Hi!! Really like your writing could we possibly get a drabble or something like that of Middle Schooler Yuu?
Hell-Raising Gremlin: A Middle Schooler
Synopsis: Yuu is a cringy middle schooler that curses a lot and insults people
Cw: Cringe writing. Yuu is 12 and Gn. Cursing. They call Riddle stupid and tell Azul he's gay. No romance ofc. Not proofread
“What the fuck?” Was one of the first things that came out of your mouth when you kicked off the door to your coffin. A crowd of eerily robed people turned to stare at you as if you were the weird one for wearing normal clothes. Each person had matching eyeliner and wait, does that person have horns… and a tail? What sort of fucked up LARP furry cult were you kidnapped into?
“Honestly…” Another voice rang out “Coming through the door of your own accord is virtually unheard of, why are you in such a rush?” A bird masked individual said as he approached you, two glowing yellow orbs peaking through the mask, each part of his person accessorized to fit a perfect aesthetic. Okay, thats a pretty cool costume you’ll admit, but it still doesn't change that you are obviously in the wrong place.
"Um… probably because some strange carriage literally kidnapped me and forced me into a coffin and then I woke up here? I don't think I'm in the right place."
"Hmm I don't think you are entirely lucid yet… a side effect of the teleportation magic perhaps…" the man wondered out loud.
"Can you break character for a second and tell me where the hell I am, dude?" You glared at him and a few of the weird adults around you laugh. You keep a brave face despite the fear building up.
"You are at Night Raven College, a prestigious magician training school in Twisted Wonderland." The masked man states bluntly and confidently like that explains everything.
"Didn't I just say to break character? I'm not playing DND here or anything, I need to get home, I'm not supposed to be here in this weird cult thing… I need to get home!" a few more laughs reverberated in the crowd.
"I'm being serious, this is a school for magicians"
"Right well… I don't have magic. How's that?" You give a smug smirk. "So please send me home?"
The man just gives an infuriating blank expression. "Why, you are here because the black carriage recognized you as a powerful mage! You should be quite proud of that given how young to appear to be! Please stand by and the mirror will sort you into your dorm shortly!"
"I was kidnapped first of all, and I don't even have that weird robe thing! Look dude, you got the wrong person! I'll go up to that mirror right now and show you!" You assume this "magic' mirror was just some computer check in thing. Hopefully when you give your name it'll prove you aren't on the list of whatever the fuck this is.
"My, so hasty… such is the youth I suppose. Fine then, go up to the mirror."
You must give props to this actor for staying in character the full time, but now wasn't the time. As you approach the mirror you hear whispers, and you see 5 individuals and a floating tablet standing by it, looking as superior as they could. Some glared at you, others looked intrigued.
The mirror spoke, "State thy name."
"You're soul is… invalid… I cannot read it. Therefore I sort you in no dorm."
The crowd murmurs amongst themselves as the masked person looks genuinely surprised. "Well then. I must apologize, there must be some mistake." You exhale in relief. Finally he gets it. "Mirror, send this person home!" No response. Why was he asking the mirror?
"Ahem… Mirror take this person—"
"I cannot."
"... huh…" You frown
"This child's home is nowhere. They do not exist here. They are from another dimension. Therefore, they cannot be sent home."
The crowd's murmurs get louder. You still don't believe in this whole weird magic school act thing. "Are you fucking kidding me, did I seriously get isekaied by a horse drawn carriage?" 
At that you see the floating tablet mute themselves. Before you could even turn around and ask for the masked man to get a real person to send you home, a strange creature runs in front of you. You stared at it in complete shock.
"Mrahaha! If they can't join this school, then there's room for me!" The weird cat thing talks. Flames came out its ears and its tail was forked. What the fuck, what the fuck. How is this cat on fire and talking?
The crowd laughed at the cat's words. "Oh yeah?! I'll show you!" The creature yells out. You didn't think much of it until you saw blue plumes of flames come from its mouth and aim directly into the crowd. The crowd yells and pushes each other around. You could feel the heat.
This couldn't be some high tech animatronic could it? You gawk as banners catch flames and you see some of the mages in the crowd casting water spells to put themselves out. Is this really another world…? No way… no way. You have to get hit by a truck for that! This just has to be a very weird fever dream...
Another blast of flames is fired across from you, growing bigger and bigger, threatening to engulf everything in the room. One person from before lets out an annoyed sigh and you see him turn to approach the flame. 
Without thinking you immediately run over to pull him back catching him by surprise and making him stumble. "Dude, what are you doing?!" The doll faced young man looks over at you in shock, before his race reddens.
"How DARE YOU try to—"
"Riddle enough! They were just trying to help!" Another taller green haired mad says with a clover on his face. "Come with me…" the man says before pulling you back protectively.
You watch as the strange ruby-haired man, Riddle– what a stupid name–, approaches the weird cat. He raises his arm before lowering it. "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!" He yelled, and a strange collar appeared around the cat. The flames around the room suddenly die.
"Hey what gives?! What I'll just… huh?! My magic! Its…"
"Sealed away. That collar around your neck does not allow you to use magic." Riddle states. "No cats are allowed are celebrations, your very existence here is a violation." A few robed figures go to grab their cat and toss him out.
"Damn…" you mumbles as you step put from behind the stranger that protected you.
"You there, child." Riddle states, still looking upset. "What you did was dangerous, you should have never stepped in to try to help."
Oh this dudes attitude pissed you off with how condescending he sounded. "Well sorry for trying to fucking make sure you didn't burn yourself. God forbid I didn't know you could do that weird collar thing."
The green haired man paled and the face of Riddle got red. "Excuse me?! You need to learn how to treat your superiors with respect–"
"I respect whoever respects me regardless of age! And you're not superior at all! You throw tantrums like a kid!" You spat back and the crowd seemed to laugh. The green haired man tries to pull you back. "Come on now, Yuu try to be nice…"
"Why would I? He's the one that started it! He can start yelling at people for no good reason but I can't? Hell who the fuck even names their kid Riddle its such a stupid name!"
Riddle was fuming at this point and everyone just seemed to either cringe or watch in rapt excitement. "IT IS NOT! You have not followed a single rule of the entrance ceremony! Those who don't follow the rules should be punished! Especially rude ones like you!"
"Did you not hear the mirror? I'm not from this world! I literally don't know any rules at all! How are you gonna get mad at me for that?! You're the one that keeps yelling for no reason and then getting mad at me for giving back the same energy? And now you're trying to threaten me!"
"Enough!" The red head yells. "Apologize now or it's off with your head!"
"Oh no my magic that I totally have! I'm so scared! Go ahead and do it! You're only punishing me because I'm right! You can't ever comprehend being wrong so you need to make yourself look stronger in every other way because you're a coward and a control freak! I may not have been in this world long, but something tells me in the real world you can't collar everyone that upsets you! You're a coward and a god damn fucking tyrant that feels the need to prove himself superior to a fucking TWELVE year old just because I had the audacity to try and help you! I am twelve and everyone here appears to be an adult yet none of you are actually helping me! I wanna go home!"
"Enough!" The masked man's voice yells out and you huff and look away. "That is enough for both of you." You look over at another man with blueish hair and glasses along with a mole struggling to hold in a laugh. You narrow your eyes. "Oh I just KNOW your bitch ass isn't laughing with your birthing hips and gay little face!" The man's eyes widen and he stares in shock for moment before looking down at himself. The crowd erupts in laughter.
"Yuu!" The masked man reprimands before sighing. "Dorm leaders! Take your students to their new homes! I will deal with this… situation" As everyone left, you glared at Crowley.
"It's about time you fucking listened me, hot topic wannabe ass." Crowley could tell that this child would fit in perfectly here.
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sucrosette · 9 months
★— ⋆。˚ [Blood]
For Day 30 of Carry on Countdown 23, Crack. @carryon-countdown
In which Simon is an actual half-dragon and he's found himself in a bit of a situation with a certain human mage. His mage is... worrying.
This is rated T, mostly just for the language.
Prior Parts: 9, 15, 18, & 24
Baz’s head hit the ground with a sickening crack.
It had happened so fast that Simon couldn’t react in time, couldn’t move his little body quickly enough to catch Baz’s head. He’d tried to shift back to his human shape but in the moment, he lost the capacity for it, apparently, too distracted by the whole… falling human in his vicinity suddenly bleeding from his face to focus on that orb of energy he’d been grasping just moments before.
Simon couldn’t stop himself from circling Baz’s head in his smaller shape, headbutting him lightly in an effort to bring the mage around… and then he headbutted again, not so lightly. He did manage to stop himself from biting Baz back awake. He sort of figured that even if Baz should be awake he probably wouldn’t appreciate that method, and if he wasn’t going to appreciate fangs, he probably wasn’t going to appreciate fire either.
Simon leaned back on his haunches, huffing out his annoyance. He checked Basil’s breath (again) and, well, at least he was breathing, and there didn’t appear to be a growing pool of blood under Baz’s head, but he couldn’t exactly check like they were. Fuck, he hated needing hands and not having them when he needed them most.
He made a sort of shrill shout in the back of his throat, swatting Baz in the face with his tail, but that didn’t do it either, and then apparently the stress had caught up with him enough that he was human again.
Well, at least he had hands again.
It took Simon almost two whole hours to carry Baz’s unconscious body back to his tiny house in the middle of nowhere. It might’ve been faster if he could’ve been a bigger dragon, but no, he was tiny, human, or somewhere between the two, and between the two didn’t particularly add much inhuman strength or weirdness to him that might help carrying someone a good few inches taller than he was home.
If he’d had a cell phone, he’d’ve called emergency, but he didn’t. Simon was flat fucking broke. Basil might’ve had one, but if he did, it wasn’t on his person when he’d passed out (stupid, Simon thinks, he’s a sodding numpty and he’s going to bring it up as soon as Baz wakes his concussed arse back up). Or, if not emergency, whoever Baz’s go to contact was for situations like this.
Did Baz have a go to contact for this kind of thing? If he doesn’t, he’s that much more a numpty. At least Simon was even able to get Baz back in his house, safe on his couch, and check out his head properly. Did Simon know anything about how to deal with head injuries? No. Did he have much choice about how to go about it. He still can’t find a phone to contact anyone, landline or cell either, and the nearest neighbors aren’t exactly near.
Fortunately for Basil, he was still bloody breathing and his nose stopped bleeding and the knot on the back of his head seemed… well, mostly mild. Simon kept checking his eyes. He wasn’t really sure why he kept doing it or what he was looking for when he did, but he’d seen nurses do it in medical dramas and so he was doing it too.
All he could really do was hope. Well, hope and wait.
At some point, apparently Simon had fallen asleep while waiting for Baz to wake up. He’d curled himself up at the end of the couch he’d laid Baz out on and his head was resting on the armrest and then just passed out like that.
So Simon woke up to Baz poking him in the cheek.
“Bwuh,” Simon announced, mostly still fully asleep.
“Eloquent,” Baz answered, as if he had any room to judge.
Simon shot him a scowl that rivaled the size of Australia, and also any Baz had ever delivered. Impressive, should the man say so himself. “You literally almost died, you have no room to judge me waking up.”
“I did not,” Baz protested, “And if I had, I’d say nearly dying gives me extra leeway in the judgment department.”
“Okay, well, you started spewing blood and hit your head on the way out,” Simon said with a small flick to Baz’s nose, “I’d say that full well counts towards near death experiences.”
“Or,” Baz hummed, “It was just another day in the life of an experimental, exponentially gifted mage.”
“Excuse you?!” Simon nearly shouted, loud enough that Baz sat himself up properly and winced, “Just a day in the life? This is your normal?”
“Quiet,” Baz muttered, his hands going to his temples immediately, “That bump did a number on my head.”
“Deserved.” Simon crossed his arms and scowled harder at the mage he’d unwittingly contracted with.
“Okay, well, bloody rude. But no, I admit, today wasn’t my normal experience. I thought I was banishing a specific demon causing a problem for another mage I know, but when I drew from you, this one showed up instead. It was more… well, just more than I was expecting, so yes, I did end up overworking myself. The smaller would’ve been fine though.”
“How…” Simon looked entirely unconvinced, “Just bloody how do you know that?”
“Because I’ve done it before, for this person, but they seem to have a bit of a thing with accidentally bringing it back. Anyway, it’s neither here nor there. We can do it again, now that I know what working with you feels like,” Basil answered, already thinking about the possibilities.
“Did you… just bloody say we’d do it a-bloody-gain?”
“Well, of course,” Baz said it as if it were obvious, “We can’t just let demons go about unchecked.”
“I mean we bloody well could,” Simon scoffed, “Most people aren’t even aware of demons. I bloody wasn’t.”
“Simon Snow, you are literally a dragon.”
“Half of one,” he corrected, “And that doesn’t matter, dragons don’t just cavort with demons. I think.”
“Just bloody how do you know that?” Baz echoed his phrasing, making Simon scowl harder.
“Well, because I don’t.”
Basil outright laughed at him. “You know you’re not all dragons, right?”
“Of course I know that!” Simon snarled, just a little, his nose curling, “Anyway we’re off course, we’re not doing that again. You nearly died.”
“We’re doing it again,” Baz reaffirmed, “I have to. I can’t reneg on an agreement I already made. And I didn’t nearly die.”
“You passed out for hours. You were bleeding, you’re probably still concussed. How–” Simon nearly shouted it again, making Baz wince slightly, and Simon immediately lowered his voice to a hush at the realization, “–is that not nearly dying, you prick?”
“Oh, well, you were fine, weren’t you?” Baz asked, again, as if it were obvious.
Simon gestured down his unscathed body, waving Baz off in the same gesture. “Well, yes, clearly.”
“Are you sure you read the contract?” It was asked like half a tease, that annoying little smirk back yet again.
“Of bloody course I read the contract,” Simon huffed out, his hands falling to the side and picking instinctively at the stray bits of the couch, “I said that already.”
“Well,” Baz said with that all too superior air about him, “Then you should know that if I had nearly died you’d have been aware immediately. And besides, you being fine kept me alive. It’s like… a blood bond, you could say. You being fine keeps me fine. Now, you won’t die if I do or vice versa, that’d be… a bit much, I think, though some people do make those kinds of contracts, but you would just know if I was about to die or in the process of dying to dead.”
“Does that somehow exclude brain damage, because you’re sounding incredibly brain damaged right now.”
“I don’t think I sound particularly outside of my norm…” Baz’s hand ran over his chin, gaze wandering off and away to some unknown corner of the room, or more likely some memory Simon wouldn’t be able to follow him to.
Simon’s hands twisted up in the couch, the poor furniture taking the brunt of his inability to stay still and also his inability not to be utterly incessed by Baz. “Oh, so you’re always insane then?”
Baz shrugged, hands coming away from his temples at last, “I suppose I might be. They say I’m rather like my mother. They say she was revolutionary. The revolutionary are often misken for mentally unsound.”
“You are infuriating,” Simon declared simply, standing with a huff. He wasn’t exactly sure where he was going or why he’d stood, but he was standing now, so that was what he was doing.
“You can leave the contract if you like,” Baz offered, “It was an accident for you to end up here in the first place.”
If Baz wasn’t so sincere about it, Simon might have been more offended. “Why would you jump to that conclusion?”
“I’m notoriously hard to work with, and I seem to have worried you,” Baz smirked, but it wasn’t a confident sort of smirk, rather a sort of self-depricative one, a sort of knowing the parts of you that others were uncomfortable with all too well. That feeling? That was one Simon could relate to all too well.
“I’m not going to bloody leave because you worried me. That is the opposite of what you should do if you’re worried about someone,” Simon turned to point accusatorily at Basil, “You’re stuck with me now. I’m getting you water. Also I’m glad you’re not dead. You seem… alright.”
