#WOW this got longer than I expected it to xDDDD
🙏 ✨🔥 (Webby, Vanellope, Angry)
Muse talking about the mun
🙏 Do you think the mun would be able to survive in your world?
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"I mean, our worlds aren't that much different, right? He'd stand out a bit, being one of those 'human' creatures that we don't have any of in Duckburg - but no more than, say, a moonlander like Penumbra. He'd get along alright.
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"Unless you mean on our adventures and everything, too. In which case... yeah, he'd be Louie levels of screwed. He's not exactly the bold and athletic type."
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"Whether yer asking about Sugar Rush or Slaughter Race gets very different answers there. Sugar Rush it's practically impossible not to survive unless you're a numbskull an' wander onto the kart track by mistake, an' he's not that dumb.
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"Slaughter Race? No chance. He's way too cautious a driver; he'd be scrap in ten seconds flat. Even if he was playin' it as a gamer, not living in the world, he doesn't exactly have the greatest preservation instincts for his character... believe me, I've watched him on racing games before. Kinda a painful experience to be honest."
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"Psh. He wouldn't last two days without his internet."
✨ Does the mun read fanfictions and if yes, what is your opinion on them?
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"Oh, you know, not usually. Sometimes he'll dabble in reading fan-comics and stuff, which are a kinda fanfiction, but even that's not a frequent thing. I don't actually know most of the fandoms I’ve seen him read stuff for. You could ask Connie though, he's followed at least one AU comic from her fandom for a while."
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"I mean, you gotta argue that literally all the Star Wars novels he's ever read ever are basically just glorified fanfiction. Heck, that whole Expanded Universe was basically glorified fanfiction that had the 'official' label slapped on it... an' ran from actually really good, like that Yoda one, to completely unreadable.
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"But yeah, online though? He's pretty picky when it comes to the posted fanfic he reads, an' he never goes seeking it out. So it only ever happens if he crosses the path of something he likes by chance an' gets hooked, which is pretty rare."
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"...are you guys forgetting that he did that thing just yesterday? He's not even got far into it yet, but he found it through another site and is already getting invested."
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"Oh, the one about the Disneyland 50th Anniversary celebration being crashed by Maleficent, that he found through TVTr.opes? Yeah, that one looks pretty neat! Just think of all the Disney history referenced in it!"
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“Eh. It’s from before any of us even existed, so it can’t be that great...”
🔥 How would you spend one day with the mun if you could?
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“Oh sure, I know he says he’s bored of the local area because he’s already ‘seen everything’, but come on! There’s got to be more to see - there’s always more to see! We could go on a wild ramble around the countryside, find some lost hidden secrets together... then come back for a sleepover later. You can never go wrong with a sleepover!”
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“Oh, you know. Just me kicking his butt at every racing game ever. He’s just in it to have fun, so he’d have a good time anyway - but I’m in it to win it, so I’d also have a great time.
“Hey, he might even give me a challenge some of the time! He’s pretty good at the ones he knows well, at least. An’ we’d eat a butt-ton of candy. So, yeah, fun times all around!”
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“Tch, I dunno. He’s not terrible, but it’s weird; he’s into all this kid stuff that Red and I left behind years ago. I don’t even know what we’d find in common that we’d both want to do.“
3 notes · View notes
scarlettlawyer · 5 years
Part 8 of my reaction/commentary to the Phantoms & Mirages fanfic series by @renegadewangs
(Chasing Phantoms): Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
(Haunted Specters): Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
(Vanquishing Mirages): Part 7
Vanquishing Mirages, Chapter 11
“Phwwh- that’s kind of hypocritical, you know. You aren’t following your own advice either! Can’t you at least pretend to be a nice guy?” “… Like this?” He allowed a smile of his own to dawn on his face. The most genuine smile he could produce, because he knew exactly which muscles to use for it. It put an odd pressure on the corners of his mouth, on his cheeks, on his eyebrows. His features weren’t used to showing emotion and struggled against it.
