firehose118 · 9 days
For @bucktommypositivityweek, prompt: season 8 opening disaster
Tommy is cooking dinner when Evan walks into his house. They’d exchanged keys recently, and every time Evan uses his it makes Tommy’s heart flutter a little. He’s only gotten to this stage in a relationship twice before, and in the past it’s always felt a little like an invasion. It’s never felt like someone coming home. It’s never felt like this.
“Hey,” Tommy calls out. Shirtless, he’s tossing the simmering pan of vegetables, being careful not to move too quickly. He’s been burned by this maneuver more than once.
“Hey,” Evan says weakly. He drops his bag, takes his shoes off at the door, and then makes a beeline right for Tommy. He looks exhausted.
Tommy puts the pan back onto the heat and opens his arms for a hug. Evan sinks into his embrace with a sigh. He presses his face into the bare skin of Tommy’s shoulder and takes a deep breath.
“Should I ask how your day was?” Tommy holds Evan close, rocking back and forth slowly.
This is another new thing with Evan: Tommy has never had a partner take such comfort in being held by him before. For such a big man, Evan manages to make himself almost small in Tommy’s arms. Maybe not small, exactly, but comfortable. Unashamed. He allows himself to be vulnerable; to ask for what he wants. It makes Tommy feel trusted and gentle. Evan clings and Tommy wants to keep him tucked up against his body forever.
Evan mumbles something unintelligible into Tommy’s skin in response to his question.
“What was that, baby?” Tommy smiles.
Evan unburies his mouth and leans his cheek on Tommy’s shoulder instead. “Bees,” he says.
“Bees,” Evan confirms. He tightens his arms around Tommy’s body. “Twenty-two million bees.”
“What?” Tommy asks incredulously. He feels like he should have heard about that. This is what he gets for spending the day working in the garage and listening to music instead of the news.
“It was a bee-nado,” Evan says emphatically.
Tommy laughs and presses a kiss to Evan’s head. He’s so adorable sometimes it makes Tommy’s heart ache. He loves the way Evan sees the world, the connections he makes, the way he expresses himself. He says the goofiest things so sincerely, without worrying about how it will be received. He’s not afraid to be himself. It never fails to make Tommy smile.
“That sounds intense,” Tommy says. He takes one hand off of Evan to stir the vegetables (with a wooden spatula this time), tightening his other arm around Evan so he still feels held. “Did you get stung?”
Evan snuggles in closer. “No. We had good protection. Eddie got chased by a big swarm, though.”
Tommy can’t help his smirk. “They must’ve seen his Freddie Mercury mustache and thought he was their queen.”
Evan groans through a laugh and hugs him tighter. “That was bad.”
Tommy scoffs. “That was good and you know it.”
Evan hums noncommittally and kisses the side of Tommy’s neck. Tommy feels the smile on Evan’s lips where they press into his skin.
One-handed, Tommy turns the heat under the vegetables off, checks the quinoa, and notes the time left on the chicken. Satisfied that nothing else needs his attention, he wraps both arms back around Evan.
Neither of them say anything for a long moment. They just stand there in Tommy’s kitchen, holding each other as the aromas of a home-cooked meal fill the space.
“I love this,” Evan murmurs into Tommy’s neck.
“I love you,” Tommy says for the first time, before he can stop himself.
Maybe he should feel panicked. Maybe he should want to take it back and hide a little longer. Tommy spent so many years holding back from saying everything he felt: it’s against his instincts even now to be careless like this. But now it’s out in the air between them, like a weight off of his chest, and when Evan lifts his head to be eye-level with Tommy, he looks awestruck just like he did after Tommy kissed him for the first time. Tommy knows it wasn’t the wrong thing to say.
“You love me?” Evan echoes. His eyes are soft and wet and his smile is a little disbelieving.
“I love you,” Tommy repeats, this time with intention. “I didn’t mean to say it right now, but I do. I have for a while.”
“Really?” Evan asks.
“Is that so hard to believe?” Tommy brings a hand up to cup Evan’s face. “I couldn’t even bail on our first date without telling you that you’re adorable. I’ve been gone on you for a while now. But it’s okay if you’re not ready to say it back.”
“No!” Evan bursts out, tightening his hold on Tommy for a moment. His eyes are wide and earnest. “No, I do. I- I love you. I just didn’t think you would be there yet. People usually take a while to get used to me. I’m kind of a lot.”
Tommy hums in agreement and smiles. “You’re definitely a lot. That’s one of my favorite things about you. There’s so much of you, and you don’t hide it. You’re big and loud and weird. You don’t always think before you speak. You’re you. And I love you.”
The awestruck look on Evan’s face melts into something sappier and more secure. He nuzzles into Tommy’s hand on his cheek.
“I love you too,” Evan says. “I’m so glad I get to say that out loud now.”
His eyes are fixed on Tommy’s lips, and who is Tommy to deny him such a simple request?
Tommy kisses him gently, lovingly. He rubs his thumb back and forth over Evan’s cheekbone and relishes the little sounds that Evan sighs into his mouth. Tommy doesn’t pull away until the timer goes off and he has to check on the chicken roasting in the oven.
They sit close together during dinner. Gone is any pretense of formality or attempts to seem well-mannered. They’re in love. If Evan wants to hold his hand over the table so that neither of them can cut their chicken, that’s just fine with Tommy. He’ll gladly go through the rest of his life using only one hand if it means Evan is attached to the other.
{give me kudos!}
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neowonderland · 6 months
Addicted || l.jn
Summary: Jeno's the heir to the Lee Corporation but night after night, you find him in your room hungry for you Pairings: Vampire Jeno x reader Warnings: 18+, dark content, implied(?) noncon, smut Wc: 0.7k
Dark Content, Minor please DNI
Disclaimer: this is a work of pure fiction. I do not condone the actions of any characters in this story and the actions do not reflect the idols in any way.
“It was your fault, really.”
That’s what Jeno whispered into your ear after the first night he fed on you, his blood stained lips pressed against the shell of ear. That was the first and only time Jeno had spoken to you despite the amount of times Jeno has fed on you since then.
You tell yourself it’s not your fault, that it’s Jenos. It’s not your fault that you had taken the shortcut back home from your work at the Lee Corporation. It wasn’t your fault that you had found a man slumped over on the sidewalk. It’s not your fault you were worried about a man who looked sick and pale. It’s not . It’s not your fault that later the man, Jeno, had showed up inside your home to bite and feed on your blood.
Jeno knows you won’t tell anyone about him, you’re far too isolated and secluded. You care too much about your job and your financial stability. Besides, who would even believe that the famous head of the Lee Corporation had been breaking into your home in the dead of night to drink your blood? 
It used to happen once a month, randomly where you’d be awoken by Jenos weight pinning you down and then the pain of his fangs piercing your throat. Then, once a week. Now, every three days. 
You hate him, hate how he’s disturbed your peaceful life. You hate that you’re burdened with his secret. You hate how he invades your space. You hate the pain he inflicts on you. You hate how he’s so quiet, never talking, never making an attempt to soothe you before or after he bites.
You hate how he forces your legs open, how he never preps you, fucking into you with too much strength. You hate how he pins you down, shoving your head into the mattress as your tears soak the pillow while your sobs rack your body. You hate how weak and small you feel against him, how easily he’s able to overpower you and do whatever he wants to you.
Jeno knows you hate him. You minimize any sort of contact with him when he stops by to supervise your department. You don’t even spare him a glance, avoiding eye contact and being alone with him, doing everything in your power to not give him any sort of attention. You don’t try to speak to him or praise him like the other workers and your boss, instead opting to stay silent and look away. 
Still, that never stops Jeno’s late night visits to your home, nor does it stop your tears from falling when you see him arrive in your room late into the night.
‘You’re not really his type, you’re just accessible,’ is what you tell yourself. ‘He’ll go away once he finds someone else.’
What you don’t know is that Jeno’s secretly addicted to you. 
Your blood is like a drug, sweeter and more addictive than any sweet or alcohol. Just the taste of your blood puts Jeno into a blood-drunk haze, calming Jeno’s thoughts and mind until he’s left with a pleasant buzz. It’s hard to limit himself and prevent himself from coming back to you when he’s not supposed to. He knows humans are fragile, that without enough blood you won’t be able to function. 
Jeno’s addicted to your tears too. He loves the way your eyes become red and puffy, loving the redness of your nose and cheeks and how your sobs rack your body. He loves how you try to suppress your sobs and wipe your teeth and snot, trying your best not to show him any vulnerability. How you try to hide and stay neutral towards him.
Jeno also finds your body cute, your soft sweaty skin against his while he ruts into you. He likes how much weaker you are against him, how easily he’s able to manhandle you to any position. He likes how your hands grip against his forearms, struggling to stabilize yourself. He likes how your nails dig into your palms when he bites you and your bites against the pillow to muffle your scream. 
Jeno’s addicted to you and night after night, he comes back to torture you.
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frvnkcastles · 10 months
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Summary: After you’ve gone through a surgery, Frank is there to support you through the recovery.
Warnings: Mentions of surgery, feminine nicknames, just a brief mention of a shower together, fluff
Word count: 1.3k
Author’s note: This is straight up just me trauma dumping LMFAO but I thought maybe someone else will find themselves in a similar situation and could use something like this. I had to get surgery because of a tumor in my ovaries and I’m currently in the process of recovering and all I want is Frank to be real. GAHHH.
”I’ll be right there when you wake up, okay, sweetheart?”
Those were the words Frank had reassured you with right before you had been taken to the operating room, and you clung onto them like a mantra or a prayer to keep you going. You had never been in a situation like this before, and despite all the calming speeches you had gotten from the surgeon and the anesthesiologist, you were scared. You were nervous. But above all, you were glad that you weren’t alone — you had Frank, and that was giving you all the courage you needed.
You imagined holding his hand when they inserted the cannula, and you pictured his kisses on your forehead when they started giving you oxygen, and when the doctor warned you that the medicine for the pain would make you woozy, you closed your eyes and thought about Frank’s beautiful, beaten face to give you comfort. And thinking about him was how you passed out, without even realizing it.
Hours had passed, but to you, it felt like you had only blinked when you finally opened your eyes again. Everything was blurry and disorienting, and for a moment you thought you were still on the operating table, but as you slowly adjusted to the bright surroundings, you realized that wasn’t possible. No, instead, you were in the recovery room, concealed from prying eyes by white curtains, and your whole body nestled comfortably under the heated blankets.
”Hey, there’s my brave girl”, a familiar, deep voice cut through all the confusion and buzzing in your ears, and immediately laser-focused on him, you rolled your head to the side and found Frank seated next to you, just like he had promised. Your eyes still felt so heavy and difficult to keep open, but you could still see the faint smile directed at you, and a quiet giggle rose up your throat as you lazily gestured at Frank’s nose to brush against him.
”You’re here”, you whispered, almost like you couldn’t believe it, and Frank chuckled.
”Promised ya, didn’t I?” he retorted before taking your hand and giving it a soft caress. ”The doctor was here just a few minutes ago. Said everything went just as planned. You did perfectly, sweetheart”, he continued, and with a bashful smile, you let your eyes close again.
”I didn’t do that much”, you pointed out, and shrugging, Frank shuffled closer to kiss the back of your hand.
”Seems to be like you’re the perfect patient”, he hummed, and you couldn’t help but snicker slightly.
Before you could say anything more, your nurse appeared from around the corner, asking if you were feeling up to eating something. You answered in the affirmative, and as she left to get you a sandwich, you looked back at Frank.
”I hope you know how much it means to me that you’re here”, you murmured, your speech still a little slurred, but Frank didn’t mind. He wasn’t cowering away from this side of you — you had seen him at his absolute worst, so now that it was your turn to be vulnerable, he was honored to be by your side.
He would have told you as much, but your nurse returned with a snack and something to drink, as well as some painkillers, and Frank respectfully moved aside to let her do her thing. Once she had set all the food down, you began to awkwardly inch upwards to sit, and only then you realized how much in pain you were. You grimaced and whimpered as you attempted to sit up, and before the nurse could move a muscle, Frank was up from his chair and letting you put all your weight on his arm so you could comfortably adjust your position. You must have dug your nails into his arm, but he didn’t flinch — something that made the nurse smile as she thanked Frank for the help.
You squeezed your eyes closed and exhaled deeply, trying to breathe through the pain, but as soon as you got your hands on the water brought to you, you downed the painkillers eagerly. Frank watched attentively, back in his chair, a concerned gaze over his dark eyes as he followed your gentle movements to pick apart the sandwich you had in front of you.
”Need any help, just say the word”, Frank assured you with a gravelly tone, and you knew that he would have fed you if you had asked for it. Still, you managed, and simply let your other hand rest in his while you ate.
Once you had eaten and the nurse had helped you to the bathroom, you were officially allowed to go home — on the condition that you wouldn’t be alone for the first 24 hours, and Frank was taking that immensely seriously. He swore to be by your side, and as much was obvious from the get-go.
”You sure you feelin’ okay? You look a little… I dunno. Don’t wanna offend the lady”, Frank cleared his throat while walking you towards the car, his hand gently on your back to support you, your bag slung over his shoulder so you didn’t have to worry about anything extra.
”I’ll be okay, Frank, thank you. Let’s just go home, okay?” you pleaded, and with a curt nod, Frank helped you to the passenger seat before climbing in behind the wheel and starting the car.
”Home it is.”
Needless to say, you were bedridden for the days to come, and Frank wasn’t kidding around about it. He practically carried you to bed when you first got home, and he made sure to fluff your pillows and get you at least two different kinds of drinks to keep you hydrated. When you got hungry, he was happy to help you eat, and when you needed to get up, he was right there to keep you upright. He delivered you your medication right on time, and you weren’t allowed to worry about a thing. When it was time for your first shower, he got undressed with you and made sure to tenderly wash you and take care of you, his calloused fingers carefully peeling the bandages off of your body.
The next problem was falling asleep. You were tired, drained even, but not being allowed to roll on your stomach was a personal level of Hell you hadn’t been looking forward to. You were propped up on several pillows, laying on your back, groaning and complaining and Frank was by your side, drawing soothing patterns on your arm.
”Sleep will come, baby. Just lay here with me, yeah?” he grunted, and supposing you had no other choice, you reached for his hand and squeezed it tight.
You could tell he hesitated, but slowly, he draped an arm over your belly, careful not to put too much weight on you, but simply just aching to hold you and be close to you. He breathed you in and kissed your shoulder softly, and it made you smile.
”Thank you, Frank”, you whispered, and with a quiet sound of disagreement, he lifted his head from his pillow.
