, “My answer was no and it’s the same to you still. Absolutely and unequivocally, no.”
Dumbledore waved his hand, “No need. I know a lost cause when I see one.” He patted your shoulder, “Miss Black here will do just fine molding the minds of our youth in potions. Quite an untouched pool of fresh ideas right under our noses. Just wanted to give young Harry a chance to meet you while you were in town. Do you mind if I use the loo?”
Slughorn nodded and pointed it out to him leaving the three of you, “I’m sorry, you, will be teaching Potions?”
You nodded and flashed him a grin, “Yes. Thought it best apparently, with my Lycan potion and the others I’ve mastered for our shop on Diagonal Alley.”
Harry, “But you’ve just graduated! You can’t teach!”
Slughorn nodded and pointed at him, “Yes, Potter here is correct. You, on your own? Why I had an aid for nearly five years when I began and I was well into my thirties! And even still it was-,” he huffed in irritation, “What is Dumbledore thinking..?”
You shrugged, “Like you said, dark times. Not a lot of people are willing to take up posts at Hogwarts. Students are even shaky on returning.”
“Now I taught your parents and I have no doubts you are marvelous at potions-,” his voice trailed off in his try to word his objection properly.
He looked to Harry as he asked, “You taught our parents?”
He nodded, “You're very like your father. Except for the eyes of course. You have your...”
Harry, “My mother's eyes. Yeah.”
Slughorn, “Lily. Lovely Lily. She was exceedingly bright, your mother. Even more impressive when one considers she was Muggle-born.”
Harry, “One of my best friends is Muggle-born, which is the best in our year.”
Slughorn, “Please don't think I'm prejudiced. No, no. Your mother was one of my absolute favorites.” He turned to show you the rows of pictures of his former students with one of your mothers right up front, “ Look, there she is. Right at the front. All mine. Each and every one. Ex-students, I mean. You recognize Barnabas Cuffe, editor of The Daily Prophet. Always takes my owl, should I wish to register an opinion...on the news of the day. Gwenog Jones, captain of the Holyhead Harpies. Free tickets whenever I want them. Of course, I haven't been to a match in some time. Ah, yes. Regulus Black. I taught the whole Black family, except Sirius. It's a shame. Talented boy. I got Regulus when he came along, of course, but I'd have liked the set. Jewels...”
Dumbledore returned breaking off his thought and gaze at you, “Horace? Would you mind if I take this? I am so fond of knitting patterns.”
Horace nodded and said, “Ye, yes. Go ahead. But you’re not leaving, are you?”
Wetting his lips as Dumbledore waved his hand to you two, “The response was made clear. Regrettable. I would have considered it a personal triumph had you considered to return. Oh well. You’re like my friends here, one of a kind. Well, we’ll be off. Best get back. Goodnight Horace.”
Over Slughorn’s face washed both regret and pain in his full body scan over you taking in every detail of you as if to memorize what you were before this task was set upon you. Out the house you both strolled wishing him well after you had given him a card with an incantation to use in case he was found again or ran out of hiding places. The card was cradled in his palms and in the cool night air Harry stepped closer to you saying, “You’re really teaching? What about your shop? And Quidditch? You can’t just quit the team!”
“I’m not quitting.”
Behind you however Slughorn exited saying, “Alright! Alright I’ll do it! But I want Professor Merrythought’s old office not that water closet I was stuck with last time. And I expect a raise. These are mad times we live in. Mad!” His eyes scanned to you and he nodded his head tipping the card to you in thanks.
Turning back to the path ahead Dumbledore stated, “They are indeed.”
Harry, “Sir, exactly what was all that about?”
Dumbledore, “You are talented, famous and powerful. Everything Horace values. Professor Slughorn is gonna try to collect you, Harry. You would be his crowning jewel. That's why he's returning to Hogwarts. And it's crucial he should return. I fear I may have stolen a wondrous night from you, Harry. She was, truthfully, very pretty.” Harry glanced up at him confused, “The girl.”
Harry shrugged, “Not hard. Apologize. Easy to just make up some excuse. Only wanted a flower of hers anyways.”