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Okay anyway, wow… The Phantom and Mirage flashback scenes are affecting me way more than I think they did the first time around? I’m actually getting so upset. They’re making me so sad, which they DIDN’T on 1st readthrough. Because Mirage really cares and the phantom just – arrrgh. I just want Mirage to be happy. I just want her to be happy.
I think because the first time around I’d read the phantom’s lines flatly, seeing and expecting nothing, as is the reality – with the full knowledge that him saying things like “how are you feeling?” contain no real substance. And then when Mirage would jump to interpret them positively it would just make me adore Mirage and go “aww cute!”
But this time around I’m somehow a damn fool stupidly falling for the same trap? I’m suddenly eager to read SOMETHING into what the phantom says only to be nastily swatted away, not remembering the exact contents of their conversations. So when he said “how are you feeling” this time I was like AWWW HE’S ASKING THAT MEANS SOMETHING RIGHT?! (And expecting it to be not commented on, as a nice subtle little narrative touch that he cares MAYBE A LITTLE? JUST A LITTLE? CAN WE HAVE THAT but no, we can’t.) Only to read on and find Mirage asking after just that. And getting SHOT DOWN. Ouch. I WILL SIT HERE AND FEEL A LIL SAD AND STUPID NOW. For once, Past Me had things more correct than Current Me.
“I think… maybe I’ll volunteer for a mission in America too. If the superiors will let me go.”
I think this line even caught ME on the first time around. (And moreso on this time around because I just HAPPENED to be in a sentimental state when reading it). IT’S THE ELLIPSIS. THAT DAMN ELLIPSIS. If it weren’t for that I would have read it as flatly as intended I just. HNNNNGH.
“Right, right. Then… Maybe I’ll see you later, Teach.” “Good luck, Calisto.”
Couldn’t find a picture of a crying cat to properly suit my emotions. You are spared from crying cat for now.
Then again… Perhaps she had no idea what she was doing. Perhaps desperation was driving her to reckless behavior and she could no longer apply proper logic. How shameful.
This man still sees fit to sit up on his little high horse…
He allowed the other Interpol agents to grab him and lead him from the room. At the moment, there was nothing he could do to stop Mirage. Her eyes were on him, after all. They followed him until he moved through the doorway and rounded the corner.
Only got eyes for you, phantom.
But bro for him to know this he was looking at her too. He has more reason to be looking at her of course. But this is just an extended few moments of them staring at each other sdkndsknldslk ~They locked eyes with each other from across the courtroom…~
Imagining this is just…!
“Whoever said anything like that? Just because I pin a murder on a guy and get him the death sentence doesn’t mean I want to kill him.”
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I’m HOLLERING at how great this is. How WILD it sounds. You better believe I took this part of the sentence and sent it to one of my friends without context on first readthrough, it’s just too good not to
“Agent Shi-Long Lang holds the keys to my handcuffs, isn’t that right?”
“Uh… Yeah, he does. If you need more freedom to use your hands, I could go ask him to unlock them for minute.” “There’s no need. I can make do with this.”
When I read this I was SUSPICIOUS. I was like. No. He asked for a reason. He wouldn’t just dismiss it like that would he. It’s BECAUSE Lang has them that he brushes it off. He wanted to see if he could get them off Bobby without fuss. I WAS RIGHT.
A few more clicks and turns of the watch’s dials, then the Phantom halted his actions. “Bobby Fulbright, for what it’s worth coming from my mouth, I apologize.”
Him apologising in and of itself is kinda huge though.
Bobby didn’t understand what the Phantom would need to apologize for. Not until a small needle popped out of the watch’s face. He didn’t have time to move out of the way. There wasn’t even any room to dodge in such a confined space. The watch was thrust towards him and the needle pierced two layers of fabric to touch his shoulder.  He wasn’t sure what happened next- what exactly it’d done. An electric jolt, maybe. Something strong enough to knock a person out cold instantly, because the next thing he knew, a pair of hands was shaking him back into awareness.