”You got nothin’ to thank me for. It’s my pleasure, sweetheart. I like takin’ care o’you. And I’mma do it properly”, he insisted, and as you looked at the sincerity in his eyes, you were mere seconds away from tearing up. Going into the surgery, you had been so anxious, wondering how you’d get by without your family to support you, but turns out, you didn’t need them. You just needed Frank.
”I love you”, you spoke quietly, and for a moment, the two of you just stared into each other’s eyes, nothing but devotion between the two of you.
Slowly, Frank leaned in to give your lips a kiss, sweet but deep. ”I love you, too”, he smiled before kissing your forehead once more, ”now get some sleep, pretty girl so I can look after you again tomorrow.”
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jaefluenza · 1 month
Open Arms - Jjh.
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fluff, angst
jjh x reader, kun as a bad guy
7,237 words
warning: little suggestive content, small typing
✩♬ ₊˚.🎧⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ; open arms by SZA ft. travis scott
“when you do your best, hell, that’s all you can do. you, me, and anybody else. so they always start talking.”
they were an unlikely pair, at least according to the outside world. people had opinions, as they often do, murmuring about how she was too reserved, too quiet, too damaged. they said he was too good for her, that he could do better, that he was wasting his time on someone who could never fully heal.
but jaehyun didn’t care about any of that. he loved her for who she was, not for who the world thought she should be. he saw the strength in her vulnerability, the beauty in her resilience. he admired the way she faced each day, even the hard ones, with a quiet determination that spoke volumes about the person she was.
there were days when people demanded too much of her, bombarding her with endless conversations that left her drained, quiet, and withdrawn. In those moments, her insecurities loomed like heavy shadows, their grip on her all too real. but jaehyun never wavered. he was there to fill the gaps in her tangled thoughts, effortlessly bridging the silence. all that mattered to him was how their days would end—lost in easy chatter, wrapped up in each other, nestled under her favorite fluffy beige blanket, finding solace in the warmth of their shared moments.
she, in turn, found solace in his steadfastness. He was her anchor, the one person who never wavered, never doubted her. with him, she felt safe in a way she hadn’t felt in a long time. and in the safety of his love, she began to heal, little by little, the cracks in her heart slowly mending.
their life together was simple. they didn’t need grand gestures or extravagant gifts. Instead, they found joy in the small things, the everyday moments that others might overlook. they cooked dinner together every night, a ritual that became sacred in its simplicity. he would chop vegetables while she stirred the pot, their movements synchronized like a dance. they talked about their days, about the little things that had made them smile or the challenges they had faced. and when the meal was ready, they would sit together at their tiny kitchen table, enjoying the food and each other’s company in comfortable silence or easy conversation.
“so, here comes my 9,978th question: how’s your day?” he asked, his dimples making an appearance alongside that irresistible smile.
she knew he’d ask—after all, it was their unspoken agreement to check in on each other’s day. “it was good. pretty good,” she replied. “the kids behaved, and i bravely took on a cockroach today. isn’t that impressive?”
he put on an exaggeratedly amazed face—the one that always made her chuckle—as he replied, “oh wow! guess that’s one less task for me, then.”
she twirled her chopsticks, teasingly asking, “and what about you, mr. handsome? did you make all your customers happy today?” of course, he had to dive into the funny stories he’d collected, and just like every evening, their dinner was filled with laughter, lively conversation, and love.
on weekends, they would walk through the park near their apartment, hand in hand, talking about everything and nothing. sometimes they would sit on a bench, watching the world go by, content just to be together. she loved these moments the most, the quiet intimacy of simply being with him, no expectations, no pressure, just the two of them and the world at a distance.
“we’re getting there, i think,” jaehyun mused, a smile tugging at his lips as he gazed out at the panoramic view before them. “with everything we’ve achieved this year, I’m confident enough to say our dream is within reach, babe.”
“you mean the house by the beach?” you teased, a soft chuckle escaping your lips. “you really think it’s possible?”
“yeah, why not?” he turned to you, his eyebrows arching in that reassuring way you loved.
“what about your café? i’ve always adored your barista life. and wouldn’t living by the beach get a bit…boring? we can always visit when we need a little ocean breeze, you know.”
“nothing’s boring when i get to live it with you, hun.” ah, that sweet talk—he always knew just what to say.
he had a way of making even the mundane feel special. he would leave little notes for her to find, simple messages that told her she was loved and appreciated. he made her laugh with his silly antics, like when he would dance around the living room just to see her smile. he brought light into her life in a way that no one else ever had, and for that, she was endlessly grateful.
✩♬ ₊˚.🎧⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
“when no one’s around me, you lost and found me. i was surrounded with open arms. i’m so devoted.”
✩♬ ₊˚.🎧⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
she was the kind of person who carried the weight of her past in her eyes. there was a heaviness in her gaze that spoke of battles fought and wounds still healing. she had known pain, the kind that burrowed deep and left scars, the kind that made her cautious, wary of the world and the people in it.
but jaehyun, with his warm smile and easy laugh, had a way of dissolving the shadows that lingered around her. he was kind in the simplest and purest sense of the word, always ready with a joke to lighten the mood or a comforting word when she needed it most. his presence was like sunlight streaming through a window, illuminating even the darkest corners of her soul. there were days when her past would creep up on her, when the memories would be too much to bear.
“and without him, what would you be?” his words cut like a blade, each one designed to chip away at her confidence. she swore that every time he tried to belittle her like this, she had to hold herself together, fighting not to shatter.
“i won’t let you get into my head, kun,” she shot back, each trembling word feeling like she’d just dodged a bullet. she knew she had to brace herself for these encounters whenever he was around. kun was always difficult, just like her mom, dad, and everyone else who seemed to weigh her down. in a world where she felt surrounded, there was only one person who could be her sanctuary—the one guy she’d never trade, not even for the stars.
"take that back, you douchebag. how many times do I have to tell you to leave her the hell alone?" jaehyun’s voice thundered from behind, cutting through the tension between you and kun. "this is my town, and if you don’t disappear in the next second, I won’t hesitate to call the cops on you. seriously, just fuck off." his words were a roar of pure intimidation, aimed straight at the person she once called her ex—the one who played a role in shaping who she is now.
on those days, jaehyun would hold her close, his arms a refuge from the storm. he didn’t try to fix her, didn’t tell her to move on or get over it. he simply loved her through it, giving her the space to feel whatever she needed to feel, knowing that she would come back to him when she was ready.
and she always did. no matter how dark things got, she knew that he would be there, waiting for her with open arms and a gentle smile. his love was a constant, a beacon of hope in a world that had once seemed so bleak.
in time, she began to believe in herself the way he believed in her. she started to see herself not as broken, but as someone who had been through hell and survived. she realized that she was stronger than she had ever given herself credit for, and that she deserved the love that he freely gave.
the rain poured down in heavy sheets as she stepped off the bus, the last remnants of her old life dissolving with each drop that hit the pavement. she pulled the hood of her jacket tighter around her face, hoping it would shield her from both the storm and the memories chasing her. the town was unfamiliar, a small coastal escape far from the toxic grip of kun, the man who had held her in a suffocating embrace for far too long.
her suitcase rolled unevenly behind her, its tiny wheels struggling against the cracked sidewalk. the town was quiet, save for the sound of rain slapping against rooftops and the occasional car splashing through puddles. she hadn’t planned much, only knowing that she needed to be somewhere—anywhere—away from him. the air smelled of salt and wet earth, a refreshing change from the stifling city she had left behind.
as she rounded a corner, her heart nearly stopped. standing across the street, partially hidden under an awning, was kun. his presence was unmistakable, his broad shoulders hunched against the rain, scanning the streets as if searching for something—or someone. panic surged through her, her pulse quickening as she instinctively ducked into the nearest doorway. her hand fumbled for the handle, desperate to escape his gaze before he could spot her.
the door swung open, and she stumbled inside, her breath coming in ragged gasps. the warmth of the room enveloped her immediately, a stark contrast to the cold dread that had taken root in her chest. she hadn’t even looked at where she was; all she knew was that she needed to stay hidden.
the scent of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods filled the air, calming her just enough to take in her surroundings. it was a café, small and cozy, with soft lighting that cast a golden glow over the wooden tables and cushioned chairs. a few patrons sat scattered about, their conversations low and relaxed, creating a serene bubble that felt worlds away from the chaos she’d just escaped.
“hey, you okay?”
the voice startled her, and she looked up to see a man standing behind the counter, his expression one of genuine concern. he was tall, with dark hair that fell slightly into his eyes and a warmth in his gaze that made her feel, for the first time in what felt like forever, safe. she nodded quickly, but the tremble in her hands betrayed her.
he glanced out the window, his eyes narrowing slightly as if he’d caught sight of kun too. without another word, he moved from behind the counter and approached her with careful steps, as though she were a frightened animal he didn’t want to spook.
“you don’t have to say anything,” he said quietly, “but if you need a place to sit for a while, you’re welcome here. i’m jaehyun.”
she hesitated, her instincts screaming at her to keep moving, but there was something about jaehyun’s presence that anchored her in place. the café felt like a sanctuary, a place where the outside world couldn’t touch her. and right now, she needed that more than anything.
“thank you,” she managed to whisper, her voice barely audible over the pounding rain.
jaehyun offered her a small smile and gestured to a corner table, tucked away from the windows. “take your time. i’ll bring you something warm.”
she moved towards the table, her legs feeling like jelly beneath her. as she sat down, she kept her back to the door, unwilling to risk even a glimpse of the outside world that had tormented her. the tension in her shoulders began to ease as the minutes ticked by, the sound of the rain against the windows slowly fading into the background.
true to his word, jaehyun appeared moments later with a steaming cup of tea and a plate of cookies. he set them down in front of her with a gentle smile. “on the house,” he said before retreating back to the counter, giving her the space she so desperately needed.
she wrapped her hands around the mug, letting its warmth seep into her cold fingers. she hadn’t realized how much she needed this—just a moment to breathe, to collect herself. the tea was fragrant, a blend of herbs that seemed to calm her nerves with every sip. the cookies were sweet, their buttery softness melting on her tongue. for the first time in days, she felt a small flicker of peace.
“i’m so devoted to you,” she whispered, their legs tangled beneath the weight of the blanket. his left hand gently cradled her, holding her close as if he couldn’t bear to lose the warmth of her skin tonight.
“they say without you, i’m nothing. and they’re not wrong. i am nothing without you, jaehyun.”
his breath danced across her arms before his lips found the curve of her shoulder, planting a soft kiss there. “and they never said how much luckier I am to have you, my love. they’ll never know, no matter how much I try to tell them.” no one ever warned her that his voice could feel like the warmest embrace.
✩♬ ₊˚.🎧⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
"no matter what come between us, i decided i'm forever ridin', you're forever guidin'"
✩♬ ₊˚.🎧⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
the ocean stretched out before them, a boundless expanse of shimmering blue that seemed to touch the sky. the waves whispered secrets as they kissed the shore, their rhythm steady and eternal. it was here, in this quiet, secluded place, that jaehyun had built the house, a sanctuary that would hold all the promises he intended to keep.
the house stood on a gentle rise, just beyond the reach of the highest tides. it was a simple structure, modern in design, with large windows that opened up to the sea, allowing the sunlight to pour in and the salty breeze to dance through the rooms. jaehyun had poured his heart into every detail, from the smooth wooden floors to the whitewashed walls, each element chosen with care, a reflection of his love for her.
she stood at the edge of the property now, her feet sinking into the cool sand, her eyes fixed on the horizon. the wind played with her hair, pulling it free from the loose braid she always wore. she looked peaceful, lost in the sound of the waves, the sight of the endless ocean.
jaehyun watched her from the porch, his heart swelling with an emotion so deep, it almost took his breath away. he had loved her for as long as he could remember, a love that had grown and deepened over time, becoming something so powerful, so consuming, that he knew he could never let it go.
he approached her slowly, his steps quiet on the sand. she turned when she heard him, a soft smile lighting up her face. her eyes, those beautiful eyes that held so much warmth and kindness, met his, and for a moment, the world around them faded away, leaving just the two of them standing on the shore, surrounded by the endless sea and sky.
jaehyun reached for her hand, his fingers brushing against hers in a touch so gentle, it sent a shiver down her spine. he held her hand, his grip firm yet tender, and she felt the strength in him, the quiet resolve that had always been a part of who he was.
“i built this for you,” he said, his voice low and steady, the words carrying on the wind. “for us.”
she looked at the house, then back at him, her eyes searching his, trying to read the emotions that played across his face. “it’s beautiful, jaehyun,” she whispered, her voice filled with awe.
“it’s not just a house,” he continued, his gaze unwavering. “it’s a promise. a promise that nothing and no one will ever come between us. that no matter what happens, we’ll always have this place, this sanctuary, a place that we call home.”
he paused, taking a deep breath, as if gathering the courage to say the words that had been on his heart for so long. “i want to spend the rest of my life with you,” he said finally, his voice soft but resolute. “i want to be yours, forever.”
her heart skipped a beat, the magnitude of his words sinking in. she had always known he loved her, but hearing him say it like this, with such conviction, such certainty, made her feel like she was standing on the edge of something vast and wonderful.
“jaehyun…” she began, but he cut her off, resting his warm hand gently over her smaller one.
“let me finish,” he said, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “i know life hasn’t always been easy. i know there have been times when we’ve both doubted, both feared what the future might hold. but here, in this place, with you, i have no doubts. i have no fears. i only have love. a love that is strong enough to weather any storm, that is deep enough to fill every corner of this house, of our lives.”
he dropped to one knee then, still holding her hand, and reached into his pocket, pulling out a small, velvet box. her breath caught in her throat as he opened it, revealing a simple, elegant ring that sparkled in the sunlight.
“i’m asking you to marry me,” he said, his voice trembling slightly with the weight of the moment. “i’m asking you to be my wife, to share this life with me, to build our future together, here in this house, by the sea. i’m asking you to be mine, forever.”
tears filled her eyes, blurring the world around her, but she didn’t care. all she could see was jaehyun, the man she loved, the man who had built her a home, a life, a future. she had always known he was the one, but in this moment, she felt it more deeply than ever.
