ppcseo · 1 year
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imtrashraccoon · 26 days
Thank you @vii-naught for the tag! These seemed like interesting questions so why not?
Do you make your bed? Sometimes? I want to do it more often, especially now that I bought a body pillow. Not that kind!
Favorite number? 8. It's a fun shape and you don't need to lift the pen from the paper to make it.
What's your job? I currently work in customer service for a corporate hardware store.
If you could go back to school, would you? I really don't want to go into debt, however I probably will. I think I'll take something related to administration and if I can, some writing related courses since I'd love to publish my own books someday!
Can you parallel park? Yep, but I don't go downtown very often so I'm rusty.
Do you think aliens are real? Nope, but it would be fun if we weren't alone in the universe.
Can you drive a manual car? ...I can crash one.
What’s your guilty pleasure? Foodwise, any ice cream with peanut butter and chocolate in it. Otherwise, writing or looking at art of my favourite characters. You know the ones...
Tattoos? Nah, they're cool but I don't like needles. I'm not opposed to getting something small though.
Favourite colour? Purple. Then why are the words pink?? Because I didn't wanna copy!
Favorite types of music? I think it's called electronic pop? Whatever style Owl City does. I also like classical, a little rock, instrumentals, and video game music.
Do you like puzzles? Not particularly. I can do them but if I can't figure it out within a reasonable time, I get frustrated. Papyrus might have to convince me to participate unfortunately.
Any phobias? Not that I've been diagnosed with. I don't like biting insects or parasites. I also have some social anxiety but I can usually overcome it.
Favorite childhood sport? Soccer! Or football if you're European. I'd still play it if I was in shape and had time. I was also into swimming which may have inspired my love for mermaids and sirens.
Do you talk to yourself? Yep, fairly often too. Mostly in the car or when I'm alone at work when I want to vent. I also like to talk through potential plot points for my fics.
What movies do you adore? I'm more into the history of movies than actually watching them. I do love fantasy movies like How To Train Your Dragon and I remember loving the first My Hero Academia movie.
Coffee or tea? Tea.
First thing you wanted to be growing up? Silly. Definitely achieved that one... Joking aside, I think maybe a nutritionist or dietitian? Not so much anymore since I'd much rather be a children's writer.
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xirayn · 11 months
Stonathan Week Day 1: Scoops Ahoy - Jonathan helps Steve get ready to sling ice cream.
Hey Sailor
written by @xirayn and @aibhlynn
Trying something new by writing screenplays rather than short stories. Feedback on this format appreciated.
The kitchen is the height of modern interior design circa late 1980s: terra-cotta tile flooring, honey oak cabinets, white countertops and backsplash. JONATHAN is sitting at the island reading a SCOOPS AHOY training manual while STEVE gets a quart of rocky road ice cream from the freezer. There are already bowls on the island, as well as a white sailor’s hat with ‘AHOY’ embroidered in blue across the front.
Greet all customers with a smile and a cheerful 'ahoy'.
JONATHAN looks up at STEVE, who sets the ice cream on the counter.
Ahoy there, sailor. Would you like to set sail on this ocean of flavor with me? I'll be your captain, Steve Harrington.
JONATHAN is trying hard to suppress a smile. Steve rolls his eyes and takes the top off the ice cream.
That wasn't very cheerful.
(Still deadpan)
Ahoy, me hearty lads and lassies, I am Captain Steve and I will be taking you on a magical journey to an ocean of flavor.
It is painfully obvious you have never worked with customers.
I worked at the pool. There were a lot of customers there.
You weren’t serving them. Here, give me the scoop.
JONATHAN reaches for the ice cream scoop and STEVE gives it over without any objection. With the scoop in his hand, JONATHAN smiles with the forced friendliness that comes with working in the service industry.
Ahoy, matey. Are you ready to set sail on an ocean of flavor?
Dude, you look like someone is controlling your facial expressions.
Do you want my help, or not?
Do you want my ice cream or not?
STEVE takes the scoop back as Jonathan laughs.
Fine. Try adding some of that 'Harrington charm' this time.
STEVE runs the scoop over the smooth surface of the ice cream. He looks at JONATHAN through his lashes with the start of a coy grin.
Ahoy, my good sir. I'm Captain STEVE, would you like to set sail with me on a journey through an ocean of flavor?
Do you have anything other than rocky road?
There's mint, butterscotch and Swiss vanilla.
JONATHAN smirks at ‘butterscotch’, trying not to laugh and making Steve tense.
What's wrong with butterscotch?
Nothing, if you're taking your grandkids out for ice cream.
With a tight frown, STEVE returns the scoop of ice cream back to the carton. He closes the carton and returns it to the freezer, coming back with Swiss vanilla. JONATHAN is clearly unimpressed and possibly a bit exasperated by the display.
And there goes your tip - You can't let the customer know you are anything other than happy to serve them.
STEVE pushes the bowl of Swiss vanilla across the island to JONATHAN. His expression remains neutral.
Enjoy your vanilla ice cream, sir.
Oh, come on, are you actually upset?
STEVE hesitates to answer while JONATHAN picks out the chocolate covered almonds from his ice cream.
The very first and last time my mom took me to get ice cream, she got me butterscotch. Last time she said she was proud of me.
You don't have to justify why you like something, Steve. Just like it.
This seems to be a revelation to Steve. He blinks, confused, then laughs lightly with a shake of his head.
You might have a point there.
JONATHAN eats his ice cream while STEVE picks up the hat to idly fidget with as he sits down
Did I mention the Party is already asking me for free ice cream? I haven't even started working yet!
Of course they are. When I worked at the theater, they were always asking if I could sneak them in or get them free popcorn. Their favorite babysitter working at an ice cream shop is basically a dream come true.
STEVE flips the hat onto his head then slumps forward onto the counter, resting his head on his crossed arm.
I fully expect them to beg me to let them sneak in to slip inside the theater unseen once I start working.
And Dustin is the one that suggested you apply?
JONATHAN pushes the ice cream bowl aside so he can mirror STEVE’s posture. They are both grinning slightly with an almost playful energy that hints there is more to their relationship than what is seen at first glance.
You got played, skipper.
Are you going to complain about all the future free ice cream coming your way?
Abusing your employee benefits already?
If I'm going to be forced into abusing them for a bunch of brats, I might as well abuse them for my friends.
So we're friends now?
Dude, we're hanging out in my kitchen eating ice cream.
That's true.
How was your vanilla?
STEVE sits up slightly to take the spoon from the bowl JONATHAN pushed aside to have a taste. When he notices JONATHAN watching his mouth, he pulls the spoon out slowly. STEVE’s tongue flicks over his lips. JONATHAN swallows before looking away.
Scoops Ahoy knows how to make ice cream. I don't get the obsession with chunks, though.
Not even a ribbon of flavor?
That's more understandable. I'm just not into chewing my ice cream.
What can I say. I like nuts.
STEVE is clearly going for a double meaning that JONATHAN glosses over.
I like them, too, but in trail mix or cookies.
I could go for some cookies.
All this ice cream isn't enough?
How much did you see me actually eat, Jon?
I asked if you were ready to set sail on an ocean of flavor.
JONATHAN gets up and goes around the island to lean beside Steve.
What do you say, matey? Want to cast off with me?
STEVE chuckles, amused by JONATHAN’s attempt at flirting. It works, of course, and STEVE takes the hat from his head to put on JONATHAN.
Aye aye, Captain.
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stylus-22 · 21 hours
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Demand for content is inarguably present in most areas of business as well as education. However, the requirements of content can vary vastly and can be diverse in nature. When creating training materials, we write every word and create every design element keeping in mind the requirements of our clients as well as our target audience. Whether the project calls for clear and crisp language with a formal tone or embellished writing with fancy vocabulary, Stylus guarantees timely deliveries and plagiarism-free content tailored to your needs. Any content provided by us is customized according to the client as well as industry standards to ascertain that you are getting the best results.
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Our diverse team of skilled professionals includes instructional designers, copywriters, technical writers, editors, graphic designers, digital artists, integrators and animators. Our team is always willing to discuss any suggestions or issues at a moment’s notice, and any feedback provided is integrated into the product immediately.
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A one-stop solution for all your content needs- writing, editing, instructional designing and graphic designing.
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govindhtech · 6 days
Cloud Virtual CISO: 3 Intriguing AI Cybersecurity Use Cases
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Cloud Virtual CISO Three intriguing AI cybersecurity use cases from a Cloud Virtual CISO intriguing cybersecurity AI use cases
For years, They’ve believed artificial intelligence might transform cybersecurity and help defenders. According to Google Cloud, AI can speed up defences by automating processes that formerly required security experts to labour.
