sahararose-koeberl · 2 months
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Evermont, The Cursed Kingdom (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/358698537-evermont-the-cursed-kingdom?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=Sahararoko The prophecy is ready to come to an end, but who will it be?
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riverflowsthroughit · 7 years
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CEO, Women Who Code, San Francisco
Alaina leads an organization whose primary purpose is to help women break into and thrive in the tech world. This undertaking is not for the faint-hearted. Currently Women Who Code is in 20+countries and over 60 cities. Do you live in Kiev and want to connect to influential tech experts and investors? No problem. Accra? Sure. From Santiago to San Diego, Women Who Code values mentorship and female empowerment combined with honing in on the necessary skills required for professional development and career advancement. For a woman who travels between continents on the montly/weekly basis, Alaina struck me as a pretty grounded person. She is kind and passionate about her goal to grow and insists that "while the big picture is important, it's even more important to remember that the services she provides aim to inspire and empower individuals". And if there are any doubts whether she is hopeful about the future of Women Who Code, check out the last image in the series. Hope you peruse the website and spread the word to your friends across the globe. Empowering women in STEM professions is something I'm passionate about as well, thank goodness the outlook is pretty good for Women Who Code community. Thank you Alaina for your hard work and dedication. 1. Name. Alaina Percival 2. Where is your hometown? Atlanta 3. What is your profession/career/title/self-label/designation? CEO and Board Chair, Women Who Code 4. What was the journey like to get where you are (career wise)? When was the mental shift to start the journey? My background is in marketing and brand management. However, when I moved to San Francisco I was inspired by all of the amazing things that were being done with technology. That motivated me to immerse myself in the culture of tech, learning to code, while also connecting with incredible people. 5. What did you study in school? I have a bachelor degree in International Business Relations and an M.B.A. from Georgia State University, and a Masters in Organizational Management from the Sorbonne, Paris. 6. How is your life different from what you pictured at 20? Like many women I didn't think about technology as a field when I was younger. It wasn't until I started meeting amazing women engineers and saw the things that they were doing, that I started to see the possibilities and feel connected to the industry, so I decided to get involved. Now I'm helping to fundamentally improve a field that affects every facet of society, by making it more dynamic, and sustainable through inclusive practices. 7. Biggest accomplishment since making the (physical/mental) move? My biggest accomplishments are individual in nature. Whenever I hear that someone's life has been positively affected, or that their career has improved as a result of being a member of Women Who Code, I'm more proud than I can possibly express. That's what our real goal is, and while the big picture is important, it's even more important to remember that our service is to inspire and empower individuals. 8. What was biggest disappointment and plan to overcome it? I don't find dwelling on disappointments to be a useful process. Sure you have to be willing to admit mistakes, to understand where things went wrong, and to try and correct them. However the focus should always be on what can be learned from mistakes rather than past regrets. 9. Advice for other women? You do belong. Don't be constrained by a mental image of what you are supposed to be. You can do anything, you can accomplish incredible things, and you aren't alone. There are so many of us out there already conquering the world. All you have to do is have faith in your abilities and you can help write the future of humanity. 10. Knowing what we know now in current political climate, can women be "all that we can be" in today's world? What is the way forward, as you see it for "feminist values"? Women can do anything and they've been doing it all along. Just in technology alone you have pioneers like Grace Hopper, Anita Borg, Jean Jennings Bartik, and even Ada Lovelace who basically created the technological revolution we are living in. It's vital that we keep that in mind and remember that women are a force to reckon with, and that they only need to be given the time, tools, and opportunity to succeed. 11. Where in the world do you feel “tallest” (i.e. where is your happy place)? An adventure is trying something new or seeing a new part of the world. Women Who Code is a global organization that is growing and reaching more people around the world every day. I’m thrilled my passion has finally found a match with my career. 