Baz huffed a small laugh, not quite his normal, but still a laugh. That much was relieving as Simon left to fetch that glass of water. When he came back, it seemed Baz was already thinking thoughts that Simon couldn’t comprehend. A notebook had appeared on the coffee table from… well, only Crowley knew where, and Baz was scribbling rapidly inside of it, formulae and languages well beyond Simon’s grasp.
Simon plopped the glass of water down loudly just next to Baz’s notebook. “Drink.”
Baz did with no protest, nearly finishing it and returning to his insane scribbling. Simon shrugged and went to get his own glass of water. When he returned again, Basil had shifted yet again, leaning back into the couch.
“You said you didn’t know your father?” Baz asked with a sort of look about him that Simon could just tell meant trouble. Trouble capitalized, even.
“Yes…” Simon answered hesitantly.
“And he was a dragon, yes?”
“Yes,” came the same reluctant answer.
Basil asked just one more question, “What would you say if I said that I think I could find him?”
“Oh,” Simon answered simply. That would… open a lot of opportunities, he supposed, maybe even answer some questions he’d never been able to ask… or even conceptualize properly. He didn’t say that though. He just stared. He blinked. He hadn’t really considered it ever. He nodded. He then shook his head. His head wobbled a little as he thought about it. He quirked his lips and reinforced his initial answer. “Oh,” he said again. “‘Oh’ is what I would say, apparently.”
“Apparently,” Baz repeated.
“Yes,” Simon chewed over his own lip, “Apparently.”
“So,” Baz tried again, leaning forward onto his elbows, “Should we?”
“I don’t know,” Simon answered, all too honestly. “I really don’t know.”
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spctrsgf · 1 year
bounties + hunters ● encounter two
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summary: Jakku and paranoia. Paranoia and Jakku. Not such a great pair, especially with all the sand dunes. Right?
word count: 2.3k
warnings: language, canon type violence, mentions of blood
a/n: im so so so so sorry for how long this took me to write, i hit a bit of a block when trying to get the story up and running, apologies about that !!
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It’d been a month since you’d last seen him. You’d been counting.
It’s not like you’ll ever see him again, really: the universe is so big that it would take an epiphany of perfect moments to get the two of you to meet again. He could be anywhere by now, Hoth or Tatooine or some desolate planet in the Outer Rim. 
Yet, it’s like you missed him or something, or maybe you’re just tired, but you swear you keep seeing him out of the corner of your eye. You can hear his modulated voice at the booth to your left, ordering some food for himself or maybe something to place in that floating metal orb he has. Does he even still have that thing anymore?
But he’s not, of course. You whip your head around so fast you must’ve pulled more than a few muscles, but he’s not there. Just the booth, the merchant stationed at it, and an empty vat of space where you wished he’d be standing. 
Playing it off was harder than it looked: having to say you thought you heard music or something distracting was not as easy as words made it seem. You’re sure there was some sort of weird look strung between the two merchants you’d been between that one time on Tatooine, they probably even gossiped about it after you’d left.
Honestly? It was kind of tiring. After a few days living in constant paranoia, you were convinced you were schizophrenic or something along those lines. Another week or two taught you not to turn every time you thought you saw the light hit his beskar helmet, and to turn slower if you couldn’t quite stop that urge.
You’d curbed the urge twice during your long walk to your next bounty today, and the pep in your step is a sign of how proud you were, because you were definitely not thrilled to be walking this long and far. It’d been difficult to watch your six, but you made it work. Sort of.
Your hand came up to pat the linen that wrapped itself around your arm, covering the scar beneath it. On your last hunt, your very aversion to the delusion cost you a slice along the ripple of your bicep. It’s a careful balance; when to jump into attack and when to walk away like there was nothing you’d seen at all.
You gaze at the stretches of sand dunes ahead of you, really cursing the fact that you didn’t carry a speeder in your ship nor rent one from the town you’d left your ship in for its next tune up. The sweat rolls down your back, soaking the fabric of your undershirt and pooling at the overshirt wrapped tightly around your waist. You bring your hand up again to swipe at the condensation on your forehead, pushing your hair back from your face to cool yourself down as quickly as possible. 
The burn laps at the muscles in your legs as you edge on for two hours in the unrelenting beat the sun plays on your shoulders, but you push on nonetheless. You grit your teeth and stumble up and over the next sand dune, pulling out the tracking fob to see the ever blinking red light strumming its tune of disappointment in your lack of enthusiasm. “Stupid fucking bounty,” you grumble aloud, unbothered to filter your thoughts in the confidentiality that no one could hear you in the mounds upon mounds of sand. “Had to be in the middle of fucking nowhere on the shittiest planet with the shittiest fucking terrain where the fucking sun can drag it’s bitch ass nails into my fucking back!!!”
“Well, you’re really angry.”
You don’t turn. Your steps don’t even falter: you don’t fall for it, not when you’d resisted the quicksand your brain had set for you to fall into. You turn slightly to the left to more accurately trek towards your bounties location, shaking your head to clear the illusion from your head. He’s not there, The rational, beskar hard side of your brain screams. Don’t turn around. That’s not him, he’s gotta be on some weird planet, not here. He’s not behind you, that’s not a spark of beskar in your peripheral, the drawl of his voice isn’t there, don’t fall for it—
A hand is on your shoulder now. In the split second before you react, your brain teeters on the precipice of it, pondering the implication that it could be him. Time reaches near standstill in the moment of hope, of the dream that you actually would get to see him again. Wouldn’t that be crazy? Somehow, in some pitiful way, your paranoia brought him back to you. Maker, the possibilities could be endless. Maybe you could even strike up a deal to find out more about him, maybe even get him to let you tag along on his travels. It’d be quick, you’re quite good with negotiation. 
But it’s gone all too soon, you're out of the clouds back in real time and doing exactly what you’re trained to do: fight.
Words extend themselves towards you, but you don’t give them a fucking second. Your elbow is ramming backwards into the figure behind you, and you're turning to kick in their knee without even registering the pain nor the hard surface you rebounded against. You’re halfway through your kick before the person is able to catch up and recover from the impact of your move, quickly swinging their leg outwards and letting your weight fall forward with the lost contact. 
Their hands are grabbing your shoulders before you can get a face full of the grain below you, and you yelp in frustration, not because you can’t eat some of that godforsaken sand but because you refused to turn around when you heard something and nearly suffered more damage because of it. Your yelp knots into somewhat of a battle cry as you shove yourself up and out of their grip to attack again, angry and disappointed and really fucking tired.
“Hey,” Your attacker tries again, grip turning to steel on your arms. “It’s me!” You yelp, adrenaline overcome by the pain induced by the squeeze of their rough gloves on your bandage and therefore your cut. “Get off me, you fucker!” You growl, finally looking up.
The anger drains from you in a second, dissipating into the billion tiny grains of sand that caved around you. 
“I’m sorry.” He removes his hands from your arms but hovers them near as if to catch you if you were to run. 
You blink once, twice, three times, and then you turn. “No. Nope!”
“Where are you going?” He swings out to grab you, but you’re already out of reach.
“NOPE!” You yell into the slight breeze. “You don’t get to trick me! Not today! He’s not there, that’s just you being tired and–” the word twists sour on your tongue before launching out in a jut of disgust. “Missing him.”
He’s in front of you now. How the fuck did he move so fast? “What’re you talking about?”
You bump into the beskar covering his chest, and the grunt of frustration you expel stems from both the pain of hitting it and the fact that he was actually standing in front of you. 
“Hey.” His voice grounds your fraying mind. 
You brush your hair from your face again. “Hi.”
“You sound tired.”
“Thanks. What a kind compliment.” You’re brushing past him again with a snarl.
“That’s– that’s not what I meant.”
“Is it not?” You whirl on him. “Are you questioning my ability to speak Basic, huh? Wanna try Jawaese?” 
“No, I just meant–” His huff is accentuated by the modulator in his ever so shiny helmet. “I’m making this worse, aren’t I.”
A smile cracks your facade of impartiality. “A little.”
“I’m sorry.” His head bows ever so slightly.
“It’s okay. I’m giving you a hard time.”
Silence drapes a curtain over the both of you, doting the space static and the air between you even more hot than it already was in the middle of the desert. You study the Mandalorian out of the corner of your eye, wondering if he had some sort of air conditioner underneath all that armor. Maybe the beskar cooled him down. That’d be fucking sick. You note mentally as you start to trek towards your bounty. At least you think you are.
“Do you even know where you’re going?”
You scoff. “Of course I do.”
“I checked already.”
“Check again.”
You do what he says with a grunt. “They moved like .2 miles. Not a big deal.”
“That’s like an extra 40 minutes.”
“My tactics work. Leave me be.”
His helmet tilts towards you, rebounding the light of the sun straight into your eyes. “Mine are fas– oh.”
You wave him off as he tilts his head back to its resting position. “Here,” You slide behind him and to his other side. “All better.”
A nod is the only response you get, and then the silence is ever present again. 
“So,” You burst the bubble this time with almost a gasp of breath. “What do I even call you?”
“Do you need a name?”
“I’d like one, but no. Only if you’re comfortable.”
He’s silent, and you think he won’t answer your question, but then– “Most people call me Mando.”
You shrug. “Works for me.”
Mando. Maaaaaaaando. Mandooooooooo. Mando. Mandoe. Your brain reverberates the newfound information off the walls of your brain, tethering it into your head and every inch of memory that was him. 
There was something so vulnerable about the confession, like some emotion you couldn’t quite place dripping from each word that came out of his mouth. Or whatever he uses to speak, you can’t really tell. You get the impression that he doesn’t really interact with anyone long enough to share anything like a name. It’s an honor, honestly: to have that knowledge.
“Why’re you here?” 
Mando dips his head ever slightly to the side, telling you everything you needed to know.
“Bounty. Got it.”
You nod into the silence, slowly acclimating to it. You curb the desire to ask more questions, taking into account what little information you had about interacting with Mandalorians. 
They didn’t like to talk, and when they did, it was curt and straight to the point. You had just met Mando once before, and he was far from comfortable with you. You respected the lack of words, respected his decision to stay silent.
Jakku’s sun makes its presence known again as it tints the tips of your shoulders red, and you envy the cover Mando has on his own shoulders. Sun cover and maybe an air conditioner? Smart. Soon enough, you’re approaching the bounty’s location and the doom of your situation slaps its dirty hand right in front of you. 
You stop in front of the small town, double checking the fob as you lean into the shade of a building. Mando stands some six feet away from you, statuesque and still. You look up at him, curious as to why he hadn’t departed already. You were no expert on the way he worked— yet— but you had a feeling that he wasn't the type to hesitate.
He’s not moving. And frankly? It’s quite unnerving. You can’t pull the emotions he’s feeling out from underneath the helmet, you can’t analyze the way he’s standing because he’s holding himself with no emotion at all.
All of a sudden, he turns and faces the town, still stuck in the no emotion stance. Your brows furrow as you try to process the abrupt movement. It’s not unnatural, the movement, yet it still ruffles your feathers. What is he doing?
You’ve memorized each thread, every dip of the material in his cape, and he’s still standing there. You could probably tell someone how many inches wide his helmet is, how many dents there are in the shoulder pad on his right shoulder. You’re half through figuring he was dead before the implications of that situation draw you back into the present. You shift from one foot to another, and then start past him. A nod is given to as your steps pull you past.
A grip on your arm has you stopping short, not like you really wanted to go anywhere at all. Despite that fact, your shoulders hunch up in somewhat of a flinch, causing Mando to release your arm as quickly as he had grabbed it. “Wrong arm?” The concern laced in his voice bubbled in your stomach. “No, uh-” You babble. “You’re fine.”
He nods almost absently. 
“Did you need something?” leaves your lips before you can stop it.
“The inn. There,” He points to a slightly dusty sand structure a few buildings down. “That’s where they usually are.”
“How do you know they aren’t in a house or something like that?”
“Out this far? They wouldn’t even try that hard.”
You snort. “I hope you’re right.”
He shrugs.
You turn and take a few steps into the village before you turn back, watching him walk quietly. “Mando?” His cape whips as he comes to face you again. 
You smile, accentuating it with a tip of the head. “Thank you.”
His head tilts in response, and as he turns, you swear you hear him mumble you’re welcome.
You turn around once again, and head into the village. Your smile peels into a grin, and the pep in your step is ever evident as you trek into the hotel lobby. Even as you work to take care of your bounty, happiness strums a happy tune, battles the burn in your calf and the beating of the sun.
There are four dents in his shoulder pad on his right shoulder. Two on his left, but who’s counting?
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toku-niko · 10 months
thinking about my second experiences with each of the 3 big toku franchises . not first, second bc I was infinitely more confused, hysterical but having a fun time on the second season of these shows i watched . LIKE i do not experience surprise very often but this is truly a brand new medium/ genre (?)
like in my brain I tried to establish tropes n conventions since they’re such big franchises and they’re probably got a formula and they do but it’s always the dumbest little things that get me completely confounded on the second season of these shows i watch . or major things, but how different these shows can truly be from like 30+ seasons of content still amazes me
my brain after watching ryuki and going on to watch ooo which was not only sensory overload , the belt was singing , the villains being the monsters and actualized characters like it was all so new and shocking . secondaries weren’t always established characters? they can just be some random motherfucker ? YOU MEAN THEY JUST SOMETIMES APPEAR AROUND THE EPISODE MARK THEYRE SUPPOSED TO APPEAR AND THERES NO PRIOR HINTS SOMETIMES ??? never getting over first time meeting of accel, who was just some fucking guy that appeared out of nowhere and started shit talking 😭 like BRO . but ooos also totally gaslights you into thinking the secondary is gonna be gotou AND PULLS UP WITH DATE , a man I had never seen ever i had pure confusion for the next several episodes .
im watching orb and ep 7 told me Gai was an ultra ? what the fuck do you mean, i thought there were just hosts like I looked over all the weird stuff thinking he’s just quirky you mean he’s literally a space alien . like this psycho, is that heroic noble race of space alien bfr my friend had told me and I was like 😧 spoilers . it??? wasn’t supposed to??? but how in the world was I, second time viewer who only know about hosts supposed to react to the guy just being an ultra. i still don’t know what juggler is
my first sentai was donbrothers and the reprogramming i had to go through to understand the rest of sentai seasons a regular amount . 6th rangers actually mattered a shit ton . most teams aren’t dysfunctional , most villain groups were monster designs n generals n their boss not some fucking sparkly human alien things . i mean, most of them, weren’t humanoids ! the shock when the teams weren’t actually extreme personalities , only some of them were but they were mostly still human beings . I understand why saruhara’s actor was so confused about the character now, what the fuck is he . i can’t believe they greenlit these characters , inoue is just allowed to do fucking anything
anyway i really enjoy how they’re so fresh everytime, i may not be 100% into all of them but what I can admit is that they’ve been different from each other so much every season I’ve been able to watch n it’s a delight
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cyberexo · 1 year
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FAR, FAR AWAY | Kim Minseok x Fem Reader
"his eyes sparkled as though god had taken a constellation of stars and placed them within his beautiful orbs"
you can also find this fan-fiction on wattpad under the username @mrkswrld
word count: 573
You let a rope of profanities escape your mouth as you dragged the heavy sack of garden goods to the back door of your home that was in the middle of nowhere, arms sore and it hasn't even been a full minute before you started to think your life over.
Maybe if I stayed in that filthy city, I would've had someone do this for me, you thought to yourself. However, you quickly pushed that thought away before all those shitty memories from a couple of years ago flooded your mind. But to your dismay, and the many other times before this, you let them cloud through the crevices of your brain.
