#How did I turn the second answer into a literal conversation between the three of them? xD
🙏 ✨🔥 (Webby, Vanellope, Angry)
Muse talking about the mun
🙏 Do you think the mun would be able to survive in your world?
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"I mean, our worlds aren't that much different, right? He'd stand out a bit, being one of those 'human' creatures that we don't have any of in Duckburg - but no more than, say, a moonlander like Penumbra. He'd get along alright.
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"Unless you mean on our adventures and everything, too. In which case... yeah, he'd be Louie levels of screwed. He's not exactly the bold and athletic type."
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"Whether yer asking about Sugar Rush or Slaughter Race gets very different answers there. Sugar Rush it's practically impossible not to survive unless you're a numbskull an' wander onto the kart track by mistake, an' he's not that dumb.
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"Slaughter Race? No chance. He's way too cautious a driver; he'd be scrap in ten seconds flat. Even if he was playin' it as a gamer, not living in the world, he doesn't exactly have the greatest preservation instincts for his character... believe me, I've watched him on racing games before. Kinda a painful experience to be honest."
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"Psh. He wouldn't last two days without his internet."
✨ Does the mun read fanfictions and if yes, what is your opinion on them?
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"Oh, you know, not usually. Sometimes he'll dabble in reading fan-comics and stuff, which are a kinda fanfiction, but even that's not a frequent thing. I don't actually know most of the fandoms I’ve seen him read stuff for. You could ask Connie though, he's followed at least one AU comic from her fandom for a while."
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"I mean, you gotta argue that literally all the Star Wars novels he's ever read ever are basically just glorified fanfiction. Heck, that whole Expanded Universe was basically glorified fanfiction that had the 'official' label slapped on it... an' ran from actually really good, like that Yoda one, to completely unreadable.
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"But yeah, online though? He's pretty picky when it comes to the posted fanfic he reads, an' he never goes seeking it out. So it only ever happens if he crosses the path of something he likes by chance an' gets hooked, which is pretty rare."
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"...are you guys forgetting that he did that thing just yesterday? He's not even got far into it yet, but he found it through another site and is already getting invested."
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"Oh, the one about the Disneyland 50th Anniversary celebration being crashed by Maleficent, that he found through TVTr.opes? Yeah, that one looks pretty neat! Just think of all the Disney history referenced in it!"
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“Eh. It’s from before any of us even existed, so it can’t be that great...”
🔥 How would you spend one day with the mun if you could?
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“Oh sure, I know he says he’s bored of the local area because he’s already ‘seen everything’, but come on! There’s got to be more to see - there’s always more to see! We could go on a wild ramble around the countryside, find some lost hidden secrets together... then come back for a sleepover later. You can never go wrong with a sleepover!”
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“Oh, you know. Just me kicking his butt at every racing game ever. He’s just in it to have fun, so he’d have a good time anyway - but I’m in it to win it, so I’d also have a great time.
“Hey, he might even give me a challenge some of the time! He’s pretty good at the ones he knows well, at least. An’ we’d eat a butt-ton of candy. So, yeah, fun times all around!”
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“Tch, I dunno. He’s not terrible, but it’s weird; he’s into all this kid stuff that Red and I left behind years ago. I don’t even know what we’d find in common that we’d both want to do.“
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sixlane · 4 months
Jegulus microfic | 830 words | A little Mr & Mrs Smith au thingy for u | pt. 2, pt. 3
“So… what’s your favorite color?” James asks. They’re meant to be getting to know each other but the agency told them not to reveal any identifying information. This is the best he could come up with.
Regulus raises an eyebrow, unamused. James knew it was a stupid question. He’s about to take it back when Regulus looks down at his plate and says, “green, like a dark green. Almost black.”
James hums, studying the way the man in front of him cuts his food into even pieces. He thinks he could learn a lot more about Regulus by just watching him rather than asking superficial questions. Regulus likes order. Noted.
After a minute of silence, broken only by the scraping of silverware, James speaks again.
“Now it’s your turn to ask a question. See, we’re doing a back and forth thing here. Swapping secrets. If we’re going to be fake married we have to know things about each other.”
Regulus doesn’t miss a beat. “I already know everything I need to know about you, James.” 
James scoffs. This is going to be the longest mission of his life. He’s known Regulus for all of an hour and he’s barely gotten five full sentences out of him.
“Ok, tell me three things you know about me. If you get something wrong, I get to ask you anything I want.”
Regulus sets his knife and fork down neatly next to his plate. He wipes his mouth, clears his throat, and looks up at James, pinning him with an icy gray stare. For a second, James loses his breath to the chill. Regulus’ eyes slide over him, stopping at his lips for a brief moment, but James catches it all the same.
“You’re an only child, you’re rich already so you’re not in this for the money, and you’ve been married before, maybe recently. I’d probably even say that’s why you’re here.” Regulus takes a sip from his wine glass, not looking away from James as he does it.
“How did you… Did the supervisor tell you about me? Because that’s not fair I didn’t get anything on y—” 
Regulus cuts him off with a hand. “You’ve been talking incessantly since the second I got here. Attention seeking behavior. Only child. That was probably the biggest stretch but I figured I’d give it a shot. You’re wearing an Armani sweater, so that one wasn’t even hard, and you have a tan line around your left ring finger. Is the divorce even finalized yet?”
James just stares, mouth parted in an attempt to form literally any word from the wide array of languages he knows. Nothing comes, though.
“Aren’t you supposed to be a spy, James? This is day one stuff.” Regulus goes back to his meal. A curl of his hair falls briefly in front of his eyes and he brushes it back with elegant fingers. 
James doesn’t think he’s ever been speechless in this life. All he can think to say is, “the divorce is finalized.” 
“Did you love them?”
Well, that was unexpected. He answers anyway. “Yes”
“Do you still love them?”
“No, not anymore,” James mutters, looking down. It’s true but that doesn’t mean it’s not still tender.
James shoots a look at Regulus then, incredulous. “Good?” he asks. “Why is that good?”
“No attachments, James. It’s bad business.” He says it so casually, so plainly, but James can see a twitch between his brows. This hits home for him too.
“You forget, honey, we’re married now. It’s me and you ‘till the end. We’re ‘attached’ for life.” He smirks, wanting to move the conversation away from lost loves. Hoping the humor will smooth the tension in Regulus’ face.
“We’re fake married, James. Partners. That’s it.” He’s looking up at James through jet black lashes and James finds himself thinking about running his fingers lightly across them. Counting every one until he runs out of numbers. 
“It doesn’t have to be.” Okay, maybe he’s flirting now. So what? If they’re going to be stuck together he might as well make it interesting.
“Yes it does.” Regulus says, but James doesn’t miss how a slight flush creeps onto his cheeks. “We’re doing this by the book. It’s easier that way, trust me.”
“Oh I'm not worried about me, Regulus. I can keep my hands to myself. Don’t think I haven’t missed the way you’ve been looking at my mouth, though. I can be observant, too.”
Regulus looks away, obviously flustered, and James preens internally for getting a reaction out of him.
“I’m going to bed,” Regulus says, getting up. 
Before he’s out of the room, James responds. “Alright, love. Let me know if you want some company. You know where to find me.”
Regulus stops. It’s too long of a pause, almost like he’s considering the offer, but he doesn’t look back. “Goodnight, James,” he whispers before heading up the stairs, and James swears he hears a smile in it.
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icallhimjoey · 1 year
I'm patient but I'm not but I'm patient but I'm not are we going to pee in this elevator and is Joe going to hear us go pssssss I'M PATIENT BUT I'M NOT please pretty please part three soon? 🥺 🥺 🥺 
so, ive learned that apparently peeing in front of a stranger is literal nightmare fuel for some of you and i wasnt aware and im very sorry for exposing you to this fear without having put a proper trigger warning in place... but, um, here's part three :) Wordcount: 3.5K
Between Floors and Feelings
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five
“They say this station’s haunted, you know?”
It had been forty minutes. Forty-five, maybe, of being stuck in a lift with a stranger, and all you wanted to do was sleep.
Just… have a cheeky little nap. Some good quality shut-eye.
If you would’ve been by yourself, you’d have laid down already, no doubt about it. Would’ve dozed off until firefighters or whoever else knew how to save people from lifts would come to rescue you.
If you’d have been alone you also would’ve definitely pissed yourself, but you thought that maybe the dress would hide it well enough. You could easily pretend the lift already smelled like urine when you stepped inside just before it had gotten stuck. Before you’d gotten trapped inside with a handsome man in an expensive suit who had introduced himself as Joe.
Joe, who was now trying to distract you with some spooky shit you didn’t believe in.
“Actor William Terriss, murdered in 1890-something. There used to be a bakery here,”
You were far too tired to really interact with him, but Joe didn’t mind. He just talked, and you just listened. You also didn’t really care for what he was telling you, but the fact that Joe was trying to make casual conversation in an attempt to distract from the stupid and increasingly annoying static from the intercom was sweet.
“And now they say he stalks the corridors, looking for bread. Tall guy, apparently. I’ve been told some tube workers were so scared of him, they requested to be transferred to a less haunted tube station,”
“Less haunted,” you repeated, “Not not haunted. Just, less.” that tickled you.
“A little haunting is fine, a touch of spook keeps you on your toes. But a tall actor looking for bread?” Joe looked at you, eyes squinted and eyebrows raised, and then jokingly answered his own question, “That’s too much.”
You just smiled, eyes heavy-lidded. A silence fell and your mind wandered a second. If you thought about it, almost every tube station could easily have scary spooky ghost stories. They were all underground with groaning tunnels and echoing passages, if you believed in the paranormal, any noise could be coming from the other side. Especially when a little more deserted, every single tube station could give you the creeps.
But you'd never seen a ghost, and were planning on keeping it that way.
If you could just… slump sideways and rest your head a little. Close your eyes a second. Let the ghost of the bread-actor roam freely and do his thing without bothering him... if you could just sleep. Doze off, just for a little while.
Joe pressed the emergency button for what felt like the three hundred and eighty-third time.
Pressing the emergency button no longer made anyone ask you any questions. It was just static now. Static that would last about 20 seconds before it died again, and every time it did, Joe would just press the button once more.
He’d been assigned the button-pressing task, which was good work, because you felt busy enough focusing on staying awake and working your pelvic floor muscles.
You were uncomfortable, and grew a little more uneasy when you felt eyes on you. You turned your head to see Joe give you a wary once over.
“You all right?”
How deep was this pit of concern this man held within him? You tutted and slumped your head forwards by ways of answering.
“I’m so close to my bed, I can practically hear it call my name,” you whined.
“If you’re an easy sleeper, I don’t mind if you close your eyes a second,”
Too kind.
“I can’t, I’ll piss myself,” you deadpanned and hissed straight after, because mentioning it made you feel it more. You tried to relief the pressure by pressing both hands firmly into the floor and leaning heavily into your stretched arms. It did nothing.
“That’s OK, I’ll pretend I don’t see,”
You gave Joe a stare, one that said, ha ha, very funny, even though you had to work to hide your smile.
The static died.
Joe pressed the button again.
“So, you live close then?”
You nodded. “Bow street, just down the road,”
Joe blinked, then let out an impressed whistle that sliced through the air with a sharp, clear tone.
“My God, I didn’t know I was in the proximity of an actual billionaire.”
You were hardly a billionaire, but you’d be lying if you said you had never used your postal code to impress people.
“It’s a tiny studio above a Pizza Express, it’s not that glamorous,” you argued.
“Oh, so… millionaire, then,”
Had you not been so tired, had you not needed the loo so badly, you’d have reacted more to it. Joe was funny. Sweet. All you could give was a slight smile before a grimace overtook your face once more.
“Should’ve gotten off at Leicester Square,” you muttered.
Because you did all the time. Especially in rush hours. But you hadn’t wanted to walk the extra few minutes. Minutes that, in hindsight, would’ve passed anyway. Minutes that would’ve meant you could’ve been home right now.
“Nah,” Joe reasoned, having a sip of his own water before continuing, “You probably would’ve gotten your dress stuck in the escalator, making the whole system tear it off, and that group of drunk guys likely wouldn’t have gone easy on you,”
Joe had seen and heard those guys too.
“To be honest,” you started, eyes closed and entirely focused on the strength needed to keep every single drop of urine inside your body. “I’d take the humiliation if that meant I would’ve been home right now.”
And you meant it.
Fuck, if you just kept thinking about it, you would only feel it more. You needed something to make you forget about the building pressure in your lower stomach all together, but it wasn’t as if there were ample options of entertainment.
There was just Joe.
“Do you live close? Or do you still have a whole trek home once we get out?” it was the easiest way of asking if you were potentially stuck in a small metal box with a neighbour.
“Quite the footslog for me still, yea,” so not a neighbour then.
You assumed he must have had plans. Maybe Joe was meeting friends in a bar somewhere, or maybe he’d been on his way to meet his girlfriend - you knew nothing about him, and didn’t know what to assume.
“Maybe we can convince the ambulance to drop you off at your place later,” you tried your hand at a joke.
“For my ruptured bladder,” it came out all constrained, and instead of a goofy laugh, you received a concerned glance from Joe that then turned into something more determined.
“Yea, all right, hang on, I’m gonna…” Joe trailed off, and twisted to cap off of his water bottle again before he drank whatever was left inside. Just, chugged it all down.
“No, don’t– there’ll be two full bladders inside this lift, and–”
“One.” Joe said, wiping his mouth with the back of one hand before he got up onto his feet. Then, he held a hand out to you, and without much thinking you took it. Joe helped you stand, and then gave you the empty plastic bottle.
“I promise I won’t look… or listen, I won’t, you just– you’re risking a bladder infection, and you’re clearly in pain, so–”
“Oh my God, you think I’m going to pee into this water bottle?”
“I don’t think, I know, I’ll just… here, look, I’ll squeeze myself into the corner with my back turned,” Joe demonstrated, turning with his face pressed into the corner before he covered both ears with his palms.
“You’re joking. We could be in here for hours, I don’t–”
“Exactly.” Joe looked over his shoulder. “So, please, go ahead. If you gotta go, you gotta go. I’ll give you as much privacy as I can.”
He turned back, and you just blinked at his backside.
What the fuck was this guy on?
You looked at the water bottle in your hands and for a split second actually contemplated doing it. But then, how the fuck was this ever going to work?!
“I’ve not got the aim for this,” you said. “I barely got it all into an open handbag earlier, this is never– hey!”