12. What extra-curricular activities/hobbies are you most proud of? Why? I love to travel and have been to nearly 70 countries. This isn’t what I’m most proud of, but it is a big part of who I am. 13. What do you want to be when you grow up? Future goals/challenges? I’d love to start or lead a for profit company and I want to be on the board of a public organization. I’d love to continue to excel in my career and become a role model for other women and girls. 14. Anything you'd do differently (if you had another go at life)? I don't believe in regrets. You have to live the best you can and your choices help make you who you are. If I had to choose, I’d have learned to code early on. 15. What inspires you? I'm inspired by people. They're so different, so varied, each with a perspective and a voice that is unique and wonderful. When I meet someone new I become a fuller person for having had the chance to experience in some small way their view of the world. And the more people I meet, the more I am amazed by what they can think, do, and become. 16. What are you hopeful about? I believe in people, in their capacity to grow, in their capacity to change, and in the ability of all of us to succeed, better, together, than we ever could apart. That will lead us into the future. 17. What are some ingredients to a good life? Chocolate, champagne, hope, inspiration, travel, my family 18. What are you reading now? (what books do you gift most and what are your favourite reads?) Honestly, baby books, they aren’t my thing, but I’m having one and need to increase my knowledge. The book I’ve given away most often is 1000 things to do before you die 19. Who is a “WOW Woman” in your life who inspires you (and why)? Anna Thomas ;) 20. Where can others find you/your work (links to websites, blogs, etc.)? WomenWhoCode LinkedIn
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mysisterlockjourney · 7 years
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HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO ALL MY JOURNEY SISTAZ!!!! Love you all!!! 💜💜💜💜💜 #happymothersday #mommymagic #wowwomen #superwoman #journeysistaz #mysisterlockjourney
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lolitapop09 · 7 years
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I'm humbled and honored to be featured in my good friend @riverflowsthroughit site, in which sheds a spotlight on the heroines that keep the world turning. It's beyond my capacity for words to express how grateful I am to be in this amazing company. Special thanks to @peoplestheatreproject and the DOVE Program at @nyphospital and a shout out to @djcherishtheluv who I mention in the Q&A. Thank you, Olga, and I can't wait to see what adventures lie for you ahead! You know I'll be following you virtually with bated breath. ❤ Link to my Q&A here: http://riverflowsthroughit.com/filter/women/Chameleon-New-York-City #thankyou #wowwomen #wowwomenclub #amazingwomen #wowwomanstory4you #amazingfemale #futureisfemale #womensrights #womenpower #muchachapower #strongwomen #imagirl #mujerdehierro #changetheratio #ask4more #banbossy #womencan #riverflowsthroughit
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currygirl325 · 6 years
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Today has been one awesome and amazing day as we held our 12th Annual Virtuous Ladies Afternoon Tea! The guest were pampered and enjoyed themselves tremendously! Now My feet will thank me as I pamper them with @so_koffe Koff’e Body Treats “Sole-ful Foot Soak, “Sole-ful Tea tree & Peppermint Foot Soap and Foot Bar”. 💕💕💕 #VLAT2018 #EFBC #WOWWOMEN
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funktionalwear · 7 years
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Check out this great interview with @cyndifunk, Founder of #funktionalwearables! http://www.womenofwearables.com/new-blog/wow-woman-in-wearable-tech-cynthia-blais-founder-of-funktional-wearables #womenofwearables #wowwomen
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mrigtrishnamagazine · 3 years
देश की बागडोर असल मायने में अफसरों के हाथ में होती है. यदि नौकरशाही दुरुस्त हो तो कानून-व्यवस्था चाकचौबंद रहती है. जिस तरह से भ्रष्टाचार का दीमक नौकरशाही को खोखला किए जा रहा है, लोगों का उससे विश्वास उठता जा रहा है. लेकिन कुछ ऐसे भी IAS और IPS अफसर हैं, जिन्होंने अपना सारा जीवन ही देशसेवा में समर्पित कर दिया. Mrigtrishna Magazine इस महिला दिवस पर ऐसी ही समाज की शिल्पकार महिलाओं के नाम एक सीरीज #24Hours24Story पेश कर रहा है. इस कड़ी में आज की पहली कहानीं पेश है देश की पहली महिला IPS अफसर Kiran Bedi जी की ।
किरण बेदी का जन्म 9 जून, 1949 को पंजाब के अमृतसर में हुआ था. इनके पिता का नाम प्रकाश पेशावरिया और माता का नाम प्रेमलता है. इनकी प्रारंभिक शिक्षा सैक्रेड हार्ट कन्वेंट स्कूल, अमृतसर में हुई. वह इंग्लिश में बी.ए. (आनर्स) के साथ पॉलिटिकल साइंस में एम.ए. हैं. आई.आई.टी. दिल्ली से उनको डॉक्ट्‍रेट की मानद उपाधि भी मिली है.
