#Wall Hung Frames
thegreatyin · 2 months
does something happen in light fingers that isn’t about stealing a really big diamond?
oh, buddy.
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drawing Barnaby is incredibly Detrimental to my health because it consistently finds me like this:
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butchdykekondraki · 24 days
contrary to mind & heart both having fairly vibrant & colorful rooms matching their colour schemes i think souls is just. grey. various shades of grey all colliding into a thick fog of a room. he sticks out sore against it all. there is, however, one item of color in the fog. but its only a picture of heart, mind, and soul that he can't bare to take down.
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thwoorp-all-day · 2 years
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Oh my god
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sincerely-sofie · 1 year
Some tags responding to my recent poll presented a dilemma of interpretation:
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Thankfully the AU has both options covered so we’re good
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toodrasticallydumb · 1 year
Oh c’mon you knew I had to.
My version of the Barbie mugshot with stricklake because I just COULD NOT get it out of my head:
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This is specifically from my Trollhunter!Strickler au solely because of the white streak in Barbara’s hair lol and now that I’ve drawn it I am oh so tempted to have it be an actual scene that happens somewhere along the story…
Little snippet of the would-be scene (it's so long it got away from me, I'm sorry):
*the two are rummaging around in a very much broken into museum to find what may or not be a message from Nomura*
Barbara: Walt...?
Walter: Hm? Yes, love?
Barbara: What's that outside?
Walter, pausing for a second to listen: Oh. That would be the em...the police, my dear.
Barbara: Oh, okay, okay, excuse me, the WHAT.
Walter: ...Em. That is, I- um I suggest you hide the skathe-hrün somewhere, lest the authorities care to investigate further into what exactly it is when they take it from your person.
Barbara: So we're not even avoiding this? You know, getting arrested by the police?
Walter: Mmmm, no, unfortunately. I don't want you using the skathe-hrün (or more specifically its magic) anymore than absolutely necessary for today. You've expended yourself enough as it is.
Barbara: And getting arrested for breaking and entering is not an 'absolute necessity'???
Walter: Not particularly, it would only be a considered a second-degree burglary since it is a museum and not a residential, habitated building; which that sub-type of burglary is a 'wobbler' charge in the state of California, which equates—if it is persecuted as a misdemanor rather than a felony—to merely (at most) a year in county jail—
Barbara: A year?!
Walter: —and 1,000 dollar fine if, that is, we are found guilty by being proven to have harbored the intent to steal something, of which we did not and do not have evident by the fact neither of us pocess any given tools to break or take any item from its case. I assume this is the first time you have been accused of any given crime aside from speeding or any other driving-related violation? Without evidence of a previous criminal record we should be lined up quite well to be merely fined or, if NotEnrique can manage it (if I can bear to call upon endless embarassment and taunting), nothing at all but a slap on the wrist though I doubt we could not accomplish that on our own given our positions in the community as school teacher and doctor respectively.
Barbara: You have wings, Walt.
Walter: And mothman escaping a building with a strangely human-shaped figure in its arms is not at all a cause for alarm to the police who will no doubt be keeping close watch of all exits and entrances which would also draw unneeded attention before we can reach the proper cover of the clouds.
Barbara: *face-palms* Getting arrested. How wonderful. 'Oh, just breaking and entering, officer, not much.'
Walter: It is hardly as terrible as it sounds, really. We can omit the 'breaking' portion since we snuck in through the window without running into any trouble that would damage it. Frankly, we could go the route of claiming guilty to the crime of trespassing according to the Penal Code 602 (California's trespassing law) being that we entered the exhibit past museum hours. On top of which it is far more accurate to what we're doing in actuality, not proper burglary since we have established neither of us had the intent to run off with anything that was not ours. Doing so we would also fare far better than with a so-called 'breaking and entering' offense (such a named law does not actually exist in California, only burglary and trespassing separately but I will clasify it as the burglary law for sake of consistency) in which we would be recieving just a simple fine rather than possible felony charges that could come with a second-degree burglary we may have committed.
Barbara: Not really helping here, Walt.
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Walter: Right, apologies-
Barbara: Which, of course, getting arrested is an experience you obviously know about.
Walter: The (pun intended) offense aimed against me is dully noted. However, my dear, the fact I know how the intricacies of the specific laws of California operate does not entail I have been arrested prior to this. That would be Nomura who holds the experience in that particular department.