Highschool was the shittiest & most fucked up invention to ever "grace" mankind, nothing about it was graceful. Everyone was so dramatic, rude, stupid, and smelt weird. You'd say it was all puberty but you're convinced 98% of the people you went to school with were still like that. Even if your life was on the line you wouldn't be able to come up with one good thing about them. You tried so hard over the past couple of years to forget, to forget how they treated you, waited for you at every corner to harass you. Everyday was a nightmare, and you'll never know why, but you always found the strength to get off your ass in the morning and do it all over again.
Until you didn't, or couldn't...
Out of all of those shitheads there is only one that'll always wear a halo in your mind, Kim Minseok. He was a sweetheart, you were only lab partners, and although you barely talked, you were always so fond of him. He saw how people treated you, like absolute shit, but every morning when you're walking down the halls to get to home room, you'd see him & he would acknowledge you with the cutest smile. That alone kept you going through the day.
Until one day during your last year in that hell hole you decided to just go, go anywhere but that place. Fuck the students, fuck the teachers, fuck getting good grades, and fuck graduating.
You were getting really sick and tired of seeing nothing but a loser in the mirror, sick of all the noise, all the demands and responsibilities you didn't ask for. You could've just ended your own life, you've thought about it before.. why not do it? but you didn't, you wanted full control of your life and ending yourself wasn't the way to go about it, the thought of disappearing forever into the ground and being forgotten about wasn't satisfying enough, it felt peaceful in some ways but it still felt like something would be missing, as if even if you were dead, your subconscious wouldn't be and you'd lay in the ground regretting your decision for eternity.
Plus, you didn't want to ditch Minseok in this horrid world alone. You sounded crazy, you two barely even talked to one another, who're you kidding, he probably only ever smiled at you out of pity but who cares ?! he was adorable.
Finally you took a deep breath, picturing a mini you in your brain pushing all of these thoughts to the back of your overloaded mind, looked down at the sack of foods and groaned as you picked it up with the little strength you had and rushed through the grass to the back door.
chapter 3
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feifeiwrites · 8 months
The Wonderful Mess We Made - Gabriel/Frayli
In which two kids are stuck on another planet, in another universe, and learn to love each other more.
“Frayli, Fray.” Gabriel overshadows Frayli’s unconscious body, struggling to wake them up. At first, Gabe thought today’s date would go smoothly. Snowdin is a respectful town for a bunch of should-be-deader-than-dead humans, accepting his soulmates as long as they’re harmless and welcoming. They are formidable compared to monsters with how there are canine units dispatched in the town closer to Toriel’s shelter in the Ruins ( to sniff them out, probably ) and the Royal Guard having training specifically to collect their souls. Instead, they’ve taken a short detour through Waterfall and tripped into a pool, only to end up on the other side.
Except, the other side consists of talking rabbits that insisted they weren’t monsters ( “Tah! We’re Lopporits, thank you very much.” ) and their explanation made his blood run cold. That doesn’t mean Frayli has to sleep through Livingway’s lectures, she’ll left the scientific theory to Speculatingway, as they’ve already contacted their benefactors below to try and pick them up.
“So, what you’re saying is,” ponders Speculatingway. “Is that you’re not from around here? As in, another shard?”
Gabriel softens his voice, not wishing to spark animosity between he and the Lopporit. “No, no, no. That’s not what I’m talking about. We’re from different timelines, the both of us —!”
His rounded ears twitch at the thought of visiting timelines, wouldn’t that over-complicate things? Speculatingway inspects Frayli’s drooling face, they’re dozing off like Sleepingway during their Impending Apocalypse. Somehow, Speculatingway wonders if they’re some kind of Garlean creation or an Unsundered’s attempt at a familiar. That isn’t right, as the Unsundered are vanquished after facing the Warrior of Light in too many fights.
Gabriel tries picking up Frayli, retrieving a handful of feathers in his face. “If that doesn’t sound too weird, tell me! We’ve gotta get back, it was supposed to be a date...”
An unfamiliar, shrewd voice inserts itself out of nowhere, proper and diligent.
“Pray tell, what exactly is going on?”
Cat ears? Oh, now that Gabriel’s looking at her - he already decides that she and Theodore would become friends. The nameless mage carries a towering staff of sprawling branches, fitted with a purplish glass orb tying both the head and tail-end together. Her glassy, white eyes stare at nothing in particular, until the white-haired catgirl strains herself and examines them both from afar. Every time she struts, Y’shtola Rhul’s refined manners cleared the room of uncertainty and Gabriel can feel her watching them with intrigue.
Y’shtola bends down, petting Speculatingway on the head as Livingway runs alongside her. “It’s interesting. Two Hyurs I’ve never seen or met before, on the Moon. Tell me, what are your names?”
Wait, they’re on the moon?
“Hurry, we shan’t be wasting any time.”
Her ears twitch in impatience, waiting for his answer. Gabriel sighs, ignoring another Lopporit trotting in with a glass of carrot juice and throwing it onto their datemate’s face. For whatever reason, Frayli actually wakes up this time and Gabriel is thankful that he doesn’t have to spend any further time alone.
“I’m Gabe, and this is Frayli. Uh, is this…” Gabriel still clings to Frayli, close to feeling overwhelmed by the ambient magic floating around. “Sorry, this can’t be the Underground. There’s no way in hell that we’re on the fucking moon.”
“The Moon,” she titters, “is the home of the Lopporits and what used to be Zodiark. I can understand if you fret, but Zodiak is no longer alive. You’re safe.”
What Y’shtola doesn’t add on, is that they’re safe for now.
She gestures to her elegant attire, then opens up for a proper handshake. “You two are in good hands. Y’shtola Rhul, Scion of the Seventh Dawn and Archon of Old Sharlayan at your service.”
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The catgirl - the Miqo’te - leads them into a teleporter where two of her other friends stand. Meteor Survivor ( wow, that’s a name ) and the smug-looking Thancred Waters, carrying a literal gunblade on his back. He notices the two studying his weapon, quipping about how well-polished it is - he explains in a shortened version of his typical recited speeches that the gunblade helps him fight, seeing as he lacked the Aether for magic.
They descend the monstrous construct, some kind of bio-mechanical tower, led by Meteor for extra protection and flanked by magical scholars.
( Along the way, Frayli is offered a blue potion bottled up in a decorative flacon. “It’s to change your appearance. We don’t want to ring any alarm bells. Ser Guerrero, you’ll be fine. You look like a standard Hyur.” )
As if to playfully tease him, Frayli switches to having rabbit ears in place of their avian features. Apparently, Aegyl are an extinct race from an ancient civilization, eradicated by a tyrannical empire in the distant past. Their sudden appearance would be more unexplainable and suspicious if Frayli walked in just as they were.
( He was compared to a rabbit before, bouncing and jumping around while they watched him spar with Andrea. )
Instead of the Underground, Gabriel and Frayli arrive in a whirling blizzard with harsh winds and rougher temperatures than Snowdin. This is, or was, Garlemald before the Civil War - thank goodness for Thancred simplifying Y’shtola’s brief lectures, in a mutual understanding that they’re in an entirely different universe from their own.
Magic comes from the soul. On Etheirys, magic is everywhere. People born in Etheirys are capable of wielding magic, no matter what gifts they have, their bodies are made up of thin aether while weaponry and the shining crystals dangling off Meteor’s steel armor act as conduits. In short, it’s less simpler than the magic back home and Gabriel knows that Frayli is itching to try it out, because Gabe also wants to try something new.
Once they’ve arrived at the camp-site, Thancred carefully explains to them all of the different races. None of them are monsters, but varying flavors of human.
Hyurs are your bonafide humans that resembled the ordinary kind back home, aside from having eccentric hair colors. Elezen are elves with their long, knife-like ears and gorgeous faces. Miqo’te, like Y’shtola, are nimble and restless, descending from Meracydian hunters and they’re warned to never call them catpeople. Lalafells are, well, Lalafells! Roegadyns are a maritime race from the northern seas, known for their brawniness and near-endless stamina.
Thancred points to a horned, scaled woman that Gabriel would’ve mistaken for a dragon if he wasn’t told beforehand. Horns and scales belong to the Au Ra, once mistaken for dragons by the Elezen of an Eorzean kingdom. The lion man in yellow is a Hrothgar - their women are sparse, leading to matriarchal clans revolving around them as formal royalty.
“And your lover over there,” Thancred badgers, “is a Viera. Characterized by their long rabbit-like ears and tall heights. All Fantasia brewed by Thavnairian alchemists are random, I wonder if this is meant to be?”
How did he know? Is he that easy to read? Gabe’s flushed cheeks are covered by the extreme temperatures of fallen imperialism, he stops for a second and gawks at the flying beasts in the skies. Despite seeing the remnants of self-destruction around him, Etheirys is still alive and breathing. There are faint murmurs between soldiers about an on-going apocalypse that has to be dealt with, as Thavnair is undergoing wildfires and Old Sharlayan is busy preparing for… something.
When Thancred re-unites with his own faction, stew is made and shared for everyone involved in their mission - ex-soldiers of war and the combined forces of Fantasy Europe alike. A taller Elezen emerges from the crowd, handing them mugs as he assures the two that they’ll figure out how to send them back home. It won’t be for long, he said, Y’shtola is figuring out shard travel and if she manages to, traveling to other universes is the next step in her plan.
Frayli holds Gabriel’s hand, and he responds in kind by resting his head against their shoulder. The bitter cold freezes his gloved hands, but their shared warmth is a reminder that he’s alive.
A weird revelation that suddenly hit him. Gabriel Guerrero is alive. His soul isn’t floating around in a projected vessel of magic, no, Gabe is alive and breathing and —
“Blue Jay,” Frayli giggles, “What’s up? Did you notice…?”
Gabriel’s state is ambiguous, for the time being. If he asks Y’shtola, his current known expert on Etheirys magic, she might have a theory or two.
He sets down his clay mug in the shape of a yellow bird, hugging Frayli as they ate. “I did! Holy shit, oh my fucking god! I don’t know how it happened, but it’s weird and I’m not sure what to think! But…”
Gabe smiles, embracing Frayli in a tighter hug. “I have my body back.”
Frayli laughs, kissing him on the cheek and bunting their forehead against his. “Congrats! We should be focused on getting out of here. If you’re happy to be flesh and blood, then… I don’t mind staying here even longer, for your sake.”
“Gah, you don’t have to!” Gabe pauses, releasing himself from the hug and pulling down his beanie. “… If you really do, are you sure about that?”
Then, Frayli nudges Gabe in the chest and smirks widely, revealing their fangs. “Oh, I’m sure. I’d do anything to see you happy, Gabe.”
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Here, dancing is a Job. A Job doesn’t require paying bills or working under corporate higher-ups on Etheirys, they are ancient ( or recent ) disciplines that have fallen out of use, forbidden, or controlled by exclusivity in how and why they’re given. An entertainment troupe that was passing by in Thavnair, in celebration of the nation’s saving throw, witnessed Gabe teaching Frayli how to naturally dance by channeling rhythm. They aren’t exactly the greatest dancer in the world, having a clumsy way of using their legs, but Gabriel loves Frayli for his willingness to learn and share his hobbies.
One of the troupe’s dancers, a Keeper of the Moon named Panha Moshroca, explicitly points out his talent and applauds over the non-stop bickering near her. Apparently, her friends have an intense rivalry about their own skills and seek to improve upon each other in the least sensible way possible. It reminds him of he and Teddy - there is no way Theodore’s worried sick about Gabe’s sudden absence, though, Gabriel admires him and hopes that he’s safe with the rest of his soulmates back in Snowdin.
“You could be an amazing Dancer! I mean, ahaha! You already are!” Panha skips on her bare feet, thrusting her clawed fists in the air. “By the Twelve, only if I had spare crystals… Oh, there we go!”
On cue, Panha stops in her tracks and reaches behind her ear to pull out… a shimmering, glossy pink crystal shaped like a flower petal. It has a glowing sigil etched into the center, resembling a lovely heart. She whistles at Gabriel for his attention, directly tossing the stone at him without much thought and, to her amusement, Gabe catches the thing in his hands.
The corners of Gabe’s mouth quirk up at Panha’s kindness. Frayli leans forward, examining the job crystal in his hands - mesmerized.
“Hey, thanks! I still don’t know how this stuff works — Frayli!”
Frayli swipes the Dancer crystal from his grasp, squinting at its shininess. “Hey, I’m not gonna steal it! I’m looking.”
“Well, you can look later,” sasses Gabe, “Now, give it back. Last time I checked, that Levellieur guy gave you one, too?”
The job crystal is dropped back in Gabriel’s palm and he glances at the pure white, tooth-like crystal hanging from the leather necklace around Frayli’s neck. He wonders if he should fit his to be an earring, but Gabriel doesn’t know how advanced piercing technology is on Etheirys and he doesn’t want to risk infecting one of his closed holes.
( In a world full of magic healers, Gabriel is still cautious. )
“Yours is prettier! Mine looks like toothpaste on a rock.” Frayli juts out their lower lip, arms crossed to their chest. “That’s okay, though. You’re really cute, so it suits you.”
Oh, Gabriel’s heart can’t take it. After Panha’s time in the background asking Radz-at-Han’s Troupe Falsiam for spare chakrams, she re-appears in a spontaneous manner likened to a teleporting cat in front of Gabe with his disicpline’s signature arms.
“They’re yours! Turns out Jagadai of the Qalli hoards them like crazy,” she laughs at her crewmate’s habits. “We can train right here! These chakrams might be sharp, but they’re a li’l special if you catch my drift.”
Momentarily, Gabriel thought that she was joking. He takes the quoits from her dainty hands, dropping his arms to knee-level from its material. Their heavy weight complimented Gabriel’s movements, he’d smoothly adapt to them over time while he’s on Etheirys, and the additional gravity that allowed his new weapons to dance around them with ease.
Frayli radiates light-hearted jealousy as they watch Gabe leap two and fro, following Panha’s instructions to a fault. When questioned about what they think, Frayli’s fluffy ears perk up in affectionate love and they scoff.
“Your weapons are cooler than mine. It’s not fair.”
Gabe pats them on the head, registering how Frayli’s one inch taller than normal. Fuck.
“You’ve got lasers,” Gabe responds fondly and smooches them on the lips, “And they’re far better than a pair of chak’s. We’ve got a while `til Y’shtola’s given us the all-clear.”
Old Sharlayan is their next stop after the Thavnairian feast is done. While Gabriel prefers eating savory meals, he tried his hardest to enjoy the meyhane’s flavorful dishes and found them to be… overly spicy. Having the opportunity to taste another foreign meal in another world is something he couldn’t pass up, yet Mehryde’s staff cooks them with the highest potency and adds enough seasoning to clear his senses.
Frayli cleared their plates with how much they adore spiciness over the over-bearing sweets that they tended to carry around.
They reach into the shoulder-bag hanging from them, confirming that there’s enough gil on their person to afford other things.
This isn’t a vacation, since Gabe and Frayli are helping out the locals with their Final Days problem. It wouldn’t hurt to sight-see, anyways. Not when Y’shtola has their back, willing to contact them once she’s discovered a reasonable solution to their personal dilemma.
What an intelligent lady. Her sass would elevate Aisha’s, it’d be a disaster of the two were to meet.
( Gabe misses his soulmates. They miss him, too. )
“I’ve heard from Ali-said,” begins Frayli. “Old Sharlayan’s professors are fucking assholes, but that we shouldn’t talk to them yet. She said ‘our mess’ can’t be public until they figure out what’s going on with Fan-Danny’s stupid plans.”