And when the phantom is like “I need you to trust me” it feels like a poignant moment! Bobby takes the plunge! He makes that hugely important decision to place his TRUST in the phantom!
And I just love it. It’s kinda hilarious. It INSTANTLY blows up in Bobby’s face.
Character development or no, huge buildup or no, the phantom is still the phantom ;D I just can’t get over this it’s such a huge moment like – if this was a TV show or whatever it would be played as a bait and switch to the best of the medium’s abilities. The music would swell. The camera would focus intimately on the phantom’s face and then Bobby’s face in turn. Bobby’s slight expression change – his expression softening - as he makes that decision to trust. To trust. And then in the blink of an eye it’s just – betrayal. AHAHAHA
Bobby’s eyes widened in shock. He whirled around to get a better look at the car. The door to the back seats was open and it was empty. The Phantom was gone. The Phantom was gone and Bobby was the one who’d given him what he’d needed to escape…!
THIS WAS ALSO SUPER HILARIOUS TO ME BECAUSE??? THE PHANTOM ESCAPING. AGAIN. I can’t believe… honest to goodness it almost felt like a running gag at this point with the sheer amount of times it had happened. As if this series is just a bunch of “the phantom escapes captivity in a series of increasingly creative and convoluted ways” ahahaha. I WAS LAUGHING
You have his initial breakout in Chasing Phantoms. You have his hospital escape, you have his escape from the human trafficking cell… and now this. It just felt like a hilarious amount of escapes and I was loving every minute of it. Like, I couldn’t even remember how many there were I just knew there’d been a LOT. Enough for me to joke to myself about it being a running gag.
Vanquishing Mirages, Chapter 12
“Now you’re just putting words in my mouth. Shame on you!~”
Was so interesting to see the actual inclusion of a tilde to demonstrate the playfulness of her tone! AND. I’m just gonna. File this away. For Later Review Post reasons. 👀
It was a shame that Bobby Fulbright hadn’t been trusted with the keys for them. It was a shame, but considering how naïve the man had been, it’d save Interpol at least some face.
“[…] You think Shi-Long Lang will just send you on your way as if you were a friend departing on a vacation?”
This has gotta be like my third read of this chapter and I’m only now noting it to myself but huh! That’s, I guess, surprisingly creative phrasing for him as opposed to complete flatness and directness.
She looked hesitant for a moment, then closed the distance between them. Raised her free hand to his own shackled wrists, her fingers stroking down to the skin of his lower arms. Peered up at him with innocent, pleading eyes. Just behind her, he could see Simon Blackquill’s gaze darken at the gesture. He drew away from her touch, as he’d always done.
Here’s what I thought was going to happen around this point when the phantom said “leave it to me” and he and Mirage started plotting: I thought that, somehow, Blackquill was going to escape/get rescued (not by the phantom) – I obviously didn’t think Simon was going to be killed. Something – some outside force was going to intervene and stop that from happening.
But I also thought that Mirage and the phantom were successfully going to escape together, even if not everything was going to go exactly to plan for them, they would escape nonetheless. I was like oh wow… oh wow… they’re gonna be able to get away (somehow)…!
And that, then the next fic (pfff reading through blind here, I didn’t know how long this fic was or how close/far I was to the end!) was going to be about the search: tracking down Mirage & the phantom, who would now be stuck cooperating, however temporarily. (I think maybe? On some level my mind knew there was a “Tracking Ghosts” fic ahead and had just skipped over “Lifting Spirits” as a title entirely and/or blurred the two together. IT’S WORTH NOTING that for the vast majority of reading through this series, I didn’t know how long it was and/or how many instalments it actually had. Going into it, I knew it was long and that there was a fair bit of separate fics, then “kinda” forgot along the way. During Haunted Specters I figured it was a trilogy. And then during this fic I thought there was only four. I was just reading through chapter by chapter after all – not taking full note of the overall picture.)