कि��ण बेदी को टेनिस खेलने का शौक था. टेनिस खेलते हुए उन्होंने कई खिताब जीते. वे ऑल-‍एशियन टेनिस चैम्पियनशिप और एशियन लेडीज टाइटल विजेता भी रह चुकी हैं.
जुलाई 1972 में भारतीय पुलिस सेवा में भर्ती होने के साथ ही उन्हें देश की पहली महिला आईपीएस अधिकारी होने का गौरव हासिल है.
बतौर पुलिस अफसर किरण बेदी अपने काम की वजह से हमेशा सुर्खियों में रही हैं. उन्होंने नशीले पदार्थों के नियंत्रण, यातायात प्रबंधन और वीआईपी सुरक्षा जैसे प्रमुख काम किए हैं.
उन्हें क्रेन बेदी के नाम से भी जाना जाता है. दिल्ली ट्रैफिक में तैनाती के दौरान उन्होंने तत्कालीन प्रधानमंत्री इंदिरा गांधी की कार को क्रेन से उठवा लिया था.
तिहाड़ जेल में तैनाती के समय उन्होंने जेल प्रशासन में काफी महत्वपूर्ण सुधार किए. कैदियों के कल्याण के लिए जेल में नशामुक्ति अभियान चलाया. इसके परिणाम स्वरूप उन्हें रमन मैग्सेसे पुरस्कार और जवाहर लाल नेहरू फेलोशिप भी मिली थी. उन्होंने दो गैर-सरकारी संगठन नवज्योति इंडिया फाउंडेशन और इंडिया विजन फाउंडेशन बनाया है.
वह संयुक्त राष्ट्र पीस कीपिंग ऑपरेशन्स से भी जुड़ी रहीं. इसके लिए सम्मानित भी किया गया था. उनको कई राष्ट्रीय और अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय सम्मान से सम्मानित किया गया है. इसमें जर्मन फाउंडे्शन का जोसफ ब्यूज पुरस्कार, नार्वे का एशिया रीजन एवार्ड, अमेरीकी मॉरीसन-टॉम निटकॉक पुरस्कार और इटली का ‘वूमन ऑफ द इयर 2002’ पुरस्कार शामिल हैं.
अन्ना हजारे के इंडिया अगेंस्ट करप्शन आंदोलन के दौरान वह उसकी सक्रिय सदस्य थी. बाद में उन्होंने बीजेपी ज्वाइन कर लिया. 2015 के दिल्ली विधनासभा चुनाव में पार्टी की मुख्यमंत्री पद की प्रत्याशी भी रहीं थी. इस चुनाव में बीजेपी को बड़ झटका लगा. बीजेपी 70 में से सिर्फ 3 सीटें ही जीत पाई. खुद किरण भी चुनाव हार गईं.
31 मई 2016 को क��रण बेदी ने पुडुचेरी के राज्यपाल के रूप में शपथ लिया. इससे पहले वह स्टार प्लस के शो 'आप की कचेहरी' भी होस्ट कर चुकी हैं.