Gabriel rests his chakrams on the hangers attached to his belt, pressing his lips. “Do you think that… we’ll be able to get back to our universe in one piece?”
“We sure are!” Frayli points a thumb at the rugged Meteor Survivor, who had finally taken a shower and started feeding his birds. What are they called again? Chocobos? “Look at him! He’s apparently the hero of the entire world, or whatever.”
“Dude has some guts. I can't imagine seeing him lose, kinda reminds me of you.” And the determination to overpower his enemies. Gabriel shudders at the thought of taking the Warrior of Light with them.
Frayli twirls around Gabriel, nouliths whizzing and flying around him to cast an unwanted barrier. Huh, would Kayla like these? Probably not. A Red Mage would suit her better, from what he’s seen during Meteor’s duels in Vanaspati. Their rapiers complimented her fighting style a lot more, than healing using lasers and - actually, what the fuck is he thinking? She’d be fantastic with both!
Gabe pokes the defense barrier, releasing himself from Frayli’s silliness. “... Let’s hope that the Sharlayan guys aren’t as awful as Alisaie says they are.”
0 notes
silvermuffins · 2 years
Pokemon Scarlet Livblog! Part 8!
We sort of have my e key functional again. Sort of. sort of.
ah yes we are just outside Alfornada, time to catch some pokemon! like Peach the Klefki. And Zotini the Sinistea. hmmmm are there Gothita here or will I have to breed one of a Gothorita? ...OH WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT???? ESPATHRA?? oops i killd it. Dos it volv from Flittle???
aaaaaa i got attackd by a lokix in a wall...but hy Faxly is evolving! can swap out for Ralts
a quick google tells me I will have much better luck catching a gothorita and breeding a gothita. name her Chitekki.
I think we're ready for the town now. damn the music here is great.
One girl mentions cute pokemon mosaics on the observatory that look like old video games. we're gonna see some old sprites? YES OH MY GOD. AND PRE-GEN 3, AT THAT! MY CHILDHOOD!
ok gym time! Nemona is here ofc. oh we battle this time?
I am very overleveled! Wham wham wham.
seriously why does Nemona always look like she can barely control her tera orb???
Palermo has evolved into Gardevoir, and if Gooble also...yep, so we can use a stone and knock Gallade out of the dex, too! So next we grab Drowzee and....Haunter we need to trade for. Pichu I can do tho!
Okay, Gym Test time! ...exercise? Emotional Spectrum Practice? is this gonna be some kind of mindfulness manifesting thing.....
!!! DENDRA?! ohhhh so I got it wrong before, Dendra and Miriam aren't a couple. They're a polycule with Tulip, is that it? ....oh Dendra honey you had a type disadvantage.
how the fuck did I miss that that shortens to ESP. oh well, that was neat. i guess. Oh! And a battle! ohhhh there is more. and probably another battle. Jupe is overlveled and knows Bite so he's legit just chewing through every psychic.
yah time to chew through Tulip too....damn she's working two phones at once. a very busy lady. hm....i feel weird? something feels odd.
also a bunch of these gym leaders seem like...being GL is almost more Inconvenient assigned burden than anything? really feeling it between Larry and Tulip, somthing's odd about this league.
a slight miscalculation. No matter, Pebbles has things well in hand.
TULIP SAID MY BEAUTY RIVALS HERS???? oh and she does want to poach me. hm.
! RIKA....who is this sassy lost child. who let a child into the e4, i am deeply concerned.
climbs the mountain....hey I can see my house from here! wow what a stunning viw of the region.... eyyyy Hosenose is evolving, I can get this awful thing out of my party. mmkay I don't have a Slakoth so Bounsweet is up next. OOH THRE IS A DRATINI. fuck I accidentally killed it! oh there's another. fuck i killed that on too.
accidentally drowns
hy another dratini! oh thank god i didn't kill it this time. GOT IT name you a Snoo.
where the fuck am i
okay w flew back to school but man i am Sleepy i am putting it down for now
Tomorrow we classes, bonding, and ideally beat up a titan and ortega. that will b in this post se you in a line break or two.
otay! I slept good and have nowhere to be for about seven hours.
School! ...I think there's one E4 we havn't met yet? or I just don't remember. Anyway classes
oh god we have finals
fani crying into a sandwich at 3 am as she tries to study
oh hey we're finally learning about the terastal phenomenon
ohhhh so Professor Sada invented Tera Orbs to bring Terastallization both out of Area Zero and into mainstream use. ...Clavell was on the team??? And didn't Clavell used to work with Jaqc?
i smell fodder for some creative work
FUCK first time I've ever got a class question wrong because competitive confuses the fuck out of me. dammit. I wanted a perfect grade in Pokemon, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve.
OH YEAH I CAN RETAKE A CLASS we'll just pretend that never happened!. All better!
i am renewing my declaration to protect Mr. Saguaro at all costs
let's do some friendship before finals, shall we? awww Miriam. Oh! And I have a Pokedex updat for Jaqc! oh shit next he wants me to complete the dex. Well that was a goal anyway. We're working on it.
that is all of the friendship we hav for now. but now finals.
I apparently got something wrong on th biology finnal??? what??? can i retake? apparently not because I still passed. But thy won't tell me what I got wrong. oooooh that's infuriating.
well i aced everything else
i love how all th teachers are kind of batshit insane. Riafort especially. I'm going after the ruinous pokemon, fuck yeah.
it's totally fine and normal to send a small child to remove the ancient seals on magic beasts of ruin
Grasswither, Firescourge, Groundblight, and Icerend...
oh my god Dendra really IS dating Miriam I am so glad.
you tell 'em, Hassel!
awww pawmi
......wait. wait oh no did he
oh...so there was no special reason Tyme quit? ...wait. that was a year and a half ago. the same tim Team Star's flashbacks go to. I smell a deeper meaning.
oooh okay so I need sweet herba mistica to bond more with Saguaro.
ANYWAY! to the desert titan! and getting Lizamae the Hippopotas.
uuhhhhh sure is a giant spiky donphan over there. Whatevr, w have Cabrande th Sandile! okay now w ar in the donphan's turf, surely this is fine.
the donphan thing is the titan isn't it. oh boy.
SADA?! Great Tusk....came from the crater.....ohhhh boy so this ISN"T the titan?! Suuupr... Subdu it, huh. How about I catchit?
also onc again how the fuck does Sada always knw where I am and what I'm up to.
oh wait this IS the Titan
this Titan's quest is a bit less dangerous than anticipated.
buuut the titan was tougher than anticipated! woohoo! And Milady is evolving! So is Glimmer! SO I can slap a stone on Glimmer and move on with the dex. after th cutscne
Arven isn't sure Great Tusk is actually a Pokemon, but fls lik h's sen it. You dingus it's in the Scarlet Book. You showd it to me.
anyway time for Feelings. aaaa Mabostiff is healing!
HOLY SHIT I GT GLIDING NOW? oh and Koraidon is "that fellow" not "that brute" now, huh?
mental block....oh no. Oh no. Koraidon's the one who hurt Mabostiff, huh, and is traumatized into not taking battle form, as a result, is that it?
not every herba mistica has to have a huge effect or be effective right away. that's right. surely this isn't a sign that all our drams won't come true...
im gonna mak an ncounter: fire sammich in hops of special tauros...oh i haven't reloaded on ingredients since last gym
whaddaya know it worked right away, wlcom to the family Sombairas. ....if it will stay in the damn ball. FINALLY. Oh and tim to grab a Bonsly from the box.
okay! Ortega is next on my list of shit to do! so, time to fly to Glaceado's Grasp and get lost for a whil. Maybe fall off some cliffs.
excllent, another shot at Frigibax. ...I don't think I hav anything that can ffectivly weaken this thing so just gonna....pray to my ultra balls.
GOT IT you're Bururui.....i see the base. Right down there. Fastest way down is to JUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuummmmp......
I think Pebbles is my best member against fairies?
okay wish me happy landing
??? I took a wrong turn and ended up in Montenevra?
and now Brahti volves into Sudowoodo, I can swap out for something else. Rockruff is up next! I know I've seen midnight Lycanroc around so im gonna assume I need to level this pup up at night.
oh yeah bass need three Pokemon....so what can deal with fairis? Pebbles, of course.... I might need to pull some friends out of the box, though. I need poison and steel. Thankfully Milady has evolved so we can swap her out. For Duchae, so we're still working on the dex! And...hm, maybe grab my Cufant if its level is decent, when Coppel evolves. Which is happening right now! Even though it's daytime! oooh mayb the Lycanrocs aren't version exclusive this time...
okay so w're grabbing Peach to tackle the base with. Not ideal but h.
where the fuck am i??? oops i drowned again....and if you close your yes~ does it almost feel lik nothing changed at all? and if you close your eyes, does it almost feel like I'VE FUCKING BEEN HERE BEFORE'
finally. hi clive. no cassiopeia doesn't seem to have any resentment or animosity toward Team Star.
honestly interesting geography, with this tucked away meadow...
oooh it's as I thought, Ortega is a Rich Kid huh.... Mr. Harrington is his privat tutor. H's so polite....
He's Clavell's predecessor?! Ortega is the mechanic...so he probably souped up the cars. He's the youngest? Oh...
Gommliah the Dedenne joins us.
These Star Barrags aren't gonna get any hardr ever, are they? sigh.
oh man Ortega definitely sounds like a spoiled rich kid.
silly little man. If you're such a Fairy expert, why were you so unprepared for a little pink menac with a great big hammer?
tim for some feelings!
A major incident avoided, but a hitherto unprecedentd scandal, with no records thereof...
Oh....the big boss took responsibility, and disappeared, to protect the others....nooooooo
....eighteen months of study abroad...and those eighteen months are almost up... Studying in Galar. Aaaaaa. And the Deputy deleted all traces of everything...to. Protect himself. Hm.
oh jesus that's kind of extreme....
So the old bullies all bolted and dropped out, and Team Star are the villains of the story? According to Cassiopeia.... What the hell is the truth, here?
Penny is pretty jaded, huh? And she really thiinks the Big Boss was stupid...
FOMANTIS. Purlui. Oh right I can chang out klefki. For Rolycoly! Which near immediatly evolvs into Carkol. Alomomola! Seenach. Ooh, a cave. Not an interesting one.
Gonna try a line break here to see if tumblr stops giving me grief.
Anyway my next goal is...the ice gym. Once again I think Pebbles takes center, steel is going to b a useful type, and Sotero will make great backup. Okay~ W fly to Zapapico! Aftr a quick run to school to do frieendship at Clavell. I'm gonna tell him long locks are cool because I like guys with long hair.
Anyway! Zapapico! Becaus I have been told trying to get to the eighth gym from Montenevra is Annoying. Huh....buncha Pyroar....hav I ever seen a wild Litleo?
OOH this tunnel has a branchd off cave, I wanna see what's over here!
oh shit the lighting here is terrible for making a sandwich
oh snap there's a platforming puzzle. I hav to be at work in an hour.
oh there's MOR cave! where am i going???
found a pokmon center so i should stop and get ready for work.
actually i still have a nnoteworthy amount of time, so more exploring this second Good Cave!
goddamn where am i
oh okay
wait no
oh shit it's black back there
okay that's the way i eventually Want To Go so w are back on track
okay i figurd it out. and now I hav Fomoriel the Litleo. And Nenelii the Snom.
w leave off with me in a battle with an Espathra, our faces about two inches apart because we fell onto the same teeny tiny ledge. My battling Pokmon released somewhere behind me and promptly fell off a cliff.
Surely this will end well.
0 notes
thoughtsandfics · 2 years
Promises - Billy Hargrove PT 1? Tags / Tw: Blood, Suggestions Of Murder, Mind Control, Fluff??
The door closes behind you. “Shh, shh. Sit down. Just.. it’ll be fine.” You shake your head, partly because you were in denial over his words, and a little just to clear your vision of the tears falling from your glassy orbs. You don’t let Billy see them though.
You walk through his room. Your steps felt mindless. They felt heavy. You reach his bed. It was weird, if you were being honest. You sit down carefully. You never thought you’d ever be in Billy Hargrove’s room. It was probably every girl in Hawkin’s dream to be here. But all you could feel was… sick.
You’d remind yourself when all this is over to laugh at worrying about a silly thing like that at a time like this.
“Fine?” Your voice cracks. Yet somehow you were still confident with questioning him. “Look what we did… how is any of this… fine?”
You look around the room. The little things around it made you remember that he was a person behind the cold stares you’ve known him for. It was all you’ve known him for. Now you know of cassette tapes of bands you didn't know the names of and posters of pretty magazine models. It made sense though. It ‘fit’ him.
A shaky breath hits the air. When you look up to him, you see his eyes are watery too. Maybe more than yours.
He almost looks scared. Billy Hargrove… scared. It makes you shiver a little.
“Don’t you think I know that? That we’re fucked… no matter how we get past this thing living in our heads?”
It’s been three days since… his car came out of nowhere. Straight into yours. You came out of that accident with a kind of trauma unlike any kind of PTSD anyone has ever owned… or could recover from.
You had learned that whoever, whatever, needed to do this was using Billy because of his relationship to Max and her relationship Eleven. You didn’t how close they actually were though. You didn’t know anything besides each other’s names before three days ago.
Whatever was making you and him… do these things, cared about your friendships with Steve, Eddie, Chrissy and the group of ‘kids’. Which included Eleven.
Thats all you knew. So, here you were, trying to stay as far away from everyone as possible… while you could still make that choice for yourself. The power to resist running back to anything your thoughts yelled for you to do got stronger and stronger by the minute.
You look at your lap. A gasp falls from your lips. Blood still coated beneath your finger nails.
You rise from the bed.
“Y/n.” You were sure he could sense just how close you were to cracking like your voice already was. “I kno-
“Exactly! You know! And you shouldn’t have to know how this feels!” A sob falls from your lips. You start to shake. You simply whisper, “No one should.”
It takes you a few moments of utter surprise before you register that… Billy is hugging you. Once you realize you’ve been standing there shaking and not returning it, you wrap your arms tight around him.
His shoulders seem to relax a little. Maybe he needed it, too.
You were all each other had, now. You couldn’t fuck this up. You wouldn’t.
“We’ll fix this.”, he drawls softly in your ear. “I promise.”
0 notes
thedragonagelesbian · 2 years
also maya agrupnin needs a comic series about exploring patia’s orb and trying to archive, document, and save the information therein
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If You Flinched Away From Their Touch
Dream SMP x Fem! Reader
Here’s some more angst lol
I’m definitely doing more Dream SMP stuff now that it’s ‘ended’ so if you have any requests just comment or message me! ^^
I’ll do prefrences, imagines, oneshots, fluff, SFW, angst and NSFW (not for The Dream SMP tho, only for other fandoms lol. NSFW in the MCYT community is genuinely weird-).
Clay stared down at you with trembling green eyes, his hand that was about to cup your cheek was still held up and shaking a little. 
His mask was pushed to the side of his head so he would be able to kiss you, but you had actually flinched away from him. Like, properly flinched away like you were afraid of him. The more he looked into your nervous eyes, he finally realised.
Eyes darkening, he gritted his teeth and brought his hand to his side,” Who was it.” It was more of a demand than a question.
You panicked at his angered tone and how his hands clenched,” N-no! It’s fine! You just surprised me--”
His tone shut you up, your eyes burning a little. He looked hurt and most of all, concerned,”... Just tell me who. Please...” 
You gulped and told him, his dark eyes lighting up ever so slightly at your cooperation.” Thank you...” He then reached down and gripped your hand tightly within his own, squeezing it reassuringly.
His eyes wide with concern, George instantly took his hand from your cheek when he saw you flinch. It hurt him... Where you scared of him?