“You what?” Joe turned around, hands lowering from his ears, giving you a sort of panicked, definitely confused look.
“You have remarkably good hearing for someone who was very actively not listening to me peeing,”
Joe's throat stuttered as he quickly turned back, hands back over his ears. To really sell that he wasn’t listening, he started singing, “That’s me in the corner… that’s me in the, spot, light, losing my religion,”
He wiggled his hips a little to the words as he sang way off pace, far too quick, and you thought to yourself that if you were going to have to be stuck in a lift with a stranger, it was good that you’d gotten stuck with this one. This light-hearted, big goof of a man, who seemed to not have a single judgmental bone in his body. Or, a musical one for that matter.
Feeling no judgment was very refreshing after heavily judging every single aspect of yourself from the moment you’d walked out of your office.
“Joe,” you said, clearly not going ahead and even attempting to use the empty water bottle as a toilet. But Joe was definitely going to think twice about turning around after that comment you'd made.
“Joe,” you tried again, louder.
But that just prompted Joe to raise his voice as well, “Oh no I’ve said too much,” Joe dragged out his words to keep the silences in between to a minimum. “I haven’t said enough– I thought that I heard you– ow,”
Joe turned and saw that the bounce he'd felt on the back of his head came from the soft plastic of the water bottle you were now holding by the cap in your fist, like a weapon.
“Thank you, but, I think I'd rather die,” than pee in front of you into a water bottle that would then just be full of your yellow piss. You shudderd at the thought of it.
“Okay, well then,” Joe swiftly took the bottle from your hands and stepped around you. You turned and saw how Joe placed the bottle right side up in the corner furthest away from the intercom.
“It'll be here for when you need it,”
“I won't need it,” you said, sliding down the lift doors opposite to sit back down.
“Hmh, debatable,” Joe scrunched up the side of his face, making him wink as he did so as he moved to go sit down next to you.
“I won't use it,” you rectified.
“Then it'll just be there,” Joe bickered, gesturing towards the plastic bottle with one arm.
“For no reason,” you honestly weren't going to fucking use it. You'd probably end up pissing all over your own hands, and Joe just drank the last bit of water that you could've used to wash them after. Although, working with just the one container, that wouldn't have worked anyway.
“It'll be there because I like to keep my empty water bottles in corners of lifts. Feng Shoe and that.”
Joe had one of those faces where he joked a bunch without showing it much, expression all serious, or all annoyed, but then he'd crack straight after. Would press his lips together to hide the smile that he couldn't escape as his eyes found yours.
“Um, it's Feng Shui,” you corrected, and the giggles Joe was trying to repress came out in a snort.
Sat next to each other now, you felt a lot more comfortable because there weren't constant eyes on you. Both you and Joe had the same view: your own legs, feet, the empty lift, the water bottle in the corner across from you near the opposite doors...
You let your head fall back against the door and closed your eyes a second.
That whole ordeal had woken you up a little, but you were still tired. Resting your eyes was still very welcome.
“So... I have um, I've got some questions,” Joe started after a short silence.
You kept your eyes shut, but stopped breathing for a second.
“If they're about pissing into a bag, no you don't,” you said, and you heard a small disappointed hum escape Joe's throat.
“So, um, I have no questions,”
That made you laugh.
Still didn't feel great. You still had to pee, but you were determined now. Your body was going to have figure out a way to just... reabsorb it all back into your system.
You laugh turned into a frown and an extended groan.
“All right,” you sat up a little, ready to get into it. You were going to tell the full story, whether Joe actually wanted to hear it or not.
“No, please, you don't have to,” Joe laughed as he backtracked.
“I've already said too much,” you sighed.
“I could wonder for the rest of my life,” Joe was sweet. Didn't want to pressure you into sharing anything you didn't originally want to share.
“It'll be like therapy,” but you were already talking yourself into sharing everything that had happened to you that evening, all the things that lead up to you getting onto the tube looking like you did.
It didn't feel right to just let this guy think you were crazy.
Which, maybe you were crazy, but, at least you could make him understand.
So you told Joe about the annual costume party at the office. This year the theme was the letter B. You went with bride. Your boyfriend - fuck, ex-boyfriend - dressed up as a business man which meant that he could just wear his own office attire. You had joked that you were going to tell people he dressed up as 'boring'. You had given him so many alternative ideas; batman, bra salesman, Bob Ross, a banana, Baby Spice, a blue man group member, Buzz Lightyear... you had more up your sleeve, but he'd insisted on business man. Would just be easier.
Easier, and also more boring. But it was whatever. Showing up in a wedding dress with him wearing a suit was kind of cute, you thought.
And the party had been fun! Everyone had looked amazing, really amazing. Most people had gone all out with their outfits and it made you feel less silly for walking around in a big puffy white cupcakey wedding dress. Someone had dressed up as big foot, the full costume, and you'd had to figure out who hiding inside that costume by process of elimination.
But then, when you were hunched over the table that held all the drinks with two of your colleagues, mixing stupid shit together to make awful brown-looking drinks, it all went wrong.
You looked up, searched for him with your eyes, because you had a gross drink to give to him, and saw him across the room, talking to Derek whose desk was three seats over from yours.
You saw how he excused himself. Saw him say he was going to go for a quick toilet break.
But then he walked the opposite way. Derek hadn't even noticed.
And you were dumb.
Thought he just didn't know where the toilets were.
So with two drinks in hand, you rushed after him. Had a sip that spilled down the sides of your mouth because you weren't being careful, and you'd grimaced and laughed at how nasty it was.
Then you saw him step into your boss's office, and you slowed down. Why was he going in there? Surely he knew, could see, that wasn't where the men's room was.
You were about to call out for him, were about to go, “Babe, are you lost?” with a laugh stuck at the back of your throat that was ready to slip out when you'd see him all confused and all alone in your boss's office.
But then, when you stepped into the doorway, he wasn't all confused. And he wasn't all alone.
His face was stuck to your boss's face, and you could see actual tongue. You saw her fingers work to loosen his tie. You saw his fingers pressed into her waist. She was dressed as a bunny, the Playboy kind, because of course she was.
You didn't think they'd even seen you. Not that you spent a very long time looking at them. You'd instantly turned on your heel and marched back to where the party was still in full swing.
Two colleagues saw your ashen complexion, saw the shock and the panic and the hurried shaky steps you were taking and cornered you. Said things like, “I'm sorry you had to find out this way,” and “We would've said something sooner, but, you know, she's our boss,” and “I'm sure you understand, don't you?” because they'd all known. And apparently for fucking ages, too.
Your face had been streaming down with tears once they were done talking to you. Once they'd advised you to go home, you had mascara all the way down your neck and two empty glasses in your hands. The godawful cocktails that held nothing but strong liquors mixed together had been a godsend.
You'd hitched, “Tell her I quit with immediate effect.” without wanting to look anyone in the eye.
Everyone could go and fuck themselves.
And then, just before you walked out, you saw her handbag. You knew it held her planner, her cigarettes, maybe even her phone, and you thought, I've got to pour something in.
The table that held all drinks was too far back into the office. People would notice. Maybe you could go hold it open under a tap. Place it in the sink in the toilets and just.... fill it up.
That's when you had felt your lower stomach pinch.
“Listen,” you said to Joe, regrettably in tears once again.
God, what a pathetic evening.
“I'm not proud of what I've done. But I did exactly what you think I did and I only stopped because I heard footsteps.”
Joe had just listened to you without interrupting besides the hand he'd placed around your wrist when he saw your eyes well up as you spoke.
He very slowly rubbed his thumb back and forth, but didn't say anything. It felt like the most appropriate way to comfort you. He was used to hugging strangers, but that didn't mean that you were, and he had to actively work against the instinct to curl an arm around you.
The hand on your arm felt nice.
The thumb rubbing felt nicer.
“So, I left her bag there, on the floor, and just hauled myself out of there... and, against my better judgement, decided to get the tube home instead of a taxi.”
You rubbed at the underside of your nose, and then at a cheek. Maybe these tears actually cleared your face of all the make-up remnants. There was going to have to be a point where it'd all just... wash off, right?
You were expecting Joe to say something like, I'm sorry, or, that's awful. But then he softly said,
“Should've shat in it,”
And the laugh it erupted from you was embarrassingly loud. Came right from your core. Made Joe laugh too as he bent forward a little to find your eyes with his. Made your tears suddenly become tears of joy once more. Made you grab onto Joe's arm with the one that he wasn't holding onto. Made you suddenly sit up in an attempt to not wet yourself.
Fuck, fuck, fuck. Shit. No, fuck.
“Bottle!” you cried, moving your feet underneath you as you tried to stand up. "Quick, bottle, bottle, bottle!" you reached with hands you knew wouldn't reach far enough.
Luckily, Joe shot into action, almost seemed excited to do so. Jumped up, took the bottle, turned back to you as you were still trying to get up.
“I can't– help,” you squirmed, feet and bum on the floor still, both arms outstretched, waiting for Joe to pull you up.
You felt like you would sometimes feel when you really needed the toilet and you were right outside your flat, fumbling with the keys as you tried to hurry which only made things take so much longer.
Joe helped you stand, and the gave you the bottle before he slapped the emergency button. The static would help drown out the noise, you know, besides the loud singing Joe was about to do.
He stepped around you to go hide in his little corner again, hands already moving up to cover his ears, but you said, “Wait,” and used both hands to work you dress up, to get the bottle under the skirt.
Joe did wait, looking at you with big, rounded, expecting eyes. And you couldn't believe what you were about to say, but right now, everything was about survival and survival only.
“You're going to have to hold me.”
The Taglisted: 
@ghostinthebackofyourhead @dirtyeddietini @jasminearondottir @freckledjoes @cancankiki @sidthedollface2 @dylanmunson @munsonsgirl71 @thefemininemystiquee @alana4610 @emmamooney @thatonefan-girl @paola-carter @figmentofquinn @haylaansmi @thewondernanazombie @munsonmunster @kellyxo1 @chaoticgood-munson @sherrylyn628 @ohmeg @05secondsofsexgods @lovelyblueness @adoreyouusugar @nadixq @prozacandnicotine @roosterisdaddy36 @alwayslindie @breddiemunson @eddie-joe-munson @ali-in-w0nderland @pepperstories @phyllosilicate-s @thebellenouvelle @luvrsbian @joesquinns @choke-me-eddie @alizztor @jnnyrd @did-it-work @capricornrisingsstuff @quinnsmunson @frogers @kennedy-brooke @daleyeahson @eddielives1986 @harringtonfan4 @sadbitchfangirl @emma77645 @tlclick73
(taglist currently full, sorry)
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dckweed · 2 years
okay babes, y'all asked for it and as a people pleaser i can't help but to deliver..idk if y'all are ready for this no, no...y'all are ready,but are y'all deserving? everybody say 'thank you kara' bc this has been literally the only thing on my mind for days, and if im being quite honest with you, i 100% have plans for part three and four already. y'all im doing a whole series lmao.
p.s. bob newby did not deserve that death. also i am officially on stranger things 3 as of last night!! also omg tumblr in dark mode?? so much better! also p.s. my whole family is sick, started with my one year old, then she took out her daddy, my sister, my brother and myself. my mom is the last one standing. we're 95% sure it's covid for the third time (me and her have extremely weak immune systems). also i love this gif of him dacre is literally so pretty.
warnings: MINORS DO NOT OPEN! sexual plot, meet the family plot, dad!hopper, honestly ngl billy is 100% about to be super 'i want to make love to you' bc he is 100% lovesick for reader. please use condoms, this is for fictional pleasure only. definitely AU where all the weird freaky shit doesn't happen after the first and second seasons bc idk what's going on in the third yet. reminder that i don't usually edit/proofread.
PART ONE. part three
'..SIR, THATS MY FUTURE WIFE..' billy hargrove x female!hopper!reader
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It had been a few weeks now since everyone had found out about you and Billy, you had decided that you would let everything cool down about the situation. The two of you weren't the only thing that the entire student body of Hawkins High could talk about anymore, and you felt like your father could finally look you in the eyes again. You were trying to plan a nice family dinner between you, your sister and your father. It wasn't quite going according to plan, somehow, you had managed to burn the pasta noodles just a tad.
"Um, Y/N," Your dad said after taking a bite of his plate, he was wearing his work uniform, about to do another night shift. "I think you bu-" You glare at him and he shuts up. "Nevermind, it tastes great."
"Thank you, dad." You say, taking a chunk out of your garlic bread. You gave Eleven a smile, she was eating across from you without a complaint but you could tell that it must have tasted bad by the look on her face. "..is it really that bad?"
"No-" The girl had started to say, though your father's voice interrupted her. "How about I order a pizza instead?" You sigh, slumping back in your chair, closing your eyes for a brief moment before you got up to clear the table, washing the dishes and disposing of the burnt mess you had accidentally concocted.
After a while you heard the doorbell ring and you heard your father's heavy footsteps on his way to answer it. You faintly heard a brief conversation and turned off the kitchen sink just as the door closes, finishing drying the last dish just as he makes it to the table, two boxes of pizza in his hand. One for him and El to split, one for you because he always remembered your favorite, just like Billy.
You sit wordlessly, giving the two of them clean plates for their slices before you open your box, your mouth watering. If you were being honest, this was definitely more appealing than what you had made. You had been stressed the past few days, trying to work your dad up into a really big step in both of your guys' lives and you couldn't help but crave one of your comfort foods as a way to help ease your overwhelming discomfort with this new part of your life.
After a while, and just as your dad sits back in his chair, arms stretching behind his head in a way that you knew to mean that he was stuffed, you decide that now is as good a time as any. With a shakey breath you drop your pizza crust into the box and turn in your seat to face him.
"Dad, can I ask you something?" You ask, head cocked to the side, what you hope is a charming smile on your face. El continues to eat her pizza, curious as to what was about to happen, though secretly she was ready to get to her sleep over with Max at the Byers' house, you had made the arrangements, wanting an evening to yourself and she had readily agreed, tired of hearing about you go on and on about how in love with Billy you were.
The chief looks at you almost suspiciously, his mustache damn near twitching in nervousness, because that was what you did hear lately, make him nervous. God, he knew you were a teenager, hell he knew you were an adult now really, but you terrified him now that you were out in the world experiencing..things. "Yes?" He replies tentatively, almost as if he was unsure of his own answer.
You close your eyes taking a deep breath and you can almost feel him tense, and you can practically feel his dad brain yelling at him run away, to abort mission and go straight to work.