While full automation is still a long way off, AI in cybersecurity is already providing assisting skills. Today’s security operations teams can benefit from malware analysis, summarization, and natural-language searches, and AI can speed up patching.
AI malware analysis Attackers have created new malware varieties at an astonishing rate, despite malware being one of the oldest threats. Defenders and malware analyzers have more varieties, which increases their responsibilities. Automation helps here.
Their Gemini 1.5 Pro was tested for malware analysis. They gave a simple query and code to analyse and requested it to identify dangerous files. It was also required to list compromising symptoms and activities.
Gemini 1.5 Pro’s 1 million token context window allowed it to parse malware code in a single pass and normally in 30 to 40 seconds, unlike previous foundation models that performed less accurately. Decompiled WannaCry malware code was one of the samples They tested Gemini 1.5 Pro on. The model identified the killswitch in 34 seconds in one pass.
They tested decompiled and disassembled code with Gemini 1.5 Pro on multiple malware files. Always correct, it created human-readable summaries.
The experiment report by Google and Mandiant experts stated that Gemini 1.5 Pro was able to accurately identify code that was obtaining zero detections on VirusTotal. As They improve defence outcomes, Gemini 1.5 Pro will allow a 2 million token context frame to transform malware analysis at scale.
Boosting SecOps with AI Security operations teams use a lot of manual labour. They can utilise AI to reduce that labour, train new team members faster, and speed up process-intensive operations like threat intelligence analysis and case investigation noise summarising. Modelling security nuances is also necessary. Their security-focused AI API, SecLM, integrates models, business logic, retrieval, and grounding into a holistic solution. It accesses Google DeepMind’s cutting-edge AI and threat intelligence and security data.
Onboarding new team members is one of AI’s greatest SecOps benefits. Artificial intelligence can construct reliable search queries instead of memorising proprietary SecOps platform query languages.
Natural language inquiries using Gemini in Security Operations are helping Pfizer and Fiserv onboard new team members faster, assist analysts locate answers faster, and increase security operations programme efficiency.
Additionally, AI-generated summaries can save time by integrating threat research and explaining difficult facts in natural language. The director of information security at a leading multinational professional services organisation told Google Cloud that Gemini Threat Intelligence AI summaries can help write an overview of the threat actor, including relevant and associated entities and targeted regions.
The customer remarked the information flows well and helps us obtain intelligence quickly. Investigation summaries can be generated by AI. As security operations centre teams manage more data, they must detect, validate, and respond to events faster. Teams can locate high-risk signals and act with natural-language searches and investigation summaries.
Security solution scaling with AI In January, Google’s Machine Learning for Security team published a free, open-source fuzzing platform to help researchers and developers improve vulnerability-finding. The team told AI foundation models to write project-specific code to boost fuzzing coverage and uncover additional vulnerabilities. This was added to OSS-Fuzz, a free service that runs open-source fuzzers and privately alerts developers of vulnerabilities.
Success in the experiment: With AI-generated, extended fuzzing coverage, OSS-Fuzz covered over 300 projects and uncovered new vulnerabilities in two projects that had been fuzzed for years.
The team noted, “Without the completely LLM-generated code, these two vulnerabilities could have remained undiscovered and unfixed indefinitely.” They patched vulnerabilities with AI. An automated pipeline for foundation models to analyse software for vulnerabilities, develop patches, and test them before picking the best candidates for human review was created.
The potential for AI to find and patch vulnerabilities is expanding. By stacking tiny advances, well-crafted AI solutions can revolutionise security and boost productivity. They think AI foundation models should be regulated by Their Secure AI Framework or a similar risk-management foundation to maximise effect and minimise risk.
Please contact Ask Office of the CISO or attend Their security leader events to learn more. Attend Their June 26 Security Talks event to learn more about Their AI-powered security product vision.
Perhaps you missed it Recent Google Cloud Security Talks on AI and cybersecurity: Google Cloud and Google security professionals will provide insights, best practices, and concrete ways to improve your security on June 26.
Quick decision-making: How AI improves OODA loop cybersecurity: The OODA loop, employed in boardrooms, helps executives make better, faster decisions. AI enhances OODA loops.
Google rated a Leader in Q2 2024 Forrester Wave: Cybersecurity Incident Response Services Report.
From always on to on demand access with Privileged Access Manager: They are pleased to introduce Google Cloud’s built-in Privileged Access Manager to reduce the dangers of excessive privileges and elevated access misuse.
A FedRAMP high compliant network with Assured Workloads: Delivering FedRAMP High-compliant network design securely.
Google Sovereign Cloud gives European clients choice today: Customer, local sovereign partner, government, and regulator collaboration has developed at Google Sovereign Cloud.
Threat Intel news A financially motivated threat operation targets Snowflake customer database instances for data theft and extortion, according to Mandiant.
Brazilian cyber hazards to people and businesses: Threat actors from various reasons will seek opportunities to exploit Brazil’s digital infrastructure, which Brazilians use in all sectors of society, as its economic and geopolitical role grows.
Gold-phishing: Paris 2024 Olympics cyberthreats: The Paris Olympics are at high risk of cyber espionage, disruptive and destructive operations, financially driven behaviour, hacktivism, and information operations, according to Mandiant.Return of ransomware Compared to 2022, data leak site posts and Mandiant-led ransomware investigations increased in 2023.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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arisudhan · 13 days
What is Recurring AI? (warrior plus) Review- Explained here in details:
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What is Recurring AI?
Recurring AI launched in warrior plus is a groundbreaking platform that harnesses the potential of artificial intelligence to facilitate the creation of recurring income streams. It has been quietly gaining momentum and attracting a diverse community of people looking for financial independence and the ability to generate income on autopilot.
Essentially, Recurring AI allows its users to design and market products or services that generate recurring revenue. Unlike the traditional one-off sales model, which requires the constant search for new customers, Recurring AI enables the creation of sustainable income streams that flow continuously over an extended period of time.
Recurring AI review: Key features of Recurring AI
– AI-powered product development: Recurring AI simplifies the product creation process by using AI-driven tools that do the heavy lifting and allow users to create high-quality products in minutes.
– Masterful conversion from free trials: Recurring AI excels at converting free trials into ongoing revenue. The system provides guidance for setting up irresistible free trials that seamlessly transition into profitable recurring payments.
– Extensive Buyer Marketplace: With more than 700,000 active monthly visitors, Recurring AI provides its users with a huge audience of potential buyers, minimizing the need for extensive marketing efforts.
– Flexibility in product offerings: Recurring AI not only offers AI-powered product creation tools, but also supports the sale of simple products or services that require minimal effort, such as Google Spreadsheets, Notion templates, or exclusive access to Telegram or Discord groups.
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To buy it -Visit Official Site
Application of Recurring AI
– Affiliate Marketing: Recurring AI allows users to promote a variety of products and services that offer recurring commissions and guarantee continuous revenue as long as the customer has a subscription.
– Product creation and sales: For those interested in selling, Recurring AI allows users to create and sell their own products or services that generate recurring revenue, from digital products such as courses and memberships to physical products with subscription models.
– Generate passive income: One of the most attractive aspects of Recurring AI is its ability to generate passive income streams. By setting up recurring revenue models, users can essentially 'set it and forget it',” allowing revenue to flow without constant manual intervention.
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The Inner Mechanisms of AI Recursion
Utilizing artificial intelligence to expedite the process of developing and marketing goods and services that bring in recurrent income is how recurring AI works. The platform gives users access to a large buyer marketplace, free trial conversion, and AI-powered tools for product creation. Users can choose to use the platform's tools and training to establish their own recurring revenue streams, or they can use it to market already-existing products as affiliates.
Recurring AI Review – Overview
Product: Recurring AI
Vendor: James Renouf
 Niche:  Artificial Intelligent
Launch Date: 2024-04-14
Launch Time: 09.00 AM EST
Website name- Warrior plus
To Check Price-Visit Official Site
Pros and Cons
Hands-off, regular payments: After the system is set up, recurring AI allows for the generation of passive revenue with little ongoing work.
▶️ No technical experience needed: Recurring AI can be utilized without the need for technical competence or coding knowledge.
▶️ Expandable business model: As you draw in more loyal customers, the system provides the opportunity to grow your revenue.
▶ ️Artificial intelligence integration: AI integration enhances automation and optimization, maximizing earning potential.
▶️ Positive testimonials and success stories: Recurring AI has garnered favorable feedback from users who have achieved significant results.
▶️ None identified: Currently, there are no known drawbacks or issues associated with Recurring AI.