Barbara: Walt. Don't you dare. You stop it right there. Unless you want--
Walt: The police department. Heh. *guilty snort*
Barbara: *sends him the disappointed death glare*
Police: *break through the door* Hands up! On the ground, now!
Walter: *laying down* I hardly find my pun to have been that egregious.
Barbara, already on the floor: Really, Walt? Good puns involve good TIMING too.
Police: Dispatch, we have the two culprits in question now in our custody. *taking a pair of cuffs out* You're coming with us. You have the right to remain silent.
Walter, being actively handcuffed: Well, I suppose then, now would be the less than appropriate time to say this museum has gained quite the em...standing in the Lake family...?
Barbara, being stood up with her arms behind her back: Officers, I have no idea who this man is.
Walter: I never once said I intended to make good puns.
I made this entirely too long but once it started I couldn't really find myself stopping. Whoops. Hope you enjoyed chaotic Walt not caring about being arrested because jail is honestly the least of his problems rn. It would honestly be a break.
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spsseano · 6 months
Game Changer - Pencils Down
Tonight's episode was so much fan watching them all paint but! the highlight was them making the giant Pokemon cards. I would've loved to see them do one in like 30 mins instead of just 3!
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Snatchem was brilliant and I think my favorite cause it totally had the vibe of the entries that really feel like kids making it up
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I loved the later callbacks to Bigshirto :D
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Sam is absolutely adorable and I would make a whole team of Sams. I wanna know what it evolves into though, is 3rd stage evolution just Game Changer Presenter Sam?
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They all look so proud in the group shot too!
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And the biggest and best surprise they got Sarah Natochenny (Ash's voice actress!) to judge the best won! 😭 Imagining Ash having these three as the team in a Championship battle is hilarious.
I love when they get one off people to either judge or present the task for the round. (This ep was full of it.)
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sxlphie · 8 months
Forgive the appalling quality but my god. Monica Horgan was voice acting like rent was DUE!!
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carewyncromwell · 8 months
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"There's nothin' you can do to turn me away -- Nothin' anyone can say -- You're with me now and as long as you stay, Lovin' you's the right thing to do... Lovin' you's the right thing..."
~"The Right Thing to Do" by Carly Simon
My dear Carion! And canon, at that! 🥰
One headcanon I've had for these two for a while is that -- because they're both on the "A" side of the LGBT+ spectrum -- they wouldn't be huge into cuddling. Instead I could see them working side by side in the kitchen, holding hands, and (as pictured here) Carewyn laying her legs across Orion's lap on the couch while they're both sitting down. Even while sitting down with her legs up, though, Carewyn is a perpetual workaholic who has a lot of trouble putting down her work files and just relaxing, and so it's up to legal partner Orion to encourage her to slow down and take some time to herself, whenever he comes to stay the night.
"The world will wait a night for you, my Abraxan. Best shed those uncomfortable, stifling things until you truly need to wear them again." "I suppose that includes my work as well as my shoes." "Your troubles, broadly -- but specifically, yes." "(soft laugh) I suppose it would be good to take them both off for a night...these heels do pinch my toes after a while."
This song made for very good inspiration for this, since I could see Carewyn singing it for Orion more than once. Its last stanza in particular would really speak to her, when Orion's traveling with the Montrose Magpies --
"Nothing you could ever do would turn me away from you: I love you now and I love you now... Even though you're ten thousand miles away, I'll love you tomorrow as I love you today -- I'm in love, babe... I'm in love with you, babe..."
Much love, all! Have a magical day! xoxo
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zerodaryls · 2 years
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Rudy more like RUDEy amirite
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angelkeitai · 3 months
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elizabeth monroe
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lighthausen · 1 year
[Martin + Tapes] A Story About Martin's OnlyFans.
So I wrote this and talked about it with @fakecrfan about a year ago now. I was reminded today that it existed, so I thought, hey, might as well share it with anyone else that's interested!
For those who are new to the Martin + Tapes universe and/or need a refresh, here's a chronological link to fakecrfan's Martin + Tapes tag
For a quick overview, in this au, the Beholding is in love with Martin, and by extension, anyone connected to the Beholding, even a bit is also at least somewhat in love with Martin. Many Martin-tormenting shenanigans ensue.
Martin jiggles his apartment door. It's locked today, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything, so he whips out his phone and checks the website.
There are three feeds running. Martin sighs, unlocks the door, grabs the broom he set leaning against the wall next to it for this specific purpose, and gets to finding the new cameras.