"It's been a few weeks now, and I know you're not exactly fond of the idea of him," You say, and fuck you were ready to run away yourself, abort mission and hide under your bed for the rest of your life, but you don't, you just cringe and shoulder on. "but i would really appreciate it if you would please let me have Billy over for dinner tomorrow night."
Your father is silent and you look up at him, his mouth is working but no sound comes out. You can see the red in his face, just underneath the stubble on his face and god you knew your face was just as red.
Eleven looked between the two of you, eyes wide and confused, what the hell was going on? He was never this awkward about Mike coming over, and why were you suddenly so awkward? Her pizza was abandoned at this point as she took mental notes to ask Max and Joyce later this evening.
"Daddy, please." You beg, turning to face him completely in your chair. You give him the big, begging doe eyes that used to get you everything you wanted as a child and he can't look away from you, though he still wears the pained expression. "I don't ask you for anything, ever, i take care of you and El and i cook and i clean and i don't ask you for a thing, except for this..would it really be so bad for you to meet him face to face? Man to man? He's really not so bad dad, I think you might actually get along." Okay so maybe you were really laying it on thick, but you knew you were making a valid point, you took care of three of you, and you kept up your grades at school, you were a good girl and you never asked for too much, so why couldn't he just give you this one thing?
You seem him make an almost angry face and he sighs, rubbing a hand down his face as he lets out a loud, almost terrified groan. "Okay, okay, dinner, tomorrow." He says and you squeal excitedly, though he holds his hand up to stop you. "His ass is here by five-thirty or he isn't allowed inside. Understood?"
You nod vigorously, standing from your chair and wrapping your arms around your dad, hugging him tightly. You feel him pat your back and you give him a kiss on the cheek and you feel him smile. "Thank you, thank you!" You say, jumping up and down. "I love you!" You look up at the clock on the kitchen wall. "Shit, you guys better get going."
You see them both out, giving El a hug and your father another kiss to his cheek, you watch them drive off before happily closing the door, headed towards the kitchen to finish cleaning up.
After an hour or so you settle yourself into your bathrobe, putting your hair up and away from your face as you put on a facial cleansing mask, all of the stress of the past few weeks had made you break out in a string of pimples and you wanted to get rid of them before they became so much of a problem that you needed makeup to cover all of them.
You hummed to yourself in the bathroom mirror, the shower water heating up behind you. There was nothing better than a self care night, and personally you had gotten used to doing them with your sister but you did enjoy having the evening alone.
You're so engrossed in what you're doing that you don't even notice the front door opening and closing, because stupidly, you hadn't locked it. It was Hawkins, what really went wrong here? And you certainly don't notice the sound of boots coming down the hallway, your the man humming along to a tune, finishing off a piece of your pizza crust.
He finds you in the bathroom and leans against the doorway, watching you for a moment. He couldn't help the small smile on his face, just something about watching you doing something so simple as putting whatever the hell that was on your face brought him so much happiness he didn't know how to describe it. Honestly, he knew he was in love with you, he was one hundred percent gone for you. He knew that weeks ago, hell, he knew it over a month ago when he had just looked at you and wanted nothing more than to tuck up into his arms and never let you go. He knew it when you had taken him into your arms and held him, letting him know that you were there for him, taking care of him and the bruises his father had left silently, though he could see the hurt in your eyes that it brought you, the sadness. He knew he was done for right then and there because he had felt safe, he had felt safe and loved and protected.
"You really should lock your door, sweetheart, you never know what kind of creep could just wonder in." He sees you jump, but immediately relax as you recognize his voice. He can't keep the chuckle from coming out.
"Says the creep that walked into my house." You say, turning around to face him. You lean against the counter, taking him in. You smiled, happy to see him, no visible bruises either, and he seemed like he was in good spirits by the grin he wore on his devilishly handsome face, it was one that you absolutely adored, the kind of grin that reached his eyes and lit up the whole room, the kind that looked like pure unfiltered happiness. "What are you doing here?"
He shrugs, moving from the doorframe to make his way to you. "Well, I dropped Maxine off at the same time your dad dropped off El, i thought I'd come by and see my girl while she was alone.." He says, before gesturing towards your face. "What's going on here?" He pokes your forehead, and you roll your eyes batting his hand away as he rubs some of the substance between his thumb and forefinger, curious.
"I have stress pimples, I need to make them go away, face masks help." You say turning back to the sink. You were just getting ready to wipe it away when he startled you. You reach over to get a clean rag, wetting it with warm water.
"What's got you stressed,?" He asks, actually curious as he comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist as he settles his chin on your shoulder, watching you. "hmm, baby?"
"My dad. I finally asked him to meet you." You say, wiping your face off as you lean back into his embrace, totally relaxed in his presence. He raises an eyebrow at you in the mirror. "He says you better be here tomorrow night for dinner, five-thirty and not a minute later or he won't let you in."
Billy chuckles, kissing your neck gently. "I'll be here at five then, surprise him." He says and you hum happily, finishing with your face before you sef the rag down, turning around in his arms before placing a slow, gentle kiss to his lips. He hums, his arms tightening around you, resting his forehead against yours when you finally pull away. "I missed you.."
You give him a love dopey grin at his words, suddenly remembering the shower running behind you guys. "Want to get in with me?" You ask, wiggling your eyebrows playfully.
Billy laughs, but happily shrugs off his jacket and slips his skin tight tshirt over his head, watching as you take your robe off, already completely naked. He can't help but watch you, admiring your body as you step in to the tub, the water already the perfect temperature.
After a minute or two he gets in after you, his arms going back around you as you let the warm water run over you, and now him as he stands behind you, your body pressed against his, erection he didn't even realize he had pressing against your ass.
You hum appreciatively at the feeling, turning around a small smirk on your face. "You really did miss me, huh?" The two of you hadn't had much time for each other, your dad had briefly grounded you for sneaking out, and though you'd seen Billy throughout the school day, you couldnt risk getting in trouble again, though that didn't stop you two from sneaking in a quickie in the back of his car again, and a few days ago the two of you had fucked in the boys locker room, Steve had almost caught you guys too, though thankfully he was completely oblivious and just needed to grab something from his locker that was one row over from where you two were. It didn't stop Billy from fucking you the whole time he was there though, your back pressed against the lockers, his hand over your mouth as his cock slid in and out of your sopping wet pussy.
God the memory had you fucking squirming.
"Baby, just looking at you gets me hard." He sighs, running his hand through your hair, tilting your head back so it would get wet. "But to answer your question, I miss you to the point that I crave you..I want nothing more than to have my cock buried deep in your pretty fucking cunt," He says, his voice that husky low sound that you just loved so much. You rubbed your thighs together at his words, feeling your face flush in response. "but im not going to fuck you in the shower, infact im not going to fuck you at all tonight.." You whine almost sadly at his words, pouting up at him. "tonight i want to make love to you, slow and sweet in your bed, wrap you up in my arms and let you know how much i care about you, let you feel how deeply in fucking love with you i am, because i am so very, very in love with you, y/n.." He didn't feel scared to say it, admit it out loud, because he already knew so deep down in his soul, he knew it and so did Maxine because as much as the little shit annoyed him, she knew him too well.
You're taken aback by his words, looking up at him. Of all the things that had ever come out of his mouth, that was not at all what you were expecting to hear in that moment. You knew he loved you, you had known it for a while now in the way that he listened to you, and let you talk, in the way that you unabashedly had all of his attention twenty four fucking seven, but god, to hear him say it? Fuck, you didn't think you'd ever been more turned on by him.
"Billy," You say, voice soft, he looks almost scared of you in that moment, of what you're going to say. He looks like a child that knows they're about to be told that they couldn't have the candy they wanted. "baby, i love you too, ive loved you from the moment you first smiled at me.." You say, standing up on your tip toes to plant a sweet, loving kiss on his lips.
He relaxed at your words, your touch, and melts into your kiss, letting it become one of passion and heat. Before you know it he's reaching behind you and turning off the water, his hands going to the back of your thighs, squeezing as a way to tell you to jump, you do so immediately mouth still moving against his.
Billy carefully steps out of the tub with you, planting his feet firmly on the floor, grabbing your towel off of the hook before wrapping it around you, drying off your back as he starts walking out of the bathroom and do the room across the hall, he had known it was yours by the two beds, and he knew that yours was the farthest closest to the wall in the back of the room, the bigger bed.
He lays you down gently, breaking the kiss to slowly climb on top of you, reattaching his lips to the skin of your jaw and working his way down, leaving soft, gentle hickies below your collarbone, even going so far as to plant one above each of your breasts, which he then subsequently spent time sucking on, taking each nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around them, biting them ever so gently with his teeth.
He watched you, the way that you bucked up against him, your hands grasping onto any part of his skin that you could get to. He felt his cock grow somehow even harder as he heard your soft, breathless moans and met your eyes, he winks at you, making his way even farther downwards as he spreads your legs, both hands planted on the insides of your thighs as he dipped his head down to your glistening pussy.
He hums at the sight, letting his thumb rub up and down over your folds, groaning as it comes away glistening in your arousal. "Always so fucking wet for me baby girl.." He groans out, voice deep and husky. "So fucking perfect for me.."
You moan at his words, his touch, bucking your hips up ever so slightly towards his face, begging him to give you something, anything to release the pressure building up inside of you, fuck you just wanted to feel him. "Please, baby, please..do something.." You groan out, your voice embarrassingly whiny, but he seems to love it as a smirk crosses his lips.
It must be what he had wanted to hear because almost immediately his mouth is on your pussy, his long tongue running up and down, circling your clit before sipping inside of you, it was agonizingly pleasurable, your toes curling, hands gripping his curly hair tightly as he suddenly takes your clit into his mouth, sucking on it with fervor.
Your hips buck against him wildly and he tightens his grip in your thighs, digging his fingers in before he lets one side go, bringing one of his arms up to rest across your lower belly, holding you in place as he uses his free hand to push one of his fingers into you, moving it in and out slowly.
You let out a string of moans, each one becoming louder and louder, each chant of words becoming a little less understandable as he added a other finger, and then another, curling them inside of you as finger fucked you, still sucking on your clit with a passion.
Within moments he has you cuming, your body shuddering against him as he holds you in place, groaning as your yank on his hair harshly because fuck he did love it when you played with his hair.
Once you're settled he crawls back up towards you, hovering above you. He takes your face in one hand, bringing the other one up to your mouth. "Open." His voice is gruff, but eagerly you do as told, taking his fingers into your mouth, sucking and swirling your tongue around them as if they were his cock. He has to close his eyes, keep himself from cuming all over you right then and there because fucking hell he hadn't ever seen a sexier sight than that before. "Taste good princess?"
You nod your head, looking at him. "So fucking good, baby." You say, your voice throaty from moaning like you had been. He moans, the hand that's gripping your face tightening as he leans down to kiss you, moving so that he's between your legs again, though this time you feel his cock brush against your still throbbing pussy, and involuntarily you moan, your body pressing up against him. "Please, Billy, I want to feel you..please baby.." You beg again, though you knew you didn't really have to.
He's quick to oblige, his own need to feel you around him, to fuck you until he can't anymore taking over. Though he keeps to his word, he's not rough like normal, he glides in and out of you with short, deep thrusts shifting so one of his arms is wrapped around your body, holding him into his chest. You cling to him, legs wrapped his waist and arms wrapped around his torso, a moaning mess under him once more.
You moan his name repeatedly and he can't take his eyes off of you because you just looks so fucking beautiful underneath him like that, your face flushed, relaxed, you look like you're in total fucking bliss with that dumb little smile you get and he can't help but to fall in love with you more, after a good while he feels you start to come undone again, your legs tightening around him as your hips meet his with each thrust.
You groan a string of words as he rides you through it, his pace steady and unwavering, though three words from you is suddenly all it takes for him. You look up at him, eyes meeting his, your hands in his hair and fucking hell you really do look beautiful. "I love you, Billy.." It was a whisper, but fuck within a second of it leaving your lips his pace faltered and he was cuming inside of you, hot thick spurts hitting you so hard that you could feel it start to drip out of you before he had even pulled out.
He lays on top of you for a few minutes, wrapped in your embrace as you both calm yourselves down. He plants slow, sweet kisses to your cheeks, slowly moving all over your face as he tells you he loves you over and over again..
You woke the next morning to a pounding on your door, scaring you awake, Billy even jumping next to you, lifting his head up to look around wildly. He had slept hard with you wrapped up tightly in his arms, pressed against his chest, and at some point during the night you had gotten up to get his things from the bathroom and to close and lock your door, hoping your father would be so exhausted that you'd be able to sneak Billy out without him noticing in the morning.
Clearly you had been wrong.
He pounds again and Billy gives you a panicked, wide eyed look.
"Y/N Hopper, you've got five minuets to get your ass up out of that bed, out of this room and get it into the kitchen, am i understood?" You heard him say, his voice thick with some kind of emotion. You weren't quite sure if it was anger or something else. "You too, Billy!" He gives one last pound to the door and the two of you share a wide eyed, terrified look.
Quickly you throw Billy his Tshirt that you had thrown on last night, and he catches it, shrugging it on before pulling his pants up over his boxers. You shrug one of your night gowns on over your head, before pulling your robe over top, trying to make it look as if you hadn't been doing anything, though you knew he was too smart to fall for that.
You give Billy a quick kiss before opening your door and leading him out to the kitchen. Your father sits in his chair at the table, arms crossed as he stares at the two of you, you feel his eyes boring into yours for a few minutes, the silence radiating off of him terrifying you to your core, and you could tell Billy was nervous too. Your father's gaze moves to him next, and after another moment he finally speaks.
"Go get dressed, Y/N, give us a few minutes together." He says, dismissing you with a stern look. You give Billy's hand a reassuring squeeze, and do as told, not wanting to cross him any farther.
He waits until he hears your bedroom door shut before gesturing to the chair closest to him, your chair. "Sit down, Billy." He says. Billy does as told, not wanting to fuck this up and end up even farther on his bad side. "Now look, I wasn't exactly expecting to see you until this evening and boy was I surprised to find your car in my driveway and my daughter's bedroom door locked." He stayed quiet, not wanting to yell because he had gotten the sense from you that Billy's home life was a constant battle, and he knew that yelling would most likely make him defensive. He wanted to speak to Billy like a man, like you had asked him to. "The whole time I was working I was thinking about what I was going to ask you, and i had it all figured out finally..I figure now is as good a time as any.."
Billy looks up at him, nervously, quietly.