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(I have worked hard to write "Review of Recurring AI". First I have done research a lot, then I have written it. If my review writing helps you a little bit and if you have decided to purchase it, please buy it through my link so that I can earn a little affiliate commission.)
To get instant access it- Click Here
To sum up, Recurring AI offers a unique way to develop consistent, recurring revenue in an unexplored sector. This artificial intelligence-powered technology simplifies the online earning procedure so you may enjoy the benefits of passive income. Recurring AI gives marketers of all experience levels the tools, tactics, and support they need to succeed in the world of recurring payments.
Recurring AI presents a novel and appealing substitute for traditional online income creation techniques by using the creative strategy of providing things for free and smoothly transforming them into recurring revenue streams. Recurring AI stands out as an appealing option for people ready to realize their full potential for online revenue because to its scalability, automation, and AI integration. Are you ready to explore the fascinating world of Recurring AI and start your path to easy-to-manage recurring income? Enroll in the Recurring AI community right now to start your journey to financial independence.
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The Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning on Logistics
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are changing the various sectors in today’s fast-growing digital world, and logistics is one of them. These advanced technologies are now disrupting conventional logistics systems and turning them into leaner, faster, and less expensive solutions. As companies are now trying to cater to customers in different parts of the world, it has become crucial to incorporate AI and ML into logistics.
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AI and ML are crucial in supply chain management and its optimisation. These technologies enable the identification of demand patterns, management of inventory stock, and efficient oversight of freight forwarding and shipping operations. For example, AI-based predictive analytics can forecast changes in shipping demand, allowing freight forwarders to adjust their cargo schedules and optimise container utilisation. This minimises the risk of underutilised or overloaded shipments, reduces transportation costs, and enhances the efficiency of delivery schedules, ultimately improving customer satisfaction.
Route optimisation is one of the prominent effects of the application of AI in the field of logistics. Conventional approaches to route planning utilise discrete information and produce time-consuming and ineffective results. Real-time information, such as traffic patterns, weather, and delivery limitations, can be input to analyse the best routes for delivery using AI algorithms. This dynamic approach enables the company to deliver the products on time, conserve fuel, and cut expenses.
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In addition, AI and ML are improving warehouse management systems (WMS). AGVs and robotics that are based on AI solutions have been adopted in warehouses to enable them to achieve greater efficiency in tasks like picking, packing, and sorting. These technologies enhance operation productivity and decrease the probability of human mistakes. Besides, the use of AI in WMS can facilitate the effective utilisation of storage space, control stock rotation, and track the condition of products as logistics centres function.
The application of AI and ML in logistics also enhances the precision and speed of freight forwarding as well as customs clearance. They can also embrace the huge amount of shipping data and detect potential problems as well as schedule compliance with the legislation norms. This cuts the expenses and time which would have been used in writing some documentation manually and also help to avoid some delay at some checkpoints such as customs.
One of the major trends in logistics customer service is the use of artificial intelligence incorporated in the form of chatbots and virtual assistants. These tools are capable of answering almost any kind of question a customer might have regarding his or her shipment, from tracking it to receiving an update on the delivery time at any time of the day. Outsourcing day-to-day work could allow people to be employed in more difficult problems, which will help improve customer satisfaction.
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Another great application of AI and ML in logistics is the role of predictive maintenance . These technologies can understand data collected from sensors and other means and even forecast when equipment is likely to fail. This approach of maintenance is preventive thus allows optimal use of machinery, extended time to the new break down, and smooth flow of logistics.
With technologies such as AI and ML extending their presence in the world, the logistics industry will see their effects expand as well. Those companies that adopt these technologies stand a better chance of facing the challenge of today’s supply chain and remain relevant in the fiercely competitive global economy. However, it is not wise to ignore the fact that businesses need to incorporate the right technology in their operations and also ensure that their employees are adequately trained to harness the potential of AI and ML fully.
As a fast-growing company, Prime Logistics realises the capability of implementing advanced technology. Shipping, freight forwarding, and customs clearance are some of the essential services undertaken by the company, and through a combination of AI and ML, the company effectively serves clients in an optimal manner. Implementing these technologies in their logistic flows allows Prime Logistics to provide effective, reliable as well as affordable solutions for all shipment requirements. This makes them reputable and dependable partners in a continuously transforming field of activities such as logistics.
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devopssentinel · 15 days
From DevOps to Platform Engineering: Why the Shift Matters
Understanding the DevOps Landscape Organizations are constantly seeking ways to streamline their processes, enhance collaboration, and deliver high-quality products to market faster. Over the past decade, DevOps has emerged as a transformative approach that has revolutionized the way development and operations teams work together. By fostering a culture of collaboration, automation, and continuous improvement, DevOps has enabled companies to achieve faster release cycles, improved quality, and increased customer satisfaction. At its core, DevOps is a set of practices and philosophies that aims to break down the traditional silos between development and operations teams. Historically, these two functions operated in isolation, with developers focusing on writing code and operations teams responsible for deploying and maintaining applications in production environments. This separation often led to friction, delays, and a lack of shared ownership, resulting in slower time-to-market and suboptimal outcomes. DevOps seeks to bridge this gap by promoting a collaborative and integrated approach to software development and delivery. By bringing development and operations teams together, DevOps encourages shared responsibilities, improved communication, and a focus on common goals. This cultural shift is supported by a set of practices and tools that enable teams to automate processes, continuously integrate and deliver software, and monitor and optimize application performance. One of the key pillars of DevOps is automation. By automating repetitive and manual tasks, such as building, testing, and deploying code, teams can reduce errors, increase efficiency, and accelerate the delivery process. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines are critical components of a DevOps ecosystem, enabling teams to automatically build, test, and deploy code changes to production environments. This automation not only saves time but also ensures consistency and reliability throughout the software development lifecycle. Another essential aspect of DevOps is the emphasis on collaboration and shared ownership. By breaking down silos and fostering cross-functional teams, DevOps encourages a culture of shared responsibility and accountability. Developers and operations professionals work together to design, build, and operate applications, ensuring that everyone has a stake in the success of the product. This collaborative approach leads to better communication, faster problem-solving, and a more holistic understanding of the system as a whole. Continuous improvement is another fundamental principle of DevOps. By embracing a culture of experimentation, learning, and feedback, teams can continuously iterate and refine their processes and practices. This involves collecting and analyzing data from various stages of the software development lifecycle, identifying areas for improvement, and implementing changes based on insights gained. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement, organizations can stay agile, adapt to changing requirements, and deliver value to customers more effectively. While DevOps has proven to be a game-changer for many organizations, it is not without its challenges. Implementing DevOps requires a significant cultural shift, as well as investments in tools, infrastructure, and training. Teams need to embrace new ways of working, adopt new technologies, and develop new skills to succeed in a DevOps environment. Additionally, as the complexity of modern software systems continues to grow, organizations are realizing that DevOps alone may not be sufficient to address all the challenges they face. This is where the concept of platform engineering comes into play. Platform engineering takes DevOps to the next level by focusing on building and managing the underlying infrastructure and services that support the entire software development lifecycle. By abstracting away the complexities of infrastructure and providing self-service capabilities to development teams, platform engineering enables organizations to scale their DevOps practices and deliver software more efficiently and effectively. In the following sections, we will explore the emergence of platform engineering, the key differences between DevOps and platform engineering, and why platform engineering is increasingly seen as the future of software development. By understanding the evolving landscape of DevOps and the role of platform engineering, organizations can make informed decisions about how to optimize their software delivery processes and stay ahead of the curve in an ever-changing technology landscape. The Emergence of Platform Engineering As organizations continue to embrace DevOps practices and strive for greater agility and efficiency in their software development processes, a new paradigm has emerged: platform engineering. Platform engineering is an evolution of DevOps that focuses on building and managing the underlying infrastructure and services that support the entire software development lifecycle. It represents a shift from a narrow focus on individual applications to a broader perspective that encompasses the entire technology stack. The emergence of platform engineering can be attributed to several factors. First, as organizations adopt DevOps practices at scale, they often encounter challenges related to infrastructure management, service discovery, and resource allocation. As the number of applications and services grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage them effectively using traditional approaches. Platform engineering addresses this challenge by providing a centralized and automated approach to infrastructure management, enabling teams to provision, configure, and deploy resources more efficiently. Second, the rise of cloud computing and containerization technologies has fundamentally changed the way applications are developed and deployed. Cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) have made it easier than ever to provision and scale infrastructure on demand. Additionally, containerization technologies like Docker and Kubernetes have enabled teams to package applications and their dependencies into portable and scalable units. Platform engineering leverages these technologies to provide a consistent and reliable foundation for application deployment and management. Third, the increasing complexity of modern software systems has made it necessary to adopt a more holistic approach to software development and delivery. As