उनके जीवन पर आधारित कई किताबें बाजार में उपलब्ध हैं. वह खुद 'इट्स ऑलवेज़ पॉसीबल' और 'लीडर एंड गवर्नेंस' नाम से किताब लिख चुकी हैं.
#WomenDay #2021 #WowWomen #24घंटे_24कहानियां #MrigtrishnaMagazine
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americanmysticom · 4 years
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War on Coronavirus; Reggie Littlejohn; America Fights Virus 3.12.20
America Can We Talk?
It’s appropriate to think tactically, realistically about the Wuhan Coronavirus, and ignore the bullies of Leftist (Marxist totalitarian corporate) Media [Subservient to HaSatan]
“Every person is created in the image of G-d” [something that needs repeating]
Gendercide continues in many countries that  prefer boys! WOW
Women’s Rights Without Frontiers
@reggielittlejhn https://twitter.com/reggielittlejhn
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avva-us-blog · 7 years
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Today couldn't be more perfect for this post. My favorite artist, Georgia O'Keefe, an incredible story of the life of an Artist and an American Woman. In honor of International Women's Day! #womensday #WOWwomen #loveandbeloved
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wifarmwife-blog · 7 years
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Larry Kilham stops by Anjanette Potter's Bookworm blog with an insightful and thought provoking guest post about "Predestination vs. Free Will" - readers won't want to miss this opportunity to hear from Kilham and learn about his latest novel "Free Will Odyssey". WOW! Women On Writing Larry Kilham Books #books #reading https://bookworm66.wordpress.com/2017/11/08/wowwomen-on-writing-blog-book-tour-for-author-larry-kilhams-the-free-will-odyssey/
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colortoiletpaper · 6 years
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riverflowsthroughit · 7 years
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Community Volunteer, New York City
One of my favourite people, Renata and I volunteered together at the ER in Washington Heights, NYC. Although she put up the biggest resistance fight to be featured as a WOW Woman, I think few deserve it more than she does. Renata never stops. She never stops volunteering in her community, be it working with the local police precincts, sleeping one night a week at a local homeless shelter to provide support for homeless women or cheering NYC marathoners in her hood uptown. And this is all while maintaining a full time job. She is the most humble, kind-hearted, shy, loud Polish girl you will ever meet. If you're lucky enough to meet Renata, you'll know what I mean. 1. Name. Renata Zabłocka 2. Where is your hometown? Zamość, Poland 3. What is your profession/career/title/self-label/designation? I'm a research associate/research public health analyst in a social sciences division of a large international research institute. 4. What was the journey like to get where you are (career wise)? When was the mental shift to start the journey? It was a long journey to get me where I am today (physically and mentally), but somewhat spontaneous and easy, meaning that things just sort of fell into place. When I decided to stay in the United States, I thought I should go back to school. I was working on a graduate degree in forensic psychology and I needed 400 hours of externship to graduate. I got an externship, received a position proposal at the end of it and just celebrated 10 years with my company. Like I said, things just fell in the right place at the right time. I cannot say that I am religious, but I believe in karma. I try to be a good human being and I hope for good things to happen to me in my life. I am also a strong believer that perseverance pays off in a long run. 5. Biggest accomplishment since making the (physical/mental) move? They say "if you make it here (New York City), you can make it anywhere". I believe it. I've been in the NYC for 18 years and I consider this city to be my home. I’d moved here alone and it had been a crazy decision. I’d never do it again, but I’m so glad I had done it when I did it. 6. What was biggest disappointment and plan to overcome it? Who remembers those?!? They came and went. I learned from them and became smarter (or at least hope so...). 