The first one is simple enough, installed in the corner of his bedroom. Martin smashes it like a bug under the handle of his broom. The second one, in his shower of course, is more difficult. They installed it behind the showerhead and he can't quite get a good angle with his broom, so he has to remove it by hand. The final one is easy, under his couch, not too much to be seen there. He sweeps it out and crushes it under his food with a satisfying crunch.
He checks the website again. All the feeds are gone. He breathes a deep sigh of relief, when— oh. They aren't all gone. There's one left, an audio feed. Martin groans then muffles himself when he hears his own groan played back. Great, just great. Martin decides to try humming a bit as he moves around, attempting to see where the bug is based on volume, but just as he starts to get a sense of where it is, the feed cuts off. Martin curses.
It takes an hour to find it. It ends up being in his pillow. How unoriginal. He breaks it, throws it out, takes a nap, and finds when he wakes up that the parts after the feed was cut were uploaded after. His eyes are drawn towards the comments.
listen to all his stomping and muttering, aauugh he’s SO cute
OMGGGGG the ENDINGGGGGG!!1!!!!! His little “There you are” before it cuts off eeeeeeeeeeeeee, HE’S TALKING TO ITTTTT, TALKING TO US!!!!😍😍😍😍
Something I find so charming and unique about him is his habit of talking to inanimate objects. I think it really speaks to how lonely he’s felt his whole life that he’s had to—
Martin turns his phone off. He doesn't feel much like eating right now, so he rolls over and goes back to bed.
The broom comes up in website discussion. He only knows this because the page where the camera feeds are has the most recent forum posts underneath it.
(What they say, I'll leave to the imagination, but Martin/Martin's Broom is the third most popular Ao3 tag in the Martin Blackwood RPF fandom. The first is Martin/Reader of course, followed by Martin/The Beholding)
(The Beholding was popularized in the Martin fandom after Martin was recorded saying "This isn't you! You're not in love with me, it's the Beholding monster thing—!" This was directed at YouTube star MrBarbarian in his video I LEAD A PARADE THROUGH LONDON TO PROPOSE TO MARTIN BLACKWOOD.
The video's virality, combined with some prominent members of the fandom stating they served the Beholding solidified its place in the Martin Blackwood fan-sphere.
The Beholding is often depicted as a tall, thin, white man with a third eye, a top hat, and a bow tie. Its attributes include sharp teeth, mind-reading, compulsion, a very long tongue, and an entourage of eye-covered tentacles.)
Things get worse and worse. They stop livestreaming the camera and audio feeds, opting instead to record privately and share stuff afterward. Martin keeps finding bugs. He never knows if he's got them all. He’s sure he hasn’t. Simply existing in his apartment is nerve wracking.
Final straw— he walks in and grabs the broom by the door as he always does, only to find that it’s… sticky. Martin shrieks and drops it. His hand is covered in a substance that Martin does not want to think deeply about as he rushes over to the kitchen sink to scrub himself clean with too-hot water. It leaves his hands red, and his eyes prickling with tears. He turns the sink off. That’s when he notices it, placed blatantly on the wall in front of him sits yet another camera. Martin can’t even bring himself to break it. He grabs his bag and runs, not bothering to lock his apartment.
He can’t stand to stay there tonight. He can’t go to a hotel or anything either, they’ll just bug it too, probably before he even gets there! With few other options, he goes to Tim, the best about boundaries of the archives gang. Not that he’s any good, it’s a very low bar, but still, he’s part of the Eye, so his apartment won’t be bugged. Tim is ecstatic to have him.
Tim is also genuinely sympathetic about the people bothering him, seems upset on Martin's behalf, even. He advises Martin to control the narrative. Give the audience something, threaten to take it away if they break into his apartment again.
"It feels better, when you make the choice," says Tim. "Like, sure, I suppose I was happy enough after that happy hour last month, when Jon and Sasha had to tie you to the radiator so you couldn't recklessly leave in the middle of the night, all alone.” Tim laughs at the memory. "But this? Having you here of your own free will? This feels amazing! I'm sure it'd be a similar situation for your other fans."
Martin wraps his arms around himself, avoiding looking at Tim, or the radiator. “You really think so?” he says.
“Hmm… that’s something to consider. I really do want my apartment back.”
“Yeah! …But you’re not leaving tonight though, right? It’d be dangerous with so many creeps around.”
Martin shudders, feels the phantom heat of the radiator against his skin. “No, Tim, I’ll stay tonight.”