applications become more distributed and interconnected, it is no longer sufficient to focus solely on individual components or services. Platform engineering recognizes the need for a unified and coherent approach to managing the entire technology stack, from infrastructure to application layers. By providing a set of shared services and APIs, platform engineering enables teams to develop and deploy applications more efficiently and consistently. At its core, platform engineering is about abstracting away the complexities of infrastructure and providing self-service capabilities to development teams. By building a platform that encapsulates best practices, standardized tools, and automated processes, platform engineering teams can enable developers to focus on writing code and delivering value to customers. This approach reduces the cognitive load on developers, eliminates manual tasks and errors, and accelerates the delivery process. One of the key benefits of platform engineering is that it enables organizations to scale their DevOps practices more effectively. By providing a centralized and automated approach to infrastructure management, platform engineering teams can ensure that resources are allocated efficiently and consistently across multiple applications and services. This helps to reduce waste, improve utilization, and lower costs. Additionally, by providing self-service capabilities, platform engineering empowers development teams to provision and manage their own resources, reducing dependencies on central IT and enabling faster innovation. Another benefit of platform engineering is that it promotes standardization and consistency across the organization. By defining a set of shared services, APIs, and best practices, platform engineering teams can ensure that applications are developed and deployed in a consistent and predictable manner. This helps to reduce complexity, improve maintainability, and enhance the overall quality of the software delivery process. Additionally, by providing a common language and framework for collaboration, platform engineering can break down silos between development and operations teams and foster a culture of shared ownership and accountability. However, implementing platform engineering is not without its challenges. It requires a significant investment in tools, infrastructure, and skills, as well as a cultural shift towards a more collaborative and cross-functional approach to software development. Platform engineering teams need to have a deep understanding of both infrastructure and application layers, as well as expertise in automation, monitoring, and optimization. Additionally, platform engineering requires close collaboration with development teams to ensure that the platform meets their needs and enables them to deliver value to customers more effectively. Despite these challenges, the benefits of platform engineering are clear. By providing a centralized and automated approach to infrastructure management, promoting standardization and consistency, and enabling self-service capabilities for development teams, platform engineering can help organizations to scale their DevOps practices more effectively and deliver software more efficiently and reliably. As the complexity of modern software systems continues to grow, platform engineering is likely to become an increasingly important discipline for organizations seeking to stay ahead of the curve in an ever-changing technology landscape. Key Differences Between DevOps and Platform Engineering While DevOps and platform engineering share many common goals and principles, there are some key differences between the two approaches that are worth exploring. Understanding these differences can help organizations to make informed decisions about how to optimize their software delivery processes and achieve their business objectives. - Scope and Focus One of the main differences between DevOps and platform engineering is the scope and focus of each approach. DevOps is primarily focused on improving collaboration and communication between development and operations teams, with the goal of accelerating software delivery and improving quality. It emphasizes cultural change, automation, and continuous improvement across the entire software development lifecycle. In contrast, platform engineering is focused on building and managing the underlying infrastructure and services that support the entire software development lifecycle. It takes a more holistic view of the technology stack, encompassing both infrastructure and application layers. Platform engineering teams are responsible for providing a set of shared services, APIs, and tools that enable development teams to build, deploy, and operate applications more efficiently and consistently. - Abstraction and Self-Service Another key difference between DevOps and platform engineering is the level of abstraction and self-service provided to development teams. In a traditional DevOps model, development teams are often responsible for managing their own infrastructure and deployment processes, using tools and scripts provided by the operations team. While this approach can work well for small-scale deployments, it can become unwieldy and inefficient as the number of applications and services grows. Platform engineering, on the other hand, aims to abstract away the complexities of infrastructure management and provide self-service capabilities to development teams. By building a platform that encapsulates best practices, standardized tools, and automated processes, platform engineering teams can enable developers to focus on writing code and delivering value to customers. This approach reduces the cognitive load on developers, eliminates manual tasks and errors, and accelerates the delivery process. - Scalability and Consistency A third key difference between DevOps and platform engineering is the focus on scalability and consistency. While DevOps practices can help organizations to accelerate software delivery and improve quality, they may not be sufficient to ensure scalability and consistency across multiple applications and services. Platform engineering, on the other hand, is designed to enable organizations to scale their software delivery practices more effectively. By providing a centralized and automated approach to infrastructure management, platform engineering teams can ensure that resources are allocated efficiently and consistently across multiple applications and services. Additionally, by defining a set of shared services, APIs, and best practices, platform engineering teams can ensure that applications are developed and deployed in a consistent and predictable manner. - Skills and Expertise Finally, DevOps and platform engineering require different sets of skills and expertise. DevOps practitioners typically have a broad range of skills, including software development, automation, testing, and operations. They are often generalists who can work across multiple domains and technologies. Platform engineering, on the other hand, requires a deeper level of expertise in infrastructure management, automation, and optimization. Platform engineers need to have a deep understanding of both infrastructure and application layers, as well as expertise in cloud computing, containerization, and other emerging technologies. They also need to have strong collaboration and communication skills, as they work closely with development teams to ensure that the platform meets their needs and enables them to deliver value to customers more effectively. While DevOps and platform engineering share many common goals and principles, there are some key differences between the two approaches. Platform engineering takes a more holistic view of the technology stack, provides a higher level of abstraction and self-service to development teams, and focuses on scalability and consistency across multiple applications and services. It also requires a different set of skills and expertise than traditional DevOps practices. By understanding these differences, organizations can make informed decisions about how to optimize their software delivery processes and achieve their business objectives in an ever-changing technology landscape. Why Platform Engineering is the Future of Software Development As software systems become increasingly complex and distributed, organizations are recognizing the need for a more holistic and scalable approach to software development and delivery. Platform engineering has emerged as a promising solution to this challenge, offering a new paradigm for building and managing the underlying infrastructure and services that support the entire software development lifecycle. In this section, we will explore some of the key reasons why platform engineering is widely regarded as the future of software development. - Enabling Agility and Innovation One of the primary benefits of platform engineering is that it enables organizations to be more agile and innovative in their software development practices. By providing a set of shared services, APIs, and tools, platform engineering teams can enable development teams to build and deploy applications more quickly and efficiently. This approach reduces the time and effort required to provision and manage infrastructure, allowing developers to focus on writing code and delivering value to customers. By abstracting away the complexities of infrastructure management, platform engineering enables development teams to experiment and innovate more freely. Developers can quickly spin up new environments, test new ideas, and iterate on their designs without being bogged down by infrastructure concerns. This agility and flexibility are essential for organizations seeking to stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly evolving technology landscape. - Scalability and Consistency Another key benefit of platform engineering is that it enables organizations to scale their software delivery practices more effectively. As the number of applications and services grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage them using traditional approaches. Platform engineering addresses this challenge by providing a centralized and automated approach to infrastructure management, ensuring that resources are allocated efficiently and consistently across multiple applications and services. Furthermore, by defining a set of shared services, APIs, and best practices, platform engineering teams can ensure that applications are developed and deployed in a consistent and predictable manner. This consistency helps to reduce complexity, improve maintainability, and enhance the overall quality of the software delivery process. It also makes it easier for teams to collaborate and share knowledge, as they are all working within a common framework and using standardized tools and processes. - Cost Optimization and Efficiency Platform engineering also offers significant opportunities for cost optimization and efficiency gains. By providing a centralized and automated approach to infrastructure management, platform engineering teams can help to reduce waste, improve utilization, and lower costs. For example, by using infrastructure as code (IaC) practices, platform teams can ensure that resources are provisioned and configured consistently and efficiently, reducing the risk of overprovisioning or underutilization. By providing self-service capabilities to development teams, platform engineering can help to reduce dependencies on central IT and enable faster innovation. Developers can provision and manage their own resources, without having to wait for manual approvals or interventions from the operations team. This self-service model can significantly reduce lead times and improve overall efficiency, allowing organizations to deliver value to customers more quickly and cost-effectively. - Enabling DevOps at Scale Perhaps most importantly, platform engineering is essential for enabling DevOps practices at scale. While DevOps has proven to be a powerful approach for accelerating software delivery and improving quality, it can be challenging to implement and maintain at scale. As the number of applications and services grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to ensure consistent practices and processes across multiple teams and environments. Platform engineering addresses this challenge by providing a centralized and automated approach to infrastructure management, as well as a set of shared services and APIs that enable consistent practices across the organization. By abstracting away the complexities of infrastructure and providing self-service capabilities to development teams, platform engineering enables organizations to scale their DevOps practices more effectively and efficiently. Platform engineering represents a natural evolution of DevOps practices, taking them to the next level of scalability, consistency, and efficiency. Read the full article