Dumbledore, “Oh you won’t be going back to Little Whinging tonight Harry. All your things will be waiting for you.”
Making Harry nod then grab his arm as you did only to both be dropped thigh deep into the lukewarm marshes outside the Hollow. Scoffing together you reached over to take his hand he offered to start the trudge to shore, “Really brings me back.”
Harry chuckled, “Yes, all we need now is Cedric, some ghouls and Bulgarians to pop up next.”
Making you giggle in your next step forward sinking you into the mud, “I just bought these shoes.”
“What happened to Snape?” 
“Giving Defense a try.”
Harry’s brows furrowed, “Why you? You are amazing, but why you?”
You shrugged, “Must be from the slap. Parents weren’t keen on sending their kids back again till word broke about me.”
“But your shop?!”
“I’ll manage. Always do.”
“You shouldn’t have to though,”
His hand pulled on yours to make you face him and when your eyes locked on his you said, “It’s a war Harry! Not a fairy tale! As much as I would love to run into some family of dwarves who will lead me to me King and castle up in some magical forest to go on adventures and slay dragons together life doesn’t work that way! I’m not the chosen one! I’m not the Princess, hell most days I don’t even get to be the ugly stepsister of my own story. I’ll manage, maybe after he’ll fire me and I can do as I please.”
Haltingly he asked not certain if he wanted to hear the answer himself, “Did he even ask if you wanted to teach?”
After a moments pause you sighed, “Technically he did ask.”
“Come on. I smell pot roast.”
Inside Ginny after hearing an owl stepped out of her room and went down to the kitchen, “Hedwig. Mom?”
Molly, “Ginny, what is it?”
Ginny, “I was only wondering when Harry got here.”
Molly, “What? Harry? Harry who?”
Ginny, “Harry Potter, of course.”
Molly. “I think I'd know if Harry Potter was in my house, wouldn't I?”
Ginny, “His trunk's in the kitchen, and his owl.”
Molly, “No, dear, I seriously doubt that.”
Ron stepped out of his room asking, “Harry? Did someone say "Harry"?”
Ginny, “Me, nosy. Is he up there with you?”
Ron, “Of course not. I'd know if my best friend was in my room, wouldn't I?” Hedwig cried out again and he asked, “Is that an owl?”
Molly asked her son, “You haven't seen him, have you?”
Ginny, “Apparently, he's wandering about the house.”
Ron, “Really?”
Outside the marsh you shook your feet off and with a wave of your fingers you and Harry were both clean and dry and you felt his eyes on you again making you sigh, “I’m sorry. I just haven’t been sleeping much.”
Harry, “Is there anything I can do?”
Taking in the details of his face and the helpful grin on his face you answered, “For now, enjoy the time with family and friends. If Dumbledore is plotting it only means darker things are coming. Just be you, don’t change anything, we all need to just be ourselves.”
Harry chortled, “Be ourselves?”
You giggled and rolled your eyes, “Just don’t do anything,” you stopped before finishing your sentence making him smirk.
“Were you going to say stupid or crazy?”
Another giggle later and you answered, “Both, but both would be foolish of me to ask. Whole family is varying degrees of mad.” Making you both giggle on your way to the house. “Just try not to get yourself killed. Hair trigger these days.”
He nodded and peered up at you, “Same to you.” Your eyes were on him again, “I don’t know what you’re up to, or if its about this Horcrux business, but it seems like you’re charging right at everything dangerous.”
You nodded and giggled, “Usually when I do you’re already halfway there if you haven’t noticed.”
Making him chuckle again, “True.”
Passing through the split door into the kitchen Molly grinned reaching out to him, “Harry!”
When she released him Ginny rushed over next for a hug and a kiss on the cheek while Molly gave you a gentle squeeze of a hug, “Harry!”
Molly, “What a lovely surprise. Why didn't you let us know you were coming?”
Harry, “I didn't know. Dumbledore.”
Molly, “Oh, that man. But then, what would we do without him?” Her eyes followed you as you rolled your eyes and made for the cutting board to claim a slice of carrot to nibble on silencing the near growl of your stomach luring her over to you recognizing the downcast gaze you had.