"Now look, my daughter hasn't come out and said it yet, but she is head over heels in love with you, Hargrove, and that's fine and all, but you seem like the type of boy who likes to break little girls' heart's.." He says, and Billy's eye go wide, he didn't think the man would know his reputation, boy word really traveled, huh? "So, Billy, are you planning on breaking my little girls heart?" Your father knew at the end of the day that he couldn't stop you from being with him, he had raised you too head strong for that, but he wanted to know what he was going to deal with if or when this thing went sideways.
Billy shakes his head, looking at him. He shifts in his seat, trying to think of the words to say. "Sir, I know what my reputation says about me," He says, keeping his voice quiet so you wouldn't hear. "but only I know how I truly feel, and as far as im concerned, that is my future wife in that bedroom back there." He sees a change in Hopper's face, he hadn't expected that level of an answer at all. "I know it's sounds crazy, and I know that we're young, but when im with her, it's like..it's like i feel like an entirely different person, a better person and i want to be a better person in every fucking way because i want to be everything that she wants me to be and more." Billy says, the truth just spewing out of him in ways that he didn't even know, but he knew that he meant every word. "And when I'm not with her? It's like i can't even breathe properly, like very part of me is being broken down bone by agonizing bone until I see her again, even if it's just passing in the school halls and she gives me that beautiful little smile of hers, it's enough to breathe life back into me until the next time that I see her or until I get to hold her in my arms again..sir, with all do respect, I am completely, irrevocably in love with your daughter..and i will never, ever break her heart, infact she could break mine and i would still feel the same way about her at the end of the day."
Hop is silent for a moment, and Billy continues on. "And if I do mess up, if i do hurt her in some stupid way, i will gladly let you beat my ass to a bloody pulp, I would welcome you with open arms and a smile on my face because i would probably fucking deserve it for doing something so stupid as to ruin what I have with her." He finishes, glancing back towards the hallway. He meant every word of what he said, he could feel it in his soul.
Hop stares at him for a moment longer before nodding in approval, sticking his hand out for him to shake. "Then I guess we have an agreement." He says, Billy grips his hand firmly, nodding. "Sweetheart, come in here please!"
You come within a moment, staring at the two of them. "Yeah?" You ask, fidgeting with your hands as you stare at him, unable to read either of their expressions, but you can feel the emotions in the room and if made to nervous.
"Billy here is going to spend the day since it's the weekend," He says, giving him a look that says he has no choice. Billy breathes a sigh of relief, shooting you a small smile that makes you visibly relax. "He's going to help me clean the junk out of the spare room, if he's going to be staying over I'd prefer you have your own privacy away from your sister."
You had told your dad in few details about what was going on at Billy's house, and you knew that this was stemming from that, and the fact that he seemed to like him, you could tell your father was more at ease than he had been in weeks, you knew this was an open invitation for Billy to stay as often as he wanted, and you wondered if he was taking it as such.
"We'll leave your old bed in there, I'm sure Max will want to spend the night with El eventually.." He stands from his chair, tossing you his keys. "Speaking of, why don't you go they the two of them, bring them back here, she can stay for dinner too, I'll call your parents, I'm sure they won't mind hearing from me."
@dakotazzzzz @annoyingexboyfriend @ttsbaby01 @rainwritesworld @angelbbygrl @peakascum @meltedcandiedacid
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starseungs · 2 years
➳ one, two, fall for you. hjs (teaser)
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• pairing: han jisung x fem!reader
you'd think that as the secretary of your highschool's student council, the ones in charge of this year's prom, that you would have already had a date for the event way before even announcing the information to the rest of the student body. and you did—just last minute after a very sponteneous decision.
• genre: fluff, humor (romcom), highschool au, student council au, prom season au, friends to lovers — teaser: 1.7k words / actual fic: around 10k+ words
• general warnings: cursing, y/n and jisung has this love-hate relationship as friends and just overall banter, prom season stress (bcs thats a thing)
• note: here's a teaser for my upcoming jisung fic! theres no set release date yet since its not really close to finishing, but i will open the taglist for this if anyone is interested <3 hopefully i get it out next week or so. (also happy birthday to my wife dahlia @comet-falls 🎉 this teaser is for you luv)
ⓒ written by starseungs on tumblr. do not steal, repost, or edit.
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The continuous footsteps you've become accustomed to for the past few minutes suddenly ceased, bringing a deafening silence to your ears, which echoed throughout the entire desolated hallway. You took a sharp breath at the situation, already dreading the outburst that you had expected would come in three, two, one—
"What do you mean you don't have a prom date yet?" Chaeryeong screeched in disbelief, her hold on the plastic bottle filled with water tightening at your admittance. "You can't go without one! We're literally the first ones to know what's going on with the event; how have you not prepared to ask someone in advance?"
You kept your silence as you watched your friend stand frozen like a statue. Her eyes were opened wide and locked on you as if searching for a valid reason for your small (at least, you would like to think it was small) mistake. It almost creeped you out—her stance was a bit too robotic for your comfort. After giving it a few more seconds, you finally released a heavy sigh, opting to turn your back on her and open the student council room. Chaeryeong rushed to also get in, all the while whining at you for answers to her dilemma. Why it was hers and not yours, you'd rather not think about.
"Yes, yes. I already know what you're going to say," you groaned at her rapid-fire ranting—the speed almost rivaling the council's third-year male representative, Seo Changbin,'s talent for rapping. "It's bad, it's shit, and everything in between," you chanted like it was the Powerpuff Girls formula. Except it was your very own recipe for despair.
"It's required though?" A new voice entered your conversation. You snapped your head towards the sound of the comment only to find the recently mentioned third year sitting oh-so-comfortably at the couches, bulky headphones hanging around his neck as he set his laptop aside. "By the way, sick flow, Chae."
You found your tongue clicking on its own accord due to his unwelcome reminder. Exactly why was having a date to prom mandatory in the first place? Sure, it was already explained during homeroom class that the dance performance was to be graded for PE class, but couldn't you just randomly pick someone from the crowd when the dance occurs? If only you could complain, but it wasn't like the council was the one who mandated it anyway. The board did—all you guys were tasked with doing was making it happen. You were well aware that Chaeryeong was already going with Felix and that Changbin was a third-year student who was only going to be present because of council duties. Granted, you actually could ask him—there wasn't a rule that said first and second years couldn't bring a third-year as a date; however, the pressure of graduating was looming over them, and the school very much preferred that they just focus on studying. And so you made up your mind.
"You know what, if I really need one so bad, then consider it done," you proclaimed while sinking down on the couch, facing away from the room entrance.
"The next person to walk through that door will become my date for prom."
Chaeryeong rolled her eyes at your determined look. "What if they already have a date, huh?" She pointed out, making you deflate immediately.
This is stupid, you cried inside of your head. There was absolutely no way you were the only one left in the council without a date, right? Now what would you do if you were—go beg a classmate or something? How humiliating. Also very hypocritical of you; what if the next person was one of the two other third-years in the council? You had just made a fuss about not asking Changbin because of it, then how could you even ask Chan or Minho?
You'd think that as the secretary of your highschool's student council, the ones in charge of this year's prom, that you would have already had a date for the event way before even announcing the information to the rest of the student body. And yet here you were, on the verge of having a melt down at the mere thought of losing graded marks just because you were what they considered "bitchless". You could only pray to whatever deity is above that the next person to walk in those doors would actually accept your proposal, even if you had nothing grand planned.
So when the three of you heard the faint click which signalled that someone was about to enter the room, you threw your pride aside for now and wasted no more time. Whatever happens, happens—you tried to convince yourself.
"Hey," you called out loud without shame, not even bothering to properly check who it was. After all, it would be useless in the end if they refused. Be bold. Be confident. Be shameless— "Be my date for prom."
"Oh, sure."
You spluttered ungracefully—quickly opening your eyes (which you don't even remember closing) to see exactly which lunatic nonchalantly accepted your invite without an ounce of hesitation or thought. A pop of bright red was the first thing you noticed, the color coming from headphones that sat around the person's neck—a noticeable contrast to the fit white male's uniform top he wore. All of which were details that immediately pointed to one person in the student council.
"Yo, Jisung," Changbin greeted the male, one hand motioning for him to come closer. "I made a new track, mind listening to it?"
Han Jisung.
The council's second-year male representative, who acted more like an assistant communications head because his spiels were always the better ones. Felix, the actual comms head, loves him so much that he's even earned a spot in their division's group chat as an honorary member. Then again, who doesn't like Han Jisung? Everyone in this school and their mother knew of him—a testament to his sheer popularity. No wonder he won by a landslide during the council elections, not even giving his competitors a single vote, setting a new record. If you were asked, Han Jisung to all of you was a star, and you having to create a whole introduction to his entrance should have already spoken for itself.
Your mouth fell open in absolute shock, something Jisung picked up on and rolled his eyes at your reaction. "Close your mouth. Flies are going to get in it."
Oh so he's serious serious? You can't believe it—the Han Jisung himself doesn't have a date yet? Sure, he's no Hyunjin level in terms of popularity in your campus (that guy is royalty around here), but he still had a swarm of, relatively respectful, fangirls who were most likely very much willing to be his partner for prom. So what the hell even happened? It's not like he lost his ridiculous populariry overnight—there was just no way you'd believe that he didn't get a single proposal.
"Hold on, you don't have a prom date yet?" You asked in a somewhat dazed manner, still trying to wrap your head over the turn of events. "You, of all people?"
Jisung scoffs in absolute offense at your seemingly mocking words. "Obviously not," he grumbles like a small gremlin (to which he is in your eyes.) "Why else would I agree? Are you going to make fun of me now?"
You shook your head unsurely. "No, it's just," you exhale heavily, "Just shocking." He gapes at your response.
"What am I to you? A playboy?"
"Something along those lines," you admitted. Not to that extent, of course, but not too far off either. Jisung was a pretty friendly guy—so much that it comes across as suspicious at times. A normal highschool student wouldn't have a fandom for no reason. Most of them being people Jisung showed more than an ounce of kindness and sort of just fallen for the guy. Something you couldn't, and would never relate to, because as someone who knew him beyond formalities (like the rest of the main council), he was simply just Han Jisung. The annoyingly charming brat who seems to be good at everything you throw at him to the point you want to make it a challenge to see him fail once in your life.
Someday, you dreamily wish.
"I'm literally not!" Jisung exclaims, rattled by the revelation. He tries to meet the others eyes to look for their opinion, only to find the other two present members avoiding his gaze. Jisung gasps dramatically. "Do all of you think that?"
"I mean you are pretty popular, Ji. Not in a playboy kind of way, but it won't be too far off," Chaeryeong mumbled lowly, not wanting to feed the fire even more. However Jisung being Jisung melts into the couch with a hard expression.
"Unbelievable. How am I only hearing this now? No wonder I haven't gotten anyone asking to be my prom date!"
Your expression sours at his statement. "Mildly disturbed that the only thing you got from that is the prom part, and not the fact that you're one step away from having a playboy reputation," you sneered in jest.
"Duh? That's because it isn't true?" Jisung brushes off your semi-frozen icicles for words. Glancing at you from the side for a moment, he dares to add: "Besides, you're my date now. So it's no use."
Fuck Han Jisung lives, you repeat ten times in your head. The guy deserves no rights. He's so bitchy for what? And yet you couldn't entirely hate him because at the end of the day, the bastard was (unfortunately) your friend. "Should I be offended?"
"I don't know," he teasingly smirks at you, making your face heat up in annoyance. "Should you be?"
"One day I'll rip that cheeky smile off your face."
"Kindly refrain from using such threatening words in the council room, Y/N," A familiar voice startled everyone—all of which slowly turned towards the door, only to see an exhausted looking Chan, most likely regretting ever running for student council president. "But anyway—what's up guys?"
"Eat shit."
You could only watch a single leaf fall from the browning tree outside through the window as chaos ensued once again in the ever so lively student council room.
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mastertag 🏷️ | @lhskokoro @starzzns @bookishcalls @comet-falls
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aviegoescrayz · 6 days
Sturniolo triplets X reader
SUMMARY: a time in which the triplets are away in Boston, leaving you alone and bored in your single apartment back in LA.
A/N * please lmk if this is terrible .. this will be my first EVERRRR time publishing my writing on the Internet. I've posted back in my Wattpad days during covid.. we don't talk ab that don't ask me 😭 PLEASE GIVE ME TIPS OR CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM I NEEEEED IT BAD. This is also all from one pov lmk if you like just one pov or would like more character povs 🧐🧐 LOWERCASE INTENDED !! ANYWAYS ENOUGH WAFFLING !!!
*the phone rings three times before the brunette boy on the other side of the state finally answers*
"hello?" his voice is slightly husky, almost tired sounding.
you let out a short sigh, unaware you were holding your breath and speak out a small "hi matt" with a wide smile on your face.
"y/n what are you doing awake, it's like what?" there was a small pause that posed as him thinking "almost midnight?" he finished.
you don't answer for a second due to you lifting your phone from your ear, checking the time that reads *11:56*
"oh" is all you can muster up for a second, before remembering where matt is. "wait... but matt it's literally 3 AM in Boston, why are 𝘺𝘰𝘶 awake?" you ask with a bit of sass laced throughout your words.
you can almost see the cocky expression on the boy's face when he retorts, bearing a nearly equal amount of sass within his speech "uh I'm allowed to be, you on the other hand, are not."
your face twists up with confusion, why would I not be allowed to be up? "what are you on about? why can't I be up?" you reply.
"you have work tomorrow kid" he responds in a matter-of-faclty kind of way that makes you laugh in realization. "OH! -- oh yeah!" you say between little giggles.
"it's just so boring without you guys here!" you reply to yourself. "I've been stuck in my house cleaning for christ sake" you finish, dragging out the vowels in your seventh spoken word.
matt just laughs in response, this causes you to smile to yourself before spitting out a quick "what!" all you hear from the other end of the call is a slight rustling, then footsteps, then a door opening?
you sit and wait for him to respond, a bit confused, but all confusion is wiped from your mind when matt mumbles a sentence, "say hi to y/n nick"
you sit up in your bed excited to hear from another one of your favorite boys. "hi y/n/n!" Nick almost immediately responds before a low "matt just give me phone" matt must've complied because now you were hearing nicks voice instead of the previous boys.