“ [Y/N]... A-are you alright? Are you-....” He paused, gulping down the tight lump in his throat,”... Are you afraid of me?” He whispered, it was barely audible but you heard him clearly.
You instantly denied his claim, grabbing both of his hands within your own,” George you could never scare me... It’s just... The last relationship I had wasn’t.. the best, lets just say.” You explained it horribly but your boyfriend seemed to get the gist of it.
The brunette’s hand moved from holding your hand to holding your waist, pulling you into his chest and then wrapping them around you safely and securely, you froze at his warm embrace but found yourself melting in it,” I get it...” He whispered next to your ear,”... I’m sorry. I love you.” He muttered.
You couldn’t stop the loving smile from crossing over your lips,” Yeah... Same here.” 
“...babe?” Nick muttered out with a confused look,” Why’d you flinch away? Is everything good?” He was worried now.
You smiled up at him quickly and nodded your head,” Y-yeah! Sorry, you just surprised me a little. I didn’t think you were just gonna hug me outta nowhere!” You laughed out to make it more convincing that you weren’t lying.
Nick knew better than that.
Sighing, he settled his head in the crook of of your neck, holding your arms gently and securely. You looked at him in confusion and you were about to question him, but he interrupted you,” I’m not gonna push anything out of you... but if you need to talk about it, then just talk. Okay?” He whispered to you reassuringly, burrying his face deeper into your neck.
You visibly relaxed and took your arms from his hold gently, moving them around his neck and playing with the back of his hair,”... Okay...”
                                WILBUR SOOT 
The brunette looked terrified for a moment, afraid he had hurt you whenever he cupped your cheek but then a wave of realisation crossed over his expression. A solemn and monotone look passed over his worried expression, biting his lip due to habit.
“ Who was it, [Y/N]?” He asked calmly, but there was an angered undertone to his voice.” Who hurt you?”
You were silent for a long while, staring deeply into his chocolate-brown eyes that were dangerously dark. Those eyes that you had fallen for the first time you ever saw them. Sighing, your brought a hand up to his cheek and cupped it gently. Standing on your toes, you pressed a light kiss to the tip of his nose with a kind smile.” Who cares who hurt me before? I’m with you, and I could never be more safer than I am when I am in your arms.”
He was surprised for a moment before his tense shoulders relaxed, and a smile twitched onto his lips.” Fair enough.” He muttered, giving into you.
Pulling you into a deep kiss, Eret’s eyebrows furrowed in concern and anxiousness. You had just flinched away from him when he tried to hug you. You were afraid of something.
He pulled away, staring down at you with stern eyes,”... Who was it and did they hurt you.” He demanded a response, he was just being a concerned significant other but his deep voice cracked a little when he spoke those words, he was silently panicking on the inside.
Shaking your head a little,” I don’t... please, can we not talk about it?... I didn’t mean to flinch away, I just need to get used to it. Give me some time.” You pulled him down a little and pecked his lips lovingly,” Just give me some time...”
Silent for a moment, he nodded.” I’ll wait.” 
“ Who the hell was it.” 
His words were like venom as his red eyes glowed with malice and killing intent. Whoever had hurt you, he was going to find them and torture them until they wished they had never even met you before him-
His thoughts stopped spiraling as soon as he felt arms wrap around his waist, watching as you buried your face into his chest, shaking your head a little.” I-I’m sorry for flinching away, but please, when I tell you who it was... You need to promise me that you won’t go and hurt them.” The girl mumbled into his chest, her voice muffled by his clothing.
His lip twitched a little but he brushed it off,” Yes.”
“ Yes what?”
“ I promise.”
You looked up at him with narrowed eyes, watching as his eyes narrowed in return. ”Lair.”
“HEH? I’m not lying!! All I was gonna do is introduce them to my axe of peace, that’s all-”
“This is why I’m not gonna tell you, Techno.”
“ Eh, I’ll find out sooner or later anyways.”
Schlatt breathed in a little, closing his eyes to calm himself down.’ Why the fuck did she flinch away from me, I swear to fuck if someone hurt her I’ll fuck em up-’
“ Sch-schlatt?” You stuttered out, concerned at the fact he was staying silent.” What’s up?...”
He coughed a little and opened his eyes, narrowing them a little as he looked down at you,” Look- I love you [Y/N] but who the fuck hurt you.” He spat like an angered snake.
You gulped a little,” Hey now- whatever your thinking...” You trailed off, not even able to defend yourself.
Scoffing, Schlatt settled a strong yet reassuring hand on your shoulder, squeezing it as a way to reassure you. He was never one for comforting others face-to-face even though he was so good at it. 
Breathing a  little before he spoke with a softer tone than before,” [Y/N].... Tell me who the fuck hurt you.” Although his words were threatening, his calm voice made [Y/N] give into him. He could only smile a little at her submissive nature and bring her into a tight hug.
There was a long silence.
”I’m getting my glock 17.”
“ Schlatt, nO-”
He gritted his teeth a little as thoughts ran through his head, different scenarios of what you had to go through consuming his mind. The panic in his eyes were clear, the darker they got.
You stepped closer to him and cupped his face in both of your hands, bringing his face closer to yours. He was surprised for a moment before you pressed your forehead against his. Looking into your serene and calm orbs, he felt at peace again, his thoughts moving to the back of his mind.
“You need to stop thinking for a bit, okay?” You whispered to him reassuringly, he was silent as he just listened to you speak, feeling his anxiety slowly disappear,” I’m safe now. I’m safe and I’m with you... So calm the fuck down.”
Laughing at how out-of-character the last sentence you said was, Alex shook his head a little,” Alright, alright...” He muttered, a slight grin on his lips,” Whatever happened to you... if you wanna talk about it at all, come to me.” He reassured her, placing his hands on hers.
Snorting at his sentence, you gave him a cheeky grin,” Who else would I go to?? Sapnap?” 
“ Yeah, no me gusta-”
As soon as you flinched from her hug, she instantly pulled away with a conflicted look. Her eyes full of hurt before realisation washed over them.”... What happened?” She whispered with a concerned expression.
You panicked and settled your hands on her shoulders quickly, a nervous grin on your lips,” D-don’t worry about it, Niki! You just caught me off guard-” You stopped talking as soon as her soft hand settled upon your cheek, caressing it gently with her thumb.
A soft smile crossed over her lips as she shook her head lightly,” You don’t need to hide things from me, [Y/N]... Just talk to me, I can help you.” She reassured, her smile widening further.
You stared at her for a long moment before sighing and leaning into her touch, nodding ever so slightly,” Yeah... yeah, okay...” 
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crossedsabers10s · 3 years
I want off this ride
AU mess where Strikes Thrice!Damon meets the canon crew. 
It goes like, “You guys have an Enzo? Sweet. Dibs. I want two.”
“WHat do you MeAN there’s no Dagur here? ...I mean, I guess it is quieter. No, but seriously, where is she?”
“I’m dating who? What kind of alternate universe is--wait. Yeah, never mind. Still weird, though.” 
“What the hell,” Damon says, tone flat. He inspects the mirror image in front of him with the air of a man who is more than just done with life, he’s ready to fight it in the back of a grocery store parking lot. 
“You tell me,” Damon says bitingly, glaring at his doppelganger. Although this one seems defective. His hair is off for one, shorter and in an odd cut. He’s also, Damon notices a bit indignantly, wearing glittery nail polish in a shade of blue that must be outside of nature, it's so bright. “You’re the one that popped out of nowhere. Wanna explain?”
The other Damon makes a face. “God, is this how Stefan felt about the Silas thing? Why do you have my face?”
“Better question, why do you have mine? And how do you know about Silas? If you’re in cahoots, you should know that your buddy is--”
“Rubble? Yeah. I know, I was there, it was fun. Sledgehammers were involved.”
“...what? No? If you’re going to lie, at least make it good. Stefan stabbed him.”
“Why are there two of Damon?” Enzo asks the room at large. He gets a collective shrug back. 
“Enzo!” Doppel-Damon exclaims. “Thank fuck!”
Enzo blinks as one of the Damons appears by his side. “Why?” he asks him, mildly curious and mostly exhausted. 
“This universe is terrible,” Damon tells him earnestly. Then he smirks. “Hey, at least it’s looking up now though.” 
Enzo turns a look onto his Damon. “Why?” he repeats. 
Damon raises his hands. “Don’t look at me, I didn’t do anything.”
“You touched the glowing magic orb,” Stefan points out, still looking like he’s in his second to worst nightmare. 
“Oh,” Doppel!Damon says, maybe the littlest bit sheepish. “You guys have one of those too?”
“Don’t tell me,” Bonnie deadpans. “You touched it too?”
Doppel-Damon tips his head to the side in deep thought. After a moment of this, the entire room on the edge of their seats, he says, “Hey, can I take Enzo with me?”
“What?” Enzo says blankly.
Meanwhile, Damon chokes on air. “What?”
The Doppler shrugs at them. “Two Enzos. That’s like. Double the fun.” 
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entities-of-posts · 3 years
alright. ask and you shall receive (also i saw ur tags, dw abt carbon monoxide. we got a carbon monoxide detector and it works perfectly fine)
honestly im not really sure where to start so i guess ill just list off some of the weird shit we’ve seen entity wise (not counting the mimics bc i think we already talked abt them)
glow in the dark baby: my personal favorite tbh. either manifests as an orb or a floating baby that glows blue. we’ve only seen this fella once or twice
furnace room man: fuckin. forgot what we named him so we’ll just go with that for now. anyways he’s like… some dude with some really bad burns and melty flesh. generally harmless, he just hangs out. the more friendly cousin of whatever else lives in there (we know nothing about them other than the fact they only tolerate our cats but absolutely HATE everyone else. the other things living in there, not furnace man)
chase: lives in our bedroom closet. creepy. we’ve never seen him fully, all we know is that he’s short and has a lot of hair covering his face. we always keep our closet closed so we never really hear much of him, but one night we accidentally left it open and the ENTIRE night he just kept saying “hey. hey come here. come into the closet” and we just. rolled over and went back to sleep because what the fuck else are you supposed in that kind of situation?? woke up a few hours later to see both of our cats on our bad hissing at the closet so there’s that
the observers: what their name suggests. they just watch people and follow them around. they don’t hurt people but when they pull up in numbers it’s SCARY. one time we got up late to get some water and there were 5 or 6 of them sitting around the coffee table. they don’t have any facial features or any defining characteristics besides being really tall and just being.. walking shadows, but i could see their heads move towards us so we BOOKED it back to our room. few seconds later they were outside our door just….. Staring.
weird guy: we think he might be a mimic but he’s actually come out during the day so im giving him his own category. anyways one time we were putting the dishes away and felt something fucking MASSIVE and soft brush against our leg. thought it was one of the cats but it reached too high on our leg to be one of them so we just went. ok whatever this might as well happen. continued putting the dishes away and we could see something huge running down the hall in the reflection of a knife we were holding and nearly damn dropped the thing on our foot. he looks like some weird… man bat wolf thing? idk. very physical entity. very vocal also, he can mimic our cats meows and also giggles a lot
victoria: awful. if i remember correctly she’s extremely pale, has long hair, and the rest of her body from the torso down is. gone?? anyways she likes to hang out in dark rooms. whenever we’re home alone at night she’ll try to get us to come into one of the rooms with her. i dont think she’s been around that much lately? but when she used to be, if we ignored her we’d wake up with some pretty nasty scratches on our arms and legs
michael: MAN FUCK THIS GUY. he just looks like a tall malnourished blonde man w no eyes or lips. he’s bound to the bathroom for whatever reason, but god fucking FORBID you cross paths with him when he’s in a bad mood. he pushes people, pulls their hair, grabs their arms or waists. he’s awful. we can deal w victoria but michael 2 are straight no’s from us
michael…. 2 i fucking guess: don’t have a name for her but basically she does the same thing as michael except she just kicks anyone’s ass that goes in the basement. most thing she does is stare at you, but if you look into her eyes you feel sick as shit out of nowhere
that’s… all i can think of off the top of my head. im not even sure if were rambling about these for shits and giggles trying to assign entities to them or finally letting this all out for our sanity and confronting it on a serious note but. well. it’s certainly there ig
The long awaited sequel to this ask! Long awaited mostly because it took me two days to get to it in the pile of statements, but still.
Well there’s… stuff going on here for sure. The mimics you talked about previously sound like the Stranger type, which could apply to Weird Guy and possibly Chase as well? The weird disappearing room in the first part of your statement could be Spiral, and frankly so could your whole closets-lined basement - I wouldn’t be surprised if opening those doors at just the right/wrong time lead to interesting developments. Victoria sounds like she’s got an affinity for the Dark, and so do the Observers just from their description as shadow beings but the fact that you described them as constantly watching points to the Beholding. Glowing Baby sounds like the light at the tip of an anglerfish’s lure, so do with that what you will. The Michaels seem to have some Slaughter in them but tame enough that you live to tell the tale, and Michael 2’s sickening stare could fall under the Corruption, or maybe the Spiral or the Vast if it’s more like vertigo/the nausea from a rollercoaster? Furnace man sounds like he got Got by the Desolation, but seems too chill to be Of it, though the same might not be said for his “cousins”.
Final diagnosis: you live at Hilltop Road. Or rather, a place of similar level of Bullshit, though you seem to be alive and… well? So whatever’s going on there probably isn’t as dangerous. Probably. Good luck?
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phoebehalliwell · 2 years
bestie for pride month… please give the gays what we want: HEADCANONS OF YOUR Prue is given up at birth Piper dies!AU. please, I beg thee 🙏
lmaoooooo. okay. this is for the gays. [post for reference]
patty and sam's affair happens first before she ever meets victor then she gets knocked up grams almost has a hernia it's decided that even tho patty and sam love each other this is too much of a risk, their proximity to one another, and they need to separate in order to stay off the elders radar
patty gives birth to prue and then immediately gives her up at birth, she is taken in by the matthews family
patty later marries victor and has three daughters: piper, phoebe, and paige, but you could say it just wasn't meant to be, because patty and victor do ultimately get divorced
patty still drowns at the lake but in this specific au, she takes the water demon down with her
so there's no demon left in the lake
so when prue finds herself drawn to the lake whenever the matthews family goes camping, she really is at no risk
she'll just lie an the dock and talk, she says to herself, but that's not quite true
but idk it would just sound weird to say she's talking to the lake itself
meanwhile back at the manor piper is definitely very firm and very stern in her role as eldest sister but she's not as rigid as prue
like. bc phoebe and paige are a handful and a half. and piper tells them she tells them don't go out don't fucking do it but of course they do anyways. she doesn't bother to snitch to grams either and she'll still make them a full hangover breakfast the next morning but it always comes with a healthy dose of i told you so
one night paige and phoebe are tearing it up and paige is driving completely shitfaced and she crashes the car and phoebe, who was not buckled, goes flying through the windshield
that was the only time she ever really saw piper lose her shit, she was fucking furious, phoebe was in the hospital and piper came busting into the waiting room already screaming paige's name
but once she saw how broken her sister already was she just sat down and cried with her
that was the event that triggered paige's journey towards sobriety
it definitely also put a damper on phoebe's party spirit but grams's energy after than incident was so suffocating phoebe couldn't take it anymore and moved to new york
paige got her job in social services, piper got her job at quake, prue was working as a photographer, phoebe was a jack of all trades
after grams's death phoebe moved back in and the girls became charmed
their whitelighter in this is actually sam and he becomes something of a father figure to them
then piper bites it
this almost triggers a backslide in paige's sobriety, her & phoebe really lean on each other in this time, it's very heavy, very emotional, very intuitive
so naturally pragmatic prue matthews sticks out like a sore goddamn thumb
but still, there's something about piper's death that feels eerily familiar to her
it reminds her of how her long time boyfriend, a private investigator, andy died
and that scares her
she doesn't really want to go in on this witch stuff
however, the source has clocked her, and in an attempt to kill her, burns her house down or something, killing her parents, but, miraculous, she survived
she shouldn't have
the exits were sealed, they were pounding against the door, desperately trying to escape
there was no way she could have gotten out of the house
(unless she orbed)
so now she has nowhere to go
except for the manor
paige and phoebe really pull themselves together for this bc they were totally content to let themselves wallow their way out of existence over piper's death, but seeing prue
phoebe and paige have lost before. they've lost their mom and they've lost their grandma and they've lost their sister
it stings, but they know what it feels like to have a loved one die and they know they can make it through it
prue does not know that
she does not know how to grieve
she wants to
she doesn't even know
she wants to go to the lake
for piper, phoebe, and paige, how their mom died has always been a mystery
she didn't tell grams where she was going, only that she'd be back for dinner
prue, noting how they're all in mourning and all need the tranquility the lake offers, bring phoebe and paige with her
and they meet patty
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yandere-society · 4 years
Love L(eyes)
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Pairing: Kim Namjoon x Female Reader
Synopsis: He was a bit odd, quiet, mysterious and studious, but you liked him. Found him more agreeable than some of your other coworkers. Besides, you were never the one to judge, no matter how strange the rumors around him were. This is why you happily accepted his slightly childish, secret Santa-exchange Christmas gift. And being so incautious is what caused your own undoing
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: Attempt at Black Comedy, Yandere themes, Stalking, Obsession, Mentions of Smut, Riding, Orgasms, Voyeurism, Blackmail, Y/N Stupidity, Unedited 
Admin: @roses-ruby​
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“Looks like someone’s had one too many Hawaiian-flavored shots again.”