“yes,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. “yes, i will marry you. i will be yours, forever.”
he slipped the ring onto her finger, his hands steady despite the emotions coursing through him. then he rose, pulling her into his arms, holding her close as the waves crashed against the shore, as the wind carried their laughter out to sea.
they stood like that for a long time, wrapped in each other’s arms, feeling the weight of the moment, the enormity of the promise they had just made. and in that moment, as the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting the world in a golden glow, they knew that they had found something truly special.
this house, this place, would be their sanctuary. a place where they could build their lives together, where they could weather any storm, face any challenge, knowing that they had each other, that their love was strong enough to carry them through.
as the sun set over the ocean, turning the sky into a canvas of pinks and oranges, they stood on the shore, hand in hand, ready to face the future together. the house behind them was more than just a home—it was a testament to their love, a promise that no matter what, they would always have each other. and in that promise, they found their forever.
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"drew my favorite color, now you seein' every shade of me"
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jaehyun had always seen the world in vibrant hues—each day painted with the rich colors of his café's coffee beans, the bright glint of sunlight filtering through the leaves, and the warm glow of the people he cherished. but nothing compared to the spectrum of shades he saw in her. she was a living canvas, a blend of every color imaginable, and jaehyun treasured every shade she revealed, even the ones that appeared during the darkest times.
one crisp autumn afternoon, the first signs of trouble appeared. jaehyun noticed the faint tinge of sadness in her eyes, a dull grey that contrasted sharply with her vibrant sparkle. something was wrong, though she always managed to brush off his concerns with a gentle smile.
“everything okay?” jaehyun asked, sliding a cup of tea towards her. he tried to keep his tone light, but worry showed in his eyes.
she accepted the tea with a grateful nod. “it’s just… my family,” she said softly, her voice trembling. “they’re trying to get in touch, and i don’t know why.”
jaehyun’s heart clenched. he had heard the stories—how toxic her past was, the constant pressure and judgment from those who should have supported her. it hurt to see her struggling, to see her happiness overshadowed by her family’s darkness.
“i’m here for you,” he said firmly. “whatever happens, you don’t have to face it alone.”
days passed, and the intensity of her family’s attempts to reach her grew. unsettling messages and frantic phone calls took their toll. jaehyun could see how her vibrant personality began to dull, replaced by heavy, oppressive colors of stress and anxiety. yet, even in this turmoil, jaehyun remained steadfast. he saw her for all that she was—the good, the bad, the beautiful, and the broken.
one evening, as the sky turned a deep indigo and stars began to twinkle, the storm arrived. her family showed up at the café, their presence a harsh splash of black in the otherwise warm and inviting space. they barged in, their eyes sharp and accusatory.
“there you are,” her mother said, her voice dripping with disdain. “hiding away in this place.”
jaehyun saw the strain on her face, her shoulders hunched as if trying to make herself smaller. he could almost see the colors of her distress mingling with the dark clouds of her family’s judgment. it was painful, but it reminded him how much she needed him.
“please leave,” jaehyun said calmly. “she doesn’t want to see you.”
her father, whose presence felt like an oppressive storm cloud, sneered. “and what makes you think you have any say in this?”
jaehyun stepped closer, meeting the man’s gaze steadily. “she’s found happiness here. you don’t have the right to take that away from her.”
the confrontation was tense, each word a brushstroke on a canvas of conflict. but jaehyun stood his ground, unwavering. he wasn’t just protecting her; he was embracing every shade of her, including the dark ones.
as her family eventually left, their retreat marked by bitter silence, jaehyun turned to her. she was visibly shaken, tears shimmering in her eyes. he wrapped her in a gentle embrace, feeling her body tremble against his. the embrace was a palette of warm hues—comforting and protective. it was a sanctuary amidst the chaos.
“i’m sorry you had to go through that,” jaehyun whispered. “but i need you to know something. no matter how dark the shades get, i will always be here. your colors—every single one of them—are beautiful to me.”
she looked up at him, her eyes reflecting the soft light of the café, and managed a small, grateful smile. in that moment, the oppressive darkness seemed to lift just a little, revealing the vibrant, hopeful colors jaehyun cherished so deeply.
in the weeks that followed, the storm slowly abated. jaehyun continued to see every shade of her—every moment of sadness, every flicker of hope, and every burst of joy. he became her constant, the canvas on which she could express every color of her emotions.
one quiet evening, as they sat together in the café’s cozy corner, she leaned against him, her head resting on his shoulder. the room was bathed in the warm glow of fairy lights, casting a golden hue over their surroundings. the shadows of the past still lingered, but they no longer held the same power over her. jaehyun could see her slowly rediscovering the vibrant shades of her spirit, even as she continued to heal.
“this place,” she said softly, her voice filled with gratitude, “it’s more than just a café. it’s where i found a piece of myself i thought i’d lost.”
jaehyun’s heart swelled with love. he reached for her hand, intertwining their fingers. “and you’re more than just a canvas to me. you’re the artist, painting your life with every color imaginable. i’m just here to support you through every shade.”
as they sat together, wrapped in the warmth of their shared moments, jaehyun knew that no matter what shades life threw at them, they would face it together. the darkest hues only made the vibrant colors shine brighter, and in the end, it was her full spectrum of emotions that made her all the more beautiful to him.
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"locked in for life, on god, no replacin' me consequences, repercussions, karma keep on changin' me"
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jaehyun had always imagined that introducing her to his family would be a joyous occasion, a blending of the vibrant world he had built with the people who had shaped his past. he had spoken of her often, his eyes lighting up with affection whenever he mentioned her.
the sun was setting as they arrived at jaehyun’s family home, a charming house nestled on a hill with a panoramic view of the rolling countryside. it was a place where childhood memories were etched into every corner, where laughter and love had always been in abundance.
they were greeted warmly at the door by his parents, their smiles wide and genuine. jaehyun’s mother, with her kind eyes and welcoming embrace, immediately made her feel at ease. “it’s so lovely to finally meet you,” she said, guiding them inside. “jaehyun has told us so much about you.”
his father, with a hearty handshake and a jovial laugh, welcomed her with equal warmth. “we’ve been looking forward to this for a long time.”
as they settled into the living room, jaehyun’s siblings joined them, their chatter lively and full of curiosity. everything seemed perfect, a dream come true for jaehyun. but as the evening progressed, the atmosphere began to shift. a subtle tension lingered in the air, an undercurrent of disapproval that seemed to come from some of the relatives who had joined the gathering.
it was jaehyun’s aunt and uncle who first expressed their discomfort. they had heard the rumors—the whispers of her past that painted a picture of a woman who had once been married and had left her hometown under tragic circumstances. “so, i hear you left your hometown in quite a hurry,” his aunt said, her eyes narrowing slightly. “was there something you were trying to escape?”
jaehyun’s heart sank. he could see the glances exchanged among the relatives, the barely concealed judgment in their eyes. she stiffened beside him, her fingers tightening around his. he squeezed her hand reassuringly, his own discomfort turning into determination.
the words stung, but she held her head high, refusing to let their disdain show. jaehyun, however, was visibly agitated. his face was flushed with anger, his protective instincts flaring. “aunt nari, you’ve heard a lot of things, but let’s be clear,” jaehyun said, his voice rising. “she’s not here to be judged or to relive her past. she’s here because she means a lot to me. if you can’t respect that, then maybe you should leave.”
his aunt raised an eyebrow. “but isn’t it true that she left her hometown under less-than-ideal circumstances?”
jaehyun’s face hardened. “yes, it’s true. she’s faced challenges, but that doesn’t define her. she’s a strong, compassionate person who’s built a new life with courage and resilience. i will not tolerate anyone treating her poorly or questioning her character.”
the room fell silent, eyes darting between them. she felt the sting of the words but chose to address them with calm dignity.
“my past is a part of who i am,” she said, her voice steady despite the tension. “but it doesn’t define me. everyone has a history, and i’ve worked hard to move forward and build a new life.”
jaehyun stepped closer, his support evident. “she’s here with me because she’s someone special. i care about her deeply, and i won’t stand for her being judged based on rumors.”
his mother, sensing the growing discomfort, approached with a warm smile. “we’re all here to welcome her, and it’s important to remember that everyone deserves respect and kindness.”
the tension in the air was palpable, but jaehyun’s stance had made an impact. his uncle and aunt exchanged uncomfortable glances before muttering their apologies and retreating to a corner of the yard. the atmosphere slowly began to warm again, though the sting of the earlier comments lingered.
jaehyun turned to her, his eyes filled with concern. “i’m so sorry about that. i didn’t realize how bad it would get.”
she shook her head, her smile trembling but genuine. “it’s not your fault. i know everyone has their own opinions, but it’s hard to ignore the hurtful ones.”
he pulled her into a hug, holding her tightly. “i want you to know that i’m here for you. no matter what anyone says, you’re important to me. i won’t let them make you feel less than you are.”
as they left the gathering, jaehyun’s hand found hers once more, their fingers intertwined. the drive back was quiet, but the weight of the day’s events settled between them with a mix of resolve and tenderness.
“i’m proud of you,” she said softly. “it means a lot to know you stood up for me like that.”
jaehyun’s eyes softened. “i’d do it again in a heartbeat. you deserve to be treated with kindness and respect. and i’m going to make sure you get that, no matter what.”
the ocean breeze danced through her hair, lifting it lightly as they walked onto the porch. jaehyun’s fingers brushed against her cheek, and he leaned in, capturing her lips in a tender kiss. the kiss was gentle at first, but as the warmth between them grew, so did the intensity.
the kiss deepened, growing more urgent as the warmth between them ignited. the ocean breeze seemed to dance along with their embrace, carrying the sound of their kiss over the rhythmic waves.
their breaths quickened, and the kiss became more insistent. jaehyun’s lips traced a path along her jawline, his touch sending shivers down her spine. she leaned into his touch, her fingers tangling in his hair, holding him close.
“let’s go inside,” jaehyun murmured against her ear, his voice husky and filled with longing.
she nodded, her pulse racing as they moved inside the house.
jaehyun guided her to the living room, his hands never leaving her. the room was softly lit, the glow of the lamps casting a warm light on their faces. the curtains fluttered slightly, allowing the distant sound of the ocean to drift in, a calming counterpoint to the heat of the moment.
as they stood in the center of the room, jaehyun’s lips found hers again, his kisses becoming more fervent. she responded eagerly, her fingers tracing the contours of his face. he guided her to the couch, his hands never leaving her. his hands roamed over her body, exploring every curve with a reverent touch. she responded with equal enthusiasm, her hands exploring his chest, feeling the firm strength beneath his clothes. their kisses grew more urgent, the desire between them palpable and electrifying.
they paused for a moment, their foreheads resting together, breaths mingling in the warm, dim light. jaehyun looked into her eyes, his expression a mix of love and desire. “i want you,” he said softly, his voice filled with sincerity.
she smiled, her heart swelling with affection and longing. “i want you too,” she replied, her voice a breathy whisper.
jaehyun’s lips captured hers again, and so the night wore on, their connection growing stronger with each passing moment. the world outside was forgotten, replaced by the electric bond they shared. the sound of the waves, once a distant melody, now became a comforting reminder of the beautiful night they were experiencing together.
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"Through the ups and downs and all the heat Take a turn and tell you what it be"
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she was alone in the bathroom, staring at the small white stick in her hand. the world seemed to pause as she processed the two pink lines that confirmed what she had feared. her heart raced, a frantic drumbeat in her chest that threatened to drown out everything else. she sank to the floor, the cool tiles pressing against her as tears blurred her vision.
the realization of being pregnant hit her like a tidal wave. her mind raced through the list of all the reasons she wasn’t ready for this—her past traumas, the insecurities, the overwhelming weight of becoming a mother. she had always imagined a different path for herself, one free from the shadows of her former life. and now, with this news, everything felt out of control.
her hands trembled as she clutched the pregnancy test, a sob escaping her lips. it wasn’t just fear; it was a deep-seated panic. could she be a good mother? would her past haunt this new life? questions swirled in her mind, each one more daunting than the last.
she heard the front door open and jaehyun’s familiar footsteps approaching. her breath hitched, a mix of relief and dread. she wanted to tell him, but the thought of his reaction made her heart ache. she wasn’t sure how to face him, or how to face this future she hadn’t planned for.
jaehyun’s voice, warm and soothing, called out from the hallway. “hey, are you okay? i thought i heard you cry.”
she tried to compose herself, but her voice cracked as she responded. “i—I’m in the bathroom.”
she heard him stop outside the door, his footsteps hesitant. “do you want me to come in?”
the simple question broke something inside her. she pulled herself up, her face wet with tears. “yes, please.”
jaehyun gently opened the door, his eyes softening with concern as he saw her sitting on the floor, the test clutched in her hand. his expression shifted from confusion to worry as he knelt beside her. “what’s wrong?”
she couldn’t find the words, only the image of the test and the overwhelming fear it represented. “i—jaehyun, i’m pregnant.”
his eyes widened slightly, but he quickly masked his surprise with a tender look. he took the test from her shaking hands and studied it for a moment. the silence was heavy, filled with the unspoken fears and uncertainties that hung between them.
“hey,” jaehyun said softly, placing the test aside and pulling her into a comforting embrace. “it’s okay. we’ll figure this out together.”
she buried her face in his shoulder, her sobs muffled against him. “i’m so scared. i don’t know if i’m ready for this. my past… everything just feels like it’s coming back to haunt me.”
jaehyun stroked her hair gently, his voice a soothing balm. “i know this is overwhelming. but you’re not alone in this. we’ve faced tough things before, and we’ll face this together.”
she pulled back slightly, her eyes red and wet. “what if i’m not a good mother? what if i mess this up?”
jaehyun cupped her face in his hands, his gaze steady and full of love. “you are stronger than you know. we don’t have to have all the answers right now. what matters is that we’re in this together. you’re going to be an amazing mother because you care so deeply. and i’ll be right by your side through it all.”
his words were a balm to her frayed nerves, a reminder that she wasn’t alone. she let out a deep breath, her fears slowly melting away under the warmth of his support. “i don’t know what i’d do without you.”
jaehyun leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead. “you don’t have to. i’m here, every step of the way.”
they sat together on the bathroom floor, wrapped in each other’s arms. the weight of her fears was still present, but it was now shared with someone who loved her unconditionally. as the initial shock began to fade, she felt a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty.
jaehyun’s unwavering support became her anchor. he attended appointments with her, held her hand through the sleepless nights, and made sure she felt loved and valued.
he had always been a man of calm resolve, but the moment he learned they were expecting a child, a new spark ignited within him. his days became filled with a quiet excitement, a growing anticipation that colored his every thought.
it started with small things—he found himself daydreaming about future diaper changes, late-night feedings, and the first steps of their child. each time he thought about it, a smile crept across his face, his heart swelling with a mix of joy and wonder. he began to imagine their baby’s tiny fingers wrapped around his own, their laughter filling the house, and the warmth of family moments.
jaehyun’s excitement grew as he prepared for the arrival of their child. he eagerly researched everything from parenting tips to the best baby products. he was a constant source of encouragement for her, his enthusiasm evident in every conversation. when they talked about their baby, his eyes lit up, his voice filled with a genuine excitement that was impossible to miss.
one evening, as they sat together on the porch, jaehyun turned to her with a beaming smile. “i can’t wait to be a dad,” he said, his voice full of warmth. “i keep picturing all the little things we’ll do together. i’ve even started thinking about what kind of stories i’ll read to our baby.”
her heart swelled at his words, seeing his genuine joy and commitment. he reached over, gently placing his hand on her growing belly, and closed his eyes for a moment, savoring the connection. “i’m so excited for this new chapter,” he said softly. “i know it won’t always be easy, but i’m ready for it. i want to be there for every moment, every milestone.”