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devopssentinel2000 · 15 days
From DevOps to Platform Engineering: Why the Shift Matters
Understanding the DevOps Landscape Organizations are constantly seeking ways to streamline their processes, enhance collaboration, and deliver high-quality products to market faster. Over the past decade, DevOps has emerged as a transformative approach that has revolutionized the way development and operations teams work together. By fostering a culture of collaboration, automation, and continuous improvement, DevOps has enabled companies to achieve faster release cycles, improved quality, and increased customer satisfaction. At its core, DevOps is a set of practices and philosophies that aims to break down the traditional silos between development and operations teams. Historically, these two functions operated in isolation, with developers focusing on writing code and operations teams responsible for deploying and maintaining applications in production environments. This separation often led to friction, delays, and a lack of shared ownership, resulting in slower time-to-market and suboptimal outcomes. DevOps seeks to bridge this gap by promoting a collaborative and integrated approach to software development and delivery. By bringing development and operations teams together, DevOps encourages shared responsibilities, improved communication, and a focus on common goals. This cultural shift is supported by a set of practices and tools that enable teams to automate processes, continuously integrate and deliver software, and monitor and optimize application performance. One of the key pillars of DevOps is automation. By automating repetitive and manual tasks, such as building, testing, and deploying code, teams can reduce errors, increase efficiency, and accelerate the delivery process. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines are critical components of a DevOps ecosystem, enabling teams to automatically build, test, and deploy code changes to production environments. This automation not only saves time but also ensures consistency and reliability throughout the software development lifecycle. Another essential aspect of DevOps is the emphasis on collaboration and shared ownership. By breaking down silos and fostering cross-functional teams, DevOps encourages a culture of shared responsibility and accountability. Developers and operations professionals work together to design, build, and operate applications, ensuring that everyone has a stake in the success of the product. This collaborative approach leads to better communication, faster problem-solving, and a more holistic understanding of the system as a whole. Continuous improvement is another fundamental principle of DevOps. By embracing a culture of experimentation, learning, and feedback, teams can continuously iterate and refine their processes and practices. This involves collecting and analyzing data from various stages of the software development lifecycle, identifying areas for improvement, and implementing changes based on insights gained. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement, organizations can stay agile, adapt to changing requirements, and deliver value to customers more effectively. While DevOps has proven to be a game-changer for many organizations, it is not without its challenges. Implementing DevOps requires a significant cultural shift, as well as investments in tools, infrastructure, and training. Teams need to embrace new ways of working, adopt new technologies, and develop new skills to succeed in a DevOps environment. Additionally, as the complexity of modern software systems continues to grow, organizations are realizing that DevOps alone may not be sufficient to address all the challenges they face. This is where the concept of platform engineering comes into play. Platform engineering takes DevOps to the next level by focusing on building and managing the underlying infrastructure and services that support the entire software development lifecycle. By abstracting away the complexities of infrastructure and providing self-service capabilities to development teams, platform engineering enables organizations to scale their DevOps practices and deliver software more efficiently and effectively. In the following sections, we will explore the emergence of platform engineering, the key differences between DevOps and platform engineering, and why platform engineering is increasingly seen as the future of software development. By understanding the evolving landscape of DevOps and the role of platform engineering, organizations can make informed decisions about how to optimize their software delivery processes and stay ahead of the curve in an ever-changing technology landscape. The Emergence of Platform Engineering As organizations continue to embrace DevOps practices and strive for greater agility and efficiency in their software development processes, a new paradigm has emerged: platform engineering. Platform engineering is an evolution of DevOps that focuses on building and managing the underlying infrastructure and services that support the entire software development lifecycle. It represents a shift from a narrow focus on individual applications to a broader perspective that encompasses the entire technology stack. The emergence of platform engineering can be attributed to several factors. First, as organizations adopt DevOps practices at scale, they often encounter challenges related to infrastructure management, service discovery, and resource allocation. As the number of applications and services grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage them effectively using traditional approaches. Platform engineering addresses this challenge by providing a centralized and automated approach to infrastructure management, enabling teams to provision, configure, and deploy resources more efficiently. Second, the rise of cloud computing and containerization technologies has fundamentally changed the way applications are developed and deployed. Cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) have made it easier than ever to provision and scale infrastructure on demand. Additionally, containerization technologies like Docker and Kubernetes have enabled teams to package applications and their dependencies into portable and scalable units. Platform engineering leverages these technologies to provide a consistent and reliable foundation for application deployment and management. Third, the increasing complexity of modern software systems has made it necessary to adopt a more holistic approach to software development and delivery. As applications become more distributed and interconnected, it is no longer sufficient to focus solely on individual components or services. Platform engineering recognizes the need for a unified and coherent approach to managing the entire technology stack, from infrastructure to application layers. By providing a set of shared services and APIs, platform engineering enables teams to develop and deploy applications more efficiently and consistently. At its core, platform engineering is about abstracting away the complexities of infrastructure and providing self-service capabilities to development teams. By building a platform that encapsulates best practices, standardized tools, and automated processes, platform engineering teams can enable developers to focus on writing code and delivering value to customers. This approach reduces the cognitive load on developers, eliminates manual tasks and errors, and accelerates the delivery process. One of the key benefits of platform engineering is that it enables organizations to scale their DevOps practices more effectively. By providing a centralized and automated approach to infrastructure management, platform engineering teams can ensure that resources are allocated efficiently and consistently across multiple applications and services. This helps to reduce waste, improve utilization, and lower costs. Additionally, by providing self-service capabilities, platform engineering empowers development teams to provision and manage their own resources, reducing dependencies on central IT and enabling faster innovation. Another benefit of platform engineering is that it promotes standardization and consistency across the organization. By defining a set of shared services, APIs, and best practices, platform engineering teams can ensure that applications are developed and deployed in a consistent and predictable manner. This helps to reduce complexity, improve maintainability, and enhance the overall quality of the software delivery process. Additionally, by providing a common language and framework for collaboration, platform engineering can break down silos between development and operations teams and foster a culture of shared ownership and accountability. However, implementing platform engineering is not without its challenges. It requires a significant investment in tools, infrastructure, and skills, as well as a cultural shift towards a more collaborative and cross-functional approach to software development. Platform engineering teams need to have a deep understanding of both infrastructure and application layers, as well as expertise in automation, monitoring, and optimization. Additionally, platform engineering requires close collaboration with development teams to ensure that the platform meets their needs and enables them to deliver value to customers more effectively. Despite these challenges, the benefits of platform engineering are clear. By providing a centralized and automated approach to infrastructure management, promoting standardization and consistency, and enabling self-service capabilities for development teams, platform engineering can help organizations to scale their DevOps practices more effectively and deliver software more efficiently and reliably. As the complexity of modern software systems continues to grow, platform engineering is likely to become an increasingly important discipline for organizations seeking to stay ahead of the curve in an ever-changing technology landscape. Key Differences Between DevOps and Platform Engineering While DevOps and platform engineering share many common goals and principles, there are some key differences between the two approaches that are worth exploring. Understanding these differences can help organizations to make informed decisions about how to optimize their software delivery processes and achieve their business objectives. - Scope and Focus One of the main differences between DevOps and platform engineering is the scope and focus of each approach. DevOps is primarily focused on improving collaboration and communication between development and operations teams, with the goal of accelerating software delivery and improving quality. It emphasizes cultural change, automation, and continuous improvement across the entire software development lifecycle. In contrast, platform engineering is focused on building and managing the underlying infrastructure and services that support the entire software development lifecycle. It takes a more holistic view of the technology stack, encompassing both infrastructure and application layers. Platform engineering teams are responsible for providing a set of shared services, APIs, and tools that enable development teams to build, deploy, and operate applications more efficiently and consistently. - Abstraction and Self-Service Another key difference between DevOps and platform engineering is the level of abstraction and self-service provided to development teams. In a traditional DevOps model, development teams are often responsible for managing their own infrastructure and deployment processes, using tools and scripts provided by the operations team. While this approach can work well for small-scale deployments, it can become unwieldy and inefficient as the number of applications and services grows. Platform engineering, on the other hand, aims to abstract away the complexities of infrastructure management and provide self-service capabilities to development teams. By building a platform that encapsulates best practices, standardized tools, and automated processes, platform engineering teams can enable developers to focus on writing code and delivering value to customers. This approach reduces the cognitive load on developers, eliminates manual tasks and errors, and accelerates the delivery process. - Scalability and Consistency A third key difference between DevOps and platform engineering is the focus on scalability and consistency. While DevOps practices can help