So, that’s where my mind went in those moments of reading: Mirage & the phantom escape, next fic is centred on a) our main cast’s desperate search for them and then apprehending them, (yknow the usual) and b) getting to see some awesome Mirage and phantom interactions in the process during their POV segments. AND c) the phantom still on the run and trying to function, but being forced to come to terms with his small character development that he’s managed to make up to this point. Also his trying to keep on functioning with the debilitating knowledge of his identity actually revealed now and how he copes with that too.
Of course this largely glosses over things like the phantom’s severe headaches and the fact that he wants to be put out of his misery and escape them… But these were once again temporary thoughts that flashed through my mind when in the process of reading this chapter.
And with those theories I came up with on the spot in mind,
For a… For a wild bit of time here as well, I kinda thought the series would lean right into an uh, Phantom/Mirage direction… I mean… C’mooon… It’s called Phantoms & Mirages… Partnered right there in the series title…! That alone kind of made me feel like it may be an obvious choice if you HAD to pick a… hah… pairing to go with. ‘Cause the title. I mean I wasn’t expecting anything to truly come of it perhaps, but in terms of taking that direction, what I mean is purely in terms of subtext and shiptease that would stay underneath the surface. That would be clear as day to the audience, but would remain in an unrealised realm canonically. Or at least, become MORE prominent than it already was through their flashbacks and such… heh. (Also to be clear, I’m saying “because of the title” because I figure the series “Phantoms & Mirages” was named in retrospect after the fact, meaning… if it became the most prominent ship teased… it figures that would be the name of the series? XD)
That’s at least what I thought at the time! Not necessarily the direction I wanted for the series or would personally go with. I didn’t necessarily ship it either, but if the narrative wanted to give it a shot, I was still willing to read it and see where it would go. Well I was way more invested in Mirage on this second readthrough, so, weirdly enough, I found myself just outright shipping it EVEN WITH the full knowledge that it was 100% not gonna happen, neeeeever gonna happen. If anything, the full knowledge that it wasn’t gonna happen is what made myself don shipping goggles anyway ahahaha.
So I’m sitting here reading, momentarily thinking that Mirage and the phantom were gonna be running off together, and that things were leaning spyshipping…
Before the narrative went LOL nope
And then just went full phantomquill.
And then there was Simon Blackquill himself. Despite all the cruelty and the persistent investigations into the Phantom’s supposed true self, the notion of killing Simon Blackquill…- the notion of Simon Blackquill’s life ending… It hurt. It hurt his chest and it hurt his head.  He whirled around, the barrel of the gun pointing at Mirage’s chest instead. She recoiled instantly, shock spreading across her features.
My brain, in like ten seconds flat:
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And by “phantomquill”, look, I don’t mean romance or anything explicitly shippy or whatnot. You can put any spin you want on the duo – familial or WHAT have you. Phantomquill need not require actual “romance” in my eyes. It merely warrants the two characters having their lives intertwined and some kind of connection, having some kind of pull between them, whatever form that connection or pull takes. The both of them having SOME kind of influence over the other beyond mere hatred. The hatred and everything is there, but there’s ! A tiny little bit of something else too, whatever that something else might be. That’s one of the huge draws of phantomquill. This whole setup and the ensuing scene(s) are peak phantomquill to me – if it doesn’t constitute phantomquill. Then I don’t know what does.*
*(JUST GONNA LEAVE A LITTLE. ASTERISK HERE. DON’T MIND ME. I MAAAAY (see: will) BE RETURNING TO THIS IN FUTURE WITH A LITTLE BIT OF A DIFFERENT DEFINITION OF PHANTOMQUILL, SO UH – DEFINITION SUBJECT TO CHANGE IN FUTURE REVIEW POSTS…! But for now, for now, this is the definition I’m working with in this particular review post. The definition I was working with.)
“No!” She was beginning to look frantic, now. Pained and dismayed. “I’m on your side! I killed Lex Luster for you! That old son of a bitch- I punished him for you!”