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"i gotta let you go, i must but you're the only one that's holdin' me down"
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when the time finally came to go to the hospital, jaehyun rushed to get the car ready. he helped her into the vehicle, his hands gentle yet firm, making sure she was as comfortable as possible. the drive was a blur, the city lights streaking past as they made their way to the hospital. she squeezed his hand, trying to ground herself amidst the chaos of the contractions.
once they arrived, the medical team moved swiftly, their voices calm and professional as they guided her to the delivery room. jaehyun stayed by her side, his presence a steady anchor in the storm of emotions. the room was filled with the hum of medical equipment and the murmur of nurses as they prepared for the delivery. she could see the concern in their eyes, but she drew strength from jaehyun’s unwavering support.
the labor was grueling, each contraction feeling like a mountain she had to climb. she fought through the pain, pushing with all her strength, her body trembling with effort. time seemed to stretch on endlessly, the hours blurring together in a haze of exhaustion and determination. she was fighting for both herself and the baby, her body and mind pushed to their limits.
when the final push came, it was the culmination of everything she had been through. she gave it everything she had, her body straining with the effort, her breath coming in ragged gasps. and then, amidst the pain and fatigue, she heard the cry of their baby—a sound so sweet, it made all the struggle worth it.
jaehyun’s eyes filled with tears as he looked at their newborn, his heart swelling with pride and love. he leaned down to kiss her forehead, his voice trembling with emotion. “you did it,” he said softly. “we did it.”
she managed a tired smile, her body collapsing against the pillows as the exhaustion took over. but even in her weariness, there was a deep sense of accomplishment and joy. the baby was placed in her arms, a tiny, perfect bundle that made all the pain and struggle fade into the background.
however, there was a shift in the atmosphere—a sense of urgency as the doctors and nurses moved with quickened steps. the monitors began to beep more erratically, their sounds piercing through the haze of pain.
her breaths came in sharp, pained gasps as the medical staff worked around her. jaehyun was at her side, his grip on her hand firm and unyielding, his eyes never leaving her face. “we’re losing her,” one of the nurses said, her voice urgent. the words cut through the room like a knife, and jaehyun’s heart sank. he looked at her, his eyes wide with fear. she was pale, her breaths shallow and uneven. it was clear that something was seriously wrong.
his mind raced, his heart pounding in his chest. he had never felt so helpless. “stay with me,” he pleaded softly, squeezing her hand. “you’re strong. you can do this.”
her eyes fluttered open briefly, meeting his with a look of sheer exhaustion and fear. the life that had once been vibrant in them was now dimmed, and it tore at his heart. the seconds felt like hours as he watched, helpless, as the medical team fought to save her.
the pain she was enduring seemed to reach a new, unbearable level. her body tensed, and the room seemed to close in around them. jaehyun could barely breathe, the weight of the situation pressing down on him. he tried to focus on her, to give her strength through his presence, but the fear of losing her was overwhelming.
“please, don’t leave me,” he whispered, his voice trembling. “we need you. our baby needs you.”
jaehyun’s heart ached as he watched her fight against the encroaching darkness, his own tears blurring his vision. after what felt like an eternity, one of the doctors approached him, a look of cautious relief on her face. “we’ve managed to stabilize her,” she said, her voice calm but serious. “it was a close call, but she’s going to be okay.”
tears filled jaehyun’s eyes as he looked at the doctor, his relief mingled with an intense gratitude. he turned back to her, his heart aching at the sight of her pale, exhausted face. “you’re okay,” he whispered, his voice cracking. “you did it.”
she managed a weak smile, her hand squeezing his in a gesture of reassurance. the journey had been perilous, but they had come through it together.
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"'cause you're the only one that's holdin' me down"
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in the end, it didn’t matter what anyone else thought. all that mattered was that they had each other, that they loved each other in a way that was true and honest and unwavering. and in that love, they found everything they needed to be happy.
their story wasn’t a fairytale, but it was real, and that made it all the more beautiful. they had each other, and that was enough.
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luckybunny555 · 11 months
Secret admirer
You make the final choice in relation to your secret admirer after the revelation of their motivations.
Amber Freeman x GN!/Fem!Reader(no pronouns but for sapphics)
Warnings: creepy behavior, stalking, cursing, usual Ghostface behavior, a little bit of trust issues, being "attacked" but not harmed, mentions of murder and violence(no big description tho), a little suggestive in the end(as a treat ;) )
a/n: Part 3. I didn't proof-read it. I had to divide it three parts bc I thought it was still too long, so this is the last and shortest one.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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You close your eyes, trying to make sense of everything and calm your mind, that was still taking in her whole monologue. You regain awareness of your body, finally noticing the hand on your hip. The sensation clouded your thoughts again. You open your eyes, feeling her breath mingling with yours. With a deep exhale, you finally speak, "Wait, so..." you start, sounding a bit breathless and confused, "you sent me all those letters? And you attacked Tara, and killed that guy? I don't get it, why did you do all of this?" If her goal was to make you a little scared, there was a whole collection of horror movies waiting for the two of you.
"Because it wasn't enough," she explained with passion, trying to get you to understand her, the side of her that was still new to you. "I needed you closer. I needed you to need me. And only me. Not Tara, not Mindy, or Wes, or Chad," with that, you understand the first attack. She noticed you were getting closer to Tara, but she couldn't go all the way, or you wouldn't forgive her. Or be scared of her, instead of looking for her to protect you. That's not what she wanted. She just had to show you Tara was vulnerable, and couldn't keep you safe like she could.
"And come one, didn't you enjoy it? My gifts, my letters, even the creepy ones?" She asks you with that wicked, charming smirk imprinted on her face again.
"I stopped answering you because I was scared," you emphasize your words. "Because I knew someone was watching me, and I was worried I'd get hurt, or kidnapped or worse," your tone escalates, and your gaze is locked on hers.
"Because you didn't know it was me! But now you do," that smirk won't leave her face, and curse you for your taste, because you love the way she looks right now. "Do you really hate that I was the one keeping an eye on you? That I knew you so fucking well, maybe even better than you know yourself, that I gave you exactly what you wanted and needed?" She asks, and you can tell it's a genuine question.
But you can't bring yourself to answer her, not without judging yourself for it. You know you shouldn't admit it. You know you shouldn't give her the satisfaction. But why would you lie? The anger had mostly passed, and you still loved her. And you didn't even hate it. It felt good, to love and to be loved by her. Most people would beg for an ounce of the effort she puts into you. Who else would kill someone to protect you? Who else would watch over you, and get you out of uncomfortable situations without hesitation, and stay up late to comfort you when you're scared, always being there for you? Who else would remember every single one of your favorite books and movies, listen to every word you say, and be this devoted to you? Who else would become a fucking serial killer just because they love you so much?
She laughs, clearly amused by your silent answer. "See? I'm right. You love it," She's so pleased with herself. You close your eyes in defeat, earning a giggle from the girl. "I know that..." she brings her free hand to your face, brushing your hair behind your ear with a careful, gentle touch. Everything about her was two opposites extremes, "because I know you," she smiles, tilting her head to the side. She carefully gets closer to you, her body softly pressing against yours. "C'mon, baby, just admit it."
You see no point in resisting her any longer. It might've been a sick way to get you, but she wasn't wrong: you loved it. From the mysterious letters to the depth of her devotion. And now that you knew it was her, you weren't so scared anymore. You never got hurt. On the contrary. Everything she had done only kept you safe. And it worked like a love spell, captivating you.
"You're insane," your eyes meet hers, and she once again pretends to be offended by your comment. "But I love you," you confess in surrender, making her smile grow wider. She is clearly pleased with the answer she earned from you. "Can you drop the knife now?" The tension in your body gradually dissipates.
She chuckles, dropping the weapon to the floor. She might be the one in control, but she depends on you. To you, she's harmless.
Hesitantly, you bring your hands up, placing them on the nape of her neck. Your eyes are still locked, and this time, your heart races for a good reason. Her expression is softer, satisfied, yet with a remaining trace of venom. Just how you like it. "You're not gonna hurt me, right?" You had enough proof, but you wanted her to admit it again. She loved the way you sounded sweet and vulnerable.
"Never, baby," her voice is tinged with tenderness, and she places a kiss at the top of your cheek, her hands finding your waist. "Not unless you want me to," she adds, teasing you. With the terror melting away, you finally let out a soft laugh. Amber's attention is focused on your smile, and you notice that.
Gently, you bring her face closer, taking your time to connect your lips. Impatiently, she leans closer, kissing you as her hands pull your body against hers. She smiles against your lips, satisfied for finally getting what she wanted for so long. And you reciprocate it.
The two of you get lost in the moment, her lips staining with passion and satisfaction the memories of the scary scene she just made you experience. Now that you know the source of your fears is Amber, you can enjoy the frightening and exhilarating sensations that come with that. This might be what it feels like to enjoy horror movies, but better. Because right now, you could feel her lips on yours. You feel her hands on your lower back and hip, yours entangled in her hair, and your bodies pressing against each other. You never expected your night to turn out like that, especially not when you were crying for your life just a few minutes ago. But wasn't it worth it?
All the desires and feelings you bottled up for so long were finally spilling out, clear in the way your intensity increased. Amber took that as a silent confirmation of your craving for her, the delight of the achievement consuming her. Knowing how much you wanted, and needed her, filled her with a sense of accomplishment. And she was determined to keep that feeling alive.
Momentarily breaking the kiss, her lips trail down to your jawline. Your left hand grips her arm, pulling her even closer as you giggle in satisfaction. You can feel her smile on your skin, your reaction to her kisses pleasing her, as she continues to leave kisses on your jawline, slowly reaching your neck.
Snapping you out of your trance, the sound of your phone ringing causes Amber to groan, displeased with the unfortunate interruption. She moves away from your neck, scanning your expression. "This time it's not me," she teases, feigning innocence.
You playfully scoff, reluctantly pulling away from her and leaning down to grab your phone, that was still on the floor. It was your mom. Amber attentively observes you as you pick up the call.
"Mom?" mindlessly heading to the kitchen, you wonder why she was calling you.
"Hi, sweety," the familiar voice speaks on the phone. "Did you get home safe? Is everything alright? I didn't want to leave you alone, but I had that meeting, I just wanted to make sure you were okay."
You look over your shoulder at Amber, who was picking up her mask and knife from the floor. "Uhm, yeah, everything's fine," Amber looks at you with curiosity and a hint of gratefulness. "Amber's here," you catch the girl's attention again, "I didn't wanna be alone so I asked her to come over. Can she stay for dinner?" Your request earns a smile from Amber as she walks towards you, placing her items on the kitchen counter.
"Oh, she's there? Of course, sweetheart, I'll get home soon," your mom sounds pleased with the idea. Obviously because she doesn't know the whole story. But she wouldn't get it. "Amber's a good girl, I like her," she adds.
Her words make you chuckle, and Amber, overhearing the conversation, tilts her head to the side in amusement. "I also think that," you smile, playfully teasing the girl in front of you, despite the truth in your statement.
Once the call ends, Amber can't hide the satisfaction on her face. "I'm a good girl?" she continues to tease you, making you giggle.
"Amber, don't start," you don't resist the urge, kissing her once more. "You better hide this whole costume or you'll lose your nice reputation with my mom," Amber nods, pretending to be concerned.
You look at the box she sent you earlier, then look at her with a pout and annoyed expression, "I can't believe you cut my favorite plushie's head off. That's cruel."
She gives you a mockingly apologetic look, "don't worry, babe, I'll fix it."
The both of you put away the props from Amber's staged attack, hiding the traces of Ghostface's appearance. You would never give away her identity, not now that you knew you had Ghostface infatuated with you. In return, you mentally vowed to protect Amber too, in your own way. With that, she maintained her cool and careless attitude around your friends, her sweet and caring image around your family, and her obsessive, devoted and endlessly loving demeanor with you, and you only.
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harrieatthemet · 2 years
in which Harry’s sensitive and you’re completely undressed. 
He’d prefer if you stayed. 
It’s his ideal perception of comfort; the warmth oozing from the usually unoccupied side of his bed, a faded essence of vanilla perfume tied in with a bit of rose oil shampoo, the amenity of another body lethargically intertwined with his. 
Bouncing back and forth between one place to another, one city to the next; it’s inconsistent. And for a while, inconsistency worked. He had nestled himself comfortably into the odd routine of inconsistency. That’s what the bulk of his foundation in larger areas of life was built off of, and you were no exception. 
“Casual,” and he used the word exactly months ago, “let’s keep it casual.”
He knows what happens when he puts his hand to the flame; he gets burned. He’s learned that lesson the hard way once. And again after that, and once or twice more after that. Casual meant there wasn’t any real need for consistency. Keeping a relationship with you as casual as possible seemed like the best fit; one that made sense. 
At least, back then it did. All that coming and going, late night text messages, sporadic sleepovers after over indulging on wine and really shitty romantic comedies, it became consistent. 2 minute phone calls every now and then turned into one, sometimes two hours at least once a day. He’s caught himself checking his phone so that he doesn’t miss a text. He’s not used to consistent. This, however, is the type of consistency he’s becoming quite fond of. 
“5 more minutes,” he’s barely gotten his eyes open but his hands are awake, pulling you a little closer to him, “s’all we need, yeah? Just 5.. maybe 10.” 
There’s a content flutter purring in his chest when you hum in response, your body readjusting as he slinks an arm over your waist. He’s not ready to draw the blinds yet. There’s a straggling strip of outside light that's fighting it’s way through the gap in the drapes. It’s got to be well into the afternoon by now, but he doesn’t wanna check his phone to confirm. Instead he just pulls you closer; he’d rather stay here, like this, instead. 
“Mm,” the scruff from his chin brushes up against the back of your neck when you hum, “I wish I could.” 
“Don’t wish,” he giggles, “just do.”