organizations to accelerate software delivery and improve quality, they may not be sufficient to ensure scalability and consistency across multiple applications and services. Platform engineering, on the other hand, is designed to enable organizations to scale their software delivery practices more effectively. By providing a centralized and automated approach to infrastructure management, platform engineering teams can ensure that resources are allocated efficiently and consistently across multiple applications and services. Additionally, by defining a set of shared services, APIs, and best practices, platform engineering teams can ensure that applications are developed and deployed in a consistent and predictable manner. - Skills and Expertise Finally, DevOps and platform engineering require different sets of skills and expertise. DevOps practitioners typically have a broad range of skills, including software development, automation, testing, and operations. They are often generalists who can work across multiple domains and technologies. Platform engineering, on the other hand, requires a deeper level of expertise in infrastructure management, automation, and optimization. Platform engineers need to have a deep understanding of both infrastructure and application layers, as well as expertise in cloud computing, containerization, and other emerging technologies. They also need to have strong collaboration and communication skills, as they work closely with development teams to ensure that the platform meets their needs and enables them to deliver value to customers more effectively. While DevOps and platform engineering share many common goals and principles, there are some key differences between the two approaches. Platform engineering takes a more holistic view of the technology stack, provides a higher level of abstraction and self-service to development teams, and focuses on scalability and consistency across multiple applications and services. It also requires a different set of skills and expertise than traditional DevOps practices. By understanding these differences, organizations can make informed decisions about how to optimize their software delivery processes and achieve their business objectives in an ever-changing technology landscape. Why Platform Engineering is the Future of Software Development As software systems become increasingly complex and distributed, organizations are recognizing the need for a more holistic and scalable approach to software development and delivery. Platform engineering has emerged as a promising solution to this challenge, offering a new paradigm for building and managing the underlying infrastructure and services that support the entire software development lifecycle. In this section, we will explore some of the key reasons why platform engineering is widely regarded as the future of software development. - Enabling Agility and Innovation One of the primary benefits of platform engineering is that it enables organizations to be more agile and innovative in their software development practices. By providing a set of shared services, APIs, and tools, platform engineering teams can enable development teams to build and deploy applications more quickly and efficiently. This approach reduces the time and effort required to provision and manage infrastructure, allowing developers to focus on writing code and delivering value to customers. By abstracting away the complexities of infrastructure management, platform engineering enables development teams to experiment and innovate more freely. Developers can quickly spin up new environments, test new ideas, and iterate on their designs without being bogged down by infrastructure concerns. This agility and flexibility are essential for organizations seeking to stay ahead of the curve in a rapidly evolving technology landscape. - Scalability and Consistency Another key benefit of platform engineering is that it enables organizations to scale their software delivery practices more effectively. As the number of applications and services grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage them using traditional approaches. Platform engineering addresses this challenge by providing a centralized and automated approach to infrastructure management, ensuring that resources are allocated efficiently and consistently across multiple applications and services. Furthermore, by defining a set of shared services, APIs, and best practices, platform engineering teams can ensure that applications are developed and deployed in a consistent and predictable manner. This consistency helps to reduce complexity, improve maintainability, and enhance the overall quality of the software delivery process. It also makes it easier for teams to collaborate and share knowledge, as they are all working within a common framework and using standardized tools and processes. - Cost Optimization and Efficiency Platform engineering also offers significant opportunities for cost optimization and efficiency gains. By providing a centralized and automated approach to infrastructure management, platform engineering teams can help to reduce waste, improve utilization, and lower costs. For example, by using infrastructure as code (IaC) practices, platform teams can ensure that resources are provisioned and configured consistently and efficiently, reducing the risk of overprovisioning or underutilization. By providing self-service capabilities to development teams, platform engineering can help to reduce dependencies on central IT and enable faster innovation. Developers can provision and manage their own resources, without having to wait for manual approvals or interventions from the operations team. This self-service model can significantly reduce lead times and improve overall efficiency, allowing organizations to deliver value to customers more quickly and cost-effectively. - Enabling DevOps at Scale Perhaps most importantly, platform engineering is essential for enabling DevOps practices at scale. While DevOps has proven to be a powerful approach for accelerating software delivery and improving quality, it can be challenging to implement and maintain at scale. As the number of applications and services grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to ensure consistent practices and processes across multiple teams and environments. Platform engineering addresses this challenge by providing a centralized and automated approach to infrastructure management, as well as a set of shared services and APIs that enable consistent practices across the organization. By abstracting away the complexities of infrastructure and providing self-service capabilities to development teams, platform engineering enables organizations to scale their DevOps practices more effectively and efficiently. Platform engineering represents a natural evolution of DevOps practices, taking them to the next level of scalability, consistency, and efficiency. Read the full article
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reviewgatorsusa · 19 days
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Amazon is a global premier online shopping site with many products for sale and an almost limitless number of customer feedback. For businessmen and researchers, it can be like an encyclopedia with essential information to make the right decision when investing in a particular item or creating a product line.
As sellers fill up online stores with products, customers can be picky and easily switch between brands and items until they find exactly what they're looking for. What’s also interesting is that they are not very discreet about it; they will create posts to share their experiences with certain products and, quite often, write a review post to help people decide what to purchase next. This enables the clients to offer their views about the products that companies deal in and this will be an added advantage in that companies will improve their products depending on what the clients are saying. This blog will focus even deeper on how scraping is accomplished on product review scraping in one of the largest retail e-commerce websites, Amazon.
What is Amazon Review Scraping?
Web scraping amazon reviews, therefore, entails the process of automatically scraping and gathering reviews from the product page of Amazon using web scrape tools. This tool crawls through the code of the website, scans over the reviews, and extracts some of the pertinent information, such as the author of the review, the rating given by the author, the comment, and the date of entry of that comment. Not to mention it is very efficient to get a lot of opinions at once in one spot. Nonetheless, it’s important to understand that this tool must be used correctly and adhere to the guidelines posted by Amazon and pertinent laws to prevent any problems with the law and account termination.
Amazon Reviews scraping using Python involves the process of making requests to the review pages of the item, analyzing the structure of the page, and then extracting data such as the name of the reviewer, star ratings, and comments for that particular item. It is similar to training a computer to live within the Amazon website or interface and obtain review data apart from the manual input. In general, the given process is helpful in order to scrape Amazon product reviews to gain more data overall in less time.
How Does Amazon Review Scraping Helps Businesses?
Amazon review scraping involves using automated tools to collect customer reviews from Amazon product pages. This practice offers several benefits that can help businesses in various ways. Here’s a detailed explanation of Amazon product review scraping to boost business operations:
Product Improvement
Web scraping amazon reviews often mention specific problems or suggestions for products. Scraping these reviews lets businesses see common issues that need fixing. For instance, if several reviews mention that a blender’s motor is weak, the company can focus on making it stronger in the upcoming version.
Competitive Analysis
By also scraping reviews of competitors' products, businesses can learn what their competitors are doing well or poorly. Businesses can improve their own products by taking note of the mistakes made by competitors and applying those winning traits to their own products.
Sentiment Analysis
Analyzing the emotions and opinions expressed in reviews helps businesses understand how customers feel about their products. Positive sentiments can indicate what’s working well, while negative sentiments can signal areas that need improvement. This helps in quickly addressing any issues and maintaining customer satisfaction.
Enhanced Customer Service
Review data shows what problems customers frequently face. This information helps businesses provide better customer service by anticipating issues and creating improved how-to manuals. For example, if many reviews mention difficulties with assembly, the company can create clearer instructions or instructional videos.
Informed Marketing Strategies
Knowing what customers appreciate about a product helps businesses create better marketing messages by scraping Amazon reviews. For example, if reviews highlight that a product is particularly useful for families, the marketing team can emphasize this in their advertising campaigns.
Boosting Sales
Insights from Product Review Scraping can improve product descriptions by highlighting features and products that customers prefer. Dealing with negative reviews openly shows potential customers that the company appreciates their feedback, which might increase sales and build confidence.
Boosting Sales
Insights from Product Review Scraping can improve product descriptions by highlighting features and products that customers prefer. Dealing with negative reviews openly shows potential customers that the company appreciates their feedback, which might increase sales and build confidence.
Identifying Brand Advocates
Insights from Product Review Scraping can improve product descriptions by highlighting features and products that customers prefer. Dealing with negative reviews openly shows potential customers that the company appreciates their feedback, which might increase sales and build confidence.
Strategic Decision Making
Detailed review data provides valuable insights that help businesses make informed decisions. Whether deciding to launch a new product, discontinue a failing one, or enter a new market, review data provides evidence to support these choices.
Cost-Effective Data Collection
Automated Amazon review scraping tools can collect vast amounts of review data quickly and efficiently, saving time and resources compared to manual collection. As a result, businesses can focus less on collecting data and more on analyzing it.