Harry, “I do have to be back tomorrow morning though, promised Aunt Petunia we’d go see a film together, sort of an early birthday thing.”
Ron nodded, “No problem, Bill’s dropping by anyways, something about business with Dad. Seemed like he might be coming closer to home again.” Their conversation moved upstairs and took Ginny with them for the wait for food while Harry’s things floated upstairs.
Molly at your side gave your shoulder a gentle pat asking, “What is it, Dear?”
You looked at her saying, “I’ve been hired as First through Fourth years Professor in Potions.” Making her lips part, “Professor Slughorn will handle the rest.”
“What is Dumbledore thinking? To put that much stress on you.”
You shrugged, “It’s public knowledge I slapped Riddle, students are coming back to Hogwarts after he spread it around.”
Her voice raised to something close to a shrill irritated whisper, “So he’s using you as a shield?! As if that would work. He is the one meant to protect the school!”
You shrugged again picking up a slice of celery then flashed her a teary grin, “I think it’s more than that.”
Instantly her anger dropped back into concern and her hand smoothed along your right bicep, “What else could it be?”
“I don’t think he trusts me. Wants me to be somewhere he can watch me.”
Molly shook his head, “What could you possibly get up to that would make him need to do that?”
“I’ve seen Riddle and haven’t killed him, reason enough it seems.”
Molly, “I doubt,” she sighed then placed her fingers under your chin to say, “I trust you. We all do. Who knows what Dumbledore is up to or what is racing through that head of his. Don’t you pay any mind to him, he’s got his own reasons not to trust the nose on his own face. He’s known people to go dark before, brought Riddle himself to Hogwarts, believed he wasn’t behind the Chamber of Secrets and so much more. He let it slide right by him, and now he’s back and we’re all scared,” at the tear rolling down your cheek she wiped it away, “but now we have you. We have ways to hide now, ways to predict who might be taken next and so many more spies than last time. Now you put him out of your mind, we’ll have supper and just take it a day at a time. We’ll get you through it.” She turned grabbing the bowl off to her side bringing it closer to you, “Now, you have a roll, you look starved.”
You chuckled and accepted one and tore a piece off to eat, “Train was delayed, didn’t have time for a sandwich before Dumbledore arrived.”
“Oh, always spoiling meals this plotting. How are we to win if no one is given the time to sit down and eat.”
Making you giggle and say, “Maybe we should take to carrying snacks,” making her chuckle.
“Maybe,” she said waving her wand from her apron pocket to set the table.
Hermione fresh from her bath glanced at Ginny in her saying, “Got a bit of toothpaste.”
She nodded and wiped her cheek, Harry asked, “So when did you get here?”
She answered, “A few days ago. Though for a while, I wasn't sure I was coming.”
At Harry’s confused expression Ron stated, “Mom sort of lost it last week. Said Ginny and I had no business going back to Hogwarts. That it's too dangerous.”
Harry, “Oh, come on.”
Hermione, “She's not alone. Even my parents, and they're Muggles, know something bad's happening.”
Ron, “Anyway, Dad stepped in, told her she was being barmy...and it took a few days, but she came around.”
Harry, “But this is Hogwarts we're talking about. It's Dumbledore. What could be safer?”
Ginny chuckled asking, “What school have you been going to?”
The trio smirked at her, Hermione said, “There's been a lot of talk recently that...Dumbledore's got a bit old.”
Ron, “Rubbish! Well, he's only... What is he?”
Harry, “115?”
Ron, “Give or take a few years.”
They all chuckled and then Harry wet his lips as Ginny asked, “What were you and Jaqi up to with Dumbledore?”
Harry, “Fetching a second Potions Professor.”
Ron scoffed, “Bet Snape will love that.”
Harry shook his head, “Snape’s taking up Defense.”
They all asked, “What?!”
Harry nodded, “Dumbledore hired Jaqi for First through Fourth Potions and Slughorn for the last three.”
Ginny, “Jaqi?”
Hermione, “What about-,”
Harry shrugged, “She says she’ll manage.”