I was kind of really of mixed feelings over Mirage on 1st readthrough around here cause like. Her saying this + her behaviour following did soften me up a little but at the same time. I WAS STILL KIND OF MAD AT HER BECAUSE LIKE? WAS this all just a game to her? Some kind of game to her? She’s the one who claims to have some kind of “investment” here in his best interests, right? But like. Does she really not realise just how much the revelation of the phantom’s identity felt like the very end of the line for him? He wanted to die. He had given up. He stopped eating and he – he was willing to die. He would have rather DIED. But Mirage, you ensured he was kept alive. You prolonged his suffering. You did that to him, YOU forced him to cross what he perceived to be an uncrossable line. That just feels super cruel! She made him suffer so much and now she’s claiming things like “I did it for you”! I was torn between, as I said, being softened a bit but also still being like WHAT THE HELL MAN?
The fact that she thinks they can just run off together is like – how much had something like that been part of her plans prior to this point? Did she have full knowledge that he was refusing to eat, watched the way he broke down (on more than one occasion), his intense suffering over the impending identity revelation and the aftermath, ALL of that, and seriously, SERIOUSLY think they could patch things up after so brutally crossing the line with him?! That he would even be in any state to, considering how it impacted him? How he had to be put on life support? Arrrgh, Mirage what are you doin girl! She planned to break him out or whatever, she says? Still planned to “look out for him” after all of that? Look out for what? As far as he was concerned it was all over. Did she not see that?
These were my primary thoughts but, there’s always some vagueness when it comes to interpretation, I suppose. The extent to which she might be spinning things because she is being held at gunpoint. The extent she might have either a) not realised the seriousness of the identity issue and therefore viewed the situation(s) way too lightly OR b) she may have been absolutely aware of how serious it was and using it to full advantage… he was utterly breaking, BREAKING and she knew that and went with it anyway. Because at least she was exerting power over him or something. Or maybe both. Or maybe despite knowing how serious it was she figured he could bounce back. He would disagree and yet, he still has the ability to conduct himself mostly normal which can in a sense be defined as “bouncing back”.
Also, also. There are some other things about this entire scene that can be interpreted in slightly different ways. How much of the phantom’s actions are fully premeditated throughout the whole scene vs on the fly. Let’s see… One wonders with what intent he entered to speak with Mirage with. Was he always planning on helping to free Blackquill? I doubt it, but that was the pretense with which he had Bobby free him. Did he ever plan on actually cooperating with Mirage? Or had he been planning on betraying her from the start? Perhaps he ultimately planned to shoot both of them. To wipe out two of his enemies, two birds one stone, and it’s simply that his subconscious would not allow that. Well there are a couple of lines we can examine for this.
“You’re right.” He gave a light nod of the head. “If you hope to fix the unsteady situation you’ve created, you will stand back and allow me to take over.”
So is this all just part of a ploy aimed at getting her to hand over the gun? Or is he actually considering cooperation to escape with her at this point?
Despite seemingly considering the matter, there was still an air of suspicion to it. She didn’t quite trust him just yet. He couldn’t blame her for that. He could only make it so she did trust him. He needed her to trust him.
Does this imply that he means to betray her from the start? That he needs her to trust him even though such trust would be misplaced?
Then she stepped aside, leaving him face-to-face with her hostage. He slid the gun around his palm until his index finger found the trigger. …Finally. 
I definitely read this as him fully planning on shooting Blackquill, right here, right now. There is a chance it might be “finally got the gun” but nah. Nah. He wants to kill that man, on a conscious level. Doesn’t he?
For a split second, he considered validating that very same suspicion. He considered taking advantage of a possibility that’d likely never present itself again. To put a bullet through that skull and end Blackquill’s miserable life once and for all.
This might… Imply that he wasn’t actually planning on shooting Blackquill originally, but upon getting control of the gun like this, the thought then does cross his mind to actually go through with it. I don’t think this is the correct reading, but it’s fun to point out nonetheless!