He frowns when he feels you peel your body away, a small gust of cool air hitting his bare stomach when you tussle the sheets off and sit up. And he watches forlornly from his spot; admiring the way he his shirt hangs on you. 
“I can’t,” you’re whine is playful as you snatch your pants up from the floor, “I’ve got a thing.”
“A thing?”
“Mhm,” you assure, “a date thing.” 
It’s like a punch to the gut. The words coming out of your mouth put a bad taste in his. He doesn’t even wanna talk about it beyond this point. Ignorance really is bliss, but the curiosity will eat away at him if he doesn’t try to dig a little deeper. 
“Been seein’ him long?” He’s glad your back is to him because you can’t see the worry in his face. 
“Oh yeah,” that’s one more punch to the gut; he was hoping you’d say no, “we’re getting married on our date tonight.” 
“Harry,” your laugh is muffled as you tug your shirt over your head, “m’fucking with you.” 
His shoulders drop a bit before he sits up in the bed. Watching you get dressed has always been one of those things he enjoyed; teasing you about outfit choices, making remarks about how he should take it all off again. 90% of the time he actually does end up taking everything off again. But this time just fucking sucks. You’re not getting dressed to go back to your place; you’re getting dressed to go back to someone else’s place. At least, that’s where his mind is taking him. 
You’ve still got him all over you; a little bit surely still lingering inside of you. This no-named competitor might get to touch you like he did just minutes ago. He wonders if he knows all your best spots, whisper in your ear, hold you while you sleep. Is he gonna kiss you the way you like, run fingers down your spine until you hum in content. Can this guy please you like he can? Does he know that the the little indent above your right knee is from when you fell off your bike as a kid? Does he know you sleep with two pillows and not one? You can’t sleep with one pillow; Harry always keeps an extra one freshly fluffed for you when you spend the night. Which, evidently enough, has become more frequent than not. 
“So deep in thought, eh?” You tease, “What’s going on up there?” 
He smirks briefly when you extend your pointer finger towards his head, swirling it around as though you’re mimicking his jumbled thoughts. He’s got no right to pry. After all, the groundwork of the terms regarding the dynamic between the two of you were his idea. God is he regretting that now. The idea of another man knowing you at all makes his stomach hurt, let alone knowing you the way he does. 
“Oh m’not,” he shrugs, idle hands twirling the loose sheet on his bed, “s’nothing.” 
“Going once.. going twice.. give me something, Har.” 
With your hands on your hips; expression playful, eyebrow cocked and breath baited in anticipation, he’s realizing that now might be better than ever to speak up. The answer to every unasked question is no, after all. 
His mind is racing with the worst of thoughts. He doesn’t want you to leave at all. Especially if you leave now to meet with the embrace of any other man except him. It’s not a possessive thing. Part of what makes him so feral and drawn to you is how open and genuine you are with the everyone you know. 
“This guy,” he trails, “I mean- like is this a date?”
“You writing a book or something?” You chuckle. 
He knows that was a joke. It wasn’t his intention to answer so seriously and he wishes so badly he could take that knee jerk reaction back. The look on your face falls and so does his heart; right into his fucking stomach. The energy of the once playful banter is ripped right out from beneath the both of you and now it’s just uncomfortable. 
“Yeah..” Your tone wanders as you look for your socks, “3rd one, I’m pretty sure. Why?”
There’s about an infinite amount of ways he could match that question. One of them being just high pitched screaming from frustration. Not even with any words, just endless agonizing groaning on a loop. Christ, the thought of it all just makes him want to melt into the mattress and become nothing. In theory he should’ve just kept his mouth shut and suffered in silence while he waited for the next time you texted or called. But he’s dug himself so deep playing 50 questions with you that there’s no point in retreating. He’s doubling down now; all or nothing. 
“Know him well?” He spits out. 
“Well enough.. still getting to know him a bit.” 
“S’good,” he feels it coming, the word vomit and he just can’t stop it from pooling on his tongue, “knows you like I know you?” 
If he was religious he’d start praying to God, any one of them, that you answer with a firm no. How could anyone know you like Harry knows you? He’s convinced that it isn’t possible. This morning, when he was wrapped up with you in a fresh set of linens sheets, he’d be so sure that nobody else had intimate access to you like he does; sexually and emotionally. Right now though, he’s starting to do something he seldom does; second guess himself. Maybe he was naive to be so sure before. 
“Not gonna put all my cards on the table just yet,” oh how badly he feels like dying when you talk all confused like that at him, “but yeah. I mean, I guess.” 
You think of how silly that question is. Why would he ask that? Everyone you know gets the same version of you; honest, open, and real easy going. You’re an open book and your relationships are all reflective of that. You are who you are, proudly and comfortably. So yes, of course he does. 
And all he’s thinking is how desperately he wants to rewind to 15 minutes ago when he wasn't the only naked person in the room. He just wants you to get back in bed; stay with him a little bit until he feels like the only one again. Turmoil and anger coincide with one another as it bubbles in his stomach, metastasizing before it becomes so unavoidable that he can feel it in the pit of his throat.
“Hm,” the sarcasm and bitterness in his tone is so goddamn thick, “lucky him than, yeah? Have fun, m’s real happy fo’ you.”
“Ok...” and he can tell by your voice that you’re offended, “I’d say thank you but that felt more like an insult.” 
Your jeans still aren’t buttoned and now that you’ve slid your shirt back on, he notices that your arms are folded over your chest as well. He doesn’t like the look on your face. It’s like you’re accusing him of something. And he really doesn’t like that the shirt you slept in, his shirt, is in a ball at the foot of his bed. 
“Can take it however y’want,” he answers flatly, “not sure how that’s my problem.” 
“Well what is your fucking problem?” 
You’ve never taken that tone with him before. In fact, he doesn’t think he’s ever seen you this cross before in general. He knows for sure you’ve never been this cross with him. It’s frustrating that you’re lagging in an attempt to catch up to the very obvious point he’s trying to make. The only easier route to take would be to flat out tell you how he’s completely hooked on you. He doesn’t want to do that though, not right now. 
What’s his problem? Are you genuinely that dense? Oblivious? His problem is you and how, against all odds, have become a crucial influence on whether or not he’s having a good day. His problem is if he doesn’t hear from you after a while, he gets grumpy. He hates waking up and rolling over to the left side of his bed made up and untouched. That’s where he wants you to be sleeping. All the time. 
His problem is you’re leaving to be with someone that isn't him.
“He knows you like I do?” he reiterates, “Fat fuckin chance.” 
“Harry you of all people know that I’m-”
“Shy?” he’s talking over you now because he’s completely lost all motor control between his mouth and his brain, “I know y’shy. Know that y’do tha’ little thing with y’lip, when you’re reading or real focused on something. Y’hum in the shower and, I never said this but it’s bloody fucking annoying sometimes ‘cos it’s off key. S’off key ‘n I almost like it.” 
You blinked; face flat and arms fallen to the side. All you could do was blink. And he wants to stop. God, he wants to stop talking so bad but this is your fault. You got him started so he has to keep going. 
“I know y’favorite pair of socks- those hideous fuzzy green ones with th’hole in ‘em.” 
He’s standing upright, now. How he got here, two feet planted on the ground with less distance between the two of you than two minutes ago; he’s not sure. There’s no specific expression on your face for him to pinpoint, so he considers edging himself a little closer towards where you’re standing. Until he’s right in front you, about to wave his white flag when he manages to break your blank stare and lock eyes
“Knows how y’like to be touched?” he’s brought his voice down a few octaves now, his index finger grazing over the undone button of your jeans, “knows.. how to get y’off? Like I do?” 
His eyelids are low, pupils blown as he peers down at you. A finger of his tucks away a stray piece of your hair before it embarks on a mindless journey; grazing your jaw before before he places it strategically under your chin. Then he lifts it. He’s giving you no choice but to look at him when he asks you. 
“Do y’wanna know him,” he sighs, “th’same way y’know me?”
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devildomwriter · 2 years
Reacting to Your First Sonogram | Barbatos x Reader
Being forbidden by his master, lord Diavolo, to look into the future he’d been a little surprised when you announced to him your pregnancy. Still he was only a little surprised, not only had he been bedding you multiple times a day, cumming in you every time, but he also recognized the early signs of pregnancy even before you had.
He was so concerned and curious how this pregnancy would go that he’d asked Diavolo to look into the future but Diavolo had told him that would ruin the fun of it.
So instead Barbatos was quick to research everything necessary and book you as many appointments as possible. He also scheduled as much free time as he could to give you relaxing spa days and all the special treatment the mother of his child deserved.
Now you were in the waiting room of an esteemed human world doctor with devildom affiliations who’d made time for the two of you in their busy schedule.
You leaned on Barbatos’s shoulder as he flipped through a pregnancy magazine. He’d already flipped through magazines advertising baby products and baby clothes and a magazine specific to motherhood opinions such as bottles vs breasts. Barbatos’s answer to the argument was that fed was best and you agreed, trying not to think about breastfeeding or any other challenges that may come up since you weren’t even two months pregnant.
Barbatos finished with the magazine and seeing as there weren’t anymore he handed it to you smiling, hoping it’d interest you.
It didn’t but you flipped through it anyway as you remained waiting for the doctor that Barbatos of all people sought out.
Barbatos held your hand tightly as he surveyed the waiting room for the millionth time, reassessing danger each time someone so much as flinched. He was extra protective now that he was protecting two people in one—his partner and his first child.
A nurse who looked like he’d been running around all day called out the fake name Barbatos had given.
The doctor had the real information, including who Barbatos really was, but no one else. The nurse held the door open for you and you and Barbatos made your way into the hall.
Barbatos stood on your “most vulnerable” side and had his arm wrapped around you for support and protection.
Another nurse stood outside the door to your room and gestured for you to walk in.
This nurse, a younger woman, had the room fully prepared including two glasses of water and a large tv on in the corner in case there was a wait.
Barbatos locked the door and stood in front of it just in case as you changed into the long robe. It didn’t seem like a standard hospital gown, in fact it had your initials inscribed.
“Umm, Barbatos how far did you go with all this?”
“Hm? Not far at all. I simply told the doctor when we’d be coming and to have everything ready my partner could possibly need.”
“So you scheduled this on your time?”
“Okay.” So the doctor hadn’t squeezed you into the schedule, a powerful demon had told him he’d be showing up and the doctor just had to deal with that.
The doctor arrived shortly after Barbatos unlocked the door and you had rested your head on the pillow of the exam bed.
Barbatos put a second pillow under your knees to help prop you up nicely and the doctor, a nervous looking man, tried hard not to fumble through his questions, confirming everything Barbatos and you had filled out on the medical information sheet.
Barbatos smiled and nodded politely to everything but the doctor seemed more panicked by Barbatos’s lack of words.
“Okay, so what I’m going to do now is apply this gel to your stomach—“
“Allow me,” Barbatos said reaching out his hand with a ‘grin’.
The doctor obliged though he knew he wasn’t supposed to.
Barbatos put on a pair of plastic gloves and applied the gel to your stomach. You squeaked in surprise at the cold and he chuckled.
Seeing Barbatos’s light hearted reaction the doctor eased up a little bit.
The doctor fiddled with the monitor and sensing Barbatos’s intentions, instructed Barbatos on how he should handle the transducer.
Barbatos nodded approvingly and the doctor stepped back as Barbatos ran the transducer carefully over your gelled stomach until something caught his eye.
“Is that—“ his breath caught in his throat and the doctor grinned and nodded. He approached the monitor and pointed to the heartbeat Barbatos focused in on.
Barbatos immediately looked to you and smiled. He seemed a mix of grateful, approving, and relieved.
Just as you were about to become a mother, he too, a demon as old as time was about to experience something new—something that hadn’t happened in all his millennia.
He held your hand and allowed the doctor to hold the transducer as he scooted close to you at the end of the bed. He rested his head against your chest listening to your heartbeat as you both watched your child’s fast beating heart on screen.
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mooooonnnzz · 2 years
if you go, i’ll stay // neteyam x gn!reader
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💙 neteyam has to say goodbye to the person he loves
1k words
i literally pooped this one out rn
readers gender is not specified
would u classify this as angst??
could be read as platonic or romantic
neteyam smooches u but not on the lips so it can be taken as platonic??
yeah its angst its not too sad tho i think
also thanks for the support on my last post!! you all are too sweet ❤️ got me giggling and kicking my feet
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You held your legs to your chest, letting your head rest on your knees. You had your back upon a large tree, the bark scratching your soft skin. Usually, you would hiss from the pain but you were too tired to care, the pain in your back couldn’t compare to how much your heart was hurting. The bright sun that would normally gleam down on your skin and warm your soul was nowhere in sight. Instead, a murky gray cloud took the sun's place. Your body shivered and you held yourself closer to bring back the warmth you would usually feel. “Oh, Eywa..” You whispered under your breath, fingers digging into the skin of your calves. “Why have you burdened me with such strong emotions?” You close your eyes, in hopes of drifting off to sleep. Hoping that when you wake up, you’re back home, swaying back and forth in your snonivi. Neteyam laying down right next to you, sleeping peacefully and everything that you heard not too long ago was a lie. That Neteyam and his family weren’t leaving for good. But when you opened your eyes you were still in the same spot with the same feeling that weighed heavily on your heart. This time though, Neteyam was standing right beside you. His expression is unreadable but you know well enough he’s feeling the same way you are. Upset and everything above else, sad. He lowered himself down and sat next to you. Your ears cast downwards as your tail wrapped around you protectively, the end of your tail brushing your ankle. You never liked people seeing you so vulnerable and so little, even Neteyam who’s been at your side ever since you were little.
“I’m sorry.” That was the first thing he said. You didn’t respond. He had nothing to apologize for, it wasn’t his fault that they were moving to a whole other place, a place far far away from here. When you were younger, you couldn't imagine a life without Neteyam stuck to your hip, it was mentally impossible to think of something like that. You hoped and prayed to Eywa that you and Neteyam would never be driven apart, that you and him will stick together through thick and thin. Maybe you didn’t truly put your heart into it because here you are, looking at him for what could be the last time ever. Your worst fear came true. You were in so much despair, you have never felt so worthless and fearful before. “You don’t have to apologize, Neteyam.” You spoke up, voice so small and feeble. “It isn’t your fault.” You watched how Neteyam threw his head back against the tree, a loud devastating sigh escaping his mouth. He then looked over to you and frowned, ears drooping down a bit. “When you look at me like that, it feels like I have done something to hurt you.” He says, fingertips gently brushing against the petals of a flower. “You have done nothing.” Your eyes glisten with tears and you rapidly blink your eyes. The last thing you would want to do is cry in front of Neteyam.