Ron, “She manages much more she’ll drop off into a coma.”
Hermione, “Is it that bad, that Dumbledore is hiring her?”
Harry, “Dumbledore seems to be up to something. Even Slughorn seemed troubled about him hiring Jaqi,”
Ginny, “He didn’t care at all?”
Harry shook his head, “Barely even acknowledged her till she got Slughorn to come out of his hiding spot, then, he sort of patted her arm,”
Ron, “Like a dog?”
Harry, “Little bit. Like she’d done what he wanted and didn’t need any more from her.”
Hermione, “Why’d he need you then? If she could have handled it?”
Harry shrugged, “Something to do with Slughorn’s collecting students. He sort of used our names to convince him to take the job.”
Ginny, “Like with Lockhart all over again.”
Ron chuckled, “Least if you get detention he won’t make you sign autographs.”
Harry chuckled, “You never know.”
Hermione, “Least he should be better than Umbridge, and Snape should at least teach us something.”
Dinner was called and the group went down to join you around the table along with Remus, Regulus, Arthur, Percy, Draco, Neville, the twins and your father, all already chatting about what the plans were for the rest of the summer.
Pt 53
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decadentenemyturtle · 5 years
The Great Unknown
Part 19
Pairing; Thorin x Reader, Thorin’s company x Reader
Words; 1755
All part's of The Great Unknown
You studied Thorin's eyes, looking for something that would tell you that he really didn't mean what he had said, that he was just pulling your leg and acting to care to gain your trust again. But all you could see was sadness and regret. He really was sorry for how he had acted when he had heard about your possible parents and now he was trying to make amends. He, and the boys, had apologied, but what about the rest of the company?
"For you, and Fee and Kee, I might forgive - for now - but... Don't expect me to be nice around you with the company or that I've forgiven them. They still act hostile around me" you said truthfully, swallowing the lump in your throat. Sadness overtook Thorin's face, yet he nodded, understanding - or trying to - your situation. If he expected that his apology would include the rest of the dwarves, he was wrong.
"I know, (Y/n). I know. But you must understand, your family, your father especially, was close with Thranduil and his family. The others are jumpy and on edge, because they know this. And your father was there the day when Smaug attacked Erebor and Dale" Thorin says. Your jaw drops. This was something you did not know. And why did you hear about this just now?! And what else where they hiding from you?
"Why am I hearing about this just now?" you asked in shaky voice. "That my parent's were close to a king of Mirkwood realm?" Thorin swallowed, looking away from you. You stared at him, trying to progress this new information. The want to hit your head to something hard just grew. Everything you had heard in these past few days was crazy, and it just got more and more crazy. Soon someone would probably say that your uncle was half elephant and half orc, and you wold more likely just believe them. You were about to say Thorin's name, when he suddenly spoke.
"You know how he, Thranduil, betrayed my people when we needed help after the dragon's attack. Even when your father was there, it had nothing to do with you. You are not at fault of how the Mirkwood elves turned their back to us, and I've tried to tell this to the company, but they are still bitter" Thorin told you. You felt horrible. The people, the dwarves, you had been accompanied these past few months, turned their back to you just because your father had been there when the king of Mirkwood decided not to figt against a dragon? You had seen them as some sort of friends and now it was all just gone. Like smoke disappeared in the air.
You swallowed, or tired to, looking away from Thorin. You were numb, even the sadness left from you. Even when you were happy to know who your biologial parent's might be, it had brought you more sorrow than happiness. Oh how you wshe to be back in Earth, have that fight with your adoptive mother all over again, only ths time to stay in your old room and sulk, like you first thought doing.
"Then I... Then I'm afraid this is where my journey will end. I cannot continue with people who will judge me of what my father and his friend did. I cannot" you said with a broken voice, a sob leaving from you. Thorin's face fell before he could collect himself. And you felt bad about it. You didn't want to hurt him, but since his people didn't accept you, you had to leave.