So when he whirls around to face Mirage… What’s going on? Is he sticking with his original plan to turn against her? Or is he actually turning against her purely in the moment? Did he plan to shoot Blackquill and then Mirage, and skips to Mirage in this moment because he found shooting Blackquill to be too difficult for him…?
IF the phantom had been 100% planning on shooting Blackquill from the start, or, regardless of whether he originally planned to or not, if he had actually gone through with it in that moment wherein he considers it?
That casts a whole new shade of light onto him apologising to Bobby earlier on – of his betrayal of Bobby in escaping. That would be unbelievably huge and unbelievably devastating. Simon Blackquill would have died as a consequence of Bobby trusting the phantom – a trust that resulted in the phantom’s escape. The phantom’s “for what it’s worth, I apologise” would mean absolutely nothing. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. A completely worthless apology, because Bobby would have lost Simon. Betrayal in the highest degree. It means that Bobby would have trusted the phantom, and then the phantom would have gone right ahead and just shot Simon in response anyway. Was probably actually PLANNING to do just that.
For the record, my reading of the scene is, he didn’t have any intention of freeing Blackquill, and that most of his actions during this scene ARE spur-of-the-moment
She was the closest thing to a friend he’d ever had. His hand began to shake. Another headache was building- one that was much stronger than before.  “Do not shoot,” Simon Blackquill’s voice reiterated through the pain. He was faltering. He was faced with two of his greatest threats, the both of them defenseless, but he couldn’t bring himself to harm either of them. 
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He was more broken than he’d assumed up until now. …He must’ve been broken.
THIS KILLS ME. THIS ABSOLUTELY KILLS ME. THIS IS GENUINELY HEARTBREAKING – HIS OWN THOUGHT PROCESS IS GENUINELY HEARTBREAKING BECAUSE HE JUST FAILED TO KILL TWO PEOPLE AND HE THINKS THAT ACTUALLY MAKES HIM BROKEN. He truly believes that. I cannot get over how sad that is, that their lives have been spared and he thinks that is a bad thing – a sign that he is DAMAGED, somehow.
He saw Mirage move and his first instinct was to prevent her from reaching the weapon, but she wasn’t going for it. She darted straight for the door. He couldn’t stop her.
I feel so sad because she’s just. Running. Getting the hell away from him. Because he just tried to kill her.
All in all, though. This chapter – and the next one – are god tier. They are just god tier.
Vanquishing Mirages, Chapter 13
Just thought I’d let you know, it’s around this point that I sent my friend this message:
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Ahahaha. I just couldn’t DEAL with how great it was! Really! Like, it was causing actual overload, hence the “stop! Stop!” xDDD. Like, “It’s okay! It’s okay! This has already proven to be awesome beyond words! You don’t need to do any better than this, I promise! I may not be able to take much more greatness!”
Were it not for the Phantom speeding out the door without a second thought, Simon would’ve considered offering to break the chain tying the man’s handcuffs together. Then again, perhaps leaving them like this was for the best.
IT CERTAINLY IS FOR THE BEST SIMON. Doing that would noooot have ended well. We’d certainly have no Lifting Spirits, that’s for sure D: It would be Bye Bye Phantom!
Vaguely, he wondered just what sort of a physical state the man was in right now. He hadn’t properly eaten in two weeks, surviving only because Interpol had forced him to, and whether his shoulder had fully healed or not was another matter entirely. In a way, the Phantom hadn’t been well since February, because whatever chance at a complete recovery was cut short in one way or another. It was a miracle he was capable of running at all.
Man I loved this being noted cause it really goes to show just HOW… I don’t even know the right word… (persistent? Difficult to defeat?) that the phantom is. This guy can really just keep on going despite EVERYTHING ahaha. Legend.
There was only him and imminent danger, and then, all of the sudden, there was fluent cursing from nearby. The section of the walkway that the Phantom was lying on had tilted towards the street as well.
“fluent cursing”…
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His shackled hands were raised over his head but were unable to reach anything to hold onto. He was slipping towards the abyss that lay below Simon. Slipping towards that same death that Simon was fearing for himself.