In-Depth Market Research
By gathering a large number of customer reviews from automated tools that scrape Amazon product reviews, businesses can understand what customers like and dislike about their products. This information helps companies see trends and patterns in customer preferences. For example, if many customers praise a product's durability, the company knows that this is a strong selling point.
What is the Process of Amazon Review Scraping?
When you scrape Amazon product ratings and reviews, you’re essentially extracting large datasets of information about customer satisfaction, market trends, and product quality. But it is not as easy when doing web scraping for Amazon reviews because Amazon follows strict guidelines and safety measures.
Content Source https://www.reviewgators.com/how-to-scrape-amazon-product-reviews-behind-a-login.php
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techwriring · 22 days
The Importance of Technical Writing Services
Technical writing services have become an essential component for businesses across various sectors. High-quality technical documentation, including user manuals, user guides, software documentation, and technical specifications, is crucial for the proper functioning of products and services. Professional technical writers can convey complex information clearly and understandably, significantly enhancing users' ability to utilize products effectively and efficiently. This improves user satisfaction and reduces the need for extensive customer support.
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Do technical writing services improve communication and productivity?
Effective technical writing services streamline communication within and outside an organization. Internally, clear and concise documentation ensures that teams understand the intricacies of products and processes, leading to improved productivity and fewer errors. Externally, well-crafted technical documents help customers and clients grasp product features and benefits quickly, fostering a better user experience. Furthermore, comprehensive documentation can serve as a valuable resource for training new employees, facilitating a smoother onboarding process and ensuring consistency in knowledge transfer.
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Adapting to Industry Standards and Innovations
Technical writing services are adapting to new industry standards and technological advancements. Modern technical writers employ various tools and methodologies, such as content management systems, structured authoring, and single-source publishing, to create versatile and up-to-date documentation. They also stay abreast of industry trends, ensuring their writing meets current compliance requirements and best practices. By leveraging the expertise of technical writing services, companies can maintain high documentation standards, which is crucial for regulatory compliance, market competitiveness, and customer trust.
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zooterchet · 2 months
Presidential Service Training Spectrums
Clinton Era: Department of Defense, "Gamespy".  How to operate a military munitions manual, to make any book, your personal tool in a juris suit of arrest.  Form: Battlezone, MSN Chat.
Bush Era: National Security Agency, "MUD".  Computer literacy and internet mobility, on corrected and assumed systems, for total internet security.  Form: ArcticMUD, sailor's port, lobster sandwich murders.
Obama Era: MI-6, "Irish Republican Army Boston".  Driver's recall and staged directions, to make any GPS operable directions guidance, come right to your door step.  Reform for drivers and routes, and complete and total security, for Gypsy Irish customers in secure road networks. Form: ATF, grocer's union, volunteer labor investigation of View Askew.
Trump: MSS, "Southern New Hampshire University".  An online college, from the ITT Tech Army Reserve tradition.  Complete and totally secure, with extended monitoring lines on technology to spot, dodge, and detect illegal and foreign algorithm hacks, to make just any cell phone or computer wireless network, the ultimate in terror hunts of the future: The Red Flag, on ground. Form: Creative Writing, Fiction; civil rights of the African-American community, Babylonian Judaism.
Biden: CIA, "Twitter".  The secret networks of America, and the exchanged places, in total public.  No more nightfall, says "Dead By Daylight".  Chris Sweeney, Clan Washington, has brought us a Second American Revolution, with the help of David Charlebois, Jeffrey Lange, Adrian Wong, and Kara Williamson Daignault.  A FOX FUTURE.  From Bob Sagat. Form: Forums troll, information and dispersal officer, Boston Police Department.
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somiyasinghnexzono · 2 months
Exploring the Top Content Writing Services for Maximum Impact
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Are you looking for a high-quality content development service that will engage your target audience and promote business growth? Would you like to find a team of skilled writers who can combine strategy and creativity in every piece they create? You have arrived at the correct location! In this blog, we'll look at the different content writing services accessible in the business today, each with the experience you require. Continue reading to see how this content writing company and services may help your brand stand out in the digital market.
WritoMeter is one of India's leading content writing company, and we take pleasure in providing high-quality, bespoke solutions that not only meet, but exceed, your expectations. From website content and SEO articles to social media posts and marketing copy, we provide a comprehensive array of services to meet all of your content demands.
What is Content Writing?
Content writing is fundamentally about producing written stuff to bring value to readers. This could happen via websites, articles, blogs, or social media posts. The primary purpose is to inform or entertain an audience while effectively conveying a brand's message. Engaging and well-written content is increasingly important in today's highly competitive world, whether for marketing or simply sharing knowledge about a topic.
Types of Content Writing Services
There are several different types of article writing services available. Some common categories are:
Copywriting is the process of crafting persuasive marketing text. Its purpose is to convince audiences to act or buy. Examples include sales sites, landing pages, brochures, and advertising campaigns.
Technical Writing
Technical writing seeks to simplify and clearly express complicated concepts through papers such as product manuals, FAQs, user guides, and technical support materials.
Website Writing
Website writing involves developing compelling language for webpages that attracts users' attention quickly while remaining relevant and readable throughout the site.
SEO Writing
Search engine optimization writing smoothly blends certain keywords into web-based material to boost visibility on search engines such as Google and Bing. This helps businesses rank better in search results, which leads to more organic visitors.
Ghostwriting is the act of authoring information on behalf of another person or organization without giving credit. For example, an author may hire a ghost-writer to get prominence through books or articles published under their name.
Article Writing
Article writing entails creating well-researched and informative pieces that add value and insights to specific themes, usually for online platforms like blogs or news websites.
Press Writing
Press release writing promotes notable events, products, or services related to a company. These concise pieces help firms get media coverage and enlighten stakeholders.
Partner with WritoMeter to see the power of excellent content in driving your business ahead. Discover the difference that carefully produced words can make in attracting customers, increasing conversions, and eventually improving your bottom line. With WritoMeter; content writing company on your side, the possibilities are limitless.
Benefits of Professional Content Writing Services
Cost Savings
One of the key reasons companies outsource their content needs is the opportunity to save money. When you hire an in-house writer or team, you must pay for their training, payroll taxes, health insurance, and other expenses. In contrast, outsourcing these tasks eliminates such costs.
Outsourcing ensures high-quality material suited to your target audience. The best article writing companies hire competent writers that specialize in different areas.
Time Efficiency
Outsourcing not only saves money but also frees up valuable time for your team. Professionals from high-quality article writing services rapidly understand project objectives and efficiently complete them within the specified deadlines while maintaining remarkable standards.
The most major advantage is the service providers' access to specialized knowledge. Professional writers may have experience in domains such as marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), or technical subjects, in addition to excellent writing skills.
WritoMeter, the best content writing company is a leading site for high-quality content writing services. With a seasoned staff of professional writers based in India and over a decade of combined expertise in writing and publishing, we are a beacon of quality in the business. At WritoMeter, we understand the power of words and how they influence impressions, engagement, and connections.
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kirnakumar155 · 2 months
Dell boomi for Beginners
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Dell Boomi for Beginners: Your Guide to Simplified Integration
Picture this: your business uses a whole range of software – customer relationship management (CRM) systems, accounting tools, marketing platforms, etc. The problem is that getting these different applications to “talk” to each other can be a nightmare of manual data entry and disjointed processes. That’s where Dell Boomi enters the scene to save the day!
What exactly is Dell Boomi?
Dell Boomi is a super-smart cloud-based integration platform (iPaaS). Let’s break down what that means:
Cloud-based: Boomi can be accessed and used over the Internet, so installing anything locally is unnecessary. This makes it accessible from anywhere.
Integration: Boomi helps you connect various applications and systems within and outside your business, whether they live in the cloud or on your own servers (on-premise).
Platform: Boomi provides a whole set of tools and features to make integrating applications a breeze.
Why should you care about Boomi?
Here’s the deal – Dell Boomi can help you:
Automate processes: Say goodbye to tedious copy-and-pasting of data between systems. Boomi lets you set up automated workflows to move information where needed.
Gain a unified view: Create a single source of truth by consolidating data from all your different applications.
Become more efficient: Reduce errors and free up employees’ time to focus on what matters by removing manual tasks.
Innovate faster: Well-connected systems allow you to quickly roll out new products and services and adapt to changing market conditions.
Boomi’s Key Features
Drag-and-drop interface: Boomi has a super user-friendly visual interface. Instead of writing lines of code, you can design your integration processes by dragging and dropping components.
