#Wade Wlson
ask-acidant · 4 years
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Axel: “Your favouritism is astonishing.”
Wade: “Technically, I also remembered Domino, but she wasn’t useless and in need of saving.”
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vagasbonds · 2 years
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watch your back cap
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antigoddex-a · 3 years
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❝   Do you believe in cryp- in CRYPTIDS ,  Wade ?!   ❞   asks the Unknown as xyr hand is in​ his own with them at a park nearby his home ,  swinging their arms together through occasional giggles   [   it was a while since xe had last interacted with @wlsons​   —   xe is still a wanderer at the end of the day ,  so ,  for a bit ,  xe was somewhere new and different .   The Unknown did deeply miss Wade and xe hopes that he would feel the same too ,  even thought about xem at least once as well   ] .
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❝   How about ghosts at least ?!   Have you eveerrr met one before !?   The last time I - I - I encountered one ,  he made - he made FUN of my outfit ,  so I just slurped him riiiiight up ,  li- like he is some noodles in powdery spicy soul dust flavor !   ❞
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weapn · 2 years
        @wlsons​.      “ why are you looking at me like that? ”  
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             There’s a blink,    gaze looking between the assorted bodies surrounding the mercenary before returning back to the masked face.     Gaze is blank,    yet there’s a hint of incredulousness.     “    Hard  not  to.     ”      came her only vocal reply,   as hands reach out to gesture to the wake he left.      Not like any of it bothered her.     The body next to her began to stir and groan,   and  instinctively  the clone put a foot on the back of his neck.
             “     Bad ?    ”
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firefated · 2 years
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“ you  look  like  you’d  be  game  to  grab  a  drink.     let’s  go  wade              i  need  out  of  this  school. ”   mind  over  matter,    these  troubled  thoughts  were  starting  to  have  negative  effects  on  her  surroundings.     /  starter  call  @wlsons​
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cyclopstm · 2 years
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          DID HE JUST HEAR THAT RIGHT? Scott nearly felt his skin crawl just thinking about it. He knows by now, that in his experience, asking Wade to come up with a plan would be as fruitful as someone else asking Scott to pick out the blue pencil from a stack of coloured pencils. He held back his sigh, and the look of disapproval went lost behind the red-tinted glass of his ruby-quartz visor.
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          “Even for your standards, that’s the worst plan I’ve ever heard.”
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logiel · 2 years
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                “     Could you be any louder,   Wade ?     ”
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hitsharder · 3 years
ɪ'ᴍ ɢᴏɪɴɢ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴄʜᴀɴɢᴇs, ʙᴜᴛ ɪ sᴡᴇᴀʀ ɪ'ᴍ ᴛʜᴇ sᴀᴍᴇ  — @wlsons​
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                 ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ ʏᴏᴜ sʜᴏᴡ ᴍᴇ sᴏᴍᴇ ᴘᴀᴛɪᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴀʟᴏɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴀʏ?  —  Contemplative. A rare expression on Clint’s face. One he rarely outwardly shows. Preferring the persona the fool with no plans in the world that somehow always makes it work. But what reason did he have to hide anything from Wade? Wilson was one of the most honest begins he could name besides a dog. A long breath was pushed from his lungs and he offered his current companion a small glance. Wade had always accommodated him. A friend when everyone else had abandon him. Even when he didn’t deserve the kindness.
               A hand reached out and grasp the back of Wade’s head. Pulling him over a little roughly as his other arm came around to give a hug. There was a lot to say. But Clint was never good with his words.
              He took a step back and just offered a small motion that held the weight of his entire heart. Fingers touch his lips before pulling away.¹
Thank You ¹
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rgerzaa · 2 years
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steve   rolls   his   eyes   a   little   .   he   can’t   stop   it   this   time   even   though   he   tries   to   keep   his   facial   expression   in   check   usually   .   ᶤᵗ’ˢ   ʰᵃʳᵈ   ᵃʳᵒᵘᶰᵈ   ʷᵃᵈᵉ   .   it’s   hard   when   the   guy   won’t   stop   talking   and   when   one   good   joke   after   another   follows   .   “   really   ?   “   captain   chuckles   slightly   and   shakes   his   head   a   little   .   “   THAT’S   AN   OLD   ONE   ,   come   on   ...   “
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@wlsons​   sent:   “   is   it   hot   in   here   ,   or   is   that   just   you   ?   “
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mathewmurrdck · 9 years
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vagasbonds · 2 years
sketch of ellie and d.adpool under the cut <3
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weapn · 2 years
       @wlsons​.     ‘ you look miserable. ’               source.