"hi Nick! wha'dya doing?" You say giddy to hear from him. he laughs and you hear a bit of rustling before he replied, "oh nothing right now, but can I tell you about what we did earlier?" he sounded just as equally excited to talk to you.
you both went on and on about the Boston aquarium, and the penguins and Matt's "stupid turtle hat" Nick said. all for about fifteen minutes before you heard nicks door being swung open, and loud running feet came towards nicks direction.
you heard a bit of incoherent mumbling before Nick sighed and said "y/n, Chris says it's his turn to talk to you, so I gotta go. but I'll definitely text you later okay?" you bid him goodbye and Chris started up a new conversation about his annoyance with fortnite at the moment. "the star wars packs have been in the item shop for I dont even know how long, like forever I guess. but I can't get the fucking Don Toliver emote anymore? this shits crazy."
you listened to him rant about this season and how it's apparently "trash" (?) for about 20 minutes before he asks "do you want matt back? he came in here wanting to know if u wanted to talk to him yet"
you smiled at the somewhat cute gesture and after a few seconds of thinking you replied back with a "if your done talking shit about this game then yeah, pass me back please" Chris just laughed and you heard a "here" it sounded kind of far away as if he had the phone streched with his arm, handing it back to matt.
"okay I'm back now, hope your not bored anymore 'cuz you need to go to sleep now." Matt's voice seeped through your speakers in your phone as he spoke. all you did was groan and flop back on your bed, you're sure he heard it because he laughed and said "c'mon y/n get to bed, it's so late."
"Matt I'll be fine just-" you were cut off by Matt's voice, once again, telling you to go to sleep. once you finally let up and told him you'd go to bed he responded with a proud "good, you're gonna thank me in the morning I promise"
you both bid your good nights, and the phone was handed to both of the two other triplets for a few seconds each to also wish each other goodnight.
after the call ended you were feeling happier than you have the whole week they'd been in Boston. You got yourself ready for bed, brushing your teeth, washing your face, and changing into more sleep appropriate attire before crawling back into the same sheets you've been tirelessly tossing around in for days, finally falling asleep, happy and content.
A/N * ERM guys what the fart just happened. I feel so strange posting this 😭 please lmk if you have any recommendations for my writing or even future fics 🫡🫡 anyways, bye crayzies 💜💜
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hauerhoetime · 2 years
Ahhh I NEED either. Billy Hargrove or Eddie x GN!reader where it’s leading up to their birthday but they usually spend it alone and you can decide from there. I love youuuu❤️
Hi! I'm so sorry that this took me literally months to make I struggled a lot with motivation and I was going to do just headcanons for you to not disappoint but then I decided to actually write you a fic and now it's the longest one I've written lol :) I'm sorry it took so long but I hope it was worth the wait? Thank you for the support!
Thank you For Everything
Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Eddie find out you planned to be alone your birth weekend and is not having it he wants to give you the best birthday he can
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Right this moment you could be found sitting on Eddie Munson’s couch. You have been here many times and plan to be here many more. This couch has been the setting for many conversations between the two of you ranging from down right stupid to serious; a few conversations even featuring Wayne. You would say the conversation currently being had would classify as unimportant but Eddie would beg to differ.
“So are we hanging out this weekend?” He asked as he let his body sink down into the couch as if they were melting together.
“I was just going to sit at my house alone this weekend-” You shrug and pull your knees up to your chest.
“What-? Why? We haven’t spent a weekend apart since we met” He huffed a laugh of disbelief looking at you. To be fair he was right. You met just under a year ago and the two of you have been joined at the hip ever since. You can be found on his couch or across from him in the booth of a shitty restaurant or in the passenger seat of his van.
“Well I always spend this weekend alone-” You try and blow off the topic knowing if he found out the true reason you wanted to stay home he would never allow it.
“What do you mean you always spend it alone? You’re always with me?” The confusion becomes more obvious on his face after every passing second.
“Well every year I spend this weekend alone.” You look away from his face and turn your attention to the tv that has some random movie that has been left ignored.
“Why?” he asks the one question you were dreading. You weren’t going to lie to him but if he didn’t ask you didn’t have to tell him did you? Well too late now he already asked.
“Well um…It’s my birthday” Your voice got higher at the end causing it to sound more like a question. 
“WHAT!?” The boy who previously was one with the couch shot into a standing position. “I have so many thoughts right now”
“Let's hear ‘em” You let out a laugh at how expressive Eddie can be.
“I haven't even known you for a year, sure, but you’re definitely my best friend at this point yet I never knew your birthday??” the boy began to ramble and was now unstoppable but you did ask for this “Not only did I never know when your birthday was but the way I found out was you telling me you wanted to spend it alone and oh by the way it’s this weekend? And what’s up with that alone thing? You should spend it with friends and celebrate- make a day of it. Do your other friends not celebrate with you?” He finally stopped talking but you waited a moment before you answered just in case the pause was only for breathing.
“No they’ve asked before but I just didn’t want them to fuss over me and eventually they stopped asking-” You shrug as if it was nothing.
“And how come you never told me?” He takes a step toward you making it seem like he was towering over you instead of just standing across the room.
“Well I didn’t want you to fuss either. I don’t need you to spend your money on a gift- or throw a party or something.”
“Well I’m going to. Well maybe not a party if you don’t want to but you won’t be at home and you’ll have a gift.” He spoke the words as if they were a promise. There was now no stopping him.
It’s been three days since that conversation on Eddie’s couch. You were currently sitting in your room alone- It wont stay that way for long though. Eddie told you yesterday that he has finalized his plans for your birthday.
He would pick you up Friday night at 7:00PM and take you back to his place where you’ll open your birthday gift and eat some cheap pizza and just hang out. You would spend the night and once the two of you woke up (with no alarms because it’s Saturday and your birthday so sleeping in seemed mandatory) The two of you would go and get breakfast- Eddie’s treat. In the afternoon you would go down to Lovers Lake and goof off like kids again and probably just end up driving around and listening to music. Once the two of you get home to Eddie’s once again he would try his best to make a gourmet meal (Craft mac and cheese) and then he would surprise you with a cake that he made for you. The two of you would watch your favorite movie and then you would probably end up falling asleep at his place again.
You knew the whole plan by heart- well not the cake- and it made you giddy. Part of you felt bad that he was putting all this effort into you and your birthday but if you were honest with yourself you’d recognise that you wanted someone to care.
You were pulled out of your thoughts by a knock on your front door. You sprung off your bed and snatched up your backpack before running to the door. When you opened it you basically ripped it off its hinges revealing Eddie’s smiling face.
He raised his eyebrows when he noticed how quick you opened the door before speaking. “Ya know for someone who didn’t want to have birthday plans you seem pretty excited for this”
“Oh shut up” You tried to sound annoyed but the wide grin on your face revealed it all.
“Your chariot awaits” His grin matches yours as he bows slightly and makes a sweeping action with his arm directing your attention to his van parked in your driveway.
“Oh why thank you kind sir” you matched his dramatics and followed him out to his van.
He opened the door for you and asked if you were buckled before pulling out of your driveway and began the all too familiar route to his trailer. 
A few months ago he asked you why the two of you always hung out at his little trailer when you had a house that your parents often left you alone in. It seemed strange to him I mean your house is easily twice the size of his, a hell of a lot cleaner, and just nicer quality in general. You gave him two simple answers. He had good music at his place and his trailer felt more like home. Your house had always felt more like a building than home. You called it your house but never your home. It was cold and in the hallways your voice echoed. Eddie’s was different though. Eddie’s trailer was warm and there was so much crap on the walls that you don’t think it would ever be possible to hear an echo. Most of all you were never there alone. You had constant welcoming company. So when you refer to going to Eddies you say you’re going home.
The drive felt as if it only lasted seconds and you wished it lasted longer; you loved watching Eddie tap his fingers on the steering wheel as he dramatically whispered the lyrics along to his favorite songs. Alas you pulled up to Eddie’s place and hopped out of his van with ease.
“Feels good to be home” you sighed as you walked through the door. Eddie watched your shoulders visibly relax and smiled to himself.
He loved how you called his place home. He didn’t tell you but you’re what makes it his home.
“Put your bag in the room and I’ll call for pizza” He walked over to the phone mounted on the wall.
Your only response was a hum of acknowledgement before you stroll down the hallway to the bedroom at the end. Once you plopped your bag in the corner of Eddie’s room you immediately turned to his open closet.
You didn’t really tell him you were changing but if you were at his house for the night and weren't leaving again it was safe to assume you’d change to pajamas. It was also safe to assume pajamas meant Eddie’s clothes. You rifled through the familiar shirts before finding the Metallica shirt that has basically become yours, ripping it from the hanger. Once you’ve secured your shirt you spin to the closet where you pull out a pair of sweatpants. You change at lightning speed before walking back into the kitchen where Eddie was finishing up the pizza order.
“Oh look at you! You should be on the cover of Playboy with that outfit!” He teases with a smile. The truth is he loves to see you in his clothes. He loves how comfortable you’ve become at his house. It makes him feel like you could slip into his space and become a part of his daily life with ease. You basically already have.
You giggle at his comment and give him a dramatic spin accompanied by a pose at the end. He adored you for it. He wanted nothing more than to pick you up and hold you tight in his arms but alas it wasn’t his birthday it was yours- well it would be tomorrow. Speaking of your birthday- he reminded himself that he had yet to give you your gift.
Eddie’s grin only widened as he spun around to grab the poorly wrapped gift off the counter. If it were anyone else he would be embarrassed at how horrible the wrapping was but it was you. You have seen his crooked posters and janky piles of books and tapes in the corners of his room. He had let you into his far from perfect life and you had never once met it with negativity. So with you he was proud to present his gift. 
When he turned back around to face you he could see in your eyes that you were hesitant but he also saw a spark of something else. Excitement. This little spark was all he needed to feel sure in himself as he outstretched his arm towards you. “Take it sweetheart. It’s for you” his words were soft with a smile to match.
You take a small step forward and go to reach for the small gift in his hands. You think back to the last time you got a birthday present. You were eight years old and your parents got you a bike. The bike was your new found freedom to go places whenever you wanted with whoever you wanted. No more asking for rides. No more calling around. That present represented your freedom. This gift in Eddie's palms represents the revival of your childhood. The one you left behind.
Your hands finally reached his after what felt like eternity and your fingers wrapped around the gift. It was small and honestly as soon as you picked it up you knew what it was but that didn’t leave you any less confused. It was a tape but why? Eddie has all the tapes you could ever hope to hear.
You turn the gift over in your hands analyzing it before you even take the wrapping paper off. Your inspection of the gift was making Eddie second guess himself but that all faded away when he saw you begin to pull at the paper. You tried to be as delicate as possible and slowly you revealed exactly what you thought you would. A tape. It was different than what you expected though. It was a mixtape with a label that just says ‘for at your house’ surrounded by scribbled hearts.
You look up to Eddie hoping he will give further explanation and he delivers as always. “It’s a mixtape with a few songs we listen to together and in between I put in a few messages of my own. It’s for when you're at the house and miss me” he gives a shy smile.
Your face basically splits in two as he explains. “Thank you, Eds.” is all you manage to get out without your voice cracking. “Thank you for everything”
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not-quitenormal · 3 months
About two weeks ago, my ex reached out to me in a very work-like e-mail asking if it was too late to start our friendship over. The initial reaction was who the fuck do you think you are? I'm finally piecing my life back together after chaos she started three years ago. I tried reaching out to her as a friend, and she slapped my hand away. What made her think she could come back?
And then I turned the situation over in my head. She and I went through the exact same catastrophe. Devon did his best to guide me through the pain of it. Things got so rough that something between us ruptured as a result, and we're still trying to fix it, but at least he fucking tried. At least he's still with me and wants to work through this. How did Lore and her wife try to heal things? Did something happen?
My curiosity got the better of me. I answered her saying I was open to talking. Because, really...what do I have to lose in this situation? Her friendship? It'll suck a second time, but I've done it before. If anything, I'm the one who has everything to gain. I still have Devon and Joe. I still have a house in my name. I have two families now - and both of them adopted me as their own instead of it being a blood obligation. If I gain Lore as a friend again - if I can stop calling her my ex, finally - that would be a huge win.
She sucked at being my girlfriend. She was amazing at being my best friend.
When it comes to talking about what happened between us and the aftermath - in which Lore told me she does owe me an apology - we're putting a pin in it. A couple of years ago I would be kicking and screaming, demanding that thorough apology and explanation for why she used me and then discarded me. Now? In 2024? Y'all... I'm tired. We both are. We're well into our 30s. A little bit of normalcy is mandatory at this point. I still have questions, and I have let her know several times already that I have questions. But I'm ready to call a truce until she gets through her personal Hell.
Because what she has told me is: Her marriage is ending. She's trying to move out by June. Her family doesn't understand. I am one of only two people who talk to her now.
Clearly she reached out to me because she was in pain and knew I would be a source of comfort. I know what it's like to feel like everything is falling apart. I also am familiar with how isolating it can be, both actual and self-perpetual. She rejected me when I wanted to repair things with her. I was drowning, and she did nothing. Did I have the right to be as cruel to her as she was to me?
I do. We both know it - she's said as much. But my feelings of schadenfreude have a limit. I'm throwing her a life preserver.
So far our conversations are about anime, weed, work, and memes. I am actually very happy with this set-up. We don't talk about personal things, which is great because that's a literal phobia of mine that I'm working on. Baby steps toward solid ground feels like the right call, given our shared experiences. I hope she feels comfortable enough to tell me more about what's happening in her life as time goes on (while respecting I refuse to talk about much of mine), but all-in-all I'm pleased with the glacial pace.
That being said, if she insults me again (or projects her issues on my relationships again), I'm pushing her off the boat and restarting the propeller.
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katelynnwrites · 6 months
Not a request but I thought I’d show you a little of the writing I worked on yesterday. I need your opinions 🙃
I bumped into her completely by accident as I got up from the table I was working at spilling coffee all over the most beautiful woman ever. Ignoring that the hot coffee had spilled on me too I immediately hold my hands up to apologize. “I’m so so sorry Miss, I wasn’t paying attention, I had my back turned, I’ll buy you a new one.” She waves it off and looks at me.
“No worries, did I get your laptop wet?”She asks worried.
“Syd come on we’re going to be late for madame Labay,” one of the girls asked in German.
Madame Labay… the fortune teller that was in town? Huh wouldn’t peg this woman as the fortune telling type but who am I to judge when I went to see Madame Labay just last week.
The woman excused herself from the conversation while apologizing as she left with her friends.
When you go to Madame Labay you have to be desperate like the universe is against you every step of the way. She’ll help you find what you’re looking for.