Your coworker remarks at the girl in the distance hogging the karaoke machine and tearing her lungs out to Wham’s Last Christmas. You huff humorously at her and at your other colleagues who became shitfaced to overly spiked punch as an excuse to get loose in their normally constrained work environment. Some other time you would have joined them, but this week had been especially exhausting for you.
The supervisor, after zealously creating the holiday season itself, had sprained her ankle 2 days ago – leaving you in charge. As if it wasn’t chaotic enough thanks to her dedication for winter festivities, it was now all in your hands and the both of you couldn’t have been more different. Whereas she was Mrs. Claus wrapped in jubilant, giddy and imaginative red wrapping, you were a nonchalant grey piece of paper. Which is exactly what you decided to do with everything she had planned out for the office’s Christmas party:
Caroling? Those who want to sing can go ahead.
Gingerbread house competition? Literally not happening.
Secret Santa? Just give the presents when you can.
It may have been uninteresting but as long as adults had their alcohol – you eye the elated faces of your coworkers – it wouldn’t matter.
“___?” You jump slightly, spinning around when you heard your name being spoken in a low, almost intimate timbre.
Namjoon stood a few inches away from you, holding what looked like a present in both hands. Your coworker, Jin, raises an eyebrow at him.
“…Mm…this is for you.”
“Oh!” You were starting to think you had been left out of the drawing hat, “Thank you so much, Joon!”
Gently grabbing it from his arms, you hold it out and give it a little shake.
“Can I open it?” You ask, trying to follow ‘gift etiquette.’ He stares at you for a moment with an unreadable expression and makes you wonder if you had said something wrong.
“I would prefer if you wait until you got home.”
“Oh-uh, alright. Thank you.”
With that, he turns to leave.
“…Happy holidays, Joon!”
He shifts his head to give you one last look, a small smile on his plump lips.
“Thank you. Happy holidays.”
When he’s out of hearing range, you hear Seokjin sigh loudly.
“I mean…he’s hot but isn’t he kind of weird? It’s such a waste.”
“He’s not weird…”
“Girl, listen to this- you know the office slut?” He kindly refers to Lisa, one of the female secretaries, “She was all over him last summer until she finally got herself into his room. Turns out he lives in a fucking warehouse in the middle of nowhere! I don’t know exactly what she saw, but she’s been spooked out ever since and avoids him as much as possible. Like just last week, I was lurking around and thought I saw the both of them make eye contact while passing each other in the hallway and that poor girl! She looked as if she almost soiled herself.”
“Those are just rumors, Jin.” You roll your eyes at his exaggerated tone, “Maybe she got rejected? And as for Joon…I think he’s just a little shy.”
“Whatever. All I’m saying is don’t be too shocked if you find a woman’s head in that box.”
You snort at his ridiculousness, placing Namjoon’s gift on your work desk. The drinks you had before the party start catching up to you and you excuse yourself from Jin to head to the restroom. Once you’re in the stall, you sigh, placing your palm against the wall of the stall and leaning towards it. Perhaps you were slightly more tipsy than you had originally imagined.
Just then you heard what sounded like two pairs of kitten heels walk into the foyer.
“Fuck.” You mutter as you hear them talk about whatever the fuck. Social gatherings really weren’t your thing and you wanted to go home since privacy was nonapparent in this office. When you just about became mentally prepared to empty your bladder and scramble out of the building, you heard your name being called, pulling your attention away from the matter at hand.
“___ scrapped the Gingerbread house idea, isn’t it crazy. The supervisor lets her get away with so much even though they are worlds apart.”
Ah yes, gossip. How easy it was to spread misinformation. What they glossed over was the part where the supervisor hated your guts, however, you just happen to be two grown, working women who were able to reach compromises for mutual benefit. The gingerbread project was scrapped because you managed to convince your jolly boss lady that it was an impossible occurrence to accurately judge without her gingerbread expertise. And it was nothing but the truth.
“Well, whatever, I didn’t want to participate in that dumb event anyway. But you know what really irks me? It’s when she thinks she’s so special and unique.”
Special? When have you ever-
“She honestly thinks she’s so different.” The girl continues, “Plastered on the wall each time we throw an office party- whispering and giggling with men. Did you see her with Namjoon and Jin today?”
“Isn’t Jin gay?”
“That’s besides the point.” She sounded exasperated, “What I’m saying is that her lack of interest in everything makes her uninteresting! She may think she’s above us when she pulls all these stunts but she’s so boring, it’s almost painful to watch.”
“Pfft, you’re a bitch.” You hear laughter and the clack of compact powder before their footsteps retreat from the foyer.
For a minute you just stand there, thinking about nothing. Sure, you didn’t expect everyone to like you, but you were on friendly terms with everyone in your office. Even as a number 2, you’ve never raised your voice or demanded anything unreasonable. The saddest part was that you knew exactly who those two girls were and had conversed with them on multiple occasions.
You were definitely sober now as you felt a small prick of annoyance stab at your heart.
A girl who tries her hardest to not be like ‘other girls.’ A boring girl. Is this truly what people thought of you?
It’s not too late when you get home – but it feels like you’ve been away for ages.
You groan as you remove your heels, tossing them somewhere near the entrance area as you trudge further into your studio apartment. With weary arms, you throw the gift onto the bed and fling yourself besides it, listening to the mattress creak for a second before silence surrounds you once more. Although you decided to sleep as soon as you got through your door, you knew you would just overthink and confuse yourself by remembering what those girls said.
It shouldn’t matter…it was just casual conversation…not like they wanted to kill you or something, you rationalize. Also, if you were someone who cared so much for what others said, then you couldn’t have continued bearing such a laidback personality for this long, could you? Still, something about the confidence they had in their malicious words bothered you.
“Ugh,” You grumble, sitting up and placing the gift on your lap to distract yourself from all the negativity. Trying to clear your head, you tear open the bright colored wrapping as swiftly as you could. A smile crosses your face when you think about cold, silent Namjoon carefully handling vibrant Christmas paper over this box. Didn’t seem like him.
He always had a peculiar reputation around the office, but he was never anything but duly courteous towards you. Though you never thought much of anyone from your workplace, you did think well of him and his kindness. They denied it like crazy, but everyone had a crush on the smart and mysterious Namjoon, even Jin. You tear off the tape connecting the flaps together and carefully pull out whatever was inside. And that’s when you come face to face with a…stuffed teddy bear.
Really, just a regular brown bear with soft, fuzzy fabric – nothing fancy. Now you were even more confused. Did you ever give him the vibe of being a stuffed-animal lover? Actually, aren’t there some guys who give this kind of stuff to girls, like on Valentines? Joon probably didn’t know what to get you and went with something generic, you deduce.
You stare into its eyes. Plastic black orbs lifelessly leer back at you. When you began to feel oddly uneasy, Jin’s story suddenly flashed through your mind. There wasn’t a head in the box like he said, but it didn’t mean this bear couldn’t be an ominous gift.
What if…it had a small camera stuffed inside the layers of cotton like in those horror movies?
As soon as you conjure the question, you shake your head, cringing at your own thoughts. Just because some people found him disagreeable didn’t mean he was an actual creep who would do that. You, of all people, knew how quickly false notions spread throughout that office. If they were wrong about you, then they were definitely wrong when regarding the quiet Namjoon. He was a simple, introverted man your insufferable coworkers picked on and this was just an innocent teddy and nothing more. Exhaling through your nose, you were about to throw it back in the box and forget about it when a memory abruptly froze you.
“-she’s so boring, it’s almost painful to watch.”
Ok…as a rational individual, you know there’s no camera in this toy, you know that. But if there was a camera – it would mean Joon wants you in some fashion. Would you want to ~secretly~ watch a person you didn’t have a crush on? Exactly. If there was a camera, it would also mean… that when those bitches from the restroom see you, someone plain and inconsiderable in their eyes, be the object of ‘office hottie’ Kim Namjoon’s desire…
Wouldn’t they eat their own words?
The thought instantly sends endorphins throughout your brain. How satisfying. Little old, boring you being stalked by the sexiest, most capable man in the office.
“Hmph.” You smirk at the bear before looking around your room. There was a shelf on the wall facing your bed, stacked with some novels you read back in college. Pushing yourself off the mattress, you walk up to the shelf and lightly thrust away some of the books before placing the teddy bear on an empty spot.
This was silly, you think, gazing at the bear in amusement. Although you were certain there was no camera, the mere thought about spiting those women made you ignore all the red flags which were present in your head since you grew up as a woman in a male-dominated reality. Honestly, you were too caught up in your silly revenge dream to even care.
This was silly, but…strangely fun.
Since then you did everything which requires adequate privacy in front of the bear.
Sleeping, getting dressed for work, masturbating, changing underwear and even when you just had to get out of tight jeans and into sweats – you did it all in the once place you knew you had the potential of being ‘watched.’ For some reason, you couldn’t take these actions seriously. Everything was just a game to you and you were actually starting to have fun with the conception of someone observing you round the clock. You started to feel ridiculous sometimes, especially when you tried to act sexy each time you stood in front of your bed.
This was definitely something you had no idea you’d be so into. It was as if you were really beginning to believe there was a camera in the fucking bear. Well if there is – you hope Namjoon likes black underwear as much as you do.
“Nnh- ahh-” You moan as you slam down on your boyfriend’s stomach. He grunts in pleasure, tightening his hold on your flexing hips as you arched your spine out further. With your head thrown back, you slightly open an eyelid to peek over at the “spycam” teddy bear on the wall shelf.
A camera’s lens should be wide enough to catch this angle, right?
“___,” You look back at your boyfriend when he groans your name, suddenly remembering he was under you, “You’re so into it today.”
“Um, y-yeah…”
What else could you say? Tell him the truth about how you’re some pervert who’s currently getting off on the idea that there might be some creepy hot dude watching you bare-naked, fucking another man right this minute? ‘Yeah’ was the only logical choice of words you could invoke. Your boyfriend was a nice guy – someone you met on a dating app. You weren’t exactly looking for anything long-term, but you did want to get off without the hassles and dangers of a one-night stand. It’s been going on for two months now and although you don’t think ‘he’s the one’ or anything, he was calming to be around.
“Oh-oh cumming!”
You stare as his mouth becomes unhinged and his eyebrows knot in frustration. As you said, he’s a nice guy but you wish he wouldn’t look so strange each time he reached his high. If someone was watching you both, this kind of thing is embarrassing.
Wait, what? You stop moving on his dick as soon as the thought crosses your mind. Why are you even thinking about something like that? After a few seconds, the pressure on his chest releases and you mindlessly move off of him, joining him on the mattress. He glances at you in confusion as you stare at the ceiling.
“But you didn’t cum.”
“It’s fine, I’m not really in the mood.”
He sits up, head still turned towards you as he removes his condom, “Uhhhh…You sure?”
Instead of looking at him, you turn your head in the direction of the wall where the bear was placed. Dark orbs gazed back at you.
It was just a game to you, but it was starting to get strange.
You stretch your dormant muscles as you sit up in your chair.
It was your first day back from the three-day holiday break and you were already in a state of mental detriment. Existing in the same room as people who probably hated you was awkward. Not being able to accurately work through your sudden Christmas impulse of voyeurism also weighed you down. You passed out last night, but the first thing you would do once you got home is throw that stuffed bear away. The game had gone long enough, three days to be exact, and it wasn’t fun anymore. Not when you were involving others.
A part of you felt bad for Namjoon, but you’re sure he wouldn’t actually care.
His obsession with you was just your own delusion after all.
With a groan you get up, gathering the coffee mug from your desk. Maybe some caffeine would help you get it together. You slog into the breakroom, walking up to the freshly brewed coffee pot and pouring a large dose into your cup.
As you’re about to take your first sip, you hear the breakroom door creak open. You’re surprised to see Lisa, but she seems even more surprised – astonished even – when she meets your eyes. For a moment she just stands there by the door, not moving her hand off the handle as she leers at you as if you were a ghoul.
Any other time you would have been confused and creeped out, but right now you could only mentally sigh. Did she perhaps think badly of you as well? It would explain why she always avoided you.
“You should…stay away from Kim Namjoon.”
“I…you should stay away from him. He’s…to you he….”
You squint as the girl stares at the floor, struggling to form words. Why was she suddenly talking about Namjoon and you in the same sentence? In that moment, a look of assurance built up on her face and she looked back up at you, parting her mouth.
But then you see her eyes widen in horror and her shoulders stiffen as she takes a step back.
“I- uh- I have to go-” She says, sprinting out of the room before she even finishes her sentence. What the hell was that?
“Good morning, ___.”
Fuck, you recognized that low timbre. You spin around, almost spilling the hot brown liquid as you do, to meet with the one face you were dreading all day. Namjoon stood by you, holding onto his own mug and smiling at you quietly. After every stupid thing you’ve just done in the past couple of days, you really didn’t want to meet him. But you couldn’t abruptly run away either.
“H-hi…Joon…G-good morning.” You mutter, side stepping so he has better access to the coffee pot.
“Cold out, isn’t it.” He makes conversation and you hum along, taking a sip of caffeine as you dwell on how to run back to your desk without seeming too crazy. Namjoon continues to talk about the weather while your anxiety grows. Why were you suddenly so nervous? Were you maybe still delusional; convincing yourself about how he is madly in love with you?
He stops talking for a moment then, and looks over at you who is not present in reality at all. You don’t notice his dark gaze rake over your body nor his grin at your worry.
“You know,” He mutters, almost inaudible, “I do love black underwear as much as you.”
“Yeah.” You sigh in fake amusement, not really processing what he just said. Until you do.
It takes you a minute or two of staring at your coffee to finally register his words into your brain. You slowly look up at him, no traces of amusement or even the previous pointless uneasiness apparent on your current expression.
“I said,” He turns his whole body towards you, “I do love black underwear on you.”
“I…” You take a step back, suddenly feeling very small next the man glaring at you, “I’m sorry?”