“Great! I’ll get the wine!”
After putting a lot of thought into it, Martin starts an OnlyFans.
The pictures he has on there are… rather bland. They’re the inoffensive kind of selfies and photos one might post on Facebook that family can see. They are ridiculously priced.
Despite this, the bugging stops. And for some time, Martin finally feels like he can breathe. He continues to check the website, content with how no new camera or audio footage is being uploaded about him. However, as he looks, he still sees the forum posts, the people online analyzing every single detail about every single photo.
Ughhhh there’s toooooo few photos on there, like, I’ve analyzed them all a hundred times already, when’s the new content coming??????
Hm. That doesn’t sound good. Martin posts more frequently. Which works, until…
These photos are great and all but they’re getting so samey, I want to see a real, authentic Martin, like in the videos people used to upload.
The people are getting antsy. “Give them what they want,” Tim said. Alright, he can do it. He creates a new, even more expensive pricing tier, with slightly less tasteful photos, ones that someone might share on a private Instagram that only friends know about.
They love it of course. And these photos are easier to take. Things are working out just fine. But…
WHEN is he gonna show some SKIN, like, COME ON
Seeeeeriously, i’d pay sooooo much to see his tits again
Martin sucks in a breath. Okay. They want skin? They’d pay a lot? Fine. Give the people what they want. He takes one new photo, and, y’know, just to see what happens, he’s gonna set this new pricing tier to be a million— no, that's too easy— a billion pounds.
(Is this possible? Probably not. Let’s pretend.)
The photo in question is fairly tame. A shirtless mirror selfie where he's biting his lip and posing in a way that could be construed as provocative. He’s also holding the broom (which he thoroughly cleaned).
He doesn’t expect anything as he lists it. Just for fun he checks out the fansite, and sees people going nuts about the new hidden photo. He chuckles and heads for bed.
When he wakes up and checks his phone, he gets a news notification about major data breaches across multiple corporations, about CEOs getting hacked and losing a ton of their assets, about stocks for companies associated with them plummeting drastically. He also gets a notification informing him 57 people have purchased access to his new photo.
A lot happens in the following days.
There were attempts to find the perpetrators of this mass-data breach and money loss, to no success. They got away with it.
There are news articles "The Photo That Sank 14 Companies" "How Martin Blackwood, Sexiest Man Alive Caused Brief Economic Collapse"
None of these articles portray Martin in a negative light. Quite the opposite actually! They all assert he deserves the money and that the photo is insanely hot.
They all mention the broom.
You can find those lamenting what happened, who do not like Martin Blackwood online. There’s plenty of posts about it, but the ones that get more than a tiny bit of traction almost always get deleted and the accounts they belong to go mysteriously silent.
There are those who attempt to sue Martin over what happened. None of these lawsuits go very far.
One of the buyers is Elias. He used Peter's card, which he has free access to.
Martin feels Extremely Guilty
And. That's an unfathomable amount of money so Martin will lose access to it before he can do too much. But…
Some things that could happen:
He donates as much as he can of it
Some goes to innocent people who lost their jobs due to this whole… situation. It's difficult to find them, but he asks Sasha (and therefore all of the Eye people) if he can get a list of them. He gets one within an hour.
General charity donations, going through gofundmes, giving away a lot to his mother's care home (is his mother still alive? She would get a ton of money.)
He also buys out his apartment building and gifts the apartments to the families living there.
Unfortunately, a day after he does this, one of his neighbors knocks on his door and tells him and tells him that someone just offered to buy their apartment for 10 times its cost and they accepted, just wanted to let you know, Martin.
Then the rest of his neighbors reach out to him with the same story.
Martin's apartment building is now filled with Eye freaks.
He would definitely lose access to the money after this, having that much money gives him far too much power for the Eye to be comfortable with. Instead, the money goes into a private account that the Eyevatars can use only on Martin. A trust fund, of sorts, that they can lovingly torment Martin with.
Cherry on top, he can't sell the apartment or apply to live anywhere else (Eyevatars see to that) So it's his apartment or the archives.
Martin has also been banned from OnlyFans.
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falconidays · 1 year
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Static electricity
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nolanhattrick · 10 months
shut the fuck up i swiped up on justin rogers' instagram story when he posted about his nhl.com article two weeks go and he fucking responded to me this morning 😭 i'm gonna throw up how is this man the nicest person in the entire universe
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rodeoromeo · 11 months
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I’m so normal
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