While Sydney is at Madame Labay she finds that she’s already bumped into the person she was meant to meet that would be the missing piece to her puzzle. Something about coffee being spilled, fan at a game, and mysterious were all that Madame Labay could see for the missing piece. Happiness, calm, and success we’re all Labay could see for her future.
Sydney’s friends being in the room with her think back to the latest interaction and Sydney clearly having the same thought wants to find this mysterious coffee shop woman before it’s too late. Klara and Lea are already running with Lina calling Glodis, Georgia and Giulia in hopes they cand distract the person so she doesn’t leave.
Helga and myself were just packing up when one of the three women that had come in as a group but stayed behind came up to the table.
“Hi I like your shirt where’d you get it,” one of them asks. I had seen her before but I couldn’t remember where. Of course though she wasn’t talking to me, I was an acquired taste and definitely nothing like the woman standing at our table look wise. Helga had no problem answering so per usual I tuned out their conversation. That only worked for 60 seconds until another woman came to the table and asked me a question that caught me completely off guard.
“Sorry not to be rude but are you taken,” the other one asked she spoke English which helped me a lot.
“Um,” I glance at Helga she’s usually the one who manages to get me out of these types of conversations but of course she was distracted and I was on my own. “Um, yes.”
The next 30 minutes were the longest 30 minutes of my life as the five of us had a conversation. Finally Helga and I are able to leave and as we’re leaving I remember where I had seen all of the women before.
“Hey Sydney you have a fun run,” I ask looking at the out of breathe woman I had bumped into earlier and seen play a few weeks before.
She looks at me with confusion and then to the three women behind Helga and I.
“Find what you were looking for?” I ask staring straight at her. Looking back and forth between the three women and myself I could tell she was nervous almost a little scared. How odd usually it’s the other way around. Am I…am I someone’s problem now. As a smirk creeps onto my face I hide it just enough so Syd can’t see it.
“Yeah but,” she trails off looking over my shoulder.
“But you’re afraid of what it is you found? Or maybe it’s you think you missed something,” I ask knowing she was looking at my coworker. I had literally just told Helga we would have a date it’s what we always called our meetings when working on projects it was the one thing that got us through the day. It is possible that she overheard the date part.
“Or maybe you’re afraid of the unknown that comes with having found the thing you were looking for?” Having been in her position one too many times I thought it would be nice to see myself as the one with a little more power.
She looks at me with this sudden curiosity like I had just read her mind. She’s really looking at me at i almost feel vulnerable but I refuse to be the vulnerable one today. Helga thankfully breaks the silent stare between us.
“Hey that was Fredrick he said he’ll be at work tomorrow as well with Steph so it’ll be a double work date,” Helga says hanging up her phone.
Sydney’s entire expression changes from the pained one earlier to sudden relief.
Leaning in close to her ear I whisper, “looks like you don’t have to be afraid of the unknown, huh?” Watching as her body tenses i know for sure she was worried about me and Helga.
“Sydney may I ask you on a date?”
“How did you know?” She whispers in disbelief.
With a smirk I ask her for her phone and put in my number and let her take a picture. She texts me immediately after and I snap the most perfect shot of her. “I’m usually off of work by 18 o’clock so I’m usually free every night just text me when you’re free and we can set up a date.”
ooh interesting, can't wait to see what else you have been working on
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A Face Like Glass: Part One
The lastest BAU case was a weird one. Even for them. The unsub had been killing their victims with ancient arrows and not one of the geniuses could work out why. No logic, no sign of expertise (the victims were actually stabbed with the arrows) and no visible pattern between the victims. The whole BAU was in a state of stress and confusion.
"Maybe the point is that there is no pattern?"
"The arrows are a pattern."
"I meant with the victims Spence"
"And if you're going to stab someone why not do it with a knife?"
"JJ that was a legitimate question I'm not suggesting they should use a knife I'm just wondering why they aren't using one"
"Native Americans used arrows didn't they? Maybe it's to do with that?"
"No. Wrong type of arrows."
Everyone was tense and no-one knew the answer. This rough case was the last thing everyone needed- they had only just all recovered from the Ian Doyle situation and there were still clashes between the members of the team. Hotch had clearly had enough of the irritated conversation going on and decided to stop it.
"Okay. Everyone go back to the hotel, have a drink and sleep on it. We are clearly getting nowhere and I don't see any point in us staying it's only going to get worse."
The team all agreed and began to leave, until only two remained.
"Prentiss? You okay?"
"Yeah. Just not that tired I guess"
"Not tired. That old chestnut. You know this job affects people who have been through far less than you and it wouldn't make you any less tough if you admitted that you're having a rough time."
"Wow. You did not waste a single second there did you. Straight to the point."
"You're deflecting."
"I'm fine."
Aaron could tell that this clearly was not a fight he would win tonight.
"How about a drink then?"
"Are you not tired?"
"I haven't been tired in a long time. Like I said, the job gets to you."
One drink turned into two, and two to three, and three to so many that the two of them lost count. So many that they forgot to hide their feelings from each other.
"Its not Doyle thats been keeping me awake Aaron."
"Prentiss I think you might be setting yourself up to end up saying something embarrassingly cringey so I'm going to intervene for your own sake."
"You kissed me?"
"I kissed you."
"Shut up and do it again."
8am. Aaron's hotel room is still quiet, cool and dark. Bottles from the minibar have replaced the carpet and the two BAU agents are still sleeping off the alcohol.
"Hotch? Hotch? You told the team to meet at seven are you okay?"
The two agents are woken from very much unwelcome banging and shouting on the door.
"Hotch? Hotch hang on I'm getting a key!" Morgan shouts again.
"ughhghgh who is making all that noise?"
"Prentiss wake up thats Morgan"
"crap get out of bed"
"you get out of bed"
"no you gotta hide Morgan said he's going to come in I have to answer the door and you can't be visible when I do"
"aww shit okay I'm moving"
"no you're not"
Hotch practically drags a very hungover Emily Prentiss into his hotel bathroom, gently placing her onto some towels before shutting the door and running to let Morgan in before he breaks down the door.
"Good morning Agent Morgan. What's up?"
"Why didn't you answer your door we thought the unsub came for you or something! Emily's not answering her phone either JJ's trying to get into her room now."
"Why would you think that the unsub took me?"
"Because that literally always happens. If its not you it's one of the others. Oh crap maybe its Prentiss that got taken"
"I'm sure Prentiss is fine too she probably just overslept like me."
"Well there's JJ. I don't see Emily."
"Em wasn't in her room. Have you seen her Hotch? I guess you weren't taken then."
"No I haven't seen her since yesterday but I'm sure she's fine. Go to the precinct where we are set up to check she didn't go in early, I'll get dressed and meet you there in ten. If she isn't there, then we worry.
"Emily I brought you coffee and you have to get up right now"
"Fine I'm awake what's wrong you sound more stressed than usual."
"The team thinks you were abducted you have to get dressed and get to the precinct. And make up a good story. I'm meeting them there at half eight so if you get there at twenty two then we won't raise suspicions that we were together"
"Okay. I'll just say i drank a bit too much and stayed the night in someone else's room. People wont ask questions then."
"Okay I'll see you in a bit."
Hotch, a naturally fast walker, arrives at the precinct at twenty-five past where he is greeted by many worried faces.
"Hotch. She's not here." Morgan looks worse than he did when Emily disappeared to try and kill Doyle. "I can't lose her again. None of us can"
"Lets just wait a litte longer, I'm certain she just spent the night somewhere else"
Half past. Thirty-five past. Forty past. Forty-five past. Ten to. Five to. Nine o'clock. Each minute crawls by and even Hotch is worried now. She was supposed to be there by now. She might have just fallen asleep again. But this is the BAU. What are the chances of her being asleep?
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Try Again- Fred Weasley x OC
Fred Weasley x Mallorie Bishopp
Description: Mallorie says no to Fred’s rather bad invitation to the Yule Ball and he intends to find out why.
Word Count: 1.3k
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“I just don’t know how to ask her,” Ron complained, plopping down at the Gryffindor table for lunch. He had worked up the courage to ask Rayna to the Yule Ball, but chickened out at the last second for the third time that week. Harry smiled sympathetically and patted his friend’s shoulder. Fred and George didn’t share his sympathy.
“Ron, seriously. She’s literally your girlfriend,” Fred deadpanned.
“Yeah, in fact she’s probably waiting for you to swoop her off her feet and ask,” George added with a small snicker. Ron rolled his eyes.
“Have you two asked someone yet then?” He inquired, attempting to hide his annoyance.
“Yep, I asked Corinne last week,” George answered with a cheeky smile, then he, Ron and Harry turned to Fred.
“Oh yeah, that reminds me. I should probably ask her,” he said simply before turning to the Hufflepuff table. “Hey Mallorie!” He called. She turned around just a second later, staring at her boyfriend expectantly.
“We going to the ball together?” He asked, sounding rather unconcerned. Mallorie’s smile faded and she shook her head.
“No,” she answered simply, turning around immediately to continue her conversation with Corinne. The four boys were shocked, but Ron was the first to get over it and start laughing.
“I reckon she’s just dying to go with you,” he laughed out. George and Harry joined in a second later. Fred eventually chuckled and shook his head.
“Nah, she was just joking. She’s been like that all week,” he brushed it off, continuing to eat. The other three looked between each other unsurely, but shrugged it off as well.
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Things continued like this over the next few days. Anytime Fred talked about dates or the Yule Ball, Mallorie would change the subject. If her attempts weren’t successful, she’d make an excuse to leave and walk away.
It was starting to worry Fred, and he assumed that he had done something wrong. He asked Corinne about it, but she refused to say anything. So, he asked George if he knew anything. He didn’t seem inclined to tell his brother either. Now Fred was getting annoyed, he needed to do something about it.
On Thursday, he finally cornered her in between classes. She had been walking alone and made a point to not look at Fred as they passed each other, and he figured that was the final straw. Without thinking he turned around and quickly caught up to her, pulling her into an empty corridor.
“Fred what the hell? You’re going to make me late,” she exclaimed.
“What is going on with you?” He asked instead of answering. Her annoyed expression turned into one of offense.
“Excuse me?” Fred then realized how his question must have sounded out of context. He sighed and looked down before at her again.
“You’ve been practically avoiding me everytime I mention the ball. Did something happen? What’s going on?” She shrugged nonchalantly.
“Oh, that. It’s nothing. You just keep talking as if you had a date,” she responded simply. That confused Fred.
“What are you talking about? You and me are going together.”
“First of all it’s you and I. And second, you and I aren’t going together because you haven’t asked me properly yet,” she stated, continuing when she noticed his confusion. “The Yule Ball is the wizarding version of a Muggle prom, it’s a special occasion for everyone. If I were to go with someone I’d at least like an attempt at a formal invitation from my date. I don’t want to feel like asking me was an afterthought,” she paused when the warning bell rang. “Listen, I gotta go. I’ll see you later Freddie.” She didn’t give him time to answer before she practically jogged to Transfigurations, not that he could blame her. It was at least a five minute walk from where they were.
Fred was left standing there with only his thoughts until Professor Flitwick told him to get to class. No one saw him for the rest of the day or the next. Mallorie didn’t seem to mind though, she was upset that even after her confession, he didn’t properly ask her to the ball. She was happy that she didn’t have to see him for the time being.
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Winter break came the next week and just about everyone stayed so they could attend the Yule Ball on Christmas. Mallorie spent most of her time outside playing in the snow with the first years and drinking hot chocolate later. She spent a bit of time with Cedric to help him prepare for the second task. After a few days of relaxation, talk of the Yule Ball resumed. It was only three days away and it was all anyone could even think of discussing.
Mallorie followed her friends to every boutique in Hogsmeade to look for accessories and shoes (even finding some for herself), and once they returned, she went straight up to her room. Corinne was standing by Mallorie’s bed examining something.
“What’s that?” Mallorie asked, trying not to laugh when Corinne nearly jumped out of her skin. The girl whipped around and quickly caught her breath.
“Merlin Mal, a little warning would be nice,” she teased. Mallorie giggled and walked over to her friend.
“What’re you looking at?” She questioned. Corinne perked up then held up what looked to be a wand unfamiliar to Mallorie.
“I think it’s one of those prank wands the twins have been developing. I’m assuming Fred left this one for you, it was on your bed,” she explained. Mallorie fought the urge to roll her eyes, she was not in the mood for one of their little pranks.
“Great,” she muttered sarcastically. If Corinne heard her, she didn’t show it while she examined the wand again.
“I think this one if faulty though, I tried to use it but nothing happened,” she added, making the other girl’s eyebrows furrow.
“Here, let me see it,” she instructed, holding out her hand expectantly. Corinne obliged and handed her the fake wand. Mallorie examined the wand for a moment before holding it up. She barely had to wave it before golden sparks shot out of it. She and Corinne backed away, watching the sparks curiously and a bit scared. After a minute the shots of golden sparks stopped and formed words in the air.
“Will you go to the Yule Ball with me?”
Mallorie’s mouth dropped open and she looked around, surely at least one of the twins had to be around to see this, right? After not finding them, she realized that maybe Corinne was here for more than just curiosity.
“Where is he, Rinne?” She asked. Corinne pretended to look confused, but she could tell that Mallorie could see right through it.
“He’s waiting for your answer in the common room,” she answered. Mallorie thanked her before tossing the wand aside and walking out. True to Corinne’s word, Fred was sitting on one of the couches in front of the fire.
“Hey Weasley,” she called as she made her way over to him.
“Aw, we’re on a last name basis now?” He pouted, looking back at her. “I thought we were more than that.” The girl rolled her eyes at him as she reached him.
“I got the prank wand you left for me,” she stated, crossing her arms.
“Oh really?” He questioned, raising his eyebrows. “What did you think? It was specially made.” She couldn’t help the smile that slipped onto her face.
“I think it was wonderful, and I accept your invitation.” Fred physically perked up and immediately stood.
“Does that mean you forgive me for being a git?” He asked hopefully. Mallorie giggled and nodded.
“Yeah, you’re forgiven,” she responded, pulling him into a tight hug. Fred reciprocated instantly and pressed a kiss to her nose. This was probably his best idea yet.
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187days · 2 years
Day Thirty-Two
I had a mild moment of panic when the bell rang this morning because six of my most talkative GOV students were inexplicably absent. 