7. Advice for other women? If you believe in something, stand up for it (this applies to all people really). Be independent. Try traveling alone. It's the best and most freeing experience ever. 8. Where in the world do you feel “tallest”? A year ago, I'd say standing alone in a street of a new city or a village in a new country, surrounded by people speaking a language I don't understand. Today, I must say standing in a rally holding anti-Trumpf sign. I have a couple of those and I hate that I need them. 9. What extra-curricular activities/hobbies are you most proud of? Why? I try to give back and be involved in my community. I was an advocate for sexual assault/domestic violence survivors at DOVE (Domestic and Other Violence Emergencies) at a local hospital. I did it for 7 years and it tremendously impacted my life. I grew as a human being and I met amazing like-minded people that still influence my life. Now, I'm involved in a small 100% volunteer-run shelter for homeless women. We have 6 beds available at a church in Inwood, Manhattan once or twice a week. Our guests come to us from a drop-in center in midtown Manhattan. We spend time with them and host them overnight. I love my shelter community (volunteers and guests!) It has been the most humbling experience. I met women who are smart, educated and some HAVE JOBS (!!), and are still not able to afford a home. When you really think about it, this can happen to anyone I also love to travel. I am very lucky that my job involves a considerable amount of international travel in the past two years. This allowed me to get some new stamps is my passport. Outside of that, I am re-discovering the beauty of low-budget travel. It's a great opportunity to meet people from all over the world. 10. What is the future goal/challenge (career and/or life goals in 5-10 years)? I want to learn to speak Spanish and to dance tango. 11. What fears are you still hoping to overcome? I'm afraid of heights, but I can live with it. Nobody’s perfect. 12. Anything you'd do differently (if you had another go at life)? All my experiences, good and bad, made me who I am today and I'm content with that. I really think that I would not change a thing. One of my dreams in high school was to study psychology at the Jagielloński University in Cracow. I tried and I didn't get in. Had I gotten in, who would I be? Where would I be? 13. What inspires you? Generally, smart and passionate people with a healthy dose of empathy. They don’t have to be necessarily passionate about serious things. 14. What are you reading now? (what books do you gift most and what are your favourite reads?) "The Feast of the Goat" by Mario Vargas Llosa. The book is set in the Dominican Republic and portrays the assassination of Dominican dictator Rafael Trujillo, and its aftermath. My next book waiting for me is The Lonely Planet Travel Anthology: True stories from the world's best writers. I cannot wait to read it. 15. Where can others find you/your work (links to websites, blogs, etc.)? I am drafting these responses on the train on my way back home from a conference in D.C. During the conference, there was a session on social network marketing. Presenter asked us to raise hands if we didn't have an Instagram or Snapchat account. Proudly, I raised my hand both times. I got many looks from people sitting around me. Being too connected is not a great thing for me. Clearly, I am on Facebook.
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mrigtrishnamagazine · 3 years
प्रिया झिंगन
पुरुष देश की सेवा कर सकते है तो महिलाएं क्यों नहीं?