I felt so in the moment reading this. I could well and truly imagine the level of danger – the panic. I could barely look away from reading because this was just. Whoa. Life or death stuff going on right here.
He wouldn’t let the Phantom fall. Not again.
There’s not even anything I can add or say about this whole scene, this whole dynamic of Simon holding on and the phantom protesting. It’s perfect.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Peak Phantomquill. When I think about phantomquill. Scenes like this one are exactly what I think about. It’s the pinnacle. You don’t get better than this. You just don’t.*
*Terms and conditions apply.
And then the “Fool Bright”… is the killing blow. It just kills me. With how GOOD IT IS GOSH THE EXECUTION OF THIS WHOLE SCENE IS AMAZING.
Through the dim of his mind- of what little emotion had seeped through- a desperate little voice had cried out for help. It hadn’t cried out in exact words, rather in feelings. His subconsciousness, perhaps. ‘I’m here,’ it had said. ‘I’m right here. Find me.’
You know what this made me think of?
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‘Please come back,’ the voice had insisted. ‘Don’t leave me like everyone else has. I’m right here. I’m in pain and I’m right here.’
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Vanquishing Mirages, Chapter 14
“Fulbright! Don’t just…-!” –stand there with your mouth open as if you were attempting to catch insects? That wasn’t quite the right command to give. Too many words. “Help!”
“What’s foolish about it? Rehabilitation is the best kind of justice! Criminals atoning for their misdeeds by helping others… It’s a much better fate for them than execution, don’t you think?”
So at this, I kind of just narrowed my eyes again once more and went “no, no, don’t you dare, story. Don’t you dare. He needs to die, remember? SO MAKE SURE HE DOES…”
BUT AT THE SAME TIME… This whole flashback segment with Simon and “Bobby” was nothing short of sheer brilliance. I couldn’t help but be impressed by it… If there was ANY way to introduce this rehabilitation concept into the story, to just throw it out there – this was it. So I was still in defensive mode, absolutely, and I was still fighting against it, but… The writing of the flashback scene is just so good that I kind of crossed my arms reluctantly and went, “WELL… I… I SUPPOSE I’M LISTENING? JUST A LITTLE?” How could I not grant the story at least a small little platform upon which it could make its case… For me to at least crack one eye open in attention… Even though, for all intents and purposes, I still absolutely wanted and believed it was necessary for the man we call the phantom –– to die. To be executed.
Anyway… also, the scene of Bobby and Simon holding onto each other, and the phantom… is so wonderful. I hope they stayed like that for minutes.
They sat there until the Phantom stirred in his hold. The movement managed to kickstart a semblance of Simon’s awareness and his hands released the spy’s shoulders. Even so, the Phantom didn’t push away from Simon’s chest. For a good fifteen seconds, he didn’t even speak. And then the words finally came. “Prosecutor Blackquill…”
Oh wow… OH WOW.
He became even more aware of just how closely the Phantom was pressing up against his chest and felt his brow furrow in dismay. Bobby said nothing.
Okay all I’m gonna say is… this is kinda… really funny in the sense that… Bobby’s perception of this situation and Simon’s perception of this situation are uh, VERY different.
“Wait! I’m not ready! I’m not ready to die! Wait! Let GO of me! ”
Oh goodness… Oh goodness… He’s not… He’s not ready to die anymore either… Which also changes things.
Vanquishing Mirages, Chapter 15
Ted Tonate and LaSoote go so well together – FIT well together, now that you mention the whole dismantling-designing thing. And I loooved their interactions when disassembling the bomb.
Vanquishing Mirages, Chapter 16
Bobby hesitated for a moment, not quite meeting Simon’s gaze. “… There’s more.” “More?” “I asked Athena and… She said that birth defects count as extenuating circumstances.”
Simon didn’t like where this was going. Not one bit. With that, his feelings on the matter didn’t seem quite so trivial anymore. “Fulbright. Whatever line of thinking you’re attempting to follow, I suggest you abandon it.”