“Do you remember how we met?” Neteyam suddenly asks, tail swaying playfully at the mention of fond memory. “Yeah, I was climbing one of the trees when I slipped and fell on you.” You remember the way you gasped when you realized you fell on top of someone and not on something. You were screeching out apologies while you helped Neteyam up. “You broke my hand.” He laughed, looking at his left hand, the hand you broke by accident. “I wasn’t able to use my bow for a while.” He said. “I remember being more upset over that than you.” You felt so bad for breaking Neteyam’s hand that every day you would visit him, checking up on how he was doing and how well his hand was healing up. Neteyam always told you that you didn’t have to come every day but the frequent checkups became more of an excuse to see him. He caught onto it when his hand was fully healed and you still came over to see him. Ever since then, you and him were inseparable.
“I’m going to miss you.” You uncurled your legs from your chest and scooted closer to Neteyam, letting your head rest on his broad shoulder. “I don’t know what I’m going to do without you by my side.” You admit. Neteyam has become such a significant person in your life that a day without him ruins your mood instantly. How will you manage without seeing him at all after this? “You’ll await my return.” He grabs your hand and holds it, his body turning so he could fully face you. “Wait for me.” He whispered, hands moving to cup your face. His thumb caressing the apples of your cheeks, eyes looking at you so softly you swear you could melt right then and there. “If you promise to come back to me, I’ll be right here, waiting for you.”
Neteyam smiled and pulled you in for a hug. You didn’t know how much you needed a hug until now. His arms wrapped around your torso, pulling you in closer to his chest. You let yourself relish the moment, your head burying into his neck as you allowed yourself to silently cry. You were going to miss him so much, miss his hugs, his smile, his laugh. Everything. There wouldn't be a day that goes by where you won’t be missing him. He separated from the hug and sorrowfully smiled at you, tears of his own escaping his beautiful eyes. He held your face in his hands and you leaned into the touch. “I see you.” He kissed the tears that were on your cheeks. “I see you.” 
“Neteyam!” His ears perked up, a defeated sigh left him. His mother was calling out for him. He pressed his lips against your forehead and cheek. “Wait for me, please.” With one last hug, you and him said your final goodbyes and separated.
You did what he told you to do and waited for his return. But he never did return and you were left waiting for someone who was never going to come back.
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i usually dont have a lot of inspo but omg my brain is swimming with ideas and im jus shitting them out honestly gotta write them out b4 they leave yk?? anyways hope u liked this one or not. hope i didnt write neteyam too ooc here 🙏 if you also want to be tagged in any new fic i make, u can comment that u wanna be tagged and i’ll tag u in the next post <33
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whataboutthefish · 2 years
I’m having whumpy a/b/o Steddie thoughts. Eddie lives, Steve has ptsd
I’m thinking about Omega Steve. After the Russian’s he so lonely and touch starved, he’s forgotten how to look after himself; he's just surviving day to day, week to week. He’s always been good at pretending everything's alright. He's fairly sure no one has noticed, and even if they did he has no idea how to be vulnerable in front of someone else.
After everything that’s happened all he’s been through and he can’t keep it together. The others, they have a nightmare or two but Steve is falling apart. He can’t understand what's wrong with him, why him?
He threw away his nest one night when the world wouldn’t stop screaming and all he could smell was his fear everywhere, it had seeped into the fabric until no amount of washing could rid it.
Since then he sleeps on a threadbare sheet, in his childhood bed a throw blanket wrapped around his shoulders. it hurts to be comfortable, it hurts to be alone.
And then it happens again. And when Steve finally gets back home he never wants to be touched again, it’s all he can do not to tear at his skin at the thought of those vines wrapping around him cutting off his air. He finds himself waking gasping, screaming, tearing at his neck night after night, drenched in sweat.
His cycle had already stopped, but now Steve begins to notice his scent deadening, he’s losing weight, the softness over his hips and stomach melted away.
When Alpha Eddie finally gets out of hospital he checks up on Steve, and the act, and the mask he puts on, doesn't work on Eddie. He’s not obvious about it, about seeing straight through Steve, he’s thankful for that. But he’s not letting Steve ride on his bullshit. He’s persistent and his huge brown eyes see past it all.
This isn’t one of those stories when an alpha walks in and fixes everything overnight. 
Steve’s never met an Alpha like Eddie, he doesn’t scent like the ones he’s known, he’s softer around the edges, he doesn’t barge through the world, he moves with it. He’s gentle and caring and deeply protective. He isn’t shy with his touches, which he gives as freely as his friendship.
And that’s all it is between them at first, a friendship, a small quiet space that Steve starts to crave. Eddie’s company is easy in a way that Steve’s never known. It's not long before his mask completely drops, it’s the night Eddie knocks on his door. He’d never been to Steve’s house, but Steve hadn’t picked up the phone in too many days, and Eddie was persistent.
Steve looks tired and unkempt, nothing like he usually does, Steve doesn’t have it in him to smile and tell Eddie to leave, that he’s fine he’s just been tired is all. Instead he shrugs and holds the door open letting Eddie inside.
The first thing that strikes Eddie as odd is how cold the house seems, the second is the complete lack of any scent. Eddie’s been fairly sure Steve was using scent blockers but now he’s not sure about anything. 
“How long?” Eddie asks, the words out his mouth before he can stop. Steve knows what he’s talking about, can see the utter shock in Eddie’s face, the way he looks stricken and pale as all the pieces slot into place for the Alpha. Steve can hardly talk, his throat feels like it’s closing over and he just can’t do it anymore, he has nothing left. 
His knees buckle and Eddie is there catching him in his arms and holding him as he falls apart. He doesn’t know how long it’s been since he fell into the alpha’s arms, his throat feels raw from screaming and his eyes feel puffy. His hands are cramping where they grip Eddie’s shirt and it’s dark outside. 
Eddie doesn’t say anything, gives Steve the room to find his voice, if he wants to. He just helps guide the omega to his room. Except then Eddie sees how Steve’s been living and sees the mattress on the floor with a couple of bits of fabric for comfort he can’t help crying. 
“Let me take you home,” Eddie can’t let Steve stay here a moment more, and Steve didn’t realise how much he didn’t want to be here anymore, he didn’t want to be alone anymore.
Eddie takes him back to his trailer, Steve is surprised when it smells like family. He didn’t realise Wayne is an omega, the way his scent hugs Eddies as close as a mother and childs does. It makes him whine with need. Eddie knows, he gathers Steve into his arms and takes him to his room.
“You have a nest?” Steve is shocked, he can’t move, afraid to mess it up, spoil it with his fear and sweat and emptiness. But Eddie is purring and wrapping Steve in comfort and protection as he gently guides him into the nest of fabrics. He falls asleep wrapped in Eddie’s arms. 
He still wakes screaming, scratching his nails across Eddie’s arms, cutting him, making him bleed as he sees the vines and the snow and the horror. But Eddie doesn’t leave. He lets go, he gives Steve space but he stays and starts to sing, his voice cutting through the screaming in his ears until he finds himself in Eddie's nest, alive and safe. 
Steve doesn’t leave, at first he waits for Eddie to take him home, and then he waits to see if he will tell him to leave. And then he doesn’t think about it. He lives with Eddie in his home with his uncle and it’s the first time he’s felt like he belongs somewhere. Not for who he was or what he did none of that mattered at the munsons home. They wanted him there and that was it.
Steve’s scent returns slowly, his body relaxing for the first time in so long. He has more good nights than bad now and when he gets lost in the past unable to see, Eddie knows just what to do to guide him home. 
They kiss for the first time after Steve joins Eddie at DnD with the kids and the hellfire club. Steve has been falling for Eddie for months now, but seeing him up there leading the campagne it broke one of Steve’s last barriers. One moment Eddie was laughing reenacting one of his favourite moments of the night as he went to open the trailer door and then Steve’s pulling him around and walking Eddies back up against the door, his hand fisted in the alphas shirt as he pushing up onto his toes closes his eyes and kisses the alpha.
They take everything slow, kisses and more intimate scenting, then touches moving, exploring and threatening to tease. Steve starts to get slick again, he;s gained back the beautiful omega softness now and when they eventually moved below their clothes Eddie becomes instantly obsessed with it. 
The first time Eddie sucks a bruise into the skin of Steve’s thighs, they both freeze, Eddie didn’t ask and Steve flinched. They hold each other's gaze until Steve let his head drop back and he moans. After that Steve’s thighs and soft tummy are constantly covered in love bites. 
When Eddie is the one to bring up Steve’s cycle, Steve sighs in relief. Eddie knows its hard for Steve to open important conversations, they didn’t know when but he would go into heat, and the doctor (because Eddie insisted) warns it may be much more intense having been gone for so long. 
They make love one night before Steve’s, it’s gentle and sweet and everything Steve could have dreamed of. Eddie knows how to touch him, where he craves it and where to stay away from. It breaks that final barrier, the biggest one in Steve and he finally believes he deserved this.
When Steve’s heat hits, Wayne goes away for the week leaving them the trailer and their privacy. Steve’s never felt like this before, in a nest that scents of home with someone who loves him with everything and who he loves back. They both know things will change now, even in the frenzy of heat they know this is more than just pheromones, their bond is solidifying and they may not cement it with a bite this time but they will within the year.
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wayfaringellie · 10 months
a little songv drabble in case y'all were getting hungry again... (i'd love comments in exchange for the goods and services :3)
From time to time I like to imagine a little convo between V and Song Mi during a quiet moment that goes something like this. When it's most peaceful. They could be eating dinner, sitting around a fire. Watching a movie together at night. It begins with So Mi fixing her gaze on V and of course V senses it, feels it along with the rapid beating of her heart.
"What are you looking at me like that for?" "Like what?" "Like... like, I dunno. Somethin' cheesy like I put the stars in the sky or somethin'."
So Mi laughed a bit then murmured, "I don't know how else to look at you." V exhaled through her nose and stared at her but didn't reply. "Whether you want to accept it or not, you've got a big heart, V. Don't let anything or anyone take that from you."
"Think you've got me mixed up with someone else."
"No, seriously. You do. Who else would have done what you did for me?"
So Mi couldn't be sure but V's eyes appeared to glisten during their conversation and it seemed to take more effort for the merc's composure to remained rooted in place. The cool mask of stoicism would slip, revealing the softest of smiles left to replace it along with blue-gray eyes that watered slightly but tears refused to breach. The netrunner couldn't help but feel a sense of giddiness, of pride, when she saw it—that softer side of V, the one that could bleed and be vulnerable. The one who sent her to the stars so she could be free.
Poke long enough, you could drill a hole... So Mi thought.
A blanket of calm had fallen over them. A delicate, near-inaudible whisper of, "... I missed you, y'know," then V's throat bobbed as she swallowed the thick lump there that never quite went away. The one made of grief and apprehension.
With anyone else V would have stumbled over those words or just avoided saying them altogether. She was never any good with that sorta thing: being open and emotional. Actions always spoke louder, after all; and sometimes they screamed or they pleaded. What came next was an affirming combination of both words and action but from So Mi this time. As the older woman shifted closer, V turned her body towards So Mi almost out of instinct (physicality was something that did come easy for her) and welcomed the arms that wrapped securely around her shoulders.
Hands came up to gently hold onto one of those arms and it was when their cheeks pressed together that V heaved a soft sigh. When it became apparent that So Mi intended to hold her for a while, the merc was as good as mush in her embrace and she cutely rubbed her cheek against her companion's. "Missed ya too, V. I really did." From their contact, V could feel the smile that tugged at the corners of So Mi's mouth and she decided 'ah, fuck it. what do I have to lose?' before pressing her lips against the periphery of that lovely smile.
There was a pause and then the smile was gone. V had a sheepish apology primed and ready but she was gifted a fuller, more direct kiss instead as So Mi turned her head. The hand on V's cheek guided her into it, her upper lip being held captive between the soft set of another's and a feeling of warmth and tenderness immediately bloomed in her chest. Her senses were flooded with everything So Mi: from how she smelled (hmm... a fusion of floral and what V could only deduce as a scent wonderfully unique to So Mi) to the sweet sapidity of her lips.
V cupped her face to deepen the kiss, their mouths now slanting in a more leisurely manner, the pads of her thumbs brushing along the EMP threading on So Mi's cheeks. The arms around V pulled them closer together and when they broke apart for air, their noses brushed and breaths mingled but only briefly before the two of them were going back in for more. It was like they were making up for every kiss they held back before. For every missed opportunity of one. So Mi had wanted to kiss V after their daring escape from the stadium but didn't, V had wanted to kiss So Mi on that shuttle but hadn't... But it was the fine and intricate workings of fate (or even a stroke of luck) that always brought people together sometimes. Maybe, just maybe, the beast of Night City could chew you up and spit you out but this could make you stronger in the process, make you better than you used to be.
There was hope yet.
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frankenkyle19 · 1 year
A Lesson In Vulnerability
warnings: mentions of murder, ooc James (my bad), angst, and probably grammatical errors
word count: 1.4k
(gif is not mine, again, found it on Pinterest)
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It was hard. Being trapped in a hotel for all eternity with nothing to do. Boring as hell. Nearly unbearable. James had made it better. Given you nearly everything your heart desired. You had been one of the spare few who had resided in the hotel without getting killed by the infamous Mr. James Patrick March. 
No, you had come to the hotel to end your own life, not expecting that it would backfire, trapping your soul within the confines of the property. 
It was a boring existence. One in which you wandered the halls, hoping to come across someone worth talking to. That’s exactly how you had met James. You had stumbled into his suite right as he was in the middle of dispatching his latest victim. The sight should have scared you. Should have made you turn tail and run, but dying had changed the way you saw things. You weren’t afraid of him. Instead, you were curious. 
Your relationship only grew after that day, but it would be many years before James gave in to his desires and took you to bed, truly making you his. You were the first person he’d shared such intimacy with after his falling out with his dear wife, who you knew as the countess. You’d only been in her presence a handful of times over the years of which you resided in the hotel.
James had confided in you his desires, his secrets and fears. He truly trusted you with the knowledge of which he gave. He was still closed off, though and you figured he always would be in a way. 
For example, you had never seen him break. Never seen a single tear drip from his beautifully dark eyes. Never so much as seen a mournful look on his face. You didn’t know if he just never showed it, or if he was truly lacking such emotions. Would you become like that after spending centuries as a ghost? Or did James already have that darkness in him?