आज महिलाओं को सेना के हर छेत्र में जाने की अनुमति है लेकिन इसकी शुरुआत इतनी आसान थी । समाज की इस सोच तो को बदलने का श्रेय उन महिलाओं को जाता है जिन्होंने ना जाने कितने ही विरोध का सामना किया,
उन्हीं में से एक है भारतीय सेना में शामिल होने वाली पहली महिला प्रिया झिंगन। प्रिया ने उस समय में भारतीय सेना का हिस्सा बनने का सपना देखा, जब सेना में महिलाओं की भर्ती की मनाही थी।
प्रिया का जन्म हिमाचल प्रदेश के शिमला में हुआ , उनके पिता एक पुलिस अधिकारी थे तो उनमें बचपन से ही वर्दी और देश सेवा की लालसा थी ।इनकी शुरुआती पढ़ाई कान्वेंट तारा कोल स्कूल से हुई ।वो बचपन से ही लड़कों की तरह रहा करती थीं। वह साहसी और दृढ़ निश्चयी थीं,
जब वो नौ वीं कक्षा में थी तो उनके स्कूल के एक फंक्शन में राज्य के गवर्नर बतौर चीफ गेस्ट आए थे और उनके साथ उनका एडीसी यानी एयर डिफेंस कमांडर भी तैनात था। जहां एडीसी को देखकर उनकी सहेलियां बड़े होकर फौजी से शादी करने का सपना देख रही थी ,वहीं प्रिया का सपना बन गया कि'मैं खुद एक फौजी अफसर बनूंगी।'
स्कूली पढ़ाई पूरी होने के बाद प्रिया ने लॉ में एडमिशन ले लिया था। लेकिन उनकी लालसा हमेशा फौज में जाने की ही थी लेकिन उस समय तक महिलाओं को फौज में बतौर अ़फसर जाने की अनुमति नहीं थी और पुरुषों के साथ कंधे से कंधा मिला कर चलने वाली प्रिया अक्सर सोचती थीं कि अगर पुरुष देश की सेवा कर सकते हैं तो महिलाएं क्यों नहीं।
इस पर प्रिया ने चीफ ऑफ़ आर्मी स्टाफ को चिट्ठी लिखी और महिलाओं के सेना में न होने से जुड़े कई सवाल पूछे लिए।
हालांकि उन्हें इस चिट्ठी से जवाब की कोई उम्मीद नहीं थी ,लेकिन 3 हफ्ते बाद चीफ ऑफ आर्मी स्टाफ का जवाब आया और उन्होंने बताया की भारतीय सेना में कुछ ही समय में महिलाओं की नियुक्ति की प्रक्रिया शुरू हो जाएगी।
करीब एक साल बाद उन्होंने अखबार में इस्तेहार मिला जिसमें महिलाओं की सेना में भर्ती से जुड़ी डीटेल थीं।
इस बीच उन्होंने हाई कोर्ट में प्रशिक्षु के तौर पर दाखिला ले लिया था ।यहां भी मुश्किल ये थी कि लॉ कर चुकी महिलाओं के लिए केवल दो सीटें खाली थीं, लेकिन प्रिया अपनी काबिलयत की बदौलत चेन्नई में ऑफिसर्स ट्रेनिंग एकेडमी में जाने वाली कैडेट 001 बन गईं।
#MrigtrishnaMagazine #24Hours24Stories #WomenDay #WowWomen
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riverflowsthroughit · 7 years
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I was introduced to Claudia by a mutual friend, with this article. Claudia worked at GENaustin, an organization focused on working with middle school-aged girls, organization whose mission is to “support and guide girls to make wise decisions as they navigate the unique pressures of girlhood.” To do this, their core curriculum focuses on healthy relationships, healthy communication, and body image. I was thrilled to meet Claudia and we had a wonderful interview, all while walking around Barton Spring (one of my favourite places in US). Little did I know, Claudia has moved on to other grander plans. Below is her Q/A. Enjoy.
1. Name Claudia Gárate Miguelez 2. Where is your hometown? How to answer this? I was born in San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Lived most of my life in Central Texas. I woke up to myself and the world when I was a teenager at Brockwood Park School in the English countryside. Now I’m in Austin, Texas- the first city where I very quickly felt I could plant my roots after a lifetime of moving around. I’ve been here 9 years with no plans to leave! 3. Profession/Career/Title/Self-Label I thought about what combination I would create to describe the many hats that I wear and realized that just the title Social Worker covers plenty on its own. Social Workers are mental health practitioners, anthropologists, sociologists, advocates, activists, philosophers, educators- a little bit of everything. I’m very proud to be in this field and wear the title happily (when I finish my MSSW in a month!). As a clinical social worker, I am specializing in trauma-informed therapy working from a cultural-relational/social justice/feminist framework. I’m also very interested in neurobiology and how that plays into mental health, particularly positive psychology and the way we can rewire our brain to take in more of the good and build more compassion. Though I focus on direct service, I am passionate about folding in intersectionality into my work and believe that social justice plays a part of everything that we do. More than anything I believe in the transformative power of safe spaces and the healing power of mindfulness and unconditional ruthless compassion.