Pre-built connectors: Boomi offers a massive library of connectors for popular applications and protocols, from Salesforce to email and databases. This makes it much easier to link your various systems.
Data transformation: Boomi lets you manipulate and shape data to match how different systems expect it, ensuring seamless flow.
Error handling and monitoring: You can set up alerts, manage issues, and monitor the health of your integrations.
Boomi Community: There’s a friendly and helpful community forum where you can seek guidance and resources as you learn the ropes.
Getting Started with Boomi
Create a free trial account: Boomi offers free trials so you can explore the platform before committing.
Follow tutorials: Dell Boomi’s official website has excellent tutorials and tons of helpful videos on YouTube and dedicated learning platforms.
Start small: For your first foray, choose a simple integration project, such as connecting your email system to your CRM.
Experiment: Be bold and play around within the platform. That’s often the best way to learn.
The Takeaway
Dell Boomi is a fantastic tool to investigate if you’re looking to streamline your business processes, better manage your data, and boost your speed. While there’s a bit of a learning curve, it’s powerful and can deliver significant benefits to your organization.
You can find more information about Dell Boomi in this  Dell Boomi Link
Unogeeks is the No.1 IT Training Institute for Dell Boomi Training. Anyone Disagree? Please drop in a comment
You can check out our other latest blogs on  Dell Boomi here – Dell Boomi Blogs
You can check out our Best In Class Dell Boomi Details here – Dell Boomi Training
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stylus-22 · 12 days
elearning content provider | custom elearning development
At Stylus, we provide e-learning solutions, courseware development, content development, proofreading and editing, as well as graphic designing services under one roof so that you can have the best results with minimal overheads. Whether you are looking for training material content, K-12 content development, informational packets for your customers, study material for students, ICT content development or e-learning modules for your employees/students, Stylus is the ‘write’ answer for you!
Demand for content is inarguably present in most areas of business as well as education. However, the requirements of content can vary vastly and can be diverse in nature. When creating training materials, we write every word and create every design element keeping in mind the requirements of our clients as well as our target audience. Whether the project calls for clear and crisp language with a formal tone or embellished writing with fancy vocabulary, Stylus guarantees timely deliveries and plagiarism-free content tailored to your needs. Any content provided by us is customized according to the client as well as industry standards to ascertain that you are getting the best results.
We deliver the ‘Write’ Content!
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Training Materials
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K-12 Content Development
Our diverse team of skilled professionals includes instructional designers, copywriters, technical writers, editors, graphic designers, digital artists, integrators and animators. Our team is always willing to discuss any suggestions or issues at a moment’s notice, and any feedback provided is integrated into the product immediately.
Subsequently, Stylus Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is one of the most sought-after e-learning content development and training material development companies in the UAE. At Stylus, we ensure that the essence of your thoughts and requirements is captured in our products so that your voice is heard through our words.
Let Us Call You
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A one-stop solution for all your content needs- writing, editing, instructional designing and graphic designing.
Implementation of internationally-recognized standards such as Microsoft Manual of Technical Publications (MSTP), Bloom's Taxonomy, ADDIE Model and Waterfall Model
Customized and original content is delivered after a thorough editing and reviewing process.
A team of experienced professionals is at your service to ensure timely delivery.
Since 2009, Stylus has been providing content development services to multiple clients across the globe. We have worked on various projects, such as developing more than 500 school books from kindergarten to grade 10 for multiple publication houses along with teacher’s guides, workbooks, worksheets, lesson plans and videos. We have also developed more than 1000 hours of e-learning content across multiple domains for corporates. We have also developed more than 1000 hours of training material including learner guide, faculty guide and presentations.
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We have SMEs across various domains of experience who help us undertake different types of projects. Based on the large number of projects we have worked on, we follow a well-established estimation methodology that enables us to complete projects on time and with quality. Customization is our specialty and our pieces of content are known to be uniquely crafted with the help of our team of writers, instructional designers, editors and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). This is done to ensure that we provide unique as well as exclusive content to our clients, as per their requirements. We make use of well-defined templates customized as per each client’s requirements and a checklist to ensure quality.
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We also ensure that our content is complemented with relative and interesting images and layouts. Our design team works closely with our writers and instructional designers to develop content and modules that are engaging and interesting. Our team of content writers, instructional designers, graphic designers, visualizers, animators work closely together to ensure that the final product is complete, compact and effective. Our team is open to receiving and implementing feedback effortlessly.
While communicating with our clients, we maintain a transparent relationship with them, keeping them updated about the progress at each stage of the project. Our team is also quick to make suggestions to exceed the client’s expectations. We pride ourselves for our consistency, timely deliveries and quality of work. Request a call
Awards and Recognition
Featured in the Success...Since its inception in 2009, Stylus Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is among the ...Best Content Development ...Stylus Solutions has been awarded the “Best Content Development...Micro Content Training Session...Delnaz Edulji was invited by STC India to conduct an online training...Covered in The CEO Story Magazine...Stylus Solutions gets listed under "The 10 Most Admired Companies…"Unfolding the Entrepreneurial ...HelloPost walks you through Delnaz Edulji's enterpreneurial flight...Invited as a Speaker for E-learning...Stylus Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (one of the leading elearning companies.
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uswanth-123 · 2 months
SAP GRC Web Services
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SAP GRC Web Services: Streamlining Governance, Risk, and Compliance
SAP Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) solutions are designed to help organizations manage risk, ensure regulatory compliance, and streamline their internal controls. Within this robust suite, web services are vital in integrating GRC functions with other enterprise systems and automating key processes.
What are SAP GRC Web Services?
In essence, SAP GRC web services provide a standardized way for SAP GRC components to communicate and exchange data with external applications, regardless of the programming languages or platforms involved. These web services are built using technologies like SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) and REST (Representational State Transfer), ensuring robust interoperability.
Critical Use Cases for SAP GRC Web Services
SAP GRC offers a wide variety of web services, empowering organizations to use them in numerous practical ways:
Integration with Identity Management Systems:  Web services streamline the creation and management of user accounts and access rights within the SAP GRC system. They link GRC with IdM solutions for seamless user provisioning and de-provisioning, minimizing manual work and security risks.
Automated Access Requests: Web services empower users outside the core SAP GRC system to submit access requests directly. These requests are automatically routed through GRC’s workflow engine, improving the efficiency and transparency of access management processes.
Risk and Compliance Data Exchange:  SAP GRC web services enable organizations to pull in risk and compliance data from third-party systems. This data enrichment creates a more comprehensive view of the organization’s risk and control landscape. Conversely, web services can push GRC output (e.g., compliance reports) to other systems for further analysis or reporting.
Custom Application Development: Developers can leverage SAP GRC web services to build custom applications that interact with GRC data and functionality. This expands how users engage with core GRC processes, tailoring them to specific business requirements.
Essential SAP GRC Web Services
Some of the most commonly used SAP GRC Web Services include:
GRAC_USER_ACCESS_WS: Facilitates the creation and management of access requests.
GRAC_ROLE_DETAILS_WS: Provides details about roles and their associated permissions
GRAC_SEARCH_ROLES_WS: Enables searching for roles based on specific criteria.
GRAC_RISK_ANALYSIS_WS: Performs risk analysis on user access.
Getting Started with SAP GRC Web Services
Activation: The required web services must be activated within the SAP GRC system using the SOAMANAGER transaction code.
Authentication: Implement appropriate authentication and authorization mechanisms to secure the web services.
Documentation: SAP provides detailed documentation for its GRC web services, outlining their functionalities, input parameters, and output structures.
Development/Integration: Start writing code or configuring integrations, depending on if your aim is building custom tools or seamlessly connecting with existing systems.
Benefits of Using SAP GRC Web Services
Enhanced Integration: Web services break down silos and allow GRC processes to interact seamlessly with other systems across the enterprise landscape.
Improved Automation: They enable the automation of routine tasks, reducing manual effort and potential errors.
Increased Business Agility: Web services provide the flexibility to quickly adapt GRC processes to ever-changing business needs and regulatory environments.
Greater Customization: Organizations can leverage web services for tailored solutions that extend the standard capabilities of SAP GRC.
You can find more information about SAP  GRC in this  SAP GRC Link
Unogeeks is the No.1 IT Training Institute for SAP GRC Training. Anyone Disagree? Please drop in a comment
You can check out our other latest blogs on  SAP GRC here – SAP GRC Blogs
You can check out our Best In Class SAP GRC Details here – SAP GRC Training
Follow & Connect with us:
For Training inquiries:
Call/Whatsapp: +91 73960 33555
Mail us at: [email protected]
Our Website ➜ https://unogeeks.com
Follow us:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unogeeks
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UnogeeksSoftwareTrainingInstitute
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