That’s exactly why you were in for the shock of your undead life when you opened the door to his suite and found him on his bed, head in his hands as he cried. His shoulders shook from the force of it. At first, you wondered if he’d been hurt, but no… that couldn’t be it, he couldn’t hurt as a ghost. At least not physically.
He startled when he saw you, having not heard you come in. He wiped his eyes with the palms of his hands and cleared his throat, trying to pull himself together. He knew you had seen him crying, but still he tried to cover it up.
“Darling, I wasn’t expecting you so soon-“ he stood up, looking at you intently, his usual pale face a bit red from crying.
You wanted to know what was wrong but you didn’t want to pry and risk upsetting him more. You decided it would be best not to ask, but as soon as you turned around to leave and give him space, he grabbed your hand. When you faced him again, a fresh wave of salty tears began to form in his eyes. He looked absolutely distraught and you wondered what thing could effect a man like him so much.
“Please stay, you mustn’t leave. You can’t leave like she did, I won’t allow it.” 
At first, you were confused by his words. Who? Who left him? But then it clicked: The countess. His wife. You knew the story well by now, but seeing him so upset by it made it all the more real.
“I won’t leave James, please talk to me. You can tell me anything.”
He seemed to consider it for a second, which took you by surprise. You were ready for him to completely refuse you and your ‘sappy words of comfort’. You just wished he understood that even a man like him could be broken, and could be put back together with the comfort of someone else. He didn’t have to deal with this all on his own.
“It’s my anniversary. Nearly a century together my dear Elizabeth and I.” He swallowed hard after the words left his lips, as if they physically hurt him to speak aloud.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“What have I said about talking?! Talking does no good, talking is futile. It cannot change the past and it will not solve the future. Therefore I see no point.”
You wanted to scream right back in his face. Call him a selfish man who, even after beginning his relationship with you, pined after his estranged wife who couldn’t care less about him. You knew she hated him, and she had her reasons. He had done awful things to people she loved. 
But you didn’t yell back. You were calm, after all you knew that he was only yelling because he did not know how else to expel his emotions. He’d never been taught, and he’d been stuck in a past that didn’t fit the world he now lived in.
Instead, you put a hand on his shoulder, which seemed to surprise him. He was so used to pushing people away that just the mere fact that you stayed sent a whole new wave of tears to spring up in his eyes. 
“You don’t have to be afraid of vulnerability, James.”
“But my father said-“
“Your father isn’t here, James. You are your own man, don’t let him keep haunting you.” You looked up at him eagerly, cupping his pale cheek and wiping the remaining droplets of tears he had missed. His bottom lip quivered ever so slightly, no doubt his feeble effort of trying to pull himself together. 
“Let it go, James. It must be so hard keeping it all inside for so long. You don’t have to be like that with me. Whatever you need, I’m right here.”
Carefully, he laid his head on your shoulder. You could tell this kind of physical touch was foreign to him. He was so used to roughing up bodies, he had forgotten how to gently touch one. To savor the feeling of another’s body against his in a non sexual or violent way, just a loving, gentle and caring way. He finally did let a few silent tears slip from his eyes as he wrapped his arms around you as well. He was taller than you, so he bent at the knees to better hold you. This was what he needed, for you to just stand there and let him hold your body, to remind him that not everything in this world had to be so rough and harsh. That he could enjoy being gentle too. 
“I miss her.” He whispered, voice muffled against your shoulder as he seemed to squeeze you impossibly tighter, body nearly molding itself against your own.
“I know you do. You loved her so much, you still do.”
“How can you handle it? Knowing I love another woman, and yet you stay with me? Knowing I could never love you more than I love her-“
“I’m willing to settle, James. I’d be a fool to let you go. You’re such an amazing man. There truly is no one like you.”
You felt hot tears drip onto your neck, sliding down to wet your shirt no doubt. It was incredible how silent his cries were, and it made you wonder, with a bit of sadness, how he had perfected this silent cry. How many nights had he been crying alone to finally silence himself? 
Never again, you decided. Never again would he have to cry alone in his room over the loss of love, the loss that looked over him like a thunder cloud filled with such heavy weight that it nearly crushed him. He had you now. 
“Darling, you’re too kind. I do not deserve such kindness.”
“Nonsense James. You deserve just as much as anyone, if not more. I wish I could find the words to tell you how much I care for you.” You held him a bit tighter, rubbing his back before sliding his jacket off of his slumped shoulders. He needed to relax.
“Come lay with me James.” And with no resistance, he obliged, kicking off his freshly polished shoes as he crawled into bed. He seemed a bit confused when you started spooning him. That was usually his job when he was in the rare mood to cuddle. 
He ended up relaxing into your arms instantly, closing his eyes and letting out a deep breath. 
As a ghost he couldn’t sleep, but he felt at peace for the first time in a century. All because someone took the time to see through his hard exterior and comfort him. 
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worseforwords · 1 year
The Last Wrapper
Leah Williamson x Reader
Chapter 3: Coffee & Confessions
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Link to chapter 2
You met up with Leah at a near coffee shop, feeling nervous and unsure of what to expect. As you sat across from her, waiting for her to speak, you couldn’t help but notice how different she looked. She seemed more vulnerable, more exposed than you had ever seen her before.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Leah spoke. “I wanted to thank you for being there for me the other night. I know it must have been hard for you to put aside everything that’s happened between us and take care of me, but it really meant a lot.”
You nodded, feeling a lump form in your throat. “Of course.” you said, trying to keep your voice steady. You looked at Leah expectantly, waiting for her to speak, but when she opened her mouth no words came out. Instead, her gaze drifted to the cup of tea in front of her and she let out a deep sigh. You could see her fingers nervously tapping on the edge of the mug as she struggled to find the right words. “Is there anything else you wanted to say?” you asked carefully, trying to help her without pushing her too much.
“Yeah, I erm- I also wanted to confess something to you,” Leah said, her eyes meeting yours. “Something that I’ve been holding onto for a long time.” Your heart raced as you waited for her to continue. You had no idea what she could possibly have to say. She fell back into a long silence and you realised she needed some more encouragement. “Is this about what you told me the other night?” you guessed.
“Yeah, it is. It’s about the person that I lost,” Leah finally said, her voice barely above a whisper. “The person I was talking about that night- do you know who I was talking about?” You were taken aback, unsure of how to respond. “No,” you replied, your voice laced with curiosity, “is it someone I know?” Your face betrayed your confusion, and you couldn’t help but worry that the years of childish behaviour had caused you to miss something important.
“No- well, yes, I just- I’m sorry, I really don’t know how to say this.” she panicked. “Okay erm, just breathe okay?” you said, attempting to calm her down a bit as you noticed her eyes starting to water. “Deep breaths, take your time, we are not in a hurry.” She took a few deep breaths, her gaze shifting from place to place, going anywhere but to you. She inhaled one last big breath before blurting out, “It was you.”
“Me?” you repeated, feeling a sense of disbelief. Leah nodded. “It was you.” she repeated, a single tear now fleeing her left eye. “What do you mean it was me?” you said, still trying to meet her gaze, now more confused than ever. She finally seemed to find the words to say as she started speaking again. “I lost you. I lost you Y/N and I hate myself for it. I don’t really know what to say but I guess I just wanted you to know that I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything that has happened between us, and I’m sorry for not being there for you when you needed me most.” she sputtered out in one breath.
You felt a lump form in your throat as you listened to her speak. You had no idea how to process everything she had just said, and you felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes. Leah inhaled deeply, calming herself down, before letting out a satisfied sigh, seemingly glad she finally got the words out. You, on the other hand, were frozen, baffled by the confession that had just left her lips. Leah’s newfound confidence was short-lived, as her expression changed the second she finally looked at you and noticed your bewildered expression. 
You knew you had to say something, but suddenly your thoughts seemed to have come to a halt, and you were at a loss for words. “I- I don’t know what to say.” you stammered, feeling overwhelmed.
Leah reached across the table and placed her hand on yours. “You don’t have to say anything.” she said softly. “I just wanted to tell you how I feel. And to ask if- if maybe we could start over, or something?”
You looked at her, and then at the hand she had placed on top of yours, feeling a sense of uncertainty. It was hard to forget everything that had happened between you, and it was even harder to believe that she could really change. But at the same time, you couldn’t help but feel a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, things could be different between you and Leah. “Okay,” you said finally, feeling a mixture of nervousness and excitement. “We can try, but we have to take things slow, okay?” “Okay,” she said carefully, a small smile appearing on her face. “Thank you.”
After that day at the coffee shop, you and Leah slowly started rebuilding your friendship. It was a slow and steady process, taking small steps towards getting to know each other again. You started by meeting up for coffee or lunch once every couple of weeks, and then gradually increased the frequency of your meetings. You talked about your lives, your hopes and dreams, and slowly started trusting each other again. However, both of you seemed to avoid talking about the past like the plague. It was just easier not to bring it up.
In the meantime you settled into your role at Chelsea, finding your place both on and off the field. The internal struggle that had consumed your thoughts and emotions began to subside, allowing you to redirect your attention to the pitch where you regained your confidence and found your rhythm once more. Spending time with your teammates helped you to feel more at home, and finally being able to play on this level felt great as you were learning and growing more than ever. Although you felt more calm and centred, there was still a sense of incompleteness that lingered within you, a need for closure that had yet to be fulfilled.
As time went by, you realised that if you and Leah really wanted to be friends again, you had to talk through what happened all those years ago. It was an uncomfortable topic, but you knew it was necessary if you wanted to move forward. 
You decided to meet up with Leah at your apartment, where you could talk in private. You were nervous, knowing that this conversation would not be easy. As you sat on the couch, waiting for Leah to arrive, you took a few deep breaths to calm yourself down.
When she finally arrived, you exchanged awkward greetings before getting down to business. As the both of you sat down, you started off, knowing you still owed her an apology as well. “Leah, I want to start off by apologising for the envious things I said when you started making it big. I was really hurt and jealous, and I know I took it out on you in a really hurtful way. I said things I didn’t mean, and I’m really sorry for that. I guess I just didn’t know how to deal with my own feelings of inadequacy and disappointment.” Leah listened intently, her expression softening as you spoke.
“I’m sorry too,” she said quietly, “I should have been there for you when you needed me. I let my own career ambitions get in the way, and I regret that so much. Football was and still is my number 1 priority, but that doesn’t mean I should just throw everything else out the window, especially a friendship as important as yours was to me. I know that now.” You felt a lump form in your throat as you remembered how alone you felt during that time. You nodded, silently acknowledging her apology.
“I really want to make things right between us,” Leah said, her voice shaky. “I miss having you in my life.” “I miss you too,” you said, feeling a weight lifted off your shoulders. “But we have to talk about what happened, and how we can move forward from here.”
The conversation was difficult and emotional, with both of you airing out your grievances and apologising for past mistakes. There were tears shed, but there was also laughter and moments of reminiscing about happier times. 
Leah told you something you never knew, about why, on the day everything changed, when you got injured, she didn’t show up at the hospital. Apparently she went straight to the dressingroom after the match to pick up her stuff and go after you, but she was stopped by your then coach, who told her some people wanted to talk to her about joining the senior team for a few sessions and possibly even a match. She had to make a decision right there, and she chose football over you, and looking back, that moment led to the wonderful career she had now.
“But I need you to know, I do regret that decision now. I always have, I was just too stubborn to admit that to myself.” she said sincerely. “Leah, you shouldn’t have regrets. It’s what has gotten you to where you are now, where you always wanted to be.” you said, still having a hard time believing she regretted it. “No, it’s not. I made a mistake. As I said, I was young and I didn’t know how to prioritise.”
As you let the new information sink in, you couldn’t help but wonder if those people would’ve wanted to talk to you as well, had you not been injured. “There’s something else,” Leah said upon noticing you were drifting off. “I don’t know if you want to know this, but they didn’t just want to speak with me, they wanted to make you the same offer.”
Your head dropped down as you heard her say those words. Your mind flooded with thoughts of what could have been and you felt your eyes starting to water. You felt an arm wrap around your shoulders and without thinking, you let yourself sink into its embrace. You stayed like that for just a little while, before composing yourself again. “Thank you for telling me that.”
As the sun started to set, you both realised that you had talked for hours. You stood up, hugging Leah tightly. “Thank you for today,” you said, your voice filled with emotion. “I feel like we’ve made a lot of progress.” “Me too,” Leah said, smiling through her tears. “I’m so glad we’re finally talking again.” 
The conversation left you feeling as though a great burden had been lifted. The feeling stayed with you in the days and weeks that followed, bringing a newfound lightness to your every step. You enjoyed how your uplifted spirits translated into your physical performance, easily surpassing even the toughest defenders in the WSL, feeling like a feather in the wind manoeuvring yourself across the field. Your new-found proficiency and positive attitude did not go unnoticed: A few weeks later, to your surprise, you received a last-minute call up for the Lionesses camp due to some injuries.
You let out a yelp of excitement and immediately facetimed your mom and dad to share the news. For the next half hour, the three of you could barely contain your joy, with loud cheers and words of pride exchanged back and forth. At one point, you even spotted your dad wiping away a small tear. After the call ended, you began packing for your early morning departure. Just as you closed up your suitcase, a text from Leah popped up: “Congrats, Y/N. You deserve this. x” You couldn’t help but feel a warm blush spread across your cheeks as you read her message.
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temmtamm · 2 years
Hello! I hope you're having a nice day ^^
I was wondering if you could write a rise!Donnie x gn reader where the reader is kinda insecure of their intelligence? Since Donnie is a genius in a lot of things but reader isn't all that smart (can't even stand math, physics or chemistry) but they understand feelings more and like dancing and being in movement. I hope it makes sense lol, English isn't my mother tongue.
Remember to stay hydrated and safe!!
(Asks are open and appreciated)
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Papers upon papers were skewered around the office as (Y/N) chewed at the end of their pen, their brows scrunched up in agitation as they did so.
They hated deadlines. They hated that they had to sit down and finish this shit when it wasn’t even done to begin with. It was like everything else went out the window and they hated it. It was only standard math, it shouldn't be that bad- And yet they've been here in the lair for hours on end. They even had to skip out of hanging out and dancing with Mikey after the two planned for this to be their chill day.
This all would've been okay if they were alone, but there was other people in the lair which made them feel as if they were stupid whenever one passed by and saw that they did no progress on their work.
"I hate school...I should've dropped out and became a stripper-" (Y/N) whined in defeat, letting their face fall onto the table in front of them.
The sudden sound of shuffling alerted them to the presence of someone next to them. It didn't take long for (Y/N) to pick their head up, and instead find that it was Donnie sitting on the edge of their desk, a hand coming up to rest against his neck. "You're still going at this?? This can't be that hard." (Y/N) groaned and tried to shield their work with their hand to avoid any comments. "You're just saying that cause you're a genius. This is actually really hard, Don."