He raises his hand and fear instantly paralyzes you. When he touches the hair on your head with his fingers, you wanted nothing more than to shove him off and run away. Instead you were caught – irreversibly immobilized by the way he captured you in his gaze.
“Don’t look so surprised, didn’t you want me to see?”
A million and one curses just flash through your mind. This wasn’t real, this was not happening. He was not saying all this. You were probably lying dead next to your boyfriend and still dreaming. That had to be it, because there was no way. No way Namjoon was saying what he is currently in the middle of saying. It was a game; it was just a game.
“Honestly, I thought you would have thrown away such a silly thing as soon as you found it. Did you know it costed me a total of $30? I can’t believe such a cheap investment worked.”
Your breath hitches as you listen to him speak. Mom always called you a fucking idiot, but wow you were a fucking idiot. You were warned, you heard the rumors about him and you should have known. There was a difference between the gossip of drunk girls in the spur of the moment and the account of a very sober and concerned homosexual friend. Still, not wanting to face the present moment, you continue to deny it in your head.
“Nn- uh-” You move back, getting ready to make a run for it. Wishing Jin’s loud ass would somehow interrupt you both.
“I would stay still if I were you.” Namjoon smiles with a warning tone, making you halt, “You see I happen to have a lot of…information. Information which can end up in places it’s not supposed to. I’m sure both of us don’t want that.”
Tears prick the corner of your eyes. You knew exactly what he meant. He recorded you, he has footage of everything you did and he was threatening you. Every time you got undressed, slept, pleasured yourself and – fuck – you and your boyfriend. He’s seen everything. If those recordings end up online, you’d be finished. Forget about your boring girl reputation, if anyone saw those recordings, you wouldn’t even maintain a reputation to defend. And haven’t some women gotten fired over something similar?
“W-why?” You sob to him, not wanting to lose everything.
“Sshh, it’s okay.” He takes you in his arms, hugging you in a soft but firm manner. What else could you do but let him touch whatever he wanted. Although you couldn’t lie and say you were 100% certain the bear didn’t have a camera, you still passed it off as a joke. You messed up, bad. And around you stood the consequence.
“Aren’t holidays great?” He mumbles into your hair in a low, intimate timbre.
A/N: Merry Christmas everyone! Have a wonderful day -- 🍑
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reidgraygubler · 3 years
not just a ghost hunter (raymond wadsworth/reader)
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Title: Not Just A Ghost Hunter
Request: no
Pairing: Raymond/Gender-Neutral!Reader
Category: Fluff/Angst
Content Warning: seance, talks of demons and ghosts, swearing, bloody nose, mentions of dying and death, use of a Oujia board, mentions of the death of a parent
Word Count: 4,194
Summary: A ghost is haunting Reader’s home, so they get in contact with a close-by Ghost Hunter, Raymond Wadsworth. 
A/N: the final day of my 7days7fics!!! I had a lot of fun writing these this could be read as platonic, could be read as romantic, depends on how you want to read it :). Also I'm sorry if there’s ANY inaccuracies with this one, I just went off the knowledge that I knew… which is basically from buzzfeed unsolved… not a super trustworthy source… anyways… and lastly, my sister read this and she said she got spooked at some parts, so just… proceed with caution. thank you all so much for the support! i really do appreciate it. check out my masterlist!
My house isn’t haunted. It can’t be haunted. Right? I mean, all my life I’ve lived in houses that were normal. I’ve never lived in a haunted house. And if they were, I’m sure I’d remember that. Though, I did have an imaginary friend when I was a kid, and now that I think about it, I don’t think it was imaginary.
So, if my house isn’t haunted, can someone tell me why my reflection wasn’t my reflection… And was instead the face of a little girl…? She was pale and translucent and looked… lost. 
She looked lost until she jumped at me, causing me to fall back in my chair.
“What the fuck!” I jumped off the ground and looked back at the mirror. The little girl was gone now, and I was left staring at my own reflection. It was like nothing happened. Everything was… normal. 
I was quick as I finished getting ready for the day, trying hard to ignore anything… out of the ordinary. But it felt so hard when the room went from comfortable temperature to freezing cold. A shiver went down my spine, causing me to squeal.  
My house seriously can’t be haunted…. I just moved in! Maybe that was why the house was for sale. The previous owners were sick and tired of a creepy little girl wreaking havoc in their lives. Aren’t realtors supposed to disclose whether a house is haunted or not? Or was that just a myth?
I did what any other sane person would do: I ignored my problems and hoped they would go away on their own. That’s the right thing to do, right? I mean, I’ve done it before and those issues went away. 
It was hard. At first, it was the lights flickering on and off, then came the clattering from the attic, then I would find the chairs in weird spots or pulled out from the table… And then what it was… was waking up with scratches on my arms, legs, and torso. That was what got me worried and scared. 
I decided to stop being a normal and sane person. I couldn’t live like that anymore. So, I called someone. I was half expecting them to laugh at me and hang up. But, instead, they were very understanding. 
“Ghost Hunting and Psychic Medium,” a woman spoke cooly into the phone. I pulled the blanket tighter around my body as I looked around my home.
“Yeah... Hey, hi, I was just wondering how much your services are?” my voice was soft as I spoke. It was hardly a whisper. I wasn’t afraid that the ghosts could hear me. I was… Yeah, no, I was afraid the ghost could hear me. 
“Well, that depends on what you’re looking for. If your house is haunted and you need help putting the ghost to rest. Or, if you want to reach out to a loved one…” she continued, her voice droning on as she talked. I wondered if she actually liked her job. 
“Uh… I think my house… is haunted.” I wrinkled my nose as I looked at the coffee table, watching as a magazine dragged off the edge of the table by seemingly nothing. “I definitely think my house is haunted,” I nodded and spoke quickly.
“Do you know by what?” 
“What? What the fuck does that even mean?” 
“What kind of spirit is it? Like, is it a poltergeist, because if it’s that we don’t do that. Is it a normal spirit? A ghost? Do you know what type of spirit? And have you seen any orbs?”
“What the fuck are you talking about? I just… I don’t know! I need help. That’s all. I just need help.” I spoke quickly, “The fucking magazine just fell off the table! I woke up with scratches on my body from nowhere! I just need help." 
“I’ll send Raymond to your place, right away. What’s your name and address?” she asked, her tone suddenly calming as she spoke. I took a deep breath before giving her my address. “He’ll be over when he’s done with this client.” 
“Thank you.”
“Oh! Real quick! Do you have any pets? Cats, dogs…?”
“No?” I raised an eyebrow, trying to not think about how weird of a question it was, “Is… Is that important?”
“Mmm, a little bit. Raymond will ask you more questions when he gets there. But, I can tell that you need our help with the urgency in your voice.” 
“Thanks, I… I think…” I furrowed my eyebrows as my eyes shifted across the room. 
“He should be over soon!” 
“Thanks, again,”  I swallowed roughly before hanging up the call. I held my phone in a tight grip as I stared at the front door, waiting for the bell to ring or there to be a knock with the knocker. 
‘Stupid old house,’ I thought to myself as I slowly nodded off.
However I wasn’t asleep for very long because 20 minutes later, there was a knock on the door, causing me to jump awake and fall to the ground. 
“Coming!” I shouted, pulling the blanket tighter around my body as I shuffled to the front door. 
When I unlocked the door and pulled it open, I was met with a tall, scrawny-looking guy who looked nothing like a ghost hunter or psychic or medium. He just looked like a normal-looking dude. 
“Are you…?” he asked my name, looking at me with a friendly smile on his lips. I stared at him and nodded, forgetting that I gave his secretary my name earlier. “Perfect! Nice meeting you, I’m Raymond Wadsworth,” he stuck a hand out with his introduction.
“It’s… It’s nice meeting you too,” I stared at him before stepping to the side, “Thanks for helping me, by the way. I just moved in and I swear my house isn’t haunted,” I lied as he entered my home. My lie was foiled as a loud clatter followed by a bang came from up the stairs. “That’s the cat,” I lied, again, although I wasn’t sure why I was lying to begin with. I’m the one who called for help. I think my nervousness is making me lie. I’m pretending that I don’t need help when I really do need it; it was just a defense mechanism. 
“You said you didn’t have a cat,” Raymond looked down at me with a raised eyebrow. I swallowed roughly before shrugging.
“I… I don’t,” I widened my eyes before stepping into my house a bit more. “Roommate?” I glanced over my shoulder and at Raymond. He didn’t seem too convinced by my lie. And to be honest, neither was I. “I thought I lived by myself,”
“When did you say this house was built?” he asked, looking around at the old crown molding before looking down at the original hardwood floors that creaked with every step.
“Uh… 1901… I think. I don’t remember. I just know it’s very old.” I stepped so I was beside him, making the floor creak with my step. Raymond jumped slightly at the sound, forcing me to hold back my snicker. 
“People definitely died in this house then.” Swallowing roughly, he looked towards the staircase. Another clattering came from somewhere upstairs, causing me to jump behind him. It wasn’t like that’d do much help, honestly. I mean, standing behind a ghost hunter… while we’re both looking for ghosts… doesn’t really make sense. 
“Sorry,” I looked over at him as I felt the terror grow in my stomach, “I can’t move out either… I just moved here two months ago…” I spoke as I gave him the tour of my haunted house. I really wished I didn’t move into a haunted house. 
“You definitely do have some angry spirits here,” he looked around my home. I froze as we walked through a cold spot. “Dining room?” he looked over at me. I swallowed roughly and nodded before taking the lead back to the dining room. 
“Do you need anything? Like, uh, water? I don’t know. I’ve never thought I needed to do this before,” I looked up at him as he placed his bag on the table.
“Do you have any offerings to give the spirit?” Raymond asked as I sat across from at the table. I looked at him as my hands folded on the tabletop. 
“Uh… Er… An offering? I thought you were the ghost hunter here! Not me!” I watched as he set up a Ouija board and candles. 
“Not a ghost hunter,” he looked up from the candles as he lit them. I furrowed my eyebrows before standing back up. “Do you have anything?” he didn’t exactly clarify what sort of offering I would need. So, I went in blind.
“Yeah, yeah, let me… Let me check,” I tapped my fingers on the table before walking away. I slowly walked back to the kitchen, my phone flashlight safely guiding the way in the dark, spooky halls and rooms of my home.
“Stupid offering,” I scoffed, rummaging through the cabinets for something, anything that would work as some sort of “offering” for this stupid ass ghost. 
It was near impossible to find anything for this ghost. Granted, my food situation was a little on the lower side, seeing as I needed to grocery shop. Maybe this dumb thing would like.…
“Rice Krispies!” I exclaimed as I spotted the blue boxed cereal treat. I grabbed a few Rice Krispies before running back to the dining  room. But, before I made it, I seemingly tripped over nothing. 
“Fuck!” I shouted, landing hard face-first into the floor. My hand found its way to my nose, feeling blood trickling down my lips. “Shit, shit shit,” I muttered as I scrambled to my feet. 
“Did you find something?” Raymond looked back at me. I smiled, ignoring the blood coming from my nose, as I held up the 3 Rice Krispie treats I had. “What happened to your nose?” his shoulders dropped and worry took over his face as he looked at me.
“Oh! Uh, I tripped over the rug,” I lied, looking at him as I approached the table. I have one rug in the whole house, and it’s in the dining room. It was obvious that I had lied. He’s picked up on my lies covering for my fears.“I have… I have Rice Krispies! Will these work?” I looked down at the snack before placing them on the table.
“No-Well, yeah, they’ll work,” he shook his head as he picked up the treats. I nodded before rushing back to the kitchen, grabbing paper towels to hold to my nose. I returned to the dining room to find Raymond sitting at the table. The candles he had set up on either side of the Ouija board were lit, and the lights were turned off. 
“Do you do this with your girlfriend?” I laughed, looking at him as I slowly approached the table. Raymond looked up from his book and right at me. 
“I… I don’t have a girlfriend,” he furrowed his eyebrows. I swallowed roughly before sitting across from him. “Now, we have to summon the spirit,” he looked at me, watching as I nervously tugged my finger tips. 
“You… You want to summon the spirit… H-here? Are you sure that’s a good idea,” I could feel my body shaking with fear with his words. I was already dreading this. But I knew something had to happen because I couldn’t live in a haunted house. Something had to go, and it wasn’t going to be me. 
“We need to figure out why it’s here, where it came from, what it wants, and how to get it to leave.” Raymond looked at me as he placed his hands, face up, on the table. I stared at them for a moment before carefully resting my fingertips in his hands. 
“Are… Are you sure you need me for this? I could wait outside if you don’t really need me,” I stared at him. The way the small flames glowed off his face only mildly scared me. The intensity of his eyes told me I should stay here. “Okay, I’ll stay,” I whispered. 
Raymond started talking, bringing the ghost to the dining room with us instead of where it lived upstairs. I jumped out of my skin the second a loud bang came from my room. Raymond looked back at me, his grip around my hands tightening slightly. I couldn't tell if he was doing it to keep me still, or he was doing it to reassure me. I hoped for the latter. 
“Everything will be okay. I’m scared too,” he whispered as he looked at me. I swallowed roughly and nodded. 
“Don’t you do this for a living? And you’re scared?” 
“Everytime I do this, I’m scared. Because, if it’s a vengeful spirit… I’m fucked. I just started this business with my partner last year. I’m in no way equipped to deal with a vengeful spirit or poltergeist. I just do pissed off ghosts who need help crossing over.” The way he spoke was almost sad. I couldn't exactly put my tongue on it, but there was a certain sadness in his words. “They get a little lost and get stuck in the homes of their former lives.”
“That’s… That's really sad actually,” I whispered, looking down at the Ouija board in front of me. “Don’t make me feel bad for ghosts. This thing has been tormenting me since I’ve moved here.” I looked back at Raymond and scolded. He only smiled and shrugged.
“Ready?” he asked as he removed his hands from mine and placed them on the planchette. I swallowed roughly, resting my fingers opposite his. “Are you here?” his voice was low as he looked down at the tiny window on the board. 
I watched as the planchette moved across the board, slowly moving towards ‘Yes’. My heart was in my throat as I stared at the yes. I had to convince myself that this was real, and it wasn’t just Raymond messing with me. I mean, this whole thing could be a total scam and this guy I invited over is a total scam artist. 
“Can you tell us your name?” Raymond asked, causing me to look up at him. He had a crease in his brow as he looked down at the board. 
I looked back down at the board as my hands were moving with the planchette. It moved between letters, giving us the name Marjorie. 
“That… that’s the name of the little girl I dream about,” I looked up at Raymond. He looked back at me with a raised eyebrow. “I only have dreams about every so often, like once a week.” 
“She must be trying to get a message to you,” he looked back down at the board.
“Hello Marjorie, I’m Raymond,” he introduced himself to the spirit that was with us. “Can you tell us how old you are, Marjorie?”
My eyes dropped back down to the board, watching the planchette move to the number 1 twice. 
“She was 11 when she died,” I whispered, staring at where our hands sat. My heart slowed as I stared. Swallowing roughly, I looked back up at him. “She’s just lost…” I blinked as my eyes began welling up. 
“We’re here to help her,” Raymond reminded me. I nodded, feeling as a tear rolled down my cheek. “Marjorie, are you lost? Do you need help finding your way home?” 
I was too distracted to see the answer. And the reason why I was distracted was because there was a laughter of a little girl coming from behind me. 
“R-raymond,” my voice shook as my body froze. Raymond slowly looked up from the board and right behind me. “Please tell me you heard that too,”
“I need you to stay very still,” he whispered before he stood up. I watched as he walked beside me and knelt to the ground. “You must be Marjorie,” he looked behind me as he spoke. 