"Please, (Y/n), consider this" Thorin tried to reason with you, but you had already made your mind. And hint of stubborness hit on, refusing to give in. You knew what the future might bring on; The company acting hostile towards you, talking bad about you, and finally you would snap and turn to a dog, if you could, and attack the said person. You had already atacked Nori when he had kicked the little wolf puppy. The company may not like you, and they had every right not to, but they had no right to talk shit about you. 
"I can't, Thorin. Even though I love you, I can't. You are a king and your people doesen't acccept me, there for I have to step down. I have to leave" you told him, tears falling freely from your eyes. It hurt, but this was the only way. Thorin closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against yours.
"I refuse to believe this, amrâlimê. We are bound to be One, and we will find a way to make this work. If nothing else works, I'll pass the grown to Fíli and live with you where ever the Valar's take us, to the end of our days" Thorin says solemnly. You couldn't do anything but sob. You had no hope for the future, but Thorin held the little strings there was. And you didn't know whatever you should hold on to them too, or let it go. For now, all you could do was to sob and lean against Thorin, hugging him as tight as you could. And he held you tight against himself, as if his life depended on it.
The door opened and closed, as the two brothers stepped inside. The dwarves, Bilbo, Gandalf and Beorn turned to them. Silently, without even looking at anyone, Fíli stepped to the kitchen and set the tray down, whilest Kíli stopped after getting in. He glared at everyone, at everything.
"I hope yer happy now. She hates us, more than our people hates elves" the younger prince says before he stumbles away angrily. Half of the company stared after him, whilst Balin sighed and closed his eyes. He had seen this coming, the comflict among the dwarves and the young girl.
"Well, that's that then. As Thorin has said, (Y/n) is not at fault of what her family or close ones have done. (Y/n) was considered as dead when Glorfindel came to protect Erebor from the dragon with Thranduil. She had been concidered dead long before that, alongside with her mother and her people" Balin reminds the others around him with a sad look on his face. The dwarves around him sift, but say nothing. Dwalin turns his glare to his brother and then he sighs.
"If that lass is really who Gandalf thinks she is, then how come she's alive?" he growls. Balin meets his brothers glare with sad eyes. With a fragile breath, he turns his eyes back to the floor and shakes his head. How was he to know this?
"Well, her mother was a maiar. And they could use magic, so there is a possibility that her mother sent her or her soul away in critical moment and saved her life" Balin answers. This was all Balin knew about maiar's and their magic, for the maiar's protected their magic and information about it like dwarves protected their culture, even more secure than that. Dwalin grumbles something about magic, turning to glare the opposite wall.
"Gandalf, is it really possible to send someone to another world with magic?" Bofur asks from the wizard, who had silently watched the dwarves. The wizards eyes turns to Bofur and for long moment he stays silent. No one says anything as they wait silently for the wizard to answer. Then he sighs, turns his eyes away and shakes his head.
"Not to my knowledge. But each maiar can use magic differently, so I would't be surprised if someone has managed to create a portal to another world. Magic is something that is not always shared even between maiars, not to mention to another races or even the Valar's themselves"  he finally answers. Then he turns to the door with a grim look in his eyes. "I was there, when (Y/n) mother died and when (Y/n)... died... before he mother... All I know is that Anwya, (Y/n) mother was singing and crying after her 342 years old girl had died. And that her death was the cause of Anwya's death. A little after their death's Glorfindel died after taking down an Balrog. May it be an broken heart or a broken body that claimed him"
The dwarves were quiet, staring the floor, their feet. Beorn started the door thoughtfully and only Bilbo looked at Gandalf. And that small curiousity overtook  him.
"But.. Excusme for asking, but... How did (Y/n) die?' Bilbo asked. His eye met Gandalf and the Hobbit saw the sadness, the overhelming sadness taking over the wizard. And it was something Bilbo never assumed to see on the wizards face.
"Their people were caught in orc raid, lead by Azog's forefather Gornag. She was only learning how to fig with bow and sword, not fully knowing how to defend herself. She was caught on guard and stapped by orc blade by vital organs" Gandalf told, his voice being shaky, his eyes being glassy. Oin, the healer of the Company, swalloved and turned away from the company. Because he knew. Injury in vital area were deathly, especially if healer's couldn't be summoned immediately. And the girl had been just a child in the eyes of elves. She had died, when she was just a mere child, Oin thought grimly.