Donnie raised a brow at that as a smile crept on his face. "Though I am flattered that thou recognized thy genius-" Oh, he's talking in that Shakespeare tone. (Y/N) hated that Shakespeare tone. "-One of the questions is quite literally 2+2." He finished, earning a glare from his lover.
"Yeah well, I don't know what to do. My grade's dropping because of these stupid tests. The only way I'm ever getting into MIT is through these damn tests." (Y/N) huffed, pushing their chair back as they got up. "Please, either help or get out.." Donnie smirked, opening his mouth up again to let another slide comment slip out, though immediately closed it once he saw (Y/N)'s face.
"Wait....Are you actually upset?" He asked, looking surprised. He never saw the usually upbeat (Y/N) like this. They always seemed so social and easy going, it was odd to see them being so stressed about this type of thing. "Don, you know I'm not good at this stuff....A bit ironic a genius is dating a dumbass, huh?" (Y/N) tried to ease the mood with a joke, but when they looked back up at Donnie they saw that he was almost offended that they could call themselves that.
"Look, (Y/N). I know it's odd for me, the funny, gorgeous, absolutely handsome-"
"Get to the point, Don-Tron."
"Right...I know it's odd see me get serious but you're not stupid. You're smart in your own right. You actually know how to talk to people, how to always lift a mood, plus not to mention those dance skills- Besides the point. What I'm trying to say is that you are smart, you are just....As people would put it "Street smart"."
He reached his hands out to cup (Y/N)'s face and place a kiss on their forehead. It was a small gesture but a much appreciated one as (Y/N) knew how indifferent he was to physical contact.
"You're still bad at math though." (Y/N) flashed a toothy grin at Donnie, knowing that he is just saying that as a joke to cover up the fact that he was emotionally vulnerable for a moment.
"Does that mean you'll help me??"
"Fiiine!! What's the first question?"
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Thanks for watching ♥︎
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constantfragmentation · 7 months
Would you mind dropping some thoughts about yandere!Silco?
Oh dear, Silco the Conundrum.
I honestly think this fits Silco perfectly.
Silco has always been loved starved. Orphan. He's had to claw his way through shit for everything. He doesn't trust easily if at all.
I think he might have become obsessed with Vander in a way. I can see him as being bisexual. Now, whether he's fully acted on his desires, that can be debated.
In one way, I think Silco saw Vander as the kind of man he wanted to be. Big, braun, respected, lethal, etc. They become brothers and while Vander kept the top spot, everything was okay in this relationship. But, sooner or later, Silco gets tired of playing second fiddle OR start questioning the man he looked up to. You put someone on a pedestal so high, they're going to fall.
Silco was willing to sacrifice himself for the cause and expected others around him to be the same. Willing to do anything to attain that goal.
Post drowning, Silco still loves his friend and maybe hopes he'll see the light but he will sacrifice Vander or anyone else if he as to. He still loves Vander in a way that he believes he can still 'change' him. If not, he'll use him because he can't let it go.
Letting shit go, in not in Silco's wheelhouse. Even though he tells Jinx to do that, he obviously has never gotten over his own betrayal. Everything he's become has stemmed from that.
On the romantic partner side of things, he can be very much the same.
Silco is the opitome of possessive and jealous over someone he cares about.
He's more than happy to kill Jinx's only sister to keep his daughter.
If he cares about you? Yup, same.
It will have taken some time and effort on your part to get close to him. If you managed that, then you should know him by now and that if you're still game, you must know how he operates.
He doesn't show affection often. It might be something very little like a glance or a touch. A super soft drag of his finger along your arm.
Praising a job well done (chances are you work for him or in league with him in some way). He appreciates hardwork, dedication and honesty. However, your honesty better be in line with his views. He can accept your opinion as long as it's not in contrast to who and what he is.
He won't say "I love you", rather saying "I need or want you" instead. But don't mistake those words for lacking emotion. He means it.
Will he kill everyone and everything to keep you? Yes. Will he sacrifice himself to save you? Yes, but he will do everything in his power to not have to do that if possible. He will also let you know that if you do anything stupid to put him at risk, you're in big trouble. Plus, he will remind you constantly that he saved your sorry ass.
You're in debted to him forever. He doesn't take that shit lightly.
Silco has a great capacity to love but it is toxic. He is broken emotionally and pyschologically. He can go from one extreme to the other.
He might surprise you when he's very tender. Then he can be straight up violent in his passion and own needs. He has so much built up stress and emotion and unfortunately it comes out when it feels like it and it could be you or any other poor soul on the receiving end.
That could be in the form of an argument over something very trivial or seriously rough sex that he won't apologize for afterwards, even if he feels he went too far.
He could softly caress you while you're sleeping, letting his tender and vulnerable side open up when no one is watching. He cares but he tries so hard not to show it. If he cares, that could be seen as a weakness.
God forbid someone tries to hurt you. They are dead. No one touches someone he cares about. He won't leave it to Sevika or someone else to carry out. Nope. He will be very hands on and not with a gun. He will take his damn time.
You go after him or something/one he cares about, he will take out everything in return. He will burn you, your family, business, everything to the ground.
Very posssessive and jealous. Silco has always felt inferior in some way. He was always in Vander's shadow and in some ways he covers it up by being ice cold.
So, if you are tender with him he might reject it at first. He's not used to it, can't comprehend someone would be like that with him, could love him for him. Touched starved is an understatement.
Don't be flippant or coy with him. He doesn't want to play those games. Don't flirt with others. Once he decides you're his, you belong to him whether you know it or not.
Don't give him any reason to mistrust you. Once you've earned his trust and respect, it's even harder to keep.
He might hurt you first to prevent from him being hurt (ever again). Don't give him reason to suspect anything.
He might lock you in your room for your own protection/good...and who knows what that might mean and why.
Ultimately, he is in control at all times. He might lose it in a moment of lust or tenderness but it is only for a moment.
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I have a request please!
Could you write about Eddie dear and Frank frankly taking care of a regressed reader?
(Headcannon or fanfic I don’t mind!)
Sorry I didn’t notice I got an ask !! Im still getting used to Tumblrs interface, especially since it’s so different on my phone than my laptop (╯‿╰,)
Absolutely ! I’ll do headcanons since everything is so new, but I hope you enjoy it anon ! Hope you don’t mind that I like writing reader as a fellow puppet of the Neighborhood.
Synopsis : Frank and Eddie take care of you during dinner time and tuck you in for bed
✿ ⌂ ✿ ⌂ ✿ ⌂
✿ Just like Julie, you would consider yourself pretty good friends with Frank. You trusted him more than anyone else in the Neighborhood. So when he finally made it official with Eddie, you were over the moon for him! Now you had two besties to hang out with
✿ Most everyone knew you age regressed occasionally, heck, some of your fellow neighbors did as well ! Sally, for example, regressed like you do and made for wonderful playdates
✿ When Frank had suggested that both him and Eddie act as your caregivers, you hesitated. On one hand, it would be awesome having not one but TWO caregivers. On the other hand, you felt rather shy opening up to Eddie in such a vulnerable state.
✿ In the end though, you agreed. Frank had said that he spoke with Eddie before approaching you about it, and that the mailman was more than excited to partake. “I think it would be fun!” He had said
✿ Franks home is a nice little two bedroom house with a little office he kept for all his insect stuff. Especially his display of butterfly shadow boxes. The spare bedroom was originally a guest bedroom but doubled as the space where you and Frank would hang when regressed
✿ As the afternoon turned into evening and Eddie’s shift ended, little you and Frank waited patiently (albeit excitedly) for the mailman to come home. Dinner was around the corner and Frank had already set the table, your own colorful plastic plate and cutlery set out as well.
✿ “I’m home!” Eddie announced loudly as he entered the house. He set his satchel and hat off to the side. “Sorry if I’m a little late, I got lost delivering some of the last packages.”
✿ “Welcome Home.” Frank greeted him as well and went to give his hello kisses. You giggled at their interaction from your place at the table. “Dinners ready whenever you are.”
✿ You couldn’t help the giggles that seemed to spill out of you as you watch the two dot over eachother. It was enough to catch Eddie’s attention. “Now what this over here? Looks like someone has a case of the giggles.”
✿ “Papa gave Daddy kisses.” You said gleefully behind your hands. Eddie left Frank’s side to come over to you as he enveloped you in a hug.
✿ “And Papa gives kisses to littles too!” He said giving you quick smooches to both your cheeks. His hands found their way to your sides and before you could register what he was doing, he began to tickle you. This sent you into a raging fit of laughter, absolutely shrieking before Eddie took mercy and took his place at the table.
✿ Dinner went by normally. Frank put your food on your plastic plate, with dividers, and poured your favorite juice in a sippy cup. Eddie talked about his day and how it went and in turn ask you and Frank how yours was.
✿ “We played with Sally at her house and for lunch we had sandwiches that Miss Poppy made. It was really yummy. Then we had nap time and daddy read me the hungry caterpillar, it’s my favorite bug book.” You rambled off when it your turn to talk about your day. It was like that as everyone finished their food as Frank and Eddie started taking plates and washing them.
✿ Frank had been to worried in the past that you might accidentally cut yourself with something sharp while helping with the dishes, so he asked instead if you didn’t mind getting into your pajamas for the night. “I’m sure papa would love to see your new jammies we got from Howdys.”
✿ The idea of being able to show off your new pjs was more than enough motivation to leave to two in the kitchen as they cleaned. When you came back, they were finished and had put most of everything away.
✿ “Papa!” You had practically shouted as you came into the living room. “Look at my pjs! The stars glow in the dark!” They were indeed cute pajamas. They had a solid blue background with white stars scattered about in various sizes.
✿ “Come here,” Eddie patted the space between him and Frank on the couch. You gladly wiggled in between them to cuddle. “Why, these look spectacular! You’ll have to show me them glowing when it’s bedtime.”
✿ As you snuggled between your caretakers you felt sleep slowly but surely creep its way up as you began to yawn. Surely closing your eyes just to rest them won’t make you go to sleep. Besides, papa is telling a real interesting story (that you aren’t following) to daddy so of course you’ll stay awake.
✿ In all honesty, you only lasted for roughly half an hour, and that’s being generous. The sun had set long ago and the hour was late. “Oh dear,” Eddie said, suddenly dropping his voice to a whisper. “I believe they’ve fallen asleep.”
✿ “So they have.” Frank whispered. “Here, why don’t we take ‘em to bed.” He gently pried himself away from you, moving ever so slowly in order not to wake you. Eddie scooped you up in his strong arms, trying his best not to stir you, and carried you to the guest room.
✿ While Eddie tucked you into bed, Frank grabbed one of your stuffed animals and expertly slid it between your arms. You moved a little but it was to grasp the toy and hold it dearly. Frank plugged in a nightlight on the opposite side of the room before tiptoeing out, Eddie leaving right behind.
✿ Even though Frank had left you a nightlight, he flipped the hallway light on and left the door open a creek. He knew that you hated wondering around in the dark in case you needed something in the middle of the night.
✿ “Goodnight sleepy bug.” Eddie whispered to your sleeping form before finally taking his leave and following Frank upstairs and to their bedroom.
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sirwow · 10 months
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Nother HC/AU ramble about these two under the cut
Since these two basically have nothing about them it leaves me all the room I want to ramble about what I think their relationship would be✨
As I said in my original HC post, these two start off as rivals, Insomniac re challenging Samurai to a fight when he lost his winning streak to the new guy (Samurai) n got salty. Being they fought half drunk in a night club, things eventually got out of hand and a sword stab to a generator later both got electrocuted, messing up their heart beats. This put them as the perfect candidates for the new rhythm doctor program and what put them in the first chapter.
Samurai was fine when the program was used on him, but Insomniac’s much more effected heart beat (this is what you get for wearing no armor) ended up causing the development of the virus. It’s hard to explain but basically the rhythm doctor program’s ticking of the beats going down the line was Ai doing so and the Insomniac’s heart beat corrupted it into only following the extreme- creating the virus that separated itself from the original program. It’s not really malicious! It’s just trying to get people to follow the beats it was taught.. being really fucked up and possibly deadly beats but beats nonetheless.
Anyways, after Insomniac and Samurai got taken care of, Samurai continued having mild relapses each day, steady and predictable. Insomniac instead ended up stuck with extreme episodes that would appear in sudden bursts, first of these showing up in X-1N where future ones will likely only get worse as the virus Ai conforms more to being insane as he has episodes. A cycle of oh no.
In the meantime they have their own time to hang out n meet the other patients. Samurai being in the west for the first time has him curious about everything and everyone, just wanting to be a part of whatever was happening. Insomniac chose to be distant from the others to continue focusing his time on training but still had to get Samurai sometimes if he wanted to spar with someone. He always had some group with him, usually Logan and Hailey, on weekends it be Cole and Nicole. Insomniac doesn’t mind Cole n Nicole, they don’t bother him much and if they did have a question they weren’t dumb. The kids on the other hand he was probably exploding in his mind if they interrupted to ask if they could touch the sword.
Samurai and Insomniac also share a room for the sake of space and sparing. The only language they both know is English but it’s both their second language so most conversations are simple and dependent on their tone. Insomniac always talks about training or honor but Samurai is much more interested in talking about the new things he’s learned or discovered. Insomniac has been in the west for a few years now so can’t help but find it a bit childish and his demeaning view of Samurai isn’t helped when he finds out he’s not a fighter for his family or honor but just. Likes to sword fight. (insert “stop having fun” img here)
After X-1N, Insomniac was pretty shaken up to say the least. Without anyone else to open up he decided to be vulnerable and talked a bit about life to Samurai. Insomniac wondering what Samurai’s personal propose was if wasn’t fighting for anything. Samurai simply corrected Insomniac, he was fighting for something, his own fun and joy of experiencing life. Sword fighting just being one of his favorite deep outlets of this. Despite it being a bit corny and being said as Samurai was failing but continuing some crochet he wanted to learn, it did strike a bit of a cord with Insomniac.
Slowly Insomniac opened up to the others, placating the curiosity of the kids a bit, going to the cafe n trying the tea there while also teaching Nicole how to make some specialty ones he can make, and eventually when Samurai was talking about learning baseball, Insomniac took initiative and asked to join him. Samurai n Insomniac were finally able to come to a understanding with how the other thoughts and worked.
Now then that’s all I’m gonna write for now. Iv got more but I gotta cook in the brain some more. Thnak for reading
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