For more, read: http://riverflowsthroughit.com/filter/women/Student-Activist-Social-Worker-Austin-Texas
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riverflowsthroughit · 7 years
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Photographer, Explorer, Banff, Canada
Jody was behind many stories I heard over the years: paragliding and underwater photography, kite surfing photos in Micronesia and Papua New Guinea, photographing landscapes and locals, divers (water and air), National Geographic features, etc. When I met her, I was a bit nervous. Her photo stories include this and this. I've traveled "off the beaten path", but I was worried that I'd feel like a rookie chatting with a woman who, on assignment, shared a single room shack on stilts above the water with the sea gypsies, completing basic human functions with 24 eyeballs directed at her. I wasn't disappointed and felt immediately at ease, chatting about our passions. I love that within the first hour I learned that Jody competes with her Nat Geo coworkers on who will get arrested first while on an assignment. During the second hour, I learned that she also, like other women/men and humans in general, grapples with what to do to make the world a better place and conduct meaningful work. We had a good chat, but I'll let you do more reading of her actual words. Next WOW woman is Jody MacDonald. 1. Name. Jody MacDonald 2. Where is your hometown? Sun Valley, Idaho 3. What is your profession/career/title/self-label/designation? Photographer 4. What was the journey like to get where you are (career wise)? When was the mental shift to start the journey? When I started sailing around the world I started taking pictures full time. That was really the catalyst for my photography career. 5. Biggest accomplishment since making the (physical/mental) move? Having the freedom to pick and choose the projects I want to work on. 6. What was biggest disappointment and plan to overcome it? I really perceive failure as opportunity so I don’t really have any big disappointments. I really perceive everything as a challenge and learning opportunity so I think having that mindset prevents me from having any disappointments. 7. Advice for other women? You can do anything, just focus on what you want to do and just start taking the steps. They should be small at first but as long as you keep working towards it, it will happen. 8. Where in the world do you feel “tallest”? Probably in difficult locations and situations. Those are my favorite because I feel like I thrive in those situations. 9. What extra-curricular activities/hobbies are you most proud of? Why? Probably paragliding because it continually takes me out of my comfort zone. I’m always proud of embracing those moments. 10. What is the future goal/challenge (career and/or life goals in 5-10 years)? I’m not much of a planner but I would like to just continue to work on my photography and get better at the craft while continuing to work on meaningful projects. 11. What fears are you still hoping to overcome? To get better at public speaking. That has always been a challenge for me that I’m working on. 12. Anything you'd do differently (if you had another go at life)? Wow, that’s a tough question. I’m interested and curious about many things. I think if I had another go at life I would make sure I was proficient in a number of languages as well as play many musical instruments. 13. What inspires you (and/or gives you hope)? People who really go after what they are passionate about inspires me immensely. Life is too short not to and the ones that figure that out deserve a lot of credit. If they are doing something that helps the greater good then that's even better. 14. What are you reading now? (what books do you gift most and what are your favourite reads?) I’m currently reading “The Daily Stoic” by Ryan Holiday. Books I gift the most are Shantaram and Siddhartha. 15. Who is a “WOW Woman” in your life who inspires you (and why)? A friend of mine recently quit her job because she didn’t like it and started a clothing company. Something she knew nothing about but just dove in and started it. In less than 2 years, it is already incredibly successful. That is incredibly inspiring to me. That she jumped into the deep end and is successful. It's definitely not an easy thing to do and not many have the courage to take that leap so that is incredibly inspiring to me. 16. Where can others find you/your work (links to websites, blogs, etc.)? My website is jodymacdonaldphotography.com. Instagram: @jodymacdonaldphoto Facebook: @jodymacdonaldphotography 
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