"So... (Y/n) was stabed... And her mother sent her to safety, only to be returned to this world with no memories. What should we do now, wizard?" Dori asks. Gandalf meets the grey haired taylors eyes and he looks toughtfull.
"I've sent a word to Lord Elrond about (Y/n)'s possiblity of being Glorfindel's daughter. When I'll hear about them, we'll be more wise. Until then, all we can do is wait" Gandalf says. Fili looks around the room, before setting in middle of the room, addressing everyone.
"I'd like to remind everyone, that no matter who her paren't are, (Y/n) is still (Y/n). If you cannot accept that, then turn and go back to Blue Mountains for Durin's folk do not need close minded's loyalty" the lad says in same tone, the kingly, commandin tone Thorin used. "You do not only betray King Thorin with closing her off, you betray the Gueen Under the Mountain and I'll tell you this: You have no place under the Mountain, if you cannot accept the one person who has been ready to give her life for the king"
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ariaoakbelle-blog1 · 5 years
The Known History of Vampyres
The entire history of the vampire species is only known by the Helsing vampire family who have kept meticulous records for thousands of years. They alone know the true origins of their species, but there is a story that most vampires believe to be the beginning of things, it is this story that shall be told here, taken directly from the tome 'That Which We Know: Our Vampyre History' penned by Aurelia Van Helsing, great grand child of the infamous Abraham Van Helsing. This may seem contrary as the Helsings know more than this story Aurelia published, but it was decided that the truth should be a well guarded secret. Some time before the dark ages there was more magic in the world than there is in the modern age. There existed spells of immense power and complexity that could do things witches and wizards of the present day could only dream of imagining. Creating vampyres was one of these things. We know nothing of the origin of the specific magic that created the vampyre species, just that it changed humans into vampyres and there was born the three bloodlines. Although we can say this, we can not elaborate any further on the history of vampyres before the end of the dark ages. Any records of note begin in the early fourteenth century where we are told of a series of fights breaking out in England between groups of vampyres who seemed to be at odds with each other for no reason other than they felt like it. It is obvious there is some story behind the origin of our species, but by the time these records begin anyone who did know had died. As the fights became more intense it became obvious that there were two main groups of vampyres, what we now know to be the two bloodlines. One side possessed a red aura and seemed to be smarter and more logical, where the other side had a black aura and seemed to have more brute strength. The confrontations became more frequent and involved more vampyres, building to what would almost certainly be full scale war before suddenly stopping out of nowhere. There would be rumors of an amazingly powerful vampyre bathed in a white aura who would stop the fighting and then for a time, things would be peaceful. This pattern continued for centuries, groups of vampyres from both sides rising up to fight each other until things were on the brink of large scale war and then some mysterious white vampyre would show up to calm things down. There were notable figures over the years who rose up on each side, members of what were considered (for unknown reasons) the royal families of each side, but their names and even deeds have fallen out of common memory. The vampyre species grew and evolved through the ages alongside their human counterparts, and gradually the fighting died down when society began to evolve to the point where vampyres thought it best that their existence was more hidden from the humans than it had been in the past. Everything changed in the late nineteenth century with three vampyres whose names are well known in the present day: Bram Stoker, Vladimir Dracule (Dracula) and Abraham Van Helsing. Stoker and Dracula were both vampyres born into the 'royal' families and were engaged in a bitter rivalry from a young age. It started off harmlessly, each trying to out-do the other in education and status in London, but escalated into a war the vampyre world will never forget. When the pair reached their mid twenties a human named Mina Harker arrived in London and everything changed. She was a beauty to rival even that of the vampyres and both fell madly in love with her. She knew both had affections for her, so she made no commitment to either for a year, instead insisting that she would remain friends with both of them. They tried to keep their vampyre nature from her, but she was incredibly smart and eventually figured out what they were. From that point she became a part of the vampyre world. However hard Mina tried to keep her feelings for the two vampyres neutral, eventually she found that she was falling in love with Bram. She tried to stop it, but their bond was inevitable and they began a relationship in secret. They kept their love in the shadows