#WWE Asuka
heelrollins · 6 months
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WWE Survivor Series: War Games 2023 - Damage Ctrl
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womenwwe · 2 months
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Superstars walk the red carpet at the 2024 WWE Hall of Fame: Photos
WWE Hall of Famers Paul Heyman, Bull Nakano, Thunderbolt Patterson, Mike Rotunda and Barry Windham, as well as Superstars such as Drew McIntyre, The New Day, Randy Orton, Charlotte Flair and CM Punk walk the red carpet at the 2024 WWE Hall of Fame ceremony.
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south-of-heaven · 2 months
Reader is damage ctrls(including bayley and Dakota)’s “child” (not really reader is just a wrestler who is younger then them but they coddle them bc..they are annoying
Just a Kid || Damage Ctrl x Reader
Summary: Everyone in the locker room think you're just a kid, too green and you don't belong there. Damage Ctrl take you in.
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As you step into the bustling locker room, the chatter around you falls to a hush, replaced by a subtle tension that hangs in the air. You know what they're thinking—that you're just a kid, too green to be here among seasoned wrestlers.
You can feel their eyes on you, scrutinizing your every move, their disapproving whispers barely concealed behind forced smiles. You try to shake off the unease creeping over you, but it's hard not to feel like an outsider in a room full of veterans.
Just then, the familiar sound of laughter breaks through the tension, drawing your attention to the corner of the room where Bayley, Dakota Kai, and the Sky Pirates, Iyo Sky, Kairi Sane, and Asuka, are gathered. Despite the icy atmosphere surrounding you, their laughter is infectious, filling the room with a sense of warmth and camaraderie.
You tentatively make your way over to them, the weight of their gazes heavy on your shoulders. But as you approach, they greet you with open arms, their smiles genuine and welcoming. You can't help but feel a sense of relief wash over you as you join their circle, the tension of the locker room melting away in their presence.
Despite being the youngest member of Damage CTRL, you've always felt like part of the family with Bayley, Dakota, Iyo, Kairi, and Asuka. They've taken you under their wing from day one, guiding you through the ups and downs of the wrestling world with patience and understanding.
Sure, some may see their coddling as a weakness, but to you, it's been a lifeline—a source of comfort and support in an otherwise daunting environment. They've helped you grow as a wrestler and as a person, teaching you the ropes and cheering you on every step of the way.
As you laugh and joke with your teammates, the weight of the locker room's judgment fades into the background. With Bayley's arm draped around your shoulders and Dakota's playful banter filling the air, you know that you're exactly where you belong—surrounded by friends who see you for who you truly are: a valued member of the team, no matter your age or experience level.
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glowbanks · 7 months
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angels-hook · 28 days
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not having seth on here is almost criminal
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wwechampionsblog · 7 months
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harmshake · 6 months
I need Asuka to spit blue mist in my mouth and then lick my tongue. Okay, bye.
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nightmare-viper · 10 months
These women are putting on a helluva fucking show and this crowd is deader than a fucking funeral home ffs
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audiobook-mike · 4 months
Bayley's trap card activated: I activate you Duolingo - I can now speak Japanese bish!
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salithemage · 6 months
asuka’s mist deals poison damage
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shinsuke’s mist deals acid damage
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isla’s mist makes you a gay witch
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kallishida · 7 months
You all know where this storyline is going. Poor Bianca, though it's time to form more members girl.
I can't stop laughing at Bayley's reaction. Now she has to deal with Kairi and Asuka.
Asuka Kairi and Iyo finally reunited🩷
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womenwwe · 1 month
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Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill vs. The Kabuki Warriors - Women’s Tag Team Title Match
BackLash 2024
Digitals: Part One
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south-of-heaven · 4 months
kabuki warriors x younger reader where reader is a member of the kabuki warriors but while the older two are loud extroverted kinda crazy reader is quiet introverted gets embarrassed easily and reader “hates” physical touch while the older two love it
The three of us || Asuka x Reader x Kairi Sane
Summary: Asuka and Kairi are your polar opposites. Somehow you make it work.
A/N: Omae is a Japanese term of endearment. It basically just means "you" but that is a very intimate thing to call someone in Japanese culture.
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Asuka and Kairi, your two vibrant and extroverted partners, always seemed to live in a world of bold colors and lively adventures. Their laughter echoed through the shared spaces, their vibrant personalities shining like a beacon. And then there was you, the quiet introvert, content to observe their lively world from the sidelines.
The contrast between your reserved nature and their exuberance was stark, but somehow, it worked. Asuka and Kairi cherished your calm presence, and you found comfort in their vibrant energy. Deep down, you loved the touchy-feely nature they brought into your life – the constant hugs, playful touches, and affectionate gestures. It was a warmth that wrapped around you, creating a cocoon of security.
Yet, there was a part of you that couldn't help but blush when their enthusiasm spilled over into public displays of affection. Asuka and Kairi were unapologetically loud and expressive about their love for you, not holding back on the public affection. They'd steal kisses, throw arms around you, and intertwine fingers, oblivious to the world around.
While you cherished these intimate moments, the spotlight of their love occasionally made you squirm. Your introverted tendencies craved privacy, a space where your emotions could unfold without an audience. You found yourself blushing at the slightest touch, especially when Asuka or Kairi would draw you into a hug or sneak a quick kiss when no one was looking.
One day, after a particularly bold display of affection in public, you pulled them aside with a shy smile. "I love how much you both show your love, you know that. But maybe we could keep some things between just the three of us?"
Asuka grinned, wrapping an arm around you, "Of course, Omae. We want you to be comfortable."
From that day forward, a delicate balance was struck. Asuka and Kairi toned down the public displays, reserving the most intimate gestures for your private moments together. The three of you found a rhythm that celebrated both the extroverted energy and the quieter, more reserved moments.
And as you navigated this unique dance of personalities, you realized that love, in all its forms, thrived in the understanding and acceptance of each other's differences. In the midst of Asuka's loud laughter and Kairi's exuberant spirit, you found your place – the calm center of a whirlwind of love that enveloped you completely.
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glowbanks · 1 year
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drill-teeth-art · 6 months
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My likenesses here are kinda off, but I tried drawing some of my favorite wrestlers! I might add some color sometime soon, but even if I don’t, these were super fun.
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