IT’S SO WILD TO ME HOW CONSISTENTLY ALIGNED I AM WITH SIMON’S POV FOR THE VAST MAJORITY OF THIS WHOLE SERIES. Like. I barely need to say anything because Simon’s POV this chapter already has it all written out for me.
This whole line of thinking was so optimistic that Simon was sure it couldn’t be done.
The entirety of Lifting Spirits – (even the title is optimistic sounding!) – is just. The entire thing feels so optimistic and idealistic and – and it’s a thing that actually happens and it’s all so lovely and waaaah. We’ll get there. But yes, I, too, was sure it couldn’t be done. idealism & optimism way too off the charts.
Vanquishing Mirages, Chapter 17
To see whether a man who prided himself in having ‘no emotions’ would step down from his pedestal and become like every other mortal.
I LOVE THIS SENTENCE – THE WORDING OF IT – so so much you don’t even know. Like this is one of those sentences – one of many throughout this series from your writing – that was just left ringing in my mind well after I’d finished the chapter.
If Simon had thought the Phantom looked bad during the last trial day, it was nothing compared to this moment. Dark lines were set under his eyes, which were scrunched shut in some sort of lasting cringe. Simon was sure it was the regained memories that were to blame.
>:D hehehe…
It was Fulbright who ultimately broke the silence with a half-hearted attempt at a cheery disposition. “Hey. How are you feeling?” “Leave.” The Phantom didn’t bother to raise his head or even open his eyes. He uttered a single word and it was that.
When I sent my friend this snippet, she had such a perfect response to it that there’s nothing better I could possibly come up with, and with her permission I’m posting it here:
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Oh my god… I’d totally forgotten about the phantom just taking it upon himself to roast them all in turn in this scene… It’s soooo good. This whole dynamic, of people – of characters being invested in someone who does NOT want it, who actively REJECTS it – just the whole image of anyone wanting to help the phantom and his SEVERE rejection of it is SO much fun.
“No one should have to ask. We were…” Bobby trailed off, unsure how to finish that sentence. “Worried?” The Phantom asked in a tone of voice that seemed almost spiteful.
Sdkjbdakjadkj BLESS THIS FIC.
I just, love the scene. It’s very good. I know I’m just a broken record of saying “I love this” at this point, have been for a while, but it’s because it’s TRUE.
… The person sitting before them could be someone. “Who he will be from now on is a dead man,” Simon began, once again earning him a mean scowl from Athena.
Anticipation seemed to rise as the Phantom rocked himself back and forth in a calm pace. His face was still hidden behind his hands, fingers ruffling his uneven locks so forcefully that they might as well become entangled in a mess of frizzed blond. When at last he spoke, it was so quiet they could barely hear him. “Do you really believe it? That someone like me could still become human?”
I’m calling him cute and you can’t stop me
They couldn’t predict what sort of effect removing the bone sliver would have. Even if the doctor was sure the procedure was safe, brain surgery was a tricky thing. It could just as well leave the Phantom paralyzed. Or perhaps the system responsible for emotions was damaged beyond repair after all this time.
Ohh I’m glad this is taken note of here, because I felt like the surgery was being portrayed as a little too easily straightforward a little closer to the fact in the narrative!
The Phantom drew one more ragged breath before responding. “Then… I will try.”
Also just also. Wow. Can’t imagine how it went when Palaeno went in to visit him afterwards. xD
Here’s… the thing? During Haunted Specters, things like Bobby’s behaviour towards the phantom was odd and FUNNY. Fun to think about. And the dynamic certainly is still pretty amusing, but… There was some kind of tipping point along the way. A tipping point that was passed way prior to this point. It’s… kinda less of a joke now… Bobby’s caring behaviour is well and grounded in the story, in the setting… The “liminal space” left behind, discarded long ago. And Athena by his side with the same mindset…!
So, continuing on, we
[glances at the next chapter]
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S-see you… next time…!
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