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Luckily, they all showed up about three minutes later (they’re team captains, and they’d been in a meeting with The Athletic Director). True to form, they’re the ones who asked and/or answered the most questions as I lectured about the legislative branch. And, after that was done, they led the charge around my room to figure out how a bill becomes a law (or not). 
Yes, I mean that literally. 
I gave an assignment detailing all the steps of the legislative process, and put the answers on papers taped all around my classroom, so students actually had to get up, walk around, and find the information. It’s something a bit different, and it always turns into a race, so it’s fun. I’ll go over all the answers to start tomorrow’s class.
My World students had to do current events write-ups today: choose a news story, research it on multiple sources, then write a summary and reflection about it in paragraph form. I originally wanted them to finish their write-ups by tomorrow, but a few things changed my mind. First, they got a bit panicky at the word “paragraph,” so I did a quick outline exercise with them (they’d read an example, so I had them reread it and tell me what kind of information could be found where). Then, I discovered that quite a few of them didn’t know how to do simple formatting things like double spacing or changing the font, so we did that all together. Then I set them loose to research and write, but Google News wouldn’t load because they’re not 18 (this is a thing now apparently? I don’t know). I figured out that they could type a topic int he regular search bar, hit news, and get results, so I had them do that. But all that slowed everyone down and ate up time, so I pushed the due date to Monday. Not a big deal. They’ll keep working on their write-ups tomorrow.
This assignment led to some really interesting conversations throughout the morning. The first was with a student who’s been a bit challenging, at times. He’s accused me of being out to get him when I’ve tried to address his disruptive behavior, but I’ve done my best to show that’s not the case (I don’t yell, I’m courteous, I try to engage him in positive conversations), and maybe it’s worked? Because today he didn’t act out at all, and even called me over to discuss some of the different things going on in the world. He asked me questions, he shared his thoughts, it was all super positive. 
The second interesting conversation occurred when a student asked me if it was alright that the reflection portion of his write-up was opinionated and political. He’s writing about the Parkland shooter’s sentencing, and he’s got very strong feelings about it, and I told him that, of course, that was fine. I’m asking for their opinions, I want them to express them with detail. I gathered that he was worried that others- especially me- might not agree with whatever he thinks, so I assured him that was perfectly fine. As long as we’re respectful, he and his classmates can disagree, he and I can disagree. I reminded him, too, that there’s nothing on my grading rubric about what someone thinks, but about how they express it. He looked relieved, and said, “Yeah, that’s fair. Like, you can take points off if I spell something wrong.” I said, “Exactly.”
That same event- the shooter’s sentencing- sparked a discussion between multiple students in my Block 3 class about the death penalty. One of them asked me to chime in, so I did. Longtime readers know that if students directly ask me for my opinion, I’ll give it (because I ought to model how to articulate an evidence-based view since that’s what I’m asking them to do). Plus, it goes back to what I said earlier: it’s okay if we don’t all agree, we don’t need to hold it against each other or act in retaliatory ways towards each other. 
There aren’t always enough adults in the world telling them that, so, at least, I should be one who does.
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clemencetaught · 4 months
can I get some patrick birthday meta?? :3
1. I want the Patrick ‘Furuba AU’ rundown… if we were to ever actually do that, what would Patrick’s role/life be like ??!?
2. what’s the wildest style / fashion choices that Patrick makes? is there any fashion / style he likes but doesn’t feel like he can pull off, so he doesn’t wear it ?
3. you’ve probably answered this before but… how does he take his coffee?!
4. what is his ideal life… ? if he could snap his fingers and have everything he wanted in a second, what would it look like?
more questions for a good professor ( or feral professor ) to answer ( nosy questions for the birthday enby w/ @velvetineblue )
WINTER!!! thank you so much for these 🥺🥺🥺 i 'm actually gonna answer the last three questions first bc the first one, i ended writing a whole page worth of that so in case someone doesn't want to it bc of mentions of em*otional abuse & cu*lts, they don't have to scroll past all that for the other questions 💕💕💕
2.   what’s the wildest style / fashion choices that Patrick makes? is there any fashion / style he likes but doesn’t feel like he can pull off, so he doesn’t wear it ?
HMMM I don’t think this is actually wild, but he is very attached to his converses, regardless of it being in either verse one or two. That’s the one thing he refuses to budge on DHDJDJD he’s honestly not that invested in fashion styles aside from just looking like a ‘gentleman’ in the most traditional sense which is pretty simple for him to emulate 😅
however, there was a time where he did dip into androgynous fashion or simply women’s fashion. It wasn’t anything too daring but just, he did like the idea of wearing a long skirt or even a shirt with ruffles….the only person who knew about this and his identity possibly not being cis-male was felicity, as it’s kind of hard not to notice when your boyfriend idly peers through your magazines bc he’s ‘just curious’ 🥲 she was the one who encouraged him to explore that part of himself, and even helped him with exploring, like for example she might buy a skirt for herself but then it turns out ‘it’s too big for me, why don’t you try it on before I return?’ That exploration phase did end though when she passed away 😭
This being said, I do think he still has those skirts ( they all go well with a collared shirt 😌 ) and let’s say, a student is getting bullied for their gender presentation, he’ll have no problem whipping out the skirts to show support 🥰
3.   you’ve probably answered this before but… how does he take his coffee?!
ironically I actually haven’t talked about his coffee order 🥲 so this is a good time to do so!! In verse one, it’s either a mocha ( it's got hot chocolate in it too <3 ), cappuccino, or as aptly adapted from one lee hyuk, ‘whatever hyuk’s having, I will take too.’ FASDSHSJDJD
In verse two, it’s an americano, mostly because it reminds myungdae of hyuk 🥺🥺🥺, who drinks sweetened ice americanos but also myungdae doesn’t like cold drinks.
4.   what is his ideal life… ? if he could snap his fingers and have everything he wanted in a second, what would it look like? 
well that’s pretty easy— a life where was felicity was alive. That’s literally all he would want, she wouldn’t have to be living with him or even dating him…( although if he’s thinking about what that life would look like, it’d probably be living in a house in Oxford with her and hyuk visits often— ) 
I do hesitate to say that is Patrick’s ideal life though because that would imply that him being with hyuk, the life he could have hyuk, the fact that he adopted both Hiro & elise is the second-best option which is??? Absolutely NOT the case, especially since when it comes to partners Patrick could never truly pick between felicity or hyuk….let’s just say an ideal life would be Patrick getting to be with BOTH felicity & hyuk, bc he has two hands, let him hold both of their hands PLS 🥺
okay!! and now for that first question.... 1.  I want the Patrick ‘Furuba AU’ rundown… if we were to ever actually do that, what would Patrick’s role/life be like ??!?
AHHHH I just realized I never got back to you about plotting for that au ( adding another plotted verse to our ever growing list?? yeessir pls 😂😂😂 i want 28394283048 servers okie?? ) okay but if we’re going towards a structure more similar to the sohma family, I actually…had an idea of how to connect Patrick to Yoojin ( who is canonically from the same clan as one of patrick’s previous lives aka ahn hak, here’s the post for information on that ).
Canonically yoojin, who could hear the voices of gods, was cursed with immortality and then punished by those same gods for receiving that ability as it was seen as a transgression…in this au, it’s not just Yoojin who is punished, but rather the entirety of his clan as well although it’s portrayed as a gift aka in exchange for hearing the voices of the gods/sixth senses, they give their bodies to the animal spirits in return. The head of the family is considered the reincarnation of the one who communed with the god who originally cursed yoojin ( the origin story of the curse, that yoojin was the one who triggered it, has been twisted aka his involvement was erased from the books ). And just as in the formation of the cults, there’s someone who’s a figurehead, there’s also always a scapegoat…in the origin story, that’s the person who supposedly refused to commune with the cat spirit so Patrick ends up being ‘the cat’/that scapegoat. 
In this au, his birth parents don’t take him and his brother to the UK because here, Patrick ( call myungdae here ) was taken from his parents to be raised by his clan….most likely he was ostracized similarly to the way Kyo was…HOWEVER, unlike Kyo, myungdae was not resigned to his fate and knew if he didn’t want to get stuck in the cat’s room, he needed an exit plan as soon as he graduated from high school…and that came in the form of a full ride scholarship to a college in London. Myungdae, who had proven to be very good at keeping his transformation a secret in the public, took it, using the excuse that he would return back to the estate as soon as he graduated from there….when graduation came around ( and thanks to felicity and hyuk’s influence ), he realized that returning back to Yeongju would mean the end of his life and therefore went no contact :) 
Basically he ran away from home by applying to grad school and then changed his name to ‘Patrick Grace’ so that he couldn’t be tracked. Things probably would’ve stayed that way too in that he still wouldn’t be able to hug anyone of a different gender ( he’s nonbinary so here he wouldn’t be able to hug either felicity OR hyuk :’D ), but he would consider that good enough being away from the clan….
However, he would be discovered after felicity passed. when he was investigating her death…the one responsible for the accident that killed her discovered Patrick’s true identity and made a deal with Patrick’s family. in exchange for exoberent amount of money and connections, the politician told the family of Patrick’s whereabouts. this way, they killed two birds with one stone— Patrick would be silenced, the truth about the accident remaining sealed and the family got back its scapegoat. 
Patrick was then thrown into the cat’s room, where he stayed for five years and the only reason he got out was because I’m assuming his friends ( hyuk?? Deva?? Wanna help him here?? ) found him and smuggled him out of the room even if it initially it was against his will….
So in the present time, Patrick is…well he’s trying to adjust to living a normal life again after five year living in isolation + enduring emotional abuse ( aka the head of the clan would visit and call him a monster, you know…the kind of stuff akito would say 🙃) and that’s been a struggle since the curse technically isn’t broken. He’s paranoid about leaving the house ( or if Alex is okay with this!! perhaps Patrick would live with hyuk here?? ) because who knows if his family will find him again and he KNOWS that if he’s taken back to the cat’s room he won’t survive. That and he’s an online tutor in korean, english language, and literature.
this is all to say tho!! if we were to do a group verse for a furuba au, this can definitely change- i might actually just make this an independent verse/a subverse for verse one but we shall see 🥲🥲🥲
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benefits1986 · 6 months
YE Countdown 2023: Lessons from Gen Alpha and Gen Z Goslings
Let's try giving "Lessons from Geese" an update it deserves, shall we?
One of the first things I vividly remember back in Leon Guinto days is the session in Marketing 101 staged by my second dad. Back then, I'd nonchalantly listen to his mentions about Katips, his alma mater. Honestly, I found it trivial because he's housed in Taft Likod or Taft Tabi-tabi. He's fond of using terms like Jesuits and angling it toward his dry humor about Benedictines.
However, his deep dive about "Lessons from Geese" caught my usually bored self. It was rather long and a bit too poetic and unapologetically philosophical for a class that's right after lunch time. Though I knew I wanted to ace this class since it's my major, this particular session turned my grade-focused existence to my yearning to be under his wing. I guess it's the pivotal moment when I wanted and needed him to mentor me. Check the full document here --JICYMI, this may give you more context about what I'm talking about. ;)
You see, I am fully aware that schools and any social spaces are not just about grades. Mother Dragon said that it's always important to get to know how any situation, any person, any conversation and all things in between should enable me to bring a lesson I can use as I go through life. She didn't mention anything about getting a 1UP based on status or title. All she wanted me to do is to go beyond the medium to masticate the message as I come up with a derivative that would allow me to learn from other's mistakes and milestones. She reminded me passionately about this a little too much, but, I knew that the wild child in me had to whacked in the head a little too much to let her message rise from the noise and the clutter.
This holiday, I spent a whole lot of time with my Gen Z 4th anak-anakan and her three Gen Alpha siblings. I wasn't expecting anything from this long holiday leave as I planned a very detailed Iloilo & beyond trip. This "coming home to ina's house" is easily the longest time I've stayed here. This time around though, this stay is the most intentional that's not too focused on averting a family matter that matters most. This time around, it's my homecoming to heal the wounded healer in me.
I actually paused as I plugged in the previous sentence. This statement made my insides swell with nostalgia that's like a really deep, dark chocolate with Level 5 matcha laced with vanilla.
I've shared that I love interacting with Gen Z and have been wondering how Gen Alpha would come in the picture. And then, poof. Here we are! I'd like to list down some lessons that aim to marry a classic and an upcoming school of thought, because we're weird that way, yes?
(I'm kind of excited because postmodernism is a staple in my book, however, I seem to have too little time to indulge in it. Perhaps, this is a good start as I fine-tune my slants, writing-wise.)
#1 Before the "V" formation comes the battle of the egos and the "lost in translation" phase.
I used to be so irritated when I see Gen Alpha get too physical and too graphic when they have sibling rivalry. While I know so well that sibling rivalry dates back to Cain and Abel, this generation is off the roof. They don't murder each other literally, however, they indulge in really cutting words tripled with bloody punches, bites and the like and are teeming with hate that makes my empath aura bleed so badly.
However, I've tried using lines like "You hate your sister? Did you know that love and hate are the same? Love and hate are both energies and you just choose one each time you talk to your sister."
Gen Alpha and Gen Z are already loaded with biases based on their algorithm, their digital and analog selves along with the influence of millennials, Gen X and boomers as the supporting characters in their avatar-filled his/herstory.
Their comments, questions and answers are too personal and at times, unforgiving. However, it's their way of asking for help about managing their one too many biases that they're yet to test out and figure out.
#2 Flying alone is a choice and shouldn't be antagonized. However, choosing to fly with a group is also a moral obligation.
Speaking of the avatar-filled digital and analog selves of Gen Alpha and Gen Z, I strongly feel and think that this generation's silent pandemic is the managing being alone, feeling alone and thinking alone.
I really can't imagine how the lockdown mutated their genes and impacted their spheres mentally, physically, emotionally and the list goes on and on and on.
Social awkwardness in these two generations is more pronounced; however, these generations ache for connections that are both digital and analog --no in between, no but's, no if's.
I've seen how my Virgo Baby Girl (VBG) cousin indulged in really, really bad tantrums that made my boomer dad unleash his boomer parenting without the belt slash or hanger flyer. LOL.
I've come across this random parent who shared that moody kids like hers are usually overstimulated, overwhelmed and yes, may well be overreacting. She also recommended giving hugs and words of affirmation a good try. Her comment section exploded and when I scanned, the netizens are both hating and loving her content piece.