for almost a whole year until they were discovered. Upon finding that the love of his life had chosen Bram over him, Dracula became enraged to the point of madness. He started to gather other vampyres of his bloodline around him, an army of vampyres with black eyes and auras who were incredibly strong. Dracula was their leader and he set them on their foes, the red eyed vampyres, with no regret and without relenting. Stoker, fearing for his life and those around him raised his own army of vampyres, sending them to meet Dracula's horde in clash after clash. They were smaller in number but they were all clever and possessed many abilities that allowed them to work from the shadows. The two sides went back and forth, turning London into their own personal battleground until Dracula did the only thing he could and kidnapped Mina. Desperate to win her love he held her in his manor and gave her everything he thought she could want. No matter what he did though, she held onto her love for Bram and waited every day for him to rescue her. Eventually Dracula became angered by her refusal and tried to torture her into loving him, and when that didn't work he told her that Bram had been killed in the fighting. She refused to believe him at first, saying that she knew in her heart that he was alive, so Dracula used magic to create the illusion of Bram's dead body to convince her that he had perished. Instead of falling into his waiting arms as he had expected, Mina lost her mind at the loss of her true love and threw herself off the highest balcony of Dracula's manor, intending to fall to her death. As Dracula crouched over her dying body he did the only thing he could do and turned her into a vampyre. While Dracula had been keeping Mina captive, Bram had been making rescue plans. He had collected a small group of trusted vampyres around him and they had secured the territories around Dracula's manor ready for the offensive. Before they had a chance to assault however, there was a rash of gruesome killings around the area that had obviously been committed by a vampyre. The commotion bought a hunter of the supernatural to town, Abraham Van Helsing. When someone becomes a turned vampyre there can be horrible complications, and one of these arose when Dracula turned Mina Harker. When she awoke her body had healed from the fall, but her mind was addled by madness. With her complete lack of wits came an amazing strength and insatiable blood lust. She soon broke free from Dracula's grasp and began stalking London feeding and killing from any human she could grab and killing anyone who got in the way. It was her murders that bought Helsing to town. Helsing had a reputation for being ruthless and fearless when it came to dealing with vampyres, so Bram reached out and offered peace with him to help find the culprit of the murders. Helsing agreed, seeing the sense in Bram's words and the two began searching the streets at night. On their third night they came across Mina. Bram was amazed to finally see his love again, but when he saw what she had become he was heartbroken. He tried to bring her back to her senses, but her madness was so intense that he had no choice other than to admit she needed to be stopped. Determined to be the one to commit the act he sent Helsing away and murdered his true love, forever colouring his soul in the process. After Mina's death Bram became filled with fantasies of vengeance, wanting nothing other than to kill Dracula. He threw his army at Dracula's, and the two groups of vampyres became entangled in a bloody war that cost many lives on both sides as well as those of human bystanders. Finally they cracked Dracula's defences and Bram stormed the manor, confronting his enemy in the main hall of the large place. The two fought madly with each other until Helsing appeared, his eyes and aura a bright white that vampyres had only heard about in legend. In the moment he appeared Bram took his chance and slew Dracula in the split second he was distracted, taking his revenge and finally slipping into madness himself. He turned on Helsing who, knowing he had no other choice when a vampyre had slipped so far into the depths of madness, raised his sword and slew Bram. Helsing used his strange magic to calm the other vampyres once their leaders had been slain and an uneasy peace settled over London again. Knowing that others would act in the same way in the future, Helsing penned the Dracula novel in the name of Bram Stoker to give the humans a legend to explain the strange happenings, and spread knowledge of the bloodlines throughout the vampyres. Those whose auras were red would be named 'Stokers' after their fallen leader, and those whose auras were black would be named 'Dracules' after their fallen leader. Helsing made it known that although both sides would want to war over the years, there would always be the 'white' vampires around, the 'Helsings' who would keep the balance and stop the madness with the immense power they held. And so from then on the bloodlines were named and although fights between the bloodlines are still common, there has not been another war like that of Stoker and Dracula since the bloody end of their tale.
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