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             She’s sprawled onto the ground,   blank gaze staring up at the red-clad mercenary.     Every limb was heavy,   though she isn’t quite sure why.     Body ran hot to the touch,   but the clone wouldn’t know.    Body shutting down from a simple cold ran undetected,   simply because the girl couldn’t feel anything wrong.      “    Thanks.    ”     Was that an attempt at sarcasm ?     The first of its time,   and the honor is given to him.      Eyes close,   letting out the smallest of sighs.
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katzirra · 12 years
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I don't know what to say besides; ERMAHGERD, CABOLS IN TIARUHS
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vagasbonds · 3 years
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@wlsons​​ : 📜 Give the daughter        ↳ INCORRECT QUOTES GENERATOR / not accepting .
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vagasbonds · 3 years
to say ellie’s powers are traumatic is an understatement. the moment she dies, body turns to ash and from it like a phoenix, she emerges alive again. but this body is made anew. sort of. her mutant ability is a far cry from her father’s and just adjacent of his. she has RESURRECTIVE IMMORTALITY.
when she dies, her body deconstructs itself entirely. every part of her being is broken down to what makes the core of her. and then it’s built back up. but only back up to the point in which her powers first emerged. meaning, she revives only to be reverted back to her mid-teenage body. it’s extremely painful— first the pain of whatever caused her death, then the pain of her mutant gene kicks in. it pulls her apart atom by atom by atom until itself only her mind. and then like the snap of a rubber band, her body reconstructs itself in the shell of its old one.
it happens only a handful of times during her highschool and college years. accidents, saving someone, or just trying to test the limits. but she never gets used to it.
to help her cope, as her brain is being rebuilt inside her, she thinks of her dad. how much more painful this must be for him every day— not the exact same powers, but something similar enough. in those moments she thinks of him and everything with her he’s sacrificed for her to be safe. she has to keep the unspoken vow / promise that wade holds himself to: keeping her safe and alive. she won’t let the pain or fear overpower her clarity. she thinks only of her mother, of her father, the prestons, peter p.arker, and anyone she’s ever loved. she reviews and repeats to herself important memories to pull her through the moment. it’s scary as shit and it terrifies her.
but ellie ca.macho doesn’t back down from a fight. core memories of her family in hand, she holds it together through the pain of coming back to life. she is’s deadpo.ol / wa.de wilson and even if nobody can know that, ellie is PROUD to be his daughter.
every time ellie comes back to life, she thinks of her father and how much he loves her and how much she loves him. as she grows, she eventually becomes some sort of hero type… but shes not sure
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vagasbonds · 3 years
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@wlsons​ :  Okay , honey , here’s your lunch uh … I packed cold pizza , a Pepsi light and some chips I don’t know , was the only thing I could find laying around . Maybe you can trade for a better lunch and don’t tell the Preston’s about this okay ? Now give your dad a kiss        ↳ UNPROMPTED / always accepting .
ELLIE LISTENS ATTENTIVELY AS WADE PRATTLES OFF WHAT HE’S PACKED IN HER WOLVERINE LUNCHBOX . of course , she’s disappointed the weekend is once again over . it’s time to return to her foster family’s home , likely to not see him again for weeks or months on end . the prestons are kind and loving , but they just ... aren’t the same as wade . no one is just like him ; he’s a unique character , hero , and her one and only father . there wouldn’t be a single person in the world that could replace him in her life or heart . 
still . she understands tries to do as much for as he can . whether it be packing her lunch or stopping by whenever his chaotic life allowed . AND ELLIE IS FOREVER GRATEFUL . a giggle can’t help but slip out . as requested , she places an affectionate kiss on his cheek .
❛ thanks , daddy !  i love cold pizza ,  ❜ she replies , a cheeky grin about her , ❛ i could probably convince timmy from gym class that the chips are an exclusive flavor from somewhere like ASGARD or JAPAN . he’s really gullible .  ❜
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