And so, since I'm a fan of social experiments, I tested this hypothesis on my VBG in the light of trying to up my ante as a progressive millennial Tita. The reason is that VBG is too similar with my Virgo Baby Brother (VBB). LOL. It's me trying to see a quantum jump of some sort, too. Back then, I was too tough love on my VBB, and this time around, I'd like to be a bit better to him through my VBG interactions which are still calculated risks because I'm not always out of Manila. :p
Most importantly, hugs and words of affirmation combo is my waterloo. I'd want to try making it a waterWOO this 2024, because, late is better than never ever, right?
The first time I hugged and affirmed my VBG was when she's about to burst. As a recovering overthinker, I cling to my people watching skills to detect when's the best time to jump off the cliff. LOL. Akala mo naman napaka hirap, but, that's how I egg roll. CHOZ. It felt weird then wonderful. Kaya ko naman pala e. She didn't reject me vehemently, but she pushed back, obviously. There goes, my ugh vibe when it comes to being rejected. But, mature roles era na tayo, so, I hugged her again. This time around, she didn't bulldoze me. Instead she rested her head on my chest. Chest pa talaga, mhie. She just stayed there and I tried super tiny words of affirmation na gentle and no bashing. HAHAHAHAHA. Again, bloody baby steps po kasi nga, I'm not exactly in my element as an ember girl.
Milestone ko when she didn't clench her body and hugged me back. OPAK. Real quick naman din pala e. WOOT. WOOT. Tacca. Kaya naman pala e. You know what's even better? When she was dressing for our luwas to Manila yesterday, she asked me to tie her hair using the pink big bow I gifted her. She even told me that she'd use the water bottle I gave her even when she has one too many Aquaflasks na. HUHUHUHUHU. Ang babaw ko talagang tao. But wait, there's more, she showed her wrist to me and proudly said: "Ate, we have gold and silver bracelets. Look." LUH. Syempre, wala akong comment kasi caught off guard ako, so I just said OK. Did you know? OK is my word of affirmation, believe it or not. Ang lala ko 'di ba? I'm the type kasi who's always saying no and I don't care, literally and figuratively.
Happy to share that she had ZERO tantrums kahapon so we managed our super duper limited time in Manila very wisely. Hihihi.
#3 Rest is not for the weak, but rest if meant to strengthen your flying performance and stamina.
Gen Alpha and Gen Z have sleeping problems that may be worse than the previous generations. I think this is anchored on synchronous and asynchronous communication.
The gift and curse of being the multi-hyphenated generation is off the roof. Again, millennials are trying to live vicariously through these generations. I've seen Kumon top tier kiddos sleep and snore like adults hustling and working so deeply. I've seen the defeated cries of kids losing a super "wala lang" game in spite being Top 1 in class across all subjects. I've seen kids fear rivers because they don't look like pristine chlorine-filled pools. I've seen kids try posing as grown ups even when their drips don't fit their vibe and mood.
NKKLK. And so, when I interface with my Gen Z med student cousin, I try my best to be gentle and firm. Bashing and crashing and limited time love language namin, pero when she shared, "Ate, ang gusto ko lang naman in life, 'yung kalmado naman. Ayoko na nga sigawan na walang tigil. Bingi na nga ako e." It felt so graphic and true. Kaya, 'di man ako kalmado, eto na tayo sa ultra femme era natin. I don't know if I can wing it, pero OK. OK. Hahahaha.
Rest is something that ALL generations lack. Choosing not to rest seems like a mortal sin to this population. However, as a recovering burnout bitch running on adrenaline addiction x anhedonia mash up, rest is integrated in all my flows. Hindi siya madali. Hindi siya part ng sistema ko. Hindi siya nakakakalma, however, rewiring your totality is integral in all spaces and places you go to.
Huminga. Kumalma. Magpahinga. Then, saka ka balik-sabak na. GAH. I miss my home buddy tuloy sa work RN. HUHUHU. Alam mo 'yung sobrang simpleng feedback niya na kahit ang kalat ko talaga nitong Q4 2023, he tells me na 'yung tip ko na huminga siya in between his lines sa reporting, gamit na gamit niya. Not always pero a good number of times. This Gen Z is teaching me na it's OK to be gentle and firm. HUHUHUHU. OK. OK. Shemay, kamusta na ba sila? But, wait, kalma. Magpahinga. Huminga.
#4 Encouragement is both a blessing to the healing ones; and may be a loud senseless honk or curse for those who are yet to see and feel that they're badly wounded.
Another lesson I'd like to overhaul about the geese is the HONKING to keep the "V" formation pop and fly high. LOL. Eto na po tayo sa highly polarizing bit ng piece na 'to na napaka haba. Gawin ko na ba 'tong thesis proposal? Hahahahahaha. Gusto comm-focused e. CHOZ.
There's encouragement that's called for and uncalled for. Gen Z and Gen Alpha don't like to be scolded and honked at. LOL. That's the other thing that seems crass about these new generations; however, honking is kinda outdated when I revisited these geese lessons.
How so? Honking may be intrusive and kinda condescending. A honk is usually loud and triggering. A honk is typically making you jump, like that of a bike or car honk, right? So, what?
Instead of honking, I picked encouragement as a better alternative so it's more empathic and inclusive. Encouragement is something that should be used and not misused or abused. Gen Z and Gen Alpha already are in deep pain points that have not existed since The Land Before Time Era. (OA ko na naman, pero I want that graphic reference right here and right now e.)
I am trying to be more encouraging and taming my wild horse while at it. Gen Z and Gen Alpha are generally not afraid to ask for help, however, the manner they ask for help is something that I'm learning as it is not the same as the older generation. They usually lambing to say they are in trouble. They usually go offline when there's something bothersome. They usually mask their depression with fancy and fluffy stuff. It's kind of the same with millennials, but not quite.
#5 A damaged geese either dies or lives. It's all about how the perspective of the geese who help the wounded PLUS how the damaged geese perceives it.
Lastly, the circle of geese and the depth and stamina of that circle defines the life and death of any damaged goose. I view asking for help as a demerit. Ang lala natin talaga. But, what I'm painstakingly learning is that asking for help is a choice. People who help are also making choices. It's not about wala na lang silang maggawa kasi kawawa ako. LOL. Milestone achieved. Akala mo again kung anong napaka profound learning, ano po? I won't say sorry kasi akala ko talaga tama 'yun e noon e.
The quality of your circle of control is also impacted by the quality of the people you cling to as you try your best to control your circle of control. Read that again and again. When you're in a chaotic space and state, it really is a plus to have people who believe in you no matter what. 'Yung tipong won't baby you pero medyo delulu levels ng tiwala sa'yo kasi kaya mo naman talaga... sabaw or traumatized ka lang talaga. Or puwede rin namang wala sa mood. LOL.
Help is a two-way thing and multi-faceted as well. Hindi siya one-sided lang featuring nangaabala 'yung kabila so walang choice 'yung naabala. I guess, this is my first time to ask for help na taos-puso tulo ang uhog at dugo era ko. HAHAHAHA. As a recovering wone wolf, this is always a coliseum for the mere mortal me. However, OK OK OK na, I am giving this a really good try and nag-start na ako.
Gah. I started this at around 430 AM and I just finished. Daming hugot-lagot niyan? LOL. Maybe, I just love the sound of my suking electric fan on a balmy Thursday morning with the pitter-patter of soft rain coupled with soft glowing ambient lights na walang maingay. Add queen sized bed and the chirping birds, too. Ah, provincial life. Sa Year 41 na tayo mag-tuos sa araw-araw. Piliin ko muna 'yung good fight sa araw-araw din, because, the best things take time and sanay naman ako maghintay kahit impatient ako.
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i-kvr · 8 months
Here Comes Triple Treble
The Chaotic Coming-out
“So yeah, that’s it. That’s what I had to tell you. You can go ahead now and tell me it was obvious all along and you already knew it since, like, forever. Or that it’s actually a surprise. I honestly have no idea if you knew. You sometimes seemed so oblivious to it but then you seemed to be completely in on it the next moment.” Quigley was spilling the words straight out, barely having time to catch his breath. Afraid of what the next part of that conversation would be once he did. He was pacing the room from one side to the other looking to one wall, then to the one on the opposite side, then to the ceiling, then to the floor and all over again. “And fuck me, willyousayfuckingsomething?” He almost yelled, finally stopping his manic pacing and, in one sudden motion, turning to face his brother, whose face didn’t help.
Duncan’s demeanor was grave. He was staring intently almost at Quigley, but just a little past him. His gaze was somewhat lost, revealing that his mind was half there in his brother’s bedroom, listening; and half miles away. He then looked at Quigley. His eyes getting just a tiny bit wider.
Quiley, anxiety-ridden, anticipated a negative outcome, of course. But seeing his worst fear materialize in front of him was something he could never be prepared for. Duncan was, by the look of him, not liking the news he had just heard.
“Doyouhateme?” Quigley asked timidly, almost in a whisper. A tear rolled down.
“Quig.” For a moment Quigley doubted whether Duncan was actually going to continue talking. “What you just described.” Again that awful pause. “Is exactly what I’m going through right now.” They both had wet cheeks by then.
“Wha–” Quigley couldn’t quite process what his brother had just said. “You mean–”
“Yeah. I think I do.”
The sound of the front door being opened. Someone getting in. Door being closed.
“Dun. Quig. I’m home!”
Quigley looked scared at his older brother, expectant. Duncan’s being a full minute older was something Quigley always took as clear indication he must have a whole lot more of an idea of what to do in difficult situations. Like when they were kids playing around the house in all the rooms their mother had told them not to and they –most surprisingly!– broke something. Quigley would always look at Duncan with those same eyes he had on now. Those eyes that asked “What do we do?”
“Do we tell her?,” is what he actually asks this time.
“I don’t know,” Duncan replies simply.
Isadora found the stretched silence a bit weird. Leaving her backpack fall from her shoulder onto the kitchen floor, she called again “Quig? Dun?”
“In here,” came the answer.
She did not like how shaky Duncan’s voice sounded. So she put the apple she had just bitten down onto the counter –taking a mental note to get back to it in the next few minutes, before the ants or whatever other bug did– and went upstairs.
For the second time that day, Quigley was about to fall down to the floor, ridden with anxiety. This time staring at Isadora’s blank stare.
For a second, the absurdity of the situation seemed a little funny to Quigley. All three of them, just standing there, in the middle of his room. Isadora quite literally performing what “just standing there” looked like.
Finally movement. Her arm. Looking for Duncan’s and holding for support. She looked at Duncan, then at Quigley, then back again. The corner of her mouth twitched. And then… was she laughing?
Then the laughter burst out. Holding her stomach with the free hand –the other one still holding Duncan– and bowing down, like her legs would fail her. Finally, she deliberately sat down on the floor.
“No– What– You– I can’t breathe,” she began, but could barely finish a sentence.
Duncan began laughing, too, but not nearly as wholeheartedly as her. He was caught up between not knowing whether she was laughing at them or with them. Then probably considering she might be laughing about a completely unrelated thing. The result was an awkward laugh. Quigley thought it was funny to see his older brother in such an embarrassing position. Definitely not wearing his extra minute adequately.
“Will you tell us–,” Duncan began, “will you explain– what– you– Isadora– Why are you laughing?”
“Guys–,” she looked like she might start rolling on the floor. “I’m gay, too,” she said and a new wave of burst out laughter showed up.
And then she actually began rolling on the floor.
“Oh, damn it, I thought you were bi–”
“Wait, what?–”
“It’s what made the most sense to me–”
“What do you mean, you, too?–”
“I thought you liked boys, too–”
“Wait what do you mean you thought she was bi?–”
“Phew, I thought you were laughing at us for a moment at first–”
“You knew about her and didn’t tell me?–”
Duncan and Quigley had finally woken up from their stupor. Talking over each other, apparently to compensate for the long moments in silence. Isadora was reconciling the laughter with the breathing. Then there was more breathing. Then she –still giggling– managed to speak.
“I didn’t fully know about y’all, I mean, I reckoned Quigley, maybe, but not really you, Dun. And yeah, I am bi, actually.
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hanadoesstuffwrong · 3 years
Anyone ever think about how the first conversation Zuko has after betraying his uncle and siding with Azula, stepping backwards from his redemption, is with Mai. And then his last conversation before reconciling with his uncle and, through this, completing his redemption, is with Katara.
Both of these characters come over to him when he is by himself and ask after his wellbeing:
Mai: Aren't you cold?
Katara: Are you okay?
And Zuko responds to this probing in both situations by giving some variation of "not in good headspace right now"
Zuko: I've got alot on my mind.
Zuko: No I'm not okay.
He then lays out the external situation.
Zuko: It's been so long. Over three years since I was home. I wonder what's changed.
Zuko: My uncle hates me I know it. He loved and supported me in every way he could and I still turned against him.
In the first scene he's contemplating his step back. In the second he's contemplating his step forward. He goes on to pose a question to each, wondering if this is a step he'll even be able to take.
Zuko: I wonder how I've changed.
Zuko: How can I even face him?
This is where the scenes diverge. Mai reacts by yawning and voicing her disinterest, effectively shutting him down.
Mai: I just asked if you were cold I didn't ask for your whole life story. Stop worrying.
Her advice is to ignore this conflict that he's facing, just as she's doing. Notably, Zuko doesn't speak again in this scene after this. Mai also kisses him, meaning to distract him from his problems completely.
Katara has a very different approach:
Katara: Zuko, you're sorry for what you did, right?
She presses him to actually answer his question. He asked how he can face his uncle. He can face him if he wants to be better, if he's truly sorry for the things he's done. So she asks him, is he?
Zuko: More Sorry then I've been about anything in my entire life.
Katara: Then he'll forgive you. He will.
After their conversations, Mai walks away, leaving Zuko alone; Katara stays and watches Zuko enter Iroh's tent.
These conversations symbolise the difference between Zuko's old life and his new one. Mai's words mean forgetting, ignoring your mistakes and staying where you are. Katara's mean confronting your mistakes and moving on.
And if we needed any more parallels that show this, take note of the almost identical framing, specifically what each girl is seeing when they are looking at him:
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Mai is on his right. She's seeing the unscathed side of his face. The Zuko she's seeing is the same one she knew in the Fire Nation. She figuratively and literally cannot see the hurt, scarred part of Zuko. The part of him that came as a result of standing up to the Fire Nation in the first place. Mai is talking to the side of him that is on the Fire Nation's side.
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Katara is on his left, facing the scar, the scar which he told her himself represents him being seperate from the Fire Nation, seperate from what they are doing and "free to determine his own destiny".
Here, Mai represents stepping backwards. Katara represents stepping forwards.
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