“C-can I move?” I asked, swallowing roughly. And, before he even got the chance to answer, the candles were blown out and the room got very cold. 
“Fuck,” Raymond muttered as he stood up straight. I looked up at him with wide eyes.
“Fuck as in “fuck she’s gone for good” or Fuck as in “Fuck she's fucking gone”? Because I don’t like the way you said that,” 
“The latter,” he paused when more clatter came from upstairs. I swallowed roughly before turning in my chair to look at the stairs. “She must’ve gone up there. I’m willing to bet her bedroom is your current room,” he looked down at me. 
“I-I’m guessing you want us to… go up there?” I stared at him. He dropped his head before nodding. I looked back at the table, looking at the Ouija board.
“I’m never sleeping ever again,” I muttered as I stood.
“It’ll be that way for a long time. But then someday you’ll have the best rest of your life, and you won’t even realize it,” he looked down at me. “Trust me, I speak from experience.” 
“I mean, I suppose I have to trust you. I’m paying for you to get rid of this ghost… Which I feel bad about now… Now that I know it’s a little girl,” I sighed as I slumped my shoulders.
“C’mon, we should go see if she’s up there,” Raymond nodded, taking the lead from me and brought us towards the stairs. And just as we made it to the top of the stairs, his hand brushed with mine. I looked over at him with wide eyes. “You don’t have to hold my hand… I’m not that scared,” I laughed as his fingers interlocked with mine. 
“I don’t know how to tell you this…” his voice was low, and he audibly swallowed. 
“Tell me what?” I shivered as a cool shock went down my spine.
“I’m… I’m not holding your hand,” he looked over at me as he slowly lifted his hands. Swallowing roughly, I very slowly looked down at the space between Raymond and I. The ghostly figure of Marjorie standing between us, her hand encased with mine. 
“Fuck!” Raymond and I both screamed at the same time before we both ran towards my bedroom. I slammed the door shut before locking it and pressing my back to it.
“Offering!” Raymond looked at me with wide eyes. I stared at him, feeling my heart jump to my throat from the fear. 
“I-I gave you something,” I stuttered over my words as I vaguely gestured towards the kitchen. 
“Do you have, like, something important to you?” he placed his hands on my shoulders. I swallowed roughly as I looked around my room. A tattered stuffed rabbit sat on my bed. It was something I’ve had since I was little. My dad had given it to me for my 11th birthday. It was the last birthday I had with him before he died. “Something that isn’t a lunch snack.”
“Why do you need something important?” whispering as I asked. My eyes went back to him.
“Marjorie is lost. She’s a disturbed spirit in your home and she needs help crossing over. Giving her something of great importance will help her cross over,” he explained as he kept his eyes on me. I swallowed roughly before nodding.
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll have to look." I stepped away from him as I went deeper into my room. 
“Okay, I need… a mirror,” he turned as he watched me look in my closet. I turned to look at him, my eyebrows raising in confusion. 
“A mirror?” 
 “I need to leave a simple message for her to figure out what she wants or needs. She can give us a message to help us… help her,” he looked over at the mirror by my dresser. My raised eyebrows slowly became furrowed the longer I stared at him. 
“A message?” 
“That’s what I said,” he looked over at me as he went up to the mirror. “Stay here, keep looking for that offering. I’ll be right back,” he pointed at me before exiting my room. 
I was going to have to  pretend that I didn’t have anything of great importance. I wasn’t willing to give up that stuffed rabbit. Not now, not ever. Marjorie was going to have to want something else.  Or she was going to have to become like Casper the Friendly Ghost if she was going to stay here longer. 
The door opened and closed with a soft slam.
“Hey, I have… this,” I held up a book that I got a few years ago from an old friend. It had no real importance to me anymore, but what Raymond and Marjorie won’t know won’t hurt them…. 
I turned around to show Raymond the object, my eyes looking at the cover of the book. When I looked up, I didn’t see Raymond. It was Marjorie that I saw. 
“H-hi Marjorie,” I whispered, lowering the book. She stared at me as she slowly lifted her finger, pointing right at me. “R-Raymond!” I shouted, taking a step back. Marjorie copied my step, except she moved closer to me. “Raymond!” I shouted again, this time a little bit louder. 
Raymond came crashing into the bedroom, looking at me with panic on his face. 
“Oh, I-I see,” he caught himself before he could crash into me or Marjorie. He looked between me and the ghost as he slowly walked towards us. Marjorie’s head turned, her body staying put, to face Raymond before screaming and vanishing. 
“Something tells me this book won’t work,” I lifted the book back up and looked at it. I wrinkled my nose as I looked back at Raymond. He was looking at me, watching me carefully. 
“Do you have anything else? Something more important to you, maybe?” Raymond stepped up to me, his arm extending out to take the book from me. I looked at the book before looking over at the stuffed rabbit. 
“Y-yeah, I do…” I sighed deeply, my shoulders slumping as I walked over to the rabbit. I picked it up and looked down at it. “It’ll be gone forever if I give it to her,” I pushed the ears back before resting my hand on its stomach.
Raymond looked at me, a certain sorrow on his face. “It’s the only way,” he whispered softly. I looked up at him and sighed deeply. 
“How do you know?” 
“When I went down stairs… On the bathroom mirror, she had written stuffed animal,” he stepped up to me, looking down at the rabbit in my hand, “She must’ve left hers behind… and she can’t leave without it,” 
“I…” I stopped, cutting myself off with a deep sigh, “I guess… I guess if it’ll help her, she can… she can have it,” I swallowed roughly and looked back up at Raymond. 
“I’m sorry it has to be this way.” 
I shrugged before looking at the rabbit. “She can have it,” my voice cracked. I wiped my cheek on my shoulder and shook my head. 
“Come on, the quicker we give this to Marjorie, the quicker you can have your home back,” he looked at me with sad eyes. I looked up at him and nodded. Raymond took the lead back down to the dining room, his set up with the ouija board cleaned up and my room was back to normal. 
“Do I just-” I stopped talking when the little girl appeared beside Raymond and I. I looked down at her, watching as she was looking between me and the tattered bear in my hands. 
“She’s waiting for you,” Raymond nodded at the bear. I swallowed roughly before lowering to the ground. 
“H-hi Marjorie,” I smiled at her before holding up the rabbit, “This… This rabbit is super important to me… You take care of him… O-okay?” I held the rabbit closer to her and blinked. 
Marjorie looked at me and nodded lightly before grabbing the rabbit from my hands. I smiled softly as she cuddled the rabbit before vanishing on last time. With a deep sigh, I stood up and looked at Raymond.
“Thank you so much for your services, Raymond,” I smiled sadly at him and nodded, “I’ll uh… You’ll send me a bill?” 
“Don’t worry about it.” Raymond smiled and shook his head. “Happy to help you get rid of your problem,” he spoke as he collected his belongings. 
“Are you sure?” 
“Yeah, really… It’s no problem,” he held his bag over his shoulder, “Hope you finally get a good night’s rest,” he smiled before leaving. I smiled, standing alone in the dark dining room. It took me a long time before I finally moved to get ready for bed. But, when I did get to bed, it was the best night of sleep I’ve had in a very long time.
And, when I woke up the next morning, sitting at the foot of my bed was the rabbit I had given Marjorie the night before.
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fvrxdrm · 4 years
I’ll See You Again (Jake Muller x Reader)
And here is @imgayforgaystuff​ ‘s request. This was longer than intended lmao. Hope you’ll like it :)
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Pairing: Jake Muller x GN!Reader
Warning(s): None
“Did you take your dose?”
 You along with your partner, Sherry, ran towards where you heard the faint commotion and saw the guy you’ve been looking for standing beside a body that already seemed lifeless.
 Jake Muller. He supposedly had the antibodies for the C-virus that’s been gradually spreading across the globe and you were tasked to locate him and bring him back to the United States in order for blood samples to be taken for vaccine research. If their hypothesis was correct, this guy could save the world even without handling a gun and transporting from one country to another or something.
 “Yeah, but if you want to take your hit, you gotta sign up with the lady downstairs...” Jake replied. You took a glance at your watch before averting your short gaze towards the body as it dissipated into the fire it created until it was just nothing but an invisible ghost. “... Wouldn’t recommend it, though.”
 “No, question, you’ve got the antibodies.” You rushed towards a rusty metal door where an opening should be and pulled the handle, stepping aside to let your partner and Jake first.
 “Thank you. Wait, what?”
 “You could be the key to saving the world, Jake Muller,” you said and upon hearing this, he just smirked in amusement and laughed it off in his mind. I mean, seriously? Key to saving the whole fucking world? That’s a funny fucking joke, man. His snarky smile was soon dropped though as soon as you heard groans fill the room and you immediately let your heads focus on the matter on hand.
 “Go! I’ll follow right behind you.” They obeyed without any second thoughts and when they finally got in, you gunned down those who got too close before jumping in yourself.
 Sewers. Great! Another day, another life in shitty water.
 You looked for your footing once you’d landed on trash, and shit, and grey fucking water or something, almost getting closer to falling on your ass and swallowing all those caca that had been dumped in there by different hoomans and animals.
 I would rather die if the gods gave me an opportunity to eat shit.
 “You two okay?” You asked.
 “Yeah, you?” Sherry replied.
 “I’m gucci.”
 Not really...
 Your boots would sink into the muck below the water and the smell… UGH! It didn’t help that your stomach was full when you got to your location. But hey, agents gotta do what they gotta do, right?
 Once you found yourself stable on the ground, you pulled out your badge from your pocket and opened it to introduce yourself to Jake but he just waved it off and disregarded it saying that it wasn’t the time right now. You and Sherry exchanged glances.
 “You comin’?
 “After you”
 This is going to be interesting...
“Y/N? Y/N!”
 Your eyes carefully fluttered open at the mention of your name, trying your best to force your eyelids apart but it felt like bricks were weighing them down and all you could make out were two silhouettes rushing towards your side before the world blacked out again against your will.
“Hey, hey, shh... It’s okay, just rest. You got hurt pretty bad.”
 A groan crept up your throat as your head hammered in pain, feeling as if a wrecking ball with Miley Cyrus riding it just repeatedly slammed against you.
 Talk about coming in like a wrecking ball...
 Your eyes cracked open for the second time that night, your E/C optics immediately catching sight of a round head hovering above you.
 “Jake?” You muttered under your breath.
 “Yeah, it’s me.” The said man carefully helped you sit up straight before leaning you against the firm fabric of a tent you were in, checking you again for any hidden injuries that he and Sherry managed to miss while you massaged your temples to ease the aching in your head. When you’d finally calmed down and everything that had happened began to congregate in your brain, your sight spun around and you immediately panicked when you noticed Sherry’s absence.
 “Where’s Sherry?”
 “She went out to get some wood for some fire. I told her to just stay here and I’ll get them instead but she insisted and told me to stay with you.”
 “Fucking hell, Sherry,” you quietly cursed. You stood up from where you were and started walking out the tent but Jake grabbed ahold of your arm before you could even step a foot out.
 “Where are you going?”
 “I’m going to find Sherry. She could get herself killed out there!”
 “I’m sure she’s going to be fine. She’s one hell of a super girl! I mean, have you seen how her wounds just close on their own?” Your eyes widened.
 “Oh, you saw her?”
 “Yeah, front row seat even. A piece of the plane stabbed her in the back and then when I pulled it out, she told me to by the way, the wound just closed on its own. I asked her about it but she just told me that it was a long story.” You sighed and just nodded your head in response. You let him lightly tug on your arm and guide you towards where you once sat and gazed vacantly at the ground below you, silence flooding the small shelter until your voice suddenly shooed it away.
 “Sherry and I survived Raccoon City together,” you began, abruptly catching Jake’s attention and pausing his obnoxious fiddling with a coin he got out of nowhere.
 “The city that was bombed in 1998?”
 “Yeah. It wasn’t just a bomb though, an outbreak happened, like, you know, this one.” You gestured to your surroundings to emphasize what you were implying. “I shouldn’t be telling you this but it might give you some answers. Sherry and I both got infected with the virus that caused the incident but thankfully, somebody injected us with a cure and now, we got the side effects, per se. Sherry’s got the healing thing and I’m...basically...a walking cure.”
 “Huh, so then why did you look for me if you have...you...to cure whatever the hell this is?”
 “They’ve performed tests on me before and all of them were successful except for the C-virus. I don’t know why it didn’t work but um...yeah. Apparently I’m not the cure for the recent virus.”
 “Oh.” He was speechless, he couldn’t of anything to reply with so he just averted his gaze to his lap and vacantly stared at his hand where his coin laid stiffly against his palm.
Finally. All his life he thought he was alone in this one. He thought he was this monster that just submerged in a trice out of nowhere. I mean, look at him. He’s got this superpower thing since birth and it felt weird. All those people around him were normal, no X-men shit isolating them from the other and he felt like a loner…until he met you and heard your story.
Jake looked at you as the thought of you crossed his mind and he instantaneously felt his face warm up at the sight of you finger-combing your hair and tying your locks with a band.
Wait, what the hell!?
“Hey, you okay?” Jake jumped a bit at the sound of your voice, his face redder in embarrassment, and he just waved his hand in response before looking somewhere else.
So…yeah… I think you know what happened throughout the nights you were firing some bullets left and right.
Basically, you found yourselves in an undersea facility of Neo-Umbrella at the bottom of an ocean and then got rescued by Chris and Piers afterwards.
While you were trapped inside the premises you and Jake couldn’t help but create a small talk where you got to know each other with Sherry just listening in the background and feeling all giddy finally finding someone new for you. After you found out your ex cheated on you with your best friend, like, a year or two ago, you shut yourself off of the dating realm and just took time for yourself. And by that I mean drowning yourself in alcohol.
“Well, we’re trapped in here and we can’t really get out of these restraints, wanna chat?” Jake began.
“I was about to dose off but sure.”
“Let’s see…um…uh… What do people say when they meet each other?” Jake scratched his head using the metal behind him when he remembered he couldn’t get the shackles off of him and you giggled in mirth at the sight.
“I don’t know. I’m not really the type to start with name exchanges. I usually start with…yanking their arms off and getting the fuck out of a place or something.”
Jake chuckled in response and swayed his head side to side. “I see you’ve seen enough.”
“You have no idea.”
It went on like that for a moment, somehow finding peace in conversing casually amidst the chaos outside and it warmed your heart. It helped piece your brain cells together again and you collected a newfound strength after all the tiny grins and small cackles.
It was just tranquility that filled you, nothing else, until an alarm went off and you were suddenly released from your restraints… And then you were back on agent mode again.
 So, here you are now, already defeating this gigantic creature that had been following you around in China and gazing into the abyss of fire where déjà vu suddenly hit you like a truck.
This was like Raccoon City, that time where the train you rode on dashed towards the daylight as flames surged the tunnel. Ustanak represented Birkin.
“You saved me,” you heard Jake whisper beside you. “You know that, right?”
You looked at the surface you had been clinging on below and sniffed at the overwhelming feeling that bursted inside of you.
“Thank you.”
You placed your hand on top of his and smiled softly at him while the three of you darted towards the end of another long escape.
“Well, I guess this is goodbye.” You dusted your clothes and gripped on your bag, forcing your tears not to fall at the thought of not seeing each other again.
“No,” Jake replied firmly. Your eyebrows creased together at his odd response and couldn’t help but ask in confusion.
“I’ll see you again, Y/N.” He brushed his palm against your cheek, his orbs burning through yours, before he placed his lips on your own ones. Boy, Sherry couldn’t be happier at the sight of you two. She’ll be sure to arrange your wedding once everything had settled down.
“I’